Literature lesson in grade 5

IA Krylov's fable "The Pig under the Oak".

Lesson objectives:


Acquaintance with IA Krylov's fable "The Pig under the Oak". Supplement knowledge about the features of the fable genre.


Develop sensitivity to the artistic word. Develop aesthetic perception, emotions, feelings and sensations, intuition.


Cultivate resistance to ignorance.


Illustrations, loto, dictionary, multimedia presentation, stickers, oak leaves.

During the classes

1. Greetings.

Hello guys and guests! See how the sun shines outside the window. On such a beautiful day, I want to give you a good mood, take the hand of your neighbor on the desk, and our guests take the hands of the one sitting next to you, smile, look each other in the eyes and say: “I wish you in class today…»

(slide 1)

2.Emotional charging.

Competition for the best pantomime actor

On separate cards I have written the names of Krylov's fables. (I give it to 3 students) Now, with the help of gestures, it is necessary to depict what is written on the cards, the name of the fable, and the class must recognize the depicted fable. The last student shows the name of the fable, which will be the topic of our lesson

    "The Wolf and the Lamb" (slide 2) Lanovaya

    "Monkey and glasses" (slide 3) Zhurikova

    "Pig under the oak"(slide 4) Petrenko

3. Communication of the topic, the objectives of the lesson.

Well done! Now name the topic of the lesson.

Today in the lesson we will continue our acquaintance with the work of IA Krylov, we will try to reveal the secrets, charm and power of the fable "The Pig under the Oak".

Reception of the Association

Tell me what associations the word evokes in youpig?( each student calls one word in a chain)

4. Checking home assignments

Tell me, what is a fable and what are its features?

To do this, we will conduct a True-False quiz. If the statement is correct, clap your hands, and if it is not true, stamp your feet.

Is it true that in the fable
1. There is a beginning and an ending. Yes
2. Allegory. Yes
3. Impersonation. Yes
4. Three times repetition. Not
5. Morality. Yes
6. There is a detailed plot. Not

5. Interactive Lotto reception.

Let's play loto

Working in pairs ... You have clues on your desks with definitions of conceptsfable, allegory, moral Whoever collects the definition faster, raises his hand and reads in pairs.

1 row Fable -1) a short poetic or prosaic story
2) moral character,

3) which has an allegorical meaning.
(slide 5)
2 row Allegory -1) the image of abstract concepts
2) or properties

3) through a specific image.
(slide 6) 3 moral Moral - 1) lines in the fable,
2) which contain a moralizing conclusion,
3) conclusion
. (slide 7)
Sample check.

6. Reading in pairs

We remembered what components a fable should consist of.

You worked at home on creative project, within the framework of which they were supposed to compose fables and draw illustrations for them. Let's see who made the fable more interesting, who came up with the original plot, used the properties of the fable.

7. Reading aloud fables (2-3 students) Reznikova, Adamenko

8. Acquaintance with the fable "The Pig under the Oak".

1) Target setting.

Now let's get acquainted with the fable "The Pig under the Oak". For this, Katya Romanova will read it to us by heart.

2) Reading fables by heart

Is listening to the fable enough to understand what it is about? No. you need to read it.

3) Reading by echoing (half of the fable)

4) Reading along the chain (line by line) (the remaining half)

5) Reading by roles. (Shemarov, Chursinov, Akulova)

Is listening and reading the work enough to comprehend its meaning?(no, you need to see it)

6) Staging a fable (Pisaruk, Kobylskikh, Nadia)

There are words in the fable that are still unknown to you, let's try now to explain their meaning. To do this, you did research work at home in groups.

9. Research and search work in groups. .

1st group "Linguists": work with various sources (dictionaries, reference books, the Internet)

Purpose: to find out the meaning of wordsingratitude, ignoramus, ignorance, ignorance (Shemarova)

2nd group "Folklorists": work with a collection of Russian proverbs and sayings, with the Phraseological Dictionary (Rud)

Purpose: to find proverbs and sayings with the wordpig.

3rd group "Literary critics": Using critical textbook material, prove that literary work“Pig under an oak tree” belongs to the genre of fable. (Voichenko)

10. Working with the text of the fable. Assimilation of new knowledge.

So, let us first hear from the representative of the group of literary critics (Results of the study of the group “Literary critics”).

