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Abstract on the topic

« Theoretical and methodological foundations of inclusive education»

Inclusive education at the present stage of development of Russian society is an important condition for the realization of the right of a person with special needs to education and, subsequently, to professional activity. It should be noted that the analysis of scientific literature on the problem of inclusive education in a historical context allows us to see a gradually changing paradigm in the system of "atypical" people and social environment. Moreover, positive changes and attitudes can be traced in the public consciousness about the need to move from the social isolation of people with special needs (and in some cases, physical destruction) to their social inclusion.

Following the logic of scientific research, we believe that the development of the stated problem should be based on the analysis of the basic concept of research work "inclusive education" and conceptual approaches that we underlie the development of the system of inclusive education.

In the scientific space, the institutionalization of the term “inclusive education” is just beginning. The active use in the Russian scientific and practical space of this concept occurs only at the end of the XX century. and the beginning of XXI Art. It is no coincidence that the introduction of the concept of inclusive education by the Salamanca Declaration of Persons with Special Needs (1994) and the adoption of the UNESCO Declaration on Cultural Diversity (2001) are close in time of their appearance: both of these documents express not only recognition of the heterogeneity of society and its culture, but also changing the attitude in society towards this diversity - awareness of its value, awareness of the value of differences between people.

Inclusion in modern world acts as the leading social idea of \u200b\u200bWestern countries, which is based on the struggle to eradicate discrimination on the basis of individual differences. The human community is considered in all its diversity, assuming the coexistence of ordinary people and people with special needs.

In modern scientific literature and periodicals devoted to the education of people with special needs, the concept of "inclusion" began to gradually replace the previously used term "integration", claiming to be a more accurate semantic expression of the essence of understanding the practical realization of the rights of people with special needs.

In the scientific space, the term "inclusion" in translation from in English means inclusiveness. Inclusive education is a term used to describe the learning process for people with disabilities, and as a consequence, with special educational needs in general education institutions. It is based on an ideology that ensures equal treatment of all people, but, nevertheless, it provides for the adaptation of the environment and the creation of compensating conditions.

It should be noted that at the present stage of the development of society, Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012, “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the concept of “inclusive education” is legislatively formalized as providing for all students equal access to education, taking into account the diversity of their special educational needs and individual capabilities.

According to Chigrina A. Ya., Inclusive education is a term used to describe the process of teaching children with disabilities and, as a consequence, with special educational needs in general education (mass) schools. The author emphasizes that inclusive education should represent a balance between whether a child will be able to master a general program in the presence of additional conditions and an individual program, and the importance of his social integration.

In turn, O.S. Kuzmina gives the following definition of "inclusive education" by which she understands "a social and pedagogical phenomenon, which consists in the construction of an educational process in which a child with disabilities learns together with healthy peers and receives specific pedagogical support and remedial assistance related to the satisfaction of his special educational needs.

For our research, the article by Yarskaya-Smirnova E.R. and I. Loshakova “Inclusive education of children with disabilities”, in which the idea of \u200b\u200bintroducing inclusive education suggests that a continuum of services, including the educational environment most favorable for them, should correspond to the diversity of needs of students with disabilities. The authors emphasize that all children should be included from the very beginning in the educational and social life of the school in the community; the goal of an inclusive school is to build a system that meets the needs of everyone; in inclusive schools, all children, not only those with disabilities, are provided with support that allows them to achieve success, feel safe, and the value of being in a team together.

We share the opinion of A.V. Bakharev that the system of inclusive education includes educational institutions of secondary, professional and higher education... Its goal is to create a barrier-free environment in the education and training of people with disabilities. This requires a set of measures, which implies both technical equipment educational institutions, and the development of special training courses for teachers and other students aimed at their work and the development of interaction with people with disabilities, the development of tolerance and change in attitudes. In addition, the author believes that special programs are needed to facilitate the adaptation of children with disabilities in a general education institution.

In the context of the stated problem, the views of S.O.Bryzgalova and G.G. Zak are important for us, who see that the concept of inclusive education requires fundamental changes in the system not only of secondary (as a “school for all”), but also of professional and additional education (as “education for all”). Scientists consider the system of inclusive education itself as an effective mechanism for the development of an inclusive society, i.e. By developing the system of inclusive education, we thereby contribute to the development of an inclusive society - a society for all, a society for everyone. In their opinion, this is the key importance of inclusive education. Inclusive education is an education that provides everyone, despite the existing physical, intellectual, social, emotional, linguistic or other characteristics, with the opportunity to be involved in the general process of education and upbringing (development and socialization), which then allows the growing up person to become an equal member of society, reduces the risks of segregation and isolation. Growing up together, children learn to accept their own characteristics and take into account the characteristics of others. It is based on an ideology that ensures equal treatment of all people, but, nevertheless, it provides for the adaptation of the environment and the creation of compensating conditions. We value the ideas of continuity in inclusive education from secondary school to high school. Based on this, a person with special needs is constantly in the system of social relations and connections, which, as they become socialized, will expand and deepen.

The development of the inclusive education system was based on the following concepts and conceptual approaches:

one). An activity approach, which considers a person as an active subject who cognizes and transforms the world and himself in the process of activity;

2) The personality-oriented approach is based on the humanistic principle of the teacher-student relationship, taking into account the child's subjective experience and providing him with pedagogical support for his individuality;

3) Systems approach, considers inclusive education as a continuous process of interaction of a multidisciplinary team;

4) The competence-based approach considers a person as a carrier of certain competencies;

5) Acmeology of personal and professional development of personality.

We propose to briefly consider their theoretical and methodological essence.

The activity approach considers a person as an active subject who cognizes and transforms the world and himself in the process of activity (L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, S. L. Rubinstein, etc.). For a long time, the state social policy in relation to people with special needs was based on the medical model of disability. Within the framework of which a person with special needs was considered more from the position of an object of medical care, and not a subject of social relations. Unfortunately, even such an important moment as the development of an individual rehabilitation program for a child with special needs is very often carried out without the participation of parents, especially a child. This position should be changed.

