Romantics-enthusiasts who want to find the treasure hidden by the legendary rebel Emelyan Pugachev are not translated in Bashkiria. Some say that the runaway Cossack hid the train with silver and gold at the bottom of the lake, others are sure that Pugachev's money is kept in the mountains, in a cave. However, there are many other treasures in the republic: among the treasures found were, for example, a bronze cannon, two dishes with a thousand-year history and a top hat with gold ducats.

For several generations of brave treasure hunters, they have been trying to find the legendary wagon train of Yemelyan Pugachev himself - a fugitive Cossack who raised an uprising throughout the country. On his way, he mercilessly plundered cities and landowners' estates. And since it was inconvenient to carry carts with silver and gold, he hid the loot. Pugachev hid one of these golden carts not far from the Bashkir town of Beloretsk, in the mountainous part of the republic. A couple of centuries ago, there were a lot of copper mining plants - excellent prey for a robber.

According to local legends, Pugachev hid the loot in one of the many lakes under the city. They say that professional divers even came, but so far everything is useless. Others are looking for Pugachev's gold in a completely different end of Bashkiria - in a cave near the village of Nagaybakovo, Bakalinsky district, where the rebel was hiding from persecution.

Of course, this is the dream of any treasure hunter, but finding it is almost impossible and very expensive. The equipment is expensive, the equipment is expensive, and they are hidden in lakes and dense forests, where you just can't get there. In total, in Bashkiria, about 200-300 people are fond of masonry, and they have already found all the main treasures. One of the best treasure hunters Don Alexei once found a bronze cannon of the 16th century. To do this, I had to dig one and a half meters.

But Pugachev's gold is not the only treasure of Bashkiria.

In 1989, in the Alsheevsky district of the republic, excavating workers found a real treasure with a thousand-year history. Scientists especially distinguish two dishes, one of which is decorated with an engraved image of a king on horseback, striking a boar with a spear. The second dish depicts a flying mountain goat with a fluttering scarf around its neck - the image of the Iranian god of luck. According to archaeologists, the find is not less than a thousand years old. Part of the treasure (at the location it was named Avryuztamak) safely disappeared, the other was transferred to the Sterlitamak Museum of History and Local Lore.

Among the missing items from this treasure were figures (heads, legs) of camels; a camel was depicted on a golden kumgan. The products of the Avryuztamak hoard were of Central Asian origin. The objects of this treasure are direct archaeological evidence of the existence of the camel cult in the early Middle Ages on the territory of Bashkortostan.

By the way, the very first question that worries all treasure hunters: if you're lucky and find something, can you take it for yourself?

Expert opinion

Director of the Law Office "Enikeev & Partners"

- No, it won't work. According to the Civil Code, the treasure must be equally divided between the person who found it and the owner of the land plot. In any case, you will have to give the find - you will be paid part of the cost for it, and the tax will not be taken from it. If the owner of the site is the state, then it will take 25 or 30%. By the way, if you searched and found treasure without the permission of the owner of the site, then he will receive the reward in full.

In the late 60s of the last century, it was not uncommon to find treasure in Ufa - the city was then actively built up and in the foundations of old merchant houses they often found some stash of wealthy people. But the Soviet press could not ignore one case.

Several students of the vocational school helped to dig a trench on Kirov Street and found a large black top hat containing many gold ducats with a portrait of Emperor Nicholas II. So no one would have found out about the find, but one of the guys accidentally let slip or bragged to an acquaintance. As a result, everyone was arrested, and a noisy process began in the city with the stigma of “hiding the people's good”.

This story ended well: the treasure was taken away from the guys, and they themselves were released.

Underground business

Is it worth looking for treasure in Bashkiria?

About how exciting it is to "take away forgotten secrets from the earth long gone" was still in Soviet cinema ("Gentlemen of Fortune", if anyone does not remember). Now interest in history is experiencing a new rise, since there are enough sources of theoretical information. Everyone approaches implementation in practice based on their capabilities. Someone draws a family tree, trying to find grains of information about ancestors, someone goes to the museum. Although, it should be noted that getting to, say, the once popular Museum of Archeology and Ethnography for a 45-minute excursion is now possible only as part of an organized group and by appointment. There are those who buy or assemble a metal detector, take a backpack and head out into the fields. As it turned out, they are not always driven solely by greed.