You and I have done a good job, now let's rest and have a physical training minute.

11.Exercise minute

They are jumping, jumping in the woods

Hares - gray balls

(Hands near the chest, like the legs of hares; jumping).

Jump - jump, jump - jump -

A hare got up on a stump

(Jumping forward - backward)

I lined everyone up in order, began to show the exercises.

Once! All are marching in place.

Two! They wave their hands together.

Three! We sat down and stood up together.

All scratched behind the ear.

Four stretched.

Five! Bent over and bent over.

Six! All stood up in a row again, walked like a detachment.

Let's look at an excerpt from the fable and try to understand the allegory and moral of the fable “The Pig under the Oak”.

12.View an excerpt from the fable (word of the pig) (slide 8)

How does the Pig make you feel?(unpleasant, disgust)

Now let's work with the text and find which one draws the Pig Krylov?

13. Reading with different intonations

What is the name of the Pig Oak? Read with the correct intonation!("Ungrateful")

What is ingratitude?(Group 1: Ingratitude - lack of a sense of gratitude towards the person who rendered good or service) (slide 9)

But that's putting it mildly ... What is the Pig doing? After all, she didn't just eat without thanking ... Let's listen to the guys from the "Folklorists" group. What kind stable expressions with the wordpig do you remember or find?

( Submit a pig, act like a pig, throw beads in front of pigs, blunt-nosed pig. The pig will find dirt. The pig is full, but it eats everything.

What does expression meanact like a pig, put a pig on ? What character trait in the fable is the Pig personified?

Does the Pig in Krylov's fable understand that by her actions she harms the tree? (no, she “doesn't bother at all”) Why?

What conclusion does Krylov make? What is the moral of the fable?(read out)

Why does Krylov speak of the Pig as an ignoramus? Who are the ignorant? And the ignorant? (1st group “Linguists” give an interpretation of words). (Slide 10)

Which of these words characterizes the Pig? Maybe both?

Pay attention to the definition in front of the word Oak. What does it mean? (The age-old is not only old but also wise. )

The story of the creation of this fable is interesting. She is an argument in a dispute. It was written by Krylov at a time when the nobility was of the opinion that education was not needed. Krylov, however, with his fable, aptly struck opponents of education, proving them wrong, showed the true face, or rather, the snout, of uneducated people. (slide 11) shameless selfish

(On the board: symbolic oak, answer 3 and attach)

17. Lesson summary (teacher feedback, grades)

Who has not heard his living word?

Who in life has not met his own?

Immortal creations of Krylov

We love more and more every year.

From the school desk, we got along with them,

In those days, they barely comprehended the ABC book.

And remained in the memory forever

Krylov's winged words.

M. Isakovsky.

Let the winged words of Krylov's words, lines from his fables remain in your memory, guys, constantly reminding you that shortcomings and whips must be eradicated.

Continue to make the sentence.

1 row I am fascinated by Krylov's fables by the fact that ...

2 row The secret of the fable is that ...

3 row Heroes are unforgettable because ...

Assessment of pupils

Homework. Learn a fable by heart

"Krylov fables" - Do you know the fables of IA Krylov? The origins of the fable genre. Fables - "the book of the wisdom of the people themselves" (N.V. Gogol). What is the originality of I.A. Krylov's fables?

"Krylov's Fables" - "Fox and Grapes". Famous fabulists. Velazquez Diego. "Swan, Cancer and Pike". "Dragonfly and Ant". Monument to I.A. Krylov in Moscow in the summer garden. "Cuckoo and Rooster". Jean de Lefontaine. "Monkey and glasses". Aesop. "The Wolf and the Lamb". "Quartet". Velazquez Diego. Ivan andreevich krylov (1768-1844). There is a sculpture on the patriarch's ponds dedicated to Krylov's fables.

"Krylov Dragonfly and Ant" - Patiently listen to the thoughts of others. “I love where there is a chance to pinch vices” I.А. Krylov. Respect the opinion of the other. St. Petersburg Summer Garden. Memo to work on the fable. The captain identifies the speaker. Are the group members attentive or distracted? Speech warm-up. The moral of the fable. Puzzle. Without work, for the life of me, An ant cannot live.

