Patters with sound [l]
- One Klim Wedge kolotil, pounded and looked.
- Our Polcan got into the drone.
- ate fame fat, yes Sala was little.
- In Luka, Klim Luku threw.
- Stick pushed the clicoon paw.
- The Christmas tree has a needle rolling.
- Cap - under the cap, under the hood - the cap.
- Mom Soap Mila Soap, Mila Soap did not love.
- Ivan-Bolon Milk chatted,
yes, I did not bother.
- Little chatter milk swollen and did not bother.
- - Mukomol Goat to whom Mollar flour, and who is not Molt?
- From who Molol,♣ received pies; From who is not Mollah, he received tumaki.
- Near Cola - Bell, and on the Kola - Bells.
- in the boat - Volodya, in a tent - a blade.
- Ox was Bel.
- Wola fell into the lair of the wolf.
- The sorcerer kovned in a boat for a long time.
- Lala ate Halva under the blanket.
- Mila Mila,
Moul was small.
- Nile Soil Paul and Scale.
- Plato sailed on the raft.
- Volodya drank from a pile of milk.
- Glory rose from the chair.
- On the flower club of the tangle? Not tangle - bun.
Poems for the automation of sound [l]
* * *
Wolf hunting
He knows the hunt.
And goat, and goose, and chick
The evil wolf was frightened.
* * *
Spade Kopala, Kopala, Kopal,
Then she lighted, it can be seen, very tired.
* * *
Scrap breaks thick ice
Scrap does not get tired of breaking.
* * *
Pill thick trunk saw,
Gang up to good.
* * *
Colour, colole, colole,
Colun is crawled.
* * *
Danced, danced on the house broom,
The floors underwent from the angle to the corner.
* * *
The journey of the eggs was applied,
Kids rocking
Duck-rocking fish
Kids rocking
And the spleen-well done in the case sailed,
In the case sailed - children
What took, put in place -
This deer is known.
What took, put in place!
Only girl Mala:
Forgets where he took.
Z. Alexandrov
Summer day
There was a blue sky
There was a golden sun
On the porch cat lying,
Boy tree saved.
Time slowly flowed
It was quiet and warm.
V. Danko

Scary tale
Coming with butter bun
The brothers walked along the alley,
Suddenly on them from the cat
The dog lay down Gulco ...
* * *
Klava put treasure in a deck.
The treasure sailed from the clave into the water.
Did not swim behind the kestration of Klava,
And the deck sailed.
* * *
Striped palaces
Ringed the Vlas daughter.
Rinsing, ringed -
Striped river has become.
* * *
Woodpecker lived in Double empty,
Oak Ducklied as chisel.
Daughted day, two Dalited,
In the sky, the beak pleased.
* * *
Soldier tin lived.
He sang, joked and did not pass.
He fought, not tired,
And I fell myself and got up myself.
And he always remembered in battle
Your soldier's family
Where was for everyone and for him
Stood all to one.
* * *
Might absorb us mi
But the lamp helped us ...
When I was icing, -
It was delicious,
And then I got sick, -
It became very sad.
M. Druzhinina
Let cry if he wants
And I do not cry - reluctance.
And I'm kindly disappointed:
Through tears of sunshine
can not see.
* * *
- White hare, White hare,
Where did you run away?
The hare answered:
- I did not run, I'm jumping.
The day has come, and suddenly hemet.
Light lit, look into the window.
Snow lies white-white.
Why is it so dark?
V. Berestov
* * *
All white, oh, all white,
White bloomed.
White bunny light trail,
On the birch of Bel beret,
And on the Roshchez Olkhova
White-white flock fluff.
A. Prokofiev
Spanking on the shop
Plet sweep cloth.
NAPTI is not suitable
Claw on legs
And the lapties are suitable
On the paws cat.
N. Konchalovskaya
White color
White snow, white chalk,
White hare is also white
But the protein is not
White was not even.
E. Izmailov

Organize sound automation in the form of gaming activities. Duration classes should take 15 to 20 minutes for children up to 4.5 years older - 30 minutes. It is impossible to make the occurrence of fatigue at the kid.

