A teacher is a candle that shines for others while burning itself.

Giovanni Ruffini

Four candles burned quietly and slowly melted ... It was so quiet that they could be heard talking.

The first one said:

-I am peace. Unfortunately, people do not know how to save me. I think I have no choice but to go out!

And the flame of this candle went out.

The second said:

-I am faith Unfortunately, I don't need anyone. People don't want to hear anything about me, so there's no point in burning me any further.

A light breeze blew and extinguished the candle.

Saddened, the third candle said:

-I am Love I don't have the strength to burn anymore. People do not appreciate me and do not understand. They hate those who love them the most - their loved ones.

And that candle went out...

Suddenly ... a child came into the room and saw three extinguished candles. Frightened, he shouted:

What are you doing?! You must burn - I'm afraid of the dark! Saying this, he wept. Then the fourth candle said:

Don't be afraid and don't cry! While I am burning, you can always light the other three candles: i am hope .

When you read these lines, you immediately imagine the teacher in the place of the fourth candle. It is the teacher who kindles in the hearts of children the fire of desire to know this world, to want to change it, to make themselves and those around them better.

The candle that lit my heart for me was my grandmother, a primary school teacher. Since childhood, I have seen how her students, parents, and work colleagues love and respect her. Grandmother revealed to me that friendly participation, lively, confidential communication with children is perhaps one of the main conditions for success and satisfaction from one's work. The teacher should not “work with children”, but live with them, share joys and sorrows, ups and downs, avoiding falsehood in relationships. It turns out that not only diseases, but also professions can be inherited.

The teacher is a delicate work

He is a sculptor, he is an artist, he is a creator

Should not be mistaken one iota,

After all, man is his crown of labor.

It's hard to love work these days.

And such work will captivate a few,

But it's just impossible to refuse.

From the road chosen by fate.

And our work, no doubt

Believe me, the name will not change.

And this is the main thing, perhaps, a hobby,

All because our calling is in it.

Being a teacher has been my dream since childhood. And in choosing a profession, I was not mistaken. School is a special world. Every day here is different from the previous one. Life at school is in full swing, you always have to rush, rush to give your energy, knowledge, skills to your students. Being a teacher means not only teaching, but also constantly learning, improving, keeping up with the times. And most importantly, be interesting to your students.

Sufi parable

Some famous, respected and influential merchant came to Bahauddin Nakshband. He said at an open meeting: - I have come to put myself at your disposal and at the disposal of your Teachings. I ask you to accept me as a student. Bahauddin asked him: ...

  • 2

    Aruni repairs the dam Vedic parable

    One teacher decided to test the devotion of his disciple Aruni and said to him: - It is night and it is raining. Go to the field and reinforce the dam so that water does not leak from the rice field. Despite the rain, cold and impenetrable darkness, Aruni went into the field. The dam was broken...

  • 3

    Bayazid Bistami Sufi parable

    Bayazid, one of the greatest Sufi Masters, came to the Master as a child. Without saying or asking about anything, he quietly sat down and looked at his face, and after a while also quietly moved away. After 12 years, for the first time, the Teacher spoke to him: - ...

  • 4

    In Search of a Mentor Zen Parable

    After three years at Zuyoji, Bankei embarked on a long journey through Japan. Whenever he heard of a teacher who he thought could give advice, Bankei immediately went to him. But by the time he, after...

  • 5

    see the obvious Parable of unknown origin

  • 6

    Vitalnath Vaishnava parable

    There is a Vitalnath temple in India. This unique form: Krishna and Rukmini stand on one leg, pressed against each other. This form is also called: "Krishna is waiting for his devotees." There is a story associated with it. A very long time ago in Maharashtra, there lived an old Brahmin, and...

  • 7

    Water wheel Sufi parable

    They say that one person came to Hakim Omar Khayyam and said: - My most cherished desire is that you accept me for training and strengthen in me the truths that I learned from my former teachers and which actually led me to you. Hakim...

  • 8

    A Matter of Generosity Sufi parable

    A student who came to bow to a Sufi asked him out of pure curiosity: - What are the thirty magnificent Herat mules that stand in your yard for? The sage answered without delay: - They are meant for you. The student is happy...

  • 9

    The upbringing of the king Sufi parable

    One Persian king hired a tutor for his son, who taught him and brought him up until the son reached the heights in worthy morals and good manners. Once the teacher called the king's son to him and severely beat him without guilt or reason, for which ...

