The monument to Maxim Gorky is returning to Tverskaya Zastava Square - it was brought to its original place on Monday night. It was here, to the Belorussky railway station, that the “petrel of the revolution”, as the writer was called by his contemporaries, arrived in 1928 from emigration. And here in 1951 a monument was erected to him.

And in 2005, the monument was dismantled: the plans of the previous government of Moscow were to reconstruct the transport interchange at the Belorussky railway station, and place a giant shopping center with underground parking under the square. Then the new authorities wanted to limit themselves to parking only, but in the end they abandoned this idea as well. They decided to restore the historical appearance of the squares. All these years, Gorky stood in the Muzeon park on the embankment of the Moskva River, surrounded by monuments to Lenin, Stalin and Dzerzhinsky.

Return from Italy, 05/28/1928 Photo: RIA News

Relocations and rearrangements for the work of architect Ivan Shadra and sculptor Vera Mukhina were not in vain. According to art historian Anna Dunaeva, the author of a historical note - a detailed study created for the project for the return of the monument, during its dismantling, a part of the bronze plinth, a structural element of the base, was sawn off. And in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe legs of the sculpture, the welded seam parted. For the first two years, Gorky simply lay on the lawn. In 2007, a temporary low pedestal was made for it. And only in April of this year, restoration began.

A couple of days before Gorky returned to the Belorussky railway station, RG correspondents visited the Muzeon. We found the sculpture suspended under a polyethylene roof on wooden goats and winches - the restorers were finishing the welding work. “It was a surprise for us that the plinth was filled with concrete from the inside - obviously, it was already poured during the installation of the monument here, in the park,” said metal restorer Mikhail Tatarnikov, “we had to remove the concrete.” And Gorky went through all sorts of purges - chemical, water. He was welded seams, re-covered with patina. "But in general, the figure was in good condition, with the exception of the lower part, we had to work hard there," says Mikhail.

For 12 years, the monument has lost almost all the letters from the inscription, and several blocks of facing

At the same time, a pedestal was being completed on Tverskaya Zastava Square. At the base of the stylobate, a reinforced concrete grillage is installed, based on thirty-nine-meter bored piles. The total weight of the monument structure is 200 tons. The base is new, the cladding is original, it was stored in one of the warehouses. But now not everything was found - only 195 blocks, and 25 lost ones had to be redone.

Old and new stones differ only in slightly different shades of granite. Almost all the gilded letters from the inscription "To the great Russian writer Maxim Gorky from the government of the Soviet Union on June 10, 1951" were also lost. They also had to be made anew. By the past weekend, the pedestal was already rising in the center of the square, where in the autumn, as before, a square will be laid out again. The cladding process was very similar to the assembly of a not very complex puzzle - each stone was marked.

“But in order for everything to work out, we first did a study of all the stones according to the dismantling schemes drawn up by workshop No. 13 of Mosproekt 2,” Alexei Zhdanov, chief architect of the projects of the Heritage restoration workshop, told RG.

At night, the sculpture was loaded onto a cargo platform - the writer went to the station.

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The monument to Maxim Gorky was erected on the square of the Belorussky railway station in 1951. A nationwide competition for the development of his project in 1936 was won by the architect Ivan Shadr, who died in 1941. Vera Mukhina promised to finish work at his funeral. But she was able to do this only after the war. Over the years, many projects have been discussed at various commissions and meetings. The place also changed - at first they wanted to erect a monument to Gorky on Manezhnaya Square.

Today, the decision to return the monument and the square to its place was made last year. According to the idea of ​​the creators, it is in this form that they represent a well-thought-out and verified composition, carefully inscribed in the panorama of the Belorussky railway station square.

On Monday night, a construction site on Tverskaya Zastava Square near the Belorussky Seething. In the light of spotlights, as on a stage in a theater, the crane pulled the iron man up with slings. A five-meter figure, "fluttering" coat floors and signature mustaches. Bronze Maxim Gorky was returning to the place where he had spent more than half a century.

