self-hypnosis- The best way cure any disease on your own, even when medicine is unable to help you. This has long been proven by many people who have cured themselves by self-hypnosis when medicine was powerless. But today, few people believe and know that self-hypnosis treatment accessible to everyone and everyone.

We are used to other people thinking for us and our health, we go to the doctor when we feel bad, without maintaining our health and not preserving it from early childhood. Psychologists have prepared a series effective methods to your self-hypnosis treatment went well on its own.

Decide what your disease is and what causes it

First of all, to treatment self-hypnosis went well, you need to decide what kind of illness you have. After that, write it down on a piece of paper, in as much detail as possible, when it occurred, why and what symptoms it has. You must know as much as possible about the disease itself, because without knowing this, the method of autosuggestion will be powerless.

In most cases, the main cause of disease in humans is also self-hypnosis because people themselves inspired their disease. Perhaps this person thought a lot about illnesses, or he was surrounded by sick people or those who constantly talk about illnesses, or this person was constantly asked about his health, which led to doubts, and he fell ill. There are many reasons, the main thing is to find your cause of the disease.

Do not renounce medicine, all cures are important

We should not forget about medicine, let alone renounce it, relying only on self-hypnosis, all methods of healing are important. Treatment self-hypnosis, is used only when medicine is powerless and doctors give up. The most important thing is that the patient's hands do not fall. Since there are a number of cases when a person, being in a critical condition and doctors said that there was nothing to be done, was cured by self-hypnosis. But if your disease can be easily cured by medicine, then do not renounce it, and consult a doctor as soon as possible and in time.

Imagine mentally that you are healthy

Those who cured through self-hypnosis, when medicine was powerless, shared their experience and told how they managed to become healthy and be cured by self-hypnosis. The most important thing they say is to believe that you can be cured and this faith must be supported by a strong desire, happiness and joy. After that, you need to visualize yourself as often and daily as possible, that you are already healthy, how you live, how you breathe, play, walk, take off your clothes. By imagining themselves in their thoughts, these people created their future and changed their fate, which was inscribed by doctors. Believe and follow this method.

Be grateful for everything you have and everything you don't yet have.

The girl, who was at the last stage of cancer, when the doctors said that there was nothing to fix, applied the method of self-hypnosis treatment on her own in practice. She began her day by thanking God for what she already had and what she did not yet have. She said: Thank God for curing me, repeating this phrase 100-200 times daily. The girl also drank tea, watched funny programs, she began to live as if she had already recovered. After another study, the doctors were amazed, they did not find cancer cells in the girl, the girl was completely healthy. Therefore, remember, you always need to stay, believe, thank and rejoice in what is already there, and what is not there, but you really want it.

Self-care for recovery

on one's own useful, but if you do not have experience yet, then it is better to consult a doctor, all ways of healing are important and necessary. There are many self-hypnosis phrases that have helped people heal various diseases, here is the most effective and best phrase for self-treatment:

Every day I become yet better and healthier

With every hour I become yet better and healthier

Every minute I become yet better and healthier

Every moment I become yet better and healthier.

This phrase must be pronounced 500 times or more a day, you can record it on a voice recorder and listen, you can say it out loud or to yourself. If you believe in God, you can also, as an addition, read prayers for healing. The main thing is to believe that you are healthy, and do everything necessary to be so.

psycho- olog. en

self-hypnosis- The best way cure any disease on your own, even when medicine is unable to help you. This has long been proven by many people who have cured themselves by self-hypnosis when medicine was powerless. But today, few people believe and know that self-hypnosis treatment accessible to everyone and everyone.

We are used to other people thinking for us and our health, we go to the doctor when we feel bad, without maintaining our health and not preserving it from early childhood. Psychologists have prepared a number of effective methods so that your self-hypnosis treatment went well on its own.

Decide what your disease is and what causes it

First of all, to treatment self-hypnosis went well, you need to decide what kind of illness you have. After that, write it down on a piece of paper, in as much detail as possible, when it occurred, why and what symptoms it has. You must know as much as possible about the disease itself, because without knowing this, the method of autosuggestion will be powerless.

