If you ask parents how they would like to see their children, the vast majority will answer - kind. Education helps reading good books.

Reading preschoolers and first graders can read on their own. But in any case, we advise you to discuss the content of the stories with the child in order to make sure that the author’s thoughts are understood adequately.

We present a selection of short stories for children by Vasily Sukhomlinsky. He is known as a teacher. But Vasily Alexandrovich, in addition to scientific works, wrote stories for children. These little stories tell about the best human qualities: kindness, justice, gratitude.

Short stories for children by V. Sukhomlinsky

Beautiful words and beautiful deeds

There is a small hut in the middle of the field. It was built so that in bad weather people could hide and stay warm.

Once, in the middle of a summer day, clouds covered the sky, it began to rain. There were three boys in the forest at that time. They hid in time from the rain and watched how streams of water poured from the sky.

Suddenly they saw: a boy of ten years old was running towards the hut. They did not know him, the boy was from a neighboring village. He was soaked to the skin and shivering with cold.

And now the oldest of those who ran away from the rain and sat in dry clothes said:

“How bad it is that you, boy, got caught in the rain. I feel sorry for you…

The second boy also uttered beautiful and pitiful words.

- It must be scary to find yourself in such weather in the middle of the field. I feel for you boy...

The third one didn't say a word. He silently took off his shirt and gave it to the boy who was shivering from the cold.

Beautiful words are not beautiful. Beautiful beautiful things.


Grandfather Andrey invited his grandson Matvey to visit. The grandfather put a large bowl of honey in front of his grandson, put white rolls, invites:

- Eat, Matveyka, honey. If you want - eat honey with kalachi with a spoon, if you want - kalachi with honey.

Matvey ate honey with rolls, then - rolls with honey. I ate so much that it became difficult to breathe. He wiped his sweat, sighed and asked:

- Tell me, please, grandfather, what kind of honey is it - lime or buckwheat?

- And what? - Grandfather Andrei was surprised. - I treated you with buckwheat honey, granddaughters.

- Lime honey is still tastier, - said Matvey and yawned: after a plentiful meal, he was driven to sleep.

Pain squeezed the heart of grandfather Andrei. He was silent. And the grandson continued to ask:

- And the flour for rolls - from spring or winter wheat? Grandfather Andrei turned pale. His heart clenched with unbearable pain.

It became hard to breathe. He closed his eyes and groaned.

Say hello to a person

A father and a little son are walking along a forest path. There is silence around, only you can hear a woodpecker knocking somewhere in the distance and a stream murmuring in the wilderness.

Suddenly, the son saw: a grandmother with a wand was walking towards them.

Father, where is Grandma going? the son asked.

“To see, meet or see off,” answered the father. “When we meet her, we will say hello to her,” said the father.

Why would she say that word? the son was surprised. “We are total strangers.

- But let's meet, say "hello" to her, then you'll see what for.

Here is the grandmother.

"Hello," said the son.

“Hello,” said the father.

“Hello,” Grandma said and smiled.

And the son was surprised to see that everything around had changed. The sun shone brighter. A light breeze ran through the tops of the trees, the leaves began to play, fluttered. Birds sang in the bushes - before that they had not been heard.

The boy's heart was filled with joy.

– Why is it so? the son asked.

“Because we said hello to the man and he smiled.

Why say "thank you"?

Two people were walking along the forest road - grandfather and a boy. It was hot, they wanted to drink.

The travelers came to a stream. Cool water gurgled softly. They leaned over and got drunk.

“Thank you, stream,” Grandpa said. The boy laughed.

- Why did you say "thank you" to the stream? he asked his grandfather. - After all, the stream is not alive, will not hear your words, will not understand your gratitude.

- This is true. If the wolf got drunk, he would not say “thank you”. And we are not wolves, we are people. Do you know why a person says "thank you"?

Think who needs this word?

The boy thought. He had plenty of time. The road was long...

It's hard to be human

The children were returning from the forest, where they spent the whole day. The way home lay through a small farm, which is located in the valley, a few kilometers from the village. Tired children barely reached the farm. They looked into the last hut to ask for water.

A woman came out of the hut, a little boy ran after her. The woman took water from the well, put the bucket on the table in the middle of the yard, and herself went into the hut. The children drank water and rested on the grass. Where did the forces come from!

When they moved a kilometer away from the farm, Mariyka remembered:

“But we didn’t thank the woman for the water. Her eyes became worried.

The children stopped. In fact, they forgot to thank.

