There are two types of creative work: compulsory (they are offered as an assignment for assessment) and optional. The latter reflect the creative potential to the maximum extent, but the path to them lies through the former. Many guys do not feel talented or determined to fulfill creative tasks- compulsory work can push them to do this.

Types of creative assignments


The most common type children's creativity... Depending on the subject and age of the student, you can offer to draw an illustration for literary work, to your own composition, to make cards with foreign words and pictures for younger students, to depict the process of photosynthesis or the neutralization reaction in an associative drawing.

You can do this work as a group.

Application, modeling, various types of handicraft: quilling, paper plastic, origami, etc.

The essence of the work is the same, only these types of creativity usually require a better mastery of technique and good spatial thinking.

Book creation

This is a real creative project (individual or group). Can be performed in different techniques. It may be a handwritten book with hand-drawn illustrations; you can decorate the book with an applique; you can make a book on a computer and print it on a printer.

Scientific projects by subject or integrated

They can be research-oriented or practice-oriented, but in any case it comes about scientific creativity. Usually a group form of work is used, but individual projects are also possible.

Examples of research projects:

  • "The dirtiest surface in a biology classroom."
  • "Features of the behavior of a cat given up for overexposure to someone else's family."
  • "The most popular names in our school."
  • "The use of erroneous forms of the gender of nouns by students in grades 5-6."
  • "Application of methods based on inertia in engineering and construction."

Examples of practice-oriented projects:

  • “Success Memo: Time Management Rules for Children”.
  • "Dictionary of the youth slang of our village."
  • "Project of an automatic machine for sprinkling ice with a reagent."
  • "Development of an interactive test for computer diagnostics of knowledge on the topic" Hydrogen ".
  • "Development of a mixture for feeding birds in winter, taking into account the species found in the area of ​​our school."


This form, typical of literature lessons, can be successfully applied to other subjects. After all, we are talking about the form of a sequential presentation of information about something:

  • What is it (or who)?
  • What are its distinctive features ("Only such a rectangle is called a square ...").
  • What can be reported about him: properties, relationships, theorems, reactions, formulas, battles won, open laws, friendship or enmity with other heroes ...

Comparison composition

And again we have a form that can be used on any school subject: it is not necessary to compare Onegin and Pechorin, you can compare the rhombus and the square, Mercury and Venus, France and Spain, the Russo-Japanese and the First World War.

Problematic essay

An extremely useful form of verbal and scientific creativity. Examples of essay topics:

  • Is honor obsolete?
  • Could the revolution in 1917 have been avoided?
  • Nuclear power: pros and cons.
  • Is it possible to change the economic situation in Siberia?
  • What would happen if everyone suddenly disappeared flowering plants on the ground?

Essay in the format of the exam

This, of course, is a work on the Russian language and, moreover, very specific. High school students can do it in full, and younger children can simplify it. In primary school, propose a text with an already formulated problem and invite you to express your informed opinion on it. V high school the guys should already be learning to determine the author's position, as well as to select arguments.

Burime and other poems

Burime is the composition of a poem according to given rhymes; you can also come up with second lines to the first, etc.

Drawing up crosswords, charades, rebuses, anagrams


A game in which all the words of the name are reversed or simply different. For example, "Green Shoe" - "Little Red Riding Hood", "Gimbal Rule" - "Cork Exclusion", etc. You can invite children to guess and come up with such shape-shifters.

Compilation of a problem book or collection of exercises

In any subject, you can offer to compose a test, questionnaire, problem book and a similar collection for classmates or younger children. You can complicate the task by suggesting to come up with funny problems in the style of "Problem book" by G. Oster or those in which all words begin with the same letter.

"Guess who"

A creative game that can be carried out constantly or from time to time and in different ways.

