Development of a preschool educational institution

the city of Novokuznetsk "Child Development Center - kindergarten number ..."

2011 - 2016


Razenkova N.E., Cand. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the FSBEI HPE KuzGPA;

Grebenshchikova T.V., Art. teacher of the department. PITDO FGBOU VPO KuzGPA.


The development of the development program was carried out in several stages:

1. Analysis of the external environment (educational policy at the federal, regional and municipal levels and the study of the social order of the micro-society) and the internal environment (strengths and weaknesses of preschool educational institutions, compliance of its effectiveness with modern requirements).

2. Development of the concept of an educational institution, which includes: the mission of the preschool educational institution, its philosophy, the image of the teacher and graduate of the preschool educational institution.

3. Determination of strategic goals and objectives.

4. Development of social and educational projects.

Basic principles:

The principle of consistency means that all elements of an educational institution are interconnected and their activities are aimed at achieving a common result.

The principle of participation, i.e. every employee of the educational institution must become a participant project activities, plans (projects) of a preschool institution become personal plans (projects) of teachers, the motivation of employees to participate in common activities increases, which affects the quality of the final result.

The principle of continuity. The planning and design process in the preschool educational institution is carried out by teachers constantly, the developed projects are constantly replacing each other.

The principle of flexibility is to give projects and the planning process the ability to change direction in response to unforeseen circumstances.

Precision principle. Projects should be concretized and detailed to the extent that external and internal conditions allow activities of preschool educational institutions.

The program consists of six sections:

1. Preschool educational institution as an open developmental system

2. Analysis of educational policy and social order.

4. Concept for the development of preschool educational institutions.

5. Determination of strategic goals, areas of activity and implementation mechanisms.

6. Determination of the stages of implementation of the Development Program

The development of the program took 6 months.

The development program of the institution is approved by …… ..

Section 1. Preschool educational institution as an open developmental system

1.1. Structural and functional model of the activity of a preschool educational institution

Preschool educational institution as a system is a complex socio-psycho-pedagogical education, consisting of a combination of:

1.system-forming factors,

2. structural components,

3.functional components,

4. operating conditions.

System-forming factors presented mission, concept and development program, partial programs, fixing the set of leading ideas, the purpose and result of the activity of the preschool educational institution.

Structural components designated managing and controlled systems, their composition (educators, parents, children), and technologies of actors all levels of management regarding the implementation of program content in preschool educational institutions.

Functional components are determined by the appointment of management functions in the activities of preschool educational institutions (analytical and diagnostic, motivational and stimulating, planning and prognostic, organizational and executive, control and evaluation, regulatory and correctional) for the formation of interrelated activities in the "teacher - child - parents" system and the corresponding subsystems.

Conditions for the functioning of the preschool educational institution are determined by the existing spaces of its activity - medical-valeological, social, psychological and pedagogical environments, time frames and psychophysiological characteristics and capabilities of participants in the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

Modern trends in the development of preschool education

Modern education is at a new stage of development - it is being modernized. This is facilitated by both social and economic changes taking place in society. Orientation to the child and his needs; creating conditions in a preschool institution that ensure the harmonious development of the personality of each child and employee, motivation for effective activity - this is the essence pedagogical process on a differentiated basis.

Numerous studies in the field of philosophy, sociology, psychology, pedagogy have proved that the period of preschool age is of fundamental importance in the formation of a person's personality. It was during these years that such basic foundations of personality as consciousness, activity, behavior and attitude to the world, orientation in the surrounding world, the child's assimilation of the methods of cognition, self-development, which help the child to actively master cultural values \u200b\u200band take a subjective position in the development of modern culture, are laid. This is what determines the main direction and content of the activities of the Child Development Center: the revival, preservation and transmission of the meanings and values \u200b\u200bof culture to children, the feeling of love for nature, the native land in which they live and develop, the search for optimal forms of functioning of the educational institution.

The elaboration of the content of the Development Center required a new approach to its selection, taking into account the nature, ecological, economic, social, cultural and value characteristics of the microdistrict where the children live. The changes taking place in the content of primary education have put us in front of the need to revise the content of work, methods of teaching, and search for new ways and conditions for the development of the child. This required the presence of changes in certain modes of activity, the process that he goes through, the way of constructing himself as a subject. own lifeas a person.

The pedagogical process is focused on creating conditions for the fullest, age-appropriate development, ensuring the emotional well-being of each child.

Based on this, the following provisions become key:

The child is the central figure, the adult is the partner in joint activities;

The system of relations is built on the model of a large social family, which is, as it were, a continuation of the child's own family;

The child together with the teacher "lives" emotionally colored events that become his personal experience;

Parents are indispensable active participants in the work of the kindergarten and freely connect to the life of their children;

The development and enrichment of the leading activity of children of this period is play.

The main result of the functioning of an open system is successful interaction with society, mastering which a preschool educational institution itself becomes a powerful means of socialization of the individual. The all-round and harmonious development of the child's personality can be ensured by a complex influence on all aspects of his activity. The complex impact is based on a set of interrelated spaces for the development of subjects of education within a preschool institution.

Scheme 1

The allocated spaces are necessary and, today, sufficient for preschool educational institutions in order to ensure the required level of reproduction of the results of the institution's innovative activities.

Preschool educational institution development program

Modern trends in the development of preschool education

The ongoing transformations in the preschool education system are due to the objective need for adequate social development and development educational system change, which is reflected in the awareness of the pedagogical community of the need for significant changes in the previous course of the institution's functioning. The main mechanism for optimizing the development of the preschool education system is the search and development of innovations that contribute to qualitative changes in the activities of a preschool educational institution (KEI), which is expressed in the transition of institutions to the development mode.

Today, we can confidently state the fact of a formal or meaningful transition of the majority of preschool educational institutions in the search mode. This mode is a transitional one on the way to qualitative changes and the transfer of preschool educational institutions to the development mode. Another aspect is related to the qualitative features of this transition: to what extent the innovations implemented in the preschool educational institution correspond to the urgent needs and opportunities for its development, satisfy the interests and needs of children, parents, teachers, and contribute to the achievement of sustainable high development indicators. Therefore, the question of identifying urgent problems in the development of preschool educational institutions becomes the most important.

The analysis of existing concepts, projects and programs in the field of preschool education allows us to determine a number of basic trends in the development of the system:

    humanization - determines the primacy of the personal development of subjects (parents, teachers, children), the centering of the educational process on the values \u200b\u200bof human development, the orientation towards the comprehensive and harmonious formation of the personality, the transfer of the subject to the position of self-directed development in the process of revealing essential forces. Humanization of education is a process aimed at the development of the individual as a subject of creative activity, which "is also the most important characteristic of the lifestyle of teachers and pupils, which presupposes the establishment of truly human (humane) relations between them in the pedagogical process" and is a key component of the new pedagogical thinking, focused around the idea of \u200b\u200bpersonality development. The leading direction of humanization of education considered "Self-determination of personality in culture", its familiarization with national and cultural traditions, enriched with the human content of humanization - increasing attention to the personality of each child as the highest social value of society, setting on the formation of a citizen with high intellectual, moral and physical qualities;

    democratization associated with the expansion of the rights and powers of participants in the educational process, focus on meeting the individual needs and requests of subjects. This presupposes the creation of prerequisites for the development of activity, initiative and creativity of pupils and teachers, their interested interaction, as well as broad public participation in the management of preschool education;

    diversification is defined as a necessary and sufficient variety of types and types of institutions, educational services and approaches to their implementation in order to meet the diverse and versatile needs of participants in the educational process in a preschool educational institution.

The projection of the selected bases on the educational process in a preschool educational institution presents all its subsystems in a new way.
In this regard, a number of basic principles appear that ensure the implementation of these areas in the development of a preschool educational institution and its participants:

The principle of human conformity (the unity of culture and nature);
- the principle of the integrity of the pedagogical process and the complexity of goals;
- the principle of activeness and equal partnership in pedagogical interaction all subjects of the pedagogical process.

Modernization of the management of a preschool educational institution is associated with a variety of types and technologies of management that provide a comprehensive and comprehensive impact of the control system on the controlled preschool system within the framework of motivational and program-targeted approaches, motivational program-targeted management, co-management, reflexive management and self-government. The indicators of the qualitative transformation of preschool educational institution management are, first of all, new principles:

Democratization and humanization;
- consistency and integrity of management;
- centralization / decentralization;
- the relationship and separation of the strategic, tactical and operational levels of management and the corresponding types of management (traditional, reflexive, self-government);
- one-man management and collegiality;
- objectivity and completeness of information in making management decisions.

At the present stage, there are a number of problems in the development of the innovation process in preschool educational institutions, in particular, such as:

    combining innovative programs with existing ones in preschool educational institutions;

    the split of the pedagogical community and the coexistence of representatives of different pedagogical concepts;

    inconsistency of new types of preschool educational institutions with the expectations and requirements of parents;

    the need for new scientific and methodological support of the ongoing educational activities;

    the need for new teaching staff;

    adaptation of innovations to new conditions;

    the problem of change, optimization, replacement of innovations, the ability to get rid of the outdated, pedagogically inexpedient in time;

    the problem of the reproduction of innovativeness and the formation of conditions conducive to this.

Based on the analysis of existing concepts for the development of preschool education, the leading directions of innovations in preschool educational institutions include the assertion of humane subject-subject relations, the development of creative capabilities, intellectual forces of children; individual creative development of the child's personality; development of communication between practitioners and researchers in the field of innovation.

The change in the paradigm attitudes of modern education allows us to consider the development of a child as a process of his self-development, where education is a form of mental development of a preschooler, and development standards are transformed into an understanding of development as a norm (V.T. Kudryavtsev, 1999).

Accordingly, the main trends in the development of preschool education are associated with the installation to create a full-fledged space for the development of the child and the organization of comprehensive support for the individual development of preschool children. Saturated and safe living, eventfulness, cohesion between the adult and the child in the educational process, the priority of developmental and educational tasks in preschool educational institutions contribute to the favorable socialization of children and lay the basic competencies of the preschooler in mastering the world and appropriating culture.

Part I. Preschool educational institution as an open developmental system

1.1. Structural and functional model of the activity of a preschool educational institution as an open and developing system

A preschool educational institution as a system is a complex socio-psycho-pedagogical education, consisting of a set of: a) system-forming factors, b) structural and c) functional components, d) conditions of functioning.

a) system-forming factors are represented by the mission, concept and development program, partial programs that fix the set of leading ideas, the goal and result of the preschool educational institution;

b) the structural components are indicated by the control and controlled systems, their composition (educators, parents, children), as well as the technologies of the activities of subjects of all levels of management regarding the implementation of program content in preschool educational institutions;

c) functional components are determined by the purpose of management functions in the activities of preschool educational institutions (analytical and diagnostic, motivational and stimulating, planning and prognostic, organizational and executive, control and evaluation, regulatory and correctional) for the formation of interrelated activities in the system "teacher - child - parents" and corresponding subsystems;

d) the conditions for the functioning of a preschool educational institution are determined by the existing spaces of its activity - medico-valeological, social, psychological and pedagogical environments, time frames and psychophysiological characteristics and capabilities of participants in the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

Modern trends in the development of preschool education

The openness of a preschool educational institution as a system is determined on the basis of those development spaces that exist in the institution, as well as the dynamics of their changes.

The characteristics of the openness of a preschool educational institution can be the degree of non-equilibrium of its state (relatively stable, but not absolutely changeable), the mechanism of self-regulation and the nature of the reaction to environmental changes (adaptation or over-adaptive activity), the type and degree of regulation of the control system (traditional or innovative, the prevalence of vertical or horizontal connections), etc.

