Axiom: no one can avoid stress. But still, we try or escape from stress in different ways - attend trainings, reduce social contacts, or even literally withdraw into ourselves. Some try to minimize its consequences: someone drowns out the "stressful" sediment with alcohol, someone resorts to healthier methods - sports, yoga, psychotherapy, holotropic breathing ... Something helps more, something acts like a placebo, alcohol - on the contrary, it aggravates the effects of stress, but none of these practices are able to provide reliable protection for our nerve cells.

Unfortunately, our psyche and nervous system are not so easy to control. And stress cannot be suppressed or eliminated by willpower - the whole point is that the development of the response to stress is based on subtle biochemical processes that regulate human nervous activity. So even the most skillful level 56 yoga is not able to influence them. At the same time, it is important to understand the consequences of stress and its negative impact on nervous system, in particular - on the brain. So what happens to our nerve cells when stressed?

Neuron death

To correctly answer this question, you will have to make a small excursion into the biochemistry of the brain. In case of stress, our adrenal glands release the corresponding hormones - adrenaline and cortisol. However, in addition to them, the excitatory amino acid glutamate is synthesized directly in the tissues of the brain. Glutamate is responsible for activating nerve cells, preparing them for intense stress - a typical response to stress. But with severe or chronic stress, this process gets out of control, and excessive functional activity is detrimental to nerve cells. Actually, overexcitation disrupts the processes of transmission of nerve impulses, negatively affects the functioning of neurons and leads to their death. Also, glutamate negatively affects the ability of the brain to recover to a resting state.


However, for every action there is a reaction, and this rule also applies to biochemical processes in our body. The human brain is equipped with natural protection against stress: this is GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid) - a biogenic substance, the most important inhibitory neurotransmitter of the human central nervous system. When GABA is released, the corresponding ion channels are activated, which ultimately leads to inhibition of the nerve impulse. Simply put, GABA suppresses the "hysterical" activity of nerve cells.

The role of this amino acid as an inhibitory mediator of the central nervous system can hardly be overestimated: it has been established that GABA normalizes nervous processes in the brain, relieves stress, anxiety, and at the same time boosts thinking, memory, and has a mild psychostimulating effect. GABA is also directly involved in the metabolism of the brain - it is responsible for providing nutrition and restoration of brain cells, promotes the absorption of glucose, and increases resistance to oxygen starvation. GABA actually revives nerve cells that have suffered subsequent stress.

Stress vs GABA: Who Wins?

Stress destroys GABA. When a person is under chronic stress, the body's GABA resources are depleted very quickly. This means that due to the absence of GABA, the brain will be damaged more and more, and the amino acid itself will become less and less ... this terrible vicious circle must be broken.

The good news is that the growing deficit of this important neurotransmitter in the central nervous system can be replenished by taking appropriate drugs based on gamma-aminobutyric acid. This allows you to restore the natural balance between excitation and inhibition at the cellular level, effectively eliminate stress, create conditions for the restoration of cells of the nervous system, increase the stability and efficiency of the entire nervous system. By eliminating the lack of GABA, we not only help the body cope with stress without consequences, but also repair neurons damaged by stress.

It would seem that everything is simple, but here one obstacle arises. The fact is that there is a problem of delivery of gamma-aminobutyric acid to brain cells. The “naked” GABA molecule penetrates poorly into neurons, is not sufficiently absorbed and does not solve the problem of replenishing the GABA deficiency. However, pharmacists managed to combine GABA and phenylethylamine, a natural metabolite of nervous tissue, in one molecule. The created tandem is perfectly absorbed by nerve cells and solves the problem of GABA deficiency and, in fact, eliminates the severe consequences of stress.

How to relieve stress? Replenish GABA!

Now the answer to this question is known, and the remedy for eliminating stress and anxiety. We are talking about a drug that contains an effective tandem GABA + phenylethylamine. Due to its high bioavailability, Quattrex has a pronounced anti-stress effect. At the level of the psyche, it relieves stress, eliminates anxiety, nervousness, soothes, without causing the inhibition characteristic of sedatives. At the biochemical level, it smooths out all the negative effects of stress on the nervous system.

Why it is harmful to be nervous. How not to be nervous.

When a person is nervous, he has muscle and vascular spasms. They contract involuntarily. From muscle spasms, internal organs can change their position, which squeezes the blood vessels. Blood stops flowing in the right volume. Sometimes the lack of oxygen, which is in the blood vessels, does not get enough nutrition for the brain. This can lead to migraines.

