From 2003 to 2007 studied at the Berdyansk University of Economics and Management (specialty - "accounting and audit", qualification - bachelor).

Career. 1978-1980 - Service in the Soviet Army.

As noted in the official biography, from 1981 to 1996. worked at the Enakievo Coke and Chemical Plant as a foreman of an electrical workshop, a senior foreman, a deputy head of a shop, a deputy chief power engineer, a deputy director for economics.

1996-2005 - director of economics at Alvi-Invest, president of the company.

2007-2012 - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the 6th convocation dated (No. 111 in the electoral list). Member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Fuel and Energy Complex, Nuclear Policy and Nuclear Safety. Non-partisan.

Since December 2012 - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the VII convocation from the Party of Regions (No. 24 on the list). Member of the Committee on Fuel and Energy Complex, Nuclear Policy and Nuclear Safety. Member of the Party of Regions.

According to some media reports, Yuri Ivanyushchenko is a criminal authority and has the nickname "Yura Enakievsky." In July 2013, he was presented to the title of "honorary citizen of the city of Yenakiyevo" for "a significant contribution to the spiritual and literary development of the city of Yenakiyevo, active social activities."

State. Focus magazine experts counted $ 102.3 million from the people's deputy, which allowed him to take 108th place in the ranking of the 200 richest people in Ukraine. In February 2014, photographs of one of the largest mansions in Koncha-Zaspa, with an area of ​​8 thousand m 2, located on an area of ​​35 hectares, which was built by Yuri Ivanyushchenko, were made public. It should be noted that in 2011, Yuriy Ivanyushchenko took the third place in the TOP-100 most influential people of Ukraine according to the Korrespondent magazine. Only one person was more influential than him at that moment - President Viktor Yanukovych.

Criminal prosecution. At the end of January 2015, Ivanyushchenko was put on the wanted list by the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. The Prosecutor General's Office suspected him of organizing the embezzlement of other people's property and illegal enrichment on an especially large scale under the following articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine: Part 3 of Art. 27 (types of accomplices); Part 5 Art. 191 of the Criminal Code (appropriation, embezzlement of property on an especially large scale); Part 3 Art. 368 (acceptance of an offer, promise or receipt of an undue advantage by an official).

From the field of view of law enforcement officers, he disappeared on December 15, 2014. The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs stated that Ivanyushchenko organized and financed "titushki" who kidnapped, beaten and killed Euromaidan activists in February 2014.

In January, a Ukrainian court seized Ivanyushchenko's more than 72 million Swiss francs in his bank accounts in Switzerland. The Prosecutor General's Office arrested his bank accounts in Ukraine and his car park, and requests for international legal assistance were sent to Latvia, Monaco and Switzerland to seize funds abroad.

On February 28, 2017, it became known that the Supreme Court of Ukraine closed all criminal proceedings against Yuriy Ivanyushchenko.

Family. Wife - Ivanyushchenko Irina Vladimirovna (born 1962), housewife. Daughter - Dayana (born 1982). Son - Arseny (born 1991).

Place of birth, education. Born in Yenakiyevo, Donetsk region. From 2003 to 2007 studied at the Berdyansk University of Economics and Management (specialty - "accounting and audit", qualification - bachelor).

Career. 1978-1980 - Service in the Soviet Army.

As noted in the official biography, from 1981 to 1996. worked at the Enakievo Coke and Chemical Plant as a foreman of an electrical workshop, a senior foreman, a deputy head of a shop, a deputy chief power engineer, a deputy director for economics.

1996-2005 - director of economics of the company "Alvi-Investg", president of the company.

Since November 2007 - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the 6th convocation from the Party of Regions (No. 111 on the electoral list). Member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Fuel and Energy Complex, Nuclear Policy and Nuclear Safety.


Family. Wife - Irina Ivanyushchenko Irina Vladimirovna (born 1962), housewife. Daughter - Dayana (born 1982). Son - Arseny (born in 1991).

