The other day, Khodorkovsky published his appeal, whether the appeal for freedom, or simply reminded the society about his existence and transferred and deprivation in the struggle for freedom ... Abstracts predictable: on personal experience, I was convinced that freedom is beautiful ! He graduated from Khodorkovsky his appeal ordinary for freedom fighters. They say, through elections or without election, but freedom will excite, forcing the hearts to knock on unison. You can get acquainted in the original:

Well, we will talk about what it was ...

Personally, I thinkthat in Russia a very high degree of personal freedoms, perhaps even higher than in the West. With political freedoms, everything is more complicated, but the problem is not in their absence. The level of political freedoms in Russia is quite normal. I foresee that in this place hundreds of fighters for freedom will be asked that I am the cream and selling cattle, but give one minute (remember that you are for freedom and democracy) and read on. Perhaps you will understand what I want to say. At the same time, only the first part of the post will be devoted to the Khodorkovsky itself and its relations with Putin. The second part is somewhat about the friend. I still do not comment on the post without reading it completely :) And it is common in intrinsic :) So:

What is the problem of Khodorkovsky? In the fact that at one time he used 146% all the ways of illegal, immoral, unfailing enrichment at the first stage of his formation. And this is not the wealth that is created by honest hard labor or ingenious insight. Everything is simple - section of Soviet assets. Assets created not by him. Then expansion for all other freon by any available means. During this period, he was actually cooler in many formal criteria than any official of Russia (including the president). He had astronomical wealth and enormous influence. This demolished Mr. Khodorkovsky head. However, no - it did not demolish, but endowed overestimated. The next stage is common. The most successful rogue, having overtook everyone along the scams and becoming the leader, the next stage seeks to consolidate its dominance. How? The easiest way to do this through the law. The fact is that the coolest rogue can now live by law. Can pay taxes in full, has other tools that are doing simply unnecessary already all these gangster pieces. And the competitors still puff on the march of the illegal path ...

At this moment just logical It is terribly law-abiding and dunk all other losers of the law of law and the state. After that, the "law-abiding" rogue remains in proud loneliness and becomes a dictator. Further depends on personal character traits. Sometimes it is reborn into something terrible, sometimes in the overall framework is observed. But the total dominance over any participants in the market (and at that time everything was market, incl. And politics) is fixed almost forever!

This is exactly what happened to Khodorkovsky. In fact, then Putin simply asked Khodorkovsky with respect to refer to the state, as well as to its competitors in the economy. Khodorkovsky counted that he was already so cool that he could not listen to the current president of Russia. And in fact, it started not just to the operation to consolidate the domination in the economy. He began to buy power! Started the operation of the total political domination.

Now most of the strength of protest Make up very young people who simply do not remember those times. And I remember. I remember 1 channel (at that time ort) covered the activities of Khodorkovsky, and not at all Putin. Lighting was absolutely identically covered by presidential activity. Even for me it became obvious that Khodorkovsky is simply prepared for the final seizure of power. What would it be? I do not know. Can Putin just killed. May have a impeachment. Maybe under contrived pretexts would suit some extraordinary elections. May would be set up a color revolution. I do not know. But what happened to the change of power is a fact.

Therefore, strict measures to block Khodorkovsky - it was just a matter of survival not just Putin personally. It was the question of preserving the constitutional system and the issue of state security at that time. In fact, the issue of conservation of Russia.

In this sense, I have no sympathy for Khodorkovsky. He made very large bets in the game and lost the underestimation of Putin, as well as not to understand the Russian people, who was in general, to spit on a regular rogue (and at that time of all the most advantageous Lords could be recorded in the rogues). Moreover, irritation of the next kind was also invisible appetites of this rogue.

Type, well, I poured, so sit quietly .. Why are you Teresa's mother of Teresa?

Such here was the course of public consciousness. In general, this is of course a fairly simplified look at things, but the progress of thought is correct, as they say ... At the same time, I believe that Khodorkovsky is not any special bastard ... no. It simply considered that the goal justifies the funds, schA will smear a bit, but then it will become a knight on a white horse ...