  • 10

    Time for teaching Sufi parable

    The sage Ascaloni rarely spoke. But when this happened, the students were delighted with his ideas. - Could you teach when it is convenient for all of us to gather? they asked. - The fact is that many of us have families and cannot always ...

  • 11

    Just a method Sufi parable

    Sharikari said: - They say that a grasshopper brought a blade of grass as a gift to King Solomon the Wise, the son of David, peace be upon him. When the donkey wants to praise something, he says: “Yes, it’s just a thistle.” When a man wants to honor a wise man, he raises up for him...

  • 12

    Master's Main Task (Hing Shi) Parable from Yulia Dubinkina-Ilyina

    One day the students asked Hing Shi what was his main task as a teacher. The sage, smiling, said: - Tomorrow you will know about it. The next day, the disciples were going to spend some time at the foot of the mountain, which the locals called Immortal...

  • 13

    Gorbushka Sufi parable

    A Sufi was asked to tell a tale about the work of a teacher and the nature of a student, and he told this: In ancient times, there was a man who possessed a treasure and wanted to protect it from a robber in order to share it with worthy people. Robber...

  • 14

    grenades Sufi parable

    You cannot hit two targets with one arrow. (Proverb) One student came to the house of a certain Sufi doctor and asked to teach him the art of medicine. “You will not have the patience to observe what is to be learned in our business,” said the Sufi. But...

  • 15

    Sufi group Sufi parable

    Who taught me at least one letter, made me his slave. (Proverb) A group of Sufis, sent by their mentor to the area where they were supposed to live and work, settled in one house. In order not to attract unwanted attention, only the Chief...

  • 16
  • Teacher's DayThis is a truly national holiday. Each of us went to school. Everyone (I really hope!) had a favorite teacher (favorite teacher).

    Today we remember those who are no longer with us, and we honor those who are now living and well, dreaming that they live and are well for many years to come.

    A teacher is a huge responsibility and boundless love. I think that a teacher is also kindness and wisdom. Well, and, of course, intelligence. Without it, it is also impossible.

    Dear current and future teachers, educators, lecturers! Since the conversation has already turned to kindness and wisdom, today I give you not something, but parables ...

    Parable about the teacher and the dot

    One day Master showed the students a blank sheet of paper with a black dot in the middle and asked, "What do you see?"

    First student: "Point."

    Second: "Black dot".

    Third: "Bold dot."

    Then the Teacher replied: "You all saw only a dot, and no one noticed a large white sheet!"

    This is how we judge a person by his minor flaws.

    Caille Leon Emil. The Lesson. 1887
    The Parable of Master Hing Shi

    One day a young peasant woman came to Hing Shi and asked:

    Teacher, how should I raise my son: in kindness or in severity? What's more important?

    Look, woman, at the vine, - said Hing Shi, - if you don’t cut it, don’t tear off extra shoots and leaves out of pity, the vine will run wild, and you, having lost control over its growth, won’t wait for good and sweet berries. But if you hide the vine from the caress of the sun's rays and do not carefully water its roots every day, it will completely wither. And only with a reasonable combination of both, you will be able to taste the desired fruits.

    Tom Lovell. Una escuela en la antigua Mesopotamia

    * * *

    One day the disciples asked the Master what his main task was. The sage smiled and said, "Tomorrow you will know about it."

    The next day, the disciples were going to spend some time at the foot of the mountain. They set off early in the morning. By lunchtime, tired and hungry, they reached a picturesque hillock and, stopping for a halt, decided to dine on rice and pickled vegetables, which the Teacher had brought with him. It should be noted that the sage salted the vegetables very generously, and therefore after some time the disciples wanted to drink. But, as if on purpose, it turned out that all the water they had taken with them had already run out. Then the disciples began to inspect the surroundings in search of a fresh source of water. So without finding it, they returned back. The sage, coming up to them, said: "The source you are looking for is over that hill." The disciples joyfully hurried there, and, having quenched their thirst, returned to the Teacher, bringing water for him as well.

    The teacher refused the water, pointing to the vessel at his feet. "But why didn't you let us get drunk right away if you had water?" - the students were amazed. The sage replied, “I have done my task. First, I awakened in you a thirst that made you search for the source, just as I awaken in you a thirst for knowledge. When you despaired, I showed you which way the source is, thereby supporting you. Well, taking more water with me, I gave you an example that what you want can be very close, you just have to take care of it in advance.

