A simple psychological test will help you understand how you see your life, how you overcome obstacles, what your inner self is and what really matters to you. The main thing is to focus, turn on your imagination and answer all questions as quickly as possible. Try to take this test seriously.

Picture yourself standing on the road... What is this road? (Countryside, unpaved, highway, etc.).

Where is currently located Sun? (This refers to the time of day).

You walk this road, and suddenly there is a fence... What is this fence, what is it? (Wooden, stone, iron, etc.).

How are you going overcome his?

And now the fence is behind, and in front you can see Forest... What kind of forest is this? (Fabulous, spruce, light, dark, mixed, etc.).

You come to the forest and find there a thin path, along which you rush further.

Suddenly on the path you see key... What is he? What are you going to do with it? (Pass by, take, hang on a tree, etc.).

After a while, you leave the forest and come to reservoir... What is this body of water? What will you do there? (Take a dip, sit next to, etc.).

And beyond the pond you see your dream home, a woman (man) of your dreams comes out of it and invites you to come in and stay there forever. Your actions?

Behind the house begins again road... Which? Again you meet an obstacle? What is this obstacle? (Another, the same as at the beginning of the path).

Where is Sun at that moment?

The test is very simple to interpret.

Road shows you to the surrounding reality. If the road is asphalt, along which cars rush, a highway - it means that you are very active in life, you have a lot of things to do, you need to be in time everywhere, you find strength and time both for work and for rest. If the road is dirt or unpaved, it means that you lead a calm, measured life, try to control events, do not allow them to run ahead. If there are bumps on the road, small pebbles - something bothers you, it may be something insignificant, but terribly annoying, haunting you for quite a long time.

The sun- your plans, ideas, goals. If the sun rises, it means that you are only on the way to their implementation. If directly above your head, it means that now you are directly involved in bringing them to life. If it's afternoon - most of your ideas and plans have been implemented, your goals have been achieved.

Fence means obstacles. The larger the fence, the more you tend to exaggerate your failures.

Way overcoming fence means how you overcome adversity. If you climb over, go around or look for a gate in the fence, it means that you are trying to solve your problems flexibly and as painlessly as possible. If you go ahead - you are a pretty straightforward person, you tend to make decisions with lightning speed.

Forest is your inner being. The lighter the forest, the brighter in your soul, in your thoughts. If this is a mixed forest, you must be a very interesting person who strives for knowledge. Pine or spruce - you are very rational, you always stand firmly on your feet, you know what you want from life. You are also a very reliable person, you can be lent.

Key- your happiness. Everything is simple here. The smaller the key, the more spiritual balance, happiness, closeness with your partner mean to you. Accordingly, the larger it is, the more important material values ​​are for you. The more beautiful the key, the more attention you pay to the aesthetic side of your life. If you take it with you, you don't tend to miss your chance. If you hang the key on a branch or pass by, you often do not notice good opportunities and leave them to others.

Water- your feelings, the personification of your loved one. The deeper the body of water, the deeper your feelings. If this is a calm lake, then you and your chosen one are balanced people. If it is a fast river, a stream, a waterfall, you are a passionate person. For you, every day is a whirlpool of feelings, you need constant attention and the presence of your beloved woman (man).
If you sit next to you, only the presence of a loved one suits you; if you swim, wash - you seem to dissolve in it, signs of attention, gentle words, etc. are very important for you. House + woman (man) of your dreams - a tendency to temptation, the degree of your passion.

The road after home- your future life. If the obstacle remains, you will not take lessons from life.

The sun talks about how much you will be able to translate your plans into reality.

What interesting things can you learn about yourself from an imaginary forest walk?

I would like to invite you for a walk ... On an imaginary walk in the woods. You will imagine trees, animals and people, forgive me, housing ... And we with psychologists - Jungians (this is not a curse, but a scientific term) will tell you what all these free fantasies of yours mean.

