Biography of Nikitin Ivan Savvich. Nikitin Ivan Savvich is a famous poet. Born September 21, 1824 in Voronezh, in the family of a tradesman. In 1839 Nikitin entered the Voronezh seminary. By 1857, Nikitin was fully defined as a poet. In his poetry took place: public motives, personal experiences, nature, folk life. Nikitin from childhood fell in love with nature, knew how to merge with it, feel its soul and gave a number of its beautiful paintings ("Evening after the rain", "Storm", "Morning", "October 19", etc.). Ivan Savvich died in 1861.

Native nature and Motherland in the poem by I. S. Nikitin "Morning". Under the skillful pen of the poet in the poem "Morning" nature gradually comes to life: the stars fade and go out; there is still silence around; a sensitive reed is dozing, the leaves are frozen, covered with silvery dew; behind the lake you can barely see the water meadows, spread over them in a light veil of fog, white as steam. Ducks swept with noise and disappeared. The air is filled with sounds and smells. A new working day begins, the fishermen woke up, removed the nets from the poles, the birds sing songs; smiles at the awakening of the forest. A plowman with a plow went out into the field. In the poem, the strength of the morning is gradually increasing. With the first rays of the sun, movement in the surrounding nature begins. Man is subject to nature. The poem is filled with sadness and joy at the same time. Longing is heard in the lines: “Do not pain, you soul! Take a break from your worries." But despite this, he ends the poem not with a complaint, but with a greeting to all living things: “Hello, sun, and a cheerful morning!” In the last lines, all the energy, all the prowess of a Russian person who rejoices in the beauty of the morning. The poet likes everything in Russia, he admires her, her sounds and beauty, her people.

Biography of Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev. (1803 - 1873) Fyodor Ivanovich was born in the village of Ovstug, Oryol province. He came from an old but not rich family. And as was customary in noble families, Tyutchev received an excellent education at home. His life was unusual, and he combined his passion for poetry with foreign policy service. For many years he lived abroad. Tyutchev's poetic work is very multifaceted. The poet combined both politics and love in his poems. F. I. Tyutchev is a poet of thought, he not only, for example, depicts a landscape in poems for us, but shows his attitude to the world, to his homeland.

Native nature in the poem by F.I. Tyutchev "Enchant winter". The title of this poem is rather unusual. At first, you might think that the word winter comes to the fore, but it is not. The author called winter a sorceress, and sorcery is magic. And since this word introduces some kind of intrigue, then all the same, sorcery is in the foreground. To create a sense of a fairy tale and mystery, Tyutchev uses various artistic means: epithets - a light chain of downy, wonderful life, etc .; personifications - an enchantress, the forest sleeps, enchanted by a magical dream, etc. The poem sings of winter calm. Silence makes you think about human life. After all, winter is the season that is opposite to summer. If people work in the summer, they rest in the winter.

The author shows calmness with the help of white tones, which he uses in the poem. Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev depicts nature as a living being that lives and changes. The poet shows how closely nature is connected with human life.

Biography of Ivan Zakharovich Surikov. (1841 - 1880) This is a self-taught Russian poet. Born in the village of Novoselovo, and lived in the village with his mother in the Yaroslavl province. My father had a small shop in Moscow. The family lived in poverty. When Ivan was 10 years old, he moved to Moscow. Here he helped his father in the shop. He published his first collection of poems at the age of 16. In verse, he showed the difficult village life. His poems were melodious and melodic. And apparently that's why many of his poems have become folk songs.

Native nature and Motherland in the poem by I.Z. Surikov "Winter". In this poem, the poet depicts the beauty of winter nature, conveys a joyful mood. The poems speak of the coming of winter. The poem "Winter" presents a living image of winter. The author uses various artistic means to depict winter (Comparisons: “that he covered himself with a wonderful hat”, “it was as if he was dressed in a veil”; personifications: “the forest covered himself”, “fell asleep”; epithets: “with a wonderful hat”). The onset of winter in the poem was waiting for nature and people. In the first part of the poem, nature (field, forest) is waiting for winter, and in the second, people are also waiting for winter (children are happily building snow mountains).