In addition to the problems listed above, in a person who is nervous, hormones are produced that poison and destroy the body. As a rule, this is the hormone cortisol, which in high concentration is capable of destroying brain cells and breaking down muscles (if I am not mistaken, nitrogenous decomposition of muscles sometimes occurs).

How not to be nervous.

Of course, it's easier than ever to tell a person not to be nervous, but when you are faced with a nervous situation, it is not easy to control yourself.

In terms of pharmacology, magnesium and potassium are anti-stress trace elements. If you regularly take these trace elements, then your stress resistance will significantly increase.

At the moment when the nerves are at the limit, you need to normalize breathing. Take a few deep breaths in and out. Then look at this situation from the outside, as if it is happening not with you, but with by an outsider... We are much less interested in other people's problems than our own. As long as you breathe correctly and look at the situation from the outside, the peak of stress will pass and will not have time to affect your nervous system to have time to harm.

Stress and lack of stress has a cumulative effect. If you are constantly nervous, then you can easily be unbalanced. If you are initially resistant to stress, it will be much easier for you to cope with stressful situations. Therefore, sometimes you need to completely leave everything and take a vacation at your own expense.


Why is it harmful to be nervous?

We have already answered above that during stress, the hormone cortisol is released sharply in the body. Scientists have found out interesting fact... The production of hormones can be regulated consciously and artificially. As needed, so to speak. POSE! A depressed, hunched over, dull, hopeless position (stoop, arms down, head down) promotes the production of the hormone cortisol.

The release of adrenaline (a cheerful hormone) provokes a winning pose (arms up and to the sides, feet on feet or on a table, bold postures). When stress overcomes, then throw your hands up, as if you just won a race rally))) You don't have to do it in public, just stand in this position for a couple of minutes and think about what you have done to all your rivals in races, and stress as if ... Checked \u003d)

We have long been accustomed to the fact that everyone around strongly advises to stop being nervous. Experts, ordinary acquaintances, and ourselves also tirelessly remind about this.

Nervous is harmful, we already know that. But what exactly is the harm, and what happens to the body when a person is nervous? We decided to find out.

What's happening?

At the moment when a person's inner self-control fails, and he begins to get nervous, the whole body begins to be included in the process. At the very beginning, a person has a spasm of blood vessels and muscles, which begin to contract involuntarily. These spasms provoke an insignificant movement of the internal organs, which, however, is enough to compress the blood vessels. Because of this, the blood ceases to flow in the required amount to the organs, which leads to oxygen starvation. This is what becomes the most common cause of migraines.

In addition to the aforementioned difficulties, a hormone begins to be produced in the body of the “nervous”, which subsequently poisons and destroys the body. This is the well-known hormone cortisol. As is often the case, what should initially help us in some circumstances can be very harmful in others. It's the same story with cortisol. Playing a key role in the body's defense reactions, it is thrown out "empty" in high concentrations and is often capable of destroying brain cells and muscles.

What to do?

Regardless of the situation that stirred your calmness, or your state of health, when a person is nervous, the same mechanisms occur in the body. Another question is that if a person initially cannot boast of good health, then constant stress and nervousness can significantly aggravate the situation. Therefore, you should practice stress resistance. First tip: take anti-stress micronutrients like potassium and magnesium.

Second tip: breathe deeply. This helps not so much morally as physiologically: you saturate the brain cells with the missing oxygen. Third tip: Build up stress tolerance. Practice has shown that habit and discipline also apply to the body's response to stress.

See also: Scientists: Excessive nervousness can be a sign of genius

If a person is constantly nervous, then unbalancing him with any little thing is a trifling question. Conversely, if you initially taught yourself to resist stress, then only something really serious can shake your calmness.

Why it is harmful to be nervous. How not to be nervous.

When a person is nervous, he has muscle and vascular spasms. They contract involuntarily. From muscle spasms, internal organs can change their position, which squeezes the blood vessels. Blood stops flowing in the right volume. Sometimes the lack of oxygen, which is in the blood vessels, does not get enough nutrition for the brain. This can lead to migraines.

In addition to the problems listed above, in a person who is nervous, hormones are produced that poison and destroy the body. As a rule, this is the hormone cortisol, which in high concentration is capable of destroying brain cells and breaking down muscles (if I am not mistaken, nitrogenous decomposition of muscles sometimes occurs).

How not to be nervous.

Of course, it's easier than ever to tell a person not to be nervous, but when you are faced with a nervous situation, it is not easy to control yourself.

