Inventions begin with fantasy. Fantasy in the oldest sources begins with an inventive dream. We do not know who invented the wheel, but undoubtedly, it was a genius inventor. We do not know who invented the myth about Ikar, but, undoubtedly, it was a great fiction.

In the myths and fairy tales, prototypes of hypotheses were embodied, after many centuries, regenerated in new capacity - as bold tasks of science and technology, and then as models of situations, drawing imaginary consequences of imaginable inventions and discoveries.

From the inventive dream of the long-lasting centuries to engineering and technological fiction of a relatively recent past, and from it - to the literature of our time, considering the activities of scientists in the morals and social and social aspects - those in the historical plan of the most important milestones in the development of an inventive theme. Without going into details, make it a transformation to be clearer to show which sharp shifts have occurred over the past decades in this area of \u200b\u200bliterary creativity, firmly related to modern scientific thinking and sensitively catching changes in the public consciousness.

"The Magic Tale," writes the Soviet researcher T. Chernyshev, - raises the same problems over the resolution of which has been fighting science fiction for many years; The problem of time and space, the life and death of a person (the transfer of the hero in an instant in the thirty kingdom, boots, boosters, allowing to overcome the space, unstasive fairy, live water, etc.). "

Fairy-tale poetics relies on a miracle, witchcraft, magic, and it distinguishes it from science fiction, seeking to explain the unprecedented, unusual, impossible on this period of time by the impact of material forces - nature, science and technology, the inventive genius of man or other reasonable creatures. With the development of knowledge, let even quite primitive, there is a need to find some justifications for fantasy, take a rapid of magic and magic from it.

One of the first to this was approached by the Greek satir Lukian (II century. N. E.), who made his menippa, not just imitate Ikaru ("Ikaromenipp, or the transient flight"), but also to tell, with the help of which fixtures he managed to climb into the air : "I diligently cut off the right wing from the eagle, and the Korshun left and tied them with strong belts to the shoulders. Having adjusted to the ends of the wings of two hinges for hands, I began to experience my strength: at first I just jumped, helping my hands, then, like a geese, flew over the earth itself, slightly touching her legs during the flight. However, noticing that the case goes to the way, I decided on a more bold step: going to the Acropolis, I rushed from the cliff and ... flew to the theater itself. "

According to a fair remark of the same T. Chernysheva, one of the most important literary techniques of science fiction was found here: the illusion of lobbies creates realistic details. In the description of the hero's flight to Olympus, and then on the moon allegedly reliable information adjacent to the fabulous fiction, but the desire to logically justify the incredible.

From the era of the initial accumulation to an industrial coup, until science revealed its power, engineering fiction coexisted with an inventive dream in its original form, clearly crystallizes within the framework of other genres - social utopia, philosophical enlightenment novel, travel novel, etc. .

Tommaso Campanella in the "City of the Sun" (1623) and Francis Bacon in "New Atlantis" (1627) put forward science and technical progress in the first place, without which the perfect public device is not thinking. For example, solariums - the inhabitants of the "City of the Sun" - use all sorts of inventions: special vessels and galleys, walking around the sea without the help of cheerful and wind, through a surprisingly arranged mechanism, self-propelled sailing wagons capable of moving against wind, devices that play any atmospheric Phenomena ... There are even more technical innovations in the residents of Bensalem in the famous book of Francis Bacon "New Atlantis", where inventors are surrounded by nationwide wore.

At the same time, the authors of the numerous "lunar" novels cannot offer anything more efficient, except the same Ikara wings, wooden flying pigeon or wild swans. And only Sirano de Bergerac in the satirical novel "Other light, or the state and the moon empire" (1657) among many funny ways to achieve nightlife invents one more, striking by a brilliant guess - no less than a cabin with several rows of consistently settled "volatile Rockets. "

The conquest of the airy ocean becomes the main years of the main topic of the originated science fiction. In the story of Edgar by "History with a balloon" (1844), the aerostat "Victoria", equipped with an archimedean screw, first carries out the transatlantic flight, and then in less than twenty years, an improved Juft, the faithful "Victoria" crosses the African continent ("Five weeks in a balloon ").

Balloons were used for cosmic travel. "Some Hans Pfal" reaches the moon in the hermetic gondola of the aerostat, covered with a triple layer of varnish and filled with an unknown gas, the density of which is 37.4 times less than the density of hydrogen (!). Edgar software in this story hesitizes with his predecessors, accusing them to "badness." Soon, the same reproaches will throw Edgar by the author "From the Earth to the Moon" (1865) and "around the Moon" (1870), who invented a qualitatively other decision, which, as it turned out later, contained a visionary forecast. Three passengers of a cylindro-conical carnone car, thrown into the space of a giant gun, experience the effects of weightlessness, envelp the moon and fall in the Pacific Ocean near the start of the start (Florida Peninsula), where they caught the watchtown Corvette. Up to a more effective way to make a project with people with the necessary speed, Jules Verne did not think, but his novels stimulated inventive thought. Recall the recognition of Tsiolkovsky: "The desire for space journeys is laid in me by the famous videos of J. Vermin. He awakened the brain's work in this direction. There were desires. The wishes arose the activity of the mind. Of course, she would not have led anything if he had not met the help from the science. "

Ingenious guesses, as well as technically sound forecasts, contrary to popular belief, very rare in fiction. Bold tasks of science and technology - hyperboles of real possibilities. For few exceptions, science fiction not so much foresee how much the ideas of inventors interpret. The imagination of the writers either goes to be closed with science and technology, or somewhat lags - even when the fantastic inventions did not diverge with Newtonian mechanics.

It is characteristic that before the appearance of the Watt car, no fictional foresaw the revolutionary action of steam energy. But as soon as she became a real force, the word "car" found a new meaning.

Jules Verne in the image of the future technique relied on the projects of inventors, glorified the energy of electricity, which gives man power over nature, and "wondered" the internal combustion engine.

Unexpected was for the fiction and the possibility of wireless communications. But since this connection appeared soon, writers, overtaking each other, showed which brilliant perspectives open here. "In fantastic novels, - Ilyonically noticed in the notebook Ilya Ilf, - the main thing was the radio. With it, the happiness of mankind was expected. Here is the radio, but there is no happiness. "

The opening of radioactivity is also not provided for by science fiction, but allowed to unmistakably extrapolate into the future use of atomic energy in peaceful and military purposes, even indicating the exact timing of the introduction of a nuclear power plant and an atomic bomb explosion. It is this giant discovery and a chain that followed by him gave rise to the world's disaster in Western fantastics.

And then we approached the main problem, the relevance of which is rooted in reality: the dual attitude of science fiction writers to scientific and technical progress, as a source of prosperity and a potential threat. Long before Pierre Curie in 1903, in the presentation of the Nobel Prize, said that the latest scientific discoveries make up the greatest danger, although ultimately bring more benefits to humanity than harm, writers talked about the demonic forces hidden in nature, which like a genie from the bottle, someday break free ...

German romantic Ernst Theodore Amadeus Hoffman, admiring the impeccable art of mechanics, endowed the crowning machines unusual on their independence, saw in them a kind of marriage of the soulless machine ("Avtomat", "Sandy man"). The topic of mechanical servants, melting unknown dangers, from Hoffmana stretches to Chapure with his "universal robots", then to Azimov, Lem and many other authors, filming modern fiction.

Frankenstein, the hero of the novel of the novel of the Cross-year-old Angels Mary Shelly (1818) - a brilliant scientist who dreams to comprehend the secrets of live matter to return to the life of the dead and defeat death. The ugly humanoid giant created by Frankenstein suffers from loneliness, from the impossibility of finding a place in human society and severely revenge on people. The name of Frankenstein becomes a nominal for a scientist who created the evil force with which he cannot cope.

The topic of an artificial person, the Trented Mary of Shelly in a philosophical-generalized plan, continue Wils de Lill-Atan ("Eve of the Future"), Bussenar ("Mystery of the Doctor Synthesis") and modern writers. From medieval golem and a little man in the flask - the homunculus - fantasy leads to the biological robot - Android. The ominous collision of Frankenstein is resurrected in many novels (for example, the "Island of Dr. Moro" Wells) and the Krefesendo is growing in fiction in the XX century, which reflects the contradiction of scientific and technological progress in the conditions of capitalist society in the hyperbulsed images. The largest scientists have repeatedly spoken about these contradictions, maybe somewhat exaggerating the threat of negative consequences. Norbert Wiener, for example, argued that self-developing cybernetic devices are theoretically able to perform unforeseen actions, and referred to the Ballad of Goethe "Student of Correce", then on Frankenstein, Mary Shelley.

The spirit of free research is peculiar to modern fiction, a free treatment of unshakable concepts - spaces, time, gravity, energy, masses, optics laws, etc. - brings it closer to the XX century physics. Wells paved here, lifting fundamentally new topics that have further developed in its numerous followers. The fantastic ideas of Wells were inspired by the premonition of gigantic social cataclysms and the upcoming breakdown of generally accepted scientific doctrines - a mechanistic vision of the world. Fantasy, which previously operated on concrete concepts, learned to implement abstract mathematical truths in visible images. But in whatever chimeric form, they cannot be considered arbitrary fabrications, the "clean" game of the mind, as, say, "Time Machine", invented by the same Wells back in 1895, ten years before the publication of Einstein's first treatise. Later, when scientists began to treat the time as some kind of varying physical reality, and not only as a mathematical abstraction, the starships created by the imagination of writers of different structures were broken into the expanses of the galaxy. The theoretically reasonable paradox of time gave rise to amazing plots. Traveling to the past and the future with "chronoclasms" arising from them forced to work fantasy in accustomed to unknown directions.

