Test. Molecular level... Option 1. Grade 9.

A1 Which of the chemical elements is contained in the cells in the greatest amount:
A2. Name the chemical element that is part of ATP, all monomers of proteins and nucleic acids.
1) N 2) P 3) S 4) Fe
A3 Specify a chemical compound that is NOT a carbohydrate.
1) lactose 2) chitin 3) keratin 4) starch
A4.What is the name of the structure of a protein, which is a spiral of a chain of amino acids, coiled in space into a ball?

A5 In animal cells, the storage carbohydrate is:
A6. The main source of energy for newborn mammals is:
A7.What is an RNA monomer?
1) nitrogenous base 2) nucleotide 3) ribose 4) uracil
A8.How many types of nitrogenous bases are included in the RNA molecule?
1)5 2)2 3)3 4)4
A9. What nitrogenous base of DNA is complementary to cytosine?
1) adenine 2) guanine 3) uracil 4) thymine
A10. The universal biological accumulator of energy is molecules
1) .proteins 2) .lipids 3) .DNA 4) .ATP
A11. In a DNA molecule, the amount of nucleotides with guanine is 5% of the total. How many nucleotides with thymine are in this molecule
1).40% 2).45% 3).90% 4).95%
A12.What is the role of ATP molecules in the cell?

1-provide transport function 2-transfer hereditary information

3-provide vital processes with energy 4-accelerate biochemical


IN 1. What functions do carbohydrates perform in the cell?

    Catalytic 4) structural

    Energy 5) storage

    Motor 6) contractile

IN 2. What are the structural components of the nucleotides of the DNA molecule?

    Various acids


    Deoxyribose carbohydrate

    Nitric acid

    Phosphoric acid

AT 3. Establish a correspondence between the structure and function of organic matter and its type:


A. consist of residues of glycerol and fatty acid molecules 1.lipids

B. consist of residues of amino acid molecules 2. Proteins

B. Participate in thermoregulation

D. Protect the body from foreign substances

D. are formed due to peptide bonds.

E. Are the most energy consuming.

C1. Solve the problem.

The DNA molecule contains 1250 nucleotides with adenine (A), which is 20% of their total number. Determine how many nucleotides with thymine (T), cytosine (C) and guanine (G) are contained separately in the DNA molecule. Explain the answer.

Total: 21 points

Evaluation criteria:

19 -21 points - "5"

13 - 18 points - "4"

9 - 12 points - "3"

1 - 8 points - "2"

Test. Molecular level. Option 2. Grade 9

A1 The share of four chemical elements accounts for 98% of the total contents of the cell. Indicate a chemical element that is NOT related to them.
1) О 2) Р 3) С 4) N

A2.Children develop rickets with a lack of:
1.manganese and iron
2.calcium and phosphorus
3.copper and zinc
4.sulfur and nitrogen
A3 Name the disaccharide.
1) lactose 2) fructose 3) starch 4) glycogen
A4. What is the name of the structure of a protein, which is a spiral, which is folded into a chain of amino acids?
1) primary 2) secondary 3) tertiary 4) quaternary
A5 In plant cells, the storage carbohydrate is:
A6. The greatest amount of energy is released during the decomposition of 1 gram:
A7.What is a DNA monomer?
1) nitrogenous base 2) nucleotide 3) deoxyribose 4) uracil
A8.How many polynucleotide strands are included in one DNA molecule?
1)1 2)2 3)3 4)4
A9. Name a chemical compound that is present in RNA, but absent in DNA.
1) thymine 2) deoxmyribose 3) ribose 4) guanine
A10. The energy source of the cell is molecules
1) .proteins 2) .lipids 3) .DNA 4) .ATP

A11. In a DNA molecule, the amount of nucleotides with cytosine is 5% of the total. How many nucleotides with thymine are in this molecule
1).40% 2).45% 3).90% 4).95%

A12.What compounds are included in ATP?

1-nitrogenous base adenine, ribose carbohydrate, 3 phosphoric acid molecules

2-nitrogenous base guanine, sugar fructose, phosphoric acid residue.

3-ribose, glycerin and any amino acid

Part B (choose three correct answers out of six suggested)

IN 1. Lipids perform functions:

    Enzymatic 4) transport

    Energy 5) storage

    Hormonal 6) transmission of hereditary information

IN 2. What are the structural components of the RNA molecule nucleotides?

