A program to familiarize older preschool children with the Rules of the Road

I. Abstract.
The density of traffic flows and the speed of movement of cars on the streets of the city are growing rapidly and will progress in the future. Therefore, ensuring traffic safety is becoming an increasingly important task. Of particular importance in solving this problem is the early and correct preparation of our youngest pedestrians - children, who face serious difficulties and dangers outside the gates of the house.
Children themselves are most often the culprits of road accidents. This leads to ignorance of the elementary foundations of the Rules of the road, the indifferent attitude of adults to the behavior of children on the road. Left to their own devices, especially young children, take little into account the real dangers on the road. This can only be avoided by appropriate upbringing and education of the child from a very early age.
P. Leach and P. Statman in their studies note that the advantage of preschoolers in teaching personal safety is that they love the rules and adhere to them entirely. If the rules are forgotten by someone, they are rejected, then the baby instantly reacts to it. The desire of a child of this age for consistency will help adults teach him safety rules.
K. D. Ushinsky wrote that "education reduces the number of dangers that threaten our lives, reduces the number of causes of fear and, by making it possible to measure the danger and determine its consequences, reduces the intensity of fear in view of these dangers."
For several years, the team of teachers of our preschool educational institution has been systematically and in an organized way working towards familiarizing children with the Rules of the Road. This is especially important, because it is at the preschool age that the foundation of life orientations in the environment is laid, and everything that the child learns at this time will remain firmly with him forever. Therefore, it is very important in kindergarten from an early age to begin preparing the child for the lifelong "profession" of a road user - a pedestrian.
By the age of 4-5, children accumulate a certain motor experience, enrich their vocabulary, and develop skills in spatial orientation. At an older age (6-7 years old), some information about the rules of the road is built into a consistent and harmonious system of ideas. Children not only get acquainted with road signs, learn the rules and norms of behavior on the street and in transport, but also acquire the ability to apply the knowledge gained in practice. Children are given tasks that require them to show independence, active thinking, and the ability to apply knowledge in practice.
Much attention is paid to working with parents, because a positive example in the behavior of adults on the street and in transport is very important for the child. Thematic exhibitions of creative works of children and parents, poster contests are organized. Close cooperation with traffic police inspectors is underway. It is in the conditions of purposeful work with the family to prepare preschoolers for the role of independent pedestrians that the level of mastering the knowledge and skills of traffic rules by children increases.
Target... Formation of conscious behavior in preschoolers in road traffic situations.
1. Acquaintance of children with the Rules of the road
2. Teaching the rules of behavior on the street and in transport.
3. Development in children of the ability to consciously fulfill the duties of a private road operator.
For the successful implementation of the program for teaching children safe behavior on the streets and roads in the preschool educational institution, traffic corners are organized, in which are presented: visual-illustrated material; board games; a magnetic board depicting an intersection; attributes for role-playing games with a road theme; children's fiction on the subject of road traffic; constructors; manuals and games for teaching children traffic rules; safe routes "Home - kindergarten", designed for each child; operating exhibitions of drawings and handicrafts on road transport topics; albums with photographs: "My street", "My yard" (with stories of children, with marks of dangerous places where it is necessary to be careful and careful - this will help children learn to analyze their actions); audio and video equipment. To simulate situations according to the rules of the road in the courtyard of the preschool educational institution, the game complex "Avtoplasdka" was equipped, where the roadway, sidewalk and pedestrian crossing are marked with markings. Attributes for its equipment were purchased: a mobile active traffic light, road signs on tripods, bicycles, scooters. The developing environment for the development of preschool children is created in accordance with the time requirements for the content and methods of education and training implemented in a preschool educational institution and in accordance with modern sanitary and epidemiological standards.
II. Curriculum of the program.
Students category: kindergarten pupils 5-7 years old.
Training period: 1 year.
No. name of topics in total hours including control form
theoretical practical
1 "We are getting to know the street." 1 h 40 min 35 min 1 h 5 min Conversation, observation, reflection
2 "ABC of the road". 2 h 5 min 35 min 1 h 30 min Conversation, observation, reflection
3 "Who is most important on the street?" 1 h 40 min 20 min 1 h 20 min Conversation, observation, reflection
4 "Skillful pedestrian". 1 h 40 min 30 min 1 h 10 min Conversation, observation, reflection, analysis
5 "This should be clear to everyone!" 2 h 5 min 25 min 1 h 40 min Conversation, observation, reflection
6 "Red, yellow, green!" 1 h 40 min 35 min 1 h 5 min Conversation, observation, reflection
7 "How to avoid trouble?" 1 h 40 min 25 min 1 h 15 min Conversation, observation, reflection
8 “Rules are our helpers”. 2 h 5 min 35 min 1 h 30 min Conversation, observation, reflection
9 "School of Road Sciences". 2 h 5 min 20 min 1 h 45 min Conversation, observation, reflection, analysis
III. Educational-thematic plan.
The purpose of the program: To increase the activity of parents and children in ensuring road safety; to form in children a stable skill of switching to self-control (the ability to use knowledge and monitor their behavior) in the surrounding road transport environment.
Category of students: kindergarten pupils 5-7 years old.
Training period: 1 year.
Lesson schedule: Thursday 15.00-15.25
No. name of topics
total hours including control form
theoretical practical
1 “We are getting to know the street”. 1 h 40 min 35 minutes 1 hour 5 minutes
1.1 Lesson "Our village and its transport." 25 minutes 15 minutes. 10 min. Conversation, observation
1.2 Lesson "How the donkey went to school." 25 minutes 15 minutes. 10 min. Conversation, observation
1.3 Didactic game "Street". 25 minutes 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
1.4 Goal Walk. "Crosswalk". 25 minutes 25 minutes Conversation, reflection
2 "ABC of the road". 2 hours 5 minutes 35 minutes 1 hour 30 minutes
2.1 Lesson "Influential stick". 25 minutes 15 minutes. 10 min. Conversation, observation
2.2 Lesson "Why do we need road signs?". 25 minutes 10 min. 15 minutes. Conversation, observation
2.3 Sports leisure "Visiting the traffic light". 25 minutes 25 minutes Observation, reflection
2.4 Didactic game "Guess the description". 25 minutes 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
2.5 Project activities. Creation of the layout "Our street". 25 minutes 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Observation, reflection
3 "Who is most important on the street?" 1 h 40 min 20 minutes. 1 h 20 min.
3.1 Lesson "Road to School". 25 minutes 10 min. 15 minutes. Conversation, observation
3.2 Didactic game "Car". 25 minutes 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
3.3 Role-playing game "Drivers and pedestrians". 25 minutes 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Observation, reflection
3.4 Organization of the traffic rules corner. 25 minutes 25 minutes Conversation, observation
4 "Skillful pedestrian". 1 h 40 min 30 minutes. 1 hour 10 minutes
4.1 Lesson "Safety on the road". 25 minutes 15 minutes. 10 min. Conversation, observation
4.2 Didactic game "Quiz". 25 minutes 10 min. 15 minutes. Conversation, observation
4.3 An outdoor game "On a visit to Aibolit". 25 minutes 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Observation, reflection
4.4 Excursion to the crossroads. 25 minutes 25 minutes Conversation, observation
5 "This should be clear to everyone!" 2 hours 5 minutes 25 minutes 1 h 40 min
5.1 Lesson "Little chauffeur". 25 minutes 10 min. 15 minutes. Conversation, observation
5.2 Didactic game "Road alphabet". 25 minutes 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
5.3 Outdoor game "Red, yellow, green". 25 minutes 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Observation, reflection
5.4 Entertainment "Travel to the country of road signs". 25 minutes 25 minutes Observation, reflection
5.5 Project activities. "Safe wheel". 25 minutes 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Observation, reflection, analysis
6 "Red, yellow, green!" 1 h 40 min 35 minutes 1 hour 5 minutes
6.1 Lesson "In public transport". 25 minutes 10 min. 15 minutes. Conversation, observation
6.2 Conversation "We are traveling in the subway." 25 minutes 20 minutes. 5 minutes. Conversation, observation
6.3 Role-playing game "Crossroads". 25 minutes 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
6.4 Drawing competition on the topic of traffic rules. 25 minutes 25 minutes Observation, reflection
7 "How to avoid trouble?" 1 h 40 min 25 minutes 1 h 15 min
7.1 Lesson "Transport movement and driver's work". 25 minutes 15 minutes. 10 min. Conversation, observation
7.2 Didactic game "Road signs". 25 minutes 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
7.3 KVN "Green light". 25 minutes 25 minutes Observation, reflection
7.4 Target walk "Traffic signs". 25 minutes 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
8 “Rules are our helpers”. 2 hours 5 minutes 35 minutes 1 hour 30 minutes
8.1 Conversation "Where you can and where you can not play." 25 minutes 20 minutes. 5 minutes. Conversation, observation
8.2 Didactic game "Logic paths". 25 minutes 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
8.3 Mobile game "Colored cars". 25 minutes 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
8.4 Theatrical performance "The Road to the Tower". 25 minutes 25 minutes Observation, reflection
8.5 Project activities. Creation of albums "This is dad, this is me, this is my street." 25 minutes 5 minutes. 20 minutes.
9 "School of Road Sciences". 2 hours 5 minutes 20 minutes. 1 h 45 min
9.1 Lesson "Rules of cycling (scooter, roller skates)". 25 minutes 10 min. 15 minutes. Conversation, observation
9.2 Didactic game "Simulated signs". 25 minutes 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
9.3 Promotion "Driver! Save my life! " 25 minutes 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Observation, reflection
9.4 Musical and game leisure "Remember the rules of the road". 25 minutes 25 minutes Observation, reflection
9.5 Competition of drawings on the asphalt on the topic of traffic rules. 25 minutes 25 minutes Observation, reflection
Total 16 h 40 min 4 h 20 min 12 h 20 min

The program to familiarize senior preschool children with the traffic rules "Green light".
Going out into the street
Prepare in advance
Politeness and restraint,
And most importantly, attention!

Explanatory note
The culture of personal safety implies knowledge and strict observance of safety rules, the ability to apply them in practice and in extreme situations, a combination of moral and ethical qualities.
Ensuring traffic safety is becoming an important national task, and training of small pedestrians, passengers and cyclists is of particular importance. The study of the rules of the road should be considered as an integral part of the general educational work of kindergartens. Only with a systematic study of the rules, the use of new forms of propaganda of the Rules of the road, the interaction of education, health care and the State Inspectorate for Road Safety can solve the problem of child injuries.
The author's program "Green Light" is aimed at the prevention of road traffic injuries and the study of the rules of the road alphabet by preschoolers, which are considered as an integral part of the education of the child's general culture. The work is carried out systematically both with a group of children and with subgroups, taking into account the individual characteristics of children in a particular group.
This work is carried out in accordance with the plan, which is drawn up for the academic year. It is important to note that not only teachers and pupils are involved in this process, but also parents.
A significant place is devoted to practical forms of education: observation, excursions, targeted walks, during which children learn in practice the rules for pedestrians, observe traffic, and consolidate previously acquired knowledge.
The movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the street and on the roads is too difficult for children to navigate on their own. Therefore, special attention is paid to the organization of observations and excursions.
The work on familiarization with the rules of the road is based on an integrated approach. Thematic classes are held with children in groups, consolidating the knowledge gained in various activities.
The work uses the author's practical manual "Road alphabet in riddles", introducing children to the rules of behavior on the road, traffic signals, vehicles and some road signs. I have been using this manual in my work with children for several years now. Briefly about how this manual was created: for each letter of the alphabet I selected the appropriate word related to the road theme, then I found a riddle about this subject, if not, then I came up with it myself and selected an illustration depicting what was conceived. The practical guide "Road alphabet in riddles" is a collection of thematic pictures, in alphabetical order, with poems and riddles, selected on the topic "Teaching preschoolers the rules of the road." "Road Alphabet" can be used both in the classroom and in individual work with children of preschool and primary school age. This manual is aimed at developing the skills of safe behavior on the road in preschoolers.