The sound of L is pronounced long and only with a fixed language. When the language breaks away from the alveoli, it turns out a vowel sound.

Before proceeding with automation, the child must learn to correctly pronounce an isolated sound.

La - Lo - Lians
Lo - La
L - Lians - Lo

ly - Lo - Lo - La
La La - Lo - Lo
Lya - Lo - Lou

al - Ol - Ul -
Yal - Yul - Yul - Il - Ey
Al - Yal - Ol - Yul

La: Lases, varnish, paw, yula, ash, led, business, lived, small, saw, shop, lamp, fist, kalach, salad, robe, rock, diver, tent, pin, swallow, lily, mila, lived, sang, Soap, Bug, Run, saw, offended, dressed, school, noodles, avalanche, wrote, read, threw, wore, drove, drove.

Lo: Lob, scrap, elk, boat, spoon, elbow, horse, stocking, swamp, calosh, well, Volodya, hungry, cold, breakdown.

Lu, Lians: onions, ray, puddle, lass, hole, yulu, ash, saw, tulup, beluga, shanun, bulb, liko, skiing, oxen, tables, baby, wormwood, smile, skier, cobblestone, bow, moon, meadow, lawn, Lukoshko, pigeon, acorn, deck, cabbage rolls, getting, pitchfork, white, sluggish, cute, whole, bold, ripe, sad, bees, glasses, canals, pencils, collaps, stations, holidays, kids, buys.

Al: Ball, shaft, gave, stall, hall, small, daw, stick, rolling, violet, slept, fell, tired, glass, canal, dug, wrote, penalty, collapse, station, pounded, metal, tie, diamond, alphabet, Halva, Marshal, Sage, Balcony, issued, fell, fell, dried, raped, stall, prude, kicked out.

Ol: ox, goal, count, floor, table, debt, wolf, hill, long, shelf, full, zipper, noon, injection, cover, scoop, football.

Ul: Gul, blew, chair, aul, bun, gulko, blew, shoved, yawned, pulled, fell asleep, whispering, swung, pinched, took out, threw, climbed, arched, rebuilt, knocked, muscles, stockings, volcano.

SL: She, was, died, soap, washed, forgot, overlooked, fermented, bottle.

Yal: The mall, removed, took, soldered, hurt, stood, chased, called, took, changed, understood, raised, afraid, laughed, looked, sowed, melted, flower, seeder.

Yul: Led, sheltered, silk, tree, chick, bangs, bee, donkey, goat, boiler, nose, click, mockery.

Ate: He ate, chalk, sang, sat down, knew how, buzzed, hung, I wanted, I wanted, Skeid, noisy, whister, squirrel, small, knot, saw, brought, came out, offended, hated, Paul, Dweath, ash.

Il: Bil, Mil, Neil, Poyel, Mikhail, scored, drove, drove, kosil, bought, wore, taught, Sadil, stayed, dragged, fork, veil, a drink, drivingker, mower, stretcher, learned, knocked out, drank, landed, pulled out, released, jumped out.

"Hard" words with two sounds l. :
lyal, sailed, colop, polol, sent, Mol, did, lacqual, Lazil, caressed, stroking, sailed, settled, weakened, caught, broke, swallowed, bald, the bell, pounded, threatened, reported, put it, kissed, burst, Listen, served, heard, got, smiling.

Words with a crossing of consonants:
thank, eyes, smooth, burned, grass, claw, class, pantry, flame, swim, plate, plastic, patch, handkerchief, glory, sweet, weak, smell, send, flag, bottle, went, left, block, globe, lump, raft, seal, square, elephant, paddle, word, sophisticated, fleet, clap, cotton, blouse, heel, stupid, club, flowerbed, tangle, strawberry, plow, rumor, listen, case, serve, merit, boulders, evil, fangs, sailing, hear, boilers, whip.