    “So the main task of the Teacher is to arouse thirst, support and set the right example?” the students asked. "No. My main task is to cultivate humanity and kindness in the student, - said the Teacher and smiled. “And the water you brought for me tells me that for the time being I am fulfilling my main task correctly ...”.

    Jean-Baptiste-Simeon Chardin.The Young Schoolmistress

    Parable about the Teacher

    One day a woman who lived next door came to Rumi. She brought her little son to the sage.

    “I don't know what to do, Rumi,” she said. - I have tried all the ways, but the child does not obey me. He eats too much sugar! Please tell him that this is not good. He will listen to you because he respects you very much.”

    Rumi looked at the child, at the trust in his eyes, and said, "Come back in three weeks."

    The woman was completely bewildered. It's such a simple thing! Why didn't this enlightened person just tell her son not to eat so much sugar?!

    It's unclear... People came to Rumi from distant countries, and he helped to solve much more serious problems at once.

    But what to do - she obediently came in three weeks. Rumi looked at the child again and said, "Come back in three more weeks."

    When they came for the third time, Rumi said to the boy, "Son, take my advice, don't eat too much sugar, it's unhealthy."

    “Since you advise me,” the boy replied, “I will not do it again.”

    After that, the mother asked the child to wait for her outside. When he came out, she asked Rumi why he didn't do it the first time, it's so easy...

    And Rumi confessed to her that he himself had always loved to eat sugar, and before giving such advice, he himself had to get rid of this weakness. At first he thought that three weeks would be enough, but he was wrong ...

    The holy man, famous for his wisdom and spiritual strength, weaned himself from eating sweets for six weeks just to have the right to say to the boy: "Son, don't eat too much sugar, it's bad for your health."

    (Angel Quatier. golden ratio ).

    Parable about teacher and students

    End of the fifteenth century. Opening of a new world. Travelers bring a lot of new things to Europe. For the most part, they carry gold - this is wealth, this is power over people. But not only the thirst for profit attracts people to the New World. One of the sailors of Christopher Columbus returns to Europe with the seeds of a hitherto unknown plant - the tomato. After tasting it and learning about its value, the sailor could not resist the temptation to grow this wonderful vegetable at home. And now, a year later, the first harvest. The neighbors tried the tomato and asked them to teach them how to grow an unknown vegetable. He gave only one seed to twelve students and said: “In a year I will come and check how you learned to grow tomatoes from me.” And the disciples went home, and a year passed, and the teacher came to look at the work of his disciples.

    Not everyone had the same results. The teacher did not see the plant of the first student.

    Where are the fruits of your labor? the teacher asked.

    I could not save the seed given by you, my teacher. The mouse ate it.

    Lesson for you.Keep as the apple of your eye what you undertook to answer for .

    And the second student didn't have a plant.

    Too soon, teacher, I sowed a seed, it froze.

    Everything has its time, its time.Do nothing ahead of time , the teacher replied.

    And the third student turned out to be negligent.

    I beg your pardon, teacher, I sowed the seed, but forgot to germinate.

    Lesson for you. Awaken the seed, prepare to grow, and only then sow .

    And the fourth student met the teacher with a downcast head:

    I forgot, teacher, to sow the seed.

    Remember: What goes around comes around .

    And the fifth disciple had nothing to brag about. He sowed, the seed sprouted, butthe student decided to transplant him to another place. The plant died.

    - Everything must have its roots. - said the teacher.

    The look of the sixth disciple was sad.

    My plant sprouted, teacher, I forgot to water it. My plant has dried up.

    Remember, nothing can live without nourishment .

    And the seventh student was waiting for the teacher's disappointment.

    A neighbor came, looked, and the plant died, - the student said to the teacher.

    - Keep your child safe from the evil eye .

    There was nothing to brag about and the eighth disciple.

    I, the teacher, listened to other people's advice.

    - Don't listen to those who don't know .

    The ninth student could not boast either.

    Master, I planted the seed too late.

    - What was good yesterday is not always good today .

    At the tenth student, the teacher saw a plant, but it was frail and without fruit.

    I forgot to fertilize the ground, teacher.

    - Don't expect fruit without fertile soil - instructed the teacher.

    Only the eleventh student came to the teacher with joy. The student gathered a good harvest.

    Teacher, I followed all your advice.