Relevance(rationale for the development of the "Green Light" program).
A child has incomparably less experience of movement on the street than an adult, a sense of danger, fear, orientation in space is not fully formed, children are mobile and impatient.
You cannot bring up a disciplined pedestrian if you do not instill such important qualities as attention, composure, responsibility and caution from childhood. After all, the absence of these very qualities often becomes the cause of road accidents.
It is quite obvious: the sooner children receive information about how a person should behave on the street and in the yard, the fewer accidents there will be. Both parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions are called upon to solve this problem.
Today, no one needs to be convinced that the sooner we introduce a child to the rules of the road, teach him the skills of a culture of behavior on the streets and roads, the fewer accidents on the roadway. That is why it is necessary to teach children about safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport and the rules of the road. Both parents and preschool institutions should take part in this, and in the future, of course, the school and other educational institutions.
The program is focused on two age levels:
1. older age - from 5-6 years old;
2. a preparatory group for school from 6-7 years old.
The program is built on the basis of the main methodological principles: taking into account the age characteristics of children, the availability of material, the gradualness of its complication.
Legal and regulatory support of the program
- RF Law "On Education".
- About the concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2012.
- The charter of an educational institution.
Program objects
- Children.
- Families of children attending preschool educational institutions.
- Pedagogical staff of the preschool educational institution.
Purpose of the program
Increase the activity of parents and children in ensuring road safety; to form in children a stable skill of switching to self-control (the ability to use knowledge and monitor their behavior) in the surrounding road transport environment.
Program objectives
1. Teach children to behave safely in the road environment.
2. To acquaint children with the meaning of road signs, to teach them to understand their schematic representation for the correct orientation on the streets and roads.
3. To form and develop in children a holistic perception of the surrounding road environment.
4. To form in children the skills and abilities of observing the traffic situation and to anticipate dangerous situations, the ability to bypass them, and in case of getting into such situations, get out of them with less harm to themselves and others.
5. Expand the vocabulary of children in road vocabulary.
6. To foster discipline and conscientious observance of traffic rules, culture of behavior.
7. Step up work on promoting traffic rules and a safe lifestyle among parents.
Much attention is paid to interaction with parents. In meetings and conversations, the moral responsibility of adults is emphasized through visual propaganda. By unconditional obedience to the requirements of road discipline, parents should set an example for children, since preschoolers learn to break the rules of behavior, first of all, from adults. Only in close cooperation between the kindergarten and the family can children develop solid skills in cultural behavior on the street, the discipline that prompts them to obey order. Then the habit of walking on the street correctly will become the norm for children.
The program presents various forms and methods of educational work, these are entertainment, holidays, practical exercises, business and role-playing games, workshops, trainings, meetings with traffic inspectors, promotions, excursions, competitions, projects, exhibitions, etc.
The main stages of work, reflected by the program:
- clarification of children's ideas about the rules of the road, that is, their personal experience, on which the educator can rely.
- expansion of the initial ideas of children, the accumulation of new knowledge about safety rules through classes, conversations, memorizing rhymed rules.
- consolidation of the knowledge gained and the formation of a conscious attitude towards observing safety rules and through reading and discussing works of fiction, dramatization games, observations during excursions and from personal experience.
- the formation of a sense of responsibility in children and the prerequisites of readiness to be responsible for their actions. Children of preschool age accept and assimilate the requirements presented to them, and the willingness to be fully responsible for their actions will come later.
- development of a sense of control and self-control in children, because when teaching the rules of safe behavior, these qualities largely help the child to navigate in time and correctly in the created environment.
The program includes work planning for the year for older age groups, work with children, teachers and parents.
Expected Result
At the end of the program, the child must:
- know the algorithm for crossing the road "stop - look - go";
- have an idea of ​​the types of transport (air, water, land);
- to distinguish between vehicles on the road (passenger, freight, special, operational);
- be able to choose a way to cross the carriageway, distinguish between pedestrian crossings (ground, overground, underground, regulated, unregulated) and traffic control devices (traffic light, traffic controller), as well as road signs;
- know the rules for crossing the carriageway (three fixations of head turning - in the direction of a moving vehicle, in the opposite direction and again in the direction of the vehicle) at regulated and unregulated pedestrian crossings.

A step-by-step perspective plan to familiarize older preschool children with the rules of the road.

Working with children Working with educators Working with parents
"We are getting to know the street." 1. Lesson "Our village and its transport." 2. Lesson "How the donkey went to school." 3. Didactic game "Street". 4. Target walk. "Crosswalk".
Workshop "Life Safety for Preschoolers". Parents' meeting with the invitation of the traffic police inspector "Influence of parental behavior on the safety of children."

"ABC of the road". 1. Lesson "Power stick". 2. Lesson "Why do we need road signs?" 3. Sports leisure "Visiting the traffic light". 4. Didactic game "Guess by the description".
Participation of teachers in sports leisure "Visiting a traffic light". Publishing a booklet for parents "How to teach a child to be safe on the street?"
Project activities. Creation of the layout "Our street".

"Who is most important on the street?" 1. Lesson "Road to school". 2. Didactic game "Car". 3. Role-playing game "Drivers and pedestrians". 4. Organization of the traffic rules corner. Presentation of SDA corners in groups. Participation in the organization of the traffic rules corner.

"Skillful pedestrian". 1. Lesson "Safety on the road". 2. Didactic game "Quiz". 3. An outdoor game "On a visit to Aibolit". 4.Excursion to the crossroads. Consultation for teachers "Development and use of the route" House - kindergarten ". Participation in the development and use of the route "House - kindergarten".

"This should be clear to everyone." 1.Lesson "Little chauffeur". 2. Didactic game "Road alphabet". 3. An outdoor game "Red, yellow, green". 4. Entertainment "Travel to the country of road signs". Participation of teachers in the entertainment "Travel to the country of road signs". Questionnaire on the topic "Me and my child on the street."
Project activities. "Safe wheel".

"Red, yellow, green". 1. Lesson "In public transport". 2. Conversation "We are traveling in the subway." 3. Role-playing game "Crossroads". 4. Competition of drawings on the topic of traffic rules. Development of the outline for the role-playing game "Crossroads". Making a stand "Caution, street!"

"How to avoid trouble?" 1. Lesson "Transport movement and driver's work". 2. Didactic game "Road signs". 3. KVN "Green light". 4. Target walk "Road signs". Viewing an open event - KVN "Green light". 1. Participation in KVN. 2. Target excursion "Observation of the driver's work".

"The rules are our helpers." 1. Conversation "Where you can and where you can not play." 2. Didactic game "Logic paths". 3. An outdoor game "Colored cars". 4. Theatrical production "The Road to the Tower". Testing teachers to determine the level of their knowledge on the road. Consultation "Parent - role model".
Project activities. Creation of albums "This is dad, this is me, this is my street!"

"School of Road Sciences". 1. Lesson "Rules for cycling (scooter, roller skates)". 2. Didactic game "Modeled signs". 3.Action "Driver! Save my life! " 4. Musical - game leisure "Remember the rules of the road". 5. Competition of drawings on the asphalt on the topic of traffic rules. 1. Participation of teachers in the action "Driver! Keep me alive! "
2. Participation in the musical and game leisure "Remember the Rules of the Road". 1. Participation in the action.

2. Entering information on teaching children traffic rules in the parent's corner.

Thus, the implementation of activities within the framework of this program makes it possible to work on the prevention of child road traffic injuries in the most effective way. The program is aimed at the opportunity to convey information not only to children, but also to their parents in such a way that they develop a vital habit to follow the Rules of the Road and teach their children to do the same.
Thanks to the program, children will receive and assimilate knowledge about the rules of behavior on the road, learn to apply the knowledge gained about the rules of the road in games, performances, in everyday life.
Together with the parents, visual materials have been developed that have a developmental effect and cognitive stimulation on older children, the formation of children's knowledge about the culture of behavior on the road, teaching the ability to use a model to simulate a situation in the play space, fostering responsibility for the safety of their lives and the lives of other people.


Summaries of activities under the "Green Light" program.
Lesson "Our village and its transport."
Goals and objectives. To form love for the native village, to give an idea of ​​how important it is to walk and travel correctly in the village.
Training. A conversation about the village. Excursion to the local history museum.

The course of the lesson.
- The teacher's story about the history of the village. Examination of illustrations depicting the sights of our village.
- Riddles about transport with the display of pictures.
- Drawing up stories by children from pictures.

Lesson "How did the donkey go to school?"
Goals and objectives. Clarify the concept of traffic signals. To foster a general culture of behavior on the street.
Training. Excursion to the traffic light. Memorizing the poem "Traffic Light". Reading poems by S. Mikhalkov "This should be clear to everyone." "My street".
The course of the lesson.
- Organizing time.
- Introductory conversation.
- Group outdoor game "Traffic light".

Didactic game "Street".
Goals and objectives. Clarify and consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of behavior on the street, about the rules of the road, about various types of transport.
Equipment. Street layout. Trees (layout). Cars (toys). Dolls-pedestrians. Traffic lights. Road signs.

Target walk "Crosswalk".
Goals and objectives. Learn to find a crosswalk. To acquaint with the rules of crossing the carriageway on a pedestrian crossing. Cultivate an attentive attitude towards crossing the street.

Seminar - workshop "Life safety for preschoolers".
Goals and objectives. To systematize the knowledge of teachers about the Rules of the Road, to develop practical skills in carrying out these rules, to create conditions for interaction with society for the prevention of child road traffic injuries among pupils of preschool educational institutions.

Parents' meeting with the invitation of the traffic police inspector "Influence of parental behavior on the safety of children."
Goals and objectives. Promote parental competence in the prevention of child road traffic injuries.

Lesson "Power stick".
Goals and objectives. To give an initial idea of ​​the work of a traffic policeman. Reinforce the correct use of spatial terminology (left - right, top - bottom, front - back, etc.). Foster respect for others.
Equipment. Wand. Image of streets, crossroads. Images of the traffic controller in different positions. Traffic light layout. Visual aid "Road alphabet in riddles."
The course of the lesson.
- The riddle is a joke. Conversation.
- Examination of the pictures of the traffic controller in different positions.
- Physical education "Gestures of the traffic controller".
- The story of a traffic police officer.
- Children reading poems by S. Mikhalkov.

Lesson "Why do we need road signs?"
Goals and objectives. Strengthen the knowledge of children about the rules of behavior on the street. Recall the famous road signs - transition. Introduce new signs: "zebra", attention, be careful, children.
Equipment. Road signs ("Pedestrian crossing", warning signs, prohibition signs, direction signs), workbook.
The course of the lesson.
- Organizing time. Showing signs and reading a poem by Y. Pishumov.
- Drawing by children of signs in a workbook.

Sports leisure "Visiting the traffic light".
Goals and objectives. To consolidate the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in games and everyday life. Involve parents in joint activities with children. Improve motor skills. Contribute to the creation of a positive emotional mood.
Leisure course.
- Representation of teams.
- 1 competition "Walk through the transition".
- 2nd competition "Assemble a car".
- 3rd competition "Road signs".
- Guess a riddle.
- 4th competition "Winding Road".
- 5th competition "Funny Races".
- Speech by the inspector. Presentation of prizes.

Didactic game "Guess by the description".
Goals and objectives. Learn to distinguish road signs. Strengthen the knowledge of children about the rules of the road. Develop visual attention.
Equipment. Road signs, tripods for them.

Project activities. Creation of the layout "Our street".
Goals and objectives. Fostering creativity. Consolidation of ideas about the street, its main parts (sidewalk, roadway, intersection, etc.).

Publishing a booklet for parents"How to teach a child to be safe on the street?"
Goals and objectives. To contribute to increasing parental competence in teaching children the rules of the road in a family environment.

