Roman Furmanova "Chapaev" - a famous work dedicated to the hero of the Civil War. It became one of the most famous novels in Soviet literature. In 1934, the historical drama of the Vasiliev Brothers, in which Boris Babochem was fulfilled the main role. In this article we present a brief content of the work, we will tell about its features.


Roman "Chapaev" wrote a young 32-year-old revolutionary and Soviet Proseca. Furmanov had peasant origin. In the school decided to devote his life to literature. Entered the Faculty of Philology of Moscow University. He graduated from 1915, but did not have time to pass the exams, because I went to the first world war.

In 1917, Dmitry Furmanov first was on the side of the Socialist Republic, then anarchists. Then he moved to the Bolsheviks. He took part in the suppression of the Yaroslavl uprising, brings closer to Frunze.

In 1919, Furmanov goes to the Eastern Front as a political worker. There and meets Chapaev. After a few months, it is transferred to Turkestan because of the conflict with the comda. Chapaev had a novel with his wife Furmanov. After served in the Kuban army, where he received strong contusion.

In 1926 he died in Moscow from meningitis at 34.

Roman "Chapaev" begins with the description of the working detachment under the command of Frunze, who is sent to fight with Kolchak. On behalf of the squad with weaver, Fedor Klychkov says. Yesterday's student when the revolution began, showed himself in the role of an experienced organizer. Able to find a common language with workers who consider it to be their own.

Before Samara, the train gets about two weeks. At this time, Klychkov receives a note from Frunze with order to immediately arrive in Uralsk earlier than the main detachment. Polymatot workers are sent to the passage.

Already in the city of Klychkov, he constantly hears the stories about Comda Chapaev, about which they tell as a folk hero. In Uralsk, he is appointed by the Commissioner to the group, which leads the same comda.

At the front

Continuous battles in which the Red Army participates, does not allow the hero of Roman D. A. Furmanov "Chapaev" to establish political and organizational work. The structure of the parts themselves turns out to be so confusing, which is unclear how far the power of one or another commander extends.

Politruk carefully looks short to military specialists who have moved to the side of the Red Army. He can't understand if they honestly serve a new government. Fangs expects when Chapaev arrives, because after that much should become clearing.

In the diary, which is leading Fedor, he describes in detail the first impressions that the meeting is made on it with a comda. He affects his appearance of the most ordinary person, relatively small physical strength. But at the same time he has a unique opportunity to attach the views of others. In Chapaev, everyone has an inner strength, which unites people.

At the first meeting, after listening to all commanders, he makes his own conclusion, which is surprisingly accurate. Shelchkov sees how much in Chapaev is irrelevine and spontaneous. He believes that his role is to provide ideological influence on the People's Commissar.

First Boy

In the novel, "Chapaev" describes the first battle, during which the fangs observes the comda. This is a battle for the village of Slomychinskaya. Chapaev on the horse is worn throughout the front edge, reducing fighters and giving the necessary orders. In the hottest points, it always turns out to be at the right moment.

Fangs are admired by this commander. In addition, because of his own inexperience, he lags behind the Red Army who burst into the village. In Slomychinskaya, robbery begin and riots. Chapaev pushes them alone by his performance. He orders the soldiers no longer rob, everything is unquestioned to him. True, the loot returns only to the poor, and what was selected from the rich, divide each other.

Challenge to Frunze

At this time, Frunze calls Klychkov and Chapaev to Samara, where he himself. By ordering the political officer to cool the partisan commander's dust, it increases the service. Fedor emphasizes that he is working just in this direction.

On the way back Chapaev tells his biography. It turns out that he was born from the Gypsy artist and the daughter of the Kazan governor. In this fangs doubt, relating information to an excessive imagination of the Hero of the Civil War.

Otherwise, there is nothing unusual in his fate. As a child, the cattle, after the merchant, worked as a carpenter, even walked with a scarmer along the Volga. I went to serve when the war began. He changed his wife, then Vasily Ivanovich took the children who now live in one widow. He himself always wanted to learn, tried to read as much as possible, however, it still painfully feels the lack of his education, recognizing what is a dark person.

Fighting Kolchak

The division, which is headed by the protagonist of Roman "Chapaev" Furmanov, fights against Kolchak. The successes alternate with failures, after which Politruk persistently advises the Komdiva to start mastering the strategy and tactics.

