There are many records in the world. Sometimes they come out completely by accident, sometimes you have to go to them long and hard. But all the same, everyone strives to get something very-most: to grow most a big vegetable, paint the biggest picture, shoot the most expensive video or the longest series. It is about such records that we will talk.

Chanel No. 5 has long been the most famous fragrance in the world, it is a classic perfumery. And of course the advertising must be appropriate. It was one of the advertising films that went down in history as the most expensive advertisement - a four-minute picture cost $ 44 million, that is, 11 million for every minute of the clip. And 4 million went only to Nicole Kidman's fee. By the way, this fee was also the highest in this area.

2. Longest ears

The record holder in this competition can be determined by absolute and relative values. In the first case, an African elephant becomes the undisputed leader, whose ears reach one and a half meters in length. But this is only a quarter of the giant's body length. Therefore, we move on to the winner in relative terms.
Here a long-eared jerboa with ears half the size of its own body becomes the champion. The growth of the jerboa is 9 cm, and its ears reach 5 cm. This miracle lives in the Gobi Desert and is threatened with extinction.
There is one more artificially bred "long-eared" - a rabbit of the "Brussels ram" breed. Its ears, when unfolded, reach a length of 50-60 cm.

3. The longest word in Russian

Among the most The longest words in the Guinness Book of World Records are collected represented by different languages. The Russian word in 1993 was considered "X-ray electrocardiographic", consisting of 33 letters, in 2003 it was replaced by the word "superbly discerning" of 35 letters.
It is difficult to understand exactly what criteria the publishers used in this case. After all, you can create a word, according to the rules of the Russian language, of almost infinite length, which will denote the degree of kinship using the prefixes "pra-".
In addition, there are names of chemical compounds nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate hydrin (40 letters) and tetrahydropyranylcyc(55 letters) or designations of quantities (one thousand nine hundred eighty nine millimeter out of 46 letters).

4. The biggest pig

The most a large pig is Big Bill - a hog of the Sino-Polish breed. It belonged to W.D. Chappalu, who took his animal to the World's Fair in Chicago in 1933. On the road, as a result of strong braking, the pig fell in the back of a truck and broke his leg. The owner had to put the pet to sleep, but before that they managed to measure: the height at the withers was 1.52 m, the length from the patch to the tail was 2.74 m, the weight was 1157.3 kg!

5. The narrowest house

Once Jakub Szczesny, a Polish architect, noticed a narrow gap between two skyscrapers. This painting inspired him to create a home installation project in such a small space. The patron of the project is the Israeli writer Etgar Keret, who will be given the right to lead the month as a full-fledged tenant in House Tours.
Most the narrow house will be completed by February 4, 2012, its width will be 1.5 meters, and inside, on two floors connected by a Swedish staircase, there will be a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom. Later, the house will become a studio for artists from all over the world.

6. The smallest basketball player

The NBA is played primarily by huge basketball players. All the more surprising is the appearance among them of players of average or below average height. So in the 80s and 90s, Muggsy Bogs played in games with a height of 160 cm. Now the most the smallest professional basketball player in the world is Earl Boykins. He plays for the Washington Wizards and is 165 cm tall. Boykins is now 33 years old, of which he has been playing in the NBA for 10 years.

7. Scariest horror movie ever

The most the 1980 film by Stanley Kubrick based on the novel of the same name by Stephen King - "The Shining" is recognized as a terrible horror film. An interesting fact is that the film just fits perfectly into the mathematical model of a horror film, while the picture has consistently remained on the lists of the best films of this genre for over 30 years.
By the way, King himself was against the invitation of Jack Nichols to the main role. As planned by the writers, the protagonist gradually loses his mind, which is what makes the atmosphere of the book, and as planned the film, so creepy. According to King, Nicholson has a shadow of madness on his face from the very first frames.

8. The biggest cat

15 years ago, former Atomic Energy of Canada Limited employee Roger Dejajne in the Canadian Chalk River picked up a pair of stray kittens from the laboratory. The kids fell in love with the family and stayed with Roger, receiving the names Lost and Found.
After 6 years, kittens were born to Lost and Foundling. All litter was worthy of friends, except for one kitty. She had cute black spots on her snow-white fur, for which the girl was named Snow. Snowball was not a small kitten right away, by the age of nine she turned into a real snowball weighing about 40 kg and 69 cm long.
The cat constantly asked to eat, now she needs 3 kg of cat food a day! At the same time, veterinarians believe that she is not obese, she is just really very large. It is assumed that such a gigantic size is a consequence of radiation exposure on the territory of her parents' laboratory, which resulted in changes in the thyroid gland in Snow.