Lesson "Road to School".
Goals and objectives. To acquaint children with the rules of safe behavior in public transport. To consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, as well as the concepts of "pedestrian", "passenger".
Equipment. Pictures of streets, schools, passenger transport, Buratino, Malvina. Flannelegraph route from home to school. Road signs, felt-tip pens and sheets of paper for drawing.
The course of the lesson.
- Demonstration of a painting depicting a school. Conversation.
- Help Malvina and Buratino get to school. Work on a flannelgraph with a picture of the route scheme.
- Physical education "Bus". (Children are passengers).
- Drawing a diagram of your route from home to kindergarten.

Didactic game "Car".
Target. Consolidate children's ideas about the appearance of the car.
Equipment. Disassembled car model (puzzles).
The course of the game.
- Children at the command of the teacher begin to assemble the model. The child or the team that first assembled the car wins.

Role-playing game "Drivers and pedestrians".
Goals and objectives. To expand knowledge about the rules of children's behavior on the street. To educate children in attention, sensitivity, responsiveness, the ability to help others.
Equipment. Traffic light layout, road signs, zebra crossing designation, bicycles, scooters.

Organization of the traffic rules corner.
Goals and objectives. Formation of effective teaching children safe behavior on the streets and roads. To contribute to the increase of parental competence in the issues of acquaintance of children with traffic rules in the context of family education.

Presentation of corners according to the Rules of the road in groups.
Goals and objectives. Analyze the compliance of the safety corners according to the criteria:
- age appropriateness;
- a variety of didactic and play material;
- design aesthetics.

Lesson "Safety on the road".
Goals and objectives. Consolidate knowledge about the dangers that await children on the street. To consolidate knowledge of traffic signals, their meaning. Review the rules of conduct on the street. To cultivate attention, concentration, sensitivity.
Equipment. Flanelegraph. Buratino doll. Visual aid "Road alphabet in riddles." Hats with windows in traffic light colors. Unfinished street map.
Training. Tours. Learning poems.
The course of the lesson.
- Creation of a game situation, the appearance of the fabulous character Pinocchio.
- Physical education "Red, yellow, green".
- Reading thematic poems.
- Game - dramatization (children in hats represent a traffic light).
- Didactic game "What is this sign?"

Didactic game "Quiz".
The course of the game.
- The teacher asks thematic questions. Children answer "Yes" or "No".

An outdoor game "On a visit to Aibolit".
The aim of the game. Formation of skills for behavior on the streets.
Equipment. Various animal hats, bicycles, traffic controller's wands, marking of pedestrian crossings.
The course of the game.
- Children two by two start to move on bicycles or on foot.
- Regulators note who broke the rules.
- Violators go to Aibolit for treatment.
- Whoever did the right thing all the way gets a gift from Aibolit.

Excursion to the crossroads.
Goals and objectives. Clarify knowledge of the intersection. Introduce the rules for crossing the carriageway where there is an intersection. Consolidate knowledge of the rules of conduct on the roadway.

Consultation for teachers"Development and use of the route" House - kindergarten ".
Goals and objectives. To increase the safety of the child's movement to and from kindergarten. To teach the child to navigate in traffic situations on the way to kindergarten and back. To teach the parents involved in the planning of the route, how to navigate in the traffic situation and how to prevent possible dangers.

Lesson "Little chauffeur".
Goals and objectives. To acquaint children with the rules of cycling. Teach children the rules of behavior in various dangerous situations that may arise when children ride a bicycle. Reinforce knowledge of the main parts of the bike. Foster respect for the people around you.
Equipment. Pictures depicting Gena and Cheburashka. Handout cards for each child with a picture of a ship, train, bicycle. Road signs "Bicycle path", "Cycling is prohibited". Children bicycle. Subject pictures depicting various situations.
The course of the lesson.
- The teacher reads V. Kozhevnikov's poem "My car".
- Conversation on the plot on a flannelgraph.
- Consideration of a real kids bike.
- The teacher introduces children to the rules of cycling.
- Listening to the story "Bunny-cyclist".

Didactic game "Road Alphabet".
The aim of the game. Strengthen the knowledge of children about the rules of the road.
Equipment. Visual aid "Road alphabet in riddles" (black and white version - coloring), colored pencils, felt-tip pens.
The course of the game.
- Children guessing riddles.
- Coloring pictures with answers.

An outdoor game "Red, yellow, green".
The aim of the game. Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic lights.
Equipment. A valid traffic light model.
The course of the game.
- The teacher turns on the traffic light.
- Children: at a red traffic light they stand still, at a yellow signal they clap, at a green signal they walk.

Entertainment "Travel to the country of road signs".
Goals and objectives. Strengthen the knowledge of children about the rules of safe behavior on the road and the Rules of the road.
Characters. Absent-minded. Traffic police officer. Road signs. Hindrance is clumsy. Dunno. Traffic lights - Yellow, Green, Red.
The course of entertainment.
- Absent-minded appears. Conversations with children and a traffic police officer.
- Come in, crying, road signs.
- The traffic police officer invites children to help cope with the Interference - inept.
- Interference - the clumsy makes riddles to children.
- Traffic lights are coming out.
- Game "Red, yellow, green".
- Dunno enters. Children introduce him to the rules of behavior on the road.
- Word game for attention "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends."

Project activities. "Safe wheel".
Goals and objectives. Fostering creativity. Develop, together with children, rules for cycling, scooter, roller skating. Arrange these rules in the form of a folder - moving with children's drawings - illustrations.

Questioning. "Me and my child are on the street."
Goals and objectives. Reveal the level of parents' knowledge of traffic rules. Continue to organize work on interaction between the kindergarten and the family to teach children the basics of safe behavior on the street. To increase the responsibility of parents for instilling life safety skills in children.

Lesson "In public transport".
Goals and objectives. To familiarize children with the rules of ethical and safe behavior in transport.
Equipment. Visual aids: plot pictures in the album, depicting various situations in a subway car, in a bus, trolleybus, tram. Glue, brushes, scissors.
The course of the lesson.
- Organizing time. Introductory conversation.
- The teacher's story about why you need to give way to an elderly passenger; why it is impossible to push and start a game, etc.
- Analysis of situations.
- Work in the album. Invite the children to correct the situation.

Conversation "We are traveling in the subway."
Goals and objectives. Consolidate knowledge about urban transport - metro. Continue to acquaint children with the rules of behavior and the culture of communication in the metro. Provide children with basic knowledge of safety when traveling on the subway.
Equipment. Illustrations or photographs of metro stations (3-4).
The course of the conversation.
- Invite the children to list the types of passenger transport.
- Riddles about the metro and the escalator. The teacher's story about the principle of operation of the escalator, about the rules of behavior in the train carriage.

Role-playing game "Crossroads".
Goals and objectives. Strengthen the knowledge of children about the rules of pedestrian behavior. Form the skills of role behavior, teach to take a role and lead it to the end of the game action. Develop visual-motor coordination during games.
Equipment. Traffic light, capes for children, restrictive stripes, "Pedestrian crossing" sign.
The course of the game.
- Children act out different driving situations.

Drawing competition on the topic of traffic rules.
Goals and objectives. Strengthen the ability to portray objects and phenomena, selecting content in accordance with the topic. Consolidate knowledge about the rules for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians.
Equipment. Whatman sheets, A3 format, paints, brushes, colored pencils.
Competition progress.
- Introductory remarks by the traffic police inspector.
- Organization of the exhibition.

Lesson "Transport movement and driver's work".
Goals and objectives. To acquaint children with the rules of traffic on the road. Consolidate knowledge about the profession of a driver. Form coordinated actions.
Equipment. Illustrations depicting roads, streets. Set: visual aid "Street", cars and signs on magnets.
The course of the lesson.
- Examination of illustrations. Conversation.
- Road construction. Playing situations with an explanation of the teacher.
- The teacher's story about the profession of a driver.

Didactic game "Road signs".
Goals and objectives. Strengthen children's ideas about the meaning of road signs. Develop visual attention.
Equipment. Object pictures-puzzles.

KVN "Green light".
Goals and objectives. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the elements of the road, traffic control devices, groups of road signs, the rules for crossing the carriageway. To consolidate in a playful way the practical skills of pedestrian and driver behavior on the street. Foster a desire to help your team, attentiveness, collectivism.
Equipment. Team emblems. Envelopes with questions. A tape recording of the parents' questions. Elements of the road on the flannelgraph. Road signs. Photos depicting the streets. Truck applique elements. Gong. Tokens of red, yellow, green colors.
KVN stroke.
- Introductory speech of the teacher.
- Thematic questions.
- Children reading poems about traffic rules.
- Puzzles.
- The Singing Traffic Light game.
- The task for connoisseurs to make a truck application in a minute.
- Summarizing. Presentation of prizes.
Target walk "Traffic signs".
Goals and objectives. Fix the names and purpose of road signs. Determine which road signs are for drivers and which are for pedestrians. Convincing the need to comply with the Traffic Rules.

Conversation "Where you can and where you can't play."
Goals and objectives. Teach children the rules of behavior on the street, where you can and where you can't play.
Equipment. Plot pictures depicting the topic under discussion. Albums, colored pencils, markers. Toy bibabo Pinocchio.
The course of the conversation.
- The appearance of Pinocchio and his story about how he played near the roadway.
- Ask the children to comment on Buratino's story.
- Analyze the situations in the pictures with the children. Discussion.
- The teacher's reading of V. Semernin's poem "Forbidden - Allowed".

Didactic game "Logic paths".
Goals and objectives. The development of visual-figurative thinking based on tasks on the use of schematic images for orientation in space. Consolidation of knowledge of the Rules of the road. The development of cognitive thinking.
Equipment. The playing field, which depicts a "card" with branched paths and houses at the ends. On separate cards there are letters in which the path to one of the houses is conditionally indicated (the number of cards corresponds to the number of players).
The course of the game.
- The child walks along the path following the directions in the letter.
- The teacher, if necessary, explains and corrects mistakes.

Mobile game "Colored cars".
Goals and objectives. Develop spatial orientation in three-dimensional space. Apply knowledge of the Rules of the road in a game environment close to real.
Equipment. Colored flags according to the number of players. There are road markings on the floor.
The course of the game.
- Children with flags are placed along the wall. They are cars.
- The teacher stands in the center with three colored flags. Raises a flag of some color.
- Children with a flag of this color run along the designated path.
- The teacher lowers the flag. The children stop.

Theatrical production "The Road to the Tower".
Goals and objectives. To consolidate the ability to apply the knowledge gained in dramatization. Clarify knowledge about road signs. Develop creativity.
Equipment. In the hall - road markings, teremok, road signs: "Food point", "Danger", "Pedestrian crossing", "Parking place".
Production progress.
- Introduction. Traffic light.
- A mouse, a frog, a hare, a hedgehog, a fox, a bear run in in turn. Dialogues with Traffic Lights.
- Song of the beasts.

Project activities... Creation of albums "This is dad, this is me, this is my street."
Goals and objectives. Fostering creativity. Formation in children of the ability and desire to display the world around them most vividly and truthfully. Foster love for your loved ones. To consolidate knowledge of the Rules of the road.

Lesson "Rules for cycling (scooter, roller skates)".
Goals and objectives. Consider the various dangerous situations that may arise when children ride a bicycle, scooter, roller skates. Teach children the correct behavior in such situations.
Equipment. Subject pictures depicting various situations, an album with assignments, pencils, felt-tip pens, paints. Visual aid "Road alphabet in riddles."
The course of the lesson.
- Introductory speech of the teacher. Conversation.
- Discussion of possible dangerous situations.
- Invite children to complete tasks in the album.
- Formulation of rules.
- Learning the poem by S. Marshak "The Ball".

Didactic game "Modeled signs".
Goals and objectives. Consolidate children's knowledge of traffic signs. Develop visual memory and attention.
Equipment. Sign elements: circles (red, blue), triangles (red), rectangles (blue), a silhouette of a person, a silhouette of children, a bicycle, etc.
The course of the game.
- The teacher invites the child to collect a sign from a set of signs.

The action "Driver! Keep me alive! "
Goals and objectives. Organize work on interaction and development of mutual understanding between all road users.
Preparing for the action. Invite children to draw pictures that depict road traffic situations with the participation of children that are dangerous to life and health.
The course of the action.
- Excursion to the crossroads. Handing drawings to drivers.

Musical and game leisure "Remember the Rules of the Road".
Goals and objectives. Consolidate knowledge of safe behavior on the streets and roads. Improve the understanding of traffic rules and road signs. To educate the conscious implementation of traffic rules. Contribute to the creation of a positive emotional mood.
Characters. Adults: presenter, cat Basilio, fox Alice. Children (with badges): Traffic lights, road signs.
Leisure course.
- Opening remarks by the presenter.
Alice and Basilio enter.
- Traffic Light Song.
- Game "Traffic Light".
- Song of road signs.
- Dance "Merry Ball".
- Drawing competition "Road ABC".
Competition of drawings on the asphalt on the topic of traffic rules.
Goals and objectives. To consolidate the ability to convey the peculiarity of the road situation in the drawing. Cause children to emotionally respond to drawings.
Test for teachers.
1. Form of a road sign allowing pedestrians to enter the carriageway of the street:
a) square;
b) a circle;
c) triangle.

2. You got off the bus, you need to cross the carriageway. You will go:
a) in front:
b) behind;
c) your option.

3.Is a standing car dangerous for a pedestrian:
a) not dangerous;
b) dangerous;
c) dangerous if his engine is on?

4. You cross a road where there is no pedestrian crossing. Your actions:
a) I will look to the left, I will go;
b) I will look to the right, I will go;
c) your option.

5. There is no sidewalk along the road, and the pedestrian walks along the left shoulder towards the traffic. Does he violate the Traffic Rules:
a) yes;
b) no?

6. Draw a sign "Pedestrian crossing".

7. What forms of teaching traffic rules for preschoolers do you know?
Answers: 1 - a; 2 - c; 3 - c; 4 - c; 5 - a.

Questionnaire for parents "Me and my child on the street."

1.Your child knows:
- the name of the city where he lives; your home address; street name, house and apartment number, telephone number;
- street name, house, apartment, telephone number;
- your home address is incomplete.

2.You and your child are getting home from kindergarten:
- on foot;
- by transport.

3.If you have to walk, you and your child:
- always cross the road only on the pedestrian path, focusing on the green traffic light;
- cross the road on the footpath if there are no cars. And don't look at traffic signals;
- cross the road where it seems convenient to you.

4. Who taught the child to follow the Rules?
- kindergarten;
- the parents themselves;
- grandmother grandfather.

5. How often do you tell your child about the need to comply with the Rules of the Road?
- daily;
- sometimes;
- rarely;
- we do not talk about this topic;
- other answers.

6. Does your child know traffic signs and can tell what they mean?
- Yes;
- No;
- I find it difficult to answer.

7.How does your child behave in public transport?
- my child is calmly standing at the bus stop; sits on the bus with an adult; does not make noise; if possible, sit on an empty seat; does not protrude from the window; does not litter in the cabin;
- my child runs and jumps at the bus stop; sits at any door, not focusing on an adult; makes his way quickly to an empty seat, pushing other passengers; speaks loudly in the passenger compartment.

8.Do you follow the traffic rules yourself?
- I always comply;
- not always;
- I don't.

9. Do you break the Rules. When are you walking with your child?
- No;
- sometimes it happens when we are in a hurry;
- we do not pay attention to traffic lights and cars.

10. Do you think that the efforts of preschool educational institutions to familiarize children with the rules of safe behavior on the street:
- will be effective only with your support;
- will be effective without any support from your side;
- ineffective, since only parents can teach safe behavior on the street.

1. Avdeeva N.N., Knyazeva O.V. Textbook on life safety of senior preschool children "Safety", M., 1998.
2. Baryaeva LB, Zhevnerova VL "ABC of road traffic", Bustard, M., 2008.
3. Belaya K.Yu., Zimonina NV Methodical manual "How to ensure the safety of preschoolers", Education, 2000.
4. Vdovichenko L. A. "Child on the street", Childhood-Press, 2008.
5. Volkov S. Yu. "About the rules of the road", M., 2006.
6. Gavrilushkina OP, "Development of communicative behavior of preschoolers in a kindergarten", Child in kindergarten. 2003 No. 2.P.12.
7. The good road of childhood: Scientific method. magazine, 2005; №№ 1 - 12.2006; No. 1 - 12.
8. Kartushina M.Yu. Scenarios of recreational activities for children 5-6 years old. M., 2005.
9. Kartushina M.Yu. Scenarios of recreational activities for children 6-7 years old. M., 2007.
10. Klimenko VR "Teach preschoolers the rules of the movement", M., "Education", 1978. Final entertainment for the senior group on traffic rules


The norms and rules of human behavior on the road are absorbed, assimilated and implemented in the process of all his life from the moment he first goes out into the street.

Sensitivity to knowledge is especially high in childhood. The skills that are acquired in childhood are developed and become sustainable. By developing and enriching the life experience of children, it is possible to achieve significant results in their mastery of basic concepts, skills and abilities, which will further contribute to an increase in the level of culture of their behavior on the streets of the city. For this, at the stage of junior and middle preschool age, a "Pedestrian Club" was planned. Its goal is to form the foundations of correct behavior on the roads, the assimilation of norms, traffic rules and an adequate response to situations that arise in road conditions.

The proposed thematic plan of the "Pedestrian Club" is a platform on which the process of educating a competent and cultured road user is built in the future. This is one of the most important intermediate links in the child's passage from the stage of unconscious mastery of the traffic culture to the stage of its conscious application.

Perspective plan of the "Pedestrian Club"

The end of the table.

Lesson number

Conversation "Information about the roads"

1. To give children the concept of "crossroads" -

2. Consolidate knowledge about the names of city streets.

3. Develop observation skills

Conversation "Traffic signals"

1. Teach children to distinguish between traffic signals.

2. Strengthen children's ideas about the street, roads.

3. Cultivate interest in listening, develop speech

Conversation "Signals of the traffic controller"

1. Teach children to distinguish between traffic controller gestures.

2. To consolidate the concept of "traffic controller".

3. To bring up organization in children

Conversation "Responsibilities of pedestrians"

2. Consolidate children's knowledge of road signs.

3. Cultivate friendly feelings

Conversation "Road signs"

1. Teach children to distinguish between road signs.

2. Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic signals.

3. To educate the ability to behave correctly on the roads

Conversation "Rules for crossing streets and roads"

1. Teach children to cross the road correctly.

2. Develop attentiveness in children.

3. Cultivate interest in the lesson

Conversation "Duties of passengers in public transport"

1. Teach children the rules of behavior in public transport.

2. To cultivate determination

Conversation "Acquaintance with the movement of organized columns"

1. Teach children to listen.

2. Consolidate knowledge about traffic rules.

3. Raise curiosity in children

Conversation "Cycling Rules"

1. Teach children the rules of cycling.

2. Consolidate knowledge about traffic rules.

3. Educate smart and observant pedestrians

Parents' conference "Preventing Childhood Injuries is the Task of the Family and the Community"

1. Consolidate parents' knowledge of traffic rules.

2. To develop in parents imagination and invention in joint evenings - KVNakh on traffic rules

The approximate content of the conversations of the "Pedestrian Club"

Lesson number 1. Why you need to know and follow the rules of the road

Transport carries various goods required for factories, factories, construction sites, delivers passengers home, to work, to visit. The streets of our cities live in a certain rhythm. And for this, in order not to disrupt this rhythm and mode of transport, all drivers and pedestrians must comply with the Traffic Rules.

Ignorance and failure to comply with these Rules often lead to accidents and accidents. Traffic accidents disrupt transport schedules, delay the delivery of goods to important facilities, but the worst thing is that people die and suffer as a result of accidents.

Some children grossly violate the traffic rules, run across the road in front of nearby vehicles, play games on the road, cling to cars and get injured.

In order not to find yourself in such a situation, you need to know and follow the Traffic Rules, carefully monitor the environment and obey traffic signals.

test questions

1. What is the role of transport in the life of the country?

2. Why do road accidents happen?

3. What do you need to know and follow to ensure safety?

Lesson number 2. Information about roads, intersections and road markings

A road is a designated lane for traffic. Roads are unpaved, gravel and asphalt (concrete). They can also be with two-way and one-way traffic. On two-way roads, vehicles move in two

directions, and on one-way - in one. In our country, the movement of vehicles and pedestrians is right-hand.

The road consists of a carriageway and a shoulder. The carriageway is intended for traffic. Shoulder - for stopping, parking and for pedestrian traffic. An intersection is where roads cross.

Markings are lines, labels and other markings on the carriageway. Marking lines are applied with white or yellow paints. They serve to facilitate the orientation of vehicle drivers and pedestrians. The center line - a white line running in the middle of the carriageway - serves to separate oncoming traffic flows. It can be intermittent or continuous.

A pedestrian crossing is indicated by wide solid lines, which are drawn on the carriageway parallel to the center line.

test questions

1. What is a road?

2. Which intersection is called a traffic intersection?

3. What is the centerline used for?

4. How are pedestrian crossings marked?

Lesson number 3. Traffic signals

Traffic lights are used to regulate the movement of vehicles and pedestrians. The traffic light has 3 sections - 3 signals, they are located from top to bottom: red, yellow, green.

Red signal - prohibits the movement of vehicles. Yellow - prohibits pedestrians from starting to cross the street, and vehicles from entering the intersection. Pedestrians who were on the carriageway must complete the crossing or stop at the “traffic island”. The green signal allows the movement of vehicles and pedestrians.

If the traffic light is equipped with an arrow for the direction of movement of vehicles, then the movement of vehicles is allowed only when it is turned on.

test questions

1. Arrangement of traffic lights.

2. The meaning of each traffic light.

Lesson number 4. Regulator signals

The traffic controller's signals are the position of his body, gestures with his hands and a baton. The signals of the traffic controller, as well as the signals of the traffic lights, must be followed by all road users.

If the traffic controller stands with his left or right side to pedestrians, arms outstretched to the sides or lowered - this corresponds to a green traffic light, and movement through the carriageway is allowed.

If the traffic controller raises his hand or baton, then this corresponds to a yellow traffic light. In this case, pedestrians are prohibited from crossing the streets. If this signal catches a pedestrian at an intersection, then he must reach the sidewalk.

If the traffic controller faces pedestrians with his back or chest with outstretched or lowered arms, crossing the carriageway is prohibited.

If the traffic controller stretches his right hand forward, it means that pedestrians can cross the carriageway behind the traffic controller's back.

At an intersection where traffic is controlled by both a traffic light and a traffic controller, you must follow the traffic controller's instructions.

Security question

What is the traffic controller's gesture corresponding to the green signal, red, yellow?

Lesson number 5. Road signs

To ensure traffic safety, road signs are installed on the roads.

Road signs are divided into 4 groups: warning; prohibiting; prescriptive; indicative.

The warning signs are in the shape of a triangle, they are painted yellow with a red border. Signs in this group warn drivers and pedestrians.

Prohibition signs are round, painted yellow and have a red border around the circumference. Are applied

these signs in cases where it is necessary to establish any restriction.

Mandatory signs - signs of a round shape and blue color. The symbols on them are white, they allow movement only in the indicated directions.

Directional signs are rectangular, blue. They inform about the peculiarities of the traffic situation or inform about the location of the objects indicated on these signs along the route.

Road signs are installed on columns, poles so that they can be better seen at night.

test questions

1. What groups are road signs subdivided into?

2. Purpose of road signs.

Lesson number 6. Obligations of pedestrians and rules for bypassing standing vehicles

Pedestrians are only allowed to walk on sidewalks or footpaths, keeping to the right.

