Natalia Emelianenko
Synopsis of GCD on mathematical development in the senior group "Mathematical Islands"

Journey game « math islands» .

Types of children's activities: Cognitive, communicative, game, motor, reading fiction.


1. Form an idea about the table, row and column.

2. Train the ability to use the table, determine the color of objects, distinguish between the studied geometric shapes

3. Strengthen the ability to correlate a figure with a quantity. Practice counting skills.

4. Contribute development mental processes: logical thinking, memory, attention, imagination, speech, communication skills.

5. Fix the name of the parts of the day "morning", "day", "evening", "night".

6. To cultivate friendly relations between children, activity and independence in the classroom.

Methods and forms of work: conversation, visualization, questions and answers, explanation, game, problem situation, situational conversation, guessing riddles

Demo material: poster with a table, geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, numbers 1-10, pictures of cartoon characters, cards with geometric shapes

Dispensing material: geometric shapes, flower meadows, stripes of different lengths and colors

The course of direct educational activities.


Guys, Ryder came to visit us. His puppy phone is broken and he cannot collect puppies to help save Everest from ice captivity.

The puppies are now on various mathematical islands. You and I are going on a journey to inform the puppies of a signal for help, but for this we must decide different math assignments.

The game "When does it happen?"


Let's check the readiness of the team. Solve riddles.

When does it happen?

caregiver: The bright sun rises, the cockerel sings in the garden,

Our children are waking up, going to kindergarten.

Children: in the morning

caregiver: The sun is shining brightly in the sky, the children went for a walk.

Children: afternoon

caregiver: The day has passed, the sun is setting, dusk is slowly creeping in.

Light lamps, candles. Dark is coming

Children: evening

caregiver: Bears and elephants are sleeping, a hare is sleeping and a hedgehog,

Everyone around needs to sleep.

Our children too. When does everyone sleep?

Children:at night

caregiver: The team is fine. We're on our way!

« Island geometric shapes".

The game "Russell Figures"


Guys in front first math island which the Racer and Marshal went to is island geometric shapes. But something is wrong there. I see all the figures crowded around the tall house. Let's come and find out. It turns out that the figures built themselves a house, but do not know how to settle in it. Guys, in order to tell the puppies a signal for help, for this we must resettle the figures on the floors

caregiver: In order to settle the figures, let's count the number of floors in the house.

(one floor, two, three, four).

caregiver: The floors in the house are located from left to right. What figures live on the 1st floor?

caregiver: What figures live on the 2nd floor?


caregiver: What floor do the triangles live on?

On the third.

caregiver: And the rectangles?

On the fourth floor.

caregiver: Guys, there are four apartments on each floor. Apartments in this house are called columns. The columns are arranged from top to bottom. What color are the figures in the first column?

Only red pieces live in the first column.

caregiver: What color do the figures live in the second column?

Only blue pieces live in the second column.

caregiver: And in the third column?

Yellow figures live in the third column

caregiver: goes home red circle. Where is his apartment?

All the circles live on the first floor and the red pieces live in the first column.

Shapes are placed in the desired cell


Guys, the geometric figures understood who lives where, and thank us for our help. And Racer and Marshal heard the call for help and went to Ryder. And before us is a huge sea and then our team will sail on a ship. Our journey continues

« Island of Numbers» .

The game Match the number with the house.

caregiver: Guys, in front of us - island lost numbers and Sky and Fortress went here.

On this island of many flowers, which residents like to count, so as not to get confused near each flower bed, they put a number corresponding to the number of flowers in the flower bed. But Sky and Krepysh mixed up all the numbers, we need to correct the mistakes. Let's split up into 2 people and go to the flower beds. Carefully count the flowers in your flower beds and find the corresponding number

. (There are 5 flowers on this flower bed, so there should be a number 5 here (4, 7, 3, 2) .

Well done! Done right, Skye and Robust heard the call for help and rushed to Ryder. See how the flowers came to life, how they smell nice, (breathing exercises) inhale the aroma, lightly blow on them.

