Integrated lesson

"Decembrists and Poetry"

Completed by: teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU "Gymnasium No. 26"

Miass, Chelyabinsk region

Timokhina N.A.

P. I. Pestel

S. I. Muravyov-Apostol

K. F. Ryleev

M. P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin

P. G. Kakhovsky

Karl Ivanovich Kolman "The uprising on the Senate Square in St. Petersburg

Vasily Fedorovich Timm

“All the most noble among Russian youth - military men like Pestel, Fonvizin, Naryshkin, Yushnevsky, Muravyov, the most beloved writers like Ryleev and Bestuzhev, descendants of glorious families like Prince Obolensky, Trubetskoy, Count Chernyshev - hurried to join the ranks of the very first phalanx Russian liberation.

A. Herzen

An arrogant temporary worker, and vile and treacherous,

The monarch is a cunning flatterer, and an ungrateful friend,

Furious tyrant of his native country,

A villain elevated to an important rank by the spaces!

You look at me with contempt

And in your menacing gaze you show me your furious anger!

I do not value your attention, scoundrel.

From your mouth blasphemy - a crown worthy of praise!

I laugh at your humiliation!

Can I be humbled by your neglect:

If I myself look at you with contempt,

And I'm proud that I don't find your feelings in myself?

K. F. Ryleev

Why debauchery, self-interest, tyranny put the throne

On the death of goodness, innocence, peace?

Why the blood of the unfortunate victims flows like a river

And orphans and widows do not stop moaning?

The murderer is covered by the government's hand,

And superstition washed in blood,

The innocent to the execution of the bloody path

Attracts, reading the hymn of humility and love! ..

Earthquakes, murders and fires

Diseases, poverty and ulcers of fierce punishment

Who in the world could produce what was arranged?

Is it really the creator of goodness, is it really a strong god?

V. F. Raevsky

Bitter is the fate of the poets of all tribes;

Hardest of all fate executes Russia;

For glory and Ryleev was born;

But the young man was in love with freedom...

The noose pulled the impudent neckline.

He is not alone; others follow him

Beautiful seduced by a dream -

Regret the fateful year ...

God gave fire to their heart, light to their mind,

Yes! feelings in them are enthusiastic and ardent:

Well? they are thrown into a black prison,

V. K. Kuchelbecker

Strings of prophetic fiery sounds

We have reached our ears,

Our hands rushed to the swords,

And they only found shackles.

But be calm, bard! - chains,

We are proud of our destiny

And behind the gates of the prison

In our hearts we laugh at kings.

Our mournful work will not be lost,

A spark will ignite a flame,

And our enlightened people

Gather under the holy banner.

We forge swords from chains

And let's rekindle the flame of freedom!

She will attack the kings

And people will sigh with joy!

A. I. Odoevsky

A.I. Yakubovich was supposed to capture the Winter Palace and arrest the royal family;

P.I. Pestel, K.F. Ryleev, S.I. Muraviev-Apostol, M.P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin- withdraw troops to the Senate Square and prevent the re-swearing;

Kakhovsky volunteered to kill Nicholas I, and Bulatov- capture the Peter and Paul Fortress;

The dictator of the uprising became S. Trubetskoy .

If successful, the Manifesto proclaiming the Republic and creating the Constitution was to be promulgated.

In the depths of Siberian ores

Keep proud patience

Your mournful work will not be lost

And doom high aspiration.

Unfortunately faithful sister,

Hope in the dark dungeon

Wake up cheerfulness and fun,

The desired time will come:

Love and friendship up to you

They will reach through the gloomy gates,

Like in your hard labor holes

My free voice is coming.

Heavy chains will fall

The dungeons will collapse - and freedom

You will be gladly received at the entrance,

And the brothers will give you the sword.

A. S. Pushkin

“Oh, God sees! .. But the duty is different,

And higher and harder, Calls me...

Sorry dear! Do not cry in vain!

Far is my way, hard is my way,

My fate is terrible

But I dressed my chest with steel ...

Be proud - I am your daughter!