9. Longest humorous show

In 1961, for the first time, the KVN program appeared on the screens. Very quickly she acquired a sea of ​​admirers, infecting the entire then USSR with "KVN-mania". 10 years later, the project was closed due to too caustic and topical humor. But in 1986, KVN was revived and still exists.
In addition to the Major League, there are several other official leagues; they have their own system of cups, seasons, and game rules. Many modern stars have emerged from KVN - Mikhail Zadornov, Gennady Khazanov, Leonid Yakubovich, Valdis Pelsh, Tatyana Lazareva, Alexander Pushnoy, Sergey Svetlakov, Andrey Chivurin, Pavel Volya and many others. Now KVN has become a spectacle, not losing the gaiety and resourcefulness of the first games, but turning them into bright shows.

10. Most expensive car number

In the United Arab Emirates, the traffic police conduct auctions for the sale of exclusive license plates. In 2007 alone, more than $ 136 million was earned in this way. The particular attraction to the number is given by that interesting fact that the number is transferred to the owner in perpetual possession with the right of inheritance.
Most the same expensive license plate "1" was sold from Abu Dhabi to Said Abdul Ghaffar Khoeri for $ 14,000,000. The auction started at $ 27,000, and the winning 25-year-old billionaire was willing to pay twice as much.

11. The largest chicken eggs

All egg and egg lovers can celebrate World Egg Day on October 14th. They also need to know that the most a large hen's egg was laid by Harriet. This testicle weighed 163 grams, was 11.5 cm long and 23 cm in girth. Owned by Harriet, 64-year-old Tony Barbuti from Eastwood (UK).
But there is information from Georgia about a new record. At Murman Modebadze in the Zestafon region, a chicken laid an egg weighing 170 grams, 62 mm in diameter and 82 mm long. Now it is expected to be checked by a commission from the Guinness Book of Records, but for now the egg is stored in special conditions.

12. Most expensive car

The most an expensive car was recognized as a copy of Bugatti, made of platinum and twenty-four carat gold, decorated with diamonds. The Bugatti Veyron is made in 1:18 scale, doors open and the wheels turn with the help of the steering wheel. The € 2.4 million toy was created by British designer Stuart Hughes and Swiss car designer Robert Galpen.

13. The most expensive cheese

The most The most expensive cheese in the world is the cheese of the Serbian company Zasavica. It is made from donkey milk and costs 1000 euros per kg. The price of the cheese is based on the raw materials used. The fact is that to produce a kilogram of cheese, you need 25 liters of donkey milk, and this is exactly the annual amount of milk from one donkey. At the same time, donkey milk is considered very valuable for its healing qualities - it has a great effect on the skin, giving it beauty and youth.
They say that it was the milk of the donkey that Cleopatra used for her baths. You can find other recipes in the article.

Beetles, bats and cow skulls, oh well! There are things in the world that make us feel uncomfortable. However, what appears to be “normal” may also cause us mixed reactions if it is blown up to an enormous size! The huge hamburger and the butcher's knife against the clouds definitely look creepy. In this list, we'll tell you about the world's biggest things. Some of these things are living organisms, while others are common household items. Among them there are such things that we would never want to see even in the usual size.

Many people are of the opinion that "the more the better." However, this is not always true, is it? It's safe to say that no one would want to step on a titan lumberjack beetle or spot a flying dog in the sky. While Americans really love their hamburgers, would they dare to grab a hamburger weighing over 900 kilograms? There is something about huge objects that makes us seek shelter and hide. Nevertheless, it will be interesting for you to read about the top ten "Biggest" world records that will make you cringe. From bugs to navel fluff, these things can puzzle and disgust you.

10. The largest burger in the world

If you are hungry, then why don't you eat a slice of the world itself? He broke the world record with a weight of 913 kilograms! The burger was prepared by the Black Bear Casino Resort in Carlton, Minnesota. It took a huge amount of ingredients to make it. For example, this hamburger contained 23.8 kilograms of tomatoes, 22.6 kilograms of lettuce, 27.2 kilograms of onions, 8.6 kilograms of pickles, 18 kilograms of American cheese, and 7.5 kilograms of bacon. This is more than 104 kilograms of toppings. The hamburger was 3 meters in diameter and had to be turned over with a crane.