Guys to go to us on the next math island we need plane tickets. Take it all with a ticket

The game "Airplane Flight"

caregiver: On the plane, we must each take our own seat, but how to determine who will sit with whom because the strips of the ticket are all different. Together, those children whose stripes will be of the same color can sit down.

Children complete the task and sit at the tables in twos.


Guys, but in order to take off we need to compare the strips in length

And how will we compare the strips in length

You need to attach the strips to each other and align the two ends

caregiver: The plane is ready to fly. Buckle up, we're taking off. Guys, we are with you on one more mathematical island but the plane can't land on island because of the fog and to help Rocky and Zoom hear the call for help, we have to do one more thing. math task. look carefully on a card with geometric shapes and memorize them.

Remembered. And now lay out the figures on your table exactly as they were shown on the card.

Children do the task


Well done, they correctly coped with the task and Rocky and Zuma heard a call for help and hurried to Ryder. And we are going back to kindergarten


caregiver: What do you remember most about our trip? caregiver Q: Who did you meet along the way? Who did you help?

caregiver: Guys, maybe you had some difficulties in our journey?

caregiver: For conversations, we did not notice how we returned back to our kindergarten. Thank you guys for the trip, you are great!

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Image Library:

Ofitserova Lyubov Anatolyevna,

educator MBDOU CRR-DS "Krepysh"

city ​​of Noyabrsk

Target: development of interest in the subject of mathematics, based on cognitive activity and curiosity.


educational. To promote the formation of the ability to apply mathematical knowledge in non-standard practical problems.

Educational. Develop mental operations: analogy, systematization, generalization, observation, planning.

Educational. Contribute to maintaining interest in mathematics, the formation of the ability to work in a team.


Pencils, felt-tip pens, sheets of paper, Telegram from the Fairy from the magical Land of Mathematics, number series, cards with numerical inequalities, cards with dots and numbers, counting sticks, surprise (asterisks), magnetic board.

Venue: group room.

Preliminary work:

Acquaintance with mathematical fairy tales, poems, riddles. Physical learning. minutes, board games. Learning verses of mathematical content

Part 1 Introduction to the game situation:

caregiver: Guys, this morning, the postman handed me a telegram addressed to our group. Let's read it


“Hello dear guys, he writes to you Fairy from the Country Mathematics. I invite you to the Land of Mathematics. But the path to this country will not be easy. To get into it, you need to know a lot. And to show your knowledge, you need to complete tasks. Whoever completes these tasks will receive a prize."

caregiver: Guys, do you want to get to the Land of Mathematics?

Children: Yes.

caregiver: Then let's prepare for the journey and do a warm-up for the mind.

Educator: Guys, in order to answer correctly, you need to listen carefully:

Count from a given number to 10;

Reverse counting from 10 to 0;

Name a number that is greater than 4 but less than 6;

Name a number that is greater than 5 but less than 7;

Name the numbers in the row to the right of 5;

Name the neighbors of number 4, number 6, number 8;

Name the number that comes before the number 6;

Name the number that follows the number 8;

If the road is wider than the path, then the path ... (narrower) roads;

If the ruler is longer than the pencil, then the pencil ... (shorter) rulers;

If the rope is thicker than the thread, then the thread ... (thinner) than the rope;

Part 2. Educator: Well done guys, you are very well prepared for the trip. Where are we going?

To find out what transport we need, we need to connect the dots on the sheets in order. And there will be a picture. I'll give you a little hint, a riddle.

Mystery: Miracle bird blue tail flew into a flock of stars? (rocket)

Educator: Well done, you coped with the task, but in order for the rocket to take off, we need to complete the following task:

Numerical expressions written on the board

8+1= 7+2= 4+5= 2+7= 6+3= 8 - 4=

caregiver: Among these numbers there is one extra. How to find it? How will you complete the task?

Children: First you need to solve numerical expressions, and then find an extra number.

caregiver: Well done boys. Our rocket is ready to take off. We flew.