The theory of relativity and atomic physics, molecular biology and cybernetics revolutionized science, and with her and science fiction. Scientists gave her "crazy" ideas that are "crazy" inventors. They will meet and on the pages of this collection, giving a previously published true idea of \u200b\u200bmodern inventive fiction.

From the book in the book, from the story to the story passes almost unchanged the schematized image of a brilliant scientist, obsessed with the manic ideas of an eccentric, who often does not know that it creates and how unexpected consequences can lead the experiment. The main thing in such stars is the invention, and the inventor itself or the researcher is pushed back to the background, it is deliberately simplified character with barely planned individual properties. Obviously, a fantastic plot, especially if we are dealing with a story, does not withstand double loads: the rationale and the implementation of the plan push the "man scientist" beginning.

This literary convention is preserved primarily in Anglo-American fiction and remains only by tradition. If in 1901 in the United States, 82% of all patents were issued to independent inventors and 18% of firms, then in 1967, 77% of patents received firms together with government organizations and only 23% are individuals. Large inventions and discoveries are made in our time most often by scientific groups, but the sciences still remove the effects of a deliberately implausible assumption: "crazy" inventor produces paradoxical experiences on their modest means, at their own risk, in some abandoned Sarader, In the attic or in a stale cellar. Acting on a particular, as a medieval alchemist, one or together with an assistant, it reaches the amazing results - invades an unknown and disintegrates its innermost secrets that violate the world equilibrium.

In the story of Robin Scott "short circuit" the unit, designed by the Namobum from the thrust details of a promotional guy, closes neither more than anything from the whole universe, drawing energy in other space and time. There is a short circuit along the east coast of North America. Suddenly arises, embodied in metal and plastic, artificial intelligence - spiritualized something, ready to instantly fulfill any three desires. Is it worth saying that the inventor and his friend use suddenly acquired power is far from the best way, as, however, and the heroes of the "update" of John Rekham, who managed to decipher the mysterious prescription of the rejuvenating composition and successfully test his properties on a young woman.

In these stories, abounding farce situations, the problem of moral responsibility of the scientist is solved in frankly humorous plan, at the humor level of Jerome K. Jerome or William Jacobs. Other writers, such as Roald Dalya and Donald Undari - both of them are the British, are developing the richest traditions of the English literary fairy tale (Carroll, Barry, Miln, Tolkien, Dansani and others) with her obviously paradoxical vision of the world.

Violation of the environmental balance, damage to the environment, the rupture of a person with nature can cause an irreversible process if people do not even come to know. All this instills anxiety, gets a whimsical refraction in philosophical and allegorical images. The inventor of the "sound vehicle" in the story of R. Daly with horror is convinced that the cut plants are experiencing physical pain, publish cries and moans. In the "strange harvest" of D. Uondri, a mysterious apparatus of some Jones catches and concentrates universal radiation, reviving the plant world. Fruit trees, cereals and vegetables, endowed with mobility and races of mind, elude farmers, then go to the offensive, raise the riot ...

So in modern fiction the poetics of a magical fairy tale is reborn. Revive in a science-shaped guise and eternal folklore plots: live water, the source of oblivion, the elixir of longevity and youth, the magical forces giving power over nature, wand-coronary, tissue-self-banner, animals and plants with wonderful properties, etc. This branch is the inventive fiction is closed with Fantasy, fantastic unscientific, not requiring the author of plausible scientific justifications. But stories with scientific justification are often perceived by readers as "scientific fairy tales".

It is curiously motivated in the "practical invention" of Leonard Tashneta materialization of the optical illusion created by the "emitted" hologram. However, the peaceful invention can turn into a dangerous weapon. Inventors, providing unwanted consequences, hold from the temptation to take a patent on it. L. Tashnet - Doctor of Philosophy, he belongs to the group of American scientists, from time to time protruding with scientific fiction works. The topic of moral responsibility - hardly the main thing in his literary creativity. He is close to him in spirit John Robinson Pierce, a well-known specialist in the field of electronics and theory of communication, member of the National Academy of US Sciences, who was fascinated by fiction in the 1930s, when such "fun" scientists could deepen to his reputation. Therefore, most of their stories Pierz signed a pseudonym J. J. Moving. But the story "invariant", interfering with the eall theme of immortality - one of the few signed by its real name. The problem here is translated into the ethical plan. A scientist learned to delay cell metabolism becomes essentially immortal, but at the same time he loses the ability to perceive new impressions. Questions arise: Do I need to strive for the extension of life at any cost and can we be considered humane any experiments capable of suppressing the psyche?

It comes to horrified by the possible consequences of his invention and makes it destroying Professor Fairbenk, the hero of the story of the American science of Ray Russell's story (not to mix with a veteran of English fiction with Eric Frank Russell!), Who invented another version of the machine of time, it would seem that had long been exhausted hidden in it Scene opportunities. But in this case, the case is not in the invention, which is motivated more or less standard, and in moral criteria arising from the plan. The suicide of a scientist, neglected by moral norms, is psychologically justified ("the error of Professor Fairbenka").

Unlike R. Russell, the Polish writer Yanush A. Radel, whose works are well known for us, is limited to logical extrapolation, with the help of all the same time car intensely solving the traditional faasts of life extension. Incurablely sick person is sent to the future, his doctors heal it, and then due to the difficulty of adaptation, he returns at one time.

The greatest success of science fictions are achieved in cases where the technical hypothesis is not only not separated from the moral and psychological collision, but also contributes to the disclosure of characters. It is usually possible, only a little bright gifted authors. This belongs to, without a doubt, the Anglo-Irish writer Bob (Robert) of the show, who granted fame after the publication in 1966, the magnificent Novella "Light of the Former". Critics consider the main advantage of the show nominated by the idea of \u200b\u200b"slow glass" by arguing that this is almost the only fantastic hypothesis in recent years. But the idea itself in itself, in distraction from the plan, no matter how it is better, would not have made a special impression if it didn't grow up so tightly into the artistic tissue and did not contribute to the disclosure of the inner world of the hero. Penetrating lyricism, the subtlest psychological nuances make the "light of the former" remarkable phenomenon of modern Western fiction.

One of her Korifeev American Kurt Vonnegut, the author of the Rodopia 14 novels (in the original "Pianola"), "Catch number five", "Cat's cradle", rightfully considered the largest satirist, the successor in social fiction line of the Swift Wells Chapeca. In any of his works, screaming contradictions are exposed, the unpleasution and absurdity of the cold world of monetary relations depriving human human essence. In the story "How to be with Eiffe?" A dexterous dealers, not believing with the disastrous consequences, is ready in pursuit of profit to launch a device that causes euphoria into mass production. As always, Vonneguta, an artistic effect is achieved by means of grotesque, brought to the "black humor".

Isaac azimov is more optimistic and at the same time traditional. His famous stories about robots, as well as unanimously accepted fantastic writers, wonderfully formulated "Three Robotechniki Law", is a bold task of science and technology at the stage of modern thinking. The earliest of the stories about robots - "Strange Comrade for Games" (in Russian translation "Robbi") appeared in 1940, when Azimov was twenty years. This cycle is continuously replenished, including the stories about the creation and exploits of the first robots, and then the novels "Steel caves" and "Nude Sun", which, along with new stories, reveal the features of the "second stage" of the development of robots. Here, the detective ELITE Bailey and his friend become permanent heroes - the perfect biological robot - R. Daniel Olivo, who has impeccable logic, which is demonstrated, in particular, and in the story "Mirror reflection", where the dilemma arising from the inability of the robot to lie and impossible For him, harm to man, gets an interesting solution based on the knowledge of human psychology.

Three laws of robothechnics were so firmly established in science fiction literature, which, on a humorous remark of one of the fictionists, Azimov first invented these laws, and then used the power of his imagination, inventing ways to get around them. This is also engaged in the French fictionity of Claude Sheiniss, who devoted to Asimov his story "Conflict between the laws". It is curious that approximately the same psychological collision was considered by the Asimov itself in the article "Perfect Machine": "Should the robot impede the surgical operation, because the incision causes the patient's organism?" K. Sheinis offers a humorous output from the situation.

We find more familiar art solutions in stories where the traditional adventure plot is subordinated to the logical justification of a specific technical hypothesis.

The fantastic device is the levitator, interacting with the gravitational field of the Earth, initially experienced in a disabled inventor in difficult conditions to climb Everest in anticipation of the brilliant perspective "Change the fate of many worlds". For, according to the inventor, his levitator must return to humanity "Freedom, lost long ago, when the first amphibians left their weightless underwater homeland." So in the romantic key, the famous English fictory of Arthur Clark in a beautifully written story "Ruthless Sky" solves the problem.

In fact, the Bulgarian writer Tsongcho Rodov is resorted to the same traditional artististical method. In his "manuscript of the Cliterha" invention, involving the restructuring of the human body to adapt to the aquatic environment, is convincingly motivated, fitting on the moving framework of a field-moon, semi-detective plot.

So, in this short sketch, we traced the development of an inventive topic in world science fiction and on works included in the collection "Practical invention", tried to show how multifaceted foreign science fiction programs are embody today fantastic ideas and hypotheses.

