

noun, m., use comp. often

Morphology: (no) what? complex, what? complex, (see) what? complex, how? complex, about what? about the complex; pl. What? complexes, (no) what? complexes, what? complexes, (see) what? complexes, how? complexes, about what? about complexes

1. Complex any objects, phenomena, qualities is their totality, set.

Complex of questions. | Complex of representations. | Complex of medical measures. | The firm provides a full range of services.

2. In industry complex name several related industries or enterprises.

Industrial complex. | Agro-industrial complex.

3. Complex- a series of buildings that make up a single architectural ensemble and serve the same purpose.

Trade complex. | Residential complex. | Hospital complex. | Concert and exhibition complex. | To the right, a complex of gray rectangular buildings appeared.

4. In psychology complex call a feeling of fear, anxiety, or embarrassment about a problem, such as one's appearance, abilities, shortcomings, etc.

The child eventually developed a guilt complex towards the mother. | He tried to overcome his inferiority complex. | He is a man without complexes.

5. If you take any action in complex, which means that you perform them in conjunction with other actions.

The problem must be approached as a whole. | We do everything in a complex: massage, physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy.

complex vb., nsv.

Complex about your appearance.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Dmitriev. D.V. Dmitriev. 2003 .


See what "complex" is in other dictionaries:

    Complex- According to GOST 2.101 68* Source ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    complex- a, m. complexe m., adj. English complex lat. complexus. 1. A set of homogeneous elements that make up a certain whole. Pavlenkov 1911. The totality, combination of objects, phenomena, properties. A set of gymnastic exercises. BASS 1.… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    complex- (from lat. complexus connection, combination) the connection of individual mental processes into a whole that is different from the sum of its elements (see the systematic principle in psychology). In this sense, the concept of "K." used by many psychologists (see ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    A collection of similar objects that form a whole. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. COMPLEX is a homogeneous set, considered as one whole. A complete dictionary of foreign words included in ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - (from lat. complexns connection, combination) in psychology, in the most general sense, defined. connection of individual mental. processes into a whole. In a narrower sense, a group of heterogeneous mental. elements connected by a single affect. The concept of K. in this ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    COMPLEX, complex, husband. (lat. complexus, lit. plexus). 1. A set, a combination of phenomena or properties. A complex set of social relationships. A complex of painful manifestations. Complex of representations. 2. (strike. only complex). Method... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    complex- differs from the concept by the relationship that is established between the individual object and the group name ... in the complex the individual is preserved as such, and the complex itself unites various elements not on the basis of an internal ... ... Dictionary L.S. Vygotsky

    Complex- Complex ♦ Complexe A multi-component collection of elements that makes it difficult to perceive the object as a whole. The term "complex" is widely used in psychology and psychoanalysis to refer to a group of conscious or unconscious representations ... ... Philosophical Dictionary of Sponville

    - (from lat. complexus connection, combination) 1) a set, a combination of objects, objects, actions, closely related and interacting with each other, forming a single integrity; 2) a group of interrelated industries, sub-sectors, enterprises, ... ... Economic dictionary

    Aggregate, combination, association, ensemble; doubt, whim, passion, strangeness, weak point, Achilles' heel Dictionary of Russian synonyms. complex, see doubt Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language ... Synonym dictionary

    COMPLEX, ah, husband. 1. The totality, the combination of which n. K. machines. K. submissions. 2. A set of related sectors of the national economy or enterprises of various sectors of the economy. Agro-industrial k. Geographically ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Authors: Khudanova M.M. Polekhina E.A.

physical culture teachers

MOU secondary school №32

Engels, Saratov region.

2010-2011 academic year year
Table of contents

In order to maintain and develop the level of their physical fitness and provide the necessary minimum of physical activity, physical education lessons are not enough within the framework of the educational process.

Homework in physical culture can significantly increase the level of physical activity and help develop basic physical qualities..

Doing homework, students join the systematic physical education. Trying to do their homework well, they learn to work conscientiously, improve their motor skills and abilities, and develop the necessary physical qualities.

Personal experience of working as a teacher of physical culture allows us to assert that homework in physical education, especially in elementary school, instills interest in the subject "physical culture", contributes to increasing physical fitness and fostering independence and responsibility.

The issue of homework in physical culture is problematic, since it is very poorly reflected in the pedagogical literature, and homework in physical culture is characteristically different from homework in other general education subjects. The problems of organizing self-study in elementary school are not disclosed in physical education programs. There is a lack of successful development of theoretical foundations and a practical approach to the organization of independent educational motor activity of primary school students, a science-based system of homework in physical education.

Meanwhile, homework in physical education can not only develop the physical qualities of students, but also reduce the mental overload of children.

The main goal of homework in physical education

preparing students to fulfill the requirements of the physical culture program, developing motor qualities and introducing students to systematic physical exercises.

Tasks, solved with homework:

1) increase in motor activity of students;

2) development of basic physical qualities;

3) prevention of posture disorders;

4) preparation for fulfilling the requirements of the physical culture program;

5).development in children of the simplest methods of self-control over the reaction of their body to the load.

Doing homework, you can solve such health problems as the prevention and correction of students' posture, the formation of personal hygiene skills.

Homework consists of exercises aimed at developing basic motor skills. They may also include the simplest elements of movement technique, simulation exercises, exercises performed systematically, and one-time tasks, lead-up exercises. These can be developmental exercises, exercises for the formation of strong walking and running skills.

Homework can be both theoretical and practical.

As a form of homework, independent motor activity of children is welcomed, which consists in the fact that they themselves choose their own type of activity (cycling, outdoor activities, games with friends, etc.).

Homework should be harmoniously connected with the work in the lesson and should be given after mastering them. It is necessary that the teacher clearly shows the technique of performing the exercise and gives a strict load. Assignments are given at home, respectively, on the topic of the material being passed.

At home, exercises are performed that require long, repeated repetition. It may be included in homework daily performance under the supervision of parents of those sets of exercises that were learned at school.

Homework can be both general for everyone and individual if there is a backlog in any section or topic.

When doing assignments at home, the teacher needs to orient the students to the obligatory observance of sanitary and hygienic conditions for their implementation, pay great attention to ensuring their safety during the exercises (preparedness of the place - the absence of unnecessary items, etc.).

The time spent on homework should not exceed 15-20 minutes.

For homework to be effective, it is necessary to perform them systematically. The teacher must exercise control over their implementation. Such control is carried out, first of all, in the classroom. It may consist in checking the correctness of the exercises, monitoring physical development, as well as in performing the technique of a particular exercise.

Control over the implementation of homework is carried out in a current, frontal way. The correctness of the exercises is checked, the increase in indicators of the level of physical fitness is assessed.

At the same time, the teacher should also direct parents to the need to observe, stimulate and encourage the children to complete the given exercises.

Control over the performance of homework is carried out by the method of questioning, conducting regular testing (the names of the winners for each test are placed on the "Champion" board), evaluating the correctness of the performance of the given exercises, which are demonstrated by the students.

Rules organization of self-study in physical culture.

1. Exercises should be easy to coordinate and accessible to students.

2. Exercises are selected, the quantitative results of which, if systematically performed, increase after a certain time.

3. According to the execution time, tasks are divided into short-term and long-term ones.

4. Tasks are given individually and in groups.

5. Assignments become more difficult over time.

6. The task corresponds to individual characteristics.


A primary school student does not care much about how his today's exercises will affect his tomorrow's well-being, condition. For him, the main thing is to receive momentary satisfaction of his needs. Therefore, in elementary school, the emotional coloring of exercises and their figurative explanation are of great importance. For primary school, there are types of classes that contain only elements of independence. For example, homework: the teacher gives precise instructions for doing the exercise, and the student has to follow these recommendations and do homework (repetition of exercises is an element of independence).

So, in order to prepare students for independent physical exercises, it is necessary to give them a fairly wide range of knowledge, to form skills and abilities, not limited to the content of the educational material of the program. First of all, students must master the motor skills that they will use during self-study.

From the very first lessons, students must be required to comply with the dosage of time and load.

Homework in physical education.

Grade 2



1 quarter.


Implementation of the complex U.G. No. 1.



Implementation of the complex U.G. No. 1.



Drawing up an individual daily routine for the new academic year. Run at a slow pace 300-500m.

Taking into account individual employment in circles, sections, etc.


Performing self-monitoring for correct posture.



Leading exercises are performed by students who do not know how to jump at all. Perform when possible.


Performing jumping rope or leading exercises to jumping.


Performing turns on the spot on command.


Repetition of the long jump technique from a place.

Pay attention to the coordination of the work of the hands and feet.


Fixing the technique of long jumps from a place.

Pay attention to landing technique.


Completion of the complex U.G No. 2 (daily)



Repetition of the technique of throwing at a horizontal target.

From a distance of 2-4 meters.


Fixing the technique of throwing at a horizontal target.


Finding your pulse.

On the wrist, neck.


Determination of your pulse.

Time can be recorded by parents, relatives.


Endurance training in running at a slow pace.

For a given distance


Endurance training in running at a slow pace.


Outdoor games with running and jumping at the choice of students.

Subject to weather conditions.


T-shirt, shorts. Czechs (kets).

