When pronouncing the sound C, the lips are not tense, slightly stretched into a smile. The teeth are brought together by 1-2 mm, the upper and lower incisors are exposed. The tip of the tongue is widerests against the bases of the lower incisors, without touching the tops of the teeth. A groove is formed in the middle of the tongue, along which a stream of air passes, forming a whistling noise. The lateral edges of the tongue fit snugly against the inside of the upper molars, blocking the passage of the air stream on the sides. The air jet should be narrow, cold, easily felt with the back of the hand raised to the mouth.

When pronouncing a soft sound C ', the lips stretch more than when pronouncing a hard C, and tighten. The anterior-middle part of the back of the tongue rises higher towards the hard palate and moves forward somewhat towards the alveoli, as a result of which it narrows even more, and the noise becomes higher.When articulating the sounds З and З', a voice is added, i.e. the vocal cords are closed and vibrate.

When pronouncing the sound C, the lips are neutral and take a position depending on the next vowel. The distance between the teeth is 1-2 mm. The sound is characterized by a complex lingual articulation: it begins with a stop element (as in t), while the tip of the tongue is lowered and touches the lower teeth. The front part of the back of the tongue rises to the upper teeth or alveoli, with which it makes a bow; the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the molars. The sound ends with a slotted element (as in C), which sounds very short. The sound is deaf. The exhaled stream of air is strong.

  1. "Cake"
  2. "Make the tongue wide"
  3. "Push the ball into the goal"
  4. "Who will hit the ball further?"
  5. "Let's brush our teeth"
  6. "The cat is angry"
  7. "Coil"
  8. "Hide and Seek"
  9. "Blow through a straw"

" Cake"

Target: to develop the ability, by relaxing the muscles of the tongue, to keep it wide, flattened.

Open your mouth a little, calmly put your tongue on your lower lip and, slapping it with your lips, pronounce the sounds of pi-pi-pi…. Keep a wide tongue in a calm position with an open mouth counting from 1 to

5 - 10. The lower lip should not be tucked up and pulled over the lower teeth. . The tongue should be wide, its edges touching the corners of the mouth. 3. Pat your tongue with your lips several times on one exhale.

"Make the tongue wide"

Target: develop the ability to keep the tongue in a calm, relaxed state.

Smile, open your mouth, put the wide front edge of the tongue onlower lip. Hold it in this position by counting from 1 to 5-10. Do not stretch your lips into a strong smile so that there is no tension. Do not stick out the tongue far: it should only cover the lower lip. The lateral edges of the tongue should touch the corners of the mouth. If this exercise does not work out, you need to return to the exercise "Pancake".

"Push the ball into the goal"

Purpose: to produce a long, directed air jet.

Stretch your lips forward with a tube and blow for a long time on a cotton ball lying in front of the child on the table, driving him between two cubes. Make sure that your cheeks do not puff out, drive the ball on one exhale, not allowing the air stream to be intermittent.

Target : produce a smooth, long, continuous air stream running in the middle of the tongue.

Smile, put the wide front edge of the tongue on the lower lip and, as if pronouncing the sound “Ф” for a long time, blow off the cotton wool to the opposite edge of the table. The lower lip should not stretch over the lower teeth. You can't puff out your cheeks. Make sure that you pronounce the sound “F”, and not the sound “X”, i.e. so that the air stream is narrow, not scattered.

"Let's brush our teeth"

Purpose: to teach to hold the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth.

Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth and “clean” your lower teeth with the tip of your tongue, first moving your tongue from side to side, then from bottom to top, then from top to bottom. Lips are motionless, are in the position of a smile. Moving the tongue from side to side, make sure that it is at the gums, and does not slide along the upper edge of the teeth. Moving the tongue from bottom to top, make sure that the tip of the tongue is wide and starts moving from the roots of the lower teeth.

"The cat is angry"

Purpose: to develop the ability to arch the back of the tongue.