"Krylov's Fables, Grade 5" - Jean de La Fontaine (1621 - 1695) - French poet, famous as a fabulist. "The wolf in the kennel." Slide numbers. Ivan Andreevich Krylov (1769 - 1844). In St. Petersburg. V. I. Maikov. From 1783 he served in the Treasury in St. Petersburg, was actively engaged in self-education. Mutual praise is never genuine.

"The Wings of the Crow and the Fox" - Fable (by SI Ozhegov) is a short allegorical moralizing poem, a story. Portrait of I.A. Krylov. Disappeared, disappeared. Lost the ability to reason sensibly. Foolish, gullible. Home among the birds. With all my throat -. It became difficult to breathe. Tiptoe fits -. Capture -. Pope. Deceives, flatters, disingenuous.

"Krylov's Fables Lesson" - Lesson extracurricular reading in the 6th grade on the topic "The Fables of Ivan Andreevich Krylov". Guess the moral of the fables Fable "The Wolf in the Kennel" Conclusion. Dictionary work. Lesson plan. Ivan Andreevich showed us a whole menagerie. V.A. Zhukovsky. Krylov was born in Moscow. Organizing time. Ivan Andreevich. Lesson in Russian literature.

Irina D
Scenario of the holiday "We love the immortal creations of Krylov more and more every year!"

Children enter the hall to the music, stand in a semicircle.

Child: 1.

Today our celebration dedicated to the great fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov and his works.

2. Krylov- the great Russian poet - fabulist. Why do we say - "Russian"? Why - "great"?

3. We say - "Russian", because he loved everything Russian... A "great"- because he wrote a lot of fables.

4. Yes, Krylov loved everything Russian: Russian people, Russian language, Russian nature, Russian art.

5. “Who has not heard his living word,

Who in life has not met his own?

Immortals of Krylov's creation

We are with every year we love more and more

6. I worked deeply and seriously Krylov over their works. For 30 years of work, he wrote 205 fables.

7. “And they remained in the memory forever

Winged Krylov words

Song "Native land"

8. Grandpa's Fables Krylov is known to everyone... Who doesn't know them? If you hear this name somewhere, and immediately remember fables that we have loved since childhood: "Swan, Cancer and Pike", "A Crow and a fox", "Fox and grapes", "Siskin and dove".

9. Do you know what a fable is?

A fable is a funny, short, instructive story in verse.

The main characters of fables are animals, things.

To write good fables, you have to be very hardworking person.

The first fable "Fox and grapes"

Staging a fable"Fox and grapes"

The hungry godfather Fox climbed into the garden;

In it the grapes brushed.

The gossip's eyes and teeth flared up;

And the brushes are juicy, like yachts, burn;

Only that is the trouble they hang high:

Otkol and no matter how she comes to them,

Even though the eye sees

Yes, the tooth is numb.

Having made my way in vain a whole hour,

She went and speaks with annoyance: "Well!

He looks good,

Yes, green - no ripe berries:

You will set your teeth on edge right away. "

10. And now "Wattle" on which the grapes grew.

The game "Wattle"

11. What does the word mean "to praise"?

Praise, that is, they say pleasant words when they deserve it. When a person does not deserve praise, but he is praised, this is called flattery.

We learn about flattery from the fable "Cuckoo and Rooster"

Staging a fable"Cuckoo and Rooster"

"How, dear Rooster, you sing loudly, it is important!" -

"And you, Cuckoo, my light,

How you pull smoothly and long:

We don't have such a singer in the whole forest! "-

"I am ready to listen to you, my kumanek, for a century." -

"And you, beauty, I swear,

As soon as you shut up, then I can't wait,

To start you again.

And pure, and gentle, and tall.

Yes, you already come so: small,

And the songs - what is your nightingale! "-

"Thank you, godfather; but, according to my conscience,

You eat better than a bird of paradise.

I refer to everyone in this. "

Here Sparrow happened told them: "Friends!