  1. Imagine you are walking through the woods. Describe what kind of forest it is. Is it sunny or cloudy there, what kind of trees grow there, how many of them and how far from each other do they grow? Is it good for you in this forest? What time of year and what time of day? Are you alone (alone)? By the way, what are you doing in the forest. For what purpose did you go here?
  2. Suddenly you see something glistening in the grass. Lean over and see the key. What is he? What will you do with it - pick it up or walk by? Did the find please you?
  3. Suddenly you notice a bear. What kind of bear, what is he doing? How did he treat you? How do you react to it?
  4. There is a spring ahead. Will you drink from it, wash your face?
  5. You go further and run into ... the fence. What is it: high, low, what material?
  6. You need to be on the other side of it. How will you overcome it? Is it easy for you to get over?
  7. You move on and notice a hole. Is it big or small? Will you look into it? Are you wondering what animal dug it? Are you interested in the animal that sits there?
  8. Suddenly a dwarf comes up to you. He is trying to get your attention, spinning under his feet. What is your reaction? You are angry? Do you feel sorry for him? He keeps pestering you - what are you doing?
  9. You go to the river bank. Imagine a river very clearly: what kind of water is there, the speed of the current, what is the bottom, are there stones at the bottom. Do you like the shore?
  10. You crossed the river and saw a house on the other side. What is he?
  11. I want to make you happy, this is your house, there is a sign on the door that informs you about it. What does the sign look like and what exactly is written on it?
  12. You opened the door and entered the house. Take a look around. Are you comfortable here? Is everything clean or in disarray? How many rooms are there in this house? Which? Name and describe them.
  13. Take a look into the basement. What do you see? Will you go in there? How do you feel there? Do you want to stay or will you leave as soon as possible?
  14. You go up to the attic. What does he look like? What's stored there? Is there order in the attic or is there trash everywhere? How long will you spend there?
  15. You are leaving the house. With regret or with joy? Do you want to return there as soon as possible?
  16. You walk on, and over the hill there is a view of the sea. Describe the sea. Is it calm or stormy, what is the weather, is there sun, wind?
  17. Seagulls fly over the sea. High, low, near you or far away? Can you hear them? What feelings do they evoke?
  18. You see the ship. What ship, how far from the coast? Can you get to it? Will you do it?


Despite the game form, this is a very serious test that psychologists often use. It is based on associative thinking, that is, those who like to "adjust" their answers to "correct" in tests should not cheat here. Only the subconscious is working here, and, as you know, it does not know how to dissemble.

I will warn you right away - even if some conclusions seemed unfounded to you, try not to deny everything at once, but to listen to the voice of the subconscious. A huge amount of information useful to you is hidden in the unconscious.

So, now let's see the results:
The forest symbolically reflects your childhood and childhood ideas about life. The happier you are in the forest, the more positive your childhood impressions are; the more frightening picture your imagination drew - gloomy trees, thicket - the more difficult your childhood was and, perhaps, previous ideas affect adult life. If it seems to you that the forest is too crowded, then most likely you are tired of your close environment, crowds of neighbors in the subway, office and apartment.

The key is your attitude to everything new that life brings. Your willingness to accept change shows whether you picked up the key or threw it away, whether you were happy with it or not.

The bear symbolizes your reaction to potential danger. If you hide or freeze from fear - most likely you and life are too passive, if you rush at the bear - too active.

Your willingness to drink from the spring shows your willingness to meet love. Are you ready for genuine, true and pure love to appear in your life? Or did you end up in a littered manhole?

By the way, the sea represents the sensual, emotional side of love. By how turbulent it seems to you, it is fashionable to judge what kind of relationship you are attracted to.

A fence is a symbol of obstacles that exist on any path in life. Pay attention to which fence you have - a symbolic fence or the Great Wall of China.

The way you climbed over the fence and crossed the river shows how easily you overcome obstacles. If you answered honestly and you do not have any special fears (water or height), then the nature of overcoming both obstacles will be the same.

If out of nowhere something appeared in your imagination or someone who helped you in overcoming, it means that you do not rely on yourself much, but you are accustomed to help and support as a matter of course.

By the way, in vain, your relatives and friends will not always stand in a deserted forest, waiting for you to finally cross to the other side.
And pay attention to whether you were able to get over. If not, then perhaps you are currently facing some kind of problem that seems insoluble to you.

Nora is your perception of hidden danger. If you boldly climbed into a hole, you are a brave, reckless or too inquisitive person.

Your attitude towards the dwarf will show how merciful you are. There are people who kick him, and there are those who carry him on their shoulders.

The river is a symbol of the flow of your life. Remember how swift the flow seemed to you, how clear the water is. The bottom and stones on it also show life's difficulties.

Home is yourself. As much as you like it there, you are just as good with yourself.

A sign on the door tells you who you think you are (some have a name and patronymic, some have all the regalia and merit, and some have a surname scrawled on the side with chalk)

The rooms that you saw during the test are those aspects of your life that are most important to you. Where you like everything - everything is fine, if there is disorder in any of the room, there may be problems in this area of ​​life.

Basement - your perception of your own unconscious. If you feel bad in the basement, then you may be at odds with it. You are afraid of your dreams, you do not want to remember many moments of the past, you are afraid to look into the future. And this is not very good, since unconscious fears give rise to anxiety, overexertion.

The attic is a metaphor for all education, culture, intelligence, all social skills that have been imparted to you. If it’s a mess, then perhaps you don’t know why you put so much effort into getting your diploma.

Seagulls are your relatives. Submit your own comments on loudness, obsession and proximity.

