The purpose of the forum:discussion of innovative practices to create mechanisms for non-formal education of teachers.

Forum Objectives:

  • To present the innovative experience of the Omsk region in terms of the implementation of methodological work with teachers at the regional level;
  • To highlight modern approaches in non-formal education of teachers at the municipal level;
  • Disseminate effective practices for expanding the opportunities for non-formal education of teachers in the Omsk region.

Forum hosts:

Kolyadintseva Oksana Alexandrovna, First Vice-Rector of BOU DPO "IROOO";
Kazakova Maria Alexandrovna, vice-rector for organizational and methodological activities and external relations of BOU DPO "IROOO";
Akentieva Irina Yurievna, head of the educational and methodological center for support of innovations in education, BOU DPO "IROOO";
Smirnova Elena Alexandrovna, head of the educational and methodological center for support of business cooperation, BOU DPO "IROOO";
Kochina Tatiana Georgievna, head of the educational and methodological center for the professional development of pedagogical workers, BOU DPO "IROOO";
Lyashevskaya Natalia Valerievna, Lecturer of the Department of Management and Economics, BOU DPO "IROOO", Deputy Head of the Regional Design Laboratory for Young Teachers of the Omsk Region;
Hatsevskaya Elena Olegovna, senior methodologist of the educational and methodological center for support of innovations in education, BOU DPO "IROOO";
Radionova Elena Viktorovna
Sedukova Natalia Valentinovna, methodologist of the educational and methodological center for support of innovations in education, BOU DPO "IROOO";
Ivanova Yana Anatolievna, methodologist of the educational and methodological center for support of business cooperation, BOU DPO "IROOO";
Mogutova Anna Alexandrovna, methodologist of the educational and methodological center for the professional development of pedagogical workers, BOU DPO "IROOO".

08 November. Implementation of methodological work with teachers at the regional level

More details

Issues for discussion

  • What, from your point of view, are the priority areas of activity of municipal methodological services in modern conditions of modernization of education?
  • What are the features of the functioning of municipal methodological services in your region / municipality?
  • What experience in terms of implementation of methodological work with pedagogical workers at the regional / municipal level (from the presented one) do you consider effective and would like to implement in your region / municipality)?
  • Which of the materials presented were interesting and / or useful for you?
  • What are your suggestions for the development of municipal methodological services at the municipal / regional level?

  • Research socio-pedagogical project "Educational complexes as a mechanism for managing the quality of education on the territory of the Bolsherechensky municipal district" (Appendix 1);
  • Presentation Research socio-pedagogical project "Educational complexes as a mechanism for managing the quality of education on the territory of the Bolsherechensky municipal district" (Appendix 2);
  • The work plan of the MBU "Center for Education Development" of the Kalachinsky Municipal District of the Omsk Region for 2016 (Appendix 3);
  • Electronic map of innovative educational practices of the Kalachinsky municipal district (Appendix 4);
  • Presentations of municipal training sites in Kalachinsk (Appendices 5-10);
  • The program of the municipal internship site "Methods for the implementation of the system-activity approach in the classroom and in extracurricular activities", educational institution of Kalachinsk "Lyceum" (Appendix 11);
  • Presentations on the implementation of the FSES of preschool education in the Kalachinsky municipal district (Appendices 12-14);
  • (Appendix 15);
  • Presentation "Features of the organization of methodological work in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education." Kalachinsky MR (Appendix 16);
  • (Appendix 17);
  • Presentation of the visiting meeting of the heads of municipal methodological services "The main directions of activity on organizational and methodological support of the educational process in the Kalachin education system" (Appendix 18);
  • Materials of the visiting meeting of the heads of municipal methodological services "The main directions of activity on the organizational and methodological support of the educational process in the Kalachin education system" (Appendices 19-23);
  • Video clip "With love for the Motherland". Lyubinsky MR (Appendix 24);
  • Video clip "The unity of all and the uniqueness of everyone." Lyubinsky MR (Appendix 25);
  • Work plan for 2016 KU Lyubinsky municipal district "Resource information and methodological center in the field of education" (Appendix 26);
  • Materials of the organization of psychological, medical and pedagogical support of children with disabilities in the Lyubinsky municipal district (Appendix 27);
  • Presentation of the regional festival following the results of the summer health-improving campaign “Summer is colored with the colors of the rainbow”. Lyubinsky MR (Appendix 28);
  • Presentation “creating a tolerant environment for orphans and children left without parental care”. Lyubinsky MR (Appendix 29);
  • Video "System of work in a preschool educational institution". Lyubinsky MR (Appendix 30);
  • Presentations on the system of working with preschool educational institutions. Lyubinsky MR (Appendices 31-34);
  • Video clip "Gifted Child". Lyubinsky MR (Appendix 35);
  • Presentation "Revealing the intellectual giftedness of students through subject Olympiads". Lyubinsky MR (Appendix 36);
  • (Appendix 38);
  • (Appendix 39);
  • Poster presentations of the Lyubinsky municipal district (Appendix 40).

November 09, 2016. Regional innovation platforms - innovative complexes in education (RIP-InKO) as a mechanism for the development of non-formal education of teachers

More details

Issues for discussion

  • What, in your opinion, is the advantage of participation of an educational organization in the activities of RIP-InKO?
  • Which of the materials presented were interesting and useful for you? Justify.
  • What, in your opinion, is the difference between the implementation of non-formal education of a teacher (on the example of the education system of the Omsk region) from the experience of your region / municipality?
  • What approaches in organizing the discussed innovation activity would you like and could use in your work?
  • Your suggestions for the development of innovative complexes as mechanisms for informal education of teachers.

