Lion Cassillia

Seven story stories

Position of Uncle Ustina

Little, in the windows, ingrown in the ground, the hives of uncle Ustina was extremely from the Ocalinese. Everything will sat down as if slaughtered under the mountain; Only the uncle Ustina's house established himself over the coolest windows, looking at the swollen dull windows on a wide asphalt surface of the highway, along which the whole day from Moscow went to Moscow.

I have repeatedly been visiting a welcoming and speaking Ustina Egorovich, along with pioneers from one near Moscow camp. The old man Mastered Wonderful Lukes-Self-Ways. The apparent on his bows was a triple twisted on a special manner. When shooting onion, sang as a guitar, and an arrow, hidden by adjacent flush pieces of tit or lark, did not fit in flight and accurately fell into the target. Jokes-Self-Suplites Uncle Ustina were famous for all the district camps of the pioneers. And in the house of Ustina Egorovich, there was always a forefall of fresh flowers, berries, mushrooms - they were the generous gifts of grateful archers.

Uncle Ustina had their own weapons, as old-fashioned, however, like the wooden crossbows, which he mastered for the guys. That was the old Berdanka, with which Uncle Ustin went to night duty.

So lived Uncle Ustin, a night guarder, and on the pioneer camp shoots, his modest glory of tight rheists, and entered into paper targets. So he lived in his little hut on Krutogore, read the third year in a row forgotten pioneers a book about the indomitted traveler Captain Gheteras French writer Jules-Verne, not knowing her started start and slowly get to the end. And behind the window, which he sat down in the evening, to his duty, on the highway fled and fled cars.

But this fall everything has changed on the highway. Merry excursants who were raced by Uncle Ustina in the elegant buses in the direction of the famous field, where the French had once felt that they would not be able to defeat Russians, noisy and curious excursors were now changed by strict people, in the harsh silence who had rinsing with rifles On trucks or looked from towers moving tanks. On the highway appeared redarmeys-adjustors. They stood there in the afternoon and at night, in the heat, in bad weather and in Stuzh. With red and yellow flags, they showed where to go tankers, where to the artilleryrs, and, showing the direction, gave the honor to the west.

The war was closer and closer. The sun at the occasion was slowly poured by blood, hung in the unkinded haze. Uncle Ustin saw as the savory explosions, learn, died out the trees with the root. The German rushed to Moscow. Parts of the Red Army are located in the village and strengthened here in order not to miss the enemy to a large road leading to Moscow. Uncle Ustina tried to pose that he needed to leave from the village - there will be a big fight, a cruel business, and the house of Uncle Grinding stands with the edge, and the blow will fall at him.

But the old man rested.

I have a retirement from the state for the service of my years, "Uncle Ustin said," as I, being before, worked as a traffic crossup, and now, it became, on the night guard service. And there is a brick factory side. In addition, warehouses are available. I'm not in legal right I get, if I leave the place. I kept me on a pension, it became, now it has it in front of me for me.

So failed to persuade the stubborn old man. Uncle Ustin returned to himself into the courtyard, knocked the sleeves of the burnt shirt and took the shovel.

Therefore, there will be my position, - he said.

Fighters and rural militias all night helped Uncle Ustina turn his hut into a small fortress. Seeing how the anti-tank bottles are preparing, he rushed to collect empty dishes.

Eh, I have laid enough of the weakness of health, "he crushed," in people who are different under the bench, a solid pharmacy dishes ... and halves, and quarters ...

The battle began at dawn. He shook the Earth behind the next forest, closing the smoke and thin dust of the cold November sky. Suddenly, German motorcyclists came to all their drunken spirit. They jumped on leather saddles, pushed to signals, cried the vitality and walled in all directions of the Namobum Lazari, as defined Uncle Ustin from his attic. After seeing the steel slingshots, the hedgehogs, closed the highway, the motorcyclists turned cool to the side and, without disassembling the road, almost without slowing the speed, rushed along the side of the road, rolling into a ditch and getting out of her. As soon as they stood up with the scorch, on which the hut of Uncle Ustina stood, as the heavy logs, pine wheels rolled under the wheels of motorcycles. This Uncle Ustin is imperceptibly closed to the very edge of the cliff and pushed the big trunks of the pines seized here since yesterday. Do not have time to slow down, the motorcyclists at full speed appeared on the logs. They flew through them through them, and the rear, unable to stop, hit the fallen ... Fighters from the village opened fire from machine guns. The Germans spread out like crayfish rims from the bazaar wallet. Hope of uncle Ustina was also not silent. Among the dry rifle shots, it was possible to hear the dresses of his old Bernanka.

Throwing his wounded and killed in the ditch, German motorcyclists, jumped up on cool cars, rushed back. It did not pass 15 minutes, as the deaf and grave rumbling was heard and, crawling into the hills, hastily turning into a hollow, shooting on the go, German tanks rushed to the highway.

Until late evening the battle lasted. Five times tried the Germans to break through the highway. But on the right of the forest, every time our tanks popped up, and on the left, where the Koshibor hung over the highway, the opposition to the road was protected by anti-tank guns, tightened by the commander of the part. And dozens of bottles with a liquid flame poured on those attempting to slip the tanks from the attic of a small dilapidated booth, at whose squaw, rushed in three places, continued to wave a children's red checkbox. "Long live the first of May" - it was written on white glue paint on the flag. Maybe it was not by time, but the other uncle Ustina was not found.

So fiercely, the hut of Uncle Ustina, so much punched tanks, lured by the flame, was already filmed, fell into the neighbor, that the Germans seemed to be some very important knot of our defense, and they raised about a dozen heavy bombers into the air.

When Uncle Ustina, stunned and bruised, pulled out from under logs and he opened, still weakly meaning, his eyes, bombers were already dismissed by our "MiGs", attack tanks of the tanks, and the commander of the part, standing near the collapsed hut, something strictly spoke of two frightened guys; Although their clothes even smoked, both looked back.

Far in the north, on the very edge of our Earth, the cold Barents Sea, stood the entire battery of the famous Ponlyevsky commander. Heavy guns were covered in the rocks on the shore, and no German ship could pass with impunity by our marine outpost.

More than once tried the Germans to capture this battery. But the artilleryrs of Ponlyevoy and close to themselves did not let the enemy. They wanted to destroy the Germans - thousands of shells were sent from long-range guns. Our artilleryrs were resist and such fires themselves answered the enemy, which soon the German guns were silenced - they broke their label shells of Ponlyevoy. They see the Germans: do not take the pool from the sea, not to break from sushi. Decided to hit air. Days of the day were sent by the Germans of aerial scouts. They circled the crucians over the rocks, looking out where the powdered guns were hidden. And then the large bombers flew out, huge bombs on the battery were hurriedly.

If you take all the guns of Ponom and weigh them, and then calculate how many bombs and shells struck the Germans on this block of land, it will come out that the whole battery has weighed every ten less than a terrible cargo, relieved by the enemy ...

I have been in those days on the battery of Ponom. All the shore was racing bombs there. To get to the rocks where the guns were standing, I had to climb through big jam funnels. Some of these pits were so spacious and deep that in each of them would fit the good circus with the arena and places for the audience.

From the sea blew cold wind. He dispersed the fog, and I considered small round lakes at the bottom of huge funnels. At the water, the batteries were sitting in the water and peacefully erased their striped vests. All of them were recently sailors and gently shouted the sailor vests that they remained in memory of the fleet service.

I got acquainted with Ponelong. Funny, slightly smoking, with cunning eyes, looking from a seamy cap from a visor. Only we talked how the signaller shouted on the rock:

- Air!

- There is! Breakfast served. Today, breakfast will give hot. Hack! - Ponom spoke, looking around the sky.

Sky thugged us. Twenty-four "Junkers" and several small "messerschmitts" flew right on the battery. Behind the rocks loud, rushing, caught our anti-aircraft. Then subtly ended the air. We did not have time to get to the shelter, the land huntor, a high rock near us split, and the stones squeezed over our heads. The hard air bruised me and fell to the ground. I climbed under the hanging cliff and pressed against the stone. I felt like a stone coast goes under me.

A rough wind of explosions pushed me into the ears and wolves from under the rock. Clinging to the ground, I have had the strength snagled eyes.

From one strong and close explosion, my eyes were revealed, how the windows in the house during the earthquake are revealed. I was already going to climb himself again, when I suddenly saw that to the right of me, very close, in the shadow under a large stone, something white, small, oblong. And with every bomb impact, this is a small, white, oblong funny haughtily and froze again. I so disassembled curiosity that I did not think about danger, did not hear the explosions. I just wanted to know what a strange thing jested there under stone. I got closer, looked at the stone and examined the white hushy tail. I was posted: where did he come from here? I knew that the hares were not found here.

A close gap crashed, the tail convulsively thugged, and I deeper squeezed into the crewing of the rocks. I very much sympathized with a tail. I did not see the hare himself. But I guessed that the poor fellow is also not in itself, like me.

There was a discharge signal. And immediately I saw how a large hare-rusak was chosen from under the stone. He got out, put one ear with a leaned, then raised another, listened. Then the hare suddenly dry, fractionally, briefly struck his paws on the ground, as if he played a hang on the drum, and jumped to the battery, angrily hiding his ears.

The batteries gathered near the commander. Reported the results of anti-aircraft fire. It turns out that while I studied the taikine tail there, the anti-aircraft users shot down two German bombards. Both fell into the sea. And two more aircraft have shuffled and immediately turned home. In our battery, bombs damaged one gun and a fragment easily wounded two fighters. And then I saw myself again. The hare, often twisting the tip of his honey nose, sniffed the stones, then looked into the Capoer, where the heavy gun was hidden, sat down the front paws on the tummy, looked around and, as if noticing us, directly headed towards Ponlyevoy. The commander was sitting on a stone. The hare jumped to him, climbed on his knees, stunned by the front paws in the breast of Ponom, reached and became the pretty fruit to rub about the chin of the commander. And the commander with both hands stroked his ears, pressed against the back, passed them through his palms ... I never saw in my life, so that the hare was sowolves with a man. It happened to meet me at all hand hooks, but it was worth touching the palm of their backs, and they silenced from horror, fallen to the ground. And this one kept with a commander of posantibrate.

- Oh, you, Za-Zaper! - said Ponlyevny, carefully examining his friend. - Oh, you, cheeky animal ... I did not conquer you? Are you not familiar with our Zaizhev? He asked me. - This is a gifts to me scouts from a big land brought. Parshivinsky was, a little one with such a look, and we got out. And you used to me, a hazard, it doesn't give it right. So runs after me. Where am I, there and he. The situation in us, of course, is not very suitable for hare. They themselves could make sure they live noisily. Well, nothing, our Za-Zych is now small sheltered. Even the injury had through.

Ponom took care of the left ear ear, dealt it, and I saw a scarlet hole in the plush plush, pinkish from the inside of the skin.

- broke broke. Nothing. Now it was perfectly examined the air defense rules. Slightly fall out - he is already a mig somewhere. And once it came out, so without a zaica would be a complete pipe. Honestly! Dared to us clock thirty ridge. The day polar, the sun on the watch around the round day is sticking out, well, here are the Germans and used. How it goes in the opera: "Neither sleep, no rest of the exhausted soul." So, it became, they finally bombed, left. Sky in clouds, but visibility is decent. We looked around: nothing seemed to be foreseen. We decided to relax. Our signals also trampled, well, and missed. Just look: Zay-Zych is worried about something. The ears instructed the front paws a chillet beats. What? Nowhere can not be seen. But you know what a hare is a rumor? What do you think, did not make a mistake! All sound brokers ahead. Our tutorials only after three minutes discovered the opponent's aircraft. But I have already managed to give a team in advance. Prepared, in general, by time. From that day I already know: if Za-Zyache has pressed the ear, she has a chillet, - after watching heaven.

I looked at the Zaya Zaicha. Turning the tail, he briskly jumped on his knees in Ponom, Iskos and with dignity, somehow not at all, it was not at all who stood around us with artilleryrs. And I thought: "What kind of brands, probably, these people ,, Even the hare, a little agreed with them, stopped being a coward himself!"

Lion Cassil "Flameless Cargo"

I am guys, not a great master. Moreover, my education is below average. Grammar do not know badly. But since you are so thing and you are me, the guys, mentally welcomed, then I will say ...

So. In order. When your area also began to release from the Germans from under the Germans, I get with my partner, leaving Clokov, in the direction of the road purpose: accompany the car from Moscow. And in the car, explain the goods of extreme importance, special purpose and higher urgency.

- What about the composition of the goods, "say," you, Sevastyanov, too do not apply to the road. " Hint that, they say, secretly, and that's it. And then there may be some not quite conscious and disable you at low speed. And the point is urgent to extreme emergency. You have a companion to the People's Commissar himself. Feel? - They say.

- Reach, - I say.

They gave us what is required: Tulupov new, two rifles, malahai caps, lights there are alarm ... Well, in a word, all our origin, as it should be. Our wagon was overtaken from the commodity station to the passenger and picked up for a large speed to the postal train of long-distance follows.

Din-Bom ... - The second call, passengers - in the wagon, seeing - won, write letters, do not miss the wagon, do not forget at all, let's go!

- Well, - I tell my little Clok, - in good hour, with God! We have a special cargo. So you are in Vnikni: blinked by eye on the daystream. In short, look, so that everything we have in wholeness and preservation to the last. And not that I, Alexey, a dear man, for all the laws of military time extended.

- May I have, Athanasius Gurych! - This is Alexey tells me. - I myself think that for the cargo. You are unnecessarily talking to me.

Previously, Moscow was not so long to go to you. For the seventh day, the cargo arrived. And now, of course, in some places, the split has to be clogged, especially since the appointment to the military area.

I already went to the front with Echelon. And under the car, with a bombing, he traveled, and the shelling was attacked. But this time the case is completely special. The cargo is very interesting!

The car gave us a good, number "172-256", commodity. Return time - January of next year. Last inspection in August was. And all this on the car is indicated. The playground has brake, rank. At the site of that very much. The car in Moscow was sealed under the filling so that there were no conversations, what cargo.

On duty, it means that in turn with Alexei. He is intense - I warm in the reserve. I passed away - he goes back to the reserve car. So drove. Profit for the fifth day to the nodal. And from there, it means that we need to turn in our destination. Coupled us.

Cost hour, two stand. We are waiting for a whole day. Stop the second day - do not hurt. I have already regained with all the bosses to the station, I got to the very cargo dispatcher. Sits such in a cap, with glasses; In the room, Zharyn, the stove is natoplane before disassemble, and he raised the collar. In front of him on the table, the handset with a knife on the slipper. And from the corner, where the mouthpieces, its different voices are called. This is on the panel-selector conversation goes. Only audible: "Dispatcher?! Hello, dispatcher! Why 74/8 is not sent? Dispatcher, sanitary pavement asks. Take, dispatcher?! " And he sits, as if he does not hear, leaned back in the chair and makes himself up in the mouthpiece: "Stone butt - three platforms. Bark Becklet - Twelve tons, direction - Stavropol. Squares - three tons. Krasnodar. Poo-feather - ton with a quarter. Peeling - two and a half. " I began to rustle with my pieces of pieces, I wave the documents before his glasses, I press the seals, and I do not give read details. Such, I think, bureaucrat, a cloth soul, can not perceive, what a cargo I am visiting.

No! Where there ... And it does not want to look, and it refuses me to make me, the departure does not give, make a queue to wait. My Lyoshka could not stand.

- Listen, - says - understand, we have a special, secret! Do not bring God what airy danger, so you from our car yourself in the fluff-pen.

- Let me, "he says," so you would immediately announce that you have a flammable cargo. What did you draw two days? Stand with such a cargo and silent! Go Rather, on the third way, Military Echelon is drawn up, after an hour, I give the departure. If it does not argue the boss, I will put yours.

We run on the third way. I am alyah klokov say:

- Listen, Clocks, where did you find explosives from us?

- Make yourself, gorych, in a piece of paper. A kind of stone butt only explosives and killery. You see.

Well, in general, persuaded. Put us in the tail. An hour later, they gave departure.

