Full emotional blocking occurs when a person at the level of the subconscious of Nekgrüntenna in order to be happy, healthy and successful. Such people are programmed to fail in all spheres of their lives. They cannot establish relationships with people, they experience financial difficulties, they have health problems, and there is no end. At the subconscious level, they are congruent in order to be unhappy, sick and losers. When they say or think "I want to be happy, healthy and successful" their muscles are weakened, and they are experiencing stress. One idea is to be happy, healthy and successful causes their feeling of anxiety. When they say or think "I want to be an unfortunate, sick loser," their muscles remain strong, and they feel calm and cozy.

How can it be? How can a person not desire happiness, good health and success? Did anyone in the right mind want to be unhappy, sick loser? This is one of the most mysterious secrets of the human mind; This phenomenon is observed not only in humans, but also in animals. But I will tell about it later.

Emotional blocking is directly related to the presentation of itself, to the image that has developed in your subconscious. It is this image stored in your subconscious, and defines your identity, your ideas about yourself and, ultimately, your reactions to the internal and external world. He defines your thoughts about what is good for you, and what is bad. In the end, it depends on it whether you will achieve your goals, do your dreams or not. If you manage to change this subconscious image, overcome contradictions, bring it into line with what you want - from the loser you will turn into a successful person.

Due to the complete emotional blocking, there are "personality oriented" and "personality oriented". There are also "people who are prone to illness" or "People prone to good health." People presumably "prone to misfortune" show the appropriate qualities: they are constantly losing something, they put scratches on their cars, break the dishes and get injuries. We observe the same in some children. Some overcome this by changing your subconscious image, others - no.

Usually, such people always come to approximately the same conclusions: "This life is difficult," "I can't cope", "I have no abilities," "I was not born under a happy star" "I do that I can, I do not have another choice "and so on. Perhaps you are not adventurous and fulfilled pity for yourself. All these are signs of powerful emotional lock.

Conventional sabotage forms associated with full emotional lock are listed below:

When sabotageing health, pain, accidents, operations for the removal of organs (gallbladder, appendix, lungs, stomach, fibrome, polyps and cancer tumors) are occurring. Fractures, scars, premature aging, a weak immune system, diabetes, high blood pressure, infection, chronic weakness, hearing loss and loss of vision are also observed. This list can be continued to infinity. If you have transferred the operation or suffer from chronic disease, you constantly visit the clinic, you can count this category.

If you have an unimportant health, there is a chance that you sabotize your health yourself. Especially if you smoke, drink more than two alcoholic beverages per day if your weight for twelve pounds exceeds the norm if you do not do physical exercises, never engaged in meditation, yoga, tai chi or qigun.

Sabotage of relations with the surrounding main sign of such a sabotage is manifested in the fact that you

constantly attract people who make you unhappy. In other words, you stretch "toxic people", as some authors call them. These are the people who annoy you, do not support you, constantly impose some requirements, make scandals, use you, do not pay attention to you, constantly criticize you, do not show love and are not considered with you. If you constantly feel unhappy and think that you should adapt to what is available, since "there is nothing" anything else "or you think that they do not deserve more, or that" life is a brutal thing, "probably you sabotize your happiness.

According to my philosophy, in reality, there are no toxic people. This man makes you suffer smoothly as much as you allow him to do it. If you yourself change, the following will happen:

1. You will start attracting people of another type.

2. The people you consider to be "toxic" will no longer seem like this or change. You will find that they themselves were all this time toxic man.

Sabotage of finance. You do not have enough money until the end of the month, you postpone payments, you cannot accumulate money or invest them into some event; You cannot resist at work. Money chronically lacks; You all give to others and nothing remains for you. You buy a lottery ticket, hoping to win a large amount.

The problem of money is so acute in our society that many people live from a check for a check and cannot get out of this circle. Many to reduce ends meet, work in two or three places, while someone who has highly paid job lives not by means. Most people love and at the same time hate money. If we consider money in your subconscious mind the main reason for evil, we will find many opportunities to sabotage them, arguing that "not in money happiness" and the like phrases indicating the absence of congruence.

In fact, money represents a certain energy. When not enough finance (which, in turn, turns you into stress and pumps out of you energy), it means that you got into a vicious circle and leave it only if you change your subconscious program regarding money.

If in childhood, the child had to be tight, and for some reason there was no man who would have helped to survive these difficulties, dividing the feelings and emotions of the child, explaining what was happening and giving his defense and consolation, - the child was forced to block those feelings, survive Which has no resources yet.

So the notorious "freezing" arises - the complete absence of a reaction in traumatic circumstances. Block the experience of feelings is quite simple, each of us has ever done: it is enough to strain those muscles that are associated with their expression. For example, squeeze your teeth and not cry!