E. Brandis, V. Kan

Half a century has passed since April 12, 1961, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin realized the eternal dream of humanity to escape from the earthly attraction in outer space. After him, hundreds of representatives of the Earth, real professionals of their case - astronauts, astronauts and taikonauts looked at our planet from the orbit. In this area, humanity has reached such heights that tourists are already flying into space. The words of the chief designer S. P. Koroleva come true: "The day will come, when we will fly into space for trade union trips."

And we are already thinking about the flights to the moon, Mars, to other planets ...

Of course, in the past XIX and XX century, humanity has accumulated a huge number of knowledge on astronomy, cosmonautics, rocket technology. And all this experience of our ancestors is set forth in the books. And even today, when many draw their knowledge on the Internet, the path of these knowledge to the World Wide Web lies through the books.

But what is the history of the achievements of cosmonautics in the literature?

Who today does not know the domestic pioneers of Cosmonautics - K. E. Tsiolkovsky and S. P. Korolev, 150 and 100th anniversary of which we celebrated four years ago! Thanks to their heroic work in 2007, we celebrated the half-century anniversary of an epochal event, when for the first time in the world the material body, "abandoned" from the surface of the earth, did not fall back. It was our, the world's first satellite PS. Four years after this, a man - Yu. A. Gagarin appeared to the space orbit.

Many outstanding scientists and designers, having achieved success in research, shared with other people their knowledge through books as a universal storage of information of the centuries.

The beginning of any scientific, design or historical work is, first of all, working with literature, primary sources. That is, the study of all of that experience that was accumulated by previous generations and accumulated in the books. Not in vain an old wisdom says: "Everything new is well forgotten old."

Mystical thrust of mankind to space arose long before the rockets appeared and the person overcame the earthly attraction. The ancestors of the current Russians also dreamed about it. So, for example, in the XII century in the Kiev principality, Russian Zlatoust lived in Kirill Torovsky. He wrote the first treatise on cosmology "On the Heavenly Forces", in which he considered the structure of the universe (from the word "settlement") and rolled it with the human soul microcosm. In another book, K. Torovsky - "Golubina Book" (i.e., deep) - there were already many information about the origin of the world. This since the times in Russia was believed that stars in the sky as much as people on earth. Therefore, even until recently, seriously it was believed: the star falls - a man died, dates back - a baby was born. In those years, even in Europe there were no thinkers who would occupy these problems: J. Bruno and N. Copernicus were born much later.

And in enlightened times, especially at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries., Russia gave the world a lot of scientists, which in their minds about the "earthly" rose to the "heights" of Cosmos. Among them, such humanities, like Bakhtin, Gumilyov, Losev, Native Vernadsky and Chizhevsky, Surgeon of Pirogov, Solovyov's Philosophers, Berdyaev, Bulgakov, Florensky, and others made their contribution to philosophy and form the desire of a Russian person to freedom, immense expanses of the Universe and Cosmos Magic And the creators of the artistic word. For example, poets Nikolai Klyuev and Sergey Yesenin introduced the term "elected space." And the romance "Gori, Gori, My Star" became a national lyrical anthem.

History shows that almost all major scientists and designers of the first half of the XX century. In the field of astronautics and rocket technology, they came to the case of their lives thanks to the impetus to read from reading some book. For example, such a book for K. E. Tsiolkovsky became the work of A. P. Fedorova "The new principle of aeronautics, excluding the atmosphere, as a supporting environment" (SPB., 1896). She was not a bestseller, but thanks to her we know Tsiolkovsky, how he became, engaged in researching the issue set out in this small book. The book seemed to Tsiolkovsky unclear, but his idea of \u200b\u200bit was interested in it and he began her strict physical and mathematical substantiation. Subsequently, Tsiolkovsky claimed: "Here is the beginning of my theoretical research on the possibility of using jet devices to cosmic travel ... She pushed me to serious work, as a fallen apple to the opening of Newton."

Thus, thanks to the Fedorov's book in 1903, the work of K. E. Tsiolkovsky "Study of world spaces with reactive devices" was born in 1903. And its importance in the fate of many well-known scientists and the designers of the first wave is not amenable to evaluate. Her priority is indisputable. Tsiolkovsky is written about this work and says so much that they limit the quotation from the letter received from Germany, from one of the pioneers of German cosmonautics, the largest connoisseur of reactive equipment Hermann Obert: "I regret that not earlier than 1925 I learned about you. Then, knowing your excellent works (1903), I would have walked much further and escaped unnecessary losses. "

On the popularized role of books, almost the only source of knowledge before the twentieth century, when scientific and popular magazines and the synatographer appeared, not worth talking. Those who laid the foundations of theoretical and practical cosmonautics were read in childhood fantastic books of Jules Verne, Herbert Wells and other science fiction writers. This is how K. E. Tsiolkovsky final release of his work "Studies of world spaces with reactive devices" (1925): "The desire for space journeys is laid in me by the famous fantasist Jules true. He awakened the brain's work in this direction. There were desires. The wishes arose the activity of the mind. Of course, she would not have led anything if he had not met the help from science. "

The formation of the worldview of our grandfathers and fathers was largely on such wonderful books as "interplanetary travel" (11 publications), "Entertaining Astronomy" (26 publications) of the well-known popularizer of science and technology Ya. I. Perelman. For example, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor K. P. Feoktistov still at the 8th age (in 1934) decided that in 30 years it will build a spacecraft on which will fly into space. What he stated to his friend, after reading the book of Perelman "Interplanetary Travel", received by him from the older brother Boris. And his dream with an amazing calendar accuracy came true on October 12, 1964, when he, together with the cosmonauts, V. M. Komarov and B. B. Egorov made a flight on the spacecraft "Sunrise", in the design of which (and many others) Konstantin Petrovich himself Feoktists took direct participation.

Creating a reelman of a new style of disclosure of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe book was a kind of coup in popular science literature. Using the presentation open by him, he wrote a whole library of "entertaining" literature, published with a huge circulation for that time - more than 250 thousand copies!

With the amazing book of Perelman "Interplanetary Travels" began a space biography and other pilot-astronaut of the USSR, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences G. M. Grechko. "And although it said that a person will go beyond the limits of the land of years in a hundred years, I had a dream ..." - recalls Georgy Mikhailovich.

This and other similar books have become a point of reference in the biographies of many famous and not so famous people. For some, it was fantastic stories and novels that appeared in abundance at the end of the XIX - early XX century during the rapid progress of science, technology and industry, which opened a wide road of fantasy. So, the same G. M. Grechko said that his "... In childhood, the scientific fiction was carried away -" Argonauts of the Universe "," Aelita ".

Another Our world famous Pioneer of Cosmonautics - Alexander Ignatievich Shargei, a better known under the name of Yuri Vasilyevich Kondratyuk, called his first scientific work - "To those who will read to build" (1919). She became the basis of his classic work on the theory of cosmonautics "Conquest of interplanetary spaces" (Novosibirsk, 1929). After reading this book, the Americans used the scheme of the "lunar route" developed by him for flights of their apollo spacecraft to the Moon and back to Earth. So, thanks to the book, the thought of one person became the property of all mankind.

Today, these words and neologisms such as "cosmonautics", "cosmonaut", "cosmodrome", "cosmic flight", "spacecraft", "Spacecraft", "Overload", "Space", "First Space Speed", Spacecraft "And others. These expressions naturally entered our lives with the first satellite and flight Yu. A. Gagarin. And who first introduced these concepts in our convenience? Many did not even think about it, and today there are already few who knows it. And these terms appeared in our language for the first time in the book A. A. Sternefeld "Introduction to Cosmonautics" (M.-L.: ONTY NKTP), the first edition of which was published in 1937. He worked on this book Ari Abramovich since 1925. For the first time He presented his work to the court of scientific community on December 6, 1933 in Warsaw, in the Astronomical Observatory of Warsaw University. But, unfortunately, then she did not find support from his compatriots. In May 1934, Sternefeld repeated his report on the book in Sorbonne (Paris), in the presence of the world-famous French pioneers of Cosmonautics R. Esno Peltri, A. Louis-Girsha et al. For his work A. A. Sternfeld in the same year was Awarded the International Promotional Award on Astronautically Astronautics Committee of the French Astronomical Society. In a letter A. Louis-Girsch, the author was expressed to the author to find the author to find a publisher to publish his work in French - "INITIATION A LA COSMONAUTIQUE". However, this wish could be realized only in 3 years and in the Soviet Union.

On June 14, 1935, the scientist with his wife came to our country, which became the second homeland for them. He went to work at the Jet Research Institute (Rlini) - a senior engineer, and in parallel with design activities continued its theoretical studies on missile equipment. These studies were published in the works of the institute and entered the domestic version of the manuscript "Introduction to Cosmonautics", the translation of which to Russian was fulfilled by Georgy Erichimich Langemak. He not only extremely accurately handed the author's thoughts, but also considered it necessary to maintain the original terminology. The word "cosmonautics" itself was unusual then. For example, the recognized popularizer of the science of Jacob Isidovich Perelman, despite the high assessment of Sternfeld's work, nevertheless, Langmeak was reproached to accept this neologism.

The fact that the Soviet scientist first applied the term "cosmonautics", in the West silenced and even challenged. So, the French scientist, the general director (1942-1962) of the National Aviation and Space Research Agency (Onera) Maurice Rua in the preface to the English publication (1959) of the books "Rocket engines" M. Barrera, A. Zhomotta, B. F . Webka and J. Vendenkerkhova, first published in Belgium in French (1956), directly writes: "... Cosmonautics (the term that I suggested) goes to replace the aeronautics, expanding, and even ahead of it."