I can dig, I can not dig

Illegal treasure hunting is gaining momentum both in Russia as a whole and in Bashkortostan. They are looking not only for "Kolchak's gold" or "Pugachev's treasure", but also antiques for subsequent sale on black markets. Specialized shops offer equipment for searching of almost any level, and on the Internet, if you have patience, you can find enough information about promising places of "cop".

Immediately you will have to disappoint those who decided to look for a way out of their personal financial crisis with the help of a metal detector. The vast majority of finds are metal corks, cans and other rusty traces of human activity. Coins, of course, also come across: as a rule, these are early or late "advice" (coins of the Soviet period, in the jargon of seekers), less often - money of pre-revolutionary eras. Their value for the finder is measured rather not in ruble terms, but in emotions and sensations received during the coping and preparation for it. If we take into account all the costs (equipment, gasoline, personal equipment), then it’s not that about profit, we are not talking about payback. Yes, and again, they are not going for this, but out of a desire to join the past and experience the excitement that pushes others to hunt or fish.

Are the costs paid off? I assembled my first device with my own hands, it's just that electronics are close to me, so I decided to collect it more out of interest. I walked around, looked, liked it. Collected the next device is more functional. It was like another season, and it dragged on. But since the device was quite heavy (about 3 kg assembled) and my hand was tired of walking with it in exploration in the area, I thought: it hurts like that and bought an almost professional device, light and fast. For comparison, a self-assembled device cost 3 thousand rubles, and a purchased device just for my requests - 50 thousand rubles. Now add the costs for each trip: gasoline, additional equipment, food and drink ... It is difficult to talk about payback if you do not know if you will find anything at all or not. It also happens that after many days of preparation, sitting at maps and books, having arrived at the chosen place, you see that in fact it is completely overgrown and completely inaccessible. And if there are finds, there is no guarantee that they will be of any financial value.

- Andrey, treasure hunter

The fate of the finds is formed in different ways. Most of them are of no particular value to anyone except the treasure hunter himself. Found items are washed, restored if possible and put into a box, from where they are periodically removed for demonstration to friends and sympathizers.

While some are studying old cards and saving up money for a metal detector, there are those who find historical values ​​literally under their feet. Recently, the People's Artist of Bashkortostan Vakhit Khyzyrov accidentally discovered during the construction of a house in the village of Tashtimerovo, Abzelilovsky District, an ancient clay vessel dating back to the 2nd millennium BC. The artist transferred the find to the National Museum of the Republic, where experts appreciated its uniqueness and attributed it to the Bronze Age.

It's all about the cultural layer

For a professional view of the problem, we turned to specialists in archeology. In addition to the banal “what can you find here?” I was interested in the question of the relationship between scientists and amateurs. As it turned out, the question is much deeper than it seems at first glance.

It's worth starting by defining what falls into the category of archaeological finds. Everything here is pretty straightforward: the main criterion is the age of the find, it must be at least 100 years old. Time goes by, and soon this list will include numerous coins of the Soviet period, which now can be found without even going out specifically to hunt.

Then the fun begins. Ilshat Bakhshiev, chairman of the Archeological Society of the Republic of Bashkortostan, believes that Bashkortostan can be called an archaeological Klondike. All historical periods are represented on the territory of the republic, from the Paleolithic (Stone Age) to the so-called late eras - XVIII-XIX centuries. An important role was played by the location of the region at the junction of ethnocultural and natural zones, which became the reason for the diversity of the represented cultures. Officially, there are about 5,000 archaeological sites in the republic. Simply put, you can find almost everything here, including unique items (we will talk about them below).

The main thing that archaeologists blame lovers of the detecting is the destruction of the cultural layer. From a scientific point of view, it is even more valuable than the find itself, since it provides an understanding of the historical and cultural context. The work of an archaeologist is similar to the work of a forensic expert - the state of the environment in which the object was found is extremely important. The smallest detail can give a new perspective on the historical situation. For example, the remains of the bones of domestic animals allow you to get an idea of ​​the species composition of the herd, soil analysis - about plants and, accordingly, natural conditions. The study of the remains of soot on the shards, which non-specialists, at best, simply will not pay attention to, helps to understand what our ancestors ate and to restore the picture of life. Modern technology is able to extract information from seemingly completely insignificant elements.

There is also a legal aspect to this issue. For the removal of archaeological finds from their place of occurrence, if this entailed the destruction of the cultural layer, it is envisaged to bring to criminal responsibility. According to the legislation, the cultural layer refers to a layer under water or in the ground, if it contains traces of human activity, which is more than a hundred years old.

