What is esoteric practice? Why does a person do it? What is trying to achieve? Different practices have different goals. Usually this is a merger with a certain state that is inaccessible or inaccessible in ordinary life.

The success of the practice depends on what kind of person he is - how pure his energy channels are, how free his mind is from patterns and clichés, and how hardy and devoid of clamps the body is.

And the choice of practice itself is largely determined by these factors. For example, Osh's dynamic meditation is unlikely to come...

Almost every one of those who are now reading this article has ever practiced something that can be called by the general term "esoteric practices". Of course, there are people who have read the book and remain at the level of theorists, but the majority still tried at least something.

However, years go by, and the person is still the same, although practices are designed to change and improve our lives. No, of course, something has changed, but is it thanks to practices? Do these practices help at all? If so, how?

First of all, you need...

For some reason, it is believed that a runny nose is something bad. Moreover, social authorities, cultural figures and leaders of esoteric movements agree in this opinion. However, not everything is so simple, in this article we will talk about the secret esoteric meaning of the common cold.

The fact is that a runny nose, as a phenomenon, is defamed by society. In society, blowing your nose is considered bad manners. It is proposed to buy a "hundred plus one" medicine that should protect you from this scourge or cure you in the shortest possible time ...

Esotericism is a science designed to reveal inner riches to a person. It doesn’t matter whether society recognizes this science or not, esotericism includes, first of all, work on oneself, and not with society. We change, and as a result, the world changes, and not vice versa.

It is for inner work that such a section of esotericism as esoteric tourism is intended.

Esoteric tourism, or as it is otherwise called eso-tourism, is a journey, the purpose of which is to gain inner integrity...

The practice of measurement is almost as old as human history. An economy based on the social division of labor and trade cannot exist without measurements. Already the first great civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Hindustan and China needed to create generally accepted and reliable methods for determining distances, land areas, weight (or volume) of grain and metals.

A remarkably complete (for its time) system of measures was created in Ancient Babylon, from where, through the Phoenician ...

Not so long ago, Russian science turned out to be insolvent when faced with some phenomena occurring in the world. Those phenomena in our life that she could not explain due to her dogmatic materialism, she classified as unimportant and not of vital importance.

The general policy of prohibitions and persecution of the knowledge and practice of the ancient peoples did not contribute to the normal process of the development of society, hindered the formation of the physical, mental and spiritual qualities of a person...

Every year esoteric seminars become more and more popular. Meditation, hatha yoga, tantra yoga - many people travel halfway around the world to learn from qualified Masters in these areas of esotericism. But what if your lifestyle doesn't allow you to attend a seminar in another city?

We offer you a new service - esoteric seminars in absentia.

So, you send us an application, which immediately falls on the desktop to the enlightened Master. Now...

The esoteric-archetypal matrices of the soul and logos can only be guessed by the human consciousness, so to speak, speculated by it. At best, we can appeal to the opinion of the Great Initiates, the bearers of the universal Esoteric tradition, which we will do in this article.

The soul is the center of light behind forms, the Esoteric tradition attests.

The degrees of approach to the Soul, union with It, are different, according to Esoteric philosophy. The Soul finally enters a person upon reaching ...

From this article you will learn:

    What is esotericism and esotericism

    What is included in the esoteric

    How religions relate to esotericism

    What are the main directions of esotericism

    Where to start entering esotericism

    What Esoteric Books Should You Read?

As soon as the beginnings of spirituality appeared in a person, the question immediately arose: how are the events taking place in the world around us related to the reflection of these processes inside us? Macrocosm and Microcosm interact with each other - this was not questioned by any philosophical, religious or mystical current. But how exactly does this happen? What is the connection between these two worlds? Various esoteric teachings have tried and are still trying to answer these questions. If you want to know the deep secrets of the Universe, then esotericism for beginners will help you embark on this path. Today we will talk more about it.

