Compilences: Alexandrov G. F., Galaktiov M. R., Kruzhkov V. S., Mitin M. B., Mochalov V. D., Pospelov P. N.
Printed by the Resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks).

The "short course", which now became a bibliographic rarity, was preparing, as it is known, under the direct personal leadership of I. V. Stalin. According to the testimonies of the work on the book, Stalin first acquainted with the primary material prepared by his task by experts, and then invited them to himself, fell down the text, listened to the comments and the rules itself transcript.

In this work, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin theoretically justifies the views of Marxists to national problems and gives a definition of the concept of a nation.The treacherous military attack of Hitler's Germany on our homeland, started on June 22, continues. Despite the heroic resistance of the Red Army, despite the fact that the best divisions of the enemy and the best parts of his aviation are already broken and found themselves a grave on the battlefields, the enemy continues to climb forward, throwing new forces to the front.

On the foundations of Leninism - labor I. V. Stalin, dedicated to theoretical substantiation of Leninism as Marxism of the Epoch of Imperialism and Proletarian Revolutions; It consists of lectures read by I. V. Stalin in 1924 at the University of Sverdlovsk.
Published by publication: I.V. Stalin, writings, vol. 6, p. 69-188.

In the first volume of writings I.V. Stalin includes works written since 1901 until April 1907, during its revolutionary activities mainly in Tiflis.
Only a small part of the works included in the first volume of the works of I.V. Stalin was published in Russian.

The second volume of writings I.V. Stalin contains works written mainly from the second half of 1907 to 1913, prior to the link of Comrade Stalin to the Turukhan region, where he stayed in February 1917.

Stalin today is one of the most sought-after political figures. Your interest is not reduced. On the contrary, all sociological polls show that the number of not only those who simply know about Stalin, but also those who relate to it positively. Many today reveal Stalin - who again, who for the first time. Acquaintance with him and with his era takes place mainly on the books of historians. However, the attitude of the authors to Stalin is different. But what could be better than the original source itself?

Why study history in retelling, if you can read Stalin himself?

While writing the book "Stalin. I remember together "I read almost the entire collection of Stalin's writings and a lot of what was not included in it. So the idea of \u200b\u200bthis collection was born. Take the most interesting and important thing that Stalin said and wrote, and put in one book. And to give the reader to determine its attitude to this person and the time he acted. Therefore, in the book "So said Stalin" I did not add a single word from myself. Only the direct speech of Stalin.

This book consists of various materials. There are also famous speeches, and little-known articles. On the pages of the book, the leader appears before readers with a young revolutionary and a mature statesman. Stalin Ros and evolved, and that, as not his speech, can it clearly show us this evolution?

Begin to get acquainted with history from the original sources, and you will surely have an interest in the deepening and expansion of your knowledge.

And perhaps, your assessment of what is happening will then change. After all, new facts give a new look.

Sincerely, Nikolay Starikov

If it were not for 1917, perhaps we would not have learned those people who then change the history of mankind. Not focusing in February, and then in October 1917, hundreds of fragments in a single whole, it would be possible that the Russian Empire would have existed to this day. But the story does not tolerate the subjunctive inclination. No possibility to go back. And it's not by chance that the story about the performances of Stalin we start from 1917. Until this time, Stalin is a revolutionary, a non-executant, a wrestler with a Russian state. From 1917, he, like many other Bolsheviks, becomes a statesman. And to trace this evolution is extremely important and interesting.

Throughout his life, Stalin will have respect for Lenin - to his teacher, who he read is infinite. Even when it was much later than Stalin and restored a lot from what Vladimir Ilyich was instructed, the attitude towards him remained the same. Stalin never ill did not respond his predecessor, which distinguishes him from Khrushcheva.

The twenties are the time of revolutionary romance and the great quarry. Later will come a period of recovery. And hot discussions will begin on where and how can the country go. The twentieth years is the time of the internal role of the struggle occurring against the background of beginning industrialization and collectivization. And it, in turn, was multiplied by a broken and increasing crisis of the capitalist system.

Then it seemed that with the expulsion of the Chief Trotskyist, Lion Trotsky himself (first in Almaty, and in 1929 and outside the USSR) - the struggle should end. The story judged differently. There were even more difficult and bloody times ahead.


I am delegated to you in order to welcome you on behalf of the working revolution in Russia, in the root of the loose fundamental of the capitalist system. I came to you in order to welcome your congress on behalf of the working and peasant government of Russia, on behalf of the Council of People's Commissars born in the fire of this revolution.

But not only for greetings I came to you. First of all, I would like to give you a joyful news of the victories of the Russian revolution, about the disorganization of her enemies and that in the atmosphere of the breathing imperialist war, the chances of the revolution grow from day to day.

The landowner of the Kabala was broken, for the power in the village passed into the hands of the peasants. The power of the generals broke down, because the power in the army focuses in the hands of the soldiers. Capitalists are curbed, because workers' control over factories, plants, banks is hurry. The whole country, cities and villages, rear and front are devoted to the revolutionary committees of workers, soldiers and peasants, taking place in their hands of the Brazda of the Board.

We were frightened by Kerensky and counter-revolutionary generals, but Kerensky expensed, and the generals are deposited by soldiers and the Cossacks, which are also solidar with the requirements of workers and peasants.

We were frightened by hunger, we were propheted that the Soviet government would die in the claws of food rules. But it cost us to curb speculators, it cost us to appeal to the peasants, and the bread began to train in the cities of hundreds of thousands of pounds.

We were frightened by the disorder of the state apparatus, sabotage officials, etc. We ourselves knew that a new, socialist government would not be able to take just an old, bourgeois state apparatus and make it his own. But it cost us to take up the update of the old apparatus, for cleaning it from the antisocial elements, and the sabotage began to melt.