    You are a good student, I am proud of you.

    But a real miracle awaited the teacher at the twelfth student.

    Oh teacher! I did everything you taught me, and I also talked to the plant every time. Early in the morning I would come to say good morning to it and ask how it spent the night. During the day I would come and tell you how things are going for me, for my wife, for my children. Every evening I told the plant a bedtime story, and quietly, in a whisper, wished him good night. And the number of fruits increased several times. The plant thanked me for the care shown. And the teacher, with tears in his eyes, thanked his student, who became his teacher.

    May all the content of your work be continued in the memory, minds and hearts of students, and students will change your world, making it brighter, kinder, more fun .

    Alexandre-Évariste Fragonard Part III. The Lesson of Henry IV

    Why do people scream when they fight?

    Once the teacher asked his students:

    Why do people scream when they fight?

    Because they lose their calm, - said one.

    But why scream if the other person is next to you? - asked the Teacher. Can't you talk to him quietly? Why scream if you're angry?

    The students offered their answers, but none of them satisfied the Teacher. Finally he explained:

    When people are dissatisfied with each other and quarrel, their hearts move away. In order to cover this distance and hear each other, they have to shout. The more angry they are, the louder they scream.

    What happens when people fall in love? They do not shout, on the contrary, they speak softly. Because their hearts are very close, and the distance between them is very small. And when they fall in love even more, what happens? continued the Teacher. - They do not speak, but only whisper and become even closer in their love.

    In the end, even whispering becomes unnecessary for them. They just look at each other and understand everything without words. This happens when there are two loving people nearby. So, when you argue, don't let your hearts drift apart, don't utter words that further increase the distance between you. Because the day may come when the distance becomes so great that you will not find your way back.

    Jan Stan. The school teacher

    Best School

    Parents were looking for a good school and teacher for their son, and finally they chose the best teacher for their son. In the morning, the grandfather took his grandson to school. When the grandfather and grandson entered the yard, they were surrounded by children.

    What a funny old man, one boy laughed.

    High in the mountains, an old man lived out his life. Throughout the district and far beyond its borders lived the glory of his great wisdom. Once, three young men appeared at the door of the old man and began to ask him to be his disciples:

    “Teach us everything you know yourself,” said one.
    “Teach us to make the right decisions and not make mistakes,” the second asked.
    “Tell us the secret of how to know the true wisdom of life,” added a third.

    The old man looked into the eyes of each of them, tugging at his long beard, and thoughtfully replied:
    - Well, I will tell you everything that I know myself, and whether you will be able to comprehend the wisdom of life depends only on you.

    Here's your first lesson. To each of you I give an equal amount of money and I will take the same amount myself. Each of us will go to the city and buy the most valuable thing with this money.

    In the evening, one young man brought a gilded brooch, another a sack of wheat, and a third a fur of a rare beast, the old man returned with nothing and silently appreciated the purchases of the students.

    The next day, the elder asked them to bring the happiest person. One student brought the richest man in the city, another a young man in love, and a third the father of a glorious family. In the arms of the old man, who again remained silent, was a baby.

    On the third day, the sage asked the guys to tell about their cherished dream.
    “As a child, I lived in terrible poverty, so I dream of prosperity,” the first student admitted.
    “I dream of finding true love and becoming happy,” said the second.
    “But I want to become a famous sage so that people respect me and come to me for advice from all over the world,” the latter replied.

    - What are you dreaming about? - unable to stand it, the young men asked.
    – Before I tell you about my dream, I will explain to you the meaning of the first lessons. I asked you to buy the most valuable, but you have purchased the most expensive in terms of value. I gave money for the treatment of a sick boy. So I can at least slightly extend the period of his life. This is the most valuable thing.

    You brought people to me who were happy for one thing: money, love, or children. I brought the baby - he is the happiest, because he still has his whole life ahead of him, all paths are open before him. He will be able to find love, and wisdom, and wealth, and whatever he wants.

    When a person has a lot, he dreams of even more. If he abruptly loses the ability to walk, see or hear, he will not dream of money or love, he will only wish for healing. I'm an old man, my life is ending. Like those blind or deaf, I dream of what I have lost, of time.

    I need it in order to have time to correct mistakes, ask for forgiveness from those whom I offended, and learn many more life lessons.

