Grade 9

Option 1

A) polymer

B) homopolymer

2. Which of the following substances NOT are polymers?

A) glucose B) cholesterol

B) glycogen D) hemoglobin

3. Select polysaccharides from the following:

A) glucose E) sucrose

B) starch G) chitin

C) ribose H) lactose

D) glycogen I) fructose

E) deoxyribose K) cellulose

4. Protein monomer is:

A) nucleotide

B) amino acid

C) glucose

D) glycerin

5. The starch monomer is:

A) nucleotide

B) amino acid

C) glucose

D) glycerin

6. Proteins that regulate speed and direction chemical reactions in a cage:

A) hormones

B) enzymes

B) vitamins

D) proteins

7. The sequence of monomers in a polymer is called:

A) primary structure

B) secondary structure

B) tertiary structure

D) quaternary structure

Substances: Functions:


A) lipids of nutrients





Grade 9

Independent work on this topic:

« Molecular level organizations ".

Option 2

1. Give a definition of the terms:

A) polymer

B) heteropolymer

2. Which of the following are polymers?

A) glucose B) chitin

B) glycogen D) hemoglobin

3. Select monosaccharides from the following:

A) glucose E) sucrose

B) starch G) chitin

C) ribose H) lactose

D) glycogen I) fructose

E) deoxyribose K) cellulose

4.The composition of fats includes:

A) nucleotide

B) amino acid

C) glucose

D) glycerin

5. Substances that regulate the metabolism in the cell:

A) hormones

B) enzymes

B) vitamins

D) proteins

6. The sequence of monomers in a protein is called:

A) primary structure

B) secondary structure

B) tertiary structure

D) quaternary structure

7. Catalysts of chemical reactions are

B) carbohydrates

D) nucleic acids

8. Sign in front of the name of the organic substance the numbers corresponding to the functions performed by this substance in the cell.

Substances: Functions:

A) proteins

2.structural of nutrients




Biology tests grade 11.

Option 1

    Enzymes perform the following functions:

A. are the main sources of energy

B. accelerate biochemical reactions

B. transport oxygen

G. participate in a chemical reaction, transforming into other substances.

    The organic substances that make up the cell include:

A. proteins, fats, carbohydrates

B. nucleic acids

D. Anions of weak acids.

    Proteins are biological polymers, the monomers of which are:

A. nucleotides

B. amino acids

B. peptides

G. monosaccharides.

A. life and death

B. synthesis and decay

B. excitation and inhibition

5. Choose one "extra" term

A. Molecule

B. reagent

B. reaction

G. enzyme

    Photosynthetic products are presented in the form of monosaccharides and polysaccharides

B. carbohydrates

B. lipids

G. enzymes

7. Influence the permeability of membranes and the activity of many enzymes

B. carbohydrates

B. lipids

G. hormones

A Replication

9. The reactions of synthesis proceeding with the help of solar energy are called

A. photolysis

B. Photosynthesis

B. metabolism

G. glycolysis

    Elementary particle of genetic information

Biology tests grade 11.

The topic "Molecular standard of living"

Option 2

1. The process of releasing the necessary energy from organic substances by splitting them is called

A. biological oxidation

B. aerobic digestion

B. glycolysis

G. photolysis

    Low molecular weight organic substances regulating processes in the cell

B. Lipids

B. vitamins

D. enzymes

    Substances of a living cell that do not participate in a chemical reaction, but accelerate it:

A. Enzymes

B. Vitamins

B. Hormones

D. Coenzymes

    A group of irreplaceable small amounts of minerals that support the life of organisms

A. Microelements

B. macronutrients

B. Enzymes

G. coenzymes

    One of the artificial polymers that are useful in the human economy:

A. cellulose

B. fluoroplastic

B. polyethylene

G. polystyrene

    Substances destroying pests of agricultural crops, increasing their productivity

A. herbicides

B. pesticides

B. Mineral fertilizers

7. Choose one "extra" term

A. Molecule

B. reagent

B. reaction

G. enzyme

8. Choose one "extra" term

B. amino acid

B. macromolecule

G. energy

And biosynthesis

B. photosynthesis

B. broadcast

G. transcription

And carbohydrates

G. carbon

Biology tests grade 11.