This monument has a beautiful backstory. Here, in Belorussky, the famous writer arrived in May 1928 from his second Italian emigration. Here he was met by a crowd of thousands. A sea of ​​flowers, a speech met with applause. And then, as the experienced assure, Maxim Gorky was almost carried in his arms along Tverskaya - to his wife's apartment, where he stopped. In 1951, at the site of that significant rally, a monument was erected by Vera Mukhina. At this place, the sculpture of the writer stood until 2005. They planned to build a shopping center with underground parking on Tverskaya Zastava, they were about to start. The monument was taken to Museon Park. And the shopping center was never built.

On the square near the Belorussky railway station, they now decided to lay out a square, according to the My Street program, with lawns, walking paths, lanterns, and benches. A monument to Gorky will be placed in its central part.

The bronze sculpture began to be prepared for moving ahead of time, back in May. The years took their toll: a crack appeared on the left side of the monument. Specialists patched it and smaller injuries, strengthened the frame.

By the way, there was also an original two-meter pedestal made of granite. Facing slabs and blocks were once taken to the Moscow region, and now they have been returned back.

In total - about 220 original blocks and slabs, - says Alexey Zhdanov, chief architect of the project of the Heritage restoration workshop, which is restoring the pedestal.

In the evening, a crane was brought to the Museon. The five-meter writer was secured, lifted and carefully laid on his back in an onboard KAMAZ. It drizzled rain. The universal downpour promised by weather forecasters bypassed the center of Moscow. Well, thank God. The truck slowly rolled along the Moscow night streets: Bolshaya Yakimanka, Garden Ring, 1st Brestskaya.

The road took about twenty minutes, - says the crane driver. We were traveling with an escort. Ahead of us is a traffic police car with flashing lights, and another behind us.

The monument arrived at Tverskaya Zastava around one in the morning. The rain continued to drizzle, but did not cause much inconvenience to the workers. Under the guns of cameras and cameras, the iron writer was installed at a historical place.

Now the slabs are at the foot of Gorky in scaffolding. Builders are engaged in facing. As expected, on August 1, the monument will appear in all its glory. And in a month, the same square will be equipped around it.


What monument is still missing in Moscow?

Sergei SHARGUNOV, State Duma deputy, writer:

Valentin Kataev, Yuri Olesha, Ilf and Petrov - these writers deserve to be present at Chistye Prudy. They should stand where their apartment was. All the people of South Russian literature came there. It's a shame that there is no monument to them. I also remember Ivan Bunin and Vladimir Nabokov.

Vitaly TRETYAKOV, Dean of the Higher School of Television at Moscow State University:

So many great people lived and worked in the capital that it is possible to fill the whole of Moscow with monuments. And someone else will be forgotten! But the first one to start with is Ivan the Third. Under him, a stone Kremlin was built. He strengthened the Muscovite state. It marks the beginning of the dawn of Russia as a European power after the withdrawal from the influence of the Golden Horde.

Vladimir SOLOVIEV, TV presenter:

Oh, I would not delve into this topic. And then we begin a struggle with monuments, and then they fight for their return - all this is sad. These issues should be entrusted to the government. Otherwise, give people freedom, Ivan the Terrible and Stalin will be everywhere. Now it is fashionable. And this is a very delicate moment, which cannot be solved with a tip.

Vladimir VINOKUR, parodist:

Near the Bolshoi Theater stands Karl Marx. I would move it to the Mausoleum, closer to Lenin. And in his place he put Yuri Dolgoruky. Yes, we have a monument to the founder of Moscow, but it should be in the very, very center of the city.

Nikolai SVANIDZE, historian:

I think Academician Andrei Sakharov. Not all laurels to commanders. They are wonderful people, but the glory of Russia was forged not only by warriors, but also by thinkers. Sakharov also defended the honor of the country with his heart. He is not only the father of the hydrogen bomb, but also the founder of the Soviet human rights movement.

Yuri PIVOVAROV, Doctor of Political Sciences:

Yes, Gorky stained himself with collaboration with the Bolsheviks, but it was strange to me that he was removed. Yet he did more good than bad. I will tell you who should not be erected monuments: Stalin, Lenin, Dzerzhinsky and Sverdlov. But there is not enough memory of the Russian philosopher Yuri Samarin. Few people know about him. But it was precisely according to his idea that serfs were liberated in the 19th century.

