(Greek) is a permutation of letters in a word, resulting in a new word, for example: meadow hum, carp park, address Wednesday, height variety torso rope, clown cleaver pendant slope. Often anagrams are called the words themselves, made up of the same letters. Anagrams provide rich material for word puzzles, which are also called anagrams. In puzzles, it is customary to guess not any words, but nouns in the form of the nominative case (in anagrams it is permissible to use proper names, diminutive forms of nouns, plural). Let's look at some possible options.

The easiest way is to offer to find an anagram for a given word, for example:

Find anagrams for the following words: fidelity, waterfall, choice, entrance, mainland, fun, word, laundry, cleaning.

(Answers: jealousy, supply, break, breath, metric, infantry, hair, old man, holster.)

To facilitate the search for words, you can give the meaning of the word you are looking for, or at least hint at the area to which it belongs. In order not to interpret each word, you can select the words of one lexical group for the task:

Rearrange the letters in these words so that you get the names of foods or dishes: satin, kuma, resin, waste, sleeper.

(Answers: lettuce, flour, butter, stew, noodles.)

Another way to think of anagrams do not name any of the words, but suggest the meanings of both words:

By rearranging the letters in the word, turn

ancient vehicle to the most modern;

delicious bun in the boat;

a rodent into a thoroughbred horse;

spruce wood in metal;

matter into a geometric body.

(Answers: carriage rocket, bun boat, rat trotter, spruce nickel, cloth cone.)

Usually of great interest is the encryption of anagrams in verse:

I bite, I fly

in the summer I get bored with everything.

Rearrange the letters and I

Become part of the ship.

(mosquito feed)

I am a river with famous bridges

The city is on me darkness museums.

It is worth swapping letters

I will turn into a wonderful city myself.

(Neva Vienna)

I am a wild relative of the pig.

But change the order of the letters

Canned food, jams, marinade

I usually keep everything.

(boar bank)

A special case of anagrams are words that are formed from other words when read from right to left, for example: bar slave, weight sowing, cart call, cat current, mouth tor, moor couple, grotto bargaining, march scar, grade cable. Guessing methods are the same:

After reading the word from right to left, turn

tree into a geometric body;

measurement of time in a purebred dog;

explosive in a device for determining the depth of the sea;

a path to a variety of apples;

(Answers: beech cube, year dog, tol lot, trail aport, murmur ax.)

From sun, wind and rain

I will always cover you.

On the contrary, you will read me

You will find in the mountains of Armenia.

(canopy Sevan)

A special kind of anagrams are words, from the letters of which you can compose not one, but several words (each letter of the original word must be used once). This type of anagram can be called dictionary arithmetic. Examples: carousel = sack + sulfur, fortress = proc + net, dexterity = hole + wax, side = dream + company, printing house = heel + reef + yoke.

It is not difficult to find such equalities: most of the not very short words can be decomposed into two or three. Many words can be "decomposed" in different ways, for example: beauty = act + dew = current + race = juice + container; routine = bark + spore + poison = time + term + poison = time + juice + row (yard) = smallpox + row + rock = cassock + proc + do = mowing + gift + yar.


These are words that differ in one letter (sound). Metagrams are also often called puzzles based on changing one letter in a word. In metagrams, it is customary to think of not any words, but nouns in the form of the nominative case (it is permissible to use proper names). Consider some possible options for guessing metagrams.

Chains of words.

It is possible to turn one word into another in several steps, replacing one letter in the word at each step, for example, mouse easily transforms into cat : mouse ® midge ® cat. For such transformations, it is more interesting to select words that have some kind of semantic connection, for example:

Turn an hour into a century, an hour into a year, a bark into a leaf, a seat into a desk, a tooth into a mouth, a soul into a body, a daughter into a mother.

(Possible answers: hour bass demon weight century;

hour bass ball shaft ox goal year (hour chan san dream gon year);

bark goat vine pocket magnifying glass linden fox leaf;

place revenge suit mouth paste desk;

tooth cube godfather com cat mouth;

soul land dry essence network canopy hay village body;

daughter night zero salt village network essence mud mother.)

A well-known task of this kind is “to make an elephant out of a fly”.

Many from one.

You can get different words from one word by replacing only one letter in the original word. Of course, you get more words if you take a small one-syllable or two-syllable word, for example: sor bor, thief, zhor, pestilence, torus, chorus; cheese, sir; juice, catfish, sleep, soy.

Metagrams can be made in verses:

I am the symbol of power needed by the king.

But if "n" to "v" change

I pluck the grass in the meadow

And you can milk me.

(crown cow)

I'm insanely friendly with the nut,

Do not spill water on us.

And the sick will need me

If "c" to "b" change.

(screw bandage)

I was a monarch in Russia.

“C” to “l” change quickly

There will be a box where they kept

Before a lot of things.

(king chest)

Metal I'm valuable it's clear

But change the first letter

And I'll be a dangerous place

Look in me do not drown.

(gold swamp)

As a group, not alone

We sing songs together.

But as soon as the "r" soften,

Turn me into a beast.

(choir choir)

Can you tear me out

From a notebook or an album.