    On this I say goodbye to you, as I taught you everything that I know myself. Time will teach you the rest, it was also my teacher. It will give you experience and knowledge, and only those who will go through life with open eyes and heart will comprehend true wisdom.

    The work of a teacher is a country of the wise and eternal: on the stage - human hearts, behind the scenes - human souls, in the auditorium - human destinies.

    Reflecting on this, the Parable of the Teacher and the Students comes to mind.

    End of the fifteenth century. Opening of a new world. Travelers bring a lot of new things to Europe. For the most part, they carry gold - this is wealth, this is power over people.

    But not only the thirst for profit attracts people to the New World. One of the sailors of Christopher Columbus returns to Europe with the seeds of a hitherto unseen tomato plant.

    After tasting it and learning about its value, the sailor could not resist the temptation to grow this wonderful vegetable at home. And now, a year later, the first harvest.

    The neighbors tried the tomato and asked them to teach them how to grow an unknown vegetable. He gave only one seed to twelve disciples and said:

    “In a year I will come and check how you learned to grow tomatoes from me.” And the disciples went home, and the teacher went to look at the works of his disciples.

    Not everyone had the same results. The teacher did not see the plant of the first student.

    Where are the fruits of your labor? the teacher asked.

    I could not save the seed given by you, my teacher. The mouse ate it.

    Lesson for you. Keep as the apple of your eye what you undertook to answer for. And the second student didn't have a plant.

    Too soon, teacher, I sowed a seed, it froze.

    Everything has its time, its time. Don't do anything before it's necessary," the teacher replied.

    And the third student turned out to be negligent.

    I beg your pardon, teacher, I sowed the seed, but forgot to germinate.

    Lesson for you. Wake up the seed, prepare it for growth, and only then sow.

    And the fourth student met the teacher with a downcast head:

    I forgot, teacher, to sow the seed.

    Remember: what you sow, you will reap.

    And the fifth disciple had nothing to brag about. He sowed, the seed sprouted, but the disciple decided to transplant it to another place. The plant died.

    “Everything must have its roots,” the teacher said.

    The look of the sixth disciple was sad.

    My plant sprouted, teacher, I forgot to water it. My plant has dried up.

    Remember, nothing can live without food.

    And the seventh student was waiting for the teacher's disappointment.

    “The neighbor came, looked, and the plant died,” the student said to the teacher.

    Keep your child safe from the evil eye.

    There was nothing to brag about and the eighth disciple.

    I, the teacher, listened to other people's advice.

    Don't listen to those who don't know.

    The ninth student could not boast either.

    Master, I planted the seed too late.

    What was good yesterday is not always good today.

    At the tenth student, the teacher saw a plant, but it was frail and without fruit.

    I forgot to fertilize the ground, teacher.

    “Do not expect fruit without fertile soil,” the teacher instructed.

    Only the eleventh student came to the teacher with joy. The student gathered a good harvest.

    Teacher, I followed all your advice.

    You are a good student, I am proud of you.

    But a real miracle awaited the teacher at the twelfth student.

    Oh teacher! I did everything you taught me, and I also talked to the plant every time. Early in the morning I would come to say good morning to it and ask how it spent the night. During the day I would come and tell you how things are going for me, for my wife, for my children. Every evening I told the plant a bedtime story, and quietly, in a whisper, wished him good night. And the number of fruits increased several times. The plant thanked me for the care shown. And the teacher, with tears in his eyes, thanked his student, who became his teacher.

    May all the content of your work be continued in the memory, minds and hearts of students, and students will change your world, making it brighter, kinder, more fun.

    And here's the call
    The school house is emptying quickly.
    In the ringing silence
    Last steps.
    But in a quiet class you are all sitting at the table,
    And again, your students are in front of you.
    And in silence you think of them
    Yesterday strangers, now relatives,
    About their question, about your answer,
    For something that doesn't have an answer...
    And tomorrow the day will come again
    And school joyful people
    Fill the floors with noise
    And whirl in the whirlwind of life!
    Once upon a time on the third desk against the wall
    I dreamed about the future and was in a hurry to become an adult
    Even then you decided to be a teacher,
    The difficult one chose the path, but he knew that he had enough strength.
    And again at school silence,
    And the old globe by the window
    In the magazine suffix and case,
    And so many fates and hopes...
    In your hands is the fate of the country, the fate of the land,
    Your students' dreams will come true.
    They sow bread, guide ships along the course,
    Dedicate your life to children, as you did ...
    And again at school silence,
    And the old globe by the window
    In the magazine suffix and case,
    And so many fates and hopes...
    Sergei Vladimirsky