Thus, during the formation of astronautics in scientific circles, it was not so unambiguous as it seems now. In the future, A. A. Sternefeld will be brought to our speech and such words as "cosmonaut" and "cosmodrome".

Nevertheless, France, under the sign of close cooperation with which 2010 was held ("Russia - France"), did not remain aside from the formation of the Space Worldwide. For example, a large role in the propaganda of the idea of \u200b\u200bspace travel and the development of a new worldview, which was subsequently called "Cosmic", along with domestic figures at an early stage of awakening interest in the conquest of the infinite universe played the famous French popularizer Camille Flammarion (1842-1925). Most of his books were translated into many languages, including Russian. At the end of the XIX - early XX century, these were the desktop books of astronomy lovers and all who were interested in science. Its fantastic and popular science works acquainted readers with Azami astronomy and excited the desire to know the universe and other worlds. Despite the fact that they were absolutely absent technical predictions, they played a certain role in the propaganda of the ideas of interplanetary travel and had a great influence on the older generation of future aviation workers and rocket technology. We are no longer talking about the influence of Flammarion on the formation of Russian cosmism (A. V. Sukhovo-Kobylin, N. F. Fyodorov) and above all on the worldview of K. E. Tsiolkovsky. This influence is undoubtedly.

Not without the influence of Flammarion's books in Russia, there were: the Nizhny Novgorod circle of physics and astronomy lovers, a Russian astronomical society, a society of lovers of world media, etc., whose members later wrote a lot of books, and these organizations themselves took an active role in book published on Popularization of knowledge on astronomy and space research.

"Cosmos" (that translated from Greek means "order", "device", "world order", "world" and ... "Beauty") in the mythological and mythologized early philosophical tradition is understood as a holistic, ordered, organized in accordance with a certain law Universe. The output of mankind into space, purposefulness of his development, which anticipated and largely formed our compatriot K. E. Tsiolkovsky, still contribute to the expansion of the individual consciousness of a person to cosmic scales. According to the statement of V. I. Vernadsky, "artistic creativity reveals to us space passing through the consciousness of a living being." Cosmos acts as the personification of the soul in its inexhaustibility, immortality and beauty. Reading books of classics of cosmonautics and fiction, you understand that "space" and "beauty" - identical concepts, unity of "physics" and "lyrics". The aesthetics of the starry sky is so granddow that the philosopher Immanuel Kant likened the starry sky to the moral "screens" of the human heart. Thanks to the writings of the ancient astronomers and astrologers, and then philosophers and science, a person became increasingly thinking about the sky and its conquest.

Let the current generations for the pragmatism of modern material culture will not lose the romance of knowledge of the new and desire for new heights!

Vitaly Lebedev, Chairman of the Section of the History of Aviation and Cosmonautics of the St. Petersburg Branch of the National Committee on the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

"There will be time when people will not only fly, but also rushing to the distant worlds." (N.643)

From ancient times, looking at the night sky, a man dreamed of flight to the stars. A mysterious, flickering billions of distant luminaries, inflicted his thoughts in the boundless gave the universe, walked imagination, forced to think about the secrets of the universe. Legends and myths of all nations told about flight to the Moon, the Sun and the Stars. Science fiction writers offered different means to implement space flight. Scientists were looking for ways to achieve star worlds. In the dazened minds, various hypotheses were born, then scientific, then fantastic.

From racing lights to rocket technology

We encourage scientific experiences. When you ask- How to treat experience with a moon rocket? Answer- with respect. Of course, we know that the testes will not receive those who are expected by them, but they will still occur.<…> We do not even hinder the most difficult experience.<…> Let at least shoot from the cannons along the distant worlds, if only thought was sent to such problems. It's not wise to stop the flow of thinking.<…> It must be treated with respect for such attempts. (H.234)

Initially, rockets in Russia were used as "funny lights".

But already in 1516, the Zaporozhets applied rockets in considerable business. And in 1817, an outstanding Russian scientist, the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, A. D. Zalyko produced and demonstrated a rocket, whose flight range was 1670 m. In the second half of the XIX century. In Russia, more than 20 projects of jet aircraft were proposed.

Special attention deserves the project of the revolutionary N. I. Kibalchich. Sentenced to the death penalty for participating in the attempt at Alexander II and being in conclusion, he drawn the scheme of the reactive aircraft. Kibalchich has developed an airplane device based on a rocket and dynamic principle, reviewed the fuel supply system into the combustion chamber and the principle of controlling the flight method for changing the engine inclination.

The most advanced people dreamed about space. In Russia, a whole direction was formed in philosophy - Russian Cosmism. In 1896, a brochure A. P. Fedorova appeared "A new principle of airplane, excluding the atmosphere as a supporting medium, where he described the device of the aeronautic apparatus proposed by it, the movement of which is based on the reactive principle. Fedorov's work had a great influence on K.E. Cialkovsky, who laid the theoretical foundations of cosmic flights, gave the philosophical and technical substantiation of the development of cosmos by humanity. An immutable companion, and sometimes the predecessor of scientific works and inventions of Tsiolkovsky was science fiction. "The desire for space travel is laid in me by the famous fantasist Zheter. He awakened the brain's work in this direction. There were desires. The wishes arose the activity of the mind, "recalled K.E. Tsiolkovsky.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the scientific fiction book of A. Tolstoy "Aelita" received a vast popularity in the Soviet Union about flight on Mars two enthusiasts on a homemade rocket. The prototype of the Elk engineer from Aelita was the Soviet engineer F. A. Tsander. He founded a scientific and engineering group of the Gird to be a solidly patient, laid the foundations of theoretical calculations of jet engines, missile astronomynamics, calculating the duration of space flights, put forward the concept of a cosmoplane - a combination of the aircraft and rocket, theoretically substantiated the principle of the planning descent from the near-empty space and proved the idea of \u200b\u200b"gravitational Parable ", which is now used by almost all spacecraft, sent to the study of groups of planets. On the work of the Cnder, almost all subsequent developments of rocket technology were based.

An important role in the development of a missile business enthusiasts: Yu. V. Kondratyuk, Aerodynamic V. P. Vetichkin, Academician V. P. Glushko, Talented engineers S. P. Korolev, M. K. Tikhonravov, etc.

In the autumn of 1933, a reactive research institute was created in Moscow. The head of the institute was appointed I. T. Kleenov, and the deputy for the scientific part - S. P. Korolev.

The desire for distant worlds is the natural direction of the human spirit. (Ah 135)

The turbulent development of rocket technology after the Great Patriotic War led to the development of the Soviet Space Program. A person's flight plan was proposed by Stalin back in 1946. However, in the difficult post-war years, the leadership of the military industry was not to space projects that were perceived as fantasy that prevents the main task of creating "long-range missiles". The state plan for the creation of R-7 missiles, the Basic Sovietovskaya Kosmonvtikil was signed by Stalin, and for all a few weeks before his death.

Shortly before the launch of the first artificial satellite of the Earth I. A. Efremov wrote a brilliant fantastic work "Timbal Andromeda" about the people of the future and flights to the stars. The author could not know about deep working works. But he reflected the aspiration of the spirit of people, their dreams and ideas about the beautiful future. And the fact that this future is directly connected with the stars, it was very significant.

On this day, the first Soviet artificial satellite was launched. He had a ball with a diameter of 0.58 m, and his mass was 83.6 kg. The satellite radio transmitter was given the opportunity to receive new information about the atmosphere. A month later, the second Soviet satellite was launched. He weighed significantly more than the first one - 508.3 kg and was bred on a more elongated orbit. On his board was a dog husky.

The first cosmic bull was awarded a real flight opportunity for a human space. The name of the first dog, who visited the space, shelted the whole world. Her photos were printed on the first stripes all the newspapers of the world. And documentary frames with it were shown in all cinemas.

The launch of the third Soviet artificial satellite of the Earth was carried out on May 15, 1958. With the flight of this satellite, the corpuscular radiation of the Sun, photons in the space rays, micrometers were recorded, the magnetic field of the Earth, heavy nuclei and the intensity of primary cosmic radiation were studied.

The first Soviet artificial satellites of the Earth allowed to work out the basic systems and obtain initial information on the parameters of the upper atmosphere of the Earth, about the processes occurring in the near-empty space.

A network of tracking and flight control stations and processing received information was created.

It was a time when thousands of people with clear evenings and nights, leaving their affairs, peered into the starry sky, trying to see a small moving star. On the time of its appearance over one or another settlement reported in advance. And the radio amateurs of all countries persistently circled the handles of the radio receivers to catch the signals of these satellites.

The following "cosmonauts", who returned to the Earth, the dogs and the arrow were alive. In the spring of 1960, an experimental verification of the first unmanned satellite ships began. After all parts were worked out, the unmanned ships flew "East". Instead of a cosmonaut, a mannequin flew in the pilot's chair. Our engineers who preparing him for flights were jokingly called the mannequin "Uncle Vanya."

