Today we will find out How is the word “subsequently” written, separately or together?. Let's reinforce this material with simple examples so that in the future the word always write correctly without hesitation.
Let's start by analyzing the main problem areas in the word.
Two questions most often arise:

  1. Should I write together “later” or separately “later”?
  2. Should I write “i” or “e” at the end?

We answer immediately and definitely!

Subsequently, it is always written together and always with the letter “and” at the end.

It would seem that that’s all...But don’t rush to close the article! It is important to go over a few more points so that the correct spelling is permanently ingrained in your memory.

Subsequently is an adverb formed from a combination of the preposition “in” and the noun “consequence”. According to the rules of the Russian language, when forming adverbs in this way, if between a noun and a preposition we cannot insert either an adjective, a pronoun, or a numeral, or we cannot put a case question to the noun, then the formed adverb is written together.

A few examples:

  • Subsequently, even he wrote the dictation without errors.
  • We will all write correctly later.

If we try to insert a definition (adjective, numeral or pronoun) between “in” and “consequence” or ask a case question to a noun, then nothing will work out.

Subsequently– this is an adverb and answers the question “how?”. It is always written together!

One more point that I would like to highlight is the letter “and” at the end. Often the writing of the adverb " subsequently" confused with writing a preposition " due to».
“CONSEQUENCE” can be written either together or separately, with either “i” or “e” at the end, depending on the context.
For example:
Due to the fact that the work was performed incorrectly, it must be redone.
During the investigation, new evidence was found.

Unlike the word "due to", SUBSEQUENTLY it is always written with “and” and always together.
To avoid confusion, remember that the adverb “subsequently” can be replaced by the synonym “later”, and the preposition “as a result” by the synonym “as a result”.
That's all for us today.
If you still have any questions, be sure to write them in the comments.

subsequently, adv..

subsequently (what) (because of, By reason)

Due to thanks to, because of, for, from, in view of, in force of, in attention to, in respect of what, in reasoning, on the basis of, by the grace of whom, for the reason, about, on occasion, for the sake of. I did this as a precaution. Fear for the sake of the Jews. Why did you do this? Rewarded someone with attention to his merits. In attention to this, and also because of repentance. Taking into account... In view of such and such an article of the law, according to such and such an article of the law. On this basis. For leaving, for lack of leisure. Under the pressure of unfortunate circumstances. Driven by zeal. Submitting to passion. Out of shame, out of grief, out of despair. Drink out of grief. To eliminate some shortcomings that have arisen due to the force of circumstances and time... Cf. Causality And Through.
See via

due to the fact that see causation

Synonyms: quick reference

dictionary entries found: 1

Resulting in
as a result of which

Thanks to established rules - contrary to established rules. Ο One way or another, despite or thanks to Irina Georgievna’s desire to command, her authority in the eyes of her husband stood immeasurably high. B. Komissarov. Old debts. - It happens that the hopeless recover... But thanks to the drug or in spite of it - only God knows. L. Zhukhovitsky. Stop, look back...
Prince Shein, despite his prominent position in society, and perhaps thanks to it, barely made ends meet. A. Kuprin. Garnet bracelet. And, despite the categorical tone, bordering on offensive, in which Zhukov gave orders, despite this, and perhaps, oddly enough, thanks to this, Vasnetsov himself began to feel some special, new sense of confidence. A. Chakovsky. Blockade. In essence, she was childishly simple-minded and, despite the harsh school of an underground revolutionary, or perhaps because of it, she was accustomed to seeing more good than bad in people. V. Kataev. Violet.
Despite Rastopchin's posters, or independently of them, or as a result of them, the most contradictory and strange news was transmitted throughout the city. L. Tolstoy. War and Peace. Despite his solitude or as a result of his solitude, his life was extremely full. L. Tolstoy. Anna Karenina. [Yesenin] began to read his very last charming poems, which to this day, despite their unheard-of simplicity, or, rather, precisely because of this simplicity, seem beautiful to me to the point of tears. Kataev. My diamond crown.

subsequently or subsequently

Together or separately?

The word “subsequently” is written in all cases together - subsequently .

Separate writing of this adverb will be considered absolutely incorrect from the point of view of the Russian language.


Word " subsequently"belongs to the number of adverbs of continuous writing.

To find out how to spell the word " subsequently", you can try to insert a question or definition between the prefix and the main word.

From the point of view of the Russian language, this is impossible. This means that this word cannot be written separately. However, this word should not be confused with the similar adverb “ due to”, with a vowel “e” at the end. Word " due to“can be written both together and separately, depending on what part of speech it is. We will write the adverb together, but we will write the noun with the preposition separately and with the letter “and” at the end: The judge is confused in the investigation.


  • So Ivan Ilyich began to work as a postman, about which subsequently I have never regretted it.
  • Subsequently You will be able to independently “assemble” phrases from the nouns and verbs we have learned.
  • Nadya studied well, and subsequently the habit of working came in handy at work.
  • Subsequently I'll get used to the diet!
  • If you and subsequently If you are lazy, you will be expelled from the university.

Do you know..

Which option is correct?
(according to last week’s statistics, only 58% answered correctly)

Hello, dear experts of the Russian language. Please tell me whether after the word “will entail” it is necessary to use the word “following” or you can say it like this: “will entail an increase...”