Though you become hoarse, praising each other, -

All your music is bad. "

Why, without fear of sin,

Is the cuckoo praising the Rooster?

For praising the Cuckoo.

12. Flattering is just as bad as just lying, deceiving.

We often notice shortcomings and more, but we do not see anything.

"What are the sleds - such are themselves"

Staging a fable"Swan cancer and pike"

When there is no agreement in the comrades,

Their business will not go well,

And nothing will come out of him, only flour.

Once a Swan, Cancer and Pike

They took the load with the baggage

And together the three all harnessed themselves to him;

They crawl out of their skin, but the cart is still not moving!

Luggage would seem easy for them:

Yes the Swan is bursting into the clouds,

Cancer moves back, and Pike pulls into the water.

Who is guilty of them, who is right - it is not for us to judge;

Yes, only things are still there.

13. In order to do any business with friends with friends, you need to come to an agreement.

The game "Turnip"

14. Friendship helps everyone

Helps out of any trouble.

Song "A true friend"

15. Ears on the crown, listen carefully to the fable of Ivan Andreevich Krylova"Mirror and Monkey"

Staging a fable"Mirror and Monkey"

The monkey, seeing his image in the Mirror,

Quietly the Bear is kicked:

“Look,” he says, “my dear godfather!

What kind of mug is that?

What grimaces and leaps she has!

I would strangle myself with longing

Whenever she was even a little like her.

But, admit, there is

Of my gossips, there are five or six such antics:

I can even count them on my fingers. "

Isn't it better to turn to yourself, godfather? "-

Mishka answered her.

But Mishenka’s advice was wasted.

There are many such examples in the world.:

Not loves recognize no one himself in satire.

I even saw that yesterday:

Everyone knows that Klimich is unclean;

People read about bribes to Klimich.

And he furtively nods at Peter.

16. The chest was the most favorite for Krylov... There were books in this chest. And what weren't there! Thick volumes of satirist magazines, adventure novels, novels about travelers and even the famous encyclopedia "Writer".

These books introduced little Vanya to folk songs and proverbs. From them Krylov received the first information about science.

At the very bottom of the chest was a small booklet. From time to time, the pages in it turned yellow. This book was called "Aesop's Fables"... It is these fables that are already in early age left a deep mark on Vanya's soul.

The passion for reading and the treasured chest was the greatest joy.

Staging a fable"Pig under the oak"

Pig under the century-old oak

I ate my fill of acorns, to the dump;

After eating, I slept under it;

Then, having pierced my eyes, I got up

And she began to undermine the roots of the Oak with a snout.

"After all, it hurts the tree, -

She and Dubu Raven speaks, -

If you bare the roots, it can dry out. "

"Let it dry," says the Pig, "

It doesn't bother me at all

I see little use in him;

Though not for a century, I will not regret it at all;

Only there were acorns: because they make me fat ".

"Ungrateful! - said Oak to her here, -

Whenever you could raise your snout,

You should have seen

That these acorns are growing on me. "

The ignorant is also blinded

Scolds science and learning

And all the scientific works,

Not feeling that he is partaking of their fruits.

17. The great fabulist drew many plots from proverbs and sayings.

18. "Without labor, there is no good"

19. "You can't cut down a tree in one go"

20. "There is patience for wanting"

21. "It's time to come and the water will go"

22. "Walk, walk, but then don't blame"

23. "The one who laughs last laughs"

Staging a fable"Siskin and dove"

Chizha slammed by the villainous trap:

The poor thing in it was torn and rushed,

And the young Dove mocked him.

"Do not you be ashamed," he says, "in broad daylight

Wouldn't take me like that:

I can vouch for this boldly. "

An, look, he immediately got entangled in the snare.

Don't laugh at someone else's trouble, Dove.

24. How much truth about life, about people can be told in poetic story like a fable. Bees and ants are almost always hardworking... That's about hard work you will now hear the fable.

Staging a fable"Dragonfly and Ant"

Jumping Dragonfly

Summer sang red

I didn't have time to look back,

As winter rolls into your eyes.

The field is dead,

There are no longer those bright days

How under with every leaf

Both the table and the house were ready.