We were frightened by "surprises" of war, possible complications by imperialist clicks in connection with our proposal about the democratic world. And, indeed, the danger, the danger was deadly. But she was after the capture of Ezel, when the Kerensky government was prepared to flee into Moscow and the passage of Petrograd, and the English-German imperialists were conspicable about the world due to Russia. On the soil of such a world, the imperialists, indeed, could disrupt the case of Russian and, perhaps, the international revolution. But the October Revolution came on time. She took the case of the world into their own hands, she knocked out of the hands of international imperialism, the most dangerous weapons and the fact that fenced the revolution from the deadly danger. One of two days left the old wolves of imperialism: either to conquer the revolutionary movement flared in all countries, adopting the world, or lead further to the fight on the basis of the continuation of war. But to continue the war on the fourth year, when the whole world suffocates in the claws of the war, when the "upcoming" winter campaign calls among the soldiers of all countries a storm of indignation, when dirty secret contracts have already been published, - to continue the war under such conditions, it means to persuade themselves . Old wolves of imperialism are calculated this time. And that is why they do not frighten the "surprises" of imperialists.

We were frightened, finally, by the collapse of Russia, by fragmentation of her numerous independent states, while hinted by the law on self-determination by the Council of People's Commissars proclaimed as a "destructive error". But I have to declare the most categorically that we would not be democrats (I'm not talking about socialism!) If the rights of free self-determination were not recognized for the peoples of Russia. I declare that we would change socialism if they had not taken all measures to restore fraternal trust between the workers of Finland and Russia. But every one knows that without decisive recognition for the Finnish people, the right to free self-determination to restore such confidence is unthinkable. And it is important here not only verbal, even official, recognition of this right. It is important that this verbal recognition will be confirmed by the Council of People's Commissars in the case that it will be carried out without hesitation. For the time of words has passed. For it is time when the old slogan "proletia of all countries, connect!" Must be carried out.

Collection of unknown writings.
Instead of preface:

Edition of the Essays of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (Jugashvili) (1879-1953), started by the Marx-Engels-Lenin Institute under the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) in 1946, as you know, interrupted after the 13th volume (the work of the period of July 1930 - January 1934) and since 1951 he was not renewed.

(From the preface to the assembly of unknown writings)

From there, you can learn remarkable data that the 14-15-16 volumes were "collected" the Mac-Neil, which the Kosolap himself "expanded and supplemented." Later they were "collected" 17 and 18 volumes of PSS. In fact, under the pretext of the struggle against silence, it was not clear that it is unknown to be based on and, as a result, at all unknown to someone belonging to the texts.

Such an approach, when "made on the knee" (SIC! Approval of the Kosolapov himself) "Samopals" was trained to the caliber and academic text of 13 volumes, immediately caused complaints and suspicion of falsifications, which vigorously began to challenge the writer

The quality of this "Novodel" can be estimated from the first 14th volume, the first document in it is dated 34th year, the second - 36m, the third 40th, and the fourth again 34th.
Well, if the documents still refer to the truth numbers, which are generally available, which are published and which can be checked, worse when document number 6 refers to the Kansas City Star newspaper. Io.i2.i943, and "the photocopy of the publication was transferred to the compiler Ivanov R.F. (Ed.)"

Further worse, that 15 of this meeting begins to refer not to historical documents and evidence, even in the form of a "photocopy", but on the books "Stalin in the family", "Stalin: True and Fallen" Zhahraya and so on.
As you can relate to the publication with texts:
Telegram K. K. Rokossovsky

November 23, 1942
"... 3rd Mother and 16th Nets Division entirely or partially removed from your front, and now they are fighting against the front of the 21st Army. This circumstance creates a favorable environment so that all the armies of your front switched to active Actions. Galanin acts sluggishly, give him an indication so that no later than November 24, the Watching was taken. Give the instruction of Zhadov so that he moves to active actions and challenged the enemy's strength. Plut a Batov, which at the current setting could act 5cee Assembly. "

(On the book. Zhukhray V. Stalin: True and lies. P. 144)

Multiple is not mine, the dots of the compiler.

Based on the above fragment, it is possible to make an elemental conclusion, the author of the collection has grabbed, which fell, the text was not interested in and did not twist. If the author of the book (Zhukhray), which is referenced by this "PSS", would have sucked the text from the finger, which would stop the compiler (Kosolapov) to include cranberries in the text of the PSS? But it would not stop anything. Who, with this approach, can you guesses that the texts are authentic? No one.
Moreover, you can with 100% confidence to ensure that the cranberries in this PSS is there!
In Volume 18 of the complete collection of works, Kosolapov appears a certain conversation of Stalin from Collatai, in which Stalin talks about the fight against world zionism.
Detailed analysis of flights, which is this conversation and who invented her liar and the falsifier can be found

So think how many more such boots and lies take place under the brand "PSS Stalin"?

Historical documents have always been in demand and acute ideological weapons, the demand for different fakes has not dried up and does not run out. Sharms of fakes, such as "Katyn documents" or new works of Stalin are inevitable and inevitable. They were, there will be.

The identity of the IVS is an outstanding personality, the formation of the USSR, industrialization, victory in the war for the existence (GOB), the transformation into superpowers, and every speculator, and to each political pigmy, and to each political pygmy on the ashes of the Power, and to use it a powerful figure and to use it with authority.
- Marxist,
- follower and student of Lenin,
- Communist,
- Internationalist

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin has already tried or trying to do

- storm,
- Russian nationalist,
- Conservative, "Holder" and "Opets".

And on this occasion, I can advise only one thing - keep your ear eld! It is possible that after the political situation, will appear 19, and 20 volumes of the assembly of unknown writings edited by Kosolapov or some Kosocher, in which we learn ... that Stalin was Marcianin and a supporter of the Galactic Federation.