What is esotericism and how is it different from esotericism

Esotericism and esotericism are two different concepts. The first is broader, and with its help characterizes the ancient teaching. The second is used within narrower boundaries, describing only modern trends. Esotericism can be defined as a set of special secret knowledge, psycho-spiritual ways of perceiving reality.

Esotericism includes:

  • anthroposophy;


    Buddhist Tantrism;


  • freemasonry;


  • theosophy.

Esotericism can be represented by a certain doctrine, containing the quintessence of knowledge about the world and man. Moreover, this knowledge has always been secret, and only adherents of one or another school possessed it. If you decide to study esotericism on your own and are thinking where to start, then remember: within each movement there is its own esotericism. The ideas of astrologers and alchemists, magicians, masons and others about many world processes can differ to one degree or another. Of course, there are some common points, but there is no complete identity in these teachings.

For many millennia, so much knowledge about the world around us has accumulated that it is simply unrealistic to master it in one human life. When deciding where to start studying esotericism, remember the limitations of your capabilities, do not try to cover everything at once. In addition, a lot of pseudo-teachings have recently appeared that literally flooded the Internet. Therefore, when choosing the path you intend to follow, be careful and careful.

With the help of esotericism, people learn the hidden, mystical essence of man and the objects around him. Esoteric studies the processes taking place throughout the universe, and not just on our planet. And, according to the teaching, each human soul simultaneously reflects all these processes. Practitioners consider esotericism an applied science, and it is still preserved in many mystical traditions to this day. But it is not recommended for beginner esotericists to use such knowledge; only experienced masters can do this.

The teachings that are widespread in the world necessarily contain certain practices. For instance:

    Sufism in Islam;

    neidan in Taoism;

    Yoga and Kabbalah in Hinduism.

If we talk about the semantic meaning of the word "esoteric", then this is any hidden spiritual practice.

In every esoteric teaching it is said that in order to fulfill one's desires, a person first of all needs to learn how to concentrate on achieving the goal. This will set in motion the surrounding forces, direct them to the materialization of well-constructed thoughts.

Esoteric basics for beginners

Esoteric training for beginners should be carried out gradually. First you need to know the very essence of the concept. A person who has learned to guess in one of the thousands of possible ways is not yet a full-fledged adept of the doctrine, who has managed to know all its depth. Yes, some esoteric lessons for beginners are devoted to teaching how to read data from the information field surrounding any person. But fortune-telling only contributes to this process - with the help of one or another tool.

As in any business, there is no need to spray. Beginners should prefer an in-depth study of one direction - for example, maps. Simply by reaching a professional level in one method of divination, it is much easier to comprehend the secrets of all the others. The main thing in practical esotericism for beginners is to learn how to read information, and not at all become adept at using improvised means.

Everything unusual from time immemorial has attracted man. For example, people tried to connect the events taking place in life and the dreams they saw the day before. Someone showed the gift of looking into the future, someone became aware of what was happening to other people. Many of these abilities are still not fully understood, although their existence has long been beyond doubt.

The basics of esotericism for beginners are easier for those who have paranormal abilities. Such a person can much faster figure out what is happening to him, and then help other people do it. Christianity does not welcome esotericism, but for many other religions it has a certain meaning.

Why such a different attitude? According to Christian teaching, the whole life of a person is inherently wrong, and he must admit this. And esotericism is able to explain what is initially incomprehensible to the human mind. Because of this contradiction, the Orthodox Church has a very negative attitude towards the occult sciences. But even in esoteric literature for beginners, you can find a lot of examples of the effectiveness of this teaching. And no matter how some try to deny the obvious, but many phenomena of the world around us simply cannot be explained in terms of physical processes alone.

For beginners, esotericism as a teaching can cause certain difficulties. Every day you will learn something new. Moreover, you will have to get acquainted with the processes, the explanation of which is not easy to find, and even to get to know their essence as much as possible is even more difficult. Only after passing this part of the path, a beginner can move to the next level of mastering this science. And the road ahead can be very long - in fact, it is endless.

