There is a set of the rules for the design of phrases in oral and written speech. This section of linguistics is called syntax (Syntaxis) that translated from the Greek language means "drawing up". The main members of the proposal with a coordinated bond and functional semantic load are not subject to secondary units, have a dominant position and "dictate" the main meaning of expression.

In contact with

Semantic core of expression

Subject to and led in sentences perform the function of the grammatical basis. What is subject to is the first one of the main members in who answering questions to them. : Who? or what? It means either an object, or an action denoted by the lean. What is a faithful is the second major dick that answers questions: "What to do or do?", "What is it?". Carries a functional load, complements the meaning of the subject.

The structure of speech turnover is subject to expressed nouns or implies an active value. For illustration, it is possible to give simple, finished, the phrases "Irina put the book". "She put the book." In both finished phrases, the dash is not set between the subject and the legend, since "Irina" in the first case and "it" - in the second are units that make an action, and the faithful expressed, standing in the past time denoting this action.

In Russian speech, it can be expressed as the name of nouns and adjectives used in

There are unpropered speech turnover, in which the bunch between the main members constituting the grammatical core. And the "stand" in the nominal case is "faced" and being led in these cases and are expressed by the name nouns or numeral. For example: "Start place - Fire Tower"; "The beginning of the presentation is twelve." On the letter, these phrases are drawn up with a dash between the subject and faithful,since twice applies a nominative case to decline both units of the main link.

In addition, if both main member of the phrase are denoted by uncertain verbs, then the linguistic standards are rated between the subject and the beam. Creative option is a funphorism: "Active man is a blacksmith of his happiness."

Important!If the particle "doesn't" stand before the verb (in infinitive), the sign of the dash is set: "live - not the field go." Such punctuation will be correct and grammatically, and stylistically.

In which expressions apply

The spelling rule with the binding sign of the dash depends on the competent allocation of the foundation - the main members who depend on the minor. A dash can be used to connect the parts of the sentence in different speech styles.

Mathematical and identical concepts

In the laconic speech turnover, which describes a mathematical action with the use of numeral, subject to and is divided into a dash sign. For example: "Twice two - four";

In simple and accurate phrases containing identical concepts and definitions. May be (geographical): "London - the capital of Great Britain"; "Sava - Danube Inflows" are examples of offers of classical identical combinations.


The punctuation mark of the dash is often used in short speech turnover of folk creativity, which are inappropriate. These are concise folk expressions - sayings and proverbs with a dash, whose spelling is subject to the rules of Russian grammar. The faithful is usually expressed by a whole phrase, in which the logical sense of the proposal is concluded.

Examples of wise folk creativity:

  • want to experience a friend - Look at him in anger;
  • a cat from home - mouse to dance;
  • out of sight, out of mind;
  • no news - good news;
  • that the eye does not see - the heart does not regret;
  • found a friend - found a treasure.

In all listed cases, the rule is involved when the dash is raised between both parts of the turnover.

Shaped commercials

If a proposal comes, where the name is expressed expressed by the nouns, then you can apply the standard rule using a graphical sign of the dash that denotes the final meaning. For example: "Almagel - balsam for stomach", "Pearl toothpaste - for the whole family." After the sign of the dash, a combination should be a combination in which the fabulous expressed nouns, explaining the general meaning of the "winged expression", convincing and motivating to buy.

Reception of the use of brief, label and figurative phrases is very often used in popular aphorisms and "clinging" advertising texts.

Use on writing

In Russian grammar, the sign of the dash between the subject and the faeeum is placed in four cases:

  1. Between the two nouns, when the faugible is expressed by nouns (happiness - award for courage).
  2. Between the numeral pair (fifteen fifteen - two hundred twenty five).
  3. There are infinitives between the verbs that stand in an indefinite form - to foresee).
  4. Before words: it, it means that it means connecting the grammatical foundation of the offer (a chumased child is a happy child).

Punctuation sign in Russian and foreign artistic literature

In Russian writer creativity, both modern and classical, punctuation with the use of dash is quite common. Expressions with a dash naurest function of additional expressiveness and strengthening the significance of the said.

Several examples of fiction:

  • "Genius and villainism - two incomplete things." (A.S. Pushkin);
  • "The highest and most characteristic feature of our people is a sense of justice and thirst for her." (F.M.Dostoevsky);
  • "Do not regret anything to think about others a little bit too - this is my simple magic." (L.I. Oshanin);
  • "Excessive pride is a sign of an insignificant soul" (I.A. Turgenev);
  • "The madness of brave is the wisdom of life" (M. Gorky).

