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Bodybuilders are sculptors of their bodies. To achieve their goals, they, as well as representatives of power sports, need to carefully monitor the quality of nutrition and hormonal levels.
to have a constant excess of substances necessary for recuperation and muscle growth (anabolism state). Now we will talk about cortisol in bodybuilding.


But it causes anxiety in many athletes. The fact is that this state is the opposite of anabolism, causing a sharp drop in the body's restorative functions.

The state of catabolism leads to loss of muscle mass, decreased tone, depletion of the nervous system, accumulation of adipose tissue, stretch marks on the body.

The anabolic hormones (testosterone, insulin, and others) necessary for achieving athletic performance are well studied and quite successfully used.

What about catabolic substances? The main "catabolic" steroid or "stress hormone" that the human body produces is cortisol.

Biological significance and application in medicine

Cortisol is a vital biologically active hormonal compound (steroid). It is also known as hydrocortisone, 17-hydrocorticosterone.

It is produced by the cortex (outer layer) of the adrenal glands. It is involved in metabolic reactions and is very important in critical situations. For example, during a period of malnutrition (starvation), it is hydrocortisone that maintains a normal level of glucose, in moments of emotional breakdowns, traumatic / operational shock, it prevents a decrease in blood pressure below a critical limit.

Large doses of this substance have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Its synthetic analogues (prednisone, prednisolone) are successfully used to treat various ailments accompanied by inflammation, various types of allergies, asthma, and autoimmune problems.

In medicine, preference is given to synthesized derivatives of this steroid. They are well absorbed, do not cause an increase in blood pressure, do not lead to fluid and salt retention in the body.

stress indicator

Cortisol itself is not harmful, in fact, it is necessary for normal metabolism. Problems are caused by an increased background of a substance in the body. For athletes, a high level of “stress hormone” is an extremely undesirable phenomenon.

The main reasons that provoke the active synthesis of the hormone:

  • emotional stress;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • hunger.

Important Experts say that the surge in cortisol does not cause the duration of physical activity, but their intensity, which leads to training stress.

Once in the blood, the substance activates the cardiovascular system, normalizes the amount of glucose and pressure. The physical and emotional rise caused by this steroid is quickly replaced by fatigue and apathy. This is a serious disadvantage for those who are seriously involved in sports and bodybuilding.

Competitive bodybuilders typically fight hydrocortisone in a variety of ways, including medication.

But if a person sets a goal in excellent shape, then there is no reason to artificially reduce the level of this hormone, which leads to a decrease in the protective capabilities of the body.

Decreased cortisol levels

The consequences of a decrease in the level of Cartisol

How to reduce the synthesis of this substance, how to reduce its negative contribution to the formation of an ideal figure?

  1. Life without stress and conflict is the main and most effective way. It is especially worth avoiding emotional problems that have a devastating effect on the nervous system.
  2. Strive for harmony and balance, learn to control yourself in any situation. Calmness will fruitfully affect the functioning of the glands and the quality of life.
  3. Learn to beat hunger. before you feel hungry, not after! Hunger is a stressful situation. It is necessary to organize your regime in such a way that there is always an opportunity to satisfy your hunger in a timely manner. Lack of energy causes a feeling of hypoglycemia. Cortisol begins to replenish glucose with proteins and amino acids, which are so necessary for the growth and rapid recovery of muscle tissue.
  4. Athletes should take into account that the level of hormones in the body depends on the time of day. Immediately after sleep (morning hours), its concentration is maximum. Increases the content of the hormone and during the day.
  5. It is during such periods that it is necessary to replenish the body with high-grade food. This will minimize the catabolic effect.
  6. Correctly calculate physical activity. They should not be exhausting, they should not tire. It is important that the training is intense and appropriate to the athlete's fitness level and fitness. Long sessions tire, provoking the production of cortisol.
  7. Technique and quality. The training program should be optimal, each exercise must be performed technically competently, breathing correctly.


