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The first colonies in North America were created at the beginning of the 17th century by settlers from England, Holland, and France. Especially massive every year was the influx of English colonists. The first colonies in North America were created at the beginning of the 17th century by settlers from England, Holland, and France. Especially massive every year was the influx of English colonists. Virginia, the first English colony in North America, appeared in 1607.

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The territory on which the colonies arose was inhabited by the Iroquois and Algonquins. The total number reached 200 thousand people. The Indians were at the stage of primitive society. At first, they helped the settlers, started trading with them, but soon skirmishes began between the “pale-faced” and “red-skinned”. The colonists tried to push the Indians to the West or turn them into slaves. Slaves - Indians came to replace the "white" slaves, criminals and debtors. This led to bloody wars. The territory on which the colonies arose was inhabited by the Iroquois and Algonquins. The total number reached 200 thousand people. The Indians were at the stage of primitive society. At first, they helped the settlers, started trading with them, but soon skirmishes began between the “pale-faced” and “red-skinned”. The colonists tried to push the Indians to the West or turn them into slaves. Slaves - Indians came to replace the "white" slaves, criminals and debtors. This led to bloody wars.

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The concept of "scalp" for the Indians meant a symbol of valor, and for the white - a check on which money was paid. The Indian Wars ended in the 19th century when they were pushed onto reservations. The concept of "scalp" for the Indians meant a symbol of valor, and for the white - a check on which money was paid. The Indian Wars ended in the 19th century when they were pushed onto reservations. From the 16th century began the importation of blacks to America - slaves. Since the 17th century Negro slavery became lifelong. "White" slaves became overseers of blacks while working on plantations.

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All colonists were considered subjects of the English king. All colonists were considered subjects of the English king. In the middle of the XVIII century. Legislative assemblies began to appear in the colonies and their struggle with the governors began.

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In 1763, George III forbade the colonists to move beyond the Allegheny Mountains. In 1763, George III forbade the colonists to move beyond the Allegheny Mountains. In 1765 the Stamp Duty Act was passed. Troops were stationed in the colonies to "fight the Indians." The colonists declared that the law had been passed by Parliament, where there were no representatives of them. After a long struggle, the law was repealed, but duties were introduced.

Presentation on the topic "English colonies in North America" ​​on history in powerpoint format. This presentation for schoolchildren tells about the formation of the colonies in North America, about economic activities, the inhabitants of the colonies, the formation of the North American nation.

Fragments from the presentation

The first colonies and their inhabitants

  • Western Europe has long looked to the New World as a source of wealth. At the beginning of the 17th century, the British were the first to establish colonies in North America.
  • The initiative in the development of the colonies belonged to the English crown. In 1606, James I granted charters for the foundation of the coast to two trading companies - Plymouth and London.
  • Before disembarking, the men signed an agreement on the joint organization of life according to the laws and customs of the Puritan faith and morality. Then the city of New Plymouth was built on this site, which laid the foundation for the New England colonies. Disembarkation Day is celebrated in the United States as a holiday - Pilgrim Fathers Day.
  • As a result of colonization, the Indians were driven out of the colony or exterminated, and their lands were captured. The colonists tried to explain their actions by religious beliefs.

Formation of the North American Nation:

  • General area
  • Common Religion
  • Single internal market
  • Trade connections
  • Common language - English + words from Native American, German, French
  • Peculiar life of the population

Conflict with the mother country

  • The law, which deprived the colonies of the rights of free trade, was allowed to trade only with England;
  • The English Parliament introduced many prohibitions (on the opening of manufactories, on the production of iron products, the import of cars, etc.);
  • Maintenance of the English army in the colony;
  • In 1763 Royal decree forbidding resettlement in the West;
  • In 1765 The English Parliament passed the Stamp Duty Act

After a three-month voyage on the Mayflower, on November 22, 1620, families of English Puritan settlers landed in North America near Cape Cod. Every year, on Christmas Eve, America celebrates its second birthday. The Landing Day of the Pilgrim Fathers is known in the United States as Forefathers Day (Pilgrim Fathers Day). How it all began…

Immediately, on board the ship, a document was drawn up and signed by all the settlers, which became the first monument and evidence of the spiritual birth of a new nation: "In the name of the Lord, amen. We, the undersigned, hereby solemnly and mutually in the face of God unite into a civil and political body to maintain among us the best order and security, and by virtue of this we will create and introduce such just and equal laws for all, which at one time or another will be considered the most suitable and consistent with the common good of the colonies and to which we promise to follow and obey.