The topic "Molecular standard of living"

Option 3

1. Products of photosynthesis are presented in the form of monosaccharides and polysaccharides

B. carbohydrates

B. lipids

G. enzymes

2. Substances of a living cell, not participating in a chemical reaction, but accelerating it:

A. Enzymes

B. Vitamins

B. Hormones

D. Coenzymes

3. The organic substances that make up the cell include:

A. proteins, fats, carbohydrates

B. nucleic acids

D. Anions of weak acids.

4. The process of releasing the necessary energy from organic substances by splitting them is called

A. biological oxidation

B. aerobic digestion

B. glycolysis

G. photolysis

5. These substances perform construction, protective, transport functions.

B. carbohydrates

B. lipids

G. hormones

6. Bioelements are chemical elements:

A. that are part of animate and inanimate nature

B. cells involved in vital activity

B. constituents of inorganic molecules

G. are the main component of all organic compounds cells.

    Metabolism consists of two interrelated and oppositely directed processes:

A. life and death

B. synthesis and decay

B. excitation and inhibition

D. oxygen uptake and release carbon dioxide

8. Influence the permeability of membranes and the activity of many enzymes

B. carbohydrates

B. lipids

G. hormones

9. Choose one "extra" term

B. amino acid

B. macromolecule

G. energy

10. Choose one "extra" term

And biosynthesis

B. photosynthesis

B. broadcast

Molecular level 1 option

1.What is the name of the organic substance, the molecules of which contain atoms C, O, H performing an energy and building function?

A- nucleic acid B-protein B- carbohydrate G-ATP

2. What carbohydrates are polymers?

A-monosaccharides B-disaccharides B-polysaccharides

3. The group of monosaccharides includes:

A-glucose B-sucrose B-cellulose

4. nucleic acid monomers are:

A-amino acids B- fats B-nucleotides G-glucose

5. a substance in the cell that is necessary for all chemical reactions, playing the role of a solvent for most substances, is ...

A- pollenucleotide B- polypeptide B- water G-polysaccharide

6. Fats perform functions in the cell:

A - transport B - energy

B - catalytic G- informational

7. What compounds in relation to water are lipids?

A - hydrophilic B - hydrophobic

8. What is the importance of fats in animals?

A-structure of membranes B-heat regulation

B- energy source D-water source D-all of the above

9. Protein monomers are:

A-nucleotides B- amino acids B-glucose D-fats

10. what is the name of the reversible process of disruption of the structure of one of the most important organic compounds of the cell, which occurs under the influence of physical and chemical factors?

A-glucose polymerization B-protein denaturation

B- DNA doubling G-oxidation of fats

11. The amount of adenine in DNA is always equal to the amount ...

A - thymine B-guanine B -cytosine G-uracil

12. In what sequence will the nucleotides be located insecond strand of DNA and in i-RNA if the DNA chain has the following composition: TAC - GGT-ATA-GCG-CTT-AAG-CTT-TsAT-ATC

amino acid chain the primary structure of the encoded protein. Write down anticodons

t-RNA, encoding these amino acids.

Molecular level 2 option

Choose one correct answer

1. How many of the known amino acids are involved in protein synthesis?

A-20 B-100 V-23 G-150

2. The highest energy value (in terms of the amount of energy released from 1 g) is possessed by:

A) fat; B) starch; B) protein; D) cellulose

3. What compounds are included in DNA?

A- nitrogenous base, deoxyribose, phosphoric acid residue

B - guanine, ribose, phosphoric acid residue.

B-ribose, glycerin and any amino acid

4.Nucleic acid monomers are:

A-amino acids B-fats B-nucleotides G-glucose

5.What class chemical substances does ribose concern?

A-protein B - carbohydrate B-lipid

6. What nucleotide is not included in the DNA molecule?

A- adenyl B-uridyl B-guanyl G-thymidyl

7. Which nucleic acid is the longest?


8.Guanyl nucleotide is complementary nucleotide:

A-thymidyl B-cytidyl B-adenyl G-uridyl

9.The process of doubling DNA molecules is called:

A-replication B-transcription

B-complementarity G-translation.


AHave anticodonB.Transfers nucleotides

B. It is located in the cytoplasm D. The molecule consists of two chains

11. The amount of guanine in DNA is always equal to the amount ...

A - thymine B-adenine B -cytosine G-uracil

12. On a piece of codogenic DNA


    Build a complementary chain


    Using the genetic code table, compose amino acid chain the primary structure of the encoded protein.

    Write down t-RNA anticodons, encoding these amino acids.