Mila eha salad.
Rusha took a shovel.
Swallow Sweet nest.
Mom made a milk noodle.
Mila washed the palm.
Near the tents of the burdocks and wormwood.
Winter came.
Prepare skis and sled. Rushed rolling onion and beet.
Mila saw an elephant.
Glory goes to the pantry for oars.
In a deep well, water is cold.
In the bench ripe and sweet apples.
Volodya is a bold swimmer and is not afraid of depth.
Klava put on the head of the white handkerchief.

Select pictures: shovel, boat, soap, doll. Start the offer, and the child will end in the picture, then repeat the proposal entirely.

Uncle Luka is digging flowerbed (shovel).
Volodya and glory float on (boat).
Palm soap claus (soap).
The dog took to a chungy (doll).
Volodya went on (bicycle).
Mikhail looked at (globe).
Pavel caught (dove).
Paul sat down (table).

Uncle Mikhail Konya drove away.
Grandfather Neil caught swarm bees.
Paul caught a daw.
Brother left for football.
Vova put the bottle on the shelf.
Dad bought a Christmas tree.
The chair fell to the floor, and I was afraid.
On the Christmas tree Paul saw the squirrel.
Mikhail played football and scored a goal.
Uncle Neil tied the tie and came out.
Father went to the station.

In the courtyard ledal dog.
On the river sailed raft.
Kitten lacqual milk.
Paul surchated her hair.
Neil received a letter from Mikhail.
Nile himself climbed towel and shawls.
I found and put a lot of worms in the jar.
Father served on a fleet and sailed on a submarine.
The soldier reported to fulfill the task.
Petya broke, and then set up a bike.
Volodya forgot where he put the pencil.
In the courtyard poluliel and silence dog.
The cat caught the mouse, but did not catch - the mouse ran away.
Number near the table, a table near Cola.
Here is a cheerful river rolled like a tangle.

White dressed up blanket.
The sun sang, the blanket flowed.

I taped on the ears, swept over the cheeks,
The cap from the head was silent and ... Udol.

Doll Mila.

Bought Mom Luce Doll. Luce doll liked. Blue eyes, blonde hair, white dress, white shoes. The lash called the doll cute. Very doll Mila. Whole days of the lash was with a cute. Dressed her and shod. Soap her head and combed the hair. She laid a doll to sleep and taubal. Lasha shutting a doll. Somehow the lady put a doll to sleep. Mom called the Lolush lunch, and the dog took a doll. She dragged a doll and spoiled her. Luche shook, but the doll did not leave. Then Mom bought the same doll. Thai exchanged, and the lash did not guessed.

Our cat loves to sleep. So he entered and went under the bench. Streamed, shelled the paw and fell asleep. I slept heavily. Rose cat, yawned and stretched. And then began to wash.

Wanted Volodya to be afraid of fish. He knew the place where the roach is caught. Volodya took the boat and swam. It was sunny and warm. Slear Volodya not long. I stopped near Omut. I got a fishing rod and began to catch. Fish came across: and small, and large. Casting a lot of roach, Volodya reached the fishing rod. Pushed the boat and swam home.

Learn by heart poem.

All white, white, white. Many snow marked.
Here are funny days! All - on skis and skates!

Soldier tin lived. He sang, joked and did not pass.
He fought, not tired. And fell himself, and he himself got up.
And he always remembered his soldiers family in battle.
Where it was for everyone, and for him stood all to one! (V. Aushev)

The tree was crying first from home heat.
In the morning I stopped crying, I breathed, came to life. (S. Marshak)

White color.
White snow, white chalk, white hare is also white.
But the protein is not white, but not even. (I. Tokmakova)

Hare white.
Hare White, hare White, where did you run away?
The hare answered: - I did not run, I'm jumping.

White swans in the sky live,
Swans smoothly float across the sky.
White feathers climb slightly.
Hello, swans clouds!

White snow, white chalk,
White hare is also white.
But the protein is not
White was not even.

White-white! White-white!
All the earth is snowing with snow!
Elegant has become the whole village -

Letter D at the bottom of the pond
Cancers found.
Since they have trouble:
That's how the fight.

