Specifies the task: No one

Locality: Helgen

Reward: Absent

The game begins and you wake up in the riding cart, next to Ulfrick Petrel (Yarla Windhelm), Ralophom (Nord) and thief. You are going to deliver to Helgen. on execution. In the plot of the game they grab you when you tried to move across the border. Now you are waiting for the death penalty. The cart arrives in the city and when you leave it, then the game will offer you to choose the appearance of your character. After creating the image that you like, you will be offered to come up with a name for your character. Now it's time to execute. Priestess Arkey Attempts to read a parting before execution, but it stops it. The first causes Norda, one of Brothers storm (StormCloaks.), After you.

But when you find yourself almost with death, something black will appear in the sky. What is it? This is dragon Aldune. Although it is not the best perspective - the battle with the dragon, but at least you are now free. Bat for Ralophom to the tower Climb upstairs and jump on the roof, through the resulting dragon. We make your way further and stumble on the imperial soldier, which orders to follow him if you want to survive. Follow him and get to the exit from the city. But at the exit we again meet Ralof And we get a choice - with whom to go. FROM RalophomNow there is already a refugee from the imperials or with the imperial that previously concluded you in the shackles. You decide. Regardless of the choice, you will need to go through a series of dungeons and learn some wisdom that in the future expect you in the game. In addition, if you choose Ralofa, you will fight with the soldiers of the Imperials, if you follow the general Tullia - Expect an attack Brothers storm. In the end, you will choose from Helgen. And his caves, and subsequently find yourself on a spacious glade. Now, depending on who you have chosen, you need to go or to Alvuru, Blacksmith Isper Riverwood or K. Sigrid., sister Ralofa. After conversation with them, the task will end.

Specifies the task: Ralof or Hadvar

Locality: Riverwood, Waitran

Reward: Gifts from Hadwara or Ralofa

After you talked to Herderur, sister Ralofa and the owner of the sawmill, or Alvore, blacksmith from the same city, you will need to go to Waitran. Get there will have to have on your two. On the way you can also meet members guilds of catriers And if you help them defeat the giant, then they will offer you a place in our guild. Anyway - our path leads us to the crown Weitran. However, before entering the city, the guard will stop you. According to him, the entrance to the city is closed because of the frequent attacks of dragons and no one will not allow anyone to the city - only according to official need. We explain the guard of what the case is here and that the city is in danger and the path to the city we are open.

Now we go to the palace of the Yarla - Dragon Limit. To do this, you need to go through two levels of the city. When you go to the palace, you will meet Huskarl Yarla, Ayriletwho needs to be told about what happened in Helgen And of course about the dragon. She will immediately send you to the crown. Now you need to talk to him. After the conversation, the Yarl decides that you need to send a profog to Riverwood And the task on it will be completed.

Specifies the task: Fahrenar.

Locality: Windy peak

Reward: Absent

After completing the previous task, the Yarl Weitran Invite you to go with him to the local Mago - Fahrengar. According to the magician - he is the only one here in Weitran. Since we told about the dragon, then Fahrenar. Tell us about some kind of dragon stone. This stone can be found in the temple on the top of the mountain - Windy peak. Head there. On the way, the gangsters will meet - to overcome them will not be a problem. Come inside. Purse through the corpses of the gangsters left by you (which were still alive before your arrival), cut off traps and decide the riddles.

Snake, Snake and Fish - Here is the solution of the puzzle of the first door

When you decide the first riddle, you first come across the trecras. This ancient Nordes who were buried in the depths of the mountains Skyrima. Kill them and move on. Sooner or later you come to a room, an enlarged web and voice that calls you to help. When you get closer, the huge wounded spider that you need to kill is jumping on top to you to continue your way.

Save the dark elf, and he tries to escape from you?! Catch up with him and kill it. Take away Golden clawwhich is necessary to perform the task "Golden claw". Moving on. Stop on the door, with strange characters. Open the menu and see the order of the pictures and turn the mechanisms on the door (if you do not handed it, then do it from top to bottom - Bear, Dragonfly and Owl). When you finish, attach the claw to the door (in a special connector). Move on.

Inside you will see a big funeral hall and the first (if you follow only the plot task) the wall of the dragons, on which the words of power are written. When you get closer to the treasures near the wall, high-level trecken will rise from the grave. Kill him, because it is from him you can pick up a dragon stone that is so needed Fahrengar. We take a stone and come back to it. The task is completed.

Specifies the task: Yarl Balgruf

Locality: Western Tower

Reward: Ax Waitran, Lydia

After you return the stone Fahrengar, in Dragon Limit will go Ayrilet And he will report that the guard seen the dragon. Follow her and learn that the dragon attacked the Western Tower. Yarl Weitran He wants you to go to the Western Tower and more designed about the essence of the dragons. Ayrilet He will go along with the soldiers of the Yarl there - you will need to meet with it. When you get, then Huskarl Yarla will offer to be ordered the ruins in search of survivors. The survival will be just one - he will tell you that the dragon arrived at the tower and ate his two partners.

Suddenly Röv is heard. The survival says that this dragon returns in search of new food. Battle begins with your first dragon. I recommend using the attacks from the far distance (or magic, or arrows), as the dragon flies around and when it landed near becomes dangerous (can eat the character). When you overpower it, the dragon's soul will be absorbed by you. You can learn the first dragon cry to which you have learned in the previous task. Use it guard to show that you Dovakin. When finished, return to the crown. For completing the task you get Ax Winterhold And your own Huskarla Lidiawhich will be faithful to you to serve you.

Specifies the task: Yarl Balgruf

Locality: Avarsted, high chrothar

Reward: Screams: Ro and Will

Yarl Balgruf will tell you heard a call Sedo-standard (that cry that you heard on return to Waitran) - they called Dovakina. You do not have anything except to admit that you are a dragonborn. Yarl will say you need to go to Sugg of the world, where you live SedobogeneousSo that you can learn cries and learn your further fate.

In order to get there, you need to go to a small settlement called Aivstetedwhich is located in the east of the highest mountain Skyrima. This settlement Yarl will celebrate you on the map. When you get there, you will see a bridge that leads to the first of the seven thousand steps that will lead you to Sedoboroch. Climbing up, feasting local grasses. Wolves are not feared, however, the troll is a rather dangerous opponent. When you pass the pilgrimage, you will find yourself in the habitat Sedo-standard. The first thing they will do is to train you a new syllable of the already known cry.

To demonstrate your features, hold the Creek key (default Z.) To scream all the words and the strength of the cry was more powerful. Later, they will create three ghostly opponents, which will also need to use this cry. After they decide that it was time for you to learn a new crunch - rapid jerk. Follow their instructions and tasks will be completed.

Specifies the task: Argera

Locality: Elekrerev

Reward: Absent

When you pass learning from Sedo-standard, Argera Send you to your first test - you need to get a horn Yurgen Village Villagewhich is in his tomb Vostegrev. The tomb itself is located in the swamps Hyalmarka. The entrance to the tomb guards the small detachment of the gangsters - kill them and take into the inside. Purse through it, but do not fly forward - in this tomb there is another wall with a new dragon cry.

A little further, three stones are installed in the floor. If you approach one of them, one of the three doors opens. Here the new studied dragon cry will be useful. You need to slowly accelerate, and when you reach the third stone, shout! If you are going around, and with you there is a companion, then it will pass through the doors without any problems - they are now simply not closed.

Purse further and come to the tomb. There will be no horns on the pedestal, but there will be a note from " friend "(You have already received such earlier by returning to Waitran After the first battle with the dragon). This " friend "Invites meet him in the tavern" Sleep Giant ", which is in Riverwood. To not be mistaken, " friend "Requests you to ask for a number in the attic.

Go to Riverwood And contact K. Dolphin per number. It turns out that there is no similar number in the tavern and in return, it will offer another, but when you find yourself inside the ordered room, Dolphin will suit you and give a horn. The parallel task will begin Blade in darkness" Upon completion of that task, you can return horn YurgenSedoboroch. When you bring the horn, the elders will hold a rite of initiation for you. All will shout on you Sedobogeneous, And you just need to stand and take a blow. At the end of the task, you can also contact Argeir for deciphering what they said Sedobogeneous.

Specifies the task: Mysterious note

Locality: Grove Kin.

Reward: Absent

Dolphin. will ask you to go beyond her in the tavern " Sleepy"During the execution of the task" Horn Yurgen" She spends you in a secret room in her bedroom, which is inside the cabinet. Inside, she will be able to talk to you in a relaxed atmosphere. She will tell that it consists in the old order - Blades and tell that her society was looking for a very long time dragonborncapable of completely killing dragons. She will suggest to go along with her one of the burials of the dragon and try to study it, and if it works out, then prevent the revival of the dragon. According to her assumption, this burial is in kin Grove. Let her not fully trust you, but it hopes that you are still Dovakin. IN kin Grove You need to get to the tavern, where you will learn from the local resident that a black dragon flies in a grove. Head together by S. Dolphin to the burial and you will notice how Aldune causes another burial with Tu'uma. However, most words in the dragon language, so we and our hero are unknown these words. However, dragons we notice us Aldune flies, and we are in hand Saloknira. Dolphin. And you must defeat the dragon. After the completion of the fight Dolphin. will see how you swallow the soul of the dragon and answer all your questions and go back to Riverwood.

Specifies the task: Dolphin.

Locality: Solitude

Reward: Absent

After the battle with the dragon, Dolphin. will tell you that you are most likely behind it talmitsa. You will need to deal with this by climbing in the estate talmorsk Messenger And try to learn something about it there. To do this, you need to receive an invitation to meet Talmitsa. With this will help us Malborneliving in Solitude. We go there, and there we find a tavern called " Laming rat».

When you get there, pass Malborna Items that you would like to carry inside. The rest you will need to give later Dolphinso the choice is yours. After talking S. Malborone, head on farm Katley which is not far from the stable Solitude to Dolphin. Talk to her, dress elegant clothes and shoes and talk again with DolphinWhen you are ready. Then you will sit on the wagon and go to the Messenger on the reception.

When will arrive, give an invitation to the wizard at the entrance. Inside Elenven Suitable for you to meet. It is better to switch the topic, saying: " So are you Elenven? I told a lot about you!" Thereafter Malborne Distracts it and you can safely go to the reception. To distract everyone, talk to Raelledlet him drink (if you don't have it, then ask her Malborne) and rather run with Malborone Over the door. Show yourself for your own things in storeroom across the kitchen. Take the things that you have passed earlier in the tavern. Now you have the opportunity to show the wonders of secrecy or spread everyone there. You decide. Be that as it may, pierced through the elves and go to personal house messenger.

In addition to performing the task, you can quickly get well. On the second floor there is an unusual stone in her personal rest. Inside her house, go to her office and a hotel's coat. Inside you will find a report on dragons and two dossiers. ONE BY Dolphin, Second on Ulrica Petrel. The key will help you get into the torture room, where you will find a dossier on Esbard, some man, followed by Talmitsy hunt.

This will tell us the prisoner Etienne Rarnis and the contents of the chest. And here the Talmitsa come unexpectedly Malborone. Threaten to kill him. We save him and kill the guards. We make your way further in the hatch (the key can be found from the fascinals) and we choose out. Now it's time to return things. Start B. Riverwood. Talk with Dolphin. She will send you to Rift. Take things from the chest in her room. On this quest ends.

Specifies the task: Dolphin.

Locality: Ripten, Rat Nora

Reward: Absent

Dolphin will prompt you to find Esbard. According to the assumptions of Talmitsa, which you learned from the book, he is in Riften. She thinks that Brigolf Can help you in this matter. You can find it in Riften - At night in the tavern, and the day on the shopping area. When you find it, he will suggest you to complete one Delza - Quest " Casual meeting" When you run it, you can return to the implementation of the main task.

Brigolf will say that Rat Nora Located right under you. Go down and go to the door along the berth. There you will need to fight first with the thieves, and later, after you pass by " Brown flask", Meet Talmitsa. Make your way to k. Esbrane. It is behind the sealed wall. Tell him that phrase that we said Dolphin. (And in general, at the very beginning of the conversation, mention that you are from it) and he let us. Say S. Esburn. The task is made.

The task gives: Dolphin.

Locality: Temple of the Heavenly Harbor

Reward: Absent

After talking S. Esburn, go to K. Dolphin with him. When you get, then go back to the basement Delphins. There ESBERN Give a book and start reading. After he tells you about everything, go to Temple of the Heavenly Harborwhere you can find the wall of Aduin. When you get, in front of the bridge, which will need to be omitted, will stand three pedestals surrounded by Akavir characters. Need to put three pedestals sign Dovakina (according to Esbard) Face to you and the bridge will go down.

In the next room up the stairs you will find the floor using the buttons. You should follow the sign symbolizing Dovakina. Go better on foot and looking at the floor. Then almost at the very end you will need to pull for the ring to ESBERN and Dolphin. Could follow with you. Note: Your companions do not care for these buttons. They step on them and nothing happens to them. Do not think that with you will be the same.

After that, you will find yourself in the Great Hall from the head of Akavirs. Sweep your blood on the platform and go to the temple of the Heavenly Harbor. There inside you will find the wall of Aduinwhich we have seen in the first teaser. ESBERN Tell us what these Akavir records mean. When it finishes, the quest will be completed.

The task gives: Dolphin and Esburn

Locality: Throat Mira

Reward: Absent

ESBERN Tell that Aldune was defeated by a certain cry. Dolphin. invites you to go to Sedoboroch and find out the details. Talking S. Argeir, head together with the rest Sedo-standard To the goal that lead to Parsnaksu, their chapter. To get to him, you need to explore the new cry " Clear sky" He will teach you Argera. Come closer to the goal and shock a new cry (hold the scream key until the hero says the three words of the cry completely).

Paint up, from time to time shouting this cry. When you get, then do not rush to attack the dragon who arrived to you. He wants to talk to you - after all it is Patournaks.. He will ask you to greet it, like all dava (Dragons, if in Russian) - will give you the opportunity to explore a new cry. Use this scream against it. Talk to him. The task will be completed.

The task gives: Patournaks.

Locality: Alpartand, black limit

Reward: Absent

After talking with elder Sedo-standard, Dragon Patournaks, head to K. Esbrane or Argeir. Try to learn a little about the mysterious scream " Dragon" and about Ancient scroll. Talk to them and they will tell you that Ancient scroll It is worth looking for in Colleges Winterhold. Head there. If you have not been there before, then go inside, you need to use the spell " Magic light»On the floor, not far from the wizard. If you do not have this spell, then you can buy it. We go inside. There you need to find Ugon Groszuba, Main B. Arkanium. After talking about the ancient scrolls with him, follow him. He will bring you two books. Read them. The quest will begin Beyond the truss" When you find yourself in the tower Mzark. And pick up Ancient scrollThe task will be executed.

What is the "mind and" with what they eat "?

Dragon cries (also known as vote or T'um) - phrases or words of the dragon language used to release potential energy (similar magic). Dragons have a natural ability to use screams, but among people only a few possess it. Being a Dovakin, your character can apply screams as free as dragons. You can explore up to 20 screams, each of which consists of 3 words of power.

To study the dragon cry, you must perform the following conditions: ---

1. Find the wall of power.

Wall with word in a windy peak.

2. Read the word strength on the wall. Words of force are separate runes that are displayed on the wall.

Near the wall with the word. Magic energy comes from the right word.

3. Kill the dragon and absorb his soul.

Dovakin absorbs the Dragon's soul in Windhelm.

4. After killing a dragon, use his soul to open the word power (For especially notphibered - R (English layout)).
5. Examine a new cry. At first you can explore the weakest screaming option. To open the other, stronger options for this scream, you will need to study two more words of strength and absorb two souls of dragons.

Following the main storyline, Dovakin on the storyline learns about the 15 different words of strength from other characters, after which these words will be open. The first word scream "ruthless strength" will be open immediately after the death of Milmurnir (the soul is automatically used on the unopened cry of "ruthless power"). To open the remaining words for screams, you will need to absorb another 44 souls of dragons.

This is how the cry looks like in real life (pleasant viewing!):

Finding dragonchs

1. Some words of force can be studied only at certain moments of the main storyline, while others require access to locations opened when passing various fractional quests (Vorov Guild, Wintertold Board, Comraders, and TD.). But most of the words are available for study at any time.

2. When you apply a cry in the city, a city dungeon or a camp, a messenger can be running to you. "Letter from each other". Each such letter will open a side quest, which will help find the walls of words. New letters can only be obtained after passing the previous quest associated with the letter. The courier can find you anywhere in Skyrima and will deliver letters until all words of force are studied by your character.

3. After completing the quest "Horn Yurgen Summonger Wind"You will be able to ask Argeira if the name of the word of strength is not known, and he will send you to the wall of words, noting it on the map. Indicators of Argery and the courier letters can be used in combination with each other. Argeir will stop specifying places where the walls are, after you learn all the available words of strength.

Dovakin's initiation after the quest "Horn Yurgen Summonger Wind".

Inaccessible dragon cries

In addition to the screams that the player can learn, there are several used NPCs and dragons:

1. Aldune has a cry, known as "Dragon Thunder Call". It looks like a thunderstorm call, but causes a meteorite storm instead of a storm with lightning, and the sky becomes red, not gray. Clean sky can stop its action.
2. Aduuine also has a cry called "Cry of Resurrection"which resurrects dead dragons. Dragon's soul will restore his body. Words of the strength of this cry are "slan", "TID" and "W.". It is noteworthy that the player can explore the words "TID" and "slan" to use them in other cries.
3. Fog trap for showerwho created Aldune in Sovgrada, is technically not crying, but a script. He appears where Aldyun hides and feeds on caught souls. Words of force for him are "veins", "mule", "Rick", which are translated as "wind", "strong" and "storm".
4. Creek that uses Tsun to send a player from Sovgland back to NIRN, is another inaccessible cry. His words: "Nal", "gave", "VUS", that translated means "live", "return", "NIRN".
5. The screams used by dragons are changed versions of the screams that the player and NPC use.
6. There is a cry, which is called to create an infertable mannequin, where you can work out your screams. His words are "Fik", "Lo", "Sa", which means "mirror", "deceive", "phantom". This is another cry that is not available to you. However, it can be opened by the "PSB" console command. This cry, apparently, was originally created for use by the player, since it is voiced for all races.
7. During the study "Rapid jerk", one of the gray-robes (Borry) will open the gate with the creek Bex. It is also unavailable to explore the player.

The location of the walls of the word strength in Skyrim. Part 1

This section will describe the location of all walls of the word strength in Skyrim (Saltheim not in the account):

1. "Ruthless Strength"
(Repels and disorient the enemy. Recharge - 15,20,45)
Where to search: first in location "Wind peak" (Opening when killing a Milmurnir Dragon under Waitran), the second and third Sedo-standard.

2. "Rapid jerk"
(Overcome the distance in seconds. Recharge - 20,25,35)
Where to look: the first in the story quest, at the Sedoborochny. Second - "Foci"Third - "Volskigge".

3. "Death sentence"
(Reduces the reserves of the enemy's forces. Recharge - 20,30,40)
Where to search: first - "Autumn Watchtower" Second - "Forgotten Cave"Third - "Refuge of the Dark Brotherhood" (Only after joining TB).

4. "Thunderstorm Call"
(Thunderstorm lightning (only in open locality, not in the premises) beat your enemies, the weather changes to "Thunderstorm". Recharge - 300,480,600)
Where to search: first - "Forechost". Second - "Ruins of high gates"Third - "Skaldafn" (Only on the plot quest).

5. "Time Slow"
(Slows down time. Read more - 30,45.60)
Where to search: first - "Korvanyund". Second - "Labyrinthian" (by Quest College Winterhold), Third - "Witchnino nest".

6. "Call valor"
(Heroes of the Sovgland come to the rescue. Interlayer - 180,180,180)
It will be available after executing the last quest of the storyline.

7. "Call of the Dragon"
(Calls for you to help Odaving. Interlayer - 5,5,300)
Receipt - from Esbard. Need to fulfill the quest from the storyline. It becomes free after the completion of the storyline.

8. "Dragon"
(Forces the dragon to fall on the ground. It does not allow it to take off during the screaming time. Recharge - 10,12,15)
It becomes available in the storyline.

9. "Clear sky"
(Accelerates fog. Interlayer - 5,10,15)
Available only in the central quest - at the Sedoborochny.

10. "Frosty breathing"
(Freezes and slows down the enemy. Read more - 30.50,100)
Where to search: first "Fungutur". Second - "Altar born in the sky"Third - "Skeletal Comb".

11. "Ice form"
(Turns the enemy into a piece of ice, it does not have an alignment to move and attack. Recharge - 60,90,120)
Where to search: first - "Saartal" (by Queent of the College Winterhold) .The "Antor Mountain"Third - "Frostmir".

12. "Elemental rage"
(For a while increases the speed of attack (useful if weapons are used in the 2nd hand). Recharge - 30,40,50)
Where to search: first - "Crater Dragon Tooth".There - "Northern Bastion Screaming Wind"Third - "Meria Statue"(left it).

13. "Fire Breathing"
(Damage to fire. Read more 30,50,100)
Where to search: first - "Throwing World", Parsnaksa, in the storyline. Second - "Divided Gorge"Third - "Ancient Cairn" (By quest associates).

14. "Ferry Friendship"
(Beasts come to help you. Recharge - 50,60,70)
Where to search: first - "Angarvand". Second - "Tomb of the Isgramore"Third - "The course of the ancients".

15. "Disarmament"
(You break the weapon from the enemy's hands. Recharge - 30,35,40)
Where to search: first - "Peak ancients". Second - "Silver Lair"Third - "Sanctuary of the Snow Curtain" (Only in Quest Guild thieves).

16. "Mir Kin"
(Animals lose interest in Dovakin. They do not attack it, but do not run away. Recharge - 40,50,60)
Where to search: first - "Resident Rannweig". Second - "Ragnwald"Third - "Kurgan funeral fire" (Aivstened).

17. "Voice Throw"
(Creek to distract attention. Dovakin whispers words, the enemies hear them as "words of insults" and are looking for a source from which these words came. Recharge - 30,15.5).
Where to look: all three words in "Double-headed peak" (Neat. In addition to the dragon there is a dragon priest!).

18. "Whisper Aura"
(Dovakin whispers words and he begins to feel all the living souls around. Recharge - 30,40,50)
Where to search: first - "Top North Wind". Second - "Vantum"Third - "Volundudud" (by Quest Dark Brotherhood).

Dragon cries (voice or the "mind) are the words of power in the dragon language used to open a powerful magic effect. Dragons always knew how to scream, this ability is inseparable from their nature, a scream for the dragon is also natural as breathing and speech. What's the same It concerns people ... In the most ancient times, the goddess of Kinaret gave them the ability to speak the language of dragons, but most are required for many years to learn the simplest cry. Only dragonborn possesses the great gift of the voice - the ability to direct the vital energy to the "mind, or a cry. The speech of the dragons in their blood, it is given to them without much effort. Your character is a dragon-born - warrior with a dragon soul in a mortal body, although at first it is unknown to anyone about this. The ability to apply screams will be available at the end of the quest "Dragon in the sky" (Dragon Rising), after absorbing the soul of the first killed dragon.

To open a new cry or improve already known, you should approach the wall of words and find out the word of power, then spend the dragon's absorbance to unlock the word (R button), and if there is no accessible dragon's soul, you will have to kill any dragon and absorb His soul. All the screams consist of three words and every time you master the new word, your cry becomes more powerful: unlocking the first word from the scream opens its weak version, the second and the third increases the intensity, duration, etc.

To shout, you need to press the z button (default). Just pressing the Creek button gives it a weak version, as a result, the unhappy retention will be the average option, and the long-lasting retention causes the strongest cry. After the screaming, there must be for some time necessary for "Recharge" before you have the opportunity to scream again (follow the context of compass contours from blue).

In total, it is possible to explore 20 screams. As the main quest passes, you will learn 15 words from different screams (for their unlocking the Dragon Soul is not required). You will need 44 dragon souls to unlock all other words available. Some words can be found only in certain places when passing the main quest and performing quests of various fractions (see the tables below), most are open to study at any time (the order does not matter). To facilitate investigating wall searchs, there are two ways to obtain information about their location:

1. It is worth screaming in the cities, settlements, camps and dungeons, then expect a mester with a "letter from each other," containing a hint about the place with another wall of words. The messengers will continue to bring such letters until all the words available at the moment are not found. However, you will not get a new "letter from each other" until you finish the quest associated with the previous received letter.

2. After the quest "Yurgen's Horn" is completed, Argeiir can also ask Argera (Arngeir) from the Masters of the Voice path, Sedoborogen, did not know anything about places of force, and he will celebrate them on the map. When you learn all the available words currently, Argeir will cease to give you a tip.

Erementing Force)

The location of the walls of the words: the first word you will learn on the windy peak (Bleak Falls Barrow), it will automatically unlock after the murder of the Mirmulnir dragon (Mirmulnir) according to the main quest, the second and third of you will be trained by the Sedoboroge in the process of passing the main quest.


TU "The mind reaches emptiness, changing your shape so that neither you can harm to anyone or anyone - you.

Location of walls of words: Vothengrev (USTengrav), where you have to look at the main quest, Kurgan Iron (IronBind Barrow) and the stronghold of the Lost Valley (Lost Valley Redoubt).

Throw Voice (Throw Voice)

The "mind is heard, but the source is unknown, and heard begin to look for it.

Location of walls of words: all three words you will learn on a double-headed peak (SHEARPOINT).

Thunder Call (Storm Call)

Creek shakes heaven and awakens the devastating power of Lightning Skyrim.

Location of walls of words: Skuldaphne - Temple (Skuldafn Temple), where you have to look at the main quest, Forechost (ForelHost), High Gate Ruins Ruins.

Dragonrend (Dragonrend)

Location of walls of words: Throat of the World), in the course of performing the main quest.

Friendship with beasts (Animal Allegiance)

Creek about help facing wild creatures, and they come to fight on your side.

The location of the walls of the words: the course of the ancient (Ancient "S Ascent), Angarvund (Angarvunde) and the Tomb of the Isgramor (YSGRAMOR" S TOMB).

Slow Time (Slow Time)

The cry makes the time to submit to the orders, and all around freezes.

The location of the walls of the words: Labyrinthian (Labyrinthian), where it will be necessary to visit the collegium of Winterhold, the witchno nest (Hag "s End) and Korvanyund (Korvanjund), where you will fall across the quest for Imperials or for Brothers Brothers.

Call of Valor

Location of walls of words: Sovngard (SovnGarde), along the implementation of the main quest.

Call Dragon (Call Dragon)
Frig (Dismay)

And the weak things will be frightened by the "mind, and rushing to run, covered by horror.

Location of walls of words: Height Punched Language (Lost Tongue Overlook), Shalidor Labyrinth (Shalidor "s Maze) and the Old Crone Rock (Dead Crone Rock).

Ice form (Ice Form)

Your TU "Mind turns the enemy into a block of ice.

The location of the walls of words: Saartal (Saarthal), where it will be necessary to visit the Queent of Winterhold College, Crypt Frostmemir (Frostmere Crypt) and Mount Anfort (Mount Anthor).

Mir Kyne S Peace)

Location of walls of words: Kurgan Breakfire (SHROUD Hearth Barrow), Ragnwald (Ragnvald) and Resident Rannveig s Fast).

Frosty breathing (Frost Breath)

Your breath is winter, your TU "Mind is Buran.

Location of walls of words: Skeleton comb (Bonestrewn Crest), altar born in the sky (Skyborn Altar) and Fanguntur (Folgunthur).

Fire Breath)

Inhale the air and exhale the fire - this one is the flame itself.

The location of the walls of the words: Throat of The World), along the implementation of the main quest, the ancient Cairn (Dustman "s Cairn), where it will be necessary to visit the colleagues, and the separated gorge (Sunderstone Gorge).

Disarmament (DISARM)

Steel is subject to this cry - you pull the weapon from the hands of the enemy.

The location of the walls of the words: Snow Veil Sanctum, where it will be necessary to visit the Quests of the thieves, the peak of the ancients (Eldersblood Peak) and Silverdrift Lair.

Mortal Senior (Marked for Death)

Location of walls of words: Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, the forgotten cave (Forsken Cave) and Autumnwatch Tower (AutumnWatch Tower).

Swirl jerk (Whirlwind Sprint)

Tu "The mind is torn forward by carrying out you with yourself with the speed of the vortex.

The location of the walls of the words: the first word will be taught by the gray-breeding in the process of passing the main quest, the others will learn in the fortune (Dead Men "S Respite) and Volskigge (VolskyGge).

Clean Heaven (Pure Sky)

Skyrim himself obeys this TU "Mind - fog scattered and the weather becomes clear.

Location of walls of words: High Hrothar (High Hrothgar), along the implementation of the main quest.

Whisper Aura (Aura Whisper)

Location of walls of words: the vertex of the Northern Wind (Northwind Summit), Valtum (Valthume) and Volunudud (Volunuud).

Element Fury (Elemental Fury)

Tu "Mind gives your hands by wind speed, allowing you to quickly apply guns to weapons.

Location of walls of words: Bastion Screaming Wind (Shriekwind Bastion), Crater Dragon Tooth (Dragontooth Cracer) and Northeast Meridia Statue (Statue to Meridia).

Wall of Aduin

It is necessary to accompany the Esbard to the dolphin. To do this, give him a time to collect his records and go on the road. On the spot we descend all the dolphins basement and listen to the old man. He proposes to see the wall of Aduin, which allegedly helps us learn the weak points of the dragon and defeat it. We wait for the dolphin and go to the wall, which is in the temple of the Heavenly Harbor. If you do not want to go with the dolphin, you can immediately meet it with Esburn on the spot. We enter the temple, we destroy the rogue and go out to the raised bridge. To lower it, you need to deploy three columns so that they have the same sign, as in extreme right. When signs coincide, the bridge will go down. We go through it and go out into the room with pressure plates. You can only step on the plates with the sign that they were on three past columns. Following only on them, we get to the chain and twitch for it. Now the trap is not terrible, you can safely walk on what kind of slab, and also, and besides, the bridge will fall in front. We go ahead and go to the entrance directly to the temple itself of the Heavenly Harbor. To open a passage, we get up and shed your blood on it. The path is open, go to the temple. Esburn, inspected by the wall of Aduin, reports that the dragon can only be defeated by a special cry, which, unfortunately, we do not know. But they certainly know the gray-breeding, you need to go to them. Throat Mira

We return to the high chrothar and find Argeira. Unfortunately, he does not know the scream we need, but Patournaks knows him, the leader of the gray-breeding, will meet with whom the Great Honor. But because We will be a stranger for him, you need to study some shout, thanks to which we wake the honor to see the leader. We follow Argeir and study the cry "Clean Sky". Thanks to him, we will be able to climb the very top of the mountain, where is partarenks. To do this, simply aim to the ice whirlwind and use "Clean Sky" on it. Walking on the mountain, we encounter Parsnaks, which, in fact, is a dragon. Immediately move to business would not be a very beautiful act, therefore, you first need to greet each other. We study the cry of "Fire Respiration", which gives us partarenks, and use it on the dragon. After that, he is ready to hear us completely. We tell him that we want to study the scream "Dragon". But on our misfortunes and he does not know this cry, but the ancient scroll will help us in this. It is necessary to discuss this with Esburn or Argeir.

Ancient knowledge

Close to get to Argeira, so we go to it. He advises us to ask about this scroll into Winterhold College, so you have to go there. Reaching the College, Farald meets us, who says that to get to the magicians is not so simple. We explain to her that we want to go there just like this, but she asks to offer something in return for the board. We tell her that we are Dovakin, but using a cry on it, we prove it. The path to the magicians are open, follow the elements in the hall, from where we go to Arkaneum. There we find an orc named High Gro-Schow. Asking him about the scroll, and that he became with us who is friendly, telling him that we are Dovakin. Orc will agree to help information on the search for a scroll. We give him a little time, after which he will lay on the table two books. We read them and speak Hugs that the book of "reflections" is completely unclean. He says she was written by a certain scientist named Septimia Segonia. Surely he can help us in search of a scroll. We go to his lair, which is located on a small island, among the floating sea of \u200b\u200bhuge ice floats. This crazy scientist is ready to help us, only if we make him some records. We go to Alpotten and penetrate the ice caves. Following them, we go out into some metallurgical workshop. By destroying the coumen and spices, follow the corridors, climb the second floor and go to the door leading to the animatorium. We pass between the walls and go out to the inclined rise, on which three small devices that start deadly traps are visible. We step them down and go later to the closed lattice, followed by the lever. Drech for him, after which the lattice goes down. Now you need to go down to the bottom of the cave, moving onto the screw staircase, as through the rooms populated by Falmers. Going down, go to the Alpotand Cathedral. We jump through the mechanisms of launching traps on the floor and go out into the large hall. The path farthews the lattice blows, to omit which you can only turn the lever, which is behind just above. We pass forward, destroy the Dormorm Centurion and activate the mechanism that will open the way into the black limit. Having got into it and in love with huge mushrooms, follow the Mzarka Tower. Rising to the panels, insert an empty dictionary into the dictionary stand and press the four buttons in turn on the right - to the left. True, to appear the third button, you will have to coat with the first two right. We take the ancient scroll and go back to Skyrim.

If after all this you tell me that this is not one of the most beautiful games, - I will eat you!

Curse of Aldune

We have an ancient scroll, now you need to read it on a temporary break, which is in the throat of the world. We get up to the place of the gap, which can be detected by the curved air, go into the interface, we take a scroll in the "Books" section and read it. We fell into the past when Aldyune was expelled in our present time. Seeing and having learned the Creek "Dragon" at Heroes-Nords, we return to our time and preparing to the battle with Alduin. With the help of the "Dragon Boy" studied by us, knock down Aduin from the sky and begin to attack with all kinds of weapons or magic that we have. Also, the partarenx will help us. But no matter how hard we try, destroy the dragon, alas, will not work. He swears into the sky and hides on the horizon.


You need to find where he is hiding. From Parotnaks we learn that the Palace of the Yarla Vaitran, when it was a dungeon for dragons. You can catch any dragon and lock it in the dungeon to give out where Aldyune is hidden. But, first you need to get permission from the Yaditran Yarla, for this kind of classes. We go to it in the dragon limit and ask for help. He will agree to help only under the condition that the civil war between the imperials and the brothers of the stormy will end. In this we can help the Argeir, to whom we go and go. Now it remains only to report this meeting Ulfrik to the petrel and General Tullia. To begin with, we go to the brothers Sturi, the Yarl of which is located in Windhelm. In the royal hall we find Ulfric and tell him that the gray-resistant cause him on a truce. He will not agree to take part in this until it is convinced that Tully himself will not come there. But it's not enough to run here, so we tell him that if Tully does not come on a truce, he will show himself from a weak side. A little thought out, Ulfric agrees, and we go to Solitude to the imperials. We explain the importance of this truce, and we say as an incentive that Ulfric himself will also come to the meeting, for which he will not be able to refuse. Now we return to the high chrothar to Argeir. The meeting is ready, but Dolphin with Esburn also comes to him. There is nothing to do, you will have to take them with you. We follow the gray-working in the hall and sit down in the chair. To negotiate will be without our help, simply occasionally support or the words of Ulfric or Tully, depending on which we are more inclined. As a result, the assembly ends in a truce, and Esburn gives us a scroll, which gives a cry of appeal to Odaving. It's time to go to Waitran and cook the trap for this dragon. Give a Balgruf's signal that we are ready to start, and follow with him to the gallery, where the trap is already cooked. We go to the balcony, choose a dragon call cry, hold the scream key and let go that our voice is stronger and dragon could hear us. When he arrives, attack it and gradually lure into the hall where the trap will work. Talking with herd, he will agree to help us.

No, well, seriously! Where else can you see such beauty?!

House of the Eater of the World

You need to get into School, but you can only get there by air. We ask the Guard of Waitran to free the dragon, then we climb on the garden and fly to the habitat of all dragons. Arriving in place, we begin to move forward to the portal leading to the SOWGDD. Punching through the crowds of draped and dragons, get to the temple. Clearing his hall from semi-shy mummies, we go to the room with three columns and lever. As in the past times, you need to turn the columns so that when using the lever, open the left gate, because Rights do not lead anywhere, except for the chest. To open the lattice we need, set the columns with the following signs: Eagle - Snake - Eagle. Do it need it from the lever, because If you look at the middle column on the other hand, then there will be splitting there. We follow further along the corridors intense with spiders, and we go to another room, but everything with the same columns. Now with their help, we need to lower the bridge. The first column is right in front of the entrance to this room, the other remaining on both sides of the lever, which is at the top. On the bottom column, I exhibit the sign of the snake, on the right - an eagle, on the left - fish. Drech for the lever and follow the bridge all deeper into the temple. We climb the steps, turn right into a narrow passage and go to the bridge. They go to a room with a spiral staircase. Climb upstairs, where we face a closed grid. We destroy the draped and go into the room behind, where we find a lever from the grid. We go later and go to the round door, near which the Lord's draghre is located. We destroy it and take a diamond claw from him. Now you need to open the door. Expose the following signs from above - down: Wolf - Moth - Dragon. Turn the diamond claw and the path is open. Learning a new cry and leave the temple. Going out, turn the left, where we go to the Lestenka leading directly to the portal in the Sovingard. Without lingering for a second, immediately jerk the portal, without binding to the crossing with local dragons.


We are with the Sovgrada, the city of Shower. Let's go down the steps and meet the Soldier of the Brotherhood Brothers. According to him, Aldyun is hiding in this fog, and in order to win it, you need to go to the valor's hall and unite with other heroes. We go to the place where the entrance to the hall is brave the road Tsun. Despite the fact that we are Dovakin, he will not want to skip us until we prove to him that we are a strong opponent. We prescribe him according to the first number so that he regretted that it all started it all. In the ducks of the dragon, we move the abyss and go to the valor's hall. Speaking with Isvor, approach three Herdam Heroes, whom we saw when they moved into the past with the help of an ancient scroll. Combined with them, speaking on Aduyune. Dragonoborets.

Together with the heroes, we leave out and follow them. With the help of a scream "Clean sky", help the heroes get rid of the mist, but it turns out this time so from the third. When the fog dispels, Alduine himself will arrive to us. Using the "dragon", forcing it to land, and begin to attack. When Alduneu will be defeated, approach Tsun, who will return us back to Skyrim, as well as he will also eat the scream of the Norde Hero call.

On this main plot is completed, and we can do other unfinished affairs, and I am sure there are many more.


Screams are special phrases in the dragon language, in which powerful magic has been concluded. Press Z to use a predetermined cry. The longer you hold the key, the greater the words of the scream you say and the more powerful scream itself. At a time, only one talent or one cry can be noted.

The words of the dragon language, which are included in the screams, you study, looking for walls in the world. But just to learn them is not enough - you must still put in it a dragon soul, and only then it will become available to you. You absorb the soul of dragons, killing them.

Small video guide for screams:

The map with the location of all walls of the screams (comments to some places later will be added):

The table of screams and their properties (gradually filled, if you have something to supplement - write in the comments.

Cry name


The words





Ruthless power

Shock wave which throws up and stuns opponents


The first word in the scream you will learn at the end of the task windy peak, the rest of two you will teach seroboroge, in the task the path of votes. All over the main storyline.

Swipe jerk

Transfers you to fixed gathering forward


The first word will be taught seroboroge, in the task of the voice, the other two you will learn in the respite (Dead Men "s Respite) and in VolskyGGE).

Fire breath

At the specified side throws the wave of fire


Throwing in the world (Quest "Thread of the World", main story)
- ** Ancient Cairn, Ancient Crypt (Quest "Valor Test", Rule of Comraders)
- separated gorge

Frosty breathing

At the specified side throws the wave of cold


Harmony Kyne (KYNE "S Peace)

Soothes (do not attack) hostile beings and soothes (do not run away) animals


Resident Rannweig
- * Fire Fire, Depths (Quest Tubershka from Aivstened)
- Ragnwald, Temple

Makes the enemies who do not see you (a simple replacement of this scream - shoot somewhere out of the bow)


Double-headed peak (all 3 words strength)

Ice form

Turns the enemy into ice block


Mount Anfort
- ** Saartal (Quest "In the depths of Saartal", the line of the board of the magicians, the quest "Forbidden Legend")
- Frostmir, the depths of Frostmir (Quest "Pale Lady")


Knocks out weapons from the hands of enemies



Peak ancient
- Silver lair
- ** Snow curtain (Quest "Conversation with silence", Line of the thieves guild)

* Passage to the word strength is closed by the Nordic door with a secret (dragon claw is more often in the same location)
** Passage to the word forces is possible only during the specified quest.

Total in the game 20 screams.