Materials for acquaintance and discussion

  • The procedure for the formation and functioning of innovative infrastructure in the education system of the Omsk region (Appendix 1).
  • Regulations on RIP-InKO (Appendix 2).
  • (Appendix 3-5).
  • Structural and functional model of RIP-InKO (Appendix 6).
  • Passport RIP-InKO No. Updating general education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard "(Appendix 7).
  • RIP-InKO passport "Renewal of preschool education in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard" (Appendix 8).
  • RIP-InKO passport "School is a territory of health" (Appendix 9).
  • RIP-InKO passport "School as a center for creativity and development of gifted children" (Appendix 10).
  • RIP-InKO passport "Education of children of special care" (Appendix 11).

480 RUB | UAH 150 | $ 7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR," #FFFFCC ", BGCOLOR," # 393939 ");" onMouseOut \u003d "return nd ();"\u003e Dissertation - 480 rubles, delivery 10 minutes , around the clock, seven days a week

Roitblat Olga Vladimirovna. Development of the theory of non-formal education in the system of advanced training of teachers: dissertation ... Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences: 13.00.08 / Roytblat Olga Vladimirovna; [Place of defense: St. Petersburg Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia] .- St. Petersburg, 2015.- 425 s.


CHAPTER I. Theoretical aspects of non-formal education of teachers

1.1. Trends and factors shaping the system of additional professional education of teachers in modern conditions

1.2. Theoretical ideas about the conceptual space of non-formal education of teachers in scientific research

1.3. Theoretical aspects of the consideration of non-formal education of teachers in the views of foreign authors

1.4. Comparison of formal and non-formal education of teachers in the system of professional development

Conclusions on the first chapter 128

CHAPTER II. Methodological issues of the development of theoretical ideas about the phenomenon of "non-formal education of teachers"

2.1. Methodological approaches in substantiating the content of the concept of "non-formal education of teachers"

2.2. Methodological issues at the heart of the development of theoretical ideas about the phenomenon of "informal education of teachers" based on the philosophical and anthropological theory of communication

2.3. Didactic aspects of non-formal education of teachers in the system of continuing education

2.4. Inclusion of non-formal education of teachers in the professional development system

Conclusions on the second chapter 214

CHAPTER III. Interpretation of the results of a pedagogical experiment aimed at determining the place of informal education of teachers in the system of advanced training

3.1. Analytical data on the organization of advanced training in organizations of additional professional education

3.2. Interpretation of data from a survey of respondents' opinions on the attitude to non-formal education of teachers in the system of professional development

3.3. Interpretation of the results of the creative stage of the pedagogical experiment on the inclusion of non-formal education of teachers in formal education

Conclusions on the third chapter 291

Conclusion 293

Bibliographic list

Theoretical ideas about the conceptual space of non-formal education of teachers in scientific research

Comparison of formal and non-formal education is considered as one of the ways of constructing the definition of the term “non-formal education” in the scientific literature. While accepting the concept continuing educationwhere the principle of “lifelong learning” was laid down, three types of education began to be considered - formal, non-formal, informal. Consideration of these concepts passed through the prism of comparison, relying on a comparative approach and highlighting various signs of comparison (goals, place of receipt, subjects organizing the pedagogical process, subjects receiving education, type of regulatory regulation, character traits, results, conditions of admission, training time, organization, etc.). Formal education implies the existence in society of special institutions and organizations (schools, colleges, technical schools, universities, advanced training institutes, etc.) that carry out the learning process, in a modern industrial society it is the dominant education system, obeys a certain officially prescribed model, as it were " specifying "the amount of knowledge gained, learning certain skills and actions that must comply with: a) the normative canon of the individual (citizen), adopted in this society, and b) the normative requirements for the fulfillment of social roles widespread in this society. The functioning of the formal education system is determined by the prevailing cultural standards, ideals, and political attitudes prevailing in society, which are embodied in the policy pursued by the state in the field of education. Formal in this already generally accepted terminology is the education that a) is acquired by students in institutions specially designed for training, b) is carried out by professionally trained personnel, c) leads to the receipt of a generally recognized document on education, d) promotes the acquisition of systematic knowledge, skills and abilities by students with their purposeful activity.

Non-formal education is characterized by systematization and unsystematization of education, purposeful and spontaneous activities of students, focus on meeting the educational needs of citizens, individual social, professional groups, society, and its result is an increase in educational potential. Unlike formal education, non-formal education is carried out by various organizations and institutions, and not always professional educators (teachers). It is less structured and does not necessarily end with the receipt of a generally recognized document on education; it acts as the so-called third sector, the main social actors of which are public non-profit organizations (NPOs), they are mostly engaged in non-formal adult education. When comparing formal and non-formal education, the problematic nature of the boundaries of the transition from one type to another always remains; for a more complete understanding of non-formal education, it is necessary to use other approaches to consideration.

Changes in theoretical ideas about the content of the concept of "non-formal education" are influenced by changes in the socio-cultural environment, target attitudes, determining the directions of theoretical development, including in the field of methodology, methodological approaches. The development of the theory of non-formal education occurs due to its consideration on the basis of various approaches (contextual, personal-activity, dialogue, competence, functional, sociocultural, humanistic, comparative, information-technocratic approach, psychological, activity, etc.), allowing a multilateral consideration of the studied pedagogical phenomenon.