“Well…” said Roman, “it’s a bit of a problem. The woman has already forgotten. Is it worth it to come back because of such a trifle?

“It’s worth it,” Mariyka said. - Well, aren't you ashamed of yourself, Roman?

Roman chuckled. It was clear that he was not ashamed.

“As you wish,” said Mariyka, “and I will return and thank the woman…”

- Why? Well, tell me, why is it necessary to do this? – Roman asked… – After all, we are so tired…

Because we are human...

She turned and walked towards the farm. Everyone followed her. Roman stood for a moment on the road and, sighing, went along with everyone.

“It’s hard to be human…” he thought.

How Andreika transported Nina

Andreika and Nina were returning from school. On their way there was a ravine.The sun warmed, the snow melted, and water ran in the ravine.

Noisy in the ravine raging brook. Andreyka and Nina are standing in front of the brook.

Andrey quickly crossed the stream and stood on the opposite bank. The boy looked at Nina, and he felt ashamed. After all, he is in boots, and Nina is in shoes. How will she pass?

“Oh, how badly I did,” Andrey thought. “Why didn’t I immediately see that Nina was wearing shoes?”

The boy came back, went up to Nina and said:

- I wanted to know if it was deep. After all, we'll be traveling together.

- How? Nina was surprised. - I'm wearing shoes.

“Sit on my back,” Andrey said. Nina sat Andreyka onback, and the boy moved her.

Not lost, but found

When the son was ten years old, his father gave him a new shovel and said:
- Go, son, into the field, measure a plot of a hundred steps along and a hundred across and dig it up.
The son went into the field, measured the area and began to dig. He just didn't know how to do it. It was difficult at first, until I learned to dig and adapted to the shovel.
By the end, the work went better, more fun. That's almost the end of the matter. The son stuck a shovel into the ground, and the shovel broke.
The son returned home, but his heart is sad: what will the father say for a broken shovel?
“Forgive me, father,” said the son. - I dug up almost the entire area, but I broke the shovel.
- Did you learn to dig?
- Learned.
– And was it difficult for you to dig at the end or was it easy?
“It was easier at the end than at the beginning.
So you didn't lose, you found.
What did I find, father?
- Ability to work. This is the most valuable find.

Little Petrik walked along the path through the garden. He sees a black shaggy dog ​​running towards him.Petrik was frightened and wanted to run away. But suddenly a small kitten snuggled up to his feet. He ran away from the dog and asked Petrik: protect me, boy, from this terrible beast.

Petrik is standing, looking at the kitten, and he raised his head to the boy and meows plaintively. Petrik felt ashamed in front of the kitten. He took him in his arms and walked towards the dog. The dog stopped, looked fearfully at the boy, and hid in the bushes.

Who was Vasily Sukhomlinsky? Although the word "was" is unacceptable to this wonderful creative person, his works and kind stories for children live to this day, bringing up the most beautiful qualities and character traits in the younger generation.

During his life, the author wrote more than 30 books for children. All fairy tales and stories of Sukhomlinsky are a real storehouse of knowledge and interesting discoveries. His biography is a creative path dedicated to children. Even his shortest works carry great meaning... We invite you to make sure of this and get acquainted with the work of Vasily Andreevich Sukhomlinsky.

V. Sukhomlinsky: a list of fairy tales and children's stories

Lily of the valley in the gardenhare and carrot
Boy and Lily-of-the-Valley BellHow the river got angry with the rain
Singing perinkaHow did the cat catch the fish?
woodpecker and girlSilly crucian
Scilla and larksun bunnyHow the Spider sold the web
Where does the drop come fromRed-breasted bullfinchesWhy Sparrow ran away
morning dawnWhat was the rat singing about?Quail and Kulik
Blooming cherryHow we saved the larkswhite-sided magpie
The sun is risingWhen the birds comeThe larks have arrived
Butterfly with dew on the wingViolet and BeeCheerful loach
morning breezeSquirrel and jaywhite feather
Morning in the apiaryHow the bumblebee fed the beeThey buzz, but they don't bring honey
Like a tit will take me in the morningChamomile and beeHow the bee became golden
How rain caught a bee in a flowerFox and hedgehogAnd why isn't it snowing?
bumblebee woke upHow the hedgehog prepared for winterfox tail
How the green Grass woke upNowhere to cling to a drop of dewLisitsy's lanterns
Acacia promptedChrysanthemum and BulbBeauty, Inspiration, Joy and Mystery
Why do leaves fall from trees?barbel beetlewolf fangs
Who lit the candles?The pain is like a hand removedwolfberry bush
White canvasesHow the children rejoiced, and the Christmas tree criedOak and Vine
How the woods woke upSwallow and SparrowAnd what's behind the forest?
What are the swallows chirping about nowThe thrush has arrivedPetal and Flower
autumn flower and spring flowerThe best momChamomile and broom
red butterflyHow a bee spent the night in a flowerPlowman and Mole
And she smilesHow the hedgehog loved her childrenMole and Sun
How do the ants know that it will rain?How the hedgehog built the stovewheat lark
bird pantryFox and MishaViolin and Moonbeam
Fog over stakesWhat happened to my kids?Rooster and Sun
And you will have hopechickensPompous Rooster
Willow, like a golden-haired girlSpring rainThe swallow makes a nest
oak and willowWhere are the ants going?Why is the titmouse crying?
First ice at stakeMagpie cooked porridgeToad and Nightingale
Smart GlazierCuckoo's sadnessSeagulls and Cancer
Squirrel and Kind ManWill you fall out of the nest?What is harder for cranes
How a squirrel saved a woodpeckermaternal happinessGrandpa's cradle

