University of Pennsylvania (UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA)
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104

Description of the University of Pennsylvania.
History of the Pennsylvania University
Graduates of Pennsylvania University
Colleges and faculties as part of the Pennsylvania University
Undergraduate in Pennsylvania University
Specialty and undergraduate programs in Pennsylvania University
Master in Pennsylvania University
Master's specialties and programs in Pennsylvania University
Cost of training at the University of Pennsylvania 2018 - 2019
Financial assistance, grants and scholarships in Pennsylvania University
Requirements for admission to the University of Pennsylvania
Requirements for English for admission to the University of Pennsylvania
Dates of submission of applications in Pennsylvania University

Description of the University of Pennsylvania.
Located in the heart of Philadelphia, the University of Pennsylvania is proud of the tradition of knowledge of the service of society, which goes back to the founder of Benjamin Franklin. This tradition of active pragmatism, formulated in the transference of Franklin "well done better than well said." The university enters the ivy league community. Constantly incoming the top ten universities of the country, the University of Pennsylvania teaches 10,000 students from the USA about 100 foreign countries. The teachers and scientists marked with various awards, teachers and scientists encourage students to engage in research and discoveries, follow their hobbies and solve the most complex problems with the help of an interdisciplinary approach to learning. Financial difficulties are not an obstacle to the University of Pennsylvania. The university adopts undergraduate students, not paying attention to financial difficulties, and offers financial assistance packages "on all grants", replacing grants with loans. Following its deep traditions, the university attracted to the teaching of the most prominent scientists and teachers. Pennsylvania University is one of the most advanced research centers in the world with a large-scale budget for research and development. Four schools on the preparation of bachelors and twelve specialized schools, three educational hospitals and more than 100 research centers are 10 minutes away from each other. Philadelphia and surroundings are an integral part of the university's life.

History of the Pennsylvania University
The University of Pennsylvania dates its foundation 1740, when the famous Gospelist George Whitefield has an idea to build a charitable school in Philadelphia, which would be a house of worship for his followers. However, after construction began, the cost was much higher, and the project remained unfinished for a decade. In 1749, Benjamin Franklin - Printer, Inventor and the Future Founder Founder of the United States - published his famous essay "Proposals concerning the education of young people", distributed it among the Honorary Citizens of Philadelphia and organized 24 trustees to form a higher education institution. The educational ideas of Franklin - to train young business leadership and public service in government agencies - were innovative for that time. In the 1750s, other colonial American colleges trained young people to Christian ministry. The proposed program of Franklin's training in many respects has already reminded the modern curriculum on humanitarian sciences. In 1779, the University of Pennsylvania became the first American higher education institution, which was called the University.

Graduates of Pennsylvania University
The current 45th US President Donald J. Trump (Donald J. Trump) received a degree in economics at Wharton School) at the University of Pennsylvania. Elon Musk, General Director Tesla, Space-X in 1992, studied business and physics at the University of Pennsylvania, received a higher education in the field of economics and received a second bachelor's degree in physics.

Colleges and faculties as part of the Pennsylvania University
The University of Pennsylvania is a house for four schools where bachelors are preparing:

College of Arts and Natural Sciences / The College of Arts and Sciences This is the heart of all programs at the university. College, covering more than 50 specialties and more than 2,000 courses, offers a unique look at classical humanitarian education. The main college disciplines are:
Africana Studies.
ANCIENT HISTORY / Ancient story
Anthropology / Anthropology
Architecture / architecture
Biochemistry / Biochemistry
Biological Basis of Behavior
Biology / Biology
BIOPHYSICS / Biophysician
Chemistry / Chemistry
Cinema and Media Studies / Cinema and Media
Classical Studies.
Cognitive Science.
Comparative Literature and Theory / Comparative Literature and Theory
Criminology / Criminology
Earth Science / Natural Science
East Asian Languages \u200b\u200band Civilizations / Eastern Asian Languages \u200b\u200band Civilizations
Economics / Economy
Engineering Major / Engineering
English / English
Environmental Studies / Environmental Study
Fine Arts / Fine Arts
Health and Societies / Health and Society
History / History
History of Art / Art History
Huntsman Program In International Studies and Business / International Relations and Business
International Relations / International Relations
Linguistics / Linguistics
LOGIC, INFORMATION AND COMPUTIATION / Logic, Information and calculations
Mathematical Economics / Mathematical Economics
Mathematics / Mathematics
Modern Middle Eastern Studies / Modern Middle Eastern Research
Music / Music
Nutrition Science / Nutrition Science
Philosophy / Philosophy
Philosophy, Politics and Economics / Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Physics and Astronomy / Physics and Astronomy
Political Science / Politics
Psychology / Psychology
Russian and East European Studies / Study of Russia and Eastern Europe
Science, Technology and Society / Natural Sciences, Technology & Society
Sociology / Sociology
Theater Arts / Theater Art
ENERGY Research / Energy Studies
Life Sciences and Management / Natural Science and Management
Molecular Life Sciences / Molecular Studies