We can reliably speak about only one fact from the life of the People's Deputy of Ukraine - he was born on February 21, 1959. These data are published on the website of the Verkhovna Rada and agree with all other published biographies of Yuri Ivanyushchenko. Everything else raises questions. For example, the place of residence of the people's deputy. The parliamentary website claims that this is Yenakiyevo. Although the Ukrainian media call him a resident of Monaco. Let's not quibble over words - it is clear that Yenakiyevo is just a place of registration. But constantly living in this mining town for almost half a century, Ivanyushchenko had to acquire some kind of real estate in it and leave some traces of his activities.

All the Enakiyevites, whom I, referring to the official biography, was interested in the working biography of Yuri Ivanyushchenko, unanimously declared that he had never worked anywhere. The long-term workers of the Enakievo coke plant do not know him either, where in 15 years (from 1981 to 1996) he allegedly went from a foreman of an electrical workshop to a deputy director for economics. At the same time, it is interesting that Yuri Ivanyushchenko achieved such career growth without having a higher education (he graduated from the Berdyansk University of Economics and Management with a degree in Accounting and Audit only in 2007), which is rather atypical for the Soviet Union. Although for Enakievo - not surprising. History already knows one Yenakievite who, having two convictions behind him, managed to head an enterprise and even a Komsomol organization ...

By the way, having no higher education (not only economic, but in general), Ivanyushchenko from 1996 to 2005 was listed as the director of economics and president of NPP Alvi-Invest, and from 2005 until the time of his election to the Verkhovna Rada, he was the President of UGK LLC 2000". Both firms are registered at the same Enakievo address. On the reference resources of the Internet, the field of activity of the first is described as follows: “Production and sale of coke; Food trade; Shoe trade; Agricultural production; Issue of consumer goods; Wholesale of alcoholic beverages. Goods: Coke; Nails. Services: Passenger transportation. In general, everything is in a heap.

The activities of LLC "UGK 2000" can be judged by the information about its victory in the tender announced by the State Enterprise "Anthracite" of the Ministry of Coal Industry of Ukraine for the overhaul of "lot 1 - section ZKD-90 - 166 units; lot 2 - harvester IGSH-68 - 1 unit" in the amount of UAH 28,675,897.20. True, this was already after Ivanyushchenko went to work in the Verkhovna Rada - in May 2008. There are no other references to the activities of this company.

Also, the media call Yuri Ivanyushchenko the founder of several other companies: CRE LLC (market trade) and Lugresurs LLC, which, according to the online publication PRO-TEST, “is officially engaged in sanatoriums.”

The main source of business income for the addressee of the third (along with the Yanukovych family and R. Akhmetov) financial flow of the country in the late 90s was, according to the same PRO-TEST, the slag dumps of the Enakievsky Metallurgical Plant. True, the publication claims that Ivanyushchenko took up this business after the acquisition of the plant by Rinat Akhmetov, and our sources in Yenakiyevo say that much earlier. Therefore, it is difficult to judge who gave what to whom: Ivanyushchenko - Akhmetov's metallurgical plant, or Ivanyushchenko's dumps. Most likely, there was a division according to opportunities and interests. Akhmetov was already focused on the economy and had the resources for this, while Ivanyushchenko preferred money that was easy and did not require intellectual and material investments. By the way, he still has the same preferences. At least, according to the information of the "Left Bank" in Zaporozhye, Yuri Ivanyushchenko controls "the dumps of two metallurgical plants of the city, which are literally a" gold mine ".

In addition, according to Yenakiyevo sources, Ivanyushchenko "roofs kopanki", that is, illegal coal mines, which, by the way, are many in Yenakiyevo. The media also report on Ivanyushchenko's business relationship with Luhansk resident Ivan Avramov, co-owner of Donbassholding CJSC, which deals with coking coal and coal transportation. According to Focus magazine, Avramov is one of the hundred richest people in this country. By the way, Avramov attended the wedding of Ivanyushchenko's daughter in Donetsk.
"Bad Deeds"

What connects Ivanyushchenko and Yanukovych?

Bad deeds, - the old-timer of Yenakiyevo answered briefly, knowing personally both Yura Yenakievsky and the current President ...