Conclusion. Many poets of the 19th century sought in their work to show the beauty of their native nature, to convey to us the deep feeling that they have for the Motherland. There is no ostentatious beauty in Russian nature, it is modest and simple, but at the same time it is full of calmness and expanse, sedateness and grandeur. If the artist conveys the beauty of nature with the help of paints and brushes, then the poet - with the help of the word.

Poems about Russia and their native land teach children to see the beauty around them, educate them in love for the Motherland, nature, indifference to people and animals, make them think about life. In general, poetry has a positive effect on every child, developing his speech and broadening his horizons. No wonder it is called the melody of the soul. Thanks to poems, the child becomes spiritually richer, develops as a person.

Nina Pavlovna Sidorenkova


The snows of Russia are white,
Oh how I love you!
And whatever I do here
I thank fate.

Because I was born here.
Because I live here.
And beauty as it is
I see for real.

For the fact that our Pushkin lived here,
Nekrasov and Tolstoy,
Circus artist named Pencil,
But not at all simple.

The names of famous such
Don't name everyone here.
So the strings of their souls are thin -
They knew how to glorify.

Russia as their homeland
They counted everything.
And everyone was like a magician
In all its glory.

Beautiful Rus', its people
Talented and powerful.
And glory is on the ground
From rivers to mountains.

Russia is in the world
Rus', then my Motherland.
Wherever I am, I will return home.
I am not me without you.

Lyubov Akimovna Chernova

What is Motherland

What is Motherland? - This is the father's house,
The house where the mother rocked in the cradle
Bright front garden outside the window,
Songs that once sang in childhood.

What is Motherland? - This is the father's land,
Narrow path from the threshold.
Never forget him
No matter how long the road is.

What is Motherland? - This is the expanse of fields,
bright birch groves,
Flocks of cranes in the blue sky.
Remind yourself more about this along the way.

What is Motherland? – Temples in domes
And crosses on grandfather's churchyards.
Remember them in your prayers
And come home at least for a visit!

You are not dear

Poplars and maples, willows over the river:
You are my favorite edge!
You are my native land!

White birches lined up in a row,
It was like wearing a wedding dress.

On the viburnum, clusters of berries among the foliage,
Mowed grass turned yellow.

Narrow path, good old house,
A motley front garden under a native window.

The porch creaked, the door swung open -
There is no sweeter you, Motherland, believe me!

The land is mine

My land, dearer than you, I don't know
Your birches are not more expensive in the world!
When I go somewhere for a long time,
They wave goodbye to me.

And long at night then I dream
Your nights are an unprecedented expanse,
Behind the forest, in the river there is blue water,
And on the hill an old monastery.

Wonderful flower fields
Bird cherry fragrant bushes.
Cities and countries flash along the way,
But at night, dear, you dream!

It seems to me: mountain ash is getting married,
Bowed willow curls to the ground,
And mommy's cute wrinkles,
That from worries to time lay down.

Familiar verses sound in my soul,
And the Russian song will take it by the heart!
And a voice seems to me: “Where are you? Where are you?
My land is calling me.

I love Russia to the point of pain

Rowan edge, birch edge
The churches are white, the blue of the lakes,
Raspberry pink at sunset
I'll go out with the wind for a walk in the open.

I will hug a white birch,
Fresh air eagerly breathe,
And to the mountain ash thin, timid,
Clinging, I will wipe away a tear.

I'm in a chamomile white field
I bow down to the ground.
I love Russia to the point of pain
Too bad the cranes are flying south...

The birds are flying away

Birds fly in the blue sky
Fly away to distant lands
Home dear birds leave
And they scream, sadness is not melting.

Crane triangle in the sky
Stretched, slowly, to the south,
And the leader shouts to the long ranks,
Calling brothers and girlfriends.

Birds soar into the sky,
Reluctantly stand in a sad formation:
In a foreign land they will dream for a long time
Willows and birches over the river.

Only fidget crane
I want to fly faster
To the land of a stranger, distant, unfamiliar
Wants to fly away.