9. The largest beetle in the world

The titan lumberjack beetle is aptly named. This is the largest beetle in the world. Its body length exceeds 20 centimeters. Given the fact that this beetle can grow to the size of a small puppy, you should stay away from it. The titan lumberjack beetle has powerful jaws, a back studded with small spikes, and even worse - it can hiss and fly! However, despite this, scientists consider it completely safe for people. No thanks, we'd better step aside. If you really want to see this beetle with your own eyes, you should head to the tropical jungles of South America. However, you should not forget that this beetle can easily tear human skin.

This is another confirmation of the fact that the work of a librarian is truly a very lonely occupation. Graham Barker has an entire collection of navel fluff, which he keeps in various jars at home. This is just his personal navel fluff and he has three jugs or about 21 grams. Barker says that he pulls the fluff out of his navel before going to the shower. He began collecting his collection at the age of 19. He currently holds the Guinness World Record. It is safe to say that there are not too many people in the world who can try to break this record. Barker assures people that cans don't stink and that mold doesn't form in them. Let's take his word for it.

7. The largest tumor in the world

Surgeons removed the world's largest tumor from the back of Yang Jianbin in Beijing, China. The tumor weighed 110 kilograms! What was initially a dark dot on Janbin's skin quickly grew into a huge swelling. He had a tumor removed when he was nine years old (at that time the tumor was the size of his fist), but it quickly grew back. As it turned out, Jangbin suffered from neurofibromatosis, a genetic disorder that causes abnormal cell growth in the nervous system. It took the surgeons and doctors 16 hours to remove the huge tumor. Fortunately, Janbin has recovered from his surgery and is now happily living without a tumor.

6. The world's largest monument to the weevil beetle

One of the most revered and popular monuments in Enterprise, Alabama, is the Weevil Beetle Monument. The monument was erected in 1919 by the residents of the Enterprise and is a tribute to the beetle it depicts. Weevil beetles have actually helped this southern city flourish agriculturally and economically. The height of the monument, which represents a girl holding a bowl with a beetle in her outstretched hands, is 4 meters. The monument also has an inscription that reads: “With deep respect for the weevil beetle and what he did for the good of this city. From the residents of Enterprise, Coffee County, Alabama. "

5. The largest cow skull

If you are passing through Amado, Arizona, you may notice a huge cow skull. This is not a mirage, in the middle of a deserted city there is actually a huge cow skull. The Longhorn Bar & Grill uses the largest cow skull as the entrance to the restaurant. The location has even been used for well-known films. The skull is a popular tourist attraction and was built in the 1970s. The height of the skull horns is 9 meters. Behind the skull is a building and office space that has housed various types of businesses over the years. Therefore, if you ever go West, be sure to visit Amado, eat a steak and admire the huge cow skull.

4. The biggest butcher knife

If there is any reason to visit Topeka, Kansas, it is to see firsthand the world's largest butcher's knife. People driving or passing the car park at 6th Street and Jackson Streets can look at this weapon, mounted vertically, with the blade down. It can be assumed that a huge butcher's knife was installed in order to revive the city. Or it would be installed in order to scare away visitors. In any case, the butcher's knife is part of an art collection that was founded in the center of Topeka called “Art in the center of Topeka”. The butcher's knife figurine is called "Nameless II". It was created by Robert Craig. Borrowing an idea from the famous Claus Oldenburg, he decided to present industrial and everyday objects in a huge size.

3. The largest lingerie in the world

It is located in St. Louis, Missouri. The city museum houses the largest pair of panties in the world. The waist circumference of these briefs is 20 meters, and the height from the waist to the crotch is 12 meters. Blimey! The panties were temporarily removed from the museum, but were returned “washed and folded,” according to the museum's Facebook page. Presumably, lace ladies' shorts also went with these panties, but nothing is known about them. It remains a mystery why any museum would want to display a huge pair of panties, let's just hope we never meet their owner.

