Hello readers! This veterinary blog article is about the profession of a veterinarian, from which you will learn how to become a veterinarian and a little something about the profession itself. Perhaps this information will be of interest to those who love animals and want to become a veterinarian or those who choose their own path, their specialty.

Where to get the profession of a veterinarian?

Those who are determined to devote their lives to treating animals need to know what needs to be done for this. So, you can study to be a veterinarian at a technical school or at an institute, university or academy. Such education can be obtained practically throughout Russia; agricultural universities and technical schools are in every regional center and large cities.

In order to enroll in a veterinarian in a technical school, 9 classes of education are enough, in which case, having a good certificate, you will need to pass exams, and then become a student of the technical school. After graduation, you will receive a specialty - a veterinary paramedic. The term of study will be almost 4 years. A veterinary paramedic can work and hold the position of even the chief specialist of the farm or the chief physician of the clinic, here knowledge and skills, the desire to work are more important.

How to become a veterinarian?

If you want to have a higher education, graduate from a university with a degree in veterinary medicine, it is also possible in the capital and in any regional center. For admission, you need to finish 11 classes, have a good certificate and academic performance in chemistry, biology, Russian, but now they are applying based on the USE results. Upon graduation, you will receive a specialist diploma and qualification - a veterinarian.

To summarize: how to become a veterinarian - you need to unlearn at a technical school or university.

About the veterinarian profession, where does the veterinarian work?

This is an agricultural profession, so it will not be easy for people with a fine mental organization, who are in the clouds and are afraid of physical work.

Where does the veterinarian work? It all depends on where you live.

  • If you are in a rural area, most likely you will have to work on a farm, after graduation you can take care of any animal, so your patients in the village are cows, horses, pigs and poultry. Although in the village it is possible to open a veterinary pharmacy or work in the state veterinary service.
  • If you prefer to live in the city, then most often you have to work in. Most of the animals the "city" veterinarian has to work with most often are dogs and cats, ferrets and exotic animals. In the clinic, you can choose your specialization, if you like surgery or therapy or you like working with exotic animals, becoming such a specialist will make you in demand and will easily find work in any clinic.
  • There are also options for working in a specialty - government service, customs, dog handler, inspector, these professions also require veterinary education, although they do not involve the treatment of animals.

Those who have initial capital can organize their own business, clinic, pharmacy or office. Choosing the profession of a veterinarian - you will not be left without work.

Working with animals, as well as working with humans, requires a special calling. We talked with veterinarians - the saviors of pets, zoo residents, and farm dwellers - about the peculiarities of their difficult profession.

For those who want to become a veterinarian, it is important to know:

1. Veterinarian is a difficult both morally and physically specialty (especially if you have to treat large animals).

2. Animals do not get sick on schedule, so work will not always have a stable schedule and clearly marked days off.

3. Problems in personal life are possible - not always the second halves share increased fanaticism in work.

4. The human factor - the complexity of the interaction of animal owners with a veterinarian - can never be ruled out, therefore it is important to be balanced and competent in communicating with people.

5. The profession is not very suitable for squeamish people: sometimes it is necessary to do "dirty" work and gloves are not always at hand.

Yana: “I've loved animals since childhood, especially horses; my parents were against my hobby. I am a city child, I did not grow up in the village; there was only a dog at home - a Caucasian Shepherd Dog. I think that love for animals, lack of proper communication with them and the desire to help them led me to the profession. There was another curious question: how to treat cats / dogs is clear, but how are horses treated? "

Where to study to be a veterinarian?

In Moscow, the qualification “general veterinarian” can be obtained at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR), at the Skryabin Moscow Veterinary Academy (MBA) or at the Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology (MGUPB).

For admission, you will need excellent knowledge of biology and chemistry (accepted in the USE format); in the future, you need to be ready to memorize large amounts of information, not to be afraid of difficult laboratory work, to remain calm in any situations.

Yana: “By the 4th year we had only one female team in our group - the strong half either transferred to another specialization, or left the walls of our institution.

The first lesson in a new subject. The teacher carefully examined our group and the following dialogue takes place:

- Who is your leading mare?

(In response to him, a general indistinct "eeeh.?!)

- Who is the alpha mare?

(Here we finally stopped understanding what was happening).

- Who is the head of the group, I ask?

(Loud laughter) ".