The main result of the functioning of an open system will be successful interaction with society, mastering which a preschool educational institution itself becomes a powerful means of socialization of the individual. Comprehensive and harmonious development of a child's personality can be ensured by a complex impact on all aspects of his activity. The complex impact is based on a set of interrelated spaces for the development of subjects of upbringing within a preschool institution.

The allocated spaces are necessary and, today, sufficient for most preschool educational institutions in order to ensure the required level of reproduction of the results of the institution's innovative activities.

Modeling and design of the development process of a preschool educational institution

For the full development of an educational institution, it is necessary to build a project of its activities for the foreseeable future, taking into account the model of a preschool educational institution and the mechanism of the phased transformation of its components.

At the same time, the model in our understanding will be the system of preschool educational institutions that fix the development of the subjects of the educational process in interaction, as well as indicators of their interrelated activity.

The model presented in the diagram space for the development of a preschool educational institution performs criterion-diagnostic, planning-prognostic and developmental-forming functions, which allow optimal management of the institution's activities.

The development space of a preschool educational institution (DET) consists of three interconnected development spaces of its subjects: educators, parents, children. The main structural unit in the development of a preschool educational institution is the interaction of participants in the educational process in the "teacher - child - parent" system. By describing the specifics of the functioning of this system, we come to an understanding of the direction and purpose of the allocated spaces for the development of all subjects: parents form a social order at the level of social need, educators are direct implementers of educational services at the state level, children act as consumers of educational services provided by preschool educational institutions for training, upbringing , personality development.

Development space of a preschool educational institution

The logic of the deployment of development processes in each of the spaces consists in changing the stages and levels of development: adaptation, integration, individualization. The highlighted stages, on the one hand, fix the continuity and quantitative transformation of changes, on the other hand, determine the levels that characterize the qualitative changes in one or another space of development of a preschool institution.

At the stage of adaptation, the potential for the development and self-development of teachers, parents, children is updated, conditions are created for their transfer from the position of an object to the position of a subject of their own life.

The stage of integration is associated with the provision of development and self-development by means of interaction in the “teacher - child - parent” system in the form of co-creative productive activity and communication. The result of this stage is the transfer of teachers, parents, children from the position of the subject into the personal context of life.

The stage of individualization is associated with the analysis of the degree of isolation of the personality of the teacher, parent, child in the corresponding integrated community and the determination of the development potential in the process of maximum disclosure of the individual essence of the subjects.

The logic of the deployment of socio-psychological and pedagogical support for the individual development of subjects in preschool educational institutions

Integration of the above spaces makes it possible to develop a mechanism for complex medical, social, psychological and pedagogical support of the individual path of development of each subject in logic:

a) the structural organization of social order in the field of preschool education. If we highlight the aspects of the social order formed on different levels social development and development of the educational system, we will receive federal, national-regional and intra-institutional (preschool) components, which simultaneously represent the structural elements of the State Standard in the field of preschool education;

b) changing the stages and levels of deployment of the subject's essential forces. The idea of \u200b\u200bsocial development as a change in certain stages of socialization of the subject allows you to fix the logic and direction of development of all subjects of the educational process in a preschool educational institution (adaptation, integration, individualization);

c) change of the leading types of management in the preschool educational institution. The selected types of management develop along the line "from simple to complex" - from the predominance of mainly external influences to internal ones, from an orientation towards a collective prescription to the primacy of self-programming and management of one's own development (traditional management, motivational program-targeted management, co-management, reflexive management, self-management) ;

d) a change in the leading forms of interrelated activities of the subjects of the development process of preschool educational institutions. Recorded in terms such as “impact”, “interaction”, “self-action”, the trajectory of development of children, parents, teachers in joint activities appears to be the main mechanism for changing the forms and types of management proposed above.

1.2. Modes of life of a preschool educational institution

There are two main modes of activity of a preschool educational institution. Below are the main characteristics of each type and their distinctive features.

The activity of a preschool educational institution in the development mode is a purposeful, natural, continuous and irreversible process of the institution's transition to a qualitatively new state, characterized by a multi-level organization, cultural and creative orientation and the use of a constantly expanding development potential.

The activity of a preschool educational institution in the mode of functioning is the process of life of a preschool educational institution, aimed at the stable maintenance of a certain state, characterized by cyclical repetition, reproduction of accumulated experience and use of the accumulated potential.

The table below allows you to determine the nature of the life of a particular institution based on the main indicators of the modes of development and functioning.

The main characteristics of the modes of life of the preschool educational institution

Signs of a preschool educational institution in the development mode:

    the relevance (significance and timeliness) of the work being carried out aimed at developing practical measures to solve a serious problem;

    involvement in the search activity of the majority of teachers, the innovative potential and climate of the team, as well as the balance of interests of all participants in innovative activity;

    characteristics of the results: efficiency, productivity, optimality;

    indicators of innovative development: sustainability, reproducibility;

    qualitative transformation of the management system, all components of the integral pedagogical process and the conditions for its implementation in preschool educational institutions.

Conditions for the development of preschool educational institutions and sources of development ideas:

    a clear statement of the goal based on a comprehensive problem analysis;

    the presence of a development concept;

    availability of staffing, material and technical base, scientific and methodological support, resources for the upcoming work;

    a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team, the readiness of teachers to implement the development program, the satisfaction of the subjects with the current results of the work, the balance of interests of all participants in the innovation process;

    providing freedom of choice in solving assigned tasks;

    the choice of pedagogically expedient, optimal technologies for innovation;

    use of the educational potential of society;

    expansion of external relations, openness of preschool educational institutions;

    organization of reasonable management, optimal combination of management types;

    studying and using the positive experience of other preschool educational institutions, creating an innovation bank.

The logic of transferring a preschool educational institution to the development mode is associated with the implementation of the main management functions of analysis, planning, organization, control and regulation of the transformation process.
A detailed analysis of the activities of a preschool educational institution according to the selected indicators allows us to present a set of interrelated criteria for assessing the current and potential level of its development. They are based on the understanding that the identified stages and levels of development of an institution as a whole and its individual spaces are determined by a single logic of development of subjects.

The system of interrelated criteria for assessing the current and potential level of development of a preschool educational institution

Attention should be paid to the possibility of recording the current and potential development of the institution based on the proposed criteria. The logic of determining the allocated levels of development fits into the scheme of describing the actual and ideal state of the preschool educational institution, as well as the system of steps to transfer the institution to the desired state by determining the attainable level of development of the preschool educational institution on the existing basis, with the involvement of external modernization resources.

The use of such an algorithm makes it possible to identify problem areas in the functioning and development of a preschool educational institution, plan a system of actions and organize work to overcome the identified contradictions, determine the intermediate and final results of such activities, correct shortcomings in a timely manner, and predict further lines of preschool development.

A similar format was used to develop a number of programs for the development of preschool educational institutions in the city of Barnaul and has established itself as a very productive form of developing basic ideas and determining the directions of development of institutions. An essential condition for its effective implementation is the maximum involvement or delegation of initiative to the teaching staff. In fact, the consultant or the project manager facilitates the production of the maximum number of ideas based on the information about the state of the preschool institution that was collected at the analytical and diagnostic stage of the activity.

1.3. Programming the development of a preschool educational institution

Preschool educational program - a normative model of joint activity of a group or a set of groups of people, which determines: a) the initial state (mode) of a preschool educational institution, b) the image of the desired future (a qualitatively new state of the system), c) the composition and structure of actions for transformation - transferring a preschool educational institution to a qualitatively new one state .

The development program is a regulatory document regulating the process of transferring a preschool educational institution from an actual state to a qualitatively new level of development.

The components of the development program fix the goal and objectives, problem analysis with justification of the relevance, novelty and practical significance of the proposed project, initial scientific and theoretical prerequisites, indicators characterizing the success of the goal, timing and stages of program implementation, performers, resource and information support, control over the progress program implementation, analysis and correction of results.

The basic requirements for a development program allow you to simulate a truly viable project:

1. Relevance and problematicity.

2. Predictiveness (accounting for today's and tomorrow's conditions).

3. Rationality (correspondence of goals, objectives, content, technologies and results).

4. Realism.

5. Integrity.

6. Sensitivity to failures.

7. Personal, social, moral orientation.

8. Heuristic, experimental, innovative approach.

The source of the formation of the mission, strategy and tactics of the institution's development is the problem analysis of its activities.

Problem Analysis Algorithm

1. The initial state of the preschool educational institution is fixed: first of all, the results of the institution's activities for the reporting period are assessed and an examination of the products received is carried out in order to determine the compliance of the achieved goals and objectives. The problem areas are determined at the level of performance results.

2. The content and course of the educational process are analyzed in detail.

3. The conditions for the functioning of the preschool educational institution are analyzed.

Problem Analysis Logic

For each of the problems identified in the analysis process, a tree of goals is built - a system of steps to eliminate contradictions in each aspect of the institution's activities: conditions, process, result (see the following diagram).

Building a tree of goals for solving a specific problem

Explanation of the diagram: c - goals, Vc - the leading goal (I get), cA1 - the formation of motivational readiness (I want), cA2 - the formation of theoretical readiness (I can), cA3 - the formation of technological readiness (I do).

One of the forms of training and updating the skills of teachers in the design and implementation of an experimental program in a preschool educational institution can be a business game. Below is an example of using the contextual learning format in the process of innovation.

Didactic game "Program for the development of preschool educational institutions" *

The initial stage of the formation of the teacher's competence in the field of pedagogical innovation is considered the transfer of the subject from the state of unconscious incompetence to the state of conscious incompetence. The form of its implementation is a business game, which is carried out at the initial stage of preparation and development of a development program. The business game is aimed at updating / developing the skills to determine the logic and sequence of developing an experimental program for mastering an innovation.

Purpose of the game: master the algorithm for constructing an experimental program in a preschool educational institution.

The purpose of the game interaction: to work out a unified decision in the subgroup regarding the sequence of stages of program development.

The object of imitation in the game: a joint meeting of a temporary creative team of preschool teachers in order to develop a preschool educational program.

Preliminary preparation is associated with informing the participants about the essence and purpose of the business game in educational process, the basic rules, the competencies of the players and the presenter.

To organize the game, it is necessary to form several subgroups of 5-7 people (depending on the size and preparedness of the audience). An approximate set of roles: chairman (leader), idea generators, speaker, secretary, opponent, analyst.

The game takes place in several stages:

Stage I (3-5 minutes) preparatory: drawing up a flowchart (game format): (see table 4-7 columns, 17 lines), designating the column headings and filling in the first column "Steps of creating a program" of the table.

Stage II (5-7 minutes). Each individual individually in column 2 "Individual assessment" independently determines the order of the program elements: 1 - the first element, 2 - the next, ..., 15 - the last element of the program.

Stage III (10-15 minutes). In subgroups, teachers jointly determine the algorithm for developing the program and make a group decision, which is recorded in the column "Group assessment".

Stage IV (5-10 minutes). Presentation of subgroups: the speaker fixes the logic of creating a development program defined by the group, opponents of other subgroups ask clarifying and problematic questions regarding the content of the speech.