When relying on the personality-activity approach, the emphasis is on the way of organizing this education and the position of the subject in this education; on the contextual approach, the emphasis is placed on the specific context of the environment of the organization of non-formal education; on a competence-based approach - on the possibilities of non-formal education in terms of the development and formation of various competencies of subjects; on the dialogue approach - to consider the position of subjects in communication, to identify the features of interaction in this education; on a sociocultural approach - focusing on the role and place of non-formal education in a given historical period; on the humanistic approach - on non-formal education as a component of education, capable of assisting the subject in achieving personal goals, professional interests, taking into account the individual personality characteristics of the student, on the comparative approach - comparing and identifying the features of formal and non-formal education; on the information and technocratic approach - consideration of the information and professional environment under the influence of technological transformations and the impact of these transformations on a person, on changes in the functions of his professional activity, which emphasize the need for continuous education; the functional approach - attention is drawn to the consideration of the functions of non-formal education at the present stage in the system of the general educational complex; on the psychological approach - on the psychological characteristics of the student in the format of non-formal education; on the activity approach - non-formal education is seen as a type of special activity.

Comparison of formal and non-formal education of teachers in the system of professional development

Formal in this already generally accepted terminology is the education that a) is acquired by students in institutions specially designed for training, b) is carried out by professionally trained personnel, c) leads to the receipt of a generally recognized document on education, d) promotes the acquisition of systematic knowledge, skills and abilities by students with their purposeful activity.

Non-formal education is characterized by the systematization of education and purposeful activity of students, focusing on meeting the educational needs of citizens, individual social, professional groups, society, and its result is an increase in educational potential. Unlike formal education, non-formal education is carried out not by educational institutions, but by various other organizations and institutions, as well as not always by professional teachers (teachers). It is less structured and does not necessarily end with the receipt of a generally recognized educational document.

At the present time, when the formation of civil societydevelopment of the so-called third sector, the main social actors of which are public non-profit organizations (NPOs), they are most involved in non-formal adult education. The development and implementation of educational programs in various educational projects of these organizations are, as a rule, engaged either by their managers and employees, or by specialists (not teachers) in the relevant spheres of public practice, among which employees of educational institutions are also represented.

The 1976 Recommendations for the Development of Adult Education, adopted by the UNESCO General Conference of Nairobi, also compare the two types of continuing education. It is noted that the least studied issue is the issue of non-formal education for adults, when the adult education system is not strictly organized: there are no strict standards, there is no specific regulatory framework, we are talking about the so-called non-formal education. These include various courses (from several hours to several months), they can have the broadest direction - the acquisition of new knowledge in the field of the profession in which they work, the acquisition of new knowledge, for example, for a young dad, a mother in the field of family arrangement, new knowledge in some area that is necessary at a given period of human life (knowledge about buying a home, gardening, mastering a new perfume line, tourist knowledge, etc.). At the present stage, many different courses have been organized (study foreign languages, tour operator courses, psychology courses, training courses for moderators, etc.).

E. A. Nagreli, studying the issues of adult education in the framework of formal advanced training, believes that the main resource is the teaching staff, traditional educational structures of additional education: advanced training institutes, institutes for the development of regional education, scientific and methodological centers; educational resources include advanced training courses, practical seminars, and distance education.

Exploring the issues of the technology of organizing non-formal education for teachers of the professional cycle of the college, T. L. Dubrovina also compares these two types of education.

Conducting research from various sources, the author comes to the conclusion that non-formal education in the system of continuing education can be represented by a variety of innovative educational structures and resources. Relatively new for vocational education, but widespread in business, are educational structures that can be used both in the system of formal and non-formal education: innovative educational centers, video libraries of advanced pedagogical experience (we have tested and developed many didactic plots that reveal advanced pedagogical experience from professional activities of teachers - winners of the competition "Teacher of the Year"), incubators of new technologies, created with the participation of educational organizations of additional professional education; resource centers; multifunctional centers for applied (professional) qualifications; centers for independent certification of qualifications; educational clusters; scientific and educational consortia "network communities of professionals, etc. Our research shows that these and other didactic components, tested in the aspect of non-formal education in the system of advanced training, show that they are also acceptable for formal education in organizations of additional professional education, which says about the similarities between these two forms. The named forms of education provide, on the one hand, the formation of a generalized intellectual and creative space for the development of professional competence of teaching staff, on the other hand, they contribute to the development of a system of continuous interaction between the educational community of various levels, acting as a means of organizing advanced training of teaching staff; In addition, the mechanisms that stimulate the very organization of informal professional development of teachers, ensuring the integration of science, education and pedagogical practices through the dissemination of positive professional experience of teachers, help to improve the quality of development of professional competencies.

Educational resources of non-formal education in the advanced training system are also distinguished by diversity, flexibility, innovation: participation in the implementation of innovative and experimental projects, online seminars, video conferences, video lectures, webinars. We refer to the forms and technologies of non-formal education as annual socially significant events (contests of professional skills "Teacher of the Year" in various nominations, "Best teacher of the year", the August Pedagogical Council, pedagogical festivals, panoramas of pedagogical ideas, all-Russian competitions of methodological developments of teachers, etc.) , regional educational and methodological commissions, internships, working groups, network groups, network communities, scientific laboratories, internships, master classes, educational retraining, corporate training, etc.