First flight of man in space

Far worlds, as an impracticable concept of human life, fill the space. The cosmic concept of spatial fire and distant worlds for human consciousness should live like a long goal. The implementation of the dream is taken into consciousness of the average man. The implementation of long goal can bring the understanding of distant worlds. (B.1, 67)

Finally, after numerous earth and cosmic experiments, it was coming on April 12, 1961. In the early morning about the start of the spacecraft, only the leadership of the country and those who prepared an orbital flight knew about the start of the spacecraft. The carrier rocket "East" was established in a huge mine on the launch pad. At dawn, a small bus drove up to the site. Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, dressed in a survey and herroshl with large letters: "USSR" came out of it. Gagarin appealed to seekers: "Dear friends, close and unfamiliar, compatriots, people of all countries and continents! After a few minutes, the mighty spaceship will take by changing the distant expanses of the universe. What can you say to these last minute before the start? My whole life seems to me now one excellent moment. Everything that has been done, which was done before, was allowed and done for the sake of this minute. You understand yourself, it is difficult to understand the feelings now, when a time of the test approached very closely, to which we were preparing for a long time and passionately. It is hardly worth talking about those feelings that I experienced when I was offered to make this first flight in history. Joy? No, it was not only joy. Pride? No, it was not only pride. I experienced great happiness. To be the first in space, enter one on one in an unprecedented duel with nature - is it possible to dream of more? But after this, I thought about the tremendous responsibility that lay down on me. The first to make what the generation of people dreamed about, the first to pave the way to the whole mankind into space. Call me a greater challenge task than the one that fell to me. This responsibility is not in front of one, not before dozens of people, not before the team. This is responsibility to all the Soviet people, before all of humanity, before its present and future. Inesl, however, I am decided on this flight, then only because the communist, that I have behind the back samples of the unparalleled heroism of my compatriots - Soviet people. I know that I will collect all his will for the best task. Understanding the responsibility of the task, I will do everything in my power to fulfill the task of the Communist Party and the Soviet people. Is I happy, going to the space flight? Of course happy. After all, at all times and epochs for people were higher happiness to participate in new discoveries. I want to devote this first space flight to the people of communism, society, in which our Soviet people already enters and in which, I am sure all people will take place on earth. Now the start remains a few minutes. I tell you, dear friends, goodbye, as people always say to each other, going to the distant path. How would you like to hug everyone, familiar and strangers, distant and loved ones!

See you soon!".

The elevator raised Gagarin to the spacecraft, which was at the very top of the nearly 39-meter launch vehicle "East". At the site, located at Luke, Yuri raised his hand and once again said goodbye. Then the cosmonaut went to the cockpit and took his place in a special chair, which was all for emergency landing. As soon as he reported on checking onboard equipment and readiness for the start, experts began to delay the entrance hatch. (see Attachment)

In the next time the atmosphere in the center of flight control reached the maximum voltage. The nerves were at all at the limit, Sergei Korolev, Chief Designer "East", especially promoted. About how Yuri Gagarin felt at the time, who was on board the spacecraft alone, could be guessed from the transcript of cosmonaut negotiations with the PC:

Korolev: "Yuri Alekseevich, it means I want to just remind you that after a minute readiness will be a minute of six, before the flight begins, so you do not worry." A few minutes later, Korolev: There in laying tubes - lunch, dinner and breakfast.

Gagarin: Clear.

Queen: Understood?

Gagarin: I understood.

Korolev: sausage, dragee there and jam to tea.

Gagarin: Yeah.

Queen: Understood?

Gagarin: I understood.

Korolev: Here.

Gagarin: I understood.

Queen: 63 pieces, you will be fat.

Gagarin: Ho-ho.

Korolev: Today you will arrive, eat everything at once.

Gagarin: Not, the main thing - sausage is to moonshine to eat. "

At 9:07 Moscow time Senior Lieutenant Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin said the phrase entered into history - "went!"

"I heard a whistle and all the growing hum, felt a giant ship gave up with all my corps and slowly, very slowly broke away from the starting device," I recalled the first seconds of the cosmonaut's flight, the overload began to grow. I felt some incruise force more and more indulges me in the chair. Seconds stretched like minutes. "

During the start and exit to orbit, the cosmonaut suffered a terrible shaking, noise and strong overload. But in general, the first stage of the flight was fine, and open the secret package in which a piece of paper with a number "25" was located, Gagarina did not have to ("25" - cipher on the inclusion of the manual control system "East"). Since the flight passed in automatic mode, Gagarin did not interfere in management. But in the event of an automation failure, it was supposed to take control over. The cipher Gagarine did not report in advance, since psychologists and doctors thought that a person who saw his native planet from the side could go crazy and move to self-control ship. In this case, the secret envelope was "insured from madness."

Taking off, the first cosmonaut of the planet reported to the ground: "Well-being is excellent. Several grows overload, vibration, everything is carried fine. The mood is cheerful. I see the land in the porthole, distinguished the folds of the terrain, the snow, forest ... "Finally, the ship went into orbit. Imagination has come. "At first, this feeling was unusual," recalled the Gagarin later, "but I soon got used to him, I was mastered." "The feeling of weightlessness is interesting," he said at the PC. - Everything floats. (Joyful.) Everything is swimming! Beauty. Interesting. " From time to time, Yuri flew the song "On Fallen Kursina Childhood", then the "Landshi" or the motive "Motherland hears, the Motherland knows ..." Suddenly it turned out that the ship went to a much higher orbit than the calculated one. This meant that if the brake system denied during the descent, the ship will go with orbit due to aerodynamic braking in the upper layers of the atmosphere. In this case, with an orbit, the height of 247 km Gagarin could return to the ground in 5-7 days. For this period, all reserves on board were calculated.

Fortunately, everything ended well. When, wailing the planet, the cosmonaut appeared over the territory of his country, a team on the descent was filed from the ground. The first flight of a person in space continued 108 minutes.

"The ship began to enter the tight layers of the atmosphere," Yuri Gagarin told him later. - His outer shell raised quickly, and through the curtains, covering the portholes, I saw a spherical crimson tweeter of a flame raging around the ship. But in the cockpit there were only 20 degrees of heat. It was clear that all the systems worked perfectly ... "

Due to the malfunction of the valve in the fuel line, the TDU turned off for a second earlier. In addition, the separation of the descent apparatus (CA) and the instrument compartment happened with a delay of 10 minutes as a result of the Ca and the cosmonaut landed not 110 km south of Stalingrad, as planned, and in the Saratov region, near the city of Engels, where no one expected landing.

The ship's pilot catapulted a few minutes before landing the descent apparatus and went down to the ground on the parachute. The first Gagarin saw an elderly peasant Anna Takhtarov and her granddaughter of Rita. "Seeing me in an orange scaffle and a white helmet filled with the sky," I remembered Yuri Gagarin, "the old woman stuck and even wanted to run. Granddaughter boldly pulled her to me. I kissed them both ... "

Soon the military from the nearby part arrived. One group of the military took under the protection of the descent apparatus, and the other lucky gagarin into the location of the part. From there, the astronaut on the phone reported the commander of the Air Defense division: "I ask to transfer the Commander of the Air Force: the task has completed, landed in a given area, I feel good, bruises and breakdowns. Gagarin. " Meanwhile, the Mi-4 helicopter flew out of the Engel airport, it was part of his task to find and choose Gagarin. Rescuers discovered a descendable apparatus, but Yuri next to the situation was clarified by local residents: they said that Gagarin went on a truck in Engels. The helicopter took off and took the course to the city. On the way, a truck was seen from it, from which Gagarin waved his hands. Cosmonauts took on board, and the helicopter flew to the base to the Engels airport. At the airfield in Engels, Gagarin was already waiting for a helicopter ladder had all the database management. He was presented with a congratulatory telegram of the Soviet government, and on the "victory" were taken to the dispatching point, and then at the headquarters of the base, for communication with Moscow.

By noon, Deputy Commander of the Air Force General Lieutenant Agaltsov and a group of journalists arrived at the Engels airfield from Baikonur. For three hours, while the connection was established with Moscow, Gagarin gave an interview and photographed. With the adoption of communication, he personally reported by N.S. Khrushchev on flight execution. After the report, Gagarin on the aircraft IL-14 flew to Samara (then Kuibyshev). It was decided to avoid hyperships somewhere away from the city. But while the engine was joined and the ladder was mounted, the local party leadership drove up. Gagarina was taken to the Oborogo Cottage on the banks of the Volga. There he took a shower and rolled normally. Three hours later, Korolev flew in Samara and a few more people from the State Commission. At 9 o'clock in the evening, a festive table was covered and a successful flight of Gagarin into space was noted. And in 11 everyone slept: accumulated fatigue affected.

Originally no one planned a grand meeting of Gagarin in Moscow. Everything decided at the last moment Nikita Khrushchev. According to his son, Sergey Khrushcheva: "He began with the fact that he called the Minister of Defense Marshal Malinovsky and said:" He has a senior lieutenant. It is necessary to urgently increase the rank. " Malinovsky said, rather reluctantly, which will give Gagarin the rank of captain. What Nikita Sergeevich became angry: "What captain? You even give him Major. " Malinovsky did not agree for a long time, but Khrushchev insisted on his own, and on the same day Gagarin became Major. " Then Khrushchev called the Kremlin and demanded that Gagarine prepare a decent meeting.

Il-18 arrived at Gagarin, and the honorary escort of fighters consisting of MiGs joined the aircraft. The plane flew to Vnukovo Airport, Gagarin was waiting for a grand reception. A huge crowd of the people, the entire top of power, journalists and operators. The aircraft twisted the airport to the central building, launched the ladder, and Gagarin came to him first. From the aircraft to the Government Tribune, a bright red carpet, according to it, I went to Yuri Gagarin under the sounds of the orchestra performing the ancient aviation march "We are born to make a fairy tale." Going to the Tribune, Yuri Gagarin reported Nikita Khrushchev: - Comrade First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR! I am glad to report to you that the task of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and the Soviet government is fulfilled ...