It is important for every person to know what cortisol is and how to influence its level. Why does it rise, especially during pregnancy or during stressful situations.

What is the hormone cortisol responsible for?

Cortisol - which is produced by the adrenal glands and is carried in the blood throughout the body. The activation of the hormone occurs when stress occurs, when it is necessary to make the right decision to control the situation. It stimulates the work of the brain, concentrates attention to overcome the situation that has arisen.

If it is not possible to solve the problem in a short time, then the level of cortisol remains elevated for a long time and can cause significant harm to the body.

What is cortisol for?

What is cortisol? It is commonly called the stress hormone, because it is produced during the period of non-standard situations. It helps regulate metabolic processes in the body, activates the brain and helps the immune system.

During periods of stress, the hormone prevents a drop in blood pressure. Therefore, in such cases, it will not be able to reach low rates. Cortisol has an effect on blood vessels and constricts them. Therefore, blood pressure rises. When hunger appears, it is cortisol that helps maintain the required level of glucose in the blood.

Why is cortisol called the death hormone?

Some experts call cortisol the death hormone. Usually, its increase occurs with severe stress.

During this period, the human body begins to work at its limits, which can hypothetically lead to death with a prolonged increase in the level of the hormone.

How to lower cortisol levels? Can an increase in hormone levels really lead to such dire consequences? Its release into the blood is one of the oldest reactions of the body to a change in the external environment.

The body's response to stress in the form of the release of cortisol into the blood leads to the following:

  • the activity of the immune system decreases;
  • cognitive functions are inhibited;
  • for more energy production, there is an accelerated breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates.

As a result, there is a rapid fatigue of the body, the work of the heart and blood vessels is disrupted, and the protective functions of the body are reduced. In some cases, with a prolonged increase in cortisol levels, memory impairment and depression can occur.

The main reasons for the increase in cortisol

There are several reasons why increased cortisol production can occur:

  • Constant stressful situations force the human body to work to the limit, which causes the use of all reserves available to it.
  • Increased physical activity.
  • Drinking coffee in large quantities leads to an increase in cortisol levels by 1/3.
  • Prolonged fasting or unbalanced nutrition. In this case, glucose levels go down and cortisol levels go up. Such processes can occur with a strict diet.

The interrelated influence of many factors leads to an increase in cortisol levels.

How does the body react to increased cortisol levels?

How to lower cortisol levels? An increase in hormone levels leads to the following symptoms and predispositions:

  • High levels of cortisol lead to a decrease in lean body mass.
  • It occurs because an increase in the level of the hormone leads to a change in cravings towards sweet foods.
  • There is a deposition of fat in the abdomen, which turns the figure into the shape of an apple. This is especially noticeable when cortisol is elevated in a woman.
  • If there is an increase in the level of the hormone, then the production of insulin under its influence becomes much lower. This leads to type 2 diabetes.
  • Violation of potency in men occurs due to the influence of high levels of cortisol on the production of the male hormone - testosterone.
  • There is a decrease in immunity.
  • An increase in hormone levels increases the heart rate. Therefore, there is a risk of strokes and heart attacks.
  • Nervousness and irritability appear, because cortisol exacerbates all the reactions of the body.
  • There is flatulence or diarrhea, sometimes there is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine.
  • Frequent urge to urinate, especially in men, is due to inflammation of the prostate.
  • Elevated cortisol levels can lead to the development of osteoporosis.

High cortisol is subject to correction, because there may be disturbances in the work of many organs.

Decreased hormone levels in the body

What is the hormone cortisol responsible for? In the body, a decrease in its production may occur, which can cause the following processes to occur in the body:

  • kidney function is disrupted;
  • in the case of being on a strict diet, there is a sharp weight loss;
  • decreased function of the pituitary gland;
  • there is a drop in the production of basic hormones;
  • tuberculosis occurs.

Prolonged deficiency of this hormone can lead to the following pathologies:

  • weight loss;
  • low blood pressure, which occurs with little physical exertion;
  • headaches, sometimes dizziness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • occasional diarrhea or constipation;
  • depression;
  • irritability.