At smile, open your mouth, put the wide tip of the tongue on the lower lip, then lower the tip of the tongue to the base of the lower incisors, bend the tongue. The tongue should not protrude from the mouth when it is curved. Make sure that the tongue does not just lie flat in the mouth, but is raised in its middle part. Make sure the language is wide.


Purpose: to teach to hold a curved tongue in the mouth.

Smile, open your mouth, put a wide tongue on the lower lip, then lower the tip of the tongue to the base of the lower incisors, bend the tongue up, move the middle part of the tongue back and forth (the coil rolls). Make sure that the tip of the tongue is pressed against the base of the lower teeth when the middle part of the tongue moves back and forth so that it does not come off the teeth.

"Hide and Seek"

Purpose: to teach to hold the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth.

Smile, open your mouth, put the wide tip of the tongue on the lower teeth and hold it for a count of up to 3, then lower the tip of the tongue to the base of the lower incisors and hold it for a count of up to 3. Repeat the exercise 7 times. Make sure that the tongue does not lie on the lower lip, but on the tips of the lower teeth. Make sure that the front edge of the tongue is pressed against the front incisors with inside when the tongue is hidden behind the teeth.

"The tongue goes over the teeth"

Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, develop the flexibility and accuracy of the movements of the tip of the tongue, the ability to control it.

Mouth open, lips in a smile. With a wide tongue, touch the lower teeth from the outside, then from the inside. When performing exercises, make sure that the tongue does not narrow, lower jaw and the lips were motionless.

"Blow through a straw"

Purpose: to develop the ability to direct the air stream in the middle of the tongue.

Mouth open, lips in a smile. The wide tip of the tongue rests on the bases of the lower incisors. A cocktail straw is placed in the middle of the tongue, the end of which is lowered into a glass of water. Blow through a straw to make the water in the glass bubble. Make sure that the cheeks do not puff out, the lips are motionless.

Correction of sounds [L] [P] [Pb]
  1. Open your mouth, put your tongue on your lower lip and hold it in this state for a count of one, two, three ("spatula or pancake")
  2. Biting tongue with teeth.

Tongue massage:

(exercises alternate)

The following group of exercises is aimed at developing the upper position of the tongue and vibration:

  • “Brushing your teeth” - open your mouth, smile, offer to stroke the upper teeth from the inside with the tip of your tongue (right - left)
  • “We count the teeth” - open your mouth, smile, tap with the tip of your tongue on the inside of the teeth (above). The child’s jaw is held by the hand so that it does not jump.
  • "Horse" - clicking the tongue
  • Blowing on cotton wool, a pencil, a ribbed pencil from a position into a tube (the edges of the tongue are pressed tightly against the upper molars)
  • "Mushroom" - sticking the tongue to the upper palate and holding it under the count.
  • "Drummer" - mouth open, smile, tapping with a wide tongue behind the upper teeth, pronouncing a solid sound: d - d - d - d-d-

(The child needs to keep the lower jaw all the time. You can insert a finger or a cork into the mouth between the molars)

All these exercises contribute to a faster

Sound Correction[W][W][H][W]

Purpose: to prepare the articulatory apparatus

To play the specified sound.

It is IMPORTANT to develop a widely spread tongue:

("spatula or pancake")

  1. Biting tongue with teeth.

Tongue massage:

  • “Accordion” - take the tongue with the thumb and forefinger by the edges through the napkin, stretch and squeeze;
  • Pinching the lateral edges of the tongue (from the middle to the tip) and the tip of the tongue counting one, two, three, four;
  • Open your mouth, tongue with a spatula - do it with your thumb circular motions on the tongue, as if kneading.

(exercises alternate)

  • Hold the wide tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth (on the count, as long as possible)
  • "Painters" - stroking the hard palate with a wide tongue (from mouth to teeth).
  • "Swing" - switch the tongue from the upper position behind the teeth to the lower position.
  • "Shovel - Tube"
  • "Chatterbox" - movements with a wide tongue back and forth along the upper lip bl, bl, bl.
  • "Focus" - blow off the cotton wool from the nose with a wide tongue (cheeks do not puff out)

Along with exercises for the lips and tongue, tasks for the development of phonemic hearing are included:

  1. We teach by ear to perceive the correct and incorrect reproduction of sound.
  2. We teach to hear a given sound in a number of other sounds and syllables.
  3. We learn to hear the presence of a given sound in a word.