Further, everything is generally ridiculous and easy.Putin won in that struggle, but did not morally humiliate and remove Khodorkovsky, fenced his family from any hitters, while the attempts of the buying of power on the side of the oligarchs put on the root, with all the other oligarchs, Mall Dude did not go into politics and love Russia, then I will not climb into you - and you are very much for a lot of reasons and reasons you can climb, is it not true? .... it all arranged. Russia has moved to a different level of development. All this is not to say that it is terribly correct, but apparently only it was possible to agree without a big blood. And the result was good. Russia received calm and became bad, but to develop. The standard of living of citizens rose incredibly! I am absolutely convinced that Khodorkovsky could always get freedom. The condition was one thing - stop doing what I did. Ask for freedom.

But the pride of Khodorkovsky did not let him do it. And not only pride. Calculation too. All this time, he seemed to be in the eyes of the opposition, as an emperor in exile. Those. The game that he began on freedom continued in captivity. I am sure that Putin and glad to release the stubborn to freedom. But? .. Well, you yourself know what it would be? That's right - Putin Zassal. Thank you fighters for freedom, I think it is Khodorkovsky that you owe such a long imprisonment. However, it can be seen that the imprisonment was not destructive for him. Mode of day, routine, regular food without excesses, work. Today, Mikhail Borisovich in the best physical shape than his peers, all this time former in the wild :) What can you agree, too, does not fit with the version about Satrapa Putin. No, just collided two steep men. Both are noble. One won, the second lost. This proves today's position by the position of Khodorkovsky himself. He admitted that Putin behaved noble and even in something on the knight:

"Delgated to say goodbye to Mom. This is true. The family did not touch - the truth. Therefore, a political opponent, not an enemy. Let me scold me and scold."

By the way, I am very grateful to Mikhail Borisovich for this statement. This is also a noble act. After all, it is pragmatically advantageous to him on the contrary now to tell what Putin is a bad man and how she tried to make the life of the already darted (s) but said the truth. This is a big plus!

But now let's go to the essence of the post. All of the above was just an entry. Read the words Khodorkovsky:

The family did not touch - the truth.

What does this mean? Not Putin, and someone else tried against the background of the defeat of Khodorkovsky to deal with his family. Who is this other? No, we will not talk about the conspiracy of reptiloids ... everything is easier. These are people. Ordinary people. Each small screw system, every clerk, every employee, every competitor of Khodorkovsky himself, and maybe yesterday, who has smiled in his eyes yesterday ... They were all immediately ready as Jackals to break the defeated lion and his heritage. What for? And why?

To understand, let's start a little afar:

All so-called Fighters for freedom In Russia, there is one huge problem. The problem is based on their holy conviction that Putin affects everything. They really perceive Putin God, it seems. Like, he sees everything, he knows everything, he is omnipotent, and therefore, if we see something bad (corruption, theft, vigorism, non-professionalism) All this is the direct wines of Putin. For nothing happens without his knowledge, and since the nasty is curly, then pepper is clear, Putin himself and creates them. Such a paradigm. The paradigm definitely erroneous, for anyone who at least worked a little in the state structures or at least just has the head on the shoulders and can argue without fixing on the parties.

It is obvious not so! When the prosecutor leads a biased "investigation", the judge writes an unfair sentence, he doesn't just think that it is necessary, he pursues his own benefits. Maybe it is necessary for someone else, but no one could give an order. This is a very deep degree of self-evod ... All sins of Putin can only be reduced to one - sometimes he uses the fact that he did not create in his own interests.

It is best possible to illustrate the quote of Dr. Schulz from the feature film "Dzhango":

"My friend, even though I despised slavery, but now I am a little about the advantages of the system - you will be obliged to find a criminal with me, and then, after the case is done, I will write you free" /415164.html.

What happened in reality in those years?

Putin, who himself underwent a real threatI was able to eruption within the framework of the system and did so that Khodorkovsky became inconvenient to more people than he himself - and here's the result: prosecutors, judges, competitors are already drowning on Mikhail Borisovich ... Yes, so that Putin himself may be surprised. At the same time, he himself personally did not violate not only the law, but also morality ... He just defended himself and defended what he was entrusted - Russia!

Why did it happen? Well, you remember the examples less global ... Yes, the most recent clerk in almost every jop of Gopu rules from the zeal like the gendar and humiliates the palls more than he himself could imagine to knock the place hedver. Moreover, any abominations that can be imagined by many times. I do not remember something in the Yukos of the kingdom of mind, justice and democracy. Although in the forces of Khodorkovsky was to do it inside his company. And what was there? Yes, everything is the same, for which now Khodorkovsky brand of all in a row. And maybe worse ...

The problem is that people, Each person and all in general are low-lying instincts. The most talented performance that appears to the bright and beautifully picks views in the area of \u200b\u200bdozens, well, or hundreds of thousands. At the same time, any ordinary porn is easily translated by half-liter front ... But any of these people is a carrier of grain morality, morality and human-lithuage. Although many this grain never gives shoots. So there will be a person to balance between the animals and the divine ... and the most disgusting, which is without an animal base, a person is doomed to extinction, and without Divine - just on what will remain animal ... Therefore, the animal side is even theoretically stronger than the Divine in one man. But in general, in the people, only the Divine party can provide survival. Animal side on the contrary becomes the cause of death. This is a serious paradox.

And so it turns out that personal (vulgarly understood) freedom, being a projection of an animal beginning begins to infringe the freedom that is from God. And freedom that comes from God is not gay parades and not about the right to focus on the square or run naked ... she is about justice. On the justice that is based on morality. The law is just trying to formally express these concepts in a codified form. Therefore, in general, not all nipple is harmful and not all legitimate is useful for society. But all moral and fair is always useful for society, even if it is carried out not quite rightly :) The problem is that no one in our formal society will honestly adhere to the fact that there is from birth in every person - moral law within us. All mentally healthy people understand perfectly well, which is bad, and what is good. But everyone is lying (c) those today's realities.

The problem is, but it can understand, and maybe it's just afraid ... We are not needed now. And vice versa - the autocracy of a very honest, very smart and very rigid ruler, which in the highest value sees the interests of Russia and the people, the actions of which are not based on formal laws, but on their source - morality and justice.

What for? So that he is iron - steel hand cleared entire layers from the villains, rogues and thieves. Put in place of the ragged villains! And thus would give people freedom from arbitrariness, poverty and injustice. However, this is an obvious utopia :) it does not happen. This path is conjugate with huge losses at least because of the excesses of the artist. I'm not talking about almost the inevitable degeneration of even this fictional perfect ruler.

But Putin to this paradigm At least appeal and love for it. But this is not an empty touch. The fact is that "in the beginning there was a word" ... and if it is neatly constantly to proclaim the values, they sooner or later begin to gain reality ... And Khodorkovsky appeals appeals ... to freedom. To some abstract freedom, which is still expressed in the gay parades, bloody idiotic color revolutions and NATO's humanitarian bombers for those to the air "Freedom" do not really like ... to the freedom that today becomes a real threat to our country! Remember how the US called its obviously anti-Russian action in Ukraine? Act of Freedom ... That's the answer. Well, who in the right mind, today will buy it? Especially watching what is going on where he tried and close to the celebration this freedom?

Freedom is not intruderFreedom is this environment in which true values \u200b\u200bcan grow. But these values \u200b\u200bthemselves will be subjected to the influx of weeds that need to harde. This is simply necessary! Otherwise weeds will win. It is a fact. The fact is repeatedly proven. Is it possible then to name absolutely free such garden in which the poverty goes? Not. And you need this here is the absolute freedom, which in the end invariably turns into the tyranny more and strong, cynical and hypocritical? If I see the problem of Putin's rule, then only in the fact that at certain times he still went on these theses. Elegated a law on justice. He moved away from his understanding personally what to do, although it turned out to be his informal understanding turned out to be surprisingly correct and faithful to Russia and those who love Russia! And naturally causing irritation and hatred from those who hate Russia ... But we love Russia, however? :)

True freedom is based on respect for every person to others - to everyone individually and to all as a whole. Respect for people and country. Then the necessary self-limits become natural and non-protest and discontent. All this is very intersecting with the concept of God. Not that - the Old Testament about the grandfather, who rumbles with lightning and punish, and that - what is love!

But people are poorly understood ... And it is quite difficult to explain it. Especially someone who completely blocked with the consciousness of the formal theses and the framework of the most severe materialism, forgetting that a person exactly and distinguishes from the animal that we move ideals and can go beyond the material. I am sure that many will understand me most. But I still write it :) For I hope that my coronal attempts to tell this will not be very vain. Maybe someone though thinking, or if ... And thinking that it will be able to express it even better. More precisely.

The path of the righteous is difficult, for the self-believed and tyranny of evil people hinder him. Blessed that shepherd, who in the name of mercy and kindness leads weak through the valley of the darkness, for it is he who is the most whoever truly stir up on his neighbors. And I will check the great messenger by punishment of violent over those who intends to poison and damage my brothers, and you will find out that my name is the Lord when my messenger falls on you.

Putin's path is the path of the righteous. But it should always be remembered that the righteous does not just have the right to messenger and the punishment, it is his hands to God and will make retribution. For love love, but survivors the strongest ... And if someone newly tighten love is not clear, then the Old Testament retribution comes ... It is not important tools, important what is done with the help of these tools! Not still in order, far and difficult to the upcoming path. It is difficult not only for the shepherd itself, but for those whom he leads. But, at least ... I try the ringo, I try very hard (c)

Comments (12)



    Putin: such a weapon, like Russia, there is no one in the world

    Putin: such a weapon, like us, there is no one in the world

    The success of the defense and industrial complex of the Russian Federation over the past decades has become the national proudness of the state. In this, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin is sure.

    "Successes in the defense and industrial complex of the country over the past decades are national pride," said the Russian leader in the course of the work ceremony of the "Hero of Labor" on April 30.

    According to Vladimir Putin, the designers and engineers of our country offer unique technological solutions.

    "Among such developments, the rocket complexes of the legendary design bureau of innovators created under the leadership of Kamneva, the rocket complexes of the legendary design bureau. Weapons with such characteristics today is not in any state of the world. There is no doubt that there is absolutely accurately," the president emphasized.

    For its part, the rock thanked for such a high assessment of his work. He noted: this is a merit of not only the work of the design bureau, but also the work of related cooperations and tens of thousands of people.

    The creation of high-class armaments samples, according to him, is aimed at ensuring the safety and reliability of the life of all Russians.



    You need to restore the connection with your original spirit. And start better right now.

    You need to restore the connection with your original spirit. And start better right now.

    Over the past few centuries, these Amazonian, Indian or Australian "savages" have accumulated a lot of questions.

    They ask, for example, why do you work so much against your desire? What are you kept for slaves? We work only when we want, well, it is rarely very, very necessary, if lazy, do not work.

    Why do your women go to doctors to give birth, are they all sick? Why do you need at home for which you need to work 20-30 years old and then pay for them anyway? What kind of gold?

    Why do you need kindergartens and schools, where most children are not interested? Why do you spend so much time and health on making money, so that then paying the expensive treatment of diseases that came as a consequence of this intimidant lifestyle? Why in the boys do you educate humility and obedience, and in girls appreciate strength and independence? Shouldn't be the opposite?

    Why do you learn your children with complicated mathematical formulas, but do not learn the properties of numerous medicinal herbs, handicrafts, life skills in nature? Why make money and buy toys in the children's store developing small motility when a bunch of pebbles and twigs are always abundant on every forest glade?

    Why treat expensive medicines, synthesized by pharmacologists, and then treated from the side effects of these drugs, and then third drugs to restore the already killed completely afternoon system, kidneys and microflora of the stomach and intestines?

    You do not know about drugs, nature data? We have Aboriginal Indians, as you call us, there are dozens of ways to cure, for example, your cancer in the initial stages and in just a week and completely free, the tart of banana palm, for example, for example. But you seem to be so nassed that you do not even assume that it is possible and give tens of thousands of dollars for complex treatment with dubious effectiveness. At the same time, you cut down the jungle with hundreds of priceless medicinal herbs, depriving houses of thousands of animals, which lived here long before you.

    You are strange, they tell us. You are sick, you need to restore the connection with nature, with your original spirit. And start better right now.



    Farewell, Europe

    Even after the documents were published today on how negotiations on the Transatlantantic Trade and Investment Partnership, TTip are underway, I do not believe that the Europeans will be able to resist American dictate.

    Because nothing new has opened. Just confirmed that everything was already knew.

    Farewell, Europe

    Last year, a rally against the signing of a free economic zone with the United States, according to some estimates, collected 250 thousand people in Berlin.

    It turns out that the Americans are mercilessly pressing - who would have thought. Threaten to sharply reduce the import of European cars if Europe refuses to buy American gennomified products. How not ashamed!

    TTIP negotiations are held secretly, one thing is already forces Europeans to suspect that they are trying to fool. In fact, no one, of course, does not deceive anyone - the Americans need the agreement to be signed on their terms. That there is a medium-sized European in this regard, the elite takes little.

    I would like to pay attention to how carefully and slowly serious people achieve their goals.

    Europe began to twist in the barnings of the Rog in the early 70s, when independent and stubborn Charles de Gaulle left the post of president of France. Since then, France has been sequentially deprived of sovereignty from the president to the president. That is, she passed the authority in the structure of the European Union under the spell on democracy, liberalism and postmodernism.

    In Brussels, the responsibility of blurred - no one chooses the EU president nor the head of the executive authority - the chairman of the European Commission. They are prescribed almost a hood, narrow circle. But with Brussels, it is very convenient to negotiate Washington.

    Germany generally no one asks - the syndrome of the loser here is still very strong. And several dozen American bases convincingly shows incomprehensible, who is the owner in the house.

    Sunshine UK either woves in the fairway after the US, or on the contrary, controls the process, sometimes taking a suffer look. There are many speculations, but which between the allies of the relationship, for sure no one knows.

    The opinion of the rest of the countries does not interest anyone. Did not hurt.

    For several tens of recent years, the free Europe was blinded by the ominous, greedy and not far from Vassal, who should obey orders even to harm. Conditionally combined, but completely definitely managed from the Unified Center.

    Speak, 240 pages of documents showing how Americans are pressured and forced to take their conditions, blackmail and intimidated? Yes, I am surprised at all that the Barin descended to negotiations with the holopas.

    Oh, the EU member states do not participate in negotiations, parliaments will be obliged to ratify an agreement without any interference in the text? Everything is true, extra eyes, ears and brains in the negotiations only interfere. And most importantly, chatty languages. WikiLeaks last year promised one hundred thousand euros for information about TTip, but no one responded.

    The rule of directors of transnational corporations should rule the world, and not some funny deputies who do not even speak accounting terminology, and more and more argue about human rights. And a citizen that is completely the last century.

    Therefore, arbitration should be in the United States and judge all the transatlantic CIS in their laws. So more correct.

    Most likely, we will soon see dozens, or even hundreds of thousands of indignant meshs on the streets of many European cities. Who are habit believe that they have sovereignty that they can somehow affect their governments.