2 quarter


Repeat grouping while sitting, lying on your back, in a squat.


Repetition and implementation of the U.G complex No. 3, learned in the lesson (daily).



Lifting the torso from a supine position (daily.

The dosage is individual. Hands to shoulders.


Bending-extension of arms in an emphasis lying (daily). The girls put their hands up.



Repetition of stops, sits, racks.


Repeat turns in place on command.


Repeat the execution of turns in place on command.


Walking count.


Walking, running, jumping at the pace of a song or music.


Repetition of side steps to the right, to the left, forward, backward in the tempo of the music.



Performing the dance steps learned in the lesson at the pace of the music.


Performing arbitrary dance movements to the tempo of the music.


D / s on vacation: active recreation on a skating rink, a hill. Skiing.

Subject to weather conditions

3rd quarter


Doing balance exercises.


The implementation of the complex U.G. with the ball learned in the lesson.

If possible.


Throwing the ball from hand to hand.

If possible.


Throwing and catching a ball or objects.

Can be performed with a small ball, tennis ball, soft toy. Throw 1-1.5 meters.


Tossing and catching a ball or objects with a clap or two clap.


Throwing and catching a ball or objects while performing squats.


Active recreation on skis, ice skates, ice-skates.



Skiing, ice skating, ice skating.


Skiing, ice skating, ice skating.


Performing exercises to develop the strength of the muscles of the legs.

Squats, pistols (squats on one leg).


Repetition of the recitative of the outdoor game "Cosmonauts"


Prepare counters for outdoor games.


Winter outdoor games.


Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back, abdominals, legs and arms. The load and exercise options are selected depending on the availability of conditions, the material base: (dumbbells, sports corner, etc.); as well as the level of preparedness of students.


Imitation of impact with the inside of the foot on a f/b ball.


Performing exercises to develop the strength of the main muscle groups.


Performing exercises to develop the strength of the main muscle groups.


Outdoor ball games


4th quarter


Performing jumps over small obstacles (vertical and horizontal).

Vertical - 40 cm high. Horizontal - up to 100 cm.


Imitation of a high jump using the "bending legs" method without overcoming the bar.


Imitation of a high jump "stepping over without overcoming the bar"


Balanced running.

Provide instruction on how to regulate the load and pace when running. Remind the basics of proper running technique.


Balanced running.


Balanced running.


Balanced running.


Deal with the movements of the legs during the run-up repulsion and landing. Do it schematically.


Jumping games.


Jumping games.



Outdoor ball games in the yard.



Outdoor games in the yard at the choice of students.


Outdoor games in the yard at the choice of students.


3rd grade

1 quarter

Implementation of the complex U.G. No. 1.



Repetition of the high start technique.


Consolidation of high start technique.


Drawing up an individual regimen of the day for the student.




Imitation of a long jump with a running start.

Understand the technique of performing the steps of the run-up, repulsion and landing.



Performing a complex of hardening procedures.



Jumping over a short rope.


Balanced running.


Balanced running.


Balanced running.


Balanced running.


Throwing for a distance.



Outdoor games with running and jumping.


Preparation of clothes and shoes for gymnastics.

2 quarter


Repeat and perform the U.G complex No. 3, learned in the lesson (daily).


Repetition of turns.


Repetition of the technique of grasping the rope with your feet.

You can imitate the movement using a rope, a belt (for those who do not know how to perform a grip.


Implementation of the complex ex. for the prevention of posture disorders

Do it systematically.


Repetition of grouping and rolling.

Perform on a mat, mattress.


Imitation of leg movements when performing a jump on a gymnastic bridge.


Lead-up exercises to perform the vault (from the lying support to the crouching support).

Perform without taking your hands off the support.


Performing walking, jumping, movements in the rhythm of the music.


Consolidation of gallop steps and side steps.



Repetition of a combination of learned dance steps



Performing dance exercises to the rhythm of the music.


D \ z for the holidays: Active rest on the rink, hill. Skiing.

Subject to weather conditions

3rd quarter


Drawing up and execution of a complex of outdoor switchgear with a ball.


Performing tossing and catching the ball.

For students with poor ball handling skills.


Performing exercises with the ball.


Performing tossing and catching the ball with complication (squat, clap)


Implementation of the outdoor switchgear complex with a skipping rope.



Performing exercises to develop the strength of the muscles of the hands.


Imitation of throwing the ball at the basket from two steps.



The position of the hands when receiving the ball.


Implementation of the complex ex. for the prevention of posture disorders.



Implementation of the complex ex. for the prevention of flat feet.


Implementation of the complex ex. to develop balance.


Learn in class.


Repeating the imitation of hitting the ball with the inside of the foot.

Strictly explain the rules of implementation and dosage.


Implementation of the complex ex. to develop the strength of the abdominal muscles.

Learn in class


Implementation of the complex ex. to develop leg muscle strength.


Drawing up a complex of physical minutes.


Preparation of clothes and shoes for athletics.

For training on the court and in the hall

4th quarter


Imitation of a high jump from a straight run.

From three to five steps.


Determination of heart rate at rest and after exercise.


Perform exercises to develop leg muscle strength.

The dosage is individual.


Perform exercises to develop leg muscle strength.



Performing exercises to develop the strength of the muscles of the shoulder girdle.


Learning recitative p / and "Golden Gate" and "Mousetrap"


Imitation of throwing the ball at a distance.

Strictly explain safety precautions when performing throwing.



Performing jumps over a long rotating rope with running.


Understand the takeoff steps when throwing the ball for a distance.


Performing a run-up when throwing the ball for a distance.


Uniform running

The dosage is individual.


Uniform running

Perform systematically


Uniform running


Compliance with the rules for taking sun and air baths, the rules of behavior on the water. Variants of mobile games.

4th grade

No. p / p



I Quarter


Repetition of safety rules in physical education lessons.



Drawing up a complex of morning exercises No. 1.


Repetition of the daily routine of the student.


Performing exercises to develop leg muscles.


Drawing up a set of warm-up exercises for performing jumps.



Repetition of the long jump from a place.

Jump after warm-up.


Compilation of exercises for the development of strength of the arms and back.

Ask those who wish.


Repetition of the technique of throwing the ball at the target.


Drawing up a set of warm-up exercises for throwing the ball at a distance.


Drawing up a set of warm-up exercises for performing l / a exercises.


Drawing up and implementation of a complex of physical. minutes number 1.


Repeat high start position.


Drawing up a complex of outdoor switchgear with a rope.

In the presence of a jump rope.


Preparation of clothes and shoes for gymnastics.


Performing a complex of hardening procedures.


II Quarter


Repetition of safety rules in gymnastics lessons.


Drawing up a complex of morning exercises No. 2.


Drawing up a set of exercises for the development of flexibility.


Learning dance exercises, steps.


Repetition of the technique of performing a roll forward, backward.


Drawing up a set of exercises for the development of back muscles.


Drawing up a set of dance exercises.


Drawing up and implementation of a complex of physical. minutes number 2.


Repetition of lead-up exercises for rope climbing. Grab the rope with your feet.

Hand tools.


Drawing up a set of exercises for the development of balance.


Repetition of combat exercises.




Drawing up a complex of outdoor switchgear with a hoop.

With a hoop.


Active recreation on skiing ice skates.

III Quarter


Repetition of safety rules when practicing outdoor games.


Preparation of clothes and shoes for outdoor games.


Repetition of the recitative of the outdoor game "Two frosts".


Repetition of the recitative of the outdoor game "Cosmonauts".


Repetition of the recitative of the outdoor game "Mousetrap".


Drawing up a complex of outdoor switchgear with a ball.

When there is a ball.


Repetition of the basketball stance.


Compilation of a set of exercises for the development of movement accuracy.


Drawing up a set of breathing exercises.


Performing a set of exercises to prevent posture disorders.



Repetition of the stance of a volleyball player.


Drawing up a set of exercises for the prevention of visual impairment.

At the request of the students.


Performing a set of exercises for the prevention of visual impairment.

If possible daily.


Drawing up a complex of outdoor switchgear with a bench.


Drawing up a complex of morning exercises No. 3.


Learning the outdoor game "Ball over the rope."


Repetition of the rules of the game of pioneerball.


Drawing up and implementation of a complex of physical. minutes number 3.


Performing a set of exercises for the prevention of flat feet.



Yard outdoor games.


Preparation of outdoor ball games.

When there is a ball.

IV Quarter


Preparation of clothing and footwear for athletics.


Repetition of safety rules in the gym and on the sports ground.


Repetition of the technique of passing the ball with the inside of the foot.

When there is a ball.


Performing jump rope.


Drawing up and performing a complex of morning exercises No. 4.


Repetition of the standing long jump technique.


Repetition of the basic rules for doing independent exercises.


Drawing up and implementation of a complex of physical. minutes number 4.


Repetition of imitation of run-up steps in the technique of throwing the ball for a distance.


Repetition of racks. Main stand, st. with different hand positions.


Drawing up and performing a set of exercises for the development of abdominal muscles.


Compilation and implementation of a set of exercises with the ball.

When there is a ball.


Balanced running.



Determining your heart rate at rest and after 12 squats.


Performing a set of exercises to assess the general condition of the body.


