Drawing up a work plan

To begin with, we advise you to get acquainted with the USE program and draw up an individual training schedule: calculate how much time you need to work out each topic. It is better to prepare for specific topics, and not for all of biology at once. In the future, we advise you to follow the schedule drawn up by you and not allow yourself any indulgences, otherwise everything will remain for the last three days - and during this time nothing will be done!

Drawing up notes

Cover yourself with all available textbooks, notebooks and manuals (look here), read, understand what you read and make an outline that you understand. When drawing up a synopsis, consider the school textbook as the main thing, use other sources of information as additional sources - for better understanding.

We recommend that you accompany the abstract with hand-made drawings (diagrams) - they are well remembered and allow you to recall the whole topic in your memory. Leave blank spaces in the margins or at the end of each topic for possible additions. We advise you to take notes yourself, rather than rewrite somewhere ready - it fits in your head better.


Learn the outline and test yourself against the table of basic terms. If you see terms that you did not know before, write them down in the summary in the topic to which they relate. Review the theory one more time.

Test solution

Solve half of the questions in parts A, B, and C on this topic. If everything worked out, then feel free to decide the second half - to fill your hands - and you are ready!

Error analysis

If something did not work out, analyze the mistakes: either you were inattentive (then read the assignments more carefully), or you made a poor summary (then make additions to it), or you did not learn it well (then cram further), or the question was incorrect - this is also happens - then shrug your shoulders. After the work done, solve the second half of the tasks. If everything worked out, then you are ready; if not all, then start over.

Preparation for the biology exam should begin with an analysis of the codifier of the content items being tested. Identify key thematic blocks and check if you have information on them. Completing the tasks in the CMM demo can help determine your fitness level.

In the process of preparation, first repeat the relevant topic, answer the questions of the textbook, complete thematic tasks. Remember that assignments in the General Biology section make up 70% of the exam paper. Therefore, even in conditions of lack of time, try to fully work out this section.

Pay special attention to mastering the methods of solving problems in cytology and genetics, as they are presented in all parts of the work.

In parallel, in the systematic repetition mode, it is advisable to work out the section "Man and his health". We advise you to pay special attention to the structure of the nervous system and analyzers, their functions, neurohumoral regulation of the body's vital processes. Also, we must not forget about repeating the sections “Plants. Bacteria. Mushrooms. Lichens "and" Animals ": tasks on this topic are widely presented in the examination work.

Use the open USE bank, which contains a variety of tasks for all topics tested on the exam. Analyze your mistakes, identify material that needs to be repeated again.

“In 2017, the USE model in biology changed. The number of tasks requiring the analysis of images of biological objects has increased. When working with a textbook, you should carefully study the proposed illustrations of the internal structure of biological organisms, the flow diagram of the most important biological processes. It is important to learn how to “read” a biological drawing, ”recommends Valeryan Rokhlov, chairman of the federal commission for developing the KIM USE in biology.

In 2017, the time for completing the examination work was increased by 30 minutes (from 180 to 210 minutes). When preparing for the exam, you should develop a certain approach to the allocation of time so that it is enough to complete all tasks.

We wish you to successfully pass the exam in 2017!

Greetings! My name is Vadim Yurievich. I teach biology.

I really, really love my job!

My work is a joy to me, I feel passion for it, for biology itself - calm confidence.

In addition to the pedagogical education of KSPU, I have a psychological education from the faculty of retraining of the Moscow State Pedagogical University. Moreover, I have a number of international certifications in the field of psychology.

Therefore, I have knowledge of how exciting it is to organize teaching biology, not only individually, but also in a group. Most of my students take the exam in biology with high scores. This year I liked the figure - 86 points. Where did my students go? This year (and next year my student goes there again) one of the coveted victories is the psychology department of Moscow State University, with an internal exam. Others mainly went to well-known medical universities - MMA, MGMSU.

I am constantly improving my teaching methodology and my knowledge. I work a lot with a computer, I know the method of high-speed printing, I track everything new from the world of biology on the Internet, I acquire modern literature on biology, I constantly turn to the university program in biology.

  What makes my approach to teaching biology unique? Or in other words, why do you need me?

  1. Deep structuring and analysis of the material required for passing the exam in biology.

Why is biology taught at school for 6 years? The answer is obvious: biology is very large (for example, 2 years more chemistry). I conducted a complete analysis of the content of the material in grades 6-11, which must be mastered for the exam. Often students ask the question: and this material will be on the exam? I provide a list of all terms, concepts, topics that are included in the state standard. All of this standard is subject to study. If we lose some topics, we risk losing points on the exam. Often, even with a tutor, students do not have time to study something, or do not know that it is necessary. This can have different consequences.