November 25 is Thanksgiving Day in America. This is America's oldest holiday. The first Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621. Then the English colonists who lived in the Plymouth Colony celebrated. Last year's winter was very hard and hungry. The new one didn't bode well either. Then the governor decided to raise the spirit of his subordinates and organized a holiday - Thanksgiving Day. The holiday was celebrated jointly by the British colonists and their Indian neighbors, thanks to whose help the colony survived the first hungry winter. Only half of them survived the harsh winter, but were rewarded with a generous harvest in the following summer, which was the reason for the stormy celebration. At that time, wild turkey was an affordable delicacy on the table. To this day, turkey (but already homemade) and pumpkin pie are indispensable dishes at the holiday.

By 1775, there were already more than 2.5 million settlers in 13 English colonies in North America. Most of them were peasant farmers. They built log cabins, cleared land in virgin forests for arable land, cultivated wheat or corn.

Planters lived in palaces with columns, with large halls for receiving guests. And behind the palaces crowded the miserable huts of slaves. At dawn, the overseers, armed with guns and whips, raised the slaves to work: for disobedience, a bullet or a noose, for a minute of rest, the overseer's whip.

In the colonies there were not only black slaves, but also white ones. They were called indentured servants here. They were beggars, the poor, arrested for debts, convicts, sometimes prisoners of war or political prisoners. All these people were forcibly sent from England to the colonies and sold into temporary slavery for 5-7 years.

The English king, lords and the big bourgeoisie sought to extract as much income as possible from the North American colonies, but at the same time, fearing competition, they hampered the development of industry and trade there in every possible way. The English bourgeoisie regarded their possessions in North America as a source of cheap raw materials for English industry and a profitable market for manufactured goods.

The British authorities forbade the colonists-entrepreneurs to establish woolen, iron-working and other manufactories, merchants were allowed to trade only with England and transport goods only on English ships. There were countless persecutions. For example, iron was allowed to be mined only for export to England; the manufacture of any iron products was prohibited in the colonies.

Especially strong dissatisfaction was caused by the agrarian (land) policy of the metropolis: in 1763, by royal decree, it was forbidden for anyone to move to the west, beyond the ridge of the Allegheny Mountains. This was done so that tenant farmers would not go west to Indian lands, thereby depriving aristocratic landowners of income from rent.

War of Independence

Discontent matured year by year, and when the royal parliament in 1765 introduced stamp duty in the colonies, that is, taxed in favor of England literally every step of the colonists, every trade transaction, every issue of the newspaper, every certificate issued by the authorities to the inhabitants, indignation the colonists broke out. Their resistance was unanimous. Tax collectors, according to popular custom, were smeared with tar and rolled out in feathers, and then they were carried on long poles through the streets or driven in carts to frying pans and buckets under a deafening knock.

Your name is Mary Strong. You've spent most of your life in Charlestown and care about how Massachusetts is run. But as soon as you expressed your point of view on this issue, you were arrested and put on your head an iron device, like a mask, preventing you from speaking. Each of the following situations could have happened in the American colonies at that time. Each contains at least one violation by the British of a right that the Americans thought they had. If you were a colonist, what rights do you think were violated in these situations?

Your name is William Bradford and you live in Philadelphia. You were arrested and your printing press was broken because you used it to print an article criticizing the lieutenant governor, which compared him to a "big cocker spaniel." Should publishers be banned from criticizing the government and its leaders? Why?