Irina: “Now I understand that during my studies I lacked a mentor. A person who would direct the mind in the right direction. Therefore, upon graduation with a diploma in hand, I felt like a complete layman in veterinary medicine. "

Yana: “At the first job there were a lot of surprises. Students of veterinary faculties are taught not so much to treat animals as "what kind of disease is this and what will be used for stew and what will be used for sausage." I am exaggerating, of course, but sometimes something like this happens. It is important to always be ready to independently seek additional information, to gain practical knowledge. "

Anastasia, administrator of the veterinary clinic: “Before entering, I worked for a whole year as a laboratory assistant at the Academy; it helped me a lot, I was like one step ahead compared to all freshmen. But when it came to practice, we did not know the simplest everyday things. Once we went to the farm, it was necessary to examine the newborn calves. None of us had any idea how it works, where you can go, where you can't. I inadvertently turned and fell into the drain with the calf. "

Polina, student: “I study veterinary pharmacology; I never knew how to put a thermometer for cats. It was a freshman year; was on duty at the regional center and the doctor said to measure the temperature after the operation for the kitty. Well, I put it under my paw and wait ... Half of the center was crying with laughter. "

Demand for the profession

The profession is in great demand on the periphery. There are nooks and crannies in Russia where you will not find a good veterinarian in the daytime with fire. In large cities, things are a little different - competition is high; it is difficult for a veterinary academy graduate to immediately find a high-paying job. It is necessary to prove yourself well; work experience is important, so many students from the third year start working part-time in veterinary clinics.

Another industry that veterinary professionals often fall into is veterinary health expertise. All food products on sale are monitored by expert veterinarians. Veterinarians also work at the border in order to protect the country from viruses (for example, avian flu or mad cow disease) that appear from time to time all over the world. The imported and exported animals are thoroughly checked - this helps to avoid the occurrence of epidemics.

It is sometimes said that a veterinarian's salary is inversely proportional to the size of conscience. Of course, this is not always the case; but some veterinarians honestly work for little money, while others, knowing, for example, that the pet will not survive, still charge huge sums for admission or prescribe expensive medications from a hospital pharmacy. However, the services of a reputable veterinarian will always be in high demand.

About burial

Marina, an employee of the pet cemetery (Moscow, Kurkino district) says:

“Unfortunately, many animal owners think that they can bury him in a nearby park - the main thing is that there are no unnecessary witnesses. In fact, this is strictly prohibited, since it creates a danger to the ecological and sanitary situation. Also, no one excludes that playing children will stumble upon an animal; can you imagine how they will feel? In the event of the death of a pet, cremation is required.

If the owners plan to take the ashes of the pet with them, it will cost from 3000 to 5000 rubles; total cremation - within 1000–2000 rubles, depending on weight. If the owners do not want to do everything on their own, it is possible to entrust all the concerns to the veterinary service.

Who needs such a job

Quite often, veterinarians understand animals better than humans, which is a great way to know if you need this kind of work. “If this is really yours,” says Ekaterina Chirkova, doctor of ultrasound diagnostics, “no difficulties and failures will scare you. But if you suddenly realize that this is not yours, you have to be able to admit it, not to suffer in this profession, to leave. We work with animals that should not suffer from human reluctance to work and from lack of professionalism. They perfectly feel the person and often endure the most unpleasant manipulations from one of them, while the other is not allowed close. "

Average salary of a veterinarian in Moscow:
50,000 rubles.

In veterinary and agricultural colleges, graduates of grades 9 and 11 can receive the profession of a veterinarian, livestock technician, dog handler, and breeder. In our review - veterinary, agricultural and cynological colleges in Moscow and the Moscow region.

There are no veterinary colleges in Moscow - such a problem is faced by 9th grade graduates who have chosen the profession of a veterinarian. After grade 11, you can enter the Veterinary Academy. Scriabin, what should the graduates of the ninth do? Particularly motivated high school students, who are not embarrassed by territorial difficulties, enter colleges in the Moscow Region - there are such colleges in Kolomna, Elektrostal, Sergiev Posad, Volokolamsk. Each of them has a hostel, which allows you not to waste time on the road from Moscow every day. For those who want to become a cynologist, there are two educational institutions in Moscow - a cynological college at the Academy. Scriabin and College No. 38.

