Correctional educational purposes:

  • introduce the letter "Yu";
  • teach children to clearly utter the sound "Yu";
  • allocate the sound "yu" in a number of vowels;
  • determine the position of the sound "Yu" in words;

Correctional and educational purposes:

  • develop phondatic hearing;
  • develop breathing;
  • develop a shallow motor

Correctional and educational purposes:

  • form cooperation skills;


  • listi.
  • pictures with sound "Yu";
  • mirrors;
  • cards;
  • letter "Yu";
  • counting sticks;
  • hedgehog with pictures;
  • toy yula;

Organizing time

In the morning we go to the courtyard -
The leaves will rain
Under the legs rustle
And fly, fly, fly ...

When does it happen? (Autumn)

Close your eyes, imagine that you came to the forest - around the leaves, berries and mushrooms are predicted between them. The breeze blows and breaks the leaves from the trees. Yellow, red, dry. And wears them along the paths. See how many leaves.

The exercise for breathing "fly autumn leaves": children blow on paper leaves lying on their palms.


Exercises with ears.

"Find and show the ears"

"Purify the ears"

"Pull the ears"

"Melting ears"

acquaintance with new material

Who is a rustling there?
- This is a hedgehog. She drags on their needles for us pictures.
(Each of the children fit and takes a picture. In the pictures drawn pictures with the sound of Yu). (Yula, Skirt, Yurt, I.T.).
- Today we will get acquainted with the sound "Yu".

All the letter Yu,
Holds his wand.
So look like that -
Old woman with a cloth.

articulating gymnastics "tube"

My lips - tube -
Turned into a shoe.
Loud I can blow it:
Du-doo, Du-doo.

sound Articulation "Yu"

When pronouncing the sound [YU], the tongue is slightly pulled out of the lower teeth, the lips are rounded, but do not protrude forward as when they say the Russian sound "y" . Sound pronounced voice.
Julia New Yulia.
Faded on the floor.
Yu-La! Yu-La! -
Quickly spin Yula.
Ah, hurt the shoe,
Vzhzhik! - fell on the barrel.
Yulia Yulia His.
Turned into the letter ... (s).

sound characteristic "Yu"

Sound "Yu" - vowel sound.

i catch the sound "Yu"

The speech therapist pronounces sounds, syllables, words, children "catch" only with the sound "Yu":
- A, O, Y, YU, S, and, E ...
- MU, MI, IA, EM, YUM ...
- Magnifier, table, yula, soap ...

sound position in the word

Determine which trailer to plant the hedgehog (where the sound of "Yu" is in words). (Pictures).

fizminutka "Leafs Autumn"

We are autumn leaves.
On the branches we sat.
Dulled the wind - flew.
We flew, we flew,
And I sat on the ground again.
The wind came up again
And the leaves loose everything.
Splits, fleece
And on Earth quietly sat down.

Play with Yuly.

To visit the ball of Yula
Once invited was.
How to get to her friend?
After all, Yula goes in a circle!


Julia New Yulia

Faded on the floor.

Yu-La! Yu-La! -

Quickly spin Yula.

Oh zajaka shoe

Vzhzhik! - fell on the barrel.

Yulia Yulia His.

Turned into the letter ... (s).

acquaintance with the letter "Yu"

To not be paid
Tightly to the Stage Priba.
Oh, watch what happened:
It turned out ...... letter Y.

1) showing letters.
2) What does the letter look like?
3) Lay out the letter from the sticks.


What tasks seemed difficult to you?
- What tasks did not cause difficulties?

In this lesson, you will learn about the letter of the Yu and sounds that it indicates, recognize the functions of the letter Yu in words, learn how to write the title and small letters of Yu, perform interesting tasks.

This lesson begins with a conversation about the letter, and not about sound, as usual, because in Russian Total six vowel soundsthat you already know well. And here "Vowels" letters - ten.

If you say out loud letters YUthen you can hear that it consists of two sounds - [yu]. The first sound is very short - [th] - This consonant, ringing, always mild sound. [y] - The second sound, it is vowel. So, sounds [yu] The letter is written in the letter YU.

Today in the lesson we will help Yura and Julia(Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Julia and Yura ()

Before showing the first letters in your names, they want to know if you can call the first sounds of their names in words.

Perform a task. Pronounce words on pictures and choose the sounds of the sounds [yu].

It - bind (Fig. 3).

Fig. 4. Nasturtium ()

And this is - nasturtium (Fig. 4).

Sound [yu] Heard in the Word "Bind.

