Name Math reference library
Author The team edited by L.A. Lyusternik and A.R. Yanpolsky
Year of issue 1961-1991
Publisher M., State Publishing House of Physical and Mathematical Literature, Science
Tongue Russian
Format DjVu, PDF
The size 157.1Mb

Under the name "Reference Mathematical Library" is meant a series of reference books, which at the initiative of L.A. Lyusternik and A.R. Yanpolsky and under their editorship began to appear on the bookshelves, starting in 1961. By 1965, 11 reference books were published under their editorship ... Later, 7 more reference books were published, of which 5 were translated, without indicating the general edition.
In Russian, there are a number of recognized handbooks on elementary mathematics, as well as on higher mathematics, corresponding to the university course, or several beyond it. Sections of mathematics that are not presented in such reference publications, until recently, were needed by a relatively limited circle of people. However, the situation has changed significantly recently. There appeared technical colleges and separate faculties of technical colleges with an advanced program in mathematics. The number of graduate students in technical specialties studying additional chapters in mathematics has increased. Many universities organize advanced mathematics courses for engineers. Mathematical methods are also beginning to be applied in their work by such previously specialists as economists, linguists, biologists, physicians, etc.
For these individuals - students and graduate students of universities, employees of research institutes, factory laboratories and higher educational institutions, who in their daily work and study have to meet with a wide variety of areas of mathematics, the editions of the SMB series are intended
01 - Danilov V.L., Ivanova A.N., Isakova E.K. and others - Mathematical analysis. Functions, limits, series, continued fractions - 1961
02 - Aramanovich I.G., Guter R.S., Lyusternik L.A. and others - Mathematical analysis. Differentiation and Integration - 1961
03 - Lyusternik L.A., Chervonenkis O.A., Yanpolsky A.R. - Mathematical analysis. Functions, limits, series, continued fractions - 1961
04 - Mishina A.P., Proskuryakov I.V. - Higher Algebra. Linear algebra, polynomials, general algebra - 1962
05 - Ditkin V.A., Prudnikov A.P. - Integral Transformations and Operational Calculus - 1961
08 - Guter R.S., Kudryavtsev L.D., Levitan B.M. - Elements of the theory of functions. Real variable functions. Approximation of functions. Almost Periodic Functions - 1963
09 - Vilenkin N.Ya., Gorin E.A., Kostyuchenko A.G. and others - Functional Analysis - 1964
10 - Babich V.M., Kapilevich M.B., Mikhlin S.G. and etc.. - Linear Equations Mathematical Physics - 1964
11 - Mikhlin S.G., Smolitsky H.L. - Approximate methods for solving differential and integral equations - 1965
12 - Bateman G., Erdelyi A. - Higher transcendental functions. Volume 1 - 1965
13 - Bateman G., Erdelyi A. - Higher transcendental functions. Volume 2 - 1966
14 - Bateman G., Erdelyi A. - Higher transcendental functions. Volume 3 - 1967
15 - Prokhorov Yu.V., Rozanov Yu.A. - Probability theory. Basic concepts. Limit theorems. Random Processes - 1967
16 - Zabreiko P.P., Koshelev A.I., Krasnoselsky M.A. etc. - Integral Equations - 1968
Further numbering of issues in this series is not tracked. Books are listed by year of publication.
1. Bateman G., Erdeyi A. - Tables of integral transformations. Volume 1. Transforms of Fourier, Laplace, Mellin - 1969
2. Bateman G., Erdeyi A. - Tables of integral transformations. Volume 2. Bessel transformations. Integrals from Special Functions - 1970
3. Brychkov Yu.A., Prudnikov A.P. - Integral transformations of generalized functions - 1977
4. Ermakov S.M., Brodsky V.Z., Zhiglyavsky A.A. etc. - Mathematical theory of experiment planning - 1983
5. Zhelobenko D.P., Shtern A.I. - Representations of Lie Groups - 1983
6. Fedoryuk M.V. - Asymptotic methods for linear ordinary differential equations - 1983
7. Voevodin V.V., Kuznetsov Yu.A. Matrices and Computing - 1984
8. Grebenikov E.A. - Averaging method in applied problems - 1986
9. Fedoryuk M.V. - Asymptotics. Integrals and Series - 1987
10. Bautin N.N., Leontovich E.A. - Methods and techniques of qualitative research of dynamical systems on a plane - 1990
11. Melnikov OV, Craftsmen V.N., Romankov V.A. and others - General algebra. Volume 1 - 1990
12. Artamonov V.A., Saliy V.N., Skornyakov L.A. and others - General algebra. Volume 2 - 1991
13. Aleksidze M.A. - Fundamental functions in the approximation of boundary value problems - 1991