In cases where there are no sidewalks, pedestrian paths, or shoulders, or traffic on them is impossible, you need to walk along the edge of the carriageway and only in one row.

You cannot walk on the left side of the sidewalks towards the flow of pedestrians in groups of several people in a row. You cannot stop in groups on the sidewalk, it interferes with traffic.

Drivers of cars, buses can overtake each other and go around standing cars. Transport must be bypassed from behind. The tram must not be bypassed from the back; it must be bypassed at the front.

test questions

1. What are the traffic rules for pedestrians?

2. Why do standing cars need to be bypassed from behind?

Lesson number 7. Rules for crossing streets and roads

For a safer crossing of the carriageway, pedestrians are assigned certain places: underground crossings, pedestrian crossings, marked with lines, markings, clear signs, road signs.

Pedestrians should cross the carriageway only at pedestrian crossings, in places indicated by markings or a road sign "Pedestrian crossing".

Before you start crossing the carriageway, you need to make sure that it is completely safe: first look to the left, and in the middle of the road to the right. If the vehicle is moving from right to left, then when crossing the street you need to look to the right. You need to cross the carriageway calmly, without rushing, in order to see the approaching transport.

Do not cross the road in front of a nearby vehicle.

test questions

1. How is a pedestrian crossing indicated?

2. How should one cross a two-way and one-way road?

Lesson number 8. Obligations of public transport passengers

Each passenger is obliged to comply with the rules for using public transport. It is allowed to wait for the bus only at the landing sites, and where there are none, on the sidewalk opposite the stop.

It is allowed to enter the bus at stops only through the back platform, and get off through the front platform, so as not to interfere with other passengers and not to delay the movement of transport. On buses, children should give way to adults and be polite.

Passengers are allowed to board and exit cars only from the sidewalk, and into the body of a truck through the tailgate.

Passengers are forbidden to open the doors until the transport stops completely, to stand at the doors. Do not ride on footpegs.

test questions

1. What door do you need to enter the bus through?

2. What are the rules for picking up and dropping off passengers?

Lesson number 9. Organized Column Movement

The movement of groups of children is allowed only on the sidewalk or footpaths. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Children walking in columns must not get out of line. There should be guides in front and at the end of the column. They must have red flags, and in the dark - lit lanterns.

test questions

1. Where should organized columns cross the street?

2. How should the children in the convoy behave?

3. What attributes should accompanying columns have?

Lesson number 10. Cycling rules

The bicycle is the most convenient and most common form of transport. It is not allowed to ride a bicycle on the streets and roads for adolescents under 14 years of age. The bike must have a sound signal. The cyclist must have a document confirming knowledge of traffic rules, a bicycle license plate. Movement on the carriageway on bicycles is allowed only in one row, at a distance of no more than one meter from the right edge of the road. Cyclists are allowed to drive on the side of the road. It is not prohibited for a cyclist to turn, but before turning, he must give a warning signal: stretch his arm to the side or raise it up, bent at the elbow. The cyclist is prohibited from:

Drive on sidewalks.

Drive without holding the wheel.

Carry passengers.

Transporting cargo.

test questions

1. At what age can you ride a bike on the road?

2. How should the bike be equipped?

Additional educational program

mug " Good childhood road»

Compiled by:

Tyabokina S.V.


2012 r.

Explanatory note

Let the green burn

light on your road!

The program of the circle "Good road of childhood" for grades 1-4 developed within the framework of the Federal Law "On Road Safety", the Law of the Russian Federation "On Safety", "Rules for the Safe Behavior of Students on the Streets and Roads."

Program modified based on the Road Safety Program: Program and Thematic Planning. 1-4 grades / author-comp. R.P. Babina - M .: Mnemozina, 2009 and the author's program of N.F. Vinogradova / Program and lesson-thematic planning for the course "Safety on the roads" for children jr. shk. age - M .: ENAS-CLASS, 2007.

Focus educational program socio-pedagogical: conditions are created for the child's social practice in his real life, the accumulation of moral and practical experience.

Relevance: in the transition to federal state standards of the second generation, modern requirements for education provide for the need to focus on compliance with traffic rules and a culture of personal safety.

The main conceptual provision of this program is, first of all, the understanding that we consider the issues of studying traffic rules and the prevention of DDTT as one of the aspects of the child's personal safety.

Novelty of this program is that at the center of the educational process are students studying the Rules of the Road, which are written in a complex language and are addressed to adult road users. This program also allows you to systematically introduce the responsibilities of pedestrians and passengers in an accessible and understandable way, teaching the child the rules of safe and law-abiding behavior on the streets, roads and in transport. The number of hours has been increased by 3 times, which allows you to more thoroughly study the Rules of the Road.

When they become schoolchildren, most of the first graders find themselves on the busy streets of the city for the first time. This is why the conversation about behavior generally begins with the rules of behavior on the street. These classes will help students to systematize, expand and deepen their knowledge of traffic safety, form their respect for the general law of roads and streets, educate disciplined pedestrians, passengers, and possibly future drivers.

Already from an early age, children need to educate a conscious attitude to the Rules of the Road (SDA), which should become the norm of behavior of every cultured person. Traffic rules are an important means of labor regulation in the field of traffic, educating its participants in the spirit of discipline, responsibility, mutual prudence, and attentiveness. Fulfillment of all the requirements of the Road Traffic Regulations creates the prerequisites for a clear and safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians along the streets and roads.

Purpose of the program: teaching basic rules of behavior on the road, developing the skills of correct behavior on the street, the ability to use traffic rules in real life.


1. Educational:

    Teach the basic rules of the road;

    Provide each child with the required level of knowledge on safe behavior on the streets and roads;

    To teach the correct behavior on the streets, using the knowledge gained on this issue;

    To form the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, thus ensuring their own safety.

2. Educational:

    To cultivate a conscientious attitude towards the implementation of traffic rules;

    To foster a culture of behavior and road ethics in traffic conditions.

3. Developing:

  • Develop motivation for safe behavior;

    To develop students' ability to navigate in a traffic situation;

    Form a personal and socially significant experience of safe behavior on the roads and streets

    Form the skills of self-esteem, introspection of their behavior on the street

and in transport.

    Develop personal properties - independence, responsibility, activity, accuracy;

Basic ideas, principles, features of the program

The program "The Good Road of Childhood" has the goal not of rote memorization of traffic rules, but the formation and development of cognitive activity focused on understanding danger and safety.

Focusing on solving problems, the program of extracurricular activities, in its content, implements the following principles:

    the principle of variability, which underlies the planning of educational material in accordance with the material and technical equipment of extracurricular activities.

    the principle of sufficiency and consistency, the peculiarities of the formation of universal educational actions (they are more laid down in extracurricular activities);

observance of didactic rules from the known to the unknown and from the simple to the complex, which underlie planning (subject, meta-subject, personal), including in independent activity;

    expansion of intersubject connections (the formation of a holistic worldview of the child);

    consistency and gradualness of training (in certain doses according to an increasing amount of information);

    the principle of developmental learning (the organization of learning influences on the personality and behavior of the child allows you to control the pace and content of its development). The success of training is determined by the child's ability to independently explain why he should do this and not otherwise. And as a result - consciously behave in real C driving situations.

    the principle of the unity of education and training.

The implementation of this program is designed for the 4th year of study in primary school and will allow students to get a systematic idea of ​​the dangers on the road and predict dangerous situations, assess the impact of their consequences on human life and health, and develop an algorithm for safe behavior, taking into account their capabilities. The program assumes both group and individual lessons, as well as holding mass events.

The educational process consists of various activities:

    teaching theoretical knowledge (verbal information presented by the teacher);

    independent work (studying illustrations and completing assignments in textbooks);

    practical training of coordination of movements, motor skills and skills of safe behavior on the streets, roads and in transport using for this complex of games (plot, role-playing, games by the rules, etc.) and special exercises (introductory, group, individual).

Classes are held in an accessible and stimulating form of interest. Each lesson has an element of the game.

The game technologies used in the program make it possible for the child to get involved in practical activities, in the conditions of situations aimed at recreating and assimilating the experience of safe behavior on the roads and streets, in which self-management of behavior develops and improves.

Methods, ways of the teacher's activity aimed at deep, conscious and lasting assimilation of knowledge by students:

    in teaching - practical (various exercises with models, with play
    material of vehicles, making models, classes at the transport site);

    visual (studying rules on mock-ups, observing the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, demonstrating road signs, technical means);

    verbal (as a presenter - instructions, conversations, explanations); work with a book (mainly reading, studying);

    video method (viewing, training).

    in education - (according to G.I.Shchukina) - methods of forming consciousness
    individuals aimed at the formation of stable beliefs (story, discussion, ethical conversation, example);

    methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of social behavior (educational situation, training, exercises);

    methods of stimulating behavior and activities (competition, encouragement).

Control forms: testing, contests, quizzes, games.

Organization of the educational process

    The term for the implementation of the program is 4 years.

    Direction of the program: social and pedagogical.

    The program is designed for children from 6.5 to 9 years old.

    Type of children's group: profile.

    Ingredients: permanent.

    Set: free.

Lesson mode.

    • The total number of hours per year is 33 hours.

      The number of hours per week is 1 hour.

      The frequency of classes is once a week for 25 minutes in 1st grade, once a week for 30 minutes in grades 2-4.

The work of the circle is carried out in the form of theoretical and practical lessons. The training program is built on the principle of "simple to complex" and deepening theoretical knowledge and practical skills at each subsequent stage of training. Each lesson organically combines the study of new and repetition of the passed material. Classes are held in the classroom using a multimedia installation, board games, visual handouts and demonstration materials, watching movies on traffic rules, by invitation of a traffic police inspector. To consolidate the material covered, it is effective to use board, didactic and outdoor games. The program is designed for classes in an equipped room, where there are thematic stands for the study of traffic rules and the prevention of DDTT.

One of the important areas of work should be considered the formation of students 'parents' steady interest in the safety and health of children as road users.

Values ​​of the course content

The program contributes to:

    mental development - students receive and consolidate knowledge on the Rules of the Road, life safety, learn to think logically, generalize, compose stories on topics, share life experiences, competently express their thoughts, answer questions;

    moral education - in the classroom, students develop a culture of behavior in the circle of peers and in the family, the skills of observing the rules of the road are consolidated, the desire to provide assistance to older people as needed. Students learn to live in the environment, respect for people;

    aesthetic education - students participate in drawing contests, posters, literary quizzes, photo contests. In the classroom, students work with colorful visual material;

    labor education - students make the necessary manuals, models, didactic games for lessons according to the program, scenery and costumes for performances (with the help of parents);

    physical education - at each lesson with children and adolescents, outdoor games and various motor game tasks are conducted on topics.

Academic-thematic plan

1 class

p / p


total hours




Road users




Types of pedestrian crossings




Traffic light and its signals




Road signs




Types of transport




We are passengers




On a country road




Safe places for children to play






City Tour






Calendar-thematic planning

training material for continuing education

"Good road of childhood" for 1st grade

Once a week (33 lessons per year)

on the 2015– 2016 academic year

p / p

Section and topic

total hours


Scheduled date

Actual date



Section 1: Road users




  1. (1)

Introduction. Why do you need to know the Rules of the Road?


Our city, microdistrict where we live.


How dangerous road situations are born




We go to school



Pedestrian and car traffic (roadway and sidewalk)





Initiation into pedestrians





Pedestrian crossings.

Designation of transitions, the concept of "Zebra".



Road crossing rules.

The safest crossing.


Hidden dangers on the road. Road Traps.

Section 3: Traffic Lights and Signals





The traffic light is our true friend.

The purpose of the traffic light and its signals.


Types of traffic lights (transport and pedestrian).


The traffic controller is our assistant.




At unregulated intersections.



Section 4: Traffic signs





Our friends are road signs


Warning signs.




Prohibitory signs.




