Collaborationism during the Great Patriotic War was common. According to historians, up to one and a half million Soviet citizens defected to the side of the enemy. Many of them were representatives of the Cossacks.

Uncomfortable topic

Domestic historians are reluctant to raise the issue of the Cossacks who fought on the side of Hitler. Even those who touched on this topic tried to emphasize that the tragedy of the Cossacks of World War II was closely intertwined with the Bolshevik genocide of the 1920s and 1930s. In fairness, it should be noted that the overwhelming majority of the Cossacks, despite their claims to the Soviet authorities, remained loyal to their homeland. Moreover, many emigrant Cossacks took an anti-fascist position, taking part in the resistance movements of various countries.
Among those who swore allegiance to Hitler were Astrakhan, Kuban, Terek, Ural, Siberian Cossacks. But the overwhelming majority of collaborators among the Cossacks were still residents of the Don lands.
In the territories occupied by the Germans, Cossack police battalions were created, the main task of which was to fight the partisans. So, in September 1942, near the farm of the Pshenichny Stanichno-Lugansk region, the Cossack policemen, together with the punitive detachments of the Gestapo, succeeded in defeating the partisan detachment under the command of Ivan Yakovenko.
Often, the Cossacks acted as guards of prisoners of war of the Red Army. Under the German commandant's offices there were also Cossack hundreds who performed police tasks. Two such hundreds of Don Cossacks were stationed in the village of Luganskaya and two more in Krasnodon.
For the first time, a proposal to form Cossack units to fight partisans was put forward by a German counterintelligence officer, Baron von Kleist. In October 1941, the Quartermaster General of the German General Staff, Eduard Wagner, having studied this proposal, allowed the commanders of the rear areas of the Army Groups North, Center and South to form Cossack units from prisoners of war to use them in the fight against the partisan movement.
Why did the formation of Cossack units not meet opposition from the functionaries of the NSDAP, and, moreover, was encouraged by the German authorities? Historians answer that this is due to the doctrine of the Fuhrer, who did not classify the Cossacks as Russians, considering them a separate people - the descendants of the Ostrogoths.


One of the first part of the Wehrmacht was the Cossack unit under the command of Kononov. On August 22, 1941, Red Army Major Ivan Kononov announced his decision to go over to the enemy and invited everyone to join him. Thus, the major, the officers of his headquarters and several dozen Red Army soldiers of the regiment were captured. There, Kononov recalled that he was the son of a Cossack captain hanged by the Bolsheviks, and expressed his readiness to cooperate with the Nazis.
The Don Cossacks who had gone over to the side of the Reich did not miss the opportunity and tried to demonstrate their loyalty to the Nazi regime. On October 24, 1942, a “Cossack parade” took place in Krasnodon, with which the Don Cossacks showed their devotion to the command of the Wehrmacht and the German administration.
After a prayer service for the health of the Cossacks and the speedy victory of the German army, a letter of greeting to Adolf Hitler was read, which, in particular, said: “We, the Don Cossacks, are the remnants of the survivors of the cruel Jewish-Stalinist terror, fathers and grandchildren, sons and brothers of those who died in a fierce struggle with the Bolsheviks, we send you, the great commander, the brilliant statesman, the builder of New Europe, the Liberator and friend of the Don Cossacks, our warm Don Cossack greetings!
Many Cossacks, including those who did not share the admiration for the Fuhrer, nevertheless welcomed the Reich's policy aimed at opposing the Cossacks and Bolshevism. “Whatever the Germans, it won’t be worse,” such statements were heard very often.


The general leadership for the formation of the Cossack units was entrusted to the head of the Main Directorate of the Cossack troops of the Imperial Ministry of the Eastern Occupied Territories of Germany, General Peter Krasnov.
"Cossacks! Remember, you are not Russians, you are Cossacks, an independent people. The Russians are hostile to you,” the general kept reminding his subordinates. - Moscow has always been an enemy of the Cossacks, crushed and exploited them. Now the time has come when we, the Cossacks, can create our own life independent of Moscow.”
As Krasnov noted, extensive cooperation between the Cossacks and the Nazis began in the autumn of 1941. In addition to the 102nd volunteer Cossack unit of Kononov, a Cossack reconnaissance battalion of the 14th tank corps, a Cossack reconnaissance squadron of the 4th security scooter regiment and a Cossack sabotage detachment under the German special services were also created at the headquarters of the rear command of Army Group Center.
In addition, since the end of 1941, Cossack hundreds began to appear regularly in the German army. In the summer of 1942, the cooperation of the Cossacks with the German authorities entered a new phase. Since that time, large Cossack formations - regiments and divisions - began to be created as part of the troops of the Third Reich.
However, one should not think that all the Cossacks who went over to the side of the Wehrmacht remained loyal to the Fuhrer. Very often, the Cossacks singly or in whole units went over to the side of the Red Army or joined the Soviet partisans.
An interesting incident occurred in the 3rd Kuban regiment. One of the German officers sent to the Cossack unit, making a review of hundreds, called out a Cossack he did not like with something. The German first scolded him severely, and then hit him in the face with a glove.
The offended Cossack silently took out his saber and hacked the officer to death. The rushing German authorities immediately built a hundred: "Whoever did this, step forward!" A hundred walked. The Germans thought and decided to attribute the death of their officer to the partisans.


How many Cossacks during the entire period of the war fought on the side of Nazi Germany?
According to the order of the German command of June 18, 1942, all prisoners of war who were Cossacks by origin and considered themselves as such were to be sent to a camp in the city of Slavuta. By the end of June, 5826 people were concentrated in the camp. It was decided to begin the formation of Cossack units from this contingent.
By the middle of 1943, the Wehrmacht had about 20 Cossack regiments of various strengths and a large number of small units, the total number of which reached 25 thousand people.
When the Germans began to retreat in 1943, hundreds of thousands of Don Cossacks with their families moved along with the troops. According to experts, the number of Cossacks exceeded 135,000 people. After the end of the war on the territory of Austria, the allied forces detained and transferred to the Soviet zone of occupation a total of 50 thousand Cossacks. Among them was General Krasnov.
Researchers have calculated that at least 70,000 Cossacks served in the Wehrmacht, parts of the Waffen-SS and in the auxiliary police during the war years, most of which were Soviet citizens who defected to Germany during the occupation.

According to the historian Kirill Alexandrov, about 1.24 million citizens of the USSR carried out military service on the side of Germany in 1941-1945: among them 400 thousand were Russians, including 80 thousand in Cossack formations. Political scientist Sergei Markedonov suggests that among these 80 thousand, only 15-20 thousand were not Cossacks by origin.

Most of the Cossacks extradited by the allies received long terms in the Gulag, and the Cossack elite, who acted on the side of Nazi Germany, were sentenced to death by hanging by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR.

Original taken from spetsialny How many nations fought against the USSR on the side of Hitler?

Very often, the Great Patriotic War is called only an episode of the Second World War, while noting that this episode is appropriate to call the Soviet-German war. That is, the war between the Third Reich and the USSR. But who was the Soviet Union really at war with? And was it a one-on-one battle?

When liberals and other entertaining historians start screaming about senseless losses, “filled up with meat” and “drank Bavarian”, they usually like to confirm their theses about the “mediocrity and criminality” of the Soviet leadership and command by comparing the Wehrmacht and the Red Army. Like, the Red Army had more people, and all the time they were smashed, and there were more tanks, and planes and other pieces of iron-machines, and the Germans burned everything. At the same time, without forgetting, however, to tell about one “rifle for three”, “shovel handles” and the rest of the crap from the category of “Solzhenitsyn's fairy tales”.

By June 1941, on the border with the USSR, the Wehrmacht had 127 divisions, two brigades and one regiment in three army groups and the Army of Norway. These troops numbered 2 million 812 thousand people, 37099 guns and mortars, 3865 tanks and assault guns.

Together with Germany, Finland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Italy were preparing to enter the war with the USSR.

Finland - 17.5 divisions with a total number of 340 thousand 600 people, 2047 guns, 86 tanks and 307 aircraft;

Slovakia - 2.5 divisions with a total number of 42 thousand 500 people, 246 guns, 35 tanks and 51 aircraft;

Hungary - 2.5 divisions with a total number of 44 thousand 500 people, 200 guns, 160 tanks and 100 aircraft;

Romania - 17.5 divisions with a total number of 358 thousand 100 people, 3255 guns, 60 tanks and 423 aircraft;

Italy - 3 divisions with a total number of 61 thousand 900 people, 925 guns, 61 tanks and 83 aircraft.

That is, almost a million people in 42.5 divisions, with 7,000 guns, 402 tanks, and almost a thousand aircraft. A simple calculation shows that on the Eastern Front alone, the allies of the Nazi axis, and it would be more correct to call them that, had 166 divisions, numbering 4 million 307 thousand people with 42601 pieces of artillery of various systems, as well as 4171 tanks and assault guns and 4846 aircraft.

So: 2 million 812 thousand only in the Wehrmacht and 4 million 307 thousand in total, taking into account the forces of the allies. One and a half times more. The picture is changing dramatically. Is not it?

Yes, the armed forces of the Soviet Union by the summer of 1941, when the inevitability of war became obvious, were the largest army in the world. There was actually covert mobilization. By the beginning of the war, the Soviet armed forces numbered 5,774,000 soldiers. Specifically, in the ground forces there were 303 divisions, 16 airborne and 3 rifle brigades. The troops had 117,581 artillery systems, 25,784 tanks and 24,488 aircraft.

It seems to be superior? However, all of the above forces of Germany and its allies were deployed in a direct 100 km zone along the Soviet borders. While in the western districts, the Red Army had a group of 3 million people, 57 thousand guns and mortars and 14 thousand tanks, of which only 11 thousand were serviceable, as well as about 9 thousand aircraft, of which only 7.5 thousand were serviceable.

Moreover, in the immediate vicinity of the border, the Red Army had no more than 40% of this number in a more or less combat-ready state.

From the above, if you are not tired of the numbers, it clearly follows that the USSR fought not only Germany. Just like in 1812, not only France. That is, there can be no talk of any “filled up with meat”.

And so it went on for almost the entire war, until the second half of 1944, when the allies of the Third Reich fell like a house of cards.

Add here, in addition to the direct allied countries, the foreign parts of the Wehrmacht, the so-called "national SS divisions", a total of 22 volunteer divisions. During the war, 522,000 volunteers from other countries served in them, including 185,000 Volksdeutsche, that is, “foreign Germans”. The total number of foreign volunteers was 57% (!) of the Waffen-SS. Let's list them. If this tires you, then just estimate the number of lines and geography. The whole of Europe is represented, with the exception of the principalities of Luxembourg and Monaco, and that is not a fact.

1. Albania: 21st Mountain Division of the SS "Skanderbeg" (1st Albanian);

2. Belgium: 27th SS Volunteer Grenadier Division "Langemarck" (1st Flemish), 28th SS Volunteer Panzergrenadier Division "Wallonia" (1st Walloon), Flemish SS Legion;

3. Bulgaria: Bulgarian anti-tank brigade of the SS troops (1st Bulgarian);

4. Great Britain: Arab Legion "Free Arabia", British Volunteer Corps, Indian Volunteer Legion SS "Free India";

5. Hungary: 17th SS Corps, 25th SS Grenadier Division Hunyadi (1st Hungarian), 26th SS Grenadier Division (2nd Hungarian), 33rd SS Cavalry Division (3rd Hungarian );

6. Denmark: 11th SS Volunteer Panzergrenadier Division "Nordland", 34th Volunteer Grenadier Division "Landstorm Nederland" (2nd Dutch), Free Corps SS "Danmark" (1st Danish), Volunteer Corps SS "Schalburg";

7. Italy: 29th SS Grenadier Division "Italy" (1st Italian);

8. Netherlands: 11th SS Volunteer Panzergrenadier Division "Nordland", 23rd SS Volunteer Motorized Division "Nederland" (1st Dutch), 34th Volunteer Grenadier Division "Landstorm Nederland" (2nd Dutch) , Flemish Legion SS;

9. Norway: Norwegian SS Legion, Norwegian SS Ski Jaeger Battalion, Norwegian SS Legion, 11th SS Volunteer Panzergrenadier Division "Nordland";

10. Poland: Goral SS Volunteer Legion;

11. Romania: 103rd SS Tank Destroyer Regiment (1st Romanian), Grenadier Regiment of the SS Troops (2nd Romanian);

12. Serbia: Serbian SS Volunteer Corps;

13. Latvia: Latvian Legionnaires, Latvian SS Volunteer Legion, 6th SS Corps, 15th SS Grenadier Division (1st Latvian), 19th SS Grenadier Division (2nd Latvian);

14. Estonia: 20th SS Grenadier Division (1st Estonian);

15. Finland: Finnish SS Volunteers, Finnish SS Volunteer Battalion, 11th SS Volunteer Panzergrenadier Division "Nordland";

16. France: French SS Legionnaires, 28th SS Volunteer Panzergrenadier Division "Wallonia" (1st Walloon), 33rd SS Grenadier Division "Charlemagne" (1st French), Legion "Bezen Perrot" (recruited from the Breton nationalists);

17. Croatia: 9th SS Mountain Corps, 13th SS Mountain Division "Handzhar" (1st Croatian). 23rd SS mountain division "Kama" (2nd Croatian);

18. Czechoslovakia: Goral SS Volunteer Legion

19. Galicia: 14th SS Grenadier Division "Galicia" (1st Ukrainian).
20. Belarus: 1st and 2nd SS Grenadier Divisions, and 10 more formations from a battalion to a squadron and police units
21. Russia: 29th and 30th SS Grenadier Divisions (Russians), Russian Liberation Army (ROA) and 13 more units from corps to brigade and police units. In addition, the Udel-Ural Legion was formed, in which representatives of the peoples living on the territory of Russia fought: Bashkirs, Udmurts, Mordovians, Chuvashs, Mari), as well as the Dagestan Legion.
22. Georgia : Georgian Legion of the Wehrmacht
23-29. Central Asia: Turkestan Legion (Karachais, Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Kirghiz, Uighurs, Tatars)
30.Azerbaijan: Azerbaijani Legion (14 battalions)

Scandinavian 5th SS Panzer Division "Viking" - the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Norway;

Balkan 7th SS Volunteer Mountain Division "Prince Eugen" - Hungary, Romania, Serbia.

24th mountain rifle (cave) division of the SS "Karstjäger" - Czechoslovakia, Serbia, Galicia, Italy;

36th SS Grenadier Division "Dirlewanger" - recruited from criminals from various European countries.

Mention should also be made of "Hiwi", from the German Hilfswilliger, meaning "willing to help". These are volunteers who entered the service directly in the Wehrmacht. They served in auxiliary units. But this does not mean non-combat. For example, anti-aircraft crews for the Luftwaffe were formed from the Khiva.

The ethnic composition of the prisoners of war, who ended up in our captivity by the end of the war, speaks very eloquently about the very diverse national composition of the troops opposing the Red Army. A simple fact: there were more Danes, Norwegians and even the French in captivity on the eastern front than participated in the resistance to the Nazis in their homeland.

And we have not even touched on the topic of the economic potential that worked for the German war machine. First of all, these are Czechoslovakia, the pre-war leader in arms production in Europe, and France. And this is artillery, small arms and tanks.

For example, the Czech arms concern Skoda. Every third German tank that took part in Operation Barbarossa was produced by this company. First of all, this is the LT-35, which received the designation Pz.Kpfw in the Wehrmacht. 35(t).

Moreover, after the annexation of Czechoslovakia, German specialists discovered two new experimental LT-38 tanks in the Skoda workshops. After reviewing the drawings, the Germans decided to put the tank into service and began its serial production.

The production of these tanks went on almost until the end of the war, only from the end of 1941 they began to be produced as a base for German self-propelled guns. More than half of the German self-propelled guns had a Czech base.

The French, in turn, provided the Germans with their ship repair facilities. German submarines, the threat to the Atlantic convoys of the Allies, the so-called "Dönitz Wolf Packs", were based and undergoing repairs on the southern coast of France and in Middle-earth near Marseilles. Moreover, ship repair brigades arranged competitions for the one who would repair the boat faster. Doesn't sound like forced labor, does it?

So with whom did the USSR fight in the Great Patriotic War? The answer is this: with military units formed from representatives of at least 32 nationalities and peoples of the world.

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When it comes to a global conflict, it is somehow strange to be interested in who fought in the Second World War, because it seems that everyone took part. But in order to obtain such a status, it is not necessary that every person on the planet be involved, and over the past years it is easy to forget who and on whose side spoke in this conflict.

Countries adhering to neutrality

It is easier to start with those who chose to remain neutral. There are already 12 such countries, but since the main part is small African colonies, it is worth mentioning only “serious” players:

  • Spain- contrary to popular belief, the regime sympathetic to the Nazis and fascists did not provide real assistance with regular troops;
  • Sweden- was able to avoid involvement in military affairs, avoiding the fate of Finland and Norway;
  • Ireland- refused to fight the Nazis for the stupidest reason, the country did not want to have anything to do with Great Britain;
  • Portugal- adhered to the position of its eternal ally in the face of Spain;
  • Switzerland- remained faithful to the wait-and-see tactics and the policy of non-intervention.

True neutrality is out of the question - Spain formed a division of volunteers, and Sweden did not prevent its citizens from fighting on the side of Germany.

The troika from Portugal, Sweden and Spain actively traded with all parties to the conflict, sympathizing with the Germans. Switzerland was preparing to repel the advance of the Nazi army and was developing a plan for conducting military operations on its territory.

Even Ireland did not enter the war only because of political beliefs and even greater hatred of the British.

European allies of Germany

On the side of Hitler, the following took part in the hostilities:

  1. Third Reich;
  2. Bulgaria;
  3. Hungary;
  4. Italy;
  5. Finland;
  6. Romania;
  7. Slovakia;
  8. Croatia.

Most of the Slavic countries from this list did not take part in the invasion of the territory of the Union. The same cannot be said about Hungary, whose formations were twice defeated by the Red Army. It's about about more than 100 thousand soldiers and officers.

Italy and Romania possessed the most impressive infantry corps, which managed to “become famous” on our soil, perhaps due to the cruel treatment of the civilian population in the occupied territories. In the zone of Romanian occupation were Odessa and Nikolaev, along with the adjacent territories, where the mass destruction of the Jewish population took place. Romania was defeated in 1944, the fascist regime of Italy was forced to withdraw from the war in 1943.

You can’t really talk about difficult relations with Finland since the war of 1940. The most "significant" contribution is the closure of the blockade of Leningrad from the north side. The Finns were defeated in 1944, as was Romania.

USSR and its allies in Europe

The Germans and their allies in Europe were opposed by:

  • Britannia;
  • France;
  • Belgium;
  • Poland;
  • Czechoslovakia;
  • Greece;
  • Denmark;
  • Netherlands;

Considering the losses incurred and the liberated territories, it would be incorrect not to include the Americans in this list. The main blow was taken by the Soviet Union, along with Britain and France.

For each of the countries, the war had its own form:

  1. Great Britain tried to cope with the constant raids of enemy aircraft in the first stage and with missile strikes from continental Europe - in the second;
  2. The French army was defeated with amazing speed, and how significant a contribution to the final result was made only by the guerrilla movement;
  3. The Soviet Union suffered the greatest losses, the war was massive battles, constant retreats and offensives, the struggle for every piece of land.

The Western Front, opened by the United States, contributed to the acceleration of the liberation of Europe from the Nazis and saved the lives of millions of Soviet citizens.

War in the Pacific

Fought in the Pacific:

  • Australia;
  • Canada;

The allies were opposed by Japan, with all its spheres of influence.

The Soviet Union entered this conflict at the final stage:

  1. Provided the transfer of ground forces;
  2. Defeated the remaining Japanese army on the mainland;
  3. Contributed to the surrender of the Empire.

The battle-hardened Red Army soldiers were able to defeat the entire Japanese grouping, devoid of supply routes, with minimal losses.

The main battles in previous years took place in the sky and on the water:

  • Bombing of Japanese cities and military bases;
  • Attacks on caravans of ships;
  • The sinking of battleships and aircraft carriers;
  • The battle for the resource base;
  • The use of a nuclear bomb on the civilian population.

Given the geographical and topographic features, there was no talk of any large-scale ground operations. All tactics were:

  1. In control of key islands;
  2. cutting off supply lines;
  3. Restrictions of the enemy in resources;
  4. Knocking out airfields and ship parking.

The chances of victory for the Japanese from the first day of the war were very illusory. Despite the success, due to the surprise and unwillingness of the Americans to conduct military operations overseas.

How many countries are involved in the conflict

Exactly 62 countries. Not one more, not one less. So many were participants in the Second World War. And this is from the 73 states that existed at that time.

This involvement is explained by:

  • Crisis brewing in the world;
  • Involvement of "major players" in their spheres of influence;
  • Desire to solve economic and social problems by military means;
  • The presence of numerous allied treaties between the parties to the conflict.

You can list all of them, designate the side and years of active action. But such a volume of information will not be remembered and the next day will not leave a trace. Therefore, it is easier to identify the main participants and explain their contribution to the ongoing catastrophe.

The results of the Second World War have long been summed up:

  1. Guilty found;
  2. War criminals punished;
  3. Appropriate conclusions are made;
  4. Created "memory organizations";
  5. Prohibited fascism and Nazism in most countries;
  6. Reparations and debts for the supply of equipment and weapons have been paid.

The main task is not repeat something like this .

Today, even schoolchildren know who fought in the Second World War and what consequences this conflict had for the world. But there are too many myths that need to be dispelled.