01 - Danilov V.L., Ivanova A.N., Isakova E.K. - Mathematical analysis. Functions, limits, series, continued fractions (1961) (439s) .djvu - 11.0Mb
02 - Aramanovich I.G., Guter R.S., Lyusternik L.A. and others - Mathematical analysis. Differentiation and Integration -1961.djvu - 9.1Mb
03 - Lyusternik L.A., Chervonenkis O.A., Yanpolsky A.R. - Mathematical analysis. Functions, limits, series, continued fractions - 1961.djvu - 6.1Mb
04 - Mishina A.P., Proskuryakov I.V. - Higher Algebra. Linear algebra, polynomials, general algebra - 1962.djvu - 5.9Mb
05 - Ditkin V.A., Prudnikov A.P. - Integral transformations and operational calculus - 1961.djvu - 5.9Mb
08 - Guter R.S., Kudryavtsev L.D., Levitan B.M. - Elements of the theory of functions. Real variable functions. Approximation of functions. Almost-periodic functions - 1963.djvu - 4.1Mb
09 - Vilenkin N.Ya., Gorin E.A., Kostyuchenko A.G. and others. - Functional analysis - 1964.djvu - 3.5Mb
10 - Babich V.M., Kapilevich M.B., Mikhlin S.G. et al .. - Linear equations of mathematical physics - 1964.djvu - 2.7Mb
11 - Mikhlin S.G., Smolitsky H.L. - Approximate methods for solving differential and integral equations - 1965.djvu - 4.4Mb
12 - Bateman G., Erdelyi A. - Higher transcendental functions. Volume 1 - 1965.djvu - 2.6Mb
12-2 - Bateman G., Erdelyi A. - Higher transcendental functions. Volume 1 - 1973.djvu - 4.2Mb
13 - Bateman G., Erdelyi A. - Higher transcendental functions. Volume 2 - 1966.djvu - 3.2Mb
13-2 - Bateman G., Erdelyi A. - Higher transcendental functions. Volume 2 - 1974.djvu - 4.7Mb
14 - Bateman G., Erdelyi A. - Higher transcendental functions. Volume 3 - 1967.djvu - 5.4Mb
15 - Prokhorov Yu.V., Rozanov Yu.A. - Probability theory. Basic concepts. Limit theorems. Random Processes - 1967.djvu - 7.5Mb
16 - Zabreiko P.P., Koshelev A.I., Krasnoselsky M.A. and others - Integral equations - 1968.djvu - 4.9Mb
Aleksidze M.A. - Fundamental functions in the approximation of boundary value problems - 1991.djvu - 4.7Mb
Artamonov V.A., Saliy V.N., Skornyakov L.A. and others - General algebra. Volume 2 - 1991.djvu - 10.3Mb
Bautin N.N., Leontovich E.A. - Methods and techniques for the qualitative study of dynamical systems on a plane - 1990.djvu - 4.5Mb
Bateman G., Erdelyi A. - Tables of integral transformations. Volume 1. Transforms of Fourier, Laplace, Mellin - 1969.djvu - 3.8Mb
Bateman G., Erdelyi A. - Tables of integral transformations. Volume 2. Bessel transformations. Integrals from Special Functions - 1970.djvu - 4.0Mb
Brychkov Yu.A., Prudnikov A.P. - Integral transformations of generalized functions - 1977.djvu - 1.9Mb
Voevodin V.V., Kuznetsov Yu.A. Matrices and Calculations - 1984.pdf - 5.1Mb
Grebenikov E.A. - Averaging method in applied problems - 1986.djvu - 3.4Mb
Ermakov S.M., Brodsky V.Z., Zhiglyavsky A.A. etc. - Mathematical theory of experiment planning - 1983.djvu - 9.6Mb
Zhelobenko D.P., Shtern A.I. - Lie group representations - 1983.djvu - 6.0Mb
Melnikov O.V., Remeslennikov V.N., Romankov V.A. and others - General algebra. Volume 1 - 1990.djvu - 6.3Mb
Fedoryuk M.V. - Asymptotics. Integrals and Series - 1987.djvu - 8.8Mb
Fedoryuk M.V. - Asymptotic methods for linear ordinary differential equations - 1983.djvu - 3.8Mb

