
I hope that you have already started a notebook with your child, in a box, or in a ruler, and your baby has begun to write letters. Don't insist that he write until he gets it nice and neat. Don't rush things.

To learn letters with a child, use cubes with the image of letters, cards, loto, magnetic alphabet, it is convenient to use it on the refrigerator.

Remember, in order to quickly learn the letters, you need to simultaneously teach your child to write the letters that you are learning.

Now your baby knows enough letters. Teach letters with short words. You don't just have to learn the letters. The child should immediately understand that letters are needed to designate and write words, which in turn designate objects.

With these letters alphabet I already introduced you A, B, C, D, D, E, E, F, Z, I, Y, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S.

Next letter T.

Color the big letter T blue, and a small one in green. Put a dot in the letter T according to the sample. Find and color the letter T on right.

T is a consonant sound.

Connect with the letter T only those objects whose names begin with the sounds T or T.

Underline the same letter as on the bottom left side of the picture. Circle all the T's on the right side of the picture.

Make the squares the same on the left. What is the difference between the squares on the right?

Write the letter T on the left side of the picture. Cross out the letter that is different from the rest on the right.

Write according to the pattern.

You can copy all the pictures to your computer like this:

Right-click on the picture in the dialog box that appears, select "Save picture as" and save it to any convenient location (folder) on your computer. Then you can print all the pictures on the printer. You can also write all the tasks on a piece of paper according to these samples and work with your child.

Tell your friends who have kids preparing for school.

Sincerely, Lidia Vitalievna.

Lesson topic: Sounds [ t ] , [ t " ] , the letters "T, t".

The game "Stone - cotton wool."

Clouds, tigers, slippers, grass, TV, rag, cake, patience, axe, teremok, Tamara, Timofey.

What does the letter T look like?

The hammer knocks: “Knock knock!

The letter "T" I'm an old friend."

The letter "T" is on the roof,

TV in the house

"T" turned into an antenna

And I found myself on the roof.





Continue the words



Ta-ta-ta - we have cleanliness in the house.

You-you-you - all cats love fish.

Ti-ti-ti - read a smart book.

Cho-cho-cho is a very fashionable sewing.

That's it - we began to play loto.

At-at-at - we send the doll to sleep.

At-at-at - we rent a car.

Find words with the letter T

A good book is accustomed to reverence,

And he gets an A in reading

Find words with the letter T

I want to know about everything

I learn different letters

To receive at school

In any subject FIVE!

  • Pick diagrams for pictures
  • Read the syllables, the words in the columns.
  • Read the text . Pick up the missing words.

stork standing coward

we build a cable machine

machine tools built a bush

the country is worth a bush

country builds bush

Tongue Twisters

The river flows, the stove bakes.

The weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya's scarves.



The tiger is a fierce beast, but still

There is also a quiet tiger.

The tiger is quiet with the tigress,

Because he is afraid of her.

Guess the rebus.

, ,

ti + mushroom = tiger

poke in "A" = pumpkin

The clouds met each other

Gathered in one circle

And wept over the meadow.

Is it with joy? From fright?

From what? Couldn't understand...

A duck sits by the river

In the hands of the duck is a fishing rod.

Everyone shouts: "Look, it's pecking!"

The duck does not lead with its ear.


Lesson flew by quickly

Let's sum it up quickly!

What did you do today,

What did you practice with pleasure?

What have you learned and learned

Why are you smarter!?

The following websites were used in the presentation:

http :// en.wikipedia.org / wiki

http :// www.lenagold.ru / fon / clipart / alf.html

http :// vector-indesign.ru /

http ://mp3.retroportal.ru/6.shtml

http :// www.blagovestnik.org / Bible /children48.htm

http ://www.4kids.com.ua/ club / song / downloads /










To use the preview of presentations, create a Google account (account) and sign in: https://accounts.google.com

Slides captions:

Teaching literacy to preschoolers Topic: Sound T - T Performed by speech therapist Mileysheva Nadezhda Gennadievna St. Petersburg

Game "Guess": Speech therapist: Here is a house, guess who is in it. (riddle): (Mustache, tail, but it washes cleaner than everyone (cat). And the little one? (cat, kitten) - cat Tom and kitten Tim

Speech therapist: with what sounds did we name words? - T and T. - Today we will compare these sounds. Comparison and characterization of two sounds: consonants. T - hard, Th - soft, denoted by different colors. Sound analogies were placed in the houses (blue and green) (“the hammer is knocking: T-T-T”, “the little hammer is knocking T-T-T”). Fizkultminutka. There is a sound in the word - hands up, No sound - squatting. Tiger, pen, Saturday, cat, Wednesday, glass, Friday, plate, door, book, notebook, house. The game “We will speak clearly and distinctly so that everything becomes clear”, “say a word”: finish the word with the syllable TA or TY: lopa ..., Vee ..., Us ..., confe ..., mone ..., Ka ..., Mi ..., gas ... , fell ..., Kos ..., voro ..., boiler ..., Nicky ..., swine ... .