In our opinion, the activity approach should be based on the principle of participation, which involves the participation of young people in decision-making and processes that affect their lives, including in the processes of information exchange, consultation, management, decision-making and action (R.A. Hart). Based on his book "Children" s participation from tokenism to citizenship ", we present only the most important provisions for our research.

Confidential communication (informing on all issues that concern a young person, support in formulating questions and sincerity in answers);

Joint decision making (facilitating discussion, giving choice, empowering decision implementation);

Supporting initiatives (active listening; recognizing that young people are talented, strong and weak sides, future orientation, gaining experience in the process of various activities).

We believe that the concept of inclusive education, based on this approach, should proceed from the position of the active position of children and youth with special needs as stakeholders. A person with special needs, in the process of participating in various available activities, develops himself as a person and as a future professional.

Personality orientationnnyapproachdrelies on the humanistic principle of the relationship between teacher and student, taking into account the child's subjective experience and providing him with pedagogical support for his individuality(E. Bondarevskaya, E. Stepanov, S. Podmazin, etc.) .

Most scientists in the personality-oriented approach, first of all, see the process of subject-subject interaction between a teacher and a student, which is aimed at creating a friendly socio-cultural environment for the self-development of an individual as a subject of active activity, capable of self-realization and self-improvement.

In the context of our research, it is important to define the personality-oriented approach proposed by E. Stepanov, who considers it as “a methodological orientation in pedagogical activity, which allows, by relying on a system of interrelated concepts, ideas and ways to provide and support the processes of self-knowledge, self-construction and self-realization of the individual the child, the development of his unique individuality. "

The personality-oriented approach considers a person in the context of his individual development and formation, relying on the principles of humanism, conformity to nature and cultural conformity.

The humanistic concept of inclusive education is based on the idea that a person is the highest value, regardless of what capabilities (intellectual, physical, etc.) he has. An interesting idea was expressed by E. Fromm that changes towards humanization will be possible if people themselves change in the direction from the ideology of predation and possession to the ideology of humanity, mutual recognition and responsibility.

In this context, the problem of education for “atypical” children and young people as an instrument of their social inclusion acquires special meaning. In general, the entire system of inclusive education is permeated with the ideas of humanism, which serves as the basis for a trusting and tolerant relationship between all participants in the educational process.

For our work, the data of sociological research (Yarskaya-Smirnova E.R., Loshakova I.I.), obtained in the course of the study of the attitude of teachers, secondary school students and their parents to the possibility of joint education with disabled children who have difficulties with movement , hearing, speech or vision impairment, mental retardation. The analysis showed that the closest contactsare established between the surveyed students and children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system (12.4%), as well as with children experiencing mental disabilities (12.9%). More rare for our respondents were contacts with those children who have impaired speech, hearing or vision (9.1%). And among those whom the respondents only saw on the street, there are more disabled children with external signs of disability (40.5%).

Interestingly, the greatest tolerance for study in the same class, manifests itself in our student respondents in relation to children with musculoskeletal disorders. They are less tolerant of those who have hearing and vision impairments. The lowest level of tolerance was found in relation to children with intellectual disabilities - almost half of the students expressed a wish that they should study in a separate school. Scientists conclude that about 70% of respondents demonstrated different awareness of the problem of disability in children, and also emphasize that in this case, a deeply rooted stereotype is revealed that creates serious barriers to the integration of both children and adults into society.

The principle of conformity to nature (J. Comenius, J.-J. Rousseau, K. Ushinsky, etc.) presupposes the unity of the natural and spiritual principles in a child as equivalent components of an integral individuality, and their consideration in the process of development, education and training. This principle is of key importance for our work, because children with special needs have various deviations in mental and / or physical development, which objectively affect the process of assimilating knowledge and acquiring skills.

The modern interpretation of this principle connects the social education of "atypical" children with the general laws of the development of nature, their individual and age characteristics, with the formation of responsibility for the development of oneself as an active subject of life. Moreover, it should be emphasized that the principle of conformity to nature presupposes taking into account the sex of the child in the process of sex-role, labor and civil socialization.

A personality-oriented approach in inclusive education allows you to rely on the natural inclinations of a child with special needs, develop and improve only taking into account his natural capabilities, which will make it possible to more fully use the individual inclinations of each child.

The principle of cultural conformity (D. Locke, K. Helvetius, A. Disterverg, etc.) involves the construction of an inclusive education system based on the culture of society, traditions and customs of the people, norms and values, taking into account the cultural level of each individual. Special attention of scientists is paid to the problem of socio-cultural adaptation of children and youth with special needs.

The analysis of scientific literature makes it possible to note the need for a comprehensive expert survey of cultural institutions to assess their availability for children and youth with special needs. It should be noted that non-formal education, which is more often implemented on the basis of cultural institutions, allows you to harmoniously combine the intellectual, emotional, aesthetic development of a person through active participation in various types of amateur performances, interest clubs, circles, etc.

Modern research on inclusive education is carried out on the basis of a personality-oriented approach that takes into account the unity of the value-semantic, motivational-need and operational spheres of the educational and professional and proper professional activity... By participating first in educational and professional, and then in professional activities, a person not only acquires adequate ideas about his profession and his own capabilities, but also actively develops them. Forming as a subject of professional activity and forming an attitude towards himself as a figure, he develops as a person (B. Ananiev, L. Vygotsky, A. Leontiev, S. Rubinstein, etc.).

Systemican approach, views inclusive education as a continuous process of interactioni am a multidisciplinary team.

Initially, the word "system" was associated with the forms of social and historical life. Indeed, a system in the literature is understood as "a complex of elements in interaction" (L. Bertalanffy). Society as social system includes education as a subsystem.