All books and manuals you can download absolutely free and without registration.

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The proposed guide covers all sections of a modern university course in mathematics. There is even a section "Lgika".
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H. Weber and J. Wellstein. Encyclopedia of Elementary Mathematics. A guide for teachers and students of elementary mathematics. In 2 volumes. German edition in 3 volumes, but the third is not translated. 1906 -1910. djvu.
Volume 1. Elementary algebra and analysis. 610 pp. 6.9 Mb. Volume 2. Trigonometry, analytical geometry, stereometry. 320 pages 3.4 Mb. Russian language.

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Volume 1.1951. 5.4 Mb. 448 pp. Arithmetic. Origin of calculus systems. The concepts of set, group, ring and field. Theoretical foundations of arithmetic. Elements of number theory. Verbal and personal account. Auxiliary computing tools.
Volume 2.1951. 5.5 Mb. 424 pp. Algebra. Vector spaces and linear transformations. The ring of polynomials and the field of rational functions. Numerical and graphic methods for solving equations.
Volume 3.1951. 7.7 MB. 560 pp. Functions and limits. Basics of analysis.
Volume 4.1963. 9.0 Mb. 568 pp. Geometry. Part 1. Topological concepts. Foundations of geometry. The concept of non-Euclidean geometries. Elements of analytic and projective geometry. Geometric transformations. Measurement of areas, lengths, volumes and surfaces.
Volume 5.1966. 7.0 Mb. 624 pp. Geometry. Part 2. Polygons and polyhedra. Circles and spheres, applications to geodesy and astronomy. Wonderful curves and surfaces. Building tasks. Methods of graphic images.
The publication of the "Encyclopedia of Elementary Mathematics" was conceived by the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR as a guide for secondary school mathematics teachers and students of physics and mathematics departments of pedagogical and teaching institutes. Its purpose is to give a systematic presentation scientific foundations school subject of mathematics.

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Abramowitz, Stegan. Special functions reference with formulas, graphs, and math tables. 830 pages djvu. Size 31.0 Mb.

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Bateman. Higher transcendental functions. Elliptic and automorphic functions, Lamé and Mathieu functions. 300 pages djvu. Size 4.6 Mb.

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Bird J. Engineering mathematics. Pocket guide. 2008 year. 544 pages djvu. 5.0 MB.
The reference book contains almost all sections of the apparatus of modern mathematics that are used in engineering, such as algebra, geometry, trigonometry, theory of matrices and determinants, Boolean algebra and logic circuits, differential and integral calculus, statistics and probability theory, etc. Basic the provisions of the theory are illustrated by numerous practical examples and tasks.
It will be useful for engineering and technical workers, students and applicants of technical universities and colleges.

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Brychkov Yu. A., Marichev O. I., Prudnikov A. P. Tables of indefinite integrals. 2nd ed., Revised. 2003 year. 200 pages djvu. 1.5 Mb.
The book contains tables of indefinite integrals of elementary functions.
For students of higher educational institutions, engineers, scientific workers.

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Vadzinsky R.N., Handbook of probabilistic distributions. year 2001. 295 pages PDF. 10.4 Mb.
The Handbook details 13 discrete and 35 continuous one-dimensional probability distributions most commonly used in practice. The reference material is prefaced by a brief overview of the basic concepts of probability theory related to one-dimensional probability distributions. The Appendices provide graphs to help you choose the type of theoretical distribution that is suitable for smoothing the sample distribution under study.
The possibilities of using the statistical packages STATGRAPHIСS and STATISTICA for performing calculations related to the main probability distributions are briefly considered. Such detailed reference books of this kind have not yet been published in our country.
The handbook is intended for a wide range of specialists of different profiles who use the methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics in their work. It can be used by teachers, graduate students and university students.