Its essence boils down to the fact that the student thinks of a person (literary hero, scientist, historical figure) or a phenomenon (industry, chemical element, country), while others guess. The options are:

  • the student writes everything he can about his "hero", starting with little-known facts and ending with well-known;
  • classmates ask questions about a hidden person or object, but only those that can be answered "yes" or "no";
  • two teams compete, and the word for guessing is determined by lot (by drawing out one of the cards prepared by the teacher);
  • sometimes students are encouraged to constantly keep a guessing book and write in it one riddle about any character or concept from each paragraph.

"Six hats"


This technique is borrowed from American teachers. The name comes from the first letters of the words:

  • R - role.
  • A - audience.
  • F - format (form).
  • T - topic.

The essence of the technique is that the student creates a statement on behalf of the selected character. Moreover, the performer of the role must take into account all the circumstances in which the character finds himself. The role and circumstances are suggested by the teacher, by lot.

  • Role: Reporter.
  • Audience: Readers of the magazine "Women's Share".
  • Format: Problem article.
  • Topic: Suicide of Katerina Kabanova.

We have presented only a few of the possible creative tasks that can be used in the classroom, but it is impossible to cover them all, because new ones appear literally every day. What creative tasks do you use? Share in the comments to the article.

Creativity is a creation that generates new spiritual and material values.

Creativity is the creation of something new and beautiful, it resists destruction, a template, banality, stupidity, inertia, it fills life with joy, arouses the need for knowledge, the work of thought, introduces a person into an atmosphere of eternal search.

On the lessons native language creativity of children is possible with the perception readable works, with their expressive reading, translation, especially - in dramatization; in various types of work, in language games, in compiling dictionaries, modeling the phenomena of language, and the like.

In creativity, self-expression, self-disclosure of the child's personality are carried out.

The native language has always been and remains the main subject at school; it plays a decisive role in the spiritual life of a child. K.D. Ushinsky: “The language of the people is the best, it never fades and the color of its spiritual life, which begins far in history, eternally blossoms again. The whole people and their entire homeland are spiritualized in the language, the creative forces of the national spirit are embodied in it ... Language is the most alive, the most abundant and strongest connection, uniting the outdated, living and future generations of the people into one great historical living whole. "

The native language at school is an instrument of cognition, thinking, development; it has rich opportunities for creative enrichment. Through language, the student masters the traditions of his people, their worldview, ethnic values; through language he approaches the greatest treasures - Russian literature and the literatures of other peoples. Reading books opens up to the student new world knowledge.

A serious and difficult task of a teacher is to teach children to think, reflect on everything that is happening around and be able to talk about it, share their thoughts. It is this task that such academic subjects as the Russian language and literature are called upon to fulfill. These school subjects should teach children the ability to think creatively. One of the important tasks of training is the development of literary and creative inclinations, linguistic creativity, needs and the ability to own the wealth of the native language.

There are many teaching methods and aids to solve this problem. Reading itself in literature lessons presupposes the co-creation of the reader. The most important role in the development of students' speech, as well as their creative abilities, is played by creative work. There are all kinds of creative works: essay, essay-miniature, presentation, essay-description of the picture, essay-review, review.

One of the main types of creative work is the work. This work teaches students to think, reason. It is in the work that the creative abilities of students are manifested. But in order for this type of work to really interest children, it is necessary to correctly formulate the theme of the work. Think it over so that the student, working on it, could express his opinion, personal attitude to the problem. Usually, students willingly write essays on topics that suggest the possibility of an emotional response to what the student has read or seen, encourage personal assessments of literary facts, life situations. The work should be not only a stencil test of students' knowledge. In such works, there is no room left for the presentation of their experiences, intentions, judgments, there is no element of creativity.

Children's work is a kind of self-expression, self-awareness of a child. With the help of the work, children will share their impressions, experiences with the teacher, the class. The value of a children's work is determined by how much it reflects the feelings, thoughts of the child, the freshness of his perception of any phenomena.

A work, like a coherent speech in general, is a section of the Russian language and literature, a reflection and result of all training, which means that preparation for it begins long before it is written - from the first days of school.