Change "l" to "a" and I

I make a nest on the roof of the house.

(sheet stork)

word in words

so you can call a whole series of puzzles, the essence of which is that the word (usually a noun in the nominative case) is "hidden" in other words. There are several varieties of this series.

Beginnings and ends.

It is proposed to find a word that would also serve as the end of the word for the letters in front, and the beginning of the word for the letters in the back, for example:

A word can be "hidden" in the middle of another word. Usually it is proposed to find several words in which the same word is “hidden”. For example, the word mouth can be found in words like mole, grotto, company, dart, gate, captain, orphan and so on.

The word can "hide" and at the junction of other words. A text is compiled in which the beginning of the searched word coincides with the end of one word of the text, and the end with the beginning of the next word, for example, in a sentence Angle, oval, circle these are geometric shapes you can find the word head. More than two words can be used to encrypt a word, for example, the word Portugal can be summed up in four words: Tomorrow at the airport, I won't stay long at Gali's.

Another way to "hide" one word in another is to find a word in which the letters of another, shorter, word are in the right order, but with possible interruption by other letters. As a task, they usually offer to find several words with the same given "hidden" word. For example, the word mole can be found in words like resort, croquet, beauty, fortress, speed, foxtrot, partridge, brevity, electric stove.


(from Latin rebus, literally "things, objects; with the help of things, objects") a way to convey a word or phrase in the form of drawings in combination with letters and signs. Now we perceive the rebus only as a puzzle that brightens up our leisure time. Meanwhile, the principle of the sound rebus played an important role in the history of the development of writing, when instead of a concept that was difficult to depict with the help of a drawing, a concept similar in sound, but subjectively unrelated, was drawn.

To solve modern puzzle puzzles, you need to know some rules:

1. The names of all drawn objects must be read in the nominative case. For example:

Some drawings can be interpreted ("read") in different ways. This is the main difficulty in solving puzzles. You need to choose the right reading. So, sign 1 in the rebus R 1 A reads like "one": MOTHERLAND, and in the rebus W 1 A as "col": SCHOOL.

2. If there are commas to the left of the picture, then you need to discard the first letters of the word (as many letters as there are commas). If commas are to the right of the figure, discard the last letters.

3. If there are numbers above the picture, then the letters must be read in the order indicated by the numbers.

4. If a crossed out letter is shown above the figure, then this letter must be removed from the resulting word.

5. If another letter is next to the crossed out letter or an arrow is used to show the transition from one letter to another, then you need to replace the letter in the word.

(A. Pushkin)

Do not flaunt, buddy, those

That you have too many topics.

We know the works

Where the best themes perished.

(S. Shevtsov)

Once a cat crept up to a parrot:

“Now I, brother, will scare you ...”

But the parrot from the cage shouted: "Shoot!"

What a gray cat, a lynx would run away here!

(Y. Kozlovsky)

Many riddles-jokes are built on puns:

Why do humans walk and turtles crawl?

(On the ground.)

Why does a hunter carry a gun?


Who has a dear head?

(At the cow.)

When are dresses made of grass?

(When they are crumpled.)

When is a person a tree?

(When he wakes up.)

Three calves. How many legs will there be?

(No matter how many calves there are three, it will have four legs.)

see also PUN.


(from the English. cross-word) a game-task in which a figure consisting of rows of empty cells must be filled with letters so that words with given meanings are obtained horizontally and vertically. Usually the meanings of the words are given descriptively under this shape, first the meanings of the words that should be obtained horizontally, then vertically.

A variation of the crossword is the Scandinavian crossword, or scanword. In it, the meanings of words are set within the figure itself, therefore, not detailed descriptions are used, but words or short phrases associated with the searched words. Unlike a traditional crossword puzzle, the field of a crossword puzzle is more densely covered with cells that need to be filled in with letters.


(from the English chain "chain" and word "word") a game-task in which the cells located in a chain are filled with words in such a way that the last letter of the previous word is simultaneously the first letter of the next word.


1. The beginning is called a tree,

The end - my readers,

Here in the book there is a whole,

And every line has them.

2. The first syllable in surprise I exclaim

I remove the second syllable from the bookshelf,

When the first unites with the second,

That will be the smallest particle.

3. Part of the dance - my first syllable,

Wine is my second syllable

Generally transported

Across the river towline.

4. My first syllable is a preposition,

In the second we will live all summer,

A whole from us and you

Been waiting for an answer for a long time.

The end is at the bottom of the pond,

A whole in the museum

Find it easily.

6. You will find the first syllable among the notes,

And the second - the bull carries.

Do you want to find the whole

So look for it along the way.

7. My beginning is in lead,

And in silver and in steel,

And the ships at my end

Yesterday we got to the pier.

And if you are friendly with me,

Persistent in training

You will be in the cold, in the rain and heat

Hardy and dexterous.

8. You will find my first syllable then,

When water boils in a cauldron,

Pronoun - second syllable

And in general - your school table.

9. From the squeak of birds - take my first syllable,

The second - with a lamb's head.

Open the oven and find

Something that you have eaten more than once.