Natural actions were held in the maternity hospitals, all the babies were called Yurai.

Nikita Khrushchev handed Gagarin on Red Square Golden star "Hero of the Soviet Union" and assigned a new title of "Cosmonaut's pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR".

This event did not leave anyone indifferent. Many people went to Moscow's streets to see Gagarin with their own eyes when he will go from the airfield to the Kremlin. And those who did not have such an opportunity followed on television. The spontaneously formed real demonstrations. In many schools canceled lessons. The people celebrated the victory of human genius, skill and courage. In the evening, famous writers and poets performed on the squares. All concerts and performances began with congratulations to the audience with the successful completion of the Gagarin flight.

And in the next two days, airplanes landed on Moscow airfields, which delivered delegations from different countries of the world to meet with the first cosmonaut. A press conference was soon organized, on which Gagarin and designers asked foreign journalists.

Foresting the whole world! The pioneer of the universe, the conqueror of cosmic spaces, a citizen of the Universe, the Messenger of the World - as soon as Yuri Gagarin is not called. He became a legend in his life, with honor, having passed not only the tests of unearthly overloads, but also unprecedented than glory.

Yu. B. Levitan at one of the meetings in Saratov to the question: "What events in our speaker work did you remember especially?" - Without thinking, answered: "May 9, 1945, Victory Day and April 12, 1961 - the day of the flight of Yuri Gagarin to Sosmos.

May 9 - It is clear why: we have long been waiting for the completion of the Great Patriotic War. But the flight of a person in space was waiting and did not wait. It seemed to us that he would be possible in two or three years. And suddenly! .. A few minutes later, the car comes after me and in the wilderness delivers to the studio. There I am handed me a text "TASS messages about the flight of a person in space", I run along a long corridor, quickly grasping the meaning of the written. I stop comrades and ask: "What happened? What is the message? "

Man in space!


Stalked the door to the studio. Engineered at the clock: 10 hours 02 minutes. Included the microphone:

Says Moscow! All radio stations of the Soviet Union! .. "

Yu.B. Levitan admitted: "reading the text, I tried to be calm, but the tears of joy stood their eyes. So it was on May 9, when I read the "act on the unconditional surrender of Hitler's Germany." These transmissions went straight to the ether, to people, to our compatriots and, of course, to all people of the Earth ... ".

Young cosmonauts

Among the training items, let the foundations of astronomy, but putting it as a run-up to the distant worlds. So schools will donate the first thoughts about life in the distant worlds. The space will revive, asthochemistry and rays will fill the idea of \u200b\u200bthe greatness of the universe. Young hearts honor themselves not ants on the earth's crust, but the carriers of the Spirit and those responsible for the planet. (O.110)

After the flight Yuri Gagarina, many young dreeders, looking at the starry sky, mentally rushed into the space expanses. In the early 60s, numerous clubs of young cosmonauts appeared in our country. And the very first "club of young cosmonauts" in the world. Yu.A. Gagarin (Küc) was organized in Leningrad in the summer of 1961.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a club belonged to the director of the Leningrad City Children's Park Ade Alexandrovna Kartavchenko. Thanks to Ade Alexandrovna, he would have achieved high, I would say, not a children's level of preparation of young cosmonauts. One of the club managers for several years was Sergey Pavlovich Kuzin. But the Supreme Guideline was the Council of the Club led by the Chairman. Both the Council and the Chairman were elected by the guys themselves and enjoyed great authority.

I was lucky to do in this club. He remembered enthusiasm and serious, responsible attitude of the guys to classes. For us, it was not a game, but difficult and fascinating work. We were engaged in the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy, where a special course of Astrodynamics was organized with the study of heavenly mechanics, the theory of movement of rockets and artificial satellites.

With great interest, we visited the lectures on astronomy in the planetarium, dragged the star of the starry sky, solved astronomical tasks, watched the telescope behind the stars and the moon. At the University of Matmeha passed classes on higher mathematics. And in the wise was carried out training for the sustainability of the body to overloads (catapulting, barocamera, survocamera, centrifuge, etc.). Many tests under the leadership of Bondarev Edward Vasilyevich, who at that time was engaged in research on the influence of various factors (overload, pressure, silence, various medical preparations, etc.) on the human body and his psyche.

In the club, DOSAAF, we studied the material part of aircraft and engines, radio engineering, studied by the aircraft management and parachute jumps (from the 50-meter tower and from the aircraft). But, perhaps, the most beloved were classes in Wau GVF, where the vestibular apparatus was checked on various simulators. Leading the classes Sagittarius Vladimir Grigorievich, at that time a candidate of biological sciences, developing the theory of professional and applied physical training of pilots.

Much attention was paid to sports. For life, tourist, ski and boat trips are remembered, in which, as a rule, complex conditions, requiring courage, patience, endurance and skills to survive.

And after a difficult transition - songs by the fire on space and stars, dreams and friendship. They remembered the words from our song: "... and sing on the stars of distant and mysterious seven girls from a hiking fire ...". (Words I. Boraminskaya) Young cosmonauts were found by Y. Gagarin and Titov. But most of all the impressions left a trip to the star town in 1964. There was a meeting with Titov, A.Nikolaev and V. Babikovsky. Cosmonauts talked with the guys about two hours. At the same time, a documentary film about our club "And then on Mars" was shot. At the end of the club, graduates were assigned the title of a cosmonaut's instructor for the organization of the CUCT and was given a recommendation for admission to universities. Certificates of graduation in Kük presented the main Marshal Aviation A.A. Novikov.

Despite the fact that none of us became an astronaut, classes in the club left an indelible mark in our lives and, one way or another, influenced the choice of life path. Among the graduates of the club there are astronomers, pilots, doctors, candidates and doctors of science, engineers, professors, teachers. Andrei Torubeev became a people's artist of Russia. And Irina Boraminskaya - famous choreographer; Alexander Gaidov - the main neurosurgeon of Sevastopol; Lion Monosov - Cand. geographer. sciences, honorary builder of Russia; Vitaly Bogdanov - Professor, Cand. psychol. sciences; Oleg Viro - Professor, Dr. Fiz.-Mat. sciences, one of the leading mathematicians of the world; Herman Berson for services to the state and a great personal contribution to the development of science was awarded the medal of the Order "For Services to Fatherland" II degree; Mikhail Mountain - Cand. physical mat. Sciences, lawyer, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Political Science HSE in St. Petersburg, was a deputy of Lensovet, the adviser to the governor of St. Petersburg ...

Day April 12 forever became our holiday. On this day, wherever we are, we try to postpone our affairs and come to our meeting.

After 50 years

The gaze and expectations of humanity should be addressed to the distant worlds. (OZ. 3-V-4)

From the day of the first flight of a person in space has passed 50 years. Since then, the cosmonautics passed a giant path, unprecedented discoveries were committed. International Space Stations were launched. The number of cosmonauts exceeded half thousands. The piloted cosmonautics reached a record on the duration of the flight of astronaut in orbit (Valery Polyakova) - 438 days. A cosmonaut Sergey Cricalev, who made 6 flights with a stay in space of 803 days, became the record holder in the duration of stay in space. Cosmic tourism appeared. Every day, the scope of applied use of cosmonautics is increasingly expanding: the weather service, navigation, rescue of people and forest salvation, worldwide television, comprehensive communication, the most advanced technologies.

Many changes occurred in our country from the same memorable day. In the 90s, space programs were suspended, in a plot, up to complete disappearance, many directions of Soviet science were suspended. All those who are not indifferent to the fate of Russia are concerned about the company's distorting company held today. The policy of slanderers to the Soviet Union is aimed at the belief of young people in the fact that the USSR always lagged behind or only repeated other people's achievements. Back in the 60s, the western scientists began to put forward the projects of the development of space, assigning themselves the authorship of the ideas of Tsiolkovsky ("Cephrasson Sphere", "Space Settlements O'Neila" and much more). In the west, the legacy of the great scientist and the philosopher is almost crossed out of history and almost unknown even to those skilled in the art. Many Americans have almost forgotten about Gagarin.

Other facts of neglect of the history of Russian cosmonautics are surprised and outraged. So, the mannequin "Ivan Ivanovich" since 1994, the mysterious "legitimate" manner moved to America and is exhibited in the Smithsonian National Museum of Art and Space. And the auction, timed to the 50th anniversary of the first flight of a person in space, looks at the 50th anniversary of the first flight of a person in space, on which the spacecraft of East 3ka-2 will be put up for auction. This apparatus made a flight into space with a mannequin on the nicknamed "Ivan Ivanovich" and a dog asterisk on board. When landing, the mannequin was ejected, and the dog was safely returned to the Earth in the ship itself. The first time he was sold at the beginning of the nineties. And until that moment was in the private collection, in the USA. As a consolation, it remains only to hope that, thanks to this, the American people at least something learns about the contribution of Russia in the development of space.

In fact, no resistant to the USSR from the West in the field of space technologies cannot be speech. If we consider that our orbital systems and delivery facilities turned out to be much better than American, we can say exactly about the standards of the West from the USSR.

By the 90s, the Soviet Union was the leader in the absolute majority (43 of the 50th!) Of the main scientific and technical directions. According to many independent experts, when preserving the USSR, a list of areas in science and technology, according to which we are behind the West, would decrease to zero by the mid-90s. And our space industry has played a considerable role. The destruction of the Soviet Space Program left unfulfilled many projects - both purely scientific and industrial. Currently, Russian means of removing spacecraft are the most reliable in the world. Americans fly to the ISS on Russian ships, Europeans and representatives of other countries are used to launch their satellites Russian carrier missiles. But almost all Russian rocket and space technology came from Soviet times.