Many underestimate the need to carefully understand which content blocks will be checked on the exam. Quite often I come across tests that go beyond the school curriculum.

For example, the program of entrance exams in biology at Moscow State University contains many questions that go beyond the school curriculum. To answer them requires knowledge that is not presented in school textbooks. Where can you find this knowledge? How to be sure to prepare and not miss anything? How to train to solve not only standard tasks, but also other, unexpected tasks often encountered in part C, in olympiads?

  2. Speech mastery of biological knowledge through live dialogue.

When can we talk about high results in mastering biology? When the language barrier of the student will be mercilessly destroyed, when he will be able to speak fluently using biological terminology. This is comparable to mastering any foreign language.

For a student to speak, systems of deeply assimilated concepts must be created in the mind. In order to answer any tests, for tasks of part "C" in the exam, in order to pass the internal exam at Moscow State University, you must be able to write texts on biology. Accordingly, before that you need to talk, discuss, reveal a huge number of topics in the classroom with a tutor. How much does the student speak on biological topics? We are very deprived of live specialized speech. Yes, many have one biology lesson a week at school. But all other time is contact with books, computers. A lively dialogue with a bearer of knowledge is an opportunity to learn a lot of new things in a short time, go through completely different topics, fill in the gaps.

  3. Using the most modern computer programs and books on biology.

Real story. I meet a new student. And I see in his arsenal of books an excellent selection - two textbooks on biology by different authors! Excellent, preparing for this literature, he is ready to go to the exam even tomorrow. But no, how can I take such a risk? Still other sources are needed. Often in some textbooks students understand the material less, in others more. We need at least 2-3 lines of school textbooks. But we also need computer programs. They have great animations, videos, tests, drawings and diagrams. All this dramatically increases the level of understanding of the material, contributes to more effective memorization when preparing for homework.

How to choose such programs? How to evaluate them? How can you combine these programs with studying other sources when preparing your homework? Another need is training manuals for the exam. Which one is better to choose? I appreciated these manuals, chose the most serious, well-known.

  4. Development of logic in the classroom and constant answers to questions: why, why, how?

We analyze (we analyze any questions in detail), synthesize (put together whole pictures from parts), generalize huge topics. The result is a deep understanding of the most difficult sections. We learn to reason, look for cause and effect relationships, and even enter into discussions with students. Moreover, I teach the skills of finding the main and secondary thoughts in each paragraph of the text, as well as how these thoughts are connected. The text has not only content, but also form. Content is main and secondary thoughts. The shape is how they are located, connected. Sometimes the main idea is hidden, or not indicated at all. How do I find her? All this is necessary for quality reading when preparing homework.

  5. Penetration into the very structure of memorization.

Emotions are needed to remember. The student begins to experience them when he himself deeply thinks about many questions, when interest flares up in him. When he asks smart and detailed questions. Moreover, I always purposefully present such questions to the student. Biology becomes alive for the student. When he reads, does his homework, he forgets about everything, as he is fully involved in the process. That's when the memory works 100 percent! The knowledge gained through passion, through experience, through vivid visualization, remains forever.

Moreover, I often ask students the following question: "What does this knowledge look like?" Why? So that the student himself, or with my help, came up with a living, vivid metaphor - then knowledge will forever remain, at the physical level, in the body. Many years after the USE, such knowledge can be extracted to surprise posterity. I will never forget how one of my students, who entered the psychology department of Moscow State University this year, came up with an excellent phrase when studying the suborders of cloven-hoofed animals. There are two suborders in the artiodactyl squad - ruminants and non-ruminants. So, ruminants have a four-chambered stomach, and most have horns (for example, a giraffe). So, if there are horns, it is a ruminant. The student immediately came up with the phrase: "If you are chewing gum, you are also a stag!" It's funny!

  6. Demanding detailed check of the quality of assimilation of the material with the setting of the result as a percentage.

I am demanding and strict. The Unified State Exam is a big responsibility. Systematic thorough homework preparation is required. I evaluate the student's oral responses according to a special system. Any answer can be structured, divided into parts and the result can be converted into percentages. I give a lot of written work with difficult tests, assignments, tasks that the student must do with me for assessment.

I also watch how a student answers standard USE tests from independent computer programs, where the programs themselves give marks. At the same time, each student is a person for whom I have an individual program and my own learning rate. The statistics are as follows - testing knowledge, training reproduction gives a significant increase in the quality of student knowledge, more and more guarantees success. Successful results increase confidence, instill a love of the subject. The whole process becomes easy and enjoyable, especially when huge sections of biology are mastered.