The main directions of esotericism for beginners

The world community does not consider esotericism a science. This doctrine is considered rather as a theory about the mystical destiny of man, about the processes taking place inside our consciousness, one way or another connected with the Universe. But for those who have devoted their lives to esotericism, it is of great importance. Even those who are just starting to study esotericism, even those who do not plan to seriously engage in it in the future, are able to reconsider their attitude towards the world around them and themselves only after a small amount of knowledge gained.

Esotericism covers a variety of aspects of human existence. But the following areas can be listed as illustrative examples:

    Immersion in an altered state of consciousness. Sleep and meditation, trance and astral projection, hypnosis and the influence of psychotropic substances can act as such states. As well as travel to other worlds outside the human mind and inside it.

    Energy work. This is a remote impact on a person with the aim of harming him or, conversely, healing him. In this practice, objects of power are often used and energy flows are involved. It can also be about acupuncture, chakras and subtle bodies.

    Mind control. This refers to awareness and self-change, neurolinguistic programming and other psychotechnics.

    World control. It is carried out with the help of certain rituals, work with flows, intentions, pendulums and egregors.

    Getting the necessary data. This helps communication with entities, divination, clairvoyance, dowsing, psychometry and appeal to one's own subconscious.

    Body work. The practices of tensegrity, qigong and yoga are implied.

    Social sphere, consisting in stalking and applied psychology.

Before you start doing esotericism, you need to have an idea about some of its main practical directions:

  1. Self-knowledge.

You have to improve throughout your life. But first you need to free yourself from cultural prejudices and open the boundaries of your own mind. To help you get on the path of enlightenment, esotericism for beginners includes various meditation techniques and breathing exercises. Of course, it will not be possible to immediately erase the usual boundaries. But regular training will gradually bring you closer to your desired goal.

  1. Knowledge of one's own abilities.

Every person is born with certain abilities. These include, for example, levitation and telekinesis, telepathy and the gift of healing. But in order to start using them, you need to realize that they exist in principle. And develop this or that esoteric skill.

  1. Knowledge of the worldaround.

From books on esotericism for beginners, you can find out that a person has the ability to influence the world around him. Explore ways to influence this. Knowledge about magic and parapsychology, the origin of energy, the astral, etc. will help here. Experienced magicians, for example, can attract success in various endeavors, make sure that a person’s feelings do not go unanswered. There are a lot of similar opportunities for sorcerers and psychics. Thanks to esotericism, the existence of parallel worlds around us has actually been proven, which in one way or another intersect with the real world.

Of course, this classification of directions is nothing more than a formality. In fact, esotericism consists of many different teachings, the knowledge of each of which takes many years of life. But one has only to get acquainted with the basics of esotericism for beginners, as views on their own lives and the world around them can change radically.

How to start your development in esotericism

Where to start studying esotericism is the main question that you need to find the answer to before you start developing your spiritual "I". It is equally important to decide on the purpose of the chosen path - it will be much easier to follow it in the future.

The goals of different people may differ from each other. Some begin to engage in esotericism in order to improve their financial situation, while others dream of power over others. There is really nothing wrong with such ambitions. But in order for them to come true, beginners to study esotericism need to set a clear goal, and only after that proceed to gaining knowledge and using practices. In addition, you must follow one rule that will not allow you to go astray, namely: everything must be checked for reality. After studying the material, be sure to try it in practice. If this is not done, all sorts of illusions and fantasies can take precedence over reality, which is fraught with the most unpredictable consequences.

Esotericism for beginners involves a few steps:

Step 1. Before diving into the topic, change your mind.