The appearance and faster introduction of sound into speech.

Sound Correction

[S] [S] [S] [S] [C]

Purpose: to prepare the articulatory apparatus

To play the specified sound.

It is IMPORTANT to develop a widely spread tongue:

  1. Open your mouth, put your tongue on your lower lip

and keep in this state under the count of one, two, three

("spatula or pancake")

  1. Biting tongue with teeth.

Tongue massage:

  • “Accordion” - take the tongue with the thumb and forefinger by the edges through the napkin, stretch and squeeze;
  • Pinching the lateral edges of the tongue (from the middle to the tip) and the tip of the tongue counting one, two, three, four;
  • Open your mouth, tongue with a “spatula” - with your thumb we make circular movements over the tongue, as if kneading.

(exercises alternate)

The next group of exercises is aimed at switching from one position of the tongue to another:

  • “Brushing your teeth” - open your mouth, smile, offer to stroke the upper teeth from the inside with the tip of your tongue (right - left below, right - left above).
  • “Counting teeth” - open your mouth, smile, tap the tip of your tongue on the inside of your teeth (above). The jaw of the child is held by the hand so that it does not jump.
  • Hold the wide tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth (on the count, as long as possible)
  • "Painters" - stroking the hard palate with a wide tongue (from mouth to teeth).
  • "Swing" - switch the tongue from the upper position behind the teeth to the lower position.
  • "Shovel - Tube"
  • "Chatterbox" - movements with a wide tongue back and forth along the upper lip bl, bl, bl.
  • Blowing on cotton wool, pencil, ribbed pencil out of position

In a tube (the edges of the tongue are pressed tightly against the upper molars). A strong, cold air jet is felt in the palm of your hand.

Along with exercises for the lips and tongue, tasks for the development of phonemic hearing are included:

  1. We teach by ear to perceive the correct and incorrect reproduction of sound.
  2. We teach to hear a given sound in a number of other sounds and syllables.
  3. We learn to hear the presence of a given sound in a word.

All these exercises contribute to a faster

The appearance and faster introduction of sound into speech.

Way of sounds (s - s - z - z - ts)

The first exercise is to develop speech breathing, so that the child learns to direct the exhaled air in the middle of the tongue. This is necessary for the correct pronunciation of whistling sounds.

1. Frog - proboscis

At the expense of "one - two" alternate the exercise "Frog" and the exercise "Proboscis".

Your lips straight to your ears

I will stretch like a frog.

And now I'm an elephant

I have a trunk.

2. Spatula

Smile, open your mouth. Put a wide tongue on the lower lip. Remain calm for a count of five. In this exercise, it is important to ensure that the lower lip does not strain and does not stretch over the lower teeth.

Put the tongue with a spatula

And keep it under the account:

One, two, three, four, five!

You need to relax your tongue!

3. Punish the naughty tongue

Put a wide tongue between the lips and "slap" it "five-five-five"

4. The pussy gets angry

Smile, open your mouth. Rest the tip of the tongue against the lower teeth. At the expense of "one" - bend the tongue with a slide, resting the tip on the lower teeth. On the count of two, return to the starting position. The tip of the tongue should not come off the lower teeth, the mouth does not close.

On the bench by the window

The cat lay down and dozes.

The cat opens its eyes

The cat arches its back.

5. Stubborn donkey

Lips in a smile, mouth slightly open. Pronounce the combination IE with force. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth.

The donkey was angry today.

He found out that he was an ass.

6. Tube

Open your mouth, curl your tongue into a tube. Blow into this tube for a long time.

Fold the tongue into a tube -

It looks like a flute.

Blow on a flute

Without a pipe, we can.