Everything is simple in life if you know HOW it works! By the way, how does biology work? I believe in you!

My friends, thank you for reading my page! I wish you success with all my heart, and I will be glad to see you in my studies!

How to independently prepare for the exam in biology? Many people ask themselves this question. After all, tutoring services are quite expensive, especially for those who are not in Moscow, but in the regions. As a biology teacher with many years of experience, I can say: yes, you can prepare for the Unified State Exam in Biology on your own.

But there is a key point: preparation for the Unified State Exam in Biology is independently possible if the high school student knows how to organize himself. If he can make a plan himself and follow it.

After all, there are schoolchildren who cannot organize themselves without external control - parental, teaching, teacher. It is difficult for them to develop a plan of action. Such children definitely need a teacher, they need a third person who will regulate and guide them.

How to start independent preparation for the exam in biology?

Now, both on the FIPI website and in bookstores, you can find the classifier of the Unified State Exam in Biology, established by the FIPI. According to this plan, and you need to prepare. Moreover, the topic can be very large. There can be subsections in it, and all of them need to be passed, studied, learned.

Immediately after studying the topic, we solve thematic tests. There are many collections of training tasks in the USE format. They should be solved as much as possible. Practice is key.

Even if you are preparing for the exam in biology on your own, it is good to have someone to consult with, to determine how much time to devote to each topic. All exam topics in biology are different! There are very large, global ones. For example, zoology or botany, where the amount of material is huge.

How to calculate the time of independent preparation for the exam in biology?

If you started preparing in grade 11, in September, you have almost 9 months to prepare. But at the same time, you will have to remove from them a month and a half for some unforeseen circumstances: I could not sit down at the textbooks, or fell ill, or holidays, or they asked too much at school. And it remains about 7 and a half months. Allocate a month and a half to work out exactly the options for the exam in biology. And allocate the rest of the time to study theory, thematic tests and assignments.

How can parents help in independent preparation for the exam in biology?

First of all, parents know and understand their child. They can assess whether they need a tutor or courses, or their high school student is so organized that he can prepare for the exam in biology himself.

The Unified State Exam in Biology is chosen by those who have at least an approximate idea of \u200b\u200bwhere to go. Moreover, these are serious specialties - medicine, psychology, veterinary medicine. The USE in biology is not passed “just like that” to pass something. And it is better to discuss with parents where to enter, in what directions, how realistic it is. Because it can be very offensive to aim at independent preparation for the exam in biology and then not pull it out.

When you start preparing for the exam in biology, determine if you can draw up a work plan yourself and follow it. Will you be able to allocate time for the passage of an impressive amount of theoretical material? Find ways to test your knowledge. Or - choose, before it's too late, high-quality USE courses in biology. This option is a win-win.

The exam in biology is a selective exam and it will be taken by those who are confident in their knowledge. The Unified State Exam in Biology is considered a difficult subject, as the knowledge accumulated over the years of study is tested.

The USE tasks in biology were selected of various types, for their solution you need confident knowledge of the main topics of the school biology course. Based demos teachers have developed over 10 test items for each topic.

See the topics that need to be studied when completing assignments from FIPI. Each task has its own algorithm of actions that will help in solving problems.

There are no changes in the KIM USE 2020 in biology.

The structure of the tasks for the exam in biology:

  • Part 1 - these are tasks from 1 to 21 with a short answer, about 5 minutes are given to complete.

Advice: read the wording of the questions carefully.

  • Part 2 - these are tasks from 22 to 28 with a detailed answer, about 10-20 minutes are allotted to complete.

Advice: express your thoughts in literature, answer the question in detail and comprehensively, give a definition of biological terms, even if this is not required in the assignments. The answer should have a plan, not write in solid text, but highlight points.

What is required of the student for the exam?

  • Ability to work with graphic information (diagrams, graphs, tables) - its analysis and use;
  • Multiple choice;
  • Establishing compliance;
  • Sequencing.

Points for each task in the biology of the exam

In order to get the highest grade in biology, you need to score 58 primary points, which will be translated into one hundred on a scale.

  • 1 point - for 1, 2, 3, 6 tasks.
  • 2 points - 4, 5, 7-22.
  • 3 points - 23-28.

How to Prepare for Biology Test Items

  1. Repetition of the theory.
  2. Correct allocation of time for each task.
  3. Solving practical problems several times.
  4. Checking the level of knowledge by solving tests online.

Register, practice and get a high score!