In a generalized form, let us compare the systems and institutional structures in the organization of formal and non-formal education based on the advanced training of teachers (Table 7).

Didactic aspects of non-formal education of teachers in the system of continuing education

As a special model for the inclusion of non-formal education in the system of additional professional education, we have tested internship sites.

In the Tyumen region, on the basis of the Tyumen Regional State Institute for the Development of Regional Education (TOGIRRO), for several years, research has been carried out and an experiment is being conducted to include non-formal education in the system of advanced training, in order to meet the needs of consumers (both educational institutions themselves and individual pedagogical workers) , in order to improve the quality of education in the region. For several years now, such a form of non-formal education as internship sites has been tested. The effectiveness of the institute's activities with the inclusion of non-formal education through internship sites increases due to:

1) the transfer of educational and training aspects of the process of improving the qualifications of teachers in the real context of an educational institution and the development of new professional and pedagogical skills and abilities directly in practice;

2) active involvement of teachers in the development of professional growth programs (they design and defend models of their future professional activities, as well as planning of self-development work);

3) building the content of advanced training, taking into account the identified specific difficulties in pedagogical work, various pedagogical problems.

Information about the activities of the internship site is presented during radio broadcasts, interviews with local media, in speeches at conferences, on the website of the Institute and the Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Region.

In TOGIRRO, intensive activity is indicated as an internship site (the obligations of the institute since 2012, for example, in 2013, 733 teachers were trained in this form, of which 549 were from other regions).

The prospects for non-formal education in the format of the “internship platform” model are as follows:

1.Orientation of the content of advanced training to the formation and development of professional competence of pedagogical and managerial personnel, restructuring of psychological attitudes, motives and value orientations of the teacher's personality itself in the process of advanced training through intensive deepening in cognitive activity, active communication with colleagues and teachers in the study group.

2. Implementation of continuity between course and intercourse stages of professional development within the concept of lifelong education through the integration of all possible forms of education ("formal", "informal", "informal", "open", "distance"). Thus, it can be noted that the inclusion of non-formal education in the traditional system of professional development of pedagogical personnel through such a model as an "internship site" contributes to the implementation of an organic connection between the processes of coursework and self-education of pedagogical and leading personnel in the intercourse period.

The emergence of non-formal education in Russia can be attributed to the 19th century, when SI Gessen wrote about the importance of library reading, which can already be considered as non-formal education. In modern Russia, new forms of teacher education have appeared, which can also be called informal. These are various competitions ("Teacher of the Year", "Best School in Russia", "Best Class Teacher", etc.), master classes, pedagogical festivals, panoramas of pedagogical ideas, pedagogical teacher readings, innovative pedagogical marathons, educational retraining, video lessons , media consultations, corporate training, schools of the modern leader, etc. Almost all of these types of interaction between teachers can be called non-formal pedagogical education, they can be considered as forms of including non-formal education in the system of advanced training. In the conditions of the Tyumen Regional State Institute for the Development of Regional Education, we have built and tested various options for including all three forms of organizing the educational process (formal, informal, informal) into the system of advanced training: linear, parallel, simultaneous. The algorithm for including non-formal education in the formal system in additional education for adults implies conducting at the initial stage of diagnostics, which makes it possible to see professional preferences and interests, as well as problems in professional and personal development, and then direct the process of non-formal education to eliminate the identified problems based on updating the practical experience of teachers ...

The outlined changes in additional education for adults in the system of advanced training, namely, the abolition of state-recognized certificates after the completion of advanced training courses, will greatly contribute to the intensive inclusion of non-formal education in the formal system and the teaching community's awareness of the obvious: the education system cannot be driven into a strict framework, which need to be significantly expanded. In these conditions, naturally, new approaches to the organization of additional education for adults will begin to operate, which will optimize the entire system as a whole. And a significant role in this will be played by the process of integrating various forms of education: formal, informal, informal.

Interpretation of data from a survey of respondents' opinions on the attitude to non-formal education of teachers in the system of professional development

In the course of the research conducted as part of the implementation of the Federal project on Modernization of municipal systems of preschool education

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1 EFFECTIVE MECHANISMS OF NON-FORMAL EDUCATION OF TEACHERS: PROJECTS "MOBILE TEACHERS" AND "BASIC DEPARTMENT" KGBU DPO AKIPKRO Mamchur YY, KGBU DPO "Altai Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Educators". Barnaul, Altai Territory. Annotation. The strategy of teaching teachers in the context of non-formal education is aimed at obtaining a high quality education, which provides an opportunity to form professional competencies necessary for the practical activity of a teacher, to acquire strong skills that increase competitiveness and contribute to the development of a professional career. Key words: base department, mobile teachers, professional community, innovative activity, teacher growth system EFFECTIVE MECHANISMS FOR NON-FORMAL EDUCATION TEACHERS: PROJECTS "MOBILE TEACHER" AND "BASIC DEPT." REGIONAL STATE BUDGET INSTITUTION OF ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION "ALTAI REGIONAL INSTITUTE OF TEACHER TRAINING" Julia Mamchur Summary. Teacher training strategy in a non-formal education aimed at obtaining high quality education, providing the opportunity to develop professional competencies required for the practice of the teacher, to acquire strong skills, enhance competitiveness and promote the development of a professional career. Keywords: base chair, mobile teachers, professional community, innovation, the system of teacher growth An important task of modern education in Russia is the preservation and development of the teacher's creative potential, which should be provided by his worthy motivation. The modern Russian economy is in need of people who are able to solve new problems in an unconventional way, to introduce new content into all spheres of life. A modern teacher must correspond to modern realities. But this is not enough, it is important to study continuously and respond to the actual, to