The future will study animal anatomy, the basics of microbiology and zootechnics, methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases. They prepare to work with agricultural and domestic animals, and upon completion of training they receive the qualification "Veterinary paramedic". A number of programs for the modernization of agriculture, for import substitution are currently operating in the Moscow region, new agricultural enterprises are opening, all of them are interested in college graduates - veterinary paramedics and livestock specialists. Another way of employment is the reception and treatment of pets in veterinary clinics.

They are engaged in breeding, rearing and professional training of all breeds of dogs. The college curriculum focuses on each of these modules. Students study "Methods of keeping dogs and caring for them", "Technique and methods of breeding dogs", "Basics of training", "Methods of training dogs by breed and type of service." A quarter of the study time takes practical work with dogs. Many college applicants see secondary vocational education as the first step to higher veterinary. After college, you can continue your studies at the Academy. Scriabin, RSAU-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after Timiryazev in the specialties "Veterinary" (including specialization in cynology), "Veterinary and sanitary examination", "Zootechnics".

Cynological College of the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I. Scriabin

The college invites graduates of the 9th and 11th grade to the specialty "Cynology". Training on the program is only paid, the cost is 70 thousand rubles per year. There is also a part-time program for applicants after grade 11 (40,000 rubles per year). Important role in training in the specialty, practical exercises with dogs are played. The college does not oblige students to buy a dog: to provide every student with the opportunity to practice with animals, the college partners with several kennels and shelters where students take a dog and work with it on the spot. Among the partners of the educational institution are the canine centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Russian school for the training of guide dogs. Students practice grooming skills in animal salons. In their free time, many work part-time in an animal hotel, with which the college also maintains partnerships. College graduates can continue their studies at the academy and receive higher education on an abbreviated program. On March 14 and April 18, the college will host open days, where you can find out all the details about the 2015 recruitment.

Moscow College of Urban Planning and Service No. 38

60 students study at the canine department of the college, but in fact there are 120 of them - each student has a dog, which together with him goes through several years of training and continues to work in the future. Students bring up a dog, prepare it for work in various services - in the economy, sports and hunting, in security services, in search and rescue operations. College graduates and their four-legged companions are awaited at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, for this, students take an additional course of training in hand-to-hand combat and shooting. In the customs service, graduates contribute to the detection of contraband, explosives, drugs, in the Ministry of Emergencies, they work to rescue people after fires, explosions and collapses of buildings. During training, you can choose one of the specializations - dog handler, trainer, handler (preparation of dogs for exhibitions), nutritionist (development of food programs for dogs), as well as get additional qualifications of a breeder, groomer. Contrary to popular belief, there are many women among dog handlers - and in college, boys and girls who have decided to study this specialty are approximately equally divided. There are budgetary places for 9th grade graduates, 11th grade graduates study only for a fee.

Kolomna Agrarian College

Graduates of the 9th grade enter the college of the specialty "Veterinary Medicine" through a competition of certificates, in 2014, 2 applicants applied for each of the 52 budget places. After grade 11, you can only study for a fee, the cost is 96.7 thousand rubles per year. In addition to basic courses in animal anatomy and physiology, veterinary pharmacology, students study the legal aspects of the work of a veterinarian, information Technology in veterinary medicine, in particular, the Andiag veterinary accounting program. Practical classes are held in the college's own veterinary clinic "Cat and Dog". In parallel with training in the main specialty, at the department of additional education of the college, you can take courses on grooming, dog training. Among the college's partners are veterinary clinics "Aibolit - S", "Doctor tail" and "Svoy Doctor", agricultural companies "Egoryevskaya poultry farm", "Rassvet Podmoskovya", "Russmoloko", APK "Shaturskiy" and "Nepetsino". These organizations invite graduates to vacancies of a veterinary paramedic, a veterinary nurse, a livestock technician. The college cooperates with Moscow universities, where graduates can continue their studies - RSAU-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after Timiryazev, Moscow State Academy of Medical Sciences Scriabin, Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University. The cost of living in a college dormitory is from 500 rubles per month.