Many high school students are interested in the question of how to prepare for the exam in biology from scratch on their own? He especially worries those who want in the future to connect their lives with medicine, animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, agro-technical specialties, psychology, physical education, or seriously engage in the same science. According to statistics, in recent years about 17-18% of graduates have taken biology and it ranks 5th among elective exams.

Is it possible to learn the entire volume of biological knowledge on your own, and even in a short time (six months, a year, or even a couple of months)? Of course, yes, if you know what the USE is and understand how to properly prepare for it?

Before moving on to the structure of the exam itself, I would like to recall what is included in the course of school biology. These are topics like:

  1. Kingdoms of bacteria, Mushrooms, Lichens, Plants.
  2. The animal kingdom.
  3. Anatomy and Physiology.
  4. General biology is the largest and most difficult section. Includes cytology, molecular biology, genetics, evolutionary theory and ecology, and complements and structures the knowledge from the previous sections.

The exam itself includes 28 tasks of different difficulty levels: basic, advanced and advanced. The task is now not divided into A, B, C, and the first 21 of them correspond to the former parts A and B, the answer to them will be the number of the correct (or several correct) options or a sequence of numbers, and tasks from 22 to 28 correspond to the questions of part C and require a full detailed explanation. All tasks are given 210 minutes.

For each correct decision, you can receive from 1 to 3 so-called primary points, which are later transferred to test points, where the maximum possible number of primary points corresponds to 100 test points. However, the chance to get all 100 points, especially when preparing from scratch, is very low: in all recent years, even 1% of the examinees has not gained them. But to pass the exam for a high score, and even more so at the checkpoint, is quite possible.

What to do?

How to start preparing for the exam? In our opinion, with self-discipline. Most importantly, when starting to prepare for the exam, you should do it regularly. It is desirable that there is a constant frequency and classes are not skipped. Indeed, practicing even 15 minutes 5 days a week, you will achieve much more than if you torture yourself all day, but absolutely irregularly. It is also undesirable to be distracted, you must completely immerse yourself in the study of the subject.

Preparation should include both the solution of trial versions of the test and its individual parts, as well as familiarization with the theory. Learning biology is not so difficult if you first solve a couple of tests and determine which topics you know well enough, and which ones "sag" and require additional attention. It is the latter that must be studied more carefully.

You can use both the Internet and books for preparation, or better, both. There are many places on the Internet where you can try to solve tasks from the exam, both completely according to the structure of the exam, and in individual sections. The same can be found in the USE literature. Information for the study of certain topics is available in your school textbooks, books, and on the Internet.

It is recommended that you first take a practice test, then work in separate sections, with a limited time starting with the weakest ones, and then move on to passing the tests again. This is the structure that most tutors adhere to, which means that those who prepare themselves should adopt it.

When solving tests, as well as on the exam itself, you must follow another very important rule - read the question carefully! Many examinees make stupid mistakes not from ignorance, but from inattention. The latter, in turn, can appear due to excitement, so the next important rule is to try not to worry. It can be difficult, so it is worth remembering when preparing that there is nothing wrong with the exam, and even a failed test is not the end of life! The ability to relax and calm down can be a good help when passing the exam.

What shouldn't you do?

After we have considered what to do, I would like to briefly touch on the topic of what not to do. Unfortunately, there are many students who take exams too lightly or, on the contrary, exert themselves beyond measure.

What not to do:

  1. Hope for "maybe". The Unified State Exam is getting more complicated every year so that the percentage of “guessing” is less and less. Therefore, it is at least silly to think that preparation for the exam is not necessary at all.
  2. Write "spurs". The surveillance of each exam participant is quite serious. You can be removed during testing, and the right to rewrite it will be only after a year. Therefore, you can, of course, write spurs. But you shouldn't bring them to the exam.
  3. Drive yourself to a nervous breakdown. Sometimes a person starting biology exam preparation thinks that the more time they spend studying a subject, the better. On the contrary, by ignoring the body's needs for rest, you risk either bringing yourself to a nervous breakdown, or at least forgetting everything you need at the time of the exam, due to overload. Everything is good in moderation!
  4. Learn the material on the last night. First, you simply won't be able to put the volume of all knowledge of biology into your head overnight. Secondly, if you come to the exam sleepy and tired, you will have few chances to pass the test well. Therefore, regardless of what you have done, you need to go to bed early and get some sleep before the exam!

It is possible to prepare for the biology exam even from scratch if you understand what you want, know how to discipline yourself, but at the same time give yourself the opportunity to rest and are ready to study. We wish you successful passing of the exam in biology!
