It was a peasant three daughters. Elder and medium envious and evil, and younger Masha, kind, affectionate, worker, unwritten beauty.
Somehow a peasant went to the city to the Bazaar, called the daughters to say goodbye and asks:
- What gifts, daughters, will you bring?
"Bring us, papid, shawl painted, shied gold," the older and medium asked.
"And I, the Batyushka, if you serve, the penist's pen is clearly Sokol," Masha asked.

Returned the peasant home sad, senior daughters gifts brought, and you did not find the younger.
Gathered in the city next time. I ordered daughters of different gifts, and Masha again asked Pyryshko to bring her.
In the city of the peasant all the shops went around, and I did not find a flock anywhere. On the way home meets a little old man.
- Where are you going, cute? - asked the old man.
- I come back home from the city. Daughters gifts are visiting, but just the youngest gift I can not find. She wanted to pyryshko the finista - clear falcon.

Pyryshko is not a simple, cherished. Take him as a gift to my daughter, it will be happy.
A peasant was delighted, for all the meters he drove horses home.

In the evening, when everyone went to bed, Masha Pyryshko took, hit him about the floor and says:
- Cute finist - clear falcon, arrive to me, squeezed mine.
And there was nothing well done by the beauty of the unprecedented. And by the morning turned into a falcon and flew to long-range edges.
He became flying to Masha every evening until evil sisters noticed him. They envied Mashenka and conceived evil.
I went to the SLOTS to her, and until it was not, stuck in the frames of knives and needles, and they themselves hid to see what would be.

Clear falcon flew to the window, and there is nowhere to sit down, knives stick out sharp. He began to fight the window, yes Mashane in the room there. Crashing the blood is clear falcon, the paws poured. And then says:
- If I need you, you will find me for the thirty lands, while three forged shoes will not be frightened, three people will not break, three iron hats will not lose.

Here Masha entered the Slottsy, heard it, yes late. Her finistyer flew away - clear falcon.
I splashed all the tears and became going to get together, to look for a falcon. Ordered shoes forged, sourah and iron caps. I said goodbye to the father and sisters and went where the eyes look.
How long, briefly came to the clearing, and on it the hut on the bitter legs.

Get to me, hut, front, to the forest back. Log in want to relax.
The hut turned, Masha entered and saw Babu Yagu in the hut. And that let's swear:
- Fu, Fu, Maiden, what do you go wander, sleep sleep?
"I am looking for a grandmother, the finista is clear Sokol," Mashansu is responsible.

Long to look for you, the girl. He now lives in the thirtieth state. Walked his queen to the head. Here, honey, take the egg gold and saucer silver. Go to the queen and hire her in the maid. Only the saucer and egg do not sell, but give it just, just ask clearly to see.

Masha went further. She went, went, already worn shoes worn. Here again goes to the clearing, and there the hut is spinning on the courier legs.
Masha came into the hut, and there Baba Yaga is sitting.
- Fu, Fu, Maiden, what are you looking for here?
"I go to the thirtieth kingdom for the finalist - a clear falcon," answers Masha.
- I see my sister you visited. She decided to help you, and I will help. Maybe you can find your falcon. Here is a gold needle and silver hoops. The needle is not simple, it knows how to embroider. If the queen becomes possible to sell you, do not sell, but give you a gift, just let it be allowed to look at the finist.

In the fairy tale, it is described about how the fascinating queen captured a clear falcon of the finist. A kind and sincere girl of Marya thanks to his love liberated well done from imprisonment. The Fairy Tale "Finist-Clear Falcon" is suitable for children over five years old.

Fairy Tale Finist - Clear Falcon Download:

Fairy Tale Finist - Clear Falcon Read

He lived yes there was a peasant. He died his wife and there were three daughters. I wanted an old man to hire a worker in the farm to help, but a smaller daughter, Marnushka, said:

No need, father, hiring a worker, I myself will lead the farm.

Okay. Stated daughter Marjuna Economy news. All she knows how, all her goes on. He loved Father Marnoye: I was glad that such a smart yes, the baking daughter grows. And the man's beauty written. And the sisters of her envy, and greeding, out of themselves ugly, and fashion travelers - all day are sitting on white, and they are rumbling, but in the new clothes they dress up, and the dresses are not dresses, boots are not boots, the scarf is not a handkerchief.

My father went to the bazaar and asks her daughters:

What do you, daughters, buy, how to please?

Buy half a half, yes, so that the flowers are bigger, gold painted.

And Maritochka stands yes silent. Asks her father:

And what do you, daughter, buy?

And I, the Batyushka, buy a feather of the finist - clear Sokol.

Father comes, brings the daughters of the half-one, and did not find a flock. Father went another time on the bazaar.

Well, "says, daughters, order gifts.

Buy us on shoes with silver pylon.

And Marita orders again;

Buy me, Batyushka, a feather of the finista - clear Sokol.

My father walked all day, bought boots, and did not find the flock. Arrived without a stick. Okay. The old man went for the third time on the bazaar, and the eldest and middle daughters say:

Buy you to us along the coat.

And Marita asks again:

And I'm a father, buy a feather of the finist - clear Sokol.

Father walked all day, and did not find the flock. I left the city, and towards the old old man:

Great, grandfather!

Hello Darling! Where do you keep the road?

To yourself, grandfather, in the village. Yes, I have a grief: a smaller daughter punished to buy a feather of the finist - clear Sokol, and I did not find it.

I have such a feather, but it is cherished, but for a good person, wherever nothing went, I will give.

He took a feather a feather and serves, and it is the most ordinary. Arrows the peasant and thinks: "What did Mar Dish in him?"

Brought the old man gifts daughters, the eldest and medium dressed up, and yes above Mardushka laughs:

As you were fool, it is. Halp your feather in hair Yes, let's say!

Martushka said, moved to the side, and when everyone went to sleep, he threw Marito on the floor and said:

Saverny finist - clear falcon, come to me, waiting for my fiance!

And the beauty of the beauty appeared to her appeared. By morning, a well done hit the floor and became falcant. Occashed him Maritochka window, and Falcon flew to the blue sky.

For three days, Martushku brought to himself well! In the afternoon, he flies sides in blue, and by night, it arrives at Marjun and is done by a kind well done.

On the fourth day, the sisters evil noticed and sentenced the father to her sister.

My daughters are cute, - says father, - look at yourself!

"Okay," sisters think, "let's see how it will be next."

They ran into the frame of sharp knives, and they themselves were attached, watching. Here is a clear falcon. Flew to the window and can't get into the man's room. He fought, fought, cut off his chest, and Marlock sleeps and does not hear. And then said the falcon:

To whom I need, he will find me. But it will not be easy. Then you will find me when three glad's shoes wear, three stamps of iron stones, Three iron caps will break.

I heard this Marnushka, jumped out of bed, looked out the window, but there is no falcon, and only the bloody trail on the window remained. I cried Maridochka bitter tears, washed away the bloody trace of the bloody trace and became more painted. She went to his father and said:

Do not bother me, father, let go in the way the road is long. I will be alive - you will be quiet, I will die - so know, it is written on the nature.

It was a pity to let the father let go of his beloved daughter, but let go. I ordered Marjuna Three iron shoes, three stakes of iron, three iron caps and went on the road to the far, look for the desired finist - clear falcon. She walked with a clean field, walked with a dark forest, high mountains. Birds cheerful songs her heart Radded, swelling the face white was washed, the woods were darkened. And no one could put Marita: Wolves are gray, bears, foxes - all the animals flew to her. She worn by iron shoes, the staff Iron breakdown and the hat iron broke. And here comes Marita to the Polyana and sees: it is standing the hut on the bitter legs - it turns. Says Marnushka:

I saw Baba Yaga Marlushka, Zarel:

Looking for, grandmother, finista-clear falcon.

Oh, beautiful, it is difficult for you to look for it! Your clear falcon for thirty lands, in a threatened state. Out of his potion of the queen-wizard and married himself. But I will help you. Here is a silver saucer and a golden egg. When you come to the threestened kingdom, I hire a worker to the queen. Finish work - take a saucer, putting a golden egg, will ride itself. Will buy - do not sell. Against the finista - clear falcon to see. Thanked Marithe Babu Yagu and went. Dramed the forest, scary became Marjun, afraid and step, and towards the cat. Jumping to Mardushka and ignited:

Do not be afraid, Marito, go ahead. It will be even worse, and you go and go, do not look around.

Fucking the cat back and was this, and Maritochka went on. And the forest became even dark.

Marcuka was walking, the iron boots wear out, the staff could have breakdown, the cap broke and came to the hut on the couch legs. Around the tune, on the necklaces of the skull, and each skull fire burns.

Hut, hut, stand up to the forest back, to me before! I have to climb in you, there is bread.

The hut turned to the forest with the back, and to Martushka before. Marnaya went into the hut and sees: Sits there Baba Yaga - bone leg, legs from the angle in the corner, lips on the garden, and the nose to the ceiling is a prick.

I saw Baba Yaga Marloshka and Zarel:

Ugh, pah, the Russian spirit smells! Red Girl, is the case trying al from business?

And my sister was?

Was, grandma.

Okay, beauty, I will help you. Take silver hoops, golden needles. The needle itself will embroider silver and gold on raspberry velvet. Will buy - do not sell. Against the finista - clear falcon to see.

Thanked Marithe Babu Yagu and went. And in the forest knock, thunder, whistle, skulls forest light. Scary became Marjun. Look, the dog runs. Said the dog Marjun:

Av, Av, Marnushka, do not be afraid, native, go. It will be even worse, do not look around.

She said and was as follows. Married, and the forest became even darker. It is cling to her feet, it is enough for the sleeve ... Martushka goes, goes back, he does not look back. How long, briefly walked - the shoes of iron worn, the stroke of the Iron break, the cap is iron broke. I went out on the clearing, and on the clearing the hut on the bitter legs, around the tune, and on the stakes horsepower, each skull fire burns.

Hut, hut, stand up to the forest back, to me before!

The hut turned to the forest with the back, and to Martushka before. Marnaya went into the hut and sees: Sits there Baba Yaga - bone leg, legs from the angle in the corner, lips on the garden, and the nose to the ceiling is a prick. I saw Baba Yaga Marlushka, Zarel:

Ugh, pah, the Russian spirit smells! A red girl is trying to try, al from business to try?

I am looking for, grandmother, the finista is clear Sokol.

It's hard, beauty, you will look for him, yes I will help. Here is the silver donce, the golden Vhener. Take into the hands, the spinning itself will be, the thread will dyate not simple, but golden.

Thank you, grandmother.

Okay, thanks after say, and now listen to what you will punish: there will be a golder Welcome to buy - do not sell, and ask the finista - clear falcon to see.

Thanked Marita Babu Yagu and went, and the forest looked down, thugged: the whistle rose, owls spoke, mice from the holes rose, and everything is married. And he sees Marita - the gray wolf runs towards. Says a gray wolf Mariushka:

Do not burn, "he says," And sit on me and do not look around.

Marnaya sat on a gray wolf, and only her seen. Ahead of the steppe is wide, velvet meadows, honey rivers, coast of sour, mountains in the clouds rest. And Marlock all jumps and jumps. And so before Martuchka, crystal terme. The porch carved, the edges of the patched, and in the end of the queen looks.

Well, "the wolf says," Fuck, Marnushka, go and hire in servants.

Marioshka tears, the knot took, thanked the wolf and went to the crystal palace. Marita Tsaritsa bowed and says:

I do not know how to call you, how to make sure, and do not you need a worker?

The queen answers:

For a long time I am looking for a female worker, but such that can be sent and weave and embroider.

I can do it all.

Then pass and sit for work.

And married Market worker. The day works, and the night will come - I will take Marita Silver Soccer and the Golden Egg and say:

Roll, rolling, golden egg, on a silver saucer, show me my cute.

The egg will ride on a silver saucer, and the finistist will appear - clear falcon. He looks at him Marno and tears flooded:

My finist, the finalist is a clear falcon, why did you leave me alone, bitter, they cry about you!

The queen overheard her words and says:

A, sell me, Marnushka, Silver Soccer and Golden Egg.

No, "says Marnushka," they are not soldiers. I can give you them if you allow the finista - clear falcon to look.

Thought the queen, thought.

Okay, - says - so be. At night, as he will fall, I'll show you it.

The night came, and Marito in the bedroom goes to the finist - clear falcon. She sees - she sleeps her heartfall with a dream with nothing. Watching Marito, do not look, kisses sugar in the mouth, presses to the chest of white, - sleeping does not awaken. Morning came, and Maritochka did not appear cute ...

Martushka worked the whole day, and in the evening she took silver hoops and a golden needle. Sits, embroiders, herself says:

Embroidery, embroider, pattern, for the finist - clear falcon. It would be something in the morning to wipe.

Pledged the queen and says:

Sell \u200b\u200bme, Martushka, Silver Flash, Golden Neigh.

I will not sell, "says Marute," and I will give, allowed only with the finistyer - a clear falcon.

Well, "says," so be, at night I'll show you it.

The night is coming. Martushka is included in the Spallenka to the finist - clear falcon, and he sleeps with a one for nothing.

You are my finist, clear falcon, stand, awaken!

Sleeps the finalist - clear falcon of a strong sleep. WILL HIS MARDER - not visible.

Comes day. Martushka sitting at work, takes a silver dona in his hands, Golden Wiery. And the queen see: Sell yes sell!

We will not sell, but I can give it, if you allow you to get a clear falcon with a clear sipol.

Okay. And he herself thinks: "Does not wake up anyway."

Night came. Marta in the bedroom goes to the one-bedroom - clear falcon, and he sleeps with a dream with nothing.

You are my finist - a clear falcon, stand, awaken!

He sleeps the finalist, does not wake up. Boudoil, Boudoil - can not be trust, and dawn is close. Marcuka rushed:

Saverny you are my finist - a clear falcon, stand up, awaken, I look at Marta, to my heart to her arsen!

Mariushkin fell to the naked shoulder of the finist - clear Sokol and burned. The finistist woke up - clear falcon, looked around and sees Marito. Hugged her, kissed:

Is it really you, Martushka! Three shoes worn out, three strokes of iron breakdown, three glades crawled and found me? Let's go home now.

They began to get home to home, and the queen saw and ordered in the pipes to bother, about treasoning her husband to notify.

The princes and the merchants were gathered, began to keep the advice, as the finist - clear falcon to punish.

Then the finalist - clear falcon says:

Which, in your opinion, is a real wife: Is that firmly like, or that that sells it deceives?

Everything agreed that the wife of the finist - clear Sokol - Marita.

And they began to live-wait yes good story. We went to our state, the PIR was collected, in the pipes, they stumbled in the guns, and there was a feast such that he was remembered.

Finist-clear falcon: Tale. Summary

Sturge stained begins one of the usual fabulous scenarios. Father has three daughters, two of which are not distinguished by the mind and diligence, and the youngest Marita - and Beauty, and the clever. Going on the road, my father always asks his daughters, what hotel they would like to get. Senior girls are only about the things of fashionable dreams, and Maritoon about a nurse is clear Sokolit. Once it happened so that the old grandfather handed the father such a feather, the story itself begins. Marnushka meets the finistyer - good young and, passing through the sisters, goes on the road to save the beloved from the evil sorcerer. The girl will have to meet with a Baba Yaga and her sisters, instead of his kindness and sincerity to get magic gifts. It is they who will help Marlushka to free the finist from the Char ...

Fullist Clear Falcon - Magic Character Folk Fairy Tale

The fairy tale is a clear-oust falcon (read "Good well done") - one of the few Russian folk fairy tales, named not in honor of the main character, and the name of the magic character. The finalist is one of the good heroes of Russian folk art. The ability to turn into a falcon manifests itself after Girl's girl calls him to himself. The finistan-clear falcon personifies her pure love, easily passing through any obstacles.


"Finist - Clear Falcon" - Summary:

Father lived with three daughters, mother died. The younger name was Martu and she was her needlewoman and made all the work on the house. Among all the daughters was she the most beautiful and hardworking. Father often went to the bazaar and asked her daughters, what gifts to bring them. The eldest and middle daughter has always ordered things - boots, dresses, and the youngest always asked the father to bring a feather a feather-clear falcon.

2 times the father could not find a row, but on the third he met an old man who gave him a feather of the finista - clear falcon. Marnushka was very happy and for a long time he admired a dream, but by the evening dropped him and immediately the finalist was a clear falcon, hit the floor and turned into good well. All night they spoke with Marjun. And the next three nights also - the finistan flew in the evening and flew in the morning.

The sisters heard that their younger sister talks to someone at night and told her father, but he did not do anything. Then the sisters shook the needles and knives in the window and, when the finalist arrived in the evening - a clear falcon, he began to fight the window and hurt, and Marita fell asleep and did not hear it. Then the finistyer shouted that she would fly away and if Marlock wants to find him, she would need to demolish three pairs of cast-iron boots, 3 cast-iron provokes to tear on the grass and grab 3 stone bread.

Numbro Marito saw the blood of the finist and remembered everything. The blacksmith made her cast-iron shoes and the pea, she took three stone bread and went to search for the finista - clear falcon. When I wear the first pair of shoes, the staff and contrived the first bread, I found the hut in which the old woman lived. There she spent over, and the old woman gave her a magical gift - silver Donets, Golden Werpets and advised to go to his middle sister, maybe she knows where to look for the finista-clear falcon.

When Marnushka caught a second pair of cast-iron shoes and the second staff, the second stone bread was contaminated, she found the hut of the middle sister's old woman. She was married to her march and in the morning received a magical gift - a silver plate with a gold egg and the Council to go to the older sister of the old woman, which certainly knew where the finistist is clear falcon.

The third pair of cast-iron shoes, the third staff and Marital trampled the third stone bread was extended. Soon she saw the hut of an older sister, where he spent over and in the morning he received a magic golden fiach and needle as a gift.

Mariuska went back barefoot and saw a courtyard soon, in which there was a beautiful Terem. The hostess with her daughter and servant lived in it, and the daughter was married to the finistrator - a clear falcon. Marnaya asked for a hostess to work and the hostess took her. She was happy with such a skillful and unpretentious worker. And soon her daughter saw her magic gifts from Marlushka and exchanged them to a meeting with the imaging - clear falcon. But he did not recognize Martushki - she dismissed in a long campaign. For two nights, Marjuna distilted flies from the finist - clear falcon, as long as he slept, but it could not wake him up - her daughter fell him at night with sleeping pots.

But on the third night, Marnushka cried over the finalist and fell into his face and her tears and burned him on his chest. He immediately woke up, recognized Marta and turned Sokol, and Marlock drew into the dove. And they flew to Marjun home. Father and sisters were very delighted by him, and soon they and the wedding played and lived happily before the end of their days.

Russian folk tale "Finist - Clear Falcon" in the processing of A.P. Platonova enters B. .


Fairy Tale "Finist - Clear Falcon" - read:

The peasant with his wife lived in the village, they had three daughters.

Daughters have grown, and parents have come, and now it's time, a turn came - a wife died at the peasant. He became a peasant one to raise his daughters. All three of his daughters were beautiful, beauty equal, and the temper is different.

The old peasant lived in prosperity and regretted his daughters. He wanted to take into the courtyard any old woman in the Bill, so that she cared for the household. And the smaller daughter, Marnushka, says Father: "Not needed, a father, the Bobill take, I myself will take care of the house." Marya wadded was. And the eldest daughters said nothing.

Mugushka became instead of his mother household house. And she knows how she can, everything goes on her, and what he does not know how to get used to, and accustomed to, too, get along with the case. Father looks, it rejoices that Marnuka he has such a clever, and that worker, and the moral is meek. And Marita was good from himself - the beauty written, and the beauty of her beauty was added.

Her senior sisters were also beauties, only they all seemed little to be their beauty, and they tried to add it to the blunders and her whites. Sit, it happened, two senior sisters yes all day decay, and in the evening everything was the same as in the morning. They will notice that the day passed how many Rumba and blell were waiting, but did not better be, and they were sitting angry. And Maritochka tires in the evening, but she knows that the cattle is fed, in the hut purely caught, she cooked dinner, the bread for tomorrow was kneading and the father was pleased with her.

She looks at the sisters with her tender eyes and will not say anything to them. And the older sisters are even more angry. It seems to them that Marya was not the morning, but in the evening he looked, "where they don't know."

The need for the father to go to the bazaar. He asks the daughters:

And what do you, deubs, buy, how to please you?

Senior daughter says Father:

Buy me, father, half airs, so that the flowers on it were big and gold painted.

And I, the Batyushka, - the middle says, - also buy a half-one with flowers that the gold is painted, and in the midst of the colors so that the red was. And buy me boots with soft tops, on high heels, so that they are fed to the ground.

The eldest daughter was offended by the middle, she had a gloomy heart, said Father:

And I, the Battyushka, and I buy boots with soft tops and with the Cab- ones, so that they are fought! And buy me a ring with a top of your finger - after all, you have one older daughter.

Father promised to buy gifts, which two senior cheri punished, and asked for younger:

And what are you silent, Marita?

And me, the father, nothing needs. I do not go away from the courtyard, I don't need the outfits.

Like your marriage! How can I leave you without a gift? I'll buy a hotel for you.

And the hotel does not need, Batyushka, "says the youngest daughter.

And buy you, the father is a birthplace, a feather of the finist - clear juice, if it will be cheap.

My father went to the bazaar, he bought the Senior daughters of the parks, what they had punished, and the finist's flock was clearly not ours. All merchants asked.

"No," the merchants said, - such a product; In demand, they say, "there is no" I did not want to offend the father to offend younger daughter, my workers' cleverness, but he looked at the yard, and I did not buy a flock of the finist. And Marnushka was not offended.

Nishto, Batyushka, - said Marnushka, - in other times you will go, then it will buy, my feather.

Time passed, and again the Father need to go to the bazaar. He asks the daughters that they are as a gift: he was kind. Big daughter says:

I bought me, the father, in the former times the boots, so let the blacksmiths bribe the heels on those boots with silver horses.

And the middle hears senior and says:

And I, the Battyushka, too, and then the heels are knocking, and do not ring, - let them ring. And so that the carnations from the horses are not lost, buy me still silver hammer: I will piss them cloves.

What do you buy something, Marnushka?

And see, the father, a feather from the finist, is clear Sokol, whether there will be no.

I went to the old man to the bazaar, my business soon passed and the senior daughters bought gifts, and for the younger until the evening I was looking for a feather, yes there is no one flock, no one gives him to purchase. Father returned again without a gift for younger daughter. He sorry for him to Marute, and Marnushka smiled at his father: she was pleased that he saw her parent again.

It's time, my father went again to the bazaar.

What do you, my daughters, for a gift to buy?

The eldest thought and immediately did not come up with what she needed.

Buy me, Batyushka, something.

And the average says:

And I, Patushka, buy something, and add something else to something.

And you, Marithe?

And I buy you, the father, one feather of the finista - clear falcon.

I went old to the bazaar. I did about my business, I bought my senior daughters, and I didn't buy any younger: there is no sticks in the bazaar. My father goes home and sees: there is an old old old old man, older than him, quite old.

Hello, grandfather!

Hello Darling. What is your kindle?

And how not to be, grandfather! I got a daughter to buy her one feather my finiste - clear falcon. I was looking for her a feather, but it was not. And my daughter is smaller, I have a little sorry for me.

The old old man thought, and then he says:

So be! He untied a blowing bag and took out a box from it.

"Hiding," says, the box, in it a feather from the finista is clear Sokol. Yes, I'll mention again: I have one son; You have a sorry daughter, and I have a son. My son does not want to marry, and he has come time. Does not want - it is impossible to catch it. And he tells me: who will ask you this feather, you give, this bride asks.

He said his words an old old man - and suddenly there is no it, it is unknown where. Was he or not? The father of Martushku remains with a feature in his hands. He sees it a feather, and it is gray, simple. And it was impossible to buy it anywhere. I remembered the Father that the old old man said to him, and thought:

"It can be seen, Mariushka my fate it comes out - without knew that without seeking, to marry unknown for whom."

Father came home, presented gifts with senior daughters, and the younger gave a box with a gray feathered. Senior sisters dressed up and laughed at the youngest:

And you stick your sparrow feather in the hair, and let's say.

Martushka was silent, and when everyone went to bed in the hollow, she laid a simple gray feature of the finista - clear Sokol and became admiring them. And then Marnushka took a feather into his hands, supersed him with him, stroked and accidentally dropped to the floor. Someone hit the window immediately. The window has opened, and flew the finistist - clear falcon. He was attached to the floor and turned in beautiful well done.

Closed the window window and began to talk with a great man. And by the morning he opened Marito glass, bowed well to the floor, turned in clear falcon, and Falcon left a simple gray feather and flew into a blue sky. Three evenings gave Marute Sokol. In the afternoon, he flew through the snowmobile, above the fields, above the forests, above the mountains, over the seas, and in the evening I flew to Mardushka and was welded good young.

On the fourth evening, the older sisters heard a quiet conversation of Marute, they heard them and someone else's voice of good well done, and the next morning asked younger sister:

Who are you, sister, do you talk at night?

And I say myself to myself, "Muguska replied.

I don't have friends, in the afternoon I once in work, I once, and in the evening I am a conversation with me.

Listened to the older sisters younger, but did not believe her. They said to the father:

Batyushka, and Marya is our narrowed, it seems to be talking to him at night and talk to him. We ourselves have heard.

And the father of them in response:

And you would not listen, - says.

What do our marlock do not be narrowed? Love here there is no, the girl she is fitting and at the time he came out; You will come to your turn.

So Marya did not know his breath, "the eldest daughter said.

I would like to marry her earlier.

It is really yours, "the father judged.

So fate does not matter. A different bride in girls in old age is sitting, and other people with the beast of Mila. So the father said to the senior daughters, and he himself thought:

"Il is the word of that old man come true that I presented a feather? There is no troubles, yes a good man
will be narrowed by Maritochka? "

And the senior daughters had their own desire. As the evening came, Mariushkina sisters took out knives from Chenkov, and the knives were stuck in the frame of the window and in front of it, and besides knives, they stuck the sharp needles and the sharp glasses and the fragments of the old glass. Marnushka at that time, the cow in Klelev cleaned and did not see anything.

And here, as a dark, the finalist flies - a clear falcon to the Marjuncan window. He flew to the window, hit the sharp knives yes about the needles and glass, beat-forsia, overshadowed all the breasts, and Marnushka was worried about the day at work, she tried out, the expectation of the finist is clear Sokol, and did not hear how her falcon fought in the window.

Then the finalist said loudly:

Goodbye, my red maiden! If I need you, you will find me, although I will be far! And before that, Iduchy to me, you wear the shoes of iron three pairs, three strokes of cast-iron about the grass is a hydrocal erase, three stoneware breads.

And heard Marnushka through the Dream of the word of the finist, and could not worry. In the morning, she awakened, lit up her heart. I looked out the window, and in the window the blood of the finist - clear falcon. I cried then Marnushka. She opened the window and soldered face to the place where the blood of the finist was. The tears washed off the blood of the cola, and Martushka herself was silent with blood narrowed and became more painted.

Married to father and told him:

Do not bother me, father, let me go to the road Far Run. I will be alive - you will be quiet, and dirber - in the family, to know, I was written.

It was a pity to let the father of letting go anywhere who beloved younger daughter. And they can not catch her at home, it is impossible. He knew his father: Loving the heart of the maiden is stronger than the authorities of the Father and Mother. He said goodbye to his beloved daughter and let her go.

The blacksmith made Merushka three pairs of iron shoes and three crotched powders, she took another three stone bread, she bowed to the father and sisters, the grave of the mother visited and went on the road to look for the finist - clear Sokol.

He goes Marita by expensive. She is not a day, not two, not three, it goes for a long time. She was and a clean field and a dark forest, walked and the high mountains. In the fields of the birds she sang, the dark forests were brought to her, with the high mountains she admired the world.

Marnushka was so much that one pair of iron shoes she wear out, the cast-iron staff about the road was exchering and the stone bread was controversial, and the path of her all ends and there is no finista anywhere - clear falcon. Then Mardushka sighed, sat on the ground, she became other iron shoes to shove - and sees the hut in the forest. And the night has come.

Muguska thought: "I'll go to the hut of people I ask, didn't see my finist - clear falcon?" He knocked Maritus to the hut. She lived in that hut one old woman - kind or evil, did not know about that Marito. Occashed the old woman in Song - standing in front of her red maiden.

Let the grandmother, spend the night!

Come on, Bolklushka, Guest will be. Are you going to go, young?

Li, close, I don't know my grandmother myself. I'm looking for a finist - clear falcon. Have you heard about him, grandmother?

How not to hear! I'm old, long ago in the world I live, I heard about everyone! Far to go, Bolklushka.

In the next morning, the old woman woke up Marito and tells her:

Go, honey, now to my middle sister. She is older than me and knows more. Maybe she will teach you and tell you where your finist lives. And so that you, old, do not forget me, take a silver diacon - the Golden Wiery, will be a sidel of the pitch, the golden thread will plunge. Take care of my gift while he will be dear to you, and not the roads will be served by him.

Marnushka took a gift, loved to them and said the hostess:

Thanks, grandma. And where can I go in which direction?

And I give you a tangle for the scooter. Where the ball rolled, and you go for him for him. And you think about it, you will sit on the grass - and the girl will stop, you will be expected.

Marnoy Staruha bowed and went for the glomerus. How many mari walked briefly, she did not think that she did not regret herself, but she sees - the forests are dark, terrible, in the fields of grass growing, barbed, the mountains are naked, stone, and birds do not sing over the ground.

Marcoon was latter, everything was more in a hurry. Look, again it is necessary to move: another pair of iron shoes worn out, and the staff is cast iron about the Earth extercusted, and she rubbed the stone bread. Marirashka sat down. She sees - Black Forest is close, and the night comes, and in the forest in one loaf of light in the window. The tangler rolled to that hut.

Married and knocked in the window:

The owners are kind, let night!

I went out on the porch of the stupid of the old woman, the oldest of the one that was previously brought to Marta.

Where to go, red maiden? Who are you looking for in the world?

I am looking for, grandmother, the finista is clear Sokol. I was at one old woman in the forest, her night spent the night, she had heard about the finist, and he didn't know him. Maybe she said, his middle sister is eating. She launched the old man Marita in the hut. And the next morning woke up a guest and told her:

Far to you to seek the finist, I managed to know about him, but I see it - I did not see. Go now to our older sister, she should know about him. And to remember you about me, take a gift from me. For joy, he will be with you memory, and the need for help will have. And gave the mistress-old woman with his guest Silver dish Golden Egg. He asked Marute at the old hostess of forgiveness, bowed to her and went for the shell.

Martushka goes, and the land around her at all is alien. She looks - one forest on the ground is growing, and there is no clean field. And trees, the further rolls the tangle, are growing higher. It became very dark: the sun and the sky are not visible. And Maritochka and in the dark everything was going on, so far, until the Iron shoes were dragged through her, and the staff of the land is not exterior and as long as the last stone bread, it did not trade the remaining crust.

Looked around Marjuna - how to be? She sees her tangle: it lies under the window at the forest hut. Nogged marito in the hut window:

The owners are kind, cover me from the dark night!

The ancient old woman was released on the porch, the oldest sister of all old women.

Go to the hut, dove, "says. - Chew where it came as far away! Next and does not live on the ground no one, I am extreme. You're in a different way tomorrow morning to keep the way. And whose whose will you and where to go?

Replied to her Marita:

I'm not local, grandmother. I'm looking for a finist - clear falcon.

I looked at the older old woman on Marta and tells her:

Falcon is looking for? I know I know him. I live in the world for a long time, so long ago, that I learned everyone, I remember all.

She put the old man Marida, and the next morning woke her.

For a long time, "says," I didn't do good to anyone. Alone in the forest I live, everyone has forgotten about me, I remember everyone. You will be good and I will do: I will tell you where your finist is a clear falcon lives. And you will find it, it will be difficult for you: finist - falcon now married, he lives with her mistress. It is difficult for you, and you have a heart, and on the heart and the mind will come, and from the mind and difficult to light.

Marita said in response:

Thanks to you, grandmother, - and bowed to her in the ground.

Thanks to me after you are. But you give you a gift - take the golden penalty from me and the needle: you still hold, and the needle it will be the needle. Go now, and what will need to do you - you will go, you will find out.

The girl did not roll further. He went to the porch senior old woman and pointed to Marjun, in which direction she needed. Muguska went, as was, Bosai. Thought:

"How to do? The land here is solid, someone else's, you need to get used to it ... "

She passed a short time. And sees - a rich yard stands in the clearing. And in the courtyard, Terem: the porch carved, the edges of the patched.

One window sits a rich, noble mistress and looks at Marita: what, they say, she needs. I remembered Maritochka: She's no longer worn to go shop in the road.

She said the hostess:

Hello, Hostess! Do you need a worker for bread, for clothes?

It is necessary, - answers the noble mistress. - Do you know how you heat the oven, and wear the water, and dinner do not care?

I lived with the father without a mother - I can do everything.

Do you know how to spin, weave and embroider?

He remembered Marita about the gifts of old grandmothers.

I can, "says.

Go then, - the hostess says, - in human kitchen.

Married to work and serve on someone else's rich yard. Marita's hands are honest, diligently, everything is going on with her. The hostess looks at Marute yes rejoices: there was still no such helpful, and good, yes, intelligent workers; And the bread Market eats a simple, drinking it by Kvais, and I do not ask for tea.

Has praise her daughter's mistress.

Look, - says, - What are we in the courtyard: the submissive yes, it's affectionate and affectionate!

Looked up the shopsman daughter on Marta.

Fu! - He speaks. - Let her affectionate, but I am painted her, and I am whiter!

In the evening, how I managed with the economic work, Mariuta was seed. She sat on the shop, pulled the silver Donets - the Golden Wergeen and heins. It hides it, from the bumps thread stretches - the thread is not simple, but golden. She hides, but looks into a silver dona, and it mights, he sees her finist there - clear Sokol: he looks at her as alive in the world. Straps Marito on him and talks to him:

My finist, the finalist is a clear falcon, why did you leave me alone, bitter, cry for you? These are my sisters, deliberate, your blood was shed.

And the Musician daughter entered the time in the human hut, it stands, looking and listening.

Who are you grief, maiden? She asks. - And what is your fun in your hands?

Marnushka tells her:

I'm burning about the imaging - clear falcon. And this is a thread straight, the Towel I will embroider - it would be His in the morning a white face wip.

Sell \u200b\u200bmy fun, "Musicina says the daughter, my husband, I myself, myself the thread.

I looked at Marjuna to the shop of my daughter, I got my golden Werche, and says:

And I have no fun, I have work in my hands. And the silver donce is not for sale: I didn't give it a kind grandmother.

The master's daughter was offended: she did not want to see her golden Wiery from his hands.

If not for sale, "says," let's do it then, I'll give you a thing too.

Give, - said Marnushka. - Doster to me on the finist - clear falcon at least once with one eye look!

The master's daughter thought and agreed.

Estimated, maiden, - says. - Let me fun ...

She took the Silver Donets from Marta - Golden Wiery, and he herself thinks: "I'll show her the finist to her for a while, nothing will become with him. I will give him a sleepy potion, and through this golden Vichet, and Mother and Mother and Mother and I will swam! "

By night, the finistist was cut from the inside - a clear falcon, he turned in good well done and sat down to dinner in the family: the mother-in-law and his finist with his wife. The master's daughter ordered to call Marta: let it serve at the table and looks at the finist, as a persuasion was.

Marita appeared; She serves at the table, the Kushan feeds and does not reduce the eye from the finist. And the finalist sits, as if it was not, - he did not recognize Marnushki: she was expired by expensive, and Iduchi to him, and from sorrow it changed in her face.

I dined the owners, I got out the finist and went to sleep in my hubby. Maritochka and says the young hostess:

Fly in the yard flies a lot. I'll go to the belt to the belt, I will drive my flock from him, so that he did not interfere with him.

Let him go! - said the old hostess.

A young mistress thought here again.

But no, - says, let him bother.

And he himself went after her husband, gave him a sleepy potion at night and grogied. "Maybe," the man's daughter judged, "there are still fun for such a female on such a thing!"

Go now, "she said to Marjun. - Go, flies from the finist!

Marcuka came to the belief's finist and forgot about flies. She sees: Sleeps her heartfall with each other. It looks at him, Marnushka does not look at him. He leaned close to him, breathing with him with him, whispering him:

Wake up, my finalist is a clear falcon, I came to you. I am three pairs of Iron Eastttal shoes, three cast-iron copyright about the way of Exterla, three stoneware breads! And the finistist sleeps incombuse, the eye does not open and does not pray words in response.

The wife of the finist is coming to the hubber - the master's daughter - and asks:

Changed flies?

He moved, - Marnushka says, - they flew out the window.

Well, go to sleep in a human hut.

The next day, as Marjuna has been done by all the household work, she took a silver saucer and rolling around the golden egg: Rides around - and a new golden egg rolls off a saucer; Rides another time around - and again a new golden egg rolls off a saucer.

I saw the master's daughter.

Caught, - Says, - and you have such fun? Sell \u200b\u200bher, or I change you, what you want, I will give for her.

Marcushka tells her in response:

I can not sell, I gave a kind grandmother as a gift. I give you a gift with egg with egg. Here, take it!

Took a gift to the master's daughter and delighted:

Or maybe you need, Marnushka? Ask what you want.

Marita and asks in response:

I need my little thing. The doser again from the flock flock to challenge when you put it down.

Estimated, - says a young mistress.

And he herself thinks: "What my husband gets from the girl's gum! Yes, and he will sleep from potion, the eye will not open the eye, but for a female worker, maybe there is still what fun! "

By the night, again, the finistist was crushed - a clear falcon from the jetty, turned in good well done and sat down at the table to dinner with his family. The wife of the finist called Marita to serve at the table, feeding the dish. Marta Cushan feeds, the cups puts, the spoons puts, and does not reduce the eyes from the finist. And the finalist looks and does not see her - he does not recognize her heart. Again, as it was, gave the master's daughter to her husband drinking with a sleepy potion and put it to sleep, and Marito sent him to him and told her to challenge her.

Married came to the finist, began to call him and cry over him, thought - now he will awaken, look at her and recognizes Marta. For a long time, His Marnushka and tears were wiped from her face, so that they did not fall on the white face of the finist and did not dare him.

And the finistist slept, he did not wake up and his eyes did not show off in response. On the third day, Marjuna cited all the household work in the evening, sat on the shop in the human hut, took out the golden pen and the needle. She holds a golden five in his hands, and the needle itself embroiders on the canvas. Eastells Marta, herself speaks:

Embroidery, embroider, my red pattern, embroider for the finist - clear Sokol, it would be for what to admire!

A young mistress went nearby. She came to the human hut, saw the Golden Phachko and the needle, which embroidered in his hands. She walked his heart envy and greed, and she says:

Martushka, Downturn, Red Maiden! Give me such a fun or what you want in exchange take! I have a golden Vhener, I will strain the yarn, the canvas is a nod, but I have no golden pen with a needle - there is nothing to embroider. If in exchange do not want to give, then sell! I will give the price!

It is impossible! - says Marnushka. - It is impossible a golden five with a needle to sell, nor in exchange. They are the most kind, the oldest grandmother was given. And I will give them a gift. Took a young mistress Piachchko with a needle, and I have nothing to give to Marjun, she says:

Come, if you want, from my husband, the finist, flies to drive away. Before you asked myself.

I will come to be, and be, - said Marute.

After dinner, the young hostess first did not want to give the finist of the sleepy potion, and then he thought and added that potion in drink: "What to look at the girl, let him sleep!"

Marnhouse went to the hube to sleeping finist. It's not sip now her heart. She fell to his white chest and hides:

Wake up, awaken, my finist, clear my falcon! I went with all the land of the land, you are walking! Three Pig-iron staff worked to walk with me and about the Earth extended, the three pairs of the shoes of the iron legs were worn out, the three breads of the stone I goddala. Stand-wish, my finist, falcon! You are thirsty! And the finalist is sleeping, nothing heels, and he does not hear the voices of Marl.

For a long time Marnushka walked the finist, for a long time she cried over him, and the finalist woke up - the potion of his wife was firmly. Yes, one hot tear of Martews fell on the chest of the finist, and the other tear fell on his face. One tear fell down the heart of the finist, and the other opened his eyes to him, and he woke up at the same moment.

Ah, "says," what did you burn me? "

Foreign person, clear falcon! - Martushka answers him. - awaken, I came! For a long time I was looking for you, iron and cast iron I am about Earth. They did not curtail the road to you, and I squeezed! The third night I call you, and you sleep, you are not awakened, you do not answer my voice!

And then I learned the finistist - a clear falcon of my Marita, the Red Maiden. And so he was delighted to her that he could not clear the words from joy at first. He pressed Marito to his chest with his white and kissed. And waking up, accustomed to Mugus with him, he told her:

Whether you are my SIZYA Dove, my faithful red maiden!

And at the same moment he turned into a falcon, and Marnushka - to the dove. They flew into the nightly days and flew all night near, until the dawn. And when they flew, Marnushka asked:

Falcon, falcon, and where are you flying, because your wife will get bored!

Finist Sokol listened to her and answered:

I'm flying to you, a red maiden. And whoever does a husband change in Wergeeta, on Bluetko and on a needle, the husband does not need that wife and the wife will not get bored.

Why did you marry such a wife? - asked Marute. - Would you not have?

Whale was mine, yes, fate and love was not.

And they flew further next to each other. At dawn, they fell to the ground. I looked around Marito around, she sees - her parent's house stands as before. My father wanted to see the parent's father, and she immediately turned to the Red Maiden. And the finalist - a clear falcon hit the land of the earth and got a feature. He took Marito a feather, hid him to his chest, for the sinus, and came to his father.

Hello, my daughter is smaller, love! I thought you were not in the world. Thank you for my father did not forget home. Where was so long, did not hurry home?

Forgive me, father. So I needed.

Well, you need to. Thanks that the need has passed. It happened that the holiday in the city has a big fair opened. My father was gathered for the Fair to go, and the eldest daughters go with him - gifts to buy themselves. Father and smaller called Marital. And Marnushka:

Batyushka, "says," I traveled from the road, and there is nothing to put on me. At the fair, tea, all the elegant will be.

I'm there you, Marta, rising, - Father answers. - At the fair, tea, bargaining big.

And older sisters say younger:

Forward our seats, we have too much.

Ah, sister, thank you! - says Marnushka.

I do not like your dresses! Yes, I am good at home.

Well, be in your opinion, "the father says her. - And what do you have to bring from the fair, what gift? Say, Father is not offended!

Ah, father, nothing I need it, I have everything! No wonder I went far and tired on the road.

Father with older sisters left for the fair. At the same time, Marute reached her feather. It hit the floor and became an excellent kind well done, the finistyer, only more beautiful than he was before. Marlushka was surprised, but he said nothing from his happiness.

Then I told her finalist:

Do not be divided into me, Marnushka. This is me from your love.

Though I'm a day, I said Marnoye, - Yes, for me, you are always the same, I love you anyone.

And where is your parent - father?

I left for the fair, and sisters with him elders.

And what are you, my Marnushka, did not go with them?

I have a finist, clear falcon. I don't need anything at the fair.

And I don't need anything, "said the finist," Yes, I became rich from your love.

The finalist from Martushka turned around, whistled in the window - now there were dresses, clothes and a gold carriage.
They dressed up, sat in the carriage, horses rose them with swirl. They arrived in the city to the fair, and the fair only opened, all rich products and disasses are lying, and buyers ride on the road. The finalist bought all the products on the fair, all the disasters that were there, and told them with the intersperself to carry to the village to the parent of Maritochka. He did not bought one ointment wheel alone, but left her at the fair. He wanted all the peasants to come to the fair became guests at his wedding and rather drove to him. And for the ambulance, they will need ointment.

We went to the finist with Marjun home. They ride quickly, there are not enough horses from the wind. At half the road saw Marute his father and senior sisters. They still went to the fair and did not reach. Marnushka ordered them to observe the yard, on her wedding with the imaging - clear falcon. And after three days, the entire people gathered on the guests, which lived on a hundred miles in the district. The then the finist with Martushka was married, and the wedding was rich.

At that wedding, our grandfather and grandmothers were, for a long time they drank, the bride and the bride were magnificent, from the summer before the winter it would not be possible, but it was time to remove the harvest, the bread began to crumble; Therefore, the wedding ended and no guest left. The wedding ended, and the wedding feast guests were forgotten, and the faithful, marking heart of Marjuns was forever remembered in Russian land.

Lived in the village of peasant with his wife; They had three daughters. The daughters have grown, and the parents have come, and now it's time, a turn came - a wife died at the peasant. He became a peasant one to raise his daughters. All three of his daughters were beautiful and beauty equal, and the temper is different.

The old peasant lived in prosperity and regretted his daughters. He wanted to take into the courtyard any old woman in the Bill, so that she cared for the household. And the smaller daughter, Marnushka, says Father:

"It's not necessary, the father, the Bobill take, I myself will take care of the house.

Marya wadded was. And the eldest daughters said nothing.

Mugushka became instead of his mother household house. And she knows how she can, everything goes on her, and what he does not know how to get used to, and accustomed to, too, get along with the case. Father looks at the youngest daughter and rejoices. He was glad that Martushka he had such a clever, and she worrying and nesting meek. And Marita was good - the beauty written, and from the kindness of the beauty it was added. Her senior sisters were also beauties, only they all seemed little to be their beauty, and they tried to add it with blunders and her whites and still in the new clothes. Sit, it happened, two senior sisters yes all day hurt, and in the evening everything was the same as in the morning. They will notice that the day passed how many Rumba and blell were waiting, but did not better be, and they were sitting angry. And Maritochka tires in the evening, but she knows that the cattle is fed, in the hill it is purely pure, she cooked dinner, the bread for tomorrow was kneading and the father will be pleased with her. She looks at his sisters with his joyful eyes and won't say anything to them. And the older sisters are even more angry. It seems to them that Marya was not so in the morning, but by evening he looked around - why only, they do not know.

The need for the father to go to the bazaar. He asks the daughters:

- And what do you, deudes, buy, what to please you?

Senior daughter says Father:

"Buy me, father, half airs, so that the flowers on it were big and gold painted.

- And I, the Batyushka, - the middle says, - too, buy a half-one with flowers that the gold is painted, and in the midst of the colors so that the red was. And I'll still buy me boots with soft tops, at high heels, so that they are fed to the ground.

The eldest daughter was offended by the middle and said his father:

- And me, the father, and I will buy boots with soft tops and with the heels, so that they are fed to the ground. And buy me a ring with a pebble on your finger - after all, I have one older daughter.

Father promised to buy gifts that two senior daughters punished, and asked for younger:

- What are you silent, Martushka?

- And me, father, nothing needs. I do not go away from the courtyard, I don't need the outfits.

- It's not true, Martushka! How can I leave you without a gift? I'll buy a hotel for you.

- And the hotel does not need, Batyushka, "says the youngest daughter. - And buy you, the Batyushka is a birthplace, a feather of the finist is clearly falcon, if it will be cheap.

My father went to the bazaar, he bought his senior daughters gifts, which they punished him, and did not find the flock of the finist - clear Sokol. All merchants asked.

"No," the merchants said, - such a product; In demand, they say, "there is no"

I did not want to offend my father to offend my younger daughter, who worked as a clever, however, he grew to the court, and he did not buy a flock of the finist.

And Marnushka was not offended. She was delighted that his father returned home, and told him:

- Nushto, Batyushka. In other times you will go, then it will be bought, my feather.

Time passed, and again the Father need to go to the bazaar. He asks the daughters that they are as a gift: he was kind.

Big daughter says:

- You bought me, father, in the same time boots, so let the blacksmiths bribe the heels on those boots with silver pensions.

And the middle hears senior and says:

"And I, the father, too, and then the heels are knocking, and do not ring," let them ring. " And so that the carnations from the horses are not lost, buy me still silver hammer: I will piss them cloves.

- What do you buy something, Martushka?

"And see, father, a feather from the finista - clear Sokol: whether there will be no.

I went to the old man to the bazaar, my business would have made myself and the senior daughters bought gifts, and for younger until the very evening I was looking for a feather, and there is no one flock, no one gives him to purchase.

Father returned again without a gift for younger daughter. It was a sorry for him to Marute, and Marlushka smiled at his father and did not show his grief - he squeezed him.

Time passed, my father went again to the bazaar.

- What do you, my daughters, for a gift to buy?

The eldest thought and immediately did not come up with what she needed.

- Buy me, father, something.

And the average says:

- I, I, Batyushka, buy something, and add something else to something.

- And you, Marnushka?

- And I buy you, the father, one feather of the finist - clear Sokol.

I went old to the bazaar. Made your affairs, I bought my senior daughters, and I didn't buy anything for younger: there is no stick in the bazaar.

He goes home home, and he sees: walking on the road an old old man, older than him, at all.

- Hello, grandfather!

- Hello and you, cute. What is your kindle?

- And how she is not, grandfather! He punished my daughter to buy her one feather of the finist - clear falcon. I was looking for her a feather, but it was not. And my daughter is smaller, I feel sorry for all to me.

The old old man thought, and then he says:

- In so and be!

He untied a blowing bag and took out a box from it.

"Hiding," says, the box, in it a feather from the finista is clear Sokol. Yes, I'll mention again: I have one son; You have a sorry daughter, and I have a son. Anno does not want my son to marry, and he came to him. Does not want - it is impossible to catch it. And he tells me: someone will ask you this feather, you give, says, is my bride asks.

He said his words an old old man - and suddenly there is no him, he disappeared unknown to: He was or not!

The father of Martushku remains with a feature in his hands. He sees it a feather, and it is gray, simple. And it was impossible to buy it anywhere.

He remembered his father that the old old old man said he, and thought: "It can be seen, Mariushka my fate it comes out - without having noticed without seeing to get married to anyone."

Father came home, presented gifts with senior daughters, and the younger gave a box with a gray feathered.

Senior sisters dressed up and laughed at the youngest:

- And you put our sparrow feather in the hair and stale.

Marta was silent, and when everyone went to sleep in the hollow, she laid a simple, gray feather of the finista - clear falcon and became admired to them. And then Marnushka took a feather into his hands, held it with him, clashed and accidentally dropped to the floor.

Someone hit the window immediately. The window has opened, and flew the finistist - clear falcon. He applied to the floor and turned in beautiful well done. Closed the window window and became a conversation with a great talk. And by the morning he opened the Marita window, the well done was abandoned to the floor, a well done turned into a clear falcon, and Falcon left a simple, gray feather and flew into the blue sky.

Three nights brought Marito Sokol. In the afternoon, he flew along the snowmobile, above the fields, above the forests, above the mountains, over the seas, and by night I flew to Marjun and was welded a good one.

For the fourth night, older sisters heard a quiet conversation of Marta, they heard them and someone else's voice of good well done, and the younger sister asked the next morning:

- Who are you, sister, do you talk at night?

"And I say my own words," Muguska replied. - I have no friends, in the afternoon I once at work, I once, and at night I am a conversation with me.

Listened to the older sisters younger, but did not believe her.

They said to the father:

- Battyushka, and Marya is our narrowed, it seems to be talking to him at night and talk to him. We ourselves have heard.

And the father of them in response:

"And you would not listen," says. - What does our Marnoy do not have to be? There is no thin here, the girl she is fitting and at the time he came out. You will come to your turn.

"So Marry didn't know his breath," the eldest daughter said. - I would be the first to marry her.

"It's really yours," the father caught. "So the fate does not take place." A different bride in girls to old age is sitting, and other people with the beast of Mila.

He said so the father of his senior daughters, and he himself thought: "Il, the word of the old old man comes true that I presented a feather? There is no troubles, but is there a good person will be narrowed in Marito? "

And the senior daughters had their own desire. How time was the time for the evening, Mariushkina sisters took out the knives from the cuttings, and the knives were stuck in the window of the window and in front of him, and besides knives stuck there are sharp needles and the shards of the old glass. Marnushka at that time, the cow in Klelev cleaned and did not see anything.

And here, as a dark, the finalist flies - a clear falcon to the Marjuncan window. He flew to the window, hit the sharp knives yes about the needles and glasses, beat, beat, overshadowed all the chest, and she worried about the day in his work, she tried, the expectation of the finist - clear falcon, and did not hear how her falcon did not hear .

Then the finalist said loudly:

- Goodbye, my red maiden! If I need you, you will find me, although I will be far! And before that, Iduchy to me, you wear the shoes of iron three pairs, three strokes of cast-iron about the grass is a hydrocal erase, three stoneware breads.

And heard Marnushka through the Dream of the word of the finist, and could not worry. And in the morning she awakened, lit up her heart. She looked out the window, and in the window the blood of the finist in the sun dries. I cried then Marnushka. She opened the window and fell face to the place where the blood of the finist was clear to Sokol. The tears were washed off the blood of the falcon, and Marito herself was silent with blood narrowed and became more painted.

Married to father and told him:

- Do not bother me, father, let me go to the path of the road Far. I will be alive - you will be quiet, and dirber - in the family, to know, I was written.

It was a pity to let the father of letting go anywhere who beloved younger daughter. And they can not catch her at home, it is impossible. He knew his father: Loving the heart of the maiden is stronger than the authorities of the Father and Mother. He said goodbye to his beloved daughter and let her go.

The blacksmith made Mirushka three pairs of iron shoes and three copyright powders, she took another three stone bread, she bowed to the father and sisters, the Mother's grave visited and went on the road to look for the desired finist - clear Sokol.

He goes Marita by expensive. She is not a day, not two, not three days, she goes for a long time. She was also a clean field, and a dark forest, and the high mountains. In the fields of the birds she sang, the dark forests were brought to her, with the high mountains she admired the world. Marnushka was so much that one pair of iron shoes she was wear out, the cast-iron staff about the road was extermined and the stone bread was controversial, and the path is not erected, and there is no finist anywhere - clear Sokol.

Then Mardushka sighed, sat on the ground, she became other iron shoes to shove - and sees the hut in the forest. And the night has come.

I thought Marlushka: "I will ask people in the huts of people, did they see my finista - clear falcon?"

He knocked Maritus to the hut. She lived in that hut one old woman - kind or evil, did not know about that Marito. Occashed the old woman in Song - standing in front of her red maiden.

- Let the grandmother, spend the night.

- Come go, you will be Golubushka. Are you going to go, young?

- Lee, close, I do not know my grandmother myself. I'm looking for a finist - clear falcon. Have you heard about him, grandmother?

- How not to hear! I'm old, I live in the world for a long time, I heard about everyone! Far to go, Bolklushka.

In the next morning, the old woman woke up Marito and tells her:

"Go, honey, now to my middleweight sister, she is older than me and knows more." Maybe she will teach you and tell you where your finist lives. And so that you, old, do not forget me, take a silver diacon yes Golden Vicheté, will be a sidel of the spice - the golden thread will dyate. Take care of my gift while he will be dear to you, and not the roads will be served by him.

Marnushka took a gift, loved to them and said the hostess:

- Thanksgiving, grandmother. And where can I go in which direction?

And I will give you a girl to you - scooter. Where the ball rolled, and you go for him for him. And you think about it, you will sit on the grass - and the girl will stop, you will be expected.

Marnaya Starukha bowed and went after the glomerus.

How long was Marnushka, she did not think that she did not feel the way, she did not regret herself, but she sees: the forests are dark, terrible, in the fields, the grass is growing, barbed, the mountains are naked, stone, and birds do not sing on the ground.

Marirashka sat down. She sees: Black Forest is close, and the night comes, and in the forest in one hut light lit in the window.

The tangler rolled to that hut. Married and knocked in the window:

- The owners are kind, let night!

I went out on the porch of the stupid of the old woman, the oldest of the one that was previously brought to Marta.

- Where are you going, red maiden? Who are you looking for in the world?

- I am looking for, grandmother, the finista is clear Sokol. I was at one old woman in the forest, her night spent the night, she had heard about the finist, and he didn't know him. Maybe she said, her sister's sister ends.

She launched the old man Marita in the hut. And the next morning woke up a guest and told her:

- Far to seek the finist will be. I didn't know about him, but I didn't know. And you go now to our older sister, she should know. And to remember you about me, take a gift from me. For joy, he will be with you memory, and the need for help will have.

And gave the mistress-old woman with her guest Silver Soccer and Golden Egg.

He asked Marute at the old hostess of forgiveness, bowed to her and went for the shell.

Martushka goes, and the land around her at all is alien. She looks: one forest is growing on earth, but there is no clean field. And trees, the further rolls the tangle, are growing higher. It became very dark: the sun and the sky are not visible.

And Marnushka and the darkness everything went, but it was going until the Iron shoes were dragging through it, and the staff of the Earth was not exterminated and as long as the last stone bread was not contrary to the remaining crumb.

Looked around Marjuna - how to be? She sees her tangle: it lies under the window at the forest hut.

Nogged marito in the hut window:

- The owners are kind, cover me from the dark night!

The ancient old woman was released on the porch, the oldest sister of all old women.

"Go to the hut, dove," says. - Chew where it came as far away! Next and does not live on the ground no one, I am extreme. You're in a different way tomorrow morning to keep the way. And whose whose will you and where to go?

Replied to her Marita:

- I am not a local grandmother. I'm looking for a finist - clear falcon.

I looked at the older old woman on Marta and tells her:

- Falcon-falcon you are looking for? I know I know him. I live in the world for a long time, so long ago, that I learned everyone, I remember all.

She put the old man Marida, and the next morning woke her.

"For a long time," says, "I didn't do good to anyone. Alone in the forest I live, everyone has forgotten about me, I remember everyone. You will be good and I will do: I will tell you where your finist is a clear falcon lives. And you will find it, it will be difficult for you. Falist Falcon now married, he lives with his mistress. It is difficult for you, and you have a heart, and on the heart and the mind will come, and from the mind and difficult to light.

Marita said in response:

- Thanks to you, grandmother, - and bowed to the ground.

- Thanks to me after you are. But you give you a gift - take the golden penalty from me and the needle: you still hold, and the needle it will be the needle. Go now, but what will need to do to you. - You will go, you will find out.

Muguska went, as was, Bosai. I thought: "How to come - the land here is solid, someone else's, you need to get used to it."

She passed a short time. And sees: It stands on the glade a rich yard. And in the courtyard, Terem: the porch carved, the edges of the patched. One window sits a rich noble mistress and looks at Marjunus: what, they say, she needs.

I remembered Maritochka: She's no longer worn to go shop in the road.

She said the hostess:

- Hello, Hostess! Do you need a worker for bread, for the clothes, and bring up?

"It's necessary," the noble mistress is responsible. - Do you know how you heat the oven, and wear the water, and dinner do not care?

- I lived with the father without a mother - I can do everything.

- Do you know how to spin, weave and embroider?

He remembered Marita about the gifts of old grandmothers.

"I can," says.

"Go then," the hostess says, "human kitchen.

Married to work and serve on someone else's rich yard. Hands in Maritochka honest, zealous - all things turns around her.

The hostess looks at Marute yes rejoices: there was still no such helpful, and good, yes, intelligent workers; And the bread Market eats a simple, drinking it by Kvais, and I do not ask for tea. His daughter praised:

- Look, - says, - what a worker in our yard - the submissive yes skillful and affectionately!

Looked up the shopsman daughter on Marta.

"Fu," says, "let her affectionate, and I am painful her, and I am whiter!"

In the evening, how I managed with the economic work, Mariuta was seed. She sat on the shop, pulled out the silver donce and the golden Vicer and hesitate. It hides, from the bumps thread stretches, the thread is not simple, but golden; It hides it, and herself looks into a silver dona, and it seems that she sees the finista there - clear Sokol: he looks at her as alive in the world. Straps Marito on him and talks to him:

- My finist, the finalist is a clear falcon, why did you leave me alone, bitter, all my life to cry for you? These are my sisters, deliberate, your blood was shed.

And the Musician daughter entered the time in the human hut, it stands, looking and listening.

- Who are you grieving, maiden? She asks. - And Ke.Kz. I have fun in your hands?

Marnushka tells her:

- I'm burning about the finistine - clear falcon. And this is a thread straight, the Towel I will embroider - it would be His in the morning a white face wip.

- And sell me your fun! - Says Musicina daughter. - An Foreign officer - my husband, I am myself the thread of the hide.

I looked at Marute to the shop of my daughter, stopped His Golden Wergeen and says:

- I have no fun, I have a job in my hands. And the silver donce is not for sale: I didn't give it a kind grandmother.

The master's daughter was offended: she did not want to see her golden Wiery from his hands.

"If not for sale," says, "let's do it then: I'll give you a thing too."

"Give," Muguska said, "I have a picture at the finista - clear Sokol at least once with one eye to take a look!

The master's daughter thought and agreed.

"Estimibly, the girl," says. - Let me have your fun.

She took the Silver Donets from Maritus - Golden Werche, and he herself thinks: "I'll show her the finist for a short time, I will not get anything with him, I will give him a sleepy potion, and through this golden Welcome, we will swam away!"

By night, the finistist was cut from the twelley - clear falcon; He turned in good well done and sat down to dinner in the family: the mother-in-law and the finistan with his wife.

The master's daughter ordered to call Marito: Let it serve at the table and looks at the finist, as a persuasion was. Marnushka appeared: she serves at the table, the Kushan feeds and does not reduce the eye from the finist. And the finalist sits, as if it was not, - he did not recognize Marnushki: she was expired by expensive, and Iduchi to him, and from sorrow it changed in her face.

Dinner owners; I got up the finist and went to sleep in my hubby.

Maritochka and says the young hostess:

- Fly in the yard flies a lot. I'll go to the belt to the belt, I will drive my flock from him, so that he did not interfere with him.

- And let her go! - said the old hostess.

A young mistress thought here again.

"No," says, "let him bother."

And he himself went after her husband, gave him a sleepy potion at night and grogied. "Maybe," the master's daughter reasoned, "the female still have fun for such a men!"

"Go now," she said to Marjun. - Go fly from the finist drive away!

Marcuka came to the belief's finist and forgot about flies. She sees: Sleeps her heartfall with each other.

He looks at him Marnushka, do not pass. He leaned toward him close, with one breath breathing with him, whispering to him:

- Wake up, my finalist is a clear falcon, I came to you; I am three pairs of Iron Eastttal shoes, three cast-iron copyright about the way of Exterla, three stoneware breads!

And the finalist sleeps fails, he does not open the eye and does not porriate the words in response.

The head of the wife of the finist is coming to the hill - Master's daughter and asks:

- drove flies?

"He moved," Marita says, "they flew out the window.

- Well, go to sleep in human hut.

The next day, as Marjuna has been done by all the household work, she took a silver saucer and rolling around the golden egg: Rides around - and a new golden egg rolls off a saucer; Rides another time around - and again a new golden egg rolls off a saucer.

I saw the master's daughter.

"Cool," says you have such fun? " Sell \u200b\u200bher, or I change you, what you want, I will give for her.

Marcushka tells her in response:

- I can not sell, I gave a kind grandmother as a gift. And I give you a gift with the egg with the egg. On, take!

He took a gift to the master's daughter and delighted.

- Or maybe you need to marry? Ask what you want.

Marita and asks in response:

- And I have the smallest and need. The doser again from the flock flock to challenge when you put it down.

"Oregular," says a young mistress.

And he herself thinks: "What the male will come from the glance from the glance, and he will not sleep from potion, it will not open the eye, but for a worker, maybe there is still what fun!"

By night, again, the finistist was rarely, a clear falcon from the jetty, he turned in good well done and sat down at the table to dinner with his family.

The wife of the finist called Marita to serve at the table, feeding the dish. Marta Cushan feeds, the cups puts, the spoons puts, and does not reduce the eyes from the finist. And the finalist looks and does not see her - he does not recognize her heart.

Again, as it was, gave the master's daughter to her husband drinking with a sleepy potion and put it to sleep. And the worker Marloshu sent to him and told her flies to drive away.

Married came to the finist; She began to call him and cry over him, thought, now he will awaken, look at her and recognizes Marta.

For a long time, His Marnushka and tears were wiped from her face, so that they did not fall on the white face of the finist and did not dare him. And I slept the finist, he did not wake up and his eyes did not open in response.

On the third day, Marjuna cited all the household work in the evening, sat on the shop in the human hut, took out the golden pen and the needle. She holds a golden five in his hands, and the needle itself embroiders on the canvas. Eastells Marta, herself speaks:

- Embroidery, embroider, my red pattern, embroider for the finist - clear Sokol, it would be for him to admire!

A young mistress nearby went-was; She came to the human hut, saw the Golden Phachko and the needle, which embroidered in his hands. She walked his heart envy and greed, and she says:

- Oh, Martushka, Distincial Red Maiden! Give me such a fun or what you want in exchange take! Golden Vicer is also with me, I will strain the yarn, the canvas is a nod, but I have no golden pen with a needle - there is nothing to embroider. If in exchange do not want to give, then sell! I will give the price!

- It is impossible! - says Marnushka. - It is impossible a golden five with a needle to sell, nor in exchange. They are the most kind, the oldest grandmother was given. And I will give them a gift.

Took a young mistress Piachchko with a needle, and I have nothing to give to Marjun, she says:

"Come, if you want, from my husband, the finist, flies to drive away." Before you asked myself.

"I'll come out, so be," said Marlushka.

After dinner, the young mistress first did not want to give the finist of the sleepy potion, and then he was informed and added that potion in drink: "What does he look at the girl, let him sleep!"

Marnhouse went to the hube to sleeping finist. It's not sip now her heart. She soldered to his white chest and draws:

- Wake up, awaken, my finist, clear my falcon! I went with all the land of the land, you are walking! Three Pig-iron staff worked to walk with me and about the Earth extended, the three pairs of the shoes of the iron legs were worn out, the three breads of the stone I goddala.

And the finalist is sleeping, nothing heels, and he does not hear the voices of Marl.

For a long time Marnushka caused the finist for a long time, she cried over him for a long time, and the finalist would have woke up: his wife's potion was firmly. Yes, one hot tear of Martews fell on the chest of the finist, and the other tear fell on his face. One tear fell down the heart of the finist, and the other opened his eyes to him, and he woke up at the same moment.

"Oh," says, "what did you burn me?"

- My finist, clear falcon! - Martushka answers him. - Wake up to me, I came! For a long time I was looking for you, iron and cast iron I am about Earth. They did not curtail the road to you, and I squeezed! The third night I call you, and you sleep, you are not awakened, you do not answer my voice!

And then I learned the finistist - a clear falcon of my Marita, the Red Maiden. And so he was delighted to her that he could not call the Word's joy. He pressed Marito to his chest with his white and kissed.

And waking up, accustomed to his joy, he said to Marjun:

- Whether you are my SIZY dove, my faithful red maiden!

And at the same moment he turned into a falcon, and Marnushka - to the dove.

They flew into the nightly jams and flew all night near the dawn.

And when they flew, Marnushka asked:

- Falcon, falcon, and where are you flying, because your wife will get bored!

Finist Sokol listened to her and answered:

- Yak you fly, red maiden. And who the husband changes in Werche, on a saucer, yes to the needle, that wife does not need her husband and the wife will not get bored.

- Why did you marry such a wife? - asked Marute. - Would you not have?

Falcon said:

- My will was, yes, fate and love was not.

And at dawn they fell to the ground. Looked maritown around; She sees: her parent's house stands as before. She wanted to see the father of his parent, and she immediately turned to the Red Maiden. And the finalist - a clear falcon hit the land of the earth and got a feature.

He took Marito a feather, hid him to her chest for the sinus and came to his father.

- Hello, my little daughter, love! I thought you were not in the world. Thank you for my father did not forget home. Where was so long, did not hurry home?

- Forgive me, Batyushka. So I needed.

- And you need it. Thanks that the need has passed.

And it happened for the holiday, and in the city there was a big fair opened. My father was gathered for the Fair to go, and the eldest daughters go with him - gifts to buy themselves.

Father and smaller called Marital.

And Marnushka:

"Batyushka," says, "I trampled from the road, and there is nothing to put on my own. At the fair, tea, all the elegant will be.

"And I'm there you, Marta, rigging," Father answers. - At the fair, tea, bargaining big.

And older sisters say younger:

- Innight our clothes, we have too much.

- Ah, sister, thank you! - says Marnushka. - I do not like your dice! Yes, I am good at home.

"Well, to be in your opinion," says her father. - Why do you from the fair bring what a gift? Say, Father is not offended!

- Ah, father, nothing is needed to me: I have everything! No wonder I went far and tired on the road.

Father with older sisters left for the fair. At the same time, Marute reached her feather. It hit the floor and became an excellent kind well done, the finistyer, only more beautiful than he was before. Marnushka was surprised, but he said nothing from joy. Then I told her finalist:

- Do not be divided into me, Marnushka, I've been from your love.

- I'm afraid of you! - said Marnushka. "If you wore you worse, I'd rather feel calmer."

- Where is your parent - father?

- I left for the fair, and sisters with him elders.

- And why didn't you, Marcushka, did not go with them?

- I have a finist, clear falcon. I don't need anything at the fair.

"And I don't need anything," said the finist, "I became rich in your love."

The finalist from Martushka turned around, whistled in the window - now there were dresses, clothes and a gold carriage. They dressed up, sat in the carriage, horses rose them with swirl.

They arrived in the city to the fair, and the fair only opened, all rich products and disasses are lying, and buyers ride on the road.

The finalist bought all the products on the fair, all the disasters that were there, and told them with the intersperself to carry to the village to the parent of Maritochka. He did not bought one ointment wheel alone, but left her at the fair.

He wanted all the peasants to come to the fair became guests at his wedding and rather drove to him. And for the ambulance, they will need ointment.

We went to the finist with Marjun home. They ride quickly, there are not enough horses from the wind.

At half the road saw Marute his father and senior sisters. They still went to the fair and did not reach. Marnushka ordered them to observe the yard, on her wedding with the imaging - clear falcon.

And after three days, all the people gathered on the guests, which lived on a hundred miles in the district; The then the finist with Martushka was married, and the wedding was rich.

At that wedding, our grandfather and grandmothers were, for a long time they drank, the bride and the bride were magnificent, from the summer before the winter it would not be possible, but it was time to remove the harvest, the bread began to crumble; Therefore, the wedding ended and no guest left.

The wedding ended, and the wedding feast guests were forgotten, and the faithful, marking heart of Marjuns was forever remembered in Russian land.

The tale of "Scarlet Flower" came out a year before the death of Sergei Aksakov, in 1858, annex to his story "Children's Years of Bagrova-grandson." Does any fairy tales heard Aksakov for your life? But it was the story of beauties and monsters, heard from the keystitch of Pelagei in the estate of the Baghrov (the end of the XVIII century); read then years later in a translation from the French Journal "Child School"; Seen later on the operatic scene of the Kazan Theater, - it was this story that he was in the soul and remembered Sergey Aksakov, when he reflected on the experienced, led to the general denominator memories and wrote a children's book, "which was not in the literature." Of course, it is not by chance. Placed in the app, this fairy tale is, in fact, the main key to understand the only sense of the story; And this meaning is "a bright world, where love, beauty and good won evil and death itself" (S. Sobolevskaya).

The tale rich in symbolic meaning allowed Aksakov to express allegorically all his life credo.

What is a "crown", who asks for a gift from the Father-merchant his eldest daughter? This is a symbol of power, human power over people.

And "Crystal Tuvaylet" for the middle daughter - Glory is worldly, obtained, as you want, through scientific discoveries, through technical accomplishments or by art.

Against the background of the attractions of the senior daughters, the wishes of the younger (bring me a yelen flower) looks, of course, stupid and childish. With such desires, "you will not achieve anything in life." Scarlet flower is a dream of love, the desire for her and the willingness to sacrifice for her. Love is the main miracle for all times; More fame, more important than power. But unlike a crown or a mirror, this is a miracle that lives inside a person and only his forces can become a reality. So the youngest daughter of the merchant comes: overcomes obstacles and temptations, showing a sacrificial attitude first to his father, then to the monster. In its image, researchers believes, Aksakov recreates the "World Responsiveness of the Russian Soul" (P. Fedorov). It is still worth noting that a monster hit the world-responsive Russian soul does not accept: still a merchant a lot of overseas gardens reordered, and the choice stopped on the flower, about which he felt the heart that he was "the only and unique."

"An important difference between the youngest daughter from the elders is that she did not seduce the overseas gifts, which are alive, the power and convenient for everyday life of knowledge", "P. Fedorov writes and says that Aksakov in the tale" Scarlet Flower "conducts the idea of \u200b\u200bMoscow - the third Rome.

The eldest daughter who chose the crown (power) is an ancient Rome; Average (Glory worldly) - Byzantium; The youngest (love) is the personification of Russia and the heart of Moscow. "His (Aksakov) the cherished idea of \u200b\u200bRussia was hope that the sad fate of the ancient Rome and Byzantium, who traded the faith of fathers on a stalking of civilization and hastily disappeared from the historical arena, consistently by Russia. The writer hoped that she, like the youngest daughter in his fairy tale, his pure and unshakable faith and love would save himself and other peoples, just like a smaller daughter who saved her father and enchanted prince from despair and mutual destruction " (P. Fedorov)

Today, all the people in their mass remain, in the words of V. Sukhomlinsky, "civilized savages": "A person can learn how to create space ships and nuclear submarines, but if he does not learn to love, he will remain a fluid, and the formed savage in a hundred times more dangerous uneducated. "

All also on the scale of public values, power and glory are immeasurably higher than love. And all the most genuine values \u200b\u200bof the person comprehends only passing through the soul of suffering soul. Thus, the sound of the tales of Aksakov and today neither gram has not lost its relevance.