And once again remind you: the first 13 volumes of the PSS Stalin, all the rest of the garbage. And I would like the historians finally reached the documents and the original sources, so that someone finally comprious and outlined the texts of Stalin, whom we still know about documents.

States, a dictator known for their repressions, and just a person without which we would not win the Second World War. He left a huge trail in our history, made irreparable changes to the development of our world. But Joseph Vissarionovic left behind a rich bibliography. Among his writings there are pretty famous creations. But there are those about which the majority did not even hear! In this material it will be possible to learn about all the creations of the Great Leader.

Works of Stalin, 1-13 volume

In the times of socialism was very tight control of publishers. All attempts to propaganda anti-party activities were precurable at the root. And to enlighten the people of the people, the party produced special literature. The state policy of political literature printed also works by Stalin.

A total of 13 volumes were published. They were often reprinted, and even after the death of Joseph! Politicism workers announced the plans for the release of 14-16 volumes, but the plans were not embodied in reality. As many as 13 volumes! They will find interesting information about the life of Soviet people and their leader.

American version of the missing volumes

In 1965, Standford University produces 14-16 volumes, but their content does not converge with the fact that the politicism has disclosed. The latter promised Stalin's work from 1934 to 1940, the university released the work only before the start of the war. The history of Bolsheviks was replaced by the works of military pore, and the works of the military period were replaced by the work of the post-war. Dubious series.

Russian version

In 2007, the world saw an alternative publication of Stalin's unnecessary works. Having considered this meeting, you can find many articles and letters of the leader who have become known in the 1990s. In these archives there were a lot of interesting things, lovers of the USSR history would very like it!

Negative factors were found: unreliable and falsified sources, Stalin conversations with non-existent people, etc. Despite this, according to one of the philosophers, these 8 books are the most reliable source. But where is the complete collected works, where other works?

Other works

Stalin's work is much more creations. 17 books were issued by various publishers, and some of them for some reason did not achieve due attention from readers. Consequently, few people heard about them. But the complete essay of the leader of the Great Empire without them simply can not be complete!

Those who wish to learn more about Soviet times, will be able to find in this meeting incredibly many new, interesting information. Years of release 1937-2005. The most interesting are books published during Stalin's life.

Why it is worth reading

These books will be interesting at least because the person who wrote them was to madness an interesting person. He grew up in an ordinary family, but only unusual affairs took place in it. Father often beat his son, kicking his boots. Frequently drank, mother beat. It could not leave a trace in the formation of a person's psyche. In addition, according to scientists, the main historical works of Stalin are generally carrying the key to many mystery of history.

Many experts celebrate, Stalin had various mental disorders. He had sadistic inclinations, a complex of inferiority, suffered from paranoia, sociopathy. There was a narcissism, Stalin did not transfer critics. What book can this person write?

Despite the folk recognition, Stalin's business led not to the most honest way. It is believed that the leader of the Soviet people mocked comrades. It was arrested by their wives, and in some cases even children sent them into labor camps. At this time, the head of the arrested family was forced to go to work, to get into Tyran and did not even dare to ask for the liberation of his family.

According to the daughter of Joseph, Poskrebyshev was forced to provide documents for the signature to Stalin. The document was directly related to his wife. Having attempted to protect his wife, Prakrebyshev met with unprecedented resistance. Joseph Vissarionovich was unshakable. Noticing negative emotions on the person of the subordinate, Stalin laughed and said: "You need a woman? There will be a woman!", And after some time, a young stranger appeared in the village of Poskrebyshev. She stated that she was told to conduct the economy in this house.

The family of the leader of the world proletariat also often exposed to moral violence. Sometimes even physical. Stalin Pinal his children in the same way as his native father did. The son of Yakov attempted suicide, but failed. When Yasha was captive at the Fascists, the father got the opportunity to save his son, but rejected the offer of Hitler. "I will not change Marshal on Lieutenant," he said.

What was this great man? What did he guide? Were pronounced signs of his mental abnormalities? Stalin's books should help in all this. They can see the real nature of the Soviet revolutionary, his thoughts and some hidden experiences. People interested in his life are simply obliged to read these works! The full bibliography of Joseph Stalin is freely available.

To Lenin and Stalin, the history of society did not know the examples of such a complete merger in the same persons of the revolutionary state genius and the broadly far-sighted scientific thought. This unity of practical activity and creative theory in the activities of the leadership of the greatest revolution is not an accident - it is natural and implies with the inevitability of the very essence and features of a huge social process of transformation of capitalist society into socialist.

"... in his practical activity," W. Stalin writes, "the proletariat party should not be guided by any random motifs, but the laws of the development of society, practical conclusions from these laws.

So, socialism from the dream about the best future of mankind turns into science.

So, the connection of science and practical activity, the connection of theory and practice, their unity should be a traveling star of the proletariat party "(" The History of the WCP (b). Short course ", p. 109).

An important feature of a completely new phase in the development of human society, the phase begun the Great October Socialist Revolution, which is that for the first time the story is not just "happening" by itself, "she begins to consciously go. The Soviet Socialist State has been created and developed bythe plan built on the scientific basis of the teachings of Marx - Engels - Lenin - Stalin.

Historical materialism teaches us that the creative, effective ideas and theories arise as a result of the development of the material life of society. But, since arising, they turn under the appropriate conditions in great power, extremely facilitating the promotion of society forward and leading it. "New social ideas and theories - writes Comrade Stalin, - because they actually arise that they are necessary for society, which without their organizing, mobilizing and transforming workimpossibleresolution of the urgent tasks of the development of the society's material life "(" History of the WCP (b). Short course ", p. 111).