It should be noted that Yura Enakievsky did not leave behind a pronounced bloody trail in public opinion. Unlike the same Dolidze brothers, after whom he allegedly seized the crown of the Yenakievo organized criminal group, his name is little known even in his native city. Those who know about him generally characterize him as a “quiet gambler”, someone as an “arbitrator”, who always, even under Dolidze (in the 90s, a group of the Dolidze brothers operated in Enakievo, Shakhtersk, Kirovsk , Debaltseve and also in the Lugansk region), was "above" the Yenakievsky thieves' world and bred conflicting authorities.

However, perhaps this is a consequence of Ivanyushchenko's preference for shadow roles. Since, in the already mentioned certificate of the GRU of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, “Yura Enakievsky”, aka “Yurets Malaya”, is called the leader of a “specialized killer brigade” that committed more than 40 contract killings, “including the murder of the president of the Shakhtar football club Akhat Bragin (Alik Grek) and the former head of the Azov Shipping Company Anatoly Bandura.

The Enakiyev “criminal group consisted of a business unit, represented by the Georgian Dolidze brothers, and a military unit, headed by Yuri Ivanyushchenko (he also bore the nickname “Yurets Malaya”)”. In this link, in addition to Ivanyushchenko, the godfather of Viktor Fedorovich Yanukovych consisted of a certain “Zuy” (Zuev A.P.), full-time killers Salavatov Rafail Takhirovich “Salavat”, Vlad Penkovtsev, a certain Goncharov ... ".
“On behalf of Yanukovych, Mr. Ivanyushchenko acts as a “watcher”. Including (a functional left over from the time of the presidential one) - a kind of "treasurer" of the first person ... He received his current "special powers" not so long ago (contrary to the prevailing misconception) - at the height of the presidential campaign. When Viktor Fyodorovich suspected Rinat Akhmetov of excessive not only emotional, but also material sympathy for Yulia Tymoshenko... In the eyes of Yanukovych, Akhmetov was seriously "spent" back in the spring, so in the fall he could not be 100% relied upon.

From these words it follows that Ivanyushchenko became a replacement for Akhmetov for Yanukovych. At least to some extent. Naturally, the loss of part of the influence on the President cannot cause delight in Akhmetov. Yura and Rinat so collided foreheads when he played a combination: the Minister of Coal Industry is Ivanyushchenko's, and the deputies are Akhmetov's. And although then this issue was resolved (the coal industry was divided according to peace), this was the beginning of a deeper process of split, which is now only intensifying.

(Ukrainian Yuriy Volodymyrovich Ivanyushchenko; born February 21, 1959, Yenakiyevo) - Ukrainian politician, businessman. People's Deputy of Ukraine VI and VII convocations. Member of the Party of Regions. In 2011, according to Korrespondent magazine, he took 2nd place in the ranking of the most influential Ukrainians. In 2013, he took 24th place in the ranking of the 200 most influential Ukrainians according to Focus magazine.

In 1978-1980 he served in the Soviet Army.

In 1981-1996 - foreman of the electrical workshop, senior foreman, deputy head of the shop, deputy chief power engineer, deputy director for economics of the Yenakiyevo Coke and Chemical Plant.

In his own words, in the early 1990s, he acquired the Yenakievsky Coke and Chemical Plant.

In 1996-2005, he was director of economics, president of Alvi-Invest.

In 2005-2007 - President of UGK-2000 LLC

In 2007-2012 - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the 6th convocation from the Party of Regions (No. 111 on the list).

Since December 2012 - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the VII convocation from the Party of Regions (No. 24 on the list).

According to some media reports, Yuri Ivanyushchenko is a criminal authority and has the nickname "Yura Enakievsky." In March 2011, Ukrainian media reported that Yuri Ivanyushchenko was banned from entering the United States. In May 2013, Business New Europe published an article linking Yuri Ivanyushchenko to the arms trade in Eritrea in 2012. In July 2013, he was presented to the title of "honorary citizen of the city of Enakievo" for "a significant contribution to the spiritual and literary development of the city of Enakievo, active social activities."