Keep a self-control diary.


Expansion of physical culture and sports work, improvement of its organization at the place of study is one of the urgent problems of physical education at school. Of great importance here is the formation in schoolchildren of the desire for independent physical self-improvement.

It is necessary to organize daily physical education classes for all students in the classroom and after school hours. The solution to this problem largely depends on the ability of students to use the means of physical culture to improve their health, maintain high performance, and self-study skills.

Physical culture, being a part of the general culture, largely determines a person's behavior in studies, at home, in communication, contributes to the solution of socio-economic, educational and health problems.

DATA FOR 2017 (standard replenishment)

Complex 9K79 "Tochka", missile 9M79 / OTR-21 / 9M79M - SS-21A SCARAB-A / FROG-9

Complex "Tochka-R", rocket "Tochka-R" 9M79R / 9M79FR

Complex 9K79-1 "Tochka-U", missile 9M79-1 / 9M791 - SS-21B SCARAB-B

Complex 9K79M (?) "Tochka-M" - SS-21C SCARAB-C

Divisional (tactical) missile system. The development of the complex at the Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering (Kolomna) began in 1967 after the transfer to the KBM of the documentation of the preliminary design of the Tochka complex with the V-614 MKB Fakel rocket. In contrast to the "Point" of the MKB "Fakel", the "Point" of the KBM had wings, aerodynamic rudders changed, the destabilizer was removed, and other missile systems were changed. Chief designer - S.P. Invincible. Full-scale development was set by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 148-56 of March 4, 1968. 120 enterprises were involved in the development and production of the missile system. The missile control system was created by TsNIIAG, the chief designers were B.S. Kolesov and A.S. Lipkin. Solid propellant rocket propellant charges were developed by NPO Soyuz (headed by academician B.P. Zhukov). The creation of a self-propelled launcher and TZM was carried out by the design bureau of the Barrikady plant (Volgograd, chief designer - G.I. Sergeev).

Factory tests of the rocket began in 1971 (the first two launches) at the Kapustin Yar test site (launches from the test launcher developed by KBM, preparation for testing began at the test site in January 1970). The production of prototypes of the SPU and TZM complex was carried out by the Barricades plant (Volgograd) on the chassis produced by the Bryansk Automobile Plant. In 1973, mass production of missiles "Tochka" (later - "Tochka-U") began at the Petropavlovsk heavy engineering plant (Petropavlovsk, ). Since 1989, the production of Tochka missiles has also been carried out by the Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant (). State tests of the complex were carried out in 1973-1974. (Kapustin Yar, Transbaikalia, Turkestan Military District, Transcaucasian Military District). Serial production of the machines of the complex began in 1973 at the Petropavlovsk Heavy Machine Building Plant - the plant was the head enterprise for the production of the missile system. The 9K79 "Tochka" complex was officially adopted by order of the USSR Ministry of Defense No. 0011 in August 1975 with a 9M79 missile with two types of warheads - high-explosive fragmentation and special (nuclear) - and began to enter the missile divisions of motorized rifle and tank divisions of the USSR ground forces in 1975-1976

The modernization of the Tochka complex in order to increase the range and improve accuracy began in 1984. Tests of the Tochka-U complex were carried out at the Kapustin Yar test site from August 1986 to September 1988. Climatic tests were carried out in 1989 in Zabaikalsky and Turkestan Military District. The 9K79-1 "Tochka-U" complex was put into service in 1989, the mass production of missiles was launched at the Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant in the same year. The Tochka-U complex can use missiles of the Tochka complex. In the documentation for the negotiations on the INF Treaty, the missiles of the Tochka family were referred to as OTR-21.

The Kapustin Yar training ground, the division of complexes 9K79 "Tochka" is operating ("60 years in the ranks of the Kapustin Yar training ground. 1946-2006, GCMP "Kapustin Yar", 2006)

Reconstruction of projections of missiles 9M79 "Tochka" and 9M79-1 "Tochka-U" SS-21 SCARAB. From left to right: the first four are Tochka training missiles (white stripe in the tail), a high-explosive warhead is installed on the third missile and the porthole of the optical system for receiving the missile's flight mission is visible under the red plug, the fourth missile is in the transport position; the fifth and sixth (also training) - Tochka-U missiles, the fifth - the remnants of a combat missile discovered in Georgia during the Georgian-Ossetian conflict in August 2008 (DIMMI (c) 2009)

The use of OTR "Tochka-U" against targets in Georgia from the territory of North Ossetia (Russia) during the Georgian-Ossetian conflict on August 12, 2008, 10-48 local time. On the left is a snapshot of the Tochka-U launch for comparison (original photo of the Tochka-U launches in Ossetia - Musa Sadulaev, Associated Press)

Launcher- at the stage of the preliminary design of the complex, it was supposed to use units on the chassis of the Kharkov Tractor Plant.

SPU 9P129 / 9P129M / 9P129M1 / 9P129-1 / 9P129-1M (the last two - the Tochka-U complex, at least 1989) on the floating chassis BAZ-5921 with one missile was developed by the design bureau of the Barrikady plant (chief designer G .I. Sergeev), production - plant "Barricades", chassis production - Bryansk Automobile Plant. The first two SPUs and one TZM were handed over by the plant for testing at the end of 1971. The production of SPUs and TZMs was carried out at the Petropavlovsk Heavy Machine Building Plant.

Propulsion on the water - water cannons. The launcher is equipped with a heat-shielding container-casing to ensure the temperature regime of the rocket head. The SPU is equipped with life support equipment for operations in the contaminated area, the launch can be carried out by the crew from the SPU. SPU is air transportable by An-22, Il-76 aircraft and, with restrictions, by An-12B and An-12BP aircraft. In some sources, the chassis is called "ZIL-375".

SPU differences:

9P129 - use any missiles except "Point-R"

9P129M / 9P129M1 - any missiles can be used

9P129-1 - use any missiles except "Point-R"

9P129-1M - any missiles can be used

Wheel formula - 6 x 6

Engine (SPU and TZM) - diesel 5D20B-300 with a power of 300 hp at 2600 rpm with generators G-1 and G-2 (type - VG-7500) with a power of 9 kW

Length - 9490 mm

Width - 2890 mm

Height on the march - 2340 mm

Ground clearance - 357 mm

Track width - 2275 mm
Base - 2800+2600 mm
Front overhang - 2238 mm
Rear overhang - 1848 mm

Turning radius - 12 m

Climbing-descent angles - 78 degrees.

Departure angle into the water - up to 15 degrees.

The angle of exit from the water - up to 12 degrees.

Lateral roll - up to 20 degrees.

Elevation angles guide SPU at start-up - 78 degrees. (at any range)

The angles of horizontal guidance guide SPU - + -15 degrees.

Lifting speed of the guide with the rocket to the starting position - 15 s

Weight with rocket and crew - 18145-18200 kg (17945 kg - "Point")

Standard fuel supply - 350 l

Range on the highway - 650 km

Speed ​​with a rocket on the highway - up to 60 km / h

Speed ​​with a rocket on the ground - up to 40 km / h

Off-road speed with a rocket - 5-15 km / h

Speed ​​with a rocket on water - 6-8 km / h (10 km / h according to official data)

Calculation - 3-4 people

Technical resource - 15000 km of run

Operating temperature - from -40 to +50 degrees C

Warranty period of operation - 10 years (including at least 3 years in the field).

SPU 9P129M of the Tochka complex with a rocket (photo from one of the exhibitions in the early 2000s).

TZM complex 9T128 / 9T218-1 / 9T218-1M (the last two modifications - "Tochka-U") on a similar floating chassis BAZ-5922, equipped with a crane, carries 2 missiles. TZM is air transportable similarly to SPU 9P129.

Length - 9485 mm

Width - 2782 mm

Height on the march - 2373 mm

Weight - approx. 18000 kg

Loading time of missiles on TZM - 22-30 min

Rocket reload time at SPU - 15-30 minutes

Crane lifting capacity - 2-2.7 tons

Calculation - 2 people

Transport-loading vehicle 9T218-1, tarpaulin removed,

missile warheads are covered with heat shields.

Transportation and long-term storage of missiles, missile and warheads of missiles is carried out in transport metal containers 9Y234 (missiles) and 9Y236 (warheads). Storage in TZM 9T218 is allowed. Transportation of missiles and warheads is carried out by transport vehicles of the 9T222 or 9T238 complex (ZIL-137 or ZIL-137T truck tractor, respectively, with a 99511 semi-trailer) - 2 missiles or 4 warheads. The difference between transport vehicles in the tractor and the method of transmitting torque from the tractor to the axles of the semi-trailer: 9T222 - hydraulic transmission, 9T238 - mechanical transmission. For the storage and transportation of nuclear warheads, storage vehicles are used - a special onboard vehicle of the NG2V1 / NG22V1 type. For arsenal and storage operations, airfield storage carts 9T127 and 9T133 (for missiles, missile units) and 9T114 (for warheads) are used. The guaranteed shelf life of missiles with conventional warheads and missile parts is 10 years (including 2 years in the field). missiles and warheads can be transported by BTA aircraft and Mi-6, Mi-8 and Mi-26 helicopters.