To correct the current situation in Russia, the concept of the development of Russian cosmonautics was developed until 2040 and the implementation of its programs began.

The development of a modular pH of the Angara, which began in 1992 continues. On the Baikonur cosmodrome, together with Kazakhstan partners, work is underway on the project to create a completely new, environmentally friendly "cosmic missile complex" Baiterek "and the construction of the starting complex under this rocket has already begun. The first start of the "hangars" from the new cosmodrome is planned for 2014. And from the Russian cosmodrome Plesetsk, its launch will be held in two years earlier. There are plans to create a cosmodrome "East" in the Amur region.

In conclusion, I want to bring the words of Elena Ivanovna Roerich: "... Science is going on such giant steps forward that it will soon be aware of the next step, it is, the stage of cooperation with space, and then the cosmic consciousness will stop scaring even the most unsuccessful, but will be the usual, and no A person who has aware of his place in space will not be able to stay in his squaw. Then the spiritual association will come. "

Chronicle of Historical Flight
3:00 - On the starting area began the final checks of the spacecraft. Sergey Pavlovich Korolev attended
5:30 - Lifting and breakfast Yuri Gagarin and his Dubler German Titova
6:00 - a meeting of the State Commission began. After the meeting, the flight task of the astronaut-1 was finally signed. A few minutes later the special bus of the blue color was already driving to the starting area.
6:50 - After the report on readiness, the Chairman of the State Commission, Yuri made a statement for printing and radio. This statement was fitted with several dozen meters of tape recorder. Five hours later, it became a sensation. Being on the railway in front of the entrance to the cabin, Gagarin welpreogramed both hands - farewell to those who remained on Earth. Then disappeared into the cockpit.
7:10 - Voice Gagarin appeared on the air.
8:10 - Announced 50-minute readiness. A single malfunction was eliminated. It was found at the closure of the hatch number 1. He was quickly opened and all corrected.
8:30 - 30-minute readiness. Titov announced that he could remove the skaand and go to the point of observation, where all experts were already gathered. The surname of a man who will first leave the planet, is now known finally - Gagarin.
8:50 - declared ten-minute readiness. Check all major systems and sealing.
9:06 - minute readiness. Gagarin took the starting position.
9:07 - Ignition. The start of the ship "Vostok", on the air heard the famous "went! .."
9:09 - Department of the first stage. Gagarin must hear how this step was separated, and feel that the vibration decreased sharply. Acceleration increases, as well as overload. At the point of observation, the report of Gagarin is waiting.
9:11 - Gagarin's output, discharge of the head fairing.
9:22 - Radio signals of the Soviet spacecraft tapered observers from the American Radar Station Shamia located on the Aleutian Islands. Five minutes later, the encryption was gone in the Pentagon. The night duty, having accepted it, immediately called Dr. Jerome Wisner, the chief scientific adviser to President Kennedy. Wisner's slesphele looked at the clock. It was 1 hour 30 minutes on Washington time. From the moment the start of the "East" passed 23 minutes. He had the report to the President - Russian ahead of Americans.
9:57 - Yuri Gagarin conveyed that she flies over America. The official message on the launch of a person's space, signing an order for the assignment of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin of the title of Major.
10:13 - Teletipes have finished the transfer of the first TASS message. Hundreds of minor and large countries correspondents stormed the building of the telegraph agency. Yuri Gagarin became close to all nations of the globe. But most worried and worried about him, of course, the Motherland.
10:25 - Included braking motor installation, and the ship went to the descent. Landing is the most responsible stage of the space flight: a meter error per second at a speed of 8000 meters per second deflects the landing point by as much as 50 kilometers.
10:35 - separation of the instrument compartment. Continued descent.
10:46 - Entrance to the dense layers of the atmosphere, loss of communication.
10:55 - The burned iron ball has broken about the plowed soil - the field of the collective farm "Leninaya path", the south-west of the city of Engels, not far from the village of Breelovka. Nearby on the parachute, Yuri Gagarin sank.

1. Yu.Z.Nikitin. Think and answer. Smolensk. 1999, p. 139, 278.
5. Afanasyev I.B. World piloted cosmonautics. History. Technics. People. Moscow. Ed.: RTSoft. 2005
8. V. Rossoshansky. Gagarin phenomenon. Saratov. Ed.: Chronicle: Publishing Center of the Saratov State Socio-Economic University. 2001
9. Roerich E.I. Letters. 1929-1938 tons 2. 17.01.36

Apparently, the Great Writer never found a raidness with the problem of his problem. The life experience of a person who is accustomed to concrete thinking, opposed the speculative possibility of movements in a state of weightlessness on their own will, Although the weightlessness itself, he, as seen, did not deny.

During the lifetime of Jules, the genius of Russian science, K. E. Tsiolkovsky, formulated the principles of the study of world spaces with reactive devices, outlined his thoughts on the possibility of human penetration into space, about the artificial satellite of the Earth, about living conditions in the absence of gravity.

"The desire for space journey is laid in me by a famous vulneur fan. Verne," said Tsiolkovsky. - He awakened the work of the brain in this direction. Wishes appeared. For the desires, the activity of the mind arose. Of course, she would not have behaved if she didn't have anything if he had not met Help from science. "

The "Kaluga Dreamer", torn away from scientific centers, was developed in the provincial wilderness Pioneer ideas of "starfold", but could not betray their broad publicity. This mission was posted on a well-known popularizer of the exact Sciences Ya. I. Perelman, one of the few enthusiasts who managed to evaluate the oversight of the senior contemporary. In 1915, he released the book "Interplanetary Travel", as "premature" in Tsarist Russia, as well as the Grand Ods of Tsiolkovsky.

Interplanetary Traveling Perelman was destined to withstand many editions, bring the brilliant ideas of Tsiolkovsky to a wide range of readers, ignite the softer about "starflow", supported by scientific evidence, hundreds and thousands of young minds, among which were the first designers of Soviet spacecraft.

And a year earlier, Perelman placed in the popular magazine "Nature and People" (1914, No. 24), a scientific fiction story "Breakfast in the weightless kitchen", written as an extra chapter to the novel "around the moon".

The scientist straightens the writer: "Talking in detail about the life of the passengers inside the flying nucleus, Jules Verne missed that passengers, as in general, objects inside the cabins, at all time travel there were absolutely weightless! The fact is - the author continues, - that, obeying the power of gravity, all the bodies fall at the same speed; The power of earthly attraction was to, therefore, to inform all subjects inside the nucleus is completely the same acceleration as the kernel itself. And if so, then neither passengers nor the rest of the bodies in the nucleus were not to put pressure on their supports; The damped item could not approach the floor (that is fall), but continued to hang in the air; From the tipped vessel, water should not be poured and so on. in word, the inside of the nucleus was supposed to turn into a small the world is completely free from gravity. "

Thus, the Kepler hypothesis of the "neutral point" is refuted. Geeness occurs immediately, as soon as the projecture reports cosmic speed (at least eight kilometers per second).

Arbitrary movements inside the projectile do not cause doubts, only "passengers" is not easy to adapt to them. To the question of L. N. Tolstoy: "Is it possible to jump at this point?" The answer is unequivocal: "Yes, you can!"

Many scaffolding of the ideas of Tsiolkovsky has since been engaged in the popularization of the ideas of Tsiolkovsky (among them - Alexander Belyaev), in detail and reliably portrayed the state of weightlessness long before the exit of a person in space.

II. Ahead century

Fantasy directed to the future. The right "wonders of the technique" depicted by the Jewel is always ahead of reality. Events are moved to the recent past or occur at that time when the book was published. Heroes are the author's contemporaries, and their affairs and accomplishments under time are impossible. Thus, the reader comes into contact with the future and finds it in the present.

The first part of the dilogy "from the ground on the moon" is a full humor. Anti-war pamflet - published in the newspaper in 1865, shortly after the four-year civil war ended in the United States. Heroes of the novel, members of the Baltic "Cannon Club", do not want to reconcile with the onset of the "Dead Season". "There will never be international complications that will allow us to declare a war of some kind of overseas power!" - Mathematician Maston crushes. But since the hostilities stopped and the new ones have not yet foreseen, brave artilleryrs, at the suggestion of the Chairman of the Barbiken Club, decide to build a giant "Colombiad" and make the target ... Moon. The only purpose of the shot is to demonstrate the successes of the ballistics. As we remember, the crazy Frenchman ardan seemed not enough, and he initiates the first flight into space.

There is nothing impossible for science. "Sooner or later, such a journey will be committed," the author declares Ardan's mouth.

It is difficult to talk about the forecast, "calculated" for a hundred years. It may be about guessing, or rather, about rare intuition. Without exaggeration, the brilliant intuition Jules Verne showed in the lunar dilogy, choosing the Peninsula Florida by the start of the aluminum cylinder-conical "Wagon-projectile" with three passengers, forcing them to experience the effects of weightlessness, see the opposite side of the Moon, return to the elliptical orbit on the ground and fall in Pacific, in four kilometers from the coast, where American Corvette craves them.

Interplanetary fantastic train flying on the highway Earth - Moon. Roman "around the moon." Artist E. Bayar.