    You are needed, needed forever
    Both youth and old man
    To enrich them stubbornly.
    This is how ore is mined.
    So the spring of light is always waiting,
    And that's how grains are grown.
    Your work...
    So the jeweler sometimes polishes a tiny diamond,
    This is how the brilliance of damask is communicated ...
    Yes, the main thing in the current fate
    The earth owes you
    And the sky, opened to the eye.
    You, like a mother above the cradle,
    When again, again, again
    Leafing through school notebooks
    Don't close your eyes at night
    You feed us with knowledge
    Goodness and happiness in the world for the sake of.
    Let you a hundred times
    Praise, give thanks
    And they will lift you to the throne of songs,
    So that, with each generation henceforth,
    You magically look younger
    In work, which is so wonderful!

    You dedicate to the school family,
    You call your children.
    Walking the paths of life
    And your lessons are remembered,
    And keep you in your heart.

    Your naughty children.
    Accept our thanks!

    M. Sadovsky

    Teacher. All her features
    Clarified in the morning simply:
    Solitude of quiet kindness,
    The grandeur of ancient construction.
    But again the speech is calm and easy,
    And again breathe reflected brilliance
    Hexameters of an old verse,
    And the splash of foliage in the old biblical gardens.
    Fatherland, will, that bitterest smoke,
    What will wake us up late or early
    But let me cry repentantly for once:
    "Master, before your name..."

    Let there be fewer holidays than weekdays,
    But the one who has become a teacher will understand:
    What a blessing to be useful to people
    Teach His Majesty the People!
    Bring Him the gift of wisdom and knowledge,
    And the kindness of your heart light.
    There is no more responsible calling on earth
    There is no more honorable and joyful.
    Outlined by immortal ideas
    Let your work be honest to the end!
    And then they will open to you
    Fellow citizens of young pure hearts!
    And they will carry like a baton,
    Like a memory of your teacher
    The desire to make this land more beautiful,
    The planet we live on!

    The gods illuminate with mind and happiness,
    And to me, forgiving mortal sins,
    All earthly teachers gave,
    Blessing on the first verses.
    And what did I do with them?
    My eternal duty and eternal guilt -
    Evil deeds and antics,
    Not feeling that my anger is sick.
    I thought for nit-picking and whims
    Breakthroughs of undeserved insults.
    The further those cruel surprises
    The more often the conscience stirs the soul.
    In a dream, their speeches and faces are disturbing.
    To whom to give - do not feel sorry for anything.
    Ready, repent, pray to God,
    But I offended, however, not him.
    And will forever torment atrocities,
    Done without any shame
    Though I know that for a long time without repentance
    I was forgiven easily and forever.
    And yet I want forgiveness
    They pray with the help of verses
    And get from them only absolution
    Unintentional, senseless sins.
    Postponing the lines of repentance,
    I tormented myself, not you, teachers.
    To the creativity of worthy wishes
    Heaven and earth did not inspire.
    Let them light up your head
    The heavenly messengers are on vacation.
    Christ himself must give you health
    If only he had truly risen!
    Pavel Sergeychuk

    Teacher, the days of your life, as one,
    You are all who came to study to you,
    You call your children.
    But the children grow up, from the school bench
    Walking the paths of life

    You dedicate to the school family,

    And your lessons are remembered,

    And keep you in your heart.

    Beloved teacher, dear person,

    Be the happiest in the world

    Even though it's hard sometimes to get you

    Your naughty children.

    You rewarded us with friendship and knowledge,

    Accept our thanks!

    We remember how you led us into people

    From timid funny first-graders.

    Every day I go to class

    Every day I go to class
    And hour after hour flies
    And my palm is in chalk,
    Knowledge of how to light a fire?

    Everyone is sitting at their desks
    Whose eyes are on fire
    At this time, someone is sleeping,
    Whatever you ask, he is silent!

    Someone is looking out the window again
    They won't show movies there.
    The girl has no tasks
    He will say a word, immediately cry!

    Answer at the blackboard
    Many students
    Repeat again
    Who is "three", and who is "five"!

    Every day I go to class
    I see many eyes
    But their students
    I am always ready to teach!