Transport vehicle 9T238 with containers 9Ya234

Missiles 9M79, 9M79M and 9M79-1:
number of stages - 1 (rocket body material - aluminum alloy). The warhead is inseparable.

The main differences between missile parts:

9M79 - the first version of missiles complex "Tochka"

9M79M - the ability to use with a warhead with a passive seeker, a new set of cables and a new DAVU 9B65M (9M79R "Tochka-R" missile) are used on the missile part. Since 1983, all missiles of the complex have been produced with a new set of cables.

9M79-1 - a missile with a modernized solid propellant rocket engine (fuel mass is 80 kg more), re-arranged instrument and tail compartments and with an increased range ("Tochka-U").

Launches of 9M79 Tochka missiles, presumably 2009-2010. (photo from Konst archive,

Missile systems 9K79-1 "Tochka-U" with 9M79M "Tochka" missiles at the exercises of rocket and artillery units of the 5th combined arms army of the Eastern Military District, Sergeevsky combined arms training ground, March 2013. The launch of 9M79M "Tochka" missiles was conditional. (

Rocket 9M79-1 "Tochka-U", presumably 2009-2010 (photo from Konst archive,

Control system and guidance
- missile control system (developed at TsNIIAG, chief designers - B.S. Kolesov and A.S. Lipkin.) inertial using a 9B64 command-gyroscopic device (developed by NPO Electromechanics, Miass), a discrete-analog computing device 9B65 ( DAVU), on-board automation unit 9B66, turbogenerator control unit 9B150 and angular velocity and acceleration sensor DUSU-1-30V. A 9B149 turbogenerator is used to power and operate the steering gears.

The command-gyroscopic device 9B64 is a gyro-stabilized platform (GSP) with two gyrointegrators installed on it (perform the function of an accelerometer) and two zero-speed indicators (to bring the GSP frame to the horizon at the start). A multifaceted prism is installed in the lower part of the GSP, which serves to set the GSP at the start using the optical system of the launcher. The GSP includes functional diagrams: a three-channel system of power
gyroscopic stabilization, a two-channel system for bringing the GPS to the horizon (pitch and yaw), a system for azimuthal aiming of the GPS along the rotation axis (Y), elements for measuring the angular and linear parameters of the rocket's movement. DAVU 9B65 consists of a discrete (digital) computing device DVU and an analog computing device AVU. The flight task number (slant range) is entered into the TLD in digital form and all calculations are carried out similarly to a classical computer with a fixed point. To transfer numbers in the TLD, a parallel code is used. By the number of addresses, the TLD is a 3-address machine, the speed is 5120 operations per second.

The rocket is controlled using aerodynamic lattice rudders (9B69 electric steering machines - two upper and 9B68 - two lower) at the initial and final stages of flight, on the active part of the trajectory synchronously (on the same shaft) with aerodynamic rudders, tungsten gas-dynamic rudders are also involved. At the final stage of the trajectory, the rocket, at the command of the altitude radio sensor, dives at the target at an angle of 80 degrees. To undermine warheads above the ground, a laser sensor is used.

The SPU is equipped with ground-based control and launch equipment with aiming and topographical reference systems. The 1T28 topographic location equipment is installed on the SPU, the pre-launch check of the missile is carried out by the 9V390 ground control and launch equipment built into the SPU (from the 1V57 Argon-1S digital computer, starting from the SPU 9P129M - 1V57M), the missile is guided and flight data is entered with the transport doors closed a compartment with a rocket in a horizontal position using the 9Sh129 aiming system (the command-gyroscopic device of the rocket is adjusted through the window of the optical system). To calculate the flight task and calculate the angle of turn of the GSP, maps of the area corrected according to the results of aerial and space photography are used - the active units are provided with such materials by the Space Intelligence Center of the GRU. The production of the Argon computer of the 1V57M version and later was carried out by the Kishinev Radio Engineering Plant.

During the operation of the complex, different types of 1V57 computers were used:

1V57-16 - 1V57 with firmware for AKIM 9V819
1V57-15 - 1V57 with firmware for SPU 9P129
1V57M-15 - 1V57M with firmware for AKIM 9V819M

The missile control system uses a "single-coordinate" method of range control (tested for the first time on Onega missiles), control takes place both in the active and in the passive sections of the flight trajectory.

Rocket "Tochka-U" - the control system of the rocket is built on a new element base. Information about the possibility of redirecting the rocket after launch is a media fiction. Digital computer in SPU A15-12-12 (series "Argon" with a system of commands ES computers).

Command-gyroscopic device - 9B64-1

Discrete analog computing device - 9B638

Block of on-board automatics - 9B66-1

Turbogenerator control unit - 9B150-1

Angular velocity and acceleration sensor - DUSU-1-30V

Turbogenerator power supply - 9B185

Steering machines - 9B89 (4 pcs)

For comparison, systems similar in purpose to the SPU of the Oka (left) and Tochka-U (right) complexes.

Rockets 9M79 / 9M79M "Tochka" - solid propellant rocket engine, single-mode, fuel charge - 9X151, fuel - DAP-15V - mixed solid fuel of the first or second generation (judging by the specific impulse). Composition: oxidizing agent - ammonium perchlorate, fuel - rubber with aluminum powder. The engine housing is made of high alloy steel. The engine nozzle is made using siliconized graphite, silicon and tungsten. The ignition system includes two 15X226 squibs and a 9X249 igniter. Development of the engine charge - NPO "Soyuz" (supervisor - Academician B.P. Zhukov).

Engine thrust - 9788 kg

Engine weight - 926 kg

Fuel weight - 790 kg

Engine operating time - 18.4-28 sec.

Pressure in the combustion chamber - 69 kg/

Specific impulse - 236 units

Rocket 9M79-1 "Tochka-U" - solid propellant rocket engine, single-mode, fuel - mixed solid, oxidizer - ammonium perchlorate, fuel - rubber with aluminum powder and additives. Engine nozzle redesigned. A new charge of fuel developed by NPO Soyuz is used.
Specific impulse - up to 300 units

The solid propellant rocket engine of the 9M79 Tochka rocket (Zestaw Rakietowy 9K79. Opis techniczny. Warszawa, Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej, 1989 Poland)

The design of the 9X151 fuel charge (1) of the 9M79 Tochka rocket solid propellant rocket motor with armor impregnated with a non-combustible composition of cotton fabric (2). (Zestaw Rakietowy 9K79. Opis techniczny. Warszawa, Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej, 1989 Poland)

TTX missiles:


15-70 km ("Point" / "Point-R" according to the project and actually)

20-120 km ("Tochka-U" / 9M79-1)

185 km (SS-21C)

Flight speed - 1036 m / s (9M79-1)

The maximum height of the trajectory is 26000 m (9M79-1)

Minimum trajectory height - 6000 m (9M79-1)

50-200-250 m ("Point")

45 m ("Point-R")

160-300 m ("Point-U")

From several to 50 m - an average of 15 m ("Tochka-U" during the IDEX-93 exhibition, 5 launches)

10 m at a range of 56 km ("Point-U")

165 m ("Tochka-U", warhead 9N123F, range 35 km, standard*)

210 m ("Tochka-U", warhead 9N123K, range 35 km, standard*)

200 m ("Tochka-U", warhead 9N123F, range 70 km, standard *)

235 m ("Tochka-U", warhead 9N123K, range 70 km, standard *)

* - standard = taking into account the error in the coordinates of the target no more than 100 m and the launch point no more than 80 m

The time of transmission to the rocket of control commands and equipment settings at launch (maximum) - 118 ms

Start time after pressing the "Start" button - 1-1.2 s

Start-up time from readiness No. 1 - 2 minutes

The time from the beginning of the rise of the rocket to launch - 15 s

Flight time to maximum range - 136 s

Rocket flight time - 43 - 163 s

Start time from the march - 16-20 minutes

Shutdown time after start-up - 1.5 min

SPU reload time with TZM - 19 min

The storage time of missiles in running order is up to 10 years (as of 1975, later the warranty storage periods were repeatedly increased)

Storage time in the field - 2 years
Time to replace the warhead on a rocket in the field - 15 minutes

The probability of hitting a target with 2 9M79F missiles is 90%

Operating conditions of the 9K79 complex - temperature from -40 to +50 degrees C, terrain altitude up to 3000 m from sea level, wind speed up to 25 m / s. For a short time (up to 6 hours), the complex can be operated at temperatures down to -60 degrees. C and up to +60 degrees. C. For the use of the complex, weather data are not required (except for temperature with an accuracy of 10 degrees C).