Video about the participants in the military conflict

This video very clearly demonstrates the entire chronology of the events of the Second World War, which countries took part in what:

The Second World War is still a closed and forbidden topic. All official Soviet information about this war is false propaganda. Soviet historians were paid agents of the CPSU and lackeys of the regime. They always wrote not what really happened, but what the ruling clique needed, praising the "charms" of the communist occupation regime. Therefore, the official Soviet history is deliberately falsified. Military archives are still classified, closed and the truth is hidden from the people. And so not only in Russia, but all over the world. Not even the most basic information is given. For example, how many peoples of the world fought on the side of Adolf Hitler? And who were they fighting against? They fought against the communist occupation of Russia, which was established as a result of the criminal seizure of power by the communists in 1917.

Let's take a look at some of the simplest information. Who fought on the side of Hitler:

On the side of Hitler, Russian soldiers fought against the Stalinist communist gang and all world Zionism, including in the elite SS troops under the leadership of:

- Kaminsky Bronislav Vladislavovich (RONA - Russian Liberation People's Army, later - 1st Russian (29th Grenadier) SS Division).

B.V. Kaminsky is generally a unique figure. He, together with Voskoboinik Konstantin Pavlovich, already in September 1941 created the RUSSIAN Lokot Republic immediately after the cowardly flight of the Soviet administration, even BEFORE the arrival of Hitler's troops. They greeted the vanguards of the Wehrmacht with bread and salt, as representatives of legitimate local government.

From the first days of the existence of the Russian Lokot Republic (which included the cities of Lokot and Sevsk, Orel Region, the cities of Dmitrovsk-Orlovsky, Dmitriev-Lgovsky, Pervoavgustovsky Kursk Region, the regional centers of Suzemka, Komarichi, Navlya, Mikhailovka), Hitler not only did not interfere in its internal affairs, but gave her all kinds of help.

Read about the history of the Russian Lokot Republic and its organic continuation - the Russian Lepel Republic in the books of S.I. Verevkin “The most forbidden book about the Second World War. Was there an alternative to Stalin? and “Book 3 of the Collection “Lokotskaya alternative”. Military diary of the Lepel Republic: from the summer battles of 1943 to February 1944”;

- an outstanding figure in the anti-Bolshevik struggle since the time of the civil war, Ataman of the All-Great Don Army, Lieutenant General of the Russian Imperial Army Petr Nikolaevich Krasnov (Head of the Main Directorate of the Cossack Troops);

- Lieutenant General of the White Army Andrey Grigoryevich Shkuro (Head of the reserve of Cossack troops at the SS Main Headquarters, SS Gruppenfuehrer);

- Helmut von Pannwitz (Supreme Marching Ataman of the Cossack troops of Russia, SS Gruppenfuehrer);

- Pavlov Sergey Vasilievich (Marching ataman of the Cossack troops of Russia, Leader of the Cossack camp);

- Domanov Timofey Nikolaevich (Marching ataman of the Cossack camp, Major General of the Wehrmacht).

Russian soldiers fought not in the SS troops under the leadership of:

- Lieutenant General of the Russian Army, General Wrangel Shteyfon Boris Aleksandrovich, commander of the Russian Security Corps;

- General Andrey Andreyevich Vlasov (ROA - Russian Liberation Army);

- Sultan-Girey Klych Shakhanovich (Caucasian division).

In addition to individual Russian divisions, as part of the German Wehrmacht, each division that fought on the Eastern Front already in 1942 had at least 15% of Russian volunteers totaling up to a million people - the so-called HiVi (HilsWillige - "volunteer assistants"), and such divisions, like the 707th and 442nd, were practically Russian in composition, having Germans only as commanders.

In addition, in addition to HiVi, the Wehrmacht had a large number (more than a hundred) separate "Eastern battalions" that were part of the "Eastern Troops" of the Wehrmacht. All of them were made up of Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians and dozens of other nationalities of Russia.

As part of the 6th Army of the Wehrmacht, Colonel-General F. Paulus, surrounded in Stalingrad, and numbering 220 thousand people - almost every fourth, more than 50 thousand people - were our volunteers - Russians, Ukrainians, Cossacks. The volunteer division “von Stumpfeld”, composed of them, rushed in the Stalingrad cauldron to the most dangerous sectors of the front. After the surrender of the entire group, it did not stop its struggle against the communists, and resisted for a long time until it was completely destroyed by the Soviet troops.

The Russians fought in all the most elite German SS troops: "Adolf Hitler", "Das Reich", "Dead Head", "Wallonia", "Viking", "Charlemagne", "Nibelungen", as well as the elite division "Great Germany" .

In total, about 2,000,000 people from the former Soviet and former whites fought against the communist plague. This is a huge army, and the overwhelming majority of it is a volunteer army. An army of people who are fighting for the liberation of Russia from the communist yoke and for their convictions, and not because the machine guns of the Chekists, Smershevites and detachments rested in their backs.

And this is only the regular armed forces, not counting the countless rural police detachments, self-defense and self-protection detachments, which were created in almost every village or village on the territory of the former Russian Empire, during the war of 1941-1945 TEMPORARILY LIBERATED FROM SOVIET POWER, created by the communists on territory of Russia through the most severe terror and outrageous crimes against humanity.

In a huge number of Russian cities, towns, villages and villages, local residents met Hitler with bread and salt, and with joyful tears in their eyes. They had already suffered beyond measure from the Soviet regime and the Red Terror, and the surplus tax, and the tax in kind, and dispossession, and collectivization, and decossackization, and famines, and large and small terrors, and constant cruel repressions, because the departure of Soviet power under the onslaught of the Wehrmacht was considered as the long-awaited end of all these universal horrors.

The so-called Great Patriotic War was actually a continuation of the civil war. Wars for the liberation of Russia from communist occupation.

On this topic, read the book by I.V. Dyakov "The Great Civil War 1941-1945". And Andrei Burovsky's book "Not the Second World War, but the Great Civil War."