Everything is gone: with cold winter

Need, hunger comes

The dragonfly no longer sings

And who will go to mind

Sing hungry on your stomach!

Dejected by an angry longing,

She crawls to the Ant:

Don't leave me, dear godfather!

Let me gather strength

And until spring only days

Feed and warm up!

Gossip, I find it strange:

Did you work in the summer?

Ant says to her.

Before that, my dear fellow, was it?

In soft ants we have -

Songs, playfulness every hour,

So, that turned my head.

Oh, so you.

I sang a whole summer without a soul.

Did you all sing? This case:

So go and dance!

Game - construction "House" (made of bricks)

25. Krylov chose his own path.

When asked what attracted him to the world of fables, he said: "After all, my animals speak for me"

Orchestra - dramatization"Stubborn Bear"

26. Fables Krylova do not age... Lines from fables entered speech, became familiar.

27. Fables Krylova widely known not only in our country, but also in other countries. They have been translated into over 50 languages.

28. Fables Krylova is especially dear to us... They are Russian and written about us and for us. They cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Read, study them!

Topic. Expressive reading of the fable by I.A. Krylova "Pig under the Oak".

Target: improve skills expressive reading 6th graders, to deepen their knowledge of the theory of expressive reading; develop aesthetic taste.
Equipment: the text of the fable by I.A. Krylova "Pig under the Oak"; illustrations for the fable; "Pig under the Oak": a video clip for a literature lesson.
Lesson type: speech development lesson; lesson type - expressive reading lesson.


І. Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

II. Homework check.

III. Learning new material.

  1. Methodical commentary. Fable I.A. Krylov's "Pig under the Oak" is a work that, perhaps more than others, will allow students to comprehensively reveal the facets of their performing skills. And since the speech score of this fable already includes more complex elements, then a prerequisite for the lesson of expressive reading becomes the deepening of the knowledge of 6-graders on the theory of expressive reading.
    In grade 5, students received general idea on the concepts of "pause" and "stress" and developed the primary skills of composing speech scores (See: "Integrated course. Literature (Russian and world): A book for a teacher. Grade 5 / Compiled by SE Evtushenko, T.I. Korvel, A.S. Onikienko, N.N. Pokatova, L.M. Sipko. - Kiev: Gramota, 2013 (pp. 94-95).
    In grade 6, students should learn that pauses are logical and psychological. Logical a pause denoted by a vertical bar in the speech score can be short (|) and long (||). Its duration depends on the logic of the division of the text. For example, a pause in the comma is usually short, but a dash and a full stop require the reader to pause for a longer time while performing a piece aloud.
    But there are more complex view pauses - psychological... (In a speech score, a psychological pause is usually denoted \ /). It occurs much less often, in exceptional cases: for example, when you need to focus on the next word, imitate remembering or searching for the right word, emphasize emotional stress, fear, unexpectedness, reticence, deliberate silence, a sudden stop in speech, etc. Such a pause can be anywhere: between phrases, and in the middle of a measure, and at the place of dividing marks, and where they are not.
    The main thing that 6-graders should remember (and write in a notebook) are two main functions of a psychological pause:
    • focus the listeners' attention on the words just spoken, give them the opportunity to feel what they have heard
    • psychologically prepare the audience for the perception of what will sound now, as if warning them about the importance of the following information.
    During a logical pause, the reader simply makes a small pause in speech, thus breaking up the sentence into separate measures. This pause is called passive. But a psychological pause is not just a stop, it is “silence with meaning”. Such a pause is called active, emotional, and therefore the reader must be able to "play" it. Great master of stage training K.S. Stanislavsky said that during a psychological pause, the actor must feel especially deeply what he is talking about, he must penetrate into the thoughts and feelings of the author, comprehending the ideological and emotional meaning of both the specific spoken phrase and the entire text. Therefore, he needs not only to remain silent, but to actively “live” this stop in speech. After all, the psychological pause is closely related to the subtext of the work - that is, its inner essence, which does not always lie on the surface.
    Logical pauses are familiar to every speaker, and if the reader correctly understands the content of the sentences pronounced by him, they are quite easily reproduced. Psychological pauses require special preparation. That is why, before reading any text in front of the audience, the performer must, first of all, carefully work on its general, deep meaning. You can say this: the reader must first understand WHAT he wants to convey to the audience with his reading, and only then look for ways HOW he will do it.
  2. Introductory speech of the teacher:"How to read a fable correctly."
    If we talk about expressive reading of fables, then it would be more accurate to say not “expressive reading”, but “expressive storytelling”. As the contemporaries of the great Russian fabulist I.A. Krylov, he read his fables in such a tone, in such an innocent and natural manner that his reading could be taken as a continuation of everyday conversation.
    That is, reading a fable is based on the principle of a living and natural storytelling, which includes the same lively and natural reproduction of characters' replicas. It should be remembered that living speech is replete with shades, and therefore the reader must convey not only the main content of the fable, but also all the variety of its logical and emotional content.
    The author's text, which precedes the development of events, is read in a narrative and informative manner, preparing listeners to perceive the main events. But not always all the words of the author must be pronounced in a "neutral" tone. For example, the author's comments on the negative actions of the heroes should be read with irony, as if “appropriating” the author’s text, present it as “your” story about real events and their participants.
    Reading replicas requires special skill. After all, each actor fables embodies a certain type of people. You will need it here developed imagination the reader about the individual characteristics of the character of the character, the manner of his behavior, as well as the ability to change the pitch of the voice, its strength, tempo. But the reader should not get too carried away with "reincarnation" into the heroes of the fable - animals, because the main direction of the work is to reveal the vices of people, which the author realizes through allegory and elements of comic.
    The moral of the fable is pronounced more slowly, instructively, in the form of reasoning. This is either a reminder of a known truth, or the advice of a wise man, or an ironic criticism of some deed. Before morality and after it, it is imperative to make tangible pauses (more often - psychological) in order to draw the attention of listeners to the conclusion that the author has embodied in morality.
    Fables, in which the direct speech of the characters occupies an important place, make it possible to draw an element of staging to reading. At the end of the lesson we will try to read the fable "The Pig under the Oak" in the cast. But we must not forget that the perfect execution of the entire work by one reader is, as a rule, a more difficult task. Therefore, in the lessons of expressive reading, we will give preference to monologue reading, because it is this that requires students to work more conscientiously both on the qualities of the voice, and on intonation, and on the emotionality of reading.
  3. Listening to the reading of the fable "The Pig under the Oak" by a professional reader.