The format of the business game "Program for the development of a preschool educational institution"

Stage V (10-15 minutes). Processing of results. The column "Correct answer" sets the sequence of steps for developing the program. After the first three columns are filled in, the calculation is performed in the following columns:

“Individual error”: subtract the value in the corresponding row of the “Correct answer” column from the value of the corresponding row of the “Individual assessment” column, place the difference without a minus sign in the corresponding row of the “Individual error” column (for example, according to performance criteria: 2 - 12 \u003d 10);

“Group error”: the same algorithm of actions - the difference in values \u200b\u200bin the corresponding rows of the columns “Group assessment” and “Correct answer” is calculated and placed in the column “Group error” (for example, for the program topic: 1 - 1 \u003d 0);

"Leadership": the "subtraction" action is performed with the values \u200b\u200bin the corresponding rows of the "Individual error" and "Group error" columns, the difference without a minus sign is placed in the "Leadership" column (for example, for program relevance: 7 - 8 \u003d 1) ...

The last action is to calculate the sum for each of the last three columns "Individual error", "Group error", "Leadership", the value of which is placed in the corresponding column of the "Total" line.

Interpretation of the results: if you scored less than 60 points in the corresponding column "Individual error", "Group error" of the "Total" row, then this result is considered to be optimal. You are competent enough in developing a development program, either on an individual or group level.

The severity of leadership qualities is determined by the rating scale:

    less than 20 points: you have strong leadership qualities;

    20-30 points: you have a fairly high level of leadership;

    31-40 points: you have the inclinations of a leader, but you do not strive to show them;

    more than 40 points: you are characterized by a position of conformism.

Stage VI (10 minutes). The group discussion is designed to determine the main accents and priorities in the development of the program, to develop a common point of view on the sequence of steps for its creation.

Stage VII (10 minutes). Reflection of the results and the process of interaction in the game allows teachers to actualize their own meanings and values, to comprehend the proposed content of the game situation.

1.4. Algorithms for developing a preschool educational program

Algorithm of the process of development and implementation of the preschool educational institution development program allows to ease the organizational costs of transferring preschool educational institutions to the development mode The main point when choosing one or another algorithm is to solve the questions of how much the potential of the preschool educational institution allows you to determine the development strategy and identify what problems exist in the preschool educational institution that complicate its transition to a qualitatively new level of life. Depending on the available answers, for example, to the first question, a strategy is chosen to deepen the problem analysis for an already defined development perspective. If the problems are more or less defined, and the strategy has not yet been formulated, then one should start with defining the development strategy, and then it is necessary to clarify and rank the problems existing in the preschool educational institution that make it difficult to achieve the designated ideal goal (see Table 5).

Sample format for developing a development program

The proposed grounds for analyzing the activities of a preschool educational institution are the organizational basis for developing a development program using the algorithms below.

Algorithm 1 (managerial)

The process of developing a development program can be represented in the logic of management functions.

Analysis (analytical and diagnostic): diagnostics of the initial situation (fixing problems in the state of the preschool educational institution), the search for directions and ideas for development (ideal model of the preschool educational institution), building a program to transfer the preschool educational institution to the development mode. Organizational work is aimed at determining the main methodological and methodological approaches to planning and implementing the development program; systematization and generalization of the internal experience of the preschool educational institution, coordination of the development program with the educational authorities.

Planning (planning and prognostic): determining the ideal model of the future system and the algorithm for transferring the preschool educational institution to the desired state - determining the available and additional resources for transferring the preschool educational institution to the development mode, developing indicators for monitoring the transition of the preschool educational institution to the development mode; creation of an integrative basis for the activities of all specialists in the framework of experimental programs.

Organization (organizational and executive): creating conditions that ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the work of all participants in the experiment, establishing cooperation with interested organizations, providing scientific and advisory support for the experiment: implementation of experimental programs; involvement of parents, specialists from social institutions of childhood, preschool teachers and children in a single creative productive activity.

Control (control and adjustment): organization of current and final control (monitoring the progress and results of the experiment); timely correction and regulation of the course of the experiment based on the data obtained; collection, processing and interpretation of data; organization of the reflective activity of the participants in the experiment.

Generalization of experimental results, their verification: substantiation of validity and reliability. Preparation of a managerial decision on the course of the experiment, reviewing the work, guidelines for teachers working in the innovation mode, recommendations for the dissemination of experience. Dissemination of experience in the framework of new projects and programs in preschool educational institutions. Transfer of a preschool educational institution to the status of a methodological center on the declared problem of working with children from socially disadvantaged families.

Algorithm 2 (meaningful)

All work on the preparation of the development program is represented by 6 blocks:

1. Analytical block: preparation of an information certificate on the state of the preschool educational institution in order to conduct a comprehensive analysis of its activities.
Structure and approximate content of the help: a) general information about the institution (regulatory framework, founders; characteristics of the building, the number of groups-sets; b) analysis of the social situation of development (information about the microdistrict, infrastructure, external relations); c) information about the collective of pupils (number, sex and age characteristics, population of groups); d) information about the team of teachers (length of service, qualifications, sex and age characteristics, special merits); e) analysis of the basic spaces of preschool educational institutions and the results of activities for the reporting period, determination of prospects and development problems; f) additional information (merits, traditions of the team).

2. Target block: formation of a set of ideas and development priorities, definition of development goals and objectives. As a rule, development targets are selected based on the definition of the mission of the preschool educational institution (its philosophy), as well as basic values \u200b\u200bbased on the analysis of the social order and the specification of parental requests for educational services of the preschool educational institution.

3. Content block: associated with the development of directions and content of innovation. The implementation of the goal and the solution of the tasks highlighted in the previous block are associated with the specific content of the activity (what is being mastered, what changes are taking place due to the introduction of innovations, etc.).

4. Technological block: the scope of work is determined, the methods, forms, means of activity within the framework of the managing and executing programs are specified, the performers, time, place of activity and technology of their work are indicated in detail.

5. The effective block fixes the expected result at the level of measurable indicators of goal achievement. The criteria for the effectiveness of the transfer of preschool educational institutions to the development mode are determined, the qualitative indicators of the new state are described.

6. Expert block: in conclusion, the proposed project undergoes an examination by experts - as a rule, external specialists who are competent in the problem being developed. The results of the analysis can be formalized in the form of a review of the program or an analytical note containing a conclusion on the feasibility, relevance and novelty, as well as the reality of the project proposed for implementation.

The article was published with the support of the Internet project "IN DEBT". By visiting the website of the Internet project "IN DEBT" at, you will find a convenient service that will help you borrow money at interest from a private person in a private bank as soon as possible. Thanks to the services of the site of the independent financial consultant "VDOLG", it has become really easy to acquire a loan or a cash loan, which allows you to make purchases or satisfy your urgent needs for cash without waiting for your salary.

* In accordance with the psychological and pedagogical principles of design and the structure of a business game, the proposed format has been developed. The materials of the methodological manual were used: Bobrova M.P... Didactic training of pedagogical staff of preschool institutions in the context of professional activity: Methodological guide. Barnaul: BSPU Publishing House, 1997.S. 48-57.

Photo by A. Stepanov


The article provides an overview of current trends in the system of preschool education in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard (on the example of RS (Yakutia). The concept of the quality of preschool education is given. The elements and requirements for the quality of education are analyzed. The goals of education are considered from different positions: education and society, education and the future. , education and personality, education and science, education and culture The XIII Congress of Teachers and the Pedagogical Community of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) "Education and Society: Integration in the Name of the Child" came up with the educational initiative of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) "Education Open to the Future" and set new tasks for updating the quality of education.It presents innovative models and programs, innovative platforms, ethno-cultural educational projects, professional training programs for applied bachelor's and master's degrees in preschool education.

innovation processes

renewal of the education system

quality of preschool education

1. Asmolov A.G. The strategy of socio-cultural modernization of education: on the way to overcoming the identity crisis and building a civil society // Ethnocultural education in the Far Eastern Federal District of the Russian Federation. Series "Ethnocultural Education". Issue 1. Compilers: U. Vinokurova, SS Semenova. - Yakutsk: Media-holding "Yakutia", 2015. - 416 p.

2. Borgoyakov S.A. Development strategies ethnocultural education in the context of the national policy of the Russian Federation // Ethnocultural education in the Far Eastern Federal District of the Russian Federation. Series "Ethnocultural Education". Issue 1. Compilers: U. Vinokurova, SS Semenova. - Yakutsk: Media-holding "Yakutia", 2015. - 416 p.

3. Nikiforov A.D. Quality management: Uch. pos. for universities. - M .: Bustard, 2004 .-- 720 p.

4. Nikolaeva L.V. Formation of ethnopedagogical competence of preschool teachers at the university. Monograph. - Yakutsk: YSU, 2009 .-- 142 p.

5. Regional review of the quality policy in childcare and education younger age (ECCE) in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) /. - Yakutsk: Sakhaada, 2015 .-- 48 p.

6. Skorolupova O.A. Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education. Development of a preschool educational program. Toolkit. - M .: Skriptoriy, 2003.

The main task of the state educational policy of the Russian Federation in the context of the modernization of the education system is to ensure the modern quality of education, including preschool education.

The system of preschool education according to the Federal State Educational Standard “is aimed at creating conditions for the social situation of development of preschoolers, which opens up opportunities for the positive socialization of the child, his all-round personal moral, moral and cognitive development, the development of initiative and creative abilities on the basis of the types of activities corresponding to the preschool age (games, visual activities, design , perception of a fairy tale, etc.), cooperation with adults and peers in the zone of its proximal development. " The purpose of the article is to conduct a theoretical review of modern trends in the system of preschool education in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard on the example of RS (Yakutia)).

New approaches to the preschool education system require updating the education system, developing scientific research, creation of innovative programs and projects. Great importance is attached to the problem of the quality of education. The quality of preschool education is a complex integrative complex concept. Let's consider the concept of quality.

According to the ISO 9000 series, quality should be understood as the degree to which the properties of an object (product, service, process) comply with certain requirements (norms, standards).

The quality of preschool education is a balanced compliance of all aspects of education with goals, needs, requirements, norms, standards. It should be borne in mind that a multilateral approach is required to determine the quality of preschool education. First, certain goals, both external and internal, are set for any education. It must comply with established standards. To obtain a quality education, the quality of the requirements themselves (goals, standards and norms) and the necessary quality resources (educational programs, personnel, the contingent of children, material and technical support) must be ensured, i.e. quality conditions. Subject to these two aspects of quality important role plays the quality of educational processes (educational and educational, scientific activities, management, educational technologies). Another element of the quality of education is the quality of the results of activity (in all areas of the child's activity). All these components of the quality of preschool education should be considered in unity. Moreover, education is an educational service. Preschool education produces products and services for different categories of consumers - children, parents, society.

Thus, the renovation of the pedagogical process is understood as a systemic innovative renewal of the pedagogical process, ensuring its transition to a higher stage of development.

Currently, the meaning of education is considered from different perspectives. With regard to modern preschool education, we distinguish the following factors:

1. Education and society.This area includes the education system, the purpose of which is spiritual and moral upbringing and education of future citizens of the country, preparation for schooling. Here, education is seen as a service, as social institution... Education as a social institution is a social system of social inheritance of culture, the formation of personality and intellectual resources of society. The recently held (October 4-9, 2015, the XIII Congress of Teachers and the Pedagogical Community of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) worked on the problem "Education and Society: Integration for the Sake of the Child" and came up with the educational initiative of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) "Education Open to the Future ".

2. Education and the future. Education makes it possible to predict the future based on knowledge of the laws of development of nature and society, which depends on a system of values, and values \u200b\u200bare determined by education. The future itself can and should act as a value. Only a good education can turn understanding of the future into value. Thus, the mission of education is the progress of social development in all directions, the harmonization of human activities.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe project "Education Open to the Future" is to create conditions for each citizen of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) to receive individual education, provided that the unified educational space of the republic and the Russian Federation is preserved and the mass character of preschool, general and additional education for children is preserved.

The main directions of Education, Open to the Future:

The goal of preschool education is to create space for the child's activities and support his individual development, favorable socialization and mastering key competencies in conditions of freedom of choice of activity. In this vein, the project "Kindergarten without Borders » .

Main characteristics:

- individual educational route of the child, taking into account the inclinations, interests of the children, the needs of the parents;

The openness of the educational space, which is not closed by a group organization; takes into account ethnocultural and linguistic features; created in the form of workshops, laboratories, museums, lekotheques, sports grounds, etc. With such an organization of preschool education, such specialists as a game master and a tutor are in demand.

A project has been developed for children under 3 years old « Early childhood development », in accordance with which the services of psychological and pedagogical support of family education and early development of children from the prenatal period should be provided, which requires a transition from the principle of “education outside the family” to the principle of “the family gathers through education”.

Much attention is paid to the creation of a modern kindergarten infrastructure.

Since 2012, the republic has been implementing a set of measures to modernize education, aimed at updating the infrastructure and creating conditions that ensure a new quality of education.

With the attraction of funding from the federal, republican and municipal budgets, 33 kindergartens were built in the republic in 2014, and at least 30 are planned in 2015-2016. New kindergartens have begun to open on the ground floors of apartment buildings. Over the past two years, about 10 new preschool educational organizations have been introduced in Yakutsk. These are modern buildings with excellent infrastructure and modern equipment.

A spacious dining room, a computer, sports and music rooms, a salt cave and a sensory room, a playground with a large play area, an ISO studio, a theater, a swimming pool, sports complexes, a medical block with specialized treatment and massage rooms, dentist, speech therapist and psychologist - an incomplete list of equipment for modern kindergartens in Yakutsk.

The new infrastructure of kindergartens embodies the ideas of free children's activities, multifunctionality, transformability of equipment, taking into account the climatic, geographical and ethnocultural characteristics of the region.

Implementation mechanisms of the project "Kindergarten without borders »:

- the introduction of a multilingual (Yakut, Russian and foreign languages) environmental approach in the implementation of preschool education programs;

Avoiding the group principle of dividing the contingent of preschoolers inside the kindergarten, the formation of freely constructed children's communities for the initiatives and needs of preschool children during the day;

Encouraging the non-state sector to expand the range of preschool education services;

Development of a unified standard for individual education in preschool education;

Creation of a motivating interactive developmental environment in preschool educational organizations, aimed at individualizing education;

Implementation of the institute of gamers and tutors, incl. to accompany children with disabilities;

Organization of perinatal development centers, schools for expectant mothers for the development of children from the prenatal period using the resources of preschool educational organizations;

Development of programs for additional professional education on methods of early childhood development, retraining of educators to work with young children;

Development of professional educational programs preschool education by periods of development of children (early age, preschool age, preschool period);

Creation of a regional network of counseling and methodological centers, family education support centers, early assistance services, child play support centers, foster care services.

3. Education and information and educational environment.

The condition for the functioning of Open Education is an open educational space that helps to develop the personal knowledge of everyone, allowing you to build that educational trajectory that most fully corresponds to the educational abilities and needs of the student, regardless of his location. The implementation of an open information and educational environment for navigation of individual educational trajectories of students has begun. Moreover, each user should be able to change the already existing content.

The introduction of new educational technologies implies a change in the approach to the learning process, the emergence of new methods, the emergence of "digital pedagogy".

Implementation mechanisms:

Bringing the infrastructure in line with modern international standards, incl. providing access for any citizen of the republic to the Internet and other telecommunications for solving educational problems;

Implementation of an automated information and educational system for regional registration of the contingent of kindergarten children

Implementation of an automated information system for monitoring the development of children in various types of activities, which makes it possible to form statistical and analytical monitoring, as well as a common communication space for all participants in educational activities.

4. Education and personality.In this sense, education is considered from the following positions: the child's system of values, the system of his interests, the character of the child, the quality of the child's activity, the strengthening of the intellectual component, the disclosure of individual capabilities, high-quality preparation for schooling, the complex of internal capabilities of the individual that determine the constant growth of intellectual and creative potential, disclosure of talents and abilities of children.

One of the priority directions of the national educational initiative "Our New School" is the development and support of talented children, which provides for the unification of efforts of educational, medical institutions and the state to help families to give birth and upbringing of healthy, capable, talented and gifted children, our future.

In this regard, the North-Eastern Federal University began work on the implementation of the concept of the Program "From the very beginning ...", aimed at creating a comprehensive system of family support on the problem of the birth of healthy children, creating conditions for the manifestation and development of children's abilities, and assistance in raising , teaching, raising gifted children, psychological and pedagogical support for gifted children, advice to their parents. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe Program is all-round support of the family, assistance in revealing natural inclinations, development of abilities, cognitive and intellectual activity of children.

A distinctive feature of the Concept "From the very beginning ..." is the understanding that abilities and giftedness are manifested in the early stages of a person's life. The preschool period is especially sensitive. The family as the primary environment for a child's life and development is able to create conditions for the development of children's abilities. From these positions, the mission of the university is to purposefully work on medical, psychological and pedagogical education of parents, as well as in methodological assistance to preschool institutions in identifying, educating and developing the individual talent of children. To this end, in curricula bachelor's and master's degrees in the profile of "Preschool education", the disciplines "Psychological and pedagogical foundations of working with gifted children", "Psychological and pedagogical support of giftedness" are introduced, an initiative group of teachers of medical and pedagogical institutes of NEFU is working under the program "From the very beginning ...".

5. Education and science.Education is a breeding ground for science, a source of scientific ideas, the sphere of implementation of innovative projects. The professional competence of modern teachers of preschool education implies the skills and abilities of developing, substantiating and implementing innovative projects, programs for upbringing, education and development of children, research skills and a scientific approach to organizing pedagogical activities.

Open education implies a new educator. The professional position of a teacher should be aimed at building individual educational trajectories of students. It is necessary to provide conditions for the development of human resources, which should be carried out on an integrated basis, combining new approaches in training, advanced training. The model of continuous pedagogical education is built with the aim of forming a teacher, a subject of socially significant activity. This model is based on the principles of practice-orientedness and network interaction, when in the process of training teachers, the university and the school, kindergartens, organizations of additional education and other interested organizations become equal partners.

The organization of professional pedagogical education is carried out on the principles of dual education. Since September 2014, at the Department of Preschool Education of the Pedagogical Institute of NEFU, they began to introduce, along with the academic bachelor's degree, training under the applied bachelor's program in the direction of "Pedagogical Education", profile "Preschool Education". The introduction of a dual education system in vocational education allows you to combine in the educational process theoretical training and the acquisition of professional skills by students through training in real conditions of the educational process in the basic preschool educational organization... Every Wednesday, according to the schedule, students undergo practical training at the preschool educational institution, which ensures a competence-based approach.

On the basis of the Department of Preschool Education, refresher courses are held on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. At the level of republican platforms, republican pedagogical fairs, exhibitions, contests "Educator of the Year", conferences, round tables are held annually. It should be noted that teachers of Yakutia, graduates of the preschool education department of NEFU, have become the winners of the All-Russian competition "Educator of the Year".

Under the guidance of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, A.A. Grigorieva, head of the department of preschool education, there is a scientific and pedagogical school “Scientific and methodological support for the development of the preschool education system in the North”.

The objectives of the scientific and pedagogical school are:

Theoretical substantiation of the research methodology ethnocultural aspects education;

Providing scientific and methodological support for innovative, experimental and research activities of specialists in the preschool education system;

Methodological, technological, methodological development and implementation of innovative technologies to ensure the quality of continuing professional education;

Educational and methodological support for advanced training of teachers who introduce ethnocultural education technologies.

In accordance with these goals, the leading research areas of the scientific school were determined:

Scientific and pedagogical foundations for the implementation of innovative processes in the system of continuous education of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia);

Ethnopedagogization of the educational process in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of HE and DL;

General pedagogical and organizational and didactic conditions for improving the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel;

Modernization of the training system for preschool workers.

Within the framework of these areas, the organization of research work is based on the implementation of fundamental and applied scientific research aimed at solving problems in the field of the regional preschool education system and using the results in the educational process. The activities of the scientific and pedagogical school are carried out through the implementation of research work of applicants, graduate students, doctoral students and research work of students.

The teachers of the department, together with practicing teachers in the context of the implementation of contractual and initiative topics, as well as orders of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and state orders of the Ministry of Defense and N of the Russian Federation, successfully introduce scientific and methodological developments into the practice of educational institutions of the republic, for example, such as "Pedagogical bases of amplification education of children 5-7 years old in the context of continuity of preschool educational institutions and primary school on the ethnocultural traditions of the Sakha people (a comprehensive variable educational program "D'yun o5o" for children 5-7 years old in a preschool educational institution); "Formation of ethnocultural competence of preschoolers in multicultural educational environment"; “Innovations in preschool education in the North”; "Development of inclusive education in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)", "Pedagogical security and countering terrorism in preschool educational institutions", etc.

6. Education and culture.Culture is the most important generalizing characteristic of civilization. The introduction of children to the culture of their native people, country and common human culture should be reflected in the content of preschool education as a red thread. Ethno-cultural education of preschoolers is carried out on the basis of a dialogue of cultures through fairy tales, art, literature, artistic activities, folklore, heroic epics, folk music, enrich children's ideas about the culture of their own and other peoples, instill love and pride for their native culture and respect for other cultures, form the foundations tolerance and openness

Folk pedagogy has been and remains an effective means of forming the social and moral qualities of a child's personality. In modern educational practice, ethnopedagogical ideas are complemented by the principles of multicultural education of children based on a dialogue of cultures.

The works of A.G. Asmolov, A.B. Afanasyeva, S.A. Borgoyakova, G.N. Volkova, I. L. Nabok, A.B. Pankina, A.M. Tsirulnikova and others.

According to S.A. Borgoyakov, the theoretical and methodological provisions of ethnocultural education consider education as a process of introducing a person to culture and at the same time as a result of the internalization of culture ... It is the ethnocultural approach to education that allows you to create the basis for the development of a student's personality as a representative of his people and a citizen of the state.

The concepts of the study of the cultural and pedagogical heritage of the ethnos, the dialogue of cultures, are presented in the works of M.M. Bakhtin, V.S. Bibler, D.S. Likhacheva and others. The study of traditions from the standpoint of semantic and functional significance in the spheres of culture and social life was carried out by Yu.V. Bromley, N.I. Kostomarov and others. Ethnopedagogical approaches are described in the works of V.F. Afanasyev, V.S. Bakhtin, L.N. Berezhnova, U.A. Vinokurova, A.A. Grigorieva, B.A. Kadyrov, A.G. Kornilova, N. D. Neustroeva, Yu.A. Rud Yu.A. and etc.

The scientific literature reflects the main directions of preschool ethnocultural education in the works of A.A. Grigorieva, M.I. Baisheva, N.N. Lebedeva, O. I. Mikhaleva, M. M. Prokopyeva and others.

Value guidelines of the methodology of socio-cultural construction of education according to A.G. Asmolov is presented with the tasks of forming a civil ethno-cultural and universal human identity. Formation of civic identity is aimed at the formation of a person as a citizen of his country, at fostering civic patriotism and love for the Motherland, the formation of ethnocultural identity and regional identity (solidarity with the “small homeland” - a village, city, region), is an introduction to the national culture, history of the native edge, native language, etc. The formation of a universal human identity is aimed at familiarizing oneself with the products of world culture, universal human values \u200b\u200bthat make a person related to all of humanity, etc. ...