Destruction of the cultural layer (Article 243.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) implies administrative and criminal liability. To carry out excavations, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate permits, without which this activity is illegal. The main point in this situation is the presence of expertise, which establishes the presence or absence of a cultural layer and the degree of its destruction. Naturally, this is a laborious process, and insufficiently developed legislation in this area provides a certain room for maneuver and the ability to avoid responsibility in many cases. The court practice under this article is not very extensive and, as a rule, concerns construction organizations. However, there are also precedents with illegal diggers.


RF Criminal Code Article 243.2.
Illegal search and (or) seizure
archaeological objects from the places of occurrence

(introduced by the Federal Law of 23.07.2013 N 245-FZ)

1. Search and (or) removal of archaeological objects from places of occurrence on the surface of the earth, in the ground or under water, carried out without permission (open sheet), resulting in damage or destruction of the cultural layer,
- shall be punishable by a fine in an amount of up to 500 thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to eighteen months, or correctional labor for a term of up to one year, or imprisonment for a term of up to two years.

2. The same acts committed within the territory of a cultural heritage object included in the unified state register of cultural heritage objects (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, or an identified cultural heritage object -
shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of up to seven hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to two years, or imprisonment for a term of up to four years.

3. The same acts committed:
a) using special technical means of search and (or) earth-moving machines;
b) by a person using his official position;
c) by a group of persons by prior conspiracy or by an organized group,
- shall be punished with a fine in the amount of up to one million rubles or in the amount of the wage or salary or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to five years, or by deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to five years, or forced labor for a term of up to five years, or imprisonment for up to six years.

1. For the purposes of this article, a cultural layer means a layer in the ground or under water containing traces of human existence, the time of occurrence of which exceeds one hundred years, including archaeological objects.
2. Special technical means of search in this article are understood as metal detectors, radars, magnetic devices and other technical means that allow to determine the presence of archaeological objects in the place of occurrence.

Either way, archaeologists and diggers intersect. It is clear that none of the parties is delighted with this, but the interaction happens, however, not always fruitful. Svetlana Vorobyova, researcher at the National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan, spoke about the exhibits that were handed over to the museum voluntarily. All of them are designed as random finds, but some of them are clearly the result of a targeted search.

An archaeological collection of early Iron Age bronze items obtained from an unknown person in 2013. An unknown man left the collection with the museum guards. These are costume adornments of the bearers of the Kara-Abyz culture of the early Iron Age of the 3rd-4th centuries. BC. This collection comes from a plundered burial ground in the Ufa region of the Republic of Belarus.

Iron sword. Belongs to the late Sarmatian culture, II-III centuries A.D. An accidental find of a resident of the village. Lower Tyukun in the Karmaskalinsky region of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Found in 2003-2005. on the banks of the Belaya River. Has been kept in the Children's Library No. 34 (branch No. 10 of the Municipal Budgetary Institution Centralized System of Children's Libraries of the Urban District, the city of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan) since 2007. Transferred to the Head of the Children's Library No. 34 (Branch No. 10 of the Municipal Budgetary Institution Centralized System of Children's Libraries of the Urban District, the city of Ufa Republic Bashkortostan) G.A. Imamutdinova in 2017

The reasons for this "generosity" are different. Someone simply does not understand the value of a thing, someone is warmed by the line under the exhibit indicating the name of the finder. The main problem is that the information about the place of the find is usually not true. In addition, there are cases when promising excavation sites were looted in the absence of scientists. This happened in 2011 at the Kara-Abyz-2 facility. Literally in the last days before the closing of the season, while working at the burial ground of the Early Iron Age, a signal was found indicating the presence of a large accumulation of objects. It was decided to postpone the excavations until next spring, but the archaeologists were ahead of them. According to some indications, it was a rich male burial; the fate of the artifacts can only be guessed at - they are lost to science.

In recent years, the situation with illegal excavations has deteriorated. It is no longer a secret that there are communities of "diggers" in the republic who feel quite calm - just look at social networks. The greatest threat is posed by organized groups of "black archaeologists". Here we are talking not about loners who do this as a hobby in their free time, but about organized groups headed by professionally educated and financially secure people who know perfectly well what and where to look. For searches, cars, expensive modern equipment are specially bought, people are hired ... It is such people who do more harm, and are not driven by interest in history.