Creativity for children

  • « All good people are one family!"- a modern collection of fairy tales and short stories by V. A. Sukhomlinsky, intended for reading to children of preschool and primary school age, 2013.
  • « sun flower”- the book contains the best works of the author of parables, fairy tales and children's stories. Recommended for reading to children of primary and secondary school age, 2012.
  • « Let there be both a nightingale and a beetle"- a collection of children's stories, published in 1977 by the Malysh publishing house.
  • « singing feather"- a selection of fairy tales and stories, 1974.

print text

Plan - lesson summary on extracurricular reading

in third grade

Subject: V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Tales about mothers.


To acquaint students with the tales of the mothers of V.A. Sukhomlinsky; with the life and work of the writer;

To expand students' knowledge of fairy tales, reader's horizons;

To learn to work harmoniously, collectively, in small groups, in pairs;

To develop the skills of expressive reading, imagination, fantasy, speech of students;

Implement an individual and differentiated approach to students with low vision;

To form the ability to consistently express thoughts; idea of ​​the moral beauty of a person;

Raise interest in reading, fairy tales; love for loved ones.

During the classes

Motivation of educational activity.

1. Riddles about mom.

Who loves you children more

Who loves you so tenderly

And takes care of you

Without closing your eyes at night?

(Answer: Mom dear)

Who shakes the cradle for you,

Who sings songs to you

Who tells you fairy tales

And gives you toys?

(Answer: Mom is golden)

If, children, you are lazy,

Disobedient, playful,

What happens sometimes -

Who is shedding tears then?

- "That's it, dear."

(Answer: Mom)

2. Creating an emotional background for the lesson.

Listening to the audio recording of the song "Mammoth".

3. Reading a poem "I love my mother» by pre-trained visually impaired students.

^ I love my mother.

Mom brings me

toys, candy,

But I love my mom

Not for that at all.

funny songs

She sings

We are bored together

Never happens.

I open it

All your secrets.

But I love my mom

Not only for this.

I love my mom

I'll tell you straight

Well, just for

That she is my mother!

^ L. Davydova

4. Mini - total.

Who is the most important person in a child's life?

Of course, mom!

II. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

1. Creating an emotional state of students. Listening to the audio recording of the song "Visiting a fairy tale."

2. Riddle.

Who is the most beloved in the world?

The kids will tell you right away.

Go around the whole wide world

There is no better "fairy tale" in the world!

3. Conversation.

What are fairy tales?

III. Perception and awareness of new material.

1. The story of Sukhomlinsky teacher.

Born in the family of a village carpenter. After graduating from the school of peasant youth, he entered the Kremenchug Medical College. In 1939 he graduated with honors from the Poltava Pedagogical Institute. He worked as a teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature in rural schools in the Onufrievsky district of the Kirovograd region. One of the most famous books is “I give my heart to children”. Together with the children he created the "Room of fairy tales". He taught his pupils to love and protect nature, to respect relatives and friends.

2. Conversation.

What did V.A. Sukhomlinsky teach his pupils?

What was the name of the room created with the children?

3. Physical minute for the formation of the correct posture:

I have a straight back

I'm not afraid of slopes:

I turn.

One, two. three. four.

Three. four times. two.

I walk with a proud posture.

I keep my head straight

I'm not in a hurry.

Once. two. three. four,

Three. four, one, two.

I can bow.

And sit down and bend over

Turn back and forth!