Anatoly WASSERMAN, publicist:

All memorials from Muzeon must be returned to their places. This is both Stalin and Dzerzhinsky. People are awarded glory for great services to the country. And even if today it is fashionable to declare their achievements insufficient, this fashion will pass.

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The monument to the writer Maxim Gorky was returned to the Belorussky railway station. For the last 12 years, the monument to the work of Vera Mukhina has stood in Muzeon Park

The monument to Maxim Gorky was returned to Tverskaya Zastava Square tonight. The seven-meter monument stood here from 1951 to 2005. Then he spent 12 years in "exile" in the Museon. We recommend reading the broadcast from the bottom up.

7:15 The monument to Maxim Gorky has taken its place on the pedestal, from which it was removed 12 years ago.

At night, it was transported from Muzeon and installed on Tverskaya Zastava Square. All preventive work was carried out with the bronze sculpture: its surface was cleaned, the seams were repaired, the patina was restored. Now additional work will be carried out - after the installation of the sculpture on the pedestal. They are necessary in case of possible damage in transit.

2:35 Pyotr Biryukov, deputy mayor for housing and communal services, was waiting for the delivery of the monument to Tverskaya Zastava Square, along with journalists and workers.
“Speaking about this square, it will take on a unique, in fact, historical look: it will be connected by tram to the street. Lesnaya, tram tracks will run around the monument, about 90 large-sized trees will be planted on the square, 22 pedestrian crossings will be made,” Biryukov said.

The Deputy Mayor emphasized that the entire central part of the city is becoming accessible to pedestrians - "the historical appearance of the facades is being restored, the wires are being removed."

2:12 In addition to the return of the monument and the square, there are still many pleasant moments in the Tverskaya Zastava reconstruction project. The sidewalk along the Belorussky railway station will be expanded to the size of the square. And when you leave the building, you can immediately get into a taxi, without overcoming, as for several years in a row, rough terrain.

The parking lots will be fixed. Instead of a chaotic parking lot in several rows, there will be a well-maintained one for 111 parking spaces. It will be arranged right at the station under the overpass from the Aeroexpress side.

Reconstruction project for Tverskaya Zastava Square. Photo: WEST 8

There will be a park on Belaya Ploschad closer to Leningradsky Prospekt, through which a pedestrian path will pass for train passengers and office workers on Belaya Ploshchad. This path will be continued by a tunnel under the Tver overpass: the dark corridor will be made more comfortable, illuminated with color screens.

2:00 This is how the loading of the monument took place at the site near the Muzeon. Now the monument has already been brought from the park to Tverskaya Zastava Square

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The Indian military destroyed a space satellite in low Earth orbit during a missile test, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced in an address to the nation.1 of 2

01:20 So, the monument to Maxim Gorky has changed its registration. The monument was delivered to Tverskaya Zastava Square. This is his historical place.

The complex and large-scale operation took several hours. The sculpture was loaded onto a special truck in the pouring rain, then a convoy of vehicles drove the monument through the center of the capital. Now he must take his place on the pedestal.

23:20 Loading of the monument was supposed to start at exactly 23:00. But for the second time that evening it started to rain, and all the work again had to be temporarily
stop. The vagaries of the capital's weather turned out to be a real test for the great classic.

23:15 Preparing the monument for transportation is a delicate and technically complex process.

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The Indian military destroyed a space satellite in low Earth orbit during a missile test, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced in an address to the nation.1 of 4

23:10 Why did the monument end up in the Museon in 2005? Because then it was decided to dig an underground parking lot on Tverskaya Zastava Square, and build a shopping center above it, in place of the monument. The project did not take place, but the monument was forgotten.

Why is it being returned now? 2018 marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Maxim Gorky. And in 2017, Tverskaya Zastava got into the My Street program. And a seven-meter monument (a five-meter sculpture and a two-meter pedestal) was chosen as the main dominant of the square.