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V.T. Vodnev, A.F. Naumovich, N.F. Naumovich. Basic mathematical formulas. Directory. 1988 year. 270 pages djvu. 4.9 Mb.
A compact guide to basic mathematical formulas. The reference book covers all the main sections of school higher mathematics. From the course of school mathematics, the basic formulas that are necessary in the course of higher mathematics are given. Formulas from tensor analysis, complex analysis, mathematical logic, and probability theory have been added to the standard set of higher mathematics sections. Very useful for students studying a course in higher mathematics.

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Vygodsky. Handbook of Higher Mathematics. 2006 year. 570 pages djvu. Size 8.4 MB.
The reference book includes all the material included in the curriculum of the main course of mathematics in higher education. Detailed headings and a detailed subject index allow you to quickly get the information you need.

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Gradstein, Ryzhik. Tables of integrals, sums, series and products. 1110 pp. Djvu. Size 13.5 MB. Super!

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Gusak A.A., Gusak G.M., Brichikova E.A. Handbook of Higher Mathematics. 1999 year. 640 pages djvu. Size 7.9 MB.
The reference book contains theoretical information on many areas of mathematics: analytical geometry, algebra, mathematical analysis, differential equations, numerical methods, probability theory and its applications, the theory of functions of a complex variable, and operational calculus. Includes examples of applying theory to problem solving, illustrations, and relevant historical information. It is especially valuable in the afternoon. Recommend.
Designed for students, graduate students and university teachers, as well as for engineering and technical and scientific workers.

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Dwight. Integral tables and other mathematical formulas. 120 pages PDF. Size 1.7 Mb.

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Ditkin V.A., Prudnikov A.P. Integral transformations and operational calculus. 1961 year. 524 pp. Djvu. 6.1 Mb.
This issue of the Mathematical Reference Library series is devoted to integral transformations and operational calculus. The first part outlines the foundations of the theory of integral transforms of Fourier, Laplace, Mellin, Bessel, Hankel, Meyer, Kantorovich - Lebedev, etc. Special attention is paid to the Laplace transform and its application to mathematical analysis. Operational calculus is presented on the basis of Mikusinsky's theory with some modifications. It is indicated how it is related to the Laplace transform, and examples of the implementation of specific operators are given.
The second part consists of tables of integral transformations (cosine and sine Fourier transforms, Laplace, Mellin, Hankel, Kantorovich-Lebedev and Meler-Fock transforms). When compiling the tables, reference manuals and works published in the periodical literature were used. The book is intended for mathematicians, physicists, engineers interested in the issues of applied mathematics.

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Zaitsev, Polyanin. Handbook of Ordinary Differential Equations. 576 pages djvu. Size 4.4 MB.

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G. Korn and T. Korn. REFERENCE ON MATHEMATICS (for scientists and engineers). Super!
And great quality!
This is not a reference book - this is all the mathematics passed in "one bottle". It is very useful to have to refresh your memory when needed. The "Handbook" contains information on the following topics: higher algebra, analytical and differential geometry, mathematical analysis (including Lebesgue and Stieltjes integrals), vector and tensor analysis, curvilinear coordinates, functions of a complex variable, operational calculus, ordinary and partial differential equations, calculus of variations, abstract algebra, matrices, linear vector spaces, operators and representation theory, integral equations, boundary value problems, probability theory and math statistics, numerical methods analysis, special functions. In this edition, chapters 11 are rewritten. 20 and a significant portion of chapters 13 and 18, Kinga has a significant number of new sections. Size 27.0 Mb.

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Kamke. Handbook of Ordinary Differential Equations. 570 pages PDF. Size 34.8 Mb. Super!

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Kamke. A handbook on first-order partial differential equations. 260 pages djvu. Size 1.9 Mb.