Thus, we examined the main directions of the preschool education system in line with the renewal of the education system and the introduction of the FSES into practice. Much remains to be done to implement the GEF. As practice shows, the work on the implementation of a quality management system begins with the allocation of goals and main priorities. Defining the main goal of our activity as ensuring the quality of education, we fulfill the order of consumers: a person receiving an education, an elementary school where the child will study in the future, parents, society as a whole. For the successful implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, the following pedagogical conditions are necessary: \u200b\u200bimproving the methodological training of teachers in the context of updating and using innovative methods of working with children, adjusting and improving basic educational programs, enhancing the activities of experimental sites, organizing tutoring support, integrating the activities of all social institutions, expanding variable forms of preschool education, systematization and clarification of indicators for monitoring the quality of preschool education, etc.


Prokopyeva M.M., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Developmental Pedagogy and Psychology, North-Eastern Federal University named after V.I. M.K. Ammosova, Yakutsk;

Barakhsanova E.A., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Deputy. Director for Research of the Pedagogical Institute of NEFU M.K. Ammosova, Yakutsk.

Bibliographic reference

URL:\u003d22861 (date of access: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation






Course work in the discipline: theory and technology of preschool education

Preschool education in Russia: state, trends, prospects

Completed by a student of group 35-P

Asmandiyarova E.V.


ph.D., associate professor Kazanskaya G.A.

Novosibirsk 2013


1. The history of the development of preschool education in Russia5

2. Concept, essence and principles of preschool education9


4. Modern trends in preschool education20

5. Prospects for the development of preschool education in Russia24



preschool education russia

The relevance of preschool education in Russia is and will continue to be popular, since the strategy of forming a system that would ensure comprehensive full-fledged upbringing and development of children from birth to 7 years old is important for modern society. The socio-economic transformations that have taken place in Russian society have led to major changes in the education system in general and in its preschool level, in particular. These changes affected both organizational and content aspects of preschool education. The preschool education system has become a multifunctional network of preschool educational institutions (preschool educational institutions), focused on the needs of society and providing a diverse range of educational services, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child's development. The education of a preschooler should be aimed at enrichment, and not artificial acceleration (acceleration) of development. Enriching the child's mental development involves the maximum realization of his capabilities. Unlike artificial acceleration of development, it makes it possible to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of the child, ensures its normal harmonious development, preserves the joy of childhood.

The purpose of this work is to identify trends and substantiate the prospects for the development of preschool education, taking into account modern realities.

to reveal the concepts and characterize the essence and structure of preschool education;

analyze the state of preschool education;

analyze and substantiate the prospects for the development of preschool education in Russia.

The object of this research is preschool education.

The subject of the research is the trends and prospects for the development of preschool education in Russia.

1.The history of the development of preschool education in Russia

In Kievan Rus, the upbringing of children of all ages was carried out mainly in the family. The purpose of upbringing was to prepare children for work, to fulfill basic social roles. Factors of folk pedagogical culture (nursery rhymes, pestushki, tongue twisters, riddles, fairy tales, folk games, etc.) were the main means of influence. All these pedagogical tools were transmitted orally. In connection with the baptism of Rus, the church took a significant place in the upbringing of the younger generation. Means such as performing rituals, memorizing prayers, etc. have appeared.

The "Teaching of Vladimir Monomakh to his children" is dated to the twelfth century. Vladimir Monomakh wrote instructions for his children, but many of the teachings are of a general pedagogical nature. In the XVII century. Epiphany Slavnitsky compiled a pedagogical book "Citizenship of Childhood Customs". It outlined the rules for the behavior of children in society (child hygiene, the meaning of facial expressions, facial expressions, postures; rules of behavior in various situations, etc.). The collection contains a chapter on games. It provides guidance on games for preschool children. Slavnitsky's advice is psychologically grounded and imbued with a loving attitude towards children.

At the beginning of the XVIII century. there was a rapid development and change in Russia under the influence of the reforms carried out by Peter I. One of the areas of reform is education. Preschool education at this time did not stand out as independent, but was carried out under the influence of general pedagogical branches. Pedagogical ideas were expressed and published by the best representatives of that time. MV Lomonosov was engaged in active educational activities. I.I.Betskoy led the transformation of the then existing education system. NI Novikov published literature for children. In the field of preschool education, a significant place is occupied by his article on the upbringing of children "For the dissemination of general useful knowledge and general well-being." It formulates the rules for parents.

In the first half of the XIX century. a number of public figures and teachers appeared in Russia, each of whom contributed to the development of pedagogy in general and preschool pedagogy in particular. VG Belinsky attached great importance to the mental and physical development of preschoolers, visibility and children's games, aesthetic education. NI Pirogov attached great importance to the role of the mother in the upbringing of preschool children. He spoke about the need for the pedagogical training of mothers. He believed that play takes an important place in the development of preschoolers. KD Ushinsky was a supporter of family education, but he understood the need to create a system of preschool public education. He expressed his views on the activities of preschool teachers, prepared a book for children to read "Rodnoe Slovo". She has kept her appointment ever since.

In the last third of the XIX century. new types of educational institutions appear. The first free "people's kindergarten" in Russia for children of urban residents from the lower strata of the population was opened in 1866 at the charitable "Society of Cheap Apartments" in St. Petersburg. In the same year, the editor of the pedagogical journal "Kindergarten", which time, A.S. Simonovich opened several kindergartens. One of them (paid, private) for children of the intelligentsia existed in St. Petersburg from 1866 to 1869. At the same time, the first free kindergarten for the children of workers in St. Petersburg was opened. Unfortunately, the gardens did not last long. A.S. Simonovich developed some pedagogical and methodological approaches to the organization of preschool education. She believed that up to three years old a child should be brought up in a family, but further education should go outside the family, as he needs comrades, peers for games and classes. Children from 3 to 7 years old must be in the kindergarten. The purpose of kindergartens is the physical, mental, moral education of preschoolers, their preparation for school. Simonovich also believed that the work of kindergarten teachers and individual training should be carried out methodically and consistently. She attached great importance to the personality of educators: “An energetic, indefatigable, inventive teacher gives the kindergarten a fresh flavor and supports the inexhaustible, cheerful activities of children in it.” In 1871, the St. Petersburg Society for Assisting the Initial Education of Preschool Children was created. The Society promoted the opening of courses to train women educators in families and kindergartens, as well as lectures on preschool education. The children's writer E.N. Vodovozova made a significant contribution to the development of problems in the upbringing of preschoolers. She created essays and stories remarkable for her time. At the end of the 60s. Vodovozova was abroad and studied the experience of family education and the organization of kindergartens. In 1871 she published the book "The mental and moral education of children from the first appearance of consciousness to school age." The book was intended for preschool teachers and mothers.

By the beginning of the XX century. quite a large number of preschool institutions were opened in Russia. Paid for the intelligentsia and the nascent bourgeoisie, as well as free kindergartens, playgrounds, orphanages, centers for children of the lower strata of the population, as well as for orphans. In 1900, the first kindergarten for deaf and dumb children appeared in Moscow. Later, similar establishments were opened in St. Petersburg and Kiev. Before the revolution, according to rough data, there were 250 paid kindergartens and about 30 free kindergartens in Russia.

In 1913 - 1917. The vice-president of the St. Petersburg Society for the Promotion of Preschool Education was the famous Russian teacher Elizaveta Ivanovna Tikheeva, who studied the issues of didactics and methods of primary education. She created an original theory of preschool education. Its main ideas are the continuity of upbringing in kindergarten, family, school; a special place in the methodology for the development of speech of a preschooler. In 1913 the first edition of her book "Native Speech and the Ways of Its Development" was published. This book has been supplemented and republished several times. The last edition came out in 1937. Some of the provisions of this book have retained their significance to this day. Tikheeva was an ardent supporter of public education. In her book "Modern kindergarten, its meaning and equipment" she outlined recommendations for organizational work in a preschool institution. Moreover, E.I. Tikheeva developed her own original system of means for organizing sensory development. She attributed great importance in preschool education to reasonable discipline and a clear daily routine. She considered them to be a means of forming habits and will. Elizaveta Ivanovna attached great importance to the special vocational training educators. The beginning of the state system of preschool education in our country was laid after the adoption on November 20, 1917 of the "Declaration on preschool education." This document defined the principles of Soviet preschool education: free and affordable public education for preschool children. In 1918, on the basis of the Moscow Higher Courses for Women, on the initiative of Professor K.N. Kornilov, the second Moscow State University was opened, where a pedagogical faculty with a preschool department was organized. In the same year, a special preschool department was organized under the People's Commissariat of Education. Kornilov was a staunch supporter of social education. He owns the works "Public education of proletarian children", "Methodology for the study of an early age child" and others. These works were of great importance in the development of the problems of preschool pedagogy; they were very popular. At this time, a museum for preschool education was created. E.A. Arkin was the initiator. he did a great deal of work on the study of the anatomical and physiological characteristics of preschoolers. His fundamental work "Preschool age, its features and hygiene" has become an excellent guide for children's doctors and educators.

Concept, essence and principles of preschool education

Preschool education is designed to ensure the mental, physical, and personal development of a child aged 2 months to 7 years. An institution for raising children can be a municipal or private kindergarten, a preschool education center, an early development center, and so on. The task of preschool education is to convey to the child the basic foundations of culture and the rules of behavior in society, as well as intellectual and aesthetic education. Kindergarten is the first social institution that teaches children to live in society. It is in the kindergarten that the child's first independent contacts with the people around him take place, here he learns to communicate and interact. Communication with peers allows the child to quickly master new skills and acquire new knowledge, since the effect of imitation at an early age is very strong. Successful adaptation in a kindergarten or preschool education center is facilitated by educators whose goal is to help a child in any difficult situation. It has long been noted that "home" children who have not attended children's educational institutions often experience difficulties with adaptation in the school team. It is more difficult for them to start school than for kindergarten graduates, since they do not have sufficient communication skills. In addition, preschool education in kindergarten teaches the child volitional behavior, the ability to find compromises between his desires and the desires of others. The child learns to defend his own interests without compromising the interests of others. Also in kindergarten children learn the basics of self-regulation. That is, the child learns to independently choose an occupation and devote a certain amount of time to the chosen business. It is this skill that becomes the basis for the organization of the child at home and (in the future) at school. It is also extremely important that in kindergarten these qualities are formed naturally in the process of playing, which is an integral part of the educational process. It is during the games that the basic skills of independence are formed, the ability to contact and negotiate. Preschool education in kindergarten meets the developmental and communication needs of the child. Education at home, of course, can provide a child with the development of all the skills of self-service and the assimilation of knowledge necessary to prepare for school, but it is not able to teach the child to live in a team. While it is the ability to find a common language with the people around you that is the key to a person's success in adult life. Modern preschool education is focused on the development of the child's personal qualities. Being in a team of peers allows the child to learn to communicate, to defend his opinion and his interests, and also to take into account the interests and opinions of others. Children form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe social structure, because it is in kindergarten that the first role-playing games take place, for example, "daughters-mothers". Preschool education in kindergarten allows the child to form his own idea of \u200b\u200bthe world around him and his place in it. The child learns to assess their abilities and capabilities by comparing themselves with their peers. That is, an adequate self-perception is formed in him. In addition to the child's communicative development, the goals of preschool education include the development of mental, moral, aesthetic and physical development. All these components are indissoluble conditions for the formation of a full-fledged personality. Drawing, creating crafts and applications, designing, music and physical education - this is the minimum set that any kindergarten is ready to offer. As a rule, modern preschool education provides a fairly wide range of activities designed for the versatile development of children. A kindergarten or a preschool education center can offer children additional foreign language classes, choreographic training, rhythm classes, educational computer programs and much more. . Today, the goals of preschool education are to develop five basic personal potentials: cognitive, communicative, aesthetic (artistic), value (moral) and physical. It is no secret that modern preschool education has a number of serious problems. Perhaps the main problem today is the lack of places in existing municipal kindergartens. Quite often the queue lasts for years. To some extent, the situation is improved by the presence of preschool education centers and private kindergartens. But they cannot solve the problem in a global way. Another problem in preschool education is the lack of qualified personnel. Everyone knows what the level of salaries of employees of municipal childcare facilities is. This reason explains the reluctance of promising young professionals to go to work in kindergartens. Therefore, people with a non-core or insufficient education are often hired, who, as a result, have low qualifications. It is also not uncommon for a teacher to go to work in a profession due to the circumstances (for example, in order to attach their own child to a kindergarten), and then an insufficient level of wages can cause the teacher to neglect his duties. Unfortunately, this situation is not uncommon today. The situation is different in private kindergartens (which can be found, for example, through the preschool education website). Private preschool institutions employ only qualified specialists. A decent salary makes the position attractive to job seekers, so management can choose the best candidate. This is one of the reasons for the high quality of preschool education in private kindergartens. Describing the problems of preschool education, one cannot but dwell on the issue of the continuity of education. This problem is quite relevant at all stages of the educational process, but at the stage of transition from preschool education to primary school, it is especially acute. The reasons for this phenomenon can be called many factors, the main one, of course, is the discrepancy between the requirements for a child in the senior group of kindergarten and for a first grader. A priori, it is believed that a first grader should be more disciplined, diligent, and efficient than a preschooler. But a child cannot master all the required qualities in an instant. In addition, many primary educational institutions have extremely high requirements for the quality of preschool education. A first grader is often required not only knowledge of the alphabet, but also the ability to read and count. However, learning to read and count is simply not included in the kindergarten program. To avoid such problems, parents should familiarize themselves not only with the kindergarten program (for example, posted on the preschool education website), but also with the requirements of the school to which they plan to send the child. If a discrepancy is found, it is necessary to organize additional classes for the child in the children's center, or use the services of a tutor, or take care of the child's education on their own. Thus, the situation may be further complicated by the child's psychological unwillingness to study at school, stress when changing the team and environment. A softer transition for a child to a new education system occurs if preschool education includes classes to prepare for school.