  4. Ideological and thematic analysis of the fable. Deciphering the allegory.
    In the fable "Pig under the Oak" Krylov, through the technique of allegory, flaunts and makes fun of human stupidity and ignorance, which are worthy of universal condemnation. He denounces the ignorant who are not capable of analyzing the cause-and-effect relationship in life events and phenomena, and most importantly - ridicules their complete unwillingness to seek this connection at all. For the realization of his plan, the fabulist very successfully chose the image of the Pig. First of all, starting from the folklore interpretation of the image of the Pig (proverbs, sayings, fairy tales), we can assert that we often associate the pig with laziness, gluttony, and ignorance. Krylov vividly emphasized both the fact that the pig is very fond of acorns, and the fact that it can dig the ground with its snout even for no apparent reason - just for pleasure. And based on the physiological characteristics of this animal, we know that the pig is really, through a special structure of the body, is not able to raise its head high up. The raven in the fable represents an ordinary person, who, rather, is not outraged by the behavior of the Pig, but is naively surprised by it. And the old Oak, which from the Pig's point of view is simply not worthy of her attention, is the embodiment of age-old wisdom, worldly truth.
  5. Work on the speech score of the fable. Commenting by the teacher on logical, psychological pauses, phrasal and logical stresses (that is, words underlined with one and two lines).