7. Clean the lower teeth

Smile, open your mouth. With the tip of the tongue, “clean” the lower teeth from the inside, making a movement with the tongue to the right - to the left. The lower jaw does not move.

8. Swing

Smile, open your mouth. At the expense of 1 - 2, alternately rest your tongue on the upper, then on the lower teeth. The lower jaw is immobile.

9. Count your bottom teeth

Smile, open your mouth. With the tip of the tongue rest in turn against each lower tooth from the inside. Make sure that the lower jaw is motionless.

Something happened to the tongue

He's pushing his teeth!

Like he wants them for something

Push out the lips!



A fox.

Description of the game.
The child (fox) sits behind a bush.
He has a bite.
The rest of the kids are chickens.
Chickens walk around the field, pecking at grains and worms.
Chickens say:
The fox hid close -
The fox covered herself with a bush.
The fox turned his nose -
Run away in all directions.

At the word “run up,” the fox runs out and salit with a tourniquet.
The one who gets knocked down becomes a fox.

Automation of sounds s, s’ in the text.
Description of the game.
Before playing the game, the children are shown a picture of an owl, they talk about this bird.
The game is played as follows.
One of the children is selected, he is an owl.
The rest of the kids are birds.
The owl sits on a tree (chair).
Children run around her, then cautiously approach her and say:

Owl, owl, owl, owl eyes,
Sitting on a bitch
Looking in all directions
Yes, suddenly how to fly ...

At the word “fly off”, the owl flies from the tree and begins to catch the birds that run away from it.
The captured bird becomes an owl.
The game is repeated.

Vanka, get up.
Automation of sounds s, s’ in the text.
Description of the game.
Children make movements: stand on their toes and return to their original position.
Then they squat, again stand on their toes, squat.
The movements are accompanied by the words:

Vanka, get up
Vanka, get up
Sit down, sit down.
Be obedient, what
We can't handle you.


Sound automation h.
Description of the game.
Children stand in front of each other, join their hands crosswise and reproduce, at the expense of the teacher, the movements of the saw along the log, pronouncing the sound z for a long time.
The one who pronounces the sound incorrectly is taken out of the game and asked to pronounce the sound z correctly.
The teacher reminds the child how to hold the tongue when pronouncing this sound.

Winter storm.
Sound automation h.
Description of the game.
Children depict a blizzard.
At the signal of the teacher, they begin to quietly pronounce the sound z, then gradually increase it, and then gradually weaken it.
In the initial stages, you can play this game in front of a mirror (the duration of the sound for each child should be limited to 5-10 seconds).

Flowers and bees.
Sound automation h.
Description of the game.
Before the start of the game, they agree who will be the bees and who will be the flowers (for example, boys are flowers, and girls are bees).
Then everyone scatters around the room or area.
As soon as the teacher's signal is heard (a blow to a tambourine or a clap), the children depicting flowers kneel.
The bees flap their wings and fly from flower to flower, while they imitate the buzz of bees: in-z-z-z-z.
With a new beat of the tambourine, the children change roles, scatter around the site, and other bees are already practicing pronunciation of the sound z.

Zina and raisins.

A rubber doll.
Description of the game.
The teacher brings in an elegant rubber doll and says:
“Guys, this is a Zina doll. She was bought in a store. She is rubber. Zina's legs are rubber, Zina's handles are rubber. Rubber cheeks, rubber nose.
And then he asks the guys:
"What is the doll's name? Where was it bought? What are her arms, legs, cheeks, nose made of?
The children answer.
The teacher continues:
“Zina loves raisins. Lena, go treat Zina with raisins.”
Lena comes out and says:
"Take, Zina, raisins."
So the children take turns, treating Zina with raisins, pronounce this phrase.

Name the picture.
Automation of sounds z, z" in words and sentences.
Pictures for sound z, for example: bunny, castle, eyes, plant, fence.
Description of the game.
The children are sitting at the tables.
On the teacher's table is a stack of pictures face down.
Each child has the same paired pictures.
The teacher calls one of the children and asks him to take the top picture from his pile, show the guys and say which picture he took.
The one who has the same picture gets up, shows it to the guys and says:
"And I have a bunny in the picture."
The children put both pictures on the table.
The game continues until all the pictures from the teacher's table have been sorted out. (By analogy, the game can be played using other sounds.)