    No longer can - democracy remained in the past. Their governments themselves do not affect any important decisions. Moreover, quite a long time. And the passionary army of new Muslim citizens, launched into the old light, is able to take the most violent chambers of sovereignty and justice. The terrorist attack in the crowd - what else can dream of a suicide boss?

    Someday, of course, the Americans are blocked by a stick, weakened and Europe will explode to the riot. But it will be still very, very soon. TTip will be signed. Freedom-loving Europeans should be fully



    Hitler - puppy in comparison with "US Conquerors"

    Hitler - puppy in comparison with "US Conquerors"

    Indians (the indigenous population of America) are exterminated by almost all sorts of conquerors of Prairies and other criminals, which still the United States and Canada consider national heroes.

    And very insulting becomes for courageous Aboriginal North America, whose murder is silent on the national sign. Everyone knows about the Holocaust, the genocide of the Jews, and about the Indians ... somehow passed by the democratic public. This is exactly a genocide. People were killed only for the fact that they are Indians! More than half a century after the opening of America, the local population was not considered for people at all. That is, naturally accepted animals. Based on the fact that the Indians are not mentioned in the Bible. So, there are no matter how.

    Hitler is a puppy in comparison with the "Conquerors of America": as a result of Holocaust of American Indians, as well as the "five-year-old war", 95 of 114 million indigenous people of the current territories of the United States and Canada were destroyed.
    The Hitler's concept of the concentration camps, many must be studied by the English language and the history of the United States.

    He admired the camps for the drills in South Africa and for the Indians in the Wild West, and often in his near-country surroundings, the effectiveness of the destruction of the indigenous population of America, red savages, which cannot be captured and tamed - from hunger and in unequal battles.

    The term genocide comes from Latin (Genos - Race, a tribe, CIDE - murder) and literally means the destruction or extermination of a whole tribe or the people. The Oxford Dictionary of the English language determines the genocide as "deliberate and systematic extermination of ethnic or national groups", and refers to the first consumption of the term in Rafael Lemkin regarding the actions of the Nazis in the occupied Europe.

    The United States Government refused to ratify the UN Convention on Genocide. And not wise. Many aspects of genocide were implemented on the indigenous peoples of North America.

    The list of American Genocide Policy includes: mass extermination, biological wars, forced eviction from native places, imprisonment, introduction of values \u200b\u200bother than indigenous, forced surgical sterilization of local women, ban on holding religious rites, etc.

    Hitler - puppy in comparison with "US Conquerors"

    Final decision

    The "final decision" of North America's Indians has become a model for the subsequent Jewish Holocaust and South African apartheid.

    But why is the biggest Holocaust hidden from the public? Is it because it continued so long that was the habit? It is significant that information about this Holocaust is intentionally excluded from the knowledge base and the consciousness of the inhabitants of North America and the whole world.

    Schoolchildren still teach that large territories of North America are desert. But before the coming of Europeans, the city of American Indians flourished here. More population lived in Mexico City than in any city of Europe. People were healthy and fed. The first Europeans were amazed. Agricultural products that cultivated indigenous peoples have won recognition at the international level.

    Holocaust North American Indians is terrible apartheid in South Africa and the Genocide of Jews during World War II. Where are the monuments? Where are the memorial ceremonies?

    Unlike post-war Germany, North America refuses to recognize the genocide the destruction of the Indians. North America's authorities do not want to admit that it was and remains a system plan for the destruction of most of the indigenous population.

    The term "final decision" was not invented by the Nazis. This was the managing on Indians, Duncan Campbell Scott, Canada Adolf Eikhman, who in April 1910 cared for the "Indian Problem":
    "We recognize that Indian children lose the natural resistance to diseases in these close schools, and that they die much higher rates than in their villages. But this is itself.



Mind hour of sullen and quiet,
Only thunder threatening sometimes.
I stand your doors -
Lord Gregory, open.

I can't return again
Home to your family
And if love is sleeping in you,
I at least praise.

I remember the forest on the slope of the mountains,
Where I gave
Love with which a long dispute
In his soul led.