Not only Russians and Germans fought against the communist plague and world Zionism, but also citizens of almost 50 other nationalities.

They also fought in the elite regular troops of the SS - the Waffen SS.

Ukrainians fought as part of the troops operating as part of the Waffen SS - the 1st Ukrainian (14th Grenadier) SS division "Galicia", numbering up to twenty thousand people, and as part of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army of the UPA, numbering up to 300,000 people, headed by Stepan Bandera. Recently, Stepan Bandera in Ukraine was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine, in connection with which the entire communist scum raised a wild howl, as if stung by a mortal bite.

Belarusians fought in the 1st Belarusian (30th Grenadier) SS division, as well as in numerous battalions and troops, incl. Belarusian Self-Defense (Samaakhovy), totaling up to fifty thousand people.

Latvians fought in the Latvian SS Volunteer Legion, in the 1st Latvian (15th Grenadier) and 2nd Latvian (19th Grenadier) divisions of the Waffen-SS, and in numerous separate battalions, numbering in total from fifty to seventy thousand human. And here, in Latvia (in the Courland Cauldron), these Latvians, after the general surrender of Germany on May 8, 1945, did not stop resistance, and almost all went into the forests to continue the armed struggle against the Soviet regime and the second communist occupation of the country.

Estonians fought in the 1st Estonian (20th Grenadier) Division of the Waffen-SS and various security battalions and regiments, numbering up to thirty thousand people.

The Lithuanians fought in various numerous Lithuanian security, police and border battalions, after the occupation of Lithuania by the Red Army, they formed numerous underground detachments "Mezha Katya" ("Wild Cat"), numbering many thousands of people and covering the entire territory of Lithuania with armed struggle.

Back in 1942, the Kalmyks formed the Kalmyk Cavalry Corps, which fought throughout the war until the fall of Berlin.

The Azerbaijanis fought in the 162nd "Turkic" infantry division of the Wehrmacht, consisting only of them.

Georgians, Armenians, Crimean Tatars, Volga Tatars, Chechens, representatives of almost all Caucasian peoples formed their own separate national legions - the Georgian Legion, the Armenian Legion, the Idel-Ural Legion, the Eastern Muslim SS formation, the Bergman Legion (Highlander "). And each of them numbered many thousands of people.

Hitler's non-Soviet soldiers

The Hungarians fought in the 33rd SS Cavalry Division, in the 25th SS Grenadier Division "Hunyadi", in the 18th SS Volunteer Motorized Division "Horst Wessel" and in the 22nd SS Cavalry Division "Maria Theresa", later reorganized into 37 SS Cavalry Division "Lützow".

Of the non-SS divisions, Hungary fielded 23 divisions and 6 brigades.

The Romanians did not have SS divisions. But Romania fielded 21 conventional divisions.

The Finns fought in the 6th SS Mountain Division "Nord".

In total, Finland fielded 19 divisions and 13 brigades against Bolshevism.

The Italians fought in the 1st Italian (29th Grenadier) SS division "Italy".

Italians, Slovaks, Serbs, Ukrainians fought in the 24th SS mountain division "Karstjäger".

In total, Italy fielded 7 divisions.

Slovakia fielded 3 divisions.

The Serbs fought in the 7th SS Mountain Division "Prince Eugene", which was a thunderstorm for the communist partisans of Tito.

The Serbian People's Assembly (People's Militia) of Ljotić numbered more than five thousand people, the troops of the Serbian general Nedic - up to fifteen thousand people.

Slovenes fought in the thousands as part of the troops of the Slovenian General Rupnik.

The Croats fielded an army with a total strength of up to seventy thousand "domobrans" under the command of General Kvaternik, including more than fifteen thousand selected soldiers of the Ustasha party, whom Tito's communists did not take prisoner.

Muslim Bosniaks and Albanians fought as part of three SS divisions - Handshar, Skanderbeg, Kama.

Norwegian and Swedish volunteers fought in the 11th SS Grenadier Division "Nordland", as well as in the 5th SS Panzer Division "Viking".

The Dutch fought in the 23rd Grenadier Division "Nederland" (1st Dutch)

The Danes and the Dutch fought in the 34th SS Grenadier Division "Landstorm Nederland" (2nd Dutch).

The French fought in the 33rd SS Grenadier Division Charlemagne.

The Spaniards fought in the Azul (Blue) Volunteer Division (250th Wehrmacht Infantry Division), through which only fifty thousand Spanish volunteers passed.

Walloons, Spaniards, French and Russians fought in the 28th SS Grenadier Division "Wallonia".

The Flemings fought in the 27th SS Grenadier Division "Langemarck".

Czechs, Slovaks fought in the 31st SS Grenadier Division "Bohemia and Moravia".

The Belgians fought in the Flanders Volunteer Legion.

The Bulgarians, although they did not directly fight on the Eastern Front, but until September 1944 were allies of Germany, occupying and reliably clearing large regions of the Balkans from the communists, kept an army of about 300,000 people there and successfully fought against communist partisans.

Many other soldiers fought in purely German troops. There were even Americans, British, Negro Africans, Indians, Moroccans, Arabs, Koreans, Swiss

Fought on the side of Germany, ie, Hitler, even the Jews. That is, among the Jews there are exceptions. And there were not so few of them, about 100,000 - 150,000 people. Read about it in Brian Rigg's "Hitler's Jewish Soldiers" and Sergei Verevkin's "World War II: Torn Pages".

