Test on topics: "Molecular and cellular levels" (biology grade 9)

Choose one correct answer out of four.

A 1 ... After the appearance of the electron microscope, scientists discovered in the cell:

  1. nucleus 3) vacuole
  2. ribosomes 4) chloroplasts

A 2. In the table below, between the positions of the first and second column

there is a relationship.

Object Process

ribosome protein synthesis in the cells of the body

cell membrane…

In place of the pass in this table, you should enter:

1) synthesis of fats

2) transport of substances

3) synthesis of ATP

4) cell division

A 3. The hereditary apparatus of the cell is located in

1) core

2) ribosome

3) vacuoles

4) the Golgi apparatus

A 4. The main result of photosynthesisis education:

  1. water and energy
  2. carbon dioxide and oxygen
  3. organic matter and oxygen
  4. nitrogen and oxygen

A 5. You can tell a plant cell from an animal cell by:

  1. the presence of the cell membrane
  2. lack of a kernel
  3. the presence of chloroplasts
  4. the presence of mitochondria

A 6. The cellular structures formed by DNA and protein are called:

  1. Golgi apparatus
  2. chloroplasts
  3. mitochondria
  4. chromosomes

A 7. Protein in the cell is synthesized:

  1. on ribosomes
  2. in the core
  3. in lysosomes
  4. on smooth EPS

A 8. The digestion of food particles and the removal of dead cells occurs in the body with the help of:

  1. Golgi apparatus
  2. endoplasmic reticulum
  3. lysosomes
  4. ribosome

A 9. What is the function of the cell center

  1. participates in cell division
  2. participates in the synthesis of proteins
  3. participates in the transportation of organic substances
  4. participates in the breakdown of substances

A 10. What is the haploid set of chromosomes in cancer cells, if the diploid is 118:

  1. 236 2) 59 3) 100 4) 80

A 11. The set of chromosomes in an organism is called:

  1. Caries 2) karyoplasm 3) karyotype 4) genotype

A 12. The inner mitochondrial membrane forms:

  1. Gran 2) chromatin 3) cristae 4) stroma

A 13. An organoid that can reproduce on its own:

  1. EPS 2) mitochondria 3) nucleus 4) ribosome

A 14. Organic matter during photosynthesis is formed from:

  1. Proteins and carbohydrates
  2. Oxygen and carbon dioxide
  3. Carbon dioxide and water
  4. Oxygen and hydrogen

A 15. Membrane channels are formed by molecules:

  1. Proteins 2) carbohydrates 3) lipids 4) nucleic acids

IN 1. Establish a correspondence between the structure of the cell and its appearance. To do this, select a position from the second column for each element of the first column. Enter the numbers of the selected answers in the table.


IN 2. Insert the missing terms from the provided list into the text.

Cellular organelles perform various functions that ensure the vital activity of the cell. So, for example, _______________ occurs in chloroplasts of plant cells, and ____________ is synthesized on ribosomes. In mitochondria, ____________ is produced and accumulated, and the nucleus stores __________.

  1. transport of substances 4-hereditary information
  2. photosynthesis 5-ATP
  3. starch 6- protein

AT 3. Choose three correct answers out of six.

Select the processes by which energy is stored in the cell:

  1. protein biosynthesis
  2. DNA doubling
  3. photosynthesis
  4. oxidation of nutrients
  5. oxygen-free breathing
  6. cell division

From 1. Read the text and fill in the table in accordance with its sections.

Protein biosynthesis

Protein biosynthesis is a process during which hereditary information encoded in genes is realized in the form of a specific sequence of amino acids in protein molecules. It all starts with the synthesis of messenger RNA in a specific area of ​​DNA. Messenger RNA exits through the pores of the nuclear membrane into the cytoplasm and attaches to the ribosome. The cytoplasm contains Transport RNA and amino acids. Transport RNAs recognize at one end a triplet of nucleotides on messenger RNA, and at the other end they attach certain amino acids. Having attached an amino acid, the transport RNA goes to the ribosomes, where, having found the required triplet of nucleotides encoding this amino acid, it is cleaved into the synthesized protein chain. Each stage of biosynthesis is catalyzed by a specific enzyme and provided with the energy of ATP.


Part A.




