Special psychology is a field of psychology that studies people for whom deviations from mental development standards associated with congenital or acquired defects and the establishment of the possibility and ways to compensate for defects of various complexity.

Tasks (Bogdanova):

Detection of general and specific patterns of the psychic development of the child in comparison with normally developing.

Studying the features of the development of certain types of cognitive activities of people with various types of violations.

Studying the patterns of human identity development with disabilities of vital activity.

Development of diagnostic techniques and methods of psychological correction of various types of mental disorders

Psychological substantiation of the most effective ways, pedaging methods. Impact on the mental development of children and adults with various types of violations.

Industry of special psychology:


Specific sectors of psychology:

Tifflopsihology (vision)

Survopsychology (Mimic speech, tactile speech)

Logopsychology (speech violations)

Oligophrenopsychology (UO, ZPR)


L.G. Goncharova Special Psychology is the "Area of \u200b\u200bDevelopment Psychology, which studies the problems of developing people with physical and mental disabilities that determine the need for children in special conditions of training and education and the need for adults - in special forms of psychological support"

The formation of special psychology, initially occurred within the framework of the defectology, as an applied discipline, which ensured the optimal solution of the problems of the correctional pedagogical process, as well as the methods of diagnostics. Defining the features of the mental development of the child, its need for bypass training pathways. Historically, such plots of psychology specialists, as the psychology of the blind (Tiffllopsihology), deaf (Surdopsychology), the psychology mentally retarded (oligophrenopsychology) of people. Now she is also addressed to children with a delay in mental development, with early children's autism, to children with motor disorders, with a complex structure of defect, etc.

The main task of special psychology is the formation of an adequate person in the context of the use of special methods of methods and techniques of education and training, at the expense of which the rejection of disturbed functions occurs. Currently, the most urgent task is to develop diagnostic techniques.

1. Clinical psychology as a scientific discipline. Development history, current state, content, subject, task.

Clinical psychology is an applied area between medicine and psychology, uses the theoretical foundations of psychology and applies psychological methods.

Tasks of clinical psychology:

Study of mental manifestations of various diseases;

Study of the role of the psyche in the occurrence, the flow and prevention of the disease;

Studying the influence of various diseases on the psyche;

Study of violations of the development of the psyche;

Development of principles and methods of psychological research in the clinic;

Development of mental methods of impact on the human psyche in therapeutic and preventive purposes.

Clinical psychology has a theoretical value for general psychology:

Brain and psyche;

Mental norms and pathology;

The ratio of biological and social in the human;

The problem of conscious and unconscious;

The problem of the development and decay of the psyche.

2. Elements of clinical psychology

1. Observation method. Observation - perception and selection of information about an event or phenomenon. For observation, optional MO: the presence of a clear target installation and planness and systemism recruit.

2. Method of natural experiment. It was proposed by V. Lazur in 1910, a person is investigated in natural (and not artificial as in the experiment).

3. Psychophysiological method. It is a combination of physiological methods with psychological. They complement each other and help objectify mental disorders. (EEG, polygraph)

4. Warning methods.

5.Bographic method. Allows you to get inf. About the stages of life path, trace the features of personality formation. It is an important addition to interpreting experimental data.

Scheme: Early stages of the child's development. What account, brothers, sisters, relatives. with parents. Availability Psychotravir. factors. Attachment in early childhood, adolescence.

6. Analysis of products. Pictures, modeling, diaries, letters. For example, drawings of suffering depressions are distinguished by a weak press, black and brown tone, low dynamics. Schizophrenics are drawn in the first plan of the eyes, and various parts of the face are added to it; Usually not use halftone.

7. Analytic method.

11. Pathopsychology as a section of psychological science. Tasks, problems.

The subject is a violation of the psyche, a violation of the adequate reflection of the world as a result of the disease of the brain.

Pathopsychology studies the patterns of decay of mental processes, as well as the preserved parties of the psyche.

1. Analysis of the structure of mental disorders;

2. Installing the degree of reducing mental functions;

3. Differential diagnosis is carried out when there are signs of various diseases in the clinical picture of the patient. Patomorphosis - the pathological structure of the disease, i.e. The disease flows atypically.

4. Estimating the characteristics of the patient's personality. You can open the pathogenesis in this way (important in neurosis)

Accounting for the effectiveness of therapeutic effects. (This is not all - will be added).

13. Patology of personality and character.

Degradation and disintegration of the personality as a result of the disease. For example, under stroke, the previous character traits are exitted. The features that corresponded to the features of the person to the disease are premorbid. Acquired during the disease or after - Morbid. Pathological response personality on society, life (in particular to illness) - neurosis. Pathological development of personality - psychopathy.

1. Appitation x. - Extreme var-norms, with cats, individual features of Har-Ra are overly enhanced as a result of which selective vulnerability is detected in relation. A number of psychogenic impacts with good and even increased resistance to others. Degrees a.: Hidden and obvious.

2. Patological development of the personality is manifested in the pathol. The features of Har-Ra, Naur-Ty, disharmony ld. Psychopathy (see 16) long, persistent pathol. condition, all life. Otl -na from Var-Tov Norma:

1. P. Har-but the severity of the pathol. Harr-RA to such an extent when the adaptation of l is disturbed. To social Medium. Violated norms. intelligence with surrounding.

2. Total psychopath. Person-her l. when patol. Yavl-Sia is not a department. Damn l., and all psych. warehouse.

3. Relative stability of psych. Personal man, their small reversibility.

Pathology under psychopathy mainly concerns the EMOC. - Willow Parties, the intellect is preserved, it does not lead to dementia, although combinations happen.

3. Seeless (see 14) - a psychogenic neuropsychic races, K-th arises in the cuts of violations of particularly significant life relations, manifestations in a specific. wedge. phenomena in the absence of psychotic. Yavl-Iy

14.neurosis and the problem of psychological mechanisms of emotional stress.

Neurosis - psychogenic neuropsychic races, K-th arises in the cuts of violations of particularly significant life relations of the person, the manifestation in the specific. wedge. phenomena in the absence of psychotic. Yavl-Ii.

Etiological factors of H-s:

1.Biologist. Nature: Inheritance, Constitution, Type of GNI

2.Axol. Nature: Premorbid Sv-Va, Psycho. Children's injuries, psychotravir. Situations and conditions of their pathogenicity.

3.Conal. Nature: Born. Family, especially sexual education, marital status, education, profession, labor guise.

Physiologist. Meh-we are neurosis: on Pavlov: N. - chronic, long. Violation of the GNI, caused by the overvoltage of nerve processes in the crust of large hemispheres by the effectiveness of inadequate, and the length of the external part-lei. We generally. Personal factors Neurotic: Nestem-T, SKL-T to reflection, search for approval, desire for regulativity, low self-esteem, unsports. by himself, will meet. Lost, the contradiction I Real. And I ideal., Emoto. Dysfunction, several conflict situations.

Universal symptoms:

1. Investments - the state of the nerve. Weakness, raise fatigue.

2. Writing a sleep is broken. Flipping, sleep on top, nightmares.

3.Golly pain - stupid, post., Compressing Har-ra.

4. Bolsters in the heart - the rival is stronger than true pain

5. Squate performance

6. Lability of emotions, impatience

7. Vegetative violations: PS lability, Hell, inclinations to hypo-or hypertension, cold wet palm, intestinal and stomach dysfunction. tract.

Forms of neurosis:

1. Neurastheny - "Weakness of the nerves" - annoyance and excitability. Harr-p is permanent than fatigue, psychophysical unity, when it is difficult to separate mental fatigue from physical. The patient as if after hard work. Muscular pain of vegetative Har-Ra. The absence of a concentration of attention, the memory is weakened, feeling-in scattering, the lack of interest in the surrounded area, everything dedicts, does not understand the readable. Fatigue immediately after waking up. Personal tendencies: pathogenicity in the inability to correctly relate their activity into the ins. and external The environment of the task is performed and the goal. Reduced volitional kach-c. Physiologist. Fundamentals: People with a weak or strong non-sample type N.S. and high brake type. Average in relation to Sig. Systems. Conflict type: "I do not have enough forces, but I want" - claims above the possibilities.

2. Historical neurosis - community. Picture + trail. Ras -a:

In engines. The sphere (when preserving the reverse engine. Apparatus) Parakes, paralysis, hypercines, writing spasm

Violation of speech: Aphony, Astasia, Abasion

Sensory disorders - ignorance, lower or rated. Feel, does not correspond to the innervation, hysterical blindness, deafness.

Vegetative violations: feeling squeezing the throat, intestinal obstruction, bloating. Easter. Vomiting, Anorexia

Psycho. Violations: Psychogenic amnesia, increased suggestibility, egoism, pride, soreness, vulnerability, conflict. Physiol. Basics: Weak Type N.S., Transm. 1 Sig. Systems.

3. Neurosis of obsessive states: - intrusion of thoughts, actions, fears.

Har-but: timidity, never, low self-esteem → hyperopka. The choice in a significant situation is difficult, because Contradictions M / U duty and desire, moral. principles and attachments; They break the person. Physiol. Fundamentals: Pathol-like inertness of nervous processes, predominance of 2 sig. Systems.

18. Pategenetic concept of neurosis V.N. Meatishchev.

L-pm meatishchev understood as a system of relationships. Relationships are conscious, the basis of the experience of the Istives of the Izu ψ-uht of a person with the sides of life. It is expressed in its actions, rods, experiences. The ratio of Harm is the degree of interest, the strength of emotions, desire and needs and therefore the relationship act as the driving force of L-T. 3 points:

Har-r L-relationship with external conditions

psycho and Har-Ra

neurophysiologist. Specific people, type GNI.

If there is a breakdown in a significant system of relationships, this is the path to the emergence of neurosis. The neurosis contradiction itself does not create, neurosis arises with an unproductive solution of the breakdown of relations (conflict). The resolution of the conflict is derived from ld. Neurosis, mostly in people with a weak type of N.S.