Quite often, our museum receives calls with an offer to purchase artifacts. Such appeals are doomed to refusal, the museum has no funds to buy out exhibits from the population. There was a case when a person made it a prerequisite for the immediate introduction of an object into the exhibition, indicating that it was donated to the museum and with the name of the donor, of course. You need to understand that the expositions are formed for more than one year and making changes is a long process, which is preceded by a thorough study of the received subject.

These days, not only Colombians and Scots were lucky, valuable finds were found with a metal detector in the city of Yekaterinburg. So, here are the top 5 treasures found this week, or those about which information was made public during this period.

1. Mysterious finds near the Eternal Flame

In Yekaterinburg, workers dug trenches near the Eternal Flame. One of the treasure hunters, Oleg Matveev, could not resist and went there with his son and a metal detector. Since Oleg is also fond of the history of his hometown, he was able to make several finds and even suggest what it is.

Here is what a local historian wrote on his blog:

“In the area where the old VIZovsky theater is located, the builders dug trenches. It was possible to find something similar to the remains of the theater foundation: characteristic stone fractional "inserts" are visible on the soil cut. Further, the finds are even more interesting. In another trench, they found a pharmacy bottle, a coin, clay shards, old bricks all over the place and some strange minerals with a glass sheen. On the northern side of the Eternal Flame, about twenty meters away, just where a new road is being laid, they found an interesting mini-masonry in one row of old bricks on lime mortar. There are stones under the masonry. The masonry is one and a half meter long. What could it be? It doesn't look like a foundation. Why only masonry on this site in the area of ​​the graves of the Communards? "

Oleg also made the assumption that he may have found the remains of the Verkh-Isetsky theater, which had long been demolished. He expressed regret that archaeologists could not work on the spot.

2. Scottish chairs "with a surprise".

An elderly couple of Scots decided to buy furniture at a flea market in New Lanark. Well, they bought what is there. Among the purchases was a £ 5 chair. Since the couple were not going to be comforted by the unsightly and shabby look of the upholstery, they decided to restore the seat and back of the purchase. The husband took off the upholstery, and there! ... Of course, not a diamond diadem with ruby ​​pendants, as in "The Twelve Chairs", but quite precious jewelry worth 5,000 pounds sterling (about half a million rubles).

Such things were hidden under the upholstery.

At the same time, the cunning husband did not confess to his wife in the find. He decided to give jewelry little by little. And he delighted the faithful for six months with such presents. So in the family of Angus and Angela Milner-Brown, happiness and romance reigned.

When it became clear where the jewelry came from, specialists flew into that flea market and bought up all the furniture. But so far nothing has been heard about other finds.

3. Gold of a Scythian nobleman.

In Ukraine, of course, you can walk with metal detectors, but be careful. True, everything is fine if you are an archaeologist or at least an ethnographer. Then all the ancient settlements and tracts open before you. So, the other day in the Bedbsk reserve, a search for relics and artifacts was carried out. It turned out to be successful. The burial of a Scythian nobleman was discovered, and there were 30 gold items in it.

A bronze arrowhead of the Peloponnesian type and a whole pottery were also found. All of the above is dated back to the 7th century BC. By the way, next to the mound is a trench from the Second World War. And in it - heaps of ammunition. They will definitely be transferred to the museum. Where does the gold go - the Ukrainian media did not write about this.

4. Heroic Galleon "San Jose".

Colombia is named so for a reason. Restless Portuguese and Spaniards swam there all the time. And many ships sank off the coast of this marvelous Central American country. Just recently, divers discovered the remains of the Spanish galleon "San Jose". Soon it will be raised from the bottom of the sea to explore in more detail. This was stated by the President of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos at the opening ceremony of the new building of the Institute of Marine Research in the city of Santa Marta, which took place the other day.

According to scientists and experts, on board the galleon may be gold and silver coins, as well as emeralds and other jewelry intended for the Spanish king Philip V. Treasures that he was supposed to transport, according to estimates of the mid-1980s, could cost from 10 billion dollars.

A little about the history of the glorious warship. During the War of the Spanish Succession, the San Jose, under the command of General Jose Fernandez Santillian, was part of the Golden Flotilla. On June 8, 1708, this very flotilla collided with an English squadron near the island of Baru. For an hour and a half, fierce exchanges of fire took place between the ships, as a result of which the gunpowder stored in the holds exploded on the San Jose. It exploded notably, so that only 11 people from a team of 600 people survived. And the precious cargo of the galleon gurgled and sank to the bottom.