The mandatory and constant penetration of scientific governing ideas in practical revolutionary work was manifested from the very first years of revolutionary activities I. V. Stalin. In the work "Briefly about party disagreements" in 1905, he wrote:

"They say that in some countries, the working class itself has developed a socialist ideology (scientific socialism) and develops it itself, and in the rest of the countries, therefore, de completely unnecessary to make socialist consciousness into the working movement from the outside. But this is a deep mistake. To work out scientific socialism, it is necessary to stand at the head of science, it is necessary to be armed scientific knowledge and be able to deeply investigate the laws of historical development "(cit., Vol. 1, p. 99).

However, one theory itself, torn off from life, is inevitably inactive and dead.

"What is scientific socialismwithout work movement?- writes further in the same article Comrade Stalin. - Compass, which, being left without use, can only rusted, and then it would have to throw him overboard.

What is work movementwithout socialism?- The ship without a compass, which is so old to another shore, but if he has a compass, he would have reached the coast much soon and would meet fewer dangers.

Connect the same together, and you will get a beautiful ship that directly rushes to another shore and unharmed will reach the pier "(ibid., P. 102-103).

I. V. Stalin leads the words V. I. Lenin:

"Our party is a conscious expressant of the unconscious process" (ibid., P. 104). In these words, a brief formula was expressed by the essence of the relationship between the theory and practice in the development of society and explained the meaning of the approval of the parties in scientific thought.

The thesis on the inseparable communication of the theory and practice in revolutionary activities as before the victory of the revolution and in the construction of the Socialist state passes the red thread in the works, speeches and statements of our great leader and teachers. The fusion of his activity as a revolutionary and as a theorist, the cigrier of science, constantly and deeply organically. This merger largely determined the quick and stunning successes of the proletarian revolution.

In the era of imperialism and proletarian revolutions, it was impossible to be limited to the provisions of Marxism, correct in due time, for the era of the detacity-based capitalism. Developed the development and continuation of the teachings of Marx - Engels, which was brilliantly implemented by Lenin and Stalin. On the eve of the October Days I. V. Stalin said:

"It is not eliminated that it is Russia who will appear by the country, a pro-lagging path to socialism ... It is necessary to throw back the suspended idea that only Europe can specify the path to us. There is Marxism Dogmatic and Marxism creative. I am standing on the ground of the last "(op., Vol. 3, p. 186-187).

Almost across a decade, in 1926, I. V. Stalin, developing further the same position, indicated:

"The Majesty of Lenin, as the continuer of Marx and Engels, is exactly the fact that he has never been a slave letter in Marxism ... V. That is exactly the greatness of Lenin that he is openly and honest, without hesitation, raised the question of the need The new formula on the possibility of victory of the proletarian revolution in individual countries, without fearing that the opportunists of all countries will be clinging for the old formula, trying to cover their own opportunist case with the name of Marx and Engels. "(Op., Vol. 8, p. 249-250) .

Further development and deepening of Marxism for the conditions of our Motherland, which began to build socialism in October, Marxism is not a dogma, and manuals for action, manuals for every day, for five years, on such decisive periods of history, as the years of the Great Patrioticwars - this is the extraordinary power of the mighty, effective science of Lenin - Stalin. Analyzing the case of Lenin, I. V. Stalin indicated that V. I. Lenin "predicted the movement of classes and the likely zigzags of the revolution, seeing them, like on the palm" (cit., Vol. 6, p. 61).

The same scientific genius of predigence permeates the entire revolutionary state activity of I. V. Stalin.

It is necessary to transfer the page of "Leninism's issues", "Brief Course History of the ACC)", volumes of writings I. V. Stalin, compare them with the stages of the history of our Motherland over the past 50 years, to understand the entire volume, complexity and foresight of the Leninsky-Stalinist Science on Development human society. As the most important sections of this science, closely and complexly interrelated, may be called: the doctrine of imperialism and the general crisis of capitalism, the doctrine of the dictatorship of the proletariat, the doctrine of the possibility of building socialism in one country, about the socialist multinational state, the relationship between the proletariat and the peasantry, Industrialization of the country, about collectivization of agriculture, about the Constitution of the Soviet Socialist State. These heads of the magnificent Leninsky-Stalinist teaching about the Soviet Socialist State, on the development of human society as a whole, about the paths of the transition to the Communist Company closely entered our lives, and the face of theoretical thought and its incarnation erased in our consciousness. Leninsky-Stalinsky science completely merged with the practice of our socialist state.

This science was made by the regulator of changes in the economic foundations of our country, its social structure, political system and relations with the surrounding capitalist states. It opened the contradictions of capitalism, which led the last to the critical phase of imperialism and proletarian revolutions. V. I. Lenin and I. V. Stalin fully analyzed this stage of capitalism, theoretically, justified, the power of the Councils as the best state form of the dictatorship of the proletariat, proved the possibility of building a socialist society in the country of the proletariat dictatorship, surrounded by imperialist states, outlined concrete ways of economic policies and Ways to gradually involve the main masses of the peasantry in. Socialist construction channel, put and allowed - as an integral part of the general issue of internationalthe proletarian revolution is a national-colonial question.Continuing and developing the teachings of Lenin, I. V. Stalin focused hisattention on the problem of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the constructionsocialist Societies in the context of the victorious revolution and imperialist environment. The October Revolution determined the beginning of a new era in the history of mankind. She aggravated the crisis of capitalism tomaximum degree. There were new problems relating to both the capitalism and relations between the socialist and capitalist system; The question arose about the further existence of capitalism.

I. V. Stalin pointed out and carried out solutions to the main socio-economic problems for this peculiar period of coexistence of two systems - capitalist and socialist. V.I. Lenin opened the law of uneven development of capitalism in the conditions of imperialism. I. V. Stalin made new, decisive conclusions from this law.