25. Deviations of consciousness. In the consciousness of Ruma, as the highest, related to the speech, the brain function, reflecting the alarm and the regulatory deagi-t-А.vubystein: Consciousness is the processes of awareness of the subject of objective reality. Snezhnevsky said about consciousness from a clinical point of view: the concept of consciousness is that with every mental illness, the highest form of reflection of the world is disturbed.

Properties of consciousness: 1. Dynam. Har-ki psyche in wakefulness. 2. Purpose is correctly guided in pr-ve, place and concoct. Sit.3.Mone to manage its usual automatics in sensorotor and mental areas. Availability. Skills to logically right. understanding and awareness of the OCD. medium. 5. Posted readiness to make a report in thoughts, activities, attitude to peace and people. 6. I need to regulate emotions and feelings. 7. Orientation in your personality.

The emergence of special psychology (from Greek. specialis -special, peculiar) as an independent industry of psychological science and practice can be attributed to the 60th. XX century. Then she appeared in the list of scientific specialties of educational universities in the "Psychology" section. However, it was only a formal consolidation of past many decades of psychology lasured for many decades, which absorbed accumulated scientific achievements and practical experience - all related to the study of phenomenology, mechanisms and conditions of human mental development under the influence of various groups of pathogenic factors, as well as patterns Leaks of compensatory and correction processes.

Until this time, special psychology was an integral part of the methodology - comprehensive science, including both a versatile study of the causes and mechanisms of deviating development and the development of scientifically substantiated medical and psychological and pedagogical correctional impacts in relation to children with various disadvantages in psychophysical and personal wept-social Development (text 1).

"... Recently, the whole area of \u200b\u200btheoretical knowledge and scientific and practical work, which we conventional and call the general name" Defectology ", was considered something like a small pedagogy, like the medicine allocates small surgery. All problems in this area were raised and solved as problems quantitative. With all the justice of M. Krunegel, it states that the most common psychological methods for studying an abnormal child (Metric scale A. Wine or Profile G. I. Rossolimo) are based on a purely quantitative concept of children's development complicated by a defect (M.Krunegel, 1926). With the help of these methods, the degree of lowering of the intelligence is determined, but the very defect and internal

Personality structure created by him. Following O. Lipmann, these methods can be called measurements, but not studies of gifting, as they establish a degree, but not boring and type of gifting (O. Lipmann, 1924).

The same is true and relative to other pedological methods of studying a defective child, methods not only psychological, but also covering other parties to children's development (anatomical and physiological). And here scale, size, scale are the main categories of research, as if all the problems of defectology are the essence of the problem of proportions, and the entire variety of phenomena studied by defectology is covered by a single scheme "more-less". It was necessary to read and measure in defectologies began to experiment, observe, analyze, dismember and generalize, describe and qualitatively defined.

Practical defectology also elected this easiest path of the number and measures and tried to realize himself as a small pedagogy. If the theory of the problem has beyond the quantitatively limited, reduced in proportions of development, then in practice, naturally, the idea of \u200b\u200babbreviated and slow-down learning was put forward. In Germany, the same Krunegel, and we have A.S.Griboyedov fairly protect the idea: "We need revision and curricula, and working methods in our auxiliary schools" (A. S. Griboedov. - M., 1926. - P. 98 ), since "Reducing educational material and lengthening its study", i.e. Purely quantitative signs are still the characteristic difference between a special school.

A pure arithmetic concept of deflectivity is a characteristic feature of a thorough, old flakectology. The reaction against this quantitative approach to all the problems of theory and practice is the most significant feature of the defectology of modern. The struggle of two defectological worldviews, two polar ideas, two principles is the living content of the beneficial crisis that this area of \u200b\u200bscientific knowledge is now experiencing.

The idea of \u200b\u200bdeflectivity as a purely quantitative limitation of development is undoubtedly located in ideological relationship with a peculiar theory of a pedology formism, according to which the extra-utilization development of the child is reduced exclusively to the quantitative increase and an increase in organic and psychological functions. Defectology is now doing ideological work, similar to the one, which in one time pedagogy and children's psychology were done when they defended the situation: the child is not a small adult. The defectology is now fighting for the main thesis, in the defense of which sees the only key to its existence as a science, it is the thesis that says: the child whose development is complicated by a defect, not just less developed than its normal peers, but developed otherwise.

We will never get according to the method of subtracting the psychology of the blind child, if from the psychology of greeding the visual perception and everything connected with it. Similarly, the deaf child is not normal

child minus hearing and speech. Pedology 1 has long mastered the idea that the process of children's development, if we consider it from a high-quality side, there is, in the words of V.Sterna, the chain of metamorphosis (1922). The defectology now seizes similar idea. As a child at every stage of development, in each phase, it presents a qualitative originality, the specific structure of the body and personality, as accurately a defective child represents a qualitatively excellent, kind of development. As an oxygen and hydrogen, there is no mixture of gases, and the water, the same, says R. Gürtler, the identity of a low-minded child is something qualitatively different than simply the sum of the underdeveloped functions and properties.

The specificity of the organic and psychological structure, the type of development and personality, and not quantitative proportions distinguish a weak child from normal. How long did Pedology understood the entire depth and the truth of the likelihood of many processes of the child's development turning the caterpillar into the pupa and the pupae in the butterfly? Now the defectology of the mouth of the Gürtler declares children's dementia much species, a special type of development, and not a quantitative version of the normal type. This, he says, various organic forms, like a tasty and frogs (R. Gurtler, 1927).

There is, indeed, a complete correspondence between the originality of each age-class in the development of the child and the originality of various types of development. As the transition from crawling to the vertical gait and from the lepture to speech there is a metamorphosis, the high-quality transformation of one form to another, so the speech of the deaf-and-dumb child and thinking of the essence of the essence of high-quality other functions compared to the thinking and speech of normal children.

Only with the idea of \u200b\u200bhigh-quality originality (not exhaustable by quantitative variations of individual elements) of those phenomena and processes that study the defectology, it first acquires a solid methodological basis, because no theory is impossible, if we proceed solely from negative prerequisites, how no educational practice is impossible, built on purely Negative definitions and bases. In this idea, the Methodological Center for Modern Defectology; The attitude towards it determines the geometric place of any particular, specific problem. With this idea, a system of positive tasks, theoretical and practical systems opens in front of the defectology; The defectology becomes possible as science, for it becomes a special, methodologically deliberate object of study and knowledge. Based on a purely quantitative concept of children's defetability

Pedology (from Greek. pais- Dity I. logos.- Science) - Comprehensive Science of
The child arising at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries. Founder - American Psycho
Log S. Hall. In the development of domestic pedology, they made a significant contribution to
Kie scientists, like A.P.Nachaev, P.P. Blovy, L.S.Vugotsky, V.N.Myesishchev and
Dr. In the 1930s. In Russia, pedology, which gives the impetus to the development of children's and teachers
psychology, but clearly not determined his specific subject
Research and fascinated by quantitative methods of intelligence measurement,
It was closed by the decision of the Central Committee of the CPS (b). .

Only "pedagogical anarchy" is possible, according to B. Schmidt about therapeutic pedagogy, only an eclectic, scattered summary of empirical data and receptions, but not a system of scientific knowledge.

It would be, however, the greatest mistake to think that with the finding of this idea, the methodological design of the new defectology is completed. On the contrary, it only begins. As soon as the possibility of a special type of scientific knowledge is determined, so now there is a tendency to his philosophical justification. The search for a philosophical basis is an extremely characteristic feature of modern defectology and an indicator of its scientific maturity ... The defectology has its own, special, object of study; She must master them. The processes of child development studied by it represent a huge variety of forms, almost an infinite number of different types. Science must master this originality and explain it, establish cycles and metamorphosis of development, its disproportions and moving centers, open the laws of manifold. Next, there are practical problems: how to master the laws of this development. " (Vygotsky L. S.Major problems of defectology // COLD. So.: at 6 t. - M., 1982-1985. - T. 5. - p. 6-9 1.)

Special psychology can be defined as the psychology of special states that arise mainly in children's and adolescence under the influence of various groups of factors (organic or functional nature) and manifest themselves in a slowdown or pronounced originality of the psychosocial development of a child who impede its socio-psychological adaptation, inclusion in educational space and Further professional self-determination.

The focus of special psychology is children and adolescents with various deviations in mental, somatic, sensory, intellectual, personal social development, as well as senior people who have special needs for education 2 due to health violations.

The main purpose of special psychological support in the education system is to identify, eliminate and prevent the imbalance between the processes of training and the development of children with deficiencies in psychophysical development and their capabilities. Special psychology contains those knowledge that can serve as a methodological basis for the creation of conditions for optimal socio-psychological adaptation, including further professional self-determination of graduates of special educational institutions.

Special psychology as the direction of psychological science and practice - intensively developing area, standing on

2 Under education, we understand "the process of forming the appearance of
Lovek. " See: Brief Philosophical Encyclopedia. - M., 1994. - P. 311.

I junction of humanities (philosophy, history, sociology, } in, theology, etc.), natural sciences (biology, anatomy, genetics, physiology, medicine) and pedagogy. Together with the term! "Special Psychology" in scientific use included the concept of "Corre Rection (Special) Pedagogy".

1.2. The main directions (sections)

[Special psychology

The most early formed as in theoretical, so

and applied aspects were such directions of a special psycho

I.as psychology mentally retarded (oligophrenopsycho-

"Logy), Psychology of Deaf (Surdopsychology), Psychology of Blind


Currently, there is a tendency to revise clic-nico-psychological terms and their replacement by the terms of psychological and pedagogical (instead of the "psychology of mentally retarded" and "oligophrenopsychology" terms are increasingly used by the "Psychology of children with pronounced (persistent) deviations in intellectual development", " Psychology of children with the underdevelopment of the cognitive sphere "and others. In addition to these areas, modern special psychology includes: the psychology of children with mental development delay, psychology of children with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere and behavior, psychology of children with impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system, the psychology of persons With violations of speech, psychology of children with complex disadvantages of development.