In that land it is warm, light and satisfying,
There won't be any worries.
A fool cannot hear or see
As the native land calls.

Cold blizzards blow away
The blue sky will brighten up.
Silly birds that flew away for happiness,
The priceless homeland will return!

My dear Russia

Blue-eyed, in a green dress,
Temples with golden heads
The bells are ringing
Under their holy domes.

In a white-trunked birch grove
The breeze plays with the leaves
Dawn gently touched the pines,
And around the expanse of fields without edge.

Reflected in lake water
Turquoise sky in the clouds.
Forever my soul is with you -
I don't need someone else's bread.

I wonder at other madmen,
What did they forget in a foreign land?
Maybe just blind, deaf,
That Russia became strangers?

I admire your beauty
And I'm proud of you, dear!
My dear Russia,
Patient and holy!

Lamentation of the Virgin

And from them a tear rolled like pearls.
This is the Mother of God weeping for us

The Mother of God is crying, a tear is rolling,
It can be seen that a thunderstorm is gathering over the country.
The Mother of God is crying, yes she bows,
The Mother of God asks for a barrier from trouble.

The Mother of God looks from the height of heaven,
And behind the blue river the forest is silvering,
She lowered her Holy Veil from the cloud:
Covered the field, forest and father's shelter.

Over holy Russia
Ringing of bells.
Spread Scarlet
Over the country of the Pokrov.

I saw wonderful eyes in a dream,
And from them a tear rolled like pearls:
This is the Mother of God weeping for us
And prayed to the Lord at this late hour.

Hello dear side

Hello dear side!
Hello native land!
There is no end to the heart,
Where rye is earing in the fields.

Where are the birch trees dear to the heart
They make noise in white-barreled beauty,
Where grasses bathe in dew
In a shady forest area.

Ribbon road rushes
Among forests and fields.
Screams loudly in the sky
A wedge of weeping cranes.

Lyubov Stepanovna Kyzyma

If I were an artist

If I were an artist
I wouldn't sleep day and night
Mountains, meadow, and forest, and rain -
The edge of the Urals painted!
If I were an artist
I would paint the sky.
I took canvases, paper, fabrics,
I would even take metal.
I would draw a river with a thread
flowing far away
And the fog above Magnitogorsk
The paths that led us into the distance.
Sinegorye is a miracle!
There are no such beauties anywhere.
And lakes eyes like dishes
Seem from steep heights!
I would draw flying birds
Forbs and flowers,
And whistling nightingales,
Bushes with white haze.
I would even draw the smell,
A drop of fresh dew...
Where else can someone tell me
Better than the Motherland - beauty ?!


Wherever I go
Wherever you go
But home is better than home
Didn't find it anywhere.
Better not rakita
What grows over the river
Better no birch
She shrugged her shoulders.
There is nothing better than the steppes,
Where the feather grass sways
There is no better space
Where it's so easy to breathe.
In the blue lakes
Better no water
Don't take a look
All this beauty!
Wherever I go
Wherever you are -
Dear dear motherland
I didn't find it anywhere.

You will find even more new and beautiful poetic works of the Ural poetesses on the page.

In this video, a little Kalmyk boy amazingly reads a poem about Russia

Goals and objectives:

  • arouse interest in landscape lyrics;
  • to form a culture of perception of lyrics;
  • introduce students to the world of their native landscape.


  • Reproductions of paintings by I.I. Shishkin "Winter", "Pine Forest", "Forest Dali", "Rye";
  • Reproductions of paintings by V.P. Zinchenko, Taiga artist;
  • Photos of the surroundings of the city of Taiga;
  • Exhibition of books by Taiga poets L.M. Yakovleva, V.I. Dmitriev.

V.Ya.Korovina's program for the 5th grade, under the heading "Russian poets about the motherland, native nature and about themselves", includes several poems about the nature of Russian poets. This fact can only be welcomed. It has been repeatedly noted that middle school students are in a very meager poetic "ration", insufficient for the formation of a culture of perception of lyrics. Ten-year-old schoolchildren, with an undeveloped artistic taste, with a predominant interest in plot works, have not lost the excellent qualities necessary for comprehending poetry: emotional responsiveness, attraction to convention (game), rich imagination. And if an interest in poetry is not awakened at this age, it will later turn out to be very difficult to overcome poetic deafness.