Horned goat.
Automation of sound z in text.
Description of the game.
The house is fenced off with a line (chairs).
A goat walks around the site.
The children say in chorus:

There is a horned goat
There is a butted goat
Legs top-top,
Eyes clap-clap!
Oh, gore, gore!

The goat makes horns from her fingers and runs after the children, saying:
"I gore, I gore!"
Children hide in the house, the goat catches them.
Those caught become the goat's helpers.


What to whom?
Target. Automation of sound q in words.
Items that have the sound q in their names (cucumber, button, sugar bowl, scissors, inkwell, egg, saucer, etc.).
Description of the game.
The teacher lays out on the table objects in the name of which the sound ts occurs, and says:
"Now, guys, you have to guess who needs what item."
Calling the children in turn, he says:
“We’ll give a schoolboy a gift ... (ink)”
"A dressmaker needs ... (scissors) for work." AT
The called child guesses, shows and names a suitable object.
(Similarly, the game can be played on other sounds.)


Who is more careful?
Differentiation sounds from-z.

Description of the game.
The teacher shows the children pictures and asks:
"Who knows how the whistle blows?" (Children answer: s-s-s ...)
How does the bell ring? (Children z-z-z...)
And now I'll see which of you is more attentive.
I will show one or another picture, and you pronounce the sound with, then the sound z.

Broken phone.
Differentiation of sounds from-z.
Description of the game.
Children sit in one row and pass sounds to each other, then s, then s.
The one who heard the sound z transmits to the neighbor with, etc.
Whoever goes astray pronounces any sound 5 times.

Make no mistake.
Differentiation of sounds from-z.
Pictures "Whistle" and "Call".
Description of the game.
Children are given two pictures.
One has a whistle, the other has a bell.
Children take a picture with a whistle in their left hand, with a call in their right.
The teacher shows them and names the pictures, in the name of which there is a sound with or z, slightly emphasizing these sounds with his voice.
If the word has a sound with, then the children raise the picture with a whistle and say: s-s-s.,. and if there is a sound z, then - with a call and say: z-z-z ....
By repeating the game, you can enter pictures in the name of which there is neither one nor the other sound.
In this case, children should not raise their pictures.

Hares and fox.

Description of the game.
According to the number of players, minks are drawn along the edges of the site or chairs are placed.
Children (bunnies) stand at their minks.
One of the players is a fox.
Bunnies say the text:

gray bunny jumping
Near the wet pines
Scary in the paws of a fox,
Foxes get in...

Bunnies run out of holes and jump on both legs.
Then they form a round dance and jump in a circle. R
the words of the teacher are given:

Bunnies, prick up your ears,
Look left, look right
Is anyone coming?

The hares look around when they see a fox that is slowly making its way towards them, shouting: “Fox!” - and scatter along the minks.
Fox catches rabbits.
The game is repeated.

Automation of sounds with-z in the text.
Description of the game.
Option 1. Children stand in a circle, holding hands.
A sad bunny sits in the middle of the circle.
Children sing:

Bunny! Bunny! What happened to you?
You are sitting very sick.
You can't even get up
Dance with us.
You get up, get up, jump!
Here, get a carrot
Get it and dance!

All the children come up to the bunny and give him a carrot.
Bunny takes a carrot and starts to dance.
And the children clap their hands.
Then another bunny is selected.

Option 2.
Children form a circle.
One of the players is a hare.
He is outside the circle.
Children sing a song and clap their hands:

Zainka, jump into the garden.
Grey, jump into the garden.
So jump into the garden.
So jump into the garden.

Children are jumping. Hare jumps in a circle.

Zainka, jump.
Grey, jump.
Jump like this.
Jump like this.

They make jumps. Bunny is jumping.