In the store Valenka
Bought felt boots.
Little boots
What a mile!
But put on Valenki
Little scaling -
Fallen boots
For her small.

Valya on Protalyanka
Watched boots.
Valenka at Valenki
Dry on Zawaling.

Mittens of Var.
Disappeared on the boulevard,
Vary has grogied
In the evening with the boulevard
And found in his pocket
Mittens of Varvara.

Broom the floor sweeping
The broom is very tired.
He sneezed he yawned
And quietly lay down under the chair.

In the yard stands mountain.
We ride in the morning.
The poor thing is angry,
What can not ride.

Days and nights
Root Mole underground move.
What do you need a mole?
Darling darkness.

He lived, was forgotten.
- Where did it live? - Forgot.
- Where was it? - Forgot.
- What ate? - Forgot.
- What did you drink? - Forgot.

Winter All Mel Levelie -
Males, linden have been sad ...
And in the spring cheerful
Bloated, grilled:
Birds from the south flew -
The branches of the legs were warmed.

In vain, caressing calas:
At all, Nelaskova she.
I caress evil eyes.
Do not wait for her caress!

Locked ice, we broke.
Fly shreds from winter.

Mom Mile with soap soap.
In the eye got a mile soap.
Mom Mile said:
- Do not be angry, Mila daughter!
"I'm not angry," Mila said.
- I smell soap.

Did not regret mom soap.
Mom Mila Soap Soap.
Mila Soap did not love
Soap Mila dropped.

Pilyat, knock,
Colute, Pilyat
File with Kake
Kohl with fillets.
Poured half a doors
Will be for the winter firewood!

Look at the irin:
Eats Irinka Mandarkaya.
East Irinka Mandark -
Throw crusts in a basket.

Cooked Larisa
For Boris, soup from rice.
And Boris Larisa
I care about Iris.

Stretched in a puddle
And just almost drowned.
Well that he shirt
Puzhu immediately blocked.

Rah-fuck Tararh!
Rassed thunder in the mountains,
Thundered over black clouds,
Thundered over black stew.
Let in the mountains rumbles thunder,
I still go walk.

Snegiri bullfinals
On the courtyard at the door.
I poured for the threshold
Buckwheat, seeds, cottage cheese.
And when I went out into the garden,
I heard from them:
- You are the kinder of all guys
Well done, Grisha!

Collected Margarita
Daisy on the mountain.
Having confused Margarita
Daisy in the yard.

Soldier Tin lived
He sang, joked and not foul,
He fought, not tired,
And fell himself, and he himself got up.
And he always remembered in battle
Your soldier's family
Where was for everyone and for him
Stood all to one!

Ragged and shake Portfolio Taras,
To find notebooks.
But notebooks every time
They played hide and seek with him.

My sister Marina
Cheeks, like tangerines.
And sister marina herself
A little more mandarin.

In our river live beavers,
Bobras Bodra, beavers are kind.
Wisers dam builders,
Bobras - River residents.

Convinced that
Used milk.
I hardly caught him.
Being a hostess is not easy.


Sokolova N.V. Speech therapy notebook. Sounds [p], [l], [th]. - M.: School press, 2006.

(Valery Aushev)

Tin lived.
He sang,
I joked and did not pass.
He fought
Not tired.
And fell sang
And he himself got up.
And he remembered
Always in battle
Soldier's family
Where was for all
And for him
All to one!

How Yozh Herge
(Valery Aushev)

Somehow came to the sea.
In the sea - Fish-Yozh.
Gray Yuzh was amazed:
- How do you live under water?
- How do I live? So I live -
I sleep at night
And in the afternoon swimming.
Sheer shells
Worms of marine fishing ...
Well, and if
In the underwater forest
Cute fish-fox,
I curl in front of her
In the ball -
Well, trick barbed side!