The British government tried by all means to force the colonists to pay taxes. In 1773, three English ships arrived in Boston loaded with crates of tea. This tea was advertised for sale at a reduced price, but this price included a small tax in favor of the English treasury. By buying tea, the Americans would recognize the right of the British authorities to tax them. On a dark night, Boston artisans, merchant employees, and other residents of the city, dressed as Indians so that they could not be identified, entered the ships. They threw all the tea into the water.

In London, they decided to punish the Bostonians. The largest port of the northern colonies was closed to all trade. In response, the 13 British colonies of North America united to fight for the destruction of colonial oppression. A congress of representatives of the colonies gathered in Philadelphia, he declared a boycott of English goods and appealed to the King of England and Parliament with a protest.

Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence stated that all men are equal, that the inalienable rights of all are "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." The government receives its power from the people, who can establish this or that government.

How do you think? Who is the text of the Declaration of Independence addressed to? How does this explain why the Declaration refers to "natural rights" and not to "the rights of every Englishman"?

Throughout the country, the Declaration was read in the streets and squares. The people greeted her with a standing ovation. Fireworks thundered from 13 volleys (according to the number of states). Statue of King George III toppled in New York. The lead statue was poured into bullets. The Americans said: "Let the British try the bullets smelted from their king!"

The meaning of "Declaration". The meaning of the "Declaration" has gone beyond the borders of one country. In an era when the feudal system dominated, she challenged this system. Instead of the power of kings, the power of the people, instead of class privileges, the equality of all in rights, instead of a monarchy, a republic.

To achieve independence, the American people had to wage many years of bloody war with England. Only in 1783 did England recognize the independence of the United States. The small village of Lexington, where on April 19, 1775, an armed clash between North American colonists and a regular English army took place, ending in victory for the rebels. It was the first day of the North American Revolutionary War.

After the battle of Lexington and Concord, the colonists attempted to capture a number of English garrisons. At the head of the army of northerners - George Washington. Despite the courage and bravery of the colonists in the next battle on June 17, 1775 near Bankershill, their army was defeated. Battle of Benker Hill

In 1777, the American army suffered another defeat. Philadelphia has been occupied by the British, the Continental Congress is fleeing. Washington endured a bitterly cold winter. in Valley Forge (Pennsylvania), experiencing need and hunger, lack of ammunition. Valley Forge proved to be the most difficult test for the army, but the end of 1777 proved to be a turning point in the struggle for independence.

The British, trying to defend their right to the North American colonies, repeatedly turn to the governments of other countries, including Russia, for help. But almost all the major states of Western and Eastern Europe support the just struggle of the American colonists for independence. On October 19, 1781, after a series of defeats, the main forces of the British, led by the commander, General Cornwall, surrendered to the Americans: the war was essentially over.

After the Treaty of Versailles, signed in September 1783, England recognized the United States as an independent state with a western border along the river. Mississippi. South of the 31st parallel, Florida began, which was received by Spain, and Canada remained with England.

Results of the war. During the years of the war and soon after, the remnants of feudalism were ended in the United States, aristocratic landowners were expelled from the country, white slavery was abolished, and blacks in the Northern states (where they were few) were freed. Power in the country passed into the hands of the bourgeoisie of the North and the planters of the South.

US Constitution. The US Constitution is the fundamental law of the US. The US The US Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787 at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. September 17, 1787 Philadelphia Consists of seven articles, during the validity of the Constitution, twenty-seven amendments were adopted, which are its integral part. The US Constitution is based on the principle of separation of powers between the legislative (Congress), executive (President) and judicial (Supreme Court and lower courts) branches. US states

Benjamin Franklin is the only Founding Father who signed all three of the most important historical documents that underlie the formation of the United States as an independent state: the US Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution and the Treaty of Versailles of 1783. Founding Fathers US Declaration of Independence US Constitution Treaty of Versailles 1783 By decision of the World Peace Council, the name of Franklin is included in the list of the most prominent representatives of Humanity. Philosopher, scientist (studied electric charges, put forward the idea of ​​an electric motor, invented a lightning rod, founded the first library in America).

Amerigo Vespucci - Florentine traveler

in 1503 he wrote to his acquaintance: “These countries should be called the New World. Our ancestors had no idea about them, and, according to everyone, this is the latest discovery.