Now they will get it.

5. The flagship of the Swedish fleet.

Another similar news is from the Baltic. True, the Swedes, who were not spoiled by shipwreck sites in their own waters, did not find new remains of sea vessels. They simply took up the Krunan again, which sank in the Baltic Sea in 1676 during the Swedish-Danish war and was recovered in 1980.

In August 2016, treasure hunters discovered ancient coins and jewelry near the flagship. And a pot of cheese that looks like Roquefort. Here are Lars Einarsson's findings. They were sent to the Kalmar Museum. In total, 14 coins, a gold ring with a diamond and a 340-year-old well-preserved cheese were found. Scientists will analyze the product to find out what it is and whether it will give them new information about life in the 17th century.

Finally, as usual, a couple of interesting news from the world of treasure hunters.

We could not pass by the treasure of Admiral Kolchak.

These treasures were lost almost a hundred years ago, and wherever they were not looked for. Now they will look in Kazakhstan. There, in the North Kazakhstan region, a tourist route "Kolchak's Gold" is being developed. To put it simply, it looks like tourists will be handed metal detectors and sent to look for this gold. Well, what if? After all, local treasure hunters claim that the Aiyrtau district hides many secrets!

In particular, the Kolchak army, which was retreating under the onslaught of the Reds, was in Petropavlovsk until the end of October 1919. And at this time, with an incomprehensible purpose, Kolchak went deep into the steppes, to the village of Aiyrtau. Historical fact! Maybe he hid something of value there.

Another case happened this week in Bashkiria, in the Burzyansky district, near the village of Timirevo.

A local resident walked through the forest with a metal detector, looking for antiquities, as usual. And I found a shell from the Civil War! At the same time, the shell turned out to be a combat one, not damaged. The search engine immediately took him to the police, but got scared and unloaded him halfway. Finally, he summoned the specialists on 02, and the sappers who arrived soon detonated the shell on the spot. Because he could jerk at any moment!

Good luck searching. Take care of yourself.

The places where the ancient treasures are hidden were pointed out to "Komsomolskaya Pravda" by Yuri Suprunenko, candidate of geographical sciences, researcher at the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, one of the authors of the world's first encyclopedia "Secrets of the Underworld" [video]

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There are legendary treasures that are sometimes searched for hundreds of years and cannot find. Although the places where they were stored seem to be well known. They are mentioned in ancient chronicles, their existence is confirmed by legends that people pass on from generation to generation. In underground tunnels, caves, quarries, along the banks of rivers and on the tops of mountains, kings, princes, and robbers hid their treasures. Legends are legends, but it seems that all the ancient treasures are "charmed" or as if guarded by evil spirits. At least this is the only way to explain why many of the underground secrets still remain unsolved. Or are there no daredevils? So, the treasures may still be waiting for their discoverers ...

1. ... on Vagankovsky Hill (Moscow) On the Vagankovsky Hill rises the Pashkov House, on the territory of which the oprichnina yard of Ivan the Terrible was once located. According to some researchers, not only were secret underground shelters built here, in which the treasury of the Moscow Grand Dukes was kept in case of fires and where opponents of the tsar were tortured and killed, but also the entrance to the legendary underground Moscow was located. The first time they stumbled upon these galleries was during the construction of the metro station "Library im. V. I. Lenin ". The builders opened the passage faced with ancient bricks. Unfortunately, archaeologists were not allowed to excavate it and the entrance was hastily cemented. Only in the 1980s, by order of the Moscow Center for Archaeological Research, detailed geophysical studies were carried out. And under the building, the instruments revealed a strange anomaly. The pits made above it discovered a unique archaeological object - a huge well, paved with white stone, 8 meters in diameter and about 15 meters deep. According to geophysical instruments, the total depth of the strange well, along the walls of which the remains of a spiral staircase were visible, was 25-30 meters. It is assumed that, most likely, this is the entrance to the underground systems of ancient Moscow. It seemed that a little more - and the researchers will get to the bottom of a mysterious well, from which underground galleries diverge in all directions, one of which may become the beginning of new discoveries. But ... the clearing work was interrupted, and the secret of the well was never revealed. 2. ... in Staritsky quarries (Tver region) The ancient Holy Dormition Monastery is located on the Starchenka River. Local cavers claim that the quarries underneath stretch for more than 35 kilometers. And once they were so wide that a team of horses could drive in, but today they have turned into narrow slits.