Now such a picture. This echelon goes to the front. Every such thing is that you can not know, I can not say. In a word, an explosive car to scare them cannot be frightened. Where there! Well, the direction is ours goes to the blueberry station. And then traveling Stepnyaki, Molybogus, Syerbogo, Ryzhiki, Bor-Gore, old oaks, Casavino, Kozodoevka, Chibriks, Gatch and, So, our city, destination station. And the front here is twisted. And in the area there are still some fights. So it is necessary to go with a loaf.

We are going - nothing, order. True, they flew over us some, circled. Some say - ours, others prove - the Germans. Who will figure them out! Bombs did not rush. And in our echelon on the two sites of the anti-aircraft, they were not given fire.

And the terrain of the circle is strongly ruined. Recently, the German was still here. Fit everything, the villain, instructed, look sorry. The desert is burnt ... and the road to the living thread is sewn. Barely we go.

We arrived in the evening at the station Synerchechenskaya.

I went for boiling water, seagull decided to warm up. Bread received on topics. Returning back, to your car. And the evening was rainy, windy. I extended me by order. I am dreaming about the cup. I climb the platform, I look - someone is sitting. I worked in an angle like a broom.

- Is this another family adding? Clocks, what are you looking? Do not you see, an extraneous face? Laws do not know?

And this is a girl, the impoverished soak of twelve. Sits, Fucking. On it is a wadded, a dirty towel of a cochacan instead of Kuska. From under the healeal, furious hair sticks out. Loud, unwashed. And the eyes are also cut.

- Uncle, I was abandoned from that train. Can? I just get to Goolojevka.

- What, - I say, - such goatspapers, goozerovka! Instructions do not know? Well, Kyshrovy, stir, watch which started! Throw off your bags from here. Watch what a milleton attached! Specuned probably went? I came down from the small years, I tell her.

"I," says, "do not speculate. This is me, I am driving my own. I have not seen them for two years. Here I left for aunt for Rostov, and the Germans entered here. I have there, in Kozoloevka, Mom and Brother Seryozha.

- And I don't want to hear your conversations and I do not want. Peel!

But here it comes up, calls me aside and says:

- Listen, gorych, and let him go. From her axis will not break, the box will not burn, the train will not break down. There was a girl.

- Yes, what are you, - I say, "Alexey, your consideration at least remains for a penny? Military echelon, an extreme car, and we will carry "Zaitsev". You are, she sheltered what kind of kind!

Girl as jumped! Step wadded to knees to her, sleeves are coat. Wrapped her shoulder bags - and let me honor me.

- Oh, harmful you to what, - says, - uncle! And your personality is a curve, it twisted you from anger. You and anger, like a dog bone, across the throat stuck!

And Irrify me with all sorts of words. Acknowledged Girl!

I say:

- Cars now! Who do you understand who? Who are you? Zero price to you. Look at what a sucking! I'm five times older than you, one hundred times smarter, and you are such inexpressible words. And to kill me that the person is a little bit beloved on one side, so it is quite consformed. This is me still with a crash from that war.

And she gathered her bags, Kotomochki hung - yes suddenly turned away, he jumped into the wall of the wagon, and how the locomotive near the closed semafora was swore. To the whole station to lay. And I have no interest anything more attention to our car. I closed, we go, no one checks that for the cargo, and thank God, silently.

- Athanasius Gurych, okay, bring it, no one will notice.

"I have nothing to credit me in the kings of Horde," I say. "What do I feel sorry that, let him go." Just I know anything. In case found - you are responsible, with you demand.

Girl comes to me:

- Yes, you can? Allowed? - And begins to throw up the bags from the shoulders. - Thank you! No, you, too, nothing. And first, at first I was afraid. Here, I think, it snatched on what harmful ... Uncle, and how to call you?

"Okay, you don't talk a lot." "Uncle, Uncle"! .. He ordered. I did not invite you to your niece.

- And what about you then: grandfather?

- What am I grandfather? You look better. I have something without the slightest gray sparkle.

"Gurych his call," Alexey says.

- Fi! Funny like ...

- What did found funny here? Ordinary name, Russian, pedigree. From Guria goes. It's funny to her! .. That will break you from the carriage - I will see then what you will be giyoni. Let's better deal, untie the mug, I boil you boil. Here's another, I say, "Zaitsev" I did not carry, so the "bunny" was reserved. On, drink, swallow. Yes, they do not give, you will wake, Anchutka!

"I," it is offended, "not anchutka, I'm giving me." Markelova my surname.

- Well, Pei Yes, please, Daria-Skipi Daria, angry samovar! What a hot one! Couples from the ears go.

She drinks tea, blows, burns. Then she threw himself to rummage in the kitomochka: pulled out Lukovich, Paul-Lukovka Alexei gave me and treated me:

- Drink, Uncle Gurych, eat! This is my aunt in the garden themselves raised. He is all useful, onions. In it vitamin. From him the benefit of all health. Do you escort, I have salt, want? Uncle Gurych, and what do you drive in the car?

Alexey Rot was opened, but I shifted on him here.

- Clocks, I say, - cover your mouth back. And you are glad, the ears popped. You, Daria, should not know this. Freight of particular importance, under a seal. Going - and tell me thanks. Everything needs to know. To what is the edible girl!

We arrived at the Ryzhikov station at night. "Bunny" our in my Tulup wrapped, was attached at the site, calmed down, sleeps. Only we arrived - the locomotives were overwhelmed, the anti-aircraft counted: anxiety. Falling on us pieces, consider ten. In the dark, you will not discern, but I think no less. They spread light chandeliers across the sky and let us like a nice bomb. Dashutka woke up.

- Run, - I scream, - run, - I say, - won behind the station, lie in the ditch behind the vodka!

And she is not in a hurry.

"I," says, is better here, with you. And then I will be even worse there.

However, I traveled it to the ditch. And with Leesh himself remained with a car. You never know what ... suddenly lights up, but I have such a cargo - only the sparkle come on, I fierces. Combustible cargo.

Here, I think, trouble! It is very close to the appointment, and so suddenly the drup turns out. And from the Ryzhikov, just turning on that branch goes where the direction is given to us. And we have already chuckled from Echelon. As anxiety began, Echelon was sent immediately from the station. And our car costs one on the way, and the Germans are covered by rockets. And I have a good number: "172-256", and the return period is January for that year. Ay-Yai-Yai, I think, Athanasius Gurych, there will be no return to you, neither in the current year, nor through the eyelids. Now I'm smacking us from above, and your bones are then not to increase.

Around me, the bombs are rushing, the fire sprinkles, fragments are dripping through the paths. And I run next to the wagon, I bump into people, our car's car from ways to remove quickly. I say, so, they say, I have a special cargo explosive. And from me all the way shakes.

I'm already running for them, screaming:

- Stand! That I said so. This I threw it from myself to accelerate. No, I do not have explosive! I have there ...

I did not have time to finish, ash thunder about me. Loading everything with fire, lasted with Mahu. I opened my eyes, light around, lightly light. And I look: our car is burning. Lost cargo!

I rushed to the car. On the way, I turned forward in the air again. Thank you yet, that is not on the rails, and in the soft soil pleased. I rose, jumped to the car, and there already Alexey my acts. He has a fire extinguisher in his hands, and he fires his legs. I rushed and I fed the flame. I already burn to me, but I don't remember myself - the cargo must be saved.

And what do you think? Sanding the car! Well still, slightly caught fire. One side of the car was a little damn, the door broke out, inside something I was hit, but everything is possible, you can go. Only one thing is bad: now everyone has our special cargo - found on the whole white light. We'll have to carry in front of the public. Because the hole burned decent.

Disable raids. Dasheutka and I barely found out. Babied with fear into the ditch. Oh, you, from the evening youth, and you can't find it in the morning!

- Tsev? - I ask.

- What will I do? - answers. - Only legs knocked in the ditch.

Sits on the footboard, jershoot, removes his shoes - they have such a more simplead, ski, American, from where, I don't know - and pours water out of them, almost on the bucket of each.

- Guests, - I say, - back, wrap in the casing, die. You can climb into the most car. Now we have a free entry and yield. The door was turned out. Goodbye all of our castles, seals!

She climbed into the car.

- Oh, - squeal, - some kind of books here!

- So what? - I say. - What a screech? The books did not see?

I do not remember, I did not tell you at the beginning of Ile, too, did not say that the car was loaded for our textbooks? Well, the bucvari there, arithmetic, geography, tasks, examples of all sorts.

This car of the People's Commissar of the Universal Education Comrade Potemkin from Moscow sent to liberated areas, from where the Germans increased. Children here two years have not studied, the German is all books. Why do you tell you, you know it better here.

Here immediately and sent from Moscow liberated guys as a gift eighty-five thousand textbooks.

Well, I thought so what to say, what is my cargo, it is not worth it. Here the echelons with the shells, the compositions with tanks go, military trains follow, front-line routes, and I will climb. Inappropriate. Cargo is too delicate. Any fool is still offended, and maybe the scandal happen.

And now to hide how? All outwards, everyone is visible.

- Bad business, I say, - Clocks! Now we will be destroyed somewhere on the thirty-step path, and expect your livers there.

And on the will already light. I went to the head of the station. He sent me to the military commandant. So, they say, and so, I explain to the commandant. I have a appointment from the most important commissar of nationwide learning and enlightenment, children freed waiting, the freight of extreme importance, such a cargo should be used on the green street, how on the road they say that everywhere green semaphore was, the way outdoor. Put us first.

And the commandant looks at me with red eyes, it can be seen, he didn't sleep at night, a man knew himself. And of course, he does not want to listen first:

- What is, here I have a plug without you - the fourth day cannot be divided. Everything is clogged to the extreme. Now urgent echelon should be for the front, and you are here with your arithmetic and grammar! Wait your twice two four. Nothing they will do. And then tomorrow will come by another wagon with some nipples, whirls and sprawers, and also expertly drive them without a queue?

I really do not know how to influence it. Just suddenly hear the voice is so solid:

- Comrade Commendant, I am afraid that children do not grow on your schedule. If you don't have anything against, I stop this car to my composition.

Turns and leaves. I planned, and I didn't look at me even: they say, nothing special said. Here is a golden man!

We ran on the way. And I hear I published a cry near the wagon. I look, it's worth some small, all in oil, the lubricant must be, and Dashutka

our clutched into it and from the hands of the book to the book. What's the matter?

This lubricant says:

- Yes, you will bring to the special equipment! Thick! Here's greedy! .. Doll, - this is how he explains to me, - I see some brochures there. Is it a sorry for one to give one to the head? Sick death as hunting!

- Listen, - I say to him - these are not simple books. This is scientific. Can you understand it? From Moscow itself we are lucky. And you want to go on smoke. Not conscientious to you?

He gave the book back, looked, sighed. Well, Alyosha gives him a piece of paper after all. The wrapper was found with us torn.

Oh well. They attached us to military composition.

We moved towards the front. I looked around, became my owns to believe - which burned out that she broke into the act to make up. I look, my Daria in the car is already a swallow, was filmed. To the forteke paper curtains attached, a whisk, slyly so carved with patterns: crosses, stars. And the pictures of bread on the wall stuck. I looked at these pictures, on the curtain and slaughter ...

"Wait," I say, "did that take the paper from?" Where pictures mined?

"And this is me," says, "I picked up, in vain fell.

I look, it is it from the textbooks picked up. I first had to scold her, and then figured out - nothing. It she took it from those books that all the same in the bombing broke.

"Uncle Gurych, you don't serve," says. - You see, how we are now cozy! Just like aunt or at home, in Kozoloevka. You will still stand there, come to visit us. Oh, we are with my mother treats you, let's tell all different things! Kulesh in Cossacks will make, with a spicent, - I'm visiting. And the legs, Uncle Gurych, it is necessary to wipe. Won how much dirty is nailed. You are not heading for you. Lyosha I could not leg it myself about the straw, and you had a circle.

Well, you will hurt, the hostess it is necessary. I went to the straw, swung in it, smoothly chicken in the Seine.

We are going, it means, so, we are going. From nothing to do, I began to read the textbooks, which increased from the packing by an explosion. Tasks are interesting come across. Especially one liked me, nine hundred and fifth number. In our specialty, the railway task, for all four actions with fractions. I remember her even exactly. From Moscow to Vladivostok, said nine

thousand two hundred eighty-five kilometers. From these cities follow the oncoming direction, it became two trains. One passed so much, and the other from this is some part, and so, it means that it is necessary to count, much is still between them still left before excitement. Interesting task. I began to decide it, yes, my education is lower than the average, I braked my trains in the Siberian Taiga and nor back. And Dashutka, the tricky head, MiG, decided in two scores. Then she became more on the multiplication table to drive, the error to ask. I even dug, sweat sprout.

"Well," I say, "Daria, I'm with you so far to the destination, I get so full of secondary education.

We go tight. Cost often. Front road, overloaded. Ways damaged. And Dashutka does not wait rather home to get. At night she does not sleep, a little stop - the driver scolds that it rides quietly. Missed. Yes, and right. With the sun warm, and when the mother is welcome. And she did not see the mother for two years. Girl was given, and it's a pity to look at it. Thin, pale. How dares in the evening: "There are shrubs among the field, one is worth it ..." - Yes, I picked up with her Lesha, so I will poke the whole soul. I tried to pull up, but I have a hearing unable since childhood. We laugh only for me. Well, I wander, not offended. I will go out with a flashlight on the dark station, ceiling with the main one. And then I will see again in the dark, our location will go back the buffers. Forknet, it often awesome steam locomotive, will eat under the slope, and the wheels will go to the multiplication table. So hears me: "Seven Seven - Forty-nine! Seven seven - forty nine! .. forty nine, forty nine ... seven seven ... "

We arrived in Bor-Gorego. It turned out the Germans ahead of the bridge blew up. I had to go round, through Jordan, Valovatu. Conversations at alarming stations. Somewhere, they say, German tanks are sliced \u200b\u200broam.

For a long time we were not taken to Strykachi station. Finally let. Only we entered the arrow, suddenly a pallet. Circle rose, the machine guns somewhere shook. I am immediately to Darya:

- Lit here, for textbooks! No bullet will knock on, lie.

I was defeated by the book by the kipa, made her like shelter.

"Siti," I say, "and Nishkni."

And the Clook jumped out of the car. Over we bullets are chirping: thu-thu! .. And in the steppe directly to the station, we look, the tanks come, and on them black crosses. Here it came! Walked!

Fighters from our echelon scattered all the chain, lay down along the canvas, shoot. Whoever has a manual machine gun, which of the anti-tank gun beats, who prepared a grenade. We were crawled with our rifles with our rifles, asked us to take us. We pointed out our places.

We lie, shoot with everyone. Smeaded one German tank. The second caught fire. These are our anti-aircraft centers with a direct flooring site for the Germans hit. The third tank in accurately turned to us. Suddenly, ka -k rings for us! We looked around, we see: one car in our composition, loaded by the battles, was separated into the sins. And from the locomotive, the signals give it to come. Echelon leave the station in a hurry.

Run fighters for cars. Rounded the locomotive, grumbled the whole composition, and went the train for the arrow. And our car as was the last in the tail, and remained in place. The explosion of the car knocked out the car, broke the tail of the train, we turned out to be disadvantaged.

- We finally disappeared, Alyosha, - I say. - Come on at least a car by blowing up that the Germans do not pass the cargo.

We had grenades. I crawled out, it was already swollen, yes suddenly I remembered our journal. After all, she remained in the car. Ah you are Nazal!

And from the German tank, soldiers already jumped out, crumbled, flee to us, poulled on the go. Clocks crap to me and says:

"Gurych, let's pull out the Dashka and stop the car." You have another grenade for loyalty. And I still deleted them here.

Himself attached to the embankment, the rifle put on the rails and hits the Germans to choose from. And I crawl, crawling, caught a car, dived under him, climb, rose on the other side and only got to the ground, I see: from the semafora, due to the turn, armored car over the rails, like an autoderence. As it will hit the go, so only the air in our heads. Beats on the whole course of armored personnel in the Germans, hurries to the station. And on the ways, the fragments are burning, that wise, and our car will take place.

And with such a danger, it is turned out of the door of the car Dashutka, our cubera is rolled down and runs through the sleepers right to the armored car. The bullets around her chirk about the rails, tickle, and look, wipe.

- Dashka, fool, lie right now! Where climbed? ..

And she runs straight to the armored car. From there from Luke, the commander seemed.

- Uncle, - shouts Dasha, - Uncle, engage us Rather, carry! And then we will now disappear at all.

I also got to the karachets there. Stand I'm afraid - I really have a lot of these lead bees in me flies. I stand on all fours, or rather to say, on three points: I put the right-handed hand to the hat, honored with honor, I say with the commander.

- Comrade, dear, allow to contact? .. Make mercy, Feet. Government cargo shipping, emergency, from the People's Commissar itself. Call! Although Girl accept!

- Wait a minute! What is the cargo? Fast!

"Yes," I say, "I apologize, the books are lucky. Very interesting.

- Enough! Clear. You are required. I detained the commander with the roadside. Vivid jump into the car to the arithmetic of your own! - orders the commander. - Is this whose girl? Yours? What do she have without supervision under the bullets? Well, quickly!

Two from the armored vehicles are jumping out of the armor, throw off the path of the debris. Armored member serve to my car. The gun in the tower there is a guilty, the palette, neatly the Germans gives it to the Germans. Meanwhile, the fighters of the thick chain screw up my car to its hook.

- Vivid come on, quickly! - orders the commander, and his voice is louder to guns. - Turn, Tkachenko, do not take!

And I scream from under the car:

- Clocks! Alyosha! Let's rather soon. We go!

Does not answer Cloks.

I ran, bending, to the place where Alyosha was shot at the embankment. Ran there and fell himself. Lies my Alexey, buried in the rail, and from the rail to the sleeper, the blood oops ...

- Alyosha, Alyosha! - shout. - What are you, Alyosha? Is that I hear? Gurych is ...

Commander from armored vehicles calls:

- Hey, the conductor, how are you there ... Will you be long? I'm not going to wait for you.

- Comrade Commander! Assistant of my wounded, partner ... Foot, please.

Two fighters jumped, took Alyusha in the hands, and I support his head my head. We raised it into our car, they were climbing with Dashutka. The car stuck, moved, we had textbooks in the car, and went our world a unprecedented train from the station. Ahead of the armored car, and for him our car.

I traveled a lot in my life, I joined the whole of Russia, and I didn't go to such a manner. Did not have to. I rare ahead of the armored vehicle, we carry it. Jumps the wagon on the junctions, shouting it from side to the side, that's about it from the slope down the cut ...

But I am not before. I'm happy with Alesh. I gave your own individual package, with gauze there, with cotton. Dasheutka is counted to me, and the teeth are knocking on, even though she is trying to hang them and everything strives to turn away, so that Aleshina does not look at blood.

"You're will carry out, Dasha," I say, "do not obmiate." Once we got to war with you, so here "Agu - I can not" forget. Not little.

"I feel sorry very," says. - Suddenly if dangerous! .. eh? Uncle Gurych? ..

We knocked an aleash head, as was able to. I posted a book to him, to higher it was, Tulup unluckled. Silent Alesh. Only when the car shakes on the junction, moaning quietly. And how it was lit up under the bullet to get, that's what a grief is what!

- Clocks! Aleshka! .. - I tell him in the Ear. - Pretty you, try away. This is me, Gurych. Well, how easier to you?

He opened his eyes, looked at me and moved her lips:

- Gurych ... when you reach ... Tell the guys, how we were lucky ...

- Yes, throw you, Clocks! We are with you, Alyosha, together to study together.

I do not remember what I told him then, but I myself see that it was bad. Quite nowhere. Do not reach Aleksey. Shadow is on his face comes.

"Clokov," I say, "you will carry out, cute!" How am I without you, alone? You understand it. Be this can not. Do you listen, Alyosha ... and, Alyosha?

His hand in mine walked. I did the ear to my chest, I listened to the heart, I took off the hat. Only the wheels are knocking and sang in the quiet chest Aleshina. The end. Moved. And Dasha looked at me and understood everything at once. He moved to the distant corner of the car, sat there with a lump, picked up his knees and, I hear, whispers:

- Good was, everyone is better. This is me the first to go.

Yes, I myself think it was unfair. He is me, he would live for him to live. But the bullet chose him.

- Well, what can you do, Dasha, not everyone to die in line. So it happened. And we and you can see, still go.

I wanted to say something else, and I didn't find words. Here with the armored car shout to me:

- Hey, Conductor, Tormezo!

I jumped into the platform, began to screw the brakes so that the car is not in the turn on the armored race. We raised the arrows under the wheels, we flew to the station. And the people run away, the fighters from the echelon scream, missed.

- Blimey! This is delivered, - they say - the highest speed!

Well, I thanked the commander, just announced that it was not before joy, Comrade was killed. Boiled for your doctor, it's too late. Neither what a doctor ...

We buried Alyosh Klokov immediately, near the station old oaks, behind a broken vehicle. I left the board, two stones at the grave strengthened. And on the board wrote like this:

"Klokov Alexey Petrovich. Year of birth 1912. Railway fighter. Fal death of brave when delivering a special cargo to liberated areas. Children, schoolchildren, do not forget it. He is treated to you books from Moscow. "

They put us again into the tail of the echelon. We are going together with dashhing. Silent. Everyone thinks about Alesh. For that, neither hurt, everything is missing it. What a conversation will not start, be sure to make an aleas. And I can not believe that there is no longer it. Everything thinks, now in the gestrokeeper will jump, which in the newspapers is new, will tell, the Dashka will preach ...

Two days later, we arrived in Casavino.

Station is clogged with compositions. From the front go, loaded with any iron ribbon: the tanks on them are German "tigers", Ferdinanda guns. To the front of the compositions follow military purposes. And every product is driven for liberated areas, where people were spilled. Here and bread, tanks, and auce. From here, our echelon turned to the front.

I said goodbye to the head of the echelon by the hand, wished each other a happy path. They pushed us off, put on the smelt, echelon gone. Again I run in the station, cotton, require urgent dispatch. And the night dropped, and the rain goes. At least an eye in the station. Full blackout. Yes, the Germans have recently been here in front of leaving. Circle tranted rails are lying, sleepers, split, crushed stone, iron beams, carriages. And we can easily go swimming. And here it is not selected. I run along the ways, I bump into everything. And I have a lantern, as in sin, the wind blew.

And suddenly I speak at the checkpoint:

- Go back, your car has long been triggered, sent.

I ran back on the way. There is no wagon anywhere. I can not find. I'm running here, rushing there. And nothing is impossible to disassemble anything in the dark. I'm going as a crazy station, I almost cry. I ask everyone: "I did not see the car number" 172-256 ", from one side of the burning?" No, no one has seen. And do you think there is something in this darkness! And the rain pours all the way and the forest. Meal I am to the most internships. I shake all like aspen. I ran somewhere on the way, where there are no people, ask no one. Only the wind in the dark rushes raising glands. I hear the composition somehow went, and just in the other side where we go. I run between the compositions, and on the left and right, towards the wheel in the same time and the wheels are tapping. Stop, wait! Here he is my car, burned on the side, and the brake site. Overtake me. I barely climbed on the go for the handrails, hired on the platform, somehow. Well, glory to you Lord!

- Darya! - I scream in the car. - Alive, healthy? Football, tea ... ah, dashheutka! What did you fall asleep, or what?

Not responding. And quietly in the car, there is no one, empty. My heart fell. Ah, Dashka you, Dashka! So ponading you. And I promised to watch. Wait, it should be a poor thing, went to look for me and I got lost. Where is the girl here to find when I have been pluticed for a whole hour! I feel sorry for the girl, but what to do? Where to look for it now? Clearly, dasha lagged. And I'm shaking me. Wet very much. And before that fingers froze - I can't light the lantern.

I decided to warm up first. He stepped in the corner: I stood there a surrounding cherished half-up. I barely found - fell, rolled back to the other wall. I knocked the cork, shaking, looked - I got my eyes under my eyebrows. Batyushki! What is it? I tried anything in my life, the strongest ... the painters were treated for me the polish - nothing ... And the other times the museum was evacuated, I cried in the wind, so students me with scientific alcohol from under Salamandra lizard. But I still had no such atrocity in my mouth in my mouth. It seems like an incendiary bomb swallowed. I sat on the floor, and then fell in everything and lying, delete the mouth, as if the secline on the dish. And how people breathe, forgot, and there are no voices. Just riding, as if torn boots. And the circle in the inside, I have a cake of chibs. Speed \u200b\u200ba bit, lit a lantern, I look - my lovely! "Yes, I can't get into my car ... the car is also damaged, see, with a bombing, but only the bottle around the bottle, the pharmacy stinks.

Then I realized: I'm in a wagon with medicines. Medicines, medicines, too, can be seen from Moscow sent for hospitals to liberated areas. And I sneak in the dark, the carboles enough. In general, full of my inner disinfection produced - and I feel guys, these most microbes are from me give the God's legs. I barely stumbled. Then the siene passed, Ikota took. Well, thank God, I think, well, at least Carbolka came across, otherwise I could drink more iodine.

So. Well, let's say, caught, but what to do next? Where is my car to look for me now, where is my Daria, Anchutka Unhappy? I wanted to jump on the go, but the train accelerated under the slope. And what to flicker on the drip? What am I alone in the field will do, yes even at night? .. here is the Father Commission Denisia, the story of Kum Grigory!

I notice, however, that the train slows down, it can be seen to the station approach. As the arrow drove, I, without waiting for the stop, jumped.

Quietly circle. Compositions are worth. Dark. People do not hear. Then the horn saved somewhere, the locomotive shouted, the buffer of the stinks. I broke under the cars, ran there. Send some composition.

- What a train? - I ask.

From darkness from above answer:

- Sanitary pavement ...

These are wounded from the front brought to the hospital. And there is a composition in the direction of the station, where I lost my car. I began to ask for a dryer - do not let. They say, everything is crowded, there is no place. I still jumped on the go, and I can go back to go back, almost spoke.

"It's not necessary," they say, "in the sanitary train to carry out.

- Friends, - I say, - Dear, I'm not outsider! I beat off my car. By this scientific part itself.

I hear, someone came across in the dark, as if I sniffed, and he says:

- Jester knows him. In the dark, do not see. But the smell, right, medical from him. Okay, let it reach the station.

So I got again on the same station. And here a little bit of light. I run again in the ways, shouting:

- Dashutka, Darutka, sweet! Ask, give a voice!

And suddenly hear from somewhere on the other hand:

- I, I, Tuta, Uncle Gurych!

I rushed to the other side, I highled the lantern ... So he, my extraordinary, special purpose! Dashka how rushing to me on the neck right above! I even sat down on the ground. And then suddenly, as started with both fists drummed - and in the chest, and on the header.

- Yes, you stunned, or what?

She is in Ryv:

- Yes, you why you threw me alone! Dark, fearful. And then the aircraft flew, two bombs quenched. And it's not and no ... I thought you killed you, like Lesu ... Only I, Uncle Gurych, did not leave anywhere from the car. And when the felling was, everyone ran, and I buried here, as you punished. All night long. Just crushed chibko.

And the teeth itself seems to double two dollab.

Well, we traveled another day and finally arrived at this very goozerovka. Dashutka my hair cleaned, washed out of the kettle, my little things collected their own and gives me a hand, it seems like an adult lady: the boat fingers, neatly.

- Uncle Gurych, the preparent you thank you for bringing. You are very grateful with my mother, for life. If you can not be removed from the car, so I am now running away to the house, and then I will come to you with my mother, I'll bring you to eat. And bring me a lingerie, we immediately with my mother immediately comprehend. And then you all entered at all. Happily you still stay!

And went. His bags, kothomochki, goes, saming thin, stewed to the knees, the shoes are polled on dirt plug. And I look after, I think: "I delivered the girl to the place. Now they have tea, joy will be! .. And you, Athanasius Gurych, follow in your direction. One now ... There was no time to start my kids, all my life spent on the way, well, at least the children will delight the books. Still, there will be some sense with you. "

I twisted the cigar, for boiling water I went to the locomotive, signed by the driver. She passed the game for another. The new locomotive was given, waiting for departure. And the dasheutka is not visible. "Of course, she is now not up to me," I think.

And here I see: Between the tracks runs, my dash, and pulls the hand of a high woman. I saw me Dashka, I rang my hand, ran, there is no one. Rushed to me, pushed his head in the shoulder. You can't say anything, it's only beating all, it's knocking his boyfriend about me and one says: "Oh, uncle Gurych ... Uncle! .." I can not disassemble anything. I look at a citizen who is with her. She approached closer, the tears herself swallows, whispered in his ear, and the heart became stuck. Won it is what trouble! Nowhere was to rush the girl. The unhappy thing happened ...

- How is it so? - I ask. - And she could not wait for everything, everything was in a hurry ...

"This is," answers, "the Germans burst into them before their departure and that's what they did. Well, Dasha, calm down. Do not, cute ... what to do, girl! Dasha, native, do not need ...

- And who will you yourself? - I ask.

- I am a teacher. Dasha Markelova was in the classroom. Good time. And you, "says," Thank you, dear that I brought the girl.

I sang down my head, she calmed down.

- Oh, you, my grief! - I say. - How are you now here alone you will be uncomfortable? .. Come on, Dasha, I will drive you on the reverse one, as will be driving you, I will take it to the aunt. I would take you to my daughter, but I have a distillation, my life, a resident of me, is a resident. And you need education.

The teacher of tears wiped out, looked at me and says:

- Cute you, a nice man ... What is your name? Athanasius Gurych? So, Athanasius Gurych, do not worry about Dasha. She will be good here. We have an orphanage. While Dasha is waiting for me. True, girl? And then I will define it in the orphanage. With her aunts we will do.

A teacher at the door of our car, and caught fire from her suddenly, she rushed to books.

"My God," says, "books ... Tutorials ... Real textbooks!" Two years have not seen. Lord! See, buckwar, tasks, the whole kit. Lord, I can not believe! If you could only leave you to leave - the Dasha in the dowry and guys mine ... I wish you, Athanasius Gurych, cute, thanks said to prejudge! Here I would remember the eyelids! ..

She rushes in the books, grab which, read on the lid: "Grammar" - and the chest will fit.

I look, it's still a young one. Only ahead of time. Also, see, suffered. And the grief of alone is colite alone.

"Although, I say," I have a destination station and the recipient is different, nothing ... Choose what you need. Only, comrade teacher, I will ask me a receipt for reporting.

Well, it selected a small heel. The receipt switched.

There were squeezed, they raised all over the composition of the buffer, the brakes were crushed, the locomotive voice filed. Departure to us.

I burned down, I kissed the farewell to Dasha in the maquet, I was heard, I wanted something else to say, but I only waved my hand and climbed the platform.

Fixed the composition.

Dasha first walked faster and faster near the footboard, he kept behind her, then he let go, ran around the car, began to fall behind, everything looks at me. And the teacher remained on the spot, the textbooks came down with one hand, and the other emitted to me ...

Well, that's all the guys.

And now I came to you, and now you get these the most textbooks that you sent a comrade of the People's Commissar of Education from Moscow.

Now they will be called them. I apologize, if a small cargo did not come in complete safety. See, it fell a little bit. Here is a fragment pierced. And here from bullets track. This is when we were fired at the station. And here there are two arithmets a bit bleeding. This is Alyosha lying on them. Clocks.

Take guys, books yourself. For you, we were lucky. When to study on them will become, Alyosh Klokova remember and the grave of his old oaks near the station ...

A low curved man finished his story, guts a long mustache and, modestly moving away from the table, put a faded cap with raspberry cat. In a large school room with a semi-riveted ceiling, silence stood silent with knocked and boiled plywood windows. And then by the sign of the director, schoolchildren one after another began to approach the table, where the textbooks sent from Moscow were folded. Silent and serious, carefully accepted the guys in their hands of the books, whose pages were touched by fire, bullets and blood ...