Zainka, dance.
Gray, dance.
That's how you dance.
That's how you dance.

They are spinning, Zainka is dancing.

Zainka, go away.
Gray, go away
That's how you leave.
That's how you leave.

Quietly go around in a circle.
Zainka leaves the circle.
The game is repeated, another hare is selected.

What's missing?
Differentiation of sounds s, s", z, z ’, c in words.
Several items whose names contain the sounds s, s’ z, z’ ts (umbrella, zebra, dog, goose, bag, castle, heron, ring).
Description of the game.
The teacher puts the objects on the table.
The child remembers them, then he is offered to turn away or close his eyes.
At this time, the teacher removes one of the items shown.
The child must guess what is missing.

Vaska cat.
Differentiation of sounds s, s’, z, z", ts in the text.
Description of the game.
Children (mice) sit on chairs or a carpet, one child is a cat.
He walks on his toes, looks to the right, then to the left, meows.
Teacher and children:

Vaska walks white,
Vaska's tail is gray,
And it flies like an arrow
And it flies like an arrow.

The cat runs to the chair at the end of the room and sits on it - falls asleep.

Eyes close -
Sleeping or pretending?
The cat's teeth
Sharp needle.

One mouse says that she will go and see if the cat is sleeping. Having looked, she waves her hands, inviting other mice to her.
The mice run up to her, scratching the chair where the cat sleeps.
Vaska cat:
Only the mice will scratch, Gray Vaska is right there. He will catch everyone!
The cat gets up and runs after the mice, they run away from him.

Two Frosts.
Differentiation of sounds s, s’, z, z’, ts in the text.
Description of the game.
Two houses (high chairs) are placed at different ends of the room.
Children are located near the designated houses.
The teacher selects two drivers who stand in the middle of the room, each facing the demolition team.
The teacher says: "This is Frost - Red nose, and this is Frost" - Blue nose.
Both Frosts say:

We are two young brothers
Two Frosts removed:
I am Frost - Red nose,
I am Frost - Blue nose.
Which one of you decides
To go on a path?

All children respond in chorus to Frost:

We are not afraid of threats
And we are not afraid of frost.

All the players run into the house at the opposite end of the room, and the Frosts try to freeze the children, i.e. touch with a hand, and each Frost must freeze the children from the opposite team.
The Frozen ones stop where the Frost captured them.
The Frost who froze the most children wins.
Then the Frosts face their team, and the game continues.

Individual lesson. Special set of exercises for correct pronunciation whistling sounds[С], [Сь], [З], [Зь], [Ц].

Purpose: to fix the correct pronunciation of whistling sounds isolated.

1. Consolidation of the correct performance of articulation exercises;

2. Continue to correctly form a long directional jet;

4. Develop phonemic hearing and phonemic perception.

Equipment: mirror, subject pictures.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment: Today Zvukoznaykin came to visit us. Our Zvukoznaykin can do everything. He composes poetry, draws pictures, plays sports. And he speaks correctly and beautifully. He can teach you this too. Zvukoznaykin will open the land of beautiful sounds for you. Zvukoznaykin likes to repeat: “Listen to the sounds carefully and pronounce them diligently! Speak calmly, clearly, so that everyone can understand. Listen carefully to what he says.

Whistling sounds are very common in our speech. There are five of them: you have already met with a solid sound [s]. You pronounce a solid sound [s] in the words: sled, fox, nose. Soft sound [s] you hear and pronounce in the words: seven, donkey, elk. You hear and pronounce the solid sound [h] in the words: castle, goat, vase. You hear and pronounce the soft sound [z] in the words: winter, earth, newspaper. Always only a solid sound [ts] you hear and pronounce in words: heron, bird, hare (the child repeats all the words after the speech therapist with the studied sounds). Zvukoznaykin invites you to check whether you pronounce these sounds correctly. Remember! When pronouncing the sounds [S], [Sh], [Z], [Zb], [Ts]: lips smile, the tip of the tongue is behind the lower teeth, the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed tightly against the upper molars, the front of the back of the tongue rises to the upper tubercles and form a gap with them, through which a strong cold stream passes through the middle of the tongue.