Verification work on the topic "Molecular standard of living".

Option 1

Task 1 (only one correct answer).

1. The minimum level of life organization at which the ability to exchange substances, energy, information is manifested:

A. biosphere

B. cellular


G. organic

2. What is the most common for all known levels of life organization?

A. elements making up the system

B. the complexity of the structure of the system

B. patterns at each level

G. qualities possessed by this system

3. Which of chemical elements is contained in cells in the smallest amount?

B. oxygen

C. carbon

G. hydrogen

4. The ability of the camel to tolerate thirst well is explained by the fact that fats:

A. preserve water in the body

B. give off water during oxidation

V. create a heat-insulating layer that reduces evaporation

5. In which part of the digestive system does the breakdown of carbohydrates begin?

A. in the small intestine

B. in the stomach

V. in the duodenum

G. in the oral cavity

6. The variable parts of the amino acid are:

A. carboxyl group

B. amino group and carboxyl group

V. radical

G. radical and carboxyl group

7.DNA and RNA monomers are:

A. nitrogenous bases

B. deoxyribose and ribose

B. nitrogenous bases and phosphate groups

G. nucleotides

8. Which of the RNA molecules is the longest?

9. The enzymatic function in the body is performed by:

A. carbohydrates

B. nucleic acids

B. amino acids

10. Which of the chemical elements is simultaneously a part of bone tissue and nucleic acids?

B. Calcium

Task 2.

There are ____ types of nucleic acids in the cell - ____ and _____. These biopolymers are composed of ___________ called ____________. Each nucleotide has ___ components.

The DNA contains the following nitrogenous bases __________, __________, ___________,

The composition of the RNC is __________, _________, ___________, __________.

2. Eliminate unnecessary concept.

A. glycine, valine, isoleucine, thymine, arginine.

B. starch, fructose, glycogen, cellulose, chitin.

3. If a DNA strand contains 18% of G nucleotides, then what should approximately equal the amount of T nucleotide?

Option 2.

Task 1 (only 1 correct answer).

1. Which of the levels is the highest level of organization of life?

A. cellular

B. biogeocenotic

G. Biosphere

2. Interspecies relationships begin to manifest themselves:

A. at the organismal level

B. at the population-species level

V. at the biogeocenotic level

G. at the biosphere level

3. Which of the properties of water is due to its polarity?

A. thermal conductivity

B. ability to dissolve polar compounds

B. Ability to dissolve non-polar compounds

G. heat capacity

4. Food proteins are digested:

A. in an alkaline environment

B. in an acidic environment

V. in a slightly alkaline environment

G. in a neutral environment

5. Which chemical compound is not a biopolymer?

A. cellulose

B. glucose

6.In which of the named substances do lipids dissolve?

G. hydrochloric acid

7.The primary structure of the protein is retained:

A. hydrophobic bonds

B. peptide bonds

In hydrogen bonds

G. disulfide bonds

8. Enzymes are biological catalysts consisting of:

A. lipidov

B. nucleotides

9. What is the function of t - RNA?

A. Transfer of Amino Acids to Ribosomes

B. forms ribosomes

B. Removal and transfer of information from DNA

G. all the listed functions

10.Secondary protein structure is maintained:

A. peptide bonds

B. hydrogen bonds

Disulfide bonds

G. bonds between acid radicals.

Task 2.

1.Fill in the blanks in the text:

Chemical compounds consisting of ____________ are called polymers. Biopolymers include ___________, ____________ ____________, __________, ___________. Protein monomers are ____________, most carbohydrates are __________, DNA and RNA are ____________.

2. Eliminate the unnecessary concept:

A. cytosine, thymine, glycine, adenine, guanine

B. glycine, chitin, valine, cysteine, alanine

3. If the DNA strand contains 31% of nucleotide A, then what should the amount of nucleotide C be approximately equal to?

Right answers:

Option 1. Option 2

Task 1. Task 1.

10 - b 10 - b

Assignment 2

1.Two. DNA AND RNA. Monomers, nucleotides. 1.Monomers. Proteins, nucleic acids,

3. Adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine. Adenine, fats, carbohydrates. Amino acids, glucose,

uracil, guanine, cytosine. nucleotides.