In the works of foreign authors, a logic bunch - a dash between the subject and the lean - is also often used to the place. An example maybe
Serve the phrase from the "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" American Classic Mark Tweed: "But now Tom was a free bird - it was also worth something!" Thanks to the use of a punctuation mark, the phrase sounds short and very emotionally.

02.22.17 A dash between the subject and faithful. E.N. Sorokina


What is subject to And the faeble, expressed not by the noun and verb, and other parts of speech? The grammatical core is often constructed from interchangeable words carrying a logical semantic load, for example: "Time - Great Teacher". The sign is placed only inside the designs and has a binding functional in non-standard phrases. Compliance with uncomplicated rules will help avoid errors.

1. The dash is made between the subject and faithful in the absence of a ligament, if both main members of the sentence are expressed by nouns in the nominal case, for example: Moscow is capital of Russia. Place Place (Sholokhov).

As a rule, the dash is set:
1) suggestions that have a logical definition character, for example: Geology - science on the structure, composition, the history of the earth's crust;
2) in the proposals of scientific or journalistic style containing the characteristic, estimate of the subject or phenomenon, for example: Life is a special form of motion of matter, arising at a certain stage of its development;
3) after homogeneous subject, for example: Forest and cowardice - the most bad vices (Turgenev); Space and time are the main forms of every existence;
4) to make clarity in sense of proposal; Wed: The elder brother is my teacher; My older brother is a teacher.
The dash is usually not placed, although the fabulous is pronounced by the noun nouns:
b) in simple in composition of the proposal style of speech, for example: My sister is a student;
b) if there are comparative unions between the subject and the fault how, as if, like, exactly, it's still like, it's like that, it seems like etc., for example: Pond as Brilliant Steel. (Fet); You are between sisters like Gorlinka White Cinearial of SIZY, Simple Pigeons (Nekrasov); You have broach sort of bee (Chekhov); Houses of the city for sure piles of dirty snow (Bitter).

The deviations from this rule are associated with the desire of the author to emphasize the comparison shade contained in the taught, for example: Silence - like ice, you will be broken by a whisper (Leonov); Your speech - as if a sharp knife ... (Lermontov); ... Such a phrase is like a big helmet in Elash (Turgenev);
b) if the leaning is worth a denial not, eg: Officer this not Chet you ... (Fedin); Analogy not evidence. Cf. Proverbs and sayings: Word not Sparrow: Cleans - do not catch; Poverty not vice; A heart not a rock.

But the dash is set, if it is intended to logically and intonationally emphasize the fague, for example: But the explanation is not an excuse (Bitter); "Human blood - not a water" (Stelmach); Life live - not the field go (proverb);
b) if the introductory word, adverb, union, particle, for example, is worth and tamed Goose, knownBird is important and judgment (Turgenev).
Cf. The presence or absence of a dash, depending on the following conditions:
Cotton is the most important technical culture. - Cotton, as knownMajor Technical Culture (an introductory combination is inserted).
Cinema is the most massive type of art. - Movie still The most massive type of arta (adhered).
Kok-Sagyz - Koochonos. - Kok-Sagyz. toge rubbone (Union inserted).
December - the beginning of winter. - December only early winter (particle is inserted);
b) if the unfaithful minor member of the sentence stands next to him, for example: for example: Stepan. us neighbour… (Sholokhov);
b) If the faeed precedes, for example: Beautiful Man Ivan Ivanovich! (Gogol).
The formulation of the dash in this case emphasizes the intonation membership of the proposal for two compositions, for example: Nice people - my neighbors! (Nekrasov); Good side - Siberia! (Bitter); Psychological curiosity - my mother (Chekhov);
b) if the leakable, forms an indecomposable phrasemological turnover, forms, forms an indecomposable phrasematic circulation, forms, for example: Gross Price Theories that fixes some templates (S. Golubov).

2. The dash is made between the subject and faithful if both are expressed by an indefinite form of the verb or if one of the main members of the proposal is expressed by the very nouted case of a noun, and the other is an uncertain form of verb. For example: Scientist learning - just spoil (proverb); Our duty is to protect the fortress to the last of our scene ... (Pushkin).

3. Dash is put in front of words it is, that's, it means that it means Attaching the leakable to the subject. For example: Kremlin - this is Treasurer of Russian architecture, the creation of great masters, live chronicle of centuries-old history (From newspapers). All past, present and future - this is we and not blind power of the elements (Bitter).
Wed: The most late autumn - this is When the mountains are wrinkled from frosts and become, as they say, "sweet" (Privain) (in the role of the faugible is a whole proposal).