VN Spitsnadel, studying the theoretical foundations of systems analysis, pays attention to education as an integral element of the system under consideration; the methodological approach to its essence and assessment should be equal in relation to other elements, i.e. systemic. The scientist emphasizes that being a long-range factor, education lays the foundation, generates the development of these elements, the growth of the productive forces of society. Moreover, a scientifically grounded educational program is needed. It is realized through the development of systemic knowledge, which is produced as a result of interaction and synthesis of natural, technical and social sciences. The formation of such a system of knowledge, focused on the world level of development of science, and its introduction into the educational process, is included in the content of the restructuring of higher education. A systematic approach here opens up a real opportunity to reduce the duration of study, improve the special scientific, technical and worldview level of education, the general culture of future graduates. More specifically, this is done through the highlighting general theories, generalized scientific principles and the identification of deep relationships.

A systematic approach to inclusive education allows you to see the integrity and versatility of the education process, the interconnection and interdependence of all elements of the learning environment, taking into account the complexity of building and implementing this system in practice.

It is known that education is a harmonious unity of the process of development, upbringing and training of a person throughout his life. This is a creative process of personality formation, its self-development and self-actualization.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe continuity of the educational vertical is of fundamental importance in building an inclusive education system based on a systematic approach.

The majority of specialists who work with children and youth with special needs and parents advocate for continuity in education: "primary - secondary - vocational - higher", which is possible only with the cooperation of all educational institutions that are able to put into practice systems approach to the problem of inclusion. Of particular relevance is the readiness of teachers from different institutions to work effectively in the system of inclusive education.

In this context, the dissertation research by O.S. Kuznetsova, who proposed a model for preparing teachers for work in an inclusive education includes content and organizational components. Aimed at developing teachers' professional competence, acquiring the ability to solve professional problems:

Understand the philosophy of inclusive education, know the psychological and pedagogical patterns and features of the age and personal development of children with disabilities in an inclusive educational environment, and be able to identify these patterns and features;

To be able to select the best ways to organize inclusive education, to design the educational process for joint education of children with normal and impaired development;

Apply various methods of pedagogical interaction between all subjects of the correctional and educational process, focused on value attitude towards children with disabilities and inclusive education in general;

Create a correctional and developmental environment in an inclusive educational space and use the resources of the educational organization for the development of all children;

Carry out professional self-education on the issues of joint education of children with normal and impaired development. inclusive education multidisciplinary humanistic

It should be noted that in her work O.S. Kuznetsova substantiates the conditions of inclusive education under which the training of teachers will be effective, namely, if:

Will be organized as a personalized and continuous process joint activities teacher (trainer) and teachers (students), aimed at developing professional competence and the formation of personal and professional attitudes towards inclusive education and is presented in the form of a model;

The technology for training teachers will be based on the use of humanitarian technologies and will provide the formation of motivational-value, operational-activity and reflective-evaluative readiness to work in inclusive education.

Substantial discussions of specialists from a multidisciplinary team (doctors, teachers, psychologists, lawyers, government officials and public figures) are conducted around the practical implementation of the ideas of inclusive education, the difficulties of its implementation and the formation of positive public opinion. This approach allows us to consider a person with special needs as an active subject of life, the importance of participation in all decisions that affect his life. In our opinion, the opinion of the child and his parents should be taken into account when organizing a compensatory educational environment that is comfortable for all participants in the training.

It is especially important to note the role of higher educational institutions in the process of social inclusion in the system of inclusive education. Higher education as a social institution has significant opportunities and resources for young people with special needs. During training in a higher educational institution, the cultural resources of students are acquired: the level of education of students increases in the process of educational and practical professional activities, leisure practices change

students towards an increase in the share of cultural forms of leisure, more active use of computer technology and the Internet, educational and social activity. Social relations and social ties are established, which act as a kind of social capital of young people with special needs, allow them to feel more confident in the implementation of their life plans and aspirations, contributing to their social inclusion.

Speaking about education from the point of view of systems analysis, V. N. Spitsnadel argues that an educated person is an agent of culture (good, reason, conscience, responsibility, love, sympathy, support ...), defending the eternal values \u200b\u200bof life and forming new ones. Human education (etymologically) is the acceptance of an image by a person: the world, his own personality, past and future, good and evil. To be educated means to understand others, oneself, the meaning of life, one's responsibility to life, to culture ... Culture is life, one, good and good, strength and energy, it is the eternal ideal of humanity.

Within the framework of the competence-based approach, there are two basic concepts "competence" and "competence", the categorical-conceptual analysis of these terms allows us to note that at present there is no unambiguous understanding of their essence.

For us, the opinion of A.V. Khutorsky, who under the concept of "competence" means "a set of interrelated personality traits (knowledge, abilities, skills, methods of activity), are determined by a certain range of objects and processes, and necessary in order to efficiently and productively act in relation to them"; and under the term "competence" - "a person's possession of the corresponding competence, covers a personal attitude towards it and objects of activity."

It is known that competence is a range of issues in which a person is well versed. At the present stage of the development of school education in Russia, the ultimate goal of education is changing from "knowledge" to "competence", because there is a situation in which students can master a set of theoretical knowledge well, but at the same time experience significant difficulties in activities that require the use of this knowledge to solve tasks and problem situations. By developing competence, we thereby restore the balance between education and life.

Based on A.V. Khutorskiy basic educational competencies, we will add them meaningfully in the key of inclusive education:

1. Value-semantic computersthosentions. These are competencies in the field of worldview associated with the value orientations of the student, his ability to see and understand the world, to navigate in it, to be aware of their role and purpose, to be able to choose target and semantic settings for their actions and deeds, to make decisions. Children and youth with special needs see and interact with the world and people in a special way. For many people it is difficult to determine the meaning of life, and people with special needs need to additionally look for inner strength in themselves for this. Understanding and accepting values \u200b\u200ballows you to better navigate when choosing your life path. A special role in this is played by the family raising a child with special needs.