The mechanism of blocking feelings

Everyone knows that grief is expressed by tears. Also, everyone knows what you need to do so as not to cry: you need to squeeze your teeth stronger, strain the muscles around the eyes, and breathe as much as deep as possible. Than superficial breathing - the weaker access to any feelings at all; Complete respiratory stop will obviously lead to the fact that a person will not feel anything soon. For all the dead do not feel anything. Nevertheless, the collision with innocent feelings often causes difficulties, and even tangible in time to stop breathing: it is also said about it: "I intercepted the breath from despair / fright / horror / etc."

In fact, this voltage is intended to protect a person from emotions and feelings, which he (for some reason and often unconsciously) considers indifferent or unauthorized. These feelings often remain unnamed and unrecognized, and, of course, always - non-chemless, which is as if preserved in the body.

But this is not all: those areas of the body, which were tense to not give feelings to break free, are also deprived of fine sensitivity, they become unable to experience pleasure.

The mechanism is simple. Try to squeeze your hand in the fist and spend them on the other hand. Pay attention to sensations in a compressed hand, describe them for yourself and remember. Was there any pleasure in this? Now, unzip the fist, relax your hand, make it soft - and spend it at the same place. Compare sensations. In which case more pleasure?

The emergence of bodily blocks

If an adult blocks the experience of feeling once, it is likely that it will not leave any trace on his appearance. A person's psyche is capable of self-healing, and even if it consciously will not do anything to experience a blocked feeling - there are still dreams, they help the processing of daylight impressions.

But if you do this from the very childhood, once over time, if some of the stresses are familiar to the psyche ... Then in adulthood it will be possible to see the literally unarmed look. The habitual stress stiffs on the cheekbones are the price for the fact that "boys do not cry."

The familiar tense shoulders, drawn in them, the neck is an attempt to hide from ourselves and not feel your fear. Stretched belly and blocked hips - fee for the possibility of not feeling sexual excitement. Well, so on.

Most often, such corporal blocks arise in childhood, when the conscious opportunities for feeling the feelings are still weak: when the parents did not come to the rescue, and you cannot cope with you, "weaken" a dangerous feeling up to better times looks very reasonable strategy. True, it affects the development of the body, the so-called "muscular shell" arises, which is habitually protects against certain feelings, well, yes here about survival speech: better in the shell, but alive.

Fortunately, unlike the type of physique, which is impossible to change (and it is not necessary, this is your strong qualities! They need to use and be proud) - you can get rid of this muscular shell, return the sensitivity of your own body. This road is not always simple, but it will master it.

We study your own body

This exercise is best done, for example, in the shower, where you could explore your entire body without interference. Turn on the warm pleasant water, and sending it to different sections of your body, explore all the wealth of their sensations. By doing this, you can talk to a benevolently with the study area: "I am glad to you, my right blade, hello!" - It is not so important that specifically you say how much intention. It is necessary to ensure the benevolence of self-examination so that it takes place in the atmosphere of benevolent attention, and not an evil inspection check.

Notice everything that happens when studying any plot: Is there a sensitivity in it at all? You will notice that there are different sensitivity on different sections: every droplet of water is felt somewhere, and somewhere only the general pressure or nothing is felt.

Notice that and as specifically felt: only the shower jets, or maybe - internal pain, tension? How do the sensations progress? Perhaps there is a desire to make any movement? What emotions are you experiencing, exploring different sections? Somewhere there will be a clean unmotion joy of recognition of your body, and somewhere you can feel irritation, sadness or even fear.

Perhaps, in the study of some sites, memories will emerge, come to mind any images - all this (sensations, movements, emotions and memories / images) can be recorded on the outlet of the shower, create a map of your body.

Why are these corporal blocks are dangerous?

Because they are the same mechanism that ultimately can lead to psychosomatic disorders. Not a month, and not even for a year ... But if after year to force myself not to feel and not respond, then before or later perseverance will be rewarded.

But this is not the reward for which it is worth fighting.

A multiplely repeated similar situation allows us to talk about a stable behavioral pattern, and in turn leads to the mature pattern.

The evolution of the block in the body is such. At first, it is a completely foreign structure, such it feels, a person has discomfort, spasm or pain, clearly distinguishes the boundaries of the block and is able to imagine it in the form of a foreign object, like a knife, nail, stone or ice.

From a certain point, a block of foreign onwards becomes symbiotic, a person ceases to feel it. This means that there has been an outstanding event or addictive to it. So we are bothering with the circumstances of a personal nature, we get used to unbearable situations, tolerate in relations; humiliation and pain, etc.