2. The biggest louse

Despite the fact that most of us have completely forgotten about lice by the time we turn nine, this louse can scare you. Although, judging by the wide smile on the face of this creature, it does not plan to upset you. If you travel to Lakeville, Minnesota, you can see the largest louse in the world with your own eyes. This statue is nestled near an antiques and curiosity shop called Hot Sam’s Antiques. Owners collect items from around the world and display them in Lakeville. This giant louse actually came from elementary school! It is made of fiberglass and steel and painted in bright, cheerful colors. Its height is 2 meters.

1. The largest flying dog in the world

Yes, there is such a creature in the world as a flying dog. They are also called bats. The weight of these creatures reaches 1.6 kilograms, and the wingspan reaches 1.7 meters! Just imagine how one of them is flying over your head. They are also called flying foxes. They are found throughout the region between the eastern Mediterranean and South Asia. Despite their formidable size, they adhere to a vegetarian diet. They have an excellent sense of smell and rely on it to find food, as they do not use echolocation like other species of bats. Their huge eyes provide excellent vision at dusk.

As much as 70% of the surface of our planet is water, the remaining 30% is land, with an area of ​​149 million km 2. Half of this territory is occupied by only 10 countries, while there are at least 206 different states on the planet. It is these giants in terms of area and population that make up the list 10 largest countries in the world.

The largest state on the territory of the African continent and the first on our list is the Algerian People's Democratic Republic. It occupies 2.381 million km 2 and this is largely due to the Sahara Desert, which is part of the country. Algeria produces large volumes of oil and gas, but at the same time 17% of the country's inhabitants live in poverty, which indicates that the government is not the most conscientious. In summer, the temperature exceeds +50 degrees, but snow is possible in winter. It has an ink lake within its borders - there is nothing like it in the world anymore.


Among the 10 largest countries in the world in terms of territory, Kazakhstan is also located - a country that has an incredible flavor. Its inhabitants still diligently keep the traditions of the past and are noted for their enviable hospitality. As in the vastness of Algeria, they are engaged in the extraction of gas and oil. State area: 2.724 million km 2. Among other giant countries, Kazakhstan is the only landlocked one, but has its own internal Aral Sea, as well as the inexplicable Lake BalKhash, the first half of which is fresh water, and the second is salt.

8. Argentina

Occupying 2.766 million km 2, Argentina is famous all over the world primarily for two legendary footballers - Maradona and Messi, both of whom at one time became the owners of the Ballon d'Or. It was named after the metal - silver, but in the end it turned out to be not very much in its depths. It is a recognized fact that it is here that the longest street in the world is located, the numbering of houses exceeds twenty thousand. Argentina is stretched from north to south, so it lies in several climatic zones at once. And if its northern part is subtropics, then its southern part is deserts with incredibly cold weather indicators.

India has a population of 1.2 billion, which immediately makes it one of the 10 largest countries in the world. It occupies an area of ​​3.287 million km 2, but in terms of the economy it is still sinking. However, it is considered the most promising for development in the future. Before the arrival of the British, who made India their colony, the country was listed as one of the richest in the world. It was in her that Columbus wanted to get, but swam to America. Named after the Indus River and is the home of spices, Buddhism and tea throughout.

6. Australia

It is a whole continent, occupying 7.686 million km 2. Most of the land is not inhabited and is not suitable for habitation, and the population is accordingly not high. But at the same time, the mainland is home to many unusual species of animals and plants that are found only here. Australia also includes many nearby islands, with Canberra being the capital, the most populated city. Among the key problems is the small number of fresh water sources, because the overwhelming majority of water bodies are salty.

5. Brazil

In the list of the 10 largest countries in the world in terms of area, you cannot do without the leader of South America in terms of territory. Hot Brazil is famous for football, carnivals and huge plantations of coffee trees. Part of the country is occupied by a huge jungle, as well as the largest river in the world - the Amazon. Due to its location, the state managed to border with all countries on the mainland. Due to its close ties with Portugal, Catholicism prevails here, which makes Brazil the country with the largest Catholic population.

Statistics show that at the moment one in six people on the planet is Chinese, because the number of people in the country will soon exceed 1.4 billion. In this regard, China is the largest country in the world in terms of population. It attracts with its peculiar culture, and also impresses with its achievements, and in all areas. Economy, innovations, sports - this is the state everywhere in the leading positions. Its territory is 9.640 million km 2. China itself consists of four key cities, 22 provinces, and also gains in size from five more autonomous regions. It has access to the Pacific Ocean and borders immediately with 14 countries on the Eurasian continent.