4. The dash is set if both main members of the sentence are expressed by the nominative case of quantitative numerical or if one of them is expressed by the noun-noun-nouvenous case, and the other is a numerical or turnover name. For example: So, nine forty-three hundred sixty, right? (Letters); Big Mesman - seven bright stars; Specific Gold - 19.3 g / cm3.

Note. In the special literature, when characterizing the subject, the dash in this case is often not placed, for example, the melting point of gold is 1064,4◦; Load capacity of the crane 2.5 t, the deduction of the boom is 5 m.

5. The dash is placed between the subject, pronounced uncertain form of the verb, and the leaky, expressed by predicative adverb on - about, If there is a pause between the main members of the sentence, for example: Prepare for exams - not so simple (Fedin); Cash - shameful (V. Tenryakov); It is very imperpant - to move (Goncharov).
But (in the absence of a pause): Judge a person in disfavor very easily (L. Tolstoy).

6. A dash is placed in front of a pronounced, pronounced phraseological turnover, for example: And woman and man - Pyhat Para (Chekhov); And porch - Give God Another prince ... (A. N. Tolstoy).

7. In subject, pronounced this is, The dash is placed or not raised depending on the logical allocation of the subject and presence or absence of a pause after it. Wed:
but) it - Start all began; it - first Speech actress; it - loneliness (Chekhov);
b) This is the house of Zversion (Gogol); This is a mesh for quail fishing (Chekhov); This is a very difficult problem.

8. The dash is usually not put if it is subject to pronounced pronoun, but a fabulous - noun, for example, for example: ... I am an honest person and never speak compliments (Chekhov); I'm terribly glad that you are my brother (L. Tolstoy); He is damage, he is a plague, he is an ulcer of these places (Wings).
The dash in this case is placed in contrasting or with a logical underscore, for example: You - Old child, theorist, and I - Young Old man and practice ... (Chekhov); I - Fabrikant, you - Shownerman (Bitter); Not me, not me, and you - malware element (Fedin).

9. The dash is not put if one of the main members of the sentence is expressed by the relative pronoun, and the other - nouns in the nominal case or personal pronoun, for example: Tell me who your friend and i I will tell you who you are.

10. A dash, as a rule, is not placed if the attacient is expressed by the adjective, locomotive adjective, proposed-nominal combination. For example: Her heart is very kind, but the head is (Turgenev); My cherry garden! (Chekhov). Spin at shark dark blue, and the belly dazzling white (Goncharov).
The formulation of a dash in these cases aims to intonationally dismember the proposal and facilitate the perception of its content, for example: Pupils - cat, long ... (Sholokhov); Height near the scattered houses of the farm - Team ... (Kazakevich).

11. In the footnotes, the dash separates the explanatory word from the explanation, regardless of the form of expression of the facility. For example: Lakshmi - in the Indian mythology the goddess of beauty and wealth; Apis - Ancient Egyptians are considered to be a sacred animal.

There are several cases when the phrase for intonational logical membership between the subject and the beam needed to put a dash.

1. If both main member are expressed by nouns in the nominal case, for example:
Taman - the most sophisticated gorodishko Of all the seaside cities of Russia(Lermontov).

2. If both main member are expressed by verbs in an indefinite form (infinitives), for example: Scientist learn - only spoil (proverb).

3. If both main member are expressed in numerical, for example: Five three -fifteen.

4. And if the subject is also expressed by all possible combinations of these parts of speech:

    nouns and infinitive, for example: Our task is -reflect the attack;

    infinitive and nouns, for example: Help disabled - ourdebt;

    numerical and nouns, for example: Four - evennumber;

    nouns and phrase with numeral, for example: Area of \u200b\u200ba triangle -five square centimeters.

5. In addition, the dash is placed in front of a leaving, pronounced phraseological turnover: Pie - fingers license; Night - even an eye of the eyes.

6. If there is no indicative words in the composition of the fad with these words, it is also a dash to put before them always, regardless of which part of the speech is the main members of the sentence. For example: Paris -this is the capital of France; Understand - it means to forgive; All the past, present, the future is us, and not blind power of the elements (Bitter).