Oh, straight back!

Once. two. three. four

Three. four times. two.

IV. Learning new material.

1. Conversation.

- The first tale about the mother of V.A. Sukhomlinsky - “The most affectionate hands". Listen to a fairy tale and tell me who had the most affectionate hands in the world?

2. Reading the fairy tale "The most affectionate hands":


Students (buzzing, frontal).

3. Physical minute for the eyes.

To rest your eyes, you can look up, down, right, left without getting up, draw a circle or the first letter of your name with your eyes. It is very good when the exercises are accompanied by a poetic text.

Eyes see everything around

I will circle them.

Eye to see everything is given -

Where is the window, and where is the cinema.

I will circle them

I look at the world around.

Blink quickly, close your eyes and sit quietly, slowly counting to 5. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. Mini-total.

So who had the most affectionate hands in the world?

Of course, mom!

5. Dramatization of the fairy tale "The Seventh Daughter" by students.

The mother had seven daughters. One day a mother went to visit her son, who lived far away. She returned home only a week later. When the mother entered the hut, the daughters, one after the other, began to say how much they missed their mother.

I missed you like a butterfly misses a sunny meadow, said the first daughter.

I was waiting for you, like dry land waiting for a drop of water, - said the second.

I cried for you, like a little bird crying for a bird, - said the third.

It was hard for me without you, like a bee without a flower, - the fourth one chirped.

I dreamed of you, as a rose dreams of a dew drop, - said the fifth.

I was looking out for you as a nightingale looks out for a cherry orchard,” said the sixth.

And the seventh daughter said nothing. She took off her mother's shoes and brought her water in a basin to wash her feet.

Student responses.

V. Generalization and systematization of knowledge.

1. Reading the tale "Offensive word" by the teacher.

One day the Son got angry and rashly said an insulting, rude word to his mother. Mom cried. The son came to his senses, he felt sorry for his mother. He does not sleep at night - his conscience torments him: after all, he offended his mother.

Years passed. Son - a schoolboy has become an adult. The time has come for him to go to a distant land. The son of his mother bowed low to the ground and said:

Forgive me, mother, for the offensive word.

I'm sorry, - said my mother and sighed.

Forget, mom, that I said an offensive word to you.

The mother thought, slightly saddened. There were tears in her eyes. She says to her son:

I want to forget, son, but I can't. The wound from the thorn heals and there is no trace left. And the wound from the word heals, but the trace remains deep

2. Conversation.

Why is this story called that way?

How should parents be treated?

What would you like to change in your behavior from now on.

King Solomon put together a lot of valuable advice for us, here is one of them: “Listen to the father that gave birth to you, do not offend your mother when she is old ...”

Children who treat their parents with love and respect will surely expect such attention from their own children.

3. Testing.

1) What word once said the Son of the Mother:

a) good;

b) offensive.

2) How did Mother react to this word?

a) cried

b) happy.

3) Did the Son realize his mistake?

4) What leaves a deep mark on the heart?

a) from a thorn;

b) from the word.

4. Conversation.

What should a person be like so that his mother's love helps him in life?

Student responses.

5. Creative work in pairs "Collect proverbs about mom."

There is no sweeter friend than a mother.

A person has one mother, and the mother's baby.

When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.

The bird is glad of spring, he has one and his homeland.

Visually impaired children read text in larger print.

6. "Photos of our mothers" - an exhibition of photographs.

7. Associative bush. Characteristics of mothers.

Describe your mothers.

Mom: sensitive, kind, affectionate, beautiful, gentle, beloved.

VI. Summary of the lesson.

1. Creation of the composition "Mother's Heart".

Children, on previously prepared paper hearts, write wishes to their mothers, after which a general composition is created on the board.

2. What did our lesson teach you? What was the conclusion?

Student responses.

VII. Homework.

- Listen to the beginning of Sukhomlinsky's fairy tale "The Gray Hair". At home, you need to come up with your own ending to the fairy tale.

Little Misha saw three gray hairs in his mother's braid.

Mom, there are three gray hairs in your braid, - said Misha.

Mom smiled and said nothing. A few days later, Misha saw four gray hairs in his mother's braid.

Mom, - Misha said in surprise, - there are four gray hairs in your braid, but there were three ... Why did one more hair turn gray?

From pain, - answered mother. - When the heart hurts, then the hair turns gray ...

What made your heart hurt?

Remember, you climbed a tall, tall tree? I looked out the window, saw you on a thin branch. My heart ached and my hair turned gray.