Sponsored amateur football club "Slavkhleb".


Wife - Irina Vladimirovna, born in 1962, housewife.

Son - Arsen Ivanyushchenko, born in 1991, played in the second team of the Dynamo football team (Kyiv), co-owner of the Euro Finance company, ex-shareholder of Zakhidinkombank. Daughter - Yana Ivanyushchenko, born in 1982, ranked 96 out of 100 in the ranking of the most influential women in Ukraine according to Focus magazine in 2011.

Youngest son - David, born in 2009


In his own words, he officially has 7 or 8 million dollars in a bank account and lives on interest. In March 2014, the Swiss government froze the assets of Yuriy Ivanyushchenko, along with 28 other citizens of Ukraine who were related to the authorities.

Has a stake in the Odessa market "Seventh Kilometer".

In February 2014, photographs of one of the largest mansions in Koncha-Zaspa, with an area of ​​8,000 m, located on an area of ​​35 hectares, which was built by Yuri Ivanyushchenko, were made public.

In September 2011, he acquired a 50% stake in Mariupol Azovmash.

It was reported about the chic wedding of his daughter Yana in Enakievo, where the young people were honored by the whole color of the Donetsk region, led by Yanukovych (). Boris Krasnov was hired as a decorator, Maxim Galkin was hired as a toastmaster. Valery Meladze, Eros Ramazzotti and Timothy entertained the guests. Its influence extends to the agro-industrial complex, the Ministry of Defense, the State Customs and many other industries. Not the last role in such “authority” is played by personal acquaintance with the President of Ukraine.

According to information from the website of the Verkhovna Rada, since September 2007, when he became a deputy from the Party of Regions, Ivanyushchenko has missed only 19 meetings to date. Of these, almost half of the “absenteeism” occurred in the first year of his work in parliament. Against the background of many people's deputies, there is simply enviable stability and diligence. But all this is more than surprising, given the fact that seeing Yuri Ivanyushchenko in parliament with his own eyes is an impossible task. In confirmation of this, one more indicator can be cited: “The chronology of speeches of the deputy” on the website of the Verkhovna Rada for the required period - from 2007 to 2011 - does not give a single result. There were also no parliamentary requests. The section "Legislative activity" on Ivanyushchenko's personal page is full of two zeros - he did not introduce any bills or amendments. Don't you find it strange that a person who, according to registration, goes to parliament, does not take the slightest part in its work as if on a holiday? So we are talking about another "ghost" of the building under the Dome. "Ghost" which, do not even hesitate, with all this continues to regularly, by the hour to receive a salary. By the way, another "parliamentary ghost" Rinat Akhmetov has one (!) filed bill. In all other respects, the statistics do not differ much from those of Yuri Ivanyushchenko.

After Viktor Yanukovych became President of Ukraine, the name Ivanyushchenko began to appear much more often in the press. So, he was seen at the inauguration of Yanukovych, and he tried to look as inconspicuous as possible:. Soon there was information that the largest market in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, Seventh Kilometer, had changed its owner. They said that his A was already at the end of 2010, according to the Focus magazine, Yuri Ivanyushchenko. “Such a high position of a rating newcomer is explained by the connections and business influence of an authoritative representative of the Party of Regions,” the press reported.

In February this year, Yuri Ivanyushchenko takes a more than unexpected step - he gives his first interview to the Korrespondent magazine. In it, in particular, he talks about his relationship with the President, where he says that information about their friendship with Yanukovych is. At the same time, he noted that "he has known Viktor Fedorovich Yanukovych for a long time." Answering the question of how they met, the deputy said: “I can’t even remember how it was. It happened somehow by itself, but we have a very small city (Yenakiyevo - ed.). ” According to him, he met Yanukovych not on the street, but already at a "more mature age."

Answering the question on what means he lives, Ivanyushchenko said:

At the same time, he confirmed that the company, which is related to his family, really bought 21% of the shares of the largest market in Europe - Seventh Kilometer near Odessa. “But we had a condition that we turn the Seventh Kilometer into a civilized market. And this process has already begun,” Ivanyushchenko stressed.