In addition, more and more often in educational institutions there are children who experience the difficulties of social and psychological adaptation and training due to severe somatic diseases (blood disease, respiratory organs, various types of allergies, gastrointestinal and heart disease, etc.), and in connection with The consequences of heavy emotional experiences (post-traumatic stress disorders - PTSD), exceeding their intensity or duration, the individual adaptive opportunities of the child (children - witnesses or victims, violence, a sudden loss of loved ones or separation with them, change at the I of the Valid Cultural and Historical and Language Environment habitat and others). 1.1 The steady increase in the number of combined deviations in development, 1 Increasing the number of children with psychogenic disorders, manifested in authization, aggressiveness, violations of behavior and activity, alarming-phobic disorders, distortions of socialization processes, make it difficult and complicate the solution of correctional educational tasks as in general, So in special education.

In fact, not only children visiting special educational institutions are needed in special psychological assistance, but also a significant number of children in preschool educational institutions of the overall formation, as well as students of general-purpose schools. It should be recognized that at present, in connection with the strengthening of integration processes in education, having a frequency nature of spontaneity, in one class or preschool group there may be a variety of children who, in due time, L. S. Vygotsky were attributed to the category of "difficult" . These are the children of "biological risks", in which deviations in behavior and various activities arise as a result of any organic defect or long-term chronic diseases, and the children of "social risk", to which, in addition to juvenile offenders, children and adolescents with violations of behavior The time is legitimate to attribute children from orphanages and shelters, children from families of refugees and internally displaced persons. The latter, being in serious social conditions, often, being psychosomatically weakened, are in an educational institution also in complete psychological isolation due to the prejudices of the ethnic order, which occur both in children and parents, so sometimes education workers.

A man with a disadvantage in the function of any organ (for example, a deaf or blind), which suffers with mental underdevelopment, having physical deformities, has long attracted not only the idle curiosity, but also the scientific and human interest of servants of the church, anatoms, philosophers, teachers and writers.

In the famous novel by V. Hugo, the person who laughs is described by the entire tragedy and loneliness of a person who cannot dislike others. On the state of a person, the type of which causes low-cost feelings from the crowd, V.Guhugu says: "Being" funny in appearance when the soul is experiencing a tragedy, which can be degrading such torment, what can cause greater rage in man? "

Even now, when the causes of most deviations in psychophysical development are known, the perception of people with those or other problems in development is influenced by the phenomenon of "faith in a fair world" - a person has a kind of protective reaction to unhappiness: if they happen to someone , he deserves it. In special experiments (M.Lerner), it was shown that the stronger the victim suffers, the greater antipathy it causes and the more subjects tend to justify her torments. But if a person is not an indifferent observer, and can really help the other,

monstering its strength, competence, responsibility, in this case the level of positive perception of a person who has anomalies increases.

The attitude towards children with various deviations in development bears the seal of a long history of selfishness and self-love of society, especially explicitly manifested in the years of Infan-Ticida.

1.3. Modern ideas about normal and deviating development

The definition of "the degree of normalness" of a person is a complex and responsible interdisciplinary problem. Personally oriented approach, which is currently the main strategy of both the domestic and global education system at all its levels, requires any teacher of owning the necessary knowledge and skills, allowing it to provide a "individual development trajectory" not only the so-called average child, but a child , distinguished by bright individuality and uniqueness.

In this regard, the "norm" in relation to the level of psychosocial development of a person is increasingly "blurred" and is considered in various values.

Statistical norm- This is a level of psychosocial development of a person who corresponds to the average qualitative and quantitative indicators obtained by examining a representative group of population of people of the same age, gender, culture, etc. The orientation on the statistical rate of development of certain mental qualities is particularly important at the stage of primary diagnosis of the mental state of the child in determining the nature of the principal violation, its severity. Typically, the statistical norm is a certain range of values \u200b\u200bof the development of any quality (growth, weight, the level of development of intelligence, its components, etc.) located near the average arithmetic, as a rule, within a standard quadratic deviation. The actual statistical norm actually means the level of development inherent in at least 68% of persons of this age category, gender, etc. The available qualitative and quantitative standards of age-related development provided by the relevant system of diagnostic methods allow you to qualify with a greater or less accuracy of the observed features of children's development as individual

Period from antiquity to IV century. N.E., when there were massive troubles in the usual.

Psychology mentally retarded child. Historical course

Starting from the XVIII century. The attention of psychiatrists such as J. Eskirol, E.Segen,
F.Galton, A. Bina, E. Rapelin, J. Kattel, focused on
Studying and analyzing expressed violations of mental development.
The main task facing them was in the definition of communication
Intellectual deficiency with mental, mental
Diseases and assessment of the depth of these violations.
From the middle of the XIX century, when in many European countries it became introduced
Universal primary education, the issue of identifying
Intellectual insufficiency impeding assimilation
school knowledge, attracted not only doctors, but also
Pedagogues, and then psychologists. By the same time applies and
The emergence of auxiliary classes and schools where they were sent
children without signs of spiritual diseases that do not assimilate
Comprehensive training program.
In domestic science, consideration of various manifestations
mental retardation, oligophrenia odds as forms
congenital mental underdevelopment from mental illness
progressive (progreded) character began
Somewhat later - at the beginning of the XX century. and became the subject of widespread
learning not only in medicine (I.P. Kashchenko, G. I. Rossolimo and
Dr.), but also in the defectology arising in the 20s. XX century Efforts hp
Vygotsky, who united the study of doctors, psychophysiologists,
psychologists, teachers and gained their development in
Pupils and followers of an outstanding psychologist.

Subject and objectives:

Psychology mentally retarded children - one of
Directions of special psychology considering
The dynamics of cognitive activity and personality
mentally retarded preschool and school children
Mentally retarded such a child who has
There is a persistent violation of cognitive activity
Due to organic brain injuries.
Psychology mentally retarded children is on the junction
many sciences and to a large extent depends on the degree
Development of theoretical problems of philosophy,
Children's neurology and psychiatry, physiology, higher
nervous, children's, age and special
Psychology, general and special pedagogy, sociology.
Task psychology mental retardation - definition
uniqueness of common, special and individual traits,
inherent psyche mentally retarded children, identifying
deficiencies characteristic of them and available
Positive development opportunities
The child and his ability to socially adapt.
Psychology of mental retardation directly
associated with solving the problem of differential
diagnostics, as well as with questions of correctionalized education and training,
Providing consistent training
The mentally backward student to integration into the surrounding

Psychology of children with ZPR. Historical course

The problem of low-rise deviations in mental development arose and acquired
Of particular importance in both foreign and in domestic science only in the middle of the XX century, when
Due to the rapid development of various fields of science and technology and complications of programs
general education schools have a large number of children experiencing difficulties in
learning. Teachers and psychologists attached great importance to analyzing the reasons for this
failure. Quite often she was explained by mental retardation that
accompanied by the direction of such children to auxiliary schools (footnote: C present
School time for mentally retarded children are designated as special schools VIII.),
which appeared in Russia in 1908 - 1910.
However, with a clinical examination, many of the children who were poorly absorbed
the program of the secondary school, failed to detect specific
features inherent in mental retardation. In the 50 -60s. This problem has acquired a special
Significance, as a result of which under the leadership of M.S. Pevisner, students of L.S. Vygotsky,
Specialist in the field of a mental retardation clinic, was started versatile
Research the causes of failure. Sharp increase in failure on the background
Complications of training programs made it assume the existence of some forms
Mental insufficiency, manifested in the conditions of increased learning requirements.
Complex clinical and psychological and pedagogical examination persistently unsuccessful students
From schools of various regions of the country and analysis of a huge massif of the data lay down
Formulated ideas about children with mental delay (CPR).

Object and objectives

Psychology of children with low-rise
departies in mental development (delay
mental development) - one of the directions
Special psychology engaged in learning
Uniqueness of the mental development of children with light
developmental impairment
dysfunction and light damage. In the center
attention of this direction - identification
Specific features inherent in the ontogenesis of children
this category, definition as characteristic
they are deficiencies and development resources,
Conditioning compensatory capabilities
To the tasks of the primary importance of children's psychology
with low-rise deviations can be attributed
Development of principles and methods of early detection
low deviations;
Differential diagnostic issues, development
principles and methods of psychological correction;
Development of the psychological foundations of the concept
warnings and elimination of imbalance between
Training and development and individual processes
opportunities for children of this category.

Psychology of persons with hearing impairment (Surdopsychology). Historical course.

Features of the behavior and psychology of people with
The shortcomings for the first time attracted attention
Psychiatrists and psychiatrists approximately in
middle of the XIX century At the beginning of the XX century. The first appear
Actually psychological research. To their
The number refers to the published in 1911 in Russia
work A. N. Pigosyatnikova dedicated to the study
Features of the memory of deaf-and-dumb schoolchildren. In the 20th
G. Systematic Development of Special Problems
Psychology (and Surdopsychology, in particular)
passed under the leadership of L.S. Vygotsky and under
The influence of his ideas. His students L.V. Zankov I.
I.M.Solovyev with employees spend
Studies of development of perception, memory,
Thinking and speech of children with hearing impairments.
The results of these studies were summarized in
first monograph on Surdopsychology "Essays
Psychology of the deaf-and-dumb child ", published in 1940
G. Further research in the field
Survopsychology continued under the leadership of I.
M. Solovyova. At different stages of becoming
Surdopsychology is a great contribution to its development
made such scientists like A.P. Gozova, G.L. Evyaganskaya,
N.G. Morozova, M.M. Nudelman, V.G.Petrov,
T.V. Rosanova, L.I.Tigranova, J.I. Shif and others.

Subject and objectives:

The subject of Surdopsychology is the study
peculiarities of mental development of people with
disadvantages of the hearing function and the establishment
Opportunities and ways to compensate for hearing disorders
Various complexity.
The tasks of Surdopsychology are as follows:
identify the patterns of mental development of people
with impaired hearing as common peculiar
and people having a saved rumor and
explore the features of the development of individual species
cognitive activity of people with disturbed
explore the patterns of the development of their personality;
Develop methods of diagnosis and psychological
correction of disorders of the mental development of people with
disadvantages of hearing;
give a psychological substantiation most
effective ways and methods of pedagogical
impact on children and adults with disturbed
hearing, learn psychological problems
integrated learning and integration of people with
Violated hearing in society.