10. Note is my first syllable,

Put a suggestion next to her

And, having solved the riddle to the end,

Get a facial expression.

11. You remember the measure of the area at the beginning -

You certainly studied it in school.

The five letters that follow are inspired,

They cannot live without dance, music and the stage.

Weapon eyes on the exhibits,

You will find the answer in the historical museum.

12. Here it is - the first syllable.

This syllable is a suggestion.

The letter at the end stands, opens the alphabet.

It’s a pity there is no answer: there was, but the answer floated away.

13. From paper - the very first syllable.

You could put sugar in it.

The second - he measures information or

We have a musical style...

The whole word is like a somersault,

You could see him at the circus.

14. At the beginning - a series of actions,

But not walking or driving.

Then here comes the vowel,

And then - vice versa.

The answer is the beast hippopotamus.

You need to say otherwise.

15. Find a disease-infection,

And add a letter - right away

The new word is ready.

Ships have this word.

16. You take the name of the fish soup,

Attach the letter "M" to the beginning,

Here, everyone knows

An insect will appear in the answer.

17. The first is a note, the second is a game,

The whole will meet at the carpenter.

18. The first syllable is called the river,

There is a second on the ship,

Well, the whole is given

In honor of the military victory.

19. Pronoun, preposition,

Between them - the name of the poet,

And the whole is a known fruit,

What ripens at the end of summer.

20. Everyone knows my first syllable -

He is always in class.

We will add an alliance to it,

Put a tree in the back.

To know the whole

The city should be named.

21. You will find my beginning in the field,

The second with the third you taught at school,

When there was a grammar lesson,

One of them is union

The other one is a suggestion.

Then you, with diligence,

Find the name of the tree.

But in general - the name of the hero city,

Whose battle glory we are proud of.

22. The first is a note, the second is the same,

And in general - it looks like peas.

23. Look for the first syllable in the dance,

The second two are a number and a preposition,

And we call people whole,

Ready to give their lives in battle

For the good of their country.

24. My first syllable is a large pile of papers.

The Japanese from the second drive vodka.

But in general - trees are slimmer

Not a single alley knows.

25. The first syllable shines from the wall,

The rider rushes on the second,

And the third (who would have thought?)

We will find in the Slavic alphabet.

On the whole, he's unpleasant.

The law is following him.

26. My first syllable is a preposition,

Consent sign - my second syllable,

My third syllable is an evil fate,

All together - on a holiday we receive.

27. The first syllable for measuring a circle is needed,

The second two together mean "age".

In general, firearms

It would be better if a person did not own it.

Current page: 38 (total book has 39 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 26 pages]


Translated from Greek, "palindrome" means "returning, running back." Indeed, a palindrome is a word or phrase that reads the same way from the end as it did from the beginning.

The simplest examples of palindromes are words of 3-5 letters (for example: how, mime, cook, grandfather, hut, cossack). It is curious that the letter "O" is called the shortest palindrome. Unlike other letters of the Russian alphabet, it remains symmetrical about the vertical axis in any way of writing and in any case. A more complex variety of palindromes are whole sentences and even texts of several sentences that can be read both in the usual direction and from the end. As an example of such palindromes, one can cite the most famous shifter phrase from A. Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio": "A rose fell on Azor's paw." Its author is the famous Russian poet A. Fet. When creating phrasal palindromes, spaces and punctuation marks are not taken into account. The main thing is the same set of letters in both directions, both from left to right and from right to left.

Examples of complex palindromes:

There are no walls.

Our chance!

I eat worse!

The wheel has sunk.

Road garden.

The limousine was amazing.

Likhach, but frail!

Cyril is a lyricist.

Crow, but burrows!

And I'll be at the oak.

The kum bit the fox.

The thief flew into the ditch.

Titus is still smoking.

He's been in hell for a long time.

I sang, beaming and blind.

The mind grew like garbage.

Take the maiden to the swamp.

But the demon hesitated.

There is no milk around me.

Argentina beckons the Negro.

I am the arena of hell, not heaven!

Coffee cake is not a foxtrot.

The lyre blossomed, the lion reigned.

A whale on the sea is a romantic.

Merry sir - on the sowing field.

And Seva loves lobbies.

Yes, looking for a taxi is hell!

And the pawnshop is the slave of the moth.

And you would beckon pancakes!

He drank wine - and got stuck.

Lyosha found a bug on the shelf.

Boas tore laurels in hell.

Lilliput sawed catfish on the bridge.

Am I vain, or not those efforts?!

I rarely hold a cigarette butt in my hand.

Frau and the lady were sitting by the harps.

The shadow or mafia has no surname.

SOS! Next to me is a milkmaid.

I compared this and that - that's what distinguished itself.

Hammer, sickle and leader raved about the throne.

Palindromes can be used in a competitive game program. For example, during one of the competitions, ask high school students to recall well-known palindromes on a given topic, or better, come up with their own.


Charades is an old game in which two or more short words need to be “assembled” into one long word. At the same time, the constituent parts of a long word - "charade syllables" - do not always coincide with the actual syllables. For example, the word "sport"

having one syllable, can be decomposed into 2 independent words - "s" (preposition) and "port".