Today the question is: what kind of teacher is today, what does he own, what professional difficulties does he experience, what values \u200b\u200bcharacterize his personality? It is also necessary to understand what his personal and professional needs are. In our opinion, one of the central tasks of educational policy remains the task of ensuring unity educational space... The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a unified educational space (in accordance with the instruction of the President of the Russian Federation, given at the meeting of the State Council on Education on December 23, 2015), is implemented through the creation of a nationwide system of professional growth for teachers. At the same time, the model of the nationwide system of teacher growth is viewed as a support and navigator in the development of each teacher's own development path. In building an individual trajectory of development, taking into account the requirements of the professional standard of a teacher in order to form (develop) a teacher (educator) of labor functions (professional competencies). This direction became a milestone in organizing the activities of the Regional State Budgetary Institution of Continuing Professional Education "Altai Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Educators" in 2016. As a result of a generalized analysis of the activities of leaders, teachers of educational organizations, groups of problems were recorded at the level of the results of the activities of teachers in an educational organization: The first group of problems is the problem of insufficient performance in the development of professional skills of teachers: the expected and necessary growth of professional capabilities of participants in the educational process does not occur, not completely or their potential is misused.

3 Unresolved problems largely determine the second group of problems - the problem of insufficient influence of the activities of professional associations on the course and results of educational and innovation processes in an educational organization. Currently, the heads of educational organizations have stepped up work with teaching staff, and teachers, in turn, have made attempts to understand the idea of \u200b\u200bdevelopment, intensifying their methodological activities. This mutual activity contributed to the emergence of new forms of work with pedagogical personnel. Progressive educational organizations of the Altai Territory, implementing innovative projects in relevant areas of education, create an innovative infrastructure, which includes 112 educational organizations of the region, regional innovation platforms (RIP), as well as educational organizations, whose experience is placed in the Best Practices Bank 78 (BLP). Taking into account the existing positive experience in the implementation of innovative projects of educational organizations, as well as successful internships for other educational organizations in order to broadcast the experience, it became possible to create “Basic Chairs” of AKIPKRO in the areas of activity. The impetus for choosing this project was the positive trends in the activities of professional associations of teachers in progressive schools, such as: - organizing and conducting master classes and consultations for students, teachers of educational organizations, conferences, round tables; - participation in the development of additional professional educational programs in the relevant areas; - preparation of teaching aids; - development and implementation of new teaching technologies.

4 Currently, the activities of 4 basic departments of AKIPKRO are organized, which is aimed at solving the following tasks: - organizing and conducting classes in modules assigned to the department in innovative forms on topical problems of science and education; - development and coordination scientific research in the field of integration of science and education in the direction of the activities of the base department with the involvement of students, teaching staff of educational organizations and teachers of AKIPKRO; - implementation of measures to improve the scientific and teaching potential, including training and advanced training of scientific and pedagogical personnel for the needs of the department, conducting internships. Since the organization of the work of the "Basic Chairs" of AKIPKRO, agreements on interaction and cooperation have been concluded with leading organizations in the field of education, which provide assistance within the framework of scientific and methodological support. So, for example: MBU "Center for the Development of Children and Youth Creativity in the Zheleznodorozhny District of Barnaul" specializes in "Development of additional education" with the support of the Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education; MBOU "SOSH 31" of Barnaul works in the direction of "Federal state educational standards of education of students with disabilities health "in cooperation with the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education; MAOU "SOSH 132", Barnaul - the department for the development of the information educational environment carries out its activities in the framework of the information and media direction of the all-Russian

5 public-state children's and youth organization "Russian movement of schoolchildren" (RDS) with the support of the leading regional media, scientific and methodological support - the Academy of Social Management (Moscow region); MBOU "Lyceum 130" RAESH "in Barnaul works in close cooperation on the development of public administration with the National Research University" Higher School of Economics "(NRU HSE). Specialists of the new structures organize master classes and consultations for students and colleagues, classes on topics assigned to each base department, demonstrate the experience of their institution, and help in the development of documentation. In addition, the base departments are actively involved in the implementation of innovative projects, preparation and conduct of scientific research. The joint work of scientists and practicing teachers will make it possible to develop effective additional professional educational programs and prepare practice-oriented teaching aids. In the Altai Territory, professional pedagogical communities are actively operating, created with the support of the Main Directorate of Education and Science of the Altai Territory and AKIPKRO, teachers-innovators, young teachers ... Now we have a new community called Mobile Teachers. This project arose as a continuation of the activities of the basic departments. Today, with President Vladimir Putin tasked with creating a new nationwide teacher growth system, one of the main elements is to strengthen horizontal ties between teachers who can, want, know how to pass on their best experiences to other teachers. Mobility in a broad sense (from the Latin mobilis - mobile, mobile) mobility, the ability to move quickly,