Municipal educational institution

Sortavalsky municipal district Republic of Karelia

Average comprehensive school № 3

Diagnostic work in biology " Molecular level»

Grade 9

prepared biology teacher of the highest category Lappo Valentina Mikhailovna

Sortavala 2010

Molecular level

Option 1

1. All living organisms:

a) have adaptation to environmental conditions

b) develop

c) are heterotrophs

d) are capable of metabolism

2. The distinctive function of fats from carbohydrates:

a) construction

b) energy

c) storage

d) protective

3. Monomers of nucleic acids are:

a) amino acids

b) glucose

c) nucleotides

d) nitrogenous bases

4. DNA differs from RNA:

a) location in the cage

b) belonging to biopolymers

c) the remainder of H 3 PO 4 , which is part of the nucleotide

d) the presence of thymine in the nucleotide

5. Enzyme:

a) biocatalyst

b) participates in the process of synthesis and decomposition of substances

c) most active at t close to zero

d) has a protein base

6. Viruses are similar to inanimate structures in that:

a) are able to reproduce

b) unable to grow

c) have heredity and variability

d) do not generate energy

7. The composition of complex proteins - glycoproteins includes:

a) fats

b) nucleic acids

c) carbohydrates

G) inorganic substances

8. Vitamins:

a) are not used in the cage as a building material

b) are used as a reserve of nutrients

c) are biocatalysts

d) do not belong to biocatalysts

B. Determine the correct sequence.

9. Draw the nucleotide sequence of the second strand of DNA, indicating the hydrogen bonds:


10. Establish a correspondence between the types of nucleic acids and their characteristics.

Nucleic Acids Characteristics

A) RNA 1.biopolymer

B) DNA of 2.deoxyribose in the composition of the monomer

3.H 3 PO 4 as part of the monomer

4.Monomers contain ribose

5.consists of monomers

6.contains uracil

7.the nucleotides contain nitrogenous bases

8.nucleotide has three components

9.contains Timin

10.located in the cytoplasm and ribosomes

11.located in the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids

12.contains adenine

Diagnostic work in biology

Molecular level

Option 2

A. Pick all the correct answers. 1. All living organisms: a) are capable of metabolism b) have the same structure c) represent an open system d) develop2. Monomer versus polymer: a) has a more complex structure b) has a complex structure c) consists of repeating links d) is a link in the polymer chain3. Identical functions of fats and proteins: a) protective b) construction c) storage d) energy4. Protein denaturation is irreversible if the structure is disturbed: a) primary b) secondary c) tertiary d) quaternary5. ATP differs from RNA nucleotides: a) the presence of ribose b) lack of uracil c) the presence of three residues H 3 PO 4 d) the presence of adenine6. Viruses are similar to living organisms in that: a) unable to grow b) are able to reproduce c) form a crystalline form of existence d) have heredity and variability7. Nitrogenous bases characteristic of DNA: a) guanine b) thymine c) uracil d) cytosine8. Carbohydrates include: a) ribose and lactose b) glycogen and starch c) glycerin and lipids d) cellulose and chitin

B. Make a diagram. 9. Write down the missing DNA nucleotides, indicating hydrogen bonds:A-G - * - C-C-T - * - * - G-CT - * - T - * - * - * - A-C-C- *

10. Establish a correspondence between the structure of a protein molecule and its characteristics.

Protein molecule structure Characteristics

A) primary 1.characteristic of all proteinsB) secondary 2.globuleB) tertiary 3.polypeptide chainD) quaternary 4.helix5. occurs as a result of the connection several proteins6.Formed by a strong peptide bond7.contained by numerous hydrogenconnections8.destructs upon reversible denaturation
ANSWERS1 option1

2 option1

Used materials

1. Biology. Introduction to general biology and ecology. Textbook for 9th grade. A.A. Kamensky, E.A. Kriksunov, V.V. Pasechnik M.: Bustard, 2007.

2. Frosin V.N., Sivoglazov V.I. Getting ready for a single state exam: General Biology. - M .: Bustard, 2004 .-- 216s;

3. Bolgova I.V. Collection of tasks for General biology for those entering universities. M .: "Onyx 21st century" "Peace and Education", 2005;

4. Biology. Educational and training materials for the preparation of students. Intellect Center 2007

Molecular level 1 option

1.What is the name of the organic substance, the molecules of which contain atoms C, O, H performing an energy and building function?

A- nucleic acid B-protein B- carbohydrate G-ATP

2. What carbohydrates are polymers?

A-monosaccharides B-disaccharides B-polysaccharides

3. The group of monosaccharides includes:

A-glucose B-sucrose B-cellulose

4. nucleic acid monomers are:

A-amino acids B- fats B-nucleotides G-glucose

5. a substance in the cell that is necessary for all chemical reactions, playing the role of a solvent for most substances, is ...

