Each of us happens to lie and be deceived. In some situations, people lie involuntarily, in others - intentionally. Every lie has its reasons. But there are also signs by which a lie can be recognized.

Basic Rules

  • To begin with, it should be noted that no single signal, either verbal or non-verbal, can serve as evidence of honesty or deceit on the part of the interlocutor.

In other words, on the basis of only one "symptom" it is impossible to say for sure whether the interlocutor is telling you the truth or a lie. There is no signal that unambiguously reveals the truth or falsehood. Therefore, during the conversation, you should pay attention to the following points.

  • Analyze the characteristic reactions of the interlocutor to specific topics.

If the topic is really a problem for a person, you will probably notice that he reacts to it in a special way each time.

First, determine the behavioral constant of the interlocutor, that is, the behavior that is normal for him. Then detect deviations from this constant.

For your analysis, the signals that arise due to the emotional and / or mental change experienced by the interlocutor are important.

  • Diagnose behavioral signals based on clusters (sequences of signals).

The most reliable way to detect deception is to simultaneously analyze body language signals, verbal content of speech, voice quality, and various microsignals. Don't rely on signals that fall into only one of the above categories.

  • Look for contradictions in the behavior of the interlocutor.

Remember that in cases where any signals (speech, voice, body movements) do not agree or contradict each other, the likelihood of deception is very high. Your interlocutor either does not feel the emotions that he is trying to express, or does not believe in what he is saying.

  • Try not to "contaminate" the behavior of the interlocutor.

Remember that any conversation involves two or more people. And they all contribute to the atmosphere and content of the conversation. The way you react to the interlocutor and how you communicate with him has a direct impact on his behavior. Inappropriate, aggressive, threatening behavior, boredom and disinterest will always be reflected in the people you talk to. You need to understand the interlocutor's reaction to the topic under discussion, and not to yourself.

  • Don't be prejudiced.

You need to make decisions based on your own assessment of the behavior of the interlocutor. Try to avoid bias and prejudice that can lead to completely wrong conclusions.

body signs

All the changes in body language you've noticed are related to an instinctive response to stress called "fight or flight".

  • Shoulders

Hand signal recognition should start with shoulders: it is these signals that will help to correctly understand what is happening in a person emotional and mental processes. So, if you are facing the interlocutor, pay attention to the position of his shoulders - are they parallel to yours?

If yes, then the exchange of information will be sufficient fruitful. The interlocutor is emotionally and mentally ready to participate in the conversation. If the interlocutor's shoulders turned or turned away from you, then the person not interested in talking neither emotionally nor intellectually.

Pay close attention to the moment shoulder reversal. This usually happens at the moment of the conversation when the counterpart rejects your point of view. Perhaps he is just does not want to discuss this problem or it causes him pain.

If you notice that the shoulders turned around when the interlocutor speaks, then he rejects own words, not sure about the answer. In this case, you also should not unconditionally trust him: most likely, his words are partially or completely false. This posture is often called "cold welcome".

  • Legs

If your interlocutor, sitting on a chair, starts raise and lower your knees or move them from side to side, which means he is trying relieve some stress. When a person in the process of communication crosses her legs in the ankle and hides them under a chair, then he is either uncomfortable in the environment, or his self-esteem is greatly underestimated.

  • body position

If your counterpart deviates in the opposite direction, this may mean his desire to move away from you or from the topic under discussion. The intention to avoid a conversation or finish it as soon as possible betrays a person and is strong. deviation left or right.

It happens that people unconsciously deviate towards the exit or even the window - as if in search of an opportunity leave the premises. This behavior can be interpreted as desire to escape. It is very important to fix the moment when the interlocutor began to deviate. This will help you understand what questions are for him. uncomfortable and how to proceed with the conversation.

Meanwhile, if your counterpart moves and leans towards you, this does not mean that he accepts you and is glad to communicate. Maybe he's trying to borrow dominant position in conversation, control you or even intimidate you.

Body practices

Deception can be testified with high accuracy polygraph, also known as lie detector. His work is based on fixing various changes in body reactions. The respondent is asked questions similar to each other, formulated in different ways, and only one of them is really checked for veracity.