Why is stress hormone dangerous in women?

The main problem of reducing or increasing the level of cortisol in a woman is violations in the sexual sphere. During pregnancy, an increase in the level of the hormone is considered the norm, in other cases it leads to a change in the nature of the discharge during menstruation. In some cases, infertility or polycystic ovaries may occur.

A variety of diets that lead to hormonal imbalance can affect the level of cortisol in women.

Rejecting fats and carbohydrates, switching to protein foods, a woman gets into a state of stress. In this case, the level of cortisol rises, which leads to fatty deposits in and face. With diets, mineral imbalance also occurs.

To avoid such problems, it is necessary to follow a balanced diet that will contain sufficient amounts of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

When a woman's cortisol is elevated, it can be returned to the correct rate if the exact cause of the deviation is found out.

The risk of increased cortisol in athletes

High hormone levels in men can lead to the breakdown of lean body mass. This raises blood pressure and blood moves glucose to the brain. Adrenaline levels rise.

Elevated levels of cortisol can cause athletes to feel constantly tired and their metabolism slows down.

All these processes can cause fat deposits in the abdomen in men and in the thighs in women.

Regular excess of the duration of physical activity does not lead to an increase in muscle mass and normalization of the figure, but to the opposite effect.

How to lower cortisol levels? In order for the level of cortisol in athletes not to change, it is necessary to balance the diet and normalize the intensity of physical activity.

Analysis Features

To determine the level of cortisol in the blood, the analysis is carried out in the morning, before 10 am. The result of the analyzes is influenced by: emotional state, chronic diseases, food intake and alcohol.

Two weeks before the test, you must stop taking alcohol and drugs. The analysis can be carried out several times to exclude false results of the study.

With normal test results, problems with the adrenal glands are not completely excluded. Additionally assigned: ultrasound, magnetic resonance and computed tomography.

In an adult, the level of the hormone is considered normal at a concentration of 145 to 600 nmol / liter. In children under 16 years old - 85-500 nmol / liter.

This difference is caused by the acquisition of various chronic diseases and pathologies in adulthood.

The specialist prescribes hormonal therapy, in rare cases, surgical intervention on the adrenal glands is used. The most commonly prescribed drugs are Prednisolone or Dexamethasone.

In addition to taking medication, you can normalize cortisol levels using other methods.

How to normalize indicators?

How to lower cortisol levels? There are several ways to reduce elevated hormone levels:

  • normalize the duration of physical activity;
  • balance the diet with the exclusion of coffee, alcohol and fast carbohydrates from it, and add fats and slow carbohydrates to the diet;
  • prevention of stressful situations;
  • positive emotions;
  • taking supplements to lower hormone levels;
  • night rest should be at least 8 hours;
  • the inclusion of vitamins and amino acids in the diet.

It is not recommended to feel hungry. If you skipped a meal, be sure to take advantage of small snacks. You can use nuts, dried fruits. It is worth eating these foods before the feeling of hunger arises, because otherwise no prevention will work.

It is necessary to follow the advice of experts on proper nutrition, move more and walk on foot, which will help reduce the level of cortisol in the blood.

Sports exercises in a person's life must be present, but you should not devote a lot of time to training. After all, exhausting physical activity can not always benefit the body, and in some cases can harm.

To reduce cortisol levels, you need to consume vitamin C, which can positively affect metabolism and increase immunity.

Low or high levels of cortisol in the blood in women and men are equally dangerous, so you need to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right.

Cortisol is a hormone produced by the body during stressful situations, active physical exertion, or with a lack of nutrition. In fact, an increase in cortisol levels is a kind of protective reaction of the body. In a state of shock, this hormone helps to act faster, during physical exertion it gives explosive strength, and when undernourished, it makes you look for food (1) .