Behind the block of this kind, fear or the character of the character, which a person knows for himself, regards as a negative, but not going to do nothing with it, not counting it is possible or simply used to her. In the body, such blocks are felt as familiar low voltage, constantly resembling itself.

If, after a psychotrauma, a person develops conviction or attitude, which will further influence his life, with time blocks are embedded in the personality system. In addition, as a rule, blocks extremely rarely live alone, preferring to "settle colonies". Each of them performs its own, strictly defined task, and together they form "grids" - forming personality constructs.

Blocks are directly related to the nature of the action and the character of the response, i.e. The blocks appear where the impulse block occurred and do not occupy the first vacant place.

So, if you wanted to speak, but did not speak out, you will have a specific tension of the neck, larynx, lower jaw, cheekbone, ocology and lips. If you wanted to cry and do not cry, you will strain the forehead, cheekbones, the stress will spread to the nasolabious folds, eyes, and will burn the chest. If you wanted to abandon the case, but they did not refuse, movable with a feeling - shoulders shy and remind themselves about themselves.

As a result of obtaining the first negative impact experience or the experience, the voltage appears on which the new voltage layer will be overlapped all the following times when a person will experience the same thing. Thus, the block is most like a multi-layer pie, where each next layer is associated with a problem similar to the previous one.

Thus, the work of a psychologist with blocks is not just the coarse kneading tens, but to establish the reasons why they arose and appeal to it, and in bodily therapy to solve all problems there is an adequate way to help.

We are taught to "love your neighbor", "to substitute the other cheek", absolutely not understanding and not considering the energy involved in this.

If you divide the word "Emotion" (emotion) into two components - "E" and "Motion", you will see that it was originally formed from Latin roots, meaning moving outwards.

This definition is well consistent with Roshian understanding of human emotions. For its basis, emotions are nothing more than the plasma movement, the wave of energy passing through the liquid content of the body in the desire for expression and release.

So a detached point of view does not have much importance for us when we mourn the lost lover or endure for some kind of notice. But it undoubtedly helps the Raikhian therapist understand the mechanics of restoring healthy ripples in the client's body to open the doors to happiness, greater vitality and good well-being.

Reich himself traced the emergence of emotions to their most primitive and basic form, choosing a single-cell organism as an example, ameba. With the help of a microscope, he saw that the plasma inside the amoeb cell is pulled in the direction of the source of pleasure and retracts, retreating from the source of pain.

This is a bilateral movement, or how he liked it to call it, "bilateral emotion of protoplasm."

The desire to pleasure causes a motion from the core to the periphery, while the desire to avoid pain causes movement in the opposite direction - compression from the periphery to the kernel. Reich believed that this basic pulsation in two directions inherent in all living organisms and is the first-axis human expression: we all want to feel pleasure; We all want to avoid pain. Reich also indicated that the movement, which is a means of expression, is an integral property of living organisms, distinguishing them from the rest of nature. Be alive means moving; Move means to express.

All this looks obvious, but leads to a significant conclusion: we like it or not, but we are all emotional creatures.

Feelings are part of the kit, which is called "Life", and the emotional expression of these feelings is the natural and necessary movement of our energy.

If we show them, suppress them, then we suppress the vitality itself.

From this point of view, it is not difficult to observe the main conflict that arose between human nature and our so-called socially acceptable behavior. In "Advanced" societies, the less man manifests its emotions, the more civilized it is considered.

It reminds me of the famous "underlying upper lip" of the British, When not to show emotions at the moments of the limit stress, the top of the manifestation of good manners and pupils was considered.

I do not remember the name of the book, but I remember exactly that there was a quote from the diary of the British Lady, who turned out in the besieged Laknaau during the Indian rebellion in 1857. "This morning, the Major was so beaten by a cannon core during shaving." That was her whole diary: the pedantic transfer of siege horror with a harsh suppression of emotions.

We, Americans are not so good in concealing emotions, but the general approach remains the same. For example, I remember how we joked with the sisters that everything belongs to the family well. And that our real surname is not Dillon, but well, because whenever, when, healthy, we asked each other: "How are you?", I have always been the answer: "Good!"

This is an American style: look good, keep smiling and be sure that everything is wonderful. And if for this facade with the inscription: "I have everything well", some unwanted negative emotions are beginning to be processed, then there is always the last derivative of the prose or valium to neutralize them. Of course, these little smart pills along with your suffering will destroy and your ability to be happy, but this is the price that people most of them are willing to pay for everything to continue to be nice and in order.

This position is characteristic not only for Americans and Europeans. In all highly organized cultures, including in Japan, China, Egypt and India, at all times it was necessary to comply with strict formalities in social cooperation and the expression of feelings was usually prohibited.

The message of heaven to the whole world is that the development process of civilization has entered too far towards the control of emotions. For this you have to pay a too high price - to produce neurotics people who are not able to truly enjoy life.