Commenting on the statements of former Interior Minister Yuriy Lutsenko that Ivanyushchenko headed an organized criminal group, the deputy said: “You know what I can’t understand? Why, if someone had such information compromising me, they were silent for so many years?

Such a session of unexpected revelation from one of the most mysterious and influential politicians in Ukraine could not go unnoticed by the public. The biggest question was the motivation for this act. According to political scientist Vadim Karasev, linking the names of Yanukovych and Ivanyushchenko damaged the image of the President's team.

But despite the obvious reluctance (for the time being) to "shine" in the press, stories with a criminal smell constantly stick to this mysterious figure. Yes, his last name came up. Then information appeared that - and again, Yura Enakievsky was right there. True, the owner of Barabashov Alexander Feldman himself believes that the name of Yuri Ivanyushchenko is often covered by people who have nothing to do with him. Feldman said.

A sensational interview with the Russian criminal authority "Taivanchik", banned from almost all countries of the world, in which he admitted that he could come to Ukraine after Yanukovych became president, also turned out to be attached to Ivanyushchenko. As it became known from their sources,. Against this background, the appointment looks like something taken for granted.

One of Vadim Karasev's versions about Yura Enakievsky's possible attempt to legalize his business has also been confirmed. The US Department of Justice announced that Ivanyushchenko hired the lobbying firm Sidley Austin to obtain a diplomatic visa to this country. The reason for doing this is that. How can one not recall the "Taiwanchik", which in America is expected with "open arms" and prepared handcuffs. Ivanyushchenko, according to him, has nothing to do with the criminal world, Interpol does not seem to be interested in him either, and, nevertheless, he is not allowed into the United States. So, there are more than good reasons for this ...

Yura Enakievsky's interests in the arms business have been discussed and written for a long time. At the same time, it turned out that his influence on the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is much more serious than one might think. So there was information that only. Ivanyushchenko's interest in this case, apparently, is wide-ranging: from lobbying companies that provide the Ukrainian army with food, to interests in the arms trade.

Thus, an obvious picture emerges. The underground empire of Yuri Ivanyushchenko is becoming more and more like an octopus, which launches its tentacles into all the strategically important institutions of the state. With the coming to power of Viktor Yanukovych, Yura Enakievsky has every chance to break into the Forbes list of billionaires. Although maybe he is already there, just the magazine does not know about it yet?

Vladimir Dymchenko for Censor.NET

06/02/2016 11:07

The time is gloomy, the holidays are over,
Peace and quiet, peace and quiet.
Breaking through the door, these are the black horsemen,
This is for me, this is for me.
Too late, don't hide
Do not blow on a candle in confusion.
I’ll go out, I won’t give out excitement with a sound,
I won't scream.
Let them drive me through the city with a cold
And across the bridge.
Right where the blizzard awakened
Old churchyard.
I will run without looking back, without rest,
Only faster, only faster.
Hearing in the chords of frosty air
The clatter of horses, the clatter of horses.
In the past there will be houses, gardens,
The myth of silence, the myth of silence.
White streets, black riders
Winter dreams, winter dreams.

The black riders of hell have come to you,
Pain and blood of people paid off them,
No more will they knock on your door,
They are waiting for you to bring gifts - the suffering of people!

The development of the situation in the LPR and DPR is going according to a negative scenario.
There are clear trends that lead to rapid degradation of the republics and negative consequences for Russia.

The administrative institutions of the republics are very poorly developed. They are not actually connected with the population and do not reflect its interests.. There is an undermining of the ideological basis, which was the main shaping factor for the emergence of the LPR and DPR.
By the way, in response to criticism of undermining the ideological component of the LDNR, Surkov's team decided to showably return Pavel Gubarev to a secondary position (mayor of a small town). Alexander Chalenko, one of the heralds of Surkov's team, was instructed to comment on this fact. But this is nothing more than a propaganda trick for a good picture.

In 2014, the population well understood the ideological meaning of the ongoing processes, believed in the prospects for strengthening the influence of Russia, but today people are becoming more and more disappointed in the actions of the Russian leadership.