School Nurses / The School Of NursingStudents who study the nurses combine academic experience with clinical experience in closely studying humanitarian and natural sciences. Graduate students become leaders in the profession, which determine the future of medical nursing practice. The school works closely with leading educational hospitals and clinical agencies, where students are gaining the necessary three-year clinical experience.
After receiving the bachelor's degree of the nursing case (BSN), many students pass one of the master's programs.

Engineering School / School of Engineeringprepares students for leadership in technological areas, thanks to an understanding of technology management, the ability to work in a team, communicability and ethics. Educational experience includes exposure and immersion in research laboratories and world-class centers headed by outstanding scientists in the world.
Business School Wharton / The Wharton School It offers a comprehensive student training program, as well as an in-depth study of humanitarian and natural sciences, which allows students to receive individual business diplomas. Students pass courses in college of arts and sciences, at the school of nurses and in the school of engineering and applied sciences.

Undergraduate in Pennsylvania University
Most students are starting training in one of four schools, but can pass courses on all four. The curriculum is organized in such a way that students can choose from more than 4,200 courses, choose from a variety of interdisciplinary courses and get more than one degree.

Specialty and undergraduate programs in Pennsylvania University:

Bachelor of Natural Sciences and Nursing / Bachelor of Science In Nursing (BSN), a traditional four-year program for nurses begins at first courses with a combination of courses of natural science, nursing courses and humanitarian sciences. Clinical classes begin in spring from the second course, and students will experience experience in the field of first aid, emergency care, women's health and mental health when working with patients from newborns to the elderly.
Bachelor's Sister and Health Organization / Nursing & Health Care Management Coordinated Dual Degree The coordinated double diploma program in the field of nursing and health management develops leaders in the field of health and business. Yes. Employees are prepared for clinical practice and management of patient care in hospitals, public institutions, as well as the posts of analysts and managers in business and politics in pharmaceuticals, consulting, health insurance systems, non-profit organizations and governments.
Bachelor of Natural Sciences in Engineering / The Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSE), a flagship program for professional engineers and programmers.

Bioengineering / Bioengineering
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering / Chemical and Bio Molecular Engineering
Computer Engineering / Computers Engineer
Computer Science / Informatics
Digital Media Design / Digital Media Design
Electrical Engineering / Electric Engineer
Materials Science and Engineering / Materials Science and Engineering
Mechanical Engineering and AppLied Mechanics / Mechanic Engineer and Applied Mechanics
NetWorked & Social Systems Engineering
Systems Science and Engineering / System Sciences and Engineering

Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) Programs Programs offers students greater flexibility in combining engineering sciences and technologies with interests that go beyond engineering business such as business, medicine, jurisprudence, humanitarian sciences, social sciences and natural sciences . Protection of text. The program is designed for students who do not plan to work as a professional engineer, but they want to get an individual education that combines other interests and technologies in such a way that is unique to his / her professional goals.

Computational Biology / Computing Biology (Bio-Informatics)
COMPUTER AND COGNITIVE SCIENCE / Computer and Cognitive Sciences
Computer Science / Computer Sciences
Individualized / individual program

Master in Pennsylvania University

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) The Master of Science In Nursing (MSN) recognized worldwide Master offers valuable opportunities to concentrate in a specific area of \u200b\u200bnursing business, expanding the depth and breadth of knowledge.