N. A. Nekrasov

"Russian women"




"Not! I'm not a pitiful slave

I am a woman, wife!

Let my fate be bitter

I will be faithful to her!

N. A. Nekrasov "Russian women"

Maria Volkonskaya

"Oh, if he forgot me

For a different woman

In my soul

would have had strength

Don't be his slave!"

N. A. Nekrasov

"Russian women"



“But I know: love for the motherland

my rival,

And if it were necessary, again

I would forgive him! .... "

N. A. Nekrasov

"Russian women"

Alexandra Muravieva

I. F. Fokht

V. I. Likharev

A. E. Rosen

M. A. Nazimov

N. I. Lorer

M. M. Naryshkin

A. F. Briggen

P. N. Svistunov

N. V. Basargin

D. A. Shchepin-Rostovsky

I. S. Povalo-Shveikovsky

V. K. Kuchelbecker

Above your bloody memory

Now lies the rumor of shame;

On it is a poet crowned with glory,

The gaze does not dare to stop ...

But you didn't die in vain:

All that is sown will come up

What did you want so passionately

Everything, everything will come true!

Another terrible avenger will rise,

Another powerful race will rise:

The country of his liberator,

The dormant people will wake up.

On the day of victory, on the day of the glorious feast,

Fatal revenge will come true -

And again in the face of the Fatherland

Your honor shines brightly.

The purpose of the lesson:

  • education of patriotism, love and respect for national history, love for poetry;
  • familiarization of students with the work of Decembrist poets;
  • development of information culture of students, development of expressive reading skills.

Lesson type: binary (literature and history).


  • computer and projector
  • exhibition of books on the works of the Decembrists;
  • video film "Star of Captivating Happiness";
  • portraits of the Decembrists;
  • reproductions and illustrations.

During the lesson, the material is presented in the form of a series of slides and with illustrations to enliven the story of the teacher and students. In the course of the lesson, the necessary material is gradually displayed on the screen.

Lesson plan

1. Introduction.

2. "Historical digression": the Decembrist uprising, revolutionary ideas, the first secret revolutionary societies.

4. "Russian poets about the Decembrists": L.N. Tolstoy, A.S. Pushkin, N.A. Nekrasov.

6. Homework.

During the classes

1. Introduction.

Introduction by the teacher.

2. "Historical digression".

In December 1825, the first open armed uprising in the history of Russia took place - a speech against the autocracy and serfdom. On December 14, on Senate Square in St. Petersburg, Emperor Nicholas I ordered to shoot disobedient soldiers and officers with grapeshot, and two weeks later the heroic performance of the Chernigov regiment in Ukraine was strangled.

The end of the bloody drama was the involvement of almost six hundred people in the investigation, the execution of five leaders, hard labor and exile to Siberia.

These events were surrounded by a conspiracy of silence at the behest of the emperor for several years. Relatives of the executed were forbidden to wear mourning, letters from Siberia and to Siberia were looked through, the Decembrists were not mentioned in the press either.

But the heroes who selflessly ignited the first spark of the liberation movement were remembered by all thinking progressive Russia.

The Decembrists did not rely on any social stratum and did not seek to find the support of the people, although they took a mortal risk in the name of this people.

So, the Decembrists were the first. The revolutionary ideas that dominated their hearts and minds were born shortly after the war of 1812. The Russian army defeated the hordes of Bonaparte, the soldiers and officers reached Paris in triumph.

But the victors, whom the world applauded, had to put up with the horrors of serfdom and the silent obedience of the people. The phenomenon of noble revolutionism is largely due to the high moral qualities of the advanced part of the Russian nobility, as well as the realization that the concept of honor, dignity and freedom of the individual is incompatible with the slavery of the majority of the population and the autocratic regime. The Decembrists create the first secret revolutionary societies: in 1816, the Union of Salvation; in 1818, the Welfare Union; Southern and Northern secret societies; Society of the United Slavs.

"Ryleev was my first light:.
Father in spirit is dear to me!
Your name in this world
I became a valiant covenant
And a guiding star."
K. Ogarev.