As long as the man answers the questions that do not disturb his serenity, polygraph records the natural parameters of the body (pressure, pulse, respiration, perspiration, involuntary movements, electrical resistance of the skin). And if the subject lies when answering the key question, metrics fluctuate dramatically.

However, even in this case, there is a possibility jump to conclusions: the person may be overly fearful of a false accusation or, when answering truthfully, get excited due to the fact that the subject of conversation hurts him too much. Therefore, the person conducting the test must be qualified and unbiased(in order to conduct the test in accordance with the norms and correctly select questions and interpret the results), and the respondent - calm and healthy, so that they would not be mistaken for a lie, for example, cardiovascular disease.

It's a sign

  • In addition to gestures and facial expressions, other signs can signal deception.

We remember the events of our life for a long time, but lies are quickly forgotten. Show interest in the controversial story after some time, and then it will become clear whether the picture of events in the memory of the interlocutor remained the same bright, or colors are completely faded.

Even if the liar looks away, it is important for him to keep an eye on the reaction of the interlocutor. Only a calm and relaxed person can enjoy a story without worrying about what effect it has on the listener. The one who lies will be intently peer into the expression of your face and especially your eyes.

The person may begin to speak quieter or louder than usual, slower or faster, he may change voice tone: excitement affects not only mental indicators such as unusual inconsistency of speech, but also the vocal cords.

"Only the one with whom the event really happened will remember in detail how everything really happened"- liars know about this principle no less than fiery truth-tellers, therefore they can diligently supply the story redundant details. If you don't ask about anything, and you don't care beyond the need lay out a lot of extremely compelling evidence, take a closer look: perhaps the person is deliberately trying to mislead you.

dangerous trap

In trying to expose a potential liar, it should be remembered that there is no such criterion that alone can prove a lie: conclusions should be drawn only from set of facts. And at the same time, on the contrary, there are people who are difficult to catch, no matter how you look.

pathological liar gets used to deceiving and thanks an impressive amount of training acquires a truly enchanting skill. Such people do not get excited and do not turn pale, their eyes do not twitch and their hands do not reach out. rub the tip of the nose.

All because lying for them is the same business as usual how to tell the truth to others. They look into the eyes, their voice is even and calm. Most often, such a person can be caught in a lie only over time, however, in this case, he skillfully dodges, brings crushing denials and indisputable facts.

Such a deceiver is able to make his companion consider himself real paranoid: you are convinced that you suspect a good and innocent person in vain, but you constantly find reasons for more and more suspicion. You start beating yourself up mistrust and guilt.

If in any other areas of life, neither before nor after you not overly suspicious, and now you live in a constant feeling that around you is a dirty trick, forgery and deceit, run: most likely, your partner is a pathological liar who lying for the sake of lying.

Most often he himself starts so strong believe in what is being said, which sincerely convinces you that you have lost your mind, since you doubt him. In this case, he is lying, but in a trap you come across. In addition, when a person has become an adult, but still has not stopped cheating, he is likely to remained infantile and in other matters.

Lies and statistics

The question most people lie about is: "How are you?" In addition to answering it, we often time when we have to talk about how much we eat and how often we go to the gym.

Contrary to expectations, most often they deceive not spouses, bosses or friends, but mom. Considering that an adult communicates with his mother less often than with his husband / wife or comrades, the picture is rather depressing.

People with high education lie more often than people with a low, married or in a committed relationship- more often than the lonely, and the wealthy - more often than the poor.

Words that someone learned to lie at the same time as to speak are true for most people. As a rule, children learn to lie about at three years old. And they do it by looking at the example of their parents.

pathological liars most often grow up in families where children had little control and where they felt abandoned and rejected. A happy married mother is more likely to raise an honest man compared to a woman who does not manage to arrange a personal life.

Fact: The origin of the word "lie" is from the word "ski", which means "false news", and not a vehicle on snow. The sound "y" began to be swallowed only a couple of hundred years ago, before the word sounded like "jump".