Leo Cassil "Fedya from the submarine"

He already knew almost ten letters when I arrived in the military autumn for the first time on one of the Polar Northern Fleet bases. Ten letters! It was quite enough to capture your name on the torpedo - in the edification of Hitler and all the fascists. Behind this occupation, I found him behind the shoulder from the barbed wire, which enters the base of submarines. When I, after presenting the hourly passing, entered the courtyard of the submarine, as sailors called the abbreviated diving fleet, the submariners just ship the torpedoes into a large cruising boat. A long dark green pricing body of the underwater ships pulled out on the water at the propulsive wall, at the so-called pier. Over the pier hung a huge rock. It did the entrances to underground caves, where the torpedoes were kept. The reddiffs in the working canvas robes put a huge torpedo on a special trolley and exported from the cave. At first, the head of the torpedo head appeared in the dusk, and then, leaning on low wheels, as on the paws, she crawled all the entirely, similar to the gigantic triton, narrow to the tail, heavy, smooth, evil pouring in the sun. It was injected with a fat layer of lubricant, resembling a berry jam or jam.

Near the torpedo, the boy's year is eight, slender, with a sharp spout, the red tip of which was, perhaps, closer to faceless forehead than to the top lip. The boy was big, clearly not on the head, a black pilot with a brilliant anchor in front, and on the sleeves of blurred jackets were conquered alone over another stripes of Minor, the telephone, an artilleryman, commandor, electrician and a signproof. Red arrows, intersecting zippers, anchors, wrenches, guns, pennants ... Stripes were so much that they barely fit together between the shoulder and a fear of the overall, from which she searched thin, dirty hand of a boy. The boy's boy looked off the exported torpedo, I went around it from all sides, then he sat down in a squat and, shondly from a diligent nose, diligently removed something with his finger on a lubricant that covered the torpedo. I approached closer. Through the pink-and-brown paste dwarked the inscription: "AT FEDN" finger. The oblique chain of the letter "and" was inclined not at the other side where it follows, the letter so looked like a sign of the number - No., I guessed that "E" turned out to be inadvertently.

- Well, Fedya, I asked, - what are you, brother, do you?

"I figure out," Fedya responded, looking at me and correcting his finger on the inscription.

- What is it for?

- Let them see from whom, the boy said angrily. - They already know my handwriting. I figure out every time.

- And who will you be so?

- I? - As if he was surprised, the boy asked and, even above, tightening his nose, looked at me from below without approval. - I'm here one and the only boy they have ...

- Who have them? Whose is the only one?

- Well, everyone ... Flot. I am from here, with the progress. Do not know what? "And he moved away from me to another torpedo, which at that moment they rolled out on the trolley from under the rock.

One of the red-drinkers, grabbing his free hand under the mouse, without stopping, put him on top of the torpedo, and so he was hooked by me, tightly clasped his legs round and thick body of a huge deadly shell.

- Disaster, people, King Fedor rides on horseback! - shouted from the bridge of the submarine, crawling out of the hatch, a man in the washesized formen, should be a mechanic. - Well, how, Fedya, put his hand?

- order! - replied Fedya.

- Is that a son of any of yours? - I turned to a redflower, who called Feddu King Fedor.

"No, there is a whole story here," the submariner replied in a low voice. - This is Fedyushka Tolbein. Our, with the progress ... He had a father of Bottchman, from Pomorov, on the eighteenth room, in a tug. And when after last year the family was evacuated from here by the sea, the fascists, devils, they were caught up in the sea. Found five pieces and let's hammer. There are women guys ... a terrible thing! Right with shading. It was clear that the people were not military, but did not fall behind until they did not finish. As long as the shore arrived, few people had already held on the way. And his father, and his mother Fydi, and his sister was also - all died. And he was lucky, Buook anchor bomber grabbed, he climbed him and climbed. The only one who saved ... Well, delivered it to the base. And here he was silent, she served in the cabin, - know the waitress? So he remained here, on the back of us. The only one in your way, so to speak. After all, here there are neither in the bay, nor in one lip of children you will be ourselves - the whole child was evacuated, as the war began. Well, Fedka, it turned out, donkey, it can be seen for a long time. And we, you know, still more cheerful to look, otherwise they forgotten right, what guys are. After all, one sole ...

So I found out the story of Fedi Tolbein, the common son of submariners, the pupil and the pet of the Northworts. He was very bald at the subposition. The most famous submariners, the heroes of the Soviet Union - the famous star, energetic, tender, restless Falkovsky, - gave him his friendship. And when the boat went into a fighting operation, Fedka always accompanied his friends, standing on the pier, and she looked long after the departed.

Northern Fleet sailors had a custom to make inscriptions on a torpedo lubricant. "Hitler under Mikitka," the submariners wrote on the torpedo. "Fascist gadam from the North Mountains," they took on the terrible shells, charging torpedo devices. "For Kiev, for Sevastopol ..." Somehow Fedka asked himself to be allowed to make the inscription. He knew several letters and, as he knew how to bring his name on the torpedo. And it came out that the Hero of the Soviet Union Isaac Arkadyevich Falkovsky this very torpedo, which Fedka inscribed, Skilled a big German steamer. Falkovsky walked on a small boat - they are called "Baby" on the fleet. The enemy police officers guarded the ship with a valuable cargo. But the "Baby" boldly slipped under the guard ships, and Torpeda with the inscription "AT FED1m" pleased directly into the fascist ship. He exploded, buried his nose into the water and soon went to the bottom. Since then, it has become fashioned to take a torpedo march with the Fedy inscription. The sailors jicely assured that Fedi is a slight hand and he brings happiness to submariners.

Fedka all days broke on the subposition. He played in classes, drawing them in chalk on the thick boards of the pier, and when someone carelessly stepped into a cage, Fedka shouted angrily:

- Well, where do you go? You do not see - here is mined! Indicated clearly.

Falkovsky presented him left by someone from evacuated three-chain bike. By age, Fedka would have to ride already on a two-wheeled. But the extra needles in the chariot were little embarrassed by Fedka. And so as not to touch the steering wheel, spreading the knees in the long stockings, Fedka rolled out on his three-wheeled cyclik on the pier, labby between knechats for the pier, torpedoes, barrels.

Once he even managed to move along the steep narrow ladder on the cruising submarine Stardina standing at the wall. But he received such a camps for this that then went on foot for two days, fearing to appear on the bike at the submariners.

- Ah you, Fedya, Fedya! - the Falkovsky spoke to him, with whom they especially began friends. - And what will be, Fedya? Dark and incomprehensible! If you won't send my head anywhere, then she will come in handy in the farm ... But you will toss it up.

Someone gave Fedka an old submarine pilot. Although she fell back, after all, she was great Fedek, hopped his ears and stood behind a population, like a cock comb. Submarizers, miners, electricians, the signals bought him shaped twisted stripes in the Flottorge, and soon Fedka became like a suitcase of the experienced traveler who sealed the stickers of hotels from all sides.

Once reconnaissance came from the fishing peninsula, from the distant sea at the very edge of the world. For a long time they were not on the big earth. Observing Fedka, they with fun and gentle amazement looked around him.

- Look, Normal Ditenok! For sure! Said one of them, a man of huge growth. There was a sailor vest through an unburned collar of his infantry gymnasther. - For sure! Life, which means, goes to its course, boys on bicycles go. Order! .. Click, jim, brother, download pedals!

And he gave Fedka a trophy pennant knife.

The next day, Falkovsky met Fedka not far from the submarine. Fedka went to visit to the reconnaissance, which stopped at the house at the port of the port. Seeing his friend, Fedka quickly fastened the jacket. It seemed suspicious Falkovsky:

- And well, well, what are you buried there?

Fedka diligently coughed.

- Walked yesterday, Isaac Arkadyevich.

- Walked up? Well, what to unbutton, let's get your cold here, let me listen to you.

- Yes, so do not hear anything, Isaac Arkadyevich, but only a very throat is cried, and straight coughing, coughing - even hurts.

- Well, if you do not hear, then maybe see something, eh? - Falkovsky insisted. And, rejecting the hands of Fedki to the sides, unbuttoned the jacket. - Who did you realize you? .. Yes, wait, it's right on your skin! .. oh, Fedya, Fedya! I will get a heart break before you.

"Do not tother, you have a cold hand, and so I have bothered everything," spacious Fedka grumbled, placing the jacket, under which all the skin on the chest was painted by a chemical pencil into the blue stripes so that people seemed like Fedka wears a sailor vest.

Falkovsky promised to anyone not to talk about this incident. Having noticed Fedka to himself, he barely laundered him with difficulty hot water. At the same time, he first almost walked Fedku, scolding her boiling water in a trough, and then, twggling when the small spoiled by the good Mat, put him in a ride with ice water ... But the friendship of the famous submariner with Fedka after that even more strengthened.

Soon Falkovsky gone into a dangerous campaign on his "baby". Fedka signed on his two torpedoes. A few days later, the base was obtained about Falkovsky unkind information. Fedka was overhearding how Zvezdin quietly spoke to Thaustkiv:

- I heard Valentine? Foolish fascists found. He is there someone a picker, and now they chase him, devastating him ...

- Maybe it will take place at the bottom? Tharkov said softly.

- Well, yes, get selected! Isaac do not know! This is such a hot - certainly risks. And how much can it be depleted? He is already time me. Everything, probably, he approached the end.

- And what does it mean dangerous to him? - I could not stand and intervened in the conversation Fedka.

- What is dangerous? Nothing is dangerous! He heard the ringing - and already "dangerous" ... Saddy, brother, better on his three-chaser and Kati to himself.

But Fedka did not take a bike. He climbed onto a high moistureal end and was sitting on her for a long time, looked at the bay, in which the policemen stood, watchdogs, boats-hunters. Everyone was here, everything is in place. Only Falkovsky was not and empty Bon, in which his "Baby" was usually stood. Cold greenish water splashed there between pile, as if sobbing. Mukkali gulls meowed with the opposite voices, sideways in the wind. Fedka slipped from Knecht and, ponuro looking into the uncomfortable sea, wandered from the base, leading his cyclik with one hand, whose pedals were wagged, no sense.

In the evening, Fedka did not have donuts who brought him from the Salon of the Commander's Cabin Company of Honus. He then told me that he could not fall asleep for a long time, everything was thinking about Falkovsky. Scary, it should be when there is water and over your head all water and water. And there are terrible deep bombs nearby. That's about to get, that's the doubt, splash ... suffering, Fedka fell asleep. Under Morning Fedka, it became cold, and he dreamed from this that he lies in cold water at the very bottom, and his ears became like a gills, and he breathes them, inlet water into one ear and releaseing from the other. And from above suddenly dived and went, the bobbish, straight on him the deep bomb, and that's how the ripple ... Fedka woke up from a dead shock outside the window. He followed the second. Fedka jumped up and saw a light smack, who still had a cannon on a submarine, which, raising the call sign, was quickly entered the harbor. Fedka immediately recognized the "baby" Falkovsky - no one, besides him, did not burst into a narrow neck of the bay. And two volley, which gave, entering the harbor, Falkovsky, mean that the boat returns to the victory: two fascist ships are allowed to bottom.

Fedka jumped into the embankment. Submarizers fled to the pier. Having overtook them, assisted by elbows, receiving encouraging subtletiles, with all his might pressing the pedals, Fedyek rushed to the berth on her bike. He almost sacriced with the legs of a huge sailor of Milehina, the older Coke of the dining room. Kok ran, shifting a white cap on the back of the head, in a snow-white apron. Thinking, he muttered:

- It's straight pure punishment! Do not eat on them! ..

And submariners who overtook him, shouted:

- Plate your pigs, Milechin! I heard? Falkovsky two volosts rumbled, it means that the sauna of two piglets. Exactly? You can not do anything, just as usual! Law! Order! ..

Fedka arrived at that very moment when the moorings were thrown from the boat and Falkovsky, Pickle swollen, red from the fatigue of the eye, jumped on the boards of the pier. No, Fedka did not rush to his friend - Fedka knew the naval order. He patiently stood aside, joyfully dishes his eyes on Falkovsky, who, putting his hand to the cap, reported counter-admiral, head of the submarine, about the completed operation.

- Two enemy transport are surfplanted. One order of eight thousand tons, another, I guess, thousands of six, - Falkovsky reported. - Then I was attacking two destroyers. A total of two hundred eighty-two depth bombs was dropped. Gone. The task is made. People are healthy. There are minor damage.

Here, only Fedka noticed terrible traces that were on a boat from close gaps of deep bombs. On the iron deck everything was swinging, dirt, bent. And in some places on the trim even gaping the seams.

The official part of the meeting ended. A satisfied counter-admiral lit, not forgetting to offer a cigarette in the hero who returned the hero, and the questions asked now the boss, they went into the usual friendly conversation.

Star and Tharkov were alternately hugged Falkovsky and, satisfied, clapped him on the leather back.

- How many Torpeda released? - asked counter-admiral.

- Total three, comrade counter-admiral. Two of the nasal, one with the stern. They fell into the purpose feed and one of the nasal.

- My? - asked from under someone else's elbow advanced Fedka.

- for sure! - Falkovsky laughed. - Both "AT FEDN".

Day Two after that, German bombers were injected at the base. The ships raised on the masts of the checkered, yellow in the checkers, the flag is "firmly". It was alarm. In the port briefly stuck siren. Everyone rushed into place. They hit the anti-aircraft guns from the destroyers, guard ships, beat guns with submarines. Boats and tugs, hastily dropping over the rules of anxiety from the wall, swimming up to the middle of the bay, also beat on all the moves on aircraft from large-caliber machine guns and automatic guns. Hit from its main caliber the Martyr "Through". Echo shots rolled down the bay, giving up in the rocks. In the houses on the embankment, a glass was sprinkled that burst from the incredible power of sound. The second time hit from the main caliber "lengthening", and an advanced German bomber, dragging the cosma of smoke, turned aside, threw a long flame, swung and, clumsily spinning, began to fall for the nearest hill. A little aside of him climbed and blossomed in the sky white parachute flower. He slowly sank and disappeared behind the rocks.

"Toywa-lips sat down," the star defined, together with us who followed the air force. - No matter how a fascist gone, then you will not find it. And to the front there is hand to file, search for fistulas.

- a minute! - Suddenly Falkovsky said. - Where is our Fedka? Where is Fedka, I ask? He is there, just at Toywa lips, the berries collects himself ...

Indeed, Fedka now half a day disappeared on the hits, where this year there was an extraordinary blueberry, blueberries, lingers and clouders. He came with purple lips, blue-refined and showed us such a tongue, as if he had just lick ink.

- Fedka there, do you understand or do not understand?! - shouted on us Falkovsky.

And we began to climb on the hill, to get to Tova-lips more likely to catch a German parachutist to protect our Fedka. Redflows hooked the area where the wind took a parachutist. We walked, jumping from the cliffs on the rock, examining the clefts, bypassing small lakes, peering under each boulder. Nowhere was there a parachute, and our Fedka disappeared with him. Then the sound of the shot was sustained. And soon behind the hillocks again ... And again it became quiet.

Most of all worried Falkovsky. He considered Fedka who had already fallen, slam of curse on the heads of the fascists.

Calm, reasonable stars tried in vain to calm him.

In search of a parachutist flew from the airfield a pilot Svistnev. He circled over the hills, several times lowered us over us, looking at the terrain. Suddenly, the plane turned cool back and began to describe the circles over a small gorge between two high rocky cliffs. The pilot, leaning out of the cockpit, waving our hand to us, pointed out somewhere down. Touching with the stones, jumping through the streams, we rushed there. A minute later we were on the edge of the rock. And there, below, on the dark cheese of the MSh, we saw the laid out of white stones, a vividly distinguished huge "FADK". Poor! He must have been very worried and hurried, putting his name from the stones here, and even the letter "I", which I usually wrote correctly, turned here in the other side, like Latin "R". And here we have already seen Fedka himself: he sat, rushing under the hanging rock. Seeing us, he began to make us some signs, applying a finger to her lips, clapping himself on his mouth, demanding silence and mysteriously showing somewhere aside. We jumped down to him.