It - jacket (Fig. 5).

And this is - skirt (Fig. 6).

Sound [yu]heard in the Word "skirt".

It - chum (Fig. 7).

And this is - yurt (Fig. 8).

Sound [yu] Heard in the Word "yurt".

So, you heard the sounds [yu] Can be pronounced at the beginning of words and in their middle.

We find out how these sounds are heard after vowels. Listen to the lullaby (Fig. 9) and count how many sounds [yu] You will hear.

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
Do not lie on the edge:
Will come sulfur wolf
And dragged behind the barrel.

Fig. 9. Lullaby ()

Four sounds are well audible in this lullaby song. [yu].

Yura and Julia decided to play the game called "Talk with the letter YU".

Yura will ask questions, and Julia - answer. And you help, looking at the pictures.
What is your favorite toy?

YUla (Fig. 10)

What planet do you know?

YUpeter (Fig. 11)

Who do you want to become?

YUnGO (Fig. 12)

What bird do you know?

YUrock (Fig. 13)

What do you like the plant?

They differ only in size.

To ABOUT not picked up

Tightly to the Stage Priba.

Oh, watch what happened:

It turned out ... Letter YU (Fig. 16) .

Fig. 16. Letter YU()

Read poets and find out what the letter looks like YU.

In the arena, the tamer -

Terrible Tigers Lord.

He like letter YU, with ring

To the tigers boldly faced(Fig. 17) .

Fig. 17. Tiger

All the letter bent YU,

Holds his wand.

So look like that -

Old woman with a cloth.

If you didn't eat a bagel,

If he is still with you

Then in one good

It will come in handy now.

Let's play a little bit.

Side - fork,

Near - a spoon.

Write down your notebook -

This letter - letter YU.

And the letter YUthere is a similarity with a number 10 (Fig. 18).

Letter YU Everyone will help in the campaign:

On the way, in the unknown edge,

We are a compass - the best arc.

One capital letter YU

It is marked south(Fig. 19) .

To better remember the letter, cut it out of plasticine or lay it out of any materials. Draw a funny picture from the letter YU And make the exhibition of drawings.

Writer Victor Khmelnitsky advises to look at more attentively YU:

Look at the letter YU And probably notice that it consists of two letters: N. and ABOUT.

True, on mom - letter ABOUT - YU more like, but also dad - letter N. - It can easily find their features and a fucking(Fig. 20) !

Fig. 20. Letters N. and ABOUT ()




Read the syllables S. I :

"Who? - asked the letter I, -

Replace me ready? "

Answered the letter YU:

"If necessary - I will replace!"

Read the syllables S. yu:

You noticed that consonants before vowels I and YU Read gently. So, the second job at the letter YU same as the letter I- show softness of consonantsfollowed by which they are written. In such cases, vowels I and YU Indicate not two sounds, but one. Read:




G. rultrasound




T. ryuk

In these words, solid consonants are highlighted with green color, and soft - blue.

Consider writing letters YU and compare them with printed (Fig. 21).

Fig. 21. Written and printed letters Yuu. ()

We will learn to write a capital letter YU. There are two elements in it. She resembles written letters N. and ABOUT(Fig. 22).

Fig. 22. Writing a capital letter YU ()

We start writing a letter YUlike a letter N., from the middle of an additional line. We write a small smooth line, rejecting a little right. Then we lower the straight inclined line without reaching the bottom line of the working line, we make the rounding to the left, touching it. We carry a smooth line up, deviating to the right, cross the upper line of the working line. Stop. We start writing an oval without a separation. We carry the semi-alone line down, rotate to the right, touching the bottom line of the working line. We raise the line up, we spin the line to the left at the level of the first element. Lower down and closed oval.


  • the letter is very wide, the oval turned out to be like a circle.

Try to write the letter in the notebook yourself. Remember the correct oblique position of the notebook. Keep the correct handle with three fingers. Keep your back and do not lean very low above the notebook.

Write a small letter yu. It has three elements. She looks like small letters n. and about(Fig. 23).

Fig. 23. Writing a small letter yu ()

We start writing the letter on the top line of the working line. From top to bottom to the bottom line of the working line we write the oblique straight. We return in a straight line up to its middle, we make a small loop or turn the point and lead a smooth line to the right (as the rope has saved). We start writing oval. We carry a semi-alone line to the right to the bottom line of the working line, touching it, raise the line up. Split left by touching the top line of the working line. Lower down and closed oval.

Try to write such a letter in the air. Write it to the back side of the handle on the palm.