The extent to which the Germans managed to mobilize the peoples of Europe against Bolshevism in 1941-1945 can be judged by the national composition of the prisoners of war who ended up in Soviet camps. Not counting the Germans, there were: 313,767 Hungarians, 187,370 Romanians, 156,682 Austrians, 69,977 Czechoslovaks, 48,957 Italians, 23,138 French, 21,822 Yugoslavs (Croats), 14,129 Moldavians, 10,173 Jews (!!!), 4,727 Belgians, 2012 Dutch , 1652 Luxembourgers, 452 Danes, 457 Spaniards, 383 Gypsies (!!!), 101 Norwegians, 72 Swedes.

These data were given in the Military Historical Journal of 1990 No. 9.

Thus, not only the Germans, but also the peoples of the whole world fought against the communist plague!

However, world Zionism and communism had immeasurably more resources at their disposal.

First of all, these are the most powerful resources of the USSR - the main Zionist colony. In which there was a huge number of Soviet (non-national) slaves fighting as part of the Red (non-national) army, created by the satanist Trotsky.

The communists mercilessly ground about 30-40 million of their Soviet slaves in the furnace of war in order to maintain their criminal power. The total number of casualties is still hidden.

According to the modern historian Boris Sokolov, the total number of lives of citizens of the former Russian Empire that was turned into the USSR by communist internationalists in the period 1941-1945 is about forty-five million people.

Secondly, these are the resources of the zionized USA. Where Franklin Roosevelt was in power, a Jew by nationality (mother Sarah Delano, grandfather Isaac Roosevelt), and a Marxist by conviction.

ALL Marxists are the biggest obscurantists and misanthropes in the world.

Now the topic of the Holodomor in the USSR is raised and known. However, few people know that Stalin was not the only one who came up with dispossession with the help of the Holodomor. The world Zionist mafia operates on a global scale. She did her atrocities not only in the USSR with the hands of Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin. In 1929 THEY organized the most powerful crisis in the USA. And in 1932, the Zionist mafia organized a famine similar to Stalin's and dispossession in the United States. Only it was called in a different way: instead of dispossession - dipharming. But the results were similar - about 7 million people in the US died. And the rest were driven into labor camps for forced labor, similar to work in the Stalinist Gulag.

All these atrocities were committed by US President Franklin Roosevelt, a Jew by nationality and a Marxist by conviction.

Unlike Hoover, the previous president of the United States, who preached the freedom of the individual and the limitation of the power of the state, Roosevelt built a totalitarian state like Stalin. Roosevelt, whom Hoover called a Marxist, wrested the legislative initiative from Congress and appropriated it to himself. He also arrogated to himself the right to veto laws coming out in the United States. He brazenly drowned the laws that he did not like. He used his veto power 635 times. That is, he behaved like an impudent dictator and occupier, in exact accordance with the Leninist dictatorship of the so-called proletariat.

All major US media of that time (press and radio) already belonged to the Zionists. Therefore, it was easy for the Zionists to push their protege, the semi-paralyzed freak Roosevelt, to the US presidency. Roosevelt (with the help of the Zionist lobby) elected himself to the presidency of the United States four times in a row. This has never happened in US history. He would have chosen himself 44 more times if he had not died in 1945.

Roosevelt practically destroyed the institution of the distribution of powers and concentrated almost all power in the hands of the executive branch. Roosevelt practically tripled the composition of executive bodies. We note in passing that Putin also doubled the state apparatus, especially the punitive agencies, the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office, the courts, which are already more than 2 times the size of the entire Russian army. And Putin is re-electing himself for the third time. And he destroyed the institution of distribution of powers. That is, Putin is following the path of the Zionist Roosevelt.

During the most severe famine of 1931-1933, when the Stalinist gang of people brought to such a state that mothers had to eat their babies, Stalin actively exported grain abroad. In 1932, Stalin exported 17.3 million centners of grain from starving Russia to Western Europe. In 1933 - 16.8 million centners ("Foreign trade of the USSR for 1918 - 1940". Statistical review. M. Vneshtorgizdat 1960)

A similar atrocity was committed by obscurantist Roosevelt. In 1932-1933. Americans were dying of hunger, and in the United States at that time there was a surplus of food.

It is no coincidence that both in the USA and in the USSR the main symbol on the flag is the satanic pentagonal pentagram. It is also no coincidence that both of these Satanists (both Stalin and Roosevelt) fought together against Hitler during World War II. And after Stalin and a follower of Roosevelt, the new US president, the Zionist Truman, together in 1948 created the state of Israel. This was one of the main tasks of the Second World War unleashed and won by the Zionists.

The third resource of world Zionism was Zionized England. Where Churchill, the henchman of world Zionism, was in power.

The total resources of world Zionism (including communism) far exceeded those of Hitler. Therefore, Hitler and his associates lost this war.

Zionists always like to do their dirty work with someone else's hands. Especially to fight. Why spill your blood if there are fooled slaves. But there was also a difference in the actions of the Stalinist bandocracy and American Zionism. American Zionism still saved its American slave soldiers and treated them more carefully.

The Soviet government has always treated the Soviet people as silent cattle. But during this war, the Stalinist gang surpassed all limits. The Stalinist "Soviet" government completely mercilessly spent Soviet soldiers like toilet paper. For one killed German soldier, the Stalinist clique put about 10 Soviet soldiers. Hitler on the Eastern Front lost about 3 million people, the Soviets - from 30 to 40 million people.

Stalin showered Hitler with the corpses of Soviet soldiers.

The same terrible ratio of 1 to 9-10 was when the Stalinist clique aggressively attacked Finland in 1939-40. The Finns lost a little over 20,000 soldiers, the Sovdepiya almost 200,000 soldiers.