Misha sat thoughtful and silent for a long time. Then he went up to his mother, hugged her and quietly asked:

Mom, when I sit on a thick branch, will a hair turn gray?

wolf teeth

Once upon a time there lived a wolf. Evil-evil. In his mouth he has terrible teeth - like knives. He will grab a sheep with his teeth and immediately tear it apart. Everyone was afraid of the Wolf. And when the Wolf was full, the Baran, passing by him, bowed low. He wanted something to appease the Wolf. He said:

Wolf Wolf, how strong and wise you are! I adore you.
Several times the Baran brought little lambs to the Wolf for dinner.

But the wolf is old. All his teeth fell out and he couldn't even eat a chicken. The wolf began to hunt frogs.

The Baran noticed that the Wolf was no longer scary, he came to him once and taunts:

Wolf Wolf, now I'm not afraid of you. I hate you. You are a pitiful ruin.

The astonished wolf replied:

So you didn't praise me, but my teeth?


How does fear affect the relationship of the heroes of a fairy tale?

Why was the wolf surprised when he found out that the Baran hates him?

summer thunderstorm

Once, on a day off, the whole family went to the forest - father, mother, fifth-grader Tolya and four-year-old Sasha.

The forest was beautiful and fun. Parents showed the children a clearing where lilies of the valley were blooming.

A wild rose bush grew near the clearing. The first flower bloomed on it - pink, fragrant. The whole family sat under a bush. My father was reading an interesting book.

Suddenly there was a roar of thunder. The first large drops fell, and then the rain poured down like a bucket.

Tato gave his raincoat to his mother, and she was not afraid of the rain.

Mom gave her raincoat to Tolya, and he was not afraid of the rain.

Tolya gave his raincoat to Sasha, and he was not afraid of the rain.

Sasha asked:

Mom, why is this so: Tato gave you his cloak, you dressed Tolya with your cloak, and Tolya dressed me with his cloak? Why didn't everyone put on their own cloak?

Everyone should protect the one who is weaker, - answered my mother.

Why am I not protecting anyone? Sasha asked. - So I'm the weakest?

If you do not protect anyone, you are really weak, -
Mom answered with a smile.

But I don't want to be the weakest! - said emphatically

He went up to a wild rose bush, turned back the hem of his cloak and covered the pink rosehip flower: two petals had already been torn off by the downpour, the flower drooped - weak, defenseless.

Now I'm not the weakest, mom? Sasha asked.

Yes, now you are strong and courageous, - answered the mother.


Why did Sasha hide the wild rose flower?

What would you do in Sasha's place?

I asked my grandmother...

Pavlik, a lively and mischievous fourth-grader, had his grandfather killed at the front. At home, in an old chest, my grandmother keeps his orders and medals.

And not so long ago, they painted a large portrait of grandfather and hung it in the classroom, near Pavlikov's desk. Pavlik's eyes lit up with joyful lights when he saw his grandfather - as if alive, his chest in orders, a red star on his cap.

But soon the joy was replaced by bitterness. It happens that if you don’t complete the task, the teacher immediately reproaches:

Shame on you, your grandfather is a hero, you are sitting next to his portrait.

Once Pavlik put a piece of a mirror on the desk and began to let out sunbeams. A neighbor on the desk, the chairman of the council of the pioneer detachment Alenka whispers:

How can you behave like this in class? Did your grandfather let out sunbeams?

It became bitter and hard for Pavlik. On Saturday the teacher said:

Let's go to the forest today. Run quickly home, take the books and take the food.

Pavlik went to the open window, jumped out and was about to run home, when the teacher comes towards him (and when she managed to leave the classroom) and shames:

Is that what pioneers do? Ask your grandmother: did your grandfather ever jump out the window?

The next day, Pavlik raised his hand:

I asked my grandmother...

About what? the teacher forgot...

He asked if grandfather jumped out the window?

Well, what did grandma say?

Grandfather once climbed into the pipe when he was left after school.


What was the hero-grandfather Pavlik like in childhood?

Why was it important for Pavlik to tell the children and the teacher that grandfather once climbed into the chimney?

I'm not afraid of thunder or lightning

It was a hot June day. Fifth graders went to the forest for the whole day.

It was fun in the forest. Children played, read an interesting book, cooked porridge.

By evening, black clouds came running from behind the forest, thunder rumbled. From the rain, the children ran to the hut to the shepherds. Vitya also ran. But suddenly lightning flashed, and there was such a deafening thunder that Vitya crouched under a large oak tree in fright, closed his eyes and almost burst into tears. He had already opened his mouth to scream, calling for help, but he saw his classmate Valya nearby.