From a biochemical point of view, cortisol primarily increases the level of the hormone adrenaline (which helps to focus on the source of danger) and makes glucose more available for metabolism (which provides a sharp burst of energy). The normal level of the hormone is 10 μg / dl, with stress it rises to 80 μg / dl, with severe shock - up to 180 μg / dl.

Mechanism of action of cortisol

As FitSeven mentioned above, by increasing the level of cortisol, the body tries to urgently mobilize reserves of fast energy. The main sources of this energy are first glucose and then muscle tissue. At the same time, free fatty acids (that is, fat reserves) cannot be used, since their involvement in metabolism takes time.

Directly in the first minutes of the action of cortisol, the concentration of attention increases significantly, which helps a person to quickly make vital decisions. However, a high degree of anxiety overloads the nervous system - it is obvious that chronic exposure to such a state causes a complex disruption of the metabolism and provokes stress.

Why does cortisol destroy muscles?

Cortisol is one of the main enemies of the athlete, because the high level of this hormone causes the body to literally destroy muscles. The role is also played by the fact that cortisol is actively increased during physical training - which, on the one hand, gives a sharp burst of energy, but, on the other hand, exhausts the body and the central nervous system.

In fact, under the influence of cortisol, the muscles are broken down into amino acids and glucose (the latter is present in the muscles in the form of glycogen to ensure their work). High blood pressure sends the resulting glucose to the brain, which causes the “adrenaline shock” and the slightly inebriated feeling familiar to most long-distance runners.

Negative effects of cortisol

While a single spike in cortisol levels from sudden hunger or extreme physical activity “just” destroys muscles, persistently high cortisol levels not only lead to chronic stress and increased irritability, but also lead to a significant deterioration in metabolism and metabolism (1 ) .

Scientific studies show that chronically high levels of cortisol cause both a general set and an increased deposition of fatty tissue in problem areas (in men on the sides, lower abdomen and back, in women on the hips). High cortisol, and obesity - a further increase in cortisol levels, thus creating a vicious circle.

How to lower cortisol levels?

It is extremely important to remember that typical weight loss attempts, which consist of combining vigorous cardio with a low-calorie diet with abrupt refusal of food, are the main factors in high cortisol and a dangerous metabolic disorder. As a result of such a strategy, the body switches into fat storage mode, and not at all into weight loss mode.

To lower high cortisol levels, first of all, you need adequate nutrition and an adequate level of exercise (that is, not too low and not too high). In addition, stress management is another necessary and important step in lowering cortisol. That is why doctors recommend stress-prone people.

How to understand the different types of yoga and choose the right one? Beginner's guide to .

Cortisol and workout duration

The results of a scientific paper published in a sports magazine Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition(2) suggest that in the first minutes of physical activity, the level of cortisol in athletes first rises to 60–65 µg/dl, then decreases by almost half and remains unchanged, but after 40–50 minutes it starts to rise again.

Rising levels of cortisol activate catabolic processes in the muscles, switching the body from the mode of building tissues (which is strength training) into the process of destroying them. If the athlete is not taking sports supplements to reduce cortisol levels, the maximum duration of training should not exceed 45-50 minutes.

Sports Supplements to Reduce Cortisol

Luckily, lowering cortisol during exercise is pretty easy. It is enough to take 5-10 g (or even a serving of regular whey protein) mixed with 20-30 g of high-glycemic carbohydrates immediately before training (4) . In a pinch, Powerade, Gatorade or another will do.

A fast-absorbing smoothie fills the energy needs of the muscles in just a few minutes, directing fast carbohydrates into the bloodstream and removing the need for an increase in cortisol. However, as FitSeven already mentioned in a separate article, this strategy is only suitable for muscle growth, but not at all.


The production of cortisol is the body's primary response to stress, hunger, or strenuous exercise. In the short term, an elevated level of cortisol destroys muscles and leads to overtraining in athletes, in the long term it impairs metabolism, stimulates fat deposition and provokes the development of chronic stress and even.

