To begin with, dear readers, let's define the goals of our lesson. So, we must define what a personal letter is and how it differs from a business letter, study its structure, and most importantly, learn how to write a letter to a friend in English on our own using ready-made templates.

People use letters as a way to exchange information around the world. Letters can be written to friends, relatives, acquaintances or people with whom we do not know much, for example, business partners. It is from the one to whom your letter is addressed that its belonging to business or personal correspondence depends, and the form, structure and style of writing your letter depends on its affiliation. You could familiarize yourself with the rules for writing business letters in our previous article letter in English, and now we will get acquainted with the features of writing personal letters in English.

The style of writing to a friend in English

So, friendly or personal letters, as a rule, are addressed to people with whom you personally know (friends, relatives, loved ones). The language of writing such letters may have a colloquial colloquial character. For example, pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person (I, you) are very often used. It is not excluded the use of dialect words, slang words, exclamations, interjections, vernacular, modal verbs, affectionate forms, etc. In personal letters, you can freely express your opinion, that is, a subjective assessment of any situation is not prohibited. Personal letters can be highly emotional. As you can see, friendly correspondence does not have such strict stylistic restrictions as business.

As for the structure of a personal letter in English, in form it practically does not differ from a business letter, just some points can be neglected at your discretion. You can familiarize yourself with the structure of the letter in the article “Learning to write letters in English correctly”. If you have to write a personal letter to a friend in English, for example, in an exam, then of course the form of the letter cannot be neglected.

Step-by-step letter structure with template phrases

So, a personal letter to a friend in English must necessarily include 5 points according to all the rules:

The first item is the "header" of the letter, i.e. the sender's address and date. (Heading: address and date)
The address is written in the upper right corner and has the following sequence: the house number with the name of the street, the apartment number separated by a comma. The next line is the city with postal code, the next line is the country. Do not put commas or dots.

46 Riverview Park
New York 542,210
February 15th, 2008

On the next line or every other line, the date is written immediately below the address. Several spellings are possible:

May 12, 2014
May 12th, 2014
May 12, 2014
May 12th, 2014

The 2nd point is "appeal". (salutation or greeting) The appeal is written on a new line on the left. A comma is usually placed after the conversion.
Very often, the appeal begins with the word Dear + the name of the person you are writing to.

Dear Rima, Dear Karan
Dear Daddy, Dear Mammy
Dear Uncle Ray
Dear Mr. Green

Various options are possible. It all depends on who you are writing to.

My dear Jim
my darling
Or just - Hello, my dear Olya

The 3rd paragraph is the “body text of the letter”. (body/message)
The first paragraph of the body text is an introduction or opening sentence (opening sentence), where you can thank your friend for the previous letter, tell why you haven’t written for so long, or simply write that you were very happy to hear from your friend the news. Approximately it looks like this:

I’m writing to (thank/ tell/ ask/ congratulate/ apologize/ etc.)
I’m writing to thank you very much for the nice post card ... - I am writing to you to thank you for the wonderful postcard ...
Many thanks for your letter ... - Thank you very much for your letter ...
I was very glad to get your letter ... - I was very glad to receive your letter ...
Thanks for your recent letter. It was good to hear from you… - Thank you for your last letter. I was glad to hear from you...
I've been meaning to write to you for ages but somehow just haven't been able to find the time I really should have written sooner… late reply...
I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long but I’ve been really busy with…
I must apologize for notоt writing earlier…- I must apologize for not writing earlier…
I’m sorry I’ve taken such a long time to reply to your last letter…

In the second paragraph, you can answer your friend's questions. If you are writing a letter to a friend in English as an assignment for an exam, then the assignment usually contains questions that you must answer.

You are asking me about ... I "ll do my best to answer your questions. - You asked me about ... I will try to answer your questions.
That's about all I can tell you about this problem. “That's all I can tell you about this.

In the third and fourth paragraph, you talk about the events in your life, share the news and ask your questions to a friend.

Nege is some news about ... - I have news about ...
I think you are studying hard now. Have you already chosen the university where are you going to apply? Will it be difficult to study there? “I think you are studying hard right now. Have you already chosen the university you want to go to? Will it be difficult to study there?
How has your summer been? - How was your summer?
What have you been up to? What interesting thing happened to you?
Are you playing any sports? - Do you do any sports?
Have you been traveling? — Did you travel?
I am preparing for entrance exams to the university. I am preparing for the university entrance exams.
We are going to travel to Turkey. We are going to go to Turkey.

The fifth paragraph is the closing sentence, where you bring your message to a close and can wish you well, ask for something, or express hope for something. You can also write that you are in a hurry somewhere or you have to go somewhere.

Anyway, I must go and get on with my work. “Anyway, I have to go to work.
Well, got to go now. - Well, perhaps everything.
I've got loads of homework to do tonight. I have a whole bunch of homework for today.
I must finish my letter because it is very late and I must go to bed (because my Mum is calling me / because I have to do my homework). — I am finishing my letter because it is late and it is time for me to sleep (because my mother is calling me/because I have to do my homework)
Hope to hear from you soon. “I hope to hear from you soon.
Drop me a line when you are free. — Write me a couple of lines when you're free.
Looking forward to hearing from you. - I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Write soon. - Write as soon as possible.
See you soon! - See you soon!
Do keep in touch! - Let's keep in touch!
Don't forget to write! Don't forget to answer!
looking forward to seeing you. - I look forward to meeting you.
Write back to me soon. - Answer as soon as possible.
Let me know what happens. - Let me know what's going on.
I hope this advice is of some help to you. I hope my advice will be helpful to you.

The 4th point is the final polite phrase (subscription / closing). A comma must be placed after the final phrase.

best wishes,
All the best

The 5th final point is your signature. You put your signature on the next line under the final phrase without a dot.

So, as you noticed, a letter to a friend in English has the same structure as a business letter. The main difference lies in the style of the language. That is why template phrases for personal and business letters are completely different.

I want to give you a couple more tips for successfully writing a letter to a friend in English. In order for the text to be solid and sound good, use linking words and conjunctions: just now, and, at all, but, that's why, also, as for me, maybe, though, so, not only, to tell the truth, besides, now, first, also, finally, but, however, so that, such as, for example as, because, when, while, Well, Right… Use short forms of verbs: I've, there's, I'd...

If your English vocabulary is not that great, you can still easily handle a task like writing a letter to a friend in English. To do this, you will have to visually remember the structure of the letter and memorize a ready-made template, which will need to be supplemented with a couple of sentences.
You can create a template yourself using the phrases that we have selected for each item.

Letter to a friend template in English

46 Riverview Park
New York 542,210

my dear jim,
Thanks for your letter. I'm sorry I haven't written for so long but I've been really busy with…
You are asking me about… I’ll do my best to answer your questions.
Nege is some news about ... (tell the news)
What have you been up to… (ask your questions)
I must finish my letter because it is very late and I must go to bed. Hope to hear from you soon.

Here's how easy it is to write a letter to a friend in English using template phrases! You just need to add a couple of sentences and the letter is ready!

Study the following letters to a friend in English with translation in order to better understand the structure of such letters.

Examples p Letters in English with translation

46 Riverview Park
Dublin 23

dear jim,
How are things in Wicklow? I have not seen you for ages so I decided to write and give you all the news from Glentown.
The football team is doing really well this season. We have reached the semi-final of the Cup. The new goalkeeper we got after you left is great. He has not let in a goal in the last three matches.
My sister, Sandra, Has just had a baby girl, so I am now an uncle. Maybe I will be able to make some money from baby-sitting and then I can come down on the train to visit you.
Write soon and let me know all the news.

your friend,

46 Riverview Park
Dublin 23

Dear Jim,
How are things in Wicklow? I haven't seen you for ages, so I thought I'd write to you and tell you all the news from Glentown.
The football team is really doing well this season. We have reached the semi-finals of the Cup. The new goalkeeper who joined us after you left is great. He hasn't conceded a single goal in his last three matches.
My sister, Sandra, just had a baby girl, so I'm an uncle now. Maybe I can make some money as a babysitter and come by train to visit you.
Reply to me as soon as possible and tell me all the news.

Your friend,

12 Hill Drive
Co. Meath

Dear Susan,
I hope all is well with you. It has been ages since we saw you here in Meath.
I am writing to ask you to come and stay with us the weekend of the 6thJune. We are having a little get together because John is going to Australia for a year. It would be lovely for him to see you before he goes, you are his godmother after all. Let me know if you can make it, don't worry if not, any weekend before then is fine.
We are all in good form here. Very busy trying to get John organized. I will miss him while he's away.
I hope all the family are well.

12 Hill Drive
County Meath

Dear Susan,
I hope you are doing well. It's been an eternity since we saw you here in Mita.
I am writing to ask you to come and stay with us on the weekend of June 6th. We are all getting together because John is going to Australia for a year. It would be great for him to see you before he leaves, after all you are his godmother. Let me know if you manage to come, if not, then don't worry, you can come any weekend before he leaves.
We are fine. Constantly busy trying to pack John for the trip. I will miss him very much when he leaves.
I really hope your family is doing well.

With love,

12 Hilly Drive
Co. Meath

Dear Susan,
I am writing to say thank you for the lovely flowers. I can't believe you remembered my birthday! You are so thoughtful.
We are all in good form here. I hope all the family are well. Paul is starting a new job next week. I hope to get down to Cork to visit you soon.
Thanks again.

12 Hill Drive
County Meath

Dear Susan,
I am writing to thank you for the beautiful flowers. I can't believe you remembered my birthday! You are so considerate.
We are fine. I hope everyone is ok too. Paul starts a new job next week. I'm thinking of coming to visit you in Cork soon.
Thank you very much again.

With love,

46 Riverview Park
New York 542,210

Hi Sophie,
I'm writing this from the cutest little café in New York! Mum's been making sure we don't miss one sight in the whole city, so we've been walking practically all day. So far we've seen Times Square, Broadway, Central Park and The Plaza. I caught a glimpse of the Statue of Liberty but we're going to go and see it properly tomorrow!
The streets are super busy here and everyone looks amazing in their winter coats and hats. I had to buy mittens today! I miss being able to feel my fingers!
Hope you're enjoying your holidays.
Miss you times a million, see you back in Adelaide on the 20th!


PS: I'm bringing you back a souvenir!

46 Riverview Park

Hello Sophie,
I am writing to you now from the cutest little cafe in New York! Mom does her best to make sure we don't miss out on anything interesting in the city, so we were up and about most of the day. So far, we have already managed to see Times Square, Broadway, Central Park and the Square. I caught a glimpse of the Statue of Liberty, but we're going to explore it properly tomorrow!
The streets here are super busy and everyone looks amazing in their winter coats and hats. Today I had to buy mittens! I'm losing the ability to feel my fingers!
Hope you are enjoying your vacation.
Missing you like crazy, see you again in Adelaide on the 20th!

With love,

PS: I'll bring you a souvenir!

12 Tulip Road
Dublin 20

Dear Sally,
How are you settling down in your new school in Cork? Our class is quite different since you left. It's much quitter for a start. All the teachers are remarking on it!
We had an English test yesterday. When Mrs. Byrne came in today with the results she was so mad there was nearly smoke coming out of her ears!
Phil Martin and Sandra Byrne have split up. Phil is really down in the dumps. But otherwise everybody is in great form. We are all going down to the club in the Sports Center on Friday night. It's a pity you won't be with us.
Write soon and tell us all about Cork. goodbye for now.

An English letter to a friend is an example of informal written communication. Despite the fact that paper letters are almost a thing of the past, the same rules apply for letters on the Internet in English as for paper letters in an informal style. And isn't it nice to be able to write letters in English to a friend from rainy England or even distant Australia?

The British are especially pedantic when it comes to writing style. Combining elements and informal letters in one message is a gross mistake. Below we will consider which ones can be used in a letter to a friend.

  • 5 whale letters in English

Unlike Russian, in English, other information about the recipient and sender is written inseparably from the text of the letter itself.

The first block is just the title in the upper right corner, which includes sender's address. It is written from the particular to the general, in other words, first the house, street, city, then the country is indicated, and not as in our letters, where the name of the country is placed first. So the email header might look like this:

21, Dostoyevskogo str.,
Kiev region,

Under this section is written date. The format can be either "December 21, 2015" or "December 27, 2015".

Next comes greetings. If you are writing a letter to a relative, then before his name you can use any of the options: “Dear” or “My Dear”. Always put “Dear” in front of a friend's name. By the way, this is not such a trifle as it might seem at first glance. A letter to a friend in English will differ from a letter to a relative in such minor details at first glance.