Is that you, Vitya? Oh, it's good that I'm not alone. Now I'm not afraid.

Vitya took a breath and looked around. The forest drowned in the rain. Lightning flashed, illuminating the trees and bushes for a moment with its light. The forest was noisy, groaning. It seemed to Vitya that there was no one in the world but him and Valya.

He was ashamed to be afraid. Is it possible to be afraid when a girl is next to you and you are responsible for her?

Don't be afraid, Valya, - said Vitya. I am not afraid of thunder or lightning.

Vitya touched her white braid with his hand. Now he was no longer afraid of anything.


Was Vitya afraid of thunderstorms?

Why did Vitya say to Valya “I am not afraid of either thunder or lightning”?

Why, touching her white braid with his hand, did he become completely afraid of nothing?

How Nina Gusaka was not afraid

Five-year-old Nina went to kindergarten. On the path along which the girl was walking, sat a large white gander. And next to him - a dozen smaller and three dozen small goslings.

Nina looked at the gander with fear. How big and scary! What a long beak it has!

Fearfully looking around, Nina left the path to get around the goose. But he raised his head, hissed, ran up to the girl and pinched her leg. The geese cackled merrily.

Nina started crying and ran home.

She told her mother about how the gander attacked her.

Mom said to her daughter:

Don't be afraid, he won't attack. Look at him boldly, go straight to him, do not go around.

Nina again went the same path. The gander sat on it again, and next to it - geese and goslings.

Nina looked boldly at the gander. He sat on the path and seemed to be waiting: what will happen?

And Nina walked and walked at him, looked boldly and thought: "I'm not afraid of you, gander."

The gander was frightened, left the path, ran, looking around, along the grass, and geese and goslings ran after him.

Nina boldly walked forward.

Why did the gander behave so differently: either attacked the girl, pinched her leg, or got scared and ran away, looking around?

Why didn't mom go down the path with Nina?

How Kolya became brave

Third grader Kolya came to school very early today. Two girls were sitting on a bench under a poplar tree. They looked at the tree. The boy saw the concern in their eyes.

Suddenly, a bird rose above a large poplar branch, squeaking anxiously. And at the same moment a small chick fell down by the shop. Kolya realized that the chick had fallen out of the nest, and his mother was in despair.

The girl raised the chick and said:

If someone brave were at school right now ... they would climb a tree and put a chick in a nest.

Kolya was very timid. As soon as it got dark, he was afraid to leave the hut. Once his mother sent him to the garden for a fork of cabbage, he saw a mouse, got scared and ran to his mother. But the girl's words hurt him. Does she think he's a coward?

I'll climb, - said Kolya.

You? - the girls asked and looked at the boy with surprise.

Kolya hid the chick under his shirt and climbed onto the poplar. His arms and legs trembled with fear, but he climbed higher and higher. The boy put the chick in the nest and climbed down to the ground.

The girls looked at him with admiration. And he took a briefcase and went to meet classmates.


Why was Kolya afraid of the mouse and not afraid to climb a tree?

Why, when he climbed a tree, did his hands and feet tremble? Why didn't he stop climbing?

Will he be afraid of the little mouse now? Why?

timid boy

A new student, Nikolai, came to the fifth grade in the middle of the year. On the very first day, everyone was convinced that he was timid, even shy, they wanted to put him on the first desk, but he refused. Asked for the last one.

Nikolay studied diligently, diligently did his homework. Nikolai's answers were so good that when he was called, there was silence in the class. Everyone wanted to hear a good answer. Teachers often praised Nikolai: “This is how you need to prepare assignments and answer questions.”

The boy blushed from praise, it was clear that he wanted to sit down at his last desk as soon as possible.

Classmates said: “A good student. And a good friend. If you ask, he will always explain, tell you how to solve the problem. But very timid…”

One day the fifth graders were returning home from school. It was in May, before the end of the school year. They walked in a crowd, arguing about something.

When they crossed the bridge over the river, they heard a scream. Someone was shouting downstairs, not far from the bridge. The river was small, but fast and full-flowing. Is someone calling for help?

Before the guys had time to think about it, they saw: Nikolai jumped into the water, to where the scream came from.

The shocked boys ran up to the railing of the bridge. Nikolai was already swimming towards the little girl. She did not know how to swim well and fell into a whirlpool. A little more - and the girl would have died.

Hold on to my shirt! Nikolay shouted.

