Any graduate from the 10th grade knows that in order to receive a certificate and complete schooling, it is necessary to pass the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. In many schools, it is from this moment that gradual preparation for the Unified State Examination in Russian begins, because both teachers and the school administration are interested in the successful completion of the year by all students. However, one should not be irresponsible about preparation, since the results of the exam will directly affect the possibility of continuing education at the university.

Assessing the complexity of tasks

How to think over the preparation for the exam in the Russian language? To get started, go to the official FIPI website ( to get acquainted with the official demo version of the test that you have to solve in the exam. You will see that the version of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language consists of 24 test tasks, a text and a written task for working on the text (essay).

In principle, this is not so much, and even if you come to your senses just a month before the exam, with daily classes you can achieve at least a minimum passing score.

Usually, for the USE in the Russian language, preparation is organized directly at the school. The teacher analyzes the solution of some tasks at the Russian language lessons themselves, and for more targeted preparation for the Unified State Examination in Russian, time is allocated for additional classes on the subject after the main lessons. In these classes, for about an hour, you solve exactly the tasks that appear in the tests.

It would seem that a solution has been found. But things don't always work out so well. It often turns out that, for example, the time chosen for classes is not suitable for you, or classes do not bring positive results as a result, since they are taught by your own teacher in Russian, communication with which does not add up for various reasons. That is why many students and parents still have to look for other options on how to prepare for the exam in Russian.

Tutor help

A common option in this case is classes with a tutor. If you can find a really good teacher and agree on classes on suitable terms, then most likely the result will please you. The tutor will evaluate your initial knowledge, will be able to identify exactly your gaps and study according to an individual scheme. The disadvantages that can be identified in this option are the relatively high cost of such classes, as well as their format. Not everyone is comfortable studying in the evening at home or with a tutor, since the situation is not quite working.


Most likely, therefore, many students choose to prepare for the Unified State Examination in Russian in the courses. Courses can be held directly at the university you intend to enroll in, or in private educational centers. When enrolling in courses at a university, be sure to specify the curriculum so that you don’t accidentally get into preparation courses for an internal exam, which can be held at a university on a par with the Unified State Examination in Russian, the preparation in this case will differ significantly from what you need. The weak side of group lessons is the large number of students in the group. Do not forget to clarify this point as well.


If you still decide to prepare for the Unified State Examination in Russian on your own, then start by purchasing the official collections of the Unified State Examination tests of the current year. The questions of each test are identical in content, and in addition, a strictly defined topic is assigned to each assignment number from the USE. This greatly simplifies the task, because in this case we clearly know which topics are included in the program of our preparation for the exam, and which are not. Many students begin to prepare for the Unified State Examination in Russian on their own, and already in the last 2-3 months they have been studying under the guidance of a private teacher or in a group of express preparation for the Unified State Examination in Russian.

Do not focus only on the daily or weekly solution of the full test. When building a training program, it is also useful to identify your strongest and weakest points in knowledge of the Russian language. Try all the same to understand and analyze the specific topics on the subject that are checked in a particular task. Some topics you can easily remember from the school course, others will require learning almost from scratch. In any case, thematic study of the subject will be psychologically easier than solving numerous tasks on various topics.

Start by doing simple tasks. They do not require much effort, and you can comfortably join the work of preparing for the exam.

For example, this is task number 1, where you just need to learn how to read the text carefully and highlight the main information in it. Or task number 3, where you need to choose the correct meaning of the word from the proposed options. Relatively easy is task number 8, which tests your knowledge of the spelling of the roots, and we were taught to select test words with an accent on the root back in elementary school. Having solved a few of these simple tasks, we will already be able to score a certain number of points and ensure that we pass the exam in the Russian language with a positive score.

Alas, it will not do without memorizing some material. In mathematics, these are formulas, in Russian - exception words and the correct placement of stress in words (task No. 4). With these difficult units, only one old way will help to cope: write out and periodically reread. Gradually, at least some of these words will be deposited in your memory. Therefore, naturally, if we prepare in advance for the exam in the Russian language, the chances of memorization increase.

Finally, there are tasks of increased difficulty. Traditionally, punctuation assignments are difficult for high school students. Indeed, it is better to analyze this topic with a teacher who will teach you how to correctly highlight the basics of sentences, find logical boundaries and correctly place signs. However, among these tasks there are more and less difficult ones. Task number 15, where you need to put signs in simple sentences, is not at all difficult to work out. For task number 16, you also need to learn only two rules for setting commas with participles and participles.