Main message or the body of the letter also consists of several parts: the first opening sentence, the message itself and the final sentence. Below we will consider and translate several possible options. opening sentence for informal writing.

The main text of the letter sets out its main essence, the message itself. Offers should not be long and formal. Here you can and should use slang, phrasal verbs, idioms and amplifying constructions, including changing the standard word order to highlight a particular word.

The final part of the main text expresses your attitude towards a friend and your further expectations. For example:

It is also the first part of the signature, written taking into account the relationship between you and the addressee of the letter. Options can be very different: Yours, Love, Best wishes and so on. This part is traditionally written on the left under the text of the letter. But sometimes there are spellings on the right side. This part is signed and the name of the addressee of the letter, that is, its sender.

  • Letter to a friend in English: example

I "ve just received a letter from you! I am so glad to hear that you have entered the university you wanted! Congratulations to you and to your family. As for me, I've started yoga classes two weeks ago. Yoga turned out to be really cool! Of course I can "t do all the asanas that our instructor does but I try, I really try to do my best. If I improve enough, the coach would take me to India to attend authentic yoga courses. By the way, how are your training sessions going? I "ve seen the pics - you are the one true champion! I'm sure you're up to winning lots of medals this season!

Give my best regards to your mom,

Dear Olga!

I just received your letter! I'm so glad you got into the university you wanted to. My congratulations to you and your family. As for me, I started doing yoga two weeks ago. Yoga, it turns out, is very cool! Of course, I cannot perform all the asanas that our instructor can do, but I try, I try very hard. If I advance enough, the trainer will be able to take me to India to attend authentic yoga courses. By the way, how are your workouts going? I saw the pictures - you are a real champion! I am sure that this season you will earn a lot of medals!

Give a warm hello to your mom

Always yours,

Often, even those who would like to write a letter to a friend in English do not know how to do it, because. do not have enough vocabulary and do not know how to write a beautiful letter. Let's look at various sample letters and learn useful phrases that can become pivotal when writing a letter.

Sample #1

Dear Alicia,

I hope this letter finds you in the best of spirits.

When I visited last month you had a lot of unsolved problems and you were a little bit depressed because of it. I hope that now everything is fine! You know that you can always rely on me and share all your troubles with me.

I am also writing you to invite you to party, as you probably remember I have a Birthday on March 27. We will celebrate at the restaurant, I hope that it will be a good chance for you to relax and meet new people (I have invited a lot of friends from my university).

By the way, how was your brother's Birthday? I am sorry once again that I couldn't come - I was sick and had to stay in bed. I am sending my gift to him through our friend Ben. He turned 25, right? I will be happy to see him at my Birthday as well.

best regards,


"Dear Alicia,

I hope this letter finds you in the best of spirits.

When I visited you last week you had a lot of unresolved issues and you were a little depressed about it. I hope all is well now! You know that you can always rely on me and share all your problems with me.

I am also writing to invite you to a party, as you probably remember my birthday is March 27th. We will celebrate in a restaurant, I hope this will be a good chance for you to relax and meet new people (I have invited many friends from my university).

By the way, how was your brother's birthday? Once again I apologize for not being able to come - I was sick and had to stay in bed. I send him a present through our friend Ben. He turned 25, right? I will be happy to see him at my birthday as well.

Best wishes,

A best friend to me is …. My best friend is...

Vocabulary from the letter

Let's see which words and expressions you need to remember first:

  • Unsolved - unresolved.
  • Depressed - oppressed.
  • To rely - rely.
  • To share - to share.
  • To invite - invite.
  • To relax - relax.
  • Once again - once again.
  • To be sick - to be sick.
  • To stay in bed - to observe bed rest.

Tip: when you write a letter to a friend, the sample of which in English is presented above, do not forget to give the first line to him, and not to yourself - ask how he is doing or express the hope that he is doing well.

Sample #2

Take a look at another example of a friendly request letter. Like relationships between friends, the language of the letter can be more subdued and less emotional.

Dear Peter,

I hope you are doing ok. I would like to go to Argentina and I hope to visit you. I have decided to move to Buenos Aires and I want to find a good university there. I fell in love with the city when I was there last year. Will you be able to assist me in finding a proper university?