Scientific sources:

  1. cortisol and stress,
  2. The effects of phosphatidylserine on endocrine response to moderate intensity exercise,
  3. Phosphatidylserine, Wikipedia Article,
  4. Sharp, Carwyn P M; Pearson, David R. Amino Acid Supplements and Recovery from High-Intensity Resistance Training. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.

In this article, I will tell you what the hormone cortisol is, why it is dangerous for muscles and how to deal with it.

cortisol- a destructive hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex in any stressful / extreme situation. This is not only about physical loads, but also about any stress, for example, in case of illness, lack of sleep (fatigue, fatigue), nervous strain, hunger and much more.

It stands out so that a person can survive that very stressful / extreme situation. Those. depending on a given situation, cortisol acts as a “defensive reaction”, allowing your brain and body to act faster, undernutrition “spurs” hunger and makes you look for food, during physical exertion it gives explosive strength, etc.

Cortisol is an important hormone in the human body. regulates many systems of our body! Regulates blood pressure, glucose metabolism, insulin, blood sugar balance, inflammatory responses and immune functions. However, the release of this hormone in large quantities has an extremely negative effect on the human body as a whole, not to mention our topic (muscles).

Harm of cortisol for muscles

It is harmful because it destroys muscles 🙁

Look, the normal level of the hormone cortisol is 10 µg/dl.

Thanks to ongoing research, it was found that in the first minutes of training (physical activity), the level of the hormone cortisol first rises to 60-65 μg / dl, and then again falls (decreases) by about two (up to 20), and after 40-45 minutes again begins to grow strongly.

Under the influence of the hormone cortisol - muscles are broken down into amino acids! Amino acids, as emergency fuel, are thrown into the blood, and yes, you can continue to pump (exercise longer than 40-45 minutes), but you will do it on YOUR MUSCLES! Those. you will lose muscle mass that you have worked so hard to build or want to build. Do you understand?

This, of course, is not acceptable, because the main goal of most people going to the gym is to build muscle. Well, how will they grow if you train on them? That's right, no way!

Moreover, training too long can lead to (plateau, stagnation). And with overtraining, there can be no question of it.

CONCLUSION: strength training (ANAEROBIC), should last no more than 40-45 minutes! Indeed, otherwise, the hormone cortisol will begin to rise and catabolic processes will begin (muscle tissue (muscles) will begin to break down, and the meaning of training as such disappears).

Recommendation #2. At the FAT BURNING stage (with a calorie deficit), I would strongly recommend using sports supplement - BCAA. Especially in the MORNING (after waking up) and DURING TRAINING, because. it is during these periods of time that the level of the hormone cortisol is the most. Accordingly, since BCAAs are anti-catabolic and will help you save muscle tissue from the damaging hormone cortisol.

In principle, if you don’t feel sorry for the money, BCAA can also be drunk on MASS. Although there is a cheaper alternative way - whey protein pre-workout which contains the same BCAAs.

There is another option (but not for everyone) and in most cases, it is relevant only at the stage of gaining muscle mass (muscle growth) - use of sweet water in training. Sweet water is simple carbohydrates, and they give the body extra energy and minimize the synthesis of cortisol.

Read more in the main article:

Characteristics of the hormone

1.Name. Cortisol (hydrocortisone, or 17-hydrocorticosterone, Compound F).

2. cortisol- a biologically active glucocorticoid hormone of a steroid nature, that is, it has a sterane core in its structure (Fig. 3).

3 .Biosynthesis. Cortisol is synthesized by the adrenal cortex from cholesterol. In an adult, the adrenal glands secrete 15-30 mg of cortisol per day. The rate of synthesis and secretion of cortisol is stimulated in response to stress, trauma, infection, and a decrease in blood glucose concentration. An increase in cortisol concentration inhibits the synthesis of corticoliberin and ACTH by a negative feedback mechanism.

4 .biological role. Cortisol is vital, because. participates in the regulation of many metabolic processes, mainly carbohydrate metabolism. The hormone stimulates the process of gluconeogenesis.