A- pollenucleotide B- polypeptide B- water G-polysaccharide

6. Fats perform the function in the cell:

A - transport B - energy

B - catalytic G- informational

7. What compounds in relation to water are lipids?

A - hydrophilic B - hydrophobic

8. What is the importance of fats in animals?

A-structure of membranes B-heat regulation

B-energy source D-water source D-all of the above

9. Protein monomers are:

A-nucleotides B- amino acids B-glucose D-fats

10. what is the name of the reversible process of violation of the structure of one of the most important organic compounds cells under the influence of physical and chemical factors?

A-glucose polymerization B-protein denaturation

B- DNA doubling G-oxidation of fats

11. The amount of adenine in DNA is always equal to the amount ...

A - thymine B-guanine B -cytosine G-uracil

12. In what sequence will the nucleotides be located insecond strand of DNA and in i-RNA if the DNA strand has the following composition: TAC - GGT-ATA-GCG-CTT-AAG-CCT-TsAT-ATC

amino acid chain the primary structure of the encoded protein. Write down anticodons

t-RNA, encoding these amino acids.

Molecular level 2 option

Choose one correct answer

1. How many of the known amino acids are involved in protein synthesis?

A-20 B-100 V-23 G-150

2. The highest energy value (in terms of the amount of energy released from 1 g) is possessed by:

A) fat; B) starch; B) protein; D) cellulose

3. What compounds are included in DNA?

A- nitrogenous base, deoxyribose, phosphoric acid residue

B - guanine, ribose, phosphoric acid residue.

B-ribose, glycerin and any amino acid

4.Nucleic acid monomers are:

A-amino acids B-fats B-nucleotides G-glucose

5.What class chemical substances does ribose belong?

A-protein B - carbohydrate B-lipid

6. What nucleotide is not included in the DNA molecule?

A- adenyl B-uridyl B-guanyl G-thymidyl

7. Which nucleic acid is the longest?


8.Guanyl nucleotide is complementary nucleotide:

A-thymidyl B-cytidyl B-adenyl G-uridyl

9.The process of doubling DNA molecules is called:

A-replication B-transcription

B-complementarity G-translation.


AHave anticodonB.Transfers nucleotides

B. It is located in the cytoplasm D. The molecule consists of two chains

11. The amount of guanine in DNA is always equal to the amount ...

A - thymine B-adenine B -cytosine G-uracil

12. On a piece of codogenic DNA


    Build a complementary chain


    Using the genetic code table, compose amino acid chain the primary structure of the encoded protein.

    Write down t-RNA anticodons, encoding these amino acids.

Test on the topic "Molecular level: proteins, fats, carbohydrates"

Option 1

A1.What class of chemical does ribose belong to?

A-protein B-carbohydrate


A2.What chemical bond are the amino acids in the protein molecule of the primary structure interconnected?

A-disulfide B-hydrogen

B-peptide G-ion

A3. What part of the amino acid molecules distinguish them from each other?

A-radical B-carboxyl group

B-amino group

A4. Protein monomers are:

A-nucleotides B-amino acids

B-glucose D-fats

A5. The most important organic matter, which is part of the cells of all kingdoms of living nature, which has a primary linear configuration, is:

A-to polysaccharides B-to lipids

B-c ATP G-c polypeptides

A6.How many of the known amino acids are involved in protein synthesis?

A-20 B-100


A7.What function do proteins not perform in the cell?

A-informational B-catalytic

B-solvent G-storing

A8. Protein molecules that bind and neutralize substances foreign to a given cell perform a function ...

A-protective B-energy

B-catalytic G-transport

A9.What is the name of an organic substance, the molecules of which contain atoms C, O, H, performing an energetic and building function?

A-nucleic acid B-protein

B-carbohydrate G-ATP

A10.What are carbohydrates as polymers?




A11. A substance in the cell, which plays the role of a solvent for most substances, is necessary for all chemical reactions ...





Option 2

Part A. Choose one correct answer

A1 The group of monosaccharides includes:




A2.Which carbohydrates are insoluble in water?

A-glucose, fructose B-starch

B-ribose, deoxyribose

A3.What polysaccharides are characteristic of a living cell?

A-cellulose B-glycogen, chitin


A4.Fat molecules are formed:

A - from glycerin, higher carboxylic acids B - from glucose

B-of amino acids, water

D- from ethyl alcohol, higher carboxylic acids

A5. Fats perform the function in the cell:

A-transport B-energy

B-catalytic G-information

A6.What compounds in relation to water are lipids?

A-hydrophilic B-hydrophobic

A7.What is the significance of fats in animals?