Esotericism should be nothing more than a science for you. Stop associating it with sorcery or magic. Beginners often think that the ability to read data from the information field, the materialization of thoughts, the ability of consciousness to leave the body are nothing more than fairy tales. But think about this. If someone had said a few decades ago that at the beginning of the 21st century everyone would have a small box with which you could see an interlocutor from another part of the world and chat with him, then hardly anyone would have believed in such “nonsense”. People simply could not imagine that such technologies are possible.

It's the same with esotericism. Superpowers not only exist, everyone can possess them. If you accept this statement as a fact, then consider that the first step on the path to spiritual development has already been taken.

Step 2. Once you are convinced that you have superpowers, start learning meditation.

With the help of meditation, even beginners in the study of esotericism can clear their minds of unnecessary problems. If you practice every day, you can push everyday problems into the background. Meditations also help you get answers to your questions, allow you to keep in touch with the subtle worlds, and much more. The main thing for beginners is to master the basics, to find the most suitable techniques for yourself that will help you free your mind from unnecessary thoughts. To achieve such a result, it is not at all necessary to climb a high mountain, sit in the “lotus” position and spend several hours like this. An ordinary chair and relaxing music will do just fine.

Step 3. Having mastered meditation a little, start working with chakras and energy.

Esoteric for beginners gives detailed recommendations on how to do this. To feel the energy of your own body, strongly rub your palms together and spread them apart, 15-20 centimeters. Imagine a balloon between them, try to alternately squeeze and release it. If a tingling sensation appears in the palms, this means that you have begun to feel the energy of the body. Bronnikov's technique can give the greatest effect here. The result will appear as soon as you master its first two steps. And then everything will go only on the rise.

Step 4. Look for like-minded people.

If you are a beginner in esotericism, but have already mastered meditation practices and work with energy, try to find those who are also interested in such teachings. This is necessary so that you have the opportunity to compare your own techniques with those practiced by other people. It is not enough to double-check the theory in practice, you need to compare your results with the results of others, thereby getting rid of possible illusions.

And the last thing to do is to find a teacher who will help you in self-development. Usually, teachers themselves find people who begin to study esotericism and communicate with like-minded people about this. Then you just have to follow the chosen path. But, frankly, this is not the only way to learn the secrets of esotericism. There are a great many roads, and your task is to choose the most suitable one.

The practice of esotericism for beginners, or how to become an esotericist at home

Where to start studying esotericism? The question is far from being idle and requiring an individual approach. There are many esoteric teachings, each of which implies its own practices. Moreover, a method suitable for one person may be completely unacceptable for another. Suffice it to give a simple example: drawing up astrological charts and influencing the world around us with the help of magic are completely different things. The initial essence of both of these practices is similar - knowledge of oneself and the world around. But the methods of this knowledge are very different.

However, the basic basis for such teachings is always the same, and a beginner in the study of esotericism should understand this. There are certain rules, the purpose of which is to protect the adept from mistakes and allow him to use knowledge exclusively for his own benefit. The main ones sound like this:

    To begin with, recognize that a person is not only a physical shell, but something much more, albeit not amenable to familiar sensations.

    Live consciously. It is not so easy, many spend their whole lives to achieve this goal. What does this advice mean? You need to understand your own thoughts, desires, words and actions - as well as foresee all their consequences.

    Don't avoid responsibility. In any case, it lies on each of us, but not everyone is aware of it. Even those who are just beginning to study esotericism and have barely opened the veil of secret knowledge should take responsibility for their storage and application.

    Realize that you are the creator. Your spiritual activity, physical efforts - everything in one way or another is reflected in the world around you. Imagine how much you can change!

    And the main thing. Your life, your actions should be directed only for the good. According to most esoteric teachings, the universe is created in such a way as to maintain a certain balance between good and evil. Only when you start sowing good will you receive good in return. This is the highest wisdom.

Even beginner esotericists are able to solve the issue of self-determination. Thanks to modern information technologies, it is not difficult to choose the right books, documentaries, audio or video recordings.