An area of ​​9.826 million km 2 puts the United States of America in third place, despite the endless desire to be the leader in everything. The economy of this country is considered one of the most representative in the world. Baseball and fast food were invented here, but, unfortunately, it is in the United States that the largest number of tornadoes occur in a year, which constantly causes significant destruction. It includes 50 states, each of which has its own unusual flavor or lifestyle. It shares borders with only three countries, Mexico and Canada, and also thanks to a small part separated from the country in the very north, also with Russia.

Canada has not gone so far from the previous country, which is its neighbor, in terms of area, it occupies 9.976 million km 2. At the same time, it would never get into the top of the 10 largest countries in the world in terms of population, because it wins only by its territory, but not by the number of people who live here only 34 million. A very low figure, but it does not affect the development of the country. Canada is rightfully called the land of lakes, there are an incredible number of them, and many of them are in the top 10 of the largest in the world. Among them, Bear and Verkhnee are the largest among fresh ones.

The undoubted leader - 17.075 million km 2 is occupied by this country, which is almost double that of the closest pursuer. Russia is rich in various minerals and resources, neighbors 18 countries and has the longest length, because as soon as one edge of it people go to bed, on the other they already get up to work. In its vastness it has more than a hundred different rivers, and the number of reservoirs exceeds the 2 million mark. Also famous for Bike, which is the deepest lake on the planet. The highest point of the country is Mount Elbrus, its height is 5.5 km.

There are many wonders in the world, built by nature and man. Here you can learn about the greatest natural and engineering wonders created so far.
The world's largest photo

The largest photograph so far is a 320 gigapixel panorama of London, which was compiled from 48,640 individual images. All images were captured with four Canon EOS 7D cameras and assembled to create this 360-degree creation. If this were a physical photograph, it would be the size of Buckingham Palace. It is worth noting that the photo was taken from the roof of the BT Tower.
The largest ship in the world

The largest ship, exceeding the dimensions of the Empire State Building, was launched in South Korea. The Prelude is 488 meters long and 74 meters wide. When fully loaded, the ship weighs about 600,000 tons.
Largest liner

Together with its twin brother, the Oasis of the Seas is the largest passenger ship on the planet so far. Its length is 360 meters, and its twin brother Allure of the Seas is only 5 cm long.
The largest lake in the world

The Caspian Sea is the largest lake on our planet. It is located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. Today the area of ​​the Caspian Sea is about 371,000 square meters.
Largest river

In terms of the size of the basin, as well as the depth and length of the river system, the Amazon is the largest river on Earth. The river has a length of 6992.06 km. In 2011, the Amazon was recognized as a natural wonder of the world.
The largest plane in the world

At the moment, the An-225 "Mriya" is considered to be the largest aircraft. This transport jet was developed by the OKB im. O. K. Antonova. It was designed and built in the USSR at the Kiev Mechanical Plant between 1984 and 1988. Today, only one copy is flying, which is operated by Antonov Airlines.

The largest machine in the world (the largest excavator)

The Bagger 288 excavator was built in 1978 by the German company Krupp for the Rheinbraun enterprise. The vehicle is larger than the NASA track carrier used to transport shuttles and Apollo rockets to the launch site. Bagger 288 is used for mining and digging large trenches. It is capable of producing 230 tons of coal every day.

Largest ball

In 2002, a team of NASA engineers developed the world's largest hot air balloon, with a volume of 1.7 million cubic meters. m. The whole structure weighs 690 kilograms. It was launched as part of the LEE (Low Energy Electrons) program, and the balloon was able to rise to a height of 49 kilometers. Research has shown that this balloon can be used to deliver equipment to record heights.
The largest book in the world

The largest book measures 5 mx 8.06 m and weighs approximately 1,500 kg. It contains 429 pages and was created by Mshahed International Group, in Dubai, UAE on February 27, 2012. More than 50 people contributed to the creation of the book, which was called "This is Muhammad" (This is Muhammad).
Largest screen

The largest screen on Earth can be seen in Kazan. Large plasma screens were installed at the Kazan-Arena stadium, and the total screen area is 3,622 square meters.