Today it is especially true. Thanks to the development of science, a person succeeded in creating a comfortable life. The world is filled with all sorts of technological wonders, which make it easier for labor and provide a variety of leisure forms. But what is happening in parallel with this, the destruction of vitality almost deprived us of the ability to enjoy their own achievements.

We must restore our emotions to recover love for life.

Following this goal, Charles Kelly took the basic Roshian ripple "Pleasure - Alarm" and developed a more complex model for working with clients.

He discovered that it is more correct and more useful to consider emotions in terms of not one, and three "couple feelings".

These are the three "pairs of feelings":

    anger - love;

    fear - trust;

    pain - pleasure.

Each of the three negative emotions is anger, fear and pain - associated with various aspects of ripples. Anger is associated with the movement outside, from the kernel to the periphery. Fear is associated with the movement inside, from the periphery to the kernel. The pain is associated with the convulsive quality of energy discharge, rapid compression and subsequent relaxation of the muscles. We feel it when you laugh, we are experiencing orgasm.

Each of the negative emotions, being blocked, the characteristic way is held in the body with the help of muscle stresses. This allows the experienced therapist to "read" the client's body and identify the prevailing blockable emotion. To a certain extent, we can divide people on holding anger, holding fear and holding pain.

It helps to decide where to start the process of release of blocked emotions and restoration of healthy ripples. Of course, this does not mean that only people holding anger are angry. Inside all of us lives a full range of emotions. This classification only indicates which habit was formed in a person for many years and what type of emotions is mainly blocked.

Three positive emotions are also associated with ripples. Love flows out to other people from the nucleus to the periphery. Trust is a form of susceptibility, allowing the world to penetrate the world. Pleasure is a state of good well-being, which is involved in the whole organism.

As we will see on, from the fact that negative, and positive emotions are associated with ripples, they follow important conclusions, because misunderstanding, which exists in relation to how to do with negative emotions, also directly affects our ability to feel positive feelings.

Anger - Love

Anger is energy, current outward. Its release is easy to see, watching the quarrels develop, especially between men. Here, for example, two guys in the bar talk about football. One says that "49th San Francisco" is the best team in the world, and the other, with disgusting snapped, responds: "Recently, the" nine "exhaled eggs are not worth it." The first immediately feels offended, falls into rage And there is a second in the jaw. A classic drunk fight begins.

Anger is a hard, explosive and aggressive expression - an unexpected release from the kernel to the periphery - and therefore in the fight fist, in fact, is nothing more than a continuation of the energy impulse moving outwards.

The same is true for weapons. When in the old western, two cowboys are covered with a quarrel and "grabbed the trunks", sparkling revolvers, as well as bullets are a continuation of angry energy. By the way, it was in the United States that a large number of people die from firearms wounds. This is due to the availability and availability of weapons extending and enhancing the energy impulse anger.

However, being civilized people, we have been accustomed from childhood not to express anger and, generally speaking, we do everything in our power to keep it. Such an effort, motivated by the best motives, causes voltage and hardening in muscles.

Anger armor is located on the periphery of the body, because the energy that was stopped by moving out. In a person holding away anger, usually strong brushes and hands with rigid muscles, his mouth and the jaw is almost always tense, and the barrel-like chest acts as if he challenges the world. Such people cause the feeling that they barely restrain their emotions; It is necessary to push them inadvertently, or step on foot, or something to say something - and they will immediately explode.

As I just mentioned, social education involves us to block anger - with the exception of special situations such as war. But the difficulty caused by this approach is that it also impedes love.

Love is a soft, gentle, sympathetic expression of our energy, moving outwards. Despite the strong differences, love and anger move along the same highway in the same direction - from the kernel to the periphery. If one of the aspects of the directional expression is blocked, then the other aspect will also be blocked. And love is a much softer, more subtle feeling. It will not be able to penetrate the hard layer of chronic voltage, formed by the habit of blocking anger. Even if you deeply in your core, you strive to express love, strive to reach your other in your expansive movement, you will not succeed. On the highway cork, the movement is blocked, nothing can move.

This is a classic dilemma created by public morality. We demand that we are not angry, and instead would be love and compassionate. We are taught to "love your neighbor", "to substitute the other cheek", absolutely not understanding and not considering the energy involved in this.

Prying anger and at the same time be loving is simply impossible. Yes, you can reduce love for some idea, to an intellectual concept and pretend that you love others that you love humanity that you care about the poor and disadvantaged. But the real, warm, sincere love is a living energy that needs movement and expression, and if the path for expression is blocked by a body chained into a shell, it will never be able to reach another person.

To flow the love, anger should be expressed and released.