"The law of uneven development in the period of imperialism," said I. V. Stalin, - means the jump-like development of some countries regarding others, the rapid poverty from the world market of some countries by others, periodic redistributesalready divided worldin order of military clashes and military catastrophes, deepening and aggravation of conflicts in the camp of imperialism, weakening the front of world capitalism, the possibility of a breakthrough of this front by the proletariat of individual countries, the possibility of victory of socialism in individual countries "(cit., vol. 9, p. 106).

This formula shows the organic connection of the modern development of capitalist society with wars and the inevitability of proletarian revolutions and even deeper than before, the possibility of building a socialist state in one "country is substantiated.

The theory of Lenin - Stalin on the feasibility of socialism in one country included primarily the solution to an important problem of the economic foundation of socialism. In this regard, I. V. Stalin gave new solutions to the problem of industrialization of the country and collectivization of agriculture. "

Objecting those under the industrialization understood the development of industry, I. V. Stalin indicated that "Industrializationmust be understood primarily as the development of our heavyindustry and, especially how to develop our ownmechanical Engineering , this main nerve industry in general. Without this there is nothing to talk about ensuring the economic independence of our country "(cit., Vol. 8, p. 121-122).

In his speech at the conference of Agrarnikov-Marxists I. V. Stalin called on scientists to solve new theoretical issues in the field of economy. Stalin's theory provided a socialist rearrangement of agriculture, the victory of the collective farm building in the village.

The most important trait of the teachings I. V. Stalin on the development of the USSR on the way to communism is the steady approval of the world importance of the October Revolution. Back in 1927, I. V. Stalin predicted a huge range of revolutionary movement in the West and East. The events of tremendous importance to our eyes in Western Europe are the victory of People's Democracy in Poland, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, "Albania, Czechoslovakia and the creation of a democratic peace-loving Republic in Germany - confirm the correctness of the Stalinist analysis of the situation after the October Revolution.

In 1927, I. V. Stalin indicated that "October Revolutionopenednew Epoch, Epochcolonialrevolutions held inoppressed countries of the world in the Unionwith proletariatunder the direction ofproletariat "(cit., vol. 10, p. 243). In the same year, in the speech, the International Provision and Defense of the USSR, I. V. Stalin, considering the revolutionary movement in China and its stages, strongly pointed to the third stage - the Soviet revolution, "which is not yet, but which will come" (there, p. 14). The formation of the new Chinese Republic, which dropped the yarm of imperialism and the colonial oppression, with striking persuasive reveals the depth of the Stalinist analysis of social processes.

Example of activity. Lenin and Stalin, the most decisive way overturns the old ideas about science as a distinguished area of \u200b\u200bthought, abstragated, withdrawn from life and developing on their own, internal laws. Genuine, advanced Leninsky-Stalin science grows up from life, causes life and reworks life, nature and society.

Lenin's teachings and Stalin immensely on their latitude. It covers the most general principles of the knowledge of nature and society and at the same time, in the most subtle details, analyzes and solves the practical issues of today.

The philosophical dialectic and materialistic basis of this exercise is set out by I. V. Stalin in two wonderful work, divided into time more than three decades. The main part of the Anarchism or Socialism article, published in 1906-1907, is devoted to the consideration of the dialectical method; In addition, the fundamental question I. V. Stalin returned to the work "On the dialectical and historical materialism" of 1938, which included part of the "short course of the history of WCP (b)". In this work, I. V. Stalin gave a systematic, striking his simplicity and depth the presentation of a dialectical materialistic worldview.

First of all, a direct connection of the outlined general philosophical principles with revolutionary practice is established.

In the work of 1906, I. V. Stalin wrote: "Marxism is not only socialism theory, this is a whole worldview, a philosophical system, from which the Proletarian Socialism of Marx. This philosophical system is called dialectical materialism "(cit., Vol. 1, p. 297).

The same essential thesis, in the form of an even more determined, repeated I. V. Stalin at the beginning of his article 1938:

"Dialectic materialism is the worldview of the Marxist-Leninist Party" ("History of the WCP (b). A short course", p. 99). This thesis underlines the party nature of dialectical materialism and determines its practical and political acute and focus. At the same time, the dialectic of society is only a special case of general dialectic nature; Laws extend not only to the life of human society. "The history of science shows," I. V. Stalin wrote in 1906, - that the dialectical method is truly a scientific method: starting with astronomy and ending with sociology - everywhere is confirmed by the idea that there is nothing eternal confirmation that there is nothing eternal that everything changes, everything develops. Consequently, everything in nature should be considered from the point of view of movement, development. And that'sthis means that the spirit of dialectics permeates the entire modern science "(cit., vol. 1, p. 301).

I. V. Stalin clear, distinct strokes characterizes the special aspects of dialectical changes in nature and society and gives an irrefutable for its proof to the formula for the materialistic solution of fundamental for the worldview of the issue of the relationship of material and mental in nature:

"Of course, in the world, I. V. Stalin wrote in 1906," there are perfect and material phenomena, but this does not mean that they deny each other. On the contrary, the perfect and material side of the essence of two different forms of the same nature or society, they can not be submitted to each other, they exist together, develop together, and, therefore, we have no reason to think that they deny each other.

Thus, the so-called dualism turns out to be insolvent.

Unified and indivisible nature, expressed in two different forms - in material and ideal; One and indivisible social life, expressed in two different forms - in material and perfect, is how we should look at the development of nature and public life. ... the development of the ideal side, the development of consciousness,precededthe development of the material side, the development of external conditions: first the external conditions change, first changes the material side, andthenaccordingly, consciousness changes, the ideal side "(cit., Vol. 1, p. 312-314).

These words of I. V. Stalin could be put by the epigraph of all works, the entire exercise of I. P. Pavlov about the highest nervous activity.