In most cases, the main cause of disease in humans is also self-hypnosis disease, because people themselves inspired their disease. Perhaps this person thought a lot about illnesses, or he was surrounded by sick people or those who constantly talk about illnesses, or this person was constantly asked about his health, which led to doubts, and he fell ill. There are many reasons, the main thing is to find your cause of the disease.

Do not renounce medicine, all cures are important

We should not forget about medicine, let alone renounce it, relying only on self-hypnosis, all methods of healing are important. Treatment self-hypnosis, is used only when medicine is powerless and doctors give up. The most important thing is that the patient's hands do not fall. Since there are a number of cases when a person, being in a critical condition and doctors said that there was nothing to be done, was cured by self-hypnosis. But if your disease can be easily cured by medicine, then do not renounce it, and consult a doctor as soon as possible and in time.

Imagine mentally that you are healthy

Those who cured through self-hypnosis, when medicine was powerless, shared their experience and told how they managed to become healthy and be cured by self-hypnosis. The most important thing they say is to believe that you can be cured and this faith must be supported by a strong desire, happiness and joy. After that, you need to visualize yourself as often and daily as possible, that you are already healthy, how you live, how you breathe, play, walk, take off your clothes. By imagining themselves in their thoughts, these people created their future and changed their fate, which was inscribed by doctors. Believe and follow this method.

Be grateful for everything you have and everything you don't yet have.

The girl, who was at the last stage of cancer, when the doctors said that there was nothing to fix, applied the method of self-hypnosis treatment on her own in practice. She began her day by thanking God for what she already had and what she did not yet have. She said: Thank God for curing me, repeating this phrase 100-200 times daily. The girl also drank tea, watched funny programs, she began to live as if she had already recovered. After another study, the doctors were amazed, they did not find cancer cells in the girl, the girl was completely healthy. Therefore, remember, you always need to remain human, believe, thank and rejoice in what is already there, and what is not there, but you really want it.

Self-care for recovery

on one's own useful, but if you do not have experience yet, then it is better to consult a doctor, all ways of healing are important and necessary. There are many autosuggestion phrases that have helped people heal various diseases, here is the most effective and best autosuggestion treatment phrase:

Every day I become yet better and healthier

With every hour I become yet better and healthier

Every minute I become yet better and healthier

Every moment I become yet better and healthier.

This phrase must be pronounced 500 times or more a day, you can record it on a voice recorder and listen, you can say it out loud or to yourself. If you believe in God, you can also, as an addition, read prayers for healing. The main thing is to believe that you are healthy, and do everything necessary to be so.

Surely many of you have heard of autosuggestion of illness. And here's how it goes autosuggestion of illness, and moreover, not many people know how to get rid of it. And if so, then let's take a closer look at the issue autosuggestion of illness. So…

A person's well-being largely depends on his thoughts and mood. If a person maintains a sense of health, strength, then he manifests them in life. If a person succumbs to despondency, painful thoughts, is constantly afraid of getting sick with something, then this affects the state of health, and usually results in some kind of illness. This mental phenomenon is called autosuggestion of illness.

Medicine knows the facts when autosuggestion of illness made people disabled, prematurely reduced to the grave. But it also saved from death and much suffering. It's amazing how little people know about self-hypnosis. But the ability to it is inherent in man. In addition, use autosuggestion It's very easy once you get the hang of the technique.

But first, let's see how autosuggestion of illness. Let's imagine a situation: a person woke up, went to the bathroom and saw himself in the mirror, pale and exhausted. He slept badly at night, under his eyes, as it seemed to him, black circles. And yet, this man overcame the feeling of discomfort with willpower. He did morning exercises, mentally saying to himself: “Now I will go out into the fresh air and I will definitely feel good. I'm not the kind to turn sour and give in to a bad mood." Straightening his back and raising his head, he walked with a confident gait to work.

The above situation is an example of correct behavior. She demonstrates a positive attitude towards life, fortitude and self-control. It can be called an example of the right self-hypnosis.