Esoteric books for beginners

Today, a great many books on esotericism have been published. The main thing is not to get lost in this mass of publications and find what you really need. Below is a list of books on this subject that are most popular.

Carlos Castaneda

For beginner esotericists, the books of this author deservedly come first. When writing lyrics Castaneda based on his own experience. He received all his knowledge in Mexico, from an Indian mentor. Moreover, the author was initiated into shamans and received the title of magician. Only after that did he begin to write his biography, a significant part of which he devoted to the process of obtaining secret knowledge.

Castaneda talks a lot about magic and shamanism, and he does it as an anthropologist. It will be interesting for beginner esotericists to learn the tricks with which you can develop the ability to change the world around you. These books will help:

    "Separate reality". Talks about how you can expand the perception of reality with the help of psychotropic flora.

    "Journey to Ixtlan". It is a continuation of the story of how Castaneda followed the path of a warrior and realized the experience gained during this time.

    "Tales of Power". It is useful for beginner esotericists as a guide to conducting the most secret magical rituals, helping to comprehend the ambiguous human essence.

    "Gift of the Eagle". A book about traveling to the worlds of the past, made possible by lucid dreaming.

    "Fire Within". Even beginners in the study of esotericism, this book will tell you how to get out of a whole series of troubles without consequences.

    "The Power of Silence" In this work, for the first time, Castaneda directly addresses the readers and speaks about the magical possibilities of each person.

    "The Art of Dreaming". The work is about astral flights and their features.

    "The Active Side of Infinity". It turns out that there are those who wish to prevent novice esotericists from mastering the magical art. Tips on how to prevent such ill-wishers will be very useful to you.

    "Wheel of Time". A book representing a collection of quotes and sayings of Castaneda. A kind of result of learning from an Indian mentor.

    "Magic Passes". Very useful work as an esoteric for beginners. It contains specific exercises that Castaneda mastered at the very beginning of his journey.

Vadim Zeland

The life of this man is full of mysteries and secrets. In his series of books, the author presents a teaching called "Reality Transurfing". If you are a busy person and do not like to waste time, then you can find audio and video versions of these books on the Internet.

Transsurfing is understood as moving from one variant of space to another, more attractive one, with the help of willpower. People who are starting to study esotericism will certainly be interested.

Robert Monroe

One of the esoteric books to start with. Monroe talks about such an important practice as out-of-body experience. Sound waves in a certain way can affect the human mind, as the author of the book, an American officer, made sure from his own experience. Monroe describes how his mind separated from his physical body.

Journey Out of the Body is the author's first book, and the hero's experiences are told with a good sense of humor. For beginners to study esotericism, the possibility of the existence of subtle matters is explained in a simple and accessible form.

In his second book, Long Journeys, Monroe describes experiments that were carried out on volunteers. The purpose of these studies was to collect data on binaural beats. The book describes how you can improve the quality of your dreams and the easiest way to get rid of stress. Not deprived of attention are such questions as the meaning of human life, whether it is worth believing in reincarnation, and whether there really is a God.

The Ultimate Journey is the final book of the trilogy. In it, the author presents to the reader the conclusions of his many years of research. Describes the path of a person outside the boundaries of the material world. Beginning esotericists will be interested in Monroe's opinion about what awaits a person after death, what is the general meaning of life in earthly incarnation.

"Hatha Yoga Pradipika" with commentary by Swami Muktibodhananda Saraswati

This literary work is considered a classic, it is a reference book for more than one generation of people practicing yoga. The peculiarity of the text is that it is understandable to novice esotericists, even if they are representatives of Western civilization and have no idea about Eastern practices.

The book, unlike its counterparts, does not "suffer" from excessive metaphorical language and does not load the reader with an additional educational load.

The Russian translation contains four chapters.

The first part is devoted to proper nutrition, moral lifestyle and what postures in practice contribute to the healing of the body.

In the second part, beginner esotericists can learn about breathing practices, cleansing the nose and stomach, methods of concentrating on a candle flame.