Psychology of persons with violation of vision (typhlopsihology). Historical course.

The formation and development of typhalopsychology as science is associated with the organization
Training Blinds in special schools.
The first school was opened in Paris V. Gayui in 1784 in the 80s. XIX century Already in
Around the world has about 150 educational institutions for the blind.
The first attempt to analyze the psychology of the blind we find in the work
The founder of French materialism D. Didro "Letter about the blind in
Casting in vain "(1749).
The first studies of the peculiarities of mental development during blindness
refer to the 70th. XIX century They were held blindly
introspection (self-surveillance). One of the most famous works of that time
It is the monograph M. Sireman "Slept of Blind". It gives a description
The inner world of the blind on the basis of self-observations.
The formation of scientific psychology is associated with the works of T. Geller, M. Kuntz, K.
Burkelen, P. Villeya, A.A. Krogius, M.I. Zemodova, Yu.A. Kulagin, A.
G.Litvaka, L.I. Fell and others.
Until now, in world typhullicheology there are two positions.
Regarding how much the psychology is close to development
Normally seeing or how it is originally.
These two positions vary by look at the role of a defect in mental and
Social development of man. One of them takes for the original
Position defining the role of a defect in mental development
Child with visual pathology. This position leads to underestimation
the possibilities of polycept rearrangements in children of this category and
postulating the specific standard of mental development, as
The rule is underestimated compared to the level of development of Sea (S. Hayes, M.
Tillman, D. Wils, etc.).

Availability of features in cognitive activity
The blind was noted by A. I. Skrbvitsky (1903), A.M. Shhechina
(1916). Exaggeration of the specifics of mental
Development of the blind led F. Shop to approval
the need to create a special "blind language",
different from the language of Sea, and K. Burklen (1924) to
the conclusion that as a result of an isolated life
The blind occurs a special type of people. but
Features of mental processes in children with
Violations of vision are not unchanged.
Another group of scientists (T. Casfors, B. Gomulitsky, K.
Maxfield, A.G.Litvak, M.I. Zemtsova, L.I. Fullsheva and
Dr.), tracing the dynamics of mental development
children came to the conviction that noticeable differences
between the general mental status of the blind and sore
early age gradually smoothed as a result
Improving the dynamics of the mental development of children
This category. Moreover, there are data
relative to possible leading development
Children with visual pathology (M. Tobin, 1972).
Studies of the features of mental development
Blind and visually impaired children in the 80s and 90s. XX century
Rely on the work of the founders
Domestic Defectology L. S. Vygotsky, A.R.
Luria, M.I. Zemstova, A.G.Littleka, A.I.Zotova and
aims to further develop the theory and
Practices of compensation and correction of visual
Defect in the process of corrective learning and

Subject and objectives:

Typhlopsihology studies the patterns and features of the development of persons with
violation of vision, formation of compensatory processes,
providing reimbursement of lack of information, a deficit that
associated with violation of the activity of the visual analyzer, as well as
The impact of this defect on the mental development of children with violation
Tifflopsihology received its name from Greek Tiphlos - blind
and how science first included in its content only psychology
blind. Currently, its attention is not only
blind, but also persons having deep violations of vision, as well as children
having ambialy and squint. The main tasks of modern
Typhlopsihology are:
Study of common, characteristic of the normally developing
child specific patterns of mental development of children with
deep violations of view, mechanisms providing
compensation of blindness and weakness;
study of the dependence of mental development on degree, nature and
time of the occurrence of the defect of the visual function;
identifying potential opportunities of persons with violation of vision, their
abilities to overcome deviations in the formation of mental
processes and personal deviations;
Development of the psychological foundations of effective correctional condemnedagogical assistance to children with disadvantages of the visual function;
Development of the socio-psychological foundations of effective integration
Persons with violations of vision in society.

Psychology of children with violations of speech (logopsychology). Historical course.

Logopsychology is one of the least designed
Industries of special psychology. Traditionally speech
Violations were the subject of studying the speech therapy.
The beginning of the study of children with speech pathology belongs to the end of XIX
- The beginning of the XX century. Terminologically design of this pathology
ambiguous: so, if in domestic literature in 1920 for
Heavy speech underdevelopment due to
organic lesion of various brain sites in
The period before the advent of speech in the child was introduced the term "Alalia"
(D. V. Feldberger), then abroad, the same pathology is indicated
as "Afa and development", "Constitutional Speech Delay",
"Congenital Afaniya" (A.L. Benton, F. Lyhar, F. Koker, etc.) - from the point
vision of the provision of an adequate correctional-pedagogical system
assistance and socialization of children of this category is important
solving the issue of the effect of primary speech underdevelopment on
Intellectual child development.
In the history of this issue, they existed diametrically
Opposite points of view: So, A. Kussmauul, P. Marie, M. V.
Bogdanov-Berezovsky (1909), as well as modern researchers
- R.A. Belova-David, E.A. Kirichenko (1977) prove that leading
In these violations is "Corporate
Intellectual defectiveness. " The authors believed that the leading role in
underdevelopment of speech and other mental processes
Invalid and poorly speaking children belong to deep
Initial disorders in their intellectual sphere, in connection with which
When a speech is underdeveloped, mental retardation may be observed
or retreat of mental development. In this direction
Research dominated the descriptive principle of consideration
underdevelopment of mental processes without detecting internal
Patterns of speech violations.

Another point of view is that the primary speech defect,
manifested in pronounced speech function
up to its complete absence does not mean that the level
mental development of children with this pathology allows you to attribute
them to the category of mentally retarded. One of the first studies
speech and mental failure in children with speech impairment
belong to R.E.levina (1936). The author described four groups
Invalid children - school age alalikov (1951),
allocated depending on what mental functions
mostly disturbed from them along with speech and determined
Features in the development of all cognitive activity. These are kids
who had speech violations and preferential disorders
Motivational and consumer sphere (mental activity).
R.E.levina considered deviations in the development of cognitive
activities with expressed speech violations as secondary
delay, the structure of which depends on the nature of the primary
speech defect. This point of view was reflected in the works
many domestic researchers (T. A. Vlasov, 1972;
V.Lubovsky, 1975; L.S. Tsvetkova, 1985; I.T.Vlasenko, 1990; and etc.).
The third approach in assessing the ratio of the underdevelopment of speech and
Cognitive processes in violations of speech belongs to E. M.
Mastyukova, who believes that this question should be solved
Differentially, as a group of children with speech impairment
Polymorphic enough and distinguished by variety of forms. Each
It may correspond to their picture of non-formation.
cognitive sphere, depends on severity and localization
organic and functional insufficiency of the central
nervous system.

Subject and objectives:

Logopsychology is a branch of special psychology, which
studies mental features of a person having a speech
Violations of primary nature.
The subject of logopsychology is the study of the originality
Mental development of people with various forms of speech
Tasks of logopsychology.
Study of the specifics of mental development at primary
left violations of varying degrees of gravity and etiology.
Study of features of personal and social development
Children with speech pathology.
Definition of the prospects for the development of children with speech violations
Effective tools for education and education.
Development of differential diagnostics methods,
allowing to highlight primary speech underdevelopment among
similar external manifestations of states (autism, violations
Hearing function, mental delays, complex
deficiencies of development).
Development of methods of psychological correction and prevention
speech violations in childhood.
Logopsychology relies on the domestic
psychologists (L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Forec, A.R. Luria, R.E.
Lezina et al.) Principle of interconnection of speech with other parties
mental development that approves its leading role in
Correction of mental processes.

Psychology of children with violations of the functions of the ODA. Historical course.

Study of clinical and mental characteristics of people with
Motor disorders, as well as studying them
Social adaptation began in the middle of the XIX century. V. Little First
described not only the clinical characteristics of the motor
disorders in children with intrauterine and generic paralysis, but also
gave the characteristics of their speech disorders, features of the personal
In Russia at the beginning of the XIX century. Assistance to children and adolescents with
Motor disorders were engaged in G. I. Tourner. He tried
Conduct an orthopedic correction of affected limbs. Under
his patronage was organized by the Labor Workshop in which
Boys with motor disorders trained professions.
World War II and the epidemics following her
Poliomyelitis led to a significant increase in people with
disorders of the musculoskeletal system, which have arisen in them
Different age and due to different reasons (diseases, military injury
etc.). Rehabilitation and social adaptation of persons with engine
Violations acquired the importance of social and political
Problems. In attempts to her permission, people played a big role,
The most pathology of the motor sphere themselves. Among them
American President F. Roosevelt, Australian Writer and
Journalist A. Marshall, American doctor D. Felps. Their life I.
The activity serves as an example of the fact that a man with motor
violations, even devoid of independent
movement, can achieve success in different types of public

Dr. Phelps from the United States suffered heavy paralysis, but during the period between
Two World Wars, he received a specialty doctor and began
Studying the development of children with cerebral paralysis. He managed to show
society that many children with cerebral palsy (even
severely ill) can have a high level of intelligence, thin
susceptible psyche. The scientific data collected by them attracted
Public attention and contributed to the awakening of compassion to
So children, as well as the awakening of scientific interest and desire
involve children with children's cerebral paralysis (cerebral palsy) to active
Social process. This largely changed the attitude of society to
Categories of persons with physical disorders caused the interest of doctors,
teachers, psychologists to study the peculiarities of the psyche of people with
disorders of the musculoskeletal system, led to the development
Methods of medical and psychological and pedagogical correction of violations.
In the 50-60s. XX century In Hungary there was a special direction
Rehabilitation work-oriented methods
Education of movements in children with impaired functions of the support apparatus - the conduction pedagogy, which showed the lead
The role of special training in overcoming disruption of movements.
In our country, a great contribution to the development of methods for the treatment of such children
contributed to K.A. Semenova, and in the creation of a special system of their training and
Education - M. V. Ippolitov. To date, accumulated big
Actual material characterizing clinical and psychological
Features of children with impairment of the musculoskeletal system, as well as
Questions of training and education of children with motor disorders (K. A.
Semenova, E.M. Mastjukova, I.V. Ippolitova, N.V. Sonmon, I.I. Mamaichuk,
I.I.Panchenko, E.S. Kaliznyuk et al.)
Currently, this branch of special psychology intensively
develops both abroad and in our country.