For the first time charades appeared in the era of Antiquity. In the old days, the compilers of charades enjoyed universal honor and hydration. Contests and tournaments were held among the authors of charades. The art of compiling and solving charades reached its greatest flourishing in France in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Charades can be of various kinds, but most often they are presented in the form of short poems. The task of the players is to guess both the syllables and the whole word.

Here are examples of poetic charades:

My first syllable is on a tree

My second syllable is union,

But in general I am matter

And I'm fit for a suit.


Look for disease-infection,

And add a letter - right away

The new word is ready.

You can drop this word.


My first syllable is a pronoun

The second is timing

I carry my third syllable from the alphabet,

And you will tear the whole in the forest.


The first syllable is swept with a broom,

I'll call the second one with an eye,

The third cut bread is good,

And the fourth is just a particle.


My first syllable is a large pile of papers,

The Japanese from the second drive vodka,

But in general - trees are slimmer

Not a single alley knows.


First words in surprise I exclaim

I remove the second syllable from the bookshelf.

When the first unites with the second,

That will be the smallest particle.


You will find a shapeless piece at the beginning,

Then at the end - a mathematical icon.

You often met this word on trays,

There are a lot of pictures, and the text to them is a little bit.


The first syllable for measuring a circle is needed,

The two second together mean "age",

Basically a firearm.

It would be better if a person did not own it!


The charade is new now.

Part of speech - the first syllable with us,

And the second syllable is sticky melt,

Bypass everyone just in case.

Guess, let me know for reference

Found on any counter.


My initial syllable is a gap,

Being part of the day.

And the second syllable is a guide,

But without the last letter. Here!

As for the answer, the answer

Includes the sound of coins.


Find the beginning of a word

You are in the dentist's office.

The part at the end

It's called a poem.

As for the clue, on the face,

At least not on everyone, but there is.


The first syllable shines from the wall,

The rider rushes on the second,

And the third (who would have thought?)

We will find in the Slavic alphabet.

On the whole, he's unpleasant.

The law is following him.


From paper - the first syllable, the second -

Twice a wonderful hero:

He measures information

We have a musical style.

This element is not a pirouette.

Acrobat will tell you the answer.

(cool beat)

Start. Where to find it?

It is - as usual - on the way:

Fast sequence movements

But not walking or driving.

There is a vowel in the middle

And then - vice versa.

The answer is in sight now

And, of course, it is a beast.


Everyone knows my first syllable:

He is always in class.

We will add an alliance to it,

Put a tree in the back.

To know the whole

The city should be named.


Here is the first syllable:

Entrance to the palace.

At the end is

The one that the alphabet

Must open...

Painted in full.

Sorry no answer:

Yes, there was an answer!

(The missing)

When you enter the textile store,

There the first syllable, perhaps you will find.

Open the collection of Greek myths,

From there, the second syllable is taken into the charade.

And you will be able to know the whole,

Sorting through the flowers in memory.


You remember the measure of the area at the beginning:

You probably studied it at school.

The five letters that follow are inspired:

They cannot live without dance, music and the stage.

Weapon eyes on the exhibits,

You will find the answer in the historical museum.


You will find my beginning in the field.

The second with the third you taught at school,

When was the grammar lesson:

One of them is union

The other is a suggestion.

Then you, with diligence,

Find the name of the tree.

But in general - the name of the hero city,

Whose glory we are proud of fighting.


I can hardly hide the beginning of the word:

It is not a secret for many

Since it's related to the game,

Which is not more popular.

And the rest of the word

I saw in geometry

As part of the figure's name,

But without the last letter "L".

The word I made

So powerful, my friends

What, for example, is now a guess

You can't find it without it.


Geographic charades

Not all charades take the form of poems. The following are geographical charades in the form of phrases in which the names of countries and their capitals are “hidden”:

And now I have a Russia lady sent a letter Moscow yru? (Russia Moscow)

Franz and me concluded bet. AND ak is a witness. (France Paris)

We stood on the windowsill Türkiye and stack en kara aground. (Türkiye - Ankara)

Passenger in the fifth ru guessing: he is not given li ma trac. (Peru - Lima)

He to rice ku, ba cha, not used to, I say, not sol woof And on m is not needed! (Cuba - Havana)

Have mercy, Pave l Ivan ovic! I am in your place b her root did not give other work! (Lebanon - Beirut)

Prospectors Alyas ki, tai myrsky geologists! Will you be in Ana Beijing throw a coin into the sea! (China - Beijing)


Sharoids are one of the many varieties of charades, which are verbal equations. For example: tree growth + lips = vegetable. Answer: cap + mouth = cabbage.

Sharoid can also look like a coded phrase that needs to be "deciphered" in order to find out the hidden word:

The exclamation of the rejected along with others, or something unimaginable

Answer: "Oh, and not me!" - nonsense.

"I hear from a parrot!", or a city on the Volga

Answer: "The macaw itself!" - Samara.

Big feast of swimming limbs, or being overweight

Answer: Ballast - ballast.

A unit about her, or a church attribute

Answer: Kol o kol - a bell.