Photo: Moskva Agency/Andrey Lyubimov

22:55 Yes, the ring will definitely be returned, but they promise to develop a grid of tram routes for this section after the rails are laid. So far, it is only known exactly which cars will be allowed on them.

Trams "Vityaz-M", Photo: website / Mikhail Sipko

This is a Vityaz-M with satellite navigation, CCTV cameras and a climate control system. Inside, a spacious interior and six doors that allow passengers to get in and out at stops faster

Photo: website / Ignatius Orbeliani-Muravyov-Apostol

Read all about the new tram tracks at the Belorussky railway station on the website.

22:25 Not only the monument to Maxim Gorky will return to Tverskaya Zastava by autumn. Around the monument there will again be a square surrounded by a tram ring.

Lawns will be planted here in August. Trees will be planted in late October - early December. About 90 lindens and apple trees will bloom near the monument next summer. The trees will be planted in specially prepared holes with fertile soil and drainage materials that will ensure the penetration of water deep into the soil. Aeration tubes will go from the roots to the surface of the earth, helping the trees to breathe.

Reconstruction project for Tverskaya Zastava Square. Photo: WEST 8

A roundabout for the tram will run along the perimeter of the square. It was removed in 2008, when the rather protracted restoration of Tverskaya Zastava Square began.

22:15 At the Museum, the preparation of the monument to Maxim Gorky for moving to Tverskaya Zastava is being completed. Work has been suspended due to rain. The workers are waiting for an opportune moment so that the monument does not slip out at the time of loading.

21:57 The most famous work of Mukhina, of course, is the monument "Worker and Collective Farm Girl" (there is, however, an opinion that a faceted glass is more famous).

In addition to the complex at VDNKh, Vera Ignatievna is the author of a dozen more monuments in Moscow and other Russian cities. Among them are the already mentioned Gorkys, as well as the monument to P.I. Tchaikovsky at the Moscow Conservatory. The one on the pedestal of which is modestly written: "To the great Russian composer."

There is a monument in Moscow to Mukhina herself. It is installed at the intersection of Prechistenka and Prechistensky Lane, in a small square. The house against which the statue stands was designed in 1947 by Mukhina herself. She lived there for several years until her death in 1953. The author of the monument is sculptor Mikhail Anikushin.

21:40 And we remind you that at about 23:00 KamAZ with a five-ton bronze sculpture will go along Bolshaya Yakimanka, Garden Ring and First Brestskaya to Tverskaya Zastava Square. The car will cover seven kilometers in about an hour. You will be accompanied by the police. The streets along the route were promised not to be blocked.

21:35 Two words about why Maxim Gorky stood (and will stand) at the Belorussky railway station at all.
Here the main Soviet writer was met in 1928 when he returned from Italy. In total, Gorky lived there for 15 years.
This is probably why the bronze Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov (real name Maxim Gorky) is looking not at the station, but at Moscow. Gorky did not live long after returning to Russia. Eight years later, he died at the age of 68.

21:30 The famous Vera Mukhina, the author of The Worker and the Collective Farm Woman, was not originally supposed to make a monument to the writer at the Belorussky railway station. In 1936, it was decided to erect three monuments to the recently deceased Gorky. Two in his native Nizhny Novgorod, renamed Gorky between 1932 and 1990. And one in Moscow, where the writer spent the last years of his life.

Mukhina won the competition for the design of the monument in Nizhny Novgorod. And to make a monument for the capital was entrusted to Ivan Shadr (author of "Girl with an oar"). But Shadr failed to finish the work, he died in 1941. The project was given to Mukhina, who, of course, significantly changed.

Monument to Maxim Gorky in Nizhny Novgorod. Author Vera Mukhina. Photo: TASS/Vladimir Smirnov

As a result, there is one Gorky Mukhina in Nizhny Novgorod, and two in Moscow at once: the first is now being returned to the Belorussky railway station, the second is located at the Gorky Literary Institute on Povarskaya.