1 stop: Zadachkina

Educator: The fairies have a wide variety of animals and birds, and they love to come up with different tasks for travelers. They invite you to work in pairs and come up with a problem based on a numerical example (cards with examples on the tables of children).

Let's remember what parts the task consists of?

Children: Task: condition-------question------solution------answer.

Educator: If in a task a part is removed from the whole. It becomes less than it was and it is required to find the remainder, what action solves such a problem?

Children: subtraction

Educator: Subtraction - does it mean that you need to increase or decrease?

Children: Decrease.

Zoom out to find the rest.

Educator: If the task combines parts. It becomes more than it was, what action solves the problem?

Children: Addition.

Educator: Addition - does it mean to increase or decrease?

Children: Increase. Combine the parts and find the whole.

Children at the tables with the help of numerical cards compose and solve problems.

Educator: To make it easier to work, we will do a warm-up.


Once - bend down, straighten up.

Two - bend down, stretch.

Three - in the hands of three claps,

Three head nods.

Four - arms wider.

Five, six - sit down quietly.

Educator: Next stop: Geometric.

Compilation of geometric shapes using counting sticks:

Make 2 equal triangles of 5 sticks.

Make 2 equal squares of 7 sticks.

Make 3 equal triangles from 7 sticks

Make 4 equal triangles from 9 sticks.

Make a square and 4 triangles out of 9 sticks.

Educator: Next stop: Numeric. You need to place the signs correctly

"greater than", "less than" or "equal to"

3 part. Outcome. Rewarding the most active children with stars

Statement of a new problem.

Educator: And who will say, why do we need Mathematics?

(children's answers)

Educator: Who needs it?

(children's answers)

Educator: Do you want to know more about Mathematics, about who needs it?

Good. We will talk about this later.


  1. 1. L.G. Peterson, N.P. Kholina "ONE - a step, TWO - a step" Methodological recommendations. Practical course of mathematics for preschoolers. Moscow 2009
  2. G.M. Lyamina “Preparatory group for school in kindergarten. M.., "Enlightenment", 1975.
  3. T.I. Erofeeva "Preschooler studies mathematics" M ..., "Enlightenment" 2009.
  4. M.V. Ilyin “We train attention and memory. M…, 2005
  5. 5.S.V. Burdin "Tasks for the development of visual perception"

"Certificate of publication in the media" Series A No. 0002332

We invite teachers of preschool education in the Tyumen region, YaNAO and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, author's programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

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LLC Training Center "Professional".

Synopsis of GCD

on mathematical development in the middle group

(MBDOU No. 308)

on the topic « Formation of number 5. Score within 5».

Developed by: Gorelova A.S.

Professional retraining course

"Education of preschool children"

Checked: ___________________.

Krasnoyarsk 2017

Topic: Formation of number 5 . Score within 5 .

Target b : Promote the formation of elementary mathematicalrepresentationsand development of cognitive activity.

Tasks :

Introducethe formation of the number 5to learn to countwithin 5, answer the question "How much?"

Improve the ability to compare two equalgroups of objects, denote the results of the comparisonwords : equally, so much - how much.

fastenrepresentationabout the sequence of partsdays : morning afternoon Evening Night.

Practice identifying geometric shapes(circle, square, triangle, rectangle)

Develop speech, attention, memory.

Cultivate perseverance and curiosity.

Lesson type: Lesson in the form of didactic exercises and games.

Lesson form: Frontal.

Duration: 20 minutes.

Members: pupils of the middle group and the educator.

Age of students: 45 years.

Demo material : pictures fromrooster, a rooster against the background of a sunrise, 5 hens, 5 chickens, a split poster "The Seasons", a didactic game "Magic Geometry".

Handout : two-lined card, for each child in a plate,Pictures : 5 saucers, 5 grains

preliminary work : Pineducation number 4, count within 4, didactic game "Find what looks like a circle(square, triangle, rectangle) »

Lesson progress:

Part 1 Organizational moment

(children are on the carpet)

Guys, let's say hello to our guests.

Another guest came to visit us today. Hear a joke about him.

Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb

Olive head, silk beard,

Don't let the kids sleep.

When do kids wake up? (showingimagecockerel on the background of the rising sun)

part 2

Who else wakes up with a cockerel?(hens) I drawchildren's attention to the board, on which there are 4 pictures withpicture of hens.

How many chickens are there?(4)

Ksyusha, please count the chickens and place the same number on the bottom of the boardchickens : How many chickens?(4) How many chickens(4) What can be said about the number of hens and chickens?(There are as many chickens as there are hens)

Another hen woke up and ran to the four hens. (I am attaching another picture to the board withpicture of a chicken)

What can we say about the number of hens and chickens. There were more chickens.(I count the chickens myself and ask)

How many chickens were there? Count Nastya

How did you get 5 chickens, Olya.(Added one)

Gleb, how many chickens?(4)

Five hens and four chicks. Compare, who is more?(There are more hens than chickens) Who is less?(Chickens are smaller than hens)

Whichnumber less than 5 or 4?

Whichnumber greater than 5 or 4?

How to make hens and chickens becomeequally : 5 each.

(Add one chicken)

How come 5 chickens(One more was added to four chickens)

Restoring inequality : remove one chicken

How else can you make sure that chickens and chickens become equally divided.(Remove one chicken)

Well done guys, they did a great job.

Physical education minute

And now we'll have a little rest

One - rise, stretch,

two - bend, unbend,

three - clap 3,

four - arms wider,

and at five - wave your hands,

and stand quietly.

Game "Feed the chickens".

Now go to your workplaces, let's play the game "Feed the chickens"

You have a card on the table, and pictures withimage of saucers and grains.

Place 4 saucers on the bottom strip of the card, and the same number of grains on the top.

Saucers and grains equally?

How many saucers and grains?(by 4)

Make it so that there are 5 saucers.

How did you get 5 saucers?(Added 1)

Compare what is more?

What is less?

Make sure that the saucers and grains become equal.

How many grains and saucers now?

We did a great job with the task.

And now, we leave everything on the tables and go to the carpet.

Game "When does it happen?".

Our cockerel has another game for us, "When does it happen?"

Cockerel sings in the morning :

"The sun is rising in the sky!

Wake up, wash up

The day has come

And the sun is warm

I feed chickens

Chick - chick I call them.

The sun is setting

And the birds are silent.

Evening is coming.

Everyone is resting.

Soon the night will light all the stars

Dreams will come to you, to me,

And the moon is a yellow flashlight

shine in silence.

Please the cockerel, name all parts of the day in order.


Today we will solve riddles. They are unusual, about geometric shapes familiar to us. We will also guess them unusually

I have no corners

And I look like a saucer

On the ring and wheel

Who am I friends?(A circle)

Three corners, three sides

May be of different lengths.

If you hit the corners

Then you jump up on your own.(triangle)

I'm not an oval and not a circle,

I am a friend of the triangle

I am the brother of the rectangle

And they call me.(square)

I have 4 corners

And 4 sides

Only opposite

sides are equal(rectangle) .

Didactic game "Magic Geometry".

Well done guys, you did a good job. And the cockerel prepared another game for us, it's called "What's what." Come all totable : in the middle of the table is a card on whichdepicted geometric shapes, and around are pictures withdepiction of various objects. You needitemssimilar to a circle put with a circle, etc.


Did you like the game?(Yes) The cockerel will leave it to us and we will play again.

Guys, what are we doing today?(Learn to count to 5.)

Well done, guys, the cockerel is very glad that you can count and know geometric shapes, and remember the parts of the day.


1. Babaeva T.I., Gogoberidze A.G., Solntseva O.V. Comprehensive educational program of preschool education "Childhood". - St. Petersburg: LLC "Publishing House" Childhood-Proess ", 2016.

2. Peterson L.G., Kochemasova E.E. "Player". Practical course of mathematics for preschoolers. Guidelines. – M.: Balass, 2004.


Successful education of children depends on the level of development of the child's thinking, the ability to generalize and systematize their knowledge, and creatively solve various problems.