Work on landscape lyrics is also of great educational value. It is so important at the age when the foundations of morality are being laid, to feel, with the help of the poet's quivering words, the amazing beauty of native nature and at the same time its fragility, vulnerability, defenselessness against the onset of technology.

From the huge wealth of Russian landscape lyrics, the program includes poems by I.S. Nikitin "Morning", A.A. Fet "Spring Rain", F.I. Tyutchev "There is in the initial autumn:", A.N. Pleshcheev "Spring" , A.V. Koltsova "Mower", A.N. Maikov "Rooks", I.S. Nikitin "Winter Night in the Village", "I.Z. Surikov "Winter". All of them are placed in a special section of the first part of the new publication of a textbook-reader for grade V. The compilers of the modern literature program for secondary schools abandoned the strict regulation of the number of hours for the study of literary works: the teacher was given the right to independently determine their number, taking into account the significance of the topic, the preparedness of students.

At the first lesson, I propose to introduce students to the world of the native landscape of Siberia, and then turn to I.Z. Surikov's poem "Winter".

For the introductory part of the lesson, I choose a bright, interesting form that gives a sense of festivity. This may be a journey through the calendar, where poems about nature known from elementary school will be heard, paintings by Russian artists depicting different seasons can be used. (For the lesson, students are given the task to recall famous poems about nature).

I continue the conversation like this:

It's winter now. The snow covered the frozen ground in a soft, fluffy carpet. The trees seem to be dressed in white fur coats and hats:

Let's continue the description so that it corresponds to the state of today's nature, to what the children see outside the classroom windows. This is how the artists conveyed the beauty of winter nature (I show reproductions from the paintings of I.I. Shishkin "Winter", I.E. Grabar "February Azure"). What poems about winter do you know? 2-3 poems by Kuzbass poets Sergey Donbay, Boris Burmistrov and Valery Dmitriev are heard.

Teacher's word:

Valery Dmitriev is our countryman. He was born in the taiga village of Kuzel, a few kilometers from our beloved city of Taiga. Our region is harsh and beautiful. Beautiful with its dark coniferous forests, which "grip" impenetrable taiga ravines and swamps, as well as Kuzel and Taiga. The poetic perception of the surrounding world was reflected in the work of V. Dmitriev. His parents were real carriers of oral folk art.

Mother knew her family tree and loved to tell stories from the life of her ancestors, intertwining them with descriptions of nature.

Thus, V. Dmitriev's first love was born - the love of poetry. His wonderful poems are heard today.

"There are many beautiful words in the world:"

There are many beautiful words in the world
In strange strange languages.
But I only take those on the road
What's on people's lips.
Those that, recalling from the cradle,
I carry through life with trepidation.
That in their native fields they were full of
Dewdrops shine in the forest.
Words anyone can understand
What I have heard in my lifetime
I am patient and loving
Weave into every line.

Burning over the river
Rowan flash,
Plunging into the crimson sunset.
me this evening
Your gentle voice
Calling back to our youth.

Under the mountain ash, our youth blossomed,
Under the mountain ash you gave me love.
Do not forget me that rowan dawn,
Autumn again, and you are not with me.
I have little to go through my life,
No meetings, no parting ahead.
I wish I knew the road again
To reach our mountain ash.


chilly morning
Shedding in no hurry
Red glare on the forest.
Clutching the branches into the dawn,
He draws flashes from heaven.
And golden beams
Weave the finest calico.
The sunset is mysteriously silent
Dawns awaken the distance.
And yet he is so good -
The purple of the last stroke.
It looks like a big fire
Where the clouds melt.