3. The state of preschool education in Russia

Preschool education as the first stage of education, on which the foundations of the social personality and the most important institution of family support are laid, over the past 10 years, there has been a difficult path of fitting into new realities. The initial sharp decline in the coverage of children in preschool education stabilized by 1995. Currently, about 55% of children attend kindergartens (for example, in the Scandinavian countries, such children are about 90%). The main reasons for abandoning kindergarten are the parents' insolvency and, less often, the child's state of health. At the same time, children, even in wealthy families who do not attend kindergartens, as a rule, do not receive proper upbringing, the educational functions are shifted to a TV set and a computer. The network of departmental kindergartens has practically disappeared, although in large citiesfor example, in Moscow, many of them were transferred to municipal ownership and kept for children. In Russia as a whole, there is a tendency to reprofile former departmental kindergartens and sell their buildings. The family provides the intimate and personal relationships necessary for the child, the formation of a sense of security, trust and openness to the world. At the same time, the family itself needs support, which the kindergarten is called upon to provide - parents can work and study, improve professionally and personally, without feeling guilty that the child is abandoned at this time, they can be sure that the child is in comfortable conditions, eats normally, teachers work with him. In addition, the system of preschool education traditionally approached the parental pay in a differentiated manner; low-income families received benefits, i.e. their targeted support was carried out, today this happens, unfortunately, only in certain regions. It is obvious that in modern conditions the tradition of differentiated parental fees must be preserved. And what does the kindergarten give the child himself? The main advantage of the kindergarten is the presence of a children's community, thanks to which the space of the child's social experience is created. Only in the conditions of a child's community does a child know himself in comparison with others, assigns methods of communication and interaction that are adequate to various situations, overcomes his inherent egocentrism (focus on himself, the perception of the environment exclusively from his own position). No one, even a very smart adult, can make up for this. Embedding oneself in the child's community is an important qualitative change in the development of a child, without which his further trouble-free progress on the path of learning and social contacts is impossible. It is important that kindergarten acts as a preventive measure pedagogical neglect , which is now often observed in children not attending preschool. Pedagogically neglected child actually has no prospect of getting a good school education. Due to these circumstances, efforts of the state and society are needed to ensure full coverage of various forms of preschool education for children from at least 4-5 years old with the aim of their full development, and not coaching for school. Currently, the system of preschool education itself has changed. Differentiation of preschool educational institutions by types and categories has been introduced. To the previously existing single species - kindergarten new ones were added - a kindergarten with priority implementation of the intellectual or artistic-aesthetic, or physical development of pupils, a kindergarten for children with disabilities in physical and mental development, supervision and rehabilitation, a child development center, etc. On the one hand, this allows parents to choose educational an institution that meets their needs, on the other hand, most of these types (with the exception of correctional ones for children with serious health problems) do not meet the patterns of child development. At the preschool age, physical and mental functions are in the stage of formation, primary spiritual values, the child's intellect, his creativity, a wide range of interests, etc. are formed, and in this regard, it is illegal to single out one or another priority line of development; specialization is absurd in relation to the preschooler and violates the child's right to versatility and integrity of development. It is much more important to take into account the needs of the modern family in various forms of organizing the functioning of preschool institutions. It is required to increase the number of groups for young children (from 2 months to 3 years), groups with round-the-clock and evening stay of children, holidays and weekends, groups of short-term stay (2-3 times a week for 3-4 hours), etc. the same higher and lower categories assigned to preschool institutions of different types based on the results of certification, initially puts children in unequal starting conditions for development and violates the child's right to receive an affordable and high-quality education. Since in institutions of the lowest category, relevant and educational services. It is much more expedient that all public preschool institutions correspond to one good a category that provides full-fledged upbringing and development of children. And parents with special needs (although it is not a fact that it is useful for a child) could use the services of non-state preschool institutions. The only problem is that these institutions, as a rule, need special control by the state (this is evidenced, for example, by the experience of France, where such control is the most important task of the inspection service in education). The system of preschool education has also been renewed meaningfully. Kindergartens now work not according to a single one, as it was before, but according to a whole range of new programs and pedagogical technologies created by teams and individual authors, which contributes to the development of initiative and creativity of teachers. At the same time, the programs are often directly opposite in their fundamental approaches to the upbringing and development of children: in some, teaching predominates and little attention is paid to the independent activities of children and their upbringing, in others, teaching is denied, and all didactic tasks are solved only in play, which destroys and the game itself as a leading activity at this age, and is not very effective in terms of teaching children. Many pedagogical technologies do not take into account the age characteristics of children, overestimate the requirements for them, overload children with various compulsory activities, which leads to a violation of the normal daily routine, to systematic fatigue and, as a result, a deterioration in the already poor health of children. According to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, only 5-7% of preschoolers are healthy, up to 25% suffer from chronic diseases, over 60% have functional abnormalities. All this is aggravated by the school's exaggerated requirements for future first-graders. Often, parents, wishing to send their child to a prestigious school or gymnasium, are forced to take four or five-year-old children from the kindergarten to additional classes organized by schools in the evening. Parents fear that their children will not pass the introductory test otherwise. In accordance with the ongoing education reform, children should go to school from 6.5 to 8 years old, based on their level of readiness for learning, health status and the wishes of their parents. At the same time, a number of regions are pursuing a policy of persuading parents to send their children to school from the age of six on a massive scale, regardless of the level of maturity of the child, the competence of teachers in working with children of this non-school age, the availability of the necessary conditions at school - for games. , walks, independent activities of children, etc. According to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, over 41% of children 6-7 years old are not functionally ready for school (they are not yet ripe). Their number has increased significantly compared to the 1970s-1980s. Moreover, most of them are boys (48.6% versus 28.6% of girls). The results of many years of medical observations of children who began their education at the age of 6 show that plume school problems and health problems have been traced in them for many years. Against this background, active attempts recruit 6-year-olds in school should be of particular concern to professionals and society at large. School pressure had a significant impact on the very organization of children's life in kindergarten. The intrinsic value of preschool childhood has faded into the background, the focus has become a narrowly focused preparation for school. The life of children becomes strictly regulated, and the functions of the educator, who used to be the main person for the child, began to be performed by additional working teachers: ecologists, physical education instructors, art teachers, directors, etc. With this purely school approach, the very essence of the kindergarten, the place where the child can be himself, be engaged under the guidance of a teacher who knows him well, interesting developmental activities (play, design, draw, listen to music, invent fairy tales, etc.); the children's community is destroyed. It is important that in the kindergartens of the higher category an expanded staffing table is provided due to the introduction of additional teachers specializing in a particular area. That, in fact, unjustifiably significantly increases the cost for the state of keeping children in such institutions. Note that all educational work in a kindergarten can be perfectly done by educators and a music worker (as it always was before). Today, testing has become widespread in the education system. Children are subjected to it practically from the age of three, not to mention six or seven years old. The most arbitrary systems of diagnostic techniques are used, which sometimes do not stand up to any criticism. This does not take into account the world experience, which showed the unreliability of the predictive capabilities of the test in relation to the development of young children. Testing is in progress practical psychologistswho often received insufficient psychological education as additional education in 3-6-9 months. Tests, which limit children's access to education in certain schools, traumatize children, provoke protests from their parents and most teachers who work with young children. The testing procedure as a selection tool is in direct conflict with the legal and constitutional right to education. Today it is customary to say that we have built a variable education system. However, the presence of a large number of programs and technologies is indicative of variegated diversity, not variability. To build a variable education, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the invariant, i.e. mandatory essential core of the content of education. Standards act as it. However, they should not be reduced to a minimum of "basement level: below - failure. They must be filled enough so that every child has the opportunity to climb higher, to the attic with a large window through which the prospect of further development is visible. Such standards are actually laid down in the Model program for the upbringing, training and development of children of early and preschool age, developed by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation by the author's team of the Center Preschool childhood them. A.V. Zaporozhets, which is designed to become a reference point in the creation of variable programs. It is based on an activity approach, has a developmental character, calculated on the potential of the child, implements the principle of consistency and health-preserving approach. The educational orientation of the program is of particular importance: its content introduces into the world of native culture and the culture of other peoples. Multicultural education contributes to the formation of patriotism and tolerance from an early age. The program makes it possible to replace monological pedagogy with the pedagogy of dialogue. It also presents integral indicators of child development, which allow the educator himself, who is constantly with children, to assess how the child grows and develops (at one year, at three years, at five years old, in six to seven years) without the involvement of traditional psychological testing, to build in accordance with the individuality of each child their pedagogical work. Organization of work with young children in modern conditions makes special requirements for professionalism and personal qualities teachers. At the same time, today young specialists who have received education practically do not go to work in kindergartens. The reason for this is not just a small, but a scanty salary that does not reach the subsistence level. The work of a teacher in a kindergarten, responsible for the life and health of children, leading a multidimensional educational work, requires huge expenditures of mental and physical strength. And only such teachers will be able to raise children with dignity. Hence, a short conclusion follows: worthy teachers will receive a decent salary. In accordance with the Concept of Modernization of Russian Education, it is planned to introduce equity financing, which implies payment by the state only for a fixed volume of educational services for kindergartens. However, the specificity of education in a preschool institution is that, unlike school, it is carried out throughout the day and is not limited to educational activities (it is necessary to teach the child to wash their hands, eat correctly, behave politely in different situations, be careful, play and collaborate with other children and more). Therefore, it is almost impossible to reduce educational services of preschool institutions to 3-4 hours. Equally unacceptable is the separation of parental payments for child support (mainly food, which many children need so much now) and budgetary funding for education. The optimal solution is to determine the percentage of the total cost of maintaining a child in kindergarten, which would be the amount of payment available to most parents with targeted support of low-income families. The development of young children largely depends on their environment (toys, manuals, materials for drawing, modeling, construction, books, musical instruments, exercise equipment, etc.). Solving the problems of organizing various forms of coverage of children with preschool education, decent remuneration of teachers , the availability of a quality kindergarten for all children requires separate budgetary funding at the federal and regional levels.