In terms of pharmacology, magnesium and potassium are anti-stress trace elements. If you regularly take these trace elements, then your stress resistance will significantly increase.

At the moment when the nerves are at the limit, you need to normalize breathing. Take a few deep breaths in and out. Then look at this situation from the outside, as if it is happening not with you, but with a stranger. We are much less interested in other people's problems than our own. As long as you breathe correctly and look at the situation from the outside, the peak of stress will pass and will not have time to affect your nervous system to have time to harm.

Stress and lack of stress has a cumulative effect. If you are constantly nervous, then you can easily be unbalanced. If you are initially resistant to stress, it will be much easier for you to cope with stressful situations. Therefore, sometimes you need to completely leave everything and take a vacation at your own expense.

Health & BeautyLove & Relationships

A person constantly experiences some kind of emotion. Without them, he could not even take a step, so much they play important role in our life. They can be different: both negative and positive. Someone is able to control them, while someone is constantly nervous and worried, not trying to change such behavior. But this is a completely unreasonable attitude towards yourself and your health. Because the habit of being nervous, even when there seems to be a reason for this, does not help to deal with a difficult situation, but only exacerbates an already difficult situation. In addition, there are many more reasons why for the sake of your own good you should not be nervous so that it does not happen.

Why you shouldn't be nervous often

It is impossible to live life without shocks, troubles and joyful events. But if pleasant moments are worth experiencing, unpleasant ones clearly do not deserve to spend on them not only your time, but also your nerves.

But it's not so easy to unlearn being nervous all the time. You can't do without serious motivation. The fact is that changing a person's behavior model is a difficult task, because it takes years to develop. And in an instant to take and change it is very difficult. No one is able to change if he does not understand why it is necessary, what benefit he will receive from this, from which he will be saved and get rid of. No matter how strong his desire and conviction of what will turn out, he will not find the strength to overcome all the difficulties that stand in his way. Even if in a short time he manages to develop several correct habits, such as doing exclusively what he likes, no matter how strange and frightening it sounds.

Therefore, before changing your usual way of life, you need to understand in advance, realize and remember what you are saving yourself from by deciding to relate to what is happening in a different way.

Overreacting to troubles becomes the cause of a host of health problems. First of all, this inflicts a crushing blow on the nervous system, which often becomes the very reason for the appearance of a mass of psychosomatic problems and leads to the occurrence of various diseases, ranging from allergies, which can acquire a chronic form and go into eczema, and ending with vegetative-vascular dystonia, which almost untreatable. In general, there is an opinion that the impetus for the development of any disease is nervous tension. So, it is impossible to predict what the next nervous shock will bring. But obviously not good. And over the years, the situation is getting worse.

True, the opinion that stress for the body is always a threat is rather controversial. According to the scientist Selye, who studied the nature of stress, it is not stress itself that has a negative effect, but distress - stress that lasts for quite a long time. In this case, it does not matter at all whether it is caused by positive or negative emotions. It is very important to avoid precisely prolonged stress. It is important to do everything to get rid of it as soon as it has arisen, through sports, listening to music, just relaxing, or by solving the problem that triggered its appearance. An urgent need to get distracted, do what you love, create an atmosphere of calm, coziness and comfort for yourself.

It is not so dangerous to experience joy or sorrow for a short period of time, so you should not try to be a person who does not react to anything at all. To break oneself and turn into a soulless robot in itself can cause a lot of health and mental problems.

Any experiences, to which an adequate response does not immediately arise, become the cause of internal feelings and tension. When an annoying situation arises, it is very important to react to it in such a way that it does not leave any negativity behind. No matter how traumatic it is, you must either take it for granted and adjust your behavior, or do everything to fight back, get rid of what scares, hurts, upsets, offends or annoys.

To endure, reconcile or pretend that nothing happened, but in the soul to continue to feel resentment, guilt, fear, a desire for revenge is the first step towards neurosis and a huge list of diseases that arise in neurotics. Diseases of the cardiovascular system, pressure, problems with the digestive tract, muscle pain - this is just a small list of what awaits those who still do not understand why it is impossible to be nervous often.

Pregnant women should not worry, as this negatively affects the unborn child. This not only harms his health, interferes with his full development, but can also convey to him excessive anxiety and make him a nervous and restless child.