The name of the remarkable Russian revolutionary poet, the Decembrist Kondraty Fedorovich Ryleev, is well known. Entering the path of active struggle against the autocracy gave Ryleev's poetry the strength and significance that won him an honorable place in the history of Russian civil poetry. The first poems of K.F. Ryleev appeared in print in 1820. The famous ode "To the temporary worker" brought him not only fame, but also great fame. The poet took the position of a citizen in it, an irrepressible accuser, fearless, harsh in relation to government power and its faithful servants and champions.

"Haughty temporary worker, and vile and treacherous,
The monarch is a cunning flatterer, and an ungrateful friend,
Furious tyrant of his native country,
A villain elevated to an important rank by the spaces!
You look at me with contempt
And in your menacing gaze you show me your furious anger!
I do not value your attention, scoundrel.
From your mouth, a crown worthy of praise!
I laugh at your humiliation!
Can I be humbled by your neglect:
If I myself look at you with contempt,
And I'm proud that I don't find your feelings in myself?

The ideas of liberation that inspired the heroes of Senate Square continued to live in the minds of the staunch Decembrist convicts. In Chita and at the Petrovsky Plant, Odoevsky continues to develop the classic plots of Decembrism, constantly referring to historical folk tradition. The poetry of Alexander Odoevsky vividly reflected the innermost thoughts, moods and feelings of the Decembrists after the defeat of the uprising, during the years of their forced life.

Strings of prophetic fiery sounds
We have reached our ears,
Our hands rushed to the swords,
And they only found shackles.
But be calm, bard! - chains,
We are proud of our destiny
And behind the gates of the prison
In our hearts we laugh at kings.
Our mournful work will not be lost,
A spark will ignite a flame,
And our enlightened people
Gather under the holy banner.
We forge swords from chains
And let's rekindle the flame of freedom!
She will attack the kings
And people will sigh with joy!
A.I. Odoevsky

Odoevsky looked into the distance. He was a poet of revolutionary perspective. And "behind the gates of the prison" he remained faithful to the Decembrist ideals. He seemed to hear the firm tread of new generations, which will replace "the links that have fallen out of the chain."

4. "Russian poets about the Decembrists":

"Decembrists are always interesting and evoke the most serious thoughts and feelings." L.N. Tolstoy

The roar of volleys that resounded on December 14, 1825 on Senate Square, echoed with a lively bright word in the hearts of descendants. Remarkable masters of the artistic word to this day sing in their works the courage, dedication and patriotism of these "mighty heroes, forged from pure steel from head to toe." When the December catastrophe divided the society of the nobility into those who secretly sympathized with the uprising and those who were open supporters of old Russia, A.S. Pushkin remained faithful to his Decembrist friends and their ideals. In verse, he invariably recalled the Decembrists, assured them of his friendship, highly appreciated their patriotic deed, and announced the final triumph of their deeds.

In the depths of Siberian ores
Keep proud patience
Your mournful work will not be lost
And doom high aspiration.
Unfortunately faithful sister,
Hope in the dark dungeon
Wake up cheerfulness and fun,
The desired time will come:
Love and friendship up to you
They will reach through the gloomy gates,
Like in your hard labor holes
My free voice is coming.
Heavy chains will fall
The dungeons will collapse - and freedom
You will be gladly received at the entrance,
And the brothers will give you the sword.
A.S. Pushkin.

Among the poetic works dedicated to the Decembrists, the poems of N.A. Nekrasov occupy an exceptional place. The image of the old Decembrist, who carried loyalty to his convictions through the years of hard labor, exile and lack of rights, the poet painted in the first poem of his Decembrist cycle, "Grandfather".

Admiration for the feat of the wives of the Decembrists, their courage and nobility, ardent sympathy for their fate resounds in every stanza of the poem "Russian Women" dedicated to them:

"No! I'm not a miserable slave,
I am a woman, wife!
Let my fate be bitter
I will be faithful to her!
Oh if he forgot me
For a different woman
I would have enough strength in my soul
Don't be his slave!
But I know: love for the motherland
my rival,
And if it were necessary, again
I would forgive him!