The topic determines the content of the work, therefore any new topic is new content. However, today the form, and not the content, is the forming factor that determines the purpose of the work. As a result, all the richest opportunities for this type of training are completely dependent on the correctness of the text, excluding any possibility of independent reflection on the topic. After all, it is clear that in creative work it is difficult to plan the number of proposals. Therefore, students are given narrow boring topics that do not affect their minds and emotions. This affects the general development of the child, the formation of his worldview.

There are two main groups of topics: reproductive and creative. The themes of the first group involve the disclosure of any separate fact, phenomenon related to the experience of children or a separate academic subject. The second group - creative topics, the writing of which requires the child to creatively rework the entire fund of acquired knowledge. Developing such topics, the student is forced to carry out the subject transfer of knowledge, emotional-value judgments appear. Creative themes form the most important thing: the need for self-expression, for empathy, form the ability to transfer and connect knowledge from different areas, reflect on known facts and phenomena. Thus, conditions are created for the disclosure of all the intellectual and spiritual capabilities of children.

For the development of the individual capabilities of schoolchildren, such topics are very important that give them complete freedom in choosing a genre and even, to some extent, the content of their work. For example, "May there always be sunshine!"

Of particular importance is the formulation of topics, their emotional presentation. The teacher should strive to arouse the children’s interest in the work. This aspect is very important for motivating linguistic creativity, because it is how the student reacts to the task that largely determines its implementation. The formation of creative themes should correspond to the expected result: a multidimensional coverage of reality, the manifestation of an emotional-value judgment, that is, to affect not only the child's mind, but also his feelings.

Miniature works have a bright emotional coloring. This type of creative work has recently been used often both in Russian language lessons and in literature lessons. In the fifth and sixth grades, children can be offered a variety of topics for writing miniature works, for example: "My school", "Russian language lesson", "Our class", "My teacher", "Culture of the Russian people" and many others.

Such creative works, which take no more than ten minutes in the lesson, are very popular among schoolchildren, they develop their speech skills. Most importantly, in such works you can see the direct reaction of children to what they write about. And this is very important from the point of view of education.

Creative works contribute to literary and overall development schoolchildren, their moral education, the formation of their aesthetic taste.

At all levels of teaching the Russian language for the purpose of development monologue speech learners can use landscape painting genre. Experience shows that schoolchildren write essays-descriptions based on pictures with interest. In the fifth - sixth grades, it is advisable to use landscapes with a clear content objectivity, with a clearly expressed pattern, close to the life experience of students in their environment, simple in composition. Landscapes should be accessible to students, related to a specific lexical and grammatical topic, arouse students' need for speech activity, help educate their moral and aesthetic qualities.

The following landscapes meet these requirements: “Landscape with Oaks” by A. Savrasov, “Morning in a Pine Forest”, “Rye” by I. Shishkin, “Winter Evening” by N. Krymov, “March Sun”, “End of Winter. Noon ”by K. Yuon, etc. An essay-description based on a painting not only develops the creative abilities of children, but also introduces schoolchildren to art, develops aesthetic taste, acquaints them with the work of outstanding artists. It is in such lessons that you can use multimedia technologies. You can show the children a portrait of the artist, briefly tell about his life and work, acquaint with the best works. This is much more effective than working with a reproduction in a textbook, since children can follow the stages of the artist's work, better understand the theme, the idea of ​​the painting. All this arouses their keen interest, makes their imagination work.

Another type of creative work is presentation, as well as presentation with elements of the composition. This type of work develops children's memory, the ability to retell a text. A presentation with elements of an essay teaches students not only a written presentation of what they have read, but also the ability to express their thoughts on a specific topic.

The purpose of texts about the culture of the Russian people for various types of dictations and creative works is to give practical material on all the main grammar and spelling sections of the Russian language program.

The bank of texts is intended for those who teach the Russian language at all levels (at school, college, lyceum, university), for everyone who is interested in the originality of the Russian language and worries about its fate.