Electrostal College of Industry Technologies

The technical school has 25 budget-funded places for future veterinarians, applicants are accepted after grade 9 based on the results of the certificate competition, in 2014 the entrance competition was 2 people per place. Since 2007, a veterinary training clinic has been operating here, where students are trained in the specialty “veterinary paramedic of small animals, with the basics of animal husbandry”. The program is built on a modular basis - the theoretical and practical parts of the training are combined. In practical classes, students themselves organize the reception and registration of pet owners with their pets, learn to take anamnesis, conduct a dialogue and give advice, make a preliminary diagnosis and learn to independently select treatment methods. The training course includes excursions to museums, a zoo, a hippodrome and private stables, a dog nursery, as well as educational creative projects, the publication of the newspaper "Veterinary", industrial practice at enterprises in the Moscow region. Graduates of the technical school work in small agricultural enterprises, in farms and veterinary clinics.

Volokolamsk Agrarian College "Kholmogorka"

The technical school trains veterinarians and dog handlers. On the specialty "Veterinary Medicine" there are budgetary places for both graduates of the 9th grade and for the graduates of the 11th grade, in "Cynology" you can only study for a fee. The technical school pays special attention to cooperation with employers. Veterinarians are trained here for basic enterprises - the Moscow Zoo, the Moscow Stud No. 1, the Avangard agricultural holding, and the Bely Klyk - M veterinary clinic. Cynologists graduates work in various divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as in private breeding nurseries. In the process of training, students get acquainted with new technologies of agricultural production, go on excursions to the best farms, veterinary clinics, zoo nurseries of the Volokolamsk region. At the technical school, you can take additional courses and get the qualifications of a dog breeder, horse breeder, poultry breeder, and commercial hunter. College graduates have the opportunity to get higher education under an abbreviated program at the Moscow Academy. Scriabin (in person) and at the Volokolamsk branch of the Russian State Agrarian University (in absentia). The best graduates with honors are admitted to these programs through interviews. The cost of living in the dormitory of the technical school is 300 rubles per month.

All-Russian Agrarian College of Distance Education

Despite the correspondence status of the college, which is located in Sergiev Posad, training in the specialty "Veterinary" is full-time. For applicants after grade 9, there are two training programs for veterinarians - basic and advanced level, in the second case, the training lasts for a year more (5 years), the graduate is awarded the qualification "senior veterinary paramedic". The basic level course assumes the graduate's readiness to work with agricultural and domestic animals. Veterinarians who have completed an advanced course also know the methods of diagnosing and treating exotic animals, and have the management skills necessary to open a small business for the provision of veterinary services. The college includes the Aybolit veterinary clinic, where students practice all the necessary manipulations. The college maintains partnerships with reputable companies of the Sergiev-Posad region, including Zagorsky Broiler, Zabolotye-Agro, Ptitsegrad, RusMoloko, and the Zarya agricultural company. Students from Moscow can live in a hostel with a gym, a recreation room, and Internet access.

Ramenskiy road-building technical school

The department of the college in the village of Igumnovo is the only one in the Moscow region educational institution, where you can get the rare specialty "Horse rider trainer" (bereiter). This program was opened here in 2005 in cooperation with the Rosplemkonzavod association, which unites Russian stud farms, and the Equestrian Federation of the Moscow Region. The college accepts graduates of the 11th grade based on the results of interviews and viewing the skills of riding training, the training period is 10 months, the cost is 5 thousand rubles per month. Students, in addition to general education, study the basics of anatomy, physiology, feeding, training and testing of horses, horse breeding and horse breeding. Lectures and workshops are conducted by teachers of the Academy. Timiryazev, Academy. Skryabin, All-Russian Research Institute of Horse Breeding, as well as famous Russian athletes and coaches. An important part of the curriculum is the daily practical training in equestrian sports. Show jumping and dressage trainings under the guidance of coaches - masters of sports - are held at the equestrian club "Moskovia", located next to the college. Students are provided with a hostel and three meals a day.

The profession of a veterinarian is very difficult and responsible, because not everyone can be responsible for the life and health of animals. But despite this, many people aspire to become animal doctors.

Such a profession is usually chosen only by a very enthusiastic and truly loving brother of our smaller people.

Who is a veterinarian and how to become one

A doctor who treats animals is called a veterinarian.

He is responsible not only for checking the health status of pets, but also must be able to carry out various manipulations, surgical operations and other very serious things.

Getting the profession of a veterinarian is easy enough. You must enter a specialized university. After graduation, the graduate must undergo an internship and receive the position of an assistant, in order to subsequently proceed directly to his duties.

Characteristics of the profession - what you need to know and be able to

Education standards are the same throughout Russia, but in other countries they may differ significantly. Therefore, it should be remembered that when choosing a profession, the standards will be valid only on the territory of their country.