The girl grabbed her shirt, and Nikolai quickly swam with her to the shore.


Was Nicholas brave or timid?

What is courage?

Does it always show up?

inna popova
Project "Tales about the main thing" (based on the works of V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

Project: « Tales about the main»

Members project: children of the middle group, group teacher, parents.

Term project:5 months.

Nature of contacts: interaction within the same group.

Work form: frontal, group.

A fairy tale teaches good to understand

Talk about people's actions

If bad, then condemn him

Well, rather weak, protect him

Children learn to think, dream

Get answers to questions.

Every time they find out something

Know your homeland!

Creation of this project caused by the need for children of a preschool educational institution, their parents and educator:

In the study of the heritage of V.A. Sukhomlinsky;

In expanding the knowledge of children's worldview through fairy tale;

In the education of moral qualities in preschoolers;

In creating a unified developmental environment, including children, teachers and parents.

Relevance project.

One of the most acute problems of society at the present stage of its development is the decline in the level of morality, the loss of spiritual orientations, the inability of people to self-knowledge, the lack of need for self-improvement, self-development. Such values ​​as kindness, love, beauty, dignity, fidelity are lost.

According to V.A. Sukhomlinsky, a deep imprint in the soul of his pupil is left by one who is able to understand the complex, often full of contradictions, the soul of a child, and cherish the sprouts of spirituality in it. A large role in this belongs to the wise Word that comes out of the mouths of the people, the native word. And a special role in this respect belongs to fairy tale.

Without fairy tales - lively and bright possessing the consciousness and feelings of a child, it is impossible to imagine children's thinking and children's language. It is very important that children not only listen fairy tale but they made it themselves. Through fairy tale, through the unique children's creativity - the right way to the heart of the child.

Heroes fairy tales of a well-known teacher is the surrounding world, which must enter the soul of the child and remain in it forever, so that later it will grow into responsiveness, kindness, care, humanity and responsibility.

This problem is relevant, since artistic works an outstanding teacher-writer is encouraged by the feelings of children to reflection, moral and ethical analysis of the actions of the characters works as well as their own behaviour. In an address to children, V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Do not cause pain, resentment, care, hard feelings to other people with your actions, your behavior. Know how to support, help, cheer up a person” [vol. 2-s. 253]. If artistic artwork well chosen, you can be sure that it will find sensitive, attentive listeners in children. And this will contribute to the development of moral qualities in children.

Target project:

Disclosure of the essence of moral concepts through the literary heritage of V.A. Sukhomlinsky;

Expanding the knowledge of children's worldview through the prism of actions fairytale heroes;

Creation of conditions for the most complete and free disclosure of creative abilities;

Activation of communicative skills and abilities of preschool children;

The formation of children's skills to navigate the world of relationships.

Tasks project:

Enriching children's experience topics: "Autumn Kaleidoscope", "Native home", "Clothes and shoes", "Migratory birds" through acquaintance with works A. Sukhomlinsky.

To develop the ability of kids to evaluate the actions and deeds of heroes, to come up with their own endings fairy tales and literary works;

To help preschoolers self-actualize and assert themselves through the awareness of moral concepts;

Develop a culture of communication, skills of collective and group interaction.

Expected Result:

The presence in children of the skills of collective-group activity, communication skills;

Development of moral and emotional feelings, social behavior skills;

Increasing the activation of work with the parents of pupils;

Children's sustained interest in works in. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Stages of work on project

I. Preparatory stage


1. Define goals and objectives project.

2. Study and create an information base on project.

3. Make a plan project.

4. Involve parents to help carry out this project.

5. Conduct a survey of parents "Moral and moral education"

II. main stage


1. Introduce children to works in. A. Sukhomlinsky.

2. Form the ability to understand the main idea of ​​the work correctly evaluate the actions of heroes.

3. Enrich and activate vocabulary.

4. Develop coherent speech.

5. Develop an interest in artistic works, fairy tales.

6. Develop children's creativity.

7. Develop mental processes (attention, memory, thinking, imagination)

8. Cultivate interaction and cooperation skills.

9. Cultivate activity and independence.

10. Create a developing environment on this topic.

11. Arrange an exhibition of drawings based on fairy tales A. Sukhomlinsky.

III. Reflective - evaluative stage

Demonstration of what they did with their own hands to read fairy tales: drawings to fairy tales, products. dramatization fairy tales"Sun and sun". Apply the accumulated experience in new conditions, enrich it with a variety of life experiences, experience pleasure from your own ability. Produce elementary independent judgments, consistently express their thoughts.