Maupassant's packaging, or the bard's girlfriend is eternal

Answer: A guitar is a guitar.

An application to the court filed by an Egyptian god, or a newspaper of the Bolsheviks

Answer: Isk Ra - "Spark".

Anniversary of the number "pi", or weapons

Answer: "Pi" for a hundred years is a pistol.

Trying to call a tree like a pet, or thick drink

Answer: "Kiss, spruce!" - kissel.

The cry of a bird on one of the parts of the car, or a festive event

Answer: Kar! on the shaft - carnival.

Epidemic among sorceresses with a fatal outcome, or an ancient Greek god

Answer: Morpheus - Morpheus.


Kubrachka is another kind of charade in which "syllables" are replaced by other "syllables", usually with the opposite meaning. The very word "kubraechek" arose as a result of the transformation of the word "charade": "ball" + "hell" = "cube" + "rayochek" (that is, "paradise").

Examples of cubes:

budgerigar opera (crossbow)

disco no! (bal-da)

us post (a vampire)

shut up, hood! (horizon)

after chess (bit)

enemy, wow (another)

warm inside (finch)

and Neil? (oriole)

us station (import)

Isis statement (spark)

winter dog (cutlet)

Goddaughter Ivanov (idol)

magician yes you (magic)

old donkey (new donkey)

give the bee two! (sturgeon)

three volumes (paragraph)

pound or you (pension)

ate by turning (pill)

give for free (platinum)

all night (noon)

she whipped (flogged-he)

revelry pine (post-ate)

back shadow (light-face)

intellectual piano (troubadour)

four dogs (three-cat-w)

away belly (Street)

she didn't chart (chiton)

married doe (bachelor)

occasionally "five" (often-count)

you are a pig (anchor)

Kubrachki is a rather difficult word puzzle that takes some getting used to. It makes sense to practice yourself in inventing kubrachki, then it will be easier to guess strangers.

Appendix 5
Joke tests
"Test in 3 minutes"

Take a piece of paper and a pen. Write in a column, one above the other, the numbers from 1 to 11.

Opposite the numbers 1 and 2, write any 2 numbers.

Opposite the numbers 3 and 7, write the names of the representatives of the opposite sex. These should be girls (boys) that you really know.

Opposite the numbers 4, 5 and 6 write the names of any people. It can be friends, acquaintances or relatives.

In the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th lines write the names of the four songs.

Test interpretation:

The second line is the number of people you have to tell about this test.

The person opposite the number 3 is the one you love.

The person opposite number 4 is the one you care about the most.

The person opposite the number 5 is the one who knows you better than anyone else.

The person opposite the number 6 is your lucky star.

The person opposite the number 7 is someone you like, but you will not succeed with him.

The song from the eighth line goes to the person number 3.

The song from the ninth line goes to the person at number 7.

The song from the tenth line will show what is happening in your head at the moment.

The 11th line will tell you how you feel in life in general.

"Round Test"

Take a large (landscape) sheet of paper and do the following with it:

1. Draw a small circle in the center of the sheet.

2. Divide the sheet into 4 sectors by drawing lines through the center of the circle.

3. In each sector inside the first circle, write one letter: "P", "U", "S" and "L".

4. Around the first circle, draw a second circle of slightly larger diameter and in each sector of this circle write one number from 1 to 4.

5. Around the second circle, draw a third circle of even larger diameter and in each sector of this circle write the name of one of the animals (including insects, fish and birds).

6. Draw a fourth circle around the third circle and write one character trait in each sector of this circle.

7. Around the fourth circle, draw the fifth and last circle and in each sector of this circle write 4 proverbs, sayings or catch phrases.

Test interpretation:

The letters in the first circle mean: "P" - entertainment, "U" - study, "S" - family, "L" - love.

The numbers in the second circle will show that the teenager from the above is in first, second, third and fourth places in his personal scale of values.

The third and fourth circles are read together and linked to information from the first circle (for example, a generous rhinoceros in entertainment, an honest hedgehog in studies, a purposeful toad in a family, and a kind tiger in love).

The phrases in the fifth circle characterize the teenager as a whole, in relation to one or another area of ​​life.

"Question answer"

For this test, you will need 2 sets of cards. Questions are written on the cards of the first set, answers are written on the cards of the second set. For ease of use, cards with questions can be made in one color, and cards with answers in another.

The host invites one of the guys to draw out one card with a question, think to himself and name the person to whom he would like to ask this question. After that, the question must be read aloud. The person who was asked the question should draw one card with the answer. The highlight of the test is the random selection of questions and answers, which sometimes results in very funny combinations.