The largest store

Shinsegae department store was included in the Guinness Book of Records in the category "The largest store in the world". It was built in Busan City, South Korea. It is worth noting that Busan is the second largest city in South Korea and the largest seaport on Earth. The area of ​​Shinsegae Department Store is 293,905 square meters. The opening took place in 2009 - it was then that the store broke the record of 100,000 square meters, previously owned by Macy's department store in New York.
The largest stadium

At the moment, of the huge number of stadiums built for various sports events, the leader is the "May Day Stadium" in Pyongyang (DPRK). This stadium can accommodate 150,000 spectators. It was built back in 1989 to host the XIII Festival of Youth and Students. It is worth noting the design feature of this stadium - 16 arches that form a ring. Thanks to these arches, the shape of the stadium is reminiscent of a magnolia flower. Despite the fact that the DPRK national football team plays at this stadium, it is mainly used for holding the massive Arirang festival.

The largest water park

Tropical Islands is the largest Water Park. It is located in Halbe in Brandenburg, Germany. Previously, the building of the water park was used as a hangar for airships. It is also worth noting that this building is the largest self-supporting hall in the world. The complex can accommodate up to 6,000 people per day. It employs about 500 people.

The largest oceanarium

In Singapore, you can visit the Marine Life Park. Built on the island of Sentosa, this aquarium is the largest in the world. The opening took place on November 22, 2012. Park in 2 parts: S.E.A Aquarium and Adventure Cove Waterpark. In the first, you can see over 100,000 marine animals of 800 species living in a large aquarium filled with 45,000,000 liters of seawater.

The largest museum

One can argue for a long time which museum is the largest, but most opinions agree on the Musée du Louvre, which was visited in 2012 by 9,720,260 people. Its area is 160 106 square meters. On an area of ​​58 470 sq. meters are expositions.
Largest library

The Library of Congress is the largest in the world. This National Library of the United States is located in Washington, DC and is the research library of the United States Congress. It is used by representatives of government agencies, research institutions, scientists, private firms, as well as industrial companies and schools.

The British Library falls into the same category. This National Library of Great Britain is the second largest library in the world.
Largest airport

The Guinness Book of World Records notes that the largest airport in the world in terms of area is King Fahd International Airport (KFIA), located 25 kilometers from the city of Dammam, Saudi Arabia, with an area of ​​780 square meters.

In terms of passenger traffic and the number of take-offs and landings, at the moment, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport is the busiest airport on Earth. It has several names: Atlanta Airport, Hartsfield Airport, Hartsfield-Jackson and is located 11 km from the central business district of Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
The largest tomb

The tomb of the 16th emperor of Japan, Nintoku (or O-sadzaki), is one of the three largest tombs in the world, along with the pyramid of Cheops and the tomb of Qin Shihuang di, ruler of the Qin kingdom (from 246 BC) , which stopped the centuries-old era of the Warring States. The tomb of the Japanese Emperor is located in Sakai near Osaka and is the largest kofun in Japan (kofun is an ancient burial mound in the land of the rising sun). The tomb is 1,600 years old and looks like a keyhole when viewed from above. It covers an area of ​​464,124 square meters.
Largest building

The Boeing 747, 767, 777 and 787 Dreamliners are among the largest airliners in the world and are assembled at the Boeing Everett Factory, near Everett, Washington. With a volume of over 13 million cubic meters and an area of ​​almost 400,000 square meters, the Boeing Everett Factory is the largest building in the world.

In truth, the world's largest diamond is considered to be the Cullinan diamond, which was donated to Edward VII on November 9, 1907. The largest diamond in the world, named after the owner of the mine, Thomas Cullinan, was presented by the Colony of Tronsvaal to the British king in honor of his birthday.

The mass of the diamond was 3106.75 carats, which is 621.35 grams. The dimensions of this diamond are 100x65x50 mm.


Truly the most famous drink in the world is Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola was recognized as the most expensive brand in the world in 2005-2015 by the international research agency Interbrand.

The Coca-Cola drink was invented in Atlanta (Georgia, USA) on May 8, 1886 by pharmacist John Stith Pemberton, a former officer of the American Confederation Army. He just wanted to get rid of the headaches. As a pharmacist, he came up with a recipe that consisted of two ingredients - coca leaves and cola nuts. The resulting drink had tonic properties, but it was diluted with ordinary water, once, by chance, the seller, diluting the syrup, poured soda water - this is how the drink was born.