He who is forewarned is not only armed, but also informed and insured against surprises. There is a set of signs by which it is easy to understand in which a specific person is in a good mood and what are its intentions. So:

  • the one who exhales smoke from a cigarette upwards is self-confident and has a positive attitude towards others;
  • the one who exhales the smoke from a cigarette down gives out a negative attitude with hidden thoughts;
  • he who grasps his glass with both hands reveals disguised nervousness;
  • one with thumbs sticking out of pockets shows a sign of superiority;
  • the one who, behind his back, wraps his hand around the other hand by the elbow or wrist, is worried and tries to pull himself together;
  • one who clenched his fist tightly during a conversation feels dissatisfaction with the situation and, possibly, contempt for others.

Honest signs of a lie

A few more gestures defining lies. So, the interlocutor is not entirely honest if during the conversation he:

  • involuntarily touches the neck or strokes itself;
  • purses lips;
  • repeatedly brings the wrists (palms) together;
  • constantly keeps one hand in his pocket, pressing it to his leg.

Education * Greatness * Genius * Common sense * Ideal * Manners * Opinion * Morality * Help * Deed * Habit * Reputation * Advice * Mystery * Talent * Character ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

lie- the phenomenon of communication, consisting in a deliberate distortion of the actual state of affairs; L. most often finds expression in the content of speech messages, immediate verification of which is difficult or impossible. L. is a conscious product ... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

LIE- a statement calculated to deceive, when the speaker is silent or distorts what he knows about the state of affairs in question, or when he knows something other than what he says. From the point of view of ethics, a lie is to be condemned if the deception ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

LIE- FALSE, lies, pl. no, female Falsehood, deliberate distortion of the truth. Blatant lie. Innocent lie. Convict someone of a lie. This is an outrageous lie. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

lie- Falsehood, inaccuracy; nonsense, lies, lies, beeches, nonsense, lies. This is not true, it does not correspond to the truth, it is at odds with the truth. Believe zabobon! Tell stories! Tell me! .. See deception ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar in meaning ... ... Synonym dictionary

lie- FALSE property of knowledge, opposite to the truth. Four main aspects can be distinguished in the phenomenon of L.: epistemological, logical, moral, and political. In the epistemological aspect, the concept of L. is close to the concept of delusion. L. ... ... Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science

lie- n., f., use. comp. often Morphology: (no) what? lie, why? lie, (see) what? lie than? lie about what? about lies 1. A lie is called a lie, a deliberate distortion of the truth. A vile lie. | Everything here is full of lies! 2. Lies can be called ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

Lie- conscious. distortion of the truth (see Truth), designed to introduce k. l. astray. L.'s motives can be very different: impotence, vanity, boasting, selfishness. L. can be expressed in various forms: deceit, fraud, perjury, ... ... Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia

LIE- FALSE, lies, wives. Deliberate distortion of the truth, untruth, deceit. Get caught in a lie. The thought expressed is l. (aphorism). L. to salvation and holy l. (justified by necessity, with a good purpose; bookish). Lies have short legs (last). Dictionary… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

LIE- FALSE, see lie. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary


  • Lies, P. N. Krasnov, Lifetime edition. Paris, first half of the 20th century. Edition of V. Sialsky. Publisher's cover. The safety is good. The pages are not cut. The novel "Lie" is the main and most scandalous ... Publisher: Edition of V.P. Sialsky, Buy for 21600 rubles
  • Lying, Harris C., Lying is an amazing phenomenon. This is a wonderful multi-functional tool that can help you avoid trouble, maintain good relations with loved ones, look better in the eyes…

Unlike error and error, it denotes a conscious and therefore morally reprehensible contradiction to the truth. Of the adjectives from this word, only the deceitful form retains an unconditionally bad meaning ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron

  • lie- Soulless (Polonsky). Insinuating (Mazurkevich). Blatant (Balmont). Evil (Sologub). Full (Kozlov). Practical (Polonsky). Dark (Andreev). Pernicious (Frug, Khomyakov). Chaste (Polonsky). Dictionary of literary epithets
  • lie- Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie Zaliznyak's grammar dictionary
  • lie- noun, number of synonyms ... Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  • lie- TRUTH - FALSE Truthful - deceitful (see) truthful - false truthfulness - deceitfulness (see) [Satin:] Falsehood is the religion of slaves and masters... Truth is the god of a free man. M. Gorky. At the bottom. Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language
  • lie- Soulless, shameless, shameless, helpless, shameless, shameless, shameless (colloquial), specious, decorous, insinuating, outrageous, corrosive, vile, loud-voiced, rude, dirty, impudent, deliberate, disguised ... Dictionary of epithets of the Russian language
  • lie- a lie Deliberate distortion of the truth; not true. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova
  • lie- FALSE, lies, pl. no, female Falsehood, deliberate distortion of the truth. Blatant lie. Innocent lie. Convict someone of a lie. This is an outrageous lie. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov
  • lie- FALSE, see lie. Also see lie Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  • lie- FALSE lies; and. Untruth, intentional distortion of the truth; deception. vile l. Everything you say, l. speak l. Convict someone. in lies. A lie has short legs (it will not go far from the truth - it cannot exist for a long time). // Fiction, fiction. Harmless l. child. Explanatory Dictionary of Kuznetsov
  • LIE- FALSE - untruth, contrary to the truth. The phenomenon of lies has four main aspects: epistemological, logical, moral and political. The epistemological aspect of lies is based on the conditions of cognition under which information is distorted. New Philosophical Encyclopedia
  • lie- lie, w. Untruth, intentional distortion of the truth; deception. [Petya] was a truthful boy. Even the smallest lie made him feel embarrassed. Kataev, Catacombs. || Invention, invention. The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! Good fellows lesson. Pushkin, The Tale of the Golden Cockerel. Small Academic Dictionary
  • lie- FALSE, lies, f. Deliberate distortion of the truth, untruth, deceit. Get caught in a lie. The thought expressed is l. (aphorism). L. to salvation and holy l. (justified by necessity, with a good purpose; bookish). Lies have short legs (last). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov
  • See also `False` in other dictionaries

    Conscious distortion of the truth.

    crime against truth. In the popular consciousness, Holy Rus' is seen as a grave sin inherent in the fallen nature of man: "Every person is a lie - and I am the same" or "All people are lies and we are the same." "People lied, and we didn't tell the truth." “People lie, but they don’t have faith in us.”
    In the "Instruction to the Sons" Vladimir Monomakh says: "Beware of lies, and drunkenness, and fornication, because the soul and body perishes from that."
    A lie is as tenacious as the truth, if not more (I. S. Turgenev).
    Aphids eat grass, rust eats iron, and lies eat the soul (A.P. Chekhov).
    Lying to oneself is the most common and strongest form of human enslavement by life (L.N. Andreev).
    Lies are saved by lies (F.M. Dostoevsky).
    O. Platonov

    Source: Encyclopedia "Russian Civilization"

    Lie lie, lie, lie

    Russian word stress. - M.: ENAS. M.V. Zarva. 2001 .


    LIE lies; and. Untruth, intentional distortion of the truth; deception. vile l. Everything you say, l. speak l. Convict someone. in lies. Lies have short legs(will not go far from the truth - it cannot exist for a long time). // Invention, invention. Harmless l. child. * The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! Good fellows lesson(Pushkin).

    Great Dictionary of Russian language. - 1st edition: St. Petersburg: Norint S. A. Kuznetsov. 1998

    Soulless, shameless, shameless, helpless, shameless, shameless, shameless (colloquial), specious, decorous, insinuating, outrageous, corrosive, vile, loud-voiced, rude, dirty, impudent, deliberate, disguised, intricate, evil, treacherous, sophisticated, small, terry, petty, impudent, naive, smart, impudent (colloquial), innocent, clumsy, low, base, insignificant, philistine, rabid (colloquial), desperate, vile, shameful, secret (obsolete), treacherous, charming (outdated), embellished, adorned, holy, hidden, sweet, saving, secret, subtle, humiliating, comforting, refined, cunning, intricate, cunning, obvious, poisonous. Shaky, ruddy, chaste.

    lies, w. Deliberate distortion of the truth, untruth, deceit. Get caught in a lie. The thought expressed is l. (aphorism). L. to salvation and holy l. (justified by necessity, with a good purpose; bookish). Lies have short legs (last).


    noun, and., use comp. often

    Morphology: (no) what? lies, what? lies, (see) what? lie, how? lie, about what? about lies

    2. Lies can be called fiction, fiction.

    A harmless lie of a child.