You also need to be able to fold your hands correctly during exercises. This is what the third part of the book is about. It also becomes clear from it about the purpose of the energy channels and the benefits of awakening the Kundalini flows.

For beginners to study esotericism, the final part will be very interesting. It talks about various meditation techniques that involve relaxing the mind and then achieving enlightenment. It also speaks of sensory distraction and the ability to focus the mind on particular objects.

Esotericism for beginners is an inevitable waste of time, effort and concentration. But it's worth it! If you choose the right path and follow it, everything will definitely pay off!


Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda wrote a book that gives maximum information about the energy meridians in the human body. The author considers the device of the main chakras and the possibility of their opening from a modern point of view.

Initially, the book immerses the reader in Eastern philosophy and provides an overview of its spiritual practices. The author talks about karmic laws, about the relationship between the personal "I" of a person and what was intended by the Creator. We are talking about obstacles to spiritual growth and the connection of energy and consciousness.

Beginners in the study of esotericism will learn about the eight main chakras of a person, among which is the rarely studied band-chakra. In addition to the properties of each energy center, its attributes and methods of disclosure are shown. This is followed by a description of the continuity of Swami's teachings.

The book is useful for beginner esotericists in the sense that it teaches a person discipline and responsibility, and also helps to find the right approach to their own energy potential. According to the author, if you bring the divine reality closer to your life, it will be easier to get rid of the cycle of "bad" reincarnations and deaths.

Mikhail Nekrasov

His book, Ensemble of Universal Worlds, teaches beginner esotericists how to properly work with the chakra system and the energy layers around the body. Really good esoteric books for beginners do not come out so often from the pen of domestic specialists, but this edition is a pleasant exception. Mikhail Nekrasov is not only a psychologist and athlete, but also a recognized yoga master and an expert in Eastern philosophy.

The author looks at the structure of the Universe and man from the point of view of the Cosmos, where the sacred sound, the word of power, the original mantra AUM (OM) influenced all the laws of the universe and the rules of harmony. The book also talks about Yin and Yang, human memory, abilities and reincarnation.

After reading Nekrasov's book on esotericism for beginners, you can quickly get an idea of ​​​​your own aura - by its color and emotional states.

Boris Sakharov

Esoteric for beginners is not as easy to learn as it might seem at first glance. And Sakharov's book is no exception. But if you are interested in the practices of clairvoyance and clairaudience, want to develop intuition, inner vision and other superpowers, then you should definitely study this work.

The book contains a lot of advice on how you can "train" your own psychic skills by following certain techniques.

The author also teaches beginner esotericists the ability to concentrate, correct meditative techniques, the basics of yoga and proper breathing systems. Talks about how these practices were discovered by mankind.

Esoteric for beginners Sakharov teaches a person to dive into the system of visions step by step. First, he needs to focus on objects, changing their perception in the mind. Then try to see what is inaccessible to the ordinary gaze. Labor will not go unrewarded. Anyone who has opened his third eye will be able to master hypnosis. Also, with the help of the techniques proposed by the author, you can sharpen your sense of smell and strengthen your nervous system.

You can order some of these and many other books for beginner esotericists in our online store "Witch's Happiness", which is rightfully considered one of the best esoteric stores in Russia. Here is a wide selection of books on all branches of esotericism.

In addition, in our online store "Witch's Happiness" you will find what is right for you, a person who goes his own way, is not afraid of change, is responsible for his actions not only to people, but to the whole Universe.

Our shop offers a variety of esoteric goods. You can purchase everything you need for magical rituals: tarot card divination, runic practices, shamanism, wicca, druidcraft, northern tradition, ceremonial magic, and much more.

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Esotericism is a method of interpreting reality that has a secret meaning and finds its expression in certain practices and techniques. Esotericism is outside rationalism, it is alien to stereotypes and stereotypes.