Master of Natural Sciences in Engineering / Master Of Science in Engineering
Bioengineering (BE), Biotechnology (Biot), Chemical Biomolecular Engineering (CBE), Computer Graphics and Gaming Technologies (CGGT), Computer and Information Sciences (CIS), Computer and Information Technologies (CIT), Data Sciences (DATS), Built-in Systems (EMBS), electrical engineering and system engineering (EE, SE), comprehensive design of products (IPD), Materials & Engineering (MSE), Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics (MEAM), Nano Technology (NANO), Robotics (ROBO), Scientific calculations ( SCMP)
Master of Business Administration at Worton / Master of Business Administration (MBA) Wharton School Where Common Business Education deepens in 19 specialties.

The specialty and program of magistracy in the University of Pennsylvania:

Accounting / Accounting
Business Analytics / Business Annalist
Business Economics and Public Policy / Business Economics and Public Policy
Business, Energy, Environment and Sustainability / Business, Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development
EntrePreneurship & Innovation / Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Finance / Finance
Health Care Management / Health Management
INFORMATION: STRATEGY AND ECONOMICS / Information: Strategy and Economics
INSURANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT / Risk insurance and management
Management / Management
Marketing / Marketing
Operations, Information and Decisions / Operations, Information and Solutions
Organizeal Effectiveness / Organizational Efficiency
Real Estate / Real Estate
Statistics / Statistics

Cost of training at the University of Pennsylvania 2018 - 2019

US $ 49 220 training cost - $ 49 220, additional charges - $ 6,364, accommodation in campus - $ 10,200, food costs - $ 5,416, textbooks and other training materials - $ 1 318, passage - $ 895, total - $ 75 303.
Each magistracy has its own training fee and must be as follows directly to the program for more information.

Financial assistance, grants and scholarships in Pennsylvania University
Foreign applicants who are not citizens or permanent residents of the United States, Canada or Mexico and need financial assistance at any time during a four-year study course should apply for assistance when applying for admission to the university. For more information, for future foreign students, you can find on the web page of the Financial Services of Student Financial Services.

Requirements for admission to the University of Pennsylvania through the site
You can apply for receipt and preparation for entering the office or through the company's website, managers professionally issue an application and advise you on all documents.

Requirements for English for admission to the University of Pennsylvania, English proficiency is necessary for successful education at the university. Applicants for which English is second language must submit the test results in English. Minimum TEFL estimates required for consideration of the application upon admission:
100 TOEFL IBT (Internet version) or 600 TOEFL PBT (paper version). The academic module of the test IELTS is accepted with a minimum common score - 7.

Dates of submission of applications in Pennsylvania University
The deadlines for submitting an application for the adoption of an early decision on enrollment until November 1. Notification of applicant on solving the decision-making of an early decide on enrollment in the middle of December. Confirmation with an applicant decision on enrollment January 9, 2019.
The deadlines for submitting an application to make a decision on enrollment on normal deadlines until January 5, annually,
Notification of applicant on making a decision on enrollment until April 1. Confirmation by a student of his enrollment until May 1, 2019

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It was originally founded as a charitable school. In many ways, thanks to the efforts of Benjamin Franklin and other leading philadelphists, in 1751 it became the Academy, with Franklin as president of the First Board of Trustees. In 1755, he was registered as college and the Philadelphia Academy. With the basis of the first medical school in Colonial America, the institution actually became the university, but it was just named only in 1779, in the same year for some time the university received state support for some time.

Since 1791, it is a private and controlled institution, although he continues to receive state aid. About 25,000 students study at the university.

Studying programs

The University of Pennsylvania consists of 4 schools, which in turn is divided into many directions. Here are the most popular of them:

  • Finance.
  • Nurse.
  • Economy.
  • Business.
  • Political science and public administration.
  • Biology.
  • Philosophy.
  • Operational management.
  • History.
  • Computer science.

The cost of training at the University of Pennsylvania

Types of fees

Accommodation in campus

Accommodation outside campus

Home accommodation with family



Books and accessories


Personal expenses


student life

From the University of Pennsylvania, NCAA Division consist of 25 teams and participate in ivy league games. Also University of Pennsylvania is known for its strong basketball teams and lacrosse. The university offers student housing in almost all of its schools. However, many students live in apartments and homes outside the campus.

More than 25% of students are in student clubs, which include nearly 50 fraternities and women's communities. The University of Pennsylvania offers a number of student services, including a female center, employment services, day care, medical care and medical insurance. The university also offers a number of clubs and organizations: from dance groups, such as Latin & Ballroom Dance Club, to student publications, such as Penn Political Review. Also, the university works closely with the region of Western Philadelphia through public works and propaganda groups.