Now the population understands that the meaning of the activities of curators is acquisitiveness and the return of the influence of the former elite (Akhmetov, Yanukovych, Zvyagilsky). There was a complete disappointment in the sincerity of the behavior of the authorities in the LDNR represented by the heads of regions. The increasing criminalization of economic and financial processes in the region is also obvious to people (the groups “Yura Enakievsky”, the younger Yanukovych, Lyashko M.M. (Kosoy), Kolesnikov B.V., Arbuzov and others, as well as their representatives in all bodies of the LDNR) .

Sasha - Dentist (Son of Yanukovych)

The Ukrainian media use this situation for propaganda, showing the participation of Russian representatives from among advisers and managers of financial flows in money-grubbing.

Lyashko (Slanting) - a sinister psychopath who "never plays in a casino"

More and more new shadow schemes are emerging to control financial flows with the aim of their large-scale "criminal development". This is how the flows of humanitarian aid are mastered, in addition to them, new channels of smuggling appear.

Yura Enakievsky

In Donbass, they believe that the main coordinator from Moscow Surkov V.Yu. initiates this process. Its "curators", known as Sergei Chaika and "Patriot", are direct performers. They provide him with a consolidated management of the processes of ordering shadow flows. At the same time, having taken control of the media in the region, they managed for a short period to create the illusion of success in the political and social development of the territory and skillfully manipulate reports to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, misleading the country's leadership.
The circle of those who enter the GDP is extremely limited, they can be counted with the fingers of one hand. Lubyanka is controlled by Vladislav Surkov. Alternative and truthful information is not received.

Two social realities parallel to each other are being formed in the region.
The first is the population, almost entirely consisting of socially unprotected strata. This part exists on Russian and Ukrainian money and does not have its own political class, except for small networks of activists who provide primitive communication (distribution of humanitarian aid, holding local actions).
The second is the former regional elite, using Russian assistance to expand the criminal component of their business in the region. This part is made up of criminal authorities, former security officials, mercenaries and Russian "curators" involved in shadow schemes. This is a new and opaque social space for the population and most of the militias.

Timofeev (Tashkent)

The current situation has an extremely negative impact on the combat capability of the armed forces of the LDNR. There is a rapid degradation and decomposition of the units of the LDNR, the moral and psychological climate is deteriorating, discipline is falling. And this is happening against the backdrop of restoring combat capability and improving the supply of the Ukrainian army. The Ukrainian government took advantage of the respite. The Armed Forces of Ukraine have now acquired the ability to fight, and foreign assistance in armament and uniforms to Ukrainians is now more effective and substantial (snipers appeared, firing from 2000 m, thermal imagers appeared, a significant number of night vision devices, new communication and control systems).
The work to create an economic basis for the survival of the LDNR has actually failed. The economic situation is rapidly deteriorating. Strengthening positions in the region of criminal groups and elements. In the DPR, the DPR Minister of Taxes and Duties, prone to criminal activity, Timofeev (call sign “Tashkent”) gradually gained strength, having 800 militia subordinates. In fact, he and the detachment have a monopoly in the economic and financial sphere. The division of this minister was created with the support of the people of Yanukovych (head of the regional branch of the Party of Regions of the Donetsk region Bobkov). The ministry has become a bulwark for the Yanukovych family's business interests in the region, and is now the biggest annoyance of the population. The collection of taxes by the ministry is more like extortion in the form of cash collections - it concerns small and medium-sized businesses. There are no clear rules for the work of fiscal authorities. This leads to the closure of enterprises that were ready to work even in the conditions of hostilities.

Timofeev is increasingly immersed in the redistribution of objects of trade. He created the State Enterprise "Markets of Donbass" under the guise of nationalization. The laws and criteria by which businesses or property can be nationalized have never been defined.

The authorities of the LDNR also earn on the extra charge on coal for the population (in many localities coal is the only way to heat), on the partial sale of humanitarian aid and medicines through retail chains controlled by the leaders of the LDNR, on the sale of fuel and lubricants (up to 30-40 rubles remain at the disposal of the beneficiaries per litre). Smuggling and legal shipment of coal to Ukraine is increasing.
"Black" operations with the sale of raw materials are increasingly criminalizing the market in the LDNR.