Display of illustrations and photographs of the city of Taiga and its environs, paintings by the Taiga artist VK Zinchenko. (Application)

Teacher's word:

L.M. Yakovleva was born in our city. For the last ten years of her working biography, she was a correspondent for the Taiginsky Rabochiy newspaper. Author of many books. Laureate of the literary award named after A.N. Voloshin. Taiga, taiga are dear to her heart. She writes poems about them:

My city

Taiga is the smell of resinous wind,
Perseverance and loyalty of people.
Taigins are reliable and steadfast, like cedars,
And a friend will not be left in trouble.
Taiga is the rails ringing with a song,
Flying Wheels Cantata.
Nature, than ours, you will not find more wonderful.
Here is the kingdom of mountain ash and birch.
In winter the snows are deep and boundless,
Such unearthly purity:
And our girls are beautiful and gentle,
Like white bird cherry flowers.
Platform, like a pier, -
The joy of meeting, the sadness of separation.
Taiga is a city of labor.
No wonder our guys have strong hands
Trains run across the land.


By the birch under my window
Leaves flew around, flew around.
And south all southern long ago
The birds have flown away.
Only a viburnum bush in the wind
Blazes bright, blazes.
Snow whitened the whole earth by morning,
And it doesn't melt, and it doesn't melt anymore.
But spring will come to my house,
Everything will return to circles, return.
And the river will wake up under the ice,
And my soul will wake up again.

You see, the poets portrayed winter in different ways, because, like any other season, every month and even every day is unique.

A little more time will pass, the snow will darken, streams will run, spring will come. What poems about spring do you know? Let's listen to one of them A.N. Pleshcheev "Spring".

Let's go through the pages of the calendar further, without getting carried away by the number of verses. The latter will sound about the summer, which will lead the students to the perception of the poem by F.I. Tyutchev "How cheerful the roar of summer storms is." Forest: We pronounce this word and immediately imagine beautiful mysterious and endlessly diverse pictures: dense greenery, giant trees, never ceasing forest noise. In the works of many Russian writers, poets, artists, we find beautiful descriptions of the forest. We suggest recalling the artist I.I. Shishkin, who was called the singer of the forest, and turn to a small exhibition of reproductions of paintings that will help create the mood necessary for the perception of the poem and present some of his images. Particularly appropriate for this purpose are the paintings "Pine Forest", "Forest Distances", "Trees".

"The forest makes noise" - this is the name of the story of the Russian writer V.G. Korolenko. "Russian Forest" is the title of a novel by the Soviet writer L.M. Leonov. Pictures, poems, stories, novels: Why do you think the forest has become the hero of works of art so often? Of course, the beautiful Russian forest is the beauty, wealth and pride of our country. The fate of the Russian people is inextricably linked with it: peasant huts were built from the forest, the forest gave heat, animals and birds, berries and mushrooms. The forest hid and protected partisans during the Great Patriotic War. And this is far from all that a person has received and receives from the forest: the purity of the air and rivers, the protection of fields from the wind, from the destruction of the soil and, of course, joy, relaxation, beauty.

The poem by F.I. Tyutchev contains many metaphors that are difficult for ten-year-old students, but they will not complicate the general perception of the work, understanding its poetic mood, therefore it is better to explain the meaning of some expressions not before the beginning, but in the process of analysis. Before reading the poem, you can ask students to describe the forest on a clear sunny summer day, during a thunderstorm, at sunset. Such work, an attempt to find a word to describe their impressions, makes students be more attentive to the artistic word.

In the lessons for the study of the study of Russian landscape lyrics, I use elements of creative work that sharpens the attention of schoolchildren to the word, asks them to find the most accurate, vivid word to describe today, a tree outside the window, a maple leaf, etc.

Such work will also be a preparation for a creative essay about nature. At the lesson, I turn to the beautiful poems of A.A. Fet and F.I. Tyutchev.

"Rye ripens over a hot field:" A.A. Feta - here is the musicality of the verse, and the beauty, and sophistication of poetic images. But how to open them to ten-year-old students? In our work, there were cases when the guys, still under the impression of fairy tales, after reading the finale of the poem, filled with hissing and whistling sounds and images that were not entirely clear at first perception, imagined some kind of terrible fire-breathing dragon, which, of course, led far away from sentiment expressed in the poem. Therefore, before reading, it is necessary to set the guys up for its perception. This can be helped by paintings with the name "Rye" by Russian artists I.I. Shishkin and A.K. Savrasov.