Many monstrous crimes against humanity have been committed by communists. Since 1918, the Communists declared the "Red Terror", according to which the entire cultural and healthy layer of the Russian people was slaughtered. Several tens of millions of Russia's best people were destroyed. You can read about the monstrous atrocities and pathological sadism of the Communists during the Red Terror in the book "Red Terror through the eyes of eyewitnesses", as well as in Andrei Burovsky's book "Russia Washed with Blood". Several times the communists staged artificial famines: both in 1921 during the Leninist dictatorship and in 1930-33 during the Stalinist dictatorship.

Quite a lot of materials have been written about the Stalinist terror of 1934-1939.

But the Communists carried out terrible repressions against the Russian people and other indigenous peoples of Russia during this so-called Great Patriotic War. The reprisals were terrible. The Soviet government committed terrifying atrocities, shot and hanged Soviet soldiers and simply the Soviet population on the most massive scale.

If Hitler lost about 3 million people on the Eastern Front, then the Stalinist clique only shot and hanged more than 3 million of their own soldiers and subjects. One SMERSH (Chekist organization "death to spies") shot and hanged about 2,500,000 soldiers and civilians. When the communists again captured and occupied the cities and villages of Russia (they called this “liberation”, the communists always called “black” “white”, and “white” - “black”), then the people who fought on the side of Hitler left with Hitler's troops. The peaceful Russian population remained. It was with him that the Smershevites committed atrocities. They shot and hanged everyone who allegedly was an accomplice of the Nazis. That is, they hanged the civilian population of Russia for not resisting the Nazis and living peacefully with the Nazis. It was considered aiding fascism.

The commanders and political officers of the Red Army did not lag behind SMERSH. They shot their own soldiers for anything. And most importantly - for the slightest suspicion that the Soviet soldier is unreliable and wants to defect to Hitler. This was due to the fact that Soviet soldiers constantly defected to Hitler in droves at any opportunity.

In general, absolutely not enough has been written about the terrible repressions of the Soviet government during the so-called Great Patriotic War. And why? For two reasons. First, this topic is still banned. The second - because the military archives are classified and hidden until now. Who are they hiding from? From the Russian people.

However, now some of the truthful information about this war is beginning to become available to the general public.

Serious and truthful books on World War II appeared:

- several books by Sergei Ivanovich Veryovkin;

- Alexander Usovsky "War criminals Churchill and Roosevelt". "Anti-Nuremberg". "How Churchill unleashed World War II", "Churchill's cannon fodder", "Who unleashed World War II", "Who set Hitler against the USSR";

- I.V. Dyakov "The Great Civil War 1941-1945";

- Andrey Burovsky "Not the Second World War, but the Great Civil War";

- Igor Yermolov "Three years without Stalin";

- many books by Viktor Suvorov;

- Mark Solonin “Brain Name. False History of the Great War”;

- Vladimir Beshanov “They filled up with corpses. From the Rzhev meat grinder to the Dnieper battle";

- Boris Sokolov "Unknown War", "Who fought in numbers and who - in skill. The monstrous truth about the losses of the USSR in the Second World War”;

Vladimir Polyakov "The terrible truth about the Great Patriotic War." And many others.

The truth is starting to make its way in Russia!

Krasnov I.I

On the eve of Victory Day, we remember not only friends, but also enemies. The Red Army had to fight not only with the German Wehrmacht, but also with a whole horde of Hitler's allied armies and national units, representing at least half of Europe.
We will show only some of them.

Hitler's westernmost military ally was formally neutral Francoist Spain, which sent a volunteer "Blue Division" to the Eastern Front:

The Hungarians also turned out to be a rather stubborn enemy for the Red Army, who sent several divisions to the southern sector of the Soviet-German front.

Hungarian soldiers, 1941:

Hungarian soldier in Budapest, 1939:

One of the most numerous armies that fought on the side of Hitler was the Romanian. The Romanians participated in the siege of Odessa and reached Stalingrad with the Germans, where they were entrusted with covering the flanks of the Paulus army.
Romanian infantry around 1943:

The largest of the satellite armies was the Italian one, but it was never known for its fighting efficiency.
Already in July 1941, Mussolini agreed to send Italian troops to Russia, where they ingloriously ended their journey in the snow near Stalingrad. The surviving Italians were recalled home in April 1943.

Bulgaria also found itself in the camp of the enemy, but its army was not sent to fight in Russia. It was the only ally of Germany that did not fight against the USSR, despite all the persuasion of Hitler.

Bulgarian soldiers, March 1941:

Nevertheless, Bulgaria's participation in the occupation of Greece and Yugoslavia and military operations against Greek and Yugoslav partisans freed up German divisions to be sent to the Eastern Front. In addition, on December 6, 1941, Bulgarian patrol ships sank the Soviet submarine Shch-204 near Varna.

Bulgarian soldier, March 1941:

In addition to the regular armies of the satellite countries, many national units from the occupied states and territories fought on the side of Hitler, which would have to be listed for a very long time.

Among the best known to us is the Latvian Legion of the Waffen-SS:

And here are the soldiers from the Legion of French Volunteers in Smolensk, 1941:

It is known that they were even specially dragged to the Borodino field, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich in the fall of 1941 there were heavy battles.

In addition to the national combat units, there were all kinds of units of policemen and collaborators, some kind of "self-defense units", etc. formations that actively fought against the partisans and helped the Germans to terrorize the civilian population of the occupied territories.

This picture shows a policeman in Kyiv in the autumn of 1941:

And this is a certain Albanian "volunteer" who served the Germans:

In total, these were millions of bayonets, who fought far from always worse than the Germans.