Special regulation and service signs

Section 5: Modes of Transport





Types of land transport.



Special machines.


Assistant machines.

Section 6: We are passengers





A passenger is science.



Rules for boarding and exiting transport.

Section 7: On a country road





Pedestrian traffic on the road, shoulder, footpath.




Crossing the railway crossing.



Section 8: Safe Areas for Children to Play





Where you can and where you can't play.

The pavement is not for the game.




Where can you ride and not be afraid of cars?





"We know the rules of the road."



City Tour

(consolidation of the passed material)






Contents of the program

33 hours(1 hour per week)

The program consists of several thematic sections that are interrelated.

Section 1: Road users (8 hours)

Introduction. Why do you need to know the Rules of the Road? First grader as an independent pedestrian.

A story about a city, a microdistrict where children live and go to school.

How dangerous situations are born on the roads.

We're going to school. Consideration and study of the safest route for children to go to school and home.

Road users (pedestrian, passenger, driver).

Pedestrian and car traffic (roadway and sidewalk).

Rules for the movement of pedestrians on the sidewalk.

Holiday: "Dedication to pedestrians".

Section 2: Types of pedestrian crossings (4 h)

Pedestrian crossings. Designation of transitions, the concept of "Zebra".

Road signs: "Pedestrian crossing", "Underground crossing", "Overhead crossing".

Road crossing rules. The safest crossing.

Hidden dangers on the road. The danger when crossing the street is road "traps". Traffic traps are deceptive safety situations.

Section 3: Traffic Lights and Signals (4 hours)

The traffic light is our true friend. Traffic lights and their signals. Purpose of traffic lights. Pedestrian traffic light, its signals. Types of traffic lights (transport and pedestrian).

Analysis of traffic situations using traffic lights, road signs, road markings.

The traffic controller is our assistant. His role in traffic management. The meaning of traffic controller signals for vehicles, pedestrians. Analysis of traffic situations using traffic controller signals, traffic lights, signs, markings.

At unregulated intersections. Unregulated intersections are dangerous places for road users. Why? Rules for crossing unregulated intersections. Unregulated pedestrian crossing lines. Center line.

Section 4: Traffic signs (4 h)

Our friends are road signs. Purpose of road signs, their classification.

Warning: "Pedestrian crossing" (1.22), "Children" (1.23).

Prohibiting: "Bicycles are prohibited", "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited."

Information and directional signs: the place where public transport stops. Pedestrian crossings.

Service signs: "First aid station", "Telephone".

Analysis of traffic situations using road signs and road markings.

Section 5: Modes of transport (4 h)

The concept of "vehicles". Types of land transport.

Public and personal vehicles.

Special machines. Their purpose. Assistant machines.

Section 6: We are passengers (3 hours)

A passenger is science. The concept of "passengers". Public transport: bus, trolleybus, tram. Rules for using public transport and behavior in it. Public transport stop - zone of increased danger.

Road signs: "Bus, trolleybus stop", "Tram stop".

Rules of conduct at stops and in the passenger compartment.

Rules for boarding and exiting transport. The danger of a sudden exit onto the carriageway due to a vehicle standing by the sidewalk (shoulder). Crossing the street when leaving the tram, bus.

Section 7: On a country road (2 hours)

Road. Carriageway. Roadside. A pedestrian path is a place for pedestrian traffic.

Road crossing points. Crossing the railway crossing. Place of pedestrian crossing over railway tracks. Road signs. Prohibition of walking on rails, embankments, prohibition of games near railway tracks.

Section 8: Safe Areas for Children to Play (2 hours)

The road is not a place to play. Hazards arising from playing football or hockey on or near the roadway (the ball or puck rolls out towards a moving car, the child running after them does not see it).

Danger of skiing or sledding from slides overlooking the road (the child and the driver do not expect each other to appear, it is difficult to change the direction of travel because of the slippery surface). The danger of a "deserted street".

Cars in the yard of your house.

Signals that can be used to determine the direction of the vehicle (turn signals, reverse signals). Exit from the entrance to the courtyard. Playgrounds and car parks.

Holiday:"We know the rules of the road." (1 h)

City tour (consolidation of the passed material) (1 hour)

Practical acquaintance with traffic rules for pedestrians on streets and roads, at intersections.

Observation of traffic control devices at intersections, vehicle traffic at intersections, pedestrian traffic at intersections. Identification of violators of the transition rules.

Practical exercises: crossing streets at regulated and unregulated intersections. Analysis of errors. Summarizing.

Levels of educational outcomes

Social knowledge

Formation of a value attitude to social reality

Gaining experience of independent public action

    traffic rules, the importance of their implementation;

    information about roads, intersections and road markings;

    traffic lights and traffic signals;

    rules for pedestrian roads, rules for bypassing standing vehicles, rules for crossing streets and roads;

    types of transport, rules for cycling;

    the rule of safe behavior when traveling by rail, the duties of the passenger;

    road signs, understand their schematic representation (warning, prohibiting, prescribing, indicative);

    about traffic police officers, their duties;

    culture of citizens' behavior on the street, in public places;

the daily routine of primary school students, the necessary conditions to ensure the preservation and strengthening of his health.

    value your life, loved ones and people around you;

    to take care of the physical and mental health of your own, loved ones and people around you through social actions and events;

    be psychologically prepared for unforeseen situations in life;

    cherish friendship, be able to find contact with peers;

    take good care of property in school, public places and at home;

    correctly cross the road, intersection;

    choose the safest route from home to school and other points of travel;

    distinguish between traffic signals and traffic signals and act in accordance with them;

    ride a bicycle in accordance with the rules of the road on the carriageway; anticipate a dangerous situation on the road and be able to react to it;

    to apply the acquired knowledge in practice on traffic rules and life safety;

Formation of universal learning activities


    adopting the image of “good pedestrian, good passenger”;

    independence and personal responsibility for their actions, attitude towards a healthy lifestyle;

    respectful attitude towards other road users;

    awareness of the responsibility of a person for general well-being;

    ethical feelings, primarily benevolence and emotional and moral responsiveness;

    positive motivation and cognitive interest in classes under the program "Young traffic inspectors";

    the ability to self-esteem;

    initial skills of cooperation in different situations.


    skills of control and self-assessment of the process and the result of the activity;

    the ability to pose and formulate problems;

    skills of deliberate and voluntary construction of oral messages, including those of a creative nature;

    establishment of causal relationships;


    the use of speech to regulate one's action;

    adequate perception of the proposals of teachers, comrades, parents and other people to correct mistakes;

    the ability to highlight and formulate what has already been learned and what else needs to be learned;

    the ability to correlate the correctness of choice, planning, execution and result of an action with the requirements of a specific task;


In the learning process, children learn:

    work in a group, take into account the opinions of partners that are different from their own;

    ask questions;

    ask for help;

    formulate your difficulties;

    offer help and cooperation;

    listen to the interlocutor;

    negotiate and come to a common decision;

    formulate your own opinion and position;

    exercise mutual control;

    adequately assess their own behavior and the behavior of others.

Results of studying the program

Pupils 1st class by the end of the training must:


    The scheme of the microdistrict in which the school is located, the safest way to and from school, where and how to cross the street and road.

    The main parts of the street and road are the carriageway, pavement, roadside, ditch, dividing strip.

    Where should pedestrians be or move along the street, and where vehicles.

    Pedestrian traffic features in difficult weather conditions (wind, rain, fog, ice)

    Possible consequences of games and pranks on the road and near it.

    The main causes of road accidents in the neighborhood.

    General rules for orientation on the street and on the road for a safe stay on it and safe passage:

Do not stand close to the corners of the intersection and at the edge of the carriageway (including at public transport stops);

Do not stand close to the edge of the sidewalk with your back to the carriageway;

Before crossing the road, you need to look first to the left, then to the right and again to the left, only after making sure that the crossing is safe, start the crossing, looking to the left, cross the road until the middle, without stopping, and, looking to the right, after the middle of the road;

Be especially careful on the road in rain, fog, snow, ice, poor lighting and in the evening;

The road must be crossed, but not crossed.

    Name, purpose and possible places of installation of the studied road signs.

    Transport and pedestrian traffic lights, the meaning of light signals (red - stop, yellow - wait, green - go).

    Rules for crossing streets and roads at pedestrian crossings, regulated traffic signals outside intersections and at intersections (where vehicles not only move in a forward direction, but also make turns).

    Variety of modes of transport.

be able to:

    Distinguish between types of transport and vehicles;

    Walk the safest route to and from school on your own.

    Determine the most dangerous sections of streets and roads for pedestrians;

    Observe the rules of boarding and disembarking passengers, crossing the carriageway;

    find (distinguish) the studied road signs (on the way to school), use them in a specific setting;

    Determine where schoolchildren should not cross the street and road (near sharp turns and bends in the road, in the presence of large vehicles and other objects that limit the view of the road, at unregulated intersections with heavy traffic and a large number of adjacent roads, driveways, exits, etc. ).

    If necessary, seek help from adult pedestrians when crossing the carriageway of streets and roads in places of heavy traffic.

Logistics support

Material and technical support includes the minimum permissible list of the library fund (printed materials), printed manuals, technical computer and other information teaching aids, teaching and laboratory equipment and natural objects, as well as classroom equipment, taking into account the peculiarities of the educational process in primary school and the specifics of the course being studied. year, No. 196-FZ.

Traffic rules of the Russian Federation. Council Resolution approved
Ministers of the Government of the Russian Federation from 7.05. 2003 No. 265.
Entered into force on 1.07.2003.



"Connoisseurs of the Rules of the Road"

Number of hours 55.5 (37 lessons)

Developed by: Yurieva Inna Alekseevna

The program was developed on the basis of:

The program of the circle "Experts in the Rules of the Road" was developed on the basis of exemplary programs of extracurricular activities of primary and basic education, edited by L.I. Tosheva "Fundamentals of road safety" Moscow "VAKO" 2011, V.A. Lobashkina, D.Ye. Yakovlev, B.O.Khrennikov, M.V. Maslov (edited by P.V. Izhevsky). Moscow "Education" 2009

2018 - 2019 academic year

  1. Explanatory note

From year to year, the flow of cars on the roads increases, which creates an objective reality of the occurrence of road accidents. Moreover, accidents are increasingly occurring not on large transport routes, but on small roads, next to bus stops, and sometimes in the courtyard of a house. And, unfortunately, children are often the cause of road accidents.

This happens because students do not know the rules of road safety or violate them without realizing the dangerous consequences of violations.

To convey this knowledge to children, to develop in children the need to comply with traffic rules for self-preservation - this is the task of the teacher and the circle "Traffic Experts".

Communication with traffic police officers, conversations and games on this topic in a relaxed atmosphere makes a stronger impression on children than a traditional lesson. In an atmosphere of general creativity, everything is learned much easier, so it is useful to organize contests of drawings, essays, problem situations.

Contests, competitions, festivals for agitation of road traffic safety provide an opportunity for students to show their creativity. The ability to convey information that you know in a creative form to others is not such an easy thing, and most importantly it is interesting.

Competitions in "figured" riding a bicycle in compliance with the rules of the road provide an opportunity to prove yourself in practice.

In the case when the student feels like a driver in charge of the position on the carriageway, it helps to more consciously assess the behavior of a pedestrian and be more demanding of himself. Moreover, knowledge of the basics of medical knowledge and the ability to provide first aid in an emergency helps students to feel more confident in life.

The program was developed in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012. No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2013. No. 1008 "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities for additional general education programs", the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 17.12.2010. No. 1897, Federal Target Program: "Improving Road Safety 2013-2020"

Purpose of the program:

- instilling in road users, especially children and adolescents, the skills of safe behavior on the roads;

- the formation of students' special knowledge, skills, practical skills of safe behavior on the road;

Education of law-abiding road users promoting road safety;

Objectives of the program:

- attracting schoolchildren to participate in promoting the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads;

Introduction of innovative methods of working with schoolchildren on this issue;

Increasing knowledge on the basics of safe behavior on the roads;

Instilling in road users, especially children and adolescents, the skills of safe behavior on the roads;

- involving schoolchildren in the history of the State Traffic Inspectorate service of the past and present time and propaganda among minors of the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads;

Intensification of work to promote safe lifestyles in the field of road traffic;

Reducing the number of accidents involving children, adolescents and the severity of the consequences of such accidents.