In the "brief course of the history of WCP (b)" I. V. Stalin gave an exhaustive characteristics of the Marxist dialectic method. The dialectic asserts the necessary universal mutual relationship of objects and phenomena, the fallacy of attempts to be isolated by their understanding and study. The most important condition for understanding nature and society, dialectics believes the steady accounting of their continuous movement and development. In contrast to metaphysics, the dialectic examines the process of growth and development is not as a simple quantitative process - it reveals the most important transition of quantitative changes to interrupted qualitative, indigenous changes. Finally, the main property of dialecticthe development of nature and society is to combat opposing trends during processes. I. V. Stalin leads to the words of Lenin:

"In your own sense, the dialectic is a study of contradictionin the most essence of objects "("History of VKP (b). Short course", p. 104).

All the activities of I. V. Stalin as the Great Leader, the leading peoples to communism, as a brilliant teacher and a scientist imbued with a dialectic, a powerful Marxist dialectical method that resolve any difficulties. All scientific creativity I. V. Stalin is the richest, inspiring the sample of the application of Marxist dialectics. At the same time, the dialectical materialism of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin is full of optimism and unshakable confidence in the victory. This optimism extends to the fate of society and on the fastening of nature as a whole.

"In contrast to the idealism," says I. V. Stalin, - who challenges the possibility of knowledge of the world and his patterns, does not believe in the reliability of our knowledge, does not recognize objective truth, and believes that the world is full of "things in itself", which can never be sacrificed by science - Marxist philosophical materialism comes from the fact that the world and its patterns are quite cognized that our knowledge of the laws of nature, proven experience, practice, are reliable knowledge that have the importance of objective truths that there is no unrecognizable Things, but there are only things that are not yet revealed, which will be disclosed and sacrificed by the forces of science and practice "(" The History of the WCP (b). A short course ", p. 108). This confidence of our great teacher is a dialectic materialist in the disrepair of natural science , conviction in the objective value of the science of nature, in its limitless prospects gives the strength and hope of Soviet researchers in their contemptive work on the mastery and its understanding, and kzh in their fight against mysticism and idealism of modern bourgeois science.

In a new way reveals I. V. Stalin, the most important features of historical materialism. The materialistic essence of this teaching is primarily as in natural science, it allows you to approve the accuracy of science on the laws of the development of society. Socialism from the dream about the best future of mankind thereby turns into science. The main position of historical materialism is that the conditions of material life determine the life of society. But this statement is not removedthe role of public ideas and theories as a driving factorpublic The development generated by the same development itself. However, the role of material life conditions can also be quitevarious . I. V. Stalin dissellites the long-standing question about the role of the geographical environment in the development of society and proves, contrary to the belonging of the previous time, that the geographical environment, due to its small variability for long historical periods, cannot bedefining a factor in the development of society, since changes in this development occur much faster than changesgeographic environment.

I. V. Stalin further shows that the history of society is primarily the history of production, methods of production that replacing one other, the history of the development of productive forces and production relations. For capitalist society, the inconsistency of production relations and productive forces is inevitable, leading to economic crises, and then to social revolutions. On the contrary, the Socialist economy of the USSR is characterized by the full compliance of production relations with the nature of the productive forces.

The philosophical works of I. V. Stalin, together with "materialism and empiricism" and "philosophical notebooks", V. I. Lenin constitute that the most important source of leadership ideas of dialectical materialism, to which the advanced science in its development is constantly resorting. The wonderful property of Lenin's philosophy and Stalin is in the inseparable connection of the most common, at first glance seemingly abstract, its provisions with the practice of the history of society and culture developing in our eyes.

One of the manifestations of the giant creative activity I. V. Stalin in the field of theory and practice of the socialist revolution and the construction of a socialist state is its role in the organization of new Soviet science in all its latitudes and diversity. This science, which emerged and grew up on the basis of the inheritance left the pre-revolutionary Russia, has the right to be called new and in content, and by volume, and above all by its goal. Soviet science is folk science. Her special features like folk science are characterized in the famous pechchi I. V. Stalin, uttered on May 17, 1938 at the receptionworkers Higher school in the Kremlin. I. V. Stalin was then proclaimed the toast for the prosperity of science, not agrees from the people, ready to serve him and serving people did not forced, but voluntarily, with hunting, for science, not closed in monopolist shell, for science, opening all doors to young forces country. Soviet science has become in the Stalinist era of the people because it is entirely aimed at the service of the people, and because the people from the factory workshops entered into it with a wide stream, with collective farm fields. This new folk science does not want to be a slave tradition and boldly breaks traditions, norms and installations when they become outdated. Thus, in the Soviet country after October, traditions in the science of society were resolutely broken, in natural science, chemistry, biology, geology, in a wide variety of technical equipment, electrical engineering, hydraulic engineering, mechanical engineering, aviation, etc.; There was a new story,political savings, new doctrine of the right; Michurin biology won; Chemistry and geology turned into a powerful practical instrument of technology; The country has electrified, the Moscow metro appeared, werebuilt huge hydraulic structures, and, surpriseamerican Strategists and diplomats, Soviet new science in unprecedented deadlines collapsed atomic energy.

In his speech, as an example of courageous people who broke the old and creating a new in science, in spite of any obstacles, I. V. Stalin led the greatest person of modernity - Lenin. For all best humanity in our time, it is clear that his student and a brilliant continue, I. V. Stalin standing next to Lenin.

"It happens," said I. V. Stalin, - that new paths of science and technology are sometimes paving people who are not well-known in science, and people, ordinary people, practices, innovators of the case "are not well-known in the Scientist. Inspired by Stalin, a whole army of ordinary people, frontiers of workers and collective farmers are now entered into our Soviet science and technique, and in the honorary lists of Stalinist premiums near academicians, professors and engineers are the names of hundreds of workers and peasants.

In the Soviet country, science is developing, spreads among the people and is being implemented in a completely different way than it was still anywhere. People's Soviet Science At the same time, the science is party.