Subject and objectives:

Subject to study in this industry of special psychology
are the features of the formation and development of the psyche of people
With impaired musculoskeletal system.
The tasks of this direction of special psychology:
explore the general patterns of mental development of children with
normal and disturbed motor development;
explore the specific features of the development of the psyche of children with
disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
reveal compensatory capabilities that allow
overcome the impact of disorders of the musculoskeletal
apparatus for mental development;
4) identify the most effective correction methods
Impact on the development of a child with impaired supporting apparatus, giving them a psychological justification.
The focus of the direction of special psychology - children
With impaired musculoskeletal system. To this category
Children include:
with children's cerebral paralymps;
with the consequences of polio;
with progressive neuromuscular diseases
(Mopathic, scarm sclerosis, etc.);

Psychology of children with early children's autism syndrome. Historical course.

The term "autism" (from Greek, Autos - himself) was introduced by E. Bleiler for
Designations of a special type of thinking characterized by
"The cutoff of associations from this experience, ignoring
real relationships. Defining the autistic type
thinking, E. Blailer emphasized his independence from the real
reality, freedom from logical laws, capture
own experiences.
An early child autism syndrome was first described in 1943.
American clinician L. Kanner in the work "Autistical
disorders of affective contact "written on the basis of
Generalization of 11 cases. They were concluded about the existence
Special clinical syndrome "Extreme Loneliness",
which he called the early children's autism syndrome and which
Subsequently began to call the Kanner syndrome by the name of the scientist,
His discovered.
Autism is found in all countries of the world, on average in 4 -5 cases
for 10 thousand children. However, this figure covers only
called classic autism, or Kanner syndrome, and will
significantly higher, if you take into account other types of violation
Conduct with Autichen about similar and manifestations. And early
Autism occurs in boys at 3 - 4 times more often than girls.
In Russia, the most intensively issues of psychological and pedagogical
assistance to children with RD began to be developed since the end of the 70s in
The result of the research result was the original
Psychological classification (K.S. Beltsinskaya, V.V. Beltsinsky,
O.S. Nikolskaya, 1985, 1987).

Subject and objectives:

The focus of this area
Development of the complex system
psychological support of children and
adolescents experiencing difficulty adaptation
and socialization due to violations in
emotional personal sphere.
To the tasks of the primary importance of this
Section of special psychology can
Development of principles and methods of early
identifying RDA;
Differential diagnostic issues
Discernment of relatives, development
principles and methods of psychological
Development of the psychological basis for elimination
imbalance between learning processes and
Development of children.

Psychology of children with a disharmonic personality warehouse. Historical course.

The beginning of the teachings about psychopathies belongs to the 80 -90-m
gg XIX century and is associated with the names of H.Kadinsky,
V.M. Bekhtereva, E.Koha, S.S. Korsakova, E. Rapelina.
The latter suggested the classification of psychopathies,
comprising 7 types, such as excitable,
impulsive, unstable, "cranks",
Pathological lgs, enemies of society,
Further development of the doctrine of psychopathy went, with
one hand, in the direction of clarification and
Differentiation of clinical typologies (P. B.
Gannushkin, O. V. Kerbikov, G. E. Sukhareva, V. V.
Kovalev), and on the other hand, was directed to
Development of learning about personalities having
Border (accentuated) character
(K.Lenongard, A. E.Lichko). Last direction
gave impetus to the creation of the system
psychological and pedagogical methods of prevention,
Detection and correction of these states
(E.M. Elksandrovskaya, S.A. Belicheva, I.N.Gilshyev,
I. A. Korobeinikov, etc.).

Object and objectives

The section is dedicated to psychological features
children and adolescents at different types
disharmonic personality development.
The main tasks of this direction
Special psychology are:
Development of methods aimed at early
Detection of signs of PatoCharacterological
child development;
Description of "Weak" and "Strong" Parties
psychosocial development of children and adolescents
Different options for PatoCharacterological
Development of a system of psychological and pedagogical
Correction and Prevention Methods
Patoocterological development in children's
When they talk about different types
disharmonic personality development, degree
Departure of the individual from normal development,
We are talking about pathological types of character.

Psychology of children with complex development violations. Historical course.

In Russia in the 80s XIX century, thanks to the publication of the translations of "American
Notes »Ch.Dikkens and some other messages, became known
History of the American Pepherly Laura Bridzman, who received
Education at the Institute for Blind Keynes in Boston. Then on the whole world
The story of the training of another Lepoglukha, Elena Keller, thundered,
The pupils of Anna Sullivan from the same Perkins Institute. From 1884 to
1913 in Russia, 11 publications related to the history of life and
creativity E. Boeller. The facts of successful learning became known.
Lepoglukhih in Belgium, France, Norway, Scotland and Sweden.
Due to close scientific contacts with Germany, specialists in Russia
followed the successes of teaching the teenagers in the shelter for cripping in Novovez
near Potsdam, where they studied from 1887 and where in 1906 was open
Special School for Lepoglihih. In 1908 in the Russian monthly
The magazine "Slepts" published the translation of the book of the German teacher and
Researchers of Riemann "Psychological observations on deaf
Slepts ", published in Berlin in 1905
Successes in the teaching of Lepoglukhi in different countries of the world awakened in
certain circles of Russian society live interest in problems
Sleptless children. In 1909, the care company was created in Russia
Sleptoglukhih, and at the St. Petersburg kindergarten for deaf-and-dumb
Training of three children. In the summer of the same year, teachers and educators
said institutions got acquainted with the experience of teaching the tender
Sweden and Germany and began working in a shelter for the shallow children,
opened by the Company in 1910 and adopted by seven
Children with deep violations of vision and hearing.

Domestic experience in teaching Lepoglukh enjoys a big
Fame and recognition in other countries. Since 1969 there exists
International Organization Coordinating Development
Research and services for the Lepoglihih in the world, in events
which also participate Russian specialists.
According to this organization, the number of tender people in the world
It is about one million people. To them now
time is usually attributed to all people who have violations of vision and
Hearing: these are children with congenital or early clefoglukhota; Children with congenital violations losing
age and hearing; deaf or weighted people from birth,
violations of view of which appear with age; people,
We have lost their rumor and vision in mature or old age.
The current definition of glover is different in different countries.
It depends largely on how the content of this concept
interpreted in regulatory documents adopted in one way or another
state. For example, assigning a child or adult disabled person
to the category of deplets in the USA or Scandinavian countries
guarantees him a place for free learning in a special
school and special social service (translation,
accompaniment, transport, etc.). In these countries, the category "Lepoglukha" is included in the state register of persons with disabilities. DPAKHLUHOTE is defined as a combination of violations of vision and
hearing that creates special difficulties of communication and requires
Provide the special educational needs of these children.
In our country so far there is no official
definitions of depletion and other types of complex violations
A special kind of disability. Disability is still determined
One, the most pronounced violation.

Subject and objectives:

Psychology of children with complex development violations -
This is a relatively new branch of special psychology,
which studies the features of mental development
A man having two or more violations. Self
Large scientific traditions in this area has science about
peculiarities of mental development
Child is a child with a double sensory violation.
Subject to this area of \u200b\u200bspecial psychology
is the study of the originality of mental development
people with complex violations and ways to determine
psychological and pedagogical assistance to these people and their
Tasks of psychology of children with complex violations
Development are to:
description of general and specific patterns of them
developing methods for their diagnostic study;
psychological substantiation of the content and methods of their
training and upbringing;
study of the peculiarities of socio-psychological
Adaptation of this group of people in society.


1) Fundamentals of special psychology: training.
Manual for students average. Ped. Education.
Zaul., Ed. L. V. Kuznetsova.
2) Special Psychology: Education. Benefit
For the student Ped. Education. institutions, V.I.
Lubovsky.- 4th edition.


Topic: "Special psychology as a branch of psychological science"

Introduction 3.

1. The main directions of special psychology 5

1.1. Oligophrenopsychology 7.

1.2. Survopsychology 8.

1.3. Tifflopsihology 8.

2. Modern ideas about normal and

deviating Development 10.

2.1. General laws of deviating development 13

3. Factors of human mental development 16

3.1. Genetic influences mechanisms 19

3.2. Somatic factor 20.

4. Types of deviating development (disconcentration) 24

4.1. The concept of primary and secondary development defects.

Compensation doctrine 25

4.2. Main types of mental disonatogenesis 27

Conclusion 30.

Bibliographic list 31.


The emergence of special psychology (from Greek. specialis - special, peculiar) as an independent field of psychological science and practice can be attributed to the 60th. XX hundred years. Then she appeared in the list of scientific specialties of educational universities in the "Psychology" section. However, it was only a formal consolidation of the investment of this peculiar field of psychology ongoing, which had already absorbed the accumulated scientific achievements and practical experience - all that concerns the study of phenomenology, mechanisms and conditions of mental development of a person under WHO Different groups of pathogenic factors, as well as negotiations of compensatory and correctional pro-casses.

Until this time, special psychology was an integral part of the defectology - comprehensive science, including both a versatile study of the causes and mechanisms of rejection development and the development of scientifically substantiated medical and psychological and pedagogical correctional impacts in relation to children with various disadvantages in psychophysical and personality and social Development

Psychology special - The industry of psychology, which studies people, is characterized by a deviation from normal mental development associated with congenital or acquired defects for the formation and functioning of the nervous system. He studies various options for the pathology of mental development, the problems of the abnormal development of the psyche. Special attention is paid to the study of the peculiarities of mentally retarded children who have lesions of the cerebral cortex of the brain, and children with violation of the activities of analyzers, underdevelopment of speech when the hearing is stored.

Psychology is special, as well as special pedagogical, is part of the defectology - a complex scientific discipline that studies the peculiarities of the development of children with the physical and mental disadvantages and the patterns of their upbringing and training.