21:26 By the way, the pedestal of the monument is the one on which it stood for 54 years. When the statue was evacuated 12 years ago to the Museon, the rest of the monument was sent to the Moscow region. And during the restoration, facing slabs and blocks were found. "A total of about 220 blocks and slabs are original," Aleksey Zhdanov, chief architect of the Heritage restoration project, told According to him, only four blocks and 21 slabs were lost.

20:43 Before sending the monument to the Belorussky railway station, restorers worked with it for several months. When the bronze Gorky was brought to the Museon in 2005, he was simply laid down. And so he lay for two years. Only in 2007, the bronze sculpture was still placed vertically. But due to careless handling, defects have already appeared on it: the most serious one is a crack on the left side.

Monument to Maxim Gorky in the Muzeon Park of Arts. Photo: TASS/Vasily Kuzmichenok

Since the end of May, the monument has been cleaned. Cracks and holes patched up. Then the frame and fasteners were reinforced. Top coated with a chemical composition that protects against corrosion.

20:15 On the eve of the move, the monument to the classics underwent a complete preventive maintenance.

"All preventive work was carried out on the bronze sculpture, related to cleaning it from pollution, restoring seams, and restoring the patina. After installing the sculpture on the pedestal, additional work will still be carried out, which may be associated with damage during transportation," explained the chief architect of the restoration workshop project " Heritage" Alexey Zhdanov.

20:10 It seems that the monument to the workers will be put up in difficult conditions. Until Monday morning, more than a quarter of the monthly rainfall is expected in the capital.
The downpour will be accompanied by gusty winds, thunderstorms, and hail may fall in places, Roshydromet said.

20:02 While the workers are turning over an important load (recall, in 2005 the monument was taken out on two large dump trucks), let's collect dry numbers. The path from Muzeon to Tverskaya Zastava Square is 7.1 kilometers. The weight of the monument is 5 tons. It is about 5 meters high (height without a pedestal), 2 meters wide.

The monument to Maxim Gorky was created by sculptor Ivan Shadr in 1939. The project was completed in 1951 by Vera Mukhina. The monument was erected at the Belorussky railway station. However, in 2005, when a road junction was being built on the square, it had to be dismantled. When the monument was removed, it was damaged and the date of its return to its rightful place was postponed.

The great writer will return to his historical place as part of the My Street beautification program, which started on the square in June. By July 20, here to fix the stone blocks of the pedestal, as well as the steps leading to the monument. In addition, half of all restored granite blocks were brought to the Belorussky railway station.

The monument to Maxim Gorky was returned to Tverskaya Zastava Square tonight. The seven-meter monument stood here from 1951 to 2005. Then he spent 12 years in "exile" in the Museon. We recommend reading the broadcast from the bottom up.

7:15 The monument to Maxim Gorky has taken its place on the pedestal, from which it was removed 12 years ago.

At night, it was transported from Muzeon and installed on Tverskaya Zastava Square. All preventive work was carried out with the bronze sculpture: its surface was cleaned, the seams were repaired, the patina was restored. Now additional work will be carried out - after the installation of the sculpture on the pedestal. They are necessary in case of possible damage in transit.

2:35 Pyotr Biryukov, deputy mayor for housing and communal services, was waiting for the delivery of the monument to Tverskaya Zastava Square, along with journalists and workers.
“Speaking about this square, it will take on a unique, in fact, historical look: it will be connected by tram to the street. Lesnaya, tram tracks will run around the monument, about 90 large-sized trees will be planted on the square, 22 pedestrian crossings will be made,” Biryukov said.

The Deputy Mayor emphasized that the entire central part of the city is becoming accessible to pedestrians - "the historical appearance of the facades is being restored, the wires are being removed."

2:12 In addition to the return of the monument and the square, there are still many pleasant moments in the Tverskaya Zastava reconstruction project. The sidewalk along the Belorussky railway station will be expanded to the size of the square. And when you leave the building, you can immediately get into a taxi, without overcoming, as for several years in a row, rough terrain.

The parking lots will be fixed. Instead of a chaotic parking lot in several rows, there will be a well-maintained one for 111 parking spaces. It will be arranged right at the station under the overpass from the Aeroexpress side.