What documents are needed for admission to University of Pennsylvania

  • Application for admission.
  • Challenge challenge senior school.
  • Report on learning academic performance.
  • Recommendation consultant.
  • Two recommendations of teachers.
  • Consent to the early submission of the application.
  • Tabel achievement for the first half of the year.
  • Certificate.
  • SAT or ACT test results.

Famous graduates

A lot of outstanding personalities came out of Pennsylvania: from breakthrough scientists to presidents. Some of them are:

  • Donald Trump. President, businessman, investor.
  • Sharon Stone.. Model, actress, producer.
  • Warren Buffette. Businessman, investor.
  • Candace Bergen. TelepordSser, model, photojournalist.
  • Ilon Mask.. Businessman, investor, inventor.
  • Elizabeth Banks.. Producer, actress.
  • Noam Chomskov. Linguist, scientist, historian.
  • John Ledgend. Teleprovyusser, musician.
  • William Carlos Williams. Poet, author, writer.
  • I. M. Pey.. Architect.
  • Dick Wulf.. Teleprovyusser.
  • Safra A. Kats.. Entrepreneur.
  • S. Eversett Coup. Physicist, surgeon.
  • Marcus Foster. Teacher.
  • Gait Furnar. Astronaut.

There is a myth that the freshman should never cross the compass that is posted in the center of Locust Walk, otherwise you fail your first intermediate exams. There are rumors that the undergraduates came up with this myth to tie a conversation with first-chemishers.

Penn Relays - the relay is passing every year at the University of Pennsylvania, is the largest and oldest event in the field of athletics in the United States, it started in 1895. Annually an event attracts hundreds of participants.

By tradition at midnight, on the eve of the first microeconomics exam, hundreds of freshmen gather on the balcony of the younger class of the lower quadrangle campus to shout.

American University in Pennsylvania is located in Philadelphia. One of the first to introduce a multi-profile practice to the training system. In a single educational institution, the faculties of medicine, classical disciplines are concentrated.

Pennsylvania University of bird's eye view

This is not the only achievement, the University of Pennsylvania is named the founder and ancestor of the First Medical School of Perelman in America. The merit of the university in creating the best business school and the first student union.

Pennsylvania University ranks fourth in the ranking of the country's oldest institutions. It is also in fifth place among other universities of America (according to the ranking conducted by the Journal of Yu. S. News & Warld Ripst). The university is also included in the Ivy League, which unites the United States.

In the days of Benjamin Franklin, education in the colonies could be obtained only in four colleges: New Garvordskoye, Wilhelma and Mary, the modern Princeton University (previously called the New Jersey College) and a collegial school (subsequently Yale University).

But students of each school were prepared only for serving in the church. Already then, the country has needed such educational institutions in which, together with the knowledge of humanities and art, it is possible to receive skills and skills to help keep themselves and their family.

Benjamin Franklin

It is interesting to know that ...

... The concept of Ivy League originated in 1873, when the first release of the University of Pennsylvania was planted near the campus ivy building - the current symbol of America's oldest and best universities.

Benjamin Franklin not only dreamed of such an institution. He created a brochure, which describes his suggestions and ideas related to the upbringing of Pennsylvanian youth. In 1749, the Great Worker spoke to the residents of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, where she shared the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the State Academy.

By creating the Philadelphia Academy, Franklin gathered the Board of Trustees, which included respected citizens of Pennsylvania. Under his leadership, a project was realized, on which an inexpensive student town was built. Graduates of the school, about which he dreamed, could now trade and work in the public service.

The founder of the school, Benjamin Franklin insisted on a versatile practical and civic education. In 1997, the brainchild of Franklin turned into a university.

Museum of Pennsylvania University

Throughout its history, the institution had many significant achievements:

  • 1765 - the emergence of the first medical school in the United States.
  • 1874 - Organization of the first university hospital.
  • 1881 - the appearance of the Wharton School of Business - the world's first educational institution in the world.
  • 1896 - the creation of a training veterinary institution, as well as the construction of the first universities of the Student Union of Houston Hall.
  • 1946 - the appearance of the world's first digital computer eniac.

University of Pennsylvania in our time

Currently, the University of Pennsylvania is in the Association of American Universities. This organization is the United States University of Research University. The University of Pennsylvania (abbreviated Penn) occupies such places:

  • 13th - in the OS WORLD University Ranking rating.
  • The 15th - in the world ranking of universities, which holds the Times Higher Education log from the UK.
  • 16th - according to academic academic progress among universities, according to the rating conducted by the Shanghai University Tian Tun.