Question cards:

1. Do you like to take a nap after dinner?

2. Are you capable of revenge?

3. Would you like to go to the cinema with me?

4. Do you believe in love at first sight?

5. Do you like talking to strangers?

6. Do you like children?

7. Would you like to be carried in your arms?

8. Do you always have such a smug look?

9. Are you tired of your neighbor on the left?

10. Are you always as cheerful as today?

11. Have you ever fallen out of bed?

12. Are you successful with the opposite sex?

13. Are you satisfied with your fate?

14. Are you subject to passions?

15. Are you jealous?

16. Do you like to eat?

17. Can you call yourself handsome/beautiful?

18. Do you have high self-esteem?

19. Do you like to stand on your head?

20. Would you go with me to the ends of the world?

Answer cards:

1. Whenever there is no money.

2. You should know better.

3. When I see you, I can't do it.

4. What are you! Am I capable/capable of such stupidity?!

5. Only in moments of weakness.

6. Yes, if someone helps me with this.

7. There is a person here because of whom I cannot say "Yes".

8. Did you think well when you asked me about it?

9. Why ask a question to which you yourself know the answer perfectly?!

10. Give me 3 days to think.

11. This is all I dream about.

10. 12. Only in the dark.

13. Twice a week.

14. In principle, no, although you can try.

15. Almost every other day.

16. You took me by surprise with your question.

17. Until now, this has been my intimate secret.

18. It would be why.

19. It depends on how you treat me.

20. If it's good to ask about it.

Appendix 6
Tricks, tricks and practical jokes

All sorts of tricks and tricks are an important part of many holidays, especially those that have a fabulous or mystical background. Teenagers are happy to become participants in tricks, but even more they love to show tricks and tricks themselves. Often, the inquisitive youthful mind is worried about the "kitchen of magic", how this or that trick is arranged, and the hands reach out to repeat it. Needless to say, any tricks and tricks need careful preparation. Even in fairy tales, wizards are not born, but become, what can we say about real life!

"Magic Numbers"

Invite your friends to guess the sum of 9 numbers. To do this, ask one of the guys to mark a square of 9 numbers on the calendar. Turn your back to the calendar yourself so as not to see which numbers will be marked. Then ask them to name the smallest of the marked numbers. After that, you can easily name the sum of all nine numbers.

Secret: Add 8 to the named number, and multiply the result by 9.

"How to guess the date and month of birth of the interlocutor"

Invite anyone who wants to write on a piece of paper the date and month of his birth, and then ask him to do the following mathematical calculations with this number:

1) double the birth number,

2) multiply the resulting number by 10,

3) add 73 to the result,

4) multiply the received amount by 5,

1) 5) add the ordinal number of the month of birth to the total.

The end result of all the calculations ask to tell you. After that, you have to make simple calculations in order to tell the astonished public the correct date and month of birth.

The final result of all calculations, which a person calls out loud, is 2073.

Secret: To find the desired date, you need to subtract 365 from the final result. Then the last two digits of the difference will mean the number of the month, and the first two digits will mean the number.

2073 - 365 = 1708, where 17 is a number, 08 is the ordinal number of the month.

"How to guess the age of the interlocutor"

Invite anyone to guess his age. To do this, ask him to do the following:

1) write two single-digit numbers side by side, differing by more than 1;

2) enter between them any third single digit;

3) rearrange the numbers in the received three-digit number in reverse order;

4) subtract the smaller number from the larger one;

5) rearrange the digits of the difference in reverse order;

6) add the resulting new number with the difference;

7) add your age to the amount.

Ask for the final result of all calculations to be reported aloud. After that, you have to make simple calculations in order to, to everyone's surprise, name the correct age of a person.

For example, a person is 15 years old. The person does the following:

297 + 792 = 1089

1089 + 15 = 1104

The final result of all calculations, which a person calls aloud, is 1104.

Secret: Having done the calculations described above several times, with different players, any person will notice that the age always has to be added to the same number - 1089. Therefore, if you subtract the number 1089 from the total reported by the person, you can get the required age.

“There are no rhinos in Denmark”

Invite the children to think of a number from 2 to 10 and perform the following arithmetic operations with it:

1) multiply by 9,

2) add together the numbers that form the resulting two-digit number,

3) subtract 4.

After that, ask them to choose the letter in the alphabet that corresponds to the number received, and to remember the country that begins with this letter. Finally, ask them to remember an animal that begins with the third letter of the country name.

All the actions described by adolescents must be performed in the mind, without uttering a word. At the end of the manipulations, you effectively pause and say: "There are no rhinos in Denmark." Believe me, the effect will be stunning!

Secret: As a result of arithmetic calculations, the number 5 is always obtained, which corresponds to the letter "D". Experience shows that approximately 95% of people think of Denmark and most of them remember the rhinoceros (the third letter in "Denmark" is "H"). However, by some absurd accident, you can miss, and then the trick will not take place!

"Two rubles"

Offer to raise your hand to the person who is sure that he can jump over a two-ruble coin. As soon as such a person is found, ask him to come forward and put a coin of 2 rubles in one of the corners of the room so that it cannot be jumped over.

After that, ask someone who is sure that they can jump over 2 rubles to raise their hand, provided that they lie far from the walls. If again there is someone who wants to jump over 2 rubles, take 2 coins worth 1 ruble and put them far from the walls, but at a great distance from each other, so that both coins cannot be jumped at once.

"Four Cubes"

For this trick, you need 4 "tricky" cubes. The trick of the cubes is that the points (numbers) on their faces are arranged in such a way that the sum on opposite faces in any case is 7.