Modern trends in preschool education

The main task of Russian educational policy in last years it became the provision of modern quality of education while maintaining its fundamentality and compliance with the current and future needs of the individual, society and the state. To solve it, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education developed the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education. Priorities in the educational policy of the first stage of modernization are the implementation of preschool education programs and the adoption of measures to strengthen the health of the younger generation. Speaking about the current state of preschool education, it should be noted that, despite the difficulties it is experiencing, it has managed to preserve the best Russian traditions. The pedagogical process covers all the main directions of the child's development (physical culture, familiarization with the surrounding world, artistic and aesthetic, etc.), a system of measures is provided to protect and strengthen the health of children, the principle of complexity is observed, partial programs are used that combine various aspects of the pedagogical process. There are also new, non-traditional types of content for the work of a preschool educational institution: choreography and rhythmics, teaching a foreign language, new technologies of fine art, computer training, familiarizing with national culture, more emphasis is placed on creating conditions for independent experimentation and search activity of the children themselves. There is a transition to a different style of communication and play with the child - taking into account the personality-oriented interaction. In today's educational space, a wide range of domestic programs is offered that implement different approaches to organizing the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution. Each of them puts forward one or another priority of education: cognitive development, aesthetic, ecological. It is important to take into account that the activation of some areas of the child's development at the expense of others leads to the impoverishment of personal development and a deterioration in the physical and mental state of the preschooler. Despite this, among the trends in the educational process in preschool educational institutions at the present stage, there is a significant increase in the volume and intensity of cognitive activity. Additional activities for the child are being introduced, for example, foreign languages, computer learning, ecology, life safety, etc. At the same time, there is no clear control and dosing of the educational load, in many preschool institutions there are no adequate pedagogical conditions and organizational and methodological approaches have not been developed that would compensate for the negative impact of increased intellectual loads. Innovations of this kind reduce the already insufficient, according to experts, the level of physical activity and have a negative impact on the health of children. It is known that the need of children for physical activity is satisfied during their stay in a preschool educational institution by only 45-50% even with three physical training sessions, and now in many preschool educational institutions their number has decreased to two, and sometimes even once a week. In modern programs for preschool educational institutions, physical education is not a priority section. However, in numerous earlier studies, a close relationship was noted between the incidence rate and the level of human motor activity at various stages of ontogenesis. It has been established that the greatest efficiency of the preschool education process is achieved if the daily volume of organized motor activity of the child is from 30 to 40% of the waking time. The orientation of the content of the programs mainly on the mental development of children reduces the interest of teachers in the physical education of preschoolers. Filippova S.O., having analyzed the content of domestic programs on physical culture among preschoolers, came to the conclusion that these programs are focused more on the formation of basic motor skills in children and, to a lesser extent, on promoting the purposeful development of motor qualities, do not directly affect the systems and children's body functions and health. Many programs do not pay due attention to the development of physical qualities of preschool children, while a significant number of preschoolers (28-40%) have low and below average levels of physical fitness, and as a result, indicators of the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems indicate a decrease in reserve capabilities organism of children. The implementation of the concept of maintaining the health of the child is presented in the domestic educational programs "Health", "Fundamentals of the safety of preschool children." "Rainbow", "Kindergarten - a house of joy", "Friendly guys", "Heritage" and "Golden Key" are mainly aimed at the social development of the child. Aesthetic development is embodied in the programs "Development", "Origins", "Childhood", ideas about the need for the development of creativity are contained in "TRIZ". Some programs are of a highly specialized nature, for example: "Young Ecologist", "Preschooler and Economics", "Tiny", "Planet of Childhood", "Synthesis", "Harmony", "Kid", "Children's Talent", "Start", etc. .P. Along with domestic ones, foreign educational systems are used in our country: Montessori, "Pilot School", "Step by Step", the Center for Early Socialization of Children "Green Door", etc. There is no doubt that they have accumulated positive work experience, but we require a preliminary deep study and comparative assessment of the effectiveness of programs. As practice shows, the use of programs by foreign authors in the educational process of a preschool educational institution is not always justified. The material in such programs is presented in a specific way: some have a rather pronounced structure, others are more a kind of philosophy, and still others are pedagogical technology. The Step by Step program (Georgetown University, Washington, USA) generally rejects classes as a special form of teaching preschool children, and recommends building all education through play and independent activity of children. Physical education is not provided by this program. Organized physical activity of children is excluded from the daily routine in favor of independent activity. Therefore, the child's development process is, to a certain extent, spontaneously chaotic and chaotic. It should be noted that, despite the originality of the ways of development of pedagogical science and practice, the systems of preschool education around the world strive to resolve common problems. It is about determining the content, forms, means and methods most suitable for the harmonious psychophysical and social development of children. The analysis of the literature showed that foreign preschool education programs are mostly aimed at the integrated nature of the curriculum. Preschool programs in Great Britain, recognizing the intrinsic value of childhood, view it as a part of life, and not as a preparation for learning at the next stage of life, the child is perceived as an integral being, all aspects of whose development are interconnected. Therefore, training is not divided into subjects. The requirements of the American National Association for the Education of Young Children in the USA also orient preschool institutions towards the development and education of the "child as a whole": the practice must correspond to the level of development of children, i.e. the training course should not be divided into separate disciplines. Continuing the conversation about the problems of educational programs for preschool educational institutions, one cannot but say that all of them are intended mainly for healthy children, the number of which, according to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Scientific Center of Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, is only about 10%. When planning the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions, the state of mental health, adaptation resources and capabilities of children are practically not taken into account. The trend of deterioration in the health of preschool children necessitates physical culture and health-improving work directly in the conditions of preschool educational institutions, where the child is almost daily and where, therefore, it is possible to ensure the timeliness and regularity of the impact. In the modern system of public preschool education, there have been qualitative changes associated with the emergence of various types and types of preschool educational institutions, distributed in different categories.

Prospects for the development of preschool education in Russia

In order to coordinate actions on the development of the preschool education system in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 2005 No. Pr-2065 and the Government of the Russian Federation No. MF-P44-6344 dated December 22, 2005, as well as in pursuance of the decision of the Presidium meeting The Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Implementation of Priority National Projects and Demographic Policy (Minutes dated August 4, 2006, No. 9) developed a Package of Measures for the Development of Preschool Education in the Russian Federation for 2007-2012 (hereinafter - the Package of Measures). In June 2007, the Government of the Russian Federation sent an order to the federal executive authorities and the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to implement the Package of Measures. The set of measures provides for the implementation of measures for the development of preschool education at all levels - federal, regional and municipal - in two main areas: ensuring the availability of preschool education and ensuring its quality. Currently, as part of the implementation of the Set of Measures, work is underway to expand the species diversity of preschool educational institutions in order to fully meet the needs of the population of the Russian Federation in the services of preschool education. It is planned to regulate the activities of new types of preschool educational institutions: a kindergarten for young children, a kindergarten of preschool education. educational institutions sold free of charge. In order to improve the material status of workers in the preschool education system, preparatory work was carried out to introduce new remuneration systems (NWS) in preschool educational institutions in 2009-20012, the principles of which were tested in 2007-2008 within the framework of comprehensive projects for the modernization of education. Methodological recommendations on the introduction of the NRS were sent to the subjects of the Russian Federation. Within the framework of the Package of Measures, work is currently underway together with the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia to revise and change the norms of urban planning, taking into account the provision of integrated residential development areas with developed infrastructure, first of all, with preschool education institutions. Also, among the activities of the Package of Measures, the following will be consistently implemented: development of federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education (February 2009); development of federal state requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education (February 2010). Further prospects for the development of the preschool education system are also envisaged within the framework of the implementation of the Concept of the demographic policy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2025. The most significant event is the development of regional programs for the development of the preschool education system as an integral part of the educational system of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia has developed and sent to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation guidelines for the development of regional systems of preschool education. It should be noted that in order to more fully meet the needs of the population in preschool education services, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation currently have sufficient regulatory powers to introduce new organizational forms of preschool education. The so-called "family kindergartens", home-based or tutor groups, family clubs, social playrooms can currently be organized as structural subdivisions of municipal or state preschool educational institutions, which will have to provide these forms with qualified personnel, carry out psychological and pedagogical support of their activities, control behind it in order to ensure a sufficiently high quality of services provided. A special direction in the development of preschool education in the Russian Federation in the near future will be the creation of a system for the early development of children aged from birth to 3 years. The importance of this particular direction in the development of preschool education is due to several reasons.

Firstly, at present, according to the operational information provided by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the majority of children in need of places in preschool educational institutions are children under the age of 3 years (62.9% in the whole of the Russian Federation). evidence from numerous studies by both foreign and Russian scientists, investing in the early development of children (especially children from disadvantaged and low-income children), on the one hand, serves the purpose of ensuring social justice and equal opportunities for all, on the other hand, it helps to increase productivity and efficiency in the economy and in society as a whole. First of all, this work on the early development of children should be carried out in preschool educational institutions, which have a qualified staff of teachers. The greatest demand now exists for groups for children from 1.5 years old. However, parents are interested in the child gradually getting used to kindergarten so that the adaptation is less painful. In this regard, there is a need for more active development of adaptation groups based on a short-term stay, where the mother could bring the baby for 2-2.5 hours 2-3 times a week. Experience in organizing club forms of work, where children play in the presence or under the supervision of mothers, as well as short-term stay groups, in which qualified teachers work together with young children and their parents. Such groups are called "Open door". In addition, Moscow has a promising experience of a new organizational form of development of preschool children, and young children in particular. A network of centers of play support for child development (CIPRR) is actively developing here, in which children, in joint games with peers and adults (mobile, plot, teaching), receive development adequate to their age. In parallel, it is necessary to develop and regulate various models of counseling assistance to parents in the upbringing of preschool children. In the city of Kemerovo, a pilot project is being developed to open social and play rooms in residential buildings and hotel-type hostels as a temporary alternative to solving the problem with places in kindergartens. At the beginning of 2012, there are 23 such social play rooms in operation.

In this regard, we return once again to the need to revise the norms of urban planning, which was already mentioned above. I repeat once again that this work is being carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia together with the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia within the framework of the Package of Measures for the Development of Preschool Education in the Russian Federation for 2007-2012 in terms of defining building standards and the procedure for coordinating projects for integrated residential development. In this regard, when developing a long-term strategy for mass housing construction, it is necessary to provide for the construction of preschool educational institutions in the form of detached buildings or built-in ones located on the ground floors of apartment buildings. This work must be intensified by providing, in particular, the allocation of separate premises in residential buildings under construction for the creation of play clubs for children. different ages... In the future, it is necessary to provide regulatory support for the creation in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of accounting models for preschool children who are not covered by preschool education services in order to determine the most appropriate forms of preschool education for them.