The cost of the telemetric version of the 9M79-1T missile of the 9K79-1 "Tochka-U" complex as of 2009, according to unconfirmed data, is 9.189.623 rubles ( ist. -

Missile consumption complex "Tochka" full-time for hitting different types of targets:

Combat equipment: "Tochka" / "Tochka-U" (missiles 9M79 / 9M79-1, respectively), "Tochka-R":

- rocket 9M79F / 9M79-1F- high-explosive fragmentation warhead of concentrated action 9N123F / 9N123F-1. The warhead was put into service as part of the first version of the 9K79 Tochka complex. The BCH 9E118 non-contact explosive device includes a radio sensor, which at an altitude of 450 m (+ -50 m) gives the command to turn the missile into a dive at an angle of 80 degrees. (+-5 degrees). To compensate for the angle of inclination of the dive trajectory, the charge of the high-explosive warhead is deployed relative to the axis of the warhead hull at an angle of 10 degrees. A high-explosive warhead is detonated at a height of 15 + -6 meters on command from a laser sensor (optics - "Zenith"). The 9E117 safety actuator is an electromagnetic device with 2 safety stages - the first stage is removed at the moment the rocket is launched (i.e. after pressing the “Start” button); the second stage is removed at a given height of the final segment of the trajectory (18 - 4 km, depending on the launch range) on command from the control system. Educational and training split model warhead - 9N123F-RM; overall weight model warhead - 9N123F-GVM.

Warhead diameter - 650 mm

Warhead weight - 482 kg

Mass of explosives (TG20 - TNT hexogen) - 162.5 kg

Number of fragments - 14500 pieces

Shard types:

1 group - weighing 20.6 gr. - 6000 pcs.
Group 2 - weighing 10 g - 4000 pcs.
Group 3 - weighing 5.47 g - 4500 pcs.

The affected area is 2-3 hectares

Warhead 9N123F (numbers indicate - 1 - non-contact fuse 9E118 with a radio sensor 9E326 and a laser sensor fuse; 2 - case 9N310; 3 - high-explosive charge case; 4 - charge; 5 - fiberglass; 6 - semi-finished combat elements; 7 - safety actuator 9E117 with two contact sensors 9E128 (Zestaw Rakietowy 9K79. Opis techniczny. Warszawa, Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej, 1989 Poland)

The 9E331 radar fuse can be used in warheads - the warhead with 9E331 differs from the warhead with 9E118 in the absence of two special windows for optics. The 9E118 laser fuse and the 9E331 fuse were developed by the Design Bureau of the Impuls plant, chief designer V.E. Dubrovin, deputies - for the radar fuse - V.V. Fisher and for the laser fuse - R.A. Vanetsian. ( ist. -

- missile 9M79B / 9M79-1B
- nuclear warhead 9N39 with a nuclear warhead AA-60, power 10 kt; training version - 9N39-UT; The warhead was put into service as part of the first version of the 9K79 Tochka complex. Developed by VNIIEF (Sarov / Arzamas-16).

- rocket 9M79K / 9M79-1K- cluster warhead 9N123K includes 50 fragmentation submunitions 9N24 weighing 7.45 kg each, the mass of explosives A-IX-20 is 1.45 kg (the body of the submunition consists of 18 rings); turning on the target, undermining the central charge and opening the warhead is initiated by a 9E326 radio sensor at an altitude of 2250 m. case warhead - 9N311. The warhead was developed and put into service by 1980 (USSR State Prize).
TTX warhead:

Warhead length - 2325 mm

Warhead diameter - 650 mm

Warhead weight - 482 kg

Number of fragments - 15800 pieces

The number of fragments in one fragment element - 316 pieces

Fragment weight - 7 grams

The affected area is 3.5-7 ha

The fragmentation element explodes at an angle of encounter with an obstacle from 25 to 90 degrees or 32-60 seconds after the cluster warhead is detonated.

Warhead 9N123K. The numbers indicate: 1 - 9E326 radio sensor, 2 - 9E237 contact fuse of a fragmentation element, 3 - 9N24 fragmentation submunition, 4 - 9N311 warhead body, 5 - 9X34 central charge, 6 - 9E117 safety-actuator, 7 - means of stabilizing the combat element ( Zestaw Rakietowy 9K79 Opis techniczny Warszawa, Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej, 1989 Poland)

- rocket 9M79B1- nuclear warhead of special importance 9N64 with an AA-86 warhead, power up to 200 kt according to one and 100 kt according to other data; training version - 9N64-UT (identification of the name of the warhead is conjectural), the missile was put into service by 1981 (USSR State Prize). Developed by VNIIEF for the rocket complex "Tochka-U" (Sarov / Arzamas-16, ist. - Veselovsky).

- rocket 9M79B2- nuclear warhead of special importance AA-92, entered service probably after 1988 (not mentioned in the technical description of the 1988 edition of the complex, unlike the others). Developed by VNIIEF for the rocket complex "Tochka-U" (Sarov / Arzamas-16, ist. - Veselovsky).

- chemical warheads- monoblock and cassette - the development of chemical warheads for Tochka missiles was started by decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 788-257 of September 14, 1970. The production of ammunition was carried out by decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of January 1974. The assembly of ammunition was carried out in the assembly shop No. 74 of the chemical plant in the city of Novocheboksarsk (Chuvash ASSR).

- chemical warhead 9N123G ("Geranium"?)- cluster warhead for the 9M79 missile of the Tochka complex equipped with V-gas (R-33). Production of warheads - NPO "Khimprom" (Novocheboksarsk), gas production - plant No. 91 of the chemical industry of the USSR. The munition was not demonstrated at the presentation of domestic chemical munitions to international observers in Shikhany in 1987.

OV weight - 60.5 kg
The mass of OV with a combat element is 930 gr.
The number of ammunition in storage in the village of Shchuchye (1987) - 94 pieces

- chemical warhead 9N123G2-1- cluster warhead for the 9M79-1 missile of the Tochka-U complex equipped with soman gas (R-55). Warhead production - NPO "Khimprom" (Novocheboksarsk), gas production - plant No. 91 of the chemical industry of the USSR. The ammunition was not demonstrated at the presentation of domestic chemical munitions to international observers in Shikhany in 1987.
The number of combat elements in the warhead - 65 pieces
Mass of OV - 50.5 kg
The number of ammunition in storage in the village of Shchuchye (1987) - 39 pieces

- rocket "Tochka-R" 9M79R / 9M79FR / 9M79-1FR(the first two are the 9M79M missile unit, the third is 9M79-1) - high-explosive fragmentation warhead 9N123F-R / 9N123F-R2 / 9N123F-R3 with a passive radar seeker 9N215, the affected area is more than 2 hectares (20,000 sq.m). There is an assumption that the models P2 and P3 differ in that one of them is designed to destroy pulsed radars, and the other - for constantly emitting ones. If the frequency of the target radiation is not set during preparation for launch, then the warheads operate as conventional high-explosive warheads.

- Warhead 9N123-UT / 9N123K-UT / 9N123F-UT / 9N123F-R2-UT / 9N123F-R3-UT- training warheads of Tochka and Tochka-U missiles with different types of warheads.

The composition of the complex"Dot":

SPU 9P129 / 9P129M

Transport vehicle 9T238 (ZIL-137T tractor with 99511 semi-trailer) or 9T222 (ZIL-137 tractor with 99511 semi-trailer), 9T222 - transmission of torque from the tractor to the axles of the semi-trailer is hydraulic, 9T238 - mechanical - transports 2 missiles or 4 warheads;

Automated control and testing machine (AKIM) 9V818, 9V819 and 9V819M (ZIL-131 chassis with kung K131) or 9V820 - for checks and maintenance work with missiles, missile units and warheads. The AKIM 9V819 equipment includes a digital computer 1V57 or A15-12-11 (on AKIM 9V819-1).
Length - 7490 mm
Width - 2070 mm
Height - 2300 mm
Ground clearance - 330 mm
Weight - 9330 kg

Maintenance vehicle 9V844 (ZIL-131 chassis) - for checking SPU and AKIM equipment.
Length - 7490 mm
Width - 2405 mm
Height - 3370 mm
Ground clearance - 330 mm
Weight - 9849 kg
Highway speed - up to 80 km / h

Command and staff vehicle R-145BM on the chassis of the BTR-60 (with radio stations R-130, R-111, R-123)

Set of arsenal equipment 9F370

Training aids

Containers for missiles 9Ya234

Containers for warheads 9Ya236

Aerodrome storage trolley 9T114 with expandable bed (for transportation of container 2Ya236)

Length - 4467 mm (with container 9Ya236)

Width - 1330 mm

Height with container - 1217 mm

Weight with a container with a warhead - 1161 kg

Own weight - 300 kg

Aerodrome storage trolley 9T127

Aerodrome storage trolley 9T133 (for transportation of container 2Ya234)

Length with containers - 7855-7975 mm

Width with containers - 2520 mm

Height with containers - 1966-2016 mm

Weight with 2 containers with missiles - 6275 kg

Own weight - 1115 kg

Automated control and testing machine 9V819-1 with electric generator ESV-12

The composition of the "Tochka-U" complex:
- SPU 9P129-1 / 9P129-1M
- TZM 9T218-1 / 9T218-1M
- Transport vehicle 9T238 (tractor ZIL-137T or ZIL-4401 with semi-trailer 99511) - transports 2 missiles or 4 warheads;
- Automated control and testing machine (AKIM) 9V818-1, 9V819-1 (ZIL-131 chassis) or 9V820-1
- Maintenance vehicle 9V844 / 9V844M (ZIL-131 chassis)
- Command and staff vehicle R-145BM on the BAZ-5921/5922 chassis (with radio stations R-130, R-111, R-123)
- Set of arsenal equipment 9F370-1
- Training facilities, containers for storing and transporting missiles, storage and other facilities are similar to the Tochka complex.