But let's look at another example: a person saw himself in the mirror, as it seemed to him, unhealthy and immediately lost heart. Still, because he slept very badly today. The thought immediately arose in my head: “Is this the beginning of some kind of illness?” And then, as luck would have it, there was a prick in my side and my head was spinning and my eyes darkened. Sometimes in such cases even go to the doctor. And this is not the worst option, it happens that they don’t go to the doctor (once or it’s scary), but they constantly think about the disease, about the symptoms, in general, about the negative.

Here there is autosuggestion of illness. If this person had been critical (or ironic) of his feelings, everything would have been different. After all, it is not a fact that these are symptoms of a terrible disease. Perhaps yesterday he ate something not very fresh, and that's how he feels bad. So no, he will think about the worst possible scenario, and thereby worsen his condition. And then the situation develops on the rise: every day it gets worse and worse, new symptoms of the disease appear (or rather, the person is looking for them), the state of health worsens, and here it’s a stone’s throw from a real illness.

And the worst thing is that people of this type of character (mind) inspire diseases not only to themselves, but also to others. It is only worth mentioning to them that your head hurts - they will immediately tell you that you have pressure, and you definitely need to take care of your health.

Do you still think that self-hypnosis in general and autosuggestion of illness in particular - is it nonsense? And how do you like that? A fact is known when a person accidentally closed in a refrigerator car froze, although in fact the refrigerator was not turned on. One psychic experience led to death. This would not have happened if a person, once in a refrigerator car, inspired himself: “I have the strength to keep warm. Everything will be fine. I will be warm if I work my muscles. I will be able to let people know about me ... "

A fact from the life of the Indians is also known. It was like this, a crime was committed in the village. To identify the criminal, they called a local sorcerer. According to the ideas of the villagers, the sorcerer must know everything. And the sorcerer at the same time understands that if he does not identify the culprit of the crime, people will stop believing in his witchcraft, he will lose authority and influence on his fellow tribesmen. He gave all the suspects to drink a "witch" potion - a rather poisonous, but not lethal composition. Everyone drank boldly, being completely sure that if someone was not guilty, the poison would not affect him. But the perpetrator of the crime fell into despair. He had already convinced himself that he was finished. In the body, he experienced drastic changes in the form of a violation of vegetative functions, and soon he was found dead. Both the guilty and the innocent were affected by force self-hypnosis.

But let's get right back to the topic. autosuggestion of illness. From all of the above, it follows that in 90 cases out of 100 we are ill with diseases suggested by us ourselves. English doctors offer several ways to deal with autosuggestion of illness. The easiest way, in their opinion, is to repeat to yourself that you are healthy. Another successful means of fighting for their health, English doctors consider daytime sleep. At the same time, before falling asleep, it is highly recommended inspire oneself that you lie on the beach on the warm sand and think only about something pleasant. These representations should promote sound sleep and release the brain from excess stress.

And Vernon Coleman, dealing with issues self-hypnosis in the fight against "non-invented" (real) diseases, recommends during the period of the disease to try as brightly as possible to imagine the infection in the form of an extremely thin, frail, homeless and frightened tramp. This presentation will help you easily overcome the disease.

The possibilities of the subconscious mind to influence the body are endless. The founder of the theory of self-hypnosis, Emile Coué, was the first to draw attention to the power of the patient's faith in healing, which "moves mountains." The positive or negative effect of self-hypnosis gives diametrically opposite results from treatment. According to Kue, self-healing from all diseases with the help of the subconscious is a reality. The following story confirms his opinion.

Real story

My close friend Maria expected to spend her long-awaited vacation by the sea. However, the exacerbation of chronic gastritis forced her to postpone the trip. She drank a course of medicines, but she continued to undergo examinations, and the vacation was coming to an end. Once I went to visit her and found her and the whole family in a panic.

- My attending gastroenterologist should be deprived of a diploma! He sent me to a gynecologist, a pulmonologist, a cardiologist, and then he said that he would no longer accept me without consulting a psychiatrist! I have a wild heartburn, especially at night that does not allow me to sleep, and in the morning I have terrible fatigue and a headache. I follow the diet and all appointments. What's with the psychiatrist? - Maria was indignant, supported by the whole family.

- Now the fashion for these doctors. Perhaps the polyclinic includes psychiatrists in the process of a comprehensive examination. If you want, then I will go with you as a support group, - I tried to find words of consolation, perplexed about the meaning of the consultation.