2. General cultural competences. The student must be knowledgeable, have knowledge and experience of activities in matters of national and universal culture, spiritual and moral foundations of human and human life, cultural foundations of family, social, social phenomena and traditions, everyday and cultural and leisure spheres. This also includes the student's experience of mastering the scientific picture of the world. In the process of inclusive education, it is necessary to take into account the socio-cultural conditions in which the socialization of children and youth with special needs takes place, so that the person is prepared for life precisely in these historical, cultural, socio-economic conditions.

3. Educational and cognitive competencies.This is a set of student competencies in the field of independent cognitive activity, including elements of logical, methodological, general educational activity, correlated with real cognitive objects. This includes knowledge and skills of organizing goal-setting, planning, analysis, reflection, self-assessment of educational and cognitive activities. During the organization of inclusive education, the psychophysiological characteristics of children should be taken into account in order to maximally create comfortable conditions for the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities, supporting their motivation to learn.

4. Information competencies. Using real objects (TV, tape recorder, telephone, fax, computer, printer, modem, copier) and information technologies (audio-video recording, e-mail, mass media, Internet) skills are formed to independently search, analyze and select the necessary information, organize, transform, save and transmit it. In our opinion, it is advisable to use the resource of social networks popular among the youth in inclusive education. The acquisition of information competencies by young people with special needs will significantly increase the level of their social capital, be more competitive in the labor market, including self-employment.

5. Communicative competencies. Includes knowledge of the required languages, ways of interacting with people around and distant people and events, skills in working in a group, possession of various social roles in a team. In inclusive education, the establishment of effective communication between all participants, removal of barriers, overcoming stereotypes contribute to the harmonious development of all children.

6. Social and labor competencies means possession of knowledge and experience in the field of civil and social activities (playing the role of a citizen, observer, voter, representative), in the social and labor sphere (rights of a consumer, buyer, client, manufacturer), in the field of family relations and responsibilities, in matters of economy and law in the field of professional self-determination. In the practice of inclusive education, specialists often use the method of occupational therapy with children and youth with special needs, aimed at mastering work skills, contributing to their vocational guidance and the choice of a future profession.

7. Whether competencepersonal self-improvement are aimed at mastering the ways of physical, spiritual and intellectual self-development, emotional self-regulation and self-support. These competencies include the rules of personal hygiene, taking care of one's own health, sexual literacy, and internal ecological culture. In the system of inclusive education, the idea of \u200b\u200bconstant personal self-improvement should be traced, taking into account a feasible intellectual and physical load.

The competence-based approach in the system of inclusive education considers the individual as the bearer of certain competencies that are acquired in the process of playing, learning, communication, activities, and contribute to the personal and professional development of young people with special needs.

Acmeological approach (K. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, V. Gordon, A. Derkach, V. Zazykin, E. Smirnov, P. Smirnov, etc.) in the framework of the problem of this study seems to us the most appropriate, because acmeology, which arose at the junction of natural, social , technical and humanitarian sciences, studies the patterns and mechanisms of human development at the stage of his maturity and, especially, when he reaches the highest level in this development. At the same time, it is fundamentally important to identify patterns, conditions and factors that ensure the possibility of reaching the highest point of human development, his acme, as well as identifying possible obstacles that arise along the way. In addition, it is acmeology that achieves the most significant results today in the study of the problems of the formation and development of a person as a professional in various fields of activity.

Given the speed of the changing social reality, the improvement of the inclusive education system should be based on the acmeological approach, which is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bconstant improvement of a person, his professional skills in different socio-cultural conditions. Of course, one should realistically assess the capabilities and potential of the person with special needs, his ability to work on himself.

The joint efforts of scientists and practitioners who are engaged in the development of theoretical, methodological and practical and organizational foundations of inclusive education make it possible to identify, evaluate and solve problems that arise during its implementation in practice.

The research work carried out allows us the following conclusions:

one). Inclusion is the leading trend in the modern stage of development of the education system, based on the humanistic paradigm of perception of the world in its diversity. Inclusive education at the present stage of development of Russian society is an important condition for the realization of the right of a person with special needs to education and, subsequently, to professional activity.

2). Inclusive education is a social and pedagogical phenomenon, which consists in building an educational process in which a child with disabilities learns together with healthy peers and receives specific pedagogical support and correctional assistance related to the satisfaction of his special educational needs (O.S. Kuzmina).

3). The development of the inclusive education system was based on the following concepts and conceptual approaches:

The activity approach, which considers a person as an active subject who cognizes and transforms the world and himself in the process of activity;

The personality-oriented approach is based on the humanistic principle of the teacher-student relationship, taking into account the child's subjective experience and providing him with pedagogical support for his individuality;

A systems approach, considers inclusive education as a continuous process of interaction of a multidisciplinary team;

The competence-based approach considers a person as a carrier of certain competencies;

Acmeology of personal and professional personality development.

4). The modern Russian system of inclusive education should use the best international experience, which makes it possible for children and youth with special needs to exercise their right to education at any type of educational institution and receive the necessary specialized assistance.


1. Bakharev A. V. Development of a model of inclusive education: international experience / A. V. Bakharev // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. - 2014. - No. 2. - S. 330-335.

2. Bryzgalovoy SO Inclusive education: international experience, modern trends / SO Bryzgalova, G.G. Zak // Inclusive education: methodology, practice, technology: materials of the international scientific and practical conference 20-22.06.2011 / Ed. HE. Ertanova, M.M. Gordon. - M., 2011 .-- S. 41-43.

3. Derkach A.A. Acmeology: personal and professional development of a person: In 5 books. Book 2: Acmeological foundations of management activities. - M .: Publishing house of RAGS, 2000 .-- 536 p.