Verb entail in meaning "cause something as a consequence" is usually used with words behind you. But sometimes (rarely) these words are omitted. The Russian language dictionary in 4 volumes (MAS) gives the following example: He was clearly aware that further defense of the fortress would entail huge, unnecessary casualties among the garrison and especially among the soldiers. Stepanov, Port Arthur. Thus, the use of words behind you after will entail is not strictly required.

Question No. 263861
Good afternoon We often use the phrase “This will backfire on you” when we foresee some unfavorable consequence of an action, decision, etc. I would like to know where this expression came from, and why sideways? and in any other place?

Russian help desk response

The origin of this expression is not precisely established. There is a version that it is associated with the sculpting of snowmen, which can turn out bad and ugly if they literally “come out sideways” (that is, if the snowball is uneven, if one side sticks out).

Question No. 240741
Please answer whether a comma is needed before “as” in such cases:
Side effects of drugs such as memory impairment, impaired coordination of movements... ...allows one to prevent such a serious consequence of stress as postoperative depression...
Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Yes, a comma is needed.

Question No. 219678
Please tell me how to spell it correctly: subsequently or subsequently, together or separately?

Russian help desk response

Correct: _subsequently_. Check your spelling in the “Word Check” window (type last*).
Question No. 209726
In these sentences, find speech errors associated with violation of lexical norms. Determine the cause of the error. Correct the sentences. 1) The situation is aggravated by the fact that it is difficult to make accurate forecasts related to the consequences of the accident. 2) He took on the lion's share of responsibility. 3) Our company must express assistance to the district administration in the construction of new houses. 4) The last remnant of free trade are spontaneous bazaars. 5) Many enterprises in this industry have suffered significant damage as a result of incorrect policies. 6) In order to get a decent agreement through, you need to lobby for it. 7) Very extensive work is being done to collect information. 8) All these unplanned actions may well cause a counter-contract.

Russian help desk response

The help desk does not do homework.
Good afternoon. please tell me when to write separately and when to write together: “later” and “subsequently”. Thank you in advance.

Russian help desk response

The adverb _subsequently_ is always written together. Theoretically, it is possible to write _after_ separately as a combination of the preposition _in_ and the noun _after_ in the prepositional case, but it is difficult to find a context in which such a combination would be used.
Question No. 200644
Tell me synonyms for the words “result” and “pleases”

Russian help desk response

_Result_ - consequence, consequence, trace, total, fruit, product, result, sum.
_Please_ - to please (delight), amuse, amuse, amuse, console, delight, delight, give pleasure.

Find out how to spell the word correctly later. When is it used together, and when separately, and when is the ending -i-, -e- written?

In literature, there are two types of uses of the word - subsequently and the phrase - subsequently. It’s just not clear when and which one to use correctly. To understand this problem, you need to repeat the rules of the Russian language. Then all doubts will certainly be dispelled. It wouldn’t hurt to clarify which letter to use at the end: “i” or “e”? More on this later.

How to spell the word correctly: “subsequently” or “subsequently”?

To make sure the spelling is correct, you should determine what part of speech it is. If this is an adverb, then the word is written only together and only the ending -ii- is used at the end. To be precise, the correct usage of the adverb is as follows:

  • subsequently


  1. Svetlana Petrovna changed her profession, about which subsequently I never regretted it.
  2. Subsequently You will use the skill you acquired in this lesson.
  3. Subsequently you will just get used to this diet.
  4. If you and subsequently If you let important information fall on deaf ears, then in the future we will have to talk to you differently.
  5. Nikolai has always been a diligent student, which subsequently it came in handy in life.

IMPORTANT: The word with the preposition - “in” is not used separately, only the word - due to written separately in some cases.

In what cases is “subsequently” written together: spelling rule

Subsequently used together when it is naming and answers the question: “ When?«.


  • Semyon Eliseevich moved to Tula three years ago, however subsequently he still returned to Taganrog.
  • Additional classes benefited Andrey, subsequently he wrote the dictation without mistakes.

In what cases is “later” written separately?

When the word consequence- a noun, then only it is used separately with the preposition - in. More precisely, when it answers the question: “In what?”


  • No one was to blame for the accidental accident.
  • The technologist was to blame for the unfortunate consequence of the accident.

When is it subsequently used separately?

Subsequently: what part of speech, when is the ending “e” written, when is “i”?

Often, when writing a word later, they make a mistake in the ending. In order to determine how to write the letter “i” or “e” correctly at the end, you first need to determine which part of speech the word belongs to. It has already been said above that subsequently is an adverb that answers the question: “When?” In addition, this word can also be changed to the word: After.

And according to the rules of the Russian language, in this case the letter is always written at the end: And.

  • Subsequently my sister told me her secret
  • Author subsequently introduced readers to the history of ancient times.

When is -i- used at the end of a word, and when is -e- used?

Don't confuse the word: due to With - subsequently. Because due to- does not answer any question and can easily be replaced with the preposition due.

Due to, Finally, during is a denominal derivative preposition that is not part of speech or part of a sentence. It creates a certain case form together with other words.


  • In this small town during in just one year, eight huge buildings were built.
  • During For two hours there was a heated discussion of this problem in the audience.
  • Due to When early winter arrives, roses must be pruned and then covered with straw from frost.

Now, after the information provided, you will definitely know how to write the adverb correctly - subsequently. You will not make annoying mistakes that could cause you to lower your exam scores or be considered unliterate.

Video: How to write correctly later?