An excerpt from the video film "Star of Captivating Happiness"

5. The final part of the lesson.

Teacher's word: The Decembrists laid the foundation of the revolutionary tradition, but thereby the foundation of the tragic, long-term split between the authorities and the intelligentsia. The highest assessment of their moral, human character is indisputable: humanism, disinterestedness, culture, heroism in the struggle and persistent suffering in hard labor.

The Decembrists were passionate enlighteners. The educational activities of the Decembrists played a big role in Siberia. In letters, essays, in practical activities, in the public arena, the Decembrists raised topical issues of their contemporary era - the development of public education, health care, raising the general level of culture of the masses, the thoughtful development of vast spaces and untold wealth the Siberian region, the dissemination and approval of advanced methods of management, the problem of the future of the small peoples of Siberia.

They dreamed of creating favorable conditions for the development of these nationalities. Especially valuable for us is the activity of the Decembrists, aimed at awakening the public consciousness of Siberians. The most important features of the Decembrists in Siberia were literacy and crafts. Education in the schools of the Decembrists was essentially secular, despite the fact that they often worked under the guise of parochial schools and their programs included the Law of God and sacred history.

6. Homework.

Learn by heart the poems of the Decembrist poets. Individual tasks - to prepare an essay on the topic "Decembrists in Siberia".

Kondraty Fedorovich Ryleev Poet, Decembrist, member of the Northern Society, one of the leaders of the December 14 uprising Creator of the almanac "Polar Star".

Upbringing and education Born on September 18 in the Batovo estate of the St. Petersburg province in the family of an army officer, a poor landowner. He was educated in the Cadet Corps () in St. Petersburg, released as an ensign in the artillery and sent to the army, which was on a foreign campaign. Staying in Germany, Switzerland and especially in France did not pass without a trace for the young officer. “The grandiose example of Napoleon's charm for the masses inspired him with the idea that his personality could also influence those around him just as strongly; he saw the difference between the enlightened West and his poor homeland; he was used to thinking about the historical course of the development of society, and in him, still imperceptibly to himself, the revolutionary seed began to vegetate.

The victory over Napoleon prompted him to take up a pen, odes appeared: "Love for the Fatherland" (1813), "Prince of Smolensky" (1814). From 1817, transferred to Russia, Ryleev served in the Voronezh province. Like other advanced officers, he was burdened by the Arakcheev order in the army, so in 1818 he resigned and moved to St. Petersburg (1820).

Petersburg. Northern Secret Society In St. Petersburg, K. Ryleev became close to the capital's writers, became a member of the "Free Society of Lovers of Russian Literature". A special place in the poet's work is occupied by the poetic cycle "Dumas" (), the purpose of which was "to remind the youth of the exploits of their ancestors, to acquaint them with the brightest epochs of folk history ...".

The romantic orientation of Ryleev's poetry "Love for the public good" is the main impulse of the Decembrist poetry. Life is a feat, a sacrifice of oneself on the altar of freedom. Ryleev despises in his generation indifference to the "disasters of the fatherland", to the "oppressed freedom of man." Everything lofty, beautiful for the poet is associated with movement: "boiling soul", "stormy rebellion" ...

The expansion of artistic time and social space in the poem “Will I be in a fateful time ...” (1824) enables the romantic hero to move from opposition to society to faith, gives rise to hope for a fair course of time, saves from despair. (These directions in Ryleev's poetry will be close to A.S. Pushkin)

In 1823 he was accepted as a member of the Northern Secret Society, soon becoming one of its leaders. In the days before the uprising, he showed exceptional energy, becoming the soul of the upcoming coup, insisting on the need for decisive action. In 1825 he wrote the poem "Voynarovsky", containing propaganda of the political ideas of the Decembrists; it expresses Ryleev's credo: "I am not a poet, but a citizen." In the same year he wrote the historical poem "Nalivaiko", the political elegy "Citizen".