The Tochka-R complex is a combination of SPU 9P129M / 9P129M1 / 9P129-1M with 9M79R / 9M79FR / 9M79-1FR missiles.

In addition, to ensure the operation of the Tochka and Tochka-U complexes, the following units and technical means are used:
- 9F625 - a complex simulator for training PU calculations.
- 2U43 - simulator of the control panel mech.-water. PU.
- 2U420 - operator simulator.
- 2U41 - a simulator for training the correctness of reading from the 1G17 gyrocompass.
- 2U413 - simulator-rocket 9M79F, interaction of the elements of the complex.
In the technical departments:
- cranes 9T31M1
- washing and neutralization machines 8T311M
- and other equipment.

Degrees of readiness complexes "Tochka" and "Tochka-U":
- Readiness 5 - missile blocks have been checked and are on the 9T238 or TZM 9T218 transport vehicle or on the SPU 9P129. The term of being in readiness is 10 years indoors or 2 years in the field.
Time standard for alerting - 21 minutes (27 minutes when using nuclear warheads)

Readiness 4 - warheads are attached to missile pods, missiles have been checked and are on TZM 9T218 or on SPU 9P129. The term of being in readiness is 2 years.
Time standard for alerting - 23 minutes

Readiness 3 - missiles with warheads on SPU 9P129 located in the stowed position at the location of the missile brigade. Target coordinates unknown. The term of being in readiness is 2 years.
Time standard for alerting - 20-30 minutes
The time limit for launching a rocket from readiness is 17 minutes after arrival at the starting position

Readiness 2 - missiles with warheads on SPU 9P129 located at the starting position, SPU supports on the ground, topographical reference has been made, the missile has been checked by means of SPU, target coordinates are unknown. The term of being in readiness is 6 months.
Time standard for alerting - 2-3 minutes
The time limit for launching a rocket from readiness is 4.5 minutes

Readiness 1 - missiles with warheads on SPU 9P129 located at the starting position, SPU supports on the ground, topographic reference has been made, the rocket has been checked by SPU, autonomous power sources of the SPU are turned on, preparations for the launch of the rocket have begun. The term of being in readiness is 180 hours in cycles of 3 hours with pauses of 25 minutes or 6 hours without a break.
Time limit for launching a rocket from readiness - 2 min 20 s


Approximate projections of the V-611 (Volna) air defense missile system, V-614 "Tochka", 9M79 "Tochka", 9M79-1 "Tochka-U" missiles and the section of the 9M79 missile (the last three with high-explosive warheads). 01/17/2010 the drawing is based on the projections of an unknown author with significant changes in size, proportions and modifications,

Complex 9K79 "Point"
, basic missile block 9M79 or 9M79M (tests since 1971, adoption - 1975) - options for completing the missile with warheads - by 1975 - 9M79F and 9M79B, later - 9M79B1 / 9M79F / 9M79K - the first serial modification of the complex .

9M79M "Tochka" missile at the exercise of rocket and artillery units of the 5th Combined Arms Army of the Eastern Military District, Sergeevsky Combined Arms Range, March 2013. The launch of 9M79M "Tochka" missiles was conditional. (

Complex 9K79 "Tochka", missile 9M79K- a missile with a cluster warhead 9N123K was developed and put into service by 1980 (USSR State Prize).

Complex 9K79 "Tochka", missile 9M79B1- a missile with a nuclear warhead of special importance 9N64 with an AA-86 warhead was put into service by 1981 (USSR State Prize).

Complex "Tochka-R", rocket "Tochka-R" 9M79R / 9M79FR / 9M79-1FR, base missile unit - 9M79M or 9M79-1 (1983) - the development of a modification with a passive radar-homing head for aiming at radio-emitting targets was started by decision of the Military-Industrial Commission under the USSR Council of Ministers of April 1, 1971. Full-scale development was started by the Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering not earlier than 1975. Military tests of the complex and adoption into service - 1983. It differs from the missiles of the Tochka complex with a warhead with a passive radar seeker 9N915 and is used with a missile unit 9M79M ("Tochka-U" - with a missile unit 9M79-1) with modified control system. Any standard warheads can also be used. It can be used with SPU 9P129M ("Tochka"), 9P129M1 and 9P129-1M ("Tochka-U"), missiles are tested by AKIM 9V819M and 9V819-1.

Complex 9K79-1 "Tochka-U"
, base missile unit 9M79-1 (tests - 1986, adopted in 1989) - an improved version of the Tochka complex (range and accuracy have been increased - the solid propellant rocket fuel composition has probably been changed and a more modern element base is used in electronic systems) . The tests of the complex were carried out at the Kapustin Yar test site from August 1986 to September 1988. Missile options by warhead types - 9M79-1B, 9M79-1F, 9M79-1K, 9M79-1FR and others (see above - Combat units).

Rocket 9M79B-UT / 9M79F-UT / 9M79K-UT- training missiles of the Tochka complex; training missiles are produced using the hull and mechanical parts of combat missiles, instead of fuel, mock-ups are installed, instead of squibs - simulators, control devices and electrics - real workers.

Rocket 9M79M-UT
- training rocket of the "Tochka" complex with the base rocket block 9M79M;

Rocket 9M79-UR
- training split rocket of the Tochka complex;

Rocket 9M79-GVM / 9M79M-GVM
- weight-and-weight mock-ups of missiles of the "Tochka" complex (the second one with the 9M79M missile unit); Dimensional and weight mock-ups of missiles are produced using the body and mechanical parts of combat missiles, mock-ups are installed instead of fuel, mock-ups are installed instead of squibs and devices, electrical wiring is from combat missiles.

Rocket 9M79-1-UT
- training missiles of the "Tochka-U" complex;

Rocket 9M79-1-UR
- training split rocket of the "Tochka-U" complex;

Rocket 9M79-1-GVM
- weight-and-weight model of the rocket of the Tochka-U complex

Rocket 9M79-1T- telemetric version of the rocket complex "Tochka-U" ( ist. -, 2009).

Complex 9K79M (?) "Tochka-M"(1997) - according to Western data, since the 1990s, an even more long-range and accurate version of the complex has been developed. Press mentions are as of at least November 1997. No other data yet.

Self-propelled launcher 9P129M OTR "Tochka"

Transport-loading vehicle 9T218 OTR "Point"

Transport vehicle 9T238

The layout of the rocket "Tochka" / "Tochka-U" (scheme from the site

Status : USSR (Russia):

1976 - the beginning of the receipt of Tochka complexes in separate missile divisions of motorized rifle and tank divisions. The division included two batteries, the battery included two Tochka launchers.

1981 - located on the territory of the GDR (GSVG, later - ZGV), in total in the USSR - 140 complexes.

1985 - in the European part of the country, together with FROG-7, about 700 complexes.

1987 - 265 complexes.

1988 - missile battalions are withdrawn from motorized rifle and tank divisions and reduced to separate missile brigades of district and army subordination. The brigade included 3-4 divisions (12-16 SPU "Point"). In total, at least 16 missile brigades with Tochka and Tochka-U complexes were formed in the USSR Armed Forces. All are deployed in the European part of Russia:

123rd Missile Brigade (Konotop village) of the 1st Guards Separate Army of the Kyiv Military District, later disbanded;

152nd Missile Brigade (Chernyakhovsk) of the Baltic Military District;

189th Missile Brigade (Balti settlement) of the 14th Guards Separate Army Odessa Military District, later disbanded;

199th Guards Rocket Dresden Order of Alexander Nevsky Brigade (Novograd-Volynsky, Nesterov, Devichki) of the 8th Tank Army of the Carpathian Military District (re-equipped from the 9K72 complex) - later became part of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (see below);

233rd Missile Svirskaya Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky Brigade (Zaslonovo) of the 7th Tank Army of the Belarusian Military District (re-equipped from the 9K72 complex) was later disbanded; previously based in the village of Slobudka, Brest region, on February 25, 1989, the brigade was transferred to the state 8/421 complex 9K79 "Point"; in July 1989, the brigade included 118, 199 and 256 ORDN and the brigade was redeployed from Slobudka to the village of Zaslonovo, Lepelsky district of Belarus. It was disbanded in 1994 already as part of the 65th Army Corps of the Army of Belarus.

432nd Missile Brigade (Wurzen) of the 1st Guards Tank Army of the Western Group of Forces, withdrawn to the Carpathian Military District (Nadvirnaya settlement) disbanded;

442nd Missile Brigade (Gvezdov) of the TsGV, withdrawn to the village of Shuya, Moscow Military District - disbanded;

449th Missile Brigade (Arnstadt) of the 8th Guards Separate Army of the Western Group of Forces, withdrawn to Olovyannaya of the Trans-Baikal Military District, disbanded;

The 458th Missile Brigade (Neustrelitz) of the 2nd Guards Tank Army of the Western Group of Forces was withdrawn to the Baltic Military District (Kamenka), disbanded;

459th Rocket Brigade (Gyor) of the Southern GV, withdrawn to Belaya Tserkov, Kyiv Military District, disbanded;

460th Rocket Brigade (settlement of Tseli) of the 5th Guards Tank Army of the Belarusian Military District, disbanded;

461st Missile Brigade (Slavuta) of the 13th Combined Arms Army of the Carpathian Military District, disbanded;

463rd Missile Brigade (Sovetsk) of the 11th Guards Separate Army of the Baltic Military District, disbanded;

The 464th Missile Brigade (Fürstenwalde) of the 20th Guards Separate Army of the Western Group of Forces was withdrawn to Kapustin Yar of the North Caucasian Military District, disbanded;

465th missile brigade (village of Tseli) of the 28th separate army of the Belarusian Military District;

669th separate missile division of the SGV (Byalogard);

595th Separate Missile Battalion of the SGV (Sventoshuv);

Separate divisions were also in the Moscow, North Caucasian, Leningrad and Baltic MDs.