Children's age

The program is designed for students 9-11 years old (3-4 grades). Children at this age actively implement their abilities, knowledge in a particular area. They strive to learn how to ride a bicycle, show interest in the work of a traffic policeman, a driver, study traffic signs, and willingly participate in road safety competitions. All their aspirations and hobbies can be in demand in adulthood. In accordance with the curriculum adopted in the MBOU of Shakhty “Gymnasium named after A.S. Pushkin ”, the course program is designed for 1 year of study.

Classes lasting 1.5 hours are held once a week with a mandatory break of 10-15 minutes.

Theoretical classes are held in an equipped room for road safety, and practical classes - in the "Training center" 61 region "

  1. Contents of the program
  • The program consists of several thematic sections that are interrelated.
  • Topic 1.
  • Theory.
  • Goals, tasks of the YID circle. Program approval. Organizational issues (squad structure, position, responsibilities). Decoration of the corner "Road, transport, pedestrian".
  • Practice.
  • Registration of the safety corner for DD.
  • Topic 2.
  • History of traffic rules.
  • Theory.
  • History and development of the traffic rules. Information about the first traffic light, vehicles, bicycles, road signs ...
  • Practice.
  • Drawing up a quiz on the history of traffic rules in a corner for classes.
  • Topic 3.
  • Theory.
  • Traffic rules in Russia. General Provisions. Responsibilities of pedestrians, drivers, cyclists and passengers. Traffic safety problems, causes of road accidents.
  • Roads and their elements. Carriageway. Dividing strip. Traffic lane.
  • Sidewalk. Adjacent territories. Crossroads.
  • Crossroads boundaries. Crossing carriageways at intersections. Settlements.
  • Traffic rules for pedestrians - right-hand traffic, road crossing rules, crossing points of the carriageway. Bypassing standing vehicles at the side of the road. The movement of foot groups and columns. Regulated and unregulated intersections. Traffic control means. Signs.
  • Traffic rules for passengers - types of public transport, landing sites and road signs, rules of conduct in the passenger compartment, transportation of goods. Mutually polite relationship between passengers and driver.
  • Road signs. Warning signs.
  • Road signs. Priority signs.
  • Road signs. Mandatory signs.
  • Road signs. Information and direction signs. Service signs. Additional information signs.
  • Cases when the meanings of temporary road signs contradict the indications of stationary signs. Road markings and their characteristics. Horizontal markings.
  • Cases when the meaning of temporary road signs and temporary marking lines contradicts the values ​​of permanent marking lines. Vertical markings. Traffic light regulation. Meaning of round traffic light signals made in the form of arrows. Pedestrian traffic lights for cyclists. Traffic lights to regulate traffic across railway crossings (1 hour).
  • Distribution of priority among road users. Main and secondary roads. Right Hand Rule.
  • The action of the driver with a prohibiting traffic light (except for a reversible one) or a traffic controller. Priority of vehicles giving special signals. Vehicles equipped with blue or blue and red beacons and a special sound signal. Vehicles equipped with yellow or orange beacons. Vehicles equipped with moon-colored beacons and a special sound signal.
  • Identification of regulated and unregulated intersections. General rules for driving through intersections. Regulated intersections.
  • Passage of intersections where traffic is controlled by a traffic controller. Passage of intersections with traffic light regulation.
  • The advantage of trams at regulated intersections. Unregulated intersections. Unregulated intersections of unequal roads. Unregulated intersections of equivalent roads.
  • Passage of pedestrian crossings. Passage of places of stops of route vehicles. Passing vehicles designed for the transport of children.
  • Movement through the railroad tracks.
  • Approaching a railway crossing. Places where traffic stops in cases where traffic across the level crossing is prohibited. Forced stop at a railway crossing.
  • Traffic rules for cyclists - road signs, technical condition of a bicycle, movement of groups of cyclists. Road marking. Stopping and parking of vehicles. The influence of weather conditions on the movement of vehicles. Braking and stopping distance.
  • Road traps.
  • The causes of the accident.
  • Liability measures for pedestrians and drivers for traffic violations.
  • Practice.
  • Solving problems, cards for traffic rules, proposed by the newspaper "Good Road of Childhood".
  • Meetings with the traffic police inspector on practical issues.
  • Development of a quiz on traffic rules in the corner.
  • Conducting a lesson in an elementary school "The ABC of the Road", "They don't see it themselves, but they tell others."
  • Helping elementary grades to create a scheme "Safe Path: Home-School-Home".
  • Participation in competitions according to the rules of DD.
  • Topic 4.
  • Theory.
  • First aid in case of an accident. Information to be reported by the accident witness. First aid kit of the car and its contents.
  • Wounds, their types, first aid.
  • Dislocations and first aid.
  • Types of bleeding and first aid.
  • Fractures, their types. Providing first aid to the victim.
  • Burns, degree of burns. First aid.
  • Types of dressings and methods of applying them.
  • Transportation of the victim, immobilization.
  • Practice.
  • Practical meetings with a healthcare professional.
  • The imposition of various types of bandages. First aid for bleeding. First aid for bruises, dislocations, burns, frostbite, fractures, fainting, heart attack.
  • Transportation of the victim.
  • Answering ticket questions and completing a practical assignment.
  • Topic 5.
  • Theory. Cycling, technical requirements for a bicycle. Equipment. Rules for the movement of cyclists. Cyclist warning lights and hand signals. Additional requirements for the movement of cyclists: Rules for the passage of cyclists at unregulated intersections.
  • Study each obstacle separately. Rules for the passage of pedestrian crossing by cyclists The movement of groups of cyclists.
  • Obstacles (passing the track):
  • - snake; eight; swing; rearrangement of the subject; slalom; rails "Chute"; gates with movable posts; jump;
  • a corridor made of short boards.
  • Practice.
  • Passing individual obstacles by bike.
  • Figured bike driving.
  • Drawing up a memo: "Young cyclist".

3. Calendar-thematic planning


Introduction to the educational program of the circle.


Introduction. Traffic rules - the law of streets and roads


Road safety corner decoration

History of traffic rules


History and development of traffic rules. Information about the first traffic light, vehicles, bicycles, road signs

Studying the rules of the road.


SDA. General Provisions


Obligations of pedestrians and passengers


Road, its elements and rules of conduct on the road


Purpose of sidewalks, shoulders, carriageways, tramways, dividing strip, pedestrian and bicycle paths


Purpose and role of road signs in traffic regulation


History of road signs. Road signs and their groups


Warning signs


Priority signs. Prohibitory signs


Mandatory signs. Signs for special regulations


Information signs. Service signs. Nameplates


DD regulation means. Transport traffic lights. Vehicle identification marks


Road markings as a way to regulate traffic. Types of markup. Its purpose



Conducting the game "Green light" in primary school


Traffic light regulation of traffic and pedestrians. Traffic signals. Types of traffic lights


Regulator signals. Learning and training in signaling


Location of vehicles on the roadway


Crossroads and their types. Crossroads. Crossroads crossing rules. Pedestrian crossings


Speech in high school on the promotion of traffic rules


Transport rules. Rules for crossing the street after exiting vehicles


Road accident. The causes of the accident. Solving problems on the topic

Fundamentals of rendering first medical aid.


Basic requirements for the provision of first aid in the event of an accident


Car first aid kit and its contents


Wounds, their types. First aid.


Types of bleeding. Ways to apply bandages


Fractures, their types. First aid to the injured


Transportation of the victim

Figured bike driving.


Cycling, technical requirements for a cyclist. Equipment


Cyclist traffic rules


Analysis of traffic situations on the layout.


Drawing up a memo "Young cyclist"


Figure skating training sessions


Offset for traffic rules. Testing. Safety briefing during summer holidays


KVN "We know the rules of the road"

4. Planned results of implementation.

Students should know:

- basic concepts and terms used in the Rules of the road;

- responsibilities of pedestrians and passengers;

- traffic signal and traffic signal values;

- the purpose of road markings;

Regulatory documents on responsibility for violation of traffic rules;

Groups of road signs;

First aid methods;

Bicycle technical device.

Students should be able to:

Independently determine the places for the safe crossing of streets and roads with regulated and unregulated traffic of vehicles;

Work on tickets offered by the newspaper "Good Road of Childhood";

Provide first aid to the victim;

Drive a bike.

Correctly, clearly and interestingly explain to younger students how to behave safely on the roads, how to navigate traffic signals, traffic signals, traffic signs;

Conduct games, conversations with students, competitions, participate in city competitions "Safe Wheel";

Issue safety memos, wall newspapers. work with traffic rules, highlight the necessary information.

Trainees must acquire skills:

Discipline, caution, safe movement as a pedestrian, passenger, cyclist;

Mutual support and proceeds from joint activities;

Participation in competitions, competitions.

An active life position of an exemplary road user.

5. Educational-thematic and material and technical support for the implementation of the program.

List of literature for the teacher

1. Burian V.M. Classroom hours for traffic rules - M.: TC Sfera, 2004.- 64 p.

2. Dmitruk V.P. Traffic rules for schoolchildren. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2005 .-- 160 p.

3. Izvekova N.A. Traffic rules for children. - M .: TC Sphere, 2005 .-- 6 p.

  1. Federal Law "On Road Safety", dated 30.12.2001, No. 196-FZ.
  2. Traffic rules of the Russian Federation. The Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 7.05. 2003 No. 265. Entered into force on 1.07.2003.

Natalia Hello
Traffic rules circle program "Young Inspector"

Explanatory note

The field of additional education plays an important role in the development of the child. Learning the rules of safe behavior on the road helps children to form an active life position at an early age. The problem of road safety in general and child road traffic injuries in particular arose with the advent of the first motor vehicle. Every year the number of cars on the roads, especially in large cities, is growing, traffic is becoming more and more intensive, it is more and more difficult for a small person to understand and navigate the moving stream of cars and pedestrians. In Russia, about thirty thousand people die annually as a result of road accidents and more than 250 thousand are injured, including about 27 thousand children and adolescents under 16 years of age. This tragedy is caused by ignorance or irresponsible non-observance of the basic rules of the road, the absence of an elementary culture of behavior on the road, and a respectful attitude of road users to each other. Even if a child who got into an accident did not receive serious physical injuries, he had to endure such a moral and psychological shock that its negative consequences will remain in the soul of the victim for life. For a child to feel comfortable, confident, safe in the world of hurrying people and cars, it is necessary to teach him the rules of behavior in this world from early childhood. After all, it is always easier to eliminate the cause than to overcome its consequences all your life. The system of activities for the study and promotion of traffic rules, campaigning, prevention and prevention of child road traffic injuries needs to be developed and improved. The sooner the process of teaching the correct actions on the street and on the road begins, the wider will be the possibility of educating a competent pedestrian and a significant reduction in road traffic injuries among children and adolescents.

Program additional education « Young inspector» will contribute to the education of a full-fledged road user, the formation of a transport culture and the development of correct skills and habits of behavior on the roadway. Teaching pupils a culture of behavior on the street is closely related to the development of orientation in space in children. Program will allow to educate in children such qualities as discipline, attention, composure, responsibility, caution, confidence. Indeed, it is often the absence of them in a person that causes traffic accidents.