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Campe de Ferrier et al. Functions of mathematical physics. Reference Guide. 1963 year. 52 double pages djvu. Size 1.3 MB.
The book is a short reference book on the theory of special functions that are most often encountered in solving problems of mathematical physics - hypergeometric functions, Legendre functions and polynomials, various orthogonal polynomials (Chebyshev, Laguerre, Hermite), cylindrical functions and Mathieu functions. With a relatively small volume, the book contains almost everything necessary for an engineer or physicist on special functions.

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Lyashko et al. Reference manual for vyashey mathematics. Volume 2 Mathematical analysis: series, functions of a vector argument. 148 pages djvu. Size 2.1 MB.

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Manzhirov A.V., Polyanin A.D. Integral Equations Handbook: Solution Methods. year 2000. 384 pp. Djvu. 2.8 Mb.
The book presents exact, approximate analytical and numerical methods for solving linear and nonlinear integral equations. In addition to the classical methods, some new methods are also described. For a better understanding of the considered methods, examples of solving specific equations are given in all sections of the book. Exact and asymptotic solutions of integral equations encountered in different areas mechanics and physics.
The appendices contain tables of indefinite and definite integrals, as well as tables of integral transformations of Laplace, Mellin, etc.
The reference book is intended for a wide range of researchers, university professors, graduate students and students specializing in various fields of applied mathematics, mechanics, physics, control theory and engineering sciences.

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Polyanin, Zaitsev. Handbook of Nonlinear Equations of Mathematical Physics: Exact Figures. Volume 2. Mathematical analysis: series, functions of a vector argument. 432 pages djvu. Size 5.3 MB.

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Polyanin A.D., Manzhirov A.V. Integral Equations Handbook. Exact solutions. 1998 year. 432 pages djvu. 2.4 Mb.
The reference book contains more than 2100 integral equations with solutions. Particular attention is paid to general equations that depend on arbitrary functions or contain many free parameters. Many new exact solutions of linear and nonlinear equations are presented. In general, the reference book describes an order of magnitude more specific integral equations than in existing books by other authors. A number of integral equations that occur in various fields of mechanics and theoretical physics (theory of elasticity, theory of plasticity, theory of mass and heat transfer, aerodynamics and hydrodynamics, theory of oscillations, electrodynamics, etc.).
The reference book is intended for a wide range of researchers, university teachers, engineers and students specializing in various fields of mathematics, mechanics, physics, chemistry and biology.

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Prudnikov, Brychkov, Marichev. Integrals and series. In 3 volumes. 2nd ed., Revised.
Volume 1. Elementary functions. 2002 year. 632 pages djvu. 5.9 Mb.
Volume 2. Special functions. 2003.664 pp. Djvu. 6.1 Mb.
Volume 3. Special functions. Additional chapters. 2003.688 pp. Djvu. 7.1 Mb. The book contains indefinite and definite (including multiple) integrals, finite sums, series and products with elementary functions. It is the most comprehensive reference manual, incorporating results reported in similar publications as well as in the scientific literature.
The book is intended for a wide range of specialists in various fields of knowledge, as well as for university students.
First edition - 1981

Volume 1. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .download download

Faddeev, Ch. editor. Mathematical physics. Zncyclopedia. 690 pages PDF. Size 57.9 Mb.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .download

Tsypkin A.G., Tsypkin G.G. Mathematical formulas. 1985 year. 112 pages PDF. 915 Kb.
Formulas for geometry, algebra, mat. analysis, TFKP, some specials. functions.

Entitled "Mathematical reference library" refers to a series of reference books that L.A. Lyusternik and A.R. Yanpolsky and under their editorship began to appear on the bookshelves, starting in 1961. By 1965, 11 reference books were published under their editorship. Later, 7 more reference books were published, of which 5 were translated, without indicating the general edition.

In Russian, there are a number of recognized handbooks on elementary mathematics, as well as on higher mathematics, corresponding to the university course, or several beyond it. Sections of mathematics that are not presented in such reference publications, until recently, were needed by a relatively limited circle of people. However, the situation has changed significantly recently. The number of specialists who have received a mathematical education has significantly increased.