There are three notes to this rule. A dash between the subject and the surehead, which are expressed by nouns, verbs in an indefinite form, numerical or combinations of these parts of speech, is not raised if

1. Before the fabulous, which is expressed by a noun, numerical or phraseological turnover, there is a negative particle not, for example: Old age is not joy (Ambassador).
Note: This does not concern the infinitive suggestions (for example: Drink tea is not firewoodcut) and proposals with the words this is, it means (for example: Analogy is not proof);

2. Before the legend is a comparative union (as if, as if), for example: Sunset Likeglow fire.

3. There is an introductory word, a circumstance or addition, as well as an alliance or particle, between the subject and the fault-noun). Ruch, of course, the bird is smart and independent, but he has no voice (Paustic); Moscow is now port of the five seas; This stream is only the beginning of the river.


    Grushnitsky _ Juncker (Lermontov).

    And you _ not a hunter? (Turgenev).

    The main item is _ Natural Sciences (Turgenev).

    Racing to breed _ chat empty (Ostrovsky).

    Pond _ like brilliant steel (Fet).

    They _ some landowners (Dostoevsky).

    Memories _ only shame and rumor hair (potters).

    His goal is _ to become the hero of the novel (Lermontov).

    Long-air wires _ extra tears (Ostrovsky).

    Zero yes zero _ zero (Fonvizin).

    Ignorant without soul _ beast (phonvizin).

    Are you a student? (Dostoevsky).

    Mother squeezed from joy, and father _ at least that!

    Calendar _ This is the schedule of work Sunny for the whole year (Vitaly Bianki).

    Recall that the author of "Symphony" _ young man, a natural student working in the laboratory for organic chemistry and a leading two-kindly conversations: and with comrades extremists preaching that "we all fly somewhere"; and with decent, esident traditions of privat-doctor (white).

    Father his _ Military doctor, referred to Nikolai first ... (white).

    And the eternal flour _ is always silent, not to speak just that there is truly yours and the only present, which requires the most legitimate expressions, that is, the trace, incarnation and preservation at least in the word! (Bunin).

    And that's all that was in my life, and the rest _ unnecessary sleep (bunin).

    In my concept, here this is what comes out: a labor person, if he is not a hijieler, not a lady, hunt, look, look at the beauty of the mountain, and he climbs into a pit with some kind of dummy (bazows).

    It seems to me that happy people _ are not young, but drunk, "she continued to whisper. (Bitter).

    Tell me, Mastakov _ Couple for my lida or not a couple? (Averchenko).

    Roots of trees at the track _ like the fingers of the giants.

    Remember, Dasha, what to lie _ to humiliate yourself (Bryusov).

    Once it was impossible to say the truth, the only thing he had to do, _ is to stop intimacy with George and from now on to support only a friendly relationship (Stepnyak-Kravkinsky).

    His talent _ God God for everyone.

    My conscience and the mind tell me that the best thing I could now do, _ It is a farewell lecture for the boys, to tell them the last word, bless them and give up their place to a person who is younger and stronger than me (Chekhov).

    To leave the city, from the struggle, from everyday noise, to leave and hide in the estate _ This is not life, it is an egoism, too lazy, this is a kind of monasticism, but monasticism without a feat (Chekhov).

    My goal is _ to defeat this multi-headed hydra (Czechs).

    The theater _ is the force connecting one of all the arts, and the actors _ missionaries (Czechs).

    The Efim itself _ finger in the mouth is not putting (Shukshin).

    It is not true, indifference _ is paralysis of the soul, premature death (Czechs).

    When he returned home, she, already dressed and combed, sat by the window and with a concerned face drank coffee and shifted the book of a thick magazine, and he thought that drinking coffee _ was not a wonderful event so that because of it cost a concerned face because of it And that in vain she spent time on a fashionable hairstyle, since it is no one here and not for what (Turgenev).

    Nihilist _ This is a person who does not inclined any authorities that does not accept any principle for faith, whatever respect this principle (Turgenev) is surrounded.

    Would you say today that she strangely married, although for a rich old old man, according to my opinion, it's not a strange thing, but, on the contrary, prudent (Turgenev).

    I just want to say that the aristocracy _ Princep, and without princepov to live in our time, some immoral or empty people (Turgenev) can.

    Oh my God, I _ Secretary of the Zemskaya Government, the Governance, where Protopopov Chairs, I _ Secretary, and at most I can hope, _ is a member of the Zemstvo Government! (Chekhov).

The dash between the subject and faithful in the absence of a bundle is put ALWAYS:

nouns in I. p. - nouns In I. P:

Moscow is the capital of our Motherland.