    Pig under the Oak

    Pig | under the century-old oak |
    I ate my fill of acorns, | to the dump; |
    After eating, I slept under it; |
    Then, having pierced my eyes, I got up \ /
    And snout | she began to undermine the roots of the Oak. ||
    "After all, it harms the tree, - |
    To her with Dubu Raven says, - |
    If you bare the roots, | it can dry up. " \ /
    ”Let it dry, - | says the Pig, - |
    That doesn't bother me in the least; |
    I see little use in him; |
    Though not for a century, | I will not regret it at all, |
    Only acorns were used: | because they make me fat ”. ||
    "Ungrateful! - | said Oak to her here, - |
    Whenever up | you could raise your snout, |
    You should have seen, |
    What are these acorns | they grow on me. " \ /

    Ignorant | also blinded |
    Scolds science | and learning, |
    And all scientific works, |
    Not feeling | that he eats their fruits. ||

  6. Detailed advice for expressive reading of a fable.
    So, we read the fable in this way. We pronounce the exposition (the first 4 lines) slowly, with a narrative intonation, but we must take into account that such a seemingly casual nature of speech should not be devoid of the necessary emotionality. The task of the reader is determined by two directions: to verbally describe the Pig and at the same time to emphasize the author's attitude towards her in a tone of voice. And it is clearly formed from the very first lines of the work: this is a disregard for those whose meaning of life is reduced to two life pleasures - to eat and sleep. Important role in the formation of the necessary emotions, the expressive vocabulary, which was successfully selected by the author, plays: I ate “to the bone,” but did not open my eyes, but “tore it up”.
    At the end of the fourth line, a psychological pause would be appropriate - it prepares us for the plot, concentrated in the fifth line. We try not to remain silent for a psychological pause, but to play: even before the fifth line is uttered, the reader's facial expression should prompt the listeners that he will now report on some disgusting action of the character in the work.
    In scoring the string, the peak of emotionality falls on the word "snout": we pronounce it with a pronounced disgust. Before direct speech, we make a stop slightly longer than usual. The words of the Raven should be said not so much with instruction as with surprise at the senseless act of the Pig. The author's text ("The Crow speaks to her with Dubu") should sound somewhat quieter and with a lower timbre coloration of the voice.
    Before the Pig's response to Raven's remarks, we again maintain a psychological pause: after all, a climax is brewing in the work, and we must attract listeners to it. When reading this part of the fable, the performer will need extraordinary skill, since this is where the main topic works: the image of stupidity, utter stupidity and ignorance, which, moreover, are combined with arrogant self-confidence. The words "Let it dry" must be pronounced with exorbitant, hypertrophied narcissism, as the people say - pouting. Quietly we say the author's remark (“the Pig is speaking”), and the next four lines are like an ambitious lesson in “pig's worldly wisdom”: to live only for your own pleasure. We put the logical emphasis on the word "acorn", and stretch the word "fat" a little ("zhi-re-eu") and sound it out with maximum pleasure and frank boastfulness.
    Oak's words contain the denouement of the piece. They should be read judiciously, with a touch of teaching, but without fail leaving a subtle note of disgust, which will be emphasized on the word "snout". When pronouncing the replica of Oak, the reader must add to the sound embodiment of the thought of the work also expressive facial expressions and gestures.
    Before dubbing the moral of the fable, we make a psychological pause. By means of facial expressions, we prepare the listeners for the utterance of the highest worldly wisdom. Morality itself is traditionally pronounced in a serious tone - as a result, a general conclusion from the described situation, which transfers the understanding of the plot from the allegorical to the universal or even philosophical plan.

    Note. Students should be aware that the performance of a work of art allows for an element of individual interpretation. Therefore, there may be certain discrepancies in the speech score of different readers. However, aspiring readers should follow the teacher's advice as much as possible.
    The speech score of the fable "The Pig under the Oak" offered here is the basis for working with the text of the fable. Options for marking individual bars can be as follows: "let it dry", "it does not bother me at all", "because they make me / / get fat", "what he eats | their fruits. "

  7. Reading a fable by students.(First - individual, then - in faces).
    Before the lesson of expressive reading, students must definitely perform a small warm-up of the speech apparatus. An approximate list of warm-up exercises was given in the above-mentioned manual (pp. 101-102).