For healthy people, the habit of worrying, and not solving the problem that has arisen, over time threatens with a mandatory visit to a cardiologist, therapist and a neurologist, and these are just a few specialists who will have to visit in order to return to a normal lifestyle with the help of drugs, or even stay alive. Even if at the moment you do not feel any health problems and are deeply convinced that you should not be nervous for those who already suffer from hypertension, have suffered a heart attack or stroke, think about it, but they were healthy before, it is unlikely that these are their chronic diseases. Because of something, did they acquire them?

Why is it bad to be nervous

In addition to health risks, constant stress, anxiety, long-term experiences, an overly emotional reaction to what is happening creates additional problems to those that already exist.

Faced with unpleasant events, finding themselves in a difficult situation, being offended by someone for what he did or said, people are completely immersed in their emotions. And they lose the energy and self-control necessary to make the right decisions. Instead of immediately reacting to what happened, doing what the soul tells, they try to find the best solution to the problem, not considering that their reaction is already suggesting it. But, not listening to her, they try to do what their inner fears tell them.

When the boss was rude, few people tell him that this attitude is unpleasant for them. On the contrary, in order to convince themselves to remain silent and not react the way they want, everyone begins to remember that they will lose their job, income, and they have a family, loans, utility bills, dreams, etc.

But they do not understand that although this may be so, and it is really better to remain silent, rather than give a civilized rebuff, the anger remains inside. After all, you can get rid of it only by accepting as a fact that their financial security is possible only with this boss. And no longer let his abusive behavior into the soul, realizing that he is a deeply unhappy person and his words should simply be ignored.

Similar behavior, when people do not want to fight those who, in their opinion, offend them, not accepting for granted that, thanks to unpleasant emotions, they have the financial status that such an unpleasant job or marriage gives them, leads to neuroses. and in advanced cases, and to depression, from which it is very difficult to get out.

When a person ignores his small arsenal of solutions to emerging problems, and tries to sit on two chairs at once, he condemns himself to a miserable existence. Nature has given us exclusively two ways out. The first is to accept the situation. Do not accept it, be patient, waiting for it to end. Namely, to accept, as the sunrise and sunset, as something that is, and it is impossible to change it. And the second is to fight and defeat the enemy, to exclude from life that which causes negative emotions, so as not to face it anymore or to know in advance how to react in order to minimize the consequences.

Whether you want it or not, you will have to make this choice so that you no longer feel nervous, feel anger, resentment, fear, irritation, anxiety, nervous tension, lack of confidence in yourself or in your abilities. Otherwise, emotional and professional burnout, chronic fatigue, asthenia, neuroses and, as a result, depression are not far off, which requires drug treatment under the supervision of a psychiatrist and, quite possibly, in a hospital.

Emotions, undoubtedly, will not disappear anywhere, they are an integral part of a person, an indicator of his attitude to what is happening to him and around him. But when a person is accustomed to constantly experiencing negative feelings that make him nervous, he risks earning himself a whole bunch of diseases. After all, no matter how familiar it sounds, the aphorism that “All diseases are from the nerves” very accurately describes the cause of the most formidable diseases. And this awareness should become the motivation that will allow you to become more balanced and calm, to learn to avoid irritants.

Tags: why you shouldn't be nervous, why it is harmful to be nervous

Most of the failures in life are most often associated with the fact that a person was overly worried and thereby deprived himself of the opportunity to see and do what was important to him. And the reason for this is the peculiarities of the psyche of each individual person. Indeed, one in any situation can pull himself together and generally not react so violently, while the other is almost hysterical. Having learned why people are often nervous about trifles, you can stop yourself in time and save your health and even life.

Understanding why people are nervous

Human life is filled with a variety of events. Some delight, others sadden, others destroy the established world, which has to be rebuilt or radically changed. There are no people who would not react in any way to what is happening, emotions are an integral part of a person. They fulfill an important role: warning, protecting or stopping. But the strength of their manifestation depends on what kind of psyche someone has. When something unpleasant happens or something that a person has not yet encountered, he begins to get nervous. True, this is not always necessary and is beneficial. Since too long nervous tension can cause many problems.

But the whole life is arranged in such a way that it is more difficult to avoid reasons that provoke internal tension every day than before. The past years leave behind a memory of both good and bad events, some of them brought joy, and some left scars on the soul and fear. And more often we subconsciously remember more about those who caused pain, rather than joy. And this becomes the reason that with age, a person turns into an increasingly tense personality, who is more likely to expect bad than good and tries to protect himself from it with all his might.

And the surrounding reality is depressing, especially if you listen to the problems of others or watch the news. Negative experiences, failures, problems in self-realization and personal life, constant haste, the imposition that only one who earns a lot and works day and night can be successful - all this creates tension, which over time turns into anxiety and, as a result, becomes cause of chronic irritation.