Implementation project

1. Conversations.

2. Reading fiction works, fairy tales. A. Sukhomlinsky.

3. Consideration of illustrations for fairy tales.

4. Didactic games.

5. Outdoor games.

6. Logic games.

7. Physical education minutes.

8. Riddles.

9. Creative work on drawing, modeling, application, design.

10. Creation of exhibitions.

11. Working with parents.

12. Presentation.

Organizational forms of work

Topic 1Autumn kaleidoscope (September October)

Hood. works, fairy tales. ABOUT. SukhomlinskyHow does autumn start?,"Autumn Dreams of the Maple","How the hedgehog prepared for winter","Bird hoard".


Psycho-gymnastics "I am a leaf"

Autumn Mystery.

Reading works B. A. Sukhomlinsky.


A game "Sounds of Autumn".

creative work (sculpting) "Little Leaves".

Conversation "Autumn-artist"

Etude "Dance of Autumn Leaves"

D / I "Tell me what?"

Logic game "Count"

creative work (drawing)

"Golden leaves are spinning"

Conversation "Generous Autumn".

Hedgehog riddle.

D / I "Know by taste".

Role-playing game "The Hedgehog and the Gardener"

Psycho-gymnastics "I am a bird".

Riddles about birds.

D / I "What is this bird?"

D / I "Hotels for birds"

creative work (drawing)

"Sad Autumn Tree"

"A bunch of Rowan, a brush of Kalina"

Theme 2 Home (november)

Hood. works, fairy tales. ABOUT. Sukhomlinsky"Rootless Woodpecker",“What footprint should a person leave on earth?”,"Why did the sparrow run away?"


Conversation "Everyone has their own home".

Fizkultminutka. "My house"

creative work (construction)

"Bird House"

Finger gymnastics "House with gates"

D / I "Native home"

Pictorial game "Make a House"

creative work (application)

"My house"

Psycho-gymnastics "I am a bird"

Conversation "Migratory and wintering birds"

Physical education minute "Sparrows on the branches"

P / I "Birds in houses"

D / I "What is this bird?"

Designing a house from geometric shapes.

Topic 3 Clothing and footwear (December)

Hood. works, fairy tales. ABOUT. Sukhomlinsky"Handkerchief for Grandma","Crane and Girl","The Baker and the Tailor","Green Mittens","Get me paid too"


Logic game "Good or bad?"

Riddles about headdresses.

P / I "Handkerchief"

Drawing "Handkerchief"

Application "Beautiful handkerchief"

Rhythmic gymnastics "I go, I go raise my legs"

Riddles about shoes

D/I "We buy shoes for dolls"

D / I "We are tailors"

D / I "Choose clothes for the doll"

Drawing "Wash your handkerchiefs and towels"

Mittens riddles.

D / I "Find a Pair"

Decorative drawing with appliqué elements "Gloves and Kittens"

D / I "Find and fix the mistake"

Logical and mathematical game "Our Buttons" L/I "Good or bad?"

Decorative drawing "Decorate the doll's dress"

Topic 4 Migratory birds (January)

Hood. works, fairy tales. ABOUT. Sukhomlinsky"I want have your say» ,"Derkach and Swallow","Swallow says goodbye to the native side","Crane and Parrot"


Talk about migratory birds.

Examining illustrations depicting migratory birds.

Drawing "Gold autumn"

Labor activity. "Collection of grains of various plants for birds"

Conversation "Who said goodbye to us?"

P / and "We are birds"

D/ game "Describe a migratory bird"

modeling "Bird"

P / and "We are birds"

Logic game "Migratory - wintering"

Reading a poem by M. Pidgiryanka

"The Boy and the Swallow"

The Swallow Mystery

D / I "Chicks"

Memorizing a poem "Where is whose house"

Poem T. Maidanovich "Parting"

Physical education minute "The stork was walking through the swamp"

D / I "How the Birds Sing"

Application "Birds on the Branches"

Drawing "Colored Birds"

Working with parents

Consultation "Development of children's speech creativity in the process of working with fairy tale in the family»

Questioning parents on the moral education of children. Consultation "Introduction to fairy tales» . Folder - mover " Sukhomlinsky's fairy tales in the system of education of preschoolers. Participation of parents in educational activities. Organization of an exhibition of drawings in cooperation with parents: "My lovely fairy tale» Helping parents replenish the book corner fairy tales; homework for parents and children (making crafts, drawing illustrations for fairy tales) ;reading fairy tales with children at home;