An attempted coup d'etat, the day when the troops were to take the oath to Nikolai Pavlovich, was a fateful day for the Northern Society and, in particular, for Ryleev. Many of the conspirators changed their word and did not come to Senate Square, where a bewildered handful of soldiers stood. Prince Trubetskoy, elected to the "dictators", did not appear on the square. Ryleev was not there for long and, seeing the complete failure of the planned business, "saw anarchy and disorder," as he later showed to his judges, and returned home gloomy and saddened. Hope for the success of the armed uprising shattered, and Ryleyev sat at home, immersed in apathy, doing nothing. At night, he was arrested and taken to the palace, where the sovereign himself interrogated the conspirators. From there he was taken to the Peter and Paul Fortress, and he was imprisoned in the dungeon 17 of the Alekseevsky ravelin. He apparently made a rather favorable impression on the sovereign, because he allowed him to correspond with his wife and provided her with a significant financial allowance. Ryleev, as one of the most important figures in the conspiracy, was often summoned to the Investigative Commission for testimony and confrontations. Ryleev's testimony was distinguished by frankness, directness and calmness. He stood behind his comrades as a mountain and tried in every possible way to alleviate their plight with his testimony. He condemned himself and his comrades for their desperate attempt, reproached himself for his inability to weigh circumstances and evaluate real forces, but reminded the judges that "the spirit of the times is such a force that they were not able to resist."

From the verdict in the case of the Decembrists: Ryleev was found guilty of "contemplating regicide, appointing a person to commit it, contemplating deprivation of liberty, exile and extermination of the Imperial family and preparing means for this, strengthened the activities of the Northern Society, managed it , prepared ways for a rebellion, drew up plans, forced to compose a manifesto on the destruction of the government, himself composed and distributed outrageous songs and poems and received members, prepared the main means for a rebellion and commanded them, aroused the lower ranks to rebellion through their superiors through various seductions and during the mutiny he himself came to the square.

Just before the execution, Ryleev wrote a letter to his wife, full of amazing calmness and grateful feeling for the happiness that she gave him throughout their married life. On July 13, at dawn, the execution took place. The executed were taken out of their cells in chains and brought to the scaffold. When the verdict was read to them and they heard the words: "Hang for such atrocities!" Ryleev cheerfully turned to his comrades: "Gentlemen, we must pay the last debt," and they all fell to their knees, and, turning their eyes to the sky, made the sign of the cross. Ryleev prayed aloud for the prosperity of Russia. ... “Due to the poor arrangement of the scaffold, Ryleev slipped out of the noose and hurt himself painfully; the same thing happened to Pestel and Kakhovsky. They were immediately lifted up, taken with other ropes and hung up.” Where the ashes of Ryleev rest is not known exactly.

Among our civilian poets, Ryleev holds the first place. The moral purity of the "Knight of the Polar Star", the charm that he produced on those around him, the deep civil sorrow, the thirst for struggle make him one of the most attractive, bright personalities of our cultural history. “I’m not a poet, but a citizen,” Ryleev said about himself, but he was both a citizen and a poet, “I’m not a poet, but a citizen,” Ryleev said about himself, but he was both a citizen and a poet, and if applied to to his works, that artistic measure, which he himself shied away from, will have to conclude that a great artistic talent has died out in him.

In anger, quick-witted, forgiving insults. God of cruel, reckless wars. Dionysus. God of commerce, profit, intellect, dexterity, deceit, theft and eloquence. Homer has an image of girlish harmony. Before the power of the goddess, hunger receded and death hid. Cartoons: 1. Prometheus. 2. Return from Olympus. 3. Argonauts. 4. Perseus. 5. Hercules at Admet. Artemis. Hades and Persephone. Often causes anger in her husband, mainly with her jealousy.

"The Formation of Medieval Cities" - Union of Medieval Artisans of the same specialty. City that achieved self-government. The commune is an independent city. Fair - an annual auction in which merchants took part. Lesson plan. A Venetian merchant is heading to a fair in Champagne. Complete the semantic line. Changers. Union of German Cities. Craftsman's workshop. The origins of democratic orders in the countries of Western Europe. The revival of trade required the improvement of roads.