The ship is your dream. How beautiful it is and how attainable it is, it is easy to judge by what kind of ship and at what distance from the coast you see it. Can you even get to it?

"So simple!" prepared for you today a very entertaining one that will help you understand yourself and begin to understand your inner world.

Prepare a piece of paper and a pen. First, you will need to carefully read the questions and give a written answer to them. Try to give your answer as quickly as possible.

Write or even draw the first thing that comes to your mind. If you answer them immediately and without hesitation, you will be able to establish contact with your subconscious.

Psychological test


  1. You are walking with someone through the woods. Who is this?
  2. You are walking in the forest and you see an animal. What is this beast?
  3. What happens after you meet his eyes?
  4. You go deeper into the forest and see a clearing in front of you. The house of your dreams stands in front of you. Describe its size.
  5. Is there a fence around it?
  6. You enter the house and go to the dining room. Then you see the dining table. What's on and around it?
  7. You go out the back door and see a glass or a cup lying right on the grass. What material is the container made of?
  8. What are you going to do with her?
  9. You go to the end of the clearing, in the middle of which there is a house. There is a reservoir there. What is this body of water?
  10. How are you going to cross the water to move on?

The answers to these questions demonstrate your values ​​and ideals.


  1. The person you are walking with is the most important person in your life.
  2. The size of the imaginary animal is actually the size of your inner problems. The larger the animal, the harder it is for you to live.
  3. How you react to an unexpected meeting in the forest is your most typical way of solving problems (aggressive, passive).
  4. The size of your dream home is the size of your ambition. If it's too big, you may have high expectations from life.
  5. The absence of a fence suggests that you are an open and internally free person. If it is, then you value personal space and expect the same from others.
  6. If there is no food, flowers, or people on or near the table, then you are most likely deeply unhappy.
  7. The strength and durability of the material from which the container is made is how strong and strong you perceive your relationship in the family. Disposable plastic or paper cup? Glass?

    Most likely, you are worried about the future of your family. If the container was made of metal or porcelain, then you have nothing to worry about.

  8. Your act characterizes the attitude towards the person from question number 1.
  9. The size of the pond is the size of your sexual appetite.
  10. The more “wet” mode of transportation you choose, the more important sex is in your life.

This test can be repeated over and over again within a few days. So you can see how yours is changing emotional condition from day to day. Everyone needs to pass this test. Recommend it to your friends!

Associative tests ... Someone trusts them, someone does not take them seriously, considering it a waste of time. Everyone decides for himself how he relates to tests of this kind. But in any case, the test based on associations is another attempt to look into oneself.

So, imagine that you are in the desert. Take a close look at your appearance - what you are wearing, how you look, what is in your hands. How do you feel in this desert? How do you see her?
You have been wandering in the desert for a long time. The heat is incredible and suddenly - an oasis! A small palm grove, a lake with clear water ... What are your actions?
You continue your journey through the desert and see a herd of horses. In this herd there are horses of absolutely all types and colors. Which one will you choose for yourself? Is it a stallion or a mare?
Now you are riding a horse across the desert. The horse is already pretty tired, and so are you. And here again you come across an oasis on your way. Palm trees, a lake ... You dream of finally quenching your thirst, but you notice the sign “Water is poisoned”. What will you do?
You are on your way again. We drove quite a lot, and suddenly you again notice a herd of horses. Your horse is almost exhausted, and you understand that it needs to be replaced. Who will you choose this time and what will you do with the old horse?
Finally, you left the desert and reached the city. A dwarf comes out to meet you. What will you do?
You have already said goodbye to the dwarf and the horse, and now you are holding the keys to your apartment in your hands. You find a house, go up the stairs, open the door and ... What do you see? Which apartment is it - light or dark? What is there? Are there people or pets?
After resting from the road, you decide to explore the city. Leave the house. An animal is approaching you. What kind of animal is that? How does it behave towards you?
Walking around the city, you find yourself in front of a sooooo high wall. You need to get over to the other side, and you can't see the doors or wickets at all. What do you do?
Let's say you all hit the other side of the wall and find yourself in a beautiful apple orchard. There are all kinds of apples. You need to choose the best fruit. How will you choose it? Eat it or keep it in reserve?
You leave the garden and find yourself on the edge of an abyss, through which you can only cross a narrow bridge. Only one person can fit on the bridge. You have already reached half of the bridge, when suddenly a dwarf meets you - angry and completely unwilling to make way for you. How do you resolve this situation?

Key to the test:

The desert is the personification of your life and your relationship to it. If the desert looks calm in your imagination with sand dunes, rare thorns, then your life is the same - measured, calm, with a certain amount of difficulties. If you saw a sandstorm and in general you are scared, then your life seems to you full of dangers and you are scared to move forward.