1989 - 289 complexes.

1991 - 300 complexes (310 nuclear charges for SS-21);

1991 - the Tochka and Tochka-U complexes were consolidated into 15 missile brigades with the following deployment:

ZGV - 5 rbr;

Belarusian VO - 3 rbr;

Carpathian VO - 2 rbr;

Kyiv Military District - 2 rbr;

Odessa Military District - 1 rbr;

Baltic VO - 1 rbr;

Moscow VO - 1 rbr;

December 30, 1991 - on the basis of the 114th missile brigade withdrawn from the Northern Group of Forces (Poland), the 1st Guards Orsha Order of Suvorov and Kutuzov 2nd degree missile brigade was formed (North Caucasian Military District, Krasnodar, re-equipped with 9K79 "Dot").

1993 - during the exhibition of weapons IDEX-93, 5 demonstration launches of Tochka-U missiles were carried out (KVO from several to 50 m).

1995-1996 - complexes "Tochka" and "Tochka-U" are used during the first Chechen war of the 464th and / or 114th RBR of the North Caucasian Military District.

1998 - 20th Guards Berlin Twice Red Banner Missile Brigade of the 15th Combined Arms Army (Spassk-Dalny as of 1985-1991), re-equipped with 9K79-1 "Tochka-U" complexes 1990 release. A missile training division with 9K79-1 "Tochka-U" systems operates in the Far Eastern Military District.

1999 September-October - the Tochka-U complex was used by the 464th RBR of the 58th combined arms army against targets in Grozny and Bamut during the second Chechen war.

1999 October 21 - US intelligence notes the use of 5-6 Tochka-class missiles on targets in Grozny during the second Chechen war.

November 1999 - according to some Western data, about 130 Tochka missiles were used in Chechnya during the war.

2000 June - according to Western data, the OTR "Tochka" connection is located in the Kaliningrad region.

2002 autumn - according to Fedorov L.A. (see list of sources) secretly destroyed in the course of experiments on the destruction of chemical weapons 195 submunitions of chemical warheads packs "Tochka".

December 1, 2006 - based on the results of research special tactical exercises, the staff of the 20th Guards Berlin Twice Red Banner Missile Brigade was changed. The mobile repair and technical base (PRTB) was liquidated and a separate missile technical division (ORTD) was organized. The changes are most likely caused by the refusal to use nuclear warheads on tactical carriers, the storage and maintenance of which was carried out by the PRTB. These changes also affected other missile formations in Russia.

2006 September - during the exercises "Southern Shield-2006" the 92nd RBR of the 2nd Guards Army of the Volga-Ural Military District fired OTR "Tochka-U" at the Donguz training ground of the Orenburg region.

2008 August 8-12 - the Tochka-U complex was used by the Russian Armed Forces during the Georgian-Ossetian conflict against targets in Georgia. In total, the 1st or 464th RBR of the North Caucasian Military District (15 SPU) probably participated in the hostilities. According to the US Department of Defense, a total of 15 launches of SS-21 missiles were made.

TZM 9T218 complex "Tochka-U" near the Roki tunnel (August 2008, Russian TV)

Original photo of Musa Sadulaev (10-48 local time August 12, 2008, Assotiated Press)

Enlargement of the missile "Tochka-U"

And in a few more seconds (Associated Press)

2009 - according to Western data, 140 Tochka and / or Tochka-U complexes are in service.

October 8, 2009 - firing exercises of the 152nd Guards Rocket Brigade were held at the Pavlenkovo ​​training ground in the Kaliningrad region. Firing was carried out with Tochka 9M79 or 9M79M missiles.

The "Tochka-U" launcher with the "Tochka" missile of the 152nd RBR during firing at the Pavlenkovo ​​training ground in the Kaliningrad region, 10/08/2009 (photo from the Konst archive,

October 29, 2009 - during firing practice at the Lugi training ground (Leningrad region), a standard Tochka-U rocket exploded. The explosion occurred at an altitude of 1000 m a few seconds after launch. According to the representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, Colonel Alexei Kuznetsov (RIA Novosti), the rocket was out of service. An investigation is underway into the causes of the emergency self-destruction.

2009 - based OTP 9K79 "Tochka" and 9K79-1 "Tochka-U" as part of the Russian Armed Forces (according to Internet sources):

Military unit Military district Number of SPU Note
20th Guards Berlin Twice Red Banner Missile Brigade (Spassk-Dalniy settlement) of the 5th Combined Arms Army
Far Eastern 12 since 1998, the brigade has been re-equipped with Tochka-U complexes. Composition - 9K79-1 "Tochka-U" + 9 KShM R-145BM. 2013 - on staff.
107th Missile Brigade (Birobidzhan / Semistochny settlement) Far Eastern 12 9K720 "Iskander-M"
26th Missile Brigade (Luga) Leningradsky 12 9K79-1 "Tochka-U" + 9 KShM R-145BM, as of 2009, possibly equipped with 9K720 "Iskander-M" complexes
112th Guards Rocket Brigade (Shuya) Moscow 12 9K720 "Iskander-M"
448th Missile Brigade (Kursk) Moscow 12 9K79-1 "Tochka-U" + 9 KSHM R-145BM, in the future it is planned to upgrade to 9K720 "Iskander-M"
92nd Missile Brigade (Kamenka near Penza) Volga-Ural 12 9K79-1 "Tochka-U" + 9 KShM R-145BM, since 2007, rearmament to 9K720 "Iskander-M" complexes has been announced
119th Missile Brigade (Elansky settlement) Volga-Ural 12
1st Guards Missile Orsha Order of Suvorov and Kutuzov Brigade (Krasnodar) North Caucasian 12 since 1991-1992 9K79-1 "Tochka-U" + 9 KSHM R-145BM, in the future it is planned to upgrade to 9K720 "Iskander-M"
464th missile brigade (Kapustin Yar, Znamensk, Astrakhan region, since 1992) North Caucasian 12 9K79-1 "Tochka-U" + 9 KSHM R-145BM, in the future it is planned to upgrade to 9K720 "Iskander-M"
103rd Rocket Brigade (Drovyanaya village, Ulan-Ude) Siberian 12 9K79-1 "Tochka-U" + 9 KShM R-145BM, since 2005, rearmament to 9K720 "Iskander-M" complexes has been announced
ORDN of the 60th Center for Combat Use (Kapustin Yar, Znamensk-6, Astrakhan Region) North Caucasian, central subordination 4 9K79-1 "Tochka-U"
ORDN Center for combat use Far Eastern 4 9K79-1 "Tochka-U"
152nd Guards Rocket Brest-Warsaw Ord. Lenin Red Banner Ord. Kutuzov II degree brigade (Chernyakhovsk, Kaliningrad) Baltic Fleet 12 9K79-1 "Tochka-U" + 9 KShM R-145BM
TOTAL in the Russian Armed Forces 140

- 2010 - according to Western data at the beginning of the year, as part of the Russian Armed Forces, 18 RBRs armed with Tochka complexes with 216 SPU complexes. We consider these data to be inaccurate and overestimated.

May 09, 2010 - 152nd Guards Rocket Brest-Warsaw Ord. Lenin Red Banner Ord. Kutuzov II degree brigade (Chernyakhovsk, Kaliningrad) with installations "Tochka" took part in the parade on Victory Day in Kaliningrad.

Launchers of complexes "Tochka" at the Victory Parade in Kaliningrad. May 9, 2010 (photo - Natalia Ambra,

- 2011 January 24 - The media report that the Russian military base in South Ossetia (Tskhinvali, Java) received 1 division of Tochka-U missile systems, probably one of the missile brigades of the North Caucasus Military District.

September 22, 2011 - during the exercises "Center-2011" at the Kapustin Yar training ground, group launches of OTR 9M79 were carried out by means of the 9K79-1 "Tochka-U" complexes together with the battery of the 9K720 "Iskander-M" complexes.

Launch of the 9M79 rocket of the 9K79-1 "Tochka-U" complex, the Kapustin Yar test site, 09/22/2011 (photo by Vadim Savitsky,

Missile systems 9K79-1 "Tochka-U" with 9M79M "Tochka" missiles at the exercises of rocket and artillery units of the 5th combined arms army of the Eastern Military District, Sergeevsky combined arms training ground, March 2013. The launch of 9M79M "Tochka" missiles was conditional. (

- 2013 July 14 - The Ministry of Defense today announces that the 103rd missile brigade of the 36th Army of the Eastern Military District, during the inspection of units and formations of the Air Defense Forces, has been brought to the highest degree of combat readiness. At present, the brigade, armed with the Tochka-U complexes, has deployed its complexes at the starting position in the area of ​​​​the Divisional training ground near the city of Ulan-Ude, has completed a set of camouflage measures and is in readiness to complete the assigned combat training tasks ().