    Nitrogenous bases: A, U, G, Ts.

    Various acids

    Nitrogenous bases: A, T, G, C.

    Ribose carbohydrate

    Nitric acid

    Phosphoric acid

AT 3. Establish a correspondence between features and molecules for which they are characteristic.


A) readily soluble in water 1) monosaccharides

B) have a sweet taste 2) polysaccharides

C) no sweet taste

D) glucose, ribose, fructose

D) insoluble in water

E) starch, glycogen, chitin.

C1. The DNA molecule contains 1100 nucleotides with cytosine (C), which is 20% of their total number. Determine how many nucleotides with thymine (T), guanine (G), adenine (A) are contained separately in the DNA molecule, explain the result.

Part A - 1 point ( maximum amount 12 points)

Part B - 2 points (maximum 6 points)

Part C - 3 points (maximum 3 points)

Total: 21 points

Evaluation criteria:

19 - 21 points - "5"

13 - 18 points - "4"

9 - 12 points - "3"

1 - 8 points - "2"

Option 1

Part A 1. The monomer of the protein molecule is 1) nitrogenous base 2) monosaccharide 3) amino acid 4) lipid

2. Most enzymes are 1) carbohydrates 2) lipids 3) amino acids 4) proteins

3. The building function of carbohydrates is that they

1) form a cellulose cell wall in plants 2) are biopolymers

3) are able to dissolve in water 4) serve as a reserve substance of the animal cell

4. Important role in life, cells play lipids, since they

1) are enzymes 2) dissolve in water 3) serve as a source of energy 4) maintain a constant environment in the cell.

5. Proteins, unlike carbohydrates, have the ability to

1) solubility 2) denaturation 3) conduction of a nerve impulse 4) accumulation of a large amount of energy

6. What pairs of nucleotides form hydrogen bonds in the DNA molecule (complementary)?

1) adenine and thymine 2) adenine and cytosine 3) guanine and thymine 4) uracil and thymine

Part B 1 ... The RNA molecule contains:

A) ribose B) guani C) magnesium cation D) deoxyribose E) amino acid E) phosphoric acid

2. Establish a correspondence between the function of the compound and the biopolymer for which it is characteristic. In the table below, under each number that identifies the position of the first column, write down the letter corresponding to the position of the second column.


1) storage of hereditary information A) protein B) DNA

2) the formation of new molecules by self-doubling

3) acceleration of chemical reactions

4) is an essential component of the cell membrane

5) neutralization of antigens







Why doesn't glucose play a storage role in the cell?

Test on the topic "Molecular level of organization". Option 2

Part A 1. The connection between monomers in a protein molecule is called

1) hydrogen 2) ionic 3) peptide 4) energy-intensive

2. The protective function of proteins is manifested in the fact that they

1) undergo denaturation 2) serve as antibodies 3) participate in the construction of cells 4) transport gases

3. What reserve nutrient serves as the energy reserve of the cell?

1) starch 2) amino acid 3) nucleic acid 4) polysaccharide - chitin

4. Fats in the cell provide

1) transport of hydrophilic (water-soluble) substances 2) dissolution of hydrophobic (water-insoluble) substances 3) acceleration of chemical reactions 4) motor function

5. The main function of carbohydrates in comparison with proteins is

1) construction 2) protective 3) catalytic 4) energy

6. What carbohydrate is included in the RNA nucleotides? 1) ribose 2) glucose 3) sucrose 4) deoxyribose

Part B

1. The DNA molecule includes

A) phosphoric acid B) adenine C) ribose D) deoxyribose E) uracil E) iron cation

Write your answer as a sequence of letters in alphabetical order (no spaces or other symbols).

2. Establish a correspondence between the function of the compound and the biopolymer for which it is characteristic. In the table below, under each number that identifies the position of the first column, write the letter corresponding to the position of the second column.


1) formation of cell walls A) polysaccharide B) nucleic acid

2) transportation of amino acids

3) storage of hereditary information

4) serves as a reserve nutrient

5) provides the cell with energy

Write down the resulting sequence of letters in the table and transfer it to the answer form (without spaces and other symbols).






Part C.1. Why is starch referred to as biopolymers and what property of starch determines its storage function in the cell?


Option I

1. Which of the named chemical compounds is not a biopolymer?

a) Protein;

b) glucose;

c) deoxyribonucleic acid;

d) cellulose.