What to do if there is very little time?

How to prepare for the exam in the Russian language if there is no time to re-study complex topics? Focus on perfecting simple tasks. For example, task number 24 (one of the most difficult) will require you to know literary terms, immerse yourself in the study of a very special area. Evaluate your strengths and decide whether it is worth spending so much time on it? Maybe it's better to start studying essay writing?

By the way, it is the essay that should be given special attention when you think how well to prepare for the exam in Russian. Usually, it is this that is considered the most unpleasant and difficult task from the USE test, but the secret is that, knowing the rules for working with the composition of the USE format, writing a good paper is easier than solving some tasks from the test. Even if you do not get the maximum score for it, scoring about 10-12 points out of 23 is more than realistic.

Of course, a lot depends on your initial knowledge, as well as on the desire to prepare for the exam. But, if you set yourself the goal of writing the Unified State Examination in Russian for a good score and go step by step towards it, then the result will not be long in coming. Believe me, you know much more from the Russian language than you think. Happy preparation!

The Russian language exam is mandatory for all high school graduates. High demands are made on the knowledge of students, it is not enough just to intuitively place punctuation marks and write complex words correctly. Exam questions cover such sections as phonetics, morphology, syntax, punctuation, style.

The structure of the exam in Russian

The tasks are divided into 2 parts. The first consists of 24 short tasks, their completion demonstrates theoretical knowledge. The maximum number of points is 58. The second part of the exam is practical. The student should write an essay on his own, the volume of which ranges from 180-220 words. The task allows you to demonstrate command of the language, the ability to convey thoughts and feelings, to argue your opinion, the ability to operate with different syntactic constructions. Perfect essay writing is worth 42 points. The duration of the exam is 3.5 hours.

When to start self-preparation for the exam in the Russian language

For students who do not experience difficulties with the subject, a year will be a sufficient period of calm preparation. For those who are not confident in their abilities and often make mistakes, it is recommended to systematically prepare for the exam already in the 9th grade. Self-preparation will require self-discipline, time planning. But such an approach can give good results with a systematic approach. Its main advantage is the absence of financial costs for a tutor. In addition, there are manuals and manuals that will help you navigate the material.

How to prepare effectively

The main requirement for self-training is regularity. You need to develop a schedule of classes and strictly follow it. It is recommended that each lesson devote time to both theory and practical examples that will clearly show how each rule works. If you have difficulty understanding a section, you can put it aside for a while, then return. And there is also a teacher who will clarify the situation, classmates, parents - they can also help find interesting materials and presentations.

Most Common Mistakes

Difficulties are caused by the spelling of “n” and “nn” in different parts of speech, the correct use of paronyms (dynamic and dynamic), unpronounceable consonants, as well as the suffixes “ts” and “ts” in verbs.

To quickly cope with the test and write a high-quality essay in Russian, use proven techniques.

In the first part:

1.Practice solving the most "weighty" tasks.

Due to an error in tasks No. 8 and 9, you will lose only one point, and the correct answer in the seventh task will bring you as much as five.

    Deal with difficult topics to get closer to the highest score. In 2017, task No. 22 was completed by less than half of the graduates, only those who distinguished types of speech. You will have an advantage in the exam if you understand the story, reasoning and description.

    Remember exceptions- in each test there are tasks for exception words, do not be too lazy to memorize them. Print or write the words to one rule and hang it above your desk. When you remember the list, replace it with exceptions from another rule.

To earn more than 80 points on the exam in Russian, it is better to prepare with a teacher. The teacher will not only teach memorization techniques and explain complex topics, but also provide moral support before the exam.

The main task in working on an essay is to see the problem.

Follow the structure of the essay:

  1. Introduction and formulation of the problem.
  2. A comment that contains two example illustrations of the problem based on the read text.
  3. The position of the author.
  4. your position.
  5. The first argument in support of your position.
  6. The second argument in support of your position.
  7. Conclusion.

Introduction and problem. If there are several problems in the text, choose the more obvious one. Do not reinvent the wheel: if you point out an implicit problem that you saw in the text, you will not get points. The examiner has a list of topics, and you need to "hit" one of them.

Formulate the problem using a formula, where X is the topic you have identified. Problem formulation options:

  • What is X?
  • What's wrong with X?
  • What is the role of X in our life?
  • X (or lack of X) is bad, tragic.