The number of non-mathematics specialists has grown even more: physicists, engineers of new specialties, etc., who use the mathematical apparatus in their work. There appeared technical colleges and separate faculties of technical colleges with an advanced program in mathematics. The number of graduate students in technical specialties studying additional chapters in mathematics has increased.

Many universities organize advanced mathematics courses for engineers. Computing centers with staffs of calculators - mathematicians and engineers - appear everywhere. Mathematical methods are also beginning to be applied in their work by such specialists who were previously far from mathematics, such as economists, linguists, biologists, physicians, etc.

For these individuals - mathematicians and non-mathematicians - the issues of the SMB series are intended. This is a very wide circle of readers, consisting of undergraduate and graduate students of universities, employees of research institutes, factory laboratories and higher educational institutions, who in their daily work and study have to meet with a wide variety of areas of mathematics.
The collection includes the following books:

01 - Danilov V.L., Ivanova A.N., Isakova E.K. and others - Mathematical analysis. Functions, limits, series, continued fractions - 1961
02 - Aramanovich I.G., Guter R.S., Lyusternik L.A. and others - Mathematical analysis. Differentiation and Integration - 1961
03 - Lyusternik L.A., Chervonenkis O.A., Yanpolsky A.R. - Mathematical analysis. Functions, limits, series, continued fractions - 1961
04 - Mishina A.P., Proskuryakov I.V. - Higher Algebra. Linear algebra, polynomials, general algebra - 1962
05 - Ditkin V.A., Prudnikov A.P. - Integral Transformations and Operational Calculus - 1961
08 - Guter R.S., Kudryavtsev L.D., Levitan B.M. - Elements of the theory of functions. Real variable functions. Approximation of functions. Almost Periodic Functions - 1963
09 - Vilenkin N.Ya., Gorin E.A., Kostyuchenko A.G. and others - Functional Analysis - 1964
10 - Babich V.M., Kapilevich M.B., Mikhlin S.G. et al .. - Linear equations of mathematical physics - 1964
11 - Mikhlin S.G., Smolitsky H.L. - Approximate methods for solving differential and integral equations - 1965
12 - Bateman G., Erdelyi A. - Higher transcendental functions. Volume 1 - 1965
13 - Bateman G., Erdelyi A. - Higher transcendental functions. Volume 2 - 1966
14 - Bateman G., Erdelyi A. - Higher transcendental functions. Volume 3 - 1967
15 - Prokhorov Yu.V., Rozanov Yu.A. - Probability theory. Basic concepts. Limit theorems. Random Processes - 1967
16 - Zabreiko P.P., Koshelev A.I., Krasnoselsky M.A. etc. - Integral Equations - 1968
Further numbering of issues in this series is not tracked. Books are listed by year of publication.
Bateman G., Erdelyi A. - Tables of integral transformations. Volume 1. Transforms of Fourier, Laplace, Mellin - 1969
Bateman G., Erdelyi A. - Tables of integral transformations. Volume 2. Bessel transformations. Integrals from Special Functions - 1970
Brychkov Yu.A., Prudnikov A.P. - Integral transformations of generalized functions - 1977
Ermakov S.M., Brodsky V.Z., Zhiglyavsky A.A. etc. - Mathematical theory of experiment planning - 1983
Zhelobenko D.P., Shtern A.I. - Representations of Lie Groups - 1983
Fedoryuk M.V. - Asymptotic methods for linear ordinary differential equations - 1983
Voevodin V.V., Kuznetsov Yu.A. Matrices and Computing - 1984
Grebenikov E.A. - Averaging method in applied problems - 1986
Fedoryuk M.V. - Asymptotics. Integrals and Series - 1987
Bautin N.N., Leontovich E.A. - Methods and Techniques for Qualitative Research of Dynamical Systems on a Plane - 1990
Melnikov O.V., Remeslennikov V.N., Romankov V.A. and others - General algebra. Volume 1 - 1990
Artamonov V.A., Saliy V.N., Skornyakov L.A. and others - General algebra. Volume 2 - 1991
Aleksidze M.A. - Fundamental functions in the approximation of boundary value problems - 1991