Our life is work. (K. G. Powesty)

numeral in I. p. - Numeral in I. P:

Five eight - forty.

nouns In I. p. - Numeral in I. P:

The height of the main vertex of Elbrus - five thousand six hundred thirty-three meters.

numeral in I. p. - nouns In I. P:

Forty five - Baba Berry again.

infinitive - infinitive:

Smoke - to harm health. (Proverb)

nouns In I. p. - Infinitive:

Our duty is to protect the fortress to the last of our scene ... (A. S. Pushkin)

infinitive - nouns In I. P:

Think I. try to understand Surrounding - from now on my goal. (N. N. Miklukho-Maclay)

infinitive - adverch on-о:

Saw - shamefully. (VF Tenryakov)

II. in front of the particles this is, here, this, so, it means, it `s that:

The leitmotif of my new book - this is Devotion to the Motherland. (N. A. Ostrovsky)

the dash before the named particles is also placed at

binding availability:

Being human - so Be a fighter (I.V. Götte)

when inversion* Dash is also required:

Of course, this is a great art - wait.

(L. S. Sobolev)

It is very loose - move. (I. A. Goncharov)

III. Before expression one (-A, -O) from:

Patience - one of Life treasures.


IV. If the faraered is expressed by phraseologism:

...she yes Trofim is two steam boots.


In the proposal sentences between the subject and taught, pronounced nouns, in the absence of a bunch of dash is not set: my son writer.

However, for the purposes of the semantic effect of the facility, a dash is possible: My son is a writer.

To make clarity in the sense of proposal is also rated:

  • The elder brother is my teacher.
  • My older brother is a teacher.

Dash between subject and failed in the absence of a bundle Not put:

I. If the subject is subject to and pronounced

nouns In I. p. - Adjective:

The sea is wonderful, blue and gentle, like an innocent girl's hair. (A. Zavadsky)

nouns In I. p. - Severance:

The windows are open.

nouns In I. P. - Nashcham:

Dress her fit.

nouns in I. p. - questionally relative pronoun:

Tell me who is your friend? ..

nouns in I. p. - a combination with nouns:

The inhabitants of Gulihukhina will be the biggest part of the average ... (A. S. Pushkin)

personal pronoun - nouns in I. p.

I am an honest person and never speak compliments. (A. P. Chekhov)

personal pronoun - questionally relative pronoun:

... and I will tell you who you are.

II. If between the subject and the faugible is worth particle, soyuz,

adverb, introductory word:

Analogy not Proof.

Without going to live only Sky smoke. (Proverb)

Pond as Brilliant steel ... (A. A. Fet)

His coming always Event.

Goose known, bird is important andindements.

(I. S. Turgenev)


1. Dash Before a particle NOT put:

but). if a NOT used with a restrictive particle only :

  • These lines - not only The vertices of poetry.
  • (K. G. Powesty)

1. Tire It is made between the subject and faithful in the absence of a bundle if both main members of the sentence are expressed by nouns in the form of a nominative case: Loneliness in creativity - heavything (C.); Nextstation - Mytishchi;Moscowgames- Greatacademy Sports creativity (gas.).

Usually, dash put:

1) in sentences that have a logical definition: Geometry - Department mathematicians studying spatial forms and relationships;

2) in the proposals of book-written styles (scientific, journalistic, official-business), containing characteristics, assessment of the subject or phenomenon: Matter- Objectivereality,existing outside and regardless of human consciousness;Disarmament- trees time;

3) in the proposals of the identity (subject to and led express the same thing): Moscow - CapitalRussia;

4) after homogeneous subject: Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Volgograd, Astrakhan- the largestcitiesVolga region;

5) With structural parallelism of parts of the sentence: Diligent In the Brigade -treasure, lazy- severe burden;

6) to make clarity in sense of proposal; Wed: Oldersister it - teacher;Oldersister is his teacher.

Note. In some cases, the dash is usually not installed:

1) In simple part of the proposal style of speech: My mother engineer; My brother is a schoolboy;

2) if comparative unions are in the role of a bundle as if, like, exactly, it seems like, it's like that etc.: Speech as speech (Furm.); Stars seemed small diamonds; The clouds are like fabulous monsters; Today, the sky is exactly the sea.

Retreats from this situation among classic writers and modern authors are associated with the previous punctuation norms or with the desire to emphasize the comparison shade contained in the taught: Your speech - as if a sharp knife (L.); Such a phrase is like a big helmet in Elash (T.); This girl is like a holiday!(Already.); War's term - that the life of the eyelids (TV.);

3) if negation is worth the legend not: This officer is not honing you (Fed.); ... Ussuri tiger is not a fairy tale at all, (March.); Poverty is not a vice (pog.); Heart is not a stone (pog.); The analogy is not proof.