Due to illiterate upbringing, people do not know what to do with anger, while the solution is very simple: anger you need to just throw away, throw out myself - this is the only thing that will help. This is directed outside the wave of energy that must be expressed and discharged. Of course, this does not mean that we have to start yelling on each other, get involved in fights and carry revolvers with them. There are safe, reasonable ways to express anger that do not harm others. We can shut up in the room, take the pillow and with a scope to grant it into the floor or beat it with fists. We can make meditation techniques that contribute to emotional expression - for example, the dynamics. We can shout when we are alone in a car with raised stalks - although it requires certain caution and vigilance to not fall into an accident (it is better to park first).

After discharging the anger and the liberation of the internal motorway, the likelihood that love will begin to flow and find an expression significantly increases. This explains the habit that has been produced by some couples long-living together: swear, and then make love - "Fucking and Fighting" ("fuck and fight"), as it is sometimes called.

Ourselves that is not suspecting, these couples are trying to get rid of blocked energy and feel love present behind her. In the past, women were not easy to express his wrath directly. In the Victorian era, for example, tight corsets and mating clothing reflected the corresponding condition of the hard emotional restriction. The basis of the belief was at the base in the fact that no matter how legitimate was the wrath of a woman, a man will always be stronger and will not allow his expression, forcing the woman to swallow his rage.

Most often, the anger in women was released in a hysterical seizure, which represents the form of helpless rage. It was from the hysteria that Freuddists who started at the beginning of the twentieth century to study the women's psyche were often faced. Thanks to the liberation of women and the right to express their emotions directly to express their emotions, there are not such a frequent phenomenon in our days.

Another traditional female way to cope with anger is grumbling. It leads to success in the transformation of men in the subflores, but in reality is a distorted form of anger. As well as hysteria, the grumbling developed from the impossibility of directly expressing emotions.

Fear - trust

Fear causes a person to shrink. This is a reduction, energy pulling inside, because in reality your main survival instinct says: "Relight!" This is a desire to get out of the situation that is felt as dangerous. To support the action, adrenaline stands out in the body, and the animal inside you wants to escape, escape by flight.

In some situations, flight is the right and practical action. We all saw videos and photographs that captured on September 11, 2001, when hundreds of people fled along the streets of Manhattan, fleeing the falling fragments of the towers - the twins of the World Trade Center. Civilized behavior, usually associated with costumes, ties, briefcases and business style of life, suddenly turned out to be forgotten, and animal instinct took over and forced people to run away, saving their lives.

In the process of education, the situation is quite different. Children find themselves in frightening family situations, but they cannot escape from them. They are helpless and dependent on those most people - most often it is mom and dad - which are the cause of fright. Children cannot escape, and instead of flight in fear shrink.

In essence, this compression is a retreat of energy to the kernel, movement inside, an attempt to escape from the periphery where there is a danger. This compression may be caused by a thousand and one reason, but mainly its emergence reflects the unsuccession of the home environment.

The child in it to protect itself must be kept vigilance. Unpredictability is the key component in the fear formula. The point is not that the dad or mom is trying all the time, but is that the tendency of one or both parents to unexpected explosions creates an atmosphere of constant anxiety, permanent expectation: "When will it happen? " Such an atmosphere reigns in families where the alcoholic father, getting drunk, is inclined to physical violence. And insecable, if the mother has nervous character, and it copes with stress only until a certain moment, and then unexpectedly "breaks down" and pounces on a child with beatings.

Also, on your own experience gained in the process of working with a lot of customers, I know that the type of people holding fear sometimes occurs right in the womb, because it certainly impossible to escape from here. For example, if the mother does not want pregnancy, then its unspoken desire to make an abortion creates an atmosphere of fear affecting the fruit. Similarly, if the mother during pregnancy is in a state of continuous stress, worrying or afraid, these feelings are transmitted to the future child. His frightening questions arise: Is it safe here? "," Do I have the right to be here? " Such a response arises not at the level of thinking - the fruit does not know the language - but is experienced by the body on a primitive, instinctive level, causing the desire to squeeze energetically.

Holding fear can be formed and shortly after birth, during the first one and a half years of life, during the so-called "oral stage", when the baby is in the most helpless state and the clock depends on maternal care.

Be afraid - Unpleasant experience. This is a feeling of compression, from which the logical conclusion follows that if you feel too much, you will completely disappear and die. The child-oriented child, thus, protects itself with a shell and from this feeling.

As a result, the human shell holding fear is deeply inside the body, around the kernel.

Two tendencies appear here. The first is the outflow of energy from the periphery where the danger is. The second is the protection of the nucleus itself from this onset of compressive energy.