Consider possible writing errors Letter yu:

  • the letter is very wide.

Try to write the letter in the notebook on your own.

We will connect the title and small letters using an additional stick that needs to write the desired size, depending on the connection (bottom or upper). Little letter yu The upper connection can be written in the form of an exhaust line from above. Try to write the connection letter YU and yu with other letters.

Today at the lesson you met a vowel letter YUwhich in the alphabet stands in the penultimate place, 32. Words in our language that begin with this letter, very little. The main work of this letter is to designate the softness of the consonants who are written in front of it. You already know three vowels that show the softness of consonants. It - AND, I and YU. Remember their work.


1. Repeat in writing the letter YU. Write yourself Printed and Written Letters Yuu. (Large and small).

2. Find words in which the letter YU Indicates the softness of the consonant.

D. yuon the, yula, yuma, R. yushi yunosa, T. yul yumT, T. yulinen.

3. Help Jung Flash flags with properly written letters YU.


1. Andrianova T.M., Ilyukhina V.A. Russian language 1. - M.: Astrel, 2011.

2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronon O.V. Russian language 1. M.: Ballas, 2012

3. Agarkov N.G., Agarkov Yu.A. Tutorial on learning literacy and reading: ABC. Academknig / Tutorial, 2014

3. Festival of pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson" ()

That is a cheerful clown Vasya,

Appeared in our class.

And brought balls with you,

For your favorite children.

I will give balls

But first Vella!

Think friendly answer

And the neighbor will cut out!

Teacher: Let's try to answer his questions.

(The teacher makes the riddles about the letters, children guess them. A number of letters appear on the board.)

Puzzles :

Once asked the letter:

How is your life, to be?

The letter Ta gives the report:

"There is nothing lying

If I do not break one,

I always always! " (letter)

I look like a comb

And on the ridge something is similar.

And stick to the word yes,

It turns out food! (Letter E)

I got a hammer,

From the table, the letter knocked down.

How many doctors here?


And what is the letter? ... (and)

All in the world this letter

Check out!

Do you know friends?

Not a simple letter I,

A- letter, syllable, and word! (Letter I)

Teacher: Guys, prove to me that the statement of the letter I truly. (I - the letter of the vowel, it means that can form a syllable. Or maybe a whole word.)

Who remembers how in Russian is called this little word I? (pronoun)

What else do you know pronouns?

You are so well done!☺ Very quickly and competently answered such difficult questions! It remains to guess the last letter.

Teacher: Or maybe you they guessed about what letter wants you to ask a clown vasya?

(Ask opinions of several people).Letter Yu

Try to convince me and Vasya that you are right! (These are vowels of the second row, they are ordered to read by consonant gently, lack the letters of YU).

You really convinced me, and in this group, letters lack the letter Yu.

Who has already met with this letter?

What place does it take in the alphabet?

What is like the letter yu?

How much you know about this letter!

Would you like to know more?

Help me formulate the topic of our lesson.

(children's responses, the first slide opensLetter Y.)

3 stage. Work on a new topic.

TEACHER: Clown Vasi has a favorite toy. But what, you will learn if you bring a trip to the field of letters. We will travel only with eyes!

Close your eyes! Open.

  1. Find your eyes the letter Yu. This is the beginning of the word.
  2. And now two steps to the right. This is the second letter.
  3. Two steps down

What word did it work? (Yula)

It turns out the figurative meaning of the word Yula.

(Constantly move, spin)

Conducted sound-letter analysis word Yula. (A scheme appears on the board)

Yu L A.

Children come to the conclusion that in the word sounds there are more than letters, since the letter Yu denotes two sounds at the beginning of the word. [y y]

Teacher: What other letters denote two sounds when they stand at the beginning of the word?

(E, E, I)

Is there two sounds just in this position? (When standing after vowels).

Work with slide 2.

Read the first column syllables. What does the similarity of these syllables?

Read the second column syllables. How are the consonants pronounce? Why? (letter Yu orders consonants to read gently)

What sound indicates the letter y in these syllables?

Now I i will show the syllable, and you negotiate it to a whole word.

Teacher: Now you can dress our sound! (The body is red since the letter is a vowel, it can designate two sounds if it stands at the beginning of the word or after vowel, and denotes the sound [y] if it stands after consonant, it can be like shock and unstressed.)

4. Fizkultminthka.

5. Primary consolidation. Lexical work.

Teacher: Any work argues if you do together, together. Now I suggest working in pairs. Arrange the task of what complexity you will perform. Let's remember that they denote three different colors.