It was revealed that the primary defect (for example, deafness) causes numerous secondary changes in mental development, restructuring of a life position, a system of relationship with surrounding, thinking, perception, etc. On the basis of psychology, a special system of training and education of people with mental abnormalities, consultation, professional And the selection is professional.

The main task of psychology is special is the formation of an adequate person in the conditions of applying special methods and techniques of education and training, due to which there is a rejection of disturbed functions.

1. The main directions of special psychology

The most early formed in both theoretical and applied aspects were such areas of special psychology, as the psychology of mentally retarded (oligophrenopsychology), the psychology of deaf (Surdopsychology), the psychology of the blind (Tifflopsihology).

Currently, there is a tendency to revise the clic-psychological terms and their replacement by the terms of psycho-logo-pedagogical (instead of the "psychology of mentally retarded" and "oligophrenopsychology" terms are increasingly used by the "Psi-Chology of children with pronounced (resistant) deviations in -The detractive development, "" Psychology of children with underdevelopment of the cognitive sphere "and others. In addition to these areas, co-temporary special psychology includes: psychology of children with mental delay, psychology of children with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere and behavior, psychology of children With violations of the functions of the musculoskeletal system, the psychology of persons with violations of speech, the psychology of de-Tay with complex disadvantages of development.

In addition, children who have the difficulties of social and psychological adaptation and training due to severe somatic diseases (blood disease, respiratory diseases, various types of allergies, gastrointestinal and heart disease, are met in educational institutions. , as well as in connection with the consequences of heavy emotional experiences (post-traumatic stressful disorders - PTSD), exceeding the individual adaptive opportunities for their intensity or duration (children - witnesses or victims of violence, sudden loss of loved ones or separation from them, Changing the pre-elevated cultural and historical and lingual habitat, etc.).

The steady increase in the number of combined deviations in the development, an increase in the number of children with psychogenic disorders, pro-one in authization, aggressiveness, violations of the behavior and activity, anxious and phobic disorders, the search for socialization processes, is significantly imperative and solid solutions to the correctional educational tasks, both, in general and in special education.

In fact, not only children visiting special educational institutions are needed in special psychological assistance, but also a significant number of children in pre-school educational institutions of the general purpose, as well as students of general-purpose schools. It should be done that at present, in connection with the strengthening of integration processes in education, having a often character of elements, in one class or preschool group there may be a variety of children, which in due time L. S. Vygot- Skim were attributed to the category of "difficult." These are the children of "biologically risk", in which deviations in behavior and various activities arise as a result of any organic defect or long-term chronic diseases, and children of "social risk", to which, in addition to minor rights, children and children and Teenagers with violations of behavior are currently legitimately attributed children from orphanages and shelters, children from refugee families and forced migrants. The latter, being in severe social conditions, often, being psychosomatically weakened, are in an educational institution also in full psychological isol due to the prejudices of ethnic order, which occur both in children and parents, so sometimes with education workers .

A man with a disadvantage of any organ (for example, deaf or blind), suffering mental underdevelopment, having physical deformities, has long been attracted to himself not only the idle curiosity, but also the scientific and human interests of the servants of the Church, Anatomas, philosophers, pea-daggers and writers.

In the famous novel by V. Hugo, "a person who laughs" opi-sana all tragedy and loneliness of a person who is unlike others. On the state of the person, the type of which causes a little-worthy feelings from the crowd, V.Guhugu says: "To be funny in appearance, when the soul is experiencing a tragedy that there may be a humiliar to such torment, which can cause a greater rage in man ? ".

Even now, when the causes of the emergence of majority of deviations in psychophysical development are known, on the perception of people with those or other problems in development affects the phenomenon of "faith in a fair world" - a person has a kind of protective response to unhappiness: if they are with Someone happens, he deserves it. In special experiments (M. Lerner) it was shown that the stronger the victim suffers, the greater antipathy it causes and the more subjects tend to justify her torments. But if a person is not an indifferent observer, and can really help another, demonstrating his strength, competence, responsibility, in this level of positive perception of a person who has anomalies increases. Attitude towards children with various deviations once-hectares, it bears the seal of a long history of egoism and self-love of society, especially explicitly manifested in the years of infanticide.

1.1. Oligophrenopsychology

Oligophrenopsychology - a section of psychology special, studying the development of the mental and possibilities for its correction in people mentally retarded with severe forms of underdevelopment of the brain of the head. Receives the reasons for their backwardness mental (congenital defects of the system nervous, the result of the disease or injury), studies their psychological features, forms and degree of severity of the defect, contributes to the creation of programs and methods of their training in support schools.

1.2. Sudopsychology

Sudopsychology - (psychology of the deaf) - section of psychology special, studying the development of mental deaf and hearing impaired people, the possibilities of its correction in the context of training and education, in particular - in the context of special training. Her tasks:

1) Study of ways to prevent not imaging in people with hearing defects, excluding normal speech communication;

2) identifying the features of their activity cognitive;

3) clarifying compensatory replacement of auditory perception with visual, vibration sensations, etc.;

4) the study of the peculiarities of thinking, memory and other processes of mental, emerging in the absence or underdevelopment of auditory sensations.

In case of impairment of hearing, the formation of speech and thinking of verbal, but also suffers from the development of the activity of cognitive as a whole.

The main task of Surdopsychology is the discovery of compensatory capabilities, due to which it is possible to overcome the shortcomings of hearing, to obtain sufficient education, to ensure participation in the work of labor.

Accounting for these Surdopsychology is a necessary condition for organizing training and education of deaf and hearing impaired children, their production training and employment.

1.3. Typhlopsihology

Typhlopsihology - (psychology of the blind) - section of psychology special, studying the patterns of development of mental individuals with fully or partially disturbed vision:

1) the development of mental blind and visually impaired people;

2) ways and ways to be corrected in training and education;

3) opportunities for compensation of violations of the perception of visual with the help of other analyzers - hearing and touch. The mental features of perception, memory and thinking under the conditions of the deficiency of information associated with the lack of vision or its weakness are also investigated. The use of the results of typhalopsychology allows the scientific basis to build a learning process, education and activities of labor blind and visually impaired.

With such violations, not only orientation in space suffers, but, due to the slowdest and incompleteness of the formation of sensory experience, the development of thinking clearly-figurative is disturbed.

The main task of typhalopsychology is compensation for missing vision through the intensification of the work of other analyzers (hearing, touch), as well as the formation of a feeling of obstacles. To build adequate items, imaging processes can be connected; In this case, the formation of the memory of the logical is usually ahead of the development of the memory formative.

Lecture 1.

The history of the formation of special psychology. Subject of special psychology, its tasks, communication with other sciences

1. The history of the formation of special psychology. The role and significance of L.S. Vigotsky in the formation and development of special psychology.

2. Subject, industry of special psychology.

3. Objectives of special psychology (according to V.I. Lubovsky).

4. Intrasystem and interdisciplinary communications of special psychology.

5. Subsection field of research in Belarusian special psychology.

The historical sequence of knowledge of knowledge of development deviations. Caritalitative, clinical, rehabilitation, sociocultural model of attitudes towards people with disabilities in development.

Special psychology as a scientific course, the subject of which is the development of the psyche flowing in adverse conditions. The main industries of modern special psychology. Systematization of the tasks of special psychology (according to V.I. Lubovsky). Interdisciplinary status of special psychology: intrafsychological level and foreign affairs level of relationship.

The role and significance of L.S. Vigotsky in the formation and development of special psychology. The current state of special psychology. Subsection field of research in Belarusian special psychology.

Special psychology is

Not a collection of breakdowns of the human psyche, and

Attempt to explain and understand the amazing ability

Our consciousness to maintain their integrity

In extremely complex conditions of existence


1. The history of the formation of special psychology. The role and significance of L.S. Vigotsky in the formation and development of special psychology. The history of special psychology looks sufficiently modest in comparison with the impressive past of such sciences as physics, chemistry, mathematics, etc., but it is an integral part of human culture, and in this sense is instructive, useful and interesting, for the study of the spiritual warehouse of people living in different conditions than the vast majority of the so-called normal individuals.

The history of special psychology in the domestic literature is not dedicated to not much work. Separate fragments of its development are reflected in studies revealing the formation of special pedagogy. The history of any science never begins with a blank place or pure sheet; There is always some prehistory. Scientific psychology is rooted in the so-called ordinary, everyday psychology. It was an ordinary consciousness, as one of the forms of public, became the sphere where the knowledge of the human psyche, including about mental disabilities, began to concentrate. People with such violations lived in the human community always and could not not pay attention to others. An ordinary consciousness is an unsystematic set of everyday ideas about certain phenomena of the surrounding world. Watching the behavior of persons with deviations, people tried to explain the reasons that cause them.

Recreation of the stages of the development of ideas and theories, the history of any science contributes to a better understanding of the current state of scientific knowledge, which is a natural result and a logical continuation of previous historical stages. Without knowledge of its history, science risks to lose its own foundation, losing the orientation towards scientific searches.

The history of special psychology looks sufficiently modest in comparison with the impressive past of such sciences as physics, chemistry, mathematics, etc., but it is an integral part of human culture, and in this sense is instructive, useful and interesting, for the study of the spiritual warehouse of people living in different conditions than the vast majority of the so-called normal individuals.

The history of any science never begins with a blank place or pure sheet; There is always some prehistory. Scientific psychology is rooted in the so-called ordinary, everyday psychology. It was an ordinary consciousness, as one of the forms of public, became the sphere where the knowledge of the human psyche, including about mental disabilities, began to concentrate. People with such violations lived in the human community always and could not not pay attention to others. An ordinary consciousness is an unsystematic set of everyday ideas about certain phenomena of the surrounding world. Watching the behavior of persons with deviations, people tried to explain the reasons that cause them.

However, everyday consciousness is characterized by inaccuracy, inconsistency, fragmentary, it it is directed mainly to the outer side of the phenomenon, and not on its essence. In the ordinary consciousness, very accurate observations and guesses with ridiculous prejudices and superstitions are bizarrectically intertwined. The latter give it a bright, emotional color and property of irrationality. But, as we have already noted, it is from him who grow scientific knowledge, without giving him a connection with him, drawing the facts from him and using the principle of "common sense". At the same time, scientific knowledge has a strong impact on everyday ideas, changing their content.