"He's there, there," Violet Violet whispered from Blueberry and trembling with lips. - Won, the stone ... he had a leg. I saw him shot down, ran after him, and he in me as a rave from "Schmayser" of his! .. Do you think, not scary? I hid here. Then I wanted to get out, to the boom to reach, - Well, not to sit watching, - and he again like it in me! .. Do you think, lying? The bullet so chirknulah, although the stone splashed ... I see the plane flies, the search does, and I get up

fritz does not give, well, I posted my receipt. Crawled-crawled, all the stomach itself is a protesture, knees extended ... Think, it does not hurt? So collected the stones and laid out. The pilot immediately learned from above. And Fritz this won will turn there.

The redties rushed to the rock and pulled out of the fascist hidden there from the clefts. He immediately threw his machine "Schmayser", seeing that the sailors were surrounded from all sides.

This case made Fedka completely famous on the base. Foreign sailors with a newly arrived caravan of transports, walking along the embankment, jealous of Fedku, approached him, trembled him on the shoulder, told him numerous stripes and said that Fedek "O-Ki-Dock-Fight", which means "a guy what needs" .

But the short polar summer ended, they began to hang fogs, the sun cooled, getting ready to go to the winter hibernation, and on the backlegant once in the evening in the cabin, a conversation came about the further fate of Fedki.

"Balbes already over eight exceeded, it's time for him to write beaks not only on the torpedo," said Surovo Star. - It must be sent to school. War war, and to grow, study time.

- A strange question, do I objected? - Falkovsky was hot. - It is necessary so necessary. It is clear that the boy must learn. It is a pity, of course, let go, - that is, I say it, I feel sorry ... I do not know how others.

"No one says that he does not feel sorry," said, sighing, stars. - I have not seen my nineteen months. I also feel sorry. - He paused a little. - Learn children should be in a quiet place. I, at least, I think so. I do not know how others.

They consulted with Dosi, "guardian" Fedi, and was decided to send it to the rear, one of the White Sea cities, where there was a boarding school for children. I do not know how Falkovsky managed to persuade Fedka. He did not want to hear about the departure, but it can be seen, the rush of the hero was taken, and Fedka agreed.

Twenty-sixth of August we accomplished Fedka. Polar autumn gave Fedka one of his best days. The air was transparent so that even at a long distance everything saw sharply, clearly, as if carved from stone. The water in the bay was mirrored calm, pink cliffs. White seagulls spit over us, and the weak wind barely moved the elegant flags of the navy - white with a blue lane with a gear and red emblems - and birds of the arch on the ships.

How many sorts of dock fell Fedka submariners on the road! How many cans with condensed milk, canned, chocolate cubes! The boat commander, on whom Fedka "went to science", already stated that if comrades commanders would carry still satisfied, then let them order a special barge, and on the boat he can not breed a bazaar.

Then everyone said goodbye to Fedka. He was Hmur and seemed to lose her new spacious jacket, which was transferred to all signs with the old.

"Well, see us there, Fedor," his stars rode. "Learn to learn so much, otherwise it's not worth it." Although you are now and repelling, as we have a pomper say, bounced off our shore, but your breed is observed - remember that you are Fedor Tolbein from the teller.

- And by God, what are the conversations here! - Falkovsky was driving, taking Fedka for both cheeks. - Go, go, Fedka! I can't stand these parting - only the mood spoil yourself ... well, move, move, Fedka, let's go! Here you still have a chocolate tile.

And Falkovsky put a large tile in his hand.

On the boat included the motor, water and foam went from the circles from the stern. Three flag took off on the mast - call sign.

When leaving the harbor at the guard post on a high mast, a golden flag "Good" was raised. It was a sign of consent, permission to exit the harbor.

The little tug began to drag in the direction of the network and boom bones. The towing was similar to the janitor, a solemnly opening gate to leave the owner from the courtyard. He pulled off the barrier, and the boat, on whom Fedka Tolbein, Pettack, the only and last boy in the entire sea district, went to the open sea.

Silence stood on the pier Famous submariners - the heroes of the Soviet Union of Zvezdin, Sukh Kharkov, Falkovsky. I stood for a long time with them, looking after Katera, who carried out our Fedka from us.

"You can do anything, Fedka must learn," said Star.

- What to say ... - Falkovsky responded, fixed, but not turning away from the sea. - Clearly, Fedka must learn, and we must fight. Still, I tomorrow at one torpedo, as you wish, and I will write ... just how would it be a ceiling to express? "For the future of Fedki," what? Do you understand? Or "in the name", or what? .. Ah, and so understandable! Just write: "So that Fedka was good" ... And let him be good ...

At the exit from the harbor, the tug put in place a barrier.

The boat has long been hidden behind the cliffs of Cape, with the mast at the Watchtop, the flag of "good," and we all stood on the shore and looked at the sea - sailors, men, fathers who have not seen their children for a long time.

One day, the hero of the Soviet Union Pavel Svistnev arrived at the base of the submarine, the one that helped us find and save Fedka, when he was lost in hills, hearing a German parachute.

The seaplane, known as "Catalina", sat down in the bay, exploded gray autumn water, swinging the wings, take turns touched by the surface of the sea with the left and right floats, similar to huge skates, arrived, then again rooted the engines and damped to the shore. The day was windy, a large wave walked in the bay.

Two boats rushed towards the seaplator, fascinated by his ends behind the wings and solemnly, as if under his hands, led a big car to the embankment. Then, under a flying boat, the cables were tightened, and the cables pulled out, and the hydrosapolt got out to the land. From him a drop. In the tail of the round dark green Tulov opened the hatch, there were big legs in warm shaggy untes, and Svistnev jumped into the ground. He was met by submariners and pilots, with a look forward to the arrival of Catalins. The hydrosapol should deliver spare parts for fighters.

Now they started discharge. Half an hour pulled out of a huge machine propellers, rounded planes, parts of motors, glossy steeringles, ailerons and drawers with inscriptions: "top" and "bottom", "handle with caution". Then the small fluffy legs appeared from the hatch under the tail, which could not get to the ground.

"The latter's phenomenon," Svistnev said, "the same and he.

At the same moment, a boy fell out of the hatch of the year eight, slender, sharply, faceless, in a huge pilot in the forehead.

"Fedka," Falkovsky exclaimed, "honestly, Fedka!" How do you like it?

Svistnev, extremely satisfied with the effect that his little passenger produced, cheerfully looked at us:

- Have you seen who delivered you?

"And I don't want to see," the star muttered and turned away gloomily.

Fedka rose from the ground, smashed dust from his knees, touched the sleeves of the jacket with endless stripes Minor, a communicator, an artilleryman, commandor, electrician, a battling, a signproof.

- Hello ... This is me.

"I see that you," Falkovsky said.

"They picked me up with me," Fydek continued, Mo Nnotow heads towards Svistnev. - I was asked, they took.

- Ah, Fedya, Fedya! - And Falkovsky, going aside, waved his hand.

- And you are also good! - quietly grunted the star, looking at Svistnev. - What is the cracker you're? We are a guy to learn defined, and you ...

"What is there to learn ... You're looking at himself, straightly shivered small, thrust over the sea." He has already run from the boarding school twice, barely found it. And then I flew away. Details took, spare parts. Well, I see, the boy suffers. I feel sorry for him, and you know here, everyone missed him, along the hell. Right?

- Well, well, we do not regret us, please. One regretted - and enough. Something hurt you storing!

Star gladly glanced at Fedku, turned sharply and walked to the exit from the base. Fydeka was confused at us: he should have not expect such a meeting. Falkovsky cleared and approached him.

- Oh, you, Great Fedor! - he said. - Oh you, King Fedor! And what should I do with you, it is dark and incomprehensible ... Well, go to Doss, and there will dismpay. There was no trouble, so bought a piglet.

We all missed Fedka very much. Often in the evenings in the cabin company, the commander recalled our pet: "How did Fyanka move our science? Tomorrow we go to the sea, I would need to put my hand to the torpedo ... "But now the unexpected return of Fedka all upset. We expected that Fedek would be honored with honor, as it should be, on vacation and submariners will boast his school successes, and he simply hesitated.

The next day, Fedka, as happened, appeared on the base, but he was detained at the entrance to the watch.

- Stop, where are you?

- at the progress. Do not see?

- See you clearly see, and you have a skip?

- Uncle, you know me! I am Fedka. I'm here with the progress ... You did not recognize? It is me.

The clock looked at Fedka, as if he saw him for the first time:

- I do not recognize something. Was here, however, we have one boy. Fedya called. Such a reference, discipline understood, for the service, the marine respect had. Yes, the boy was submitted to the teaching. Togo I know, so I miss, without a document. And you, who is shameful, - I see this for the first time on our subposition.

Stewed Fedka moved away from the gate of the base, was a little bit near the sea, boring, autumn, then returned to the watch.

- Uncle, you just miss me. Falkovsky knows me, and Star, all!

- There was no such order to let you.

Falkovsky came on Fedkino, Falkovsky came.

"Tell me - I'm with you," Fedka whispered to his beloved commander.

"Okay," said Falkovsky watch, "skip. With me.

And Fydek again found himself on the instrument of the courtyard. Everything here was as before. The redties were taken on Torpeda carts. But when Fedka approached one of the old habit of approached one of the shells, a high red robust man who usually loved to carry Fedku riding on the torpedo, he looked at him as soon as possible:

- Well, the hands of the appointment, do not rock torpedoes!

- I'm just sign.

- Without your receipt, the case will cost, "said the redflower. "You first learned how to write, otherwise you have letters on the karachets, people will laugh at your letters. What is it, they say, they have for illiterate on the subposition, "cow" write with a soft sign? You would first have become at school first, and then it would be painted. In the meantime, it is not ordered to admit you to this case. Here the war goes, a serious conversation ... And well, go, do not interfere with here! See, people are busy business. What did you get?

And a fat mechanic, at that moment the star climbed from the hatch of the cruising boat, spinningly in his grinding fist and shouted loudly, so they heard everyone who was based on:

- A, Deserter came! Himself, his person! Who was hesitated here?

The whole day was shouted without affairs Fedka on the basis of the submarine. Nobody spoke with him, no one suggested signature on the torpedo, which were sanging for boats, no one stopped him to ask how he lived in the boarding school, there in the Belomorsk city. He was not noticed. Only sometimes, when he quietly, with a hoping, who else who lived in it, approached the ladders, deployed from the pier on the submarine, he was heard someway:

- Hey, boy, get away from the edge. Do not jump here!

Raster, unfortunate wandered Fedka on the shore of the boost and looked into the windows of the cabin company. But there, Fat Kok, Milechin, usually, the ponchikov bald fed, said unwritten:

Fedka was waiting for everything: maybe at least an air alarm will and he will show again how nothing is afraid. And suddenly, on happiness, another parachutist will lose, and he will quit him again, and everyone again recognizes that Fedka hero. But the day was a gloomy, the wind ripped a foam with heavy waves, on a low, gloomy sky did not appear any aircraft. The bay was deserted: the destroyers went to guard a large caravan of ships. And in this severe autumn day, no one wanted to give one minute Fedke, and there was no fugitive place in the strict world, occupied by his military everyday affairs.

Finally, he saw that Falkovsky came from the headquarters. He rushed towards the commander:

- Isaac Arkadyevich, and what are they telling me that I am this ... how is it ... Deserter?

- And who are you still? - calmly answered Falkovsky. - Of course, deserter.

- Is it like a deserter?

- And very simple. Deserter is who Drape gives from the front, throws his comrades, is afraid, looking for a place, where it is easy. So it says: coward and deserter. Exactly.

- So, then, on the contrary! He himself came to war. Here and bombing can, but I am not afraid of anything. What they say - "Deserter, Deserter" ...

- As you like, he still argues! What is your business - here to be either in class? I'm asking you. In the class of your business to sit! You sent you a northern fleet, and you lean, you ran away. Here you are our correct deserter and name. Say, no? Not right? And this you, please, do not flood - the front here or not the front. We are here on the front, and you threw your watch there.

- I'm bored there. I can't do without you. I already get used to it. I ... Oh and missed ... I am at all ... - and Fedka cry.

No one ever seen Fedka crying. And then he stumbled. Falkovsky for a long time and thoroughly cleared, straightened the cap, looked around Fydy, then she grabbed his head with his head and pressed him to his side.

- Kha, um, um ... well, rather root, listen! To roar here is completely nothing. Missed?! I think, did not miss? And I, maybe, also in the Urals, the Sine seems to you ... A strange thing, of course, missed. And when I'm in the sea, you think, is not boring for me sometimes? And tolerate. I won't be ashore. Well, enough for you, enough for you! Well, who says! ..

- I ... I'm not a deserter ... I wanted ... to you only ...

- It is impossible, Fedya, dear, you need to learn. And in general, please do not upset me ... Ah, Fedya, Fedya! ..

Storied star.

- Well, have agreed? - he asked.

- Clearly, agreed! Who said that Fedka Deserter? Language will be through the one who says it! He simply missed a little bit and accidentally hit the plane, and Svistnev was inadvertently captured, and now he was inadvertently called.

- That's good! - I was trying stars. "And so that he inadvertently did not do anything, we will send it tonight today." Right?

"Right," Fedka responded quietly.

- Are you inadvertently saying?

- No, on hunting.

- that's something. And write a letter to the School Director: So, they say, and so, inadvertently captured the boy ... Walking, Fedor?

- Oh, you, Fedya, took the bear, and back will not break out! - said good-natured stars.

At dawn, we again conducted Fedka. This time he lealed without any solemn wires. We brought it to the boat to the hydroslen. A little embarrassed, Svistnev picked up Fedka in his arms and dragged into the car. And here, without looking at each other, Falkovsky and Stars began to unnoticate Fedka in his hands and serve tin cans, cookies, chocolate tiles in his pockets.

- Inadvertently captured, Falkovsky said guilty.

"Yes, and I also turned out to be accidentally," the star grinned.

Boat our departed to the side. The motors were rooted on Catalyna, and a huge plane, swinging, touching the crumbs of the morning water floats - left, right, left, right, as a skater, ruined around the mirror surface of the bay and gently went to the sky.

So that is all. So we sent again Fedku to science and ourselves, the order of sadness, returned to the base.

After two months I received a letter from Falkovsky in Murmansk. That's what he wrote to me about Fedya:

"I want to tell you a pleasant news about our Fedka. Svistnev flew today and brought Fedkino letter. You see, he now already knows so many letters that can write entire letters. Fedka did not give up, did not dare our attendant. He began to study on "excellent" and asks for him to bring to us in winter on vacation. Be sure to bring. And make a Christmas tree to him. And today I'm leaving hike. And on the two feed torps you know what I wrote? "In Russian -" Good ", on arithmetic -" excellent. " This is Fedkins marks. With such marks do not miss. "

Lion Cassil "Barabasik"

Everyone was assembly. There was only a drum.

"The drum will not be: he is in the hospital," Lieutenant Velikhov said. - I soldered something our drum. Doctor says inflammation.

- Zha-al, - Someone said in the dark, and I learned a thick long bass Okishva. - Boring without Yasha will be. And he himself will suffer if he finds out.

"Of course, very boring without Yasha," Vano, Georgian responded with sad patter.

Scouts of the fisherman Peninsula - the northernmost point of the front - went to the night at night on the shore occupied by the Germans. A small fishing bot of the famous North Sea paratrooper - Petra Velichov's intelligence officer was ready for sailing. Scouts counted, using a dark polar night, attack the garrison, blow the warehouse, destroy the firing points of the enemy, capture the "languages". Velikov with a dozen of their paratroopers had ever walked into such cases.

A small scout ship has gained great fame from the defenders of the fishing peninsula, cut off by the Germans from the Big Earth. He was called "Botik Peter Velikov" and added that the boots of our Peter Velikov, however, not grandfather of the Russian fleet, but, undoubtedly, his granddaughter ...