The process of organizing children's speech creativity includes the following interrelated stages:

Indirect preparation stage;

The stage of direct work on the work (choosing a topic, introducing it to children, organizing independent work);

The stage of work on a work after it has been written (oral discussion, use in the lessons on various academic subjects) .

Test Project

Creative work on the topic:

"New opportunities for creativity

in educational activities ".

Essay by the teacher of the Russian language and MOU literature School No. 2

Art. Grigoropolis, Novoaleksandrovsky District, Stavropol Territory

Anna Shelsky

The more we give joy and care to others, the more happiness we get ourselves.

Ancient wisdom

A teacher ... A modern teacher ... When I think about these concepts, I think about myself, about the school where I came to work in September of this school year, about education in general. Where am I in all this? Am I a real teacher? Modern?

I'm sure it's too early for me to talk about it. After all, the life of a teacher can be compared to climbing a mountain peak. First you dream and think, then you make plans and get ready. And then a long and hard climb begins.

I am just at the beginning of this journey. My school dream came true: after graduating from Armavir State Pedagogical University, I received the specialty of a teacher of Russian language and literature. I started to climb the mountain. And where? In his native Grigoropolis MOU secondary school №2. Next to me is my beloved classroom teacher, teacher of the Russian language and literature, now my mentor is Irina Viktorovna Goncharova. I think: I was lucky because I was in perfect conditions to start. teaching activities... And yet, I must find new opportunities for creativity in the educational process.

I worked for several months. During this time, I managed to experience the joy of first success and first victories, bitterness and tears of failures and mistakes. But I know what exactly did not happen. There was no disappointment, there was no such moment that you wanted to give up and give up everything.

While still studying at the Pedagogical University, I knew that I wanted to become a good teacher. I knew that for this you need to have not only excellent knowledge, but also kind soul, and a sensitive heart. And now I also realize that I must be in constant creative search, as well as in search of an answer to the question: "What and how to teach schoolchildren?"

And now I work at a school of the XXI century. Modern technologies allow the teacher to show his creativity to the maximum, to reveal his pedagogical potential and add variety to your lessons. Within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard, conditions have been created in our school for a child to acquire knowledge on his own, to engage in self-education, to have the opportunity to try his hand at various fields, including research activities. I feel great satisfaction in the knowledge that I have been given the opportunity to be in the center of what is happening.

Yes, in the 21st century, the teacher entered the age of new technologies. And there is no doubt that a modern teacher needs to be competent in the field of ICT and introduce them into the educational process. I do it with pleasure. From my own little experience I know that lessons with the use of multimedia and the Internet increase interest in the study of the Russian language and literature, thanks to their use, the effectiveness of independent work increases, there is an opportunity to more widely realize their creative plans. These are truly new opportunities for the development of creativity in the educational process.

Now it is generally difficult to imagine the work of a teacher without using information technologies, allowing using a computer and various information programs to build lessons, conduct extracurricular and extracurricular activities. That is why you have to constantly study yourself and work a lot. This means that self-education is a priority for a teacher in modern world... The teacher must know not only his subject and master the methodology of teaching it, but also have knowledge in other spheres of public life, navigate in modern politics and economics.

Before the teachers stands the most important task to educate children in such a way that they can quickly respond to the changing conditions of the world around them, be able to discover new problems and tasks, find ways to solve them. To achieve this, an innovative approach is needed that ensures the transition to a productive and creative level and the creation of a system of interaction between students, teachers, and parents to solve educational problems.