The formulation of a dash in this case is to logically and intonationally emphasize the fague: But the explanation is not an excuse (MG); His glances for family etiquette - is it not prejudice?;

4) If an introductory word is standing between the subject and the fault, sometimes adverb, union, particle: Dubawa seems to be a friend of Korchagin (AND ABOUT.); The risk, as is known, the case is noble; Neightened act at allstep dangerous;Sergeev Now famousartist; Fir alsowood resinous;March onlystart Spring. Cf. The presence or absence of a dash, depending on the following conditions: Ivanov- Goodchess player; Ivanov,it seems not badchess player (the presence of an introductory word); Ivanov Now experiencedchess player (presence of adverbs); Ivanov Also famous chess player (availability of the Union); Ivanov Only beginnerchess player (the presence of a particle);

5) If there is a secondary member of the sentence before the leakage, Stepan. usneighbour (S.); Kolya to mefriend;

6) If the failed is preceded by: Beautifulman Ivan Ivanovich! (); Nicea place thisvalley! (L.); Picturesqueindian people (Rock.); Nicestudent thisboy. The formulation of a dash in this case emphasizes the intonational division of the proposal for two compositions: Gloriouspeople - neighbors. my! (N.); Amazinga business- sleep (T.); Psychologicalcourier - my mother (C.); Deftpie - Umishko human (MG); Coffin - road (TV.);

7) If the subject to be baked forms an indecomposable phrasemological turnover forms: Gross Price Theories that fixes some templates (Goal.); Two of a Kind (pog.)

2. Tire It is raised between the subject and taught if both of them are expressed by an indefinite form of verb (infinitive) or if one of the main members is expressed by the form of a noupled case, and the other is an uncertain form of verb: About solvedspeak- onlyconfuse (MG); Our duty is to protect fortress to the last of our fire (P.); Of course, it is a bigart - wait (Sob.); Teadrink- not firewoodcut (last); Force Collapse me from the right path -dudks!; Write mediocre things -it does not need any talent (infinitives in the function of the nominative theme, led by a whole proposal expressed); It would seem that,what is easier to write response letter (Wed: Write a response letter - a simple matter).

But (when inversion and absence of a pause): Whathappiness Sonhug! (Dollars)

3. Tire put in front of words it is, it means that it means that Attachment to the subject to subsidiaut: To catch Yersh or perch - it isbliss! (C.); Sport and culture - here are two keys to joy, beauty (gas.); Understand - it means to forgive; Latestfall - this iswhen Ryabina wrinkles from frosts and becomesas they say,"Sweet" (COME.) - In the role of the faugible, the whole proposal is.

4. Tire It is set if both main members of the sentence are pronounced quantitative or if one of them is expressed by the form of a noun-noun case of a noun, and the other - with a numerical or vigorous turnover: Twenty years- Goodthing (Sim.); Performance and meetings- two Mainpartof which will ever get happiness (Dollars.); Three times five - fifteen; Speed \u200b\u200b- sixty kilometers per hour.

Note. In special literature, when characterizing the subject, the dash in this case is not often not installed: The load capacity of the crane is 2.5 tons, the arrival departure is 5 m; Gold melting point of 1063 ° C.

5. Tire It is raised between the subject, expressed not a certain form of the verb, and the fault, expressed predicative adverb (state category) on -O, in the presence of a pause between the main members of the sentence: Cash - shameful (Tendr.); This is verysubstantly - move (Rock.); itawful - tool at the last moment; This is damnfun - ride on the boat [cf. Without a pause: Ride on the boatfun; Judge a person in disrepair is veryeasily (L.T.)].

6. Tire put in front of a leaky, pronounced phraseological turnover: And woman and man -pyhat Para (C.); And porch -god forbid a different prince (A.T.); His earnings now -be healthy;Sergey - seventh water in Kiere and you and me.

7. With a pronounced word this is,dash It is placed or not set depending on the logical allocation of the subject and the absence of a pause after it. Wed:

This is the beginning I started all. - this is not badstart; This is loneliness (C.). - It's homeHormic ().

8. The dash is usually not put if it is subject to pronounced pronoun, and the fairyless - shape of the nominal case of a noun: He is damage, he is a plague, he is an ulcer local locations (Cr.); I'm honesthuman And when not saying compliments (C.).

Dash In this case, it is set:

1) with logical underscore: I am page Your Peru. All I will accept I am a white page. I -the keeper Your good ... (CV.);

2) when opposing: I am a manufacturer, you are shipowner (MG); She is solidclew not pvov, but is he - embodiment Olympic tranquility;

3) With structural parallelism of proposals or parts of the sentence: Without youi- star without light. Without youi- creator without peace (Br.); we - people Restless, forwe - in response For the planet, two people, he and she, walked nearby: he is a younghuman in a dark suit, she is young, very prettygirl in a colorful dress;

4) When inversion of the main members of the sentence: Hero of this performance - I; Example That is he.