In the case of anger, as we have seen, the shell is located on the periphery to prevent the blow to be directed. In the case of fear, a peculiar frost is deep inside, so that the energy that fluttering from the periphery inside would not completely flood the core.

Externally, people blocking fear look thin and fragile, as their energy is held in the center. They usually have weak muscles; And the legs, the chest may look out and compressed. Often, energy is also assigned from the eyes, as a result of which blocking fear people can be short-lived. It is clear that such a person hardly trusts to other people or the world around me, because for trusting needs openness and susceptibility. Trust is ready to allow the energy from the outside to penetrate into you inside.

Like fear, confidence moves with the pulsation phase, directed inside, from the periphery to the kernel. It follows that if a person is enclosed in a shell protecting against fear, this blocking also will also prevent the advent of the soft stream of confidence.

One of the first steps when working with fear is to help the client to recognize and accept it, which means immersion in the kernel, where fear is. This is a more delicate task than working with anger, because a person who holds fear needs to feel safe. It is necessary that he already has some trust - this will allow the energy to move even deeper into the inside.

The discharge of fear is not so explicitly like an extraction of anger. It is usually accompanied by loud high sounds, and as the inner shell begins to collapse, and the voltage goes, gradually restores the ability to trust.

At the psychological level, confidence means that you can relax in the society of another person, not being obsessed with the familiar chronic suspicions, such as: "This person looks friendly, but this is just because something he needs something ..."

This does not mean that confidence should be unconditional or blind. If there are real bases for suspicion if the situation becomes strange or dangerous, it is useful to be able to recognize this and take measures for its protection.

But basically, confidence is a position that is as follows: "The world does not hunt me. I can move in life openly and relaxed, allowing different events to influence me, affect me, to influence me. "

This is one of the most important results of Raikhana Practice: it helps customers again gain the ability to open and close in the right way. Protection can be raised when there is a reason for fear. And when it is possible to trust, they can be removed.

Pain - Pleasure

When a little child really cries or laughs, all his body enters the state healthy and natural ripple.But if these feelings are suppressed and blocked, the pulsation decreases in such a way that movement both inward and outward is minimized in the desire to drown unwanted or unacceptable feelings. In a person holding pain, all efforts are aimed at not feeling, not recognizing what he wants to be expressed. This is a way to contain or suspend all ripples.

This happens when the child is offended. For example, when his other children are teased or repelled or when it is expelled for some kind of propulsion in his own family and make it stand in the corner while all the attention and love of parents are aimed at other children.

I remember that herself in childhood was very angry with the younger sister, born two years after me, because all the attention, which before her appearance was focused solely on me, suddenly got her. I hated my sister and often behaved in relation to her really terrible, and therefore parents, trying to protect it, drove me. I turned out to be left alone with my rage and tears that could not be expressed and gradually, gradually I learned to fall into some numbness to not feel.

Like anger, and the fear has a clear direction: anger is directed outside, and fear is inside. When blocking the same pain due to the desire less, both ripples are reduced, and gradually the entire body becomes insensitive.

As we saw, people holding anger, carry a large charge of energy on the periphery, while people who hold fear retain this charge in the core. In the people who hold pain, the intense charge is distributed throughout the body, from the kernel to the periphery.

As a result, these people can be tireless workers who have incredible endurance - they can wrap circles around the pool for a long time after everyone else surrendered - but all this activity does not create a sense of liveliness and vitality. On the contrary, they feel the energy stagnation.They are characterized by a tendency to overweight, because the accumulation of fat in the regions of the voltage helps to drown out feelings.

For people who block pain, the first step to healing will be an increase in energy ripple. It is easiest to achieve this by deepening breathing. Such a technique will inevitably lead a person in contact with painful feelings. If he can admit and take them, then, most likely, deep crying and convulsive sobs will begin, the voltage will be released and the body will gradually begin to become more alive.

Newly survived the pain and restoring normal pulsation in the body, people who kept pain, discover huge opportunities for pleasure, sensuality and joy. Very often, the constant peculiar quality of the blocked pain does not give a person to feel the intensive pleasure from orgasm. The release of pain opens up the ability to orgizmic pleasure. published

Excerpt from the book Anishi L. Dillon "Tantric Pulsation"

P.S. And remember, just changing your consciousness - we are togetheryenai Mir! © Econet.

We are so filled with the fear of rejection and claims, which is hardly understood, whether we are deceiving yourself, or trust yourself. Most of the time we play roles, avoiding contact with our feelings. The unconscious (the set of mental processes and states caused by the reality phenomenon in the influence of which the subjects do not give themselves the report) The fear of rejection does not allow us to build relations with a partner that we like. What are we afraid of? And how does the suppression of own feelings affect our health? In this article we will try to answer these questions, for the basics, take the American psychiatrist and psychotherapist, the creator bioenergetic analysis(from Greek. Bio - "Life" + Energeia - "Activities" and Analysis - "Dismemberment", a variety of psychotherapy) A.Loen.