I don't know which university to apply to, I did some research via internet and was really impressed by some of them. I don't have a huge budget and so I'm looking for an affordable and nice place. I know that you have quite a few friends in different universities. Can you clarify with them some details which are very important to me?

I hope you wouldn't mind doing this for me.

many thanks,


"Dear Peter,

I hope you're doing well. I would like to go to Argentina and hope to visit you. I decided to move to Buenos Aires and I want to find a good university there. I fell in love with the city when I was there last year. Can you help me find a good university?

I don't know which university to apply to, I did a little research on the internet and was very impressed with some of them. I don't have a huge budget and I'm looking for an affordable and good place. I know that you have quite a few friends at various universities. Could you clarify with them some points that are very important to me?

I hope you don't mind doing this for me.

Thank you very much,


Note that the expression quite a few means "quite a lot", although just a few means a small amount of something or someone.

You are kind and gentle, smart and funny - you are kind and polite, smart and funny

Vocabulary from the letter

  • To decide - decide.
  • To fall in love - fall in love.
  • To assist - help, assist.
  • To be by impressed - to be impressed.
  • To apply to university - apply to the university.
  • Huge - huge.
  • Budget - budget.
  • To look for - look for.
  • To clarify - clarify.

Sample #3

Dear Mark,

I just heard that you have received a new job! I couldn't be happy for you! Congratulations!

Although I still haven't been able to find a job, your success has inspired me to try harder. I know it is not easy to get a good job for a fresh graduate, I am really proud of you! I know how self-motivated you are. I am quite sure that your good knowledge and skills, and what is most importantly love to your profession, will make you a great architect. I have hardly any work experience but I am not going to give up and still believe that I will get a good job as well! I can't thank you enough for your kind words and support!

By the way, the whole family is terribly missing you. We all wait when you will find time to visit us and bring Holly with you, we didn't see her since her Birthday party. You know that my parents consider you as their second son and how they love Holy! Please send hellos from all of us to your wife!

With best regards

Let's look at the translation of the third example. The following letter to a friend in English is written to congratulate a friend on a new job and talk about his plans.

"Dear Mark,

I just heard you got a new job! I am very happy for you! Congratulations!

Although I haven't been able to find a job yet, your success has inspired me to try even harder. I know how hard it is to get a good job as a graduate, I'm very proud of you! I know how determined you are. I am sure that your good knowledge and skills, and, most importantly, love for your profession, will make you a great architect. I have practically no experience, but I am not going to give up and I still believe that I will also get a good job! Thank you very much for your kind words and support!

By the way, the whole family misses you terribly. We're all waiting for you to take the time to visit us and bring Holly with you, we haven't seen her since her birthday party. You know that my parents consider you their second son and how they love Holly! Please say hello to your wife from all of us!

Best wishes,

Vocabulary from the letter

  • To receive - receive.
  • To congratulations - congratulations.
  • To inspire - to inspire.
  • Self-motivated - purposeful.
  • Architect - an architect.
  • Terribly is terrible.
  • To consider - consider, consider.

Useful phrases and expressions

Let's see what phrases you can use when writing an informal letter in English.

  • Welcome to come visit any time - Welcome to visit us at any time.
  • Lovely to hear from you - It's nice to get news from you
  • How are things? - How are you?
  • I am so pleased to hear…
  • How are you? - How are you?
  • Thank you for your letter - Thank you for your letter
  • I was hoping that - I was hoping that ...
  • I wondered if - I wondered if
  • I am glad to learn - I am glad to know
  • I enjoyed hearing about… - I was glad to hear about…
  • I thought you might like to hear that - I thought you might like to hear that ...
  • Your last letter was a pleasure to receive - I was pleased to receive your last letter
  • I can’t tell you how much I appreciated your letter - I can’t express in words how much I appreciate your letter
  • I am writing to tell you that - I am writing to you to tell you
  • It was so kind of you to send me ... - It was very kind of you to send me ...

Sometimes the question arises - what to write a letter to a friend in English about, the simplest answer is to write about what worries you the most, think about what kind of letter your close friend or girlfriend would like, what would sincerely please them.

Correspondence is one of the most important ways of communication between people all over the world. With its help, we meet new people, exchange the necessary information, cooperate with foreign partners, invite guests, express our feelings and emotions, etc. The role of letters in our life is truly great. And even despite the fact that the epistolary genre is gradually disappearing into oblivion, we still continue to write letters. These are no longer written sheets, sealed in an envelope, which will have to spend many days on the road in order to reach the addressee. Nowadays, letters are represented by their electronic version (e-mail), which we send out on the Internet to any city in the world.