The University of Pennsylvania works on improving knowledge taught by students. The levels of research and quality of services are enhanced. The main feature of the training program is the merger of research and educational processes. Already from the second year, students work in laboratories, as a result of which new discoveries appear in different industries.

The university is proud of undergraduate programs and magistracy. When combining theory and practice, knowledge is improved, students are all better understanding the world around themselves and their place in this world.

Faculties university

Pennsylvania University, the best educational institution of the state, popular with its faculties and programs:

  • Medical and dental faculties.
  • Schools of business, design and law.
  • Veterinary faculty.
  • Program research in biomedicine.
  • Humanitarian and social programs.

It is worth noting that the Pennsylvanian School of Arts and Science, as well as the best in America of the Wharton School of Business, is considered to be among the 12 existing faculties.

Waorton School Business

The University of Pennsylvania is located on the square of about 300 acres of the University district of Pennsylvania. But besides this campus (student town), an educational institution belongs to even large territories on which many scientific and educational buildings.

Annually, Penn students become more than 2,000 people studying in international educational programs available in 70 countries of the world.

University students

Together with training, Penn students can visit the theater troupe of the institution and the choir, which appeared in 1862. Students are actively engaged in sports, and their achievements are well known in America. In competitions, Ivy league more than once became champions of the Kagers team.

Read also

Modern US education system

In American football, they occupied the championship 12 times, in basketball - 22 times. University students - the pride of the whole state, they participate in sports competitions in 17 types, attend more than 37 sports clubs.

Students get scholarships set in ivy league universities. It is appointed not for any merit, but specifically for each student, taking into account his needs and opportunities. For these purposes, the university lays the highest annual budget among all ivy league universities - $ 4.25 billion.

What to go to the university in 2020

You can enter the University of Pennsylvania by submitting an application until January 1. If the applicant wants to gain an advantage in admission, he must submit an application until November 1 and do not try to enter other universities.

Submitting an application to the university, it is necessary to send the results of SAT or ACT school testing to February 1, to make an entrance fee of 75 dollars. The requirements for applicants are high, about 13% come from all countries.

Foreign applicants must comply with the following requirements:

  • Have a secondary education confirmed by a diploma.
  • Provide information about your interests in the field of extracurricular activities and public life.
  • Successfully pass the standard tests of SAT reading, mathematics and writing.
  • Have a certificate TOEFT. To pass the test provided by the US Education Test Service on the level of knowledge of the English language.

A total of about 4,200 foreign students are studying at the university, of which half came from Asia, 15% from Africa and the Middle East, 14% of Europe, 12% - Mexico and Canada and less than 10% from Australia, Oceania.

Where students live

Accommodation of students is conducted in the campus residences. Students who do not want to live on its territory will settle in the nearby houses and apartments whose owners often rent them. The unity of young people contributes to almost 40 thematic communities, such as art, science and cinema.

Students use the services of the best state institutions:

  • The center of the arts of Wallis Anneberg - the cultural platform of the University, uniting various types of arts, whether music, dancing or modern creativity. This place serves as a point of intersection of urban residents and students Penn.
  • Galleries of Ross - a place of acquaintance with the objects of world culture and scientific activity. Here, scientific works are conducted by students along with teachers and projects on grants are underway.
  • Homes of Writers named after Paul Kelly, based on the efforts of students and staff of the university for meeting the writers from all over Philadelphia.
  • John and Lydia Morris Arboretum. Open Park and Educational Institution, where special occupations are arranged, uniting different directions of education.
  • Libraries founded by Benjamin Franklin in 1750.
  • Museum of anthropology and archeology with exhibitions and educational programs.
  • University publishing houses, which publishes the best research work.

It is interesting to know that ...

... The very first editions that appeared in the university library sacrificed Louis XVI.

Penn has academic quality based on interdisciplinary education. The result of such a policy is the possibility of visiting students of any faculty. They may come to the University Museum, get acquainted with the daily newspaper Dail Pennsylvanian, which has been overlooking 1885.

Daily Pensilvaniya newspaper for 1991

The student at the university provided 12 hostels, accommodation options for a long period or short-term one are possible. Students can eat both in cheap mobile kiosks and in expensive restaurants.

UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA is founded in the 1740s. Among his founders was Benjamin Franklin, who in 1749 organized teaching in the Academic Charitable School of Pennsylvania Province. The main task of School Franklin saw the preparation of students to leadership in business, managing and serving society, therefore the curriculum of the future University of Pennsylvania was truly revolutionary. Other top schools at that time were predominantly religious education, and here the emphasis was made to versatile training.

Later in University of Pennsylvania there was still a lot of revolutionary - both for the country and for the whole world. The first student union and the first bunk football stadium on the college is the first collegial business school (open in 1881) and the first electronic digital computer ENIAC (in 1946). In 1994, the post of President University of Pennsylvania was first taken by a woman - Judith Rodin. It happened earlier than in any other university ivy league.

Today, UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA is three campus and more than 25 thousand students. Competitive selection at this university is one of the most stringent in the United States. In 2018, 40413 applicants submitted applications in University of Pennsylvania, and only 9% of them received an invitation. Among foreigners, the proportion of admitted is even lower: 6% of the total number of those who want.

UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA - National Scale Research Center. There are 138 research centers on his campus, and the annual research budget is 96 million dollars. The total number of teaching staff, as well as students of magistracy and doctoral studies engaged in research in University of Pennsylvania, exceeds 10,000 people.

In University of Pennsylvania 36 sports teams and more than 300 student organizations, which allows themselves to find an additional occupancy for every taste. Students are also actively involved in volunteer projects and socially significant events.

University of Pennsylvania includes four schools for undergraduate students and 12 schools for those who receive postplomal education.

Schools University of Pennsylvania:

    The College Of Penn (School of Arts and Sciences)

    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    School of nursing business

    The Wharton School

    School of Communications Annenberg.

    School of Arts and Sciences (magistracy)

    School of Stomatology

    School of Education

    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (Magistracy)

    School design

    School of law

    Perelman medicine school

    School of Nursing (Master's Master)

    School of Social Policy and Practice

    School of veterinary medicine

    The Wharton School (Master's Master)

Pennsylvania University (or Penn, as it is customary) is one of the universities of the prestigious Ivy League, which consists of US universities with the highest ratings. For more than two centuries, Pennsylvania University improves scientific knowledge, level of research and quality of services. From undergraduate programs, magistracy and vocational education, which are highly appreciated worldwide, and to covering many areas of the Program of Interdisciplinary Research and Grant - Penn-U there is something to be proud of. The university supports the atmosphere of a place in which students and teachers freely improve their knowledge in which the theory and practice unite and mutually enrich each other, thanks to which we are going on every year to understand the world around the world and themselves. Each year, more than 2,000 students come to international educational programs available in more than 70 countries around the world.

In the fall of 1749, Benjamin Franklin, who dreamed of an educational institution, which would enlighten future generations of Philadelphians, told the residents of Philadelphia about their idea of \u200b\u200bthe Higher School - "State Philadelphia Academy". By spreading their ideas in a brochure called "Proposals for the upbringing of Pennsylvania's youth", he played a completely new device of higher education. Students were to simultaneously receive those considered "optional" knowledge of art and some humanitarian sciences and practical skills necessary for the content of themselves or families. By that time, four colleges were opened in the colleys - a new college at Harvard, College Wilhelm and Mary, Collegiate School (future Yale University) and College of New Jersey (current Princeton University) - But they all prepared students to church service, not everyday Life, commerce or civil service. With the influence of Franklin zeal and with a solid intention to embody the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Philadelphia Academy to life, he collected the Board of Trustees from Dear Citizens of Philadelphia and took up the project for cheap construction of a student town.

Penn has released many talented students who later distinguished themselves in the field of accurate sciences and education, politics and military service, in art and media. Twelve heads of states and governments studied and released from Penn, including William Henry Harrison, former US President; Cears of Virata, former Prime Minister Philippines; Nnamdi Azikiva, First President of Nigeria; Kwame Nkruum, the first president of Ghana.

Penn takes the 13th place in the world according to QS World University Rankings rating, 16th in accordance with the rated academic progress of the University of Shanghai Transport University (Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Shanghai Ranking Of World Universities) and 15th place in the annual world ranking Higher educational institutions published by the British Magazine Times Higher Education (Times Higher Education WORLD UNIVERSITY RANKINGS).