Undoubtedly, children are central to this process. Communicating with them, I constantly feel a deep inner happiness, I feel necessary for those who are sitting in front of me. Of course, it is impossible to be lower than what they love in me, because right now I am the smartest, kindest, most beautiful for them. And at this moment I understand: for the sake of this feeling I live, I suffer, I read many books, try, experiment, fantasize - because I cannot let them down, I have no right to betray our unity. Words by S.L. Nightingale reflect mine pedagogical credo on the relationship between teacher and student: “There are no two relationships to a child - pedagogical and human. There is one thing and only one thing - human. "

I remember these words of the famous teacher also because I am the class teacher of the 5-A grade. First of September. First Classroom hour... The first question to yourself: "Will I be able to?" The ringing bell changed my life. When my fifth-graders ran into the class, I realized: my place is here, in this office, in this school. And so every day I tell them everything that I know and can do. And I am happy to see that they like it. They are not the only ones learning - I continue to learn with them. Every day and hourly, I am an advisor, informant, inspirer, mentor and, it seems to me, a friend for them. Every day and hourly my activity changes: I am now an actor and creator, now a master and researcher, now an organizer and entertainer, now a guide and even a parent.

Changing, I understand that one thing remains unchanged: the teacher must necessarily know not only child psychology and age features child, he must understand the soul of the child. Working at school, every day I dip into inner world children and see how important the empathy and support of the teacher is for them. I believe that if a teacher is not able to see the inner world of his pupil, then he has no place in this profession, even if he perfectly knows the subject taught by him.

In my lessons, I try to create favorable conditions for the realization of the creative potential of each student and my own.

I believe that every child is talented. Talented in his own way. My task as a teacher is to reveal the unique potential of each child, to help him show his best qualities, to reveal himself. The development of a child, the improvement of his best qualities can only take place in activity. That is why the leading idea of ​​my pedagogical experience is modeling the choice of the most effective technologies, means and forms of organization joint activities teacher and student.

With each new day, with each new lesson and cool hour I understand that I like the profession I have chosen. Now, as once, it is not surprising for me that a teacher, crossing the threshold of school, discovers a new life for himself, where there is a place for endless self-improvement, where a piece of childish naivety can be preserved.

Now I believe: school is my life. When people ask me: “What do you work?”, I answer with special trepidation: “Teacher!”. And I am especially proud that I am a rural teacher. It's not just a word - it's work. In a rural school, this is work from morning to evening. There is no other way. In another way, and do not want to. I love to spend all my time at school, because I like my job. As I. Kant said, "work is the best way to enjoy life."

That is why you cannot stop. Life is moving forward. Every day my students with wide eyes expect something new, unusual from me ... And since I have chosen the profession of a teacher, it means that I will strive only forward, only to new heights, so as not to disappoint them!

Currently, the society is undergoing significant transformations. These transformations relate to both the economic and spiritual spheres of human life. They also concern the sphere of education. The mores, ideals, and views of the younger generation are changing. Their attitude towards the world around them, towards people, towards school education is also changing. In this regard, there is a need for a purposeful study of the attitude of modern schoolchildren to learning at school. We have considered only one aspect of this problem - the attitude of schoolchildren to their homework in mathematics.

The aim is to study the changes in the attitude of schoolchildren towards homework in mathematics in the process of using creative homework.

Independent work is one of the important methods of improving academic performance and improving the quality of student knowledge. The prerequisites for the development of independence do not guarantee the successful formation of this quality in a growing person. It has been proven that without knowledge and skills there is no independence in learning. Independence is directly related to volitional processes. To make an independent decision, you need not only knowledge, experience, motivation, but also volitional efforts, tension.

Independent work is also a necessary condition for the development of students' thinking, fostering independence and cognitive activity of students, and instilling the skills of educational work.

One of the types of independent work is homework. Homework is independent study work without the direct guidance and assistance of a teacher. The formation of independence in educational and cognitive activities is one of the leading functions of homework. A home assignment should be both attractive to students and didactically strictly expedient. If homework is pedagogically thought out, it not only provides for a didactic, educational goal, but certainly develops and educates. Finally, homework should be a means of bringing learning and self-education closer together. Indeed, the mastery of general educational skills and abilities, the development of interest in independent educational work, the formation of the experience of creative activity - all these are the conditions for the formation of the need for self-education. In the lesson, the teacher, directing the actions of schoolchildren, seeks to increase the degree of independence of students. This degree is higher in the case when the teacher only sets the task, and the students then work on their own for a long time (for example, a class essay). Tasks of this kind require a fairly high intellectual independence. However, if such situations are isolated and do not constitute a system, then this is not enough for real life. A gifted student suffers defeat in life, as he lacks willpower, self-discipline, a sense of duty and responsibility or other character traits necessary for independent activity no less than intellectual prerequisites. In the lesson, the development of these qualities can only be outlined, but not fully realized, since this requires constant conscious actions of the student. And he often does not have a choice when, in what sequence, for how long and by what means to complete tasks. All this was decided for him by the teacher and the lesson plan - it must be decided so that the educational potential of the lesson does not decrease.