2.A. Thymine 2.A. Glycine

B. fructose B. chitin

Municipal educational institution

Sortavalsky municipal district Republic of Karelia

Average comprehensive school № 3

Diagnostic work in biology "Molecular level"

Grade 9


biology teacher of the highest category

Lappo Valentina Mikhailovna

Sortavala 2010

Molecular level

Option 1

1. All living organisms:

a) have adaptation to environmental conditions

b) develop

c) are heterotrophs

d) are capable of metabolism

2. The distinctive function of fats from carbohydrates:

a) construction

b) energy

c) storage

d) protective

3. Monomers of nucleic acids are:

a) amino acids

b) glucose

c) nucleotides

d) nitrogenous bases

4. DNA differs from RNA:

a) location in the cage

b) belonging to biopolymers

c) the remainder of H 3 PO 4 , which is part of the nucleotide

d) the presence of thymine in the nucleotide

5. Enzyme:

a) biocatalyst

b) participates in the process of synthesis and decomposition of substances

c) is most active at t close to zero

d) has a protein base

6. Viruses are similar to inanimate structures in that:

a) are able to reproduce

b) unable to grow

c) have heredity and variability

d) do not generate energy

7. The composition of complex proteins - glycoproteins includes:

a) fats

b) nucleic acids

c) carbohydrates

d) inorganic substances

8. Vitamins:

a) are not used in the cage as a building material

b) are used as a reserve of nutrients

c) are biocatalysts

d) do not belong to biocatalysts

B. Determine the correct sequence.

9. Draw the nucleotide sequence of the second strand of DNA, indicating the hydrogen bonds:


10. Establish a correspondence between the types of nucleic acids and their characteristics.

Nucleic Acids Characteristics

A) RNA 1.biopolymer

B) DNA of 2.deoxyribose in the composition of the monomer

3. H 3 PO 4 as part of the monomer

4.monomers contain ribose

5.consists of monomers

6.contains uracil

7.the nucleotides contain nitrogenous bases

8.nucleotide has three components

9.contains Timin

10.located in the cytoplasm and ribosomes

11.located in the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids

12.contains adenine

Diagnostic work in biology

Molecular level

Option 2

A. Select all correct answers.

1. All living organisms:

a) are capable of metabolism

b) have the same structure

c) represent an open system

d) develop

2. Monomer versus polymer:

a) has a more complex structure

b) has a complex structure

c) consists of repeating links

d) is a link in the polymer chain

3. Identical functions of fats and proteins:

a) protective

b) construction

c) storage

d) energy

4. Protein denaturation is irreversible if the structure is disturbed:

a) primary

b) secondary

c) tertiary

d) quaternary

5. ATP differs from RNA nucleotides:

a) the presence of ribose

b) lack of uracil

c) the presence of three residues H 3 PO 4

d) the presence of adenine

6. Viruses are similar to living organisms in that:

a) unable to grow

b) are able to reproduce

c) form a crystalline form of existence

d) have heredity and variability

7. Nitrogenous bases characteristic of DNA:

a) guanine

b) thymine

c) uracil

d) cytosine

8. Carbohydrates include:

a) ribose and lactose

b) glycogen and starch

c) glycerin and lipids

d) cellulose and chitin

B. Make a diagram.

9. Write down the missing DNA nucleotides, indicating hydrogen bonds:

A-G - * - C-C-T - * - * - G-C

T - * - T - * - * - * - A-C-C- *

10. Establish a correspondence between the structure of a protein molecule and its characteristics.

Protein molecule structure Characteristics

A) primary 1.characteristic of all proteins

B) secondary 2.globule

B) tertiary 3.polypeptide chain

D) quaternary 4.spiral

5. occurs as a result of the connection

several proteins

6.Formed by a strong peptide bond

7.contained by numerous hydrogen


8.destructs upon reversible denaturation


Option 1

a) 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,12; b) 1,2,3,5,7,8,9,11,12

Option 2

a) 1.3.6, b) 1.4.7 c) 1.2.7 d) 5.7.8

Used materials

1. Biology. An introduction to general biology and ecology. Textbook for 9th grade. A.A. Kamensky, E.A. Kriksunov, V.V. Pasechnik M.: Bustard, 2007.

2. Frosin V.N., Sivoglazov V.I. Getting ready for a single state examination: General Biology. - M .: Bustard, 2004 .-- 216s;

3. Bolgova I.V. Collection of tasks for General biology for those entering universities. M .: "Onyx 21st century" "Peace and Education", 2005;

4. Biology. Educational and training materials for the preparation of students. Intellect Center 2007