6 action, completing tasks. In order to carry out certain movements, changes in his professional position, a person must have certain personal qualities and abilities. These include: mobility; openness to new things; the ability to flexibly adapt to new circumstances; creativity of thinking; communication, etc. The main principles of the Mobile Teacher project are interaction of the most successful and interesting teachers with the rest of the teaching community, reducing the gap between educational organizations with high and low educational results, continuous improvement of the quality of education and increasing the prestige of the teaching profession. Teachers with an active life and professional position are considered "mobile". These are progressive teachers who not only teach, but also participate in the implementation of community projects. This year, within the framework of the project, the action "80 mobile teachers for the 80th anniversary of the Altai Territory" was launched. The first "twenty" "mobile educators" were dedicated on September 22, 2016. Today the bank of “mobile teachers” has been replenished with twenty more. The entry of each teacher and managers into one or another professional community, into projects of various orientations, not only ensures the exchange of information and consistency in the work of educational organizations, but also objectively allows each teacher to be included in the management of an educational organization, which ensures the achievement of an optimal result, effective "smart" management of an educational organization. organization. Now it is already possible to state without exaggeration that the implementation of these projects with the participation of a large number of professional communities, teachers with their various and numerous connections and relationships with each other, professional competencies makes

7 management of educational organizations is one of the components of a holistic system of teacher growth.

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Having considered various theoretical aspects of the development of non-formal pedagogical education, defining methodological approaches to considering the content of the concept itself, we described the features of non-formal pedagogical education and the factors that determine the high efficiency of non-formal pedagogical education.

Unfortunately, in the process of working on the problem of the development of non-formal pedagogical education in a school environment, we practically did not find scientific developments that reveal the types and forms of this education, including in the system of advanced training of teaching staff.

The socio-economic development of society presupposes new models of the education system, vocational training, advanced training of teachers, which, in accordance with the requirements of the time, should be continuous and be adequate to the new goals of school education, which implies the repeated return of teachers in one form or another to educational process... And, as E.L. Frumin, “when acquiring new knowledge and competencies, the key role is played not by formal, linear, but non-formal education”. Increasingly, lifelong learning is realized through informal mechanisms that act as tools for self-education, and non-formal education can serve as an effective tool that activates the process of self-education.

In this section, we set out to consider the forms of organization of non-formal teacher education in school conditions, among which we tried to answer the question: what modern organizational forms of non-formal teacher education are most effective?

In his work on andragogy, M.Sh. Knowles formulated the main provisions of this science. They reflect important features of adult learners, which, in our opinion, should be taken into account when organizing the process of non-formal learning:

An adult who learns - the learner (not the learner) has a leading role in the learning process;

He, being a matured personality, sets himself specific learning goals, strives for independence, self-realization, self-government;

An adult has professional and life experience, knowledge, abilities, skills that should be used in the learning process;

An adult is looking for the earliest possible application of the knowledge and skills gained during training;

The learning process is largely determined by temporal, spatial, everyday, professional, social factors that either limit or contribute to it;

The learning process is organized in the form of a joint activity of the learner and the educator at all stages.

According to research by psychologists, adults forget what they were told after two days (50%), after a week (in 80%), after a month (in 90%). Therefore, when organizing the adult education system, including in the form of non-formal education, the task is to find relevant forms of acquiring knowledge that contribute to solving this problem.

Scientists understand the form of organization of training as a type of lesson, a historically established, stable and logically completed organization of the pedagogical process, which is characterized by systematicity and integrity, self-development, personal-activity character, constancy of the composition of participants, the presence of a certain mode of conduct.

After analyzing the literature on the forms of learning and education, we have developed a classification of forms of non-formal education on the basis of:

6. Forms of education:

In organizations carrying out educational activities;

Outside educational organizations.

7. Forms of training in educational technology organizations.

8. Forms of training outside organizations:


Education with the involvement of specialists, consultants, tutors and other professionals.

9. Forms of interaction:




10. Organizational forms of training:









Long term.

11. Types of organizational forms of training:



Master classes;




Project training;








Pedagogical subscription and / or educational module;

Professional communities;

Internship sites;

Experience exchange workshops;



The presented variety of forms in the above classification once again confirms that the characteristics of non-formal pedagogical education (hereinafter referred to as NGO) that we have identified: dynamism, openness, variability, purposefulness, individualization, mobility

- are correct. NGO does not depend on place and time, has various types of organizational forms, while the choice of one form or another of knowledge replenishment depends on the individual needs of the student and the goals that he sets for himself.

The modern informal environment forces an adult to actively and continuously participate in educational activities. The endless flow of information that we face every day often leads to professional difficulties and deficits, which can be eliminated by joining the system of non-formal education.

The most effective forms of eliminating professional difficulties are those forms of interaction that are interactive and / or active in nature and fully meet the intellectual, social and psychological needs of the student.

Let us dwell in more detail on the essence of the types of organizational forms of non-formal education, which, in our opinion, are the most effective in organizing advanced training of teaching staff in a school environment.

When implementing the NGO system in an educational organization, one of the effective tools for the exchange of experience and advanced training are master classes. The first part of the phrase "master class" means "a professional with knowledge, practical skills, techniques that the bulk of specialists do not possess," and the second is an indicator of a high quality level.

A master class is a special way to generalize and disseminate advanced teaching experience. It is a fundamentally developed original method or author's technique, which are based on their own principles and have a certain structure. The master class differs from other forms of broadcasting experience in that in the process of its conduct there is a direct discussion of the proposed methodological product and the search for a creative solution to the pedagogical problem both on the part of the participants of the master class and on the part of the Master (the teacher who leads the master class) ...