The next day, we entered the psychiatrist's office together. Looking "with one eye" at the history of Maria's illness, the psychiatrist began to ask questions about the family, work, supposed vacation, which, in my opinion, had nothing to do with her friend's illness. Then he asked her to leave the office, and we were left alone. My mood was belligerent, but I patiently waited for questions.

Do you know what the self-hypnosis effect is called? Or the story of the discovery of auto-suggestion healing? And what about the connection between the body and the subconscious from the point of view of psychosomatics? the doctor asked kindly, seeing my bewilderment.

- Unconscious suggestion or self-hypnosis - the "placebo" effect. I don’t know the history of its origin, but I assume that one of your colleagues defended at least a doctoral dissertation on this. How can my girlfriend cure herself with self-hypnosis? After all, the psyche has nothing to do with the gastrointestinal tract. What is the connection of the questions you asked with the disease and how to get rid of heartburn with the help of the subconscious? - trying to show my knowledge of medical terminology, I say.

- According to the anamnesis data, Maria should not have heartburn, since gastritis has been cured, neighboring organs have been examined, therefore, the disease is of a psychosomatic nature, that is, instead of self-hypnosis for health, she has a setting for the disease. Discussion in the family, dissatisfaction with the gastroenterologist, an obstacle on the way to rest exacerbate the negative factor. My task is to set her up for self-hypnosis treatment, yours is to help me. Words for self-hypnosis for recovery do not matter, the main thing is to treat her like a healthy person, maintaining an unshakable faith in the prescribed drug. Do so and warn relatives.

Then Maria entered the office, and it was my turn to wait in the corridor. She received another course of treatment in tablet form, and I visited relatives in her absence. A week later, an enthusiastic friend called me back:

- A miracle happened! The pills helped!

I remembered a conversation with a psychiatrist and thought that the best cure for all diseases is self-hypnosis.

Placebo effect"

Term on scientific basis introduced by the American anesthetist G. Beecher as a result of research on patients during the 2nd World War. In the event of a shortage of painkillers, the doctor injected the usual saline solution, acting on the patient's subconscious. Often such exposure led to an effect equivalent to anesthesia. Having streamlined and systematized his observations, Beecher formulated the name of self-hypnosis treatment.

However, the placebo effect has been used by doctors for a long time. In the 19th century, the therapist M. Mudrov prescribed powders to patients that had an immediate effect in the fight against many diseases. After the death of the famous doctor, it turned out that the contents were ordinary chalk. Mudrov wrote: “The art of a doctor lies in creating“ medicines for the soul ”that would console the angry, calm the impatient, stop the violent, frighten the impudent, make the shy bold, frank - unsociable, reliable - desperate.

Since the 1970s, the placebo effect method has been mandatory for evaluating the effectiveness of invented drugs. The interest of physicians and psychologists in self-hypnosis for health continues to grow.

Attitudes towards recovery

Self-hypnosis treatment is independently based on the creation of individual settings that have common principles of construction. To be effective, you need to choose the right attitudes for yourself and learn to be receptive to them. Otherwise, you can add a lot of diseases, first created in the imagination.

Rules for health

Self-hypnosis for recovery is based on creating positive impulses before turning into a working tool at the subconscious level, acting automatically. Basic building rules:

  1. Positive affirmative wording. According to the research of psychologists, the subconscious mind does not perceive the negative particle “not”. Therefore, the phrase "I am not sick" should be changed to "I am absolutely healthy."
  2. Visualization of desired events. The point is to imagine a favorable situation and experience it. The method is effective because the mind does not distinguish between real events and fictional ones. Often people live in an imaginary world, far from reality, and are in a feeling of happiness. It is important for the patient to imagine that he is already healthy, visualization will do the rest.
  3. Complete relaxation. The goal is to create the desired images, repeating positive phrases in the most comfortable environment. A mental image embedded in the subconscious will be able to give a command to the body at the physical level. Duration and repetition frequency do not matter. The main criterion is “penetration into the soul” and getting pleasure.
  4. Formation of theses. Abstracts should be written in a positive way, focusing on what needs to be achieved, not avoided. Important absence comparative degree and setting specific time frames for recovery. For example, for a bedridden patient, the wording: “I will get up after a certain period, because this happened to my neighbor” is inappropriate due to the individuality of the human body.
  5. Daily practice. According to psychologists, you need to practice twice a day without gaps. It is better to work out for 2 months and then quit altogether than to miss at least a day. The recommended time is in the morning when you wake up and at night before going to bed.
  6. Motivation and active position. Just words, not supported by concrete actions and efforts, did not bring recovery to anyone.