This is the reason why even the best lesson will keep you from giving up your homework. This requires the student to be able to properly allocate their time and plan. A situation of moral testing arises. We have to overcome internal conflicts. The process of overcoming hardens the will. Difficulties are also hardened in a situation where one cannot accomplish something, in spite of all efforts, when one stumbles upon a “dead center” that makes one give up. These difficulties are natural and necessary for strengthening character, as well as the feeling of satisfaction and pride when the “impossible” task is nevertheless overcome.

Homework must be correctly used in your work, and its positive aspects will not be slow to prove themselves. Firstly, this homework, at the beginning or in the middle of the lesson, will help direct the attention of students in the direction necessary for the teacher, prepare the perception of new material. Secondly, a properly prepared and organized task can turn the very fact of housework from a boring and tedious necessity into an exciting, most importantly, very useful and in its own way irreplaceable work from the point of view of the student's self-education. Thirdly, to make the subsequent lesson, in which it will be listened to and tested, much more meaningful, more effective, more interesting. Fourthly, it will make it possible to harmoniously link several lessons into a single system. Fifth, to make the acquisition of knowledge by students a personal process, that is, to turn knowledge into an instrument of cognition. Sixth, it can help build a classy team. Seventh, to provide invaluable assistance in the formation of the character, personality of the student.

Creative, entertaining tasks and games with mathematical content have important cognitive and educational functions. There are different forms of developing creative abilities in mathematics lessons: contests, quizzes, games, competitions that allow students to show their ingenuity, invention, resourcefulness. After analyzing the methodological literature, best practices, we identified the following types of homework:

  • assignments based on materials from newspapers, radio, television;
  • rebuses, crosswords, teawords, cryptograms;
  • text assignments (in a playful way “How to become a millionaire”);
  • creative essays, mathematical tales, stories, poems;
  • contests, competitions;
  • find and highlight the error;
  • task development different types according to the material studied, etc.

The study of the experience of teaching mathematics gives reason to conclude that there are still far from being used opportunities for increasing efficiency. educational process... These opportunities are mainly associated with the improvement of teaching methods, the formation and maintenance of students' interest in the study of mathematics.

When using creative assignments, the teacher must adhere to the following rules:

  • creative homework should be regular;
  • tasks should be both individual and collective, it is desirable to change the composition of the groups from task to task in order to rally the team and develop the ability to distribute responsibilities within the group;
  • creative assignments should be used in the classroom or during extracurricular activities (in this case, the author of the work must be mentioned);
  • assignments should be assessed, and performers should be encouraged by an assessment, or a note in a wall newspaper, or an award on a ruler, etc.

It is known that the success of homework depends on the quality of the lesson, on the thoroughness of the teacher's preparation for the homework assignment and on the quality of the verification of their completion. Thus, considering the main ways of setting and checking homework, you can carry out the following typology:

Assignment Examination
By time - at the beginning of the lesson;
- during the lesson;
- at the end of the lesson
By the quality of the check - cursory inspection;
- detailed check
By form - oral;
- written;
- creative work;
- cards;
- punch cards
By time - at the beginning of the lesson;
- in the second half of the lesson;
- extracurricular
For preparatory work - with analysis (tasks for learning new things);
- indiscriminately (tasks for repetition)
By checking - mutual verification;
- self-test;
- teacher check
By the degree of individualization - differentiated task (for individual students);
- the task is typical for all students
Type - custom scan;
- verification of all works of students;
- compacted check
By sight - by oral frontal questioning;
- systematic decision on the board;
- individual

On its basis, ways were identified to improve the methodology of homework in mathematics. Homework, non-standard in form and content, is considered, which not only make it possible to consolidate the material, but also are an indispensable means of stimulating creative activity, implementing an individual approach to learning.