I am convinced that writing letters in English should be placed in a separate section in the learning process and given enough time. After all, this "science" has its own rules, nuances, etiquette that must be followed so that your letters look decent. Letters are different: letters of gratitude and requests for information, letters of congratulations and invitations to visit, letters of sympathy and apology, which generally require certain knowledge and skills. In this article we will talk about the informal version of the letter, the so-called "letter to a friend in English."

How to write a letter to a friend in English

So that I don’t talk about how to write now letter to a friend in english, this will not have the desired effect if you do not visually see at least one sample of such a letter. Therefore, if you are learning how to write a particular letter, first of all, keep examples of these letters before your eyes. Visual memory will do its job, and you will say “thank you” more than once when you need a template for writing a letter. By changing it, removing or adding something, you can create your own unique letter to a friend in English, which will comply with all the necessary rules and regulations. Quite a lot of samples of letters to a friend in English are presented on the site. All sample letters are provided with translations, so it will not be difficult for you to understand the essence of the letter itself.

When composing any letter, including a letter to a friend in English, study such sections of this language as and. Still, no one has canceled the correct spelling, albeit not a business letter, and the correct placement of punctuation marks.

In English, there are certain appeals to the person to whom you are writing, and, accordingly, phrases that complete the letter. The choice of both depends on the degree of acquaintance and your relationship with the friend to whom you are writing a letter in English. These may be the following options:

  • (My) dear+ name
  • dearest, (my) Darling+name
  • just a name

All words used will have the meaning "(my/my) dear(s)".

As the phrase "farewell", completing your letter to a friend in English, you should use any of the phrases from the list below:

  • Sincerely (yours) - sincerely yours. Alternatively, in reverse order: (Yours) sincerely
  • Cordially yours / yours cordially- yours cordially
  • Faithfully yours / yours faithfully / yours truly- always devoted to you
  • Yours ever / Ever yours / As ever / yours as always- always yours
  • Yours affectionately / lovingly yours- loving you
  • Your very sincere friend- your sincere friend
  • Lots of love (kisses) - kiss

In addition, you will need the following knowledge: common English names and surnames; names of countries, cities and capitals; widely used abbreviations in the epistolary genre. All this information is additional (reference), but it is the key to your successful correspondence.

In my opinion, a very valuable publication concerning writing letters in English is the book of L.P. Stupin. "Letters in English for all occasions", published in St. Petersburg in 1997. This edition is a kind of handbook for a person who often writes letters. You can purchase this book or download it for free from the World Wide Web. It is on the site and at the resource. In this valuable book you will find general guidelines for writing letters to a friend in English (and all other types of letters too), sample letters on any subject, and all the background information I have already mentioned.

If you write letters to a friend in English often enough, over time you will remember all the recommendations that accompany this action. Yours will also expand, and over time, writing any letter in English will be a trifle for you.

As a sample, I give a letter to a friend in English, written directly for this article:

How are the things going on? Did something new happen in your life? Having received your letter, I wanted to answer it immediately but I was working a lot during the last two weeks. So I was pressed for time and did not manage to carry out my intentions.

In my country spring has already set. It is quite warm and really sunny all days long. Being at work I always imagine myself strolling down some parks. I wish you could join me! It would be funny! Some days ago my friend advised me to read a very interesting book. I did it and I would like you to know this author. Are you ready to read good literature?

Tell me more about your work and free time. Are you satisfied with all this? What are your plans for this summer? Maybe we will be able to meet one day?

The translation of this letter reads as follows:

Dear Helen,

How are you? Is there anything new? I wanted to reply to your letter right away, but I have had a lot of work in the last two weeks. There was not enough time to carry out their plans.

We already have spring. It's warm and sunny outside all day. During work, I constantly imagine myself walking in various parks. I would like you to keep me company. It would be fun! A few days ago, a friend suggested I read an interesting book. I have read it and would like to introduce you to this author. Are you ready to read good literature?

Tell me more about work and leisure. Are you satisfied with everything? Have any plans for the summer? Maybe we'll meet sometime?

Always yours,


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