IT FROM AT UT (whale, cat, jester, bathrobe)

Sentence analysis (task from Tim in an envelope, he sent his photos, asked to come up with a proposal) - the game " Live offer": The kitten plays with balls. The kitten lies on the grass. Children take the symbols of the words of the sentence (“subject”, “action”, “small word” - a preposition) and stand in the order of the words in the sentence, then pronounce it in turn. - Syllabic analysis of words (on the board of the scheme (houses with a different number of windows) and pictures, the names of which include the sounds T and T, children need to pick up a word for the scheme): airplane, ax, umbrella (task from Tom). - Drawing up a word scheme from the letters TIM, TOM (let's sign houses for a cat and a kitten). - Summary of the lesson: what did you like, what was especially interesting?

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Abstract of a lesson on sound pronunciation and literacy in a preparatory speech therapy group ....

Outline of a lesson on teaching literacy “Sound P, Pb. Letter P»I. Organizational moment-Greetings affectionately! "Name the word for the given sound" (ball game) II. Main stage 1. Learning new...

The summary of the GCD is intended for educators of senior and preparatory groups. Purpose: to form in students an idea of ​​​​the sounds [P], [P´], the letter P. Tasks: Educational: to teach to recognize graphic ...

Summary of the GCD on the preparation of teaching literacy in the preparatory group Developed by: teacher Absemetova G.S.

Topic : “The letter T and the sounds [t] and [t ’].

Target: getting to know letter T and sounds [t] and [t '], development of the ability to differentiate concepts "sound" and "word" .

Tasks :

Educational: consolidate learned letters and sounds;

introduce the letter T and the sounds [t] and [t '];

learn to make sounds [t] and [t’] from the beginning the words;

continue to shape concept "consonant hard sound" and "soft consonant sound" ;

consolidate concepts "sound" and "word" ;

develop the ability to differentiate concepts "sound" and "word" ;

continue to learn to highlight the first and last sound in a word.

Educational : develop attention, memory, thinking, general and fine motor skills.

Educational : continue to cultivate the ability to listen to the speaker's speech.

preliminary work : on previous In classes, children are offered letters made of various materials (foam rubber, plastic and cardboard for the development of tactile perception and the maximum inclusion in the work of all analyzers.

Equipment : doll; "magic" pouch; letters made from various materials;colored magnets (blue, green, red)pictures of objects whose name begins with sounds [t] and [t '], E. Kosinova's workbook "We write together with a speech therapist."

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

Children, taking their places, see a doll with a beautiful bag sitting on the table. Children are interested in who it is and what is in the bag. The teacher invites the children to get acquainted with the doll. Children greet her and ask her name.

Repetition of previously learned .

Hello children! My name is Tanya. I came to visit you and brought with me"magic" pouch. Want to know what's in it? I suggest that you take turns putting your hand into the bag and feel what is there.

The game "Find out letter" AT "magic bag" lie letters that children have already learned (A, U, I, O S, M, H, X, K). Each child in turn puts his hand into the bag, feels one of the letters and calls it.

(For the correct name of the letter, the child receives a chip.)

Well done, they named all the sounds that we have already met. Guys, have we already talked about what groups all letters and sounds are divided into?

Children: vowels and consonants.

Educator: right, but what color do we designate them in the diagrams?

Children answer (vowels in red, consonants in blue)

Children, why are thesesounds are called "vowels" ? (They're called"vowels" because we sing them with a voice and there is no barrier in the mouth; tongue, lips and teeth do not prevent air from leaving the mouth freely.)

Why are these sounds called "consonants" ? (Because these sounds do not know how to sing themselves, they agree to stand next to vowels.)

Correctly. When they are pronounced, a barrier is formed in the mouth - the tongue, lips or teeth prevent the air from escaping freely.

2.Main part .

Introduction to the letter T and sounds[ t] and [ t’] .

Tanya remembers that she has a problem and wanted to ask the children for help today. She takes out of the bagthe letter T, made fromcardboardbut cannot name it.

Listen as I say:

I have a friend. Olya.

Did you mean Tolya?

Yes. (doll says words withoutsound [t], then repeats correctly after the children).

Arelka. Antsy

Ablitsa. apki

Teaching. smart. Anki

Umba. urist

Achki. urn

Thank you for teaching me how to speak correctly.

Sit down, see how our guys are getting ready for school.

Whichsoundrepeated in these words?

repeatssound [t]. Where is he located?

The teacher invites the children to feelletter and say how it feels to the touch(solid)

And what is she like?

The teacher asks to say the letter in unison.

How is the T sound formed? What is this sound?

Children: agree.

Yes, this letterT stands for solid consonantsound [t]. He has a brother.

caregivershows the children anotherthe letter T, made of foam rubber, and gives it to feel and compare with the previous one letter.