Lesson topic: First colonies in North America

Lesson Objectives:

You will learn:

  • Where did the first English colonies appear?
  • Why did the British move to America?

  • United States of America (USA)- country in North America. Area - 9.5 million km² (4th place in the world). Population - 325 million people (3rd place in the world). Administratively, the country is divided into 50 states and the District of Columbia. A number of island territories are also subordinate to the United States. The capital is the city of Washington. The inhabitants of the United States are called Americans, and the common name applied to the USA itself is America .
  • What countries borders and what oceans is it washed by?

  • The colony is a country deprived of independence, which is controlled by another, more powerful power.
  • Metropolis- a state whose inhabitants founded colonies.
  • Colonization- the capture and settlement of any territory, accompanied by robbery, extermination of the local population.
  • Pilgrim - Wandering Pilgrim

The first colonies in North America were created by:


England .


The first colonies and their inhabitants

  • 1607foundation of the first English settlement in North America.
  • 1620 .

First colonies.

1607 - The first English settlement in North America is founded, named after

Elizabeth Tudor-


First colonies

  • 1620the foundation of the second settlement, the beginning of the colonization of North America by the British.
  • A total of 13 colonies were formed.

Now in America, the day of the arrival of the Mayflower and the disembarkation of the settlers is celebrated as the day Pilgrim Fathers That's what these people called themselves. (pilgrim - means a wanderer, a wandering pilgrim).

They had to start a new life in difficult conditions. There was not even a roof over their heads. And at first the pilgrims had to live on a ship.

Within 2-3 months, half of the people died due to lack of housing, scurvy and other diseases (not only men arrived, their wives and children were with them.)

The journey usually took from 6 to 12 weeks, and it was dangerous, because in the Atlantic storms and storms often hit ships, people died without reaching their cherished goal. The ships were small, always crowded with people, which did not allow passengers to accommodate comfortably. But, nevertheless, more and more people left England.



Peasants who lost land.

Poor people who have not mastered the craft.

Exiled criminals.

The largest tribes are the Algonquites and the Iroquois.

Settlement of Indian tribes

in North America.


The inhabitants of the colonies were engaged in:

  • agriculture
  • Trade
  • small industry
  • manufacturing industry
  • Plantations of cotton, tobacco and rice were founded.

Composition of the colonial society

  • Planters - landowners
  • Entrepreneurs
  • farmers
  • Salaried workers
  • "Contracted Servants"
  • Negroes are slaves
  • Miscellaneous income
  • Different social status

  • indentured servants - these are immigrants - poor people who do not have the means to move overseas, who have entered into enslaving agreements with merchants and shipowners who resold them in America.

Residents of one country - AMERICANS

Now I connected all these people:

  • unified territory
  • Unified economic

and economic interests

  • Single language
  • Single life





Dependent territory without independent political and economic power, possession of another state.


- a state that owns colonies.

Read the section on the paragraph "Colony Management" (p. 210).

Complete the chart.

Appointed from among the aristocrats

Wealthy men elected

colony management



represented broad rights to the inhabitants of the colonies

upper house

Lower Chamber


executive branch



  • The Indians are the indigenous people of North America with a rich culture adapted to living in this resource-rich, but not always human-friendly land. It was with them that the first settlers from England met during the colonization. They fished, hunted, fought. It was a people with its own traditions, customs, with its own way of life, with its meaning of existence. Compared to the Europeans, they were, of course, on a lower level of existence.

How did the British themselves explain such cruelty?

Open your textbook on p. 208 and find the answer.

Calumet- peace pipe. The joint lighting of the pipe of peace was a sign of friendship, the delivery of tobacco to the enemy was the conclusion of peace between the tribes.

  • Tashunke Vitko Chankpe Opi Kinptuash Tatanka Iyotake Ma-ke-tai-me-she-kia-kiak


  • Paragraph 22, questions: 1,2,5

Used resources

  • http://en.wikipedia.org
  • http://school-collection.edu.ru
  • http://clugword.ru