Reconstruction project for Tverskaya Zastava Square. Photo: WEST 8

There will be a park on Belaya Ploschad closer to Leningradsky Prospekt, through which a pedestrian path will pass for train passengers and office workers on Belaya Ploshchad. This path will be continued by a tunnel under the Tver overpass: the dark corridor will be made more comfortable, illuminated with color screens.

2:00 This is how the loading of the monument took place at the site near the Muzeon. Now the monument has already been brought from the park to Tverskaya Zastava Square

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The Indian military destroyed a space satellite in low Earth orbit during a missile test, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced in an address to the nation.1 of 2

01:20 So, the monument to Maxim Gorky has changed its registration. The monument was delivered to Tverskaya Zastava Square. This is his historical place.

The complex and large-scale operation took several hours. The sculpture was loaded onto a special truck in the pouring rain, then a convoy of vehicles drove the monument through the center of the capital. Now he must take his place on the pedestal.

23:20 Loading of the monument was supposed to start at exactly 23:00. But for the second time that evening it started to rain, and all the work again had to be temporarily
stop. The vagaries of the capital's weather turned out to be a real test for the great classic.

23:15 Preparing the monument for transportation is a delicate and technically complex process.

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The Indian military destroyed a space satellite in low Earth orbit during a missile test, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced in an address to the nation.1 of 4

23:10 Why did the monument end up in the Museon in 2005? Because then it was decided to dig an underground parking lot on Tverskaya Zastava Square, and build a shopping center above it, in place of the monument. The project did not take place, but the monument was forgotten.

Why is it being returned now? 2018 marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Maxim Gorky. And in 2017, Tverskaya Zastava got into the My Street program. And a seven-meter monument (a five-meter sculpture and a two-meter pedestal) was chosen as the main dominant of the square.

Photo: Moskva Agency/Andrey Lyubimov

22:55 Yes, the ring will definitely be returned, but they promise to develop a grid of tram routes for this section after the rails are laid. So far, it is only known exactly which cars will be allowed on them.

Trams "Vityaz-M", Photo: website / Mikhail Sipko

This is a Vityaz-M with satellite navigation, CCTV cameras and a climate control system. Inside, a spacious interior and six doors that allow passengers to get in and out at stops faster

Photo: website / Ignatius Orbeliani-Muravyov-Apostol

Read all about the new tram tracks at the Belorussky railway station on the website.

22:25 Not only the monument to Maxim Gorky will return to Tverskaya Zastava by autumn. Around the monument there will again be a square surrounded by a tram ring.

Lawns will be planted here in August. Trees will be planted in late October - early December. About 90 lindens and apple trees will bloom near the monument next summer. The trees will be planted in specially prepared holes with fertile soil and drainage materials that will ensure the penetration of water deep into the soil. Aeration tubes will go from the roots to the surface of the earth, helping the trees to breathe.

Reconstruction project for Tverskaya Zastava Square. Photo: WEST 8

A roundabout for the tram will run along the perimeter of the square. It was removed in 2008, when the rather protracted restoration of Tverskaya Zastava Square began.

22:15 At the Museum, the preparation of the monument to Maxim Gorky for moving to Tverskaya Zastava is being completed. Work has been suspended due to rain. The workers are waiting for an opportune moment so that the monument does not slip out at the time of loading.

21:57 The most famous work of Mukhina, of course, is the monument "Worker and Collective Farm Girl" (there is, however, an opinion that a faceted glass is more famous).

In addition to the complex at VDNKh, Vera Ignatievna is the author of a dozen more monuments in Moscow and other Russian cities. Among them are the already mentioned Gorkys, as well as the monument to P.I. Tchaikovsky at the Moscow Conservatory. The one on the pedestal of which is modestly written: "To the great Russian composer."

There is a monument in Moscow to Mukhina herself. It is installed at the intersection of Prechistenka and Prechistensky Lane, in a small square. The house against which the statue stands was designed in 1947 by Mukhina herself. She lived there for several years until her death in 1953. The author of the monument is sculptor Mikhail Anikushin.