Ask one of the children to stack all 4 cubes in a column, one on top of the other. At the same time, you yourself can turn away so as not to see the sequence of stacking cubes in a column. After that, offer to guess the sum of all closed points / numbers and, to the amazement of the audience, name the correct answer.

Secret: The sum of dots/numbers on all closed faces of the cubes will always be equal to 28 - the sum of the opposite faces minus the number that was on top, that is, not closed.

The game "Riddles Rebus Charades": the answer to the section "CHARADES" Level 1 and 2
● On the first one there is a sentry, the second one turns green in the forest.
And in general - as soon as it gets dark, you lie down, and your working day is over.
● Dance step - the first syllable. All physical education is the second syllable. And in a charade, I encrypted the main document in one moment.
Level 3 and 4
● My first three letters are pronounced when the enemy mice are beckoned to themselves. The second three letters are brought into the house at Christmas, when they especially want to please children. And the whole is eaten.
● The first - hums, the second - buzzes. The whole rests quietly on the head.
The game "Riddles Rebus Charades": the answer to the section "CHARADES" Level 5 and 6
● The first syllable is fabric for curtains. The second syllable is the master in it.
In these two syllables, my friend, I encoded a flower.
● First, an iron rod, pointed, then a poet singing his poems to the guitar.
And now - an institution in the end, giving everyone money on bail.
The game "Riddles Rebus Charades": the answer to the section "CHARADES" Level 7 and 8
● At first, the citrus fruit is more sour than sour. And so I wrote down the whole hell for that fruit later.
And it turned out the famous - fizzy sweet drink.
● It helps inside the body, but if we add a vowel to it at the end, it will immediately become a confectionery product, which we offer guests for tea.
The game "Riddles Rebus Charades": the answer to the section "CHARADES" Level 9 and 10
● The first syllable is a school mark, a low voice will echo behind it, at the end - a union, by no means rare.
And together, as a meat product, there is.
● When we add the belonging of all cats to precipitation, we get units for measuring angles.
The game "Riddles Rebus Charades": the answer to the section "CHARADES" Level 11 and 12
● If you take a pronoun and add an ear tip, it will become a depression on my sister's cheek.
● If we put an evil grandmother to a small place on a large deep river, we immediately imagine a beggar.
The game "Riddles Rebus Charades": the answer to the section "CHARADES" Level 13 and 14
● Which close relative immediately appears when you do a dance move twice in a row?
● What will grow on the face if performers of their own songs are floundering near the floating water mark?
The game "Riddles Rebus Charades": the answer to the section "CHARADES" Level 15 and 16
● Our first syllable - no more dangerous, it can explode inadvertently.
The second is a graceful pirouette, and together - a lot of people.
● The first syllable to measure the circle is needed. The two second together mean a century.
In general - a firearm, it would be better if a person did not own it.
The game "Riddles Rebus Charades": the answer to the section "CHARADES" Level 17 and 18
● The car fit here in two syllables. The title of nobility fit into a syllable. And together - the signature.
● First a cross, and after a ford, and a flower turned out - a fruit.
The game "Riddles Rebus Charades": the answer to the section "CHARADES" Level 19 and 20
● At the beginning of a word - a cliff, a ravine. Then - on the envelope a postal sign.
In general, this is the place where merchants brought their goods in Rus'.
● Which city's name is made up of a bird and an animal?
The game "Riddles Rebus Charades": the answer to the section "CHARADES" Level 21 and 22
● What does a red-haired cunning animal turn into if electric charges begin to move along it?
● You will add an excuse to the structure, but in general you will melt the ore.
The game "Riddles Rebus Charades": the answer to the section "CHARADES" Level 23 and 24
● The first syllable in the word is poison. The second is a herd of bees without a letter on the right.
Whole of the cannons were fired in the old days, and now - for sports equipment!
● First - deuce, then - a man, he has a high title and rank.
And the whole word is a designation that divides education into doses.

Another type of word games is called "charade". The components of the charade are separate small words, which add up to a larger word. For a riddle-charade, a description of each part of it is given, and then the meaning of the whole word. And the word is not always broken into syllables.

The word "charade" comes from the French "charade" - the word to be found. This last word-guess is divided into parts that have an independent meaning. Each part of the main word is usually also encrypted in poetic lines.

Charades are described in ancient literature, and they reached their heyday in the salon culture of the 17th-18th centuries, and then disappeared from literature, remaining only as a game.

Here, for example, is how the word “sail” can be encrypted in verse:

Three letters flutter like clouds

Two are visible on the face of a man,

And the whole sometimes turns white "In the fog of the blue sea."

Here are some more examples of riddle words for charades:

bean-salt, task-dacha, top-ears, bale-rice, Chalk-and-poplar, ball-a-laika, half-was, bar-suk, ox-window, caramel, par-mustache, wine- hail,boycott.

Perhaps you yourself will try to come up with tasks for them? Just keep in mind that not any words are used for charades, but nouns in the nominative case.

The beginning is called a tree,

The end - my readers,

Here in the book there is a whole,

And every line has them.

(Answer: "Letters".)