Velikhov took his place in tiny cutting. From the sea blew piercing wind. And from the very north pole before us was nothing at the wind on the way ... The Night Desert of the Arctic concerned us with his black ice edge.

It sounded quiet, in a low voice, team. Almost silently earned the included diesel engine - exhausts were allocated under water. Fucking a deck under his feet - we fell off. But at that instant, some small person, barely visible in the dark, jumped from the coastal gloom.

- Barabasik! Yasha! - the intelligence officers joyfully learned, surrounding the unexpected passenger in the dark. - Where are you from? From the sky, what, jumped?

- Why from the sky? Did you think that the drum was already in heaven? Leave your jokes! I'm already healthy. Such a product is not locked. The doctor discharged me very much ... Comrade Lieutenant, allow me to report ... - He stretched out before Velikov, putting his hand to the pilot. - Returning on cure, the material part is in order, the mood is cheerful. He arrived with a delay, but, as we said in Melitopol, it is better late, but "yes" than early, but "no".

"Wait," the lieutenant interrupted, "and you are not early with bed jumped up?" After all, you, the doctor spoke ...

- Pretty "early", Comrade Lieutenant! What was me - wait, when you already without me before the cape you come down?

"Well, okay, okay," said Velikov, "a lot chat." Let Okyshis introduce you to the task.

Bulky, wide, like a bear, Okishev and a small drum, sowing on the nose at an anti-aircraft machine gun, spoke to each other.

The moon came up over the sea, filling the space with a deaf lead glitter, and I looked at a pale rolling, completely still a boat face of a drum, shifted on the ear of the pilot and feverishly burning eyes. Barabasik, hiding from the cold, looked straight to the moon with disapproval.

- What you say, the ball came out again at full capacity! Asked us to shine on us on this night? Fritz will see us as in good movie ...

A big wave hit the board and hung us from the head to the head of ice splashes. All jumped up, turning away from cold water slaps.

"But, but," the drumsik shried on the wave, without touching the place, "is it caustably?" Immediately the audience.

- Oh, the crank is this yashka, it does not take it! - They said, laughing quietly in the dark, scouts, and everyone knocked closer to the jokes.

And the Barabasik was already purring quietly, about himself, some song: "On the steamer I sailed in Odessa by the sea once ... The weather was wonderful, suddenly the storm rose ..."

- Stop singing! - Negricko ordered Velikov. - Disposher talk. Comrade Barabasik, pretty you to train, observe silence.

But the Barabasik still managed to tell me a whisper, while we went to the enemy shore that his mother and younger brother were shot in Crimea and Fritz would remember him, Jacob Babasika. He has already walked to the Germans to the Germans for thirteen, and he still doesn't make it anyone else! His big eyes shine gloomily at the same time, and he felt the sailor knife hanging on the belt.

We approached the enemy caitation.

- Imagine how much fish has stuffed here! - whispered Barabasik.

- Why stuffed, yasha? - Vano asked, already anticipating sharpness.

- Why stuffed? But because there are already many Fritz to fish for snack sent. So here every fish is already unfarshed in advance by Fritz.

But here everyone froze in a carefully overspending silence. Our boots dived into blue darkness shadow, which was discarded the rocks of the cape. The engine earned even quieter. We came up. Velikhov sign ordered to prepare for landing.

Passed a minute. Other. Bot stopped at all. On the rocks were silently descended by gentle, and then I saw that Jacob Barabasik jerked the gate on the chest: under the jacket turned out to be a striped fuffy driver - the sea shower sailor.

- Well, - the Barabasik pronounced almost a bitched whisper, and well, guys ... how we sang in the twentieth year: "There is no dad, there is neither mom ... thirty, forty and four ... Sevastopol, Simferopol, Crimea, Odessa, Melitopol ... "Give the go!

And, barely waiting for the team, with a bubut knife in one hand, with a grenade to another, bypassing gentle, he jumped from the side of the shore in the black, burning frost.

At first everything was quiet. The Germans did not notice us. Velikhov chose a good moment for disembarking, waiting when the moon went to the cloud. The drum in the dark got along with five comrades to the bludge, jumped back on the sentry, it snapped his mouth, hit the knife and, having survived through the fallen, burst into the first inside the dump truck. There, in the dugout, there was a silent and cruel fight. The Germans did not have time to even shut down from sleep. Five of them were instantly killed. Troy with crushed mouths drove to the bot. But in the next dugout woke up. Soldiers ran in one lingerie, shot in all directions from automata, falling behind the stones. Anxiety rockets melted. From somewhere because of the rocks hit us mortars. In the water, near the side, squeal and leap, boiling foam poles shot down. It was necessary to leave.

Four powerful explosions rumbled on the shore. The bugger boards penetrated the night. Stones sat down with noise. This scouts grenades have undermined the warehouse of ammunition, rushed mines under the coastal guns.

The case was done. Shot, the scouts hurried to the bot on which the engine was already running. Two of our wounded brought comrades on their hands. "Languages" laid in the trum. Now everyone was on board. It was possible to leave. But again there was no drum.

Okishev, Vano and another intelligence officer, the bubbacik and his harmful character, because of which everything is forever, all over the concern, rushed to search for the missing.

Mining mines blind and stunned us. Shards in two places sneak into the cut of our ship.

Suddenly Velikov shouted:

- Here he is hello!

And under the light of the moon, we saw a little barbash figure. He led the huge dilapidated Ober-Lieutenant. Barabasik customized him from behind, a twitch knife with a knife to the lower back:

- Well, go more fun, do not play on my nerves, do not act for me!

When we were already far away in the sea and the moon, the hidden was for the pitched clouds, again dissolved in their greenish glow of the darkness of the polar night, I noticed that the chest and the face of the drum was flooded with blood.

- Are you injured?

- A, pure trifle! He shouted. - It is the biggest part of even my blood. This is me there in the dugout ... I wore ...

Suddenly he fell silent, shocking, and quickly sat down on the deck. I leaned toward him. I was leaving the hot heat that came from him. He was completely sick, our drum!

The first to whom we saw on your shore was an indigeting doctor. He thrown on us and on the drum, which he himself could no longer stand on his legs from weakness. And we learned that the Barabasik simply drew from the hospital, having heard that the scouts gathered without him.

The next morning, together with Velkhov, Okishev and Vano, we went to the hospital to visit the Barabasik. I wanted to learn from the seafarers-scouts some details about the drum.

"He is our Caucasian," Vano told me convinced. - From the Black Sea.

- Who gave it to you for registration, "Okishev objected, - when he is from our edges! Though, maybe not natural, and on construction worked with us, in Siberia.

"We'll figure it out there, who and where, when after the war, we'll go home, we will take listers for travel," Lieutenant Velikhov said. - Write, in general: the hero guy, the birth of a thousand nine hundred and twentieth year, originally from our, Komsomol tribe, Northworthy title ...

When in the big hall of the headquarters of the front of the commander, looking at
The list of awarded, called the next surname, in one of the rear ranks
A low person rose. The skin on his exacerbated cheekbones was
yellowish and transparent, which is usually observed in people long
We have broken in bed. Flipping on the left foot, he walked to the table.
The commander made a short step towards him, handed the order, tight
shown awarded his hand, congratulated and stretched out the Order of the Box.
Awarded, straightening, carefully accepted the Order and the box. He
Thoughtfully thanked, it turned out clearly, as in the ranks, although he interfered
Wounded leg. A second he stood in indecision, looking at that
Order, lying on his palm, then on the comrades for glory gathered
here. Then she straightened again.
- Allow me to contact?
- You are welcome.
- Comrade Commander ... And here you are, comrades, - spoke unrivant
awarded voice, and everyone felt that a person is very
Excited .- Dosvolt say the word. Here at this moment of my life,
When I took the great award, I want to express you about who should
would stand here, next to me who, maybe, more than this great me
The award deserved and my young life did not spare for our military
He handed her hand to sitting in the hall, whose palm blew
Golden rim of the Order, and covered with a hall with leisure eyes.
- Dzvwolt to me, comrades, fulfill your duty before the one here
No now with me.
"Speak," said the commander.
- Please! - responded in the hall.
And then he told.

You, probably heard, comrades, - he began, - what we have
A position was created in the area of \u200b\u200bR. then we had to move away, and our part
covered waste. And here the Germans cut off their own. Wherever you come out
Everywhere we run on fire. They beat our Germans from mortars, looming dumps,
where we were hidden from the leads, and the edge is sworn with automatons. Time
expired, by the clock it turns out that our already fixed in a new turn, forces
enemies we pulled themselves enough, it's time to home, time on
The connection is delayed. And it is impossible to get through, we can not. And here
There is no opportunity longer. Grumbled us German, lit in
the forest, hurt that our handful here is just left, and takes
We are your ticks for the throat. The withdrawal is clear - it is necessary to break through the neighbor
And where is he - this area? Where to choose? And commander
Our, Lieutenant Butorin Andrei Petrovich, says: "without intelligence
Preliminary here will not work. It is necessary to suck me, where
They have a shoe. If we find - permanent. "I, it means immediately
volunteered. "Dresvolt, I say, try to try, comrade lieutenant?"
He looked at me carefully. There is no longer in the order of the story, but
say, from the side, must explain that we and Andrey from one village -
Koresh. How many times went fishing on the Iset! Then both together on
Copelville worked in Revda. In short, friends-comrades.
He looked at me carefully, frowned. "Good, says comrade
Zadokhtin, go. A task is clear to you? "
He brought me to the road, looked around, grabbed his hand. "Well, Kolya, says
Let's say you with you just in case. The case you understand
deadly. But once it was caused, then I do not dare to refuse you. Wear, Kolya ...
We will not extend more than two hours here. Losses are too big ... "-
"Okay, I say, Andrei, we are not the first time in such a turn
Hand. Awerly wait for me. I look at what it is necessary. Well, and if
I do not return, bow to our, in the Urals ... "
And here I am, I bury behind the trees. I tried one way -
No, not to get through: the Germans are densely in the same section. Pass B.
Reverse side. There on the edge of the lashiness ravine was, Buurak is so pretty
Deep washed. And on the side of Buaerac - shrub, and behind him
Road, open field. I went down to the ravine, I decided to get to bushes
And through them to see what the field is done. I became climbing
Clay upstairs, suddenly notice, over my head two bare heels
stick out. I looked at, I see: the feet are small, the dirt dirt on the soles
and falls off like plaster, fingers are also dirty, scratched, and
Mizinchik on his left leg with a blue cloth is bandaged - it can be seen, suffered
somewhere ... long I looked at these heels, on my fingers who were restless
She moved over my head. And suddenly, I do not know why, I pulled me
Shoot these heels ... I can't even explain. But itches and
it is waved ... I took a barbed epics and I conquered it gently one of
heels. Once disappeared both legs in the bushes, and on the place where they stick out of
The branches of the heel, the head appeared. Funny such eyes frightened,
Borrowless, shaggy hair, burnt, and the nose is all in freckles.
- What are you here? - I say.
"I," says, looking for a cow. You have not seen uncle? Marishka is called. Herself
White, and on bokeh black. One horn down sticks down, and the other is not at all ...
Only you, uncle, do not believe ... That's all I lie ... I trial so. Uncle,-
Says - Did you fight off from ours?
- And who are yours? - I ask.
- Clear, who is the Red Army ... Only our yesterday went to the river. And you,
Uncle, why is there? The Germans bind you.
- Well, come here, - I say. - Tell me what's here in your locality
The head disappeared, the leg appeared again, and to me on the clay slope on
the bottom of the ravine, like on a sled, heels ahead, came the boy's year
"Uncle," he whispered, "you are more from here, let's go somewhere." Here
Germans. They have four guns in that forest, and there is a side
They are installed. There is no move across the road.
"And from where," I say, "do you know all this?"
"How," says, "where?" Various, what, in the morning I observe?
- What are you watching?
- It is useful in life, little that ...
I began to ask him, and Malts told me about the entire situation.
I found out that the ravine goes far and on the bottom it will be possible
Take out our fire zone.
The boy volunteered to spend us. Only we began to get out of the ravine
ha, in the forest, as suddenly witrated in the air, overwhelmed and rang out such a crack
As if around half of the trees at once on thousands of dry chips split.
This German mine landed right in the ravine and rushed near us. Dark
I became in my eyes. Then I released my head from under the fat
Me land, looked around: where, I think my little comrade? I see slow
Right up he is his cocktail head from the earth, starts to choose
Finger clay from ears, from mouth, from the nose.
- That gave it so! - Says. - Has us, uncle, with you, how
rich ... oh, uncle, "says," wait! Yes, you wounded.
I wanted to rise, and I don't know the feet. And I see - from a broken boot
Blood floats. And the boy suddenly listened, scrupped to the bushes,
Look out on the road, rolled down again and whispers:
"Uncle," says, "the Germans go here." Officer ahead. Honestly!
Let's rather from here. Oh, you, as you strongly ...
I tried to move, and to my feet as if ten pounds to each
Tied. Do not get out of me from ravine. Pulls me down, back ...
- Eh, uncle, uncle, "says my friend and he himself almost cries," well,
Then learn here, uncle, so that you do not hear, do not see. And I am now
I will answer your eyes, and then I'll be back, after ...
He turned pale so that the freckles became even more, and the eyes of the
shine. "What did he conceive it?" - I think. I wanted to keep it,
Grabbed the heel, yes where there! Only flashed over my head
legs with broken chumhams fingers - a blue rag on the little girl,
As I see ... I'm lying and listening. Suddenly hear: "Stop! .. Stand!
Do not go further! "
Dripped over my head heavy boots, I heard like a German
- What are you doing here?
- I, Uncle, I am looking for a cow, - came to me the voice of my friend, -
good such cow, white itself, and on bokeh black, one horn down
sticks out, and there is no other at all. Marishka is called. You did not see?
- What is such a cow? You, I see you want to chat me nonsense. Idi
This is close. What are you lipped here for a very long time, I saw you how you
"Uncle, I'm looking for a cow," began to cry at my boy again.
And suddenly on the road, his light bare heels were stuck clearly.
- Stand! Where are you bold? Back! I will shoot! - shouted the German.
Heavy wrought-iron boots have burned over my head. Then he was heard
shot. I understood: my friendly friend rushed to run away from
Rasp to distract the Germans from me. I listened to choking. Again
hit the shot. And I heard a distant, weak shout. Then it became very
quietly ... I fought fucked. I teeth gnawing land so that not
scream, I pierced with all the breasts, so as not to give them
Crashes for weapons and do not hit the fascists. But it was impossible for me
detect yourself. You need to perform the task to the end. Perished without me
our. Will not get out.
Based on the elbow, clinging for the branches, I crawled ... after nothing
I remember. I remember only - when I opened my eyes, I saw at all close
Face Andrei ...
Well, so we got out through that ravine from the forest.

He stopped, stayed and slowly lied through the entire hall.
- Here, comrades, to whom I have my life, who is our part to rescue
From the misfortune helped. It is clear, to stand him here, this table. Yes, not
It turned out ... And I have one more request to you ... Almost, comrades,
Memory friend of my missive - Hero nameless ... Even and how
call him, did not have time to ask ...
And in the Big Hall, pilots, tankers, sailors, generals,
Guardsmen are people of glorious fighting, heroes of cruel battles, rose to
to honor the memory of the little, nobody an unknown hero, whose name is nobody
did not know. Silently stood dreamed people in the hall, and everyone had seen every way
in front of him a kudlata boy, spring and hopping, with blue
Caurned cloth on barefoot ...


This is one of the very first works of Soviet literature,
imprinted the feat of the young hero of the Great Patriotic War, who gave
Your life to save the lives of other people. This story is written on
The basis of the present event, which was stated in the letter sent to
Radioomitics. Lev Cassie worked then on the radio and, after reading this letter,
immediately wrote a story, who was soon transmitted on the radio and entered
Collection of the story of the writer "There are such people", published in Moscow in
Publishing "Soviet writer" in 1943, as well as a collection
"Ordinary guys" and others. On the radio, it was transmitted repeatedly.
1. Koreani - in some areas so called friends, countrymen, then
There are people of one "root".