4. Kuzmina OS Preparing teachers for work in inclusive education: abstract dis. ... candidate of pedagogical sciences: 13.00.08 / Kuzmina Olga Sergeevna. - Omsk, 2015 .-- 23 p.

5. Personality-oriented approach in the work of a teacher: development and use / [ed. E.N. Stepanov]. - M.: Sfera, 2003 .-- 128 p.

6. Mardakhaev L. Social pedagogy: textbook / Lev Mardakhaev. - M .: Gardariki, 2005 .-- 269 p.

7. Spitsnadel VN Fundamentals of system analysis: Textbook. allowance. / VN Spitsnadel. - SPb .: "Publishing house. House "Business-press", 2000. - 326 p.

8. Khutorskoy A. Key competencies as a component of personality-oriented education / A. Khutorskoy // Public education. - 2003. - No. 2. - S. 58-64.

9. Chigrina A. Ya. Inclusive education of disabled children with severe physical impairments as a factor of their social integration: abstract of thesis. ... candidate of sociological sciences: 22.00.04 / Chigrina Anna Yakovlevna. - Nizhny Novgorod, 2011 .-- 23 p.

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11. Hart R. A. Children "s participation from tokenism to citizenship / R. A. Hart. - Florence: UNICEF International Child Development Center, 1992. - 38 p.

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Inclusive or inclusive education is a term used to describe the process of teaching children with special needs in mainstream schools. The main and important aspect of inclusive education is the elimination of any discrimination against people with specific needs. Such education should create special conditions, for example, for children with special educational conditions.

In fact, the issues of inclusive education are the most pressing topic for our country. At the moment, there are many unresolved problems and difficulties in this area that still need to be overcome.

It has long been known that a part of children studying in general education schools and having individual educational needs, as it were, remains on the sidelines, drops out, self-excludes from the educational process, because cannot gain knowledge by means and methods available to them. Here we can give an example of people with disabilities who, due to certain physical losses, cannot fully study together with their peers.

At the present time, unfortunately, the majority of schools are not able to organize full-fledged education of such children. Their parents are forced to look for specialized educational institutions. As a result, after studying in such an institution, the child cannot help but feel “not like everyone else”, which negatively affects his psyche.

The object of our research is inclusive education.

The subject of the research is the implementation of inclusive education in institutions of additional education for children.

The purpose of our course work is to analyze the activities in institutions of additional education for children on the implementation of inclusive education.

1. Consider the concept of "inclusive education"

2. Consider regulations in the field of inclusive education

3. Study inclusive education in institutions of additional education for children

4. Analyze the activities and problems in institutions of additional education for children on the implementation of inclusive education.

Methods used for research is an analysis

In our term paper we examined the concepts of inclusive education, regulatory documents, various educational options and considered inclusive education in institutions of additional education for children.

We also analyzed the activities in institutions of additional education for children to implement inclusive education.

Theoretical Foundations of Inclusive Education

Inclusive education concept

inclusive education child

Inclusive (French inclusif - including, from Latin include - I conclude, include) or inclusive education is a term used to describe the process of teaching children with special needs in general education (mass) schools. Inclusive education is based on an ideology that excludes any discrimination against children, that ensures equal treatment for all people, but creates special conditions for children with special educational needs. Inclusive education is a process of development of general education, which implies the availability of education for all, in terms of adaptation to the different needs of all children, which ensures access to education for children with special needs.

The system of inclusive education includes educational institutions of secondary, vocational and higher education. Its goal is to create a barrier-free environment in the education and training of people with disabilities. This set of measures implies both the technical equipment of educational institutions and the development of special training courses for teachers and other students aimed at developing their interaction with people with disabilities. In addition, special programs are needed to facilitate the adaptation of children with disabilities in a general education institution.

Inclusion is one of the latest special education strategies. Inclusion means the full involvement of a child with special educational needs (SPE) in school life. The point of inclusion is not just to put the child in a regular class for part of the day or all day, but thus to change the organization of the classroom space, as well as the learning process, in order to fully involve the unusual child in the life of the class. Ideally, an inclusive class should bring together several groups of children with OOP so that children have the opportunity to communicate with each other. Supporters of this educational system believe that in this way children will be best prepared for real life. And skeptics fear that teachers will be given too much responsibility for children with OOP while teachers themselves will not have the appropriate training and the necessary resources. And this will lead to the fact that children with special needs will receive much more attention than ordinary children - which means that the general level of education will decrease.

Inclusive education is a process of development of general education, which implies the availability of education for all, in terms of adaptation to the different needs of all children, which ensures access to education for children with OE.

Inclusive education seeks to develop a methodology that targets children and recognizes that all children are individuals with different learning needs. Inclusive education seeks to develop an approach to teaching and learning that is more flexible to meet different learning needs. If teaching and learning are made more effective as a result of the changes that inclusive education brings, then all children (not just children with special needs) will benefit.

Eight principles of inclusive education:

1. The value of a person does not depend on his abilities and achievements; 2. Every person is able to feel and think;

3. Everyone has the right to communicate and to be heard;

4. All people need each other;

5. Genuine education can only take place in the context of real relationships;

6. All people need the support and friendship of their peers;

7. For all learners, progress is more likely to be in what they can do than in what they cannot;

8. Diversity enhances all aspects of human life.

1. Regulatory framework for inclusive education of children with special educational needs (OEP) and disabilities (HIA) 2. Essence and conceptual foundations of inclusive (integrated) education 3. State and prospects of modeling and design of an inclusive educational environment in an educational institution (organization ) 4. Problems of development and implementation of adapted general education programs