A-structure of membranes B-heat regulation

B-energy source D-water source D-all of the above

A8.In what vital compound is iron?

A-chlorophyll B-DNA

B-hemoglobin G-RNA

A9.What is the average proportion of water in a cell?

A-80% B-1%


A10 Substances highly soluble in water are called:

A-hydrophilic B-amphiphilic


A11. At what level of organization of life is there a similarity between the organic world and inanimate nature?

A-on fabric

B-on molecular

In-on cellular

In-on atomic

1.What is the name of a large group of fat-like substances insoluble in water:

A) lipids;

B) proteins;

C) enzymes;

D) hormones.

2. Name the protein monomer:

A) glycerin;

B) amino acid;

C) glucose;

D) nucleotide.

3.How many hydrogen bonds are formed between adenine and thymine:

A) three;

B) two;

B) one;

D) four.

4.RNA monomer is:

A) glucose;

B) amino acid;

B) glycerin;

D) nucleotide.

5.How are the bonds between the residues of phosphoric acid ATP called:

A) macroergic;

B) energy;

B) phosphoric;

D) adenosine triphosphate.

6. Substances that change the rate of a chemical reaction, but are not part of the reaction products, are called:

A) polysaccharides;

B) polymers;

B) catalysts;

D) monomers.

7.Polysaccharides do not include:

A) glycogen;

B) fructose;

B) cellulose;

D) starch.

8. What is the name of the non-protein compound that is part of the enzymes:

A) capsid;

B) catalyst;

C) coenzyme;

D) protein.

9.The composition of fats includes:

A) nucleotide;

B) amino acid;

C) glucose;

D) glycerin.

10.RNA does not include:

A) adenine;

B) thymine;

C) cytosine;

D) uracil.

11. In the cell, lipids perform the function:

A) energy;

B) informational;

B) catalytic.

D) motor.

12. The coiled polypeptide chain is the structure of the protein:

A) primary;

B) secondary;

B) tertiary.

D) quaternary.

13. Establish a correspondence between the classes of organic substances and their functions:


Nucleic acids




A) regulatory;

B) storage and transmission of hereditary information;

B) energy;

D) construction;

D) storage;

E) catalytic;

G) protective;

H) signal;

I) motor.

14. Establish a correspondence between the classes of organic substances and their representatives:





A) wax;

B) hemoglobin;

C) starch;

D) antibodies;

E) fats;

E) fructose.

15. Establish a correspondence between the types of nucleic acids and their characteristics:



A) the molecule is a double helix;

B) consists of one chain of monomers;

C) the composition of nucleotides includes nitrogenous bases A, C, G, U.

D) the composition of nucleotides includes nitrogenous bases A, C, G, T.

E) there is a principle of complementarity in the structure;

E) different types are distinguished, depending on the function performed.

G) the composition includes ribose;

H) the composition includes deoxyribose.

16. From the following carbohydrates, select monosaccharides:







17. Which of the listed substances are not polymers:







18. Establish the sequence of complication of the structure of the protein molecule:

A) several linked protein globules;

B) the sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide chain;

C) a polypeptide chain twisted into a spiral;

D) three-dimensional spatial "packing" of the polypeptide chain.

19. Find errors in the text provided, indicate the numbers of the sentences in which they are made, correct the errors:

Viruses have a cellular structure.

The protein coat of viruses is called a capsid.

Viruses are made up of carbohydrates and lipids.

Tuberculosis is a viral disease.

Viruses can cause disease not only in animals but also in plants.

20. Given a fragment of one DNA strand: A-G-T-T-T-C-G-A-A-C-G-. Build a complementary second strand.

21. Find errors in the DNA molecule:



22. Find errors in the RNA molecule: A-A-T-G-C-U-T-A-T-C.


1a; 2b; 3b; 4d; 5a; 6c; 7b; 8c; 9g; 10b; 11a; 12c.

1- a, c, d, f, g, h, and

2 - b

3 - c, d, e

4 - c, d, e, f

14.1-B, E

2-A, D

3-B, D

1 - A, D, D, Z

2 - B, C, E, G.

16. 1,4,6

17. 1,4,6

18. B.V.G.A.

1 - viruses have no cellular structure;

4 - viruses consist of a nucleic acid and a protein coat;

5 - tuberculosis is a bacterial disease.



21. Find errors in the DNA molecule:


T-G-T-A-T-G-T-A-T-the principle of complementarity is violated: AT; C-G.

22. Find errors in the RNA molecule: A-A-T-G-C-U-T-A-T-C. - in the RNA molecule there is no nitrogenous base of thymine, it is replaced by uracil.