Red- complex version of the task.

Yellow- the task of medium complexity.

Green- Easy task.

TEACHER: And the task is: among these rows of letters, find words and emphasize them. We work for a while, one minute is given (by sandy hours.)

Note: On each pass, the task on the leaves, and the task is checked on an interactive board, slide 3.




(Words appear: dunes, gateway, yurt, luty, cuvette, tube, jung, skirt, south, people, union).

Teacher: Among the words of words, find the word responsible for what?

Oh who or what can I say so? (Lyut Beast, Lyut Frost.)

Come up with this word, use it in different values.

Read the remaining words, what words are you not clear? (There is a work on the lexical meaning of words and showing slides 4,5,6).


Dunes - Sandy hills moving by the wind.

Gateway- Construction on the river for passing vessels on their way

following The construction consists of a water chamber and throughput.

Yurt - The main dwelling of nomads of Central Asia, consists of wooden lattices and jeres, which are covered with sheep or camels.

Ditch - Dangle for water drain along the road.

Cabin boy- Teenager on the ship, studying by the marine case.

6. Work with text.

a) before reading the text.

Read the title. His not? And what instead of him? (question mark.).

B) reading text immediately out loud on paragraphs with questions along the reading.

1st paragraph.

I wonder who is in Russian such a magician? (Children's proposals.).

2nd paragraph.

Students after the 3rd offer execute the proposed task: talk about the house and then tell what they represent when the word house is heard.

Work with a slide 7.

3-4th paragraphs.

Perform the tasks proposed in the text.

5th paragraph.

What is suffix?

What are the suffixes? Did we meet with them before?

Perform the task.

6th paragraph.

Who makes wonderful transformations in Russian?

C) questions after reading.

What is this text about?

How can I be entitled?

What suffins do you know? Give examples of words with these suffixes.

7. Fastening.

Work with a slide 8.


Who do you see in the picture? Describe it.

How to call a cat gentle? (cat)

What suffix used?

Try to form a new word with a suffix -the. (Cotes)

How now you imagine a cat?

Read the poem by inserting the missed letters. (Work with individual handouts)

Which genre is these lines? (Song)

How do you turn to the cat? (cat, kitty, cat)

What is the beauty of the cat? (bold eyes, white teeth, amazing mustache).

Work with a slide 9.

What suffixes did you write? (The teacher inserts suffixes into the text). What did they help you? (children's responses)

Read the song expressive.

Purpose: Creating conditions for acquaintance with the letter and sound of Yu.




Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of the Ontressive Type No. 105" of the Municipal Education of the city of Bratsk


classes with older children

preschool age

on this topic

"Letter and Sound U"

Amounted to:

Molchanova I.L.



Purpose: creating conditions for acquaintance with the letter and sound of Yu.


Become acquainted with the letter and sound of Yu;

Continue to learn to perform sound analysis words; call sounds, give them characteristics;

Fix the ability to select words on a given sound

Material: Presentation, pictures, chips, letters.

Structure occupation

1. Motivation.

My bell rings, poured.

All the guys around are going.

The bell sings Din, Din, Ding.

He is a guest calling you: "Din-Ding Ding."

And who came to us? Guess yourself.

Song from the movie "Adventure Buratino"

2. Surprise moment.

Toy - Pinocchio.

Pinocchio decided to go to school, but it is very difficult for him. He does not know much, and he decided to contact you guys. Will help him? You need to perform several tasks. Pinocchio - joker, and he hid them in the group, and you left the map.


Children view it.

First task under what number?

3. The gaming task "call sounds".

Children find an envelope with a number 1. In it, chips of blue and green color.

What do you think it is? What does the blue chip indicate? What vowels can stand after consonant solid sound? (a, y, s, o, e)

What vowels can stand after a consonant soft sound? (I, E, E, and)

The game "What has changed?"

The tutor changes the letters in places, and children must find errors.

All the following tasks in envelopes are looking for themselves.

4. Acquaintance with the letter YU (Slide 2).

Riddle about Yule.

Turning, getting sick

And I'm not too lazy

Reline even all day. (Yula)

The educator offers children to listen and say what 1st sound in the word - Jul (s). Reminds that the sound (s) is always a soft consonant. What will we denote it? Next, intonationally allocates the sound (y), children call the sound and, together with the educator, denote it with a red chicken. The teacher then pronounces the tutorials several times (YU) several times, explains that if these sounds go each other, they are denoted by the letter Yu and replaces the sounds of sounds (yu) on the letter Yu.