In addition to coal, a lot of scrap metal is exported from the Donbass to Ukraine and the Russian Federation. Metal structures are dismantled, equipment is cut . Since information about criminal schemes and shortcomings in the activities of curators from Moscow is gradually spreading more and more among the population, Moscow's authority is falling more and more. In particular, "curators" from Moscow, Sergey Chaika and "Patriot", acquired a steadily negative reputation in Donetsk, which is also projected onto V.Yu. Surkov himself. The LDNR is sure that he fundamentally does not want to engage in the political development of the DNR. There is a growing belief that he pursues only personal selfish interests in "economic schemes" with the Yanukovych family and Akhmetov.

Operational filming of Akhmetov with Alik-Grek (Akhatem Bragin).

The negative assessment of the Moscow “curators” was formed on the basis of numerous cases of manipulation, intrigue, intimidation of LDNR officials, blocking of many initiatives. There is an opinion that the personnel sent from Russia are involved in the schemes for the development of budgets allocated by Russia. In particular, such an opinion exists in relation to the so-called "Transnistrian team".
This is the name of a group of people who arrived in Donetsk in the spring and summer of 2014 to “help” in the formation of the young republic. This is acting. Chief of Staff of the Council of Ministers Alexander Karaman, personal secretary of the head of the republic Elena Filippova. It is with them that the following are connected: the Minister of Revenues and Duties A. Timofeev (Tashkent), the head of the apparatus of the head of the DPR M. Leshchenko, the deputy head of the apparatus of the head of the DPR D. Trapeznikov).

The flow of objective information to Russia is generally difficult. In the LDNR, there is also a situation where, to a certain extent, all the ruling groups in Lugansk and Donetsk are in a state of information blockade, without having the feedback they need in Moscow. It is impossible to convey objective information to the leadership of Russia. Therefore, the elite in the LDNR does not know the exact position of Moscow, does not understand the current and strategic goals and objectives, when verbal orders and agreements (from curators) often contradict each other, which leads to internal conflicts.
The issue of humanitarian aid in the LDNR is one of the most socially acute. If volunteer humanitarian aid is carried out in a targeted and transparent manner, then state aid passes through some distribution centers and remains out of proper control, which leads to conflict situations and discrediting the very fact of humanitarian aid on behalf of Russia. The facts of the sale of humanitarian aid in the markets of the region are constantly noted. Despite the plight, the leadership of the LPR and DPR did not provide humanitarian aid to enterprises to support the families of loyal qualified personnel. At the same time, on the contrary, those plants that are economically or industrially connected with Ukraine are successfully operating.

In general, the situation threatens Russia with a gradual loss of influence in the region. The political landscape that has taken shape during the war is still multi-elite (old elites, new field commanders, Russian curators). This is a temporary state, and even despite some displacement of the hryvnia by the ruble, Ukrainian influence in the Donbass is not only not decreasing, but is even strengthening. This connected with the return of old politicians to power in the LDNR, the departure of Russian volunteers, the loss of hope by the population for reunification with Russia, the preservation and strengthening of the region's economic ties with Ukraine. In particular, in the DPR there is a gradual strengthening of the role of some local personnel - Leshchenko, Trapeznikov, Martynov and others (they are representatives of Akhmetov-Zvyagilsky). The role of the People's Council of the Republic remains at a low level, it does not really affect the socio-political situation in the region.

It is obvious that the continuation of the same line from Moscow in relation to the LDNR will lead to irreversible consequences in the Donbass, the complete loss of Russia's influence, control of the situation and the victory of Kiev in rivalry with Moscow. It is urgently necessary to exclude from the curatorship of the republics people who are mercenary and associated among the population with the former corrupt Ukrainian elite headed by Yanukovych.

New, old faces. Preved, "Akhmetovka".

Negotiations of the commander of "Troy" Bely with Enaki thieves Grek, Makar and Nightmare. They keep their word... (Caution, there is profanity)