September 22, 2013 - the missile brigade of the Western Military District (probably the 26th Neman Red Banner Missile Brigade, Luga) successfully fired the Tochka-U rocket launcher, probably with 9M79K Tochka missiles ().

Missile launches complexes "Tochka-U" of the Western Military District, the test site in Luga, Leningrad Region. 09/22/2013 (frames of the Zvezda TV channel,

The archaeological complex near the city of Teotihuacan is one of the best preserved from the ancient culture of the Aztecs. The two largest pyramids are well preserved - the Sun (225 m at the base and 65 m in height) and the Moon (about 150 m at the base and 42 m in height), as well as the temple of the most "popular" of the Mayan gods - Quetzalcoatl.

n The largest building in the city of Teotihuacan. Located between the Pyramid of the Moon and Ciutadella in the shadow of the massive mountain Cerro Gordo, it is part of a large temple complex. The height of the pyramid is 63.5 meters.

n The second largest building after the Pyramid of the Sun in the city of Teotihuacan. Located in the northern part of the city. From some Indian dialects, the name was translated as "protective stone" or "mother".

n Coatlicue - "she is in a dress of snakes", Coatlantonan - "our snake mother". Goddess of earth and fire, mother of the gods and stars of the southern sky. It contains both the beginning and the end of life. She was depicted in clothes made of snakes. She is the mother of the sun god Huitzilopochtli. According to the myth, Coatlicue was a pious widow and lived with her sons Senzon Witznahua ("four hundred southern stars") and daughter Coyolshauki - the goddess of the moon. Every day, Coatlicue climbed Mount Coatepec ("serpent mountain") to offer a sacrifice. Once, on the top of a mountain, a ball of feathers fell to her from the sky, which she hid in her belt; this ball instantly disappeared. Coatlicue soon felt that she was pregnant. Upon learning of this, the children were furious, and the daughter advised the brothers to kill the disgraced mother. But the child in Coatlicue's womb promised to protect her. When the assassins approached, Huitzilopochtli, having been born, attacked them and put them to flight, and Coyolxauqui cut off his head. Coatlicue is the personification of the earth, from which the sun (Hutzilopochtli) emerges every day, driving away the moon and stars. At the same time, Coatlicue is the goddess of death, since the earth devours everything living.

n The Aztecs showed themselves as the most skillful builders, sculptors, stone carvers, potters, jewelers, weavers. The art of making products from the bright feathers of tropical birds enjoyed special honor. Feathers were used to decorate warriors' shields, clothes, standards, and headdresses. Jewelers worked on gold, jadeite, rock crystal and turquoise, showing extraordinary skill in creating mosaics and ornaments.

The Aztec culture absorbed the rich traditions of the peoples who lived in Central Mexico, mainly the Toltecs, Mixtecs and others. The Aztecs developed medicine and astronomy, and had the beginnings of writing. Their art flourished in the 14th and early 16th centuries. The main monumental structures were tetrahedral stone pyramids with a temple or palace on a truncated top (the pyramid at Tenayuca north of Mexico City). The houses of the nobility were built of adobe and faced with stone or plastered; The rooms were located around the courtyard. The walls of religious buildings were decorated with reliefs, paintings, patterned masonry. n Monumental cult sculpture - statues of deities, ornamented altars - amazes with grandiosity, heaviness (the statue of the goddess Coatlicue is 2.5 m high). The so-called "Stone of the Sun" is famous. Realistic stone sculptural images of heads are world-famous: "Warrior. Eagle", "Dead Head", "Sad Indian". Particularly expressive are small stone or ceramic figurines of slaves, children, animals or insects. On a number of architectural monuments, the remains of wall paintings with images of deities or marching warriors have been preserved. The Aztecs skillfully made feather decorations, polychrome ceramics, stone and shell mosaics, obsidian vases, and the finest jewelry. n The rich and distinctive culture of the Aztecs was destroyed as a result of the Spanish conquest in 1519-21 n

n Human sacrifice, which was an essential part of the Aztec religious rites, was practiced in order to supply the gods with energy and thereby delay the inevitable death of the human race. Sacrifices, the Aztecs believed, were necessary to maintain a sustainable life cycle; human blood nourished the Sun, caused rains and ensured the earthly existence of man. Some forms of sacrifice were limited to bloodletting through the thorns of the maguey plant, but often the priests killed the victim by ripping open the chest with a knife and tearing out the heart. In some rites, a chosen one was sacrificed, who had the honor of embodying a deity, while in others many captives were killed.

n The sacred city of the Itza people, known as Chichen Itza, is located 75 miles east of the city of Mérida, the capital of Yucatan, Mexico. In translation, from the language of local tribes, this name means “Well of the Itza tribe”. Archaeologists consider it one of the places of power associated with the Mayan culture.

Translated from the Quechua language - Old Mountain. The ancient city of the Incas, located on top of a mountain range at an altitude of 2057 meters above the valley of the Urubamba River.

This is something whole, consisting of separate elements, united by one purpose and performing some common task. Also, the complex is a concept that lies in the field of psychology. For example, we are talking about it when a person considers himself inferior. Let's look at this concept in more detail.

Inferiority complex

A list of negatively colored thoughts is called, which often concern the human body and its mental abilities.

It seems to the unfortunate that, according to certain parameters, he loses to other people. The complex develops in the early years of life under the influence of maternal or paternal condemnations, and also as a result of mistakes, failures, disappointments. At the age of 12-16 years, when the mechanisms responsible for self-affirmation play the most important role in behavior, this deviation is finally formed, and the teenager begins to behave not quite normally. Many young people know what an inferiority complex is, but they do not consider themselves subject to it.

How does this deviation manifest itself?

In order to assert himself, a person begins to try to be better than others in everything and by any means tries to emphasize his own superiority. If you follow the actions of people who are under the yoke of an inferiority complex, then their abnormal timidity, constant fear and excessive sensitivity become obvious. It is very difficult for them to live. Such people often suspect that someone is secretly mocking them, they are very suspicious and tend to take everything personally.

That's what a complex is. It's really awful, you wouldn't wish that on anyone.

How is the idea of ​​own inferiority formed?

If you dig deep, then the most basic emotion on which this deviation is based is fear. Of all the senses, it is he who occupies a dominant position in infancy. A child who has not been fed on time seems to die without food, he is controlled by fear, and therefore he screams and bursts into tears. Years go by, and now the baby becomes a teenager. And during this period in his life from time to time there are moments of weakness, confusion, loneliness, and there may also be cases that contribute to the loss of self-confidence. This is how a teenager develops an idea of ​​his own inferiority. If a mother or father often criticizes him, emphasizing his inferiority, then the complex completely takes over him, and a person may not get rid of him until his death. Of course, his life itself becomes flawed. However, knowing what a complex is, you can try to get rid of it; often a psychologist can help with this.

All life under the yoke of the complex ...

If we take into account that fear is often all-encompassing and actively growing, then confidence in one's inferiority goes into all aspects of life. In particular, there is a feeling of mental inferiority.

The unfortunate person constantly compares himself with those around him at the subconscious level and comes to the conclusion that they are better than him in everything. And he allegedly lacks knowledge, abilities, he is in a more depressing position, etc.

What else are complexes?

Every city has a mall, and often more than one. How is it different from regular stores? Mainly because this place is intended not only for shopping, but also for family holidays.

Large grocery supermarkets are often located on the ground floors of shopping malls. However, in addition to food, here you can buy a variety of household goods, the cost of which is quite low.

All sorts of boutiques selling clothes and shoes, as well as discount centers can be located on the second and third floors.

Often there are bookstores in shopping malls. Also, traditionally, they are cinemas with more or less halls.

And a little more about the complex

The word "complex" is used even when it comes to exercises that pursue a specific goal, for example, weight loss. This type of physical activity is aimed at areas of the body that are problematic. In fact, the meaning of the word "complex" is known to most people. Many people have heard about the benefits of physical activity. What should be considered when performing such a set of exercises?

Most importantly, exercise should not tire you out. Do not follow the example of professional athletes. The fact is that excessive and too zealous loads can lead to the fact that the body begins to store energy. It is logical that you will constantly want to eat.

Food helps replenish energy. And your main task is to reduce weight, and not set a record, and this is what the complex is aimed at. You must always remember this.

Standard list of exercises for weight loss

Light exercise, walking at a brisk pace, calm running and measured swimming for 45-60 minutes - this is a typical list of weight loss exercises that are simply indispensable for overweight people. All this helps to achieve the goal. Those who want to lose weight should understand that swimming has an important advantage: a certain amount of energy is spent as a result of movement, but at the same time, weight loss is also due to the fact that the body constantly strives to maintain optimal body temperature, and as a result, some more fat is burned.

Now you know what a complex is. This word will no longer lead you into bewilderment, it has become extremely clear to you.