There are sharp disputes between them, in which Chapaev begins to listen more and more to the Commissioner. Milestones of the heroic path of the Division - Belebey, Buguruslan, Uralsk, Ufa. The main characters come closer to each other, the fangs are observing the formation of the commander of the division commander. His authority in the troops is just huge.


In the final of the Roman "Chapaev" of 1923, the division moves to Lbishchensk, from here to Uralsk about a hundred kilometers. Around a solid steppe. The population hostile meets the red shelves. Chapaevtsy are littered with lazutchists who inform Kolchak about the poor supply of redarmeys. They do not have enough cartridges, shells and food. White literally surprise find hungry and exhausted detachments. Comda is forced to dangle along the steppe in order to maximally distribute orders to its parts. Klychkova is called to Samara, even though he asked him to leave, looking at the difficulties surrounding the division.

In Lbishchensk, there is a division headquarters, from where the main character of the Roman "Chapaev" Furmanova daily circles parts. Intelligence raises that the Cossacks were found in the railway station area. At night, for an unknown reason, a reinforced guard is removed, although Chapaev himself did not give such an order. At dawn, white attack the division by surprise. In the terrible and rapid battle almost everyone dying. Comda himself was injured in hand. Near him, his faithful Vesta Petka Isaev, who is killed on the banks of the Urals. Comdive is trying to twist across the river, but when it turns out to be almost the opposite shore, it is killed by a bullet in the head.

The parts remaining from the division with battles are escaping from the environment.


When analyzing the novel "Chapaev" it is worth noting that this is a classic novel in the spirit of social realism. In it, the author visually draws a picture of the civil war, depicting the process of forming the consciousness of the people, the victory of the new one over the old.

The book shows how the type of warlord is formed by the time of the Civil War, who is ready to give all the forces for the victory.

The main character of the Klychkov is of great importance - the faithful comrade, helping Chapaev to cope with all the difficulties. In the image of this character, Furmanov depicted himself. He admires the comda, but at the same time he is dominated over him, seeking to conquer authority and help in implementing a great historical task that stands in front of the Red Army.



  • Literary works according to the alphabet
  • Alphabetics books
  • Romanes in Russian
  • Romains 1923
  • Vasily Chapaev in the mass culture
  • Civil War Literature in Russia
  • Socialism literature

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    Chapaev: Chapaev, Vasily Ivanovich Commander of the Republic of Redek, participant in the First World and Civil War in Russia. Chapaev, Nikolai Sergeevich Tankist, Mechanic Driver, Guard Senior Sergeant, Hero of the Soviet Union. Chapaev, Alexander Vasilyevich General ... ... Wikipedia

    Chapaev: Chapaev, Vasily Ivanovich Commander of the Republic of Redek, participant in the First World and Civil War in Russia. Chapaev, Nikolai Sergeevich Tankist, Mechanic Driver, Guard Senior Sergeant, Hero of the Soviet Union. Chapaev, Alexander Vasilyevich ... ... Wikipedia

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    Chapaev V.I. (1887 1919) Carpenter by profession (from the mountains. Balakov), was called in troops during world war. The October Revolution found him in the army, in 138 m sepper. the shelf, and C. Was chosen by the regiment commander; Demobilization formed detachments ... Large biographical encyclopedia