The nature of everyday ideas about the reasons for deviations in mental activity largely determined the attitude of people to their carriers.. And as far as heterogeneous and contradictory there were such ideas, so ambiguous was the attitude towards disabled - from compassion and the desire to help to frank hostility and persecution. This kind of installation could be spread on the next relatives of people with mental anomalies.

The study of the types of everyday knowledge of the nature of deviations in mental development, their historical evolution and the current state is of exceptional scientific interest, and not only in the academic sense. Development in the 20th century of multilateral assistance systems with disabilities with the aim of their most complete inclusion in the life of society has shown that the state of an ordinary consciousness can act as a negative and positive factor in the rehabilitation process. The attitude to disabled people in the household level is not amenable to legislative regulation and varies very slowly under the influence of systematic and long-term scientific and educational work. An ordinary consciousness emphasizes the attention of the differences, having rigidly sharing the social world on "We" (healthy people) and "they" (disabled), attributing the last numerous negative properties. It is not by chance that the overwhelming majority of respondents of sociological surveys note the inexplicable emotional stress arising in the situation when they face disabled. This voltage is far from hostility, but also does not have a positive sign. Irrational attribution of the disabled person of some special properties, the fear of its "unpredictability" significantly makes it difficult to communicate.

The everyday consciousness has done a long path of evolution and a long time was the only source of knowledge about mental anomalies. In antiquity, children with physical disorders were destroyed. As they could not feed themselves, or they died themselves. Because There was no necessary medical care. In 4-5 V. BC Aristotle, justifying the detebide, put forward economic conditions. Plato said that such children need to be destroyed so that they do not make themselves like. Seneca wrote: "We kill freaks and those children. Which are born by chili and disfigured. We do this not because of the wrath and annoyance. And guided by the rules of the mind. Rule: separating unsuitable from healthy. "

Another form of public consciousness arising later than ordinary and had a strongest influence on him was a religious consciousness, which is a system of beliefs based on faith. Religious consciousness is trying to build a holistic picture of the world, explaining all his phenomena in its own way. At the same time, it should be especially noted that in a number of recent, mental and physical anomalies have always attracted special attention to themselves.None of any large world religion accounted for this issue, solving it from the point of view of higher justice, fair punishment or remuneration. Mental disorders could be considered as a punishment for some sins or as a direct manifestation of nonsense, which unleashed the hands of religious fanatic. Persons with deviations were pursued, expelled, were subjected to humiliation and physical destruction. The manifestation of pity was regarded as a retreat from faith with all the ensuing consequences.

In cases where religious consciousness treats mental abnormality as a special sign of bliss, the relationship varies to another side. Persons with deviations become objects of care and charity. It is enough to turn to the etiology of the Russian word "poor", which today has frankly negative meaning. In its initial use, it meant proximity to God and thus fixed the special character of handling such people. The practical implementation of this included a variety of prohibitions on all sorts of oppression, attempts to educate in moneters of persons with mental and physical disorders, the acquisition of them to satisfy labor and self-service

In Slavic countries, it was believed that the mentally retarded children are the children of God. Therefore, they were listened to them and treated them very well. Catholics believed that the mentally retarded children were the devil children, so they should be imprisoned or throwing them into the river.

In the Middle Ages, cripples were the object of Christian virtue. They constituted one category of the population with poor and old men. In the monasteries, they were treated as guests, because in the Gospel it was said that they would turn out to be in the kingdom of Christ. Living at the donation of relatives, neighbors and parishioners, people with disabilities occupied a strictly defined position in society. Their special function was the atonement of sins of the rich. On the one hand, they admired themselves because of the proximity of their fate with the fate of Christ. On the other hand, they inspired anxiety and fear.

It is impossible not to note another source of knowledge about the nature of deviations in mental development. We are talking about the artistic form of public consciousness. World and domestic art and literature have repeatedly appealed to the images of characters with various mental disorders.It is enough just to refer to the well-known works of such authors as I. Repin, V. Surikov, V. Pereov, M. Antonticoline, F. Dostoevsky, N. Gogol, V. Korolenko, A. Pushkin, A. Chekhov, L. Andreev, V. Hugo, A. Marshal, S. Bolekyev, N. Leskov, B. Field, N. Ostrovsky, K. A. Alschwang and many others. The importance and role of these characters in the artistic intent of works can be completely different as the very character and the method of their description. General is the desire to penetrate into the inner world of such people, to reveal the logic of their behavior, to give through a description of a single picture of the universal nature of human nature, regardless of the state of his mental health.Many of the works, revealing the tragedy of public being of persons with those or other disorders, contributed and contribute to the change in everyday ideas and the relationship between society to this category of individuals.

If everyday submissions are based on empirical, everyday experience, then religious and artistic have a different basis - irrational-mystical and figurative-emotional. All three of these forms of public consciousness differ significantly from later in the time of the emergence of the scientific method of studying the world.

Science is based on rational facts, uses an objective way to obtain information. Its purpose is to collect reliable, checked and reproducible information.

For the first time, an attempt to give a rational explanation of the nature of various deviations in mental development was undertaken within medicine. The nature of this explanation and methods of treatment directly depended on the development of natural science and, above all, from the ideas about the structure and functions of the nervous system and their connection with the psyche. Most of them today look more than naive, but others are more important for us: the emergence of scientific research marks himself other way to get knowledge by Systematic observation and experiment, as well as the cause-rational method of interpretation of mined facts.

Essentially, the first scientific, in the strict sense of the word, the ideas began to be formed in the process of systematic learning and education of children with disabilities in the development. Such a system began to develop in Europe in the XVIII century under the influence of humanistic and educational ideas. It is enough to indicate as an example on a very significant fact of the odds of mental retardation as a persistent state of underdevelopment from mental illness, first produced by the French psychiatrist J. Escire. In 1746 The first experience of learning children was taken. Pestalozzi tied learning with the upbringing and development of the child. He developed the theory of work with the tube children, the main postulate of which was: "The mentally retarded child is no less developed, but otherwise developed."

The basis for the benefit of intuitive the ideas about the peculiarities of the mental development of children with deviations, as well as their potential opportunities in the real pedagogical process, gradually became more complicated, enriched and differentiated.Nevertheless, those obtained practically psychological knowledge was an exclusively by-product of pedagogical activity, remaining for a long time its internal component, not always clearly conscious. As research baggage accumulates, they, directly or indirectly, crystallized in curriculum, textbooks, methodical recommendations, etc. the period by the end of the XIX century can be viewed as a special stage in the development of special psychology, which is characterized by its "included" condition in the correctional-pedagogical process; The stage on which it has not yet been mediated in an independent form of cognitive activity with its subject and methods.

The formation of special psychology as an independent discipline has largely contributed to the development of experimental psychology in the second half of the XIX century.Already by the 90s, applied industries of psychology began to form. The first practical spheres in which they tried to use psychological knowledge were clinic and school. The defectological practice of its content occupied an intermediate position between these two areas. That is why the formation of special psychology as independent science had a strong influence of pedagogical and medical psychology. It is not by chance that to this day, the clinical and psychological and psychological and pedagogical orientation of research is clearly traced in its bed.

The rapid development of special psychology at the beginning of the 20th century is not unrealistic of the peculiarities of the cultural context of the European history of this period. A vivid example of increasing interest in children's subject was the emergence of special science - pedology, which had a strong influence on a special psychology. From pedology, the principles of dynamic, system-integrated and comparative analysis came to the latter. Genetic idea, that is, the study of the child in the development process has become dominant. The pathological model of development was considered in pedology as an integral component of knowledge about the general laws of the normal process of forming a children's psyche.

At the beginning of the XX century, active internal differentiation is observed in special psychology. Initially, in accordance with the established system of training and education of abnormal children, its branches such as Surdopsychology, Tifflopsihology and Oligophrenopsychology are beginning to develop.

At the end of the 19th - early XX century, the system of training and education of children with developmental deviations both in Europe and in Russia is becoming special dynamics. New schools, shelters, sanatorium open. The dominant clinical and biological approach begins increasingly actively complemented by socio-pedagogical. It is during this period that numerous scientific works appear devoted to various problems of special psychology. Their authors were E. Maryarevsky, V. P. Kashchenko, A. V. Vladimirsky, I. G. Orshansky and many others. In 1915, a two-volume fundamental work was published. Troin "Comparative psychology of normal and abnormal children."

The role of special psychology was played by V. M. Bekhterev, who created a special laboratory for the study of the psyche of children with deviations in development by the psychoneurological academy in one of the divisions.

The system of training and education of children with deviations, at least in our country, until recently, there was almost the only sphere of activity, where the use of psychological knowledge was constant, systematic and mandatory. It is primarily a speech about the use of psychodiagnostics in the selection of children in different types of correctional institutions. As is known, the first test techniques with which the psychodiagnostic boom of the 20th century began, were created precisely as part of special psychology and are intended for differential diagnosis in the children's selection system in correctional institutions.

The rapid development of special psychology in the pre-revolutionary period of Russia, in the formation of which, in addition to the scientists mentioned by us, took the most direct participation of such recognized leaders of psychological science, as P. P. Blonsky, A. P. Boltunov, M. S. Bernstein, G. I. Rossolimo , A. F. Lazur et al., It was seriously suspended until the mid-20s due to the complex political and economic situation as a result of the revolution, civil war, mass hunger and ruin.