Gluconeogenesis- the process of formation in the liver and partly in the cortex of the kidneys (about 10%) of glucose molecules from molecules of other organic compounds - energy sources, such as free amino acids, lactic acid, glycerol.

In addition, cortisol is responsible for protective reactions: during prolonged fasting, it does not allow the level of glucose in the blood to fall below a critical level, increasing its synthesis and slowing down decay. In stressful and shock situations, it maintains blood pressure (not below a critical level).

5. Mechanism of action of cortisol

The nervous system responds to external influences (including stress) by sending nerve impulses to hypothalamus. In response to the signal, the hypothalamus secretes corticoliberin , which is carried by the blood according to the so-called. gate system directly into pituitary and stimulates the secretion ACTH . The latter enters the general circulation and, once in the adrenal glands, stimulates the production and secretion of the adrenal cortex cortisol .

Cortisol released into the blood reaches target cells(in particular, liver cells), penetrates by diffusion into their cytoplasm and binds there with special cortisol receptor proteins. The formed hormone-receptor complexes after "activation" are associated with the corresponding area DNA and activate certain genes, which ultimately leads to an increase in the production specific proteins. It is these proteins that determine the body's response to cortisol, and hence to the external influence that caused its secretion.

The reaction consists, on the one hand, in enhancing the synthesis of glucose in the liver and in the manifestation (permission) of the action of many other hormones on metabolic processes, and on the other hand, in slowing down the breakdown of glucose and protein synthesis in a number of tissues, including muscle. Thus, this reaction is mainly aimed at saving the body's available energy resources (reducing their consumption by muscle tissue) and replenishing the lost ones: glucose synthesized in the liver can be stored in the form of glycogen, an easily mobilized potential energy source.

cortisol by the feedback mechanism inhibits the formation ACTH : Upon reaching the level of cortisol sufficient for a normal protective reaction, the formation of ACTH stops.

In the bloodstream, cortisol is associated with corticosteroid-binding globulin a carrier protein synthesized in the liver. This protein delivers cortisol to target cells and serves as a reservoir of cortisol in the blood. In the liver, cortisol is converted into inactive, water-soluble end products (metabolites) that are excreted from the body.

Glucocorticoids have a diverse effect on the metabolism in different tissues. In muscle, lymphatic, connective and adipose tissues, glucocorticoids, showing a catabolic effect, cause a decrease in the permeability of cell membranes and, accordingly, inhibition of the absorption of glucose and amino acids; while in the liver they have the opposite effect. The end result of exposure to glucocorticoids is the development of hyperglycemia, mainly due to gluconeogenesis.

Fig.4. The mechanism of action of cortisol on the target cell.

6. The rate of cortisol changes depending on the time of day: in the morning there is usually an increase in cortisol, in the evening - the value of cortisol is minimal.

Increased synthesis of cortisol is observed in Itsenko-Cushing's disease. Itsenko-Cushing's disease (Cushing's disease) is a severe neuroendocrine disease, accompanied by hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex, associated with hypersecretion of ACTH. Hypersecretion of ACTH causes increased secretion of cortisol, which leads to impaired carbohydrate metabolism, osteoporosis, hypertension (increased blood pressure), skin atrophy, redistribution of fat, hirsutism in women.

One of the causes of insufficient secretion of the hormone cortisol may be Addison's disease. Addison's disease (hypocorticism) is a rare endocrine disease, as a result of which the adrenal glands lose the ability to produce enough hormones, primarily cortisol. The disease may be a consequence

    primary adrenal insufficiency(in which the adrenal cortex itself is affected or does not function well),

    or secondary insufficiency of the adrenal cortex, in which the anterior pituitary gland does not produce enough adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) to adequately stimulate the adrenal cortex.

Addison's disease leads to chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, weight loss and appetite, nausea, abdominal pain, low blood pressure, skin hyperpigmentation, hypoglycemia, decreased blood volume, dehydration, tremors, tachycardia, anxiety, depression, etc.