This article, it is advisable to rely on the definition of fear emotions, as a negative emotional state, appearing in the subject of information on the possible threat of its life well-being, a real or imaginary danger. Unlike the emotion of suffering caused by direct blocking of the most important needs, a person, surviving the emotion of fear, has only a probabilistic forecast of possible disadvantage and acts on the basis of this (often insufficiently reliable or exaggerated forecast). For a person as a social being, fear often becomes an obstacle to achieving the goal (K. Isard).

Our feelings are manifested in different ways, often we do not even realize them and do not know how to express them correctly. In many cases, we do not show them at all, but Davim and turn inside yourself, and this is the main reason for psychosomatic disorders (psychological diseases caused by psychological factors) suffer from heart, stomach and spin, in some cases excess weight. This destructive is not a manifestation, blocking its feelings ( the main type of emotion characteristic of a person they are congenital)and emotions (immediate, temporary experience of some feeling)it comes from childhood, hiding in adulthood in an impregnable bunker.

In childhood, the attitude towards its own feelings is formed, a child until a certain time when socialization has not yet imposed his mark, sincerely manifests its emotions, he is free and easily sharing with everyone, then gradually under the influence of the external environment, he learns to restrain his feelings, and sometimes Begins to hide emotions even from himself. Let's look at the emergence of violations, blocking your feelings. According to A. Lowen, one of the reasons is the loss of love of one of the parents of the child, leaves the imprint for life.

For example: Mom because of the lack of forces and time, loaded, some things or the appearance of the second child, does not pay the time to the first, and he is because of this, he experiences longing for the attention of the mother, such not accessibility leads to the first experience in the life of the "broken heart " Arises sadness (The state of the spiritual bitterness, which is caused by separation, is a sense of loneliness, failure in achieving the goal, disappointment, unbounded hope. The main reason is the loss of something significant for humans)and suppressed, and it remains in the body and is remembered in it.

Such anguish generates the development of a rigid peculus of the chest, which protects the heart. The child does not understand that the mother has any other things, he wants to get his need, and then he, afterwards, in every way without losing hope, wants to get this love and decides to be good, learning well, to constantly achieve success, while experiencing guilt (the combination of feelings of fear, autocression and protection against this inner aggression, which imposes on the person itself as a result of thoughts or deeds that violates his internal ban. Self-satisfaction with the sense of guilt - "I am bad / bad", often accompanied by such somatic sensations, as the tension of the muscles in various parts of the body, involuntary facial expression, respiratory impairment, the increase in heartbeat, changing blood pressure levels, etc. comes from an unconscious region).

A.Loen in his works writes about the origin of the feeling of guilt in the child: ".... the feeling of guilt is born from the assumption that we are unworthy of love, until they deserve it with good joints. The fact that we feel anger in relation to those who have hurt us, and hate those who betrayed our love does not make us bad people. Such reactions are biologically natural, so they should be treated as morally acceptable. However, children who depend on parents and other adults can be easily convinced that everything is actually different. A child who feels that he doesn't like him, thinks that some kind of mistake happened, since in his mind there is no idea that the mother and father, who gave him life could not love him. If he starts doubting them, it is not difficult for parents to convince him that it is "bad" when he feels anger or hatred towards them. If the "good behavior" guarantees him love, the child will do everything in his power to be "good", along with the suppression of "bad" feelings. Thus, the feeling of guilt programms his behavior for life, proving him to negative feelings towards the body, who needs to love. This causes the condition of chronic muscle tension, especially at the top of the back. The voltage in the muscular system depends on our will, controlled by the ego (according to Freud, performs the executive functions, being an intermediary between the external and inner world), which often acts in spite of the Lania of the Heart. Fearing the rejection, we are separating the hand that I wanted to touch someone and hug someone; lips that would like to kiss or suck (as happens in babies); Or assign the eyes that would like to be spent ..... "

But at the same time, wanting love and recognition, we do everything to attract attention, "... hiding behind the facade of narcissism (Low self-esteem; compensatory arrogance; anxiety; fear of failure; fear of success; the need to be rightful; difficulties in decision-making; disconnection from their own senses; the need for continuous admiration;, The goal, on the one hand, is obtaining approval and admiration, and on the other - compensation and denial of internal senses of inferiority, despair and sorrow. A good example of this person is a man who develops muscles in order to impress the strength, masculinity and power. In most cases, the lost child hides behind the facade of Macho. The splitting between the appearance of the bodybuilder and the inner sense of loneliness splits the internal integration of his personality.