The traffic rules are written in complex language and are addressed to adult road users. Concept "children" used in traffic rules only in points where it is a question of the movement of organized groups of children and their transportation. Therefore, in relation to pupils, the duties of pedestrians and passengers should be set out in an accessible and understandable way. Children cannot independently act in dangerous traffic situations, relying only on personal experience, because this, as a rule, leads to accidents. The psychophysiological and age characteristics of children largely determine their behavior on the roads. Children are a special category of passengers and pedestrians. They cannot be approached with the same yardstick as adults. A child's reaction to danger is very different from that of an adult to the same danger. Consequently, pupils need to purposefully, on the basis of a psychological and pedagogical approach, educate and teach safe behavior on the streets and roads.

Target: to teach the elementary rules of behavior on the road, to form the skills of correct behavior on the street, to be able to use the rules of the road in real life.



Provide each child with the required level of knowledge on safe behavior on the streets and roads;

To form the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, thus ensuring their own safety;

To form knowledge of traffic rules for pedestrians, passengers, cyclists;

Promote the acquisition of skills in socially significant activities for the prevention of child road traffic injuries.


To develop the ability of pupils to navigate in a road traffic situation;

To form a personal and socially significant experience of safe behavior on the roads and streets;

To form the skills of self-esteem, introspection of their behavior on the street and in transport;

To promote the development in children and adolescents of speed of reaction, attentiveness, observation, visual and auditory perception, logical thinking, self-control, resourcefulness, and other personal qualities that contribute to improving behavior on the streets and roads.


To cultivate a conscientious attitude towards the implementation of traffic rules;

Foster discipline and responsibility for their behavior on the road;

Develop a culture of behavior in transport and road etiquette;

To form a conscience and a responsible attitude to one's own life and health, to personal safety and security surrounding.

The solution of these tasks contributes not only to the achievement of the set target program,but also creates conditions for the formation of key competencies: communicative; informational; problem solving competence.

Methodology and technology of implementation:

This programadditional education on teaching elementary rules of behavior on the road contributes to: mental development - pupils consolidate their knowledge of road safety, learn to logically build their thoughts and express them competently, generalize the information received, build a dialogue;

moral education - through classes, the pupils develop a culture of behavior in the circle of peers and in the family, the skills of safe behavior on the road are consolidated, a common system of values ​​is formed - a respectful attitude towards people, the development of personal qualities (independence, accuracy, personal responsibility for behavior on the road, for preserving their own life and health, their discipline as road users; aesthetic education - by participating in art, literary, and other creative competitions, pupils increase their general cultural level.

In this programthe tasks are effectively implemented at the next stages of pedagogical work:

1. Organizational stage 2. Diagnostic stage 3. Implementation stage 4. Analytical stage

At the first, organizational stage, implementation programs provided by a spatial developmental environment. Its elements are:

A classroom, a blackboard, a computer, a screen, a multimedia projector, a music player for creating an emotional mood for exercises and organizing a break, copying equipment for reproducing handouts, questionnaires and other things, stationery (paper, Whatman paper, thick sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, markers, pens, pencils, paints for drawing, scissors, glue, tape, buttons, paper clips, a set of teaching aids "Road signs";

The assembly hall, where family celebrations, entertainment, joint events with specialists, parents, creative teams, etc. are held.

The organization of a subject-developing environment is carried out in accordance with the requirements for creating a subject-developing environment, sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and regime of education and training of children in the rehabilitation center.

To implement this programs a long-term plan has been developed with activities corresponding to the age of the pupils, taking into account the goals and objectives programs« Young inspector» (Annex 1).

Feature of this programs is a variety of forms, methods and techniques for organizing minors.

Forms of implementation programs:

Observation; - individual consultations for pupils; - conversations, dialogues, discussions; - testing; - role-playing games and didactic exercises; - questioning; - diagnostics; - informing; - contests; - film club (viewing and discussion of thematic films and videos, presentations.

Basic implementation methods programs:

Verbal - conversations, stories, discussions; - visual - the use of photographs, video materials; - practical - role-playing games, open events.

At the second, diagnostic stage, diagnostics are carried out with the aim of in-depth study of the pupil, his individual characteristics. Primary diagnostics makes it possible to outline further directions of correctional work and set narrower rehabilitation tasks that are most relevant for each specific pupil. The work is carried out using tests, questionnaires, questionnaires (Appendix 2).

The third stage, the implementation stage, aims to implement

correctional work on the following blocks:

1. The history of the appearance of traffic rules (4 hours);

(4 hours);

(4 hours).

The implementation stage includes the following forms of work: - specially - organized classes in which children receive theoretical and practical knowledge;

Thematic hours, conversations;

Role-playing games;

Play exercises; - quizzes;

Viewing, followed by discussion, films, educational programs; - artistic creativity.

At the fourth, analytical stage of implementation programs the final diagnostics is carried out, aimed at checking the quality of assimilation of theoretical material and the formation of practical skills.

Target group: adolescents between the ages of 7 and 13 who are in

social rehabilitation center for minors.

Form of study: role-playing games and didactic exercises, questionnaires, diagnostics, information, contests, quizzes, film club (watching and discussing thematic films and videos, observation, individual consultations, conversations, dialogues, discussions, testing.

The use of a wide range of methods allows you to optimize the load, to create a positive psychological climate in the group during classes.

Activity Mode: group lessons (4 - 8 people, duration 30 minutes, 2 times a week.

The proposed program« Young inspector» is variable, that is, if the need arises, it is allowed to adjust the content and forms of classes.

Criteria for the effectiveness of general developmental programs:

Classes are adapted to a specific cultural environment;

Designed for long-term and continuous training;

Various working methods are used;

All participants are informed about the goals, objectives and forms of work;

Diagnostics is carried out monthly / quarterly in order to determine the level of formation of pupils' knowledge.

At the end of the training cycle, adolescents should:

Have an understanding of safe behavior on the streets and roads;

Be able to freely apply the acquired knowledge in practice, thus ensuring their own safety;

Have the skills of traffic rules for pedestrians, passengers, cyclists;

Have a desire to develop skills in socially significant activities for the prevention of child road traffic injuries;

Be ready for self-assessment, introspection of your behavior on the street and in transport;

Possess the skills of reaction speed, attentiveness, observation, visual and auditory perception, logical thinking, self-control, resourcefulness, and other personal qualities that contribute to improving behavior on the streets and roads.

Develop a culture of behavior in transport and road etiquette;

Be capable of a conscientious and responsible attitude towards one's own life and health, personal safety and security surrounding.

Material support of the training cycle, technical teaching aids: classroom, blackboard, computer, screen, multimedia projector, music player for creating an emotional mood for exercises and organizing a break, copiers for reproducing handouts, questionnaires and other things, stationery (paper, Whatman paper, thick sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, markers , pens, pencils, paint for drawing, scissors, glue, tape, buttons, paper clips, a set of teaching aids "Road signs".

Expensive equipment is not required to conduct classes.

The classroom meets all the requirements of a classroom with different working methods. It is quite spacious, comfortable, light and ventilated; not passable and not visible to outsiders. The door is closed during class. Chairs and tables in the room are easy to move, depending on the form of the lesson being conducted.

1. The history of the appearance of traffic rules

1.1. Pedestrian, driver, passenger.

Basic concepts "passenger", "a pedestrian", "driver".

1.2.Traffic laws: history and modernity

The history of the appearance of the car and the Rules of the road. Information about the first traffic light.

1.3. Elements of streets and roads.

The road and its components. Street - high traffic zone: the difference between the road environment and the other, elements of the street. Acquaintance with concepts "road", "Carriageway", "Crossroads", "Unregulated intersections".

1.4. Pedestrian traffic on streets and roads.

Basic concepts of pedestrian traffic rules. Pedestrian traffic in settlements and outside, road crossing rules. Questions to consolidate.

1.5. Traffic light. History of appearance.

New about traffic lights. Types of traffic lights. Regulated and unregulated carriageway crossings

1.6. Crosswalk.

Rules for crossing unregulated and regulated intersections. Concept "Crosswalk", "Unregulated pedestrian crossing", "Underground crossing"... Pedestrian crossing signs. A game. Questions to consolidate knowledge.

1.7. Road signs and their groups

Road signs and their groups. The meaning of individual road signs.

1.8. Road signs and their purpose

Installation of road signs. Display of visual aids. Puzzles "Guess what sign?"

2. Basics of traffic rules

2.1.Traffic rules: responsibilities of drivers and pedestrians.

Traffic safety problems, the cause of road accidents. Traffic rules for pedestrians. The movement of pedestrians in settlements and outside, the rules of the pedestrian of the road, crossing points and the carriageway.

2.2. Traffic rules for cyclists.

Traffic rules for cyclists - technical condition of a bicycle, road signs, movement of groups of cyclists. Safe driving of moped and cyclists. Non-obvious points. Requirements for the technical condition and equipment of the bike.

2.3. Rules of conduct on the roads and streets.

Rules of conduct on the streets. The main dangers on the street. Rules of safe behavior in crowded places. Pedestrian safety on the road. Pedestrian movement along the street in heavy ice. Crossing the carriageway, passenger safety.

2.4. Rules of conduct and safety in public transport.

Mutually polite relations of passengers, conductor and driver.

2.5.Accident: causes and consequences.

Statistics. Causes of accidents and accidents on the streets and roads. Crossroads and dangerous turns of transport. Pedestrian traffic on country roads.

2.6. Prevention of road accidents.

Basic rules for the prevention of road accidents. Flicker and his appointment. Quiz.

2.7.Traffic rules: the law for all road users

Activation of students' knowledge about the rules of the road, to form in children a clear knowledge that traffic rules are the law for all road users. The main safety rules on the street. Quiz. A game "Tell me a word"

2.8. First aid medical assistance in case of an accident.

Degree of burns, degree of frostbite and relief. Distinctive features of solar and heatstroke and relief. Types of poisoning (food, toxic, carbon dioxide, their signs and medical help. The concept of wounds, classification of wounds and their complication.

3. Development of practical skills and their application in real life

3.2. The street is full of surprises.

Game situation. Puzzles. Quiz.

3.3. Discipline on the road.

Repetition of the passed material. Quiz. Do you know? Basic rules for a cyclist.

3.4. Know the traffic rules like a multiplication table.

Quiz. A game "Tell me a word"... A game - competition: "Crossroads of mysteries", "Avtomulti", "Understand me", "ABC of a pedestrian", "Quiz", "Keyword", boulevard "Attention", "Waiting for the tram", "Collect the proverb".

3.5. Safety rules in various situations.

Safety rules on the street, on the road during a fire, in the forest, on the water,

terrorist acts.

3.6. Connoisseurs of traffic rules.

Consolidation of knowledge. Quiz. Practical exercises with visual material.

3.7. Children - the road - life.


3.8. Memo for the young inspectors.

Main literature

1. Traffic rules of the Russian Federation with illustrations. M. :, OOO "Atberg 98", 2009

2. "Fundamentals of life safety", V. Bubnov, N. Bubnova, (magazine No. 3, M. : "Genesis", 2005

3. "Prevention of child road traffic injuries in primary and secondary schools", M. :,"Teacher" 2006

4. "ABC of the road" Kozlovskaya E. M., M. :,"Teacher" 2007 year

5. At your leisure. Games at school, at home, in the yard. A popular guide for parents and educators. Zaitseva O.V., Karpova E.V., Yaroslavl, 2007.

additional literature

1.E.A. Voronova. Red. Yellow. Green! Traffic rules in extracurricular work. - Rostov n / a, 2009 2. Study of traffic rules. - Vologda, 2004 3. M.R.Maksinyaeva. Life safety classes with younger students. - M, 2004 4. Guidelines for organizing work among school students on the rules of the road. - Maykop, 2002 5. Methodological recommendations for the prevention of child road traffic injuries. - Vologda, 2006 6. Everyone is supposed to know the road rules. Educational games with preschoolers and schoolchildren. - Novosibirsk - 2008 7. S. V. Petrov. Actions in case of road traffic accidents. - M., 2004 8. The traffic light has no vacation / recommendations /. - Vologda, 2005 9. To the teacher about the rules of the road. / Recommendations for the organization of extracurricular work with children on traffic rules. - M., Education, 2002