What does this letter feel like? (soft)

It means soft sound [t '].

game over sound [t '].

The girl Nastya

Red dog.

Came to visit her

Boy Kostya with a kitten.

Dog Laika state.(th)

Brought a big braid.(th) .

Laika opened the pass. (th,

Grabbed a braid.(th) and shas.(th)

There is shelter under Nastya. (th,

So that the cat could not reach.(th) .

Dog : crisp.(th) yes crunch. (th,

But suddenly such sadness. (th!-

Stuck in the mouth of the scythe.(th)

And pricks like a nail!

The kitten called out : "Us. (th!

Open the pass to the dog. (th!"

He grabbed the scythe with his claws.(th)

And saved the dog Mrs.(th) .

Kitten, Kostya, Nastya

Everyone shines with happiness!

All day kitten Vasya

Taught the dog Nastya :

"Greedy, know that no one loves,

Greedy. (Th, know you will be ruined! )

Whichdid you add sound? Which onesound? Where is he located?

Children like and m colorwe denotes solid sound [t], and how - soft sound [t ']?

Children: [t] - in blue, and [t'] - in green.

The teacher puts them on the board. Below marks them with blue and green chips. (Magnets)

Working on worksheets.

1 task. Determine the place of the sound T in words and mark it on the diagram with a blue pencil. (pumpkin, cat, bathrobe, duck, tank).

In the words cat, duck, and tank, name all the sounds in order and determine the number of sounds in each word.

Write a sentence with the word cat. Determine the number of words in a sentence. Make a diagram. (The child who completed the task receives a chip.)

Physical education minute

"The cubs lived in more often .."

2 task. Shade the letter according to the pattern.

3 task "Fix the letter" (Correctly repaired the letter, get a chip)

4 task. Underline all the T's with a wavy line. What letter did you underline? How many? (8pcs) (Those children who underlined the letter T without errors receive a chip)

Finger gymnastics

Wolf, hare, lynx, fox

The movements are repeated on the other hand.

And in the winter you will find in the forest.

O. Krupenchuk

5 task. Learning to write (in block letters).

On the first line - t, that, that.

On the second line - T, Tom, Tim (the teacher explains that the names are capitalized)

3. The result of the lesson.

What letter are we talking about today?

What have you learned? What did you like the most?

Guys, we did a good job today, we learned a lot. Count the chips that you have collected during the entire lesson. Let's clap for the guys who got the most chips.

Tanya thanks the children for their help, for interesting games and says goodbye.

Summary of GCD on teaching literacy “Letter T and sounds [T], [T ’]” (senior group)


Topic: Letter T and sound T(T")

Target: Introduce children to letter T and sound T(T")

Tasks: Develop children's vocabulary, interest in learning sounds and letters, to educate industriousness in children, to form children's knowledge about sounds and letters.

Equipment: magnetic board, letters, toys: hare, doll, tiger cub, notebooks, leaves with letter"T".

Lesson progress: Hear and Bukovka greet children. Hey He speaks: “Guys, we have an unusual guest today.” Lettering: "Guess who it is?"

stripy friend,

He is a wild, predatory animal.

Can growl loudly

And then catch everyone.

Course progress.

Lettering: “That's right, it's Tiger Cub. He came to meet you and play with you.

tiger cub:"Hello guys! My name is Tiger Cub! I brought you this letter." Shows letter -"T".That's mine letter because that my wonderful name Tiger cub begins with it! This letter is big and small. The big one is used in the title names of titles for example: Tatyana is the name of the girl, therefore letter"T" big and this name is spelled with a big letters, but in the word phone letter"T" is small because it is not a name or a name, it is just a means of communication through which you can communicate. BUT sound"T" is hard and soft.

Articulation sound: lips are open and dependent on the following sound. First, the tongue comes into contact with its front edge with the upper incisors. Along with this, its lateral edges are located at the upper molars. (tight fit). Then the bow explodes. The soft palate is raised and blocks the passage to the nose.

Let's say this together sound"T---T---T---T"

What do you think it is sound vowel or consonant (children's answers)

Of course, it is a consonant, it is deaf.

tiger cub: "What does this look like? letter (children's answers) Let's color letter T, which is drawn on your leaflets.

D / I “Who will name more words with sound"T"

Physical education minute

The snow is coming, it is coming.

The janitor sweeps the street.

The people are on the side.

Have fun, have fun!

We are not too lazy to do.

We'll loosen up a little

Let's get down to business again.

Lettering: Let's play a game "Where did you hide sound I name the word, and you will say where it stands (beginning, middle, end).For example: tiger sound"T" is at the beginning of a word. Duck- sound"T" in the middle, cat-"T" at the end, etc.

Magnetic board with letters

Reading syllables and words:



Work in notebooks. prescription letters"T".

Outcome: Guys with what letter did we meet today? Did you like it? Our lesson has come to an end. Say goodbye to our guests.

Hey, Bukovka and Tiger Cub say goodbye to the children.

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