At first, only 9 people bought the drink every day. Sales for the first year were only $ 50. On the production of "Coca-Cola" was spent $ 70, that is, in the first year the drink was unprofitable. But gradually the popularity of "Coca-Cola" increased, and profits from its sale, too. In 1888, Pemberton sold the rights to the beverage. In 1892, businessman Asa Griggs Candler, who owned the rights to Coca-Cola, founded The Coca-Cola Company, which is still producing the drink.

Tallest mountain in the world

Chomolungma (Everest) - the highest peak of the Earth - 8848 m above sea level.

Located in the Himalayas, in the Mahalangur-Himal ridge (in the part called Khumbu-Himal). The southern peak (8760 m) lies on the border of Nepal and the Tibet Autonomous Region (China), the North (main) peak (8848 m) is located in China.

Everest has the shape of a triangular pyramid, the southern slope is steeper. On the southern slope and edges, snow and firn are not retained, as a result of which they are exposed. The height of the Northeast shoulder is 8393 m. The height from the foot to the summit is about 3550 m. The summit consists mainly of sedimentary deposits.

The longest river in the world

The longest river in the world is the Amazon. River in South America. Formed by the confluence of the Marañon and Ucayali rivers. The length from the source of the Marañon River is 6992.06 km, from the source of the Apachet River - about 7000 km, from the source of Ucayali over 7000 km. The Amazon, with its longest source, claims, along with the Nile, the status of the longest watercourse in the world, and is also the world's largest river in terms of basin area and full flow.

The largest island in the world

It is believed that the largest island in the world is Greenland. The area of ​​the island is 2,130,800 sq. km. The island belongs to Denmark and is part of its autonomous unit Greenland. An island in the northeast of North America. It is washed by the Atlantic and Arctic oceans.

Largest ship in the world

The largest liner and ship in the world is the Knock Nevis. Supertanker flying the Norwegian flag. Its dimensions were: 458.45 meters long and 69 meters wide, which made it the largest ship in the world before the commissioning of the supertanker-gas plant "Prelude FLNG". Built in 1976, rebuilt in 1979, in recent years it was used as a floating oil storage, then delivered to Alang, where it was disposed of in 2010.

The second place is taken by the passenger liner Oasis of the Seas. This liner was launched on October 28, 2009. And until now this vessel has no equal in any bold ... The length of the "Oasis of the Seas" is 361 meters, width - 66 meters, and height - 72 meters.

The tallest building in the world

The tallest building is the Burj Khalifa. skyscraper with a height of 828 meters in Dubai, the tallest structure in the world. The shape of the building resembles a stalagmite. The opening ceremony took place on January 4, 2010 in the largest city of the United Arab Emirates - Dubai. The building was planned to open on September 9, 2009, simultaneously with the opening of the Dubai Metro, but the opening was postponed to January 2010 due to a reduction in funding from the developer.

The world's first computer

The very first programmable computer was introduced to the world on February 14, 1946 in the United States of America - ENIAC. It weighed 30 tons and contained 18,000 vacuum tubes. True, the speed of the machine was only 5,000 operations per second. In total, this computer model worked for 9 years.

Amaya dearest doll in the world

The world record holder for the price is a doll named L'Oiseleur, which translates from French as bird tamer. Her height is as much as 120 centimeters. She is dressed in a Renaissance dress and knows how to play the flute. She holds a sword in her hands, and birds sit on her shoulder, and she is taming them. They can flap their wings and even sing. The price of this doll is $ 6.2 million.

The most expensive picture in the world

It is believed that the most expensive painting in the world is “When is the wedding?” Painting by Paul Gauguin, painted by the artist in Tahiti in 1892. For half a century, it belonged to the family of Rudolf Stechlin, was exhibited at the Art Museum in Basel. In 2015, the painting was sold to the Qatar Museum Department for a record $ 300 million.

The painting by Pablo Picasso - "Algerian Women", which was painted in 1955, was sold at the Christie’s auction house on 05/11/2015. The painting was bought by Hamad bin Jasim bin Jaber Al Thani for $ 179.3 million.

The most expensive coin in the world

The most expensive coin in the world bears the romantic name "Loose Hair" - the first US one-dollar coins. It is not as old as some of the numismatists' collections, but it has incredible value, the last time it was bought for 7,850,000 dollars. This silver dollar is a collector's dream. Years of minting: 1795-1804

The most expensive apartment in the world

The 1st place in the list according to different sources is occupied by a penthouse of 3 300 sq. M. in Monaco, worth 300 million euros. The dwarf state of Monaco is considered to be very rich and its real estate attracts oligarchs from all over the world. The most expensive apartment in the world is located in the Sky Penthouse - it is 5 floors at an altitude of 170 meters above sea level and overlooking it. Its area includes a cinema, fitness center, waterslide, swimming pool, children's playroom, and the price includes driver and concierge services.