Memory Sergeant Novikova
Only a few brief information lines were printed in newspapers.
about it. I will not repeat them to you, because everyone who reads it
Message, remembered it forever. We are unknown details, we are not
We know how the man who committed this feat lived. We only know how
His life ended. Comrade him in the feverish rush of the fight once
It was recorded all the circumstances of the day. Will come another time when
The hero is reeling in ballads, inspired pages will guard
Immortality and glory of this act. But each of us read
a short, miser message about man and his feat, wanted now
same, not postponing for a minute, without waiting, imagine how
All this happened ... Let me correct later those who participated in
this battle maybe I don't quite exactly imagine the situation or
passed past some details, and I added something from myself, but I will tell
about everything as I saw the act of this person my imagination
An agitated five-hundred-newspaper note.
I saw a spacious snow plain, white hills and rare transfer,
Through who, rustle about brittle stems, messed frosty wind. I
heard the adsatory and hoarse voice of the staff telephonist, which,
fiercely spinning the knob of the switch and pressing the buttons, vainly caused
The part that occupied the remote line. The enemy surrounded this part. It was necessary to
urgently contact her, report on the workshop started
enemy, transfer the order from the command item about the lesson of another
Rover, otherwise - death ... It was impossible to get there there. On the
space that separated the command point from the left far forward
parts, drifts burst, as if huge white bubbles, and the whole plain
foaming how to foam and boils the reckless surface of the boiled surface
German mortars beat across the plain, taking snow together with whom
Earth. Last night, the cable was laid through this mortal zone.
Command post, watching the development of the battle, glory on this provision indication,
Orders and received response messages about how the operation goes. But here
Now, when it was necessary to immediately change the situation and take
The front part to another frontier, the connection suddenly stopped. In vain
Begg over his apparatus, falling the mouth to the tube, telephonist:
- Twelfth! .. Twelfth! .. F-Fu ... - He blew in the tube. - Arina!
Arina! .. I am forty! .. Answer ... Reply! .. Twelve eight fraction
Three! .. Petya! Petya! .. Do you hear me? Give a review, Petya! .. Twelfth! I
- Forty! .. I am forty! Arina, do you hear us? Arina!..
There was no connection.
"Crash," the telephonist said.
And then the person who only yesterday under the fire is propolved all
Plain, burying behind the snowdrifts, overwhelming through the hills, burning into the snow
and dragging a telephone cable, a person who we read later
In the newspaper note, rose, smeared a white robe, took a rifle, bag
With tools and said very simple:
- I went. Open. Clear. Allow?
I do not know what the comrades spoke to him, what words he was informed
commander. Everyone understood what a person went to
Damned zone ...
The wire was walking through the scattered Christmas trees and rare bushes. Blizzard Relica B.
Osok over frozen swamp. Man plenty. Germans must be soon
noticed him. Small vortices from machine-gun queues, smoking,
They danced the dance around. Snow tensions gaps chose to
Self-in-law, such as Cosmaya Ghosts, and, leaning over it, melted in the air.
He was joined by snow rush. Hot fragments mines dismissed
over the head itself, stimple hair, climbed from under the hood, and,
spike, melted the snow very close ...
He did not hear the pain, but felt it should be a terrible numbness in
right side and looking back, saw that behind him in the snow stretches pink
track. He did not look back. Meters through three hundred he groped among
Feeded garbage clicks of the Kolyuchny end of the wire. Here
Interrupted line. Closely fallen mine broke the wire and far away
Digured the other end of the cable. Bouncing this whole shot
mortars. But it was necessary to find the other end of the torn wire,
Split to him, quickly smuggled the open line.
Gorked and overlooked quite close. Stopad pain collapsed on
A man pressed him to the ground. Man smoothed out, got out of
Come-tested on him, led his shoulders. But the pain was not shake, she
continued to press a person to the ground. Man felt on him
Falling suffocating gravity. He crawled a little and probably him
It seemed that where he lay a minute ago, on impregnated blood
in the snow, everything left in him alive, and he moves separately
From myself. But as an obsessed, he climbed further along the hillside.
He remembered only one thing - it is necessary to find silent somewhere in the bushes,
The end of the wire, you need to get to it, cling to it, tighten, tie. AND
He found a broken wire. The man fell twice before he could
lift. Something again, Zaguchie stunned him on his chest, he fell, but
Again, I highled and grabbed the wire. And then he saw that the Germans
approach. He could not shoot: his hands were busy ... he became
Pull the wire on yourself by connecting back, but the cable is confused in the bushes.
Then the connection was tightened to pull the other end. Breathe him became all
harder and harder. He was in a hurry. Fingers of his nickered ...
And now he is awkward, sideways on the snow and keeps in the stretched,
The bone hands of the end of the torn line. He is strengthened to bring his hands
Move the ends of the wire together. He strains muscles to convulsion. Mortal
His offense to him. She is pretty pain and stronger fear ... just a few
Santimeters are now divided by the ends of the wire. From here to the front edge
Defense, where sliced \u200b\u200bcomrades are expected, the wire goes ... and
Back, to the command item, he stretches. And darken to hoarse
telephonsty ... and the saving words of help can not break through these
Several centimeters of the damned cliff! Really not enough life, not
Will there be time to connect the ends of the wire? Man in longing gnawing snow
teeth. He is strengthened to get up, leaning on elbows. Then he pursues his teeth
one end of the cable and in an aggregate effort, intercepting both hands
Another wire, pushes it to the mouth. Now not enough no more
centimeter. The man does not see anything. Sparkled darkness burns him
eyes. He is the last jerk pulls the wire and has time to bite it, to
Pain, to the crunch of squeezing jaws. He feels a familiar salty
Taste and easy tingling of the language. There is a current! And, navigating a rifle
Died, but now with free hands, he falls face in the snow,
Furiously, all the remnant of their own strength of her teeth. If not
Dismiss ... Germans, Osmeleev, with a scream raided it. But again
Cast draft residues of life sufficient to lift in
The last time and release all the hill in closely slugging ... and
There, on the command paragraph, the telephonist screams into the tube:
- Yes Yes! I hear! Arina? I am forty! Petya, dear! Take: Number
Eight on the twelfth.
... a person did not return back. Dead, he remained in the ranks
lines. He continued to be a conductor for living. Forever numb his mouth.
But, breaking through the weak current through his teeth's sickled, from the end to the end
The battlefields rushed words from which the life of hundreds of people and
The result of the battle. Already twisted from the life itself, he was still included in
Her chain. Death froze his heart, cut blooded blood in the glands
vessels. But the fierce death will triumphant
Communication of people with whom he stayed faithful and dead.
When at the end of the fight the advanced part, having received the necessary instructions, hit
Germans in the flank and left around the environment, the context, winding cable,
I came across a person who was seen by gym. He lay a prick
Bowing a face in the snow. In his hand it was a rifle, and the stuffed finger
froze on the descent. The cloud was empty. And nearby in the snow found four
Killed Germans. He was lifted, and behind him, plowing the whiteness of a snowdrift,
Draked the wire boning them. Then I understood how it was restored
Line of communication during the battle ...
So tightly the teeth, closing the ends of the cable, which had had
Crop the wire in the corners of the oxid mouth. Otherwise it was not to free
A person who has been resistant to serve the service. And all around
silent, gritting her teeth from pain, peating his heart, as they know how to be silent in
Mount Russian people, how are they silent, if you fall, exhausted from the Russian Academy of Sciences, in
paws "Degtees", - our people who have no flour, no
torture do not dismiss the arted teeth, do not snatch a word, no moan
For refrigerated wire.


The story was written at the beginning of the war and is dedicated to the memory of Sergeant Novikova, about
The feat of which was stated in one of the front-line messages of that time.
Then the story was transferred by radio and printed in the collection of stories
Lion Cassil, published in 1942 in the library of the magazine "Spark".
The collection was called - "communication line".

    Green twig

S. L. S.
On the Western Front, I had to live in the dugout for a while
Tarasnikov's intedantant technique. He worked in the operational part of the headquarters
Guards Brigade. Immediately, in the dugout, his office placed.
The three-year lamp light covered a low log house. Smelled fresh tone, earthy
Dampness and sorrow. Tarasnikov himself, low, painful species
Young man with funny red bezens and yellow, cried mouth,
I met me politely, but not too friendly.
- Get it here, "he said to me, pointing to Topchak and immediately
Again leaning over your papers. - Now you will be satisfied with the tent.
I hope my office does not stop you? Well, you, count, also especially
You will not interfere with us. Consistent so. Sit down yet.
And I began to live in the underground office of Tarasnikov.
It was very restless, unusually meticulous and picky
hard worker All days he inscribed and stuck packets, made them
Surgome, warmed over the lamp, sent some reports, took
paper, crossed the cards, pounded with one finger on a rusted
Machine, carefully knocking each letter. In the evenings, he was tormented by the attacks
fever, he swallow acryochin, but to go to the hospital categorically
- What are you, what are you! Where will I leave? Yes, everything will be all right without me!
Everything is on me and keeps. For the day I will leave - so then the year do not be shaken
Here ...
Late at night, returning from the front edge of the defense, falling asleep on her
Topchak, I still saw the tired and pale face of Tarasnikov,
Lighted with fire lamp, delicately, for me, low, and bitten
tobacco fog. From the clay tub, folded in the corner, walked hot
Chad. Tarasnikov's tired eyes got drunk, but he continued to inscribe and
Put packages. Then he called a connected who was waiting for
cloak-tent hanged at the entrance to our dugout, and I heard the next
- Which of the fifth battalion? - asked Tarasnikov.
"I'm from the fifth battalion," answered connected.
- Take a package ... Here. Take him in hand. So. See, written
Here: "URGENTLY". Consequently, deliver immediately. Person personally
Commander. Clear? There will be no commander - give the commissioner. Commissioner
Will not - Lay. No one else to transmit anyone. Clear? Repeat.
- deliver the package urgently, - as in the lesson, one-time repeated connected.
Personally, the commander, if not - the commissioner, if not - find it.
- Right. What is the package?
- Yes, it's usually ... here, in your pocket.
- Show your pocket. - And Tarakhnikov approached a high connected,
Gained on the tiptoe, I squammed my hand under the cloak, for the sinus
Shinels, and checked, there is no rush in his pocket.
- So, in order. Now consider: Package secret. Consequently, if
Any opponent, what will you do?
- What are you, comrade technician-intennant, why I will come across!
- there is no need to come across, quite right, but I ask you: what
Will you do if you get?
- Yes, I will never get sideways ...
- And I ask you if? So, listen. If that, danger
What, so eat content, without reading. Envelope break and quit.
Clear? Repeat.
- In case of danger, the envelope break and quit, and what is the survey -
- Right. How much time hand the package?
- Yes, the minutes of forty and go all.
- More precisely, I ask.
- yes, so, comrade technician-intennant, I think no more than fifty
Mom to go.
- More precisely.
- Yes, in an hour, I'll certainly give it.
- So. Note the time. - Taraknikov clicked with huge conductor
Clock. - Now twenty three fifty. It means they are obliged to hand not
Later zero fifty minutes. Clear? You can go.
And this dialogue was repeated with each messenger, with each connected.
Having finished with all the packages, Tarasnikov was laid. But in a dream he
continued to teach connected, offended by someone, and often I walked me at night
His loud dryish, ripped voice:
- How are you standing? Where did you come? This is not a hairdresser, but the office
Staff! - He clearly spoke in a dream.
"Why didn't you talk?" Exit and enter again. It's time
learn about. So. Wait. See, man eats? You can wait
You have no urgent package. Give a person to eat ... lay down ... Time
Departure ... You can go. You are free...
I braked it, trying to wake up. He jumped, looked at me a little
a meaningful look and, again, hurt on the bed, covered with a chinel,
Instantly immersed in their staff dreams. And again was accepted quickly
All this was not very nice. And I already thought about me
move to another dugout. But once in the evening, when I returned to
our halapka, thoroughly glowing under the rain, and squatted before
the stove to melt it, the Tarasnikov got up because of the table and went to
to me.
- Here, it means it turns out, - he said somewhat guilty. - I,
You see, I decided to temporarily not drown the stoves. Let's five days
refrained. And then, you know, the stove of the avgar gives, and this apparently reflects on
Her growth ... does not affect it.
I, not understanding anything, looked at Tarasnikov:
- Whose growth? On the growth of the stove?
- With what is the stove? - offended by Tarasnikov. - I, in my opinion,
I express enough clearly. This most chad, it can be seen, does not act badly ...
She stopped at all.
- Who has stopped growing?
- And you still have not paid attention to? - staring at me
With indignation, shouted Tarabriknikov .- And what is it? Do not see? - and he with
sudden tenderness looked at our low log ceiling
I raised, raised the lamp and saw that the thick round knap in the ceiling


L.A. Cassil

Story about missing

When in the Big Hall of the headquarters of the front, the commander's adjutant, looking at the list of awarded, called the next surname, a low person rose in one of the rear rows. The skin on his exacerbated cheekbones was yellowish and transparent, which is usually observed in people who have broken in bed for a long time. Flipping on the left foot, he walked to the table.

The commander made a short step towards him, handed the Order, firmly shook his hand, congratulated and extended the Order Box.

Awarded, straightening, carefully accepted the Order and the box. He overthily thanked, clearly turned around, as in the ranks, although he interfered with a wounded leg. In a second, he stood in indecision, looking at the Order, lying on his palm, he was on the comrades in glory gathered here. Then she straightened again.

Allow me to contact?

You are welcome.

Comrade Commander ... And here you are, comrades, - spoke to the intermittent voice awarded, and everyone felt that a person was very excited .- Dosvolt say the word. At this moment of my life when I accepted the great award, I want to express you about who would have to stand here, next to me, who, maybe, more than this great award earned me and did not spare for our military Victory.

He stretched out to the hand sitting in the hall, whose palm cleaned the golden rim of the Order, and lifted the hall with plentyful eyes.

Dresvalt me, comrades, fulfill your duty before who is not here with me now.

Speak, "said the commander.

We ask! - responded in the hall.

And then he told.

You probably heard, comrades, - he began, - what a position was created in the area of \u200b\u200bR. then we had to move away, and our part covered the waste. And here the Germans cut off their own. Wherever you come out, we run on fire everywhere. The Germans beat us from mortars on us, looming dumps, where we were hidden from the Gaubitz, and the edge is combed with automata. The time has expired, by the clock it turns out that our already fixed in a new frontier, the enemy forces, we pulled themselves enough, it would be time to home, time to delay. And it is impossible to get through, we can not. And here to stay longer there is no possibility. Rassed us German, it snapped into the forest, hurt that our handful of just left, and takes us with his ticks for the throat. The withdrawal is clear - it is necessary to break through the way.

And where is he - this area? Where to choose? And our commander, Lieutenant Butorin Andrei Petrovich, says: "Without intelligence, the preliminary will not succeed here. It is necessary to suck me, well, where they have a shoe. If we find - permanent." I, it means immediately voluminous. "Dresvolt, I say, try to try, comrade lieutenant?"

He looked at me carefully. There is no longer in the order of the story, but so to speak, on the side, must explain that Andrei from one village - Koresh. How many times went fishing on the Iset! Then both together on a copper worked in Revda. In short, friends-comrades.

He looked at me carefully, frowned. "Well, says Comrade Zadokhtin, go. Go to the task Clear?"

He brought me to the road, looked around, grabbed his hand. "Well, Kolya, says, let's tell you with you just in case. The case, you understand, deadly. But once it was called, then I do not dare to refuse you. Stray, Kolya ...

We will not extend more than two hours here. Losses are too big ... "-

"Okay, I say, Andrei, we are not the first time in such turnover. Inhers, wait for me. I look there, what is needed. Well, if I don't come back, bow to our, in the Urals ..."