2. The variable parts of the amino acid are:

a) an amino group and a carboxyl group;

b) a radical;

c) a carboxyl group;

d) a radical and a carboxyl group.

3. In the process of biochemical reactions, enzymes:

a) accelerate the reactions, but they themselves do not change;

b) accelerate reactions and change as a result of the reaction;

c) slow down reactions without changing;

d) slow down reactions by changing.

4. DNA and RNA monomers are:

a) nitrogenous bases;

b) deoxyribose and ribose;

c) nitrogenous bases and phosphate groups;

d) nucleotides.

5. The secondary structure of the protein is maintained:

a) peptide bonds;

b) hydrogen bonds;

c) disulfide bonds;

d) bonds between acid radicals;

d) all the listed types of communication.

6. Polymers include:

a) starch, protein, cellulose;

b) protein, glycogen, fat;

c) cellulose, sucrose, starch;

d) ribose, protein, fat.

7. Molecules are built from amino acid residues:

a) carbohydrates;

b) proteins;

c) lipids;

d) fat.

8. Monosaccharides include:

a) lactose, glucose;

b) deoxyribose, sucrose;

c) glucose, fructose;

d) glycogen, maltose.

9. What is the function of ribosomal RNA?

a) Forms ribosomes;

c) transfer of amino acids to ribosomes;

10. The connection of two DNA strands into a spiral is carried out by bonds:

a) ionic;

b) hydrogen;

c) hydrophobic;

d) electrostatic.

11. The protein envelope, which contains the genome of the virus, is called

A) virion

B) capsule

C) viroid

D) capsid

12. Viruses multiply

a) only in the host's cell

b) independently, outside the host cells

c) both options are correct

Task : a fragment of one of the DNA strands has the following structure: AAG-GCT-ACG-TSH. Build i-RNA on it.

Option II

1. Which substance is readily soluble in water?

a) Fiber;

b) protein;

c) glucose;

d) lipids.

2. Protein molecules differ from each other:

a) the sequence of alternating amino acids;

b) the number of amino acids in the molecule;

c) the form of the tertiary structure;

d) all the specified features.

3. In which case the composition of the DNA nucleotide is indicated correctly:

a) ribose, phosphoric acid residue, thymine;

b) phosphoric acid, uracil, deoxyribose;

c) the remainder of phosphoric acid, deoxyribose, adenine;

d) phosphoric acid, ribose, guanine.

4. Monomers of nucleic acids are:

a) nitrogenous bases;

b) ribose or deoxyribose;

c) deoxyribose and phosphate groups;

d) nucleotides.

5. Amino acids in a protein molecule are linked by:

a) ionic bond;

b) peptide bond;

c) hydrogen bond;

d) bonds between acid radicals.

6. What is the function of the transport RNA?

a) Transfer of amino acids to ribosomes;

b) removal and transfer of information from DNA;

c) forms ribosomes;

d) all the listed functions.

7. Enzymes are biocatalysts consisting of:

a) from proteins;

b) lipids;

c) nucleotides;

d) fat.

8. Polysaccharides include:

a) starch, ribose;

b) glycogen, glucose;

c) cellulose, starch;

d) starch, sucrose.

9. Carbon as an element is a part of:

a) proteins and carbohydrates;

b) carbohydrates and lipids;

c) carbohydrates and nucleic acids;

d) all organic compounds of the cell.

10. The cell contains DNA:

a) in the nucleus and mitochondria:

b) the nucleus, cytoplasm and various organelles;

c) the nucleus, mitochondria and cytoplasm;

d) the nucleus, mitochondria and chloroplasts.

11. Viruses are ...

a) non-cellular life form

b) the oldest eukaryotes

c) primitive bacteria

12. Viruses consist of

a) proteins and nucleic acid

b) cellulose and proteins

c) DNA and RNA

d) nuclei and cytoplasm

Task : fragment of i-RNA has the following structure: GAU-GAG-UAC-UUC-AAA. Identify t-RNA anticodons. Also write a fragment of the DNA molecule on which this m-RNA was synthesized.


Option I: 1 - b, 2 - b, 3 - a, 4 - d, 5 - b, 6 - a, 7 - b, 8 - c, 9 - a, 10 - b, 11-d, 12-a.