Some schoolchildren, after grade 11, decide to enter a university related to veterinary medicine. There are a lot of such institutions in our country and their choice is great. But graduates need to know whether it is difficult to study in such a specialty.

Describing the learning process, it should be noted that usually already in the first year, students are prepared for the fact that this profession implies not only caring for animals, but also serious interventions. Therefore, any person should remember the responsibility that he takes upon himself, entering the profession.

What personal qualities a veterinarian should have

A veterinarian needs a number of qualities:

  • love to the animals;
  • the ability to find contact with people, because often you have to explain to the owners what and for what reason happened to their pet;
  • good memory and attention;
  • the ability to do several things at the same time;
  • sense of responsibility.

The above qualities will help a person become not just an ordinary ordinary paramedic, but a real and very good chief physician for animals.

What exams you need to take as a veterinarian

Lists of subjects for admission may differ at educational institutions throughout the country. But usually schoolchildren take the exam in the following subjects: russian language, biology and sometimes chemistry.

Often, upon admission, you can get to a budgetary place, since not all schoolchildren are ready to accept such a profession for themselves, and it is quite rare.

Veterinary universities in Russia

There are several main and very popular universities in this specialty in our country, where you can get the education of a veterinarian.

But of them one can single out five best (it is important to note that not all of them are located in Moscow):

  1. Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology. K.I.Skriabin.
  2. Russian State Agrarian University named after K. A. Timiryazev.
  3. St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine.
  4. Novosibirsk State Agrarian University.
  5. Kalmyk State University named after B. B. Gorodovikov.

Each of the universities gives students the opportunity to obtain the profession of a veterinarian with the possibility of choosing the most desirable specialization. After training, students quickly find work, since they have received a high quality of training and the necessary skills.

How many years to study as a veterinarian

Veterinary medicine involves a lot of knowledge and skills. Therefore, usually the term of study at such a university is at least 4-5 years, depending on the form of training.

It is advisable to enter the full-time department. The study is quite difficult, there are many subjects, but for an addicted person, this will not cause any particular difficulties.

The question of whether it is difficult to study in a specialty can only be answered by a person who has already passed this path and works by profession. Usually these people say that learning is not difficult because they really like what they do.

But, of course, there are many pitfalls in the profession in the form of knowledge of additional languages, many terms that you must remember. Therefore, no one will give an obvious answer.

Where a veterinarian can work

Studying to be a veterinarian is one thing. After training, it is important to find a decent and affordable job.

After graduation, the student is obliged to do an internship in a veterinary clinic as an assistant for about 2 years in order to acquire the necessary skills and consolidate the knowledge gained at the institute.

After that, the graduate can go to work in a veterinary clinic, become a private veterinarian, or get a job at a veterinary pharmacy. Also, for such people, the doors to training, grooming, zootechnology are open.

Also, graduates with a diploma can get a job at an enterprise for the production of animal feed or vitamin complexes. In addition, work in agricultural production as a veterinarian will always be available.

How much veterinarians earn

The salary of such a doctor directly depends not only on the region in which he works, but also on his qualifications.

People with higher education and a large number of additional "crusts" receive salaries above average.

In the capital, the salary of a veterinarian varies from 30 to 100 thousand rubles. In the regions, this amount will be slightly less.

It should be borne in mind that large enterprises usually pay higher wages than small firms. In settlements and villages, the average wage will not be very high, about 25-30 thousand rubles.

Career growth and development prospects

In order to develop in the profession, you need to make an effort. However, careers in veterinary medicine are available.

By acquiring the necessary useful knowledge in advanced training courses, a person provides himself with the opportunity for career growth, because a broad-based specialist will be more in demand in the labor market.

Is it worth studying to be a veterinarian - the pros and cons of the profession

The advantages of the profession include a large amount of contact with animals, which always brings positive emotions.

Also one of the advantages is a wide choice of jobs and a small number of applicants. Since very few people want to become veterinarians, getting a job after graduation will be much easier than in any other specialty.

The disadvantages include:

  • work is stressful;
  • continuous monitoring, there must be constant attention;
  • deaths in animals are possible;
  • possible negative reactions from pet owners;
  • unexpected work moments;
  • an irregular schedule is possible.