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In the frosty January midnight of the nineteenth year from Ivanovo-Voznesensk Station goes to the Kolchakovsky Front collected by Frunze, a working detachment. From all factories and plants come workers to carry out comrades. Before a crowded crowd, speakers perform with brief speakers. On behalf of the squad, Fedor Klychkov says goodbye. He from the former students, "in the revolution quickly fastened a good organizer." Workers closely know him and consider their own.
Before Samara, the train rides at least two weeks. In the Revoensteen, the Klyschkov receives a note left for him by the 4th Army, in which Frunze orders the Commissars to follow immediately to him in Uralsk, ahead of the detachment, which due to destroyed on the railway moves slowly. At the shifters, in the sleigh, the political workers go to the road. Finally, they are found in Uralsk with Frunze. Even on the road, the klychkov listens to the stories of matters about Chapaev as a folk hero. In Uralsk, Fedor Klychkov, after temporary work in the Committee of the Party, receives a new appointment - by the Commissioner to the military group, the head of which is Chapaev. Continuous battles that lead the Red Army do not allow to establish organizational and political work. Structure
Militian parts are often so confusing that it is not clear how far the power of one or another commander extends, the fangs looks close to the Warespets, who have passed on the side of the Red Army team, is sometimes lost in guesses - honestly these people serve new power? Fedor awaits Chapayev's arrival: this arrival must clarify the ambiguity of the situation in a certain extent.
Shelchkov leads a diary, which describes his impressions of the first meeting with Chapaev. He struck him with his ordinary view of a man of medium height, apparently, a small physical strength, but with the ability to attach attention to others. In Chapaev, the inner force is felt, uniting people around him. At the first meeting of the commanders, he listens to all opinions and makes his, unexpected and accurate, conclusion. Fangsov understands how much in Chapaev is a spontaneous, uncontrollable, and sees its role in providing ideological influence on a truly popular commander.
In the first battle, the village of Slomychinsky's fangs see how Chapaev is worn on a horse throughout the front edge, giving the necessary orders, encouraging the fighters, swaying into the hottest points at the most necessary moment. The Commissioner admires the commander, especially since because of his inexperience lags behind the redarmeys who broke into the village. In Slomychinskaya, robbery begins, which Chapaev stops one of his performance before the Red Army: "I order you never rob to you. Robbed only scoundrels. Understood?! " And it is unquestioned by him - however, returning looted only by the poor. What took from the rich is divided for sale to be money for a salary.
Frunze on the straight wire causes Chapayev and Klychkov to Samara. There he appoints Chapaeva by the head of the division, after ordering Klychkov to cool the partisan's dust of his commander. Fedor explains Frunze that just in this direction and leads its work.
Chapaev tells her biography to Klychkov. He says that he was born at the daughter of the Kazan Governor from the artist-Roma, in which the licks somewhat doubt, attributing this fact to excessive fantasy of the folk hero. The rest of the biography is quite ordinary: Chapaev in childhood Skotnina, worked as a carpentry, traded in a shop at the merchant, where he hated the merchant merchants, walked along the Volga with the scarmer. When the war began, went to serve in the army. Because of the treason, his wife threw her, picking up children who now live at one widow. All my life he wanted to learn, tried more possibly
Read - and painfully feels a lack of education, talking about itself: "As there is a dark person!"
Division Chapaev fights against Kolchak. Victory alternate with temporary failures, after which the fangs strongly advises Chapaev to learn strategies. In disputes, sometimes very sharp, Chapaev is increasingly listening to his commissioner. Buguruslan, Belebey, Ufa, Uralsk - Here are the milestones of the Division's heroic path. Fangs, concerned with Chapaev, observes the formation of his colonical talent. The authority of the legendary comgon in the troops is huge.
The division goes to Lbishchensk, from which the Uralsk is more than a hundred miles. Circle - steppes. The population meets the red shelves hostile. More will be sent to the Chapaevts of the Lazutchikov who convey the Kolchaktsam about the poor supply of Red Guards. Lack of shells, cartridges, bread. White tipped out the exhaust and hungry detachments of redarmeys. Chapaev is forced to dangle along the steppe on the car, on the horses, to more quickly manage the disparate parts. Klychkova responds from Division to Samara, as he asked to leave him to work near Chapaev, given the emerging difficulties.
In Lbyshensk there is a division headquarters, hence Chapaev daily continues to travel around the brigades. Intelligence reports that the major forces of the Cossacks next to the village was not found. At night, by whose, the order is removed by the guard; Chapaev did not give such an order. At dawn, the Cossacks find Chapaev residents. In a short and terrible battle, almost all die. Chapaev wounded in hand. Next to him is constantly the faithful West Petka Isaev, who heroically dies on the banks of the Urals. Chapaeva is trying to ship through the river. When Chapaev almost reaches the opposite shore, the bullet falls into his head.
The remaining parts of the division with the battles break out of the environment, remembering those "that with selfless courage gave their lives on the shores and in the waves of the restless Urals."
V. M. Sotnikov

In the frosty January midnight of the nineteenth year from Ivanovo-Voznesensk Station goes to the Kolchakovsky Front collected by Frunze, a working detachment. From all factories and plants come workers to carry out comrades. Before a crowded crowd, speakers perform with brief speakers. On behalf of the squad, Fedor Klychkov says goodbye. He from the former students, "in the revolution quickly fastened a good organizer." Workers closely know him and consider their own.