This direction belongs to the field of non-scientific knowledge. It is generally accepted that the hidden meaning can be revealed only to the elect, who are initiated into the secret of a doctrine or society.

Essence of esoteric practices

From the point of view of esotericism, any processes in the entire Universe have a mystical, hidden meaning, and everything that happens there is reflected in the human soul to one degree or another.

Accordingly, esoteric practices are aimed at revealing the spiritual potential of a person, developing his capabilities.

They represent a truly spiritual way of knowing the structure of the world and the Universe, the inner essence of things, as well as self-perception. Such practices proceed from the assertion that there are certain General Laws to which the real world is subject.

At the same time, the reality is such that everything in it is interdependent and interconnected, each action has a root cause. Their ultimate goal is the realization of the Supreme Truth.

Approaching its comprehension, the initiate can significantly improve the quality of his own life. However, this is not an end in itself, but just a logical step on the way to revealing the main secrets of the universe.

Thus, the essence of esoteric practices lies precisely in changing the attitude to the world, self-knowledge and understanding of one's destiny, and not in simply solving one's psychological and everyday problems.

Types of esoteric practices

Exoteric practices are practical exercises in various directions and teachings. Conventionally, according to the ultimate goal, the most popular practices can be combined into several groups.

Practices related to gaining spiritual comfort. Most people regularly experience stress, forced to restrain their emotions. As a result, an accumulation of negative energy occurs, which leads to a deterioration in physical health and disrupts inner harmony.

Relaxation techniques help to solve these problems. There are special exercises to relax all parts of the body and to relieve mental stress. This group includes breathing techniques and meditation.

Bioenergetic practices are based on the development of extrasensory and clairvoyant abilities. With the help of special techniques, a person learns to see the aura (human biofield), recognize the lesions, influence it, build up the protection of the energy field.

It also uses various meditative techniques and techniques for entering the astral plane. The power of thought is used by the practice of focusing the gaze, thanks to which one can learn to look inside objects and see predictions. This group includes the techniques of reincarnation, the third eye.

What is esoteric practice? Why does a person do it? What is trying to achieve? Different practices have different goals. Usually this is a merger with a certain state that is inaccessible or inaccessible in ordinary life.

The success of the practice depends on what kind of person he is - how pure his energy channels are, how free his mind is from patterns and clichés, and how hardy and devoid of clamps the body is.

And the choice of practice itself is largely determined by these factors. For example, Osh's dynamic meditation is unlikely to come...

Almost every one of those who are now reading this article has ever practiced something that can be called by the general term "esoteric practices". Of course, there are people who have read the book and remain at the level of theorists, but the majority still tried at least something.

However, years go by, and the person is still the same, although practices are designed to change and improve our lives. No, of course, something has changed, but is it thanks to practices? Do these practices help at all? If so, how?

First of all, you need...

For some reason, it is believed that a runny nose is something bad. Moreover, social authorities, cultural figures and leaders of esoteric movements agree in this opinion. However, not everything is so simple, in this article we will talk about the secret esoteric meaning of the common cold.

The fact is that a runny nose, as a phenomenon, is defamed by society. In society, blowing your nose is considered bad manners. It is proposed to buy a "hundred plus one" medicine that should protect you from this scourge or cure you in the shortest possible time ...

Esotericism is a science designed to reveal inner riches to a person. It doesn’t matter whether society recognizes this science or not, esotericism includes, first of all, work on oneself, and not with society. We change, and as a result, the world changes, and not vice versa.

It is for inner work that such a section of esotericism as esoteric tourism is intended.

Esoteric tourism, or as it is otherwise called eso-tourism, is a journey, the purpose of which is to gain inner integrity...

The practice of measurement is almost as old as human history. An economy based on the social division of labor and trade cannot exist without measurements. Already the first great civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Hindustan and China needed to create generally accepted and reliable methods for determining distances, land areas, weight (or volume) of grain and metals.