According to historical documents, many treasures can be found in these catacombs. The fact is that in the "troubled" XV-XVI centuries, local princes hid their treasury there at every danger that arose. And when the Old women were surrounded by stone walls, some quarries were connected with the underground hiding places of the princely houses. So, for example, according to some information, a fortress cache 53 meters long went from under the Tainitskaya tower to the Volga. And passing under the river, he brought him to the other side of the Assumption Monastery. There, according to legend, the valuables of Prince Andrei Ivanovich, who hid them in 1537 before his trip to Moscow, from where he did not return, can be kept there. In the capital, he was starved to death in prison by the mother of Ivan the Terrible, Elena Glinskaya. There may also be the treasury of Prince Vladimir, which he hid in 1569 before his trip to Moscow, from where he also did not return - Ivan the Terrible poisoned him. Some seekers suggest that part of the library of Ivan the Terrible himself, who often visited these lands, may be kept in Staritsa. In addition, the catacombs may have hidden church treasures hidden from the plundering of the monastery after the 1917 revolution. 3. ... on the Khvorostyanka river (near Mozhaisk)“I sent 923 carts from Moscow with various goods to the Kaluga Gate to Mozhaisk ...” - this is how the text of the “storeroom record” begins, according to legend, during the Time of Troubles (early 1600s) by the Polish king Sigismund.

The original of this recording, made on a "brass board" in Latin and Polish, is in Warsaw. A secretly made list from it, translated into Russian, is distributed among Russian treasure seekers. The fact is that in 1611 the Poles plundered Moscow. And, according to Karamzin, “they robbed the royal treasury, took all the utensils of our ancient crowned heads, their crowns, rods, vessels, rich clothes to send to Sigismund ... precious ". It was these "trophies" that made up 923 carts with good, which were buried near Mozhaisk. But, despite the fact that the letter of the Polish king contains rather clear signs of a buried treasure - “the treasures are hidden 650 meters from the churchyard of Nicholas the Wonderworker Lapotny, which stands on the Khvorostyanka river at the junction of Mozhaisky and Medynsky districts” - they have not yet been found ...

4. ... in the estate of Count Rostopchin (Podolsk district) In 1800, Count Governor-General of Moscow Fyodor Rostopchin lived in the Voronovo estate, which was nicknamed "Little Versailles" for its wealth.

Marble statues for the park were brought here from Italy. Furniture, antique vases, porcelain, silver, paintings were brought from Paris, Rome, London. During the war with Napoleon on September 19, 1812, the Russian army, whose headquarters was located not far from Voronovo, in the village of Krasnaya Pakhra, retreated. And Rostopchin defiantly set fire to his palace so as not to leave anything to the French. But after the war, rumors spread that the count's treasures were safely hidden in the underground labyrinths of the estate. In the 1980s, while renovating the Voronovo estate, the builders really stumbled upon the remains of an underground passage. We tried to walk along them, but the vaults seemed unreliable, and the entrance to the dungeon was filled up with earth. 5. ... in Kudeyarova Gora (Saratov region) Until now, in the Saratov region there are many legends, epics and songs about the dashing robber Kudeyar, who "spoiled" in these places. Like, he shed a lot of blood, collected a lot of prey and buried it in the coveted place.

Seekers of robber treasures along the Alatyr River raised the whole earth "on end". However, most often treasure hunters turn their eyes to the Kudeyarova Gora cave, not far from the village of Lokh. It is believed that it was in her that the robber hid his treasures. According to another version, to the east of Shatura (Moscow region), in the region of lakes Karasovo, Dolgoe and Velikoe, there is a mysterious place called Vorui-gorodok, where the legendary chieftain could also once have hidden his treasures.

6. ... at the bottom of Lake Baikal Admiral Alexander Kolchak during the Civil War was one of the leaders of the White movement. "Kolchak's Gold" - a part of the gold reserve of the Russian Empire, which ended up in Lake Baikal as a result of a train wreck in 1919 - the road was blown up. In 2009, they tried to find 200 tons of gold bars with the help of Mir deep-sea vehicles. But to no avail.