You swear with me more than once
What will you be mine
That the contract taking us
Forever root.

But he does not remember the former days,
Whose heart is from flint;
So let your doors
Thunderstorm will kill me.

About the sky, death give me!
I am an eternal sleep
At the door of Lord Gregori,
Relatives of his guilt.

Translation S. Marshak


The first 2 lines are taken from the verse R. Burns "Lord Gregory":

Mind hour of sullen and quiet,
Only thunder threatening sometimes.
Your act was very dick,
Return my beloved.

You were so in love with you
I was afraid to
I gave you in the forest
His maiden honor.

Now I do not know how to come back
Home to your family
And on the shower of longing and sadness,
An annoying very much.

There are no love, then better death,
After all, I'm poor, you are Lord.
In a thunderstorm, I wish to die,
To wash off a shame.


The path of the righteous is difficult
For impede him myself
And tyrants of evil people! Blessed, that shepherd, who in the name of mercy and kindness leads weak through the valley of the darkness, for it is he who is the one who is in the truth of the faint of weak, and returns children lost. And I will take a great mission over them, the punishments of violent over those who planted to poison and damage my brothers and recognize you that my name is the Lord when my mission falls on you !!! (Book of the Prophet Jesikil, chapter25, verse 17)!))

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The path of the righteous is difficult, for the self-believed and tyrants of evil people hinder him. Blessed is the shepherd, who in the name of mercy and kindness leads weak through the valley of darkness. For it is he who is the one who is truly baked on his neighbor and returns children of lost. And I will take over them the great messenger of punishments by violent, over those who plan to poison and damage my brothers. And you know that the name is my Lord, when my mission is falling on you (the book of the Prophet Ezekiel, 25:17)

Maybe a little sad because this quote has become widely known thanks to the famous American film.
But, the essence of it does not change.
Yesterday we discussed ways to develop Novorossia, its enemies, external and internal.
And, a question arose - and, is the incident with Purgina?
I answered honestly - I do not know.
We really are not given to know simple - who in the wave of change came to power for their own well-being, for the realization of his own pride. And who can suddenly shry suddenly.
For, crazy silly.
The process has shown that the grain from the whores is separated now quite easily.
On the example of the same runaway svidomitis.
That is, the development of the situation itself shows - who is who.
Probably what is happening here is not only the result of the political nonsense of the last thirty years. This is most likely something more.
And, let's not criticize the soul, because the above-mentioned political nonsense, as for me, were not random. They gave to understand the enormous community of people - that they actually have and where they go. Let both of them. Although, perhaps, this is the easiest and most intelligible path. It was good, it became bad. Here, and think - why ... ..
And, what is happening now in the Donbas, in fact, most likely, and could not happen in Kharkov and Odessa. Due to the internal unpretentiousness, take an understanding of what will need to really go through pain, death and deprivation for the sake of achieving the goal.
Donbass was ready for this.
Maybe because it was nowhere to retreat. And an understanding of what follows jumps on the Maidan, as well as the obvious vector for the subsequent actual liquidation of the region in all grounds - language, industrial, etc. did not leave us another choice.
It is clear that the metabolism of society in the era of the change of this scale is incomparable with the usual.
Therefore, it happens like in that children's poem about the tram, the tenth number: "People enter and go out, move forward."
And, accordingly, those who externally stand at the chapter will change in one way.
Like those who just live and work here.
Because, as neither pathetic sounds, we are not fighting for their immediate freedom. We solve the tasks of much higher order. And, that is why, we cannot do without the help of those for whom, in fact, went to it.
And what kind of sin, the strategy and tactics of the struggle are not developing. Even just because we did not have time and conditions, to raise strategists and tactics, capable of solving the tasks of this kind. Yes, and the whole setting clearly did not help.
But, the separation of the grain from the whitel will continue. For, nothing else is impossible precisely because of the globality of solved tasks.
And, therefore, the one who is not ready to go through the righteous man here will not stay for a long time.