The word analysis continues the child caused to the board. Questions: How many sounds in the word Yula? What are the vowels in the word? What is a soft consonant sound? What solid consonant sound?

To not be paid

Tightly to the Stage Priba.

Oh, watch what happened:

It turned out ... Letter Y.

5. Game "Name the name, which begins on the sound of YU" (slide 3, 4).

Organization: MBDOU D / C No. 229

Locality: Ulyanovsk region, Ulyanovsk

Software content:

Continue to teach children to conduct sound analysis of words using writing vowels and the determination of shock vocal sound;

Introduce the letter and the rules of her writing after soft consonants;

Continue to teach children to call words with specified sounds.

Equipment:illustrations of autumn nature, magnetic boards, magnets, picture "Sun", "Tucci", sets of models for sound analysis, graphic image of the letter Yu.

1.1. Org. moment

1. Educator: Let's greet our guests.

Children: - Hello!

1.2. Guys, we will start our lesson from the articulation workout.

Repeat clean paintings

Rara -r - the game begins

Lu-Luzu - Brought Yulia


Lyu-Liu-Liu- Mother love

ru - ru - ru continue we play

1.3. Pronunciation of the patter:

Six mice in the slash rustle.

1.4. It consists (sounds (what?, What are the vowels differ from consonants,) syllables, words, suggestions, story speech)

2. Drawing up a story About autumn and recording it graphically using illustrations. (Large puddles on the street. Tired butterfly in the garden.)

3. Sound analysis of puddle words, buttercup Using clothespins, models, counting sticks, magnets. With the replacement of sounds letters

4. Acquaintance with the letter

The game "What does the letter" Yu "look like?


I draw a wand

In the middle of the belt,

To come out the letter "Yu"

I draw a circle.

5. Finding the letter, swaying her finger, spread

6. Fizkultminutka.

Yurt is a house in Tundre (imitation at home)

Jung swims on the ship (imitation of waves)

Skirt lush from Kati, (show a magnificent skirt)

Yura says on the bed (jump times)

I will become Yulya now (hands in the side)

On the leg cool one,

Twisted, and now

I ask you to sit down.

Finger gymnastics.


- "Castle" (times - palm together, two - fingers in the castle);

- "Fox and hare" (Fox will steal - all fingers are slowly moving on the table, the hare runs away - turning over the fingers to move quickly);

- "Spider" (semi-bent fingers, slowly move on the table);

- "Butterfly" (palm to connect the back side, waving the wings of your fingers);

The account is up to four (the thumb is connected alternately with all your fingers).

7. Coloring. Letters Y.

8. The game "Salted a house".

I will tell you one interesting story, and you will become her heroes.

In one beautiful country there were beaks that denoted vowels. The warm summer day was sunny weather, and all the vowels went out to walk (students "letters" come out due to the desk and walk in the class).

Suddenly the sky was darkened, the sun hid behind the tuchs, the torrential rain began. The letters saw their houses and rushed to them, but the owners of the houses could put only their tenants into the house. Capture letters each in your house. (in blue - a. oh, y; in green - me, e).

Now the sun looked out, and the letter and went for a walk. She was lonely walking alone and she decided to knock on a green house. (knock Knock)

Letter A, what letter do you invite for a walk? (I) why? (Because letters A and I designate after the consonants of the same sound A, the letter, but we denote the vowel sound and after solid consonant sounds, the letter I - after soft consonant sounds).

Similar work is carried out with the rest of the letters.

The letters began to play hide and seek. First, the vowels were hidden, which are written after solid consonant. Name them. Then letters that are written after soft consonants. Name these vowels. What are they famous?

9. Cunning letters.

Children, I want to ask again my question, so why the letter "Yu" is tricky, not an easy letter? (If it stands at the beginning of the word, then two sounds live in it. What?) What else do you know about the letter "Yu"? (Letter Yu - vowel, it shows that I consonted in front of it soft.)

Rule: After a soft consonant sound, I put the letters, it, Yu

After a solid consonant sound, we put the letters a, oh,

10. Exercise "Name words with sound [YU]".

11. Outcome.


What tasks did you like most? What else were we doing in class? Have you had difficulty doing assignments? Let's try themselves, with the help of a sun, appreciate your work in the lesson, choose your sunshine:

Merry Sun - you are satisfied with your work, they coped with the tasks easily and simply.

Sun with Tuchcho - You have in the answers there were small mistakes, but you corrected them