The games and tasks used in the lesson develop the ability of children to think using various logical techniques. I used games a lot, since preschool age is a period when the main activity of a baby is a game, and in a game, children learn knowledge, skills, skills more easily with the help of a game situation, it is easier to attract the attention of a child, he remembers material better.

Children solved problems, drew conclusions, conducted analysis.

All the children who attended the lesson participated. They were active, interested and all had a positive emotional attitude. Used demonstration and handout material.I believe that the goals set have been achieved.

Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution "Kindergarten No. 91"

urban district of the city of Sterlitamak

Republic of Bashkortostan

Summary of the event

for Mathematical Development

in the middle group №6.

Conducted by: Semenova O.V.


MADOU "Kindergarten No. 91"

Sterlitamak - 2016

Synopsis of educational activities on FEMP

in the middle group.

Target: To consolidate knowledge about the number and number 4.

To consolidate knowledge of the geometric shapes circle and triangle.

Continue to learn to correlate the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 with the number of objects.

Continue to form the ability to compose objects - a Christmas tree, a snowman - from geometric shapes, a triangle, a circle.

Continue to learn to determine the position of objects in relation to yourself (left, right) and paint in a certain color.

Strengthen the ability to compare numbers and numbers.

To form the ability to correlate the number of objects with the number.

Develop memory, attention, logical thinking.

Cultivate friendships.

Organizing time.

We can also rest

Let's put our hands behind our backs.

Let's raise our heads higher

And easy - easy to breathe.

AT.: Guys, sit down at the tables. Look at the scoreboard: what number do you see?

AT: Right. This is number 4. Look at your tables there are circles. Put as many circles in front of you as this number indicates.

The children are doing the task.

AT: How many circles did you put in front of you?

AT: Well done.

I ask several children.

AT: Guys, listen to the riddle: She has split clothes: all needles and needles.

D: This is a Christmas tree.

AT: Correctly. What shapes does the Christmas tree consist of?

D: From triangles.

AT: Guys, there are triangles in front of you. Make a tree out of them. Damir, come out, put the Christmas tree at the board.

The children are doing the task.

AT: Guys, look, did Damir fold the Christmas tree correctly? Name the triangles.

D: Big, smaller, small.

We check the execution of the task. Compare with a sample.

AT: Good. Listen to the second riddle: A difficult little man appears in winter, and disappears in spring, because it melts quickly. Who is it?

D: Snowman.

AT: Right. This is a snowman. What are the shapes of the snowman?

D: From circles.

AT: Correctly. Look, you have circles on your tables: make a snowman out of them. Vika, come to the blackboard. Guys, which circle will we put first? And the second, third?

D: The largest, then smaller, then the smallest.

Children lay out a snowman, check with a sample.

AT: Did you manage? Well done. Now let's go play the game "Trick - truck" (Connect the number with the number of objects). Choose your numbers from 1 to 4. Look at the palace with toys from 1 to 4. You jump and move to the music, but as soon as the music stops, you need to find a house with as many toys as your number shows.

We repeat the game 2-3 times.

AT: Have you played? Now sit down at the tables, we will continue to complete the tasks further.

Didactic game "Sit down neighbors."

AT: Guys, look what wonderful houses. But what do they lack?

D: Digit.

AT: Look here for numbers 1 3. What number is missing?

AT: Correctly. Polina, go to the blackboard, sit next to the numbers 1 and 3. Find the number 2 and put it in its place. And you guys do it for yourself.

Children complete the task, then check.

AT: Guys, did you do it?

D: Yes.

AT: Did everyone complete the task? Well done. Guys, look, you have such cards with circles on your tables. Color the circle on the left red and on the right blue.

The children are doing the task. We compare with the sample.

AT: Colored? Well done. I invite you to the palace. Guys, tell me, what did we do today?

D: They laid out circles, folded a snowman and a Christmas tree. Played the game, found houses with toys. Found numbers. The circles were colored red and blue.

AT: Well done. Everyone did well today. I really liked it.