9. The dash is not placed if one of the main members is expressed by the question of pronoun, and the other is a noun in the form of a nominative case or personal pronoun: Tell me,who is yoursfriend,and I will tell youwho are you;Thiswhose book?;Who are you?

10. The dash is usually not put if the attacient is expressed by the adjective, locomotive adjective, proposed-nominal combination: The weather is unspecified, the road is bad, the yamper is stubborn ... (P.); Earth is great and beautiful (C.); Cherrymy garden! (C.); Sky without unitedcloud; People hereunusual kindness.

Dash Before the attachment, adjective is set:

1) with a logical or intonation membership sentence: Pupils - cat, long (S.); Height near the scattered farms farms -team (Kaz.);

2) in the presence of uniformly faithful: Rhythm Suvorov School -clear, fast, military (gas.);He has changed a lot:gait, movement, face features,eventhe look - softer, calmer, easier;

3) with structural parallelism parts of the sentence: Night - warm, sky - blue, moon - silver, stars are shiny.

11. In the footnotes, the dash separates the explanatory word from the explanation, regardless of the form of expression of the faithful: Poseidon - In the ancient Greek mythology, the God of the Seas;Pegasus is considered a symbol poetic inspiration.

§ 6. Tire in incomplete sentence

1. Tire In the presence of a pause in the so-called elliptic suggestions (independent proposals with the missing led): To the left, in the corner, at the door, on the stool - Water bucket for thirsty (POM); Behind the gate - the third places, a stronger, extraordinary value (KUPER.); Guys - for axes ... (A.T.); And is it you - with daughters? (Fed.); And in the door - bushlates, sinels, Tulup ... (M.); Behind the night window - fog (Bl.); Olympic fire - on our land! (gas.); In the role of offended - small children; And then a minute silence; Watermelons and Melon - Mountains; Cows - two; In response - complete silence; Ahead - A. Karpov.

In the absence of a pause in elliptic proposals, the dash is not set: And in the house knock, walking ... (Gr.); Suddenly in front of me deep (L.); Skyrplay steps along the streets of Belykh, the lights away (Fet); Hokhl Fire! (MG); Revolver on the table! (Tr.); On the right door to the next room, on the left output to the terrace (the remarks in the plays are designated); In this whole essence.

2. Tire It is put in incomplete sentences with parallelism of structures (offers or parts of the sentence): Her [Literature] beauty - in truth, its main value - in truth (Cor.); In all windows - curious, on the roofs - boys (A.T.); Instead of bread - stone, instead of teaching - beater (S.-S.); Here - ravines, then - steppes, even further - desert, in the other end - forest, swamp, moss (Fed.); Trikin - on. Author - Following (TV.); And above this plow - everything is dreaming, and under this plow - all the earth, and the soul - as in the first moment Svidanya, and the soul - like a sail of the ship (Bl.); Oh, I want to live insanely, everything is essential - perpetuating, impersonal - to see, unfulfilled - to translate! (Bl.); Fence - no. Gate - no. Borders - no. Before the house - Flower bed, fence, behind - Skilled fresh sand Square courtyard (Cat.); Milk soup - on the first, pancakes with cottage cheese - on the second.

3. Tire It is put in incomplete sentences of a special structure, the basis of which form two nouns - in the forms of duty and vinitive cases, without subject to both the faugible, with a clear intonation division into two parts: Skiers - a good base; Massas - culture; Youth - education. Usually such proposals are used as slogans and newspaper headlines.

4. Tire It is placed in the dismembered (bounced) headlines, which are incomplete gullable sentences, in which there are words with the value of the subject of action, an object, circumstances responsible for questions "Who - What?", "Who - Where?", "What - Where?" , "What - how?", "What - where?" etc.: Masters of Arts - Youth; Tourism - for everyone; Detachments - on the road; Heroes - near; Care and joy - in half; New books - gripping.