21:40 And we remind you that at about 23:00 KamAZ with a five-ton bronze sculpture will go along Bolshaya Yakimanka, Garden Ring and First Brestskaya to Tverskaya Zastava Square. The car will cover seven kilometers in about an hour. You will be accompanied by the police. The streets along the route were promised not to be blocked.

21:35 Two words about why Maxim Gorky stood (and will stand) at the Belorussky railway station at all.
Here the main Soviet writer was met in 1928 when he returned from Italy. In total, Gorky lived there for 15 years.
This is probably why the bronze Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov (real name Maxim Gorky) is looking not at the station, but at Moscow. Gorky did not live long after returning to Russia. Eight years later, he died at the age of 68.

21:30 The famous Vera Mukhina, the author of The Worker and the Collective Farm Woman, was not originally supposed to make a monument to the writer at the Belorussky railway station. In 1936, it was decided to erect three monuments to the recently deceased Gorky. Two in his native Nizhny Novgorod, renamed Gorky between 1932 and 1990. And one in Moscow, where the writer spent the last years of his life.

Mukhina won the competition for the design of the monument in Nizhny Novgorod. And to make a monument for the capital was entrusted to Ivan Shadr (author of "Girl with an oar"). But Shadr failed to finish the work, he died in 1941. The project was given to Mukhina, who, of course, significantly changed.

Monument to Maxim Gorky in Nizhny Novgorod. Author Vera Mukhina. Photo: TASS/Vladimir Smirnov

As a result, there is one Gorky Mukhina in Nizhny Novgorod, and two in Moscow at once: the first is now being returned to the Belorussky railway station, the second is located at the Gorky Literary Institute on Povarskaya.

21:26 By the way, the pedestal of the monument is the one on which it stood for 54 years. When the statue was evacuated 12 years ago to the Museon, the rest of the monument was sent to the Moscow region. And during the restoration, facing slabs and blocks were found. "A total of about 220 blocks and slabs are original," Aleksey Zhdanov, chief architect of the Heritage restoration project, told According to him, only four blocks and 21 slabs were lost.

20:43 Before sending the monument to the Belorussky railway station, restorers worked with it for several months. When the bronze Gorky was brought to the Museon in 2005, he was simply laid down. And so he lay for two years. Only in 2007, the bronze sculpture was still placed vertically. But due to careless handling, defects have already appeared on it: the most serious one is a crack on the left side.

Monument to Maxim Gorky in the Muzeon Park of Arts. Photo: TASS/Vasily Kuzmichenok

Since the end of May, the monument has been cleaned. Cracks and holes patched up. Then the frame and fasteners were reinforced. Top coated with a chemical composition that protects against corrosion.

20:15 On the eve of the move, the monument to the classics underwent a complete preventive maintenance.

"All preventive work was carried out on the bronze sculpture, related to cleaning it from pollution, restoring seams, and restoring the patina. After installing the sculpture on the pedestal, additional work will still be carried out, which may be associated with damage during transportation," explained the chief architect of the restoration workshop project " Heritage" Alexey Zhdanov.

20:10 It seems that the monument to the workers will be put up in difficult conditions. Until Monday morning, more than a quarter of the monthly rainfall is expected in the capital.
The downpour will be accompanied by gusty winds, thunderstorms, and hail may fall in places, Roshydromet said.

20:02 While the workers are turning over an important load (recall, in 2005 the monument was taken out on two large dump trucks), let's collect dry numbers. The path from Muzeon to Tverskaya Zastava Square is 7.1 kilometers. The weight of the monument is 5 tons. It is about 5 meters high (height without a pedestal), 2 meters wide.

The monument to Maxim Gorky was created by sculptor Ivan Shadr in 1939. The project was completed in 1951 by Vera Mukhina. The monument was erected at the Belorussky railway station. However, in 2005, when a road junction was being built on the square, it had to be dismantled. When the monument was removed, it was damaged and the date of its return to its rightful place was postponed.

The great writer will return to his historical place as part of the My Street beautification program, which started on the square in June. By July 20, here to fix the stone blocks of the pedestal, as well as the steps leading to the monument. In addition, half of all restored granite blocks were brought to the Belorussky railway station.