The history of the profession is long enough. Therefore, those who work as a veterinarian now can say that their work is facilitated modern technologies and medications that effectively treat many diseases.

If you are ready to constantly study, to go up the career ladder for at least five to seven years, sincerely love animals, easily find a common language with people, are not afraid of responsibility for the life of our smaller brothers - then this job is for you.

    The profession of a veterinarian can be obtained at an agricultural college. Upon admission there is now a competition of certificates, that is, you do not need to take exams. You can enter an agricultural college after grade 9.

    If you want to enter and get a higher education, then after college you will have to take an oral exam.

    Applicants who graduated from grade 11 and received a certificate of secondary education will need to provide the results of the USE upon admission, for example, to the Tomsk Agricultural Institute in mathematics, in Russian, in biology... The higher the Unified State Exam score, the more chances you have to enroll in budget places and not pay for tuition yourself.

    Veterinarian is taught in agricultural institutes. This is a higher education. Therefore, you will have to finish 11 classes, then pass the USE in the subjects: Russian, biology, mathematics + physics or chemistry to choose from. This is an interesting but not easy profession. In some respects it is more complicated than medicine. So think twice, because you will not treat cats and dogs, but mainly cows and pigs. Like this.

    The profession of a veterinarian is actually very noble, but little in demand. Indeed, in addition to going through the necessary training, you need to love animals very much and have a special approach to them, so most likely this stops many. To enter a university to study for a veterinarian, you must pass the exam in Russian, mathematics and biology and then submit the results to the chosen institution.

    Biology, Russian, mathematics or chemistry (at different times in different universities it was different).

    For each educational institution, this list may turn out to be its own, you need to call the admissions office and ask. You will definitely need Russian and biology, most likely chemistry, but they may also require mathematics.

    To enroll in a veterinarian, you need to pass the exam in three subjects - biology, mathematics and Russian. But I recommend that you call the university of your choice in advance, perhaps there you still need to take the exam in chemistry, for which you also need to start preparing in advance.

    For many years I dreamed that I would become a veterinarian, but life decided otherwise, for that I was engaged in dog training. So in order to become a good veterinarian, you need to finish 11 grades and pass the exam in mathematics, biology and Russian. It will take five years to study, after graduation you will become a specialist who can save the lives of many animals and make their owners happy.

    Each educational institution has its own set of exams for admission. But there are also the main veterinarians for obtaining a profession - these are Russian and biology. Many universities are forced to take mathematics as well. But I would also pass chemistry as a compulsory subject. After all, a veterinarian is, first of all, a physician who should be at least a little familiar with medications.

    In order to become a guardian, protector and assistant to our smaller brothers, or rather a veterinarian, the supposed disciplines for passing exams are precisely mathematics, the state language (it all depends on the country) and biology, but each university can also provide a choice of other additional subjects, therefore it is recommended also contact the institution to find out all the details for future admission.

    A very necessary and kind profession of a veterinarian!

    Honestly, once upon a time, as a child, I thought to devote my life to this business, reasoning something like this: `` How can people on Earth be happy while there is at least one stray dog \u200b\u200bor cat sitting on a cold winter evening under the entrance , in the hope of getting from us, at least temporary, but shelter, and some food.

    Alas, the fear of the sight of blood did not allow me to do this work, but after becoming a teacher, I often told the guys about my childhood dream, and probably there is a small merit in the fact that some of them, now, have opened their own, or work in private veterinary clinics.

    By the way, the salary there, even for a beginner specialist, is at least $ 600, and true lovers of this hard work receive 2-2.5 times more.

    In order to become a veterinarian, in our Ukraine, it is necessary to pass the VNO in the following subjects: Ukrainian language and literature, biology - it is obligatory, and depending on the university, chemistry or physics.

    Help animals, regardless of profession, and they will repay you with sincere dedication for a little care!

    The Skryabin Academy of Veterinary Medicine in Moscow invites you to study at the faculty medical veterinary science ;, you can study full-time for 5 years and in absentia for 6 years. But for distance learning, you need to have a secondary specialized education.

    The result of the USE in biology, mathematics and the Russian language matters, as well as in the correspondence department in these subjects they conduct internal testing if there are no USE results.

    You can view the admission rules and answers to popular questions when admitting to the academy on the institution's official website here.

    And here on this site is a list of all the institutes where veterinary medicine is taught and some other useful information.