And here I am, I bury behind the trees. I tried in one direction - no, it does not break: the Germans are dense fire along the same site. Fresh in the opposite direction. There was a ram in the edge of the ravine ravine, Buurak is so pretty deeply washed. And on the side of Buaerac - shrub, and behind him - the road, the field is open. I descended to the ravine, I decided to get to the bushes and through them to see what the field was done. I began to scramble in clay upstairs, suddenly notice, over my head, two bare heels stick out. I looked at, I see: the feet are small, dirt dirt on the soles and falls off the plaster, the fingers are also dirty, scratched, and the little girl on the left leg is a blue cloth - it can be seen, I suffered somewhere ... I looked at these heels for my fingers. who worked uneasily over my head. And suddenly, I do not know why, I pulled these heels to seam metex ... I can't even explain to you. But itches and

wakes up ... I took a barbed epics and I conquered it gently one of the heels. After once, both legs were disappeared in the bushes, and on the place where the heel branches were sticking out, a head appeared. Funny such, the eyes are frightened, barless, shaggy hair, burnt, and the nose is all in freckles.

What are you here? - I say.

I, - Says, - I am looking for a cow. You have not seen uncle? Marishka is called. White itself, and on bokeh black. One horn down sticks down, and the other is not at all ...

Only you, uncle, do not believe ... That's all I lie ... I trial so. Uncle, "says," Did you fight off?

And who are yours? - I ask.

It is clear who is the Red Army ... Only our yesterday went to the river. And you, uncle, why are there? The Germans bind you.

Well, come here, - I say. - Tell me what is done here in your area.

The head disappeared, a leg appeared again, and to me on the clay slope to the bottom of the ravine, like on a sled, heels ahead, came the boy for years of thirteen.

And where, - I say, - do you know all this?

As, - says, - From where? Various, what, in the morning I observe?

What are you watching?

It is useful in life, little that ...

I began to ask him, and Malts told me about the entire situation. I found out that the ravine goes far and on the bottom it will be possible to bring out of our fire zone.

The boy volunteered to spend us. Only we began to get out of the ravine, in the forest, as suddenly witnessed in the air, overwhelmed and rang out such a crackle, as if around half of the trees at once on thousands of dry chips split.

This German mine landed right in the ravine and rushed near us. I got dark in my eyes. Then I released my head from under the lands on me, looked around: where, I think my little comrade? I see, he slowly apologizes his cocktails from the earth, he begins to pick out clay from the ears, from the nose.

That gave it so! "Says." I got, uncle, with you, as rich ... Oh, uncle, "says," wait! " Yes, you wounded.

I wanted to rise, and I don't know the feet. And I see - from a broken boot, blood floats. And the boy suddenly listened, scrupped to the bushes, looked out on the road, rolled down again and whispers:

Uncle, "says," Germans go here. " Officer ahead. Honestly!

Let's rather from here. Oh, you, as you strongly ...

I tried to move, and to my feet as if ten pounds were tied. Do not get out of me from ravine. Pulls me down, back ...

He turned pale so that the freckles became even more, and the eyes are shiny himself. "What did he conceive it?" - I think. I wanted to hold him, grabbed the heel, yes where there! They just flashed over my head his feet with floatful chumazy fingers - on the little girl, a blue cloth, as I see now ... I am lying and listening. Suddenly hear: "Stop! .. Stand! Do not go on!"

Slipped over my head heavy boots, I heard how the German asked:

What are you doing here?

I, Uncle, I am looking for a cow, "my friend's voice came to me, - a good cow, whites herself, and on bokeh black, one horn sticks down, and there is no other. Marishka is called. You did not see?

What is such a cow? You, I see you want to chat me nonsense. Go here close. What are you lipped here for a very long time, I saw you like you lazal.

Uncle, I'm looking for a cow, "began to drop my boy again.

And suddenly on the road, his light bare heels were stuck clearly.

Stand! Where are you bold? Back! I will shoot! - shouted the German.

Heavy wrought-iron boots have burned over my head. Then he ran out. I understood: my friendly friendly rushed to run away from the ravine to distract the Germans from me. I listened to choking. Again hit the shot. And I heard a distant, weak shout. Then it became very quiet ... I fought like flooding. I gnawed the ground with my teeth, so as not to scream, I pierced with all my breasts, so as not to give them to capture the weapons and not hit the fascists. But it was impossible to detect myself. You need to perform the task to the end. Ours will die without me. Will not get out.

Based on the elbows, clinging for the branches, I crawled ... after nothing I remember. I just remember - when I opened my eyes, I saw the face of Andrei completely close ...

Well, so we got out through that ravine from the forest.

He stopped, stayed and slowly lied through the entire hall.

Here, comrades, to whom I am obliged to life, who our part to rescue from the misfortune helped. It is clear, to stand him here, this table. Yes, it did not come out ... And I have another request for you ... Almost, comrades, my friend's friend's friend - the hero of the Unnamed ... That's not even how to call him, I did not have time to ask ...

And in the big hall, the pilots, tankers, sailors, generals, guardsmen are quietly rose quietly, the heroes of cruel battles, rose to honor the little of the little, whose nameless nobody knew anyone. Silently stood dreamed people in the hall, and everyone had seen a kudlata boy in his own way in front of him, with a blue clouded cloth on a barefoot ...


This is one of the very first works of Soviet literature, who captured the feat of a young hero of the Great Patriotic War, who gave his life to rescue the lives of other people. This story is written on the basis of the present event, which was stated in the letter sent to the radio. Lev Kassil worked then on the radio and, after reading this letter, immediately wrote a story, who was soon transferred on the radio and entered the collection of stories of the writer "There are such people", who came out in Moscow in the Publishing House "Soviet writer" in 1943, as well as In the collection "Ordinary guys" and others. On the radio, it was transmitted repeatedly.


Memory Sergeant Novikova

Only a few brief information lines were printed in newspapers about it. I will not repeat them to you, because everyone who reads this message, remembered it forever. We are unknown details, we do not know how the man who committed this feat lived. We only know how his life ended. His comrades in the feverish rush of the battle was once recorded all the circumstances of the day. Another time will come when the hero will be reel in ballads, inspired pages will protect the immortality and the glory of this act. But each of us who read a short, stingy message about a person and his feat, I wanted now, not postponing for a minute, without waiting for anything, to imagine how it all happened ... Let me correct me those who participated in this battle maybe I don't quite exactly imagine a situation or passed by some details, and I added something from myself, but I will tell

everyone as I saw a degree of this person my imagination, an agitated five-storey newspaper note.

I saw a spacious snowy plain, white hills and rare transfer, through which, rustling about brittle stems, rushed frosty wind. I heard the adsatory and the hoarse voice of the staff telephones, which, fiercely spinning the knob of the switch and pressing the buttons, called in vain, which occupied the remote line. The enemy surrounded this part. It was necessary to contact her urgently, report on the enemy by the workaround of the enemy, to transfer the order from the command item about the lesson of another turn, otherwise - death ... It was impossible to get there. On the space that separated the command point from the part left far forward, the drifts were bursting, as if huge white bubbles, and the whole plain was foaming how it foams and boils the reckless surface of the boiled milk.

German mortars beat across the plain, taking snow together with the communes of the Earth. Last night, the cable was laid through this mortal zone. The command post, watching the development of the battle, is planted by this provision of instructions, orders and received response messages about how the operation goes. But now, when it was necessary to immediately change the situation and take the forefront to another line, the connection suddenly stopped. In vain beat over his apparatus, falling into the mouth to the tube, telephonist:

The twelfth! .. Twelfth! .. F-Fu ... - He blew in the tube. - Arina! Arina! .. I am forty! .. Answer ... Reply! .. Twelve eight fraction three! .. Petya! Petya! .. Do you hear me? Give a review, Petya! .. Twelfth! I am forty! .. I am forty! Arina, do you hear us? Arina!..

There was no connection.

Cliff, - Telephoneist said.

And then, the person who only yesterday under the fire suggests all the plain, burying behind the snowdrifts, stroke through the hills, drowning in the snow and dragging the phone cable, the person about which we were read later in the newspaper note, rose, smeared a white robe, took Rifle, bag with tools and said very simple:

I went. Open. Clear. Allow?

I do not know what the comrades told him, what words he was informed by his commander. Everyone understood that the person went to the damned zone was decided ...

The wire was walking through the scattered Christmas trees and rare bushes. The blizzard rang in Osok over the frozen swamp. Man plenty. The Germans must have noticed him soon. Small vortices from machine-gun queues, smoking, danced the dance around. Snowy tallers of ruptures were chosen to the telecommunications as Cosmaya Ghosts, and, leaning over him, melted in the air.

He was joined by snow rush. The hot fragments of mines were disbanded over his head, stimple hair, climbed out of the hood, and, spike, melted the snow very close ...

He did not hear the pain, but he felt, should be a terrible numbness in the right side and, looking around, saw that a pink trail stretches through the snow. He did not look back. Through three hundred meters, he groped among the prickly end of the wire. The line was interrupted here. Closely fallen mine broke the wire and far toward the other end of the cable. The lounge is all silent by mortars. But it was necessary to find the other end of the torn wire,

split to him, quickly smuggled the open line.

Gorked and overlooked quite close. Before the man collapsed on a man, pressed him to the ground. A man, smoothing, got out of his whiskers called him, led his shoulders. But the pain was not shaken, she continued to press a person to the ground. The man felt that he had suffocating heavily. He will crash a little, and, probably, it seemed to him that where he lay a minute ago, on the snow impregnated with blood, everything was left in him, and he moved separately from himself. But as an obsessed, he climbed further along the hillside.

He remembered only one thing - it is necessary to find silent somewhere there, in the bushes, the end of the wire, you need to get to it, cling to it, tighten, tie. And he found a broken wire. The man fell twice before was able to raise. Something again, Zaguchie stunned him on his chest, he fell, but again drove and grabbed the wire. And then he saw that the Germans were approaching. He could not shoot: his hands were busy ... He began to pull the wire on himself, crawling back, but the cable was confused in the bushes.

Then the connection was tightened to pull the other end. It was becoming harder to breathe and harder. He was in a hurry. Fingers of his nickered ...

And so he is awkward, sideways on the snow and keeps in the stretched, the boneless hands of the torn line. It is railing to bring the hands to bring the ends of the wire together. He strains muscles to convulsion. Mortal resentment to him. She is near pain and stronger fear ... just a few centimeters are now separated by the ends of the wire. From here to the front edge of the defense, where sliced \u200b\u200bcomrades are expected, the wire goes ... and backwards, he stretches back to the command item. And they are torn to hoarseness of telephonists ... and the saving words of help can not break through these several centimeters of the damned cliff! Is it really not enough life, will not connect the ends of the wire already? Man in longing gnawing snow tooth. He is strengthened to get up, leaning on elbows. Then he pursues the teeth one end of the cable and in an inflamed effort, intercepting the other wire with both hands, pulls it into his mouth. Now there is not enough centimeter. The man does not see anything. Sparkling darkness burns his eyes. He is the last jerk pulls the wire and has time to bite it, to

pain, to the crunch of squeezing jaws. It feels a familiar sour-salty taste and easy tingling of the language. There is a current! And, by navigating the rifle, they donated, but now with free hands, he falls face in the snow, frantically, all the rest of his strength sinking teeth. Just do not dismiss ... Germans, Osmeleyev, with a screaming raid on it. But again, he scraped the rest of life, sufficient to raise the last time and release all the hill in closely, in closely ... And there, on the command paragraph, the telephonist screams into the phone:

Yes Yes! I hear! Arina? I am forty! Petya, dear! Take: Number eight through the twelfth.

Man did not return back. Dead, he remained in the ranks, on the line. He continued to be a conductor for living. Forever numb his mouth.

But, breaking through the weak current through the sacred teeth, from the end to the end of the battlefield, the words were carried out from which hundreds of people and the result of the battle. Already twisted from the life itself, he was still included in her chain. Death froze his heart, cut the blood flow in the glands of the vessels. But the fierce death will of a person triumphantly triumphant the livelihood of people to whom he remained faithful and dead.

When at the end of the battle, the advanced part, having received the necessary instructions, hit the Germans to the flank and left the environment, the communication officers, the cable cable, stumbled upon a person who was seen by gym. He lay a prick, bolding his face in the snow. In his hand it was a rifle, and the stuffed finger froze on the descent. The cloud was empty. And nearby in the snow found four killed Germans. He was lifted, and behind him, plowing the whiteness of a snowdrift, dragged to them the wire. Then I understood how the link was restored during the battle ...

So tightly were grilled teeth, clamped the ends of the cable, which had to trim the wire in the corners of the ending mouth. Otherwise, it was not to free the person who was still responsible for the service. And everyone was silent around, grieved the teeth from pain, peating the heart, as they can be silent in the mountain, Russian people are silent, if they are silent, if they fall, disassembled from the Russian Academy of Sciences, in the paws of "Degtees", - our people who have no flour, no torture Dismiss the scentful teeth, do not snatch a word, nor a moan, nor a cooked wire.


The story was written at the beginning of the war and is devoted to the memory of Sergeant Novikova, about the feat of which was said in one of the front-line messages of that time.

At the same time, the story was transferred on the radio and printed in the collection of the stories of Lion Kassil, published in 1942 in the library of the magazine "Sponak".

The collection was called - "communication line".

Green twig

On the Western Front, I had to live in the dugout of the Tarasnikov technique for some time. He worked in the operational part of the headquarters of the Guards Brigade. Immediately, in the dugout, his office placed.

The three-year lamp light covered a low log house. It smelled with fresh tone, earthwind damp and surgown. Himself of Tarasnikov, a low, painful view of a young man with funny red bezens and a yellow, crushed mouth, met me politely, but not too friendly.

It is here here, "he said to me, pointing to the topchair and immediately leaning over his papers." Now you will be satisfied with the tent. I hope my office does not stop you? Well, I, I count, too, especially to interfere with us. Consistent so. Sit down yet.

And I began to live in the underground office of Tarasnikov.

It was a very restless, unusually meticulous and picky hard worker. For all days, he inscribed and taped the packages, made them with a surgown hawted over the lamp, sent some reports, took the paper, crossed the cards, pounded by one finger on a rusted typewriter, carefully knocking each letter. In the evenings, he was tormented by the attacks of fever, he swallow acryochin, but he categorically refused to go to the hospital:

What are you, what are you! Where will I leave? Yes, everything will be all right without me! Everything is on me and keeps. For the day I will leave - so then the year do not be blown here ...

Late at night, returned from the front edge of the defense, falling asleep on his topchains, I still saw the tired and pale face of Tarasnikov, lit by fire lamp, delicately, for me, fucked, and bitten by tobacco fog. From the clay chicken, folded in the corner, was hot chad. Tarasnikov's tired eyes got drunk, but he continued to inscribe and put the bags. Then he called a connected, who was waiting for a cloak hanged at the entrance to our dugout, and I heard the next conversation.

Who is the fifth battalion? - asked Tarasnikov.

I am from the fifth battalion, - answered connected.

Take a package ... here. Take him in hand. So. You see, it is written here: "URGENT". Consequently, deliver immediately. Person personally commander. Clear? There will be no commander - give the commissioner. Commissioner will not - Lay. No one else to transmit anyone. Clear? Repeat.

Deliver the package urgently, - as in the lesson, one-photoer repeated the connected .- personally the commander, if he does not - the commissioner, if not - find.

Right. What is the package?

Yes, usually ... here, in your pocket.

Show your pocket. - And Tarakhnikov approached the high connected, it became on the tiptoe, I squammed a hand under a cloak, for the sinus of the sinel, and checked, whether there is no rush in your pocket.

So, in order. Now consider: Package secret. Consequently, if you get an opponent, what will you do?

What are you, comrade technician-intennant, why I will come across!

Find no need to come true, but I ask you: what will you do if you get?

Yes, I never get caught ...

And I ask you if? So, listen. If that, the danger of which, so the contents eat, without reading. Envelope break and quit. Clear? Repeat.

In case of danger, the envelope break and quit, and that the survey - eat.

Right. How much time hand the package?

Yes, there are forty minutes and go all.

More precisely, I ask.

Yes, that comrade technician-intennant, I think no more than fifty minutes will pass.

Yes, in an hour, I'll certainly deliver.





























































































































































































