"The lifestyle of the Eastern Slavs" - Occupations and beliefs of the Slavs. Kikimora. Fighting. The Slavs had a god Ptah. Sky God. Spirit of the house. Horse. Beliefs of the Eastern Slavs. Veles. The earth was called Mother. The god of the sun among the Slavs. Dazhdbog. Yarilo. Makosh. The Slavs developed agriculture. Moraine. Occupations of the Eastern Slavs. Perun. Consolidation of acquired knowledge. Answer the questions. Life of the Eastern Slavs. The Slavs have been engaged in cattle breeding for a long time.

"Saint Alexander Nevsky" - Order of St. Alexander Nevsky. Monastic tonsure. Alexander Nevsky receives papal legates. Alexander Nevsky in the Golden Horde. Prince Alexander and Batu Khan. Holy noble prince. Neva battle. Alexander Nevskiy. Battle on the Ice. Swedes. An army of German knights. Russian princes. Great Mongol Khan.

"Events of the Battle of Kulikovo" - Lesson plan. Prince Dmitry fights alongside Russian warriors. Significance of the Battle of Kulikovo. Reasons for the victory of the Russian army in the Battle of Kulikovo. The right to collect tribute from the Russian lands with his own hands. Name the historical event and participants. What goals were set for the leader of the Horde and the Moscow prince. Lesson goals. The Horde does not want to put up with the strengthening of the Moscow principality. Dynasty of Moscow princes.

"How the unification of France happened" - The unification of France was an inevitable event. Philip IV Handsome. estate monarchy. Noble feudal lords of France. Association success. States General. Philip II in a fierce battle at Bouvina utterly defeated his opponents. King Louis IX Saint. Who was interested in joining. Philip resorted to damaging the royal coin. Money difficulties. Philip II August. The first successes of the association.

"Poems of poets about the war" - In poetry from the first days of the war, first of all, the LYRICS showed itself. Without a leg I returned! Meet my love! Yulia Vladimirovna from school, at the age of 17, went to the front. R. Rozhdestvensky. Handkerchief, illuminated by love, Weakened the pain and calmed the blood. Wait for me and I will return, To spite all deaths... Konstantin Simonov (1915-1979).

"Russian poets of the 19th century" - POETS OF THE PUSHKIN CIRCLE. Pyotr Chaadaev was there. The struggle of ideas, trends, styles, literary genres has become an unheard of phenomenon. Sea. Pushkin began a struggle for the writer's right to be free "from the tsar and from the people." The first sign of a free country is free art. What response thoughts and feelings did the poem evoke in you?

"Movement of the Decembrists" - Extracurricular activities in the library, at home and at school. The purpose of the project: The formation of students' own individual assessment of the performance of the Decembrists. Consultation. Lesson 1 (40 min.) 3. Presentation of the research results. Didactic materials: crossword, test List of materials used. Is it right to compare the Decembrist uprising with a conspiracy?

"Poets for children" - Fly, Fly-Tsokotuha, Gilded belly! An amazing thing 10. Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov. And there is almost a real Miracle tree growing there! - Get vaccinated! Streams run through the fields, puddles on the roads. Uncle Styopa. Author Chukovsky K.I. What is the real name of Chukovsky? Small discoveries 40. Game. Answer.

"Poets of the Russian Diaspora" - I understand that the request is in vain: They remember their names! "Oh, the earth is good, good, good!" "Our immortal gift is speech." In 1920 Bunin emigrated and settled in France. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. Vladimir Nabokov. Alexander Galich. Russian Poets Abroad. Choose verses on the given topics. And the bullet is ringing at point-blank range.

"History of the Decembrists" - Disruption of the original plan They did not have the support of the broad masses of the people. The first open opposition to tsarism. Northern and Southern societies of the Decembrists. State reorganization of Russia The abolition of serfdom. He ascended the throne on December 14, 1825. Reasons for the defeat of the uprising. Lesson topic: Decembrist uprising on December 14, 1825