Solution: according to the rule of complementarity, we determine the i-RNA fragment and divide it into triplets: UUC-CGA-UHC-AAC.

Option II: 1 - c, 2 - d, 3 - c, 4 - d, 5 - b, 6 - a, 7 - a, 8 - c, 9 - d, 10 - d, 11-a, 12-c.

Solution : we split i-RNA into triplets GAU-GAG-UAC-UUC-AAA. This fragment contains 5 triplets, so 5 t-RNA will participate in the synthesis. Their anticodons are determined according to the complementarity rule: TsUA-TsUTS-AUG-AAG-UUU. Also, according to the rule of complementarity, we determine a DNA fragment (by i-RNA !!!): CTACTSATGAAGTTT.

Biology tests grade 11.

Option 1

    Enzymes perform the following functions:

A. are the main sources of energy

B. accelerate biochemical reactions

B. transport oxygen

G. participate in a chemical reaction, transforming into other substances.

    The organic substances that make up the cell include:

A. proteins, fats, carbohydrates

B. nucleic acids

D. Anions of weak acids.

    Proteins are biological polymers, the monomers of which are:

A. nucleotides

B. amino acids

B. peptides

G. monosaccharides.

A. life and death

B. synthesis and decay

B. excitation and inhibition

5. Choose one "extra" term

A. Molecule

B. reagent

B. reaction

G. enzyme

    Photosynthetic products are presented in the form of monosaccharides and polysaccharides

B. carbohydrates

B. lipids

G. enzymes

7. Influence the permeability of membranes and the activity of many enzymes

B. carbohydrates

B. lipids

G. hormones

A Replication

9. The reactions of fusion proceeding with the help of solar energy are called

A. photolysis

B. Photosynthesis

B. metabolism

G. glycolysis

    Elementary particle of genetic information

Biology tests grade 11.

The topic "Molecular standard of living"

Option 2

1.The process of releasing the necessary energy from organic matter by splitting them is called

A. biological oxidation

B. aerobic digestion

B. glycolysis

G. photolysis

    Low molecular weight organic substances regulating processes in the cell

B. Lipids

B. vitamins

D. enzymes

    Substances of a living cell that do not participate in a chemical reaction, but accelerate it:

A. Enzymes

B. Vitamins

B. Hormones

D. Coenzymes

    A group of irreplaceable small amounts of minerals that ensure the vital activity of organisms

A. Microelements

B. macronutrients

B. Enzymes

G. coenzymes

    One of the artificial polymers that are useful in the human economy:

A. cellulose

B. fluoroplastic

B. polyethylene

G. polystyrene

    Substances destroying pests of agricultural crops, increasing their productivity

A. herbicides

B. pesticides

B. Mineral fertilizers

7. Choose one "extra" term

A. Molecule

B. reagent

B. reaction

G. enzyme

8. Choose one "extra" term

B. amino acid

B. macromolecule

G. energy

And biosynthesis

B. photosynthesis

B. broadcast

G. transcription

And carbohydrates

G. carbon

Biology tests grade 11.

The topic "Molecular standard of living"

Option 3

1. Products of photosynthesis are presented in the form of monosaccharides and polysaccharides

B. carbohydrates

B. lipids

G. enzymes

2. Substances of a living cell, not participating in a chemical reaction, but accelerating it:

A. Enzymes

B. Vitamins

B. Hormones

D. Coenzymes

3. The organic substances that make up the cell include:

A. proteins, fats, carbohydrates

B. nucleic acids

D. Anions of weak acids.

4. The process of releasing the necessary energy from organic substances by splitting them is called

A. biological oxidation

B. aerobic digestion

B. glycolysis

G. photolysis

5. These substances perform construction, protective, transport functions.

B. carbohydrates

B. lipids

G. hormones

6. Bioelements are chemical elements:

A. that are part of animate and inanimate nature

B. cells involved in vital activity

B. constituents of inorganic molecules

G. are the main component of all organic compounds of the cell.

    Metabolism consists of two interrelated and oppositely directed processes:

A. life and death

B. synthesis and decay

B. excitation and inhibition

G. oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide evolution

8. Influence the permeability of membranes and the activity of many enzymes

B. carbohydrates

B. lipids

G. hormones

9. Choose one "extra" term

B. amino acid

B. macromolecule

G. energy

10. Choose one "extra" term

And biosynthesis

B. photosynthesis

B. broadcast