Self-hypnosis is not a panacea for all ills. Healing brings complex treatment in the form of drug therapy in compliance with medical prescriptions and correction of the way of thinking.

Affirmations for health

The story of Mary's healing of heartburn is not only a treatment for the disease at the psychosomatic level, but also self-hypnosis for neurosis and headache, which are inevitable companions. With this in mind, health affirmations formulated by Louise Hay:

  1. I easily "assimilate" life.
  2. At any moment I feel the "taste" of life and novelty.
  3. There is peace in my soul.
  4. I love and approve of myself.
  5. I breathe deeply and trust the life process.
  6. I am in absolute safety.
  7. Life can't hurt me.
  8. I relax, and life provides me with everything I need in an easy and convenient way.
  9. I open my soul and radiate love in communication.
  10. I travel through the endless expanses of eternity, knowing that all is well.

Self-hypnosis for health in the form of affirmations is a text of brief settings that need to be repeated at intervals on an individual basis.


What comes first: a healthy body or a healthy mind? Not significant. The main postulate is that these concepts are inextricably linked with each other. The mentioned Mary could not be healed physically due to problems on a spiritual level. Medicine knows cases when the right attitudes cured cancer, and the wrong ones led to schizophrenia.

A sick person cannot recover only by relying on self-hypnosis. At the same time, all medicine will be powerless if the patient does not believe. The main rule is to combine drug treatment and a positive attitude of the patient. When drawing conclusions, remember that the strength of a person is in himself!

For quite a long time in psychiatry self-hypnosis remains one of the widely known terms. As a rule, it is understood as a complex of psychological influences of an individual on his own consciousness, through which he develops various attitudes, ideas, psychological mechanisms. Most often, this technique is implemented through authentic, regular repetition to oneself or aloud of a certain set of words and phrases.

This set is usually individual for each person, since each of the "patients" self-hypnosis and influence on his personality. With the processes of self-hypnosis, which is quite likely, each of us has encountered. They can manifest themselves during the mental and psychological struggle with fear, anxiety, self-doubt and their abilities before a responsible performance or an exam.

As a method of psychotherapy, the suggestion of certain attitudes to oneself can be active and carried out intentionally, or it can also acquire a passive, subconscious form. At the same time, self-hypnosis can be not only positive, but also negative, which directly depends on the character, psychological state and manner of the individual. There are cases when, through negative self-hypnosis, a person actually fell ill or even became disabled, but it also happened vice versa, when patients were cured of serious illnesses using this specific technique.

Self-hypnosis methods

Self-hypnosis, as the phenomenon of self-hypnosis is also called, is capable of causing certain experiences, emotions and feelings, various volitional and motivational impulses in an individual.
Almost all methods of self-hypnosis are based on the development of positive impulses, which are achieved by repeating positive statements specific to the individual, key sets of phrases. Such regular authentic repetitions are performed until the mental or verbal setting is transformed into a permanent tool of the subconscious, which is activated at a certain moment and transforms thoughts and impulses into a full-fledged physical equivalent.
It is recommended to pronounce such mental suggestions in an imperative tone, while affirming for yourself the likelihood of fulfilling such an “order” or confirming its execution in advance. At the same time, it is also imperative to avoid various negative connotations in your statements, including particles “not” or “no”. For example, if you are trying to quit smoking, you should avoid suggestions like "I don't smoke anymore" or "I don't want to smoke", but "I quit smoking" is effective. Pay attention to the fact that too long monologues are never used for the purpose of self-hypnosis or self-hypnosis. All settings and phrases should be as brief as possible, but at the same time capacious, to the point.