It moves and grows in the areas that are indicated as the most pressing head of the Soviet people - the Communist Party headed by its Grand Chief of I. V. Stalin. The principle of party parties determines the most content of sciences, their program, their most important beds. The Communist Party is the advanced working class avant-garde. Only this class, the celebration of which is historically inevitable, gives the social basis for advanced science. Hence the parties of science there is an expression of its correctness. The impact of the principle of partynasses is large and fruitful in all areas of knowledge: in the sciences of society, in the technique and in natural science.

The sharp differences of the Soviet natural science from the bourgeois serve its strongly pronounced materialistic framework and the practical focus on the ministry of the people. In the capitalist world, in recent decades, more than ever attempts to turn natural science in most of its principal sections - mathematicians, physics, astronomy, biology is idealism and even theology to the service. These desires find a solid refractory in the Soviet science.

Attempts to submit mathematics as some kind of unlimited and not aimed at the idealistic mind of the mind, Soviet mathematicians in numerous brilliant studies opposed their science as a resulting practice from the needs of practice, from experience and directed mainly to solve specific tasks of technology and science. At the same time, such abstract mathematics departments, as the theory of numbers and topology, considered as an important reserve for overcoming new difficulties, which undoubtedly causes further growth of equipment and science to overcome new difficulties.

Soviet astronomy has become a dam against a turbid flux of mystical concepts on the creation of peace, the limitedness of the universe and its expansion, etc., who were widespread in the capitalist world. New ideas about the evolution of the universe are developing, sharply encroach with traditions. Our observatory equipped with tools invented by Soviet scientists, and built by Soviet workers, make it possible to consider and explore the universe with new eyes.

Soviet physicists have made a considerable contribution to the materialistic doctrine of the substance and its structure, on the power fields, the light and its propertiesand provide greater assistance to the development of new equipment inindustry , agriculture and medicine. At the same time, a decisive reward was given to idealistic philosophical statements about the equality of the teachings of Ptolemy and Copernicus, about the intenerismism and unrecognizability of the phenomena, based on the theoryrelativity and wave mechanics.

The victory of Michurin biology in the Soviet country meant the collapse of mechanistic and idealistic theories in the teaching about living substance. Hasive development in our country, with the exclusive personal attention of Lenin and Stalin, found the teaching of I. P. Pavlov about the highest nervous activity, which is part of the most foundations of materialistic doctrine of nature. Special care and attention I. V. Stalin to the teachings I. P. Pavlova were manifested, in particular, in creating a whole Pavlovsky town near Leningrad - "Capital of conditioned reflexes".

Ways to spread science in the Soviet country among the people, on the thought and instructions of I. V. Stalin, became extremely wide and varied. Important and practically essential results of science, discoveries and inventions become immediately known thanks to multi-time publications of books, the use of radio, by hundreds of thousands of lectures read throughout the country, through countless exhibitions. The scientific intelligentsia of the country is involved in this most important work on the dissemination of knowledge, herself came out for the Soviet years from folk subsoil. Every year in our country is increasingly smoothed by the line between physical and mental labor; Achievements of science of great fundamental importance become known to the folk masses; They help the formation of a conscious understanding of nature and society, each worker.

So science from a separate caste of culture, affordable to a little, becomes in the Stalinist era, along with the art, common treasure. As a result, the army of scientists is increasingly growing, which the people replenishes, and the results of science are beneficial in such sizes that were previously unthiticious. This is the main property of our Stalin party science.

Another property is a constant inseparable connection with life, with practice. "Science, breaking connections with practice, with experience, -what is the science? " ("Questions of Leninism" , p. 502), says Comrade Stalin. The question of the implementation of the results of a scientific research into life has become the main one. Soviet country puts the introduction of a prerequisite to a scientist of any specialty - mathematics, physics, technique, chemist, biologist, geologist, historian, literary criticism, economist,philosopher . For our Motherland, those times were forever when cultural figures could believe that they exist allegedly "not for battles." Soviet science is primarily a powerful instrument of material progress of a socialist society. This organic property of Soviet science is constantly specifically specified and tempered. An important movement of recent times, the movement of the Commonwealth of scientists and workers, science and production, especially clearly expresses this is the essential property of Stalin's science.

The state importance of Soviet science with full clarity was manifested in the era of the Stalinist five years and during the Great Patriotic War. Stalin's directed and inspired by the genius, our scientists, engineers, advanced workers and collective farmers in a short time, creatively mastered the diverse and complex technique and in many cases created it again. This technique was required to transform the country from the backward agrarian into a mighty industrial state with a huge new industry, rational agriculture, with widely branched transport and previously unprecedented hydraulic structures.

Soviet science and technology according to the immediate instructions of I. V. Stalin with striking speed created new types of weapons, glorious Stalinist aircraft, artillery, radio and highly developed naval service. The most subtle types of industry, electrical, optical-mechanical, chemical, rose, were growing and unusually differentiated. A country that has recently imported most of its technical equipment from abroad, receives it now in abundance on his plants. In this grand technical revolution, implemented under the leadership of I. V. Stalin, a very important place belonged to theoretical science. Therefore, for this, the Soviet Stalinist science has become a planned.

The state role of science demanded clarity and organization in the paths of its development. The army of scientists and engineers began to accelerate systematically develop their strategy and tactics, agreeing with the general public national economic plans. Contrary to the skepticism of the Old Believers in science in the capitalist world, Stalin's science has become a planned science. This consists of one of its basic and inseparable with her related features, which distinguishes it from an erratic and random growth of science in the capitalist world, dictated, especially in the technical fields, often the interests of individual competing firms and the so-called fashion, the driving springs of which, in their The queue is in contradictory interests and pleasures of the capitalist society.