Gradually, by the mid-20s, research works are beginning to be renewed, although no longer reach the previous level due to the acute shortage of professional scientific personnel. Nevertheless, it is possible to judge the intensity of the conducted studies at least according to the incomplete list of institutions of Moscow, where they were carried out. Among them: Higher Pedagogical Courses, Psychological Research Courses, Higher Scientific and Pedagogical Courses, Academy of Social Education, Pedagogical Institute of Children's Defectiveness, Psychological Institute for the First MSU, Central Pedological Institute, State Moscow Psychoneurological Institute, State Medical and Pedological Institute of Drug Advocations, Laboratory of Experimental Psychology and Child Psychoneurology at the Neurological Institute of the first MSU, medical and pedological clinic, Central Psychological Laboratory of Auxiliary Schools, Central Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute, Museum of Preschool Education, etc. The work in Leningrad was equally intensively intensively intensively in Leningrad: in the Psychoneurological Academy, Brain Institute . M. Bekhtereva and in the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute. Urban, regional and district pedology rooms were created throughout the country, which are a certain prototype of the State Psychological Service in the field of abnormal childhood (A. I. Ekind). Today there are no accurate information how many such laboratories and cabinets numbered in the country. However, in Moscow and Leningrad, they existed in every area and in many schools.

The central research institution, which headed and coordinated all Russian surveys in the field of special psychology, was created in 1919 by the experimental defectological institute.

An important milestone should be considered the discovery in 1929 in Moscow of the Scientific and Practical Institute of orphanages and Special Schools and the creation of a special psychology laboratory under it, which united young talented scientists. Among them was L.S.Vigotsky. He gave a special psychology the nature of the formed science with its own subject, methods, objectives and system of explanatory principles. Vygotsky did not base a special psychology (as often as stated), but contributed to its final design and transformation into an independent scientific region. It turned out to be possible due to its unique abilities productively use the experience of their predecessors.

The central strategic task of L. S. Vygotsky was to create a new theory of the development of the psyche, which was brilliantly implemented, ending with the creation of the concept of cultural and historical development, the formation of higher mental functions, sign mediating, semantic and systemic structure of consciousness, etc.

The uniqueness of this scientific situation is that the results of clinical and psychological studies of L. S. Vygotsky amounted to the basis of the cultural and historical theory of the development of the psyche created by him. A mentioned theory, in turn, made the base for domestic special psychology. It is from these positions of L. S. Vygotsky, the most important provisions of special psychology to which are as follows:

Ø about the system of the structure of the human psyche, in the light of which a violation of one of the links changes the functioning of the entire system;

Ø about the current and nearest zones of child development;

Ø The identity of the factors caused by the development of normal and abnormal children;

Ø on primary and secondary deviations in the development of an anomalous child and on the main directions of correctional pedagogical work with children who have deviations in development;

Ø about the team as a factor for the development of an ADP child;

Ø On changing the ratio of intelligence and affect with mental retardation.

Ø On the importance of early correctional-pedagogical impact on the child with development deviations.

The scientific activity of L. S. Vygotsky fell on the second half of the 20s - the first half of the 30s. If the mid-20s was characterized by a very intensive development of science, then by the beginning of the third decade, the situation begins to change. The complication of the socio-political situation in the country leads to an increase in ideological dictate and political repression. The whole scientific directions are prohibited. The informative importance of science is considered as something derived from the tasks of servicing the interests of practice in the utilitarian sense. The place of scientific theories and hypotheses occupy continuously in their absolute exercise.

At this time, psychotechnics, social psychology, psychoanalysis are persecuted. Special Decree of the CCCPP (b) "On pedological perversions in the system of drug addresses" OSN. 1936 Pedology is eliminated. The name L. S. Vygotsky is mentioned only in connection with non-restrained criticism that does not have any attitude to science. His work will be available to a wide reader in only twenty years - in the mid-50s.

For psychology it was a difficult period. And the case was not only in a quantitative decrease in scientific products, but first of all in a change in quality.

A certain activization in psychology was noted in the period of the Great Patriotic War and after its end. And again this was the advantage of the sphere of special psychology. The increase in the number of people with disabilities acutely delivered the question of their socio-psychological and employment adaptation. Many domestic psychologists (A. N. Leontyev, A. V. Zaporozhets, B. V. Zeigarnik, S. Ya was engaged in issues of rehabilitation, A. R. Luria, B. I. Kovalenko, . S. Merlin and many others).

Since the second half of the 50s, the revival of psychological science in the USSR begins. Restored in the rights of the idea of \u200b\u200bL. S. Vygotsky. Gets further development of specialistsorable psychology, focused on the practice of learning children with mental disabilities. The subjects of studies in this area were mainly related to the study of cognitive processes - perception, memory, thinking and speech. A narrow-bin approach began to be actively complemented by the studies of the emotional-volitional sphere, the study of the personality, self-consciousness, interpersonal relations in the context of various forms of deviations from normal development. The typological groups themselves are covered wider in both clinical and age aspects.That is why the object of special psychology began to include children of preschool and pre-school age. Thus, specially psychological studies made one of the factors for the formation of preschool correctional pedagogy. The age range of interests of special psychology increases not only at the expense of preschoolers, but also people of mature and elderly. In the mid-1960s, the theme of compensatory mechanisms analyzed mainly at the physiological level was gradually changed to the problem of social adaptation and rehabilitation, public being of adults disabled in a broad aspect: obtaining further education, professional and personal self-determination.

Over time, transformation is also subject to the subject of different sections of special psychology. From the study of pronounced forms of one or another pathology, the emphasis shifts towards residual (residual, preserved after the suffering) Characteristics.

For example, the initial object of Surdopsychology and Typhlopsihology was only deaf and blind, as these science develops, he began to include also hearingly impaired and visually impaired persons.

In addition to the internal modification of traditional sectors of special psychology (Tiflo-, Surdo and Oligophrenopsychology), it is possible to observe the formation of its new directions, such as psychology of children with mental delay, psychology of persons with pathology of the musculoskeletal system. The basis of the logopshology, the psychology of children grown in the conditions of maternal deprivation, rehabilitation psychology is laid. At the same time, the practice of learning and education of children with deviations in development clearly indicates changes in the composition of students of correctional educational institutions. The main feature of these changes is to complicate the structure of mental disorders manifested in the combined combinations of different anomalies. These violations create qualitatively other options for deviating development, not reduced to the simple amount of pathological elements.

Most often, there is a violation of intellectual development with simultaneous pathology of view and (or) hearing, disorder of the musculoskeletal system in combination with mental underdevelopment, etc. The appearance of such forms of combined pathology with the inevitability of In turn, stimulates research on the originality of their mental development. The foundations of new sections of special psychology arising at the junction of traditional are laid.

Regardless of the originality of the subject of one or another industry of special psychology inside each of them you can allocate several research directions. First - clinical and psychologicalFor which the most characteristic of the comparison of the obtained psychological data with the peculiarities of the main disorder, its depth, etiology and pathogenesis. Other direction - psychological-pedagogical;from his position, the child with one or another deviation is considered in the context of learning and education. Third direction - socio-psychological. The subject of his immediate study is the child is not in itself, but the nature of its interpersonal relationships, the features of the communication process, group dynamics, interpersonal perception, etc. It is quite close to the specified direction adjoins rehabilitation and oriented studies combining in the CEBE elements of the three mentioned areas. The fourth direction, beginning to be issued at the very last time, is associated with increased attention to the factor of family education of disabled children, as well as with the process of integrated learning. It can be conventionally indicate how consultative.The content of this direction includes the provision of qualified psychological assistance to parents and teachers of problem children.

Subject, industry of special psychology.

In the process of learning and practical training of future specialists in the field of defectology, a key role, undoubtedly belongs to the course "Special Psychology". This subject is made of particular importance, since it is he precedes to get acquainted with such private sections as psychology of persons with violation of vision, hearing, musculoskeletal system, mental retardation, etc. The modern reality of the practical work of a special psychologist, teacher-defectologist is such that he has to To deal, as a rule, not with one form of deviations, but at once with several. That is why it is so important to know the general foundations of special psychology, uniform laws of deviations in development.

The phrase "Special Psychology" is firmly rooted in the field of professional communication, has been reflected in most modern psychological dictionaries. At the same time, attempted to replace this term as not quite satisfactory. In the names of other applied industries of psychology - medical, political, cosmic, sports, etc., the indication of the scope of practical application is clearly visible. It is these elements of titles and fix the subject content of these disciplines, determine the specifics in relation to all others. Speaking the term "special" we are essentially facing the phenomenon of semantic tautology. This circumstance led to the search for new, more adequate names. But due to the significant rooting of the term "Special Psychology", these attempts are usually little effective. Proposed options, such as "Correctional Psychology", "Psychology dizontogenesis"Have not received widespread use. Rename the name of the faculty (FSO, also in fact does not correspond to its purpose). The name of the name may seem formal and secondary. But it is important because the collision with the title of this discipline is nothing but a very peculiar and not aware of the reflection of the problem of determining its subject.

As a relatively independent branch of applied science, special psychology began to develop in the first decade of the twentieth century. In the process of its historical formation, special psychology was originally developed as a diversified scientific discipline. The first sectors were the psychology of a blind, deaf and mentally backward child, which was due to the applied character of the most special psychology, initially focused on solving the practical tasks of special education. This made it difficult to form a generalized idea of \u200b\u200bits subject. Moreover, for a long time, the subject of special psychology thought as the usual target of the components of its industries, was a collective name, a simple shell, and the need for generalization was not realized. However, the sections themselves are only a part that cannot be replaced by the whole. This is a tendency to expand: all new groups of children with deviations in development appeared, all new forms of disonatogenesis were described and new branches of special psychology were formed, the need for a generalized idea of \u200b\u200bits subject was realized.

The main directions of special psychology:

Psychology mentally retarded (oligophrenopsychology)

Psychology of Deaf (Surdopsychology)

Psychology of the Blind (Tifflopsihology)

The rest of the regions are clearly still not highlighted, since there are still very few studies, they are single. Such regions include:

Psychology of children with SRR

Psychology of children with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere and behavior

Psychology of children with impairment of functions of the musculoskeletal system

Psychology of persons with violations of speech

Psychology of children with severe multiple violations.

There was a need to describe a holistic subject of special psychology, which would reflect all its directions. Following the St. Petersburg school, we will consider the subject of science following.

The subject to the study of special psychology is the development of the psyche flowing in adverse conditions. Deviating development can be determined as common development, but flowing in unusual (unfavorable) conditions, the pathogenic strength of which exceeds the compensatory features of the individual.