If you see yourself in the desert with a gun in your hands, a bulletproof vest - there is a reason to think about why you are so aggressive. By the way, if you saw yourself in the desert with only a player in your hands, completely light and even without a panama hat - in life you are a very impractical person.

An oasis in the desert is your attitude to passions. If you rush into the lake without hesitation, then in life you are a risky person and are not at all averse to trying forbidden pleasures. If you just washed your face, wet your feet, it is difficult to seduce you in life.

Horses are sexual partners. If you choose a horse of the opposite sex, you are fine with orientation. The criteria by which you chose a horse for yourself indicates what qualities of a partner you prefer in life (appearance or personal qualities).

Poisoned water in the lake is a conflict situation between you and your partner. Your actions in this situation show how you behave with your partner - blame all the blame on him (tried the water on a horse) or decide to take the hit on yourself (try it yourself).

A new herd is separation from the previous one and the search for a new one. Your actions with the first horse show how you part with people: you ruthlessly throw, immediately looking for a replacement, or you try to maintain friendly relations even after parting.

If the second time you chose a horse similar to the first, this means that you are looking for a specific person.

The dwarf you met at the entrance to the city is your health. The more attentive and welcoming you are to the dwarf, the more you take care of your body.

An apartment is a reflection of your inner world. If it is light and spacious, it means that you are an open, sociable person. If the windows are closed, you often dwell on your problems. And if the apartment is also dark, then you are prone to depression.

The presence of animals in the apartment means guilt for some of their actions. The people who are there are the closest ones.

The animal that you saw when leaving the house is how people around you see you. Are you a royal lion, an affectionate kitten or a pitiful mongrel?

The wall is your ability to deal with depression and melancholy. If the wall seems to you completely insurmountable, without a single entrance - in difficult situations you cannot be left alone. If you managed to climb over it, one can only envy your self-control.

The orchard embodies your sexual desires, fantasies, temperament. If you immediately grabbed onto the juiciest fruit, it looks like you are a womanizer. Bores with a complex character will choose meticulously and for a long time. Insecure people will first choose one variety, then another ... If you prefer not to pick the fruit from the tree, but to pick it up from the ground, sex is not particularly important for you.

The situation with a dwarf on a narrow bridge is your relationship with people. If you do not enter into a long discussion, you simply push the enemy off the bridge - in life you will calmly "go over your heads." Attempts to resolve the conflict peacefully speaks of your inclination to compromise.

Amazing tests are sometimes created by psychologists for ordinary people in order to lift the veil of the secrets of our personality, primarily for ourselves.

The next test is simple to impossible, but from how accurately it hit the bull's-eye, I even got goosebumps. And all you need to do is imagine the situation and answer simple questions.

First, take a pen and a piece of paper to write down your answers. Do not try to analyze the questions too much, write what comes to mind, from the heart and from the heart. You can even do sketches if you like ...

1. So, imagine that you are walking through the forest. You are walking with someone. Who do you imagine such a walk with?

2. An animal is running near you. Which one exactly?

3. What happens after the forest animal looks at you?

5. Is there a fence around your home?

6. You enter the house, and the first room on your way is a dining room with a dining table. Describe this table and what you see around it.

7. Leaving the house through the backyard, you find a cup in the grass. What is it made of?

8. What do you do when you see this cup?

9. After passing through the backyard, you come to the reservoir. What is he?

10. You need to cross this body of water and get to the opposite bank, how will you do it?

Everything that you wrote above demonstrates what values ​​you have in your life and how you feel about them. And also some of your problems and your subconscious perception of them.

1. You guessed it, the person next to you is the most important person in your life.

2. The size of the imaginary animal is actually how big your problems in life feel to your subconscious.

3. The way this meeting in the woods went is your way of reacting to problems (showing aggression, expectation and "doing nothing" or flight).

4. The size of the house is equal to the size of the ambition. If it is too large, then your ambition is prohibitive.

5. The presence of a fence speaks of your isolation. If there is no fence around the house, you are an open and sociable person who easily lets people into your territory.

6. If there are no people, flowers or food in the dining room on the table or around, then deep down you are unhappy.

7. A cup in the grass is your relationship with your partner. And the strength of the material is the strength of the union. For example, plastic or thin glass - your relationship is at risk. Porcelain, clay or metal - nothing threatens your union.

8. What you did with the bowl characterizes your attitude towards the person from the first question.

9. The size of your backyard pond is the size of your libido, your sex drive.

10. The more you get wet while crossing this reservoir, the more importance you attach to sex in life.

Pay attention to the fact that this test is not a reflection of the situation in your life in general, it can give you an idea of ​​what is happening in your subconscious mind. When circumstances change around you, the answers will change.