What time does rye ripen? Imagine a day at the end of July when the sun is shining brightly and there is not a cloud in the sky. Continue a series of definitions and verbs that will help describe: July day - hot (students find epithets: sultry, long, long, endless:); the sun is bright: bakes:; night is short:

Such work helps to imagine a hot summer day, and therefore tune in to the perception of the poem. Now let's listen to him. It is not easy for students to determine the poetic mood expressed in the poem. Therefore, we will help them by asking them to choose from the proposed words and expressions (it is better to write them on the board in advance as the first task) those that, from their point of view, best convey the feelings of the poet: admiration, triumph, delight, admiration for greatness and beauty nature. We come to the conclusion that all these words help to understand the feelings of the poet expressed in the poem.

Let's listen to the amazing music of Fetov's verse. The following questions and tasks will help with this: reread the first stanza. Which lines end with consonant (similar in sound) endings? Find a line that contains consonances. How does this make the stanza sound? What sounds are repeated in the first line? What does their sound remind you of? Let's read it so that the schoolchildren "hear", imagine the rustle of ripening rye ears. What sounds are most often heard in the following lines of the stanza? The instrumentation of Fet's poem is sophisticated, not all of its features can be noticed by schoolchildren. But it is worth paying their attention to the fact that the "hard" hissing and whistling at the beginning of the stanza are replaced by "smooth" sounds "v" and "l". After we have noticed all this, we will read the stanza aloud. Perhaps now it will become clear why the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky called A.A. Fet not just a poet, but a poet-musician, although Fet never wrote music.

This poem contains unusual expressions that are not used in ordinary speech. Let's ask the students to find them, and then explain how they understand them, what pictures they present when reading these lines.

The lines are not completely clear:

Whimsical wind blows
Golden overflows.

First of all, let's think about their general meaning. What picture is presented when reading? A picture of A.K. Savrasov "Rye" can help to recreate the image: yellow waves of rye ears passing through the entire field from a breath of wind. The wind is called whimsical in the poem. This word has many meanings. Let's remember how Prince Elisha addressed the wind in "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs". The same wind - free, self-willed - in the poem by A.A. Fet. But in a classroom where children are well prepared, a more subtle meaning of the image can be shown. The guys heard the word "unpretentious" - simple, artless. And the wind in the poem by A.A. Fet is a real artist: it passes over the field in smooth waves, bending and straightening the ears, creating a picture of a golden sea of ​​rye.

Let us explain other complex images of the poem. To help children better understand the meaning of the lines:

But wide into the region of the night
Day embrace spread.
Only for a moment the sky closes
Fire-breathing eye. -

Recall how short the nights are in July. The day seems endless, and the sun disappears, giving way to night, only for a few short hours. "Yes, but not for a moment, as in a poem," students sometimes object. However, we are not surprised when we read in folk tales and epics such, for example, expressions: "He will wave to the right - there will be a street, wave to the left - a lane." To convey admiration for skillful work, strength, power, anonymous authors of folk art often used exaggerations. And in the poem by A.A. Fet we feel amazement, admiration for the greatness of nature. Nature in the poem lives and acts. And the "fire-breathing eye" - the sun rests quite a bit in order to again take up its work, so necessary for nature, crops, and man.

Concluding the analysis, I read the poem myself so that the guys can once again imagine the pictures drawn in it.

To switch schoolchildren to F.I. Tyutchev's poem "Reluctantly and timidly:", describing the state of nature during a thunderstorm, you can use a reproduction of the painting by K.E. Markovsky "Children running from a thunderstorm". Let's describe the picture. How has nature changed in anticipation of a thunderstorm? What do children feel? Remember what you experienced before the storm. Let's read the poem. With what mood does the poet write about a thunderstorm? Does it match what we experienced? Read the poem carefully. Does it describe any one moment of a thunderstorm?

Reread the stanzas that talk about the approach of a thunderstorm. How does stress build up in nature? What words does the author use to show that nature experiences the same feelings as man?