With the most expensive coffee in the world

The most expensive coffee in the world Coffee luwak (Kopi Luwak). Every true coffee lover has heard of the world famous Indonesian coffee luwak (kopi luwak). A variety of coffee known for its specific processing method. This coffee is produced commercially in Indonesia, the Philippines, South India and Vietnam. Kopi Luwak is one of the most expensive coffees in the world, with prices ranging from $ 250 to $ 1200 per kilogram.

The longest day of the year

The date of the longest day of the year varies by hemisphere and leap year. In the Northern Hemisphere, the summer solstice occurs on June 20th if there are 365 days in that year. Well, and accordingly, if there are 366 days in a year, then the longest day is June 21. The longest day of the year is the summer solstice. It will be followed by the shortest night of the year.

The coldest country in the world

The coldest country in the world is the United States due to Alaska, where the temperature regime is low for nine months (temperatures reach minus 62 degrees). But not only too low temperature makes Alaska very cold - strong winds that often rage here give additional "frost". It is in Alaska that one of the coldest mountain peaks, McKinley, is present.

The most expensive bra in the world

Red hot fantasy bra

Every year from all the participants of the Victoria's Secret show, one "angel" is chosen, who comes to the podium in a special bra - Fantasy Bra, inlaid with precious stones. The good tradition began more than 20 years ago, in 1996.

The very first model that Claudia Schiffer presented to the world was at the same time the most inexpensive - its cost was $ 1 million, and the highest cost was for a bra in 2000, in which Gisele Bündchen walked the catwalk - $ 15 million. Red Hot Fantasy Bra even entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most expensive piece of lingerie in the world. The red silk bra is set with 1,300 diamonds and rubies for a total of 300 carats.

The world's dearest book

The most expensive book in the world is the Codex Leicester, written by Leonardo da Vinci. Bill Gates, the richest man in America, became the owner of the most expensive book in the world. Codex was sold for $ 30.8 million in 1994.

Leicester Code

A notebook of scientific notes made by Leonardo da Vinci in Milan, 1506-1510. The manuscript consists of 18 sheets of paper, written on both sides and forming a 72-page notebook. Leonardo's notes are written in his own mirrored script - they can only be read with a mirror. The records are devoted to various phenomena, about the nature of which Leonardo reflected: why the moon shines, how and why water flows in rivers, where fossils come from, what minerals are made of, and so on. The notebook also contains a large number of mathematical calculations, diagrams and pictures. The "Leicester" codex was named after the Earl of Leicester, who bought the manuscript in 1717.

The world's dearest pen

The most expensive pen today is the Fulgor Nocturnus Tibaldi. The price of the pen is $ 9 million. It was produced by Tibaldi, a renowned Florence-based company that makes exquisite writing instruments. At an auction in Shanghai, Fulgor Nocturnus was sold for an astronomical sum of $ 9 million. The case of the future masterpiece was made by master jewelers of 18-carat gold, which was subsequently plated with platinum.

The entire surface of this precious accessory is studded with the rarest black diamonds. On the case there are over a thousand black diamonds, on the cap - 945 black diamonds and 125 bright red rubies. A total of 2,197 gems have been spent.
On the gold plume you can see the image of an eagle - the family coat of arms of the Aquila family, which has been used to decorate accessories produced under the Tibaldi brand for several centuries.
Fulgor Nocturnus is based on divine proportion, called phi proportion in many cultures.

The most visited country in the world

The most visited country in the world is France. As of 2013, 84.7 million tourists visited the country. Recall that it is in France that Paris is located and it is in Paris that you can see the Eiffel Tower, Disneyland, Louvre, Arc de Triomphe, Versailles, Notre Dame Cathedral (Notre Dame), etc.

A small but famous country


A dwarf state-enclave within the territory of Rome, associated with Italy. The status of the Vatican in international law is an auxiliary sovereign territory of the Holy See, the seat of the highest spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic Church. Country area - 0.44 km ?, Population -1,000 people.

The most, the most, the most ... in the world - history, facts updated: November 10, 2017 by the author: site