7. ... in Mount Shapka (Far East) At the confluence of the Zavitaya river with the Amur there is a mountain, which the local population called the Shapka. Earlier, at the confluence of these rivers, there was the capital of the ancient state of the Jurdzheni. In the XII century, the Jurdzhen tribes conquered all the northern and northeastern provinces of China. They robbed and killed everyone indiscriminately. In Beijing, they ran the market, selling pearls and gold. But under the pressure of the troops of Genghis Khan, the Chzhurdzheni joined the hordes of the Mongols and left for Central Asia and Europe. And according to legend, they hid their countless treasures in the Shapka Mountain.

8. ... Rastorguev House (Yekaterinburg) In the center of the city, on Voznesenskaya Gorka, there is the Palace of Children's and Youth Creativity. Previously, it was the estate of the famous gold miner Lev Rastorguev. In the middle of the 19th century, deep undergrounds were dug under the house. At first, they served as chapels for the Old Believers, and then Rastorguev began to store there the gold brought from the mines that belonged to him. He mercilessly killed all the uninitiated who could find out where the treasures were kept, and the corpses were immured in underground labyrinths. In the 1960s, several kids climbed into an old wood shed near the palace and dug up a metal ring in the floor. Pulled for it - and opened the hatch leading to the dungeon. When they went downstairs, they saw human skeletons chained to the wall, chained to their eyes. Panic arose, and by decision of the authorities, the entrance to the tunnel was blocked with stones. And Rastorguev's gold has not yet been found.

And under Yekaterinburg, in a cave on the Chusovaya River, Yemelyan Pugachev hid the chests in which his personal treasury was located.

9. ... on the island of Matua (Sakhalin) During World War II, allied aircraft, which bombed everything that belonged to Japan in the Pacific Ocean, bypassed uninhabited Matua. And when the war ended, President Truman turned to Stalin with an unexpected request - to provide the United States with Matua.

What attracted America so much to this islet located in the center of the Kuril ridge? During the war, the Japanese turned it into an impregnable fortress. And in 1945 he went to the USSR. It was dug up and down by artificial caves. In one of them - the largest - a submarine could easily hide. Numerous pillboxes, hangars, and an airfield have been built. But, according to experts, all these conspicuous grandiose structures are only a visible part of the Japanese secret underground fortress. Some researchers suggest that secret laboratories are located there, developing secret weapons that were never used during the war. Others are convinced that Japan's gold reserves are hidden there. 10. ... in Kladovaya Gora (Penza region) Near the town Bednodemyanovsk(founded in 1779) there is a low mountain Kladovaya. Inside it, according to rumors of the local population, there are many caves in which robbers at the end of the 18th century hid the stolen gold. That is why the Pantry Mountain was named.

And in the rivers Volga and Moksha (Penza region) and on their banks, Stepan Razin hid treasures. FROM THE DOSSIER "KP" Where else are the jewels hidden? BELARUS. The residence of the Radziwills magnates in Nesvizh was a real fortress with many underground secret passages leading from the palace. In one of the underground storages "there were hundreds of pounds of gold, a lot of gold jewelry" - this is what one of her ambassadors said in a letter to Empress Catherine II. There were even kept figures of the twelve apostles in the height of a man, cast in gold and silver. All this disappeared at the beginning of the 19th century during the era of the Napoleonic wars. The treasures of the Radziwills are unsuccessfully searched for to this day. According to one of the legends, the prince's treasure is located in a huge tunnel more than 35 kilometers long, which in the 17th century connected two castles of the Radziwills - Nesvizhsky and Mirsky. According to another version, the storage is located in Nesvizh under the palace itself or the galleries adjacent to it. UKRAINE . Ukrainian tycoon Prince Jeremiah Vishnevetsky hid his treasures in the city of Lubny (present-day Poltava region in Ukraine) in underground tunnels that lie at a depth of 3 to 7 meters. In addition, at the bottom of the Black Sea, not far from the Balaklava Bay, since the Crimean War lies the Black Prince ship, stuffed, according to various sources, from £ 500,000 to £ 5 million. GEORGIA. On the slopes of Mount Kazbek at an altitude of 4100 meters, there is the hard-to-reach Betlani cave. In it, according to legend, the Georgian kings hid their treasures. KYRGYZSTAN. The treasures of Genghis Khan are kept at the bottom of Lake Issyk-Kul or in the Kurmentinskaya cave. CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. There are hidden treasure chests on islands in the Caribbean, the Gulf of Mexico and Skeleton Island by Spyglass Hill. There is information that treasures of such famous sea robbers as Francis Drake, Henry Morgan, Thomas Baskerville, Francois Lecrerc are still kept on the shores of Cuba and the Dominican Republic.