A remarkably complete (for its time) system of measures was created in Ancient Babylon, from where, through the Phoenician ...

Not so long ago, Russian science turned out to be insolvent when faced with some phenomena occurring in the world. Those phenomena in our life that she could not explain due to her dogmatic materialism, she classified as unimportant and not of vital importance.

The general policy of prohibitions and persecution of the knowledge and practice of the ancient peoples did not contribute to the normal process of the development of society, hindered the formation of the physical, mental and spiritual qualities of a person...

Every year esoteric seminars become more and more popular. Meditation, hatha yoga, tantra yoga - many people travel halfway around the world to learn from qualified Masters in these areas of esotericism. But what if your lifestyle doesn't allow you to attend a seminar in another city?

We offer you a new service - esoteric seminars in absentia.

So, you send us an application, which immediately falls on the desktop to the enlightened Master. Now...

The esoteric-archetypal matrices of the soul and logos can only be guessed by the human consciousness, so to speak, speculated by it. At best, we can appeal to the opinion of the Great Initiates, the bearers of the universal Esoteric tradition, which we will do in this article.

The soul is the center of light behind forms, the Esoteric tradition attests.

The degrees of approach to the Soul, union with It, are different, according to Esoteric philosophy. The Soul finally enters a person upon reaching ...

And what is their meaning? For what purpose do people perform them and what do they strive to achieve? We will try to find answers to these questions in this article.

In V. Serkin's book "The Shaman's Laughter" you can find a very unusual interpretation of the word "practice". The shaman calls practice any action that changes a person. Whether you ski, weave nets, shovel snow every morning, or perform a set of special exercises, all these, as the shaman claimed, are practices. In the process of their implementation, we change, in us, as in an alchemical still, some qualities are transformed into others. When the protagonist of the book asked why he could not repeat certain miracles demonstrated by the shaman, he answered succinctly: "You are not ready, because you did not practice."

Therefore, the distrust of modern man in esoteric practices causes a smile and slight bewilderment. You do dozens of practices every day, you just call these actions in a different way. But, regardless of the names, each of these actions changes you in one direction or another. In recent years, the idea that thought is material has become very popular. This was facilitated by a series of books and films that tell about the experience of people who began to work with their thoughts. Each, or almost each of them, says that our thinking directs life in one direction or another. So, thinking is one of the main practices that you do all the time while you are awake. How does your thinking change you? What does this practice develop in you?

Adjustment of thinking is the first task of esoteric practices. Almost every person wants to become happier than he is now. However, this requires a change in thinking as a practice that defines who we are. If you try to change your thinking, you will run into difficulties very soon. This is because thinking is inextricably linked with many other aspects of human life. Yes, it is possible to catch “flashes of positivity” for a short time, but try to stay in it and you will fail.

- the science of the interior. It is she who gives the answer to the question: why certain events occur in our life. Moreover, these answers are quite simple and understandable to everyone. Considered from an esoteric point of view, our thinking is connected with the health of the physical body, our nutrition, where we live and with whom we communicate, events in the past and the state of our energy cocoon. There is nothing mystical in the latter: many modern devices are able to capture and measure the human energy field.

However, esotericism not only explains the interconnections of internal processes in a person. Many esoteric practices can help a person to know himself, as well as make his life happier and more joyful. Performing esoteric practices, a person heals his physical body, rebuilds his thinking in a more positive way, eliminates pollution and clamps in his energy field. Over time, a person's worldview changes, his habits in communication and nutrition, his tastes and preferences, and, as a result, life.

There is nothing mystical or superhuman in esoteric practices. There is no more mysticism here than in brushing your teeth, massaging your feet, or thinking about how good it will be if you go on vacation. Returning to the same V. Serkin: we simply introduce new practices into life that allow us to do something new, previously unavailable. Do not be afraid to show interest in esotericism, because otherwise you can live your whole life dreaming of something more.