2. Articulation gymnastics for whistling sounds: But before we start making sounds, let's play with our naughty tongue (exercises:

- Spatula: smile, open your mouth. Place your wide tongue on your bottom lip. Hold it in this position, counting to five to yourself. Put the tongue with a spatula. And calmly support it. You need to relax the tongue And keep it under the count: One, two, three, four, five!
- “We will punish the naughty tongue”: lips will help you “punish” the tongue. To do this, you just have to tease, like this. Place your tongue on your lower lip and say: "Pya-pya-pya." As if with his upper lip he lightly smacked his naughty tongue. Do it again. Put your tongue on your lip, say “Pya-pya-pya”, Muscles relax ... The shoulder blade turns out ... You keep it counting ... Up to five... up to ten...
- "Let's brush your teeth": smile, open your mouth, brush your lower teeth with the tip of your tongue, making movements from side to side. Brush again carefully the lower teeth from the inside. If possible, brush your upper teeth. Say to yourself: I brush my teeth, I brush my teeth And outside ... and inside ... They didn’t hurt, they didn’t darken, They didn’t turn yellow so that they.
Your tongue will become strong if you learn to perform the Strongman Tongue exercise: smile slightly, open your mouth, lower the wide tip of your tongue to the lower front teeth, rest your tongue against your teeth. It's time for the strong man to rest. So that he can lie down, We will relax the muscles. You feel the back of the tongue tenses, even arched. Tired language? Put it relaxed - with a spatula - in your mouth, let it rest.
And the last exercise "Swing": smile, open your mouth, as with the sound [a], lower the wide tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth (on the inside) and hold the "one" count. Raise your wide tongue by your upper teeth and hold it for the count of two. Let's repeat one more time! On a swing I swing: Up - down, up - down, I go up to the roof, And then I go down.

Just make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw remains motionless. You taught your tongue to swing.

3. [S]: well, now look at the picture. Zvukoznaykin went to the forest, but on the way home the wheel of his bicycle was flat. Help inflate the wheel, depict a pump: stand up straight, clench your fingers into fists, put your hands in front of you (and if you do the exercise while sitting, lower your arms along your body) and move your hands up and down. Air comes out of the pump and whistles: s-s-s-s-s.
4. [Sh]: and now help Zvukoznaykin to prepare firewood for the winter, we start sawing the aspen together with him: s-s-s-s-s. Listen to yourself - the saw whistles softly: s-s-s-s.
5. [Z]: there are a lot of mosquitoes in the forest - it's full, they tortured you with Zvukoznaykin, they ring and ring over your ear. A large mosquito flies and rings loudly with its firm voice: z-z-z-z.6. [Z]: Tease mosquitoes - ring with a firm and soft voice, and spread your arms to the sides and wave them like wings, wave for a long time, as if an annoying mosquito is hovering over you. Now imagine that you are a little mosquito: smile broadly, bend the back of your tongue, softly ring out in a voice: z-z-z.
7. [C]: imagine that spring has suddenly come to the forest. Everyone rejoiced at her, because in spring nature comes to life. Titmouse sang their spring songs: ts-ts-ts - jerky sounds are heard around. Try to sing a titmouse song: smile with an open smile, rest the wide tip of your tongue against your lower teeth, press the front of your tongue against your upper teeth, there is a strong short air stream in the middle of your tongue, put your hand to your mouth and you will feel a strong jerky cold air stream. Let's whistle a little titmouse's jerky song: ts-ts-ts-ts.

8. The result of the lesson: let's repeat the exercises: pump up the pump (s-s-s), drank the aspen (s), ring like mosquitoes do it (h), whistle the song of the titmouse (c). Good girl! Maybe you still aren't doing everything right. Therefore, in order to learn how to pronounce whistling sounds beautifully and correctly, you need to continue to train your tongue with the help of the exercises that you have already learned to do.