Let me remind well-known facts. Ships "Apollo" started from the east cosmodrome of the United States (Cape Canaveral in Florida, marked on the geographic map applied to the first edition "from the ground to the moon").

On December 21, 1968, the Spaceship "Apollo-8" with cosmonauts Frank Borman, James, Lamb and William Anders, was sent to the moon. The first of the people they saw as the Earth, gradually decreased, turned into one of the heavenly bodies. After three days after the start, at an altitude of about one hundred and thirty kilometers above the lunar surface, the ship switched to an incense orbit. Having done eight turns, astronauts included a march engine and transferred the ship to the flight route to the ground. On December 27, the crew cabin was entered with the second space rate in the earth's atmosphere and after aerodynamic braking sank in parachutes in a given area of \u200b\u200bthe Pacific Ocean.

All flight stages to the moon, besides the crew landing, were also done by Apollo-9 (March 1969) and Apollo-10 (May 1969). And finally, in July 1969, the piloted spacecraft "Apollo-11" first made landing on the moon. Soviet cosmonaut K. P. Feoktists so determined the historical significance of this flight:

"I think that the natural desire to self-affirmation is characteristic not only for individuals, but also to teams, and humanity as a whole. The landing on the moon is the act of self-affirmation of all mankind ... But, of course, the importance of landing on the moon is not exhausted by the emotional aspect of this event. I would like to emphasize the technical and scientific importance of a successful landing on the moon "(" Izvestia ", 1969, July 22).

The successful completion of the Apollo program was marked by the flight of the eleventh and the last piloted ship "Apollo-17" (December 1972).

Industrial development of cosmos Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Eduardovich

Study of world spaces with reactive devices (1926) * (fragments)

Study of world spaces with reactive devices (1926) *



The desire for space journeys is laid in me by the famous vision of J. Vernoy. He prompted the brain's work in this direction. There were desires. The wishes arose the activity of the mind. Of course, she would not have led anything if he had not met the help from science.

I never claimed a complete solution to this issue. First you will inevitably go: thought, fantasy, fairy tale. For them marching scientific calculation. And in the end, the execution crowds thought. My work on space travels belong to the middle phase of creativity. More than anybody I understand the abyss that shares the idea of \u200b\u200bher implementation, since during my life I not only thought and calculated, but also performed, working as hands. However, it is impossible not to be the idea: the execution is preceded by a thought, an accurate calculation - fantasy.

This is what I wrote M. Filippov, editor of the "Scientific Review", before sending him his notebook (published in 1903): "I developed some parties to raise into space using a reactive device similar to a rocket. Mathematical findings based on scientific data and many times proven, indicate the possibility using such devices to rise into heavenly space and, maybe establish settlements outside the earth's atmosphere. It will be probably hundreds of years, before I explained by my thoughts will find application, and people will take advantage of them to settle not only on the face of the earth, but also in the face of the whole universe.

Almost all the energy of the Sun disappears at the moment it is useless for humanity, for the Earth receives in 2 (more precisely at 2.23) billion times less than the sun emits.

What is strange in the idea to take advantage of this energy! What is strange in thought to master and surrounding the earthly ball with unlimited space ... "

Everyone knows how unimaginable is great as limitless universe.

Everyone knows that the whole solar system with hundreds of his planets has a point in the Milky Way. And the most Milky Way is a point in relation to the essential island. The last thing is the point in the world.

People in the sunny system are penetrated, dispose of it as a hostess in the house: will the secrets of the universe, will then be revealed? Not at all! How to inspect some pebble or shell will not reveal even the secrets of the ocean ... If even humanity won the other sun, examined the entire Milky Way, these billions of the Suns, these hundred billion planets, - then and then we would say the same. And the billions of these - the point, and they would not expose all the secrets of the sky.

It was a long time ago, when the air lift was considered a blasphemous attempt and punished out, when the reasoning about the rotation of the Earth was punished with burning. Really and now destroyed people to fall in mistakes of the same variety!

Construction plan for interplanetary spaces

Overall plan

We can achieve the conquest of the solar system very affordable tactics. We will decide first the easiest task: to arrange an essential settlement near the ground as her companion, at a distance of 1-2 thousand km from the surface, outside the atmosphere. In this case, the relative stock of explosive material is quite accessible, since it does not exceed 4-10 (relatively with the weight of the rocket). If we take advantage of the preliminary speed obtained on the ground surface itself, this stock will be completely insignificant (about it in front).

Settling here Sustainably and socially, having received a reliable and safe base, having mastered well with life on the air (in material void), we will easily change our speed, removal from the ground and the sun and generally raise where we like. The fact is that in the state of the satellite of the Earth and the Sun, we can use the smallest forces to increase, reduce and any change in its speed, and therefore our outer position. The energy of the greatest abundance in the form of never redeeming, continuous and virgin wilderness of the sun. The point of support or reference material can be negative and in particular positive (helium atoms) electrons ...

Development on industry in the broadest sense

The first earthly animals originated in the water ...

... To move to land, they needed muscles, and for the transition from air to emptiness - the development of industry, especially the engine ...<…>

... Emptiness and virgin sunlight kill. The antidote serve: well-isolated multi-chamber dwellings, safe and artificial selection of creatures. Oxygen, water, metals and other necessary substances are almost all stones. It is necessary only to extract them. The objectives of the industry on the air, in general, the same as on earth, only much extensive, despite the fact that a person does not need neither clothing nor furniture, no other.

Work plan, starting with the near future

Now we will talk about how you can start work on the conquest of space immediately, now. We usually go from the known to the unknown, from the sewing needle to the sewing machine, from the knife to the meat grinder, from the threshing chains to the throat, from the stroller to the car, from the boat to the ship. So we think to move from the airplane to the reactive device - to conquer the solar system. We have already said that the rocket, flying first inevitably in the air, should have some features of the airplane. But we have already argued that it is unsuitable wheels, air screws, engine, permeability of gases, burdensome wings. All this prevents him from getting speed, greater 200 m / s, or 720 km / h. The aircraft will not be suitable for air transport purposes, but will gradually become suitable for space travel. Is it now an airplane, flying at an altitude of 12 km, no longer overcomes 70-80% of the total atmosphere and is not approaching the sphere of pure ether surrounding the Earth! Let's help him achieve more. Here are the gross levels of development and conversion of an airplane case to achieve higher goals.

1. A rocket plane is satisfied with wings and ordinary controls. But the gasoline motor is replaced by an explosive pipe, which is inflated by the west engine. No air screw. There is a stock of explosive materials and remains a premises for a pilot, closed with something transparent to protect against the oncoming wind, since the speed of such a device is more airplane. This device from the reactive effect of explosion rolled on the clamps along the lubricated rails (wheels may remain). Then he will rise to the air, the maximum speed will reach, will lose the whole stock of explosives and lightly starts planning as an ordinary or unlooking airplane to safely go down to land.

The amount of explosives and explosion power must be gradually increased, also the maximum speed, range, and most importantly - the height of the flight. Due to the permeability for the air of the human room in the plane, the height, of course, cannot be more known record height. Enough and 5 km. The purpose of these experiments is the ability to control the airplane (with a significant speed of movement), explosive pipe and planning.

2. The wings of subsequent aircraft must be gradually reduced, the power of the motor and the speed increase. We will have to resort to preliminary to explode, speed using previously described funds.

3. The case of further airplanes should be made impermeable for gases and filled with oxygen, with devices absorbing carbon dioxide, ammonia and other human allocation products. The goal is to achieve any air loss. Height can exceed 12 km. By high speed, when descending, it can be done on water. The impermeability of the case will not give the rocket to kill.

4. Applied by the steering men, acting perfectly in emptiness and in very rarefied air, where the rocket is searched. Strokeless airplane, dual or structured, inflated with oxygen, hermetically closed, well-planning. It requires a high pre-velocity to raise the air and, it became, to improve the devices for running. The surplus speed will give him the opportunity to rise higher and higher. Centrifugal force may already show its action and reduce the work of the movement.

5. Speed \u200b\u200breaches 8 km / s, centrifugal force completely destroys the severity and the rocket for the first time goes beyond the atmosphere. Flying there, as far as the oxygen and food is enough, it spiral returns to the ground, hinding himself with air and planning without explosion.

6. After that, you can use the housing is simple, unanswered. Flights for the atmosphere are repeated. The jet devices are increasingly removed from the Earth's air shell and are on the air all the longest and longer. Yet they return, as they have a limited supply of food and oxygen.

7. Attempts are made to get rid of carbon dioxide and other human discharge with the help of selected finely sugary plants that give nutrients at the same time. There is a lot about it, they work a lot - and slowly, but still achieve success.

8. The essential safts (clothing) are arranged for the safe exit of the rocket on the air.

9. To obtain oxygen, food and purification of rocket air, they come up with special plants for plants. All this in folded form is carried away by rockets on the air and is declined there and connected. A person achieves great independence from the Earth, as it produces a means of life independently.

10. Extensive settlements are arranged around the Earth.

11. Used solar energy not only for nutrition and comfort of life (comfort), but also to move across the entire solar system.

12. Base colonies in the belt of asteroids and other places of the solar system, where small celestial bodies are found.

13. Industry is developing and unimaginably multiplying the colony.

14. Individual (individual person) and public (socialist) perfection is achieved.

15. The population of the solar system is made a hundred thousand million times more of the present earthly. The limit is achieved, after which the resettlement is inevitably all over the Milky Way.

16. Sun extinction begins. The remaining population of the solar system is removed from it to other suns, to the previously flew brothers.

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