Theater competition "Fables of Ivan Andreevich Krylov"
"Dragonfly and Ant"
1 girl: Three girls under the window
Spun late in the evening.
One girl says:
2 maiden: - I'm bored, I want to go to the capital!
3 maiden: - To the capital? Well sister
Listen to this story.
(The fabulist enters) Once Uncle Krylov
I went out into the field.
He sees
Like a huge ant
Summons all friends.
Ant: (pulls a huge caterpillar)
- Hey, comrades! Friends!
Help the ant out!
Here is the story
Listen, forest lads!
3 maiden: Long Ant was broadcasting
He told about everything.
And the story of MIRACLES-ON-I ...
Very even NOT-ASK-TA-I!
Ant: I pull ... and then I push ... But what a fat woman!
Something painfully heavy!
Dragonfly: (dancing, frivolous)
Leave her and all the work!
(picks off a leaf and covers the Ant's head with it).
I see you are tired. Here, put it on from the heat! Than messing around all day, I'd better have fun with us!
Ant: And work?
Dragonfly: (carefree)
Ant: (judgmental)
No, that won't work! He who always wants to be full, He has been busy with that since spring.
(The ant again takes its caterpillar and drags it into the anthill).
1 maiden: Jumping Dragonfly Summer red sang; I did not have time to look back, As winter rolls into my eyes.
(The howling of the wind is heard)
2 maiden: Pure field is dead; There are no longer those bright days, As under each leaf she was ready and the table and the house.
3 maiden: Everything is over: with a cold winter. Need, hunger comes; The dragonfly no longer sings: And who will go into the mind On a hungry stomach to sing!
(The dragonfly walks slowly towards the anthill and knocks. The Ant looks out) Dragonfly: (plaintively)
Don't leave me, dear godfather! Let me gather strength And until the spring days Only Feed and warm!
Gossip, this is strange to me: Did you work in the summer?
Dragonfly: (enthusiastically)
Before, my dear, there was
In soft ants we have Songs, playfulness every hour, So that my head turned.
Oh, so you ...
Dragonfly: I without a soul sang the whole summer.
Ant: Did you all sing? This is the case: So go and dance!
(The ant slams the door in front of the Dragonfly. The dragonfly wanders away) 1,2,3 damsel (together):
If suddenly I recognized myself
You will know that this is not possible!
"Pig under the oak"
(The music of PI Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​is played. Children in costumes of flowers and mushrooms are performing a dance) 1 presenter: Look, friends, what a wonderful view!
A clearing and mushrooms, a mighty oak stands.
2 presenter: But if we have an ignoramus here,
how can everything here turn to dust.
Mushrooms: Flowers are trampled, myceliums are ruined,
Will we be able to be reborn again?
1 presenter: How many times have they told the world
that there is morality in fables, but everything is not for the future.
We want to teach the ignorant a lesson.
Host 2: And in this matter we are already ready to help "The Pig under the Oak" by grandfather Krylov.
(Pig appears, grunts, imitates what the presenter says)
Host 3: Pig under the Century Oak
I ate the acorns to my full, to the dump; After eating, I slept under it;
Then I cut through my eyes and stood up
And she began to undermine the roots of the Oak with a snout.
(The Pig is digging under the oak. A Crow flies out from behind the bushes and sits down next to the Pig)
Raven: After all, it hurts the tree,
Do not deserve an oak from you insults!
If you bare the roots, it can dry out.
Pig: Let it dry from the top of the head to the stump!
That doesn't bother me in the least;
I see little use in him;
Even if you don’t be for it, I will not regret it at all,
Only there would be acorns: without them, after all, I'm hu-de-yu.
Oak: Ungrateful! After all, you are rummaging here,
Whenever you could raise your snout,
You should have seen
That these acorns are growing on me.
1 presenter: The ignoramus is also blinded
Scolds science and learning,
And all the scientific works,
Not feeling that he is partaking of their fruits.
Mushrooms: The ignorant, it’s true, they don’t read fables,
And, therefore, they do not know this morality.
They spit in the well, although it may come in handy,
When it's time to drink water.
Leading 2: Ignoramuses chop off branches, although they are sitting on it.
Teachers are scolded, they do not want to study.
Host 3: What a pig! - people are that offend
All those who surround them with care,
And they destroy that which gives them fruit,
Not seeing this for myself trouble.
We should not, friends, be like this ungrateful and stupid pig.
In chorus, all participants:
Thank you for the moral to your beloved poet!

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