    Mark Lvovsky

    You are a teacher with a capital letter,
    With a young and beautiful soul!
    How many long years, how many winters
    You give your soul to the young!
    And so the soul for many years
    Staying young is the secret
    Of your life.
    Let her go on
    Will be full of happiness and health!

    Don't you dare forget the teachers.

    They care about us and remember

    And in the silence of thoughtful rooms

    Waiting for our return and news.

    They miss these infrequent meetings.

    And no matter how many years have passed

    Teacher's happiness builds up

    From our student victories.

    And sometimes we are so indifferent to them:

    On New Year's Eve, I do not send them congratulations,

    And in the bustle or just out of laziness

    We don't write, we don't visit, we don't call.

    They are waiting for us. They are watching us

    And rejoice every time for those

    Who will pass the exam somewhere again

    For courage, for honesty, for success.

    Don't you dare forget the teachers.

    May life be worthy of their efforts.

    Russia is famous for its teachers,

    The disciples bring glory to her.

    Don't you dare forget the teachers.

    A. Dementiev

    To us, dear teacher,
    I like your character!
    Except you, no one else
    It won't work with us!
    You are kind and fair!
    You are an example for us in everything!
    The best feelings impulses
    Shows you our class!

    Teaching is not work, but renunciation,
    The ability to give everything
    Leave for a long feat and torment,
    And in this to see the light and grace.
    Teaching - when in the eyes of the cold
    The dawn of understanding will light up,
    And you will understand: you tried not fruitlessly
    And knowledge scattered not in vain.
    Showered with colored rain of bouquets
    And illuminated by the brilliance of hundreds of eyes,
    Accept, teacher, not a word of hello,
    And part of the soul from grateful us!

    Poems to the teacher

    On this day, close your eyes and remember the person
    Who was with you in the most difficult hour:
    We all went to school, and 10 years from the century -
    Let the share be small, but sweet for us!
    So, my friend, do you remember your second mother?
    Yes, yes, which gave a smile.
    After all, you know, you yourself: I won’t tell,
    How much she suddenly fell in love with all the guys!
    Your mentor and friend, and most importantly - a teacher,
    Sweeter than all friends; your angel, your guardian!
    And let this day be a little gloomy in the morning;
    (October is not April; and the leaf is now purple.)
    Do you want to tell her: "Thank you so much
    For work and for love.

    And again in the gilding of poplar,
    And the school is like a ship at the pier,
    Where teachers wait for students
    To start a new life.
    There is no richer and more generous in the world,
    than these people, forever young.
    We remember all our teachers
    Although they themselves are almost gray-haired.
    They are the fate of each of us,
    They pass through it like a red thread.
    We proudly pronounce every time
    Simple three words: "This is my teacher."
    We are all in his best hands:
    Scientist, doctor, politician and builder...
    Live always in your students
    And be happy, our captain-teacher!

    We were all students.
    We have grown with teachers.
    And everyone could choose
    Among teachers - to their liking!
    And the image carried through the years,
    Never forgetting.
    Over the years, getting older
    I felt a deeper connection.
    It is not immediately given to us to understand:
    What has been sown in us has risen,
    And only thanks to them
    We live in the world not in vain.
    Master, the years will pass
    But the memory will not be completely erased.
    You are my forever ideal
    I have guided my path for you all my life.
    I'm in a hurry on Teacher's Day
    One of the first in the morning
    Bring you a bouquet of flowers
    Who will say more words.

    The teacher generously teaches us that
    What will be very necessary in life:
    Patience, reading, counting and writing,
    And loyalty to the native Fatherland.

    If there were no teacher
    That would not have been, probably
    Neither a poet nor a thinker,
    Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.
    And still would probably
    If there were no teacher
    Undiscovered Americas
    Remained unopened.
    And we would not be Icarus,
    We would never take to the sky
    If in us his efforts
    Wings were not grown.
    Without him, a good heart
    The world was not so amazing.
    Because we are very expensive
    The name of our teacher!

    Favorite aphorism

    The mediocre teacher states,

    good - explains

    outstanding - shows

    great - inspiring

    about the winged student

    An old man sits by the side of the road and looks at the road. He sees a man walking, and a little boy barely keeps up with him. The man stopped, ordered the child to give the old man water and a piece of bread from the stocks.

    - What are you doing here, old man? asked a passerby.

    - Waiting for you! the old man replied. - You were entrusted with this child to raise

    - Right! the man was surprised.

    - So take wisdom with you:
