School is one of the most important stages in a child's life. In order for the first academic months not to turn into a string of stresses and worries, the baby must be properly prepared for the start of classes.

Preparing for school is a serious and multifaceted process. Parents are obliged to approach him fully aware of the responsibility, because incorrect methods in preparation can discourage preschoolers from learning for a long time.

In order not to make mistakes and help the child to cope with the volume of knowledge, parents need to start preparing for school in advance, correctly distributing the load.

How to properly prepare your child for school

Some parents believe that it is possible to prepare a child for school in the summer, a couple of months before the start of school. This approach can provoke tremendous stress in a preschooler, since such an emergency preparation will be accompanied by colossal loads and will not allow the child to rest before the start of the school year.

In order for home schooling to be not only effective, but also comfortable, you need to start it long before school. From about three years old, the baby can learn to count on fingers, talk to him about the environment, etc. The learning process should be built in a playful way: this will arouse interest and allow you to keep the child's attention.

What a future first grader should know and be able to do

In order for a child to feel comfortable at school and easily assimilate new knowledge, he must have a certain base. The opinions of teachers and parents about the required knowledge differ: someone thinks that the minimum set will be enough; others, on the contrary, try to prepare the child for school as diligently as possible on their own, giving him the maximum of skills.

It should be noted that extremes are bad in both cases. Poor preparation will negatively affect the performance of the first grader, and too much stress will provoke stress.

So what should a child know and be able to do before school? On average, the list of skills should look like this:

  • know your name and surname, be able to talk about yourself;
  • know the names of all family members, be able to briefly talk about their hobbies;
  • know letters, distinguish vowels from consonants;
  • be able to read simple texts;
  • write in block letters;
  • know the days of the week, months and seasons;
  • be able to navigate the time of day;
  • be able to count to twenty (including in reverse order);
  • know the rules of addition and subtraction;
  • distinguish between geometric shapes.

In addition to basic knowledge, a preschooler should have basic skills in behavior in public places and know the rules of etiquette. Also, the child should be able to dress independently, put on shoes and keep his workplace clean.

What is the right way to give a preschooler all this amount of knowledge? To begin with, you need to draw up a rough outline of the items that the child needs to familiarize with.

The minimal list will look like this:

  • counting and the basics of arithmetic;
  • letter;
  • reading;
  • creation;
  • natural history.

Counting and the basics of arithmetic

Counting is the foundation of mathematics. Usually, numbers with children begin to learn from a very young age, counting the rings on the pyramid, toys, candies and other objects. By the age of 5-6, the child should learn not only to list numbers, but also to understand their meaning.

The kid should be well oriented in the number row and be able to continue it from any place and in any direction. In addition, the child needs to be taught how to compare numbers. Knowledge of the concepts "more" and "less" is the basis for successful mastering of further arithmetic knowledge.

After the child is well accustomed to numbers, he should be taught basic mathematical operations. You can start learning how to count on your fingers, and then move on to solving examples in your head.

Also, the child needs to get acquainted with the basic geometric shapes: a circle, a square and a triangle. Drawn figures can be colored, thus combining math lessons and creativity.

Reading and writing

The study of letters is impossible without reading. In fact, reading is a basic skill, without which it is difficult to teach any other subject. It is best to start learning to read with the letters of the baby's name and the basic words "mom", "dad", etc. From the studied letters, then you can learn to make words and read them by syllables.

It should be noted that many teachers recommend to start teaching the child not letters, but sounds. The fact is that sometimes children have difficulty reading words because they pronounce the letters separately. Thus, the word "mom" sounds like "uh-ah-uh-ah" in children.

If you first explain to the child how the letters in words should sound and teach the child to read by syllables, then the baby will not have any problems with reading.

Learning to read always goes hand in hand with writing. First of all, the child needs to be taught how to hold a pen or pencil correctly. You can start to write with the basic words used in teaching reading. To begin with, the child should be taught to write in block letters - this will allow him to focus on the image of letters in the alphabet. Capital letters are best learned with the help of capital letters.

The main thing at the initial stage is not to scold the child for the quality of handwriting and mistakes in spelling of words. Preschool doesn't have to be tough, as your job is to provide a basic understanding of the letters and basics of writing.

Creative pursuits

Usually, creative activities with children begin long before the age of five, so at this age the baby should be able to confidently use felt-tip pens, paints and pencils. The child should be taught to sculpt various geometric shapes, animals, vegetables and fruits from plasticine. The creation of ikebans, appliques and other crafts will allow you to form abstract thinking.

Creative activities should be interesting for the child. Try to draw or dazzle his favorite characters, give him the opportunity to choose materials and colors on his own, and, most importantly, never scold a child for failure. Participate in creating crafts with your child, involve other family members in this, and help him hone his skills.

Natural Science and Natural Science

By the beginning of school, the child should be able to distinguish between days of the week, months and seasons, know his hometown, country and its capital. Also, the child should be taught to distinguish between birds, fish and animals, shrubs and trees, fruits and vegetables. The kid should know about various natural phenomena: thunder, lightning, rain, hurricane, etc.

Teaching a child to science is not difficult at all: discuss with your child everything that you see around, study encyclopedias together, watch interesting educational videos about nature on the Internet. Do not get tired of giving your child answers to all his many questions and natural history will not cause him any difficulties at school.

A small reminder for parents of preschoolers

Parents of prospective students should remember that the main goal of homework is to prepare the preschooler for the beginning of the school year and to develop an interest in knowledge, and not to cause stress and unwillingness to learn in him. Here are some parenting tips to help prepare your child for school without worry and breakdowns:

The child should not be scolded for improperly completing assignments. Of course, it is necessary to point out mistakes, but not to punish them for them.

In order to teach your child to discipline, equip him with a study place and study with him there. Lessons should not be too long - 15-25 minutes should be sufficient.

During impromptu lessons, you don't have to try to talk about everything you know. Homework should be as specific as possible. Make a plan if necessary and try to stick to it.

Preparatory programs for children should be varied and interesting. Get creative with your lesson plan and try to keep your child engaged.

Don't be lazy to learn for yourself. Remember: if you do not know how to do something, then you have no right to demand this from the child. Wasn't plasticine molding given to you at school? It's time to correct this deficiency and learn how to create with your child. Thus, you will show your baby by your example that you can learn almost everything.

Remember, patience is the key to homeschooling. Learn with your child, create interesting games, and your child will perfectly master the school environment!

Photo instruction on how to prepare your child for school

Successful schooling is based on good and timely preschool preparation. It is better to start this process at 3.5-4 years old, because today's requirements for first-graders are quite high. And if the child is already 6 years old and no one has worked with him before, then it will be more difficult to prepare him. There is a list of skills that are required for a future student, which are not easy to master in a short time. And here the question becomes how to prepare a child for school at home at 6, 7 years old?

To answer this question, let's first consider what specific requirements exist for today's first grader. The child who is going to the first grade must:

  • be able to introduce himself, tell something about himself, what he is fond of, name the names of his family members;
  • be able to write block letters, distinguish well between vowels and consonants, be able to read light text;
  • learn the days of the week, names of months, seasons, say what time of year it is;
  • distinguish between morning, lunch and evening;
  • learn simple math operations: addition and subtraction;
  • understand simple geometric shapes such as a square, circle, triangle, be able to draw them;
  • be able to retell short texts;
  • be able to exclude unnecessary items from a number of subjects and explain your choice;
  • be able to take care of oneself: dress, undress, tie shoelaces, maintain order in the workplace;
  • be able to behave in society, respect elders:
  • learn colors and preferably their shades;
  • describe the picture;
  • be able to count to twenty and from twenty to one;
  • learn parts of a person's body and be able to draw it correctly;
  • be able to answer the questions, "When?", "Why?", "Where?";
  • distinguish between animate and inanimate objects;
  • be able to defend your point of view without getting into a fight with those who disagree;
  • be able to talk politely with peers and adults;
  • be able to sit quietly in class, without whims and games with other students;

As you can see, the list is quite extensive and it is very difficult to acquire these skills in a short time. Indeed, when preparing for school, you need to follow some rules:

How to prepare your child for school at home at 5, 6, 7 years old

It is clear that in order to get ready for school, it is not enough just to learn numbers and letters. It is important to comprehensively develop a child so that he can communicate with peers at the right level, but how to properly prepare a child for school at home at 5, 6, 7 years old and at the same time not discourage the desire to study?

Knowing something interesting will make it much easier to establish yourself well among your classmates. And vice versa: being poorly prepared in this regard, the child can become an outsider in the team. Of course, it is easier for children from preschool institutions to get used to school than for those who have this training at home. But if you nevertheless decided to prepare your child for school at home, we bring to your attention our recommendations for these lessons.

Reading activities

  • these activities are paramount in relation to all the others, because having mastered reading, it will be easier for a child to deal with other subjects (you can read more about how to easily and quickly teach a child to read in);
  • the letters should be taught in alphabetical order. For clarity, you can sculpt them from plasticine and assume what the letter looks like. For example, "w" - for a beetle, "o" - for glasses, and so on. You can also interest the child by showing the letters with your hands or with your whole body. See ideas on how to easily and playfully learn all the letters with your child.
  • read a simple text to the prospective student and ask them to find the letter they just learned;
  • invite your child to answer questions about the text, tell what it says, retell it;

Math classes

  • it is good to start these activities by counting simple, familiar objects such as toys, candy, fruits. Later you can gradually switch to counting sticks or special cards. Learn to count in whole numbers;
  • effectively study numbers in pairs. For example, 1 and 2, 5 and 6. This will make it easier for the child to understand that if you add one to five apples, you get six apples. In one lesson, you need to study one number pair, and at the beginning of the next, repeat what you have learned and only then take on new numbers.
  • to get your child interested in geometry, you can study geometric shapes using cookies as an example. Today in stores you will find square, round and triangular cookies.
  • when simple figures are studied, you can start drawing them with a ruler;
  • it is useful to alternate all the listed activities with each other.


  • the baby's hand should be prepared for writing, because it is not yet ready for this type of activity;
  • lessons on the development of fine motor skills are very good in this regard. In two or three years, you can use cereals, pasta, beads for this; learn to tie shoelaces;
  • teach your child to use children's safe scissors with rounded ends - this also prepares the hand well for writing;
  • first you need to learn how to write capital letters, and only after receiving the first results in this direction, you should start using capital letters;
  • teach your child to write neatly, without going beyond the lines;
  • use a handle that is comfortable for your baby;
  • finger gymnastics is of great help in preparing for writing. It will be effective if you do it together with your child, saying “We wrote, we wrote, our fingers are tired. We will rest a little and start writing again. "
  • The notebook in which you are going to write must meet modern school requirements. Stores offer a wide variety of all kinds of writing aids;

Creative classes

  • teach your child to use a brush with, pencils, felt-tip pens, etc .;
  • it is good if the baby learns to shade the shapes without going beyond their boundaries. Use for this with large details in the pictures;
  • effectively combine creative activities with the study of geometric shapes. For example, you made an appliqué of a watermelon and immediately noticed that it resembles a circle;
  • and vice versa: you can draw, cut and sculpt letters and numbers. So the child will better learn what is being learned;

Psychological readiness for school

Psychologists say that the adaptation of a child in school will be smoother if the first grader has developed certain skills. Here is a list of them:

  • desire to study, interest in knowledge;
  • the ability to analyze and draw conclusions, compare objects and concepts;
  • understanding of the goals of learning at school, awareness of one's "I", communication skills;
  • focus on what is being studied at the moment;
  • overcoming difficulties, the ability to finish what was started.

To prepare a child for school from a psychological point of view, parents should:

  • communicate with the future student, read and discuss the read together;
  • when discussing a read fairy tale or story, persuade the child to think about what is described in the text, teach him to draw conclusions and express his own opinion about what he read;
  • show your child what a school is in a playful way, during the game, praise the child, give neat advice. It is good if you change the roles of "student" and "teacher";
  • do not finish the tasks instead of the child, teach him to do it on his own or with a little help from your side;
  • do not limit the independence of your child. Excessive custody can only harm him. If you do not allow the child in due time to learn how to independently perform such simple actions as tying shoelaces, buttoning up buttons, dressing and undressing, neatly folding his clothes into place, etc., he may become the subject of ridicule in the children's team. And vice versa: healthy independence will help the child to assert himself in the new society and gain the necessary authority.
  • teach your child to communicate with peers: arrange games with other children in the yard or at home, take part in these games yourself, and gently tell your child how to communicate better with peers and not quarrel along the way.
  • try never to laugh at your little one in private, especially in the presence of other children. This can give rise to low self-esteem in the child, from which self-doubt develops;
  • Use positive motivation to encourage your child to learn. Tell him how much new, useful and interesting he can learn in the classroom at school;
  • teach the kid to be disciplined, explain to him why he needs silence in the classroom during the lesson.
  • teach your child to ask the teacher questions if something is not clear. Let him be afraid of not knowing something, how to clarify this with the teacher. Explain to your child that he must take care of his knowledge himself.
  • help your child learn self-esteem, understand that excessive aggression or, on the contrary, fearfulness can harm him. After all, you need to be able to defend your point of view calmly, without shouting and fighting. Try to replay typical situations that develop between children at school. During the game, you can see how your child is ready for such situations, you can give him advice, teach him how to behave correctly. You can also offer your child your own way out of this situation, but only after you listen to the child's opinion on this matter. Of course, the child should be encouraged to do well in any case.

Health issues and school

A special place in preparation for school is occupied by the issue of the health of the future student.

It is very important in the course of this preparation and in the course of the training itself to be able to teach the future student something and not harm his health.

At the age of 6-7 years, the child undergoes such important changes as the change of teeth and the intensive growth of the whole organism. This is the age when the need for movement in children is very great. And if there is an opportunity to sit down at a school desk at the age of 7, then from the point of view of health it is much better for a child. If you have to send your child to school exactly at the age of 6, then special attention should be paid to the quality of physical training that your future educational institution offers you. It is very good if the school has an equipped gym and a swimming pool. Indeed, in addition to gaining new knowledge, the child needs frequent physical education lessons so that blood vessels, the heart work actively, so that there is an appropriate load on the joints, etc. Also, voluntary physical activity during breaks is beneficial for the health of students and it is very good if the class is ventilated during the absence of students.

On the part of parents, one of the components of a healthy preparation for school is the right summer vacation before school. As you know, a child needs to rest:

  • from communicating with a large number of people and, accordingly, from contacts with sources of various infections;
  • from a huge amount of household chemicals and exhaust gases;
  • from catering.

Dr. Komarovsky describes the ideal vacation for a child in the following way: "a dacha in the village, where there are a minimum of people, where mom or grandmother cooked something from the garden, and where there are certainly no household chemicals." That is, an ideal rest for a child from the point of view of a doctor is "an inflatable pool with well water, a dump truck poured sand nearby, a dirty, hungry child climbs out of the water into the sand and shouts" Mom, give me something! " If the child spends the summer like this, then his heart, blood vessels, mucous membranes will work perfectly and he will be ready to meet new friends and, accordingly, new infections.

Developing the natural curiosity of your child, get to know the world around, people and communication with them. Considering the advice of psychologists, educators and doctors on how to prepare a child for school at home at 6 years old, do not forget to show personal interest in the process, which will further inspire the future student. If a first grader is prepared for school, if he possesses the main skills for learning, his horizons are broadened, and he knows how to communicate with peers, then it will be much easier for him to study at school than in the opposite case, if he is not properly prepared.

How to prepare your child for school: video

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Preparing a child for the 1st grade is not easy. Some parents and grandparents are ready to teach the prospective first grader all night long. In recent years, preparatory courses, which are in many general education schools, gymnasiums and in special children's centers, have gained great demand. In general, each child (preschooler) must go through the entire preparatory process, consisting of certain stages, only then preparation for school will be successful.

What a child should know and be able to do before entering school

Preparing children for school takes a lot of time, so some parents prefer to send their children to private schools. Such institutions recruit groups of preschool children to learn everything they need under the guidance of professional teachers. At the same time, families should also regularly deal with children, because in any case, an individual approach is important. In order for a child to adapt to school subjects without great difficulties, he must:

  • know letters;
  • be able to read (by syllables) small simple texts;
  • have writing skills;
  • know the seasons, names of months, days;
  • know your last name, first name, patronymic;
  • have a good memory to memorize 5-7 out of 10 clearly named simple words;
  • find similarities and differences between objects;
  • be able to subtract and add numbers within the first ten;
  • know the basic geometric shapes;
  • know 10-12 primary colors, etc.

Methods of preparing children for school

Before giving any assignments to prepare your child for school, check out several popular methods. With their help, a child can acquire all the necessary skills during training. Teaching methods are usually aimed at developing fine motor skills, logical thinking, obtaining mathematical knowledge, etc. At the same time, taking into account the individual characteristics of the preschooler, you need to do his physical training. Known Primary Education Techniques:

  • Zaitseva;
  • Montessori;
  • Nikitins.

Zaitsev's technique

For the preschool preparation of the child at home to be successful, pay attention to the Zaitsev methodology, which includes an approach to teaching reading, writing, English and Russian. It involves the use of visual perception of information. The main principle is to teach the baby everything necessary without harm to health and taking into account individual characteristics. She is able to activate the channels of information perception, saving time and relieving the kid from cramming. Minus: with individual lessons, the technique is implemented worse than with group lessons.

Montessori technique

An individualized school preparation program, which helps prepare the future first grader, can be organized in accordance with the Montessori methodology. It pays great attention to the development of sensations and fine motor skills of the baby. In the learning process, it is not necessary to use any special aids. Parents must create a full-fledged developmental environment for the baby. The downside is the lack of role-playing and outdoor games in the methodology.

Nikitins technique

To improve your knowledge with homework, check out the Nikitins methodology. Its main principles are development, which should be creative, free. Classes are held, alternating: intellectual, creative, sports. A sporty atmosphere plays a fundamental role in the formation of a baby, so all the conditions for this should be created in your home. The methodology is creative, with an emphasis on physical development, creativity, but there is a minus - not all children have a desire to learn.

Preparatory classes for school

You need to start working with your baby from an early age. Particular attention must be paid to psychological preparation. At first, the tasks are completed in a playful way, but then they become more difficult, but interesting. Children usually acquire basic knowledge in kindergartens. You can achieve great results both at home, by inviting a private tutor, and by sending your child to special development centers or preparatory courses at schools.

School preparation courses

When deciding to choose preparatory courses for school, consider the choice of a suitable institution thoroughly. Such courses are available both at the schools themselves and in educational centers, i.e. non-profit organizations. With the help of complex lessons, the team, children can adapt to the school system, lessons. Often, in such courses, preschoolers are taught so that they can easily perform the necessary exercises and correctly answer certain questions. It is much more important for the baby to be able to think creatively, independently reason and draw conclusions.

Preschool Tutor

A tutor for a preschooler is a great option to teach a kid to read and write, to prepare him for future interviews at school. Moreover, some teachers additionally teach children English. Do not forget that a tutor for preparing a child for school must have a teacher education and appropriate qualifications. A big plus of tutoring is an individual approach that will help develop attention, reasoning skills, etc. At the same time, the child will receive deeper knowledge. Cons: difficult to find a decent teacher, high cost.

How much does it cost to prepare a child for school

Preparatory courses will increase the child's readiness for admission, especially if you plan to send him to a gymnasium. It is recommended to prepare in this way for those children who do not attend kindergarten. Classes in specialized institutions are aimed at mastering the basics of writing and reading, teaching reading, developing speech and musical skills, etc. Some centers teach chess, foreign languages, etc. The cost of training in Moscow:

Free preparation

Kindergarten teachers should lay the foundations for counting, writing and reading. Parents have a more important task - to teach kids to bring what they started to the end, let it be some examples from math, drawing or something else. In order for your child to correspond to his age in terms of development, try to communicate with him more, answering all the questions. Pay attention to active games, physical development, teach independence and safety rules.

How to prepare your child for school on your own

To develop memory, logical thinking and other skills at home, read or watch cartoons together, discussing what the child has learned. Ask your baby's opinion more often by asking questions. Try to make homework fun for your preschooler. The advantage of preparing at home is cost savings, and the necessary materials can always be found on the Internet. The downside can be quality, because not all parents have a pedagogical education. In addition, family activities do not always discipline your child.

Where to start preparing

According to psychologists, the most suitable age for the beginning of the training of a future first grader is the period of 3-4 years. Start teaching your child to read and count in a playful manner, for example, while walking, count with him the number of houses, cars, etc. Do crafts together, paying attention to the artistic development of the future first grader: draw, create applications, sculpt, collect puzzles. Set up a comfortable writing desk at home. Pay attention to your child's motivation, otherwise, learning will progress slowly.


You should not prepare your kid for school in the abstract; try to find requirements, tests, assignments and specific examples of questions. To develop fine motor skills, the child must string pasta or beads, cut something out of paper, paint with paints, create appliqués, embroider, knit, etc. To teach your baby everything you need, pay attention to the following lesson plan:

Materials (edit)

To teach your child everything that is needed when entering school, use special visual aids. You can find a large number of them on thematic web resources. For the development of logical thinking, attention, memory and imagination, there are many educational games that require multi-colored cardboard. For example, to teach literacy, you need a picture book: choose any letter, say it several times and invite your child to circle it with a pencil across the page. More details can be found in the teaching aids.

Pre-school prep games for preschoolers

Educational games will help future preschoolers to consolidate their knowledge of the alphabet, learn to form words, write and read. In addition, such activities contribute to the development of attention and concentration. Moreover, a preschool child is often distracted and cannot concentrate on one type of activity for a long time. Games that will help in the development of the baby:

  • Title: "Book Detective".
  • Purpose: to develop quick thinking, to teach to correlate letters with specific pictures.
  • Material: book with illustrations.
  • Description: instruct the kid to find a picture in the book with a certain letter. If several children participate in the game, then introduce an element of competition, i.e. the winner will be the one who finds the most needed pictures.

Here's another good option:

  • Title: "Artist-Illustrator".
  • Purpose: to teach how to handle a book, develop logic, imagination.
  • Material: several books.
  • Description: read a short story or verse to your child, and then invite him to pick up drawings for him from other books. Then ask to retell a short story of what you read, based on the selected pictures.

Developing activities

As developmental exercises, you can use any labyrinths where you need to help a character get to the exit or get somewhere. There are many games that help improve concentration and increase its volume. Some exercises contribute to the development and voluntary attention. Not a bad version of an educational game:

  • Title: "Flowers in the flowerbed"
  • Material: multi-colored cardboard.
  • Description: cut three blue, orange, red flowers and three rectangular, square, round flower beds from cardboard. Let the kid distribute the colors on the flower beds based on the story - red flowers did not grow on a square or round flower bed, orange flowers did not grow on a rectangular or round one.

Another game that is great for developing a variety of skills for preschoolers:

  • Title: "How are they similar and how are they different?"
  • Purpose: to develop logical thinking.
  • Description: offer the children two objects each, which they must compare and indicate their differences, similarities.

How to psychologically prepare a child for school

The personal and social readiness of a preschooler is that by the time of admission he must be fully prepared for both communication and interaction with peers and adults. For psychological preparation to be truly successful, provide an opportunity for the baby to independently establish contacts with others in the playground.

The so-called "home children" are often afraid of a large crowd of people, although not all adults feel comfortable in the crowd. At the same time, one should not forget that the future first grader will have to be in the team, so try to get out to public events from time to time. Motivate your baby - if he is used to constant praise at home, then evaluate not every step, but the finished result.


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Preparing for school: activities for children

From a young age, parents prepare their child for school - they teach them how to communicate, perform simple everyday activities (wash their hands before eating, eat, dress and put on shoes on their own), develop speech, fine motor skills and other skills. And the older the kid gets, the more he needs to learn.

The last year before school is the most exciting and responsible one. At this time, parents begin to think about how to prepare their child for school at home, since at the age of 6 he should already have certain skills and abilities that allow him not only to learn, but also to feel comfortable in a team. It is very important to determine the psychological readiness of the baby for the next adult stage - the educational process. You should also teach him perseverance and discipline.

Even if the kid speaks well, fulfills the instructions of parents and educators, this is not yet evidence of his psychological readiness for school. After all, the educational process is not only new knowledge and skills, but also discipline, a strict regime of lessons, sitting at a desk for a long time, as well as communication with adult mentors and classmates.

In the first year of school, mental readiness is more important than anything else. You can define it by the following features:

How to properly conduct classes at home?

In order for homework to be beneficial to the baby, not to create psychological discomfort and not cause negative emotions, it is important to correctly determine the tactics of further actions. This requires:

  1. Set goals and determine the order of their achievement. You should not start intensive classes on a certain day. This can lead to the development of an aversion to learning in the toddler.
  2. Determine the strengths and weaknesses of the future student. If some aspects are less developed (for example, speech, memory or logical thinking), then more attention should be paid to their improvement.
  3. Form a positive attitude towards learning in the child.

When the goals and objectives are defined, you can start classes.

In order for homework to be successful and productive, you should adhere to some recommendations:

  • engage in the period of greatest working capacity of the crumbs;
  • do not insist if the child is not in the mood for learning;
  • foster external discipline by conducting classes at well-defined hours;
  • create an atmosphere in which the baby will not be distracted;
  • work out the correct sequence of tasks;
  • take into account the characteristics of a particular child;
  • praise for the shown stamina;
  • do not scold if something does not work out.

Proper preparation for the educational process is the foundation for the future of successful schooling. A creative approach to classes, as well as a game form of learning, will help instill a love of learning.

Parents should pay special attention to reading, math and writing activities.


It will be much easier for a first grader to study if he comes to school knowing the letters and being able to put them into syllables. Mastering reading is the main task in the first grade, since without it the student cannot study other sciences. To quickly and easily learn the letters of the alphabet, you can use the following guidelines:


Mathematics is also important for the future student. From a young age, he gets acquainted with numbers - he knows how old he is, he can count up to 5 or 10. To get acquainted with numbers and counting, you can perform the following simple actions:

So that the child does not get tired, classes in geometry and arithmetic should be alternated, be sure to take time to rest.

By letter

It is not difficult to teach the basics of writing, because the kid can already hold a pen or pencil, since in the kindergarten or at home he was given drawing lessons. To train your hand, you must:

At the same time, it is important to create conditions for the child to write - to purchase a comfortable pen, a special notebook. You should also explain to the baby that you should not go beyond the contours (stripes and cells).


Creative tasks help to develop the baby, as well as distract and divert his attention to more enjoyable activities. They should be alternated with difficult lessons - mathematics, reading, writing. The following tasks help in development:

  • drawing (with paints, pencils, felt-tip pens);
  • coloring pictures;
  • modeling from plasticine, dough, clay;
  • creating appliques or crafts from different materials.


From time to time, when the child is tired, he should be distracted from activities. To do this, you can take a short pause. For example, in a writing lesson, you can stretch your pens with a game. To do this, the child gets up from the table, stretches his arms forward, opens his palms and begins to move his fingers (bends and unbends them), repeating the words of the verse after the adults: “We wrote, we wrote, our fingers are tired. And now we will rest and start writing again. "

Also, educational games can be used in everyday life. When walking, you can count cars of the same color, call house numbers, read the names of shops and streets on plates. For the development of logic and thinking, it is useful to collect puzzles.

Common mistakes parents make

Parents do not always manage to properly prepare the baby for school. They make a number of mistakes:

Most popular questions

Preparation for school in the form of classes must begin one year before entering the first grade. But the development of speech and other skills, which are also required for successful learning, should be given attention from 2-3 years old.

So that the process of learning at school does not become a difficult test for the kid and does not cause disgust, he needs to instill a positive attitude towards learning in advance. Untrained children are often lost, it is difficult for them to concentrate, so they lag behind and in the future do not want to learn at all.

The learning process can be difficult for an untrained first grader. This can lead to poor academic performance and lack of interest in the disciplines being studied. The task of parents is to instill in the child a positive attitude towards learning, to help him develop inner discipline.

How to start preparing your child for school? What should a child go to school know?

Usually, caring parents go to a bookstore and buy ... That's right, many, many books, formulas, primers and alphabet books. Ultimately, even half of the material remains unused, because the themes in the books are repeated, there are a lot of tasks and it is impossible to complete all of them. My advice to you: take one book of each topic or one book in which everything is combined - these are all kinds of encyclopedias for preparing children for school. Do not be afraid that you will miss something and not tell the child, after you have gone through all the material, you can purchase new recipes, books with more difficult tasks.

It is necessary to prepare a child for school gradually and you can start from the age of three. Buy books and notebooks according to age. Take your time so as not to overdo it and not to deprive your child of the desire to learn. Your task is to instill in your child a thirst for knowledge. Do not pressure your child or compare him with other children. If the child does not succeed in something, try again, patiently, praising him for trying. Still not working? Does not understand? Come back to this topic a little later, when the child is a little older. Think, maybe it is worth changing the teaching method.

Remember - studying is a big and hard work for a little man.

How can you organize classes with your child at home?

If you decide to teach at home, be especially careful when choosing books for your study.

To achieve a positive effect, you need to:

■ Conduct sessions daily and plan for them in advance.

■ You must understand what ultimate goal you are going to. If your goal is to teach your child to count to 10, then be sure to play around with this topic at least in passing in all classes. During drawing or modeling lessons, ask your child how many flowers he drew or how many green balls he made.

■ Be sure to start each session with repetition. Be sure to repeat what you need to remember at the end of the lesson.

■ Increase the session time gradually, but the duration should not exceed 35 minutes. You can use an hourglass to help your child learn to sense the time. This helps the child to see how much time he has left until the end of the lesson and how much he can do in the allotted time.

■ Make sure your child does not get tired in class. If you see that he is tired, immediately change the direction of the lesson, make a break.

■ Be sure, not for long, leave the child alone so that he can independently do the exercise you have specified.

What needs to be developed?

Memory, attention, perception, spatial orientation, eye, motor skills, thinking, imagination.

Subjects that may be included in preparing for your child's school: mathematics, writing, Russian, speech development, reading, natural history or the world around, drawing, application, modeling and English.

What a child should know about before school.

■ Your first and last name.

■ Your date of birth and how old you are.

■ Your home address.

■ Certain countries.

■ Names of parents (first name, patronymic, last name).

■ Seasons and their sequence.

■ Months and their number.

■ How many days in a week and their names, which days are working and which days are days off.

■ Navigate in time, know the time of day.

■ What is living and what is non-living nature.

■ Distinguish between wild and domestic animals.

■ Be able to correctly name the cubs (a horse has a foal, a cow has a calf ...).

■ What is the weather (sunny, clear, cloudy, etc.)

■ What weather patterns are in winter, spring, summer and autumn.

■ The names of the most common plants, animals, insects, be able to distinguish between animals, birds and fish.

■ Be able to distinguish trees from shrubs.

■ Be able to distinguish fruits from berries and vegetables.

■ Find an extra item in the group.

■ Share how things are similar or different.

■ Primary colors.

■ Navigate where is right and where is left.

■ Orientate on a piece of paper (top corner on the left, top corner on the right, etc.).

■ Names of famous sports.

■ Names of common occupations.

■ The names of the main building tools.

■ The names of several musical instruments.

■ Basic rules of the road and basic road signs.

■ Know what applies to dishes, furniture, office supplies.

■ Surnames of famous writers and poets, names of famous fairy tales.

■ Know poems by heart.

■ Know the concepts "more", "less", "equal".

■ Be able to compare objects in length, width and height.

■ Be able to solve simple arithmetic problems.

■ Know basic geometric shapes.

■ Print, write in block letters.

■ Distinguish between letters and sounds.

■ Distinguish vowel sounds from consonants.

■ Be able to find a given sound in a word and determine in which part of the word it is (at the beginning, middle and end of a word).

■ Be able to divide a word into syllables.

■ Be able to copy simple patterns in cells, continue a row, complete the missing half of a symmetrical pattern.

■ Be able to continue a row along the line of a given fragment: sticks, circles, hooks, etc.

■ Graphic dictations ("dog" from a point. Two cells to the right, one cell up, two cells to the right, two cells down, three cells to the right, one cell up, one right, two down, one left, one up, two left, one down, one cell to the left, two cells up, three cells to the left, two cells up).

■ Be able to retell, compose a story based on pictures, use adjectives in your story.

■ Be able to collect small puzzles.

■ Know how to properly hold a pen and pencil in your hand.

■ Be able to accurately trace the contour of the drawing, paint over it.

Do not be alarmed if the preparation for school of the child began not at the age of three, but at the age of five. You will have time to give him all the necessary knowledge. But if the child is already 6 years old and next year to go to first grade, then be sure to assign the child to preparatory courses. It's good if these are courses at the school where you are going to send your child. The training program will be adequate to the first class program. The main thing is to do all your homework as if you are already in first grade and fulfill all the teacher's requirements.

You can completely prepare your child for school yourself by choosing the right method.

What are the advantages of the preparatory courses conducted at the school itself:

■ The child gets used to school, adapts to new conditions for him.

■ Getting used to school requirements.

■ Communication with peers (this is especially good if the child did not go to kindergarten).

■ Courses will fill the knowledge that the child lacks.