5. Tire It is put in an incomplete sentence that constitutes a part of a complex proposal when the missed member (usually led) is restored from the previous part of the phrase and there is a pause at the point of passage: Yermolay shot, as always, victorious; I am pretty bad (T.); Behind the window of the wagon sailed a nicricane plain, shrubs fled, distant - slowly, neighbor - ahead (A.T.); The voices of officers with each minute became louder, words - sharp, arguments - irreason (Goal.); The world is illuminated by the Sun, and man - knowledge (last); Select a few more examples of which - it does not matter; He in his eyes - how to get rid of me as soon as possible; Now I understand what he attracts everyone, - by inflexibility; We set up the fun, they are even enthusiastic; It was difficult to install which of them was right to blame (Wed without auxiliary verb: It was difficult to establish who is right who is to blame); Some voted for the proposed resolution, others, on the contrary, against (Wed: Some voted for, others against); To go further through the bog was dangerous, stay - too; Such a temperature can withstand only steel alloys, and from light metals - only titanium alloys; There were large construction work, and most importantly - the construction of the water supply; You have long been here, and I am only a few days; Some work, understanding their business as common to everyone, others - trying to benefit only for themselves; Passengers ... Canceled suitcases, bags, sweat, transferred pillows, who - to lie down their heads from the window, who is to head to the window (Roses.); Pockets were double: internal - from the canvas, external - gray cranksher (South.); One sodium atom replaces one hydrogen atom, one zinc atom is two hydrogen atoms, and one aluminum atom is three hydrogen atoms.

In the absence of a pause at the point of passing a member of the sentence, the dash is not set: Egorushka looked around him for a long time, and he is an eye (C.); From our battery only salty will go on a barge, we are with a crash part (C.); Alyosha looked at them, and they are on him (Trick.); The thief has one sin, and we have ten (Across); ... you make things long, and I'm short (Leon.).

6. Tire It is placed in the same type of complex parts of a complex supply when passing any member and even without skipping: They looked at each other: Paradise - with cold curiosity, she is with a muster celebration (Rock.); In the life of everyone there was such a girl. One met his laboratory, the other - in the radio, the third - in the geological party, the fourth - in the sea, the fifth - in the sky, on the crossing of the air roads (Hump.); In the hall they said witnesses - hurriedly, discolored votes, judges are reluctant and indifferent (MG).

§ 7. intonation dash

1. Tire It is set to specify the place of disintegration of a simple sentence on verbal groups to emphasize or clarify the semantic relationships between members of the sentence, when other punctuation marks or order of words, the desired meaning cannot be expressed. Wed:

Walk - for a long time (i.e., deprived was the ability to move over a long period, for example, after severe illness). - Walk long - could not (i.e. could not do long walking);

In case of need - please (i.e., in case of need I ask you to contact me). - In case of need I ask (i.e. I ask about when I need it).

Such a dash is called intonation, it can separate any part of the proposal: ... Non-stainlessly, unbelievable life harvester. Substitute bowls and plates! Any plate will be shallow, bowl - flat (CV.); Went to the club - read, play checkers, dance - A dash before homogeneous circumstances the goal emphasizes their connection with the faugible (Wed. Also: I take binoculars - observe); Everyone loved him - for his inherent perseverance, the power of will, for the fullness of all its being; Pedestrians approached the station - with nodes, bags, suitcases - Homogeneous members of the proposal refer to the predicate and have the meaning of the addition, and in the absence of a dash could be perceived as inconsistent definitions to be: I am what, it is a major specialist (Wed: He does not agree to depart?).

2. Intonational character also dash, which is set between members of the proposal to express surprise or to designate logical stress: And the pike thussed - in the river (Cr.); A few minutes later there were chains, the doors turned out, and entered Shvabrin (P.).

§ 8. Connecting dash

1. Tire It is placed between two or several words to designate the limits ("from ... to"):

1) spatial: Creament FlightMoscow - Khabarovsk;Through this village, it was possible to go to the big wayUralsk - Lbishchensk - Sugar - Guriev (Furm.);

2) Time: CrusadesXI-XIII centuries;Repertoire Theater onjanuary March;

3) quantitative: Manuscript volumeten - twelve copyright sheets (The same figures: 10 - 12 ); Load weighing 300 - 350 tons;5 - 7-fold superiority.

Note. If there is no word in the sense between two next to those worth from to, A Word or, then they are connected defis:Wides on a business tripfive six Days (But with a digital designation put a dash: ... 5 - 6 days).

2. Tire It is set between two or several names with its own, whose combination is called any doctrine, a scientific institution, etc.: Physical LawBoyle - Mariotta;MatchKarpov - Kasparov;MatchTorpedo Moscow - Metalist Kharkov.

3. Tire It is placed between individual words to show the internal connection between them: Congress of the International Union of Architects, held under the motto"Architecture - human - environment" (gas.); Yesterday Today Tomorrow.