The first syllable in surprise I exclaim

I remove the second syllable from the bookshelf,

When the first unites with the second,

That will be the smallest particle.

(Answer: "A-tom".)

Part of the dance is my first syllable,

Wine is my second syllable

Generally transported

Across the river towline.

(Answer: "Pa-rum".)

My first syllable is a preposition

In the second we will live all summer,

A whole from us and you

Been waiting for an answer for a long time.

(Answer: "Task".)

The end is at the bottom of the pond,

A whole in the museum

Find it easily.

(Answer: "Painting".)

You will find the first syllable among the notes,

And the second - the bull carries.

Do you want to find the whole

So look for it along the way.

(Answer: "Road".)

My beginning is in lead

And in silver and in steel,

And the ships at my end

Yesterday we got to the pier.

And if you are friendly with me,

Persistent in training

You will be in the cold, in the rain and heat

Hardy and dexterous.

(Answer: "S-port".)

You will find my first syllable then,

When water boils in a cauldron,

Pronoun - second syllable

And in general - your school table.

(Answer: "Par-ta".)

From the squeak of birds - take my first syllable,

The second - with a lamb's head.

Open the oven and find

Something that you have eaten more than once.

(Answer: "Pie".)

Note is my first syllable

Put a suggestion next to her

And, having solved the riddle to the end,

Get a facial expression.

(Answer: "Mi-na".)

You remember the measure of the area first -

You certainly studied it in school.

The five letters that follow are inspired,

They cannot live without dance, music and the stage.

Weapon eyes on the exhibits,

You will find the answer in the historical museum.

(Answer: "Ar-ballet".)

Here it is - the first syllable.

The letter at the end stands, opens the alphabet.

It’s a pity there is no answer: there was, but the answer floated away.

(Answer: "The missing".)

From paper - the very first syllable.

You could put sugar in it.

The second - he measures information or

We have a musical style...

The whole word is like a somersault,

You could see him at the circus.

(Answer: "Kul-bit".)

At the beginning - a series of actions,

But not walking or driving.

Then here comes the vowel,

And then - vice versa.

The answer is the beast hippopotamus.

You need to say otherwise.

(Answer: "Hippopotamus".)

Look for disease-infection,

And add a letter - right away

The new word is ready.

Ships have this word.

(Answer: "Anchor".)

You take the name of fish soup,

Attach the letter "M" to the beginning,

Here, everyone knows

An insect will appear in the answer.

(Answer: "Fly".)

The first is a note, the second is a game,

The whole will meet at the carpenter.

(Answer: "Before-lotto".)

The first syllable is called the river,

There is a second on the ship,

Well, the whole is given

In honor of the military victory.

(Answer: "Firework".)

pronoun, preposition,

Between them - the name of the poet,

And the whole is a known fruit,

What ripens at the end of summer.

(Answer: "Apple".)

Everyone knows my first syllable -

He is always in class.

We will add an alliance to it,

Put a tree in the back.

To know the whole

The city should be named.

(Answer: "Chalk-and-poplar".)

You will find my beginning in the field,

The second with the third you taught at school,

When there was a grammar lesson,

One of them is union

The other one is a suggestion.

Then you, with diligence,

Find the name of the tree.

But in general - the name of the hero city,

Whose battle glory we are proud of.

(Answer: "Sev-a-s-poplar".)

The first is a note, the second is the same,

And in general - it looks like peas.

(Answer: "Beans".)

Look for the first syllable in the dance

The second two are a number and a preposition,

And we call people whole,

Ready to give their lives in battle

For the good of their country.


My first syllable is a large stack of papers.

The Japanese from the second drive vodka.

But in general - trees are slimmer

Not a single alley knows.

(Answer: "Kipa-rice".)

The first syllable shines from the wall,

The rider rushes on the second,

And the third (who would have thought?)

We will find in the Slavic alphabet.

On the whole, he's unpleasant.

The law is following him.

(Answer:"Bra - horse - er".)

My first syllable is a preposition

Consent sign - my second syllable,

My third syllable is an evil fate,

All together - on a holiday we receive.

(Answer: "Present".)

The first syllable for measuring a circle is needed,

The second two together mean "age".

In general, firearms

It would be better if a person did not own it.

(Answer: "Gun".)

Geographic charades

1. In the letter and in the note you will find the capital of one of the republics of Russia.

2. My first syllable is a marine animal. He is sometimes hunted down. And the interjection - the second All - the state, but what?

3. Interjection is the first syllable. Among the birds, look for the second Third - the letter. In the Urals I flow like a river.

4. To show your skill

Let's think with you

My first syllable is a pronoun

The name of the forest is the second syllable

And at the end (be brave!)

Take one consonant.

End of the charade! whole word

Let's name a famous city.

5. Everyone knows the first syllable -

He's always in the classroom

We will add an alliance to it,

Put a tree in the back.

To know the whole

We need to name the city.

6. The first is a consonant, the second is a preposition, the third is a country in Africa, the whole is a republic in South America.


1. Wow. 2 Kit-ai 3 Chu-owl-ya 4. Vy-bor-g. 5 Chalk-and-poplar. 6. B-o-libya.