Before Samara, the train rides at least two weeks. In the Revoensteen, the Klyschkov receives a note left for him by the 4th Army, in which Frunze orders the Commissars to follow immediately to him in Uralsk, ahead of the detachment, which due to destroyed on the railway moves slowly. At the shifters, in the sleigh, the political workers go to the road. Finally, they are found in Uralsk with Frunze. More on the road of Klychkov listens to the stories of matters about Chapaev as a folk hero. In Uralsk, Fedor Klychkov, after temporary work in the Committee of the Party, receives a new appointment - by the Commissioner to the military group, the head of which is Chapaev. Continuous battles that the Red Army leads, do not allow to establish organizational and political work. The structure of military units is often so confusing that it is not clear how far the power of one or another commander extends, the klychkov looks close to the Warrenspets, who passed on the side of the Red Army team, sometimes in guesses - honestly these people serve a new government? Fedor awaits the arrival of Chapaeva: this arrival must be a certain extent to clarify the ambiguity of the situation.

Shelchkov leads a diary, which describes his impressions of the first meeting with Chapaev. He struck him with his ordinary view of a man of medium height, apparently, a small physical strength, but with the ability to attach attention to others. In Chapaev, the inner force is felt, uniting people around him. At the first meeting of the commanders, he listens to all opinions and makes his, unexpected and accurate, conclusion. Fangsov understands how much in Chapaev is a spontaneous, uncontrollable, and sees its role in providing ideological influence on a truly popular commander.

In his first battle, the village of Slomychinsky's fangs see how Chapaev is worn on a horse throughout the front edge, giving the necessary orders, encouraging the fighters, swaying into the hottest points at the most necessary moment. The Commissioner admires the commander, especially since due to his inexperience lags behind the Red Army who broke into the village. In Slomychinskaya, robbery begins, which Chapaev stops one of his performance before the Red Army: "I order you never rob to you. Robbed only scoundrels. Understood?! " And it is unquestioned by him - however, returning looted only by the poor. What took from the rich is divided for sale to be money for a salary.

Frunze on the straight wire causes Chapayev and Klychkov to Samara. There he appoints Chapaeva by the head of the division, after ordering Klychkov to cool the partisan's dust of his commander. Fedor explains Frunze that just in this direction and leads its work.

Chapaev tells her biography to Klychkov. He says that he was born at the daughter of the Kazan Governor from the artist-Roma, in which the licks somewhat doubt, attributing this fact to excessive fantasy of the folk hero. The rest of the biography is quite ordinary: Chapaev in childhood Skotnina, worked as a carpentry, traded in a shop at the merchant, where he hated the merchant merchants, walked along the Volga with the scarmer. When the war began, went to serve in the army. Because of the treason, his wife threw her, taking the children who now live at one widow. All my life, he wanted to learn, tried more to read more - and painfully feels a lack of education, talking about himself: "As there is a dark person!"

Division Chapaev fights against Kolchak. Victory alternate with temporary failures, after which the fangs strongly advises Chapaev to learn strategies. In disputes, sometimes very sharp, Chapaev is increasingly listening to his commissioner. Buguruslan, Belebey, Ufa, Uralsk - Here are the milestones of the Division's heroic path. Fangs, concerned with Chapaev, observes the formation of his colonical talent. The authority of the legendary comgon in the troops is huge.

The division goes to Lbishchensk, from which the Uralsk is more than a hundred wool. Circle - steppes. The population meets the red shelves hostile. More will be sent to the Chapaevts of the Lazutchikov who convey the Kolchaktsam about the poor supply of Red Guards. Lack of shells, cartridges, bread. White tipped out the exhaust and hungry detachments of redarmeys. Chapaev is forced to dangle along the steppe on the car, on the horses, to more quickly manage the disparate parts. Klychkova responds from Division to Samara, as he asked to leave him to work near Chapaev, given the emerging difficulties.

In Lbyshensk there is a division headquarters, hence Chapaev daily continues to travel around the brigades. Intelligence reports that the major forces of the Cossacks next to the village was not found. At night, by whose, the order is removed by the guard; Chapaev did not give such an order. At dawn, the Cossacks find Chapaev residents. In a short and terrible battle, almost all die. Chapaev wounded in hand. Next to him is constantly the faithful West Petka Isaev, who heroically dies on the banks of the Urals. Chapaeva is trying to ship through the river. When Chapaev almost reaches the opposite shore, the bullet falls into his head.

The remaining parts of the division with the battles break out of the environment, remembering those "that with selfless courage gave their lives on the shores and in the waves of the restless Urals."