Climbing on a pine bear
(Valery Aushev)

Drops from heavy branches
A juicy lingonberry sprinkle.
Climbing on the pine bear
Stupid, cheerful, redhead.
Thought the sun was a saucer
Honey is filled with top.
Lard wanted to reach
I could not resist and moved!
He began to climb again
To the dark top of pine.
Sieve with honey rocked,
Soccer close seemed ...
But clouds flew
Shuddered baby from thunder:
"I'll enjoy better
Sweet Malinka at home. "
Head from the branch of the becks
Down the bear looked down.
Pull to the thread all he
Before he became a clearing.
Mother at pine, under the bushes,
Meet the brave son
And climbed slap:
- Here's honey!
Here - Malina !!!

Live ice floes
(Valery Aushev)

What is there
Under ice -
Or patch? ..
This is fish.

Make winter
These fish
Under water?
With a river together
In a quiet place.
And spring
On Bystrina
Come to life again

Sunny fish
(Valery Aushev)

In the sea of \u200b\u200bwhite
Like a boulder
Dorming solar fish.
Oven chose she,
Where peace and silence
Where is the sand blue
And the fools fly Gurba.
In orange telnyashki
Floating food
Brave rods
Sea oche.
Play fish skyski
Between her in the cabin.
And girlfriends are girlfriend -
Spiky barushs! ..
If so many fish goes
Next door in silence,
Really fish-sun
Instead of the sun here
at the bottom?

(Valery Aushev)

Grows -
Here trouble! -
At the goat beard.
But where
With it to go? -
Do not escape
Don't tear
And Kozlena
Right from childhood
Call for!

(Valery Aushev)

Turtle bulking loud:
- Che-Pu-ha, not a movie! ..
I crawled three nights
I didn't get anyway ...
Can be seen, you need a week
Invite us, turtles,
So that we are nefopic
Earrings trendy put out
In the mirror would be glanced -
Are you really good?
So that the road did not sweat,
In no hurry
Not flying
To the day before the session
We sat on the ground!

Svetlana Schgolkova
Abstract individual work With the children of the speech therapy group "Automation of sound [l]"

An abstract of individual work with children of the speech therapy group

On the topic: « Automation of sound L.»

1. Take the word by adding to its part sound - l at the end:

For a shaky - l mud - l

ST - L foam - l metal - l

Me - L Czecho-Loba - L


Stu - l coo - l basement

2. Add to the beginning of the word syllable - La, say the word fully:

Cook - La Page - La Ska - La

SCO - La Met - La Siek - La

Aku - La Si - La Pi - La

Ig - La Zo - Layk - La

Mi - la al - la with bodies

3. Form a diminishing form nouns:

Needle - needle float - float

Saw - Pilochka hammer - hammer

Knot - Nodules Soldier - Soldier

Elephant - Elephant Skakolka - Rope

Balcony - Balcony Bathrobe - Bathe

Salad - Salad Shelf - Shelf

Glass - Steklushko Sun - Sun

Scarf - handkerchiefs eyes - eyes

Apple - Apple Talking - Tangle

Heel - Heel Towel - Towels

Bottle - bottle piggy bank - piggy bank

4. Name the words opposite by meaning (Antonyms):

Black - white cowardly - brave

Old - Young deep - petty

Good - evil full - hungry

A lot - a little good - angry

True - False heat is cold

Light - heavy strong - weak

Bitter - Sweet Empty - Full

Dark - Light forgot - I remembered

Lost - I found thin - fat

5. What is the unnecessary word:

Forehead, elk, elbow, folder;

Antenna, rocks, corners, covers;

Puddle, onion, loaf, bulb;

Shelf, squirrel, stick, suitcase;

Doll, elephant, dolls, doll;

Bee, bees, axes, bee.

6. Name missed word - act:

Mila ... dress.

(dried, Izmazal, bought, I saw, I sold, I gave, drew, I put it, cut off, turned, gave, stacked, washing, stroking, cut out, broke, loved)

7. Pronounce poem "Soldier".

Soldier tin lived. He sang, joked and did not pass.

He fought - not tired and fell himself, and he himself got up.

And he always remembered in battle his soldier's family,

Where was for everyone and for him were all before one!