M. M. Potashnik, characterizing the master class, gives the following definition: “The master class is a pronounced form of apprenticeship with the Master, that is, the transfer by the master to the students of experience, skill, art in the exact sense, most often - by direct and commented demonstration of techniques work ".

A master class is an effective form of transfer of knowledge and skills, exchange of experience in teaching, upbringing and development, where the central link is the demonstration of original methods of mastering a certain content with the active role of all participants in the lesson.

We have allocated characteristic signs master class:

Defines a new approach to the philosophy of teaching, which breaks down the established stereotypes and forms;

Enhances independent work in small groups, allowing an exchange of views;

Involves all participants in active activities;

Identifies a problematic task and solves it through playing various situations;

Reveals the creative potential of both the Master and the participants of the master class;

Does not impose forms, methods, technologies of work on the participants;

Provides an opportunity for each participant to use the proposed methodological material;

The process of cognition is much more important, more valuable than knowledge itself;

The form of interaction is cooperation, co-creation, joint search.

The positive result of the master class can be considered the result, which is expressed in the participants' mastering of new creative ways of solving a pedagogical problem, in the formation of motivation for self-learning, self-improvement, self-development, self-actualization.

The next popular form of acquiring new knowledge and organizing the exchange of pedagogical experience are conferences, which today are one of the most dynamic and interactive forms of non-formal education. A conference is a gathering of representatives of organizations, enterprises, students, colleagues, people from the same professional field, teachers of one or more educational institutions to discuss and resolve special issues. Each participant can define their role in this event: listener, speaker, etc. It is also possible to participate in absentia in the conference with the subsequent publication of the work in the collection on the materials of the conference. The conference is often combined with other forms of non-formal education, which makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of classes that require the use of different teaching methods:

Conference-lecture (carried out in the form of a scientific and practical lesson containing the defense of reports, presentations with abstracts; mandatory stages - summing up, clarifying information, questions from the audience);

Conference-seminar (combines the features of both forms: discussion of the problem / question posed and a practical component);

Conference-master class (in the process they use different methods and forms of teaching: lecture, training, master class). Thanks to this format of the conference, listeners receive new knowledge, the opportunity for professional development, analysis of experience in a particular area, practical training of skills, realization of creative potential.

It is becoming more and more popular in the field of education to conduct web conferences, where participants have the opportunity to convey their vision of solving a particular problem to a huge audience of Internet users. Online meetings for several or several hundred simultaneous participants in real time allow organizing both joint discussions of topical issues of the education system and training events that increase the level of competence of each active participant. The online conference also allows demonstrating presentations, continuously working with applications and documents, browsing websites, and each of the participants is at his workplace near the computer.

Another information and communication form of training events are webinars or online seminars. They are used to denote a presentation, lecture, seminar or course organized using web technologies in real time. The main purpose of the webinar is training.

A significant advantage of information and communication forms of education is non-attachment to the place.

One of the most relevant forms of interactive learning, the purpose of which is to develop the competence of interpersonal and professional behavior in communication, is training. Training (from the English train - to educate, teach, accustom) is the process of acquiring skills and abilities in any area by performing sequential tasks, actions or games aimed at achieving and developing the required skill.

There are three stages in training education:

Informational (obtaining theoretical knowledge);

Practical (gaining practical experience by participants);

Reflexive (participants share their impressions, feelings, express their wishes).

This form of education has a huge number of advantages compared to other forms. Since the training is an interactive event, it provides for the cooperation of the trainer and the group, certain actions on the part of the trainees and a constant dialogue between the participants. The trainer simulates the situations that the participants must go through. Thus, each member of the team, completing the assigned tasks, in a practical way assimilates information.

Also, the implementation of the idea of \u200b\u200bdialogue in all its aspects, an active exchange of views, knowledge, creative findings, we can get by implementing such a form of training as a workshop for the exchange of experience.

A pedagogical workshop is a form of adult education that creates conditions for each participant to ascend to new knowledge and new experience through independent or collective discovery.

The result of work in the workshop is not only real knowledge or skill, the very process of comprehending the truth and creating a creative product. An important characteristic of the work of a pedagogical workshop is cooperation and co-creation.

I.A.Mukhina identifies the following principles and rules for running a workshop:

Value and semantic equality of all participants, including the master - the head of the workshop.

Everyone's right to make mistakes: overcoming mistakes on their own

- the path to truth.

Psychological comfort, emotional comfort, creative relaxedness during the workshop are created by the non-judgmental activity of the participants, the absence of critical comments and freedom of expression.

The provision of freedom within the framework of the adopted rules is implemented:

Firstly, in the right to choose at different stages of the workshop (provided by the head);

Secondly, the right not to participate at the stage of "product presentation";

Thirdly, he has the right to act at his own discretion, without additional explanations from the head.

Dialogue is the main principle of interaction, cooperation, co-creation. Not a dispute, not even a discussion, but a dialogue between workshop participants, individual groups, a dialogue with oneself, a dialogue with a scientific authority - a necessary condition for personal mastering of cultural elements, a condition for ascending to new truths.

An essential feature of the workshop is the limitation of participation in the practical activities of the master, the leader as an authority at all stages. Its task is rather to record some of the participants' achievements. The workshop manager does not ask or answer questions. In some cases, he can join the work "on an equal footing".