Within the term paper the specificity of modern preschool education was investigated. The main trends and development prospects were also considered, on the basis of which the following conclusions can be drawn. The social relevance of preschool education is evidenced by the presence of a priority for placing children in kindergartens. And with the current increase in the birth rate, this problem is exacerbated. The growing priority for placing children in kindergartens and the insufficient capacity of the existing network of preschool institutions are becoming the main problem in the implementation of the constitutional right of citizens to receive public preschool education. The provision of the population with preschool children with places in kindergartens is one of the indicators characterizing the state of the preschool education system. The problem of the general availability of preschool education for all categories of citizens is being solved today through the development of various forms of preschool education. Groups of short-term stay of preschool children are being actively introduced into the practice of educational institutions, playrooms are being equipped. Work with children is carried out according to preschool education programs. The problem of the general availability of preschool education is also being solved today through the construction of new preschool educational institutions, reconstruction of existing buildings for preschool educational institutions, and the opening of additional groups in existing preschool educational institutions. The use of the program-targeted approach will help to solve the problem of preserving and developing the network of educational institutions, meeting the demand for preschool services, taking into account the growth in the birth rate.

Thus, the main task is to create a system that optimally meets the interests of the child and the family, ensuring the greatest coverage of children with quality preschool education.

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UDC 373.21

A. A. Antonov


The article analyzes the main educational programs used in the teaching and educational process of preschool educational institutions both in Russia and in foreign countries. The exceptional importance of physical education of children and the need to search for ways of its further improvement are emphasized.

This article analyzes the basic educational programs used in the educational process at preschool education institutions both in Russia and abroad. The author emphasizes the exceptional importance of physical education of children and its further improvement.

Key words: preschool psychology, preschool educational institutions, preschool education.

Key words: child psychology, preschool education institutions, preschool education.

The main task of Russian educational policy in recent years has been to ensure the modern quality of education while maintaining its fundamental nature and in accordance with the current and future needs of the individual, society and the state. To solve it, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education developed the "Concept for the modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010"

The priority in the educational policy of the first stage of modernization is the implementation of preschool education programs and the adoption of measures to strengthen the health of the younger generation.

Speaking about the current state of preschool education, it should be noted that, despite the difficulties it is experiencing, it has managed to preserve the best Russian traditions. The pedagogical process covers all the main directions of the child's development (physical culture, familiarization with the world around, artistic and aesthetic, etc.), a system of measures is provided to protect and strengthen the health of children, the principle of complexity is observed, partial programs are used that combine various aspects of the pedagogical process. There are also new, non-traditional types of content for the work of a preschool educational institution: choreography and rhythmics, teaching a foreign language, new technologies of fine art, computer training, familiarizing with national culture, more emphasis is placed on creating conditions for independent experimentation and search activity of the children themselves. There is a transition to a different style of communication and play with the child - taking into account the personality-oriented interaction.

In today's educational space, a wide range of domestic programs is offered that implement different approaches to organizing the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution. Each of them puts forward one or another priority of education: cognitive development, aesthetic, ecological. It is important to take into account that the activation of some areas of the child's development at the expense of others leads to the impoverishment of personal development and a deterioration in the physical and mental state of the preschooler. Despite this, among the trends in the educational process in preschool educational institutions at the present stage, there is a significant increase in the volume and intensity of cognitive activity. Additional classes are introduced for the child, for example, foreign languages, computer training, ecology, life safety, etc. At the same time, there is no clear control and dosage of the teaching load, in many preschool institutions there are no adequate pedagogical conditions and organizational and methodological approaches have not been developed that would allow compensate for the negative impact of increased intellectual workload. Innovations of this kind reduce the already insufficient, according to experts, the level of physical activity and have a negative impact on the health of children. It is known that the children's need for physical activity is satisfied during their stay at preschool educational institutions by only 45 - 50% even with three physical training sessions, and now in many preschool educational institutions their number has decreased to two, and sometimes even once a week.

In modern programs for preschool educational institutions, physical education is not a priority section. However, in numerous earlier studies, a close relationship was noted between the incidence rate and the level of human motor activity at various stages of ontogenesis. It has been established that the greatest efficiency of the preschool education process is achieved if the daily volume of organized motor

Bulletin of the Russian State University. I. Kant. 2010. Issue. 11, pp. 22 - 27.

the child's activity accounts for 30 to 40% of the waking time. The orientation of the content of the programs mainly on the mental development of children reduces the interest of teachers in the physical education of preschoolers.

Filippova S.O., having analyzed the content of domestic programs on physical culture among preschoolers, came to the conclusion that these programs are focused more on the formation of basic motor skills in children and, to a lesser extent, on promoting the purposeful development of motor qualities, do not directly affect the systems and children's body functions and health. Many programs do not pay due attention to the development of the physical qualities of preschool children, while a significant number of preschoolers (28 - 40%) have low and below average levels of physical fitness, and as a consequence, the indicators of the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems indicate a decrease in reserve capabilities the body of children.

The implementation of the concept of maintaining the health of the child is presented in the domestic educational programs "Health", "Fundamentals of the safety of preschool children." "Rainbow", "Kindergarten - a house of joy", "Friendly guys", "Heritage" and "Golden Key" are mainly aimed at the social development of the child. Aesthetic development is embodied in the programs "Development", "Origins", "Childhood", ideas about the need for the development of creativity are contained in "TRIZ". Some programs are of a highly specialized nature, for example: "Young Ecologist", "Preschooler and Economics", "Tiny", "Planet of Childhood", "Synthesis", "Harmony", "Kid", "Children's Talent", "Start", etc. . P.

Along with domestic ones, foreign educational systems are used in our country: Montessori, "Pilot School", "Step by Step", the Center for Early Socialization of Children "Green Door", etc. There is no doubt that they have accumulated positive work experience, but we require a preliminary deep study and comparative assessment of the effectiveness of programs. As practice shows, the use of programs by foreign authors in the educational process of a preschool educational institution is not always justified. The material in such programs is presented in a specific way: some have a rather pronounced structure, others are more a kind of philosophy, and still others are pedagogical technology. The Step by Step program (Georgetown University, Washington, USA) generally rejects classes as a special form of teaching preschool children, and recommends building all education through play and independent activity of children. Physical education is not provided by this program. Organized physical activity of children is excluded from the daily routine in favor of independent activity. Therefore, the child's development process is, to a certain extent, spontaneously chaotic and chaotic.

It should be noted that, despite the originality of the ways of development of pedagogical science and practice, the systems of preschool education around the world strive to resolve common problems. It is about determining the content, forms, means and methods most suitable for the harmonious psychophysical and social development of children.

The analysis of the literature showed that foreign preschool education programs are mostly aimed at the integrated nature of the curriculum. Preschool programs in Great Britain, recognizing the intrinsic value of childhood, view it as a part of life, and not as a preparation for learning at the next stage of life, the child is perceived as an integral being, all aspects of whose development are interconnected. Therefore, training is not divided into subjects.

The requirements of the American National Association for the Education of Young Children of the USA also orient preschool institutions towards the development and education of the "child as a whole": the practice must correspond to the level of development of children, that is, the curriculum must not be divided into separate disciplines.

Continuing the conversation about the problems of educational programs for preschool educational institutions, one cannot but say that all of them are intended mainly for healthy children, the number of which, according to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Scientific Center of Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, is only about 10%. When planning the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions, the state of mental health, adaptation resources and capabilities of children are practically not taken into account. The trend of deterioration in the health of preschool children necessitates physical culture and health-improving work directly in the conditions of preschool educational institutions, where the child is almost daily and where, therefore, it is possible to ensure the timeliness and regularity of the impact.

In the modern system of public preschool education, there have been qualitative changes associated with the emergence of various types and types of preschool educational institutions, distributed in different categories. In this regard, children brought up in such preschool educational institutions are provided

unequal educational conditions. The third (lowest) category includes a kindergarten that implements the state educational standard (SES); to the second - with an excess of GOS in one or several areas of development (intellectual, physical, aesthetic, etc.); to the first (higher) - with an excess of GOS in all directions (Child Development Center). Children attending preschool educational institutions of various categories are taught in different ways, including in the field of physical education. Undoubtedly, the effectiveness of the implementation of tasks and the content of physical education largely depends on the quantity and quality of physical culture and sports equipment and inventory, on an adequate subject-spatial developmental environment, providing versatile physical development. Today, a number of preschool educational institutions (mainly of the third category) have limited opportunities for improving the material and technical equipment of physical education, updating physical education and play equipment and inventory, acquiring methodological support, and expanding the staffing table. The preschool educational institutions of the first category have more opportunities. They are much better equipped with fitness and sports halls and grounds, swimming pools, equipment and inventory. Classes are conducted by physical education specialists.

It should be noted that a preschool educational institution exceeding the standard for physical education also does not always give positive results. According to the theory of amplification, grounded by A.V. Zaporozhets, the individual functions of a child do not develop independently and autonomously, but in interconnection, as properties of an integral personality. Work based on certain lines of development (intellectual, physical) can cause serious distortions in the personality of a preschooler. The way out is the reasonable integration of the child's motor and cognitive activity at all stages of his education.

Currently, in the preschool education system, there is a problem of mental overload that children experience and a deteriorating health condition. This is due to a large number of various program areas and additional extracurricular education, a decrease in motor activity. In the programs of preschool educational institutions in various academic disciplines, due attention is not paid to the use of health-saving technologies, the integration of the motor and cognitive activities of children. Despite the various developments proposed today for preschool educational institutions, there are no ones that would be responsible for the high need of children for physical activity, organized in accordance with the characteristics of the child's body.

Numerous studies conducted in our country and abroad indicate the irreplaceable contribution of purposeful physical education to the process of psychomotor, mental and emotional development of preschool children. Preschool age is a decisive period in a person's life in the formation of an attitude towards physical activity as an essential element of a healthy lifestyle. The above emphasizes the exceptional importance of physical education of children and the need to find ways to further improve it, taking into account the main trends in the development of preschool education in Russia. Improving the system of physical education for preschool children is a complex complex problem, the successful solution of which depends on its resource support: organizational, scientific and methodological, personnel, financial and material and technical.

List of references

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2. Komkov A. G., Kirillova E. G. Organizational and pedagogical technology of the formation of physical activity of schoolchildren // Physical culture: upbringing, education, training. 2002. No. 1. P. 2 - 4.

3. Filippova SO To the question of programs of physical culture and health improvement work in preschool educational institutions / / Preschool education. 1999. No. 12.P. 36 - 38.

4. Solodkov AS, Esina EM Physical and functional development of preschool children in St. Petersburg // Physical culture: upbringing, education, training. 1999. No. 1-2. S. 12 -15.

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6. Golovina OV, Aizman RI Influence of normalized physical activity on the psychophysical development of a preschooler // Valeology. 1999. No. 1. S. 47-52.

7. Paramonova LA, Protasova E. Yu. Preschool and primary education abroad: history and modernity: textbook. allowance. M., 2001.

8. Filippova SO Regional component of the state educational standard for preschoolers in the field of physical culture // Modern educational trends in physical culture. Sat. scientific. tr. int. scientific-practical conf. SPb., 2000.

9. Kozlov IM, Pravdov MA, Nikiforov Yu. B. Physical culture and health of preschoolers // Physical culture, sport and health of the nation: mater. int. Congress. SPb., 1996.

Andrey Alexandrovich Antonov - Cand. ped. Sci., Assoc., Shuya State Pedagogical University, e-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Andrey Antonov, Associate Professor, Shuya State Pedagogical University, е-mail: [email protected]