Any event that does not fit into our picture of the world makes us nervous. Because it disrupts the course of events, the comfort zone that we tried to create in order to live more or less calmly. And since no one is immune from various accidents, and the behavior of others is rather difficult to predict, so it turns out that with age, people are more and more nervous and worried. Some problems replace others, years pass, something ceases to be unattainable, but this does not instill confidence in oneself, because others always come to replace these goals.

It is also difficult to remain unperturbed because the human psyche has hardly changed over the past millennia. The process of assimilating information remained almost the same as when they had not even traveled by horse, but walked, but the world around them became completely different: too unpredictable and fast.

The colossal events that have taken place have changed the environment and it is necessary to constantly respond to this, therefore people are nervous, because they are morally not ready to immediately process so much information, meet the imposed requirements, the level of knowledge and work capacity that employers, parents, legislators and others would like to see today. many other people, and the man himself. After all, in order to achieve success, we are told like a mantra that we need to work hard, study a lot, get up early and go ahead.

Only people are all arranged differently, and not everyone can tolerate such pressure painlessly. In principle, almost no one who would not argue otherwise. A person can remain calm and achieve success, in the form in which he understands him, only in the only case when he is doing what he likes and is not in a hurry. You cannot be happy, letting life pass by in order to achieve what is ideal for others, but not ideal for him.

When you can't live in harmony with yourself and the world around you, accepting yourself and him as you are, anxiety, stress, neuroses, asthenia, depression and many more formidable conditions and diseases that need to be removed and treated with the help of specialists come into play ... Therefore, it is so important to independently find this harmony with oneself, otherwise the whole life will pass under the slogan "Struggle with oneself."

How to stop being nervous

  • To cope with excessive nervousness, you need to accept the fact that it does not help you get the desired result, but rather reduces the chances of it. Instead of being at your best during interviews, first dates, first days at work, exams, and any other event that matters to you, you become stiff, clumsy and unable to reach your full potential 100%.
  • It doesn't hurt to work on what causes tension and stress. Why are you so worried about this or that occasion, what fears provoke this? Maybe the fear of being rejected because you do not have a high opinion of yourself or you think you are not worthy of love. Find the reasons for the nervousness. Realizing what fear makes you worry about the upcoming event, imagine what such a terrible thing can happen if something that is so frightening happens. The person you like will reject what ?! Is life really over, and there is no one around who will be a hundred times better than him. Or you will not be hired for this job, but who said that tomorrow you will not have a job that will become the most beloved and interesting. And if suddenly at the alumni meetings you will not look as solid as one of them, the earth will stop or it will somehow affect your life in a really negative way. In the end, if you set a goal and take a close look at the life of the successful, you can see so much negativity there that it's time to envy yourself, that everything is not so bad with you.

  • A high level of anxiety is also provoked by certain work, which makes you experience high loads and find yourself too often in stressful situations. The body is simply forced to be nervous about what is happening. This includes any work with people, the position of a dispatcher, service in the army and law enforcement agencies, work where a person is responsible for others and their life and health depend on him. Therefore, such work is usually hired after passing certain professional tests, which should show whether a person has high stress resistance, whether he is ready for such loads and whether he will not be at a loss in difficult situations.
  • Factors such as constant noise, large numbers of people in cities, rush also become the reasons why people are nervous. Living in the countryside, or at least where there are parks and green areas, promotes relaxation, even in urban settings.
  • If this is not possible, be sure to find time for sports. Physical activity helps to strengthen the nervous system. Sport in a moderate but constant amount allows you to relieve stress and train the body to respond less to various irritating factors.
  • Not everything is so sad for those who are confident in themselves. In most situations, they are able to avoid any excitement. They do not think that by the age of 40 they need to become this and that, have this and that, otherwise they will be losers. They do what they like. They enjoy it, they are satisfied with life and everything that they do. Therefore, they perceive any events as something that sometimes needs to be responded to, and sometimes it is not necessary, and not as a reason to get nervous once again.

No matter how old you are, it is worth remembering that sometimes there is something to learn from children. Of course, adults have much more potential. They know more, they know how. But they should learn one quality from children, remembering that they were once like that: the ability to quickly switch to other events in their lives, leaving unpleasant memories and traumatic events in the past. This is what allows adults to be much calmer and maintain health for many years. Constantly nervous, they do not solve the problems that provoked this condition, but only destroy health, creating unnecessary stress, and complicating the situation even more.