Comment to the problem.Write a comment based on information from the text. Ask questions about the text, for example:

  • On what material is the problem disclosed?
  • What types of speech - reasoning, description or narration - does the author use?
  • In what style - artistic, scientific, journalistic - is the text written?
  • What semantic parts of the text help to solve the problem?

Follow the structure of the text, for example: "First, the author brings the reader to the problem, then talks about ...".

  • What argument or illustration in the text seems most convincing to you?

Identify the central episode of the text and write what you think is its significance.

Author's position. Sometimes in fiction, the author's position is not clearly manifested. In such a situation, write: “The author does not express his position directly, but allows the reader to think for himself” or “Although the text does not explicitly say that the author likes the main character, this can be inferred based on ...”.

Arguments in favor of your position.

  • If you want to get points for this criterion, you need to formulate two arguments.
  • Rely on your own literary baggage: refer to examples from other works.
  • An ideal argument is a fact from a literary work, an example from world artistic culture (musical, visual), at worst - from the life of a famous figure in art, science, politics. You will not be awarded points for abstract thoughts.

Write the introduction and conclusion after you finish your essay. In the introduction, they reveal the history of the issue or indicate the relevance of the problem. The introduction should encourage an expert to read your paper., captivate him. For example, “One of the most exciting mysteries that has always troubled human thought has been the question associated with ...”

In custody reiterate the main idea of ​​your work. Summarize, tell, for example, what conclusions you made for yourself after reading the text.

To quickly cope with the test and write a high-quality essay in Russian, use proven techniques.

In the first part:

1.Practice solving the most "weighty" tasks.

Due to an error in tasks No. 8 and 9, you will lose only one point, and the correct answer in the seventh task will bring you as much as five.

    Deal with difficult topics to get closer to the highest score. In 2017, task No. 22 was completed by less than half of the graduates, only those who distinguished types of speech. You will have an advantage in the exam if you understand the story, reasoning and description.

    Remember exceptions- in each test there are tasks for exception words, do not be too lazy to memorize them. Print or write the words to one rule and hang it above your desk. When you remember the list, replace it with exceptions from another rule.

To earn more than 80 points on the exam in Russian, it is better to prepare with a teacher. The teacher will not only teach memorization techniques and explain complex topics, but also provide moral support before the exam.

The main task in working on an essay is to see the problem.

Follow the structure of the essay:

  1. Introduction and formulation of the problem.
  2. A comment that contains two example illustrations of the problem based on the read text.
  3. The position of the author.
  4. your position.
  5. The first argument in support of your position.
  6. The second argument in support of your position.
  7. Conclusion.

Introduction and problem. If there are several problems in the text, choose the more obvious one. Do not reinvent the wheel: if you point out an implicit problem that you saw in the text, you will not get points. The examiner has a list of topics, and you need to "hit" one of them.

Formulate the problem using a formula, where X is the topic you have identified. Problem formulation options:

  • What is X?
  • What's wrong with X?
  • What is the role of X in our life?
  • X (or lack of X) is bad, tragic.

Comment to the problem.Write a comment based on information from the text. Ask questions about the text, for example:

  • On what material is the problem disclosed?
  • What types of speech - reasoning, description or narration - does the author use?
  • In what style - artistic, scientific, journalistic - is the text written?
  • What semantic parts of the text help to solve the problem?

Follow the structure of the text, for example: "First, the author brings the reader to the problem, then talks about ...".

  • What argument or illustration in the text seems most convincing to you?

Identify the central episode of the text and write what you think is its significance.

Author's position. Sometimes in fiction, the author's position is not clearly manifested. In such a situation, write: “The author does not express his position directly, but allows the reader to think for himself” or “Although the text does not explicitly say that the author likes the main character, this can be inferred based on ...”.

Arguments in favor of your position.

  • If you want to get points for this criterion, you need to formulate two arguments.
  • Rely on your own literary baggage: refer to examples from other works.
  • An ideal argument is a fact from a literary work, an example from world artistic culture (musical, visual), at worst - from the life of a famous figure in art, science, politics. You will not be awarded points for abstract thoughts.

Write the introduction and conclusion after you finish your essay. In the introduction, they reveal the history of the issue or indicate the relevance of the problem. The introduction should encourage an expert to read your paper., captivate him. For example, “One of the most exciting mysteries that has always troubled human thought has been the question associated with ...”

In custody reiterate the main idea of ​​your work. Summarize, tell, for example, what conclusions you made for yourself after reading the text.