Of course, at the moment there are quite a lot of different methods of self-hypnosis, but at the same time it is worth noting that the effect mainly depends not only on right choice technology. The level of informativeness of suggestion and the correctness of the given setting, the level of attention to suggestion, focusing on the desire to complete the task, and the suggestibility of the individual himself also play a role. To improve the effect, additionally well-known techniques in psychiatry, such as relaxation, reading a mantra, affirmations, and visualization, are often used.

At the same time, affirmations are considered one of the most effective and successful methods. Meaning this phenomenon lies in the fact that the individual repeats to himself the installation, which consists of an already completed successful positive action. For example: "I found Good work or “I passed the exam successfully.” The mechanism for the implementation of this self-hypnosis lies in the fact that positive thinking very quickly displaces negative attitudes from the subconscious that block active impulses to activity, as a result of which these positive attitudes are translated into reality.
You can also build self-hypnosis on constant gratitude. In psychology, it is widely believed that gratitude for something is the most powerful positive emotion, second only to love. Constant gratitude to yourself. Surrounding, or even just the universe - this is a very strong positive impulse. Which will allow you to overcome negative blockages in the subconscious every day. As with any affirmation, you need to give thanks fairly regularly, and there is not much difference in who exactly and for what you will thank, if you do it as sincerely as possible. You can even thank the world around you and the universe for another day lived, for the good weather, for the life given to you.
The main thing you should remember is that the affirmation is not just repeated like a mantra once a day, with a certain regularity. The meaning of technology is that what is repeated should become the meaning of the whole day. And a person who conducts self-hypnosis in this way must not only repeat the installation, but actually live what is being repeated. In other words, no matter what happens to you throughout the day, your positive attitude should always be on the surface.
Also, the so-called "autogenic" training is often used, which is a combination of the processes of self-hypnosis and self-hypnosis. The point is that the individual immerses himself in a kind of trance - a relaxed state of superficial sleep, when consciousness is in an intermediate position between dreams and reality. It is in this state that further processes of self-hypnosis are carried out. At the same time, it is also recommended to apply visualization techniques and awaken memories that connect consciousness with positive experiences aimed at achieving the desired.

Self-hypnosis treatment

For quite a long time, self-hypnosis treatment has been under the close attention of both specialists and ordinary people interested in this technique. There are many cases when the suggestion by an individual to his consciousness of positive attitudes was practically the only way to deal with really serious ailments. For example, Bekhterev believed that the healing properties of prayer, which were also often noticed among people, are based on a strong effect of self-hypnosis, supported by a positive attitude of a religious nature and belief.
Even experts in the field of traditional medicine, therapy and surgery note the fact that the effectiveness of treatment is often affected by the belief of the patient himself in the possibility of his healing. Sometimes even the belief in a successful recovery is more effective than the drugs themselves.

In this case, the technique once proposed by Coue is especially popular. From the author's point of view, the patient needs to repeat daily one or more specific positive instructions. The standard example is the phrase: "Every day I feel better" or "Today I am much better than yesterday." It is completely unimportant that sometimes such an attitude can go completely against what is really happening. This is due to the fact that such attitudes of the patient are aimed at his subconscious, which in people is distinguished by gullibility.

In principle, the human subconscious perceives everything as truth or an order that it seeks to fulfill. Therefore, such attitudes can easily lead to real vegetative changes in the body, the action of which will be aimed at improving the state of the body, even if this is almost impossible to achieve with the help of drugs. In this case, the main criterion is the positive orientation of the attitude formula, because if this condition is not met, instead of improving, the patient may inspire himself with increased pain or other unpleasant symptoms of the disease.
Of course, such techniques are most effectively used in the treatment of patients with various nervous disorders suffering from hormonal disorders, overweight, mental disorders or even diseases of the genitourinary system. Also, the self-hypnosis technique is excellent for preventive purposes, strengthening the general condition and tone of the patient's body.

The technique of suggestion is also effective for apathy, life failures, breakups. The effectiveness of the method directly depends on the desire of the patient to cope with the problem, does not require any coercion or effort on oneself, while it is completely devoid of shortcomings, does not cause addiction or some kind of “breaking” in case of refusal of self-hypnosis.