In terms of duration, pedagogical workshops can be "one-act" (one-day) and "multi-act" (many days). It depends on the nature of the activity during the workshop, the goals and objectives that are determined by the participant or organizer.

An important motivator in improving the qualifications of teaching staff is the organization and holding of professional competitions, festivals and marathons on the basis of the institution. Competitive events are aimed at improving the professional skills of teachers and the development of teacher potential, stimulating the professional growth of teachers and developing the professional competence of teachers in the process of discussing urgent problems, priority areas of modernization of education, creating conditions for the effective dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience. Professional contests, festivals, marathons allow you to get involved in active innovation, to most fully implement a personality-oriented approach to your professional and career growth.

One of the necessary skills that a teacher must have is the ability to project their activities for the future. Thus, project activity as a system of actions, operations and procedures required for the development and implementation of a project is a specific technology that can be mastered in the learning process.

Project-based learning is a process of purposeful development of project activities and is one of the most effective means for solving the problems of a competence-based approach in education. It refers to interactive forms of learning and represents the introduction of private projects into the educational activities of students. Project training contains a system of organizational, corrective and controlling actions of the teacher, he is a consultant, a competent accompanying person, a specialist who helps designers in any issues and contributes to their development in cognitive, research, innovative, creative activities. The situational nature of project activities determines the formation, development and improvement of various competencies of teachers in the professional, social and personal terms.

The effectiveness of project learning is due to the following organizational principles:

1. The principle of independence (focused on the independent activity of students).

2. The principle of problematicity (involves solving a given problem by searching for new knowledge).

3. The principle of focusing on the result (focused on obtaining a certain material result).

4. The principle of collegiality (assumes mutual assistance and support between participants).

5. The principle of interiorization (project actions are formed, consolidated and actively used in the activities of students).

At the present stage of active development of the CVE system, one of the innovative forms of professional development for teachers is the educational service "Pedagogical subscription" offered by the IIOO, which is provided on the basis of educational organizations in the city of Moscow and can contain any set of training events depending on the request. The volume of one training module does not exceed 12 hours, therefore it does not end with the issuance of a certificate or other state-recognized document. In the suggestions section, you can choose the direction in which the teacher would like to improve himself (sections: teacher, subject, children's collective, GIA, children's collective, special child, preschool education, primary education, complex issues). The following forms of implementation of this program are offered: lecture, seminar, individual or group consultation, master class, webinar.

Individual advanced training programs, within the framework of which a teacher can master individual modules in a short time, the accumulation of which during the academic year makes it possible to undergo full-fledged training, without breaking away from the educational process for a long time, have further development prospects.

The above service attracts its attention by the fact that it is offered by a state regional institute and implies the inclusion of highly qualified specialists in the teaching staff.

We believe that acmeological counseling is the most effective for use in the process of improving the qualifications of teachers in the format of non-formal pedagogical education in a school environment. Acmeological counseling is a specially organized process of interaction between a teacher and a consultant, during which additional personal and professional capabilities, abilities, reserves can be updated, allowing you to find new ways out of difficult problem situations, and improve professionalism. This individual work with a teacher or a group of teachers is associated with helping them in achieving their own heights of the multifaceted professional activity of pedagogical skills.

Acmeological consulting in the process of improving the qualifications of teachers is designed to provide a space in which a teacher can analyze his own professional state, reflect on the previous professional experience and outline new ways of personal and professional development.

The presented types of organizational forms are effective to the extent that they create an atmosphere of trust, communication and mutual understanding of the participants; allow to comprehend the theoretical premises and approaches to the problems under consideration; create conditions for active practical and intellectual activity; provide an opportunity to analyze the results of joint activities and individual development (reflection).

Thus, in this paragraph, we examined the types of organizational forms of non-formal pedagogical education, it was established that, in the basis of the choice of one type or another, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics and individual needs of the category of students (adults), rely on an empirical approach, based on the understanding of non-formal education as a type of communicative activity and acmeological, which encourages the teacher to reveal his professional capabilities. When passing through the mechanisms of identification, reflection, stereotyping, inverse information, it is necessary to especially build the interaction between the student and the teacher.

The developed classification of forms of non-formal education partly reflects educational activities within the framework of formal education. However, a significant difference is that the choice of forms of education, forms of interaction, organizational forms of training, types of organizational forms remains with the student.

Thus, when defining the essence and etymology of the phenomenon of “non-formal education”, clarifying the concept of “non-formal pedagogical education” and defining the main organizational forms of non-formal education of teachers in the organization, the following provisions can be stated:

1. The problem of research of non-formal education is not new for the domestic pedagogical science.

2. In the process of development of scientific pedagogical knowledge, the term “non-formal education” undergoes certain changes and is considered on the basis of various methodological approaches: personality-activity, competence-based, functional, socio-cultural, andragogical, acmeological, systemic, humanistic, comparative, activity-based, which place clear accents to consider the quintessence of the above phenomenon.

3. The concept of “non-formal education” is quite broad, which made it possible to identify and define its features from various positions: from the point of view of public administration and control, from the point of view of organizing the learning process, from the point of view of education, from the point of view of accessibility, from the point of view of place in the system of continuity of knowledge acquisition.

4. Analysis of the literature made it possible to develop a classification of forms of non-formal education and highlight among them the most effective modern organizational forms of non-formal pedagogical education in school conditions.