In such a culture as ours, focused mainly on such values ego(Lat. Ego - "I"), as power and success, in the structure of the personality of most people there is a share of narcissism. The main question here is to what extent a person remains in contact with his deep feelings and with her body ..... ".

Thus, embelling its appearance, putting the mask of confidence and charm, while the heart is in the bunker, we do not even realize that this state of affairs has very serious health effects, as the heart loses its vitality. We all want love, but avoid it, as we are afraid of rejection, unconscious fear closes the road to heart. Children's injury left a deep mark, which makes the barrier to the lips who would like to kiss. And the eyes we would like to watch.

In conclusion, we can draw conclusions we live and accept fake values \u200b\u200bof the ego, and do not realize this. Perhaps the reasons for destructive not manifestation, blocking their feelings and emotions is very much, and they are all individuals, associated with personal installations, and work on it is better in the specialist's office. First of all, we need to realize that the head - serves not to mining money, the genitals are not for entertainment, the heart is not isolated from the head and satisfaction of the flesh, there was no connection with the world, and everything is interconnected and functions together. Realizing this, we will be able to control the appearance of fear emotions in our soul, and our life will become happier, from what we accept the feeling of love and are that there are such. Opening the bunker where they hid his heart, free and love.


  1. Lowen A. Sex, Love and Heart: Psychotherapy Infar-Kta / Per, from English. S. Keda - M.: The Institute of General-Nitortic Research, 2004 - 224 p.
  2. Lowen A. Psychology of the Body: Bioenergy Analysis of the Body / Trans. with ang. S. Keda - M.: Institute of Normalitarian Research, 2007 - 256C.
  3. Yaro Stark, tons Kay, James Oldhaims with 77 gestalt techniques - therapy for every day: Take up to be alive / per. with ang. Rowred. G.P. Butenko. - M.: Psychoter-Fiuma, 2009. - 176 s ..

Translated from English concept "Psychological Protection" means a system of regulatory mechanisms in the psyche, which are aimed at eliminating or minimizing the negative, traumatic experience of experiences associated with internal or external conflicts, alarm and discomfort.

When does such a need arise? Scientists prove that psychological protection as a reaction occurs with a real or imaginary threat to the integrity of the individual, its identity or self-esteem. Ultimately, psychological protection is aimed at preserving the stability of self-assessment of the individual, its image, and the image of the world, which is achieved:

Eliminating the consciousness of sources of conflict experiences;

Transformation of experiences in such a way as to prevent the occurrence of the conflict;

The emergence of specific forms of response, behaviors that reduce the severity of threat of threat or intrapersonal conflict.

The investigator of psychological protection studies is Z. Freud, who considered it as a form of resolution of the conflict between unconscious attractions and international social requirements and prohibitions. His daughter, Anna Freud seen in the mechanisms of psychological protection and ways to solve external conflicts, ways to adapt to the social environment. According to A.Frede, the mechanisms of psychological protection are a product of individual experience and learning. Thus, psychological protection was considered as a process of perception and transformation of a threatening or conflicting object. About 20 species of psychological protection mechanisms were described on this basis. The main ones are:

- Crowding out - elimination of unacceptable deposits and experiences from the consciousness;

- Reactive education (inversion) - transformation in the consciousness of an emotional attitude to the object on the opposite way;

- Regression - Return to more primitive forms of behavior and thinking;

- Identification - unconscious to like to threaten the object;

- rationalization - The rational explanation by the person of his desires and actions, the true causes of which will be rooted by irrational socially or personal unacceptable desection;

- Sublimation -transformation of sexual attraction energy into socially acceptable forms of activity;

- Projection -attributing to other people our own exhaled motifs, experiences and character traits;

- Isolation - Blocking negative emotions, displacement from the consciousness of connections between emotional experiences and their source.

Psychological protection can not be unequivocally considered as useful or as a harmful phenomenon. It allows you to achieve a more or less stable personality state against the background of a destabilizing situation trauming experiences and contributes to successful adaptation to these conditions. At the same time, psychological protection does not allow a person to actively affect the cause, the source of the destabilizing situation. In this sense, an alternative to psychological protection can be either actual interventions in the situation and transformation of it. Either, or self-implantation, adaptation to the situation due to the transformation of the personality itself. Useful, the adaptive effect of psychological protection is more manifested when the scale of the conflict threatening the integrity of the personality is relatively small. Exploring this aspect of psychological protection, D.A. Eleontyev argues that with a significant conflict that requires the elimination of its reasons, psychological protection plays a negative role as a negative role, shaking and reducing its emotional tensions and significance for the individual. Consequently, psychological protection has a limited, auxiliary role at certain stages of conflict situations, but permits the conflict and does not transform the identity.