To show the importance of the considered creative works, it was necessary to study the attitude of the students primary school to homework in mathematics before and after the experimental work to improve the methodology of homework. For the mass survey, a closed-ended questionnaire was used

Upon completion of the work carried out, we can conclude that the inclusion of creative assignments in homework stimulates the independent activity of students.

The conclusions made after analyzing the results of the survey can be briefly presented in the form of the following theses:

  • the content of homework in mathematics should be thought out taking into account the possibility of completion and greater interest in work on the part of schoolchildren;
  • the teacher should consider not only the content of the homework, but also the options for setting and checking it;
  • ways to improve the methodology of homework in mathematics can be used as a means of stimulating students' independent activity.

So, there are certainly problems with homework, but these, as many successful teachers say, are solvable problems, and every teacher should solve them for himself, because high results in teaching schoolchildren can be achieved only if the quality of homework assignments meets the requirements of today.

    creative work- Syn: creativity ... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

    Creative laboratory "PTAKh" (Perm) Founded in early 2008 on the basis of the Perm state university... The laboratory was organized by former university students, representatives of active creative youth. Objectives ... ... Wikipedia

    Work- 1. Human activity; occupation, work. About interesting, selfless, fast, accurate work. Active, selfless, uninterrupted, frenzied, grateful, cheerful, fast, inspired, cheerful, excited, inspired, high quality ... Dictionary of epithets

    1. CREATIVE EVOLUTION concept and concept of the philosophical system of Bergson: introduced in the work ‘Creative evolution’ see CREATIVE EVOLUTION (BERGSON). Initially, they were developed in order to substantiate the scheme of the correlation between intelligence and intuition ... ... History of Philosophy: An Encyclopedia

    Work- a method of mediation and implementation (materialization) of activity as a process of solving a social problem, achieving goals. As a subject of sociological research, R. is a concrete form of expression of organization and orientation ... ... Sociological reference book

    This term has other meanings, see Thesis (disambiguation). Thesis (project) one of the types of final qualifying work independent creative work of students enrolled in training programs ... ... Wikipedia

    INDEPENDENT WORK OF STUDENTS- individual or collective account. activities carried out without the direct supervision of the teacher. From the point of view of the organization S. p. can be frontal (classroom) students are doing the same task, for example. write an essay in ... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

    Military history work- purposeful creative and organizational activities of commanders, staffs, research structures, bodies educational work, veterans and other public organizations for the collection, study, generalization, accumulation and ... ... Frontier vocabulary

    Vladimir Naumov. Creative biography of the director- Director, screenwriter, People's Artist of the USSR Vladimir Naumovich Naumov was born on December 6, 1927 in Leningrad, in the family of the famous cameraman Naum Naumov Guard and actress Agniya Burmistrova. Raised in a cinematic family, Vladimir Naumov ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    HOME LEARNING WORK- the form of organizing the educational process, students' independent fulfillment of tasks outside the classroom without the direct guidance of the teacher, but under his indirect influence. D.'s types. p .: on the nature of cognitive activity, reproductive and ... ... Pedagogical Dictionary

    Military scientific work- organizational and creative activities of military personnel, aimed at developing a system of knowledge about the protection and protection of the GG and the use of the results of military scientific research in border policy, training and construction of troops and SS bodies ... ... Frontier vocabulary


  • Creative work in the accompanist class, Mosin Igor Eduardovich. The teaching aid "Creative work in the accompanist class" (to help students of colleges of arts and culture) is intended for students studying in the specialty 53. ...
  • Creative work in the accompanist class. Teaching aid, Mosin I.E .. Teaching aid