The socialist nature of the Soviet state and the huge amount of tasks facing our planned science in the Stalin Epoch have determined a special collective nature. Unlike the science of pre-revolutionary Russia, when the solution of any scientific task has always been associated with one person, many of the most important scientific and technical tasks are now allowed not by individual scientists, but by whole teams of specialists, sometimes very large. In the honorary lists of Stalin's laureates, the teams appear most often as authors. Stressing the ownership of the scientific result of a separate person, permeating the history of science in the capitalist world, is replaced by the Soviet science to identify its public, state importance.

The October Revolutionary Victory laid the beginning of a completely new epoch in the history of our domestic science. In addition to marked deep fundamental qualitative changes, it manifested itself in a huge growth of science. The few rows of scientists of pre-revolutionary Russia rose in the era of Lenin - Stalin to the Large Army * of Soviet scientists, which consists of more than hundreds of thousands of specialists in various industries. At the disposal of these scientists there are now thousands of well-equipped institutions located throughout the country.

The history of the USSR Academy of Sciences of the USSR, which turned to Soviet years from a closed scientific institution with several small experimental institutions and with a large number of static museums, libraries and archives, can be a bright example of the growth of Soviet the enormous, most important association of research institutions, institutions, observatories, laboratories, stations, etc. in all fundamentally important sections of science, with 16 branches,located All over the country from Sakhalin and Vladivostok to Chisinau and Petrozavodsk. Next to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR rose tenacademia The republics belonging to the Soviet Union. Some of these academies have become very important in a short time.research centers. This amazing growth and development of academies of sciences was the result of the exclusive attention of the government and party and personally, Lenin and Stalin to the development of domestic science, such science, which is needed in a socialist country coming tocommunism.

The extraordinary growth of Soviet science, its increasing successes, the feeling of patriotism and pride in the native country was in a new way about the meaning of our domestic science, about the individual wonderful successes of her past. In pre-revolutionary Russia for a long time, an unworthy skeptical attitude towards scientific achievements of native science has been cultivated. Such skepticism was deliberately supported by the Tsarist government, who preferred to rely on the technique and science mainly on foreign assistance.

The great "scientists of pre-revolutionary Russia - Lomonosov, Mendeleev, Butlerov and the other accounted for in difficult conditions to fight for the recognition of the merit and dignity of Russian scientists. Domestic science, despite the extremely unfavorable conditions for its existence and growth in Tsarist Russia, could be proud of brilliant discoveries in different areas of knowledge and technology. Russian science in the XVIII century belonged to the honor of the specific scientific development of the atomistic theory; Russian science has identified a whole revolution in the exercise on space; Chemistry in the XIX century of the highest development and generalization reached in Russia. Principled, diverse and significant were the successes of Russian geology. Russian geography, geology and geophysics successfully competed in their development with the relevant sciences of other countries.

Despite this, among scientists a worship of foreign science was distributed; The authority of his scientists looked or just not recognized. These slave traditions of the past Tsarist Russia are taken and disappeared into the Stalin Epoch. Soviet scientistwith pride, looks at his present in the field of science, but at the same time he remembers the individual glorious pages of the past.

Interest and attention to the history of domestic science increased dramatically. As a result of the Large Labor, researchers are open, sometimes completely forgotten, outstanding past figures. The Russian priority in a wide variety of techniques is installed. A multiplicate scientific activity of M. V. Lomonosova, N. I. Lobachevsky, D. I. Mendeleev and many other great domestic scientists are now presented in a new way.

Soviet country, Soviet scientists revealed the high-quality height of the domestic scientific inheritance of the past. Soviet science and all the people of anniversary dates M. V. Lomonosov, D. I. Mendeleeva, I. P. Pavlova were noted with the striking lamb and fullness. In the Stalin era, as never before, the importance of a scientist has grown, and the correct assessment of everything is good in the field of culture, which went to the Soviet country from the past.

In this growth of the authority of science and scientists, an enormous role belongs to I. V. Stalin. Even in the Terrible years of the Great Patriotic War, in its very responsible period, I. V. Stalin carefully followed the science, for the activities of the Academy of Sciences and had helped her in her work. "I hope that the USSR Academy of Sciences, he wrote to the telegram to the President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR V. L. Komarov on April 12, 1942, will lead the movement of innovators in the field of science and production and become the center of advanced Soviet science in the unfolded struggle with the worst enemy of our people. And all other freedom-loving peoples - German fascism. "

Under the leadership of Lenin and Stalin, our science has grown unrecognizable together with the whole Soviet culture, along with the whole country. After the harsh tests of our Motherland during the Great Patriotic War, after the brilliant victory over the fascists, after the Soviet people, the Soviet army, the Soviet workers, engineers and scientists showed their strength organized by the Soviet government and the Lenin Party - Stalin, I. V. Stalin Could with confidence to turn to our scientist with famous words:

"I have no doubt that if we provide proper assistance to our scientists, they will not only be able to catch up, but also surpass in the near futureachieve science outside our country "(" Speech onpre-election Meeting of voters of the Stalinist constituency in Moscow on February 9, 1946, Mimitizdat, 1946, p. 22). Since these words have been told, four years have passed, and the successes of Soviet science during this time were so great that it is impossible to doubt that Soviet scientists are close to solving the problem posed before them I. V. Stalin.

The USSR Academy of Sciences is proud that I. V. Stalin enters its composition as an honorary academician. The election of I. V. Stalin Academy of Sciences of the USSR stated the extraordinary importance of the contribution made by I. V. Stalin in the treasury of advanced science of the whole world.

Together with the whole Soviet people, together with the advanced people of the whole world, Soviet scientists respectfully and warmly welcomed the leader of the peoples, the Corrif of Science, the Great Stalin on the occasion of its 70th anniversary.

Long live the greatest person of our days, wise Stalin!