Literature 1. About education in the Russian Federation. ФЗ № 273. - M., 2013 2. Federal state educational standard of basic general education. - M., 2010 3. Professional standard of a teacher. - M., 2013 4. Topical issues of the organization of training for certain categories of children in educational institutions / edited by TG Zubareva. - Kursk, 2015 5. Butenko VN, Interpersonal relations of children in inclusive groups of kindergarten // Psychology of learning. - 2010, pp. 46 -55 6. Vachkov IV Model of the formation of a positive attitude towards younger schoolchildren with disabilities among their peers // Psychological Science and Education. - 2011. No. 3. P. 59 -65

7. Dmitriev AA, Dmitrieva SA Integrated teaching of children: "for" and "against". // Social pedagogy. - 2011. No. 3. P. 57 -68 8. Zubareva TG Designing an inclusive educational environment: problems and solutions. - Kursk, 2010 9. Lubovsky VI Psychological and pedagogical problems of differentiated and integrated learning // Special Psychology. -2008. No. 4. P. 11 -21 10. Nazarova NM To the problem of developing theoretical and methodological foundations educational integration // Psychological science and education. - 2011. - № 3. - P. 5-9 11. Psychological and pedagogical counseling and support for child development: A guide for the teacher-defectologist / ed. L. M. Shipitsina. - M.: VLADOS, 2003 12. Khudin AN Modernization of special education in the region: experience and prospects // Education and training of children with developmental disorders. - 2012. No. 7 P. 3-7

Integration is the process of reunification, unification into a whole of previously disparate parts and elements; development process, the result of which is the achievement of unity and integrity within a system based on the interdependence of individual elements

Integration is a form of joint existence of ordinary people and people with disabilities, which is supported and developed by society

Integrated learning involves the adaptation of a child with OEP to the requirements of an educational organization; aligning the needs of children with disabilities with the requirements of the education system

English Inclusion inclusion - inclusion, addition, joining a term used to describe the process of teaching children with special educational needs in general education (mass) schools

Inclusion is based on the goals of a single educational space for heterogeneous (heterogeneous) groups, in which there are different educational routes

Inclusive education is a broader process of integration, implying the availability of education for all, the development of general education in terms of adapting it to the various needs of the child

Integration implies the adaptation of the child to the requirements of the education system, and inclusion - the adaptation of the system to the needs of all children

Evolution of views and approaches to the problem The concept of integrated education for people with disabilities (with special educational needs) Moscow (2001) / International scientific and practical conference

Evolution of views and approaches to the problem Lubovsky V.I. (academician of the Russian Academy of Education) Psychological and pedagogical problems of differentiated and integrated education (Special Psychology. - 2008. No. 4)

Evolution of views and approaches to the problem Dmitriev A. A., Dmitrieva S. A. (Tyumen, State University) Integrated teaching of children: “for” and “against” (Social pedagogy. - 2011. No. 2)

Evolution of views and approaches to the problem N. Nazarova (Moscow City Pedagogical University) On the problem of developing the theoretical and methodological foundations of educational integration (Psychological Science and Education. - 2011. No. 3) / international Conference

Evolution of views and approaches to the problem N. N. Malofeev (Director of the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy) A commendable word of inclusion or a speech about protecting oneself (Education and training of children with developmental disabilities. - 2012. No. 1)

Evolution of views and approaches to the problem Smolin ON (Deputy Chairman of the Education Committee of the State Duma - report) Exclusive on inclusion (Education and training of children with developmental disabilities. - 2012. No. 8). 12 offers

Evolution of views and approaches to the problem Semago N. Ya., Semago ML (Moscow State University of Education and Science) Inclusive education: from methodological model to practice (series of articles on the Internet) Zhigoreva M. V. (Moscow State University for the Humanities named after M. A. Sholokhov ) Conceptual approaches to the implementation of integrated education and upbringing of children with disabilities (correctional pedagogy: theory and practice. - 2013. No. 3) conference materials

Combined integration of children with a level of psychophysical and speech development, corresponding or close to the norm, one at a time - two people are brought up on equal terms in mass groups and classes, receiving constant corrective help from a teacher-defectologist

Partial integration children with developmental problems are not yet able to master the educational standard on an equal footing with healthy peers, they join mass groups and classes only for a part of the day (for example, for its second half, for separate classes)

Temporary integration All pupils of a special group (class), regardless of the level of psycho-physical and speech development, unite with healthy children at least 1-2 times a month to carry out various educational activities (for example, holidays, competitions, individual classes, etc.). etc.)

Full integration for children who, in terms of the level of psychophysical development, correspond to the norm and are psychologically prepared for joint training with healthy peers. These children, one to two people at a time, are included in regular kindergarten groups and school classes (close to home). At the same time, as a rule, they receive correctional assistance not in the educational institution itself, but in the speech therapy center of the children's institution; in a group of short-term stay of special preschool educational institutions or average. schools; in various centers (audiological departments of polyclinics), rehabilitation centers

Inclusive education for primary school children

“Inclusive education is a step towards

achieving the ultimate goal - creating including

a society that allows all children and

adults, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity

affiliation, ability, presence or

lack of developmental disorders, participate

in the life of society and contribute to it.

In such a society, differences are respected and

valued, and with discrimination and prejudice

in politics, daily life and activities

institutions are actively fighting. "

Mitchell David

The 2012 school year launched a new Education Act, which sets a milestone in the development and transformation of our education. Many of you have already heard this cryptic word "inclusion". Now inclusive education is legislatively enshrined and becomes a state guarantee at all levels of education.

Inclusive or inclusive education is a term used to describe the process of teaching children with special needs in mainstream (mainstream) schools.Nowadays, this word is becoming a term that largely reflects a new view not only of education, but also of a person's place in society.

Inclusion is a social concept of humanizing public relations and accepting the right of persons with disabilities to quality joint education

Inclusive education is based on an ideology that excludes any discrimination against children, that ensures equal treatment for all people, but creates special conditions for children with special educational needs. Inclusive education is a process of development of general education, which implies the availability of education for all, in terms of adaptation to the different needs of all children, which ensures access to education for children with special needs.