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Dmitriev <...>


    Antonym Dictionary. 2011 .


    a statement calculated to deceive, when the speaker is silent or distorts what he knows about the state of affairs in question, or when he knows something other than what he says. From the point of view of ethics, lying is to be condemned if the deception is caused by the desire to harm another person or to gain an advantage for oneself over another. No matter how it looks, a lie can only be positively evaluated out of politeness or out of pity. Many lies arise when questions are asked: the questioner perceives the question as coercion to answer (corresponding to the truth), to ...

    deliberate distortion of reality.


    lies, lies, creative P. l \"oh my

    Russian spelling dictionary. / The Russian Academy of Sciences. In-t rus. lang. them. V. V. Vinogradova. - M .: "Azbukovnik". V. V. Lopatin (executive editor), B. Z. Bukchina, N. A. Eskova and others.. 1999 .

    a statement calculated to deceive, when the speaker is silent or distorts what he knows about the state of affairs in question, or when he knows something other than what he says. From the point of view of ethics, lying is to be condemned if the deception is caused by the desire to harm another person or to gain an advantage for oneself over another. No matter how it looks, a lie can only be positively evaluated out of politeness or out of pity. Many lies arise with questions: the questioner perceives the question as a coercion to an answer (corresponding to the truth), which he seeks to avoid with the help of lies (folk proverb: “Do not ask me, then I will not need to lie to you”) - this is why a respected person does not no questions should be asked; more often than not, complete silence is ineffective, because it leaves too much room for guesswork and does not prevent misfortune (for example, when interrogating a prisoner of war or when asking questions that hint at trade secrets). In such situations, it is necessary, depending ...


    Upbringing* Greatness * Genius * Common sense * Ideal * Manners * Opinion * Morality * Help * Deed * Habit * Reputation * Advice * Mystery * Talent * Character
    Advantages* Gratitude * Politeness * Taste * Heroism * Responsibility * Truth * Justice * Honesty * Honor * Sense of proportion
    Flaws* Bad taste * Coquetry * Lakey * Laziness * Hypocrisy * Lies * Ignorance * Deception * Fanaticism * Cunning * Selfishness Related topics: Theft * Treason * Slander * Hypocrisy * Lies * Deception * Crime * Cunning Lie -
    The most dangerous lie is the slightly twisted truth. -
    Lichtenberg Georg (Lichtenberg)
    And a lie can be as holy as the truth... So a mother sings a cheerful song to a hopelessly ill child and smiles. - G. Troepolsky. "White Bim Black Ear"
    Superficial people must always lie, that...

    and. Deliberate distortion of the truth; not true.


    Crooked lies. Narodn. Obsolete Unapproved Slander, slander. BMS 1998, 348.

    Lies to the rescue. Book. A redemptive lie, a lie to save someone. /i> An expression from the Bible. BMS 1998, 348.

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings. - M: Olma Media Group V. M. Mokienko, T. G. Nikitina 2007


    Absolute lie

    shameless lie

    Shameless lies

    shameless lie

    shameless lies

    great lie

    Outrageous lie

    Blatant lie

    colossal lie

    Terry lies

    Blatant lie

    Outright lie

    Awesome lie

    Straight lies

    All lies

    100% lie

    Monstrous lies

    Dictionary of Russian idioms. . Word combinations with a high degree meaning


    LIE- the property of knowledge, the opposite of truth. Four main aspects can be distinguished in the phenomenon of L.: epistemological, logical, moral, and political.

    In the epistemological aspect, the concept of L. is close to the concept delusion. L. is determined by the conditions of knowledge, under which there is a mismatch between knowledge and the objective state of affairs, present and past knowledge. Such a mismatch is due to objective and subjective reasons - the nature of objects and the nature of human consciousness and thinking.

    The classical definition of logic in logic is the following: the falsity of the proposition p is the truth of the negation of p. Like the concept of "truth", L. is used as a predicate, i.e. as a property of high...