Reread how the beginning of a thunderstorm is described. How to convey its growth in reading? (A slight acceleration in the pace of reading, distinctness, "elasticity" of pronouncing the short words of the fourth stanza to convey the accelerating rhythm of the rain.) Along the way, pay attention to alliteration. (The sound "p" passing through the third and fourth lines allows you to "hear" thunder peals).

Let's read the last stanza. What picture are you presenting? In the imaginary drawings of the children, the sky appears covered with dark, low thunderclouds. The last slanting ray of the sun appeared for a moment in a break in the clouds, and then a bright bolt of lightning announced that the storm was in full swing. Ask the students to read the whole poem, achieving expressive reading.

To prepare for the lesson, you can give a collective task by dividing the class into four groups (according to the seasons). The group may include students born at this time of year. Group work teaches to collective responsibility, support, mutual assistance, teaches the division of functions, communication, therefore it is desirable to use it not only in the senior, but also in the middle classes. And the lesson with its use is effective, because the children have a feeling of common interest in the result, especially if you arrange a competition-competition, which group will best "represent" their time of the year.

Each group is given the following task:

Choose another poem about "your" season that you especially liked. Learn it by heart or prepare an expressive reading;

Find and bring a reproduction of a painting by one of the Russian or Soviet artists that would correspond in theme and mood to the selected poem;

Write a short home essay about "your" season. Topics of the essay (necessarily of a creative nature) can be given to choose from.

What could a spring icicle tell about?

What did the lark see that flew in from the south?

The conversation of a birch with a lily of the valley.

The conversation of the ripening ears.

The jackdaws are learning to fly.

Sunbeam Adventures.

Aspens are cold.

Paints of the autumn artist.

The conversation of falling leaves.

In the winter forest (park) - for a fairy tale.

Melodies of a winter day.

What does a sparrow chirp about on a sunny frosty day?

It is necessary to check the written essays in advance so that the best works about each of the seasons are heard in the lesson.

The nature of the homework will determine the structure of the extracurricular reading lesson. After a short introductory speech by the teacher or a musical "screensaver" (for example, the play "April. Snowdrop" from the cycle "The Seasons" by P.I. Tchaikovsky), each group of students "represents" its season.

You can invite the children to arrange an exhibition of paintings, decorate the class and clothes with flowers or "symbols", for example, an application made of paper of a snowflake, a young leaf or a flower, but in no case allow deceit in the form of peeled branches and trees or devastated lawns. The imagination of the children, if they are passionate about their work, can be limitless: kokoshniks, costume elements, their own drawings, panels: One student, at the choice of a group or teacher, reads a poem, the other talks about his impressions of him, the understanding of the poem is deepened by the statements of other students, questions of the teacher. For example, in A.V. Koltsov's poem "The Mower", the children usually feel the beauty of labor sung by the poet, but do not understand by what poetic means this is achieved. Therefore, let us recall how the mower works, how the hand with the scythe moves, and then reread the last part of the poem. How do the lines of poetry sound, what do they resemble? Note that each line gives the impression of a rhythmic sweep of the scythe. What sounds are repeated in these lines and what does this sound like? And the guys note hissing and whistling, which convey the sound of a scythe, the noise of falling mowed grass. Then two or three students (perhaps also at the choice of the group) read their chosen poems about a given season and turn to pictures that match the poem in mood and detail. One or two of the best compositions sound. Then the second group enters. At the end of the lesson, the teacher evaluates the results of collective work.

Finishing the study of landscape lyrics, let us recall the poems of which Russian and Soviet poets we met. These poets lived at different times, but all of them are united by love for the Motherland, native nature, the ability to feel especially strongly, to see especially vigilantly, to notice what is hidden from the gaze of the lazy and indifferent. And talented writers and poets have another amazing gift: the gift to "draw with words", just as artists draw with a pencil and a brush.

The poems of Russian poets reveal to us the beauty of our native land, call to protect all living things, teach us to understand the language of nature and the language of poetry. Poetry is also a great miracle. But it is revealed, like a miracle of nature, not immediately and far from everyone, but only to a smart and kind, sensitive attentive person.

This is what our literature lessons should teach.