Inclusion is based on the ideainclusive societies ... It means that any person (of another race, religion, culture, person with disabilities) can be included in social relations.

Inclusive (inclusive) education is based
eight principles:

    The value of a person does not depend on his abilities and achievements;

    Every person is able to feel and think;

    Everyone has the right to communicate and to be heard;

    All people need each other;

    True education can only take place in the context of real relationships;

    All people need the support and friendship of their peers;

    For all learners, progress is more likely to be in what they can do than in what they cannot;

    Diversity enhances all aspects of human life.

A prerequisite for the transition to inclusive education -the school's willingness to change.

For the development of inclusive education, systemic changes are needed that do not occur quickly: the organization of a "barrier-free" environment, overcoming common stereotypes and prejudices, the readiness of teachers, students and parents to accept new principles of education, the development of new teaching methods and technologies, technical equipment of educational institutions, etc. etc.

In the course of the design work, a model of the educational space was developed, which ensures the successful inclusion of primary schoolchildren with disabilities in the conditions of mass education.

It is assumed that the tasks of the inclusion process can be solved provided that the movement of children with disabilities is ensured according to individual educational routes, which will allow them to master the Standard of primary general education, will contribute to their socialization and the realization of their individual abilities. For this purpose, it is suggested to build the educational space accordingly.

The personal-activity approach is the basis for organizing the educational space. And all the principles, techniques and methods of the student-centered approach, with which everyone is familiar, work in the organization of inclusive education.

It is also necessary to provide:

    Individual educational routes

    No grading for all 4 years

    Combination of the zone of proximal and actual development of the child

    Interpenetration of environments (teaching, learning, socialization) in the educational space

Forms of inclusive education:

    School of future first graders

    Full integration class (from 20 students 3-4 children with disabilities)

    Special (corrective) class of partial integration

    Home school

    Family education, external studies

Pedagogical means of including children with different abilities in the educational space of the lesson can be called the creation of conditions for organizing the processes of reflection, planning, children's cooperation, observation, modeling, inclusion of children in various activities accompanied by defectologists and psychologists. The techniques of the Elkonin-Davydov developmental education system are used, the theory of the formation of educational action by P.Ya. Halperin.

Those teachers who already have experience working with inclusive education principles have developed the following ways of inclusion:

1) accept students with disabilities "like any other children in the class",

2) include them inthe same activities although to putdifferent tasks ,

3) involve students incollective forms of education and group problem solving,

4) use other strategies of collective participation - games, joint projects, laboratory, field research, etc.

When choosing technologies and teaching methods for this group of children, one should take into account

1) the specific features of students and the reasons and mechanism for the occurrence of these features;

2) educational tasks at each stage of education;

3) features of interaction in the children's community

Education takes place according to IOM (individual educational routes), taking into account the needs of the child.

A necessary condition its organization is to ensurepositive interpersonal relationships participants in the educational process and the creation of an adaptive educational space that allows meeting the special educational needs of children with different levels of psychophysical development.

Parents' independent thinking determines the educational trajectory of a child with special educational needs, the partner's position of parents in relation to school and their responsibility for the educational result.

The concept of modernization of Russian education until 2010 defines the priorities of educational policy in the field of special (correctional) pedagogy in the form of a gradualintegration and further socialization of children with disabilities (HH). The priority is to change public consciousness, change the attitude of society towards such people, as well as change the paradigm of special education: the concept of "social utility" is replaced by the concept of self-actualization, self-development, self-improvement of children with disabilities. The starting point for the modernization of special (remedial) education is the orientation towards normally developing children (no matter how they develop). The founder of this idea is L.S. Vygotsky.

How does inclusive (inclusive) education differ from integrative (integrated) education?

Many people do not understand the difference in terminology and consider it contrived. It is important to understand why the new concept of INCLUSION (INCLUSION) was introduced while the term INTEGRATION existed. Inclusion (as opposed to integration) presupposes not a simple spatial placement of a child with special needs into a common class or group, which is often the case. If this child does not cope with the program - from the point of view of INTEGRATION, this is a child's problem, and from the point of view of INCLUSION, it is a problem of the educational environment. That is - in order for the INCLUSION (INCLUSION) to be successful - it is the ENVIRONMENT that must be changed

    Inclusion is more than integration

    Children study together in a regular school

    Specialists come to help children

    Regular schools are changing

    Attention is drawn to the capabilities and strengths of the child

    Children perceive human differences as ordinary

    A child with disabilities receives a full and effective education in order to live life to the fullest

    The views and opinions of children with disabilities become important to those around them

"Inclusion is not aimed at changing or correcting the child, but at adapting the social and educational environment to the capabilities of this child."

(Prof. Ulf Janson)

The main principle of inclusive education is not a child is adjusted to the conditions and norms existing in an educational institution,on the contrary, the entire education system adapts to the needs and capabilities of a particular child.

How to name and how not to name those who need inclusive education.

Children and young people who need INCLUSIVE education may or may not have a DISABILITY. But in any case, they have SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS that require changes and some restructuring of the pedagogical approach to them, as well as, possibly, auxiliary equipment. In the Law on Education, such children are called children with disabilities, in special literature - children with disabilities, with special needs. The main thing is that they do not have to have an established disability in order for them to be covered by the concept of INCLUSIVE education. In the West, the term LEARNING DISABILITY is widely used, which means learning difficulties. This means that the child himself cannot cope with such difficulties, and he needs special help from the school and society.