FRANCE. The Templars hid the gold in the secret cellars of their castles. There were 9 thousand of them in 1327. JORDAN. On the coast of the Dead Sea from Jordan, in one of the hills, there is a cave, where, according to legend, a treasure with 20 tons of gold and silver is kept. SEYCHELLES. The famous "gentlemen of fortune" - Captain Kidd and the pirate La Buse hid the stolen jewels there.

ACTION "KP" And the "Komsomolskaya Pravda" took on the search for Napoleon's treasure! In the fall of 1812, when Napoleon's army was leaving plundered Moscow, they took 200 carts of gold with them. But along the way, the train mysteriously disappeared. It was hard to run from the Russian soldiers with 80 tons of treasures. And it was decided to hide the train. Where is unknown. Today historians point to five supposed places of the treasure: near Orsha, Vilnius, in the Berezina River, on Lake Semlevskoe. Or about 300 kilometers from Moscow, away from the Smolensk road, in the triangle between Yelnya, Kaluga and Smolensk. Soon "Komsomolskaya Pravda" will go to those places on an expedition (see "KP" "It became known where Napoleon's treasure is buried" and Napoleon's treasure is hidden in five places?).

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Napoleon's treasure is hidden in five places. Historians confirm: a wagon train with gold existed. And he really disappeared. Svetlana KUZINA

In Ufa, you can dig anywhere close to the water. Civilization has been here from time immemorial. You won't find treasures, but interesting things please. Muscovites are very asking to find a medicinal dump. They really need to decorate fashionable pharmacies. Banks, old flasks, and broken scales. There are references to her. Before that, they were taken to Sutoloka, in the area of ​​the October Revolution, and then by decree this business was banned. And they dug the dump. The area is roughly known, but where a specific cop will be produced is not yet clear ...
Coins are found on Gogol. New house recently built by Chernyshevsky-Gafuri. While digging the foundation, we found a lot of interesting things. But that's all, silence. Plundered for souvenirs, those who are in the subject. Only the granite slab lasted a little longer, and even that had disappeared somewhere.
On Gogol, closer to the edge of the river, old houses are sliding down. The owners agree to let it go for half. On the monument, everyone must have seen cool houses. So behind them, there are wreck houses. I talked to the owners. They say all the little things in full, we find. One generally says, dig as much as you want, ruin the shed that burned down for me for this.
But we still chose the hustle and bustle.

Applied technique BSL and Explorer E-Track

Quite a nice unit. With a bunch of settings. New technology for determining the depth to the target accurately determines the depth, allowing you to distinguish surface debris from valuable finds lying deeper. If you wish, you can ignore unnecessary surface targets when looking for antique coins or treasure.

In a few hours this was found ...

Of course, we did not find the treasure. But on the other hand, satisfied and tired went home. All the same, treasure hunters are secretive people. And if you think that someone (including me) will post their findings, you are deeply mistaken. They say no, they did not find anything. But if you want to dig, join closer to spring. Or hang out on

Seek ... yes you will find.

And further...
There is an amazing place. Bay. For two and a half thousand years, people lived in the same place on a patch of land. unloaded cargo, met ships, traded. The site is small. (The site is at the pier, and the market square, now Barkalov Square), but inhabited since the Odyssey times. There you can see from the cut ... here glass was invented, here are all kinds of amphorae. Yes, everything is littered with antique shards. There, farther to Sapun Mountain and other popsne, cores and echoes of war. And on this patch, the rubble of a thousand-year history. Do you think someone needs this? Why am I in the know. Yes, I had a dacha there. My children grew up there. Guess what the locals do when they find the treasure?
I’ll say, you’ll think that I’m lying. I need it...?
They put it in the trunk and take it away to the trash heap.
Will explain. If you start selling something valuable, you will catch the article in one fell swoop. And if you light up or God forbid, you will announce to the state, everything! kick-ass. Will be declared property, (a form of selection of property). You will live on the territory of the ancient monument, or you will be resettled with the provision of an equal area in edreni. Then, quietly, quietly on this place, the house of the caretaker will grow ... (but that's another story ...).
Good luck friends ...