How to "change" and "prepare" society for the integration process

The question of whether it is possible to PREPARE SOCIETY for the integration process remains open. Some believe that it is necessary to work with people with the help of the media, discussions, works of art, professional development of teachers, etc. in order for them to become more tolerant and able to accept people with disabilities without offending or injuring them. And only when the society is ready, the process can begin, since otherwise people with disabilities will be severely traumatized by the intolerance of society. Others believe that society can only change when it sees people with special needs on the streets, in transport, in offices and in schools. When the law will consistently protect the rights of these people to equal opportunities, and those who are discriminated will be surely protected, and those who discriminate will be held accountable. There is some truth in both positions. According to many studies, it is known that the most conservative part of society, skeptical about inclusion, is the teachers of general education and special schools. They can be understood, because this is their main responsibility. It is much easier to advocate for inclusion as a journalist and even a parent. Special school teachers think and write a lot about the pros and cons of inclusive education, fearing that Western-oriented politicians and human rights activists will mindlessly begin to break the established system and harm all children.

The main tasks of educational institutions that implement the model of inclusive education

    Creation of a unified educational environment for children with different abilities;

    Organization of effective psychological and pedagogical support of the process of inclusive education

    Ensuring the effectiveness of the processes of correction, adaptation and socialization of children with special needs;

    Creation of a system for the development of tolerant self-awareness among peers;

    Ensuring interaction of specialists of the interaction team

But the most important thing that mass school teachers should learn iswork with different children , and take this diversity into account in your pedagogical approach to everyone.

The main question of practitioners "How?", While not in all cases finds a qualified answer. Sometimes you need a pedagogical search, experiment, innovative courage.

In accordance with the state program of the Russian Federation "Accessible Environment" for 2011–2015, by 2016, the share of educational institutions in which a universal barrier-free environment has been created, which makes it possible to provide joint education for disabled persons and persons without developmental disabilities, in the total number of educational institutions should be not less than 20%, now there are only 2.5%.

It must be remembered that inclusion is far from only the physical presence of a disabled child in school. This is a change in the school itself, school culture and the system of relations between the participants, close cooperation of teachers and specialists, the involvement of parents in working with a child.

Resume: This article examines the interpretation of the concept of "disabilities", the features of teaching students with disabilities in a general education school, focuses on the principles of inclusive education and the formation of an individual educational program in an inclusive educational environment.

Key words: inclusive education, students, disabilities, principles of inclusive education.

Today, inclusive education on the territory of the Russian Federation is regulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the federal law "On education", the federal law "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation", as well as the Convention on the Rights of the Child and Protocol No. 1 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

In 2008, Russia signed the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Article twenty-four of the Convention states that in order to realize the right to education, States parties must ensure inclusive education at all levels and lifelong learning.

The problem raised is relevant, since there is a need for primary school teachers in the need to use special mnemonics for students with disabilities. They require a humane attitude in learning, taking into account their feasible capabilities, but not distinguishing them from the crowd of peers.

The term "disabilities" (HH) is used in relation to children with minimal organic or functional damage to the central nervous system, as well as those who are in conditions of social deprivation for a long time. They are characterized by the immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere and the underdevelopment of cognitive activity.

Insufficient expression of cognitive interests in children with disabilities is combined with immaturity of higher mental functions, impairments, memory, functional insufficiency of visual and auditory perception, and poor coordination of movements. Small differentiation of hand movements negatively affects productive activities - modeling, drawing, construction, writing.

A decrease in cognitive activity is manifested in a limited stock of knowledge about the environment and practical skills that are age appropriate and necessary for a child in the early stages of school.

A gross underdevelopment of speech can manifest itself in violations of sound pronunciation, poverty and insufficient differentiation of the vocabulary, difficulties in mastering logical and grammatical structures. A significant proportion of children have a lack of phonetic and phonemic perception, a decrease in hearing and speech memory.

Disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere and behavior are manifested in the weakness of volitional attitudes, emotional instability, impulsivity, affective excitability, motor disinhibition, or, conversely, in lethargy, apathy.

In modern conditions, the process of introducing inclusive education is an innovative process that allows the training, upbringing and development of all children without exception, regardless of their individual characteristics, educational achievements, native language, culture, mental and physical capabilities.

The introduction of inclusive education ensures further humanization of education, recognition of the rights of persons with disabilities to affordable and quality education, and the formation of a professional pedagogical community of a new type.

David Blanket wrote: “Education of children with special needs is one of the main challenges for the country. it necessary condition creating a truly inclusive society where everyone can feel the ownership and relevance of their actions. We must enable every child, regardless of their needs and other circumstances, to fully realize their potential, benefit society and become a full-fledged member of it. "

Inclusive (inclusive) education is based on eight principles:

1. The value of a person does not depend on his abilities and achievements

2. Everyone is able to feel and think

3. Everyone has the right to communicate and to be heard

4. All people need each other

5. True education can only take place in the context of real relationships.

6. All people need the support and friendship of their peers

7. For all learners, progress is more likely in what they can do than in what they cannot.

8. Diversity enhances all aspects of human life

Principles for the formation of an individual training program in an inclusive educational environment:

- suitable for all students (not only for students with disabilities);

- serves as a means of adaptation to a wide range of student opportunities;

- is a way of expressing, accepting and respecting individual learning characteristics;

- applicable to all parts of the program and to the usual demeanor in the classroom;

- is mandatory for all employees involved in the training process;

- compiled with the aim of increasing student success. Inclusion results:

- students have the opportunity to actively and permanently participate in all activities of the general educational process;

- adaptation is as less intrusive as possible and does not contribute to the development of stereotypes;

- the activities are aimed at the inclusion of the student, but are difficult enough for him;

- individual assistance does not separate or isolate the student;

- there are opportunities for generalization and transfer of skills;

- teachers of general and special teaching share responsibilities in planning, conducting and evaluating lessons;

- there are procedures for evaluating effectiveness.

Inclusive education says that we must enable the potential of every child to develop, regardless of whether he is healthy or has some kind of disability. He should be a full citizen and a “small mechanism” of a large society, receive support from teachers, parents and peers. He should be important and needed, regardless of his health, doing the job that is within his